Art & Design (short course) AQA 4211 Course Summary Unit 1 – Portfolio of work (4211): Coursework including a ‘Controlled Assessment’. Coursework comprises one project that contains four assignments and equates 60% of final grade. Coursework assignments are assessed upon completion using AO4 (Assessment Objective 4), and sketchbooks that support coursework are assessed each term using AO1,2 &3). Projects Portraiture
Main Outcomes/ Assessed items of work ● ● ● ● ●
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
Pencil Portrait Oil Pastel Portrait Artist Research (EHP) Tonal Painting Personal Response (CT)
When? Term Term Term Term Term
1 2/3 2 5/6 2&4
EHP - Extended Homework Project: A 4 week project is assigned where students are expected to manage their time throughout the project during their own time. A guidance paper is issued for students to use throughout the 4 week period. CT - Controlled Test: Students will have 4 weeks to respond to a set theme, develop ideas and present work for all four assessment objectives. A 5hr mock examination will be used for students to create and present their final outcomes that reflect development work undertaken during the 4 weeks of preparation. Sketchbooks and final outcomes will be used for the assessment of the mock examination.
Unit 2 – Externally set task (42112): GCSE examination paper is handed out and explained in detail. Students will have 6 weeks to develop ideas and present work/ evidence for all four assessment objectives. The final (10hr) exam will take place over two days, where students will create a final outcome in response to their chosen exam theme/ starting point that reflects and links directly to the six week preparation/
developments. Both sketchbooks and final outcomes are used for the assessment of the final exam, and all four assessment objectives will be used during the assessment process.
Assessment Objectives explained: The assessment objectives detail those qualities which can be demonstrated by students in their work and measured for the purposes of assessment. They are equally weighted. They are not presented in any order of importance, neither is there any implied sequencing of activities. Students are free to develop their own routes through requirements, either singularly or in combination. Students must evidence coverage of all of the assessment objectives in the Portfolio of Work and their response to the Externally Set Task. Students must demonstrate their ability to: AO1 Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding
AO2 Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes
AO3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or other forms
AO4 Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and critical understanding, realising intentions and where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements
Assessment Coursework – 60% (Unit 1) Examination – 40% (Unit 2)