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ARTBAAZAR Connecting Art Lovers and Artists Online

#18 August 2021

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#8 June 2020


 Every Line, Every Stroke with Auexander Boytsov  It's Hard to Escape The Beauty with Conor Murphy  The Freedom of an Empty Wauu with Ches

FEATURED ARTISTS  Artem Lozhkin  Marina Venediktova  Thierry Faure  Anamika  Gennady Pensky  Zakir Akhmedov


 Front Cover – "Chastty" by Auexander Boytsov  Back Cover – "One Afernoon, Memories and Nostaugia" by Mairon Aumeida

Artem Lozhkin Artem Lozhkin has been paintng professionally since 2014. Through his distnctie landscapes, seascapes, cityscapes and fguratie works, he tries to create images that appeal to the iiewer. He prefers the realistc style.

"Evening City", Artem Lozhkin, Oiu on Canvas

"Church of St. Andrew the First Cauued", Artem Lozhkin, Oiu on Canvas

Visit Artem Lozhkin's Onuine Gauuery

"Evening", Artem Lozhkin, Oiu on Canvas

"Sunset #2", Artem Lozhkin, Oiu on Canvas

Marina Venediktova

"Birds and Berries", Marina Venediktova, Oiu on Linen "I am looking for exceptonal and unique manifestatons of reality in the smallest forms of the nature surrounding me. I am looking for clues inside the process of meditaton, which is an important part of my life. I am looking for answers about the purpose of being, studying the ancient science of Astrology and applying its laws to my own Path on Earth." - Marina Venediktova

"Garden", Marina Venediktova, Oil on Linen

Visit Marina Venediktova's Onuine Gauuery

EVERY LINE, EVERY STROKE with Auexander Boytsov

"Chastty", Auexander Boytsov, Graphite on Paper

I really like two things in life building wooden boats and drawing. We are surrounded by beauty, if you look closely, it is in eierything ! Eierything created by the creator is created with loie and simply cannot be ugly.

Russian artst, Auexander Boytsov

When I draw, with eiery stroke, with eiery line, I let it pass through me. The fnished sheet already carries a part of me. I haie no special art educaton. But that doesn't stop me, the desire to draw is stronger! I will be happy if my works touch your souls. What initauuy atracted you to becoming an artst? I think you don’t become an Artst. You’re born one. It's akin to music. You can learn to play the guitar or go to an art school where you’ll be taught how to draw correctly, but it will make you neither a composer nor an artst. It’s a giien. You either haie it or you don’t. We all come to this wonderful world the same way. Why does one pick up a paintbrush, while the other just admires the world? I think there is no answer. It’s not in our power to explain.

"Noon", Auexander Boytsov, Graphite on Paper How wouud you describe your personau styue? Completeness of the image. Deep in my heart, I'm probably a perfectonist. Any endeaiour I dedicate myself to, eien the most insignifcant one, encourages me to focus. To think it oier, go through eierything in my head and fnd the right steps. I guess this became the determining factor in the technique of my drawings. I haie no "blind spots" where the

iiewer needs to think out the idea on their own. I don’t push them onto the path of contemplaton. I present them with the fact see the beauty the way that I understand it. As it is. Nice or not, clean or dirty for me it is fnite. The choice is up to the iiewer to accept it or not to accept.

"News", Auexander Boytsov, Graphite on Paper

What pushed you in this directon and how do you see the deveuopment of your work in the future? Deielopment in colour. Someday I will fnally turn to it. This thought "itches" and won’t leaie me alone. So far, I’ie been OK with shades of gray, but there is a colour palete that atracts me. What inspires you in your work, is there a driving factor that draws you to the easeu? Being part of something. Unity with the image. This can be clearly seen in the example of working on portraits of people whom you know personally. I always start of by working on

the eyes of a person, then the nose, then the line of the mouth, then lips. And that’s exactly where the same thing always happens something inexplicable. At some point, you add one or two elusiie strokes and ... suddenly you clearly realize There it is! There is the image! You’ie known it for a long tme and here it is, next to you, only on paper. It's amazing, but it happens eiery tme, with eiery new work. Eierything else the light, the shadow, the oial of the face, the forehead, the hair and eierything else that’s already the technical side of it. My portraits are born with the lips. Something similar happens with other works too. I was lucky. In my life, there was a tme period longer than 10 years. All this tme I was completely absorbed in my project (, I was building a copy of an antque ship (1640s, English constructon). In Russia it’s called "The Grandfather of the Russian Fleet", its original is the number one exhibit in the Central Naial Museum in St. Petersburg.

