Aromatique Essentials Ezine Issue 4

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" Ca p t u r e t h e Es s e n c e o f Yo u r So u l "


Aromatique: E-zine Issue 4 Essentials

Table of Contents Welcome…Page 1 Stress…Page 2 Bathing…Page 5 I Game Attitude…Page 8 Recipes for the burner…Page 10 Juicy Bits…Page 11 Astrology …Page 12 Healthy Tips…Page 14 Food Choices…Page 16 Life Coaching…Page 18 Feng Shui…Page 19 Day Spa…Page 21 Photography…Page 22 You Scents…Page 24 The Red Tent Woman…Page 26 Aromatherapy Products…Page 27 Aromatique Essentials Range...Page 28 Perfume Bottles…Page 29

Disclaimer: This information is made available with the understanding and agreement that Aromatique Essentials, the author and any associated entities will not be held liable for any actions or the result of any actions taken by any person on the basis of the information or activities contained herein. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the information provided is relevant, accurate, current and free from omission or error, Aromatique Essentials, the author and any associated entities will not be held responsible for any omissions or errors this contains and make no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of its content. The information is provided for educational instruction only and persons should obtain professional advice if necessary

Welcome Hello and welcome to Aromatique Essentials 4th issue. We have some great articles here for you ~ Our quarterly Astrology report by Julie Harrington Recipes for juicing, aromatherapy tips and recipes, Health tips from Katrina Zaslavsky, Dawn Sievers, Vicki Sauvage with Feng Shui, Fiona Harley’s coaching tips and more! Your scents live webinar series has finished ~ What did we cover? This was an introduction to Aromatherapy and 22 essential oil profiles, dozens of recipes, the videos include demonstrations on how to blend, methods of applications such as foot baths, compressing and making a room, face or body spray. During this time the people that participated have also found and developed new friendships in New Zealand, Australia and England. How awesome is that! I have no doubt these friends will have much to share as they continue to stay in contact. If you would like to know more turn to page 24. Where do we go from here? Because ‘Your Scents’ Webinars were a success I have decided to do a second series, dates are to be advised. I will keep you posted through Aromatique Essentials Newsletter and Aromatique Essentials Face Book Page. Another 15 essential oils will be covered including worksheets recipes, recommendations on how they can be used for common conditions including the psychological, emotional and spiritual properties. More to come ~ I am working on an Ebook and video package which will be launched soon. My intension was to have it out by now, however I keep adding to it and I am very excited about this package! It covers a different aspect of Aromatherapy, completing the circle. I will keep you posted on the progress of “Aromatique Energetics “, A Spiritual Approach to Aromatherapy.

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Stress Aromatherapy is the controlled use of essential oil to promote a sense of wellbeing for the body, mind and soul. Today stress is a very common condition and there are many people that are not aware they are experiencing stress. Our society is often too busy and some people have unlearnt how to relax and simply be. They do not Nurture their bodies, their minds and their spirit. To live a truly healthy and happy life it is important to be happy and healthy! How can we make the changes we need to, to improve our lives, reduce stress and negative thought patterns if we do not recognise that we are experiencing it? Some symptoms of stress and associated emotions you may feel.        

Racing mind, not allowing you to be still. Feeling constantly tired. Have trouble remembering things. Feeling sadness, anxious, angry and frustrated for no apparent reason. Insomnia or broken sleep. Negative thought patterns. Low self esteem. Lack of focus.

Aromatherapy and essential oils are very safe and easy to use. With the correct guidance essential oils will enhance your moods, boost your confidence, and if you love the fragrance of any essential oils, simply by inhaling their aroma they will immediately uplift your emotions giving you a sense of freedom, lightness of being and they are sure to put a smile on your face! Stress and emotions will affect different people in different ways we each have our own ideas of which are pleasant and which are unpleasant. Most of us would prefer to be feeling, happy, confident, enthusiastic, excited, grounded, peaceful and loving of all things. Fragrance when enjoyed can induce mood change on a positive level which in turn will reduce our stress levels. Alternatively if you do not enjoy any particular fragrance or aroma it can evoke memories or emotions of a negative nature. We can consciously change our attitude by changing our thought patterns. Our aim in life should be to be happy and healthy and this is possible with love, positive thinking and essential oils! Look in the perfumes of flowers and nature for peace of mind and joy of life. Wang Wei, 8th century~ PNI ~ Psychoneuroimmunology is the relationship between our emotions and general health and could be defined as ‘The study of how thoughts can influence the brain and directly affect the health of cells in all parts of the body’ Shirley Price ~ Aromatherapy and your emotions The power of positive thinking repeated over and over can improve and achieve physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Believe in yourself, have faith in yourself and love yourself! I love using positive affirmations and use them daily in conjunction with essential oils simply through the power of smell. Inhaling your favourite essential oils is easy and effective. They can be used as a memory association tool for positive thinking. When you smell the chosen essential oil it will trigger the affirmation. Through practice and self awareness I have learnt to recognise and halt my negative chatter, the moment you become aware you can stop that inner negative chatter and change your mind set. Begin to think positive thoughts.

