Exploring the City! Biking through Eindhoven on a sunny day to find
act as a local guide the first few days upon arrival,
beautiful street art and great food, while being in
we decided to test our newest innovation with them.
great company, who wouldn’t like that?
To experience and test a brand new service of
Exciting to launch our new service by testing it with
housing specialist Corporate Housing Solutions, a
these ‘local guides’!
group of professional relocation specialists went
Would they be just as enthusiastic as we are? What
on a special bike tour through Eindhoven. Together
kind of feedback would they give? And what would
they explored the city’s beautiful street art and
they think of the local partners we added to our
some of its’ delicious culinary treats.
Oftentimes expats and business travellers find
We decided to give them a taste of our local guide
it hard to settle into their new home and city.
by experiencing one of the fun activities together
Upon arrival they hardly know anyone and the
and visiting some of our other local partners on
city is also unexplored terrain. We wanted to help
the way.
our international guests to feel right at home in their new environment, and decided we could
The event started at Wielercafe Cyklist, where
help by introducing some new features within
we were treated to a coffee with pastry, just like
our Comfortable Living App. The chat feature we
our guests would enjoy when showing our app.
developed enables our guests to interact among
After downloading our app, our guests for the day
each other and easily build new connections. The
received a short explanation about the information
newest feature we added serves as a digital local
menu in the app and were asked to scroll through
guide and helps our guests to explore the city and
the chat function. Finally we asked them to have a
find the best places to visit from day one!
peak at the list of local partners offering special deals to our guests. After this short introduction
Since relocation experts know from experience
we received a bike from local partner Velorent
where to take newly arrived expatriates and often
and started the street art tour from City Tours