Aromatique Essentials Ezine Issue 7

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Aromatique Essentials: E-zine Issue 7

Table of Contents Welcome…Page 1 Crimson Beauty…Page 3 Bloom In Brilliance…Page 5 Scents and Sensuality…Page 7 Dawn Sievers…Page 10 Jenni Parker Brown…Page 12 Moon Signs…Page 15 Keys to the Kingdom…Page 21 Ylang Ylang…Page 22 Recipes…Page 23 Food for Thought…Page 27 Feng Shui…Page 28 Marketing Tips…Page 34 The Red Tent Woman…Page 35 Website Tips…Page 36 Colour Therapy…Page 37 The Feminine Way!…Page 42 Beautiful You…Page 45 Personal Styling…Page 47 Aromatherapy Training…Page 51 The End…Page 53

Disclaimer: This information is made available with the understanding and agreement that Aromatique Essentials, the author and any associated entities will not be held liable for any actions or the result of any actions taken by any person on the basis of the information or activities contained herein. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the information provided is relevant, accurate, current and free from omission or error, Aromatique Essentials, the author and any associated entities will not be held responsible for any omissions or errors this contains and make no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of its content. The information is provided for educational instruction only and persons should obtain professional advice if necessary

Welcome Welcome to Aromatique Essentials issue 7 Here we are journeying through one of my favourite seasons of the year autumn. I love the freshness of the air and gentle breezes, the leaves changing colour and falling to the ground. I love walking through the leaves and the sound they make as they fly about rustling and settling again and again... Soon we will be having crisp misty mornings, walks in the garden that refresh and revitalise and know that we are coming in to a time of rest and preparation for transformation...readying ourselves to live our dreams and achieve our goals! Sounds fabulous yes? In this issue we look out our emotions, how to nurture and nourish our body, mind and soul using Aromatherapy and essential oils. Essential oils support us in many ways when used with respect and knowledge. Lucia Van Gewin shares her knowledge and expertise on the psychology of colour and the influence it can have in our daily lives. Once again a BIG thank you to our awesome contributors! Aromatique Essentials E-zine is filled with great tips, yummy recipes, stories and other valuable and informative articles for you to enjoy and share!

“The flower blooms because she is the perfume she loves.” ~ Rumi

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Crimson Beauty In our fast paced life, nature offers us an escape to renew, to re-energize, and to get back in touch with what really resonates with us in life. Each season has different teachings. Autumn is a low medium energy. It is a steady sustained output as Grandmother Earth slows her processes down as she readies herself for winter hibernation. The foliage goes through her dance of death giving us radiant colours that capture our attention. Everything starts to slow down in nature as in our lives. Our lives take on more structure as we say good-bye to the long carefree summer days and jump back into scheduled activities. Fall foliage teaches us much about ourselves.  Stand out! Be seen! The bright crimson and orange leaves blind us in their brilliance.  Speak out! Share your wisdom! The fiery blaze of fall colour stops us and demands attention.  Honour all of life! Plants lose energy, but still impact us with their beauty in their transition.  Eliminate stress. Go with the flow; do not force life! Plants naturally flow with the seasons.  Let go of the old to allow new in! Autumn foliage dies to allow germination of new spring growth.  Ideas manifest over time! Seeds dropped in Autumn, germinate in Winter, and bloom in Spring. Spend time in nature no matter what the season. She will ground you as her heart beat harmonizes with your heart to balance your body to resonate with the flow of life. When we achieve balance in life, we are more creative, more focused, and more alive. Believe in you! Be as brazen as the brilliant Autumn foliage with your wisdom and your purpose. Speak from your heart to hold the world in your spell much as the plant world captures all of our senses. Suzy Manning SIZZZL “Powerful Women Who Ignite the World” Inspirational coach, speaker, & author

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Spring is new beginnings...

Enjoy your dance with life and bloom in brilliance!

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Bloom in Brilliance Spring is a time of rebirth. Grandmother Earth is birthing her plant world for all of us to joy in the aromatic fragrance and the vast array of colours that catch our eye to slow us down in our hectic life. We have a bounce in our step. We feel lighter emerging from the Winter hibernation, and there is a stirring inside of us for self-expression. It is in the spring that we too give birth to a new way of being in the world. The plant world has many teachings for us:  Celebrate you! A rose loves being a rose. It does not long to be something else.  You are unique! Every flower is stunning in its shape, fragrance, and colour.  Enjoy your journey! Each full blossom was once a seed and then a tiny bulb.  Growth happens! Plants grow in the cracks in sidewalks, in streets, & driveways.  Everything is a gift! Storms nourish new growth and create more root expansion.  Be authentic! Flowers captivate the world by exposing their inner beauty. Feel the pull of Grandmother Earth to grow into your magnificent self. Trust the process. Go with the flow. You are on the planet at this time for purpose. The world is waiting for you and your gifts. This is your time and your season. We are each part of a larger bouquet known as humanity. Bloom in brilliance! Suzy Manning SIZZZL “Powerful Women Who Ignite the World” Inspirational coach, speaker, & author

A Rose is a Rose, is a Rose.....

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“Dreams are illustrations... from the book your soul is writing about you.” -Marsha Norman

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Scents & Sensuality Aromas will have an impact on our emotions. When we inhale the aroma of our favourite perfume, essential oil or scent it will immediately up lift our emotions leaving a smile on our face. Just thinking of the share joy I personally experience when smelling my favourite aromas is putting a smile on my face now. The use of fragrant essential oils for romance and seduction is nothing new. Perfume has been used since the beginning of time to lure and attract! In ancient Egypt and Rome, bathing with essential oils was part of the ritual of preparation for lovemaking. Cleopatra, one of the most renowned lovers of all time, could seduce a man from across the room and was said to have scented the sails of her royal barge with rose water to seduce Mark Antony as she sailed to meet him. Now I am not going to waffle on about how and why, I am simply going to give you some examples of essential oils that I personally find sexy! Here are some of the more common Essential oils known as aphrodisiacs Ylang Ylang is very exotic, bewitching, feminine and sensual oil. I use it in men’s body sprays and EDT’s to give a lift to the blend. My personal research on this has been very positive an aroma many men enjoy. My experience of creating EDT’s for men has shown me that most prefer earthy and woody aromas with subtle tones of citrus. Patchouli is one of my old time favourites and has long been used as an aphrodisiac it has a very exotic earthy aroma. I personally find it to be a very warming, free loving and a very sensual oil, great for intimate moments and sensual massage. Combining Patchouli and Ylang Ylang creates a very warming, heady and deeply sensual oil blend. Sandalwood encourages purity, unifying spiritual love making, togetherness on all levels. It is about letting go and allowing the openness and freedom of creative expression and feeling safe and secure. Jasmine is simply divine as it captures the hearts of men like mermaids of the ocean, the seductress, passionate essential femininity, women in full bloom! Jasmine is the enchantress. Rose is passion; it is love, alluring, pure femininity, unconditional love and sensuality that promote sexual confidence. Neroli connects you with your spirit, your soul essence and takes your love making to another level. It touches the hearts of many connecting you on a higher level of spiritual love.

Setting the stage for Romance Music, scented candles, incense, soft lighting and beautiful aromas will all create and enhance a romantic scene! You can even consider the colour clothes you wear and have around you for example red is passion! Use accessories like red cushions and candles. Planning is important for those really special intimate times, if you have children organise for them to be elsewhere, turn of your mobile phones and take your landline phone off the hook, no distractions. Create your sacred space. Other scents that have been used for centuries as aphrodisiacs include vanilla, tuberose, clary sage, vetiver and cinnamon. These exotic scents have long been associated with sensual pleasures. Remember it is important to choose scents that you and your partner find appealing to your senses. Wishing you sensual pleasures to ignite your passion!

Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. ~ Robert Frost

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"I want to see you. Know your voice. Recognize you when you first come 'round the corner. Sense your scent when I come into a room you've just left. Know the lift of your heel, the glide of your foot. Become familiar with the way you purse your lips then let them part, just the slightest bit, when I lean in to your space and kiss you. I want to know the joy of how you whisper "more"

~ Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi

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Photography by Amy Nelson-Blain

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Dawn Sievers Newly vacated space

From the moment that our human minds mature enough to understand cause and effect, we are in an endless search for peace, satisfaction and happiness. Life definitely throws us curveballs regularly, keeping us challenged in new ways. I don't think that we ever truly maintain the same definition of "normal" throughout the years. In fact, I've often thought that achieving an endless state of satisfaction might be a death knell to myriad facets of life. I know that I thrive when I am consciously aware that I am growing, changing and being pushed to broaden my horizons. In fact, I tend to pursue such a state. I call it "Low Boredom Threshold", as I am always happiest when I have something new to conquer in my personal or business life. A recent question was posed about how our immediate environment affects our emotional state. What works best to create a sense of calm? Obviously, this is going to vary widely from person to person, and from day to day. I have found, on a purely personal level, that where I am emotionally is what strikes the tone for experiencing solid happiness and contentment. That sounds like an oxymoron, doesn't it?! You're thinking, of course your emotions dictate your level of happiness. Yes, they do, but what I'm talking about is delving deeper. For a good part of my life, I based a lot of my personal happiness on outward labels. The most important label was what I did for work - what I did to pay the bills, where I occupied 80% of my time in the business week. Given that I also spent a good number of years searching and trying on various careers to find the right fit (Low Boredom Threshold, remember?), I kept thinking that it was me....something I was doing was the problem. In a way, that was the truth, because I was identifying my dissatisfaction with each job I held. That dissatisfaction boiled down to the fact that I wasn't recognizing who and what I really was. I wasn't any of those jobs. I just hadn't come to that state of conscious realization yet. I did identify myself as what I was doing at any given time - be it office management, retail management, real estate, medical research, holistic health provider, and a whole slew of other industries. Underlying the success that I experienced in each endeavour, there was always this nagging sense of dissatisfaction. Some of it came from various corporate rules, and I'm the first to admit that I'm not a fan of a lot of those rules. The majority of it came from the fact that I was putting so much weight and demand into the label I carried. Those various job titles never felt "right" to me. Fast forward to the last four to five years and the whole global economy changing so drastically. Like everyone else in the world, my cosy little existence got turned upside down and I was forced to revamp and reinvent myself, more than once....more than twice, to be honest. In a curious manner, the ups and downs that I experienced forced me to be much more present and practical about what worked best for me in all areas of life. When things get pared down to bare essentials and you're starting from zero more than once, you quickly

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develop the ability to identify key elements that make the most sense. For me, this translated into creating a freelancing business and being my own boss, per se. It's not always the easiest existence, as you're dependent upon the vagaries of the job market and economy in a slightly different manner, but it is a satisfying one. I am able to choose the clients and industries where I want to work, and I am able to focus my career in directions that I choose. I no longer depend on any sort of corporate entity to be the sole source of income, and I don't know that I ever want to go back to that way of life. I am much happier knowing that I have multiple streams of income and multiple opportunities in a much wider pool of clients and industries. When bad things happen - as Life has a way of handing us those challenges in that out of the blue delivery mode - knowing that I have alternative options immediately available gives me a stronger peace of mind. While this is my own specific experience, the deeper message that I am conveying is that it took me almost half my life to learn to stop identifying and qualifying who I am with any job that I do. I now identify myself as a writer, plain and simple, and an entrepreneur. Whatever I do in an ancillary manner to pay the bills is simply that....a means to an end. I no longer invest my whole identity into someone else's vision, unless it is in a support application with my freelancing business. I now invest my heart and soul into what gives me joy, and that is being a creative person. The emotional freedom and sense of wellness that comes along with this new approach cannot be underestimated. The fascinating thing is that by freeing up myself in this manner, I have noticed that prosperity seems to flow more efficiently. Connections flourish more easily and timing seems to click more readily. Does this mean that I no longer have difficult moments? Absolutely not. In fact, a bad moment hit me today that I wasn't quite prepared for. I had had an intuition that things with this specific situation might not be all they appeared on the surface, but I wasn't prepared for the hitting the brick wall at maximum velocity delivery manner that occurred. Ten or fifteen years ago, this type of bad news would have been devastating to me, as I would have internalized and beaten myself up as the sole source and reason for things going wrong. I no longer do that these days. Instead, as many dear friends pointed out upon hearing this news, this type of abrupt closure is always a clear indication of better things being prepared to come into that newly vacated space. What I am appreciative of at this point in my life is how I react to seemingly bad news. I look much deeper than I used to. I delve into the message and lessons being conveyed and I take the obvious opportunity for growth very seriously. I recognize where I have impacted any given situation in a positive or negative manner, and I learn from it. But the most important realization, for me, is that I am at a point in my life where I do not predicate myself worth on outside sources. My emotional health definitely comes from within, and from there springs my complete happiness. Even in the midst of admittedly bad news, such as that which I received today, I can honestly say I'm not broken hearted, dismayed or even too terribly upset. I'm at an emotional and mental stage where I see balance and logic in every occurrence. I won't lie and say I'm not frustrated with this temporary snag, because we never like to weather bad news, but all in all, I see Divine Order in everything around me. This newly vacated space is waiting for new and different energy to set up housekeeping and provide new experiences. So, from the perspective of how our environment affects our emotional well being, I guess the stronger message would be to first look inward and see how reactive each of us may be to a given situation. I'm choosing to view my own recent experience of this newly vacated space as an opportunity. S. Dawn Sievers Title: Freelance Technical & Creative Writer, Editor, Blogger & Social Media Management Consultant Business name: S. Dawn Sievers Writing Services Business website: Blog website: Business email:

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Jenni Parker Brown Camera! Lights! Action! You're on stage!

"You're on in five minutes”. These are the words you hear on walking into a theatre, wondering what's playing, and you're met by the theatre manager who shakes you by the hand and points to the stage. You look at him a little bemused and reply, "I just came here to watch! I was wondering what's playing today..." The manager stops in his tracks. "Watch? What do you mean watch? This is the Theatre for Dreams! There is no rehearsal. Now are you joining the supporting cast or going for the star role?” You feel a nervous stirring mingle with a bubble of excitement, "What's involved with being in the supporting cast?” you ask timidly. The theatre manager waves his hands in dismission, "Well you can blend in with the crowd, sing the same songs, and dance the simplest dances. It's effortless and doesn't take any special talent. You can run along there now and no-one will notice you join. The rest of the supporting cast are busy watching the stars warm up”. "And what if I go for the starring role?” you say quietly. “Well then you're going to have to get out there centre-stage, become the creator of the play, the dancer of your own dream and make out as if you know all the lines already. Sing your heart out and don't stop moving. If you forget your lines, improvise; if you trip over your feet, make out it was a fancy skip. I'm counting on you to be brilliant." The manager frowns at his watch. "Time doesn't wait for dreams to catch up. I need a decision. Now!" The theatre manager begins to walk towards the orchestra pit. The musicians are tuning up and the technicians are already lighting the stage. "Are you coming or shall I see the next guy who's just entered the theatre door...there are plenty more who all want the same part you know!” What are you going to do? Isn't that how it goes at auditions? Hundreds of hopefuls pass over the stage with a vague (but nevertheless sincere and heartfelt) desire to achieve excellence? And then, all of a sudden, after hours and hours of auditions and candidates and activity, there is a selection. The bravest, most passionate, most dedicated most charismatic have caught the producer's eye. "Not quite enough technique...but boy, she's dynamite!" "Not very graceful but boy, is he funny!" "Not very pretty, but boy, can she move!"

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"Not star material but boy, did he bring a tear to my eye." And so here we are. The ones that shine. The ones that will never give up. The ones that have that 'something' to go the extra step. The ones that will risk the path of human trepidation and human triumph and dare to say, "This is me and I'm proud of it!" This is an 'arabesque'. A creative, sublime expression of your full human potential. What finer way, at the final act, to slip into the quiet waters of stillness and nothingness, than by first, gathering all of our momentum and raising ourselves on a teetering point of perfect, graceful balance. An arabesque. Our dream By Dream-warrior Jenni Parker-Brown Copyright 2011

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“Three things that cannot be hidden; the Sun, the Moon and the Truth.” - Buddha