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


How often do you find yourself saying if only I had done this? I do not consider my decisions to be wrong because I receive a different outcome to the one I was expecting or hoping for. I step out of my situation, looking in from a different perspective and acknowledge what I have learnt and that to me is a positive outcome. There are valuable lessons to be learnt from our behaviour and emotional responses both positive and negative. I highly recommend the following books... ‘Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway’ by Susan Jeffers ‘The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity’ by Catherine Ponder I use them as a reference over and over and for me personally I have found them to be life changing through practicing the recommendations, exercises and positive thinking. Another book I love is by Christopher Howard ‘Instant Wealth Wake Up Rich’ Try not to judge this book by its title, it is one of the most empowering, encouraging and life changing books I have read. Use it as a workbook to create wealth in every aspect of your life through the power of positive thinking, belief in yourself and supporting you to break through blockages that prevent you from moving forward and achieving your goals.

Sweet scents are the swift vehicles of still sweeter thoughts ~Walter Savage Lander Some triggers that may cause stress ~ Being unhappy in your job, money, arguments with family or friends, fear, loss, weight gain, poor health and the list goes on....It can also be the other way round stress can cause dis-ease. Negative emotions that may surface when stressed ~ Disappointment, depression, anger, frustration, anxiety, tension, constant worry, lack of confidence, feeling overwhelmed, lacking the ability to cope with certain situations, compromised immune system, muscular tension, headaches. Aromatherapy and essential oils are recognised as being a suitable and beneficial alternative or complimentary treatment to support us on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Essential oils stimulate and strengthen the immune system, uplift the emotions, reduce anxiety, stress, depression and tension other essential oils can be used to reduce pain, muscle spasm, balance our hormones and release endorphins. Below is a list some essential oils that can be used to reduce stress and related symptoms and suitable methods of application. Essential oils to aid in strengthening the immune system ~ basil, bergamot, grapefruit, mandarin, chamomiles, sweet myrtle, tea tree, lemon tea tree, myrrh, frankincense, sandalwood, rosemary, rose, neroli, eucalyptus, cypress and juniper. Methods of application ~ bathing, foot baths, body oils and lotions. Some of the above essential oils may be sensitising for some individuals if used in bathing. Research their contraindications or ask your Aromatherapist. Stress, depression, anxiety, tension ~ rose, neroli, citrus essential oils, frankincense, lavender, patchouli, everlasting, geranium, cypress, juniper, ginger, cinnamon, chamomiles, ylang ylang and lemon myrtle, Methods of application diffusing, Inhalations, massage bathing, foot baths, inhalations and body blends. Cinnamon and ginger are not recommended to use in steam inhalations or bathing as they can be sensitising and irritate the skin, eyes and mucous membranes. The essential oils I have recommended may not be suitable for everyone to use this is a guide line only.

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Here are some affirmations to use or you may write your own. I love life and life loves me! I believe in perfect health, my body, mind and spirit are in perfect health! I am relaxed and grounded. I live in harmony with my body, mind and soul. I am relaxed at all times. I release tension, stress and anxiety. I now let go of any negative thoughts. Every day in every way I am getting better, better and better! I am strong, confident and loving! I have choice in my life! Say your affirmations out loud and with conviction, write them down at least five times. Enjoy the process, the journey and have persistence, determination and will for these are the things that can lead us to a healthy, happy and a full life filled with love and positive change! My wish for you is to be the person you are supposed to be. Dream big and know that you can have all that your heart desires for the good of all. ~ Blessed Be NB: Never go off medication without discussing it first with your medical doctor, Aromatherapy can be used in conjunction with many orthodox medicines as a complimentary treatment. I encourage you to seek the advice of your Doctor and Practicing Qualified Aromatherapist.

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson



Foot baths are a wonderful alternative to full body baths, especially as we need to conserve our water. They can be relaxing, stimulating and used for many different conditions for example relaxing, anxiety, stress and tension. Tip - when getting ready for your foot bath place a towel under the bowl, then pour in your water, add the essential oils and agitate before placing your feet in the bowl. Agitating the water helps to disperse the oils, sit back and enjoy. As an extra add some rock salt and fresh herbs. When you are ready to take your feet out, place them onto the towel, move the bowl carefully to one side, wrap the towel around your feet and pat dry. Apply moisturiser or an oil blend, sit back and relax. If you don’t have any essential oils and feel like pampering yourself with a foot bath use fresh herbs from your garden, calendula flowers, rose petals, rosemary, lemon thyme, Marjoram or lavender. Add half a teaspoon of olive oil and some sliced lemon or lime. Body Bathing ~ Support and Nourish Your Body, Mind and Soul. Bathing can be used for reducing stress, tension, anxiety, depression, insomnia, having time out and being mindful of the process. When using essential oils in a bath, 6 - 10 drops of essential oil in total is recommended. Add your chosen essential oils just before hopping in and make sure you agitate the water to break up the oils. If you have sensitive skin you may choose to use a dispersant. A dispersant can be milk, vegetable oil or a product specifically made for use with essential oils, known as a dispersant. Always add your oils to the dispersant, milk or vegetable oil first, then pour into the bath and gently agitate. If vegetable oils are used be sure to have a non-slip mat in your bath. To receive the most benefit you only need to soak for 10 - 15 mins. When bathing you have 2 methods of absorbtion they are through your skin known as the integumentary system and your olfactory by breathing in the oils, a direct link to your brain and nervous system.

