Stichting Onterfd Goed:
The adoption desk for Dutch Art and Heritage On our city tour ‘Eindhoven in art’, our local host and artist Lex
Deaccession in the museum world
Grote shows us the lesser-known art hotspots in the Eindhoven region. For this edition, he takes us to “Stichting Onterfd Goed”
Jolande continues: “For years,
(Foundation of Disinherited goods).
collecting art was the biggest social cultural job museums had.
According to Lex: “On the Sectie-C design site in Tongelre,
There isn’t anything wrong with
Eindhoven, Stichting Onterfd Goed is located, the only organization
that but look at it the same way
in the Netherlands that specializes in advising museums,
you look at your bookcase at
governments and companies on improving their collections and
home. If it fills up you can buy
subsequently repurposing the objects to be reconfigured. More
a second bookcase, but you can
than a thousand works of art by unknown and well-known artists
also organise and decide what
such as Jeroen Krabbé, Rob Scholte, Jan Cremer and Corneille are
can stay and what should go.
for sale here at prices that are affordable for everyone.
That is called deaccession in the museum world. With deaccession
Director of the foundation,Jolande Otten, explains: “For the visitor
you can improve a collection.
it is a true art Valhalla; shelves full of Dutch art in various styles and
If it’s hard to find things in a
prices. Of the sixty million objects and art pieces in Dutch museum
drawer at your home, it’s time
depots, only 5% is accessible for the public. A lot of objects have
for deaccession.If you take out
duplicates, some are damaged, or they don’t fit in the theme of the
everything that is not supposed
museum. That is not just a waste of art, but also money if you look
to be in that drawer, you can see
at the costs for rent, climate control, staff and insurance.”
the actual content of the drawer.”