artGuide January 2017

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Vol. 8 No. 01

artGuide Features Atlanta Collects, pg 12 Wildlife Art, pg 15

what’s inside Resolutions 2017, pg 24 River Arts District Artist Index, pg 33

Elements of Nature:

Works by Jim Comer and Brian Evans January 14 - February 25, 2017 Reception January 14, 2 - 5 pm

Sunset River Marketplace 910.575.5999 10283 Beach Dr. SW Calabash, NC

Jim Comer, Green Heron, wood

Sleeping Beauty


AWARD WINNING PHOTOGRAPHY ARTWORKS Karen Wiles’ images are like a wind blown breath of fresh air. An enchantment where one wants to visit and then remain. With over 25 Photography Awards, she has become known as the “Photographer With An Artist’s Eye!” The World Class Omni, Orient Express and Belmond Hotels have been added to her long list of collectors who now display her award winning photography worldwide. Visit Wiles’ Online Galleries at

Elegance of Creation

“A Little Help From My Friends” –Bernie Rosage

“Jimi” by Bernie Rosage

Jones Fine Art Spencer I Gallery 55 Broad St Charleston, SC

Charleston Artists’ Guild Gallery 160 E Bay St Charleston, SC

BF Reed Reed Arts


Energy, pastel, 22� x 22� Represented in Fine Art at Baxters Gallery, New Bern, NC New Elements Gallery, Wilmington, NC

Editorial Calendar Contact us to be a part our upcoming Features

March 2017 Figurative Art Portrait Art 2 beautiful editorial features with the best figurative and portrait art in this part of the country. To find out how you can be a part of this feature email: or call 917968-3306




03/2016 Vol. 7 No. 01

Vol. 7 No. 03 05/2016

Vol. 7 No.04/2016 05

Vol. 7 No. 04

Richmond, VA A taste of Richmond’s art, pg 10 Art for Autism Fundraiser, pg 13

Intimate Compositions Feeling Photography with Mike Basher, pg 8

Plus, CIA, the Cold War, and Abstract Expressionism, 19

Plus, MOCA GA has a gala, 10 Ford Smith in Roswell, pg 11 Kevin Duval and Kenetic Art, pg 15

Profiles Deborah Sisco, The Lonely Planet, pg 9

This Month SEWE is back, pg 8 Preview 2016, pg 20 Ford Smith in Roswell, pg 10

Ford Smith, Human Nature, pg 10 Nicole Kennedy, Profiles in Art, pg 21 Plus, Eggistentialism 3.0, 16

A Unique Marketing Tool artGuide is a fully integrated multimedia platform promoting artwork to collectors in print, online, on social media, and on the international publication website, artGuide offers: • free distribution in all art galleries in mid-large markets between Washington DC and Atlanta • connect with other galleries’ collectors in the region • reach 28,000+ readers in print • reach 25,000+ readers online

Tap into our network and let us market your art. Find out more - contact us today!


what’s inside Atlanta Collects The Breman is presenting Atlanta Collects in celebration of its 20th anniversary with the goal of highlighting the diversity of Atlanta’s Jewish-owned collections 12

Wildlife Art Animals have been depicted on walls and canvases since time immemorial. We explore Wildlife Art and 2 amazing Wilfelife artists 15

12 Kandinsky, Wassily (1866-1944), Tension in Red, 1926, Private Collection

High Ridge Gardens A wonderful artist retreat nestled in a beautifully maintained bird sanctuary 18

North Carolina Wildlife Artist Society An artist society dedicated to painting and preserving the wildlife in North Carolina and beyond 19



Cover Image 01/2017

Vol. 8 No. 01

artGuide 15

Features Atlanta Collects, pg 12 Wildlife Art, pg 15

Karen Wiles, The Happy Manatee, photogragh what’s inside Resolutions 2017, pg 24 River Arts District Artist Index, pg 33

Picture House Gallery, pg 26


what’s inside

Personal Art Apps Artists and galleries can now have their own personal art app, bringing the artists voice and artwork into the home of collectors 20

Buy More Art 311 Gallery’s resolutions for year




Now and Again Hillsborough Gallery of Arts celebrates their 10th Anniversary with 42 pieces from past and present members 25

25 Alice Levinson, Facing East

New Acquisitions Picture House Gallery presents new acquisitions from national and internationally renowned artists 26

Exhibits Calabash, NC. Elements of Nature. Sunset River Marketplace showcases clay artist Brian Evans and woodcarver Jim Comer 34 New Bern, NC. With a Little Help From My Friends, Bernie Rosage fuses art and music at Fine Art at Baxters 40

26 Leila, Azalea’s Memory, painting on linen, 30” x 30”

Richmond, VA. Simply Photography. a juried exhibit of photography at Art Works Studios and Galleries in Richmond 47

Sections Creative Exposure Artists Index Calendar

48 50 51

40 Bernie Rosage, Boogie with the Hook


Andy Warhol (1928 - 1987), Jewish Geniuses, Marx Brothers, 1980, Private Collection

Atlanta Collects: Treasures from Atlanta’s Private Collectors ATLANTA - Art aficionados in Atlanta are enjoying a striking array of works by famous artists at the Breman Jewish Heritage Museum since the exhibition Atlanta Collects: Treasures From Atlanta’s Private Collectors opened on December 5. Degas, Kandinsky, Manet, Delacroix, Picasso, Wyeth, and other masters are featured in this exclusive art show borrowed from the private collections of Atlanta residents, and many of these pieces have never been seen in public before.

The Breman is presenting Atlanta Collects in celebration of its 20th anniversary with the goal of highlighting the diversity of Atlanta’s Jewish-owned collections. The first part of the show runs through Feb. 26, 2017 and features art from the 1800s until the end of the 20th century. The second phase, showcasing works created after 2000, will take place from March 12 until June 11, 2017. The sheer variety of Atlanta Collects has come as a surprise to many. “That’s the advantage of a show like this – visitors can gravitate toward the works that speak to them personally. There is something for everyone,” said Aaron Berger, the museum’s Executive Director. This is not a show of Jewish art, he added, but is instead an exceptional fine art exhibition featuring a variety of styles, artists,


Mary Cassatt (1844 - 1926), Head of a Young Girl, Private Collection

genres, and subject matters from different periods. He also called it “an opportunity to delve into the mind of art collectors from around Atlanta.” Atlanta Collects Curator William Eiland, Director of the Georgia Museum of Art, said there is a belief that there are few art collectors in Atlanta. “This exhibition combats that notion by just showcasing a small selection of truly fine works from Jewish homes.” “This is a walk through 200 years in one room,” said a visitor recently while surveying the works in the Blonder Gallery. Another commented, “People actually own these works? I never thought about seeing works of this quality outside of a museum. What a treat it must be to live with them every day.”

The William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum is one of the leading places to visit in Atlanta, GA. Their Jewish culture, arts, and history museum is home to the permanent exhibition Absence of Humanity: The Holocaust Years, 1933-1945; and the Blonder Gallery and the Schwartz Gallery, each hosting a variety of traveling and rotating exhibitions. The Museum Library and Cuba Family Archives add to the Atlanta-based attractions while The Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education provides meaningful educational resources for students, teachers, and lifelong learners.

Where: The Breman Museum 1440 Spring Street NW, Atlanta, GA 678.222.3