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


A question I am sometimes asked Q. Why do we use the same amount of essential oil drops in a full body bath as a hand and foot bath, there is so much more water? A. We are covering more area of our body with water; therefore we are receiving a higher absorbtion rate. As I mentioned earlier we also have two methods of absorbtion, more is being taken in. For some of us, it may not be practical to have a full body bath due to lack of water. We live in the Hunter Valley and rely on rain water, other areas have water restrictions. So please do be conscious of how much water you use. Your bathing water can be recycled by using on your garden bed or pot plants or used to flush your toilet. Remember to research the essential oils and their contra-indications. If in doubt you can contact me or a qualified Aromatherapist near you. When choosing essential oils remember we are all individuals and the results may differ from one person to another. Choose essential oils you love and resonate with and enjoy Mi Amours ~

Aromatherapy Tip~ With the weather warming up be sure to keep your essential oils at an even temperature in a dark cupboard or drawer. During the heat of Summer I keep mine in an eski (no ice) where they do not have any temperature fluctuation.

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


I Game Attitude I Game Attitude are Rocking the World! Well, there is this amazing global shift. We have learned that we can create whatever life, whatever world we want. Christiane Lavanoux’s 4 facets, 4 step processes provides a practical and universal pathway to understand how we came to be the person we are, realize our full potential and live in harmony with the world. Christiane Lavanoux created the original I Game as a tool to assist clients in her life coach practice. Christiane shared The I Game, created in her native language of French, with Mary Margaret. Seeing the potential of this self development tool to create solutions to scarcity and conflict across the globe, Mary Margaret joined Christiane producing The I Game English Edition. Together they created the Facebook platform and laid out a plan for training programs and multimedia solutions for all age groups. At I Game Attitude, it is understood that each of us has highly developed skills in one or two areas and there are 4 basic skills, 4 steps, 4 symbolic roles to any solution. Each skill is a part of the solution because each skill stems from one quadrant/corner/polarity of the whole. It takes all four quadrants/corners/polarities working together to create a whole unified person and a whole unified world. I Game Attitude LLC is a trademark brand of products and services to guide and support us on our journey to live our best life, be stake holders in our evolving global society. It is a concept, a self development tool and a universal framework to overcome challenges, develop competencies and realize goals. Christiane Lavanoux and Mary Margaret White-Levilain are dancing across the world with I Game Attitude. No wonder their path crossed that of wonderful organic Aromatherapist, Julie Nelson. This fabulous encounter of passionate leading innovators will certainly have some little wonders in store for us! Š I Game Attitude

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship. ~Buddha

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Recipes Recipes for the burner Champa 3 drops, Pink Lotus and Gul Heena 2drops each ~ Ask your Angel ~ Basil, Cinnamon, Clove, Black Pepper 3 drops each ~ Call to action ~ Jasmine, Violet leaf, Rose 3 drops each ~ Flowing and creative communication~

‘Plants that wake when others sleep. Timid jasmine buds that keep their fragrance to themselves all day, but when the sunlight dies away let the delicious secret out to every breeze that roams about.’ ~Thomas More

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Juicy Bits Summer Juices Cabbage, coriander, mint, apple Pawpaw, strawberry, lime, dash of black pepper Kiwi fruit, blue berry, ginger, mint Banana, fresh coconut juice, honey Berry frappe`~ frozen raspberries, boysenberries, mulberries and blue berries in a blender with lots ‘n’ lots of ice

‘To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.’ ~La Rochefoucauld

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Astrology Julie Harrington Astrologer FAA,QA

Planetary News This planetary overview is written for the period of start October 2010 to end December 2010. Through the July quarter, you all should have felt some added freedom from life’s usual tensions such as more flexibility at home or on the job, some sort of windfall such as increased finances or recognition or simply anything that has helped you find the key to unlock your leg from that restricting ball and chain. But for some of you, no sooner did you find your wings that you felt they were taken away and leaving you wondering if you looked hard enough before you took that life-altering leap. This inspirational energy was delivered to you by Jupiter and Uranus both being Conjunct in the sign of Aries and shooting a combined flaming arrow of spirited daring into your being to help you move out of that tired old rut. But these moments in life are fleeting and consequently these two gift offering planets are now both moving Retrograde (seemingly backward) into the sign of Pisces until mid November (Jupiter) and early December (Uranus) thus providing you with time to reflect on how you can move forward utilising the benefits recently received. Much finger pointing goes on when Mercury regularly turns Retrograde and poor little Mercury is blamed for every conceivable thing going wrong. The real message Mercury has for us when Retrograde is simply stop, think and listen. At a more fundamental level, the same can be said for Neptune now in Aquarius and Pluto now in Capricorn who will be both finally moving Direct by early November after many months of travelling Retrograde. These two psychologically spiritual heavyweights have penetrated our consciousness causing us to ponder our changing beliefs and set new workable spiritual foundations to base our lives upon. All our outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) will be travelling Direct before the end of this quarter meaning things are on the move again. The overall message of these planets turning Direct all in the higher evolutionary signs of (Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces) is that we are experiencing a consciousness shift. For example, in the last quarter Australia is experiencing our first female Prime Minister, Osama Bin Laden is shifting tack and is apparently now preaching his concerns about climate change and Australia has finally said enough and began legal action against Japan in the International Court of Justice to stop Japan’s questionable Research Whaling Programme. Although these are all different events, they are all indicators of new directions and shifts in what we understand to be true. At an individual level, you will be having your own remarkable breakthroughs and moments of “Ah ha!” when your mind reaches that pivotal point when the mental penny drops and you place yourself on the track which is more fitting to your refreshed outlook. Elementary Outlook Astrology is elementary, meaning it is quite basic, obvious and natural. Dividing the 12 signs into the 4 elements of Fire, Earth, Air and Water, please read on for your quarter elementary outlook. Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) The big news for you is a pending awakening. Something you can feel is coming to shake up your life, like a train in the distance soon to arrive and take you away to destinations unknown. You can feel the vibration if you put your face to the railway track but you still can’t see anything visibly happening yet. Whether you are interested in travelling, studying or spiritual awakenings, the message will come to you related to these avenues from early November. For others there will be good news from a sibling or relative whom you are somewhat separated from, and this news may require you to travel for a celebratory event.

