Aromatique Essentials Magazine Issue 9

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Š Aromatique Essentials 2011 Disclaimer: This information is made available with the understanding and agreement that Aromatique Essentials, the author and any associated entities will not be held liable for any actions or the result of any actions taken by any person on the basis of the information or activities contained herein. Although every attempt has been made to ensure the information provided is relevant, accurate, current and free from omission or error, Aromatique Essentials, the author and any associated entities will not be held responsible for any omissions or errors this contains and make no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of its content. The information is provided for educational instruction only and persons should obtain professional advice if necessary. Cover photography by Amy Nelson-Blain

Table of Contents Skin Food For Beauty Our Products Feather Touch Poem Frankincense Inspiration From The Trees “It’s Temporary” What’s Self Acceptance Got To Do With Style? Creative Visioning Wedding Cinematography Feng Shui Aromatherapy Journals Mid-Life For Men Green Treats for Good Health! Aromatherapy for Weddings Decisions Based on Influence Coco Aroma Detox and Energise With Greens! Eight Tips For Spiritual Enlightenment and Empowerment! Aromatique Essentials Webinars Advertisements Contributors

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“Nourish the Essence of Your Soul with Love and Kindness.”

Welcome A note from your Editor. . . Welcome everyone! Here we are at the end of Winter, moving into Spring a time of awakening from slumber, new beginnings, and growth. As I walk around my garden the tree’s buds are starting to open and life is bursting free and once again beginning a new and wonderful cycle. Take time to be in the moment, open your heart to new beginnings and opportunities, set some realistic goals and allow your life force to burst forth with enthusiasm and excitement! Approach every part of your life with enthusiasm, courage and conviction, keeping an open mind and a compassionate heart always... Julie Nelson As always a big thank you to my loyal contributors for your our Magazine published... Love you my darling ! fabulous wisdom and support! A very special thank you to my beautiful daughter Amy, who “Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.� so patiently and graciously gives me so much help in getting ~ John Muir

Skin Food For Beauty Written by Julie Nelson Honey Treats Manuka honey is wonderful to use on your skin, it is nourishing, softening, anti-bacterial and can be used on wounds to soften scar tissue encouraging new skin growth. Honey and Rose Face Treatment 2 Tablespoons of Honey 1 Teaspoon of Rosewater 1 Drop Rose Essential Oil 1 Teaspoon of fresh Lime Juice

Avocado, Yoghurt, Honey and Clay Face Mask Half an Avocado 1 Dessert spoon Organic Yoghurt 1 Teaspoon Manuka Honey 2 Teaspoons Green or White French Argiletz Clay 3 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil

Blend all ingredients until smooth, apply to your face with a cosmetic spatula, leave on for 10 minutes before washing off with warm water. Gently pat dry and apply coconut oil as a moisturiser. Mix all ingredients together in a clean glass bowl. Apply the This is a lusciously nourishing treatment that will give your mixture to your face and using circular motions gently massage skin a beautiful glow and leave it feeling silky soft. over your skin for a few minutes. Leave on your face for 10 minutes before washing off with warm water then gently pat dry. Honey helps to retain moisture in your skin leaving it feeling soft and supple.



Products by Aro Click on each product to be taken to the Aromatique Essentials Boutique to make your online purchase.

Face and Body Cream - $97.00 inc postage

Facial Serum - $97.00 inc postage

Essential Massage Oil - $60.00 inc postage

Exclusive Perfume Bottle - $245 inc postage *Does not include personalised perfume


matique Essentials Click on each product to be taken to the Aromatique Essentials Boutique to make your online purchase.

Eau De Toilette - $169.95 inc postage

Room Spray - $60.00 inc postage

Aromatique Bath Salts - $45.00 inc postage

Aromatherapy Inhaler - $29.97 inc postage


Feather Touch

A Poem by S.Dawn Sievers

I saw a feather on the ground today soft velvety gray in the morning light as quiet as the new day unfolding prompting me to pause flooded with memories of childhood find a feather, know an angel sent you a message yet deeper thoughts and emotions assail now what message is this? what quiet touch drifting down to greet me silvery shading touched with the palest creamy brown stillness in the muted color


reaching out with a hushed blanket of intent quiet your mind Hear Me the message is clear swift pass the moments of reverie images painted on the mind’s eye floating delicately to rest a brush of promise

Your path is sure… …doubt not the steps in a calm quiet breath the faint thread of a smile and I continue…


Written by Julie Nelson

This beautiful essential oil is produced from the resin that exudes from the tree when it is damaged. The resin is often referred to as the ‘Tears’ of frankincense. Frankincense resin has been burnt on altars and in temples for the longest of time... I personally love using it to smudge and spiritually cleanse my home as it is very cleansing promoting peace and calm. A very soothing and grounding oil that is used in meditation as it rekindles the inner light of the mind.. Frankincense Co2 is an exceptional oil to use for many different skin conditions especially skin repair. It aids in reducing scars, and has long been used for reducing and slowing down the onset of wrinkles. Frankincense is excellent for any wound repair from surgery, acne, cuts and abrasions. This essential oil is also used for respiratory conditions such as chronic and recurring lung infections because of its anti-inflammatory, ant-catarrhal and expectorant properties and it aids in slowing down and deepening the breath. Frankincense is associated to the Sun, which is life force it brings happiness, acceptance and inspiration. Use this oil for letting go of the past and moving forward with courage.

“Frankincense, the traveller, the pilgrim on the Way of Life ~ a steadfast companion in a journey through grief and in letting go of fear and suppressed emotions ~ The Wounded Healer” -Maureen Farrell, Aromatherapist.

Inspiration from the Trees Written by Suzy Manning Recently, I was drawn to a huge Quaking Aspen tree in a park near a huge body of water. As I sat on a bench next to her, she called me to sit on the earth on one of her powerful roots and lean my back and head up against her sturdy trunk. I felt the energy surge through her from the core of Mother Earth and joyed in being connected to this creative life force energy. As I relaxed into the moment, this breathtaking tree taught me:

towards the sunlight. • I am beautiful despite imperfections. The tree is beautiful despite knots and broken limbs. • Life can take many directions. Tree branches grow perpendicular and vertical to the ground.

