BritArt Di A3 Narrative

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A3: Narrative Illustration

Image source: rge_Evil_Child-Dooooomed_web-1373605299.jpg

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A3: Narrative Illustration

Narrative art: Narrative art is art that tells a story, either as a moment in an ongoing story or as a sequence of events unfolding over time. Some of the earliest evidence of human art suggests that people told stories with pictures. However, without some knowledge of the story being told it is very hard to read ancient pictures because they are not organized in a systematic way like words on a page, but rather can unfold in many different directions at once. Pictures do not naturally lend themselves to telling stories as stories are told over time (diachronic) and pictures are seen all at once (synchronic). Although there are some common features to all narrative art, different cultures have developed idiosyncratic ways to discern narrative action from pictures. Prior to the advent of literacy most narrative art was done in a simultaneous narrative style with very little overarching organization. Once literacy developed in different parts of the world pictures began to be organized along register lines, like lines on a page, that helped define the direction of the narrative. This method of linking scenes together led to an other ways of telling stories in the 20th century, namely the newspaper, comic strips and comic books.


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A3: Narrative Illustration

Projects: For this assignment you are to select and produce a body of work based on at least 2 of the following projects:

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A3: Narrative Illustration

After you have developed and presented your projects. Select your strongest project to develop into your main/final outcome.

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A3: Narrative Illustration

Evidence: For each of your chosen projects (above), you will need to demonstrate evidence of: ●

Ao1: Develop Your ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding. ○

Assignment title page

Mind Maps for selected projects

Project/Artist info page(s)

Examples of work by chosen artist(s)

Analysis of chosen artists work page(s)

Emulations/reproductions of selected artists work

A02: Experiment with and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining your ideas as your work develops. ○

Screen-shots showing tools, techniques and methods used during developments.

A range/variety of ‘alternative’ media, colour-schemes, textures, effects and layouts.

Screen-shots that shows your work at its many stages of development.

Explanations and comments to support your work/ideas.

Explore and use a range of technologies: ■ iPad ■ Graphics tablets ■ Traditional methods (painting/drawing) ■ Sketchbook Pro ■ Artrage Studio ■ Adobe Illustrator

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A3: Narrative Illustration ●

A03: Record in visual and/or other forms ideas, observations and insights relevant to your intentions, demonstrating an ability to reflect on your work and progress. ○

Present sourced/selected images as contact and proof sheets.

Your own photographs, relevant to ideas you work on.

re-worked/edited photographs of your own and of sourced/selected images.

Comments and annotations that justifies and explains any/all images used during your developments.

A04: Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements. ○

The ‘main-outcomes’ that you create based on prior investigations, explorations and developments.

Main-Outcomes can be single items of work and/or dichoptic/trioptics or a series/sequence of main pieces.

Produce an evaluation of your main-outcomes that explains your successes, challenges and any changes that you may have made.

Main outcomes should be created as large format images using minimum of 1800px x 2400px sizes. These should be printed out on photo paper for assessment and exhibition purposes, as well as included within your digital sketchbook.

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A3: Narrative Illustration Support/ suggestions: Research - Explore, discover and find examples of ‘Narrative Art’ - use the links embedded within this resource, and try to find your own. Be specific - Find a selection of alternative examples for your chosen project(s), but eventually narrow your possible subjects down to ONE. In your sketchbook explain why you decided to use the illustrations that you did. Make connections - Try to find examples of art created by other artists that used a similar style/method for their own work. Explain what the similarities and differences are between the work of other artists and that which you plan undertake for your own work. Include examples of artwork - Try to use examples of artwork created by the artists that you investigate for your assignment. ● Explain these works of art, critique them using your own opinion and, the opinion of others. Provide arguments for, and against meanings/ reasons for the artwork. ○ Explain how the artwork was made. ○ What materials were used? ○ Why did the artist(s) use the materials they did? ○ How big/ small is/was the work? ○ Where can this work be seen in person (RL) and/ or via the web. ● All images used must include a reference to where they were sourced. If you find images using a search engine, you must include the actual website of the work, not the search engine name/ search criteria.

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A3: Narrative Illustration Useful Links for exploration and investigation:!narrative-illustration/c15jz rratives.pdf tive-illustration/ tion

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A3: Narrative Illustration

More resources here:­narrative.php

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