English Catalogue Sept. 2017

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Aronsen Literary Agency September 2017

ARONSEN PUBLISHING Aronsen is an independent Danish publishing house based in Copenhagen. Aronsen was founded in 2005 by Siri Aronsen and publishes fiction, literary fiction, crime fiction, non-fiction and narrative non-fiction. We always aim at publishing great books that can be read

by a broad audience and that will have a long life and live through many editions.

Aronsen published its first non-fiction book, The No-Cry Sleep

Solution by Elizabeth Pantley in 2006, an instant bestseller. In 2008, we bought Linda Olsson’s international bestseller Astrid & Veronika. Since then we have published several bestsellers, both fiction and nonfiction. We publish about 15 titles a year, mostly Danish, but also Scandinavian and International titles in translation.

In 2012, Aronsen also established Aronsen Literary Agency which represents Danish authors in the fields of literary fiction, crime fiction, non-fiction and narrative non- fiction. We work hard to promote our authors on the international market. We also handle film and drama rights on behalf of our authors.

For more information please visit www.forlagetaronsen.dk


CONTENTS The Desire of the Soul – Love Between Soul Mates By Katerina Pitzner (2017) Business Mom – Three Steps Towards Success as Mother and Self-employed By Christine Gouchault (2017) From Shame to Strength By Louise arisen Rams (2017) Live more Stuggle Less – Ayurvedic Lifestyle in the North By Maria Juhl (2017) Healthy, Happy and Pregnant – How You Eat and Think Affects Your Baby By Lene Hansson and Christina Hedegaard (2017) Cooking on a Budget By Sebastian Randrup (2016) Love Your Bowel By Lene Hansson and Christine Erritzøe (2016) Love Your Bowel 2 By Lene Hansson and Christine Erritzøe (2016) Sensitive Mother – Find Your Strengths and Understand Yourself By Stinemaria Mollie Jensen (2016) Sensitive Children By Athina Delskov and Lene Sonne (2016) Sensitive Youth By Athina Delskov and Lene Sonne (2015) Introduction to Sensitive Children By Athina Delskov and Lene Sonne (2015) Naturally Healthy Children By Anette Straadt (2015)

Katerina Pitzner

To the public Katerina Pitzner is a renowned diamond trader. She gives lectures and has starred on national Danish TV on several occasions. Katerina has her own blog in the acclaimed financial newspaper Børsen and contributes to The Huffington Post with blogs on the latest news from the international diamond industry. She is a mother of four. ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

The Desire of the Soul – Love Between Soul Mates By Katerina Pitzner Published September 2017 195 pages

To the public Katerina Pitzner is a renowned diamond trader. In The Desire of the Soul she reveals for the first time how the spiritual world has always been part of her life. The book consists of Katerina’s own story about the love between soul mates that is sometimes strenuous – the overshadowing love and why it is often so complicated. How come this love is on the one hand the most beautiful but on the other a most painful meeting? And why does one fall for the wrong person at the worst possible time in one’s life? Based on her own life and the experiences of her clients, Katerina lets us in on her own love- as well as soul mates, her ups and downs, and why we meet the people we do, fall in love and stay in relationships that cause so much hardship and pain. And what this has all taught her.

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Christine Gouchault

Christine Gouchault is a mother of four and a business owner. With ‘Mors Business’ she has created a network aimed at self-employed women. Through counselling, workshops and lectures she helps newly started businesses find their bearings. Christine has previously had her own business in Paris and has ten years of experience within Human Resources, sales and marketing. She has a master’s degree in communication and advertisement from INSEEC Paris. In addition to this she is a certified business- and life coach. ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Business Mom - Three Steps To Success As a Mom and a Business Owner By Christine Gouchault To be published in 2017

Business Mom is a three-step-guide for women, who want to create a life where having your own business and having a family does not exclude one another. The book will prepare you for potential obstacles during the start-up phase. It provides you different tools and exercises that will help you solve the problems as they occur and guide you through the different phases of developing your product. Because what is the next step for your company when you’ve decided on a product? Where should the focus be in the first stages of production? How do you accumulate customers? How do you not let your nerves get the better of you? And where does your family fit into your busy schedule? The book is meant as a manual in which you can let yourself be inspired, and it contains honest and personal interviews of self-employed women and mothers, who have managed to juggle career and family and create a happy and well-balanced life.