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) Steady as she goes Dear Earth. People may want you to make commitments where you feel you are not quite ready to quote your oath, but unfortunately the pressures around you are forcing fast decisions. Just remember to stick to who you are and focus on your future plan whilst keeping current conditions in mind, and you’ll be fine. Rome wasn’t built in a day and all that, meaning basically, some things are worth waiting for. Earth moves when Earth is ready and this is one of those moments when you need to move when you think the time is right. Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) There is a lot of tidal emotion around you at present, which for an Air sign is not overly comfortable. You like to have a handle on things and to at least know what you think is about to unfold, but unfortunately you may feel a bit like a person caught in the randomness of turbulent onshore waves. Focus your energy on your creative passions, craft, art, profession and draw from the strange emotional energy around you and channel this into something productive. Heaven knows you really aren’t interested in the drama anyway, so why not put the uninvited energy to good use? Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) Your creative passions are being stirred Dear Water and it is up to you just how you want to apply this, but apply this energy you should or miss wonderful moments of inspiration. Whether you choose to use this artistic gift for work, play, children, or to light up your romantic life is up to you. The results will be surprising, thought provoking and freedom giving. It’s all too easy to fob off our talents because we often don’t realise that we actually have them, or maybe don’t believe in ourselves enough to explore them. Simply use this energy when you feel it! Julie Harrington, Astrologer - Copyright ©

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Healthy Tips Get Rid of Toxic Chemicals On Your Fruits and Veggies! Brought to you by Katrina Zaslavsky from Inspired Wellness Are you aware that fruit and vegetables are sprayed with toxic chemicals designed to destroy insects via their nervous and respiratory systems? You may know them as pesticides. According to the latest research, these toxic chemicals are especially of concern for our children. A new study published in the journal, Environmental Health Perspectives, studied the effects of both prenatal and childhood exposure to organophosphate pesticides and found a link to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. (Commonly known as ADHD) Exposure to pesticides used on common foods such as frozen blueberries, fresh strawberries and celery were found to increase the likelihood that children will be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Kids with higher-than-average levels of one pesticide marker were nearly twice as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD as children who showed no traces of the poison. This is alarming news for every parent! Even adults should be concerned with the chemical poisons in our everyday produce and there is good reason to look at the quality or cleanliness of what we are eating more seriously. Do you think that something that is designed to kill insects and known to be toxic could possibly be good for us? I don’t think so! When you think about it, we ingest fruits and vegetables every single day - along with their benefits and uninvited guests and contaminants - for the span of our entire life! That is pretty long term exposure by anyone’s standards (assuming we are eating fruits and vegetables daily and hopefully we are ;)) Chemicals that we ingest, breathe and absorb daily accumulate in our bodies and have delayed effects. Long term ~ when the body reaches toxic overload we begin to suffer from health problems, often chronic ones that we don’t know how to deal with. That is why it is so important to lower the toxic load on our bodies NOW so we don’t ingest so much in the first place and also help our body to do its marvellous job of cleansing toxins daily. This helps to keep us clean and healthy on the inside. Calli™ tea and Fortune Delight™ are wonderful ways to do this very gently like a daily detox & replace other not so healthy drinks at the same time. Even kids love them and need no convincing of their benefits! See Green Tea - Secrets of an Ancient Culture for a more in-depth discussion about the benefits of drinking tea. If we are taking in toxins daily doesn’t it make sense to help our body to do this daily rather than detox only once a year or once a month when we go on a “health kick?”

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


The good news is we CAN do something about those harmful pesticides and nasty parasites (and this is an issue whether you are eating organic or not). I choose to use Sun Smile Fruit and Vegetable Rinse to do the job quickly and easily without any hassles. This natural product derived from corn and coconut is a special formulation that effectively neutralises pesticides, destroys waxy coatings, parasites and their eggs and removes potentially harmful bacteria. As a result, the food tastes better, is safer to eat, prevents food poisoning and helps the fruits and veggies to last longer. It is highly concentrated so a little bit goes a long way and it works out to be very economical as well so you can use it each week for the whole family. The Sun Smile fruit and vegetable rinse is a highly concentrated rinse proven effective in destroying eggs, cysts and larvae of intestinal parasites on our fruits and vegetables. Tests show that only 5ml mixed in 4 litres of water will destroy 99% of E. coli and salmonella bacteria, candida albicans (yeast) and other potentially harmful organisms naturally occurring in our everyday produce. The good news is this product is food grade and non-toxic. An apple can be taken from the solution and directly eaten with no further rinsing required. This amazing product will neutralise pesticides and herbicides as well as removing the wax from your fruits and vegies. Spot the difference for yourself in just minutes of washing your vegies (in this case broccoli) with this rinse. Notice the murky colour starts to disappear, leaving a brighter green and cleaner head of broccoli