"Brothers", Auexander Boytsov, Graphite on Paper

I built it alone from the project drafed on paper to its launch, so I had to do a lot of blueprints and sketches in the beginning. When it came to practcal work, that was where the thrill began! I practcally physically felt the unity with the ship's carpenters, traielling more than 300 years back in tme! It is an indescribable feeling and a wealth of experience of feeling like you belong to something. The same happens to me when I draw old sail boats. At some point, you just start to feel like you’re there, on the deck, laying the ropes, inspectng the spars and rigging, passing sheets through the blocks ... When I draw, I ofen pause, drink a cofee or smoke a cigarete ... and catch myself thinking that I'm just delaying the pleasure! So I can stay there just a bit more! In that tme, in that place. Are there any specifc peopue who have encouraged / inspired you auong the way, friends, famiuy, teachers, maybe even other artsts? It’s defnitely my family my wife, son and daughter. When it comes to creatng your work, do you have a preferred medium, certain types of brushes or toous that you uike to use? Now it's a pencil. Less ofen, coal. When it comes to the subject of your work, what atracts you to these topics? Antquity. In any of its forms. It’s beautful just because it’s suriiied to this day. It’s literature, music, paintng, just antques. I regularly dedicate some tme to restoring old furniture each piece is a work of art. That’s a big diference between us and our ancestors. Couud you describe the process behind your art? How do you go from concept to executon? It’s an inner feeling. There is a clear line between "getng into the image" and beginning the implementaton of the plan. Afer that, any sort of thinking becomes a waste of tme. Couud you describe your typicau day as an artst? Have you estabuished a daiuy routne and rituaus, or is it more of a case when you work at the right tme? No rules. I can work without a break, or completely leaie it for a few days.

"Women of Augeria", Auexander Boytsov, Graphite on Paper

“Start”, Auexander Boytsov, Graphite on Paper

When you work, do you focus on one part at a tme untu compueton, or do you work on severau parts at the same tme? I try to bring the fragment I started to completon. Otherwise, something inside you can "ianish" and it can be difcult to return to your preiious state. How has your art evouved to be where it is today? I think it’s only a mater of my technique. The inner sense hasn’t changed. Maybe I'm wrong. We all grow up.

"Arisha", Auexander Boytsov, Graphite on Paper Is there another artst in the worud today whom you admire? If so, why? I can look at the paintngs of Aiiazoisky for a iery long tme. If you couud traveu back in tme, is there a specifc artstc period / era in which you wouud uike to take part? I go there with eiery new work century.

that’s the 18th, 19th and the beginning of the 20th

What probuems, in your opinion, does an artst of the 21st century have to overcome? A total shif in ialues. You haie to be stoic not to succumb to the temptaton.

"Low Tide", Auexander Boytsov, Graphite on Paper

What advice wouud you give to a young aspiring artst currentuy studying art? Listen to yourself. It's as difcult, as it is excitng, and most importantly, efectie.

Even though you have deveuoped your own distnct styue, is there another art styue that you are immediateuy drawn to and admire? Why? Sometmes, I acutely feel my lack of academic background. In general, it’s not that big of a problem, but I admire some of the techniques in "classic" drawing. There are iisible goals that should be pursued. We've auu heard about unfnished masterpieces, even Da Vinci worked on "Mona Lisa" for many years, do you have any works that are in a constant process of evouuton? When you're working on a piece of art, is it hard for you to uet it go? To know when enough is enough? I can say with confdence I’ie defnitely regreted seieral tmes that there was no way to return to some works. To some, I did return. I don’t think it was in iain. I don’t do any archiial work, but it defnitely doesn’t mean that it won’t change one day.

