HOWDO magazine 19 Jun/Jul 2020

Page 32

Behind the Veils: Revealing Mata Hari by Rebekah Villon

Part 3: The Toast of Paris

years in Java, Margreet returned to the Netherlands as a divorcee,

The life of Mata Hari is shrouded

living in poverty while her husband kept custody of her daughter.

in mystery. There are competing and contradictory stories, and

After the dissolution of her marriage, Margreet moved to Paris.



Although it pained her to be so far from her daughter, she could not

herself, has different motives

support her, and her ex-husband used every scandal and accusation

for misrepresenting the truth.

from her life as a reason to keep her from her child. She was fluent in

My approach has been to sift

French (among other languages), and it's likely that she was working as

through these different stories

a prostitute and wanted to avoid more rumors and scandal reaching

and present the version that I

her family.


find most probable, but there are truths and facts that we may

Like a Shooting Star

never fully understand.









revolutionizing dance performance in Europe, moving from the drawing This is part three of a six-part

rooms and salons to centerstage and international fame. Margreet,

series exploring the life, loves,

who was working as an artist's model and circus performer under her

and legacy of the legendary Mata

married name of MacLeod, was likely inspired by these stories. When

Hari, born Margaretha Geertruida

she was invited to dance in a salon, she seized the opportunity, and

Zelle. In previous issues, we

quickly gained fame as an exotic dancer.

covered her tragic youth, a deeply troubled marriage, and

For her performances, Margreet adopted her Javanese nickname:

the loss of a child. After several

Mata Hari. She wore incredible costumes with elaborate head-

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