which is much safer and tastier to eat. When you taste the difference, you will notice the unwashed broccoli is bitter to taste and after washing tastes so much better with no bitter aftertaste. You can try this for yourself at home! Notice how much longer it stays fresh in the fridge. Who knows- maybe your kids will happily eat more broccoli or other vegies now that its cleaner and tastier to eat? Handy hint: Use it to sterilise your chopping boards and dishcloths, put leftover solution in the toilet to kill bacteria, dilute in spray bottle and spray on plants to kill bugs and de-flea your pets! Get rid of lice from your kid’s heads naturally!! This is the most economical and versatile way of eliminating chemicals and bacteria from your groceries and your home environment. It is also the first step to creating a healthy chemical - free home for your family! If you have ever thought about how these toxic chemicals may be harming your health, then here is your chance to DO something about it! Many families would love to go organic but simply can't afford it as a long term solution. This is the easiest economical and effective way we have found to get pesticides off the menu for good and your body will thank you for it!! For more articles on healthy living, to discover the best natural wellness range to detox, energise, shape up, relax or rejuvenate your health, or to purchase any of the products mentioned in this article, please visit us at Inspired Wellness: Or simply get in touch with us in our Melbourne office on (03) 9578 2798 and we would be happy to answer any of your questions. Š Katrina Zaslavsky

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Food Choices

New Discoveries I have never been what I would describe as militant about anyone's food choices. I respect everyone's right to make those choices for themselves, whether that means you're a card carrying, true blue meat eater, or whether you're an all out vegan who wouldn't think of touching anything that got within light years of a living, breathing animal, or whether you're somewhere in the middle. Live and let live has always been my preference. I will admit that I have some vegan friends who are rather aggressive with their beliefs and approach. I make it clear that I'm not open to being preached to or chastised over what I choose to eat. I am a capable adult and make those choices for myself. That being said, I do have interest in eating in as healthy a manner as I can manage, with my own food preferences and slightly odd food issues (allergies) taken into consideration. Recently, I have been exposed via a client of mine to the whole scary world of Genetically Modified Foods (GMOs). In the process of researching this topic, I was stunned to learn that the highly touted label of 'organic' doesn't necessarily mean the food you're eating is healthy for you, OR that it is truly organic. Take honey as an example. In order for any United States company to make a true claim that their honey is organic, they have to be able to prove that their bees are deriving nutrition, pollen and water from proven organic sources within a 50 mile radius of their home location. I don't know if these stipulations apply in other countries, but just that one fact stopped me in my tracks and made me reconsider some of the food purchases I've been making over the years. With that as a simple guideline, given that a huge number of crops that provide cross pollination to bees in the U.S. are likely to be GMO crops, honey produced in the U.S. can't really be truly labelled as 'organic'. See what I mean? Scary! This client, fortunately, is a wonderful U.S. company, Berlin Natural Bakery in Berlin, Ohio that produces a wide range of spelt products that are Non-GMO Project Verified. I am happy to report that I can source their products here in my local area and plan to make a big shift in my own household to their breads, pastas and more. This is a simple thing that I can do and feel good knowing I am consuming healthy foods that have not been genetically tinkered with. It's a small step, and some may argue that everything else I eat can't be proven to be equally healthy and 'safe', but for me, it's a good step in the right direction. Another fairly new avenue [to me] for health and holistic maintenance is essential oils. I have some clients and dear friends who are masters at this art and science, and I am learning fascinating new details and knowledge almost daily from my contact with them. As a former licensed massage therapist, I always used essential oils in my practice, but didn't give a

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


great deal of thought to the healing properties of those essential oils. Looking back, I wonder why I didn't delve more deeply into it, but at the time I was more focused on establishing my business and being successful. My clients enjoyed the aromatherapy aspects of the oils that I used and that was great. Now, having connected with two amazing women who have successful aromatherapy and essential oil businesses, I am being exposed to a whole world of health benefits I never realized essential oils give us. We all know that scents give us visceral, emotional reactions. The smell of baking bread or chocolate chip cookies in the oven will take us right back to happy childhood memories. The smell of freshly cut grass kicks us into thoughts of hot, lazy summer afternoons walking behind the cranky push mower, sweating like a fiend and looking forward to a cold drink at the end of the chore. Perfumes bring to mind specific people. Every scent has some personal tie in our minds and memories. The wonderful thing about essential oils is that they're not just delightful to smell - they're full of amazing healing properties. I am a novice at this and can only refer to my friends Julie Nelson of Aromatique Essentials in Australia and Sheen Perkins McKeever of Agape Oils and Essential Oils by Nature in Wilmington, North Carolina as the true experts in the essential oils field. One good example that I've learned is that the ages old resin, Frankincense, has the following powerful properties: it is antiseptic, antifungal, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, diuretic. Wow, right?! It is also a wonderful ingredient that can be incorporated into aromatherapy for its calming influence. What I am learning that is so exciting is that essential oils can be efficacious for so many ailments, ranging from aches and pains such as arthritis and bruises to more serious complaints such as respiratory issues and such dread modern issues as MRSA infections. I consider myself quite fortunate to be connected with these wonderful people running these progressively thinking companies. Through working with each of them, I am learning and being exposed to ideas, products and information that are changing the way I live my life...changing it in a healthy way! Because learning and growing always excites and makes me happy, when I stumble across topics of this nature, it is my first wish and impulse to share the information. I hope many of you will take time to click on these various companies I've mentioned and do some research, and discovering of your own. These are small steps to take, yes, in the broad scheme of all the toxins that we are bombarded with in our daily lives, but we all have to start somewhere. Why not take those first steps in directions that taste and smell good? Happy eating and happy fragrant moments! Š Dawn Sievers