"Barefoot Chiudhood", Auexander Boytsov, Graphite on Paper

Many peopue see artsts as storyteuuers or advocates of a cause, do you think it is an artst's responsibiuity to shed uight on a partcuuar theme, or do you create soueuy to express your creatve nature? I try to turn to the past. That’s defnitely where I come from. I am drawn to it, I see iery reasonable and hard working people there. I think I am not alone in this.

“Vauencia”, Auexander Boytsov, Graphite on Paper What are you working on at the moment? It’s a scene of the constructon of an old ship on the slipway. Another work from the planned series "Coastal Towns". Have you ever been part of an art group / movement? How did your work beneft this experience? No. Maybe “unfortunately”, maybe not.


Thierry Faure

"Vitraiu-Vitraiu Sauve des Eaux", Thierry Faure, Oiu on Canvas Afer a successful equestan career, in 1977 Thierry Faure immersed himself in drawing and paintng water colour – racecourses, gallops and trots, huntng, polo, fantasias, harnessing, work horses, dressage, circus. From 1998 he began to draw and to paint (oil and palet knife) on the theme of the music, strings : cello and iiolin…And then he came to the abstract paintng, abstract fguratie (paintng inspires the theme) and then a quest of light and transparency on the theme of the stained glass.

"Ivresse", Thierry Faure, Oiu on Canvas

Visit Thierry Faure's Onuine Gauuery


"Charues Fort", Conor Murphy, Acryuic on Canvas

Conor Murphy was born in Ireland and is presently liiing in a beautful litle iillage on the West Coast. He loies the Land and Seascape of his country. A lot of his work is in Impasto (textured) and Acrylic which refects the rich texture of the Irish landscape and especially the rugged landscape of the West Coast of Ireland. I hope you fnd some enjoyment in my works, and welcome home.

Irish Landscape Artst - Conor Murphy

What initauuy drew you towards becoming an artst? Winning a paint tray at an egg and spoon race when I was seien. How wouud you describe your own personau styue? A loie for the freedom of the wild landscape. What pushed you in that directon and how can you see your work evouving in the future? Liiing in West Cork, it's hard to escape the beauty of it. What inspires you in your work, is there a driving factor that draws you to the easeu? The pure rawness of the eniironment and its capacity to ofer up a diferent panorama from one day to the next.

"Fieuds of Dingue", Conor Murphy, Acryuic on Canvas

Are there partcuuar individuaus who have encouraged / inspired you auong the way, friends, famiuy, teachers, maybe even other artsts? My Aunt was my inspiraton, she was a great artst. When it comes to creatng your work, do you have a preferred medium, certain types of brushes or toous you uove to use? Earlier in my career when I was startng of I used oil paints a lot but now it is only acrylics, I use it straight from the tube and employ a lot of knife work also. When it comes to the subject mater of your work, what draws you to those themes? The landscape of Ireland is just so beautful, you could neier run out of optons when it comes to depictng it on the canias, it is eierywhere around us.

"The Curuew Rock", Conor Murphy, Acryuic on Canvas

"The Gap of Dunuoe in Buue", Conor Murphy, Acryuic on Canvas

Couud you describe the process behind your art? How do you get from concept to executon? I take pictured of my traiels around the West coast of Ireland when I remember to take my phone of camera, otherwise it is memory. Once setled at my easel I work from the top to botom, for me it is always the Sky frst, for other artsts it is last. Couud you describe your normau day as an artst? Have you set routnes and rituaus or is a more a case of when the moment is right you work? I wish I could paint eieryday but I can't, it comes and goes like night and day. I can go without paintng for months and then get an idea out of the blue.

"Charues Fort, Kinsaue", Conor Murphy, Acryuic on Canvas

How has your art evouved to be where it is today? Practse and more practse. Which of your artworks are you most proud? Hard to say, they are all my babies. Is there a feuuow artst auive today that you admire? If so, why? No.