The sacred trees give us oxygen, nourishment, and beauty. They are determiners of life much as humans are. The trees deter• A solid foundation steadies me in challenging times. The mine the weather and the vegetation that will grow nearby. Plants that need shade will grow under the trees while those trunk stabilizes the tree in storms. • Connecting to the earth grounds me. The tree trunk is solidly needing sun will grow outside the canopy of the trees. We, like the trees, have the ability to determine our life direction. Spend rooted in the earth. • Being grounded allows flexibility. The upper branches sway some time with a tree that calls to you. Listen closely to see what it has to teach you. with the winds and rain. • Speaking my truth creates growth. The tree is always growing

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“It’s Temporary” Written by S.Dawn Sievers Many years ago, when I was going through a transition period, someone close to me said a very simple, two word statement that I've never forgotten: "It's temporary." Over the ensuing years, I have repeated those words to others who may be experiencing some stressful moment in their lives, and the words never fail to have a beneficial effect. Other, equally powerful words are: "It will be okay." Such simple words, seemingly a throwaway comment, but I have found them to be incredibly valuable, both to receive and to speak to others. Life is a series of cycles. Once we reach a mature mindset, we all come to realize this truth. Yet we lose sight of these truths as we get caught up in the midst of daily dramas, some of our own hands, some wrought by others. I want to call this planet our Earth School, as I firmly believe we are here to learn and grow. I have learned over a lifetime to pay attention to repetitive moments. By this, I mean that this is the method that learning experiences are often being brought to our attention. When I first thought to write about this whole concept, I wrote the first sentence, "It's temporary" in my Drafts folder and left it there. I knew I would come back to it when the timing was optimal to enlarge upon that kernel of truth. Little did I know the roundabout path I would journey before I was ready to return and write this blog article. That Draft folder entry happened a good six weeks ago. In the interim, I lived a wide range of experiences. New people came into my life, and the vast majority of them brought beauty, laughter, enjoyment, fellowship and brightness. As is the nature of life, contrast also demanded its platform, and a few of these new people brought darkness, ugliness, spitefulness and intent

to harm. I also experienced some wonderful moments with my career, meeting of minds with other people in my profession who wish to collaborate on new, exciting projects. Contrast visited again with some unexpected hurdles that slowed my overall progress down. In the midst of all this to'ing and fro'ing, I was also taking care of clients, networking to keep work in the pipeline, attending to personal family issues and attempting to stay in touch with friends. No small wonder that I had a few moments where I resembled the Tasmanian Devil of cartoon fame; I probably could've drilled a hole in the floor with my heels more than once, I was whirling about so rapidly, being all things to all people and all situations. Then, abruptly, I had had enough. I wanted to step off Planet Earth, just temporarily. If NASA had been sending writerly types named Dawn to the Moon, I would've signed up on the spot. When I hit this mindset of being fed up, I need a source of calm. A way to center myself and bring me back to a peaceful state. This was when I remembered the two statements above: "It's temporary." ....and.... "It will be okay." As soon as I remembered those two snippets of wisdom, I was able to slow down and detach from the stressful situations around me. Once I set that intention into motion, repetition stepped up and began delivering beautiful affirmations to me. One was a lesson from the Dalai Lama, which I will post a bit further below. Another was a quote from the Persian philosopher-poet, Rumi: ...and just the moment when you are all confused leaps forth a voice...

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...hold me close... I'm love and ...I'm always yours.

I find Rumi's words and thoughts to be of inestimable beauty. So much of his works are timeless in emotion that they are absolutely applicable to our modern age. This man who lived in the 13th century gave voice to thoughts that are still evocative, powerful and touching hearts across a great span of ages. Life isn't always going to be a merry walk through a flower filled park. You're not always going to please everyone, particularly if you're doing something in the public eye. People will disagree with you; some may sling ugly words and figurative stones. While that type of negative energy is unpleasant in the extreme to weather, once again, contrast always exists. I remind myself of the words above, that it's temporary, and that at the end of the day, it will be okay. And most assuredly, it was, and it is.

nice and stable, but it is planted firmly, supported by healthy habits, the conscious decision to forgive, and the determination to walk forward in grace. Those are not always easy traits to embrace, particularly in moments of adversity, but I feel they are necessary. I learned that the aforementioned steps and choices sometimes mean that it is necessary to excise certain relationships. I knew this from past experiences, of course, but apparently I needed to revisit the lesson and have a refresher course on the steps. One of the most important parts of this whole process is remembering that we do have the right to choose the people with which we surround ourselves. I choose those who lift me up, make me laugh, encourage me to step outside of my own reality in a positive manner occasionally, and who allow me to be my most authentic self.

In the midst of all this whirl of experiences, one of the repetiI look to nature quite often, and some of the most profound tious messages was the one below, a teaching of His Holiness, messages are there if we choose to recognize them. Years ago, Dalai Lama: during a trip to Hawaii, I remember being so impressed with the native trees that produce the blossoms for the traditional Practice for the New Millennium by the Dalai Lama. Hawaiian leis. These trees were all around the property of my The Practice: hotel, and each morning the sidewalks were covered with fresh, fragrant blooms. These trees flower anew every single day, pro- 1. Spend 5 minutes at the beginning of each day remembering ducing fresh flowers that are harvested to produce those gor- we all want the same things (to be happy and be loved) and geous leis. In this manner, "it's temporary" is a beautiful thing. we are all connected to one another. This same lesson would apply to every season we experience, every sunrise, every sunset, every moment spent with someone 2. Spend 5 minutes breathing in, cherishing yourself; and we cherish, every breathtakingly beautiful's all tem- breathing out cherishing others. If you think about people you porary in the most lovely manner. It is from these moments have difficulty cherishing, extend your cherishing to them anywe make memories. Heart moments that are stored away, taken way. out in future years to smile and share. The past month was an eventful one for me, full of a plentiful 3. During the day extend that attitude to everyone you meet. amount of contrast. I grew from all of it and I learned my Practice cherishing the "simplest" person (clerks, attendants, strengths more clearly, as well as recognized where true, solid etc.) or people you dislike. relationships exist. I discovered that my foundation isn't only { 12 }

4. Continue this practice no matter what happens or what any- I will close with the last of this repetitious chain of beautiful one does to you. thoughts that helped me to access my moment of calm and come back to peace: These thoughts are very simple, inspiring and helpful. The practice of cherishing can be taken very deeply if done wordlessly, “For my part, I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” - Vincent van Gogh. allowing yourself to feel the love and appreciation that already exists in your heart. (Thank you to Irma Kaye Sawyer for sharSimplicity, such as this beautiful thought from van Gogh, never ing this on her FB wall). It is very simple to lose sight of the most important things - fails to calm my heart and bring me back to personal clarity. your mental, emotional and physical health. We live in in- It's temporary, yes, but in the same manner of a hand placing creasingly hectic, busy environments where our focus is con- another brick into that foundation...each motion is temporary stantly juggled. I find such value when I run across a thought, and finite, but it builds that foundation that is lasting. Simple or a lesson such as the one above from the Dalai Lama, that statements, fleeting as they may appear at face value, do have stops me in my tracks. That is when my mind is most receptive lasting impact, value and effect. to the profound message being delivered and I do my best to take heed, absorb the lesson and embrace the nuances. They are everywhere around us, those opportunities for growth and learning.