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Moon Signs Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you. ~Dane Rudhyar What sign is your Moon in? Here is a brief description about the Moon and her influence on us emotionally. In other words whatever your Moon sign is in is how you will deal with things on an emotional level. Believe it or not ~ Moon in Aries Energetic, straight forward and impulsive people, these folk love to ‘Live in the Moment’. They enjoy simplicity and expect honesty and dislike being bored. Moon in Aries people can be impatient finding it difficult to wait for things to happen especially when it is about getting what they want. It is very important for these individuals to find a way in which to release their energy from this hot-headed sign and it can be quite common for them to participate in physical activities and sports. They are emotionally direct, possessing a fiery inner passion having a strong need to take action with no time wasted. This is a very defensive position of the Moon and lunar Ariens tend to take things very personally. When moody or fired up, they become temperamental dealing with their challenges by way of flare ups which tend to last as fast as they started as they believe in facing their problems head on to make way for other things. Moon in Aries individuals are strongly independent therefore it is essential for them to put themselves out into the world to make a strong impression in whatever they do. Moon in Taurus Practical, reliable, grounded, earthy and strong-willed Moon in Taurus people dislikes unpredictability and disharmony. They enjoy material comforts feeling safe and content when in a solid comfortable home. Being fixed in their ways they cannot not be pushed into anything they do not want to do, however when it is something they desire they are totally committed. They do their best to avoid messy and erratic situations disliking emotional crisis, in turn when in relationships they may not always acknowledge or understand their partners need for change, growth and or emotional stimulation. They are very warm, affectionate and tactile people. Having a Venusian influence they are deeply sensual and love romance. They enjoy and love to indulge in the good things in life such as food, cooking and gardening; gardening, building or outdoor pleasures can be a great way for them to re-energise. Moon in Gemini Moon in Gemini individuals are witty, communicative, and very changeable. Enjoying stimulating conversation occasionally being too curious for their own good. They enjoy reading and tend to talk and think a lot, routine and repetitive behaviour bores them. It is not uncommon for these individuals to experience nervousness having a tendency to worry, often concealing restlessness. Their homes tend to always be a work in progress as they are big on home improvements; however they dislike the house work that comes with it. They work best when they have a lot to do without routine and tend to take on the role of organising gatherings in their family life.

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Lunar Geminis are very friendly and gregarious people. Clever and quick witted they are often found chatting with all different kinds of people. Their imaginations are boundless and can sometimes get too caught up in what everyone else is doing losing touch with what they really want to do. Moon in Gemini individuals can become snappy when irritated; however being such great communicators their first instinct is to talk things out when any problems arise. These individuals know all too well how to talk about their feelings but actually feeling their feelings doesn’t always come easily. Moon in cancer Caring, emotional, sensitive and intuitive individuals. Moon in Cancer people have a strong sense of empathy and understanding of people. They are able to feel people’s feelings which can cause them to take others emotions on board which can weigh them down. Devoted and accommodating, peace loving souls they love to create a safe, secure and nurturing space for all. They do have a tendency to be caught up in their own emotions and feelings. When everyone else has moved on this unique individual may dwell and brood on past hurts. They find it difficult to directly confront others if they feel they have been taken for granted and can become quite manipulative when feeling threatened and insecure. Moon in Cancer display an abstract sense of humour and can be exceptionally funny. They are appreciated by most people for their unique outlook on life. When treated with tenderness and understanding they give back warmth and protection, they are exceptionally dependable, befriend a Moon in Cancer person and you will be greatly nurtured and cared for. Moon in Leo Moon in Leo individuals are not always the outgoing confident type. Only when they feel completely comfortable do they love to be the centre of attention, in the company of their friends and family. They love to entertain people and can take on the role of the comic. Lunar Leos have the strong inner mission to set things right and so they can become quite controlling of their family and friends feeling the need to organise then. These individuals can be at times quite lazy and bossy, however usually feel a great need to treat others justly and fairly. Lunar Leos need to be loved and cared for in order for them to perform well in the world. If they feel love is lacking they can become dramatic in their emotional behaviour. They are proud beings and when their pride has been wounded they may over react by sulking and being over emotional. Privacy is very important due to their great concerns of damaging their image and reputation therefore emotional outbursts are confined to home it is very rare for them to break down public, they rather prefer to do things in a refined manner. Moon in Virgo Having a Moon in Virgo these individuals are practical, must have attention to detail and like to keep things in order. They are at their best when they feel useful and needed, feeling most content when they’ve sorted out all details of everyday life. They enjoy helping others and are generally first to take on the task in the occasion of someone needing help.

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Lunar Virgos appreciate simplicity and become overwhelmed by pressure and stress easily. They worry constantly when they have many things to think about. They have a strong need to feel useful, to have something to call their own and to have freedom and space to do what they want. Others turn to People with Moon in Virgo for help and advice as they are very reliable and trustworthy. Moon in Virgo individuals can be shy in love, they are very body aware and can become intensely self critical. Moon in Libra Lunar Librans have an intense need for partnership, they feel most content and secure when in a partnership without they feel entirely incomplete. They believe in balance, harmony, peace and sharing, always striving for just that. They enjoy socializing because mental rapport with other people is extremely important to them. With their gentle and refined ways Moon in Libra individuals win over the hearts of many. They are charming and flirtatious and are very attractive and delightful people to be around. Imperfection can at times bother them as they can be caught up on seeing the flaws in their environment and relationships. To acquaintances they can be very diplomatic however when in an argument with their partner they a very set on winning and usually won’t let up until they have won! Winning an argument is their speciality and at times they will conjure up all kinds of ideas just to make a point and have the last word. Moon in Scorpio Moon in Scorpio are intense individuals who have a great capacity for depth of feeling with an authentic emotional intensity with which they find security. When it comes to emotions these individuals can see beyond the external and acknowledge what is at the very core of people. Depending on the person this ability to see what is not easily recognisable can be quite intimidating or extremely attractive. Lunar Scorpios can be prone to plenty of drama. Natives of moon in Scorpio crave the need for intense experiences, if their lives in anyway have become boring or regular they can unconsciously test their very own strength and thus create emotional excitement. Lunar Scorpios have a great desire for commitment and once committed become protective and loyal partners however often they possess a strong fear of betrayal and therefore put their partner through all kinds of tests to prove that they are worthy. They have a strong sense of intuition that at most times is very self serving. They radiate strength, even in a lack of experience. The lunar Scorpios are smart and insightful and are happiest when they use their powers for intimacy and honesty and through this they make valuable and interesting friends and lovers. Moon in Sagittarius Moon in Sagittarius individuals are free spirits full of enthusiasm and optimism, forever young at heart! More than anything it is important for them to have their personal freedom and space. As long as they are not tied down or cooped up they are happy easy going people. Getting out and about in the world, meeting new people and having a sense of achievement are all very necessary for the Lunar Sagittarius’s wellbeing. They can at times be forgetful and irresponsible however because of their cheerful, upbeat and positive energies others find it exceedingly difficult to stay mad at them. They love new spaces and are very comfortable with outdoor activities.

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When things become too hard and difficult the Lunar Sagittarius will run away, they cannot bear to be stuck in a routine for long and if they are they will have the need to escape. Moon in Sagittarius individuals are generally on the go and are not ones for creating detailed plans they prefer to just wing it, strongly believing that everything will just work out the way its suppose to. They have a blind faith that is to be admired. Moon in Capricorn Moon in Capricorn individuals are productive, ambitious and act with a certain emotional authority. They are greatly competent people as they keep their emotions strongly under the surface. Even though internally their emotions may be in turbulence they stay calm and collected coming across as stable and reliable people. With moon in Capricorn these people have a strict boundaries and a strong desire to reach their achievable goals, they are not ones for taking risks in life. They respect tradition and authority and as they are extremely ambitious they will always plan in advance, naturally being one step ahead in everything they do. Lunar Capricorns are calm cool and collected individuals. Deep and openly emotional people can be quite frightening for the Lunar Capricorn as even though at times having plenty of mood swings and deep dark emotions themselves they try hard to keep them guarded. They can be intensely hard on themselves refusing to let their guard down even though they would greatly benefit from it. They gather a reputation of being a mountain of strength as they hide their sensitivity behind humour and sarcasm. Moon in Capricorn individuals, manage and deal with their emotions in a practical and efficient manner. They have a strong need to feel worthwhile and wanting to be respected by others in which to feel secure. Moon in Aquarius Lunar Aquarians are intently observant. They love to analyse and examine people to understand why they do what they do. They are forever students of human nature. Generally being very sociable individuals they can often be loners at heart. Usually they have strong egos and strive to be the most unusually unique person they can be. Moon in Aquarius individuals tend to feel they are different and that they don’t quite fit in. They can be quite idealistic and progressive however they dislike the more negative emotions of jealousy possessiveness and fear therefore deny any affect on themselves which in turn can leave them emotionally distant, blocked and detached. They have a powerful desire for independence and can be very wilful. Moon in Aquarian individuals pride themselves on being cool headed and detached which in turn can leave them alienating themselves and others. They are dedicated humanitarians even though their care, concern and kindness for others are generally a philosophy of life to them. They often expect others to be as independent and emotionally detached as they are. In relation to the smaller things in life they can be quite unreliable however in long term they are usually consistent and are intently loyal and trustworthy when given their own space and freedom. Never exclusive and striving for equality, they make wonderful friends.

