John Jorritsma
John Jorritsma John Jorritsma (born in Bolsward in Friesland in 1956) has been the Mayor of Eindhoven since 2016. At the same time he is chairman of the ‘Veiligheidsregio Zuid Brabant’ (Safety Region South-East Brabant). In that capacity, handling Corona has been his main activity since February. The Security Regions play a crucial role in the (implementation of the) measures to stop the virus. “There is a lot of tension and these are intense days. But that is all relative if you compare that to the effects that many others are suffering. The impact of this corona crisis is
closing the hotel and catering industry and canceling events. It hurts,
enormous. In Brabant we had the
but needed to be done, it was necessary to contain the virus.
dubious honor of having the first
In the corona era, we try to ensure that internationals are well informed
corona patient. Everyone looked
of all corona developments. Therefore, with a number of parties we
at Brabant. With my colleagues
developed the “Corona Portal”, not only in terms of measures and
Theo Weterings and Jack Mikkers,
financial support, but also for social initiatives designed to fight
respectively chairman of the
Safety Region Central and West Brabant
In one of your presentations I attended, you, Mayor Jorritsma,
Brabant-North, we immediately
referred to the fact that more and more internationals are coming
put our heads together and
to our region and that you consider it of the utmost importance that
the original and new people of Eindhoven interact well and also
the whole of Brabant at the
mingle.. What’s your vision of how Eindhoven works on this and which
beginning of March, such as
bottlenecks are there.