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Louise Ariesen Rams

Louise Ariesen Rams has a Master in communication, works as a couplesand psychotherapist, and teaches yoga, communication skills, coaching, and supervision. She is also the author of books on living abroad with small children (Det kan så let gå godt – i udlandet med familien) and on female lust (Kvinders lyst). ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

From Shame to Strength By Louise Ariesen Rams 184 pages Published August 2017

In From Shame to Strength, Louise Ariesen Rams focuses on the notion of shame. Through the journey of understanding shame within herself as well as in others, Louise explores how shame is expressed and how to pay attention to and react appropriately to the feeling of shame – referring to the field of sociology and psychology, to everyday instances, numerous cultural phenomena and a theological approach to shame in our Western society today. Even though the feeling of shame is inevitable as well as universal, it is different what triggers shame in each of us – whether we are children, adolescents, men or women. As soon as we understand the underlying pain in shame we are able to show the world our light.

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Maria Juhl

Maria Juhl is certified in holistic health, yoga and ayurveda from Deepak Chopra’s Chopra Center University in California, USA. Apart from this, she is co-founder of Dyssekilde Yoga-center, has been writing for the Danish magazines Fit Living, Liv & Sjæl and Chri Chri, and is a Life & Business coach from Manning Inspire. ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Live More Struggle Less - Ayurvedic Lifestyle in the North By Maria Juhl 205 pages Published October 2017 “With this book, Maria Juhl will spearhead a movement of holistic healing, health, well-being, and higher consciousness” – Deepak Chopra

The book Live More Struggle Less by Maria Juhl is a successor of Deepak Chopra’s notions of psychology and self-help. It takes you along on Marias’s journey from daily struggles to a more joyful way of living as it challenges your long-lasting habits and gives you valuable suggestions to a healthy and energized life, inside and out. In a logical and gentle manner, this book takes you back to your core and teaches you how to listen to your body and take it seriously. At the same time, the book offers the necessary insights into the ancient and worldwide health science, introducing all aspects of maintaining a vital and harmonious lifestyle as well as increasing your energy level and cheerfulness. Maria Juhl teaches you to struggle less in order to connect with your body, and the book includes different tools and guides helping you to incorporate ayurvedic philosophy into your everyday life. Furthermore, the book offers access to Maria’s online universe of tools and further inspiration.

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Lene Hansson Through her career as a therapist, healer and dietician, Lene Hansson has published numerous books – offering readers a better and healthier lifestyle, especially by focussing on the principles from the food combining diet and the FODMAP-diet. In addition to this she starred in the Danish TV show Du er hvad du spiser (You Are What You Eat) as the expert on diet and nutrition, and today she is a household name in Denmark.

Christina Hedegaard Christina Hedegaard – also known as Mama Christina – is a certified doula from The Birthing Company in Florida, US, and a skilled birth attendant from the birthing clinic Maia in Denmark. Furthermore, she is a Rebozoinstructor, a NLP coach and works with hypnosis and visualization. Christina is the host of her own talk show, Doula, on Danish TV and from October 2017 she is facilitating an education for future doulas.

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

HEALTHY, HAPPY AND PREGNANT What You Eat and Think Affects Your Baby! By Lene Hansson and Christina Hedegaard 238 pages Pusblished May 2017

This is a unique pregnancy guide, that shows you how you can make most of your diet, body, thought patterns and surroundings as well as how you can influence your baby in the most positive way long before your baby is conceived. By using the principles of this book you will experience a daily routine full of energy, happiness, a healthy colon and a happy baby growing inside your womb. The book sticks to the belief that a baby exists long before it is visible to the naked eye and that we are parents long before we can hold our baby in our arms. We must find our way back to the original and natural way of living while feeling safe and guided. Pregnancy or lack thereof has become less natural and more challenging to many even though we have more and more information about healthy diet and lifestyle? The book contains STORKEKUREN a step-by-step guide created to help couples getting pregnant. It is based on special dietary supplements, on how to maintain an optimal digestion and an intestinal bacterial flora and on creating a diet consisting of a balance of acid/base-inducing foods. In other words it is possible to increase the chances of pregnancy without using chemicals.

