Art Brussels Colouring Book

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Art Brussels 2014

• Steven Baelen • Fred Bervoets • judith braun • Charley Case • Paulo Climachauska • Michael Cline • Colour­ ing Book • Shezad Dawood • Luc Dondeyne • Stephanie Dost • Inci Eviner • Laura Ford • Kendell Geers • Tatjana Gerhard • Alexander Gorlizki • Steven Guermeur • Sherin Guirguis • Hell’O Monsters • Alain Huck • Martin Kersels • Kristof Kintera • Zenita Komad • Nestor Kovachev • Lucie Lanzini • Sylvie Macias Diaz • Genêt Mayor • Thomas Mazzarella • Camila Oliveira Fairclough • Benoit Platéus • Abner Preis • Roland Quetsch • Nathaniel Rackowe • Krisˇ s Salmanis • Tina Schwarz • Lieven Segers • Jeanne Susplugas • Pascale Marthine Tayou • Kyle Thurman • Eugenio Tibaldi • Peter Wächtler • Ian Whittlesea • Honza Zamojski • Ralf Ziervogel

STEVEN BAELEN, Elaine Levy Project – BE 4 FRED BERVOETS, De Zwarte Panter – BE 6 JUDITH BRAUN, Joe Shef tel Gallery – US 8 CHARLEY CASE, AEROPLASTICS contemporary – BE 10 PAULO CLIMACHAUSKA, Galeria Leme – BR 12 MICHAEL CLINE, Horton Gallery – US 14 SHEZAD DAWOOD, Paradise Row – UK 16 LUC DONDEYNE, Transit – BE 18 STEPHANIE DOST, Christian Ehrentraut – DE 20 INCI EVINER, Galeri Nev Istanbul – TR 22 LAURA FORD, New Art Centre – UK 24 KENDELL GEERS, Galerie Rodolphe Janssen - BE 26 TATJANA GERHARD, Deweer Gallery – BE 28 ALEXANDER GORLIZKI, Martin Kudlek – DE 30 STEVEN GUERMEUR, Ogms – BG 32 SHERIN GUIRGUIS, The Third Line – UAE 34 HELL’O MONSTERS, Alice Gallery – BE 36 ALAIN HUCK, Gallery Marie-Laure Fleisch – IT 38 MARTIN KERSELS, Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois – FR 40 KRISTOF KINTERA, D+T Project Gallery – BE 42 ZENITA KOMAD, Galerie Krinzinger - AT 44 NESTOR KOVACHEV, Galerie Heike Curtze und Petra Seiser – AT 46 LUCIE LANZINI, Jozsa Gallery – BE 48 SYLVIE MACIAS DIAZ, Triangle Bleu – BE 50 GENÊT MAYOR, Galerie Samy Abraham –FR 52 THOMAS MAZZARELLA, Rossi Contemporary –BE 54 CAMILA OLIVEIRA FAIRCLOUGH, Galerie Emmanuel Hervé – FR 56 BENOIT PLATÉUS, Albert Baronian – BE 58 ABNER PREIS, Harlan Levey Projects – BE 60 ROLAND QUETSCH, Galerie Bernard Ceysson – BE | CH | FR | LUX 62 NATHANIEL RACKOWE, Bodson Gallery –BE 64 KRIŠS SALMANIS, Galerija Alma – LV 66 TINA SCHWARZ, Teapot – DE 68 LIEVEN SEGERS, Base-Alpha Gallery – BE 70 JEANNE SUSPLUGAS, Galerie Valérie Bach –BE 72 PASCALE MARTHINE TAYOU, GALLERIA CONTINUA – IT | CN | FR 74 KYLE THURMAN, Of fice Baroque Gallery – BE 76 EUGENIO TIBALDI, Galeria Umberto Di Marino – IT 78 PETER WÄCHTLER, dépendance – BE 80 IAN WHITTLESEA, Marlborough Contemporary – UK 82 HONZA ZAMOJSKI, LETO – PL 84 RALF ZIERVOGEL, Carbon 12 – UAE 86


The Art Brussels Colouring Book, special artistic project exclusively for charity benefit Not all children are born equal… It all started with a gif t that one of our International Gallery Committee members received: a colouring book with artist drawings. It culminated with this, the 1st edition of the Art Brussels Colouring Book. Following Art Brussels’ invitation to its participating galleries to engage one of their artists to of fer an original drawing for the benefit of the Belgian non-profit organisation Aquarelle, 42 galleries responded together with one of their engaged artists. As children in this world are not born equal due to their social origins, Aquarelle asbl-vzw was founded in 1999 to provide medical and social support to future mothers sans papiers and their children who lack social security and are living in precarious conditions. The artists who responded to this charity call for the 2014 Art Brussels Colouring Book all worked on the issue of identity, the theme for this edition of the book. 2000 copies of the Art Brussels Colouring Book have been published, all of which are for sale at the fair for 20,00 €. Furthermore, each child visiting the Kids Corner on the occasion of Art Brussels, hosted in the ING lounge, will receive a copy for free. In addition, the framed original artists’ drawings (A4 size), some of which have been individually coloured by the artists, are exhibited at Art Brussels 2014 in the ING lounge (Hall 3) where they are of fered for sale at a special price of 1.500,00 € each. One hundred percent of the benefits of these sales go to Aquarelle. We very warmly thank for their enthusiasm and their generosity: ING for its main support Mertens Frames, for framing the drawings Fedrigoni Benelux, for providing the paper of this book. Thanks, also, to all the galleries who enthusiastically supported this project and all those who contributed to this worthwhile charity action by buying an Art Brussels Colouring Book or one of the original drawings. Finally, special thanks to all the participating artists, without whom this project would not have been possible. With gratitude, NELE VERHAEREN