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Life Coaching

Are your relationships just how you always dreamt they would be? No Monday morning blues on the way into work, no growling at family, friends and that special person who lights up your life last thing at night and every morning when you wake. Do you have a life full of good fortune, pleasure, contentment and joy? Or am I totally off the mark? Or is it your reality that the people in your life are driving you crazy? Is your job boring and full of stress, is the boss grumpy and never content with your hard work or effort? Are your friends disrespectful of you, do they take your feelings into consideration, do they judge and criticise you? Your family, do they take you for granted, no please or thank you.. after all the world does revolve around them.. Right!? The thing is, have you ever truly sat down and thought about what it is that makes you truly happy, is it the job of the people around you, or is it your responsibility to bring light into your life and joy into your heart? The way I see it is that no matter how hard you try to change someone the truth is you can't and the harder you try the worse things will get. While you are wasting hours, days, months even years for someone else to change, your self-esteem will get lower and the hope of happiness will be pushed even further from your reach. If your happiness depends solely on the actions of others, then sadly you have become a victim, you have become dis-empowered, you will have lost your direction and your self-respect. You will become trapped when looking to others for fulfilment, when you should be looking inside yourself. If you want better relationships with others then it is your behaviour towards them that has to change. After all how can you expect others to respect you when you don't respect yourself. It's never too late to create the life you want, only your limited beliefs stand in the way. Change the messages you are sending out to others and stop being a victim, be strong and take control of your life. People only treat us the way we allow them to treat us. When you take the first steps in changing your behaviour you set yourself free from the shackles of any poor relationship, whether it is family, friends or work. Change your focus from others to yourself. It's when you change your focus that you will start to feel happier with your life. You become empowered and able to deal more easily with the outside world. Remember that your life should be filled with more than just one focus. Living your life just focusing on one area is not a great way to feel fulfilled, because if anything should happen, you lose your job or your children move out for example, then your whole life becomes empty. Spread your wings further and introduce other things into your life. How about finding time to explore new hobbies or resurrect old ones, find time to relax and pamper yourself, join a group and expand your social network and allow time for personal growth. Whatever it is you choose to do, make sure you do it 100%, no half measures. Live each moment to the fullest and as your confidence flourishes watch the seed of happiness begin to grow. Š Fiona Harley -

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Feng Shui What happens when your personal Gua or Kua number and your partners are different houses? For your information I have attached a calculator to help you figure out what Kua you and your partner are. I had a call from a lady recently asking me about my services and what type of Feng Shui I practice. I explained the differences between Traditional Feng Shui and the magazine or popular books about Feng Shui. We then went on to examine personal Kua and House Kua, I explained that after using the personal Kua for over 4 years and getting inconsistent results I abandoned it in favour of the House Kua. I found that when there was a mismatch between the husband and wife’s Kua that some practitioners were suggesting that they sleep in different rooms or even top to tail. That is that they sleep each with their heads 180 degrees opposite each other. Or put another way they have their feet in the other’s face!

Fu Wei or mouth of qi is in yellow

The first principle of Feng Shui is “do no harm”! How can we follow that precept and advise people to disrupt their homes and relationships so much. I have been using the house Kua for about 12 years now and I have found consistent and never failing results using it. In fact in my experience it transcends flying star feng shui (a part of San Yuan Feng Shui also called Xuan Kong). It is equal in value to the land-form and I get the most impressive results with parents and children sleeping well after many years of insomnia or difficulty / reluctance to fall asleep. I use the house's Tien Yi and find it is extremely beneficial. I also use Tien Yi for supporting relationships generally and more particularly when family members are distant from each other it can help restore relationships. In summary I have to say that you can safely ignore personal Kua in favour of the house Kua and create much less discord for the family and thus for the world.