Healthy, Happy and Pregnant takes the pregnant woman by the hand and guides her in a direction where she will be able to feel and connect with her baby long before it is visible to others. Through different exercises within the book you will be able to optimise your body and mind, which will help you to the best start as a mother as well as on your journey through motherhood. ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Stinemaria Mollie Jensen

Our children are not the only ones to be sensitive. Writer, coach, teacher and lecturer Stinemaria Mollie Jensen does herself have the sensitive personality trait and has interviewed 50 women who are all contributing to widen the understanding of the notion of sensitivity in mothers. Stinemaria’s book is set to embrace mothers of all ages, and it brings personal stories as well as insights in the many ways of being sensitive. ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Sensitive Man By Stinemaria Mollie Jensen (To be published in 2018)

Finally it is here! The first Danish book for men who are ready to understand and use their sensitive personality trait. In Sensitive Man, Stinemaria Mollie Jensen describes the challenges as well as the benefits of sensitivity in men. The book contains personal stories of the joys and difficulties of more than 35 men who have contributed to the book through a questionnaire, conversations and in-depth interviews. Apart from insights into the world of sensitivity, this book offers hands-on advice and tools for handling sensitivity in your everyday life. Stinemaria Mollie Jensen works as a coach and mentor where she focusses on sensitive people. She is a certified life coach at MindJuice in Denmark and a shadow coach from the Debbie Ford Institute in Florida, US. In 2016, she published the book Sensitive Mother – Find Your Strengths and Understand Yourself. Here she deals with the sensitive women, their strengths as well as their understanding of the sensitive personality trait. Stinemaria has also published the books Fra hjerte til hjerne – om nærvær i familien (2011), Elsk din skilsmisse – elsk dig selv (2013) and Sensitiv? (2013).

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Sensitive Mother – Find Your Strengths and Understand Yourself By Stinemaria Mollie Jensen 195 pages Published August 2016

In Sensitive Mother – Find Your Strengths and Understand Your Self you will find loving advice and tools for handling your guilty conscience, your distracting relationships, and your emotional state in general. All elements in the day to day routine of a sensitive mother. Because how do you nurture your children and family when you are fed to the gills? When you more than anything need a break from turmoil, duties and conflicts – and perhaps even from your beloved children? This book shows you how sensitivity can add enormous amounts of love, care and excess energy as long as you attend to your own needs. When you do so, you are by far the best mother for your children.

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen ∙

Sebastian Randrup

Sebastian Randrup was only 14 when he published his first book, and since then he has competed in the Danish Masterchef 2016, going as far as the semi-finals. Today Sebastian is an experienced cook and works as a sous-chef at a delicacy store. He has been invited to cook on some of the biggest television networks in Denmark and has been referred to as the new Danish Jamie Oliver. ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Cooking on a Budget By Sebastian Randrup 180 pages Published Dec. 2016 “The idea of Cooking on a Budget is to do away with the idea that cheap food has to be boring, uninspiring and should only cover a basic need, because it's more than possible to eat well on a low budget” – Sebastian Randrup

Every year, common households dispose of tons of perfectly good food. Cooking on a Budget will help you utilise the full potential of left-overs and ingredients, enabling you to live cheap and simultaneously cook delicious food and limit your food waste on a day-to-day basis.

Cooking on a Budget is the ideal cookbook for students living away from home, but it's also perfect for anyone looking to save money and not have it be at the expense of the quality of their meals. The book contains helpful tips and tricks on things like seasonal ingredients and thawing frozen foods, along with a number of tasty low budget recipes, which have been sorted by season for your convenience, so that you'll always get the best ingredients for the least amount of money when you go grocery shopping.

Having previously written two cookbooks respectively aimed at adolescents learning to cook and those moving away from home, 24-year-old Sebastian Randrup has now published his third book, Cooking on a Budget.

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Lene Hansson Through her career as a therapist, healer and dietician, Lene Hansson has published numerous books – offering readers a better and healthier lifestyle, especially by focussing on the principles from the food combining diet and the FODMAP-diet. In addition to this she starred in the Danish TV show Du er hvad du spiser (You Are What You Eat) as the expert on diet and nutrition, and today she is a household name in Denmark.

Christine Erritzøe Christine Erritzøe has a Bachelor in Health and Nutrition from the Suhrs Seminar in Copenhagen and lots of experience with nutrients, healthy dieting and exercise through her career as a gymnastics teacher, masseuse, psychotherapist and as coach.

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Love Your Bowel By Lene Hansson and Christine Erritzøe 160 pages Published April 2016

Ten percent of the Danish population are dealing with a poor digestive system. Are you one of them – often struggling with gas, constipation or Irritable bowel syndrom? Love Your Bowel is based on the LOW FODMAP-Diet, an Australian dietary management approach to reduce symptoms associated with IBS (Irritable bowel syndrome) through excluding specific foods from your diet. Furthermore the book deals with Food Combining, where you separate protein and starch in your meals and also deals with the concept of META-Health. By reading this book you will be given tools to improve your digestion, and improve your balance in your body and psyche. Love Your Bowel also contains 40 new recipes based on the LOW FODMAP Diet.