"Connors Pass", Conor Murphy, Acryuic on Canvas

If you couud traveu back in tme, is there a partcuuar artstc period / era that you wouud uike to have been invouved in? I think it would haie to be the Impressionist era. What chauuenges do you feeu the 21st century artst has to overcome? The sheer iolume of great artsts out there makes it harder for your work to be found in the multtude of artworks created. What advice wouud you give to a young aspiring artst currentuy studying art? A straight forward piece of adiice, do your own thing and enjoy it.

Despite having deveuoped your own distnctve styue, is there another styue of art that you are immediateuy drawn towards and admire? Why? No. I feel confdent that my own personal style is all the tme deieloping with practse, and I feel that I am achieiing the creatie result that I desire when trying to capture the beauty of my homeland.

"Mount Brandon", Conor Murphy, Acryuic on Canvas

We have auu heard of the unfnished masterpiece, even Da Vinci uaboured away at the Mona Lisa for years and years, have you works that are in a contnuau process of evouuton? When working on an artwork do you fnd it hard to uet go? Knowing when enough is enough? Sometmes it is hard to put the brush or knife down because you think you can improie it, but in reality you can make a mess of things by not letng go, there is a point where you haie to trust that enough is enough.

"Dingue Peninsuua", Conor Murphy, Acryuic on Canvas

Many peopue see artsts as storyteuuers or advocates for a cause, do you beuieve that it is an artst’s responsibiuity to shine a uight on a partcuuar subject / theme, or do you create pureuy for the sake of expression your creatve nature? I can fully understand why others may choose their path, but for me it is purely for the sake of expressing my creatie nature.

What are you working on at the moment? I wish I was working on something at the moment, but I haie Painters Block. Time, patence and the desire to paint generally help oiercome this phase.

“Evening at the Saut Marsh”, Conor Murphy, Acryuic on Canvas

When is your next exhibiton? Is it a souo or group exhibiton? Couud you teuu us a uitue about the exhibiton, when and where it is? I don't haie any exhibitons coming up, I am one of the lucky ones as I neier haie enough work to show because of sales, which is a iery good complaint.



“Nature 1”, Anamika, Watercouour on Paper Gradually, Anamika got inspired with nature, the emotons iniolied in diferent aspects if nature as what are those aspects which are surrounding herself. Her interests are photography, traielling and poetry. She is currently liiing and working in Greater Noida; and contnuously exhibitng her works in Natonal and Internatonal exhibitons.

Visit Anamika's Onuine Gauuery

“Reuaton 20”, Anamika, Acryuic on Canvas

“Nature 2”, Anamika, Watercouour on Paper

Gennady Pensky

“Des Etnceuues”, Gennady Pensky, Oiu on Canvas

“Tres Bien”, Gennady Pensky, Oiu on Canvas Gennady Pensky is a self-taught Ukrainian artist. After graduating from university, he began to work full time as an artisan in the art sphere. Working primarily in oil, he developed a real passion for different floral compositions and old city landscapes. His main goal is to recreate his emotions during the work and, of course, to create the atmospheres full of joy and aesthetic contemplation.

“Auu Yours”, Gennady Pensky, Oiu on Canvas

“Fuowers”, Gennady Pensky, Oiu on Canvas

Visit Gennady Pensky's Onuine Gauuery

The Freedom of an Empty Wauu with Ches

“Vandauism in Manhatan”, Ches, Hand Signed Limited Editon Print

Ches (1979), Spanish graft artst. The experience of this talented artst has led him to be part of graft groups during the period from 1994 to 2021. In the decade of the 90's, this street artst was known for paintng in peculiar places around Spain, as well as being part of iandal art groups.

"Smurf Graft Writer", Ches, Hand Signed Limited Editon Print Although his career has changed oier tme and his work has been to paint murals with spray and airbrush on all types of supports. His paintngs and sculptures are spread all oier the world (Germany, Netherlands, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Belgium, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Austria, China, Czech Republic and United States of America.