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They are fixed and won’t change for anyone they expect people to accept them for exactly who they are otherwise they don’t accept them in their lives. Lunar Aquarians can be rather charming and when free to be themselves are ecstatically unique and interesting individuals. Moon in Pisces Lunar Pisceans are dreamy, generous, deeply sensitive and compassionate individuals. They tend to be off in their own dreamy world not always In touch with reality. Being a sign of water they have a remarkable intuition making it easy for them to empathise with others, providing them with endless compassion and love, however they can also become prone to losing themselves In others suffering. They have a bright sense of humour that is slightly odd yet delightful and is usually an effortless task to get them giggling. There is a lot more to the Moon in Pisces person than meets the eye as they are greatly perceptive to their surrounding and feel things out and rely on their intuition. Their absentminded dreaminess can get them into all kinds of situations where others can’t fully understand their complex souls. They can be easily overwhelmed when they don’t have the time and space for their much needed daydreaming, given this space they are usually ready to take on the world. They are soft- hearted and sweet and can be greatly touched by human suffering. Moon in Pisces people can be very accepting as they understand greatly through their boundless compassion. Lunar Pisceans have completely open hearts and minds and they believe and bring a sense of faith to the world.

There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life. ~Varaha Mihira

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Cherish is the word I use to describe... all the love and feelings I have here inside~

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Keys to the Kingdom Recently, I wrote a quote on a card and stuck it on my mirror. It said: The degree to which you cherish yourself is the precise degree to which you will be cherished. Have a cherishing thought about yourself right now. Have you noticed how true this is? When you feel good about yourself, you tend to glow and ooze charisma, which in turn attracts complements, flirtations grins and cheerful interactions. All good stuff, but let’s look a little deeper into what the word cherish means. The Oxford Dictionary defines it as; Protect or tend lovingly, hold dear. To me, this means more than feeling good about yourself. It is the on-going dedication to thinking a certain way, an attitude of caring directed towards the self that creates real and enduring self esteem. It’s not in our finest hour we feel the challenge to turn our gaze inward and tenderly hold ourselves dear, it is in our moments of doubt, sadness and emptiness. When we have crossed swords with our mothers, a mate has walked out, we have been reactive, bitchy, lost it with the boss. When our hearts collapse with agony and it feels the wind has gone from our sails and our ship is lost on an uncaring ocean. To cherish ourselves through these moments is a liberation of spiritual consciousness, and a key to the kingdom of our core feminine prowess. To do for ourselves that which we can do for our children, our lovers and our friends. When we look outside ourselves exclusively to get this deep yearning filled, invariably we are making another responsible for our happiness. The degree to which you cherish yourself is the precise degree to which you will be cherished. The Dali Lama discusses loving compassion for all, and you are on top of the list. What does being cherished mean to you? Having kind thoughts towards oneself, writing poetry, dancing, taking a bath in sensual oils, washing your linen in scented waters, getting a massage, playing with your children, looking at old photo’s, painting, sewing, watching funny DVD’s. Whatever this means to you, it is a stronger act than merely cheering yourself up. It is the deliberate and meaningful act of tending to yourself lovingly, and holding yourself dear – as the most precious creature in your universe. By Tiffany Manning

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Ylang Ylang Cananga odorata This beautiful essential oil is deeply euphoric making it an excellent oil to dispel depression, anxiety, stress, tension, frustration, impatience and resentment. Sensual, exotic and deeply feminine Ylang Ylang personality types delight in the erotic and sensual ~ they are very passionate, calm and balanced. Ylang Ylang people live for love ! Intensely sweet, charismatic, bewitching and truly delightful company, however sometimes they can be difficult to understand as they love to dream and imagine that no harm can come to them.

Aphrodisiac ~ 3 drops each of Ylang Ylang, Rose and Patchouli Soothing and emotionally uplifting ~ 2 drops Ylang Ylang, 3 drops each Sandalwood and Bitter Orange Meditation ~ 2 drops each Ylang Ylang and Frankincense, 3 drops Neroli Ylang Ylang’s petals dance in the wind, tender hearted she shields and guides the passion of love and true emotion allowing a tender awakening of the sensual part of our being and the spirit which embraces all things ~ ~ The Fragrant Heavens, Valerie Ann Worwood. Ylang Ylang is safe to use long term. You may enjoy using it in the bath with rose and vetiver for relaxation and promoting emotional warmth and joy. Whatever method of application you choose to use keep in mind that Ylang Ylang has a strong sweet heady aroma and therefore you only need a small amount.

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Recipes Butter Bean Korma Curry Posted on April 10, 2010 by Jenny Storaker on behalf of Inspired Wellness –

Curry Korma This recipe is so appealing thanks to the aromatic flavours of a good curry and it certainly warms the bones on cooler nights. But far more than that, we benefit from the beans that are just so packed with goodness and here is why… There is no disputing that legumes are a very important part of our diet. Even meat eaters should have legumes regularly. The American authorities are recommending Americans include legumes in their diet. Legumes are a unique food and contain B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Folate, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium (small amount), Zinc, Copper, Manganese and Selenium. Because legumes contain carbohydrate and protein plus many nutrients, a meal of a small amount of legumes served with vegetables and salad is a very satisfying and healthy meal. Some people believe foods that look like our organs are good for our organs and, on this basis, red kidney beans are good for our kidneys. Raw beans should be soaked overnight, the soaking water discarded and then cooked in new water for a number of hours. It is important that beans are well cooked before eating. Obviously this is a lot of work so it is good to know you can freeze the cooked beans. Lentils do not need soaking. Simply wash well then cook. These days we are lucky to be able to buy organic beans in tins already cooked. When using tinned beans, always wash the beans well before using. It is always better to cook beans yourself, but with our busy lifestyles this isn’t always possible. Tinned beans are so quick and easy to use. For example for lunch make a salad and add a small tin of (well rinsed) 4 bean mix – great meal in only a few minutes. Note – people on dialysis must not eat legumes.

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Ingredients 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 large onion sliced 2 cloves crushed garlic 100g mushrooms cut into small pieces 400g kumera diced 1 cm x 1 cm (approx ½ ” x ½ ”) 2 tablespoons garam masala 1 teaspoon ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/8 teaspoon chili powder (use less to start if you don’t like it hot) ¼ teaspoon ground turmeric STEP 1 – Fry onion and garlic until golden. Add mushroom and kumera and fry for 3 minutes then add above spices and fry for a few minutes until fragrant. 200ml oat milk (or milk of your choice) 1 teaspoon coconut essence (you can add more if you like after tasting) STEP 2 - Add essence to the oat milk and then to the pot. Bring to the boil then reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. This is a healthier substitute for coconut milk which is very high in saturated fat.

50g ground almonds 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 ¼ cups stock 1 x 400g tin butter beans, cannellini beans or chick peas, drained and well rinsed 1 red capsicum/bell pepper sliced

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1 cup chopped cauliflower 1 cup sliced beans 3 teaspoons lemon juice ¼ cup chopped fresh coriander STEP 3 - Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Tip – Taste the curry. If it is not tasty enough, revitalize the spices by adding ½ teaspoon garam masala, 1/8 teaspoon ground coriander and ground cumin and a small pinch ground turmeric. Stir, cook for 5 minutes and taste again. Bon Appetit! Ready to detox and energise, shape up and look younger or relax and rejuvenate in your busy lifestyle? Did you know...At Inspired Wellness we offer fabulous natural wellness packages for all of these things! Click here to register to view our online wellness store for all your health and lifestyle needs or Request your personal walk through virtual tour to see if you qualify for a FREE wellness sampler package plus gain instant access to our store as a customer or partner and get all your questions answered on the spot! Stay on track with your healthy lifestyle & keep your New Year's resolutions with our HOT TOPICS articles and FREE healthy eMag! Keep in touch with us on Facebook for the latest wellness & product updates, events, positive inspirations, exclusive offers & giveaways, plus meet likeminded folks in our growing comunity!

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Is coming soon!

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Food for Thought Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.

~Harriet van Horne Food for Thought ~ Many times I have talked about how important it is to focus on what we are doing with good intention. When I am creating Aromatherapy blends I think and feel love and stay focused on my intention and what the desired outcome for the blend is to be. When taking students through blending, the how’s the whys the do’s and don’ts I will gather 3 students along with myself and we make up a blend. We all use the exact same ingredients, in the same order and the result is four very different smelling blends! Why is that? It is because there is an energetic transference and who we are and what we think is poured into our creations. This is an exercise that has been used for many years in our Aromatherapy blending classes the results are always the same and we use different combinations each time. I use this same process when cooking. I love to cook and for me personally I love to be creative and try different things just as I do when creating a perfume! Good food will nourish our soul, it will improve our health and wellbeing and it is to be enjoyed... Just as I love creating or trying new recipes I love to eat them and experience them... The texture, the flavour, the colour and the aroma. I believe we are what we eat... eat well, enjoy the experience and it is certainly okay to indulge ~ Try something different get creative !