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Love Your Bowel 2

A 4-week workbook – week by week By Lene Hansson and Christine Erritzøe 224 pages Published Sept. 2016

Most deceases are in reality hidden constipation! Love Your Bowel was an instant bestseller in Denmark, and this book serves as a follow-up with step-bystep guides on how to create your own dietary plan, grocery lists and exercises for motivation. This additional book also contains 60 brand new recipes that – besides from being mouth-watering – helps you to take good care of your intestinal system. As the authors say: Digestion should be a treat! The book is based on a combination of food combining and FODMAP – two dietary systems that are easy to live by in order to get your digestion under control. Furthermore, this is the only Danish book to include the human psyche as an important tool when dealing with a healthy digestion.

Love Your Bowel is among other things known from national Danish morning TV (Go’ Morgen Danmark) and is already in third edition. With this sequel, you now have an even better opportunity to follow and regulate your dietary as well as exercising habits – and your bowel will love you for it!

∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Lene Sonne Lene Sonne is a kindergarten teacher and runs a kindergarten with focus on sensitive children. Lene is also a trained psychotherapist and has worked with counseling sensitive people for many years. She also considers herself as sensitive.

Athina Delskov Athina Delskov is a psychologist. She considers herself as sensitive and has worked professionally with sensitive people for the last 10 years. Since 2012 she has been the president of the Danish HSP association (Highly Sensitive People). ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Sensitive Children By Athina Delskov and Lene Sonne 342 pages Published Sep. 2014

To be sensitive means that a person tackles sensory input with more nuances and greater depth than others, and up to 20% of all children can be characterized as sensitive. Sensitivity is not a diagnosis, but a temperament. Sensitive people are often very talented in many fields, but also more vulnerable. Many problems can therefore be avoided if one understands the sensitive sides better.

Sensitive Children is the first Danish book on the subject. The book contains, among other things, a questionnaire to determine whether or not your child is sensitive. The book gives solid advice, and answers questions, about how to support a sensitive child.

The book is based on a string of Danish cases about sensitive children and their parents, along with interviews with nurses, kindergarten teachers, teachers and psychologists, who all have worked with sensitivity. Sensitive Children is the first book in a series about sensitive people. Introduction to Sensitive Children, a compact and introductory version of the book will be published in April 2015. ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Sensitive Youth By Athina Delskov and Lene Sonne 359 pages Published Aug. 2015

The next book in the series on sensitive people, after Sensitive Children published in 2014. Sensitive Youth is the first book to describe what it is like to be young and sensitive and how the young people as well as the people around them view the world. Many sensitive youths are misunderstood – by themselves and their surroundings. Often their needs and difficulties are mislabeled as ‘puberty issues’, and some of the young people who drop out of school could very well be young sensitive people who doesn’t thrive under the same conditions as other young people. This book highlights the necessary tools and conditions for these young sensitive people in order to thrive at home, in their spare time, and in an educational setting.

Sensitive Youth focuses on young people from 13-20 years of age. It includes a number of interviews with youths who shares how they see the world and their needs from their surroundings. Furthermore, the book contains interviews with parents and professionals who deal with challenges and possible solutions. The authors combine these aspects and give their own human and professional contributions. ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

Anette Straadt

Anette Straadt is Health Visitor at a children's ward and the mother of three. She has helped hundreds of families with sick children, and has intimate and up to date-knowledge of child care. Anette is also a trained nurse and dietitian, and has more than 12 years of experience in working with children. She writes columns, articles and does seminars on children’s health. Anette’s blog on a natural approach to healthy children is read by hundreds of Danish families. ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen ∙

Naturally Healthy Children By Anette Straadt 268 pages Published Apr. 2015

When your child is sick, no matter if it happens only a couple of times a year, or, as for some unfortunate parents, several times, it hurts the parent as well as the child. This book contains a simple guide on how to get a healthy, strong and hardy child with a well-functioning immune system. It is not as hard as it could seem, and the results will be long-lasting and guarantee a greater well-being for parent and child. The book gives the reader seven easy steps to improve their child’s body and overall health. This in relation to the child’s digestion, blood sugar, sleep, well-being, dietary supplements, exercise and the 80/20-principle. In order to understand the needs of a child’s body, Naturally Healthy Children includes background information on how your child’s body works – in a very approachable manner. Along with this easily read information, Naturally Healthy Children includes easy and delicious recipes to inspire healthier eating habits. ∙ For more information contact siri@forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ www.forlagetaronsen.dk ∙ facebook.com/forlagetaronsen

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