The director of this very dynamic art spot is Lex van Lith: “What started as two separate workshops, Beeldenstorm and Daglicht, became one organization in 2017. Now, three years later, it’s time to combine the activities under a new name: Make Eindhoven. To be presented in September, hopefully with a grand opening. Make Eindhoven is the place to be for the creative and artistic thinkers such as the professional visual artists, designers, and architects. The people who want to push their boundaries with materials, and the In our city tour for
students of study programs who start an uninhibited learning process.
“Eindhoven in art”, our
We offer advice, space, knowledge, facilities and time to support the
host and artist Lex Grote
makers in realizing their ideas.”
shows us lesser known art hotspots of the Eindhoven
Make Eindhoven is a place to experiment, innovate, create, and
region. For this edition he
stimulate. To share knowledge. Makers are invited to discover and
takes us to ‘Beeldenstorm
research materials and techniques. To be surprised by the possibilities
/ Daglicht’ at the NRE
of making. All this with the certainty that mistakes do not exist,
site, close to the center
only possibilities.
of town. Lex explains: “In this creative environment
artists and designers
Lex continues: ”Make Eindhoven has a metal foundry where mainly
can experiment with 3D
bronze alloys and aluminum can be cast. There are possibilities for
techniques, materials such
various (re)production methods and post-processing techniques.
as glass and metal as well
In addition, there are facilities for experiments with various glass
as graphic techniques,
techniques, such as melting, bending, fusing, kiln casting and stained-
for example silkscreen
glass painting. The workshop has a large flatbed oven, two smaller
printing, etching
ovens and possibilities for finishing operations.
and lithography.”
In the graphic workshop, professional makers can use different