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


year male female year male female year male female year male female 1900 1 5 1936 1 5 1972 1 5 2008 1 5 1901 9 6 1937 9 6 1973 9 6 2009 9 6 1902 8 7 1938 8 7 1974 8 7 2010 8 7 1903 7 8 1939 7 8 1975 7 8 1904 6 9 1940 6 9 1976 6 9 1905 5 1 1941 5 1 1977 5 1 1906 4 2 1942 4 2 1978 4 2 1907 3 3 1943 3 3 1979 3 3 1908 2 4 1944 2 4 1980 2 4 1909 1 5 1945 1 5 1981 1 5 1910 9 6 1946 9 6 1982 9 6 1911 8 7 1947 8 7 1983 8 7 1912 7 8 1948 7 8 1984 7 8 1913 6 9 1949 6 9 1985 6 9 1914 5 1 1950 5 1 1986 5 1 1915 4 2 1951 4 2 1987 4 2 1916 3 3 1952 3 3 1988 3 3 1917 2 4 1953 2 4 1989 2 4 1918 1 5 1954 1 5 1990 1 5 1919 9 6 1955 9 6 1991 9 6 1920 8 7 1956 8 7 1992 8 7 1921 7 8 1957 7 8 1993 7 8 1922 6 9 1958 6 9 1994 6 9 1923 5 1 1959 5 1 1995 5 1 1924 4 2 1960 4 2 1996 4 2 1925 3 3 1961 3 3 1997 3 3 1926 2 4 1962 2 4 1998 2 4 1927 1 5 1963 1 5 1999 1 5 1928 9 6 1964 9 6 2000 9 6 1929 8 7 1965 8 7 2001 8 7 1930 7 8 1966 7 8 2002 7 8 1931 6 9 1967 6 9 2003 6 9 1932 5 1 1968 5 1 2004 5 1 1933 4 2 1969 4 2 2005 4 2 1934 3 3 1970 3 3 2006 3 3 1935 2 4 1971 2 4 2007 2 4

If you are born between February 4th and February 3rd of the subsequent year you belong to that year. That is if you are born on the 1st January to 3rd of February 1997 you belong to the year 1996. If you are a male and your ming gua is 5 you take the direction of kun or gua 2 If you are a female and your ming gua is 5 you take the direction of gen or gua 8 Š Vicki Sauvage

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Day Spa Tranquillity Zone Mobile Massage & Day Spa

nature ~ nourish ~ nurture

Hello everyone! Before I begin I would like to say how glad I am to have met Julie through Facebook and to thank her for her ongoing support. She has very kindly asked me to write about Tranquillity Zone and what we do. I’m Deanne and I have been operating Tranquillity Zone Mobile Massage & Day Spa in Port Douglas and the surrounding areas for almost 5 years, recently opening a studio in Julatten (a rural residential area of the Tablelands in tropical north Queensland). My aim is to improve my clients overall well-being and encourage them to look after themselves on a regular basis. Aromatherapy, massage and spa treatments can help on so many levels. It is the treatment of the whole person - mind, body and soul - that brings about a feeling of balance and inner tranquility. This is what I strive for everyday and there is such a sense of satisfaction in knowing that I have helped my clients to achieve this. I gained my qualifications in massage and aromatherapy in Sydney where I practiced for a number of years before moving to Queensland. I absolutely love what I do! I have a passion for aromatherapy, massage, spa treatments and natural organic skin and body care. I specialise in stone therapy and personalised aromatherapy consultations and products. At Tranquillity Zone our treatments focus on well-being and the nurturing of mind, body and soul. Each massage treatment is tailored to individual client needs by combining relaxation with firm therapeutic massage techniques and certified organic aromatherapy oils. Also on offer are organic facial, body, foot and hand treatments. I love creating and tailoring treatments to clients needs. I have a small team of qualified, professional therapists available to cater for couples and groups. Our mobile service provides you with a deeply relaxing experience in the comfort of your own home or holiday accommodation. All you have to do is find a quiet space to relax & be pampered. Tranquillity Zone provides everything else - comfortable massage tables, fluffy towels, pillows, candles, organic products, hot towels for massage, facial & body treatments. We even have a pregnancy massage table that allows clients to lay on their tummy. It’s just like visiting a day spa but you don’t have to go anywhere after your treatment – you can continue to relax for long as you wish! I have recently added to my business by creating my own natural aromatherapy face & body product range. This is something that I have wanted to do for many, many years and I am very excited that it is now happening! I use the products for treatments and there is also a retail range so you can pamper yourself at home. All of the products contain certified organic ingredients and are free from chemicals. I love making products and am continually adding to the range. I also make personalised blends just for you – a blend of essential oils to suit your specific needs. So in a nutshell that’s what I do. And everyday I realise just how lucky I am to be doing something I love! If you would like more information on Tranquillity Zone, treatments or products please don’t hesitate to contact me. Tranquillity Zone Mobile Massage & Day Spa m. 0413 045 449 w. e. join us on Facebook © Tranquillity Zone

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Amy Nelson-Blain

Give the perfect gift this Christmas! A beautiful photograph of yourself, your children or your whole family! A 1 hour session where you can be photographed at your home or any location of your choice within the Sydney region. You will receive 5 - 10 beautifully retouched images on a disc for you to keep plus a digital contact sheet of all the shots taken on the day. You will also receive one large beautiful gloss photographic print, your choice of sizes from 8 x 12 - 11 x 14 inches. All this for $150.00 AUD. Contact Amy to make your booking today as I am only accepting a limited number of sessions!