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“As you begin to understand the immense power and love you hold inside, you will find an unending surge of joy, light and love that will nourish and support you all the days of your life.” ~ Susan Jeffers

Self Acceptance Written by Maria Cuci-Panetta What has Self Acceptance got to do with Style? We live in a culture obsessed with personal development. Everywhere you look there are numerous things on offer to help you become “better” and more successful. How do you balance your desire for self-improvement with accepting yourself just the way you are? A lack of self acceptance usually manifests as self-criticism. Are you someone that feels the need to justify your feelings or preferences to others? Do you consider yourself to be a failure in some way? Are you constantly critical about some aspect of your appearance? Then self acceptance may be in short supply. TODAY, sit quietly for a few moments and consider the fact that you are lovely and loveable the way you are. You are doing the best you can and you need to remind yourself of that, even when you stumble and fall – you are doing your best! Doing your best will certainly benefit you and your self esteem but a healthy dose of self acceptance is also essential. Self acceptance means that we are not at war with ourselves and wishing we were something or somewhere else.To have self acceptance is to BE REAL and to honour reality and live authentically. It is impossible to have inner beauty and strength without good self esteem, which is a by-product of self acceptance. When you start to accept yourself for who you are, then the things that are perfect for you and in your life, will show up. Self acceptance creates a synchronicity for you that causes detrimental people and situations in your life to begin to fall away and in turn, brings what you really need to your attention. Inspired Style. Style comes from within. It cannot be bought or thrust upon you. Sometimes it is an appearance. Sometimes it is an attitude. Audrey Hepburn had it. Grace Kelly had it. Coco Chanel had it. Jackie Onassis had it. James Dean had it. These people de-

veloped their own individual style that suited who they were and what made them comfortable. In order to be stylish, it is essential you wear the right clothes for your life. Make style choices based on your personality and lifestyle. What is the difference between style and fashion? Let’s for a moment examine the life cycle of fashion: FAD (1 – 3 months): A short lived, hot or quirky abstraction, worn by those on the trend setting, cutting or extremist edge of fashion. Its greatest appeal is the novelty factor. TREND (6 – 36 months): A fashion look that has developed widespread or global appeal and lasts up to three years. CLASSIC (all time): A style that transcends time, pure in form, simple in concept and flattering to most body shapes and appropriate for most occasions. So.. what is the difference between style and fashion? LONGEVITY. Fashion can be superficial, but style is an expression of personal truth and clothes are the canvas for your personality. Classic style is timeless and so should your wardrobe be. It can be if you have invested the time in trying to find your own sense of style. High fashion, apart from having a brief shelf life, is ridiculously expensive or cheap-looking if you purchase copies. Style, on the other hand, is synonymous with quality and a rational perspective of what is reasonable to fork out on clothes that will always look good, make you feel great and last for more than a season. THE 6 MOST IMPORTANT QUALITIES OF STYLE ARE: Appropriateness – for your age, the occasion and location Simplicity – wearing simple, clean lines and accessories. Confidence – with yourself, with your companions and with your responsibilities. Poise – Carrying yourself with confidence and grace.

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Friendliness and Courtesy – Possessing good humour, having is comfortable and confident in her (his) own skin. If you’re respect for others and using correct etiquette. not comfortable in your own skin, you’ll never be comfortable Naturalness – being yourself and being real. in your clothes. Your style of clothing should be as comfortable as your own skin. There is nothing more alluring than a women (or a man) who

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Creative Visioning Written by Jyoti McKie Creative visioning; healing ourselves, healing the Earth. It all begins with a story; a tale about creative inspiration; the story of a book and a set of 108 paintings. Yet it’s a bigger story than one book or even so many paintings because it’s the retelling of our human story. It’s about how we now grow to encompass all the past creative evolvement we’ve taken and make a powerful step into the light.

begun, a new cycle that is part of a greater cycle of healing growing stronger each day as our humanity learns what it is to live together on our Healing Earth. The earliest guidance about the cards came from those grandmothers and grandfathers I met in visions and in dreams. Elders in our world are much needed, their wisdom and insight from a life of experience needs to be called upon afresh as a gift to all generations. To me this seems a part of truly inteI want to tell you the story of how I started creating a set of grating all our lives and respecting elder’s rightful place in our 108 images so I hope you’ll sit back and come along with me community. for the ride as it does involve you because so much of who you are and who you are becoming is tied up in this story. You see We are all getting older; you know it and so do I. The ancient it’s deeply rooted in an ancient creative symbolism that speaks stories would always include an older wise one who would asto your heart and soul. We all dream and many of us receive sist the hero on their path to knowing. There is Gandalf in The symbolic messages when we dream so you know what I am Lord of The Rings or Obi One Kenobi in Star Wars, not to talking about when I say that this set of images began with mention Baba Yaga [a most amazing witch] in fairy tales. In some pretty powerful dreams. In the very first dream I met a creative visioning it is often a wise person, usually old, who is wizened grandmother with green skin and long flowing hair strongly imagined for the guidance we seek. That appears to garlanded with leaves. She requested that I paint her so I did go against the current in the present society which denigrates and then the next night the same thing happened with a second the elders and sees only good in being eternally youthful. It grandmother and that’s how it all began. It wasn’t long before would seem to be the sickness of a society for this is an out of I realized I was painting the designs for a set of what would balance scenario. have been traditionally called a tarot, but these images went In painting their rich characters I felt the grandmothers and far beyond the traditional tarot both in quantity and also in grandfathers ancient wisdom most strongly. Their enigmatic the fresh healing content of the images that suited our age. I faces form a strong backbone for the six suits. I found myself was entranced which is just as well as the entire project took often meeting them in dreams: the Grandmother of Shields me seven years to complete. and her green horse gave me such commonsense, down-toearth advice when I felt stuck; and the Grandmother of Pipes “The earth heals us. She shows the way of healing through her taught me to pay attention to nature, and to find healing and cycles: of growth and rest and rebirth and letting go. I believe help in the voices of birds or the patterns of flowers. we are also here to heal both ourselves and our earth and are in a time of co-creative evolvement.” “In the Healing Earth Book and Deck I also wished to show a uniting of all the peoples of the earth from many different So guided by visions and dreams, I began The Healing Earth backgrounds and cultures; to show a global community capable Book and Deck. Now with a second edition a new cycle has of accepting one another’s differences and living in harmony. { 19 }