Head of Gallery Relations

Artistic Director

Business Director


Steven Baelen, 13.03.14, 2014, pencil & ink on paper, courtesy Elaine Levy Project


Fred Bervoets, Schilder en model, 2014, Lumocolor permanent marker on paper, courtesy de Zwarte Panter

8 Judith Braun, Symmetrical Procedure BU-1, 2014, graphite on archival paper, courtesy of the artist and Joe Sheftel Gallery


Charley Case, Le loupmonde, 2011, correction fluid on plastic, courtesy AEROPLASTICS contemporary


Paulo Climachauska, Visa, 2011, ink on paper, courtesy Galeria Leme


Michael Cline, Untitled, 2014, ink on paper, courtesy Horton Gallery


Shezad Dawood, Robert Anton Wilson & Alice Coltrane, 2014, ink and pencil on paper, courtesy Paradise Row


Luc Dondeyne, Living Tomorrow, 2014, pencil and pigment liner on paper, courtesy Transit


Stephanie Dost, Identit채t, 2014, ink and color pencil on paper, courtesy Christian Ehrentraut


Inci Eviner, Jardin Clandestin, 2013, ink on paper, courtesy the artist and Galeri Nev Istanbul


Laura Ford, Poodle, 2013, ink and watercolour on paper, courtesy New Art Centre


Kendell Geers, Tales of Transformation XV, 2014, mixed media on paper, courtesy Galerie Rodolphe Janssen


Tatjana Gerhard, Untitled, 2014, negro on paper, courtesy Deweer Gallery


Alexander Gorlizki, Do you feel me?, 2014, ink and pencil on paper, courtesy Galerie Martin Kudlek


Steven Guermeur, Untitled, 2014, ink on paper, courtesy Ogms


Sherin Guirguis, Untitled (colouring book), 2014, pen on paper, courtesy The Third Line


Hell‘O Monsters, Untitled, 2014, Indian ink on paper, courtesy Alice Gallery


Alain Huck, Walking with Acteon, 2003-2014, graphit on paper, courtesy Galleria Marie-Laure Fleisch


Martin Kersels, Love, yes, 2014, pencil on paper, courtesy Galerie Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois


Kristof Kintera, dessin de la sĂŠrie The Elements, 2001, sĂŠrie de 60 pochoirs, spray, courtesy D+T Project


Zenita Komad, Love is the key, 2014, ink on paper, courtesy Galerie Krinzinger


Nestor Kovachev, Untitled, 2014, pencil on paper, courtesy Heike Curtze und Petra Seiser


Lucie Lanzini, Fade to white, 2014, ink on paper, courtesy Jozsa Gallery


Sylvie Macias Diaz, Pied de Nez, 2014, mixed media on paper, courtesy Triangle Bleu


GenĂŞt Mayor, Untitled, 2014, felt pen and pencil on paper, courtesy Galerie Samy Abraham


Thomas Mazzarella, Untitled, 2014, black pen on paper, courtesy Rossicontemporary


Camila Oliveira Fairclough, Little break, 2014, acrylic on paper, courtesy Galerie Emmanuel HervĂŠ


Benoit Platéus, A suivre…, 2008, pen on paper, courtesy Albert Baronian


Abner Preis, Donkey Dan and the Donkey Tribe, 2014, sharpie marker on paper, courtesy Harlan Levey Projects


Roland Quetsch, Alonna (young meets old, new meets used), 2014, ink on paper, courtesy Galerie Bernard Ceysson


Nathaniel Rackowe, Cambridge structure, 2014, graphite on paper, courtesy Bodson Gallery


Krišs Salmanis, Radar, 2014, felt tip pen on paper, courtesy Alma Gallery


Tina Schwarz, Eckstein, Eckstein, jeder muss versteckt sein, 2014, ink and pencil on paper, courtesy Teapot


Lieven Segers, Black and White Animals, 2014, museum-etching on Hanemulle, courtesy Base-Alpha Gallery


Jeanne Susplugas, Flying house (child), 2014, black marker on paper, courtesy Galerie ValĂŠrie Bach


Pascale Marthine Tayou, Crayons et couleurs A, 2014, pencil on paper, courtesy GALLERIA CONTINUA, San Gimignano, Beijing, Les Moulins


Kyle Thurman, Untitled, 2014, permanent marker on paper, courtesy Office Baroque Gallery


Eugenio Tibaldi, mouse_hand, 2014, mixed media on paper, courtesy Umberto di Marino


Peter Wächtler, Opa, 2014, Ink on paper , courtesy dÊpendance


Ian Whittlesea, Mazdaznan Health & Breath Culture - Exercise 4, Sense of Taste & Will Power, 2014, ink on paper, courtesy Marlborough Contemporary


Honza Zamojski, Untitled, 2014, drawing on paper, courtesy LETO


Ralf Ziervogel, Die Doofe Drei, 2014, ink on paper, courtesy Carbon 12

The Colouring Book was published by Art Brussels to the benefit of Aquarelle vzw /asbl April 2014 with the general support of ING Mertens Frames, for framing the original drawings Fedrigoni Benelux, for providing the paper of this book

design: L-ink printing: Cassochrome 88

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