Multi-Fold Detailed Brochure

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ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT Economic Empowerment is the leading thema�c area of the Founda�on, the Programs under this theme have been designed to improve the economic condi�ons of targeted communi�es with the holis�c view to improving their quality of life. HF drives business models that are sustainable, so they operate successfully even a�er HF’s exit.

A CHAPTER US Hashoo Foundation (HF) USA is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization based in Houston, Texas. HF USA is working locally to raise awareness, promote intercultural understanding and best practices as it builds partnerships with other individuals, non-profit and professional organizations. It also leverages support for HF Pakistan’s ongoing programmes and responding to emergencies through direct and in-kind donations.

The programma�c areas under Economic Empowerment include: • Skills Development • Enterprise Development Program

Hashoo Foundation UK was registered in 2006 with the Charities Commission, with the aim of providing technical and funding support to HF Pakistan and developing meaningful in-country initiatives in collaboration with development entities.

Hashoo Foundation’s Takjiskistan Office working locally to raise awareness, promote intercultural understanding and best practices as it builds partnerships with other individuals, non-profit and professional organizations.



Skills Development Programs


Hashoo Founda�on 2nd Floor, 5-B Plaza, F-6 Markaz, Islamabad – Pakistan +92- 51-282 4336 - 41 www.hashoofounda� hashoofounda�onofficial

Under this Program HF has partnered with na�onal and interna�onal organiza�on and stakeholders including PPAF, World Vision, Plan Pakistan, HomeNet Pakistan, UKAID, PSDF, GIZ, AusAid NAVTTC, TEVTA and many more reputed organiza�ons to build the capacity of target youth and make them ready to contribute in na�onal income through decent jobs and small businesses with in the country and abroad. Hospitality Management Training Program Hospitality Management Training Program (HMTP) is one of the flagship programs of Hashoo Founda�on. It is focused on impar�ng knowledge and skills to young women and men, by providing them opportuni�es to learn and prac�ce the skills and competencies required by the global hospitality industry. HMTP was ini�ated in 1999 by introducing hands-on training opportuni�es in Hashoo Group of Hotels especially at Marrio� and Pearl Con�nental Hotels across the country. Technical & Voca�onal Training Program Hashoo Founda�on ini�ated Technical & Voca�onal Educa�on Training Program (TVETP) in 1999 by iden�fying the emerging needs of industries. HF engages youth (unskilled, semi-skilled) to learn and prac�ce various competencies and skills related to needs of na�onal and interna�onal market. HF has trained above 15,000 youth in various trades since incep�on.


youth were trained in Hospitality Management Training Program


youth were trained in Technical & Vocational Training Program

Entrepreneurship Development Program

Early Childhood Development Program Hashoo Founda�on (HF), in 2004, HF ini�ated Early Childhood Development areas to create an enabling environment for early childhood development through building capacity of young teachers, parents and caregivers. HF conducted various 2,210 women were trained in Early Childhood baseline studies to set a viable scope of early childhood Development Program development that facilitates each child to reach his or her poten�al and become a produc�ve part of the rapidly changing, global society. Life Skills Training Program (LSTP) Hashoo Founda�on equally focuses to develop knowledge, skills and a�tude of youth so that they can play key role at workplace, society and home. Ul�mately, this approach develops a balanced personality having required 2,081 competencies in respec�ve field. LSTP is one of the key programs which is embedded in all our training programs as it helps the learner to adopt prac�cal skills and best prac�ces to bring measurable improvement in their lives.

youth were trained in Life Skills Training Program

Ins�tu�onal Strengthening Training Program Hashoo Founda�on ini�ated Ins�tu�onal Strengthening Training Program (ISTP) in 2012 to enhance knowledge, capacity, skills and competencies of professionals working in 242 development and corporate sectors at different managerial and execu�ve level posi�ons. This training has enabled professionals, communi�es and organiza�ons to strengthen their capabili�es to develop, implement and maintain effec�ve management system, get op�mum u�lity of resources and improve produc�vity and efficiency.

