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Board Members
Laura Abernathy-Mancha President
Kathleen (Kathy) Binks Clerk
Julie A. Ramos Alternate Clerk
Larry J. Clark
Fontana Unified School District
9680 Citrus Avenue Fontana, California 92335
Superintendent’s Message Four Schools Exit PI Status High Schools Get New Start Date Construction Update School Wins Award Superintendent Smith Honored Sierra Lakes Receives an 829 API
Board Member
Henry (Gus) Hawthorn Board Member
Inside This Issue
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Four Elementary Schools Have Exited Program Improvement
On October 17, the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Jack O'Connell, toured Maple Elementary School to honor the staff, parents, and students for making it out of Program Improvement (PI). “While this is a visit that takes place at Maple, it should be noted that it also honors all the Fontana Unified School District schools that are diligently and consistently closing that gap and creating bright futures for all our students,” explained Superintendent Jane Smith. Three other elementary schools – Oleander, Ted J. Porter and Primrose – exited the PI designation this school year, making FUSD the district in San Bernardino County with the greatest number of schools exiting PI status. “These Fontana schools had previously been performing inadequately on some indicators, but they have now shown dramatic improvement,” said Mrs. Smith. “We are thrilled with how well these schools have done.”
Fontana Unified School District
ontana Unified School District Dear Parents and Community Members,
June, 2008
Issue No.1
The 2007-2008 school year has been a banner year for Fontana Unified School District. Our students have shown great accomplishments in the classroom, on the athletic field, and in special activities. Here are just a few of the great things happening in Fontana: • Sierra Lakes Elementary School became the first Fontana school to achieve an API over 800. With an API of 829, this school is meeting California’s tough academic standards. • Virginia Primrose Elementary School has been named a “Title I Achieving School” with over 70 points growth in their API – 800 is not far away! • Oleander Elementary School was a runner-up for that title; it means that these schools are closing the achievement gap. • Maple Elementary School’s achievement over the last two years has been so high, it is no longer a state-monitored school. Now our only problem is scheduling all the folks from out of town who come here to see how they did it! • Kaiser High School’s football team took the Sunkist League championship, and their Academic Decathlon Team ranked fifth among high schools all over San Bernardino County, and already boasts a student accepted to Yale University next year. Kaiser is becoming the home of scholars and champions. • The district opened two new elementary schools: Kathy Binks and Beech Avenue. This list is only a partial one – there are many amazing stories to tell about our schools and our students. We know that these stories are ours to tell because of the parents and the incredible community support that we have. The 2008-2009 school year will bring the construction of our fifth high school and many new milestones. And although it will also be a year of deep cuts to the budget, you have our word that the achievement of our students is always our first priority. Jane D. Smith, Superintendent