Environment & Climate Change Brochure

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Environment and Climate Change Environment and Climate Change Program at Hashoo Foundation is exploring the role of the private sector in Pakistan in improving the environment and enabling Climate Action. The Program priorities include the protection of the environment, enhancing Climate Compatibility, promoting Low Carbon Development, building Resilience, and reducing risks from Climate Induced Disasters. Hashoo Foundation – through its program and projects – works for the Economic Empowerment and Social Development of the communities. In particular the Environment and Climate Change Program wants to enhance the impact of the Foundations work. It adopts a Social-Environment-Economic Nexus driven approach to achieve its objectives - promote Economic Empowerment and Social Development without compromising the quality of the environment. The program wants to develop local solutions to climate issues faced by communities through Skill and Enterprise Development. Energy management practices which lower dependence on traditional fuel sources and provide Off-Grid energy solutions to communities residing in the remote locations of Pakistan are a part of Program’s objectives. The Environment and climate change programs places particular emphasis on building partnerships with local, sub-national & national authorities, communities, and non-governmental organizations to create alliances which synergize strengths of each of these sectors. Working with key stakeholders – development organizations, practitioners, communities, and the Government – the program inculcates an integrated and sustainable approach towards building partnerships. The program wants to enhance capacities at all levels in order to support communities aiming to address climate related concerns. Additionally, the Program will work with research institutes and universities to help design innovative local solutions to global climate problems.

Our Functions


Government, NGO’s, Environment & Climate Experts and Practitioners


National, Regional, and International Networks


Innovative Local Solutions

Our Priority Areas

Renewable Energy

Community Based Adaptation

Solid Waste Management

The SDGs, we are contributing to


Disaster Risk Reduction

w w w. h a s h o o fo u n d a t i o n . o rg /hashoofoundationofficial


Second Floor, 5-B Plaza, Sector F6 , Islamabad, Pakistan Email: info@hashoofoundation.org Tel: +92 51 2273621-5

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