Strawberries dipped in dark Belgian chocolate, spiced up with a little black pepper or cayenne pepper or try white Belgian chocolate with a dash of cinnamon....

27 © Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Feng Shui Kitchen Feng Shui Vicki Sauvage Feng Shui & Design Consultant This is another area of Feng Shui which is targeted by the junk food feng shui-ists. Some of the alarmist talk is about your stove and water your back to the door colour red

Your stove and water In the Traditional Feng shui that I practice the placement of the stove takes precedence over all other considerations not only in the kitchen but in all other interior aspects of Feng Shui. The stove and fire is THE alchemical process in the house. It is where food is transformed from the raw state with the application of fire into the digestible form. Fire is considered a critical aspect of that transformative process and the location of the stove has primacy in the school of Traditional Feng Shui that I have been taught by my master. 1

The stove has become the Master of modern kitchens. Firstly we take a compass reading of the front door or the main door that is the door that is used the most. The compass reading must be a magnetic bearing is critical for the other parts of the formula. We then find the centre of the house and from there we determine which of the 24 mountains the current stove sits on. If one of those mountains happens to correspond with one or both of the mountains that match your year of birth then it can contribute to illness or loss of income / prosperity. Now the junk food brigades assert that the placement of the stove adjacent to the sink is of greatest importance in Feng Shui. This is just not right. It is actually very rare to see the sink immediately adjacent to the stove. It is just NOT practical – much more practical is to have some bench space between the sink and the stove and by and large carpenters and kitchen designers do tend to be practical (not always though).

Master Henry Liu 4th generation Feng Shui Master.

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Your back to the door This is an extremely minor aspect of Feng Shui probably rating as low as 1% consideration. A well designed functional kitchen with plenty of storage and the stove and fridge placed in auspicious locations is of greater consideration. Do get yourself a good kitchen designer who knows how to lay out a kitchen well and then consult with someone from Master Liu's lineage in order to check the stove placement for auspiciousness. If you still have your back to a door AND it worries you then look at changing the angle it is placed at. I have designed kitchens with conveniently placed bulkheads to accept the stove and it has worked really well. In the west we tend to think in terms of walls and ranging things along the wall for convenience? For aesthetics? For geometric balance? You do not have to be bound by these things. Many comments I receive are about putting the sink so you can look out to the view. If you do cook then you will know that you spend more time stirring things on the cook-top than you do standing at the sink washing the dishes – particularly in times of dishwashers.

Colour red Some of the junk foodies suggest that the colour red is either good for a kitchen or bad for a kitchen. Some say it is good because it is associated with fire and others say it aids digestion. The traditional feng shui I practice says lets look at the type of qi that is 'bathing' or affecting the area of the house that the kitchen falls into and determine what colour supports or depletes that qi, (sometimes we wish to modify the qi in that area). For example if Tien Yi falls in the kitchen then it is very useful to have red, purple, yellow, brown, orange, (even pink if you can stand it) as it enhances the earth of Tien Yi. In addition if the flying star combination can take fire or earth you can use those colours, if however, it is 32 (flying star combination) then we would not use fire or earth here – we would look to exhaust these energies despite it being Tien Yi. Important considerations

Seeing stove from door If you can see the stove from the main door that you use to enter the house, then it will contribute to arguments between the husband and wife. This is particularly relevant for those of you who might live in garage houses. That is houses where the garage dominates and you usually enter into the house through the garage door, and that door issues onto the kitchen /dining room. It must be immediately visible from that door for this to be a problematic placement. If this is your situation then you can relatively easily remedy the situation, and particularly so in the design stage. It is easy to send your plans through for consideration and I can examine them to see if this is going to be a problem for you. Stove in the centre of the house This, sadly, is creeping in more and more. Some designers have a political view that the kitchen should be in the centre of the house. From all sorts of practical view points this is not so but from a feng shui point of view it is a disaster.

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Case Study 1

Provence kitchen courtesy of Christian Pastorino When I went to visit their home I found many things wrong with the house. It was on the low side of the road, the front door was never used even though it issued straight off the street and it was visible to guests. When I went out of the door that they usually use it was IMPOSSIBLE to get into the house without walking sideways – every coat, shoe and sporting equipment owned by the householders was 'dumped' into the foyer of this space. Eventually, when I was taken upstairs to the top floor I found that the stove was in the centre of that floor. EVERYONE in the household was depressed, mum, dad and all three kids. They were struggling financially. They had hugely overcapitalised with the house and both parents were on extended sick leave from their jobs. They did not accept my advice as far as I know as the husband was reluctant to make any changes.

Case study 2. Personal friends of mine. They worked very hard all their lives and saved enough money to buy the precious rural property that they had always wanted. They had migrated to this country from a war torn country in the 70's. They built the house and into the centre they placed a huge wood fireplace – built along old English and French style country houses. Within two years they walked away from that property with $20,000 having lost $1.2 million dollars! Auspicious stove placement

This photo supplied by Mediterranean ovens ~ WA. Those of us trained by Master Liu have some tricks up our sleeves to help ameliorate the difficulties of having an ill placed stove. The one I want to share with you here is the outdoor kitchen or the Provence kitchen. When the stove is placed in a bad position in the house then we can choose a good location for either the BBQ or we can go the whole hog and design a Provence kitchen outdoors, making sure that the stove / pizza oven is placed in an auspicious sector. I highly recommend Christian Pastorino who is himself a stonemason trained in Provence. He works in Tasmania and France.

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Vicki is a Feng Shui and Design Consultant with an Australia wide practice. Vicki Sauvage Feng Shui and Design Service

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Our goal is to create breathtaking, elegant, contemporary, cinematic wedding films. We create a personalized and handcrafted film for each of our clients to tell your unique story through timeless emotion and style, and strive to capture the essence of your wedding day as it naturally unfolds.

Contact Amy Nelson-Blain to discuss your cinematography needs. [+61] 0415 364 499 Š Amy Nelson-Blain

32 Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson

Ludwina Dautovic ~ Director of ‘The Red Tent Woman’ shares 3 marketing tips for business owners ~

33 © Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson

Marketing Tips The 3 Benefits of Business Networking by Ludwina Dautovic I think that one of the biggest things that people overlook in business is Networking. But what exactly is networking? According to one source, networking is the act of getting together with like-minded people who can help each other out in their businesses and endeavors. So let me give you three tips that I, myself, have learned along the way: 1) When you network with other business people, you don't have to feel like you are alone in business. It helps you feel like you are part of a community. You create friendships and contacts that can benefit you down the road. 2) It helps you to expand your business contacts. You can possibly come up with joint ventures and cross promotions; getting your business out there even more. The more exposure your business has, of course, the better. and 3) Education and Inspiration. By networking with other business people, you can learn the latest business trends, get the inside scoop(s), be inspired by other people and get the right, pertinent information first; sometimes saving you hours of hard work and money. The main point here is: network, network, network. So HOW do you network? Try attending events that involve your target market. You can search on the web, or check out This is a national event directory for Australia. You can also connect with people in social media environments like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Don't be scared to approach people you feel may be good to network with. They will either take it or leave it, but you never know until you try. Another good word of advice, though, is don't be so fast to whip out your business card when you first meet someone. Get to know them first. Build a personal rapport with them so that they will remember you and be more apt to network with you in the future. Then, offer your business card and tell them you would love to continue a business relationship with them. The more that you can help them, the more apt they are to help you as well. I hope this helps you gain more insight into what networking can do for your business. Just remember that you don't always have to make it completely about business. The more approachable you are as a person, the more likely you are to build long lasting business connections, and possibly even new friendships along the way. Good Luck. Ludwina Dautovic. Award winning business woman and Founder of