employees were trained in Institutional Strengthening Training Program

The Entrepreneurship Development Program of HF concentrates upon development and incorpora�on of sustainable ini�a�ves, where support is provided to local communi�es. Small industry economic models such as Honey Bee Farming, Livestock and Dairy Development and Agribusiness modules are introduced, where women and men are geared towards ensuring indigenous economic revival and development. Buckwheat Farming Hashoo Founda�on has revived the cul�va�on of Buckwheat, the staple crop of GB region, by capacita�ng 200 women farmers with advanced farming techniques, who produced 13,000 kg of Buckwheat and generated an income of 2.9 million PKR within a period of 11 months (Jan-Nov 2017). HF will now replicate this project in other districts.


farmers have benefitted from Buckwheat farming

Handicra�s Development Program Hashoo Founda�on has been ac�vely working to revive the cultural economy and linking it with the tradi�onal heritage to make a posi�ve contribu�on to people and society. To achieve this we have developed programs in Cra� and Design and 758 women were trained in crea�ve ci�es which mobilize, our exper�se, resources and Handicrafts networks to foster the growth of individuals, enterprises, and ins�tu�ons involved.Most of our work in this area has been in Gilgit-Bal�stan and Chitral, including Kalash, but slowly and gradually we are moving towards the other regions. Honey Bee Farming This women empowerment Honey Bee Farming Project was ini�ated in GBC and is now successfully and sustainably established as a social enterprise for the benefit of mountain areas rural communi�es. Marble Shine Program Marble Shine Program is a unique income genera�ng project of Hashoo Founda�on, that offers high quality floor polishing services (Marble, Granite and Chips) to commercial, government and private clients. Opera�ng since 1999, MSP has trained and employs more than 229 staff.


women entrepreneurs empowered through Honey Bee Farming



Environment and Climate Change Program (ENV/CC) Environment and Climate Change Program at Hashoo Founda�on is exploring the role of the private sector in Pakistan in improving the environment and enabling climate ac�on. The program priori�es protect the environment, enhance climate compa�bility, promote low carbon development, build resilience, and reduce risks from climate induced disasters. Hashoo Founda�on – through its program and projects – works for the economic empowerment and social development of the communi�es it works with. In par�cular the Environment and Climate Change program wants to enhance the impact of the Founda�ons work. It adopts a social-environment-economic nexus driven approach to achieve its objec�ves - promote economic empowerment and social development without compromising the environment. The program wants to develop local solu�ons to climate issues faced by communi�es through skill and enterprise development. To help communi�es address climate change challenges the program is designing projects which enhance resilience of people with climate dependent livelihoods. Energy management prac�ces which lower dependence on unreliable fuels and provide off-grid energy solu�ons to communi�es residing the remote loca�on of Pakistan are a part of program objec�ves. The Environment and climate change programs places par�cular emphasis on building partnerships with local, sub-na�onal, and na�onal authori�es, communi�es, and non-governmental organiza�ons to create alliances which build on the strengthens of each. Working with

key stakeholders – development organiza�ons, prac��oners, communi�es, and government – the program inculcated an integrated and sustained approach. The program wants to enhance capaci�es at all levels in order to support communi�es address climate related concerns. Addi�onally, the Program will work research ins�tutes and universi�es to suggest innova�ve ways of seeking local solu�ons to global climate related problems.

Program Mission

The program aims to take forward Hashoo Founda�on’s mission of enabling and empowering communi�es to be independent by facilita�ng equitable access to opportuni�es and partnering with network communi�es, organiza�ons, donors, and the academia. The program will help provide an enabling environment for the crea�on of Climate Resilient Communi�es along an Environmentally Sustainable, Climate Compa�ble and Low Emissions Development path.