It is time for us all to do this and one valuable way is to accept ourselves and heal within ourselves what appears to be divided or separated. I feel the earth will and is showing us this lesson and as one astronaut noticed there are no country divisions when you see our beautiful planet from space. We are all one.” Don’t underestimate the power of your creative vision, whatever you can imagine can become so especially if you have heartfelt passion and intent. If you are encountering a divided or problematic side of yourself have a go at imagining the best and happiest outcome for you and see how it can propel you forwards into a more harmonious you. This can cause a ripple effect bringing harmony to others around you. One of the final images I painted for The Healing Earth was called The World Community [it’s one of the two new Major Arcana I added] this picture shows the four archetypal Spirits of humanity joined together in a circular universal dance to protect and nourish our Earth. “Being all one means not leaving any one out or being left out in terms of our world community and so I also designed cards to reinstate the equality of the feminine alongside the masculine. There are still many women in our world who are marginalized, left out in some way, either by poverty or lack of education or lack of equal rights. The feminine powers of receptivity, nurturing, creativity, sharing, community and gentleness have all been regarded as lesser in importance for a long time. These feminine attributes [which we can all possess no matter if we were born male or female] if brought into balance with the more masculine attributes our world has been used to, would, I feel, bring a much needed harmony. “

ness of our stressful society, too caught up in the desire to push, to get ahead or having to compete to stay ‘on top’ you will need to find your harmony, that balance of the feminine attributes is your antidote. In the card design of The Wise Old Woman I wanted to show the power of looking within, the feminine power of deep receptivity where you may tap into your wise one inside. The Wise Old Woman is painted in flowing robes of dark blue and purple, interior colours beckon you into the secret depths. Other card designs such as The Shaman, Strength, The Devil and The Chariot also have strong female imagery to show that balance. “There are many animals in the Healing Earth Deck and that’s because I have always loved their presence here as brothers and sisters on our wonderful world. Each animal plays a role and is a strong part of the web of life on our planet. Through my shamanic practices I have learnt so much from every animal ally from the patient gathering of the ant people [of which we have an abundance in Australia,]the loyalty of our pets, the cats and dogs, to the mystery and wonder of wild creatures such as the kangaroo, snake, echidna, to name but a few. Encounters with such wild animals always show you something unexpected like the time a large, poisonous river snake came to investigate my prayer offering in India as I stood ankle deep to float the offering on the waters. The snake felt so calm and gentle I had no fear at all. “

In the big story of life on our planet we have always had the animals and other creature beings. They have played major roles in our human development. It was a sublime and awe inspiring vision that created the variety of animal friends with whom we have shared this special planet. The ancients knew You know when you feel in harmony and how that feeling their significance not just as domestic, useful creatures, but as brings you a sense of wholeness; this automatically brings relief enigmatic creatures with symbolic and spiritual importance. and healing. If you have been too much in the rush and busy{ 20 }

What child doesn’t love the idea of a dinosaur roaming free in the dark jungles and the thought of having one as a dragon friend and how many children [and you many have done this as a child] go to sleep with a teddy bear. How significant as the bear in indigenous cultures represents the inner space of the cave of the earth and dreaming.

We have come full circle back to the dreaming. I’d like to invite you to come with me on a magical journey to dream your life anew and use your creative visioning to dream your world as your heart wishes it to be. We are the ones who can dream the world consciously into a dawning age of harmony and light. We have to stay awake and become it now.

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Wedding Cinematography A Special Offer with Aromatique Essentials & Amy Nelson-Blain Wedding Cinematography

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For the Oil Burner..

Basil Tulsi, Wild Lavender & Rose.

“Listen closely to the voice that speaks to you each day, open up your heart and mind and hear what it has to say.” -Inner Voices, Sweet Honey in the Rock.

Feng Shui Written by Vicki Sauvage Feng Shui and the Dining Room. Interestingly – so much has been written about Feng Shui with very little attention paid to the layout of the dining room. I want to talk about the modern trend away from dining rooms and to a space that is between the kitchen and the television room. This is lamentable and certainly not satisfactory. The modern trend takes people further and further away from family experiences and closer and closer to a relationship with an inanimate object which constantly demands attention. The sharing of food and the conversation which ensues is a vital aspect of building bonds that endure. People love coming to my place for a long leisurely meal. Everyone sits at the same table (actually two tables) and are free to move around to chat with this and that person. In our family we sit down together to share at least one meal every evening, we have grown children living with us. When designing spaces make sure that you factor this into your design. Make sure that the television is in another room completely so it does not demand attention and take away from the experience of pleasure and family time. If you are living in a small apartment then make sure that you either put the television in a cupboard or have something to cover it up so it does not stare at you begging for your attention. The Door: The door into the dining room should be big enough to allow easy access with food either in the dish or on a tray. I suggest the following dimensions. 900 mm wide by 2110 high. This, of course, depends on the height of the ceilings. This is an auspicious measurement (something which it is rarely spoken about). Please make sure it is a single door, not double doors as it is very uncommon to open both doors, so you are forever

squeezing through a very restricted space. If you do have double doors then make sure each of the doors is an auspicious measurement which you can get from me here by submitting your project for consideration. The Dining Table: There are essentially 4 shaped tables on the market. They are: circular, oval, rectangular and square. They each have different merit but perform the same function. Circular The circular table is only useful if you have a Chinese style table with a lazy-susan in the middle as it is very difficult for people to serve themselves or each other without standing up to reach the dishes. Essentially your conversation is restricted to the people on either side of you with little access to the people across the table. It does allow everyone to be seated in such a way that they do not have to sit on a corner if you have a lot of people at the table. Oval An oval table has similar restrictions to the circular table, depending on the depth of the table. It does eliminate the sharp corners if there is a crowd at the table. You will still need to attend to people being able to help themselves or be served by others. Slightly better at facilitating conversation than the circular table – this does depend on the depth of the table however. Rectangular The rectangle can be a very useful table as it is possible to have a conversation with the people across the table and either side of you. Serving food and helping yourself is less difficult.

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Square This is the least auspicious depending on its dimensions. It is sometimes the default for people living in small spaces. The square can by very useful if you are never going to have more than 4 people dining at any one time. If you do think that you will have more people then chose the rectangle which may accommodate another leaf. Gate Leg Table This can be the perfect solution for small spaces. It has a leaf or even two which can be lifted up and extended when the need arises. They were also sometimes called supper tables. The Chairs People like to feel secure when dining, they like solid chairs with sufficient padding to make their derriere's comfortable. They are very useful with high backs so that they cover your neck at least, and if you want to be very grand and get a great sense of authority then a chair with a high back that covers the head is the go. Try to make sure that no-one sits with their back to the door(s). The Kitchen: The kitchen should be close to the dining room. If you are pushed for space then you can design a special space which is delineated by furniture and lighting. See the refit that Diane LaMothe did of an apartment in Montreal. All photo's in this display are provided by Diane. The use of lighting to provide an intimate dining experience is very subtle and very effective. The space has not been changed in any way – merely reclaimed.

