GCSE Photography exam slide show content 2016

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* GCSE Exam Create a 'body' of work that covers all FOUR assessment objectives, by making a personal and informed response to your chosen question/ theme.


Reflections Clothing


Gro Repetition ups



*Learning Objectives: DO IT NOW: READ YOUR EXAM PAPER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S LESSON • To familiarise yourself with your final exam paper, read the themes thoroughly and select the theme you would like to move forward with… • To generate sketchbook content in response to your chosen theme. Document and record your initial thoughts and experimentations in response to assessment objectives 1,2 & 3. Develop, Investigate, Explore, Experiment


INITIAL EXAM CHECKLIST‌ Introduce your project by producing an interesting, clear and bold title page this should be supported by an introduction page to show which theme you are doing and how you plan to approach it. Create a mind map to illustrate the different routes you could go to – develop this by adding images. Create a collage of images within your theme, these could be drawn examples, photographs, found images e.g. magazines, internet, postcards. Begin to study artists within your theme and document your ideas. Choose a photographer/s to study in more detail. Create a minimum of 3-4 pages about your photographer, making studies of their work and annotations to document your understanding of their work. Write about why you chose this photographer/s, what you think of their work, what you have discovered from experimenting within their style and how this will support your practical work.

EXAM CHECKLIST… 1. Title Page 2. Mind Map – Include technical elements, plan for shoot 3. Collage/ Mood Board (Double Page) 4. Photographer’s Study – Image Analysis (Double Page) 5. Initial Image Ideas – Recreate & Emulate in the style of… Contact & Proof sheets 6. Enlarge selected images… present your best edit in your sketchbooks 7. Further Photographers Study – Link specifically to your ideas 8. Initial Photo Shoots including Independent Study… 9. Contact Sheets – Include Annotation make sure you use correct terminology 10.Proof Sheets – Discuss your strengths and weaknesses – How are you going to take your ideas forward. 11.Refine your ideas – Independent Shoots 12.Refined Contact Sheets 13.Final Proofs 14.Final Edits inc Screen Shots 15.Presentation ideas – title? * Document all of your edits in Photoshop, discuss skills you have learnt and used*

*Schedule… o Wk beg 11th Jan:

Exam Paper issued Introductory Slide-Show (this!) o Wk beg 11th Jan to Sun 28th February

Preparation & Development time (6 weeks – 7 including half term.) o Wk beg 29th February

1-37 EXAMINATION in Lessons (10hrs explicit examination conditions in place)


*Exam Theme: Your work journal should have MANY, DIFFERENT and THOROUGH examples which demonstrate your ideas and development responding to the exam theme. This will help you to reach each assessment objective and provide a developed and informed journal to inform your final outcome/s.


*Exam Assessment: During your 'Preparation' time, you MUST execute a range of tasks that are in-line with and generate evidence of the Assessment Objectives: ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES – your work should show your ability to: AO1

Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.


Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes.


Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms.


Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements.


*Exam Assessment: Your exam will be marked in the same way as your coursework against the four Assessment Objectives:






GCSE Exam Assessment… PROJECT EVIDENCE 20 Marks available per assessment objective…


Summer 2015 Grade Boundaries …

*Exam Time: o During your 'Exam' time, you MUST execute, create, present and evaluate your FINAL OUTCOME(s).

o AO4: PRESENT - During your 10hrs (TBC) of Exam time, you MUST create a / a series final outcome/s,

which clearly links with/back to your 'Preparation' & 'Development' work. o Before your exam, make a personal plan/ schedule so that you know what you will need to do for every

minute during each lesson. Use time-scales to help you keep to task throughout your exam.

o Allow time to produce an 'EVALUATION' page(s) inside your journal/ sketchbook. Students for their mock exam gained vital marks from their evaluations. This is not to say you should rely on it (your book should thoroughly show your ideas and understanding), however, it is an evaluative piece which demonstrates to the examiner what you have documented, how it has influenced your work and how you feel about the body of work you have created including your final outcome/s.


*Examples of page layouts:


*Examples of page layouts


Useful Links… • Young Tate – useful links to Artists work that relate to the exam theme • http://young.tate.org.uk/content/student-resources • GCSE Bitesize – tutorials on using equipment, student gallery, assessment objectives • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/art/ • u2learn – video tutorials, exemplar art and image bank • http://www.u2learn.com/gcse-art-links.html • www.pinterest.com/kayleighfurnell


*Support: oThe Exam Paper oOnline 'Exam’ Micro-Site oFacebook oPinterest oTwitter


*1. Landmarks


*1. Landmarks

Richard Long

*1. Landmarks


*1. Landmarks

Alan Sonfist

*1. Landmarks

Ansel Adams

*1. Landmarks

Rich McCo

*2. Outline‌


*2. Outline‌

Horst P

*2. Outline‌


*2. Outline‌


*2. Outline‌


*2. Outline‌


*2. Outline‌


*3. Reflections‌


*3. Reflections‌

Paul Strand

*3. Reflections‌


*3. Reflections‌


*3. Reflections‌

Robert Morris & Anish

*4. Diary‌

Bill Brandt The English at

*4. Diary‌

Ann Rosene

*4. Diary‌


*4. Diary…


*4. Diary…

Anna Fox

*4. Diary‌

Jason Evans

*5. Repetition‌


*5. Repetition‌

Peter de Lory

*5. Repetition‌

tienne-Jules Marey

*5. Repetition‌

Andreas Gurskey

*6. Clothing‌


*6. Clothing‌


*6. Clothing‌


*6. Clothing‌

Phyllis Galembo

*6. Clothing‌

Nick Knight

*6. Clothing‌

Vivienne Westwood

*6. Clothing‌

Alexander McQueen

*7. Groups‌

Barbara Probst

*7. Groups…

Nikki. S. Lee

*7. Groups…

Irving Penn

GCSE ASSIGNMENT/ EXAM Generic Task List 1. Title Page 2. Mind Map – Include technical elements, plan for shoot 3. Collage/ Mood Board (Double Page) 4. Photographer’s Study – Image Analysis (Double Page) 5. Initial Image Ideas – Recreate & Emulate in the style of… Contact & Proof sheets 6. Enlarge selected images… present your best edit in your sketchbooks 7. Further Photographers Study – Link specifically to your ideas 8. Initial Photo Shoots including Independent Study… 9. Contact Sheets – Include Annotation make sure you use correct terminology 10. Proof Sheets – Discuss your strengths and weaknesses – How are you going to take your ideas forward. 11. Refine your ideas – Independent Shoots 12. Refined Contact Sheets 13. Final Proofs 14. Final Edits inc Screen Shots 15. Presentation ideas – title? * Document all of your edits in Photoshop, discuss skills you have learnt and used*

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