Programma�c Areas:

The programma�c areas under Environment and Climate Change include: • Enhancing Resilience of Communi�es with Climate and Water dependent Livelihoods. • Promote Low Carbon Development through Energy Management and Efficiency, Renewable Energy and crea�ng Carbon Sinks. • Awareness raising and pilo�ng on Environment Protec�on and Climate Change Impacts • Green Entrepreneurship through innova�on and Enterprise Development

individuals have been trained and employs by MSP

This area comprises of health/nutri�on, educa�on programs, skills development and social protec�on programs. Programs and projects within the social development area are designed to priori�ze quality educa�on for all, equipping youth with employable skills and assis�ng vulnerable and marginalized segments of society who face acute financial difficul�es due to mul�ple factors like disasters, accidents, and sudden loss of income source etc. The social protec�on program helps vulnerable groups to recover from the economic shocks. The overall goal of social development thema�c area is to contribute towards the development of adequate social infrastructure for the poor and facilitate its access to under privilidged communi�es across Pakistan. Some key interven�ons under this priority area are: • Skill Development Programs • Youth Development Centers • Child Educa�on Support Program (CESP) • Scholarships-Internship • Social Protec�on Program - Sahara Fund • Health/Nutri�on


women and men have benefi�ed from Hashoo Livelihood and Social Protec�on Program


Partnerships 229


individuals were provided access to quality healthcare Renewable Energy

Sustainable Livelihoods

Reduce - Reuse - Recycle

Green Enterprises



We envisage an ethical, equitable, inclusive and progressive society in which people live with dignity and have power over their own lives

Our Mission

To enable and empower communi�es to be independent by facilita�ng equitable access to opportuni�es.

Our Thema�c Areas Economic Empowerment

Environment & Climate Change

Social Development

Programs & Projects Hashoo Entrepreneurship Development Program

Hashoo Environment & Climate Change Program

Hashoo Educa�on Program

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

▪ Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Emergency Relief Initiatives ▪ Renewable Energy ▪ Solid Waste Management ▪ Promotion of Equitable Distribution of Benefits in Biodiversity Services/Product ▪ Water Tied to Poor Peoples’ Livelihoods (Work on Glacier Lake Outburst Floods - GLOF)

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

Buckwheat Farming Handicra�s Development Program Honey Bee Farming Marble Shine Program

Skills Development Program ▪ Hospitality Management Training Program ▪ Technical & Voca�onal Training Program ▪ Early Childhood Development ▪ Ins�tu�onal Strengthening Training ▪ Life Skills Training Program (LSTP)

Child Educa�on Support Program Hashoo Founda�on Schools Scholarship Programme Early Childhood Development Program Rotary Books for the World Program

Hashoo Social Protec�on Program ▪ Social Welfare and Sahara Fund ▪ Emergency Relief to Earthquake affectees in District Chitral ▪ Basic Health Centers ▪ Spinal Cord Injury Project for Pakistan Earthquake Rehabilita�on

Hashoo Founda�on (HF) is a not for profit organiza�on commi�ed to working with mul�ple stakeholders and communi�es irrespec�ve of race, caste, gender, faith or creed. Established under a single vision and unified structure, the Founda�on is a progressive, accountable, and impact oriented ins�tu�on, managed by a team of professionals and governed by a group of independent trustees.



women and men have benefi�ed from Hashoo Livelihood and Social Protec�on Program


Women, men and children have been provided access to clean drinking water and hygiene facili�es


individuals were provided access to quality healthcare

SERVING THE NATION SINCE 3 DECADES Our dedicated and professional team has served 1,100,000 BENEFICIARIES in Pakistan only and coun�ng...



children were facilitated and provided access to good quality educa�on

youth have been trained through mul�ple and have successfully secured employement


youth in both urban and rural communi�es have been sensi�zed on climate ac�on responsibili�es


individuals have benefi�ed from our different projects


102 organiza�ons &

12 networks More than 140 organiza�ons and networks have been engaged for socio-economic development goals


Rawalpindi, Lahore, Chitral, Gilgit


Karachi, Gwadar, Peshawar, Muzaffarabad


Hard to Make Ends Meet We are a large family of nine siblings and my mother. It was hard to make ends meet. But my earnings from my business have given a great boost to the family. I take care of my mother’s medical expenses completely on my own and contribute to the household expenses as well.


