Living in another country When you go and live in another country there are many different
the differences depending on
things that you need to get acquainted to. The differences in culture,
where you came from and the
in habits. What is considered usual and what is not. Getting to know
habits and customs here in the
all these different things can be quite time consuming and sometimes
Netherlands. We have experience
costly. The traffic rules for example can be slightly different, which
in living and working in and with
can result in a fine. Also, conducting business can be different. Some
many different cultures. We can
customs can be considered offensive like making a deal on buying a
give you the benefit of these
house and then having extra demands afterwards. In the Netherlands
experiences. Please have a look
that is not common whereas in the south of Europe this is the way it
on our website to see which
is done.
services we can help you with.
When settling in a new house for example do you now invite the neighbors over or do you go and introduce yourself to them in the street? All these questions might be going through your head when you move into a new house and start to get acquainted to the new customs. You don’t want to make a bad first impression. In the Netherlands you do not arrive unannounced at a neighbor’s house, this is not appreciated. But obviously when you meet them in the street, by accident, you can always introduce yourself as the new tenant or owner. But like in any country some people are very welcoming and other people tend to be more private. Everyone needs to get accustomed to the new people on the block. At Tulip Expat Services we provide a relocation service which always also includes informing you about these small differences which can make settling in just that much easier. Give you a heads up on
Eindhoven and surrounding areas Tulip Expats Services BV +31 6 53 14 70 86
Postal address: P.O. Box 82301, 2508 EH The Hague +31 70 220 81 56