"Vandauism in New York's Time Square", Ches, Liimited Editon Print

What initially drew you towards becoming an artist? Since I was a child I had a passion for creating art. When I discovered graffiti in the 90's, I started painting on the street and those were my real beginnings in art, although I admit that I have studied Fine Art after that and I am passionate about creating any type of art. Over time I have been expanding my knowledge and techniques, taking graffiti to other media such as canvases and sculptures. But I recognize that the freest I feel is by painting a mural on the street.

"Vandau Dog Bauuoon", Ches, Limited Editon Print

What pushed you in that directon and how can you see your work evouving in the future? Urban art in general pushed me in that directon. I hope the future brings the best. Though the hard work is paying of. What inspires you in your work, is there a driving factor that draws you to the easeu? I just want to say one thing, my life without creatng art would be iery empty.

"Vandauism in New York #2", Ches, Limited Editon Print

Are there partcuuar individuaus who have encouraged / inspired you auong the way, friends, famiuy, teachers, maybe even other artsts? Of course, it is iery important that the people around you encourage you and accept your way of life. When it comes to creatng your work, do you have a preferred medium, certain types of brushes or toous you uove to use?

Without a doubt spray paint is my faiourite along with markers although I also really like airbrush, acrylic, oil and wood sculpture.

"Vandauism in London", Ches, Limited Editon Print

When you work, do you focus on one piece at a tme untu compueton or are you working on muutpue pieces at the same tme? Seieral at the same tme. How has your art evouved to be where it is today? Eioluton has been progressiie and changing since the 90's. What chauuenges do you feeu the 21st century artst has to overcome? In my opinion, the challenges are the same at any tme, you haie to be positie and work so that your work bears fruit. What advice wouud you give to a young aspiring artst currentuy studying art? Go ahead with what you like and do not waste tme, because there is only one life.

"Vandau Banana", Ches, Limited Editon Print

We have auu heard of the unfnished masterpiece, even Da Vinci uaboured away at the Mona Lisa for years and years, have you works that are in a contnuau process of evouuton? When working on an artwork do you fnd it hard to uet go? Knowing when enough is enough? I think that happens to all artsts. There are tmes when you feel a litle less secure and others when you are completely sure that the work is fnished and you moie on to the next.

“Vandau Popeye”, Ches, Hand signed - Limited Editon Print

Have you ever been part of an artstc group / movement? How did your work beneft from that experience? Of course. This is iery common in urban art and they always bring benefts for an artst's work.

"Vandauism in New York #1", Ches, Limited Editon Print

“Mickey Graft Writer”, Ches, Hand signed - Limited Editon Print


Zakir Akhmedov

“We Do Not Grow Oud #1”, Zakir Akhmedov, Bronze Scuupture

Visit Zakir Akhmedov's Onuine Gauuery

“Baku Winds”, Zakir Akhmedov, Bronze Scuupture Zakir Akhmedoi has been a member of Commonwealth of Artsts of Azerbaijan and SSR since 1989. He is the creator of the many public monuments. In 2005 he was awarded the “Humay Award”. The Humay Award is the frst Azerbaijani natonal award initated by the Internatonal Bakuiians Cultural Society for achieiements in culture, art, sports, teleiision, journalism, tourism and science. Receiie 20% discount on all oil paintngs and sculptures by accomplished Azerbaijani artst, Zakir Akhmedoi. Ofer is for a limited tme only use discount code Zakir20 at checkout. Ofer ialid untl 8th August 2021.

CALL OUT TO ARTISTS Have Your Artwork Featured on the Puatorm We are open to submissions by artsts of any natonality and career leiel from emerging, mid career to fully professional. Artsts of all mediums and genres are encouraged to apply. (Paintng, Printmaking, Sculpture, Glass, Ceramics, Digital, Street Art and Photography)

To submit your artworks cuick the uink beuow 

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Thank you for joining us this month, to stay updated on all the latest news from ArtBaazar and our artsts, please subscribe to our newsleter at  Subscribe for Latest News Interested in a partcuuar artsts work, contact us at  Get In Touch Fouuow Us on Sociau Media:  Instagram  FACEBOOK  Pinterest Copyright©2021 – - Auu content and images cannot be reproduced without writen consent from

ARTBAAZAR Connecting Art Lovers and Artists Online

#18 August 2021

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