BBC World Challenge ‘08

In December 2008, the project Women Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming was voted the winner of the pres�gious BBC World Challenge 08, among 700 organiza�ons worldwide. World Challenge is a global compe��on aimed at recognizing projects that have shown enterprise and innova�on at the grassroots level.

We used to s�tch our clothes the way we were taught by our mothers & other elders. Owing to this project, we discovered the real worth of our designs & their prospects in commercial terms. We can now earn sufficient amount to contribute towards our household expenses.

I couldn’t sleep for months a�er my son and daughter in law died, wondering how I will take care of my granddaughter. All thanks to Hashoo Founda�on, who supported us financially and helped secure the future of my family.

women and men were trained in Entrepreneurship Development


Real Worth of Our Designs

Secured Future





Clinton Global Ini�a�ve


individuals have benefited from Environment/Climate Change Program (ECCP)


individuals have been trained through Skills Development Program (SDP)


Students were providede access to good quality educa�on through educa�on program


individuals have benefited from Social Protec�on and Livelihoods Program (SPLP)

Life is trying things to see if they work Rachel James, an extremely talented young girl from Rawalpindi, gives us a very though�ul message about the value of hard work irrespec�ve of the level of work. The idea that ‘some jobs are small, and some are big’ and ‘only few are respectable, and others are not’, is something that Rachel’s story proves wrong. Rachel is one amongst those in our society who felt no shame in washing the dishes to get a respectable life by earning money. Her capacity was far more than being in the pot-washing area but for starters, she didn’t lose hope and chose to take the first step in the right direc�on. Rachel, with the aim to grow and build a successful career, applied for professional cooking course at Hashoo Founda�on under the project supported by Punjab Skills Development Fund and got selected. With her hard work, she managed to complete her professional cooking course,“I never knew I was this capable un�l I joined the course by Hashoo Founda�on, which was the entry point for me in the hospitality industry and brought out the best in me”. Rachel was enrolled in the cooking course but found her best interest in guest rela�ons in the hospitality industry, that lead her to apply for the posi�on of Guest Rela�ons Officer at Islamabad Marriot Hotel, a posi�on that she luckily secured.“Hashoo Founda�on acted as a bridge between my dreams and myself, leading me to the des�na�on I wanted to reach” , she said brimming with pride.


In 2007, Women Empowerment through Honey Bee Farming project was featured and highlighted during the poverty allevia�on session at the 2007 Clinton Global Ini�a�ve. Furthermore, in 2008, it was selected from amongst more than 1,000 organiza�ons, as one of the four “Featured Commitments “on the CGI website during its Annual Mee�ng.

Jefferson Award

The Hashoo Founda�on was recognized for its project “Plan Bee”. This project provides a pla�orm for the Klein Forest High School’s Pakistani Indian Student Associa�on (PISA) to promote inter-cultural rela�ons and reach out, share their crea�vity, and funds they earn from their “Cultural Shock” charity shows to help the women beekeepers who lost their beehives –their only source of income- to the devasta�ng floods in Pakistan. PISA students have provided new beehives to help the beekeepers rebuild their honey business and provided their children access to quality educa�on. Hashoo Founda�on serves on the board of Climate Ac�on Network South Asia (CANSA) the regional chapter of Climate Ac�on Network Interna�onal (CANI). CANSA is a network of 200 regional organisa�ons from Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. The network provides opportuni�es for sharing knowledge and experiences from a wide range of organiza�ons on Climate Ac�on.

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