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The Red Tent Woman

The Red Tent Network Event in Sydney last month was a great success. Our host Julie Nelson founder of Aromatique Essentials along with Allie Duval from Intimo Director and a wonderful Tribe of Woman in business created an event to remember. Julie Nelson has long been associated with Ludwina Dautovic having worked together many, many years ago. They have recently reconnected thanks to Facebook and have realised they both have common interests and goals. And that is to support women in business and life by providing them with a networking event that will support you with a holistic approach. At the Red Tent Events we support you in three ways: 1. Via our networking events held monthly in women’s homes all across the country 2. By providing you with a complete Business Online Resource Centre that will assist you in growing and marketing your business 3. And with a Free Advertisement on our website and a Free Listing in our Online Business Directory listing (Valued at $800) By being involved with The Red Tent Community you’ll not only be supported in your business but also in your life. You see, we believe that for women it’s never just about your business; it’s also about how you’re feeling about ‘You’. So expect to feel connected, nurtured and supported when you connect with the Red Tent Woman Community. Details for our next event: Date: 29/04/2011 Time: 6.30 – 9.30pm ish What to bring: A small plate of something healthy to share and BYO wine. Cost: Please join us as our guest for your first event For book your place at Julies event on Friday 18/03/2011 call her on – 02 4998 8786 Or email her at – There are limited places so book now! We’ll be sending you a confirmation email a week before the event. To find out more go to: Or friend us on Facebook – The Red Tent Woman

© The Red Tent Woman

35 © Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson

Website Tips A lot of people on the internet make websites for their businesses. But more commonly than not a few design flaws seep out from inside the trap door in which they would normally reside. 1. DON’T use splash pages: Unless you absolutely must, do not use splash pages. Don’t waste your visitors’ time on the intro page and force them to “click to enter”. If used, splash pages should contain valuable information. 2. DON’T use “click here” links: “Click here” links are bad practice for usability and accessibility reasons. They are context and device dependent and do not provide enough information to users or search engines. 3. DON’T write in all caps: We all know writing in all caps on the web means you are shouting. When you want to use all caps on your website for decorative reasons, use CSS and the text-transform property. 4. DON’T underline text that isn’t a link: Website users expect links to be underlined. To avoid confusion, don’t underline text that is actually not a hyperlink. 5. DON’T write bad alt text, and always provide alt text: The alt attribute is a textual replacement for the image which is not being displayed. It must always be used, even if the image in question is purely decorative–in that case, the alt attribute should be an empty string. Do not write inappropriate alt text. Write alt text that is clear, concise, and explains what the image is conveying. No more, no less. 6. DON’T use justified text exclusively: Justified text may look great, but it can also cause large holes in the text which will harm the legibility. 7. DON’T auto-play media: Never auto-play embedded audio or video on your website. Let the user have complete control over the functions of embedded media. 8. DON’T put non-ascii characters in the URL: One thing that is rather common, especially on websites whose content is not in English, is URLs that contain un-encoded characters such as space, å, ä, or ö. While this works most of the time it can cause problems. 9. Google it: If you’re not sure how to do something or whether something is best practice or not, just Google it. It’s simple.

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Colour Therapy The Psychology of Colour. In 1666, Sir Isaac Newtown discovered that when a pure white light passes through a prism, it separates into visible colours. Colour impacts our lives every day; we are surrounded by it. Just imagine our world in black and white! Colour impacts our feelings enormously and today we are going to look at the range of emotional responses colour invoke. However, please remember that these are generalisations only, as individuals can have quite different and personal responses to particular colours.

Colours have the following qualities: Symbolism Attitude Positive and negative emotional effects. For simplicity, I will divide the colours into 3 groups: warm, cool and neutral colours. The warm colours are: red, orange and yellow; but also including pink and brown. Cool colours are blue, green and purple. The neutrals are black, white and grey.

Above is a simple colour wheel. It shows the basic warm and cool colours. Pink would sit between red and red violet and brown would be up near yellow-orange. Neutrals generally do not appear on a colour wheel because they are not actually colours. As all colours have a temperature, you must also consider the temperature of the rooms you are painting. You must work out what sort of feel you like then try to select colours that evoke that feeling. Hopefully the following pages can act as a guide to help you choose the right colours for your home.

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Warm colours evoke a range of emotions from comfort to anger and hostility.















Red is the most dominant hue. It can express strong emotions from passion through to anger and danger, eg red traffic lights. Many restaurants and dining rooms benefit from red walls, as it stimulates the appetite. Red can increase circulation and restless tension, so it is not a great colour for bedrooms or rooms for relaxation. Pink



Romantic Calming at 1st Pink is a derivation of red and therefore less dominant. Often use in girl’s rooms as a symbol of all things cute and cuddly. However strong or hot pinks can create restlessness in much the same way as red hues. Orange





Extroverted Sociable Orange is the colour of caution and can be overbearing in large quantities and in its purest/brightest hues. Most people can tolerate orange tones if they are more subdued, eg tan, apricot or terracotta. It is the colour of communication and technology and therefore great for offices.

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High spirited





Yellow is the brightest colour in the spectrum and as such should be used with caution. If overused one can be overpowered by yellow. It can create an intellectually stimulating environment, which makes it a great colour for studies. However, it should be muted if used in babies rooms as yellow can make a baby cry more frequently.






Comfortable Secure Warm Sophisticated Brown is a hue that sometimes is classified as a neutral. Most shades of brown are easy to live with and stand the test of time. As it is a colour found in nature, it is considered down to earth and conventional. Therefore many shades of brown are considered acceptable to even the most conservative people. Cool Colours are often calm, but can induce feelings of sadness or indifference. Colour












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Green is a flexible hue that can change dramatically from yellow-green to dark green. It is the colour of spring so use in outdoor rooms. Light greens are used by hospitals to relax patients, and such hues are good for bedrooms and informal living areas. Dark green is masculine, conservative and implies wealth, which makes it suitable for a den or formal areas. Blue greens are liveable and calming and great for meditation.






Sober cold



Blue of course is the colour of the sea and sky. It is the colour of authority and truth and is often used in reception areas of offices. Blue can lower blood pressure and heart rate. Furthermore, blue can soothe illnesses and treat pain. Indigo is thought to alleviate skin problems, so teenage boys wanting dark blue in their bedrooms is probably not a bad idea!!


dignified mournful

lonely Romantic



Feminine pompous

Luxurious Wealthy Sophisticated Purple blends the two extremes of the spectrum: red and blue. It can evoke delicacy and richness or appear unsettling. It is the colour of religious robes. On a positive note, purple shades reflect love, joy and fertility, so bedrooms can benefit from this colour. Neutral colours either absorb or reflect light in the colour spectrum.

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Black signifies submission: priests wear black to submit to God. It is also the colour of respect. Black is not often used as a room colour, but can be utilised in small quantities to highlight a feature. White





Integrity White is the representation of light. It is refreshing and cool for interiors, but overuse can lead to a sterile environment and blandness. Grey






non emotional



Passive Grey is commonly used in modern interiors and as a rule seems to be popular during times of recession. Silver

elegant Cool

Silver is futuristic and looks great in modern decors, particularly on feature walls in a metallic finish. Lucia van Gerwen ~ Interior Decorator ~ More Than Curtains Email: 0412 225 437