The Central Display: When the table is not in use as a dining table it can double as a desk / study / business centre if there is no separate study. Make sure that you keep it tidy and that when it is needed for meals it is easily cleared off. If you have sufficient room to make the study separate then make sure that you have a beautiful centre piece which speaks of abundance and beauty. A display of fresh fruit and or vegetables is an excellent thing. It can also have a permanent display of candles and ornaments – make sure there are not too many crowding into the field of view. The Mirror: So many times I am asked where can I put my mirror? Here you go – it can be placed in the dining area, making sure that it is. • Big enough to reflect the whole table. • Angled so it reflects the table and the diners. • Does not reflect or enhance any negative chi from outside. • Is either oval placed on the horizontal plane or rectangular placed on the horizontal plane (so that it reflects the entire table and diners) – but make sure that it is 'appropriate'. • It is usually good to be framed in gold or silver, BUT in some instances a black or yellow frame may be useful. • We can use mirrors to enhance the good quality qi in an area or to expand Sheng Qi. • Make sure that it does not split the door into the room and out of the room in two.

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When I inhale juniper I have a very clear vision of a Native America Indian elder sitting in front of a ďŹ re with smoke swirling up to the Universe as he chants. Neroli, I see an Angel all white and glowing with beautiful large white wings appearing to be wrapped around something. Champa, I just love this oil! The ďŹ rst time I used it I anointed my heart chakra with a drop or 2 just before settling in bed to read for awhile... I felt a beautiful presence and as I was sitting in bed feeling

AROMATHERA Written by Julie Nelson

safe knowing something was with me I felt a wing gently brush across my cheek... even as write this I feel the love and beautiful energy I did that night. I was in awe, tears in my eyes, I simply sat in silence taking in the magick of the moment. The next day I rang Farida Irani and asked her about the spiritual properties of Champa, she said it was an oil of the Angels. Occasionally I smell the scent of Champa without having used it and I know that my Angel friend is close by.


Mid-Life For Men Written by Tiffany Manning ..From the male perspective. Understanding male emotions and pain can be a rocky road for a therapist. Often seen as politically incorrect by feminists, it has been set aside as an unpopular and demeaning persuit. I disagree. Males need to be seen as our partners, not our enemy. As such, women need to seek to understand our counterparts as deeply as possible. A good place to begin is to look at how they handle transistions and difficulties differently to women. In our culture, the male role is to provide and protect. Even if they find they are at a loss emotionally, bringing home the bacon, bringing in the trash, and remaining physically present allows them to tick off some boxes in order to feel they are able to 'do the right thing'. As long as a male is ticking boxes, they feel successfull. Indeed, the male version of empathy is to see emotional pain as a problem to be solved. Historically, our social narritive has given named this; honor, duty & valor. Males are typically conditioned to look outside themselves for validation, obtaining social approval and kudos for sacrifice, ticking boxes when they take responsibility for other peoples' discomfort. Indeed it is usually considered heroic to bypass their own needs. The danger being, if this is not balanced with Self Regard the cost can be extreme; drug and alcohol dependence, social withdrawal, persistent low level anxiety, clinical depression and suicide. When a male evolves and matures, a deeper sense of meaning and purpose is necessary. Old definitions of masculinity are thrown into question - it is an overpowering urge to find reason, seek understanding and conduct more personal power.

Externally the environment manifests in lack of time, energy & money. Typified by this comment [ case notes] “ I can’t go backwards... but I don’t know how to go forward. I feel like I'm stuck”. When a male evolves and matures, a deeper sense of meaning and purpose is necessary. Old definitions of masculinity are thrown into question - it is an overpowering urge to find reason, seek understanding and conduct more personal power. Externally the environment manifests in lack of time, energy & money. Typified by this comment [ case notes] “ I can’t go backwards... but I don’t know how to go forward. I feel like I'm stuck”. Although he may feel guilty or at fault, it is far from selfish to notice the truth of this cognitive stalemate. Psychological imperatives robustly prove that; ‘ when are ready to come alive, you must acknowledge buried truths, particularly to yourself. When you bury your truth you bury yourself alive’. Being aware that emotional shut down is a symptom of crisis for the purposes of survival {psychosocial response to conditions}, can lead to a better understanding of why the male feels suffocated and drained. Everyone has limitations. If you peel back his skin, there is flesh and blood – not wires and machinery. He is not a mindless provider devoid of passions.. It has been said women no longer want to be seen as merely sex objects, men are no longer content being success objects. Propelled by restlessness & discomfort, it is timely at this lifephase to search for different advice or superior solutions. The male grasps there are more complexitiesin life than the preprogrammed ideals of his youth.

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Those black and white absolutes and hard headed resolves stemming from childhood experiences where he decided: “I will never be like them”, or “I want to do exactly what they did”. However, Having the balls to speak your truth creates more fear and anxiety in men than going to war (Goodman et al, 2010). The Hero’s Journey Comprehending and being honest with your doubts is fundamental to personal integrity. Indeed, radical honesty trumps promises, vows, committments and duty - albeit consciously or subconsciously. Better out than in, saves years of alchoholism, depression & ulcers. In this respect, the most courageous thing a man can ever provide his partner is to drop the mask and be truthful about what he has given up on getting, and if this continues to be tolerable. That degree of transparency is a paradoxical necessity in moving beyond disappointed ideals and transforming them into meaningful steps along the evolutionary path to self-empowerment. Counter to that is a slow dying of the personality, which, in truth causes the entire family more pain and grief to witness, as they are powerless. Advice, truisms and ideals that were relevant for the previous generation are biopsychosocially largely inadequate to address the nature of contemprary complexities. Men are living productive lives for close to 20 years over thier predecessors.