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Our goal is to create breathtaking, elegant, contemporary, cinematic wedding films. We create a personalized and handcrafted film for each of our clients to tell your unique story through timeless emotion and style, and strive to capture the essence of your wedding day as it naturally unfolds. We are a boutique style service with a background in visual arts, photography and film, resulting in expertise and innovative ideas; we continually aspire to push our technical and creative boundaries. By means of the latest equipment, and filming on full High Definition 35mm DLSR’s with an assortment of 35mm lenses; creates a cinematic experience. In addition we offer the classic choice of filming on Vintage Super 8mm film, providing a picturesque otherworldly feel and takes your film to another level. We take on a limited amount of bookings per year to ensure we can be as devoted as possible to revealing your story and present a beautiful final film to our clients, which you will cherish forever. We offer a selection of packages allowing you to choose one that is right for you. We are available for face to face consultations to discuss your needs and a pre visit to the venue/s is essential to guarantee we can be as comprehensively organized as possible. We are based in Sydney, Australia but are also available for weddings Worldwide. Additional fees will incur for Weddings beyond 100 kilometres outside of Sydney or Interstate and for Weddings occurring overseas. Contact Amy Nelson-Blain to discuss your cinematography needs. [+61] 0415 364 499 © Amy Nelson-Blain

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Your Scents ‘Your Scents’ Webinar series will be available to download at the low cost of $95.95 for a limited time only until the 30th of November2010 or the first 20 people to purchase the series. This series includes 13 webinars (approximately 13 hours) covering the properties of 22 essential oils, recipes and how to use them, 4 videos demonstrating blending, compressing and foot baths and work sheets for each of the 22 essential oils. 13 webinars:






That is a total of:


This is a jam packed series full of valuable information on Aromatherapy; don’t wait because this is a limited offer! The first 10 people to purchase ‘Your Scents’ will also receive a bonus of another 5 essential oils that can be used for making your own Eau de Toilette. To purchase ‘Your Scents’ Webinars series contact Julie Nelson; or Friend Julie and Aromatique Essentials on Face book ~

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


“Capture the Essence of Your Soul”

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


The Red Tent Woman

The Red Tent Network Events are launching a new event in Sydney with the founder of Aromatique Essentials, Julie Nelson. Julie Nelson has long been associated with Ludwina Dautovic having worked together many, many years ago. They have recently reconnected thanks to Facebook and have realised they both have common interests and goals. And that is to support women in business and life by providing them with a networking event that will support you with a holistic approach. At the Red Tent Events we support you in three ways: 1. Via our networking events held monthly in women’s homes all across the country 2. By providing you with a complete Business Online Resource Centre that will assist you in growing and marketing your business 3. And with a Free Advertisement on our website and a Free Listing in our Online Business Directory listing (Valued at $800) By being involved with The Red Tent Community you’ll not only be supported in your business but also in your life. You see, we believe that for women it’s never just about your business; it’s also about how you’re feeling about ‘You’. So expect to feel connected, nurtured and supported when you connect with the Red Tent Woman Community. Details for her event: Date: Friday 4th February Time: 6.30 – 9.30pm ish What to bring: A small plate of something healthy to share and BYO wine. Cost: Please join us as our guest for your first event For book your place at Julies event on Friday 4th February call her on – o2 4998 8786 Or email her at – There are limited places so book now! We’ll be sending you a confirmation email a week before the event. To find out more go to: Or friend us on Facebook – The Red Tent Woman

© The Red Tent Woman

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Products At Aromatique Essentials, we believe that your beauty, health and well-being deserve the finest handcrafted aromatherapy blends and products. You will find a range of luxurious beauty and therapeutic products that use the most natural resources and certified organic ingredients available. Because each product is hand-made for you, it can be personalised so it’s completely unique to your needs. Why buy off the shelf when you can use personalised beauty and therapeutic aromatherapy and live naturally from tip to toe? Aromatique Essentials revives the holistic art and science of using aromatic plants and essential oils and each product offers you a fusion of natural luxury. 

For natural skin care, beauty and therapeutic products look through our Personalised aromatherapy

Learn how to create your own blends and take home your own personalised product in any one of the

Aromatherapy Workshops and Seminars 

Own a Signature perfume that is truly unique to you with a scent based around personality, your favourite aromas

and your astrological birth chart. 

Design your own eau-de-toilette that is exclusive and unique … just for you.

Experience Aromatherapy Pampering on your own, or for a fabulous Girls Day In.

To learn aromatherapy and organic gardening tips that you can use every day, read Julie’s Aromatherapy Blog which is bursting with news, and useful snippets .

Julie Nelson of Aromatique Essentials is offers a free 30 minute consultation ~ Do have any questions about Aromatherapy, your health or beauty? Then contact Julie on; Email~ To see Aromatique Essentials products and Training go to Website ~ Friend Aromatique Essentials on Face Book ~ Blog ~ Phone~ (+61) 02 4998 8786

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson



Aromatique Candles Personalised Eau de` Toilette~ 100ml

Aromatique Face Serum Aromatique Face/Body Creams

Aromatique Inhaler Face, Body and Room Spray’s

Aromatique Roll-on

Aromatique Hydrating

© Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


Designer Perfume Bottles Sprays 50ml Exclusive to Aromatique Essentials By Setsuko Ogishi Limited Number Aromatique Essentials offers a free 30 minute consultation with Julie Nelson ~ do you have any questions about Aromatherapy for your Health and Beauty? Email~ To see Aromatique Essentials Products and Training go to Website ~ Friend me ~

Thank you for subscribing, we wish you love, laughter and peace!

Š Aromatique Essentials - Julie Nelson


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