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The Feminine Way! Keep your Dream Alive by Feeling Fabulous, Frisky and Focused – the Feminine Way! Do you try and go at the same pace all month, every month? Have you ever found that sometimes it’s a huge effort to get things done and other days it’s a breeze? Are you aware that you’re probably not using the most important stress-sensitive feedback system available to all women? That was me too until about 15 years ago – and I’m 50 this year. I’d push myself to get everything done on my list, work long hours, maximise my time multi-tasking, run from one thing to the next, but never managed to ‘get it all done’. And feel incredibly stressed about it all as well. And after I became a working mother it only got worse – more things to do, to organise, to ‘fit in’. My adrenals were running on overload - big time. And then I met a woman who changed all that for me – Alexandra Pope. Bless her cotton socks (she’s English and she actually does like her cotton socks!) Alexandra introduced me to understanding my cyclical nature as a woman – so that I can use it and work with it rather than go against it all the time! I’ve found this has helped me remarkably over the past 15 years to stay on track and be in sync with my body’s natural rhythms and cycles so that I can maximise them and use them to my advantage. If only I had learnt this when I was 14-15! Life would have been SO much easier and I would have looked after my body and my health as well! So let me tell you what I found out... Understanding Your Natural Female Rhythm So here’s what I learnt – and it’s been invaluable. We are cyclical beings – all of us, men and women (e.g. day/night; summer/winter; asleep/awake, birth/death, etc) but particularly we women. We have our own inbuilt cycle every month, which gives us feedback as to how we are going in life. If things are getting on top of us – guess what? It shows up in our cycle – our stress sensitive system! Our culture expects us to be ‘ON’, productive and on an upward curve – available 24/7 all the time. But nowhere else in nature does this happen. Everywhere things birth, grow, blossom, decline and die. For things to be able to focus, thrive and flourish – there must be also be some fallow, reflective, resting time. And that’s also how our female cycle works – and all the four phases (or four weeks) of our cycle has different gifts or attributes that we can use to our advantage skilfully and consciously. Focus is only one of them. Our cycle is our secret power source! Let me explain using the seasons as a metaphor. 1. Week 1 - Winter – Menstruation – Reflection & Chilling Out – New Moon – Days 1-7 I’m starting here because this is usually the time of the month where every menstruating woman becomes aware that she has a cycle! Many are not even conscious of it at all the rest of the month, until they start their period. Most in our Western culture see this as a nuisance, some dread it because of painful, disruptive symptoms (which was my own story until I learnt how to accept it and work with it) - but very few see it as a time for reflection and renewal. A cleansing time – the womb is being emptied out and so are we. We have the chance to start anew again soon. But I’ve learnt that we need to be restful now in this phase - to take things more slowly. The ‘Feel Good’ hormone estrogen is very low in our body – making us feel anti-social, grumpy, tired, tracksuit pants and ugg boots territory! It makes us very dreamy, fuzzy thinking, unable to focus on one thing, often very low in energy - but also highly intuitive and psychic, very attuned to all the nuances in relationships around us (that’s why we want to be away from people ’cos we can feel everything going on for them!). Yes, we still have to go to work, look after our family, etc. BUT we can postpone any extra social commitments or strenuous exercise until that estrogen starts kicking in again! GIFTS and ATTRIBUTES of this phase: intuition, wisdom, insight, inspiration, reflection, bliss, release and relief. Good time for: Meditating on problems/issues to gain insight; dreaming/visioning up goals/plans; slowing down and going easy; gentle exercise; love and accepting yourself! 2. Week 2 – Spring – Pre-Ovulation – Focus and Clarity – Waxing Moon - Days 8-14 A new beginning - spring has sprung! Yippee! Most women say they feel a lovely sense of being refreshed and reborn once they have stopped their period. The key feeling here is one of clarity – of thought and of direction. We have increasing energy – and lots more brain power ‘cos that wonderful hormone estrogen has started filling up into our

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body again and we feel SO much better! (Oestrogen also helps our brain and communication function better so we can think and talk more clearly – our focused phase! (Check out Louann Brizendine’s book - The Female Brain – easy to read and fascinating!) GIFTS and ATTRIBUTES of this phase: focus, enthusiasm, clarity, freshness, lightness, activation. Good time for: Initiating ideas and plans; focusing; goal setting and reaffirming; resolving recurring issues; vision boarding; writing journal notes; stepping up the exercise slowly 3. Week 3 – Summer – Ovulation – Energy and Friskiness – Full Moon – Days 15-21 Yes – the frisky phase! The female brain is now flooded with oestrogen – our highest level all month. This makes us feel very expansive, social, sexual (the egg is popping from the ovary so Mother Nature wants it fertilised!). This is also our ‘nice girl’ phase – the high level of oestrogen makes us very accommodating to all – not much seems to aggravate us. We are like mothers of the world – we can nurture everyone and everything. We feel very much in control – multitasking a million projects at once, saying ‘yes’ to everything, superwoman, we can do anything here! It is usually the highest energy point of the whole cycle (some women do get some painful ovulation symptoms but they are the minority). GIFTS and ATTRIBUTES of this phase: Drive; Energy; Articulate Communication; Sexy; Social; Playful; Nurturing; Having It all Good time for: Networking; Manifesting Goals; Birthing Projects; Going on that Hot Date; Doing Presentations; Asking for Pay Rises; Negotiating (anything!); Weekend Away with Partner (with contraception unless you’re wanting to become pregnant!); Falling Pregnant; Shopping (cos you look great now); Dinner parties and Socialising; Testing new ideas; High energy exercise workouts – run that marathon now! 4. Week 4 – Autumn – Pre-Menstruation – Creativity and Intuition – Waning Moon – Days 22-28 The oestrogen is starting to fall away and our bodies become much more sensitive and vulnerable - physically and emotionally. Now’s the time we start to say ‘what the !!!! was I thinking saying Yes to all those things! We start to see what isn’t working in our lives – this is maximum ‘feedback’ time from that little voice in your head. Warning – do NOT go shopping in this phase – your bum will always look big here. That inner critic can be VISCIOUS here! To us and everybody – if we are feeling overwhelmed here our inner bitch comes out! We start feeling more inward turning, antisocial, coming back into our body – and feeling every bit of it! Cravings and addictions are highest here – chocolate, red wine, alcohol; food; coffee; cigarettes – anything t o make us feel better! And our dreaming gets more intense – and our creativity goes through the roof! Use all that tension and frustration that often occurs in this phase to design something new and sort out what isn’t working in your life. GIFTS and ATTRIBUTES of this phase: Creativity; Intuition; Sorting; Assertiveness; Provocation Good time for: Slowing down; Pampering Yourself; Body work – Massage/Facial; Analysing what works and doesn’t work in your life; rescheduling unrealistic tasks/projects; focus on your core purpose; behind the scenes work in business; cleaning out stuff; taking on challenging situations; getting real; doing your own creative thing that soothes you – cooking, sewing, knitting, painting, writing, beadwork; working smarter not harder; gentler exercise regimes And then we’re back to Week 1 - all over again, the cycle continues. I know you might be saying – well I just can’t structure my life to be this planned to do all these things only in that particular week! I know – but somehow even knowing or being conscious of which cycle phase I am in will help me select certain things that I can naturally do well – and if I am able to postpone some things until my optimum time for working on them – then I do that! No point trying to get my project up and running in my reflection phase – it just doesn’t work and I struggle and struggle. Better to keep visioning that week – and sure enough - I have much more clarity after ‘bleeding’ on the problem (bit like ‘sleeping on it’ but the feminine version!) And guess what – if you don’t look after yourself through your menstruating years – then menopause will likely be the mother of all wakeup calls! And since I came to understand so much more about the menstrual cycle and how it affects our

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lives - my dream is to assist 40+ midlife women to understand the fabulous opportunity that menopause is - to rediscover their purpose, reclaim their power and recreate their life! So contact me if that speaks to you.

Three Action Steps to Keep Your Dream Alive– The Feminine Way! 1. Track your cycle and know what phase you are in – reflective, clarifying, energised; creative 2. Use the natural gifts of each phase to determine what tasks you will do that week. 3. Love your body’s wisdom – learn about it, nurture it, accept it and listen to it!

Maree Lipschitz is one of Australia's best 'Transitions Coach' for women – the ‘Midlife Midwife’! She is a specialist coach in Mid-life & Menopause and her business 'The Midlife Midwife’ offers Group Mentoring, Webinars, Events, Seminars and Personal Coaching to assist women 40+ to rediscover their purpose, reclaim their power and recreate their life. Maree is also a Senior Facilitator and Co-founder of 'Pathways into Womanhood' residential programs for 13-15 year old girls and their Mums; 'Let's Talk Growing Up' puberty weekends for 9-12 year old girls and their Mums. She is passionate about helping women and girls navigate with grace and ease through these major transitions in their lives. ‘Come have a chat with me on Facebook - I'd love to know what's happening for you and how I can help!’

Special Offer: All readers can grab a FREE copy of my special report ‘The 5 MUST KNOW Secrets to Avoid the Midlife/Menopause from Hell!’ by going to

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Beautiful You Feeling Overwhelmed? In this fast paced, hectic modern world we live in it’s easy for even the most together of us to feel stressed, overwhelmed and like our ‘to do’ list is getting longer rather than shorter. Feeling overwhelmed can give rise to feelings of anger, sadness and confusion and therefore should not be something that’s ignored – but rather faced head on and dealt with!