The young man resolves to provide safety, freedom from pain and endless adoration for thier mate. Maturity brings with it the cold realisation that these are impossible things to promise. He discovers that no matter how much energy he expends attempting to fill her emotional needs, it is an endless task to satisfy. Her bottomless pit has become accustomed to being satisfied by external sources of validation and never results in happiness. Eventually he has to pull away and create distance, otherwise he feels like he will be sucked into the void. He simply cannot hold enough battery 'charge' to fullfill them both. Her immediate response to this withdrawal in cold silence, covert hostility, anger, blame, emotional blackmail, guilt creating strategies. She may turn her attention to the children, making them a surrogate for affection. This static scenario is a tense truce where nobody can be authentic and the relationship cannot grow. As he sees his role as the ultimate provider, the pain for him is to feel he has failed in his promise ‘ I can make you happy” . It leads to the realization there are some outcomes beyond his control. Far from betrayal, sometimes the most loving thing is to set her free to find what she needs to establish for herself; and can only be provided for herself; that is self esteem, identity, sexuality in context of sense- of- self and confidence. When you are focused on keeping another's mood happy, you are holding the 'charge' ( battery) for them, and it means you will often not have enought to hold your own internal strength. The thought is, if you sacrifice yourself to balance the other person in what they lack, they will be made happy. However,

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this is only a temporary solution, postponing a more permanent resolution that would prompt a solid relationship besed on the full identity of both individuals. Indeed, if ones' personal balance depends on another, it enslaves both of you. If this becomes a relationship habit, with one person lacking autonomy and becoming dependent on the other to provide harmony, the 'peace maker" becomes bound the role of harmoniser, regardless of personal cost. Learning to be emotionally self sufficient creates independence and individuality. By acting to please others , you rob them of the opportunity and challenge of discovering what fullfilles them .Further, when you operate from hypersensitivity to anothers mood, you are deffering beign true to yourself. When this becomes habitual, it errodes the possibility of self discovery, a fundimantal stage of self care which enables a person to know how they stand in a situation

and establish boundries. The So –Called ‘Midlife’ Crises Maturity and finally realising you do not need prove that you are a good man leads to the freedom tobe able to re-orientate the masculine value system. Being honourable has to necessarily include acknowledging the truth, this is not disloyal. Ignoring the self is actually not part of civil duty and commitment, rather it is a fundamental element of becoming whole. A system that requires you to forgo, on an ongoing basis, your personal truth is dysfunctional. The perceived shame of revealing unhappiness in life/marriage/career is magnified by the social pressure of worrying ‘what will others say and think?’.

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Renouncing & redefining long held structures and values rocks a males’ finely honed sense of pride. It is plagued by fear, worry, hesitation, and especially guilt. Indeed, self - change is painful. Part of the motivation to walk through this trial by fire pain is the discovery that integrity and honesty comes from within, not just doing ‘the right thing’ as an extrinsic motivator. There is a new psychological intolerance to emotional dissatisfaction on an everyday level, which can be likened to types of incarceration or torture. Brisendyne (2009) discusses this as a biological shift in endogenous hormones. The cost of remaining unfulfilled for years can no longer be sustained, there is going to be no reward to endure the next 40 years. It doesn’t have to be about screaming matches, but the silence is equally as dysfunctional on the opposite end of the scale.

Conclusion It is a fundamental psychological need to be in a relationship which gives us deep and intense emotional understanding. A need arises at a very deep level to feel free share emotional, intellectual, erotic and spiritual actualisation in order to be fulfilled. It is dysfunctional to withold true feelings to save another from the responsibility of thier own pain, indeed, it robs them of the chance to become fullfilled themselves. There comes a point where a mature person needs to move beyond the simplicity of workable co-habitation. We require deeper fuel to hold a sense of self, both within and without relationships. These yearning are not selfish, rather Self Centered, and are an aspect of healthy personal empowerment.

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I love being able to harvest vegetables from our garden, it is so rewarding and we actually get quite excited watching them grow! Often our asparagus and snow peas don’t make it to the dining table as they are so delicious and sweet straight out of the garden. All of our veges are organic, fresh and packed with minerals and vitamins. Even if you live in a unit with a small balcony you can grow fresh herbs, tomatoes, and some greens easily and with little effort. Unfortunately today the vegetables we buy are depleted in the valuable nutrients our body requires because they have been in storage for goodness knows how long and unless you

buy organic they of course have been chemically sprayed! Growing organically is not that time consuming or difficult once you are set up. The benefits you will reap from eating good healthy nutritious food are essential and noticeable. You will also notice a very definite difference in their flavour. When we create our own gardens we not only get to eat and enjoy fresh yummy food it is also very grounding, healing and I personally find it quite meditative and enriching. At present we have plenty of pak choy. Parsley, silver beet and wild rocket.

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Green Treats for Good Health! Written by Julie Nelson

I simply steam the pak choy and silver beet ( they can be left raw and sliced) or wilt them and drain. Roughly chop up some Italian parsley add some rocket and there you have a very health and simple combination to enjoy with any dish. Sometimes I will pour a little balsamic vinegar over my greens or squeeze fresh lime juice over them or you can combine the two. The limes are from our garden as well... You may even like to dry roast some almond slices or pine nuts which really enhance the avour and texture. Add some crumbled blue cheese and crispy pancetta for a light lunch. Other times for example when I am cooking my famous

Asian chicken dish I will make a sauce with freshly grated ginger, lime juice, ďŹ nely chopped garlic and tamari or organic soy sauce to pour over the greens. This sauce can also be very gently heated and poured over warm. Try it, I know you will enjoy the experience!

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Aromatherpy for Weddings Written by Sharon Falsetto

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When I initially decided to train in aromatherapy, I had no idea that I would be using my skills to create custom made wedding blends for brides! It is a path that I took through both fate and circumstances. I moved to the United States from England in 2006. While setting up my aromatherapy business, I worked part-time one summer as a local wedding assistant; this gave me an insight into the world of weddings and an idea of how aromatherapy could be used in a positive, and unique, way. Aromatic Wedding Bouquets. Brides plan their weddings down to the last detail and the wedding bouquet is often a big feature of this plan; many concentrate on the color of the bouquet in order to coordinate with their wedding color scheme. Although several fragrant flowers are used in wedding bouquets, including the old favorite rose, I don't think that a lot of consideration is generally given to the “scent” of a wedding. Aromatherapy Wedding Favors. Initially I created aromatherapy wedding gift baskets, with a few chosen aromatherapy blends but progressed to making custom aromatherapy wedding favors with essential oil blends. This is probably one of my most favorite products to make for weddings because I get to work with brides and help them to choose a special fragrance for their wedding. Some brides have specific ideas whereas others need some ideas to get them started. I choose essential oil blends not only for their fragrance, but for their specific properties too, depending on what type of atmosphere a bride wants to create for her wedding! Some of the popular essential oils that

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brides choose for their weddings include: • Rose. • Lavender. • Geranium. • Neroli. • Cypress (for a more masculine wedding favor). • Frankincense. • Sandalwood. • Orange. Using Aromatherapy in Weddings. Using aromatherapy as wedding favors isn't the only way that you can use aromatherapy in weddings; for example, brides need to have near-perfect skin and hair for their big day, so using essential oils in a daily skin care routine leading up to the wedding can help a bride to look her best on the day. In addition, aromatherapy candles, made with essential oils, can add a romantic atmosphere to any wedding reception! Using aromatherapy in weddings is a niche market but for each and every bride for whom I create essential oil blends for, and introduce to the world of aromatherapy and essential oils, makes it a very worthwhile reason for me to continue to do so! And every bride who has chosen aromatherapy wedding favors for her wedding has had nothing but positive feedback from her guests. Using aromatherapy in weddings is not a traditional route for an aromatherapist to take, and it is only a small part of my business, but it is both a fun and informative way of spreading the word about the wonderful world of essential oils!

Descisions based on Influence Written by Edel O’Mahony

Many people make decisions based on influence from external forces... How often have you done something because everyone expected you to or it is what generations of your family did, so of course you will have to do it too, only to find out it makes you miserable, stressed or worse depressed? Once you understand the energetic nature of how this physical Universe exists you begin to understand why the process of keeping others happy puts you in such a low place. The same can also be true for being pressured into going to a certain University and degree or going to a particular apprenticeship, factory, family business or career.

dynamic spark in others, who would choose to spread their wings and they use control either in abuse or in dictating how the other party will live their lives. This is because they are always resonating from low vibrational energy, which is completely incongruent with their energy, which is naturally in high vibrational resonance; they feel disconnected, out of sorts, stressed and so on. Now the conditioning or control can only happen if you let it and generations have just let it happen, thinking there was no other choice. When you begin to understand energetic communication, you begin to get clarity on making your own choices. Your experiences are there to bring you joy, happiness and a full sense of abundance, if you are in the process of consciously creating them. By letting others control what your experiences are, now moves you into a lower vibrational resonance matching those who would control and attracting more of the same vibration to you.

We as energy beings (which we are first and foremost) are in these unique bodies to have unique life experiences, individual and only ours. So anytime you are living at the behest or pressure from others, you are actually living out their life experiences, foregoing your own experiences. Now this falls into two categories, what is happening from those controlling your experiences Your emotional guidance system and what is happening to you in the plays a key part in identifying if you way you feel about these experiences. have moved into the lower vibrations, you will always know this by Any form of pressure or control how you feel and it is once you learn comes from a place of lack, that is, to read your energy through your the controller holds self limiting be- emotions that you can consciously liefs or lack of confidence (possibly change your environment by turning through this cycle of generational or your focus to what makes you feel at social conditioning). They are frus- your best and then living for your trated in their own lack of experi- desires and not others. ences and lash out when they see that

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Aromatique Chocolat

Coming Soon!

Organic Chocolate for your palate, your health and happiness! Cacao has been part of ancient cultures since 1100BC. To the Aztecs and Mayans, cacao pods symbolised life and fertility and it was the food of the gods. A spicy, bitter drink was used in ancient ceremonies, which became known an elixir that bestowed wisdom, strength, alertness, power, health and fertility. The beans became so highly prized they became a form of currency used to pay tributes to the Aztec Emperors and to conquerors. In the 16th century, the Spanish brought cacao beans across the seas to Europe where it became a court favourite. It was luxurious. It was exotic. It was expensive. So you can image that only the richest of the rich were able to indulge. Fast forward to today. Chocolate is so commonplace that we have an amazing selection of quality and flavours. But good chocolate is still something quite special. The secrets of finding exceptional chocolate is whispered about by chocolate lovers around the world. Coco Aroma shares that secret with you. We use the finest cacao beans grown from the original heirloom royal criollo amazonico cacao from Peru. We retain the pure organic qualities of the ingredients we use and have created a range of organic chocolate products that will not only tantalise your senses … they will tap into your inner mystic.

Detox and Energise! Written by Katrina Zaslavsky ..With Greens! If you are feeling tired most of the time and dragging yourself through the day, (and who isn’t these days?!) it is interesting to note that our level of vitality often relates to the cleanliness – or lack thereof - of our bloodstream. So rather than simply focusing on what we put into our body for energy we should also focus on what goes out!

faster, improves varicose veins, soothes ulcer tissues and reduces pain from inflammation among many other benefits! It may even aid in the treatment of bacterial infections, burns, ulcers, sore throats and other minor injuries and in the regeneration of tissues. If that wasn’t enough, it also stops bacteria from growing in the digestive tract as well as yeasts and fungi. Good sources of chlorophyll in the Super greens include A body congested with metabolic wastes, heavy metals, drug chlorella, spirulina and alfalfa, all of which contain high levels residues, chemical residues, chemical food additives and pol- of chlorophyll. Super greens are very easy to digest, are of exlutants won’t feel its best even when everything else in life is tremely high nutritional value, and are naturally probiotic, thus going well. No wonder we feel so tired! promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the body. The green in plant life repairs and rejuvenates human tissue. The chlorophyll green pigment is the life force of the plant and 5 Key Reasons To Add Chlorophyll to Your Daily Regime: provides life-giving materials for the human body. This is re- STRONG BONES: Chlorophyll dense foods such as alfalfa are markably the nearest liquid to haemoglobin, the substance that rich in trace minerals. One of these important trace minerals carries oxygen in the blood, having almost exactly the same is strontium. Strontium helps our bones retain and hold such chemical structure! Chlorophyll is nearly identical to haemo- minerals as calcium and magnesium. globin and it is this similarity that makes it so easy for the body IRON RICH: Chlorophyll is an excellent source of organic iron. to accept it. This is nature’s clue that our mother was right after With this type of iron, there is no constipation or stomach disall – we need to eat our greens to not only stay healthy but re- tress. (unlike many iron tablets) As we have mentioned, chloroally energised and to truly feel ALIVE! phyll and human blood are remarkably similar in their makeup. IMPROVE CIRCULATION: Chlorophyll assists in improving Chlorophyll in particular, the green substance in plants, is said circulation and letting blood flow more easily through the arto be nature’s best cleanser, healer and detoxifying substance teries. known to humankind. It detoxifies the liver and builds up ben- ALKALINE FOOD: Chlorophyll is an alkaline food. Many of eficial bacteria in the bowel, so important for a healthy digestive the foods we eat daily such as wheat, dairy and meats are acidand immune system. It is rich in trace minerals, a great source forming foods which put our body in an almost constant acidic of antioxidants, a powerful tonic for the blood, helping to elim- state which is the road to disease. Chlorophyll rich foods are a inate toxins, de-activating carcinogens and removing drug de- great way of providing balance and leading us back on the road posits. to good health. NATURAL ENERGY BOOSTER: Chlorophyll increases the It also purifies the breath and eliminates body odours much haemoglobin count in blood, which is important as haemolike an internal deodorant, cleans the stomach and bowel tis- globin is the substance that binds to oxygen in the blood. sues, aids the liver, builds high blood count, helps sores heal { 43 }