Feeling overwhelmed about our life and what we need to do, be and achieve is not uncommon and can lead to feeling wrung out at different times in our lives. When that feeling is prolonged though it can lead to mental and physical health concerns that if left unchecked, can be very hard to come back from. It really is a case of prevention being better than a cure, and I am a total believer that there are positive ways to deal with those times in our life when we feel really snowed under. The following are some of my best tips that you can do quickly or with little effort to address feeling overwhelmed. I know that there are many more in depth ones that can be done as well but these are my ministarts to helping you that with prolonged practice or being used as a catalyst to make other changes in your life, can really help. If you are feeling overwhelmed, under pressure and very stressed right now give some of the following a go Ask for help. Immediately you might not realise it but most people actually love to help others. If you feel you are drowning a bit and struggling with daily things you need to do, reach out for support. Breathe. I know you are doing that right now, but I’m talking about really deep, focused breathing. Step away from what you are doing for even just five minutes, step outside and take some deep breaths in and out to fill your lungs with oxygen and calm your central nervous system. It will help you to be able to return to what you are doing with greater energy and ability. Take a nap or just cart yourself off to bed or the couch for even thirty minutes. You might think it a strange idea but shutting down your brain in this way even for just a short while will absolutely help you recharge. Note: if you fall asleep almost immediately, that is a surefire sign you are over tired and need to consider how you might get some more sleep in general. Prioritise. Work out what is really important and when I say really important, I mean really important. Does cleaning out the laundry cupboard or washing your house windows really have to be done today when you have so much going on? Could it not wait if your day is crammed full? What things are actually really, really important and do only those things. Making a to do list can be very helpful with this too. Get outdoors. Sometimes when we are inside alot that feeling of four walls closing in on us can actually begin to feel like it really is happening. Stepping out into the sunshine, or even the rain, where you are under a big open sky and can take in all around you really helps.

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Exercise. Go for a brisk walk, do yoga or dance up a storm to release some feel good endorphins and take your mind away from the pressure it is feeling. Good for body and for mind. Allow for some ‘space’ in your life to do absolutely nothing. If you are scheduled to the hilt all the time that is a path to anxious and stressed feelings becoming very strung out and prolonged. It is vital that we allow ourselves time in our lives where we simply have nothing on and can then choose to do whatever we what with that time – at that time. Live in the present moment. Thinking too much into the future and of all the things you need to do (or think you need to do) often creates feelings of worry. All you have is this present moment and to live your life fully you must be in that moment and doing what you are doing with care and love.

Julie Parker is counselor, life coach and change catalyst with a particular love of body image and self esteem issues for women. Julie blogs regularly at her website ‘Beautiful You’ where you will find lots of body love, self esteem boosts and life inspiration.

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Personal Styling There is no hiding that I am built for comfort rather than speed. At a cuddly size 16, I have had major struggles through my life with my weight and dressing for my size and body shape. I studied Styling and Design at a top fashion college in Sydney, and gained invaluable experience in putting ‘looks’ together. But these schools never teach you about the many varying shapes that plus sized women can take on. It’s easy to dress a size 8 model; they would look good in a potato sack. Dressing a woman with varied proportions, and a few ‘padded’ areas can be a lot more intricate and challenging (not to mention daunting for some women!) For the past 3 years I have worked for a high profile fashion label, stocking sizes 14-24. In that time I have learnt so much about being a plus size girl and dealing with my size; I have sat in the front row of a fashion show; been photographed for newspapers; interviewed on TV; and even offered a modelling contract. I also got to dress a multitude of beautiful women in varying shapes and sizes for all sorts of occasions (including one very happy Bride!), as well as single-handedly arranging and styling a fashion show. I have been there, done that, seen the film, bought the (size XL) jacket. I have lived it. There is no substitute for experience, and it is that experience which I shall share. There is a lot more to body love than just accepting it. You must go further and respect your shape, your size, your personality; everything about yourself! That is what y E L L E styling is all about. Wardrobe Consultation 

 

Body shape analysis- Hourglass? Pear? Apple? Column? Your shape defines the styles which will work for you. You will be provided with detailed information on your body shape, and how to dress it. This will include details on what cut, fabric, colour and accessories you should be looking for Shopping in your wardrobe - Your wardrobe can be better than a shopping centre! I will guide you through your current wardrobe, offering styling advice on what garments should be kept and what should be stored away. I will guide you in styling your current garments to create new outfits and show you how to fill the ‘gaps’. Makeup and accessories- An outfit is never complete without accessories, and it seems to be the most difficult part. I will take you through a few simple makeup techniques to enhance your natural beauty, as well as a few tricks for finding the perfect accessories for every occasion.

Personal Shopping 

Shopping the Centres- It’s one thing to have all the information, but there are multitudes of women who either hate shopping for clothes, or are so overwhelmed when they enter a store, that they find it hard to remember what they need to look for. I can accompany you on a shopping trip and guide you to the styles suited to your body. I will be your human mirror, and we will turn an experience that can be quite unpleasant and difficult, into a truly exciting day out.

Look hot with what you’ve got! Book a consultation with y E L L E styling!

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Aromatique Essentials At Aromatique Essentials, we believe that your beauty, health and well-being deserve the finest handcrafted aromatherapy blends and products. You will find a range of luxurious beauty and therapeutic products that use the most natural resources and certified organic ingredients available. Because each product is hand-made for you, it can be personalised so it’s completely unique to your needs. Why buy off the shelf when you can use personalised beauty and therapeutic aromatherapy and live naturally from tip to toe? Aromatique Essentials revives the holistic art and science of using aromatic plants and essential oils and each product offers you a fusion of natural luxury. 

For natural skin care, beauty and therapeutic products look through our Personalised aromatherapy

Learn how to create your own blends and take home your own personalised product in any one of the

Aromatherapy Workshops and Seminars 

Own a Signature perfume that is truly unique to you with a scent based around personality, your favourite aromas

and your astrological birth chart. 

Design your own eau-de-toilette that is exclusive and unique … just for you.

Experience Aromatherapy Pampering on your own, or for a fabulous Girls Day In.

To learn aromatherapy and organic gardening tips that you can use every day, read Julie’s Aromatherapy Blog which is bursting with news, and useful snippets .

Julie Nelson of Aromatique Essentials is offers a free 30 minute consultation ~ Do have any questions about Aromatherapy, your health or beauty? Then contact Julie on; Email~ To see Aromatique Essentials products and Training go to Website ~ Friend Aromatique Essentials on Face Book ~ Blog ~ Phone~ (+61) 02 4998 8786

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Shop Now

Aromatique Candles Personalised Eau de` Toilette~ 100ml

Aromatique Face Serum Aromatique Face/Body Creams

Aromatique Inhaler Face, Body and Room Spray’s

Aromatique Roll-on

Aromatique Hydrating

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Designer Perfume Bottles

Exclusive to Aromatique Essentials By Setsuko Ogishi Limited Number Email~ To see Aromatique Essentials Products and Training go to Website ~ Friend me ~

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Aromatherapy Training Aromatique Essentials Webinars have been designed to educate you to be able to use Aromatherapy in the home or workplace environment with confidence. Post graduate Aromatherapy students will also find these Webinars very useful to use as an ongoing reference.

‘Your Scents’ 1 This series includes 13 webinars (approximately 13 hours) covering the properties of 22 essential oils, recipes for many common conditions and how to apply them, 4 videos demonstrating blending, compressing and foot baths and work sheets for each of the 22 essential oils. This is a jam packed series full of valuable information on Aromatherapy and is also the foundation to following live webinars that I will be delivering in 2011. When you purchase ‘Your Scents’ you will also receive a bonus of another 5 essential oils that can be used for making your own Eau de Toilette and Perfumes. Your investment is $95.95 To purchase ‘Your Scents’ Webinars series go to~

‘Your Scents’ 2 Has started! Is a continuation of ‘Your Scents’ 1 They will also be available for download if you cannot make it to the live webinar. This series will be in 3 week blocks, we will cover 2 essential oils each webinar and there will be a 3 week break in between. Dates: March 24th and 31st, April 7th May 5th, 12th and 19th June 16th, 23rd and 30th Cost: $97.00 What will be covered ~ a continuation from series 1, another 15 essential oils and their properties, methods of applications, recipes and more! These webinars are the prequel to more advanced webinars that I will be running where we will cover Aromatherapy for natural beauty ‘Skin Food’, Aromatherapy for first aid, pet care and home use. Aromatique Essentials will then continue with a new series where we will look at specific common conditions for example acne, menopause, arthritis, wound healing, respiratory conditions and more. To register go to ~ With 15 years experience as an Aromatherapist, 12 of which have included both the design and delivery of aromatherapy and beauty programs with two of Australia’s leading natural therapies colleges, and Ella Bache` school of Beauty Julie is a leading therapist and has been a driving force at the forefront of this field throughout its transition from an alternate therapy to the highly recognised and commonplace therapy it is today. Friend Julie and Aromatique Essentials on Face book ~

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Thank You! Thank you for subscribing to Aromatique Essentials ~ We look forward to sharing more healthy and scrumptious recipes, tips on Aromatherapy, Feng Shui, Astrology and great articles for your health and well being in our next issue

Smiles „n‟ Smiles Always, because they are Magickal ~

Breathe in the energy of pink see and feel it gently embrace your heart filling you with love and acceptance... ~Julie Nelson

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