lated green drink addresses the circulatory and digestive systems of the body. It has all of the benefits already mentioned but unlike any other chlorophyll based product on the market, it is fat soluble and thus more bio-available. This exceptional product is free of artificial sweeteners, colours or preservatives and deliciously refreshing mixed with water or other healthy beverages available from Inspired Wellness, our naturally relaxing Calli tea or energising Fortune Delight. The benefit of one bottle of Evergreen is far greater than eating leafy greens and vegetables with every regular meal and is one of the best ways of keeping our bodies clean on the inside. Many people around the world report they feel more energised Our Best Pick for Super Greens from Inspired Wellness: Evergreen is a chlorophyll rich herbal food in a liquid concen- when they add Evergreen to their daily nutritional regime. trate. It makes a deliciously refreshing green drink, rich in vital Isn’t it time you gave yourself a nutritional boost? trace minerals, calcium, zinc and iron. This specially formuEssentially, the more haemoglobin there is the more oxygenrich the blood is. Chlorophyll rich foods also have high enzyme activity. Enzymes are responsible for hundreds of chemical activities in the body. Without enzymes we could not live. Chlorophyll increases enzyme activity in the liver and pancreas. It helps us to digest our food and to break down fats and carbohydrates so we can use them for energy. No wonder chlorophyll rich foods are great natural energy boosters!

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Spiritual Empowerment Written by Mecedes Leal the two; but live by the guidance of the latter and listen to its instructions via intuition. • Seek people with higher vibrations who energise and empower you. • Feel, see, touch and smell your life as you wish it to be. Keep your loved ones in warm, loving focus in that frame • Be Grateful. • Love more, with altruism, laugh more; turn your vibra- and they’ll be more likely to remain with you. tional levels up and aim for 24/7 joy. • Give more, without measure and without expectation of For a rapid boost of improvement in self esteem, confidence reciprocity; kindness and thoughtfulness are also gifts: be and the ability to be unbothered by the negativity, grumpigenerous with them! ness and putdowns of others, look at your achievements • Invest more quality time in those you love and don’t look and believe in yourself. Hold on to control of your dynamic inner power - retaliation and anger mean someone has at your watch! • Maintain positive dialogue with positive words. Keep pos- snatched it from you. Never bite the apple which has already poisoned another soul. Rise above it! itive influences. • You are a Human and a Being. Be aware of - and align EIGHT TIPS FOR SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT AND EMPOWERMENT! Keep them inside Handbag, Kitchen, Front Door and Bedroom!

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Aromatique Essentials Webinars Discover the power of Aromatherapy with Julie Nelson These webinars have been designed for people interested in Post graduate students will also find these webinars a very valulearning how to use Aromatherapy safely and with confidence able reference to have at hand for clinical situations. for home use and the workplace environment . A valuable reference that can be a part of your library for as long as you want. What will you learn?

What will they involve?

There will be 3 series of webinars covering 40+ essential oils this includes an in depth look at their properties, what conditions they benefit, how to apply them and a myriad of recipes to treat specific conditions on all levels emotionally, physically and spiritually. They are the foundation to more advanced webinars to follow. In Julie's advanced Aromatherapy series you will discover which essential oils to use and how to use them for natural beauty and skin care, general first aid, pet care and a special series on specific conditions such as PMS, Menopause, Skin conditions, respiratory conditions, arthritis, pain management and more.

Each Webinar will give you a complete guide to two essential oils which inludes the properties of the essential oils, the contra-indications (when not to use them), suitable application methods for individual conditions (how to use them), and a myriad of essential oil combinations to use for common condition's for example PMS, menopause, muscular aches and pains, acne, colds, burns, wounds, scars and natural beauty to improve your skins integrity, nourish and hydrate your skin to keep it looking and feeling beautifully silky and smooth. Each session is available to purchase individually for $12.97 or Your investment for the complete package is $97.95 this includes all 12 sessions including 3 demonstration webinars. There is over 13 hours of information and personal experiences from Julie Nelson who has been a practising Aromatherapy trainer and practioner for over 15 years.

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Visit the Aromatique Essentials Boutique and make your online purchase.

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Want More Ideal Clients? Finally, A Results Based, High Impact Coaching Program at an Affordable Investment The Ignite Program is a 12 month business building tele-coaching program for small business owners, conscious entrepreneurs, and aspiring leaders who are looking for an affordable, yet powerful, coaching program to take their business to the next level. These are the exact same strategies that my private clients and I have used to build thriving six- and seven-figure businesses and you will not find a more comprehensive, powerful, results based program for a more affordable price. If you are a business owner who is looking to break the six-figure barrier, reach your ideal high-paying clients, and design your marketing funnel so that your clients begin to build your business for you - so you can earn more and work less... This program might be for you. To learn more, visit: or contact our office at Edel O’Mahony – UK’s Leading Expert in Energetic Communications Are you frustrated from spending time and money on Personal Development books and courses, only to find they don’t work? Have heard enough about secret laws that don’t actually give you the actions? I too spent thousands of pounds myself on such books and courses. Then I realised there WERE certain, specific strategies that DO work. I now teach and mentor the specific strategies through my Path of the Peaceful Warrior Programme, which have taken financial executives to a whole new level of success and wealth in both their personal and business lives. I am now extending my field to teach more people to bring out the warrior within them, defining who they are and connecting back to the true dynamic energy that makes them lead their field. Sign up on Path of the Peaceful Warrior and receive a free eBook – Your Inspirational Journey, filled with beautiful pictures and unique messages from Edel.

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Our Contributors Edel O’Mahony

Katrina Zaslavsky

UK’s Leading Expert in Energetic Communications

Inspired Wellness

Julie Nelson (Editor)

Maria Cuci-Panetta

Aromatherapist (Aromatique Essentials)

Personal Style Coach

Jyoti McKie

Mercedes Leal

Creativity Coach & Spiritual Counselor

Motivational Speaker

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S. Dawn Sievers

Tiffany Manning

Freelance Writer, Editor, Blogger & Social Media Consultant

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner

Vicki Sauvage

Sharon Falsetto

Feng Shui & Design Consultant


Amy Nelson-Blain

Suzy Manning

Photographer, Cinematographer & Graphic Designer

Transitional Coach, Speaker, & Author

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Cover Photography Credits: Photographer: Amy Nelson-Blain Stylist / Shoot Co-Ordinator / Owner of AE: Julie Nelson Talent: Charis Uppal @ Platform Models Hair and Make-up: Bernadette Talbot Jewellery Designer: Make A Strand (Amanda Webb) Floral Headpieces: Teeki (Amy Oram)

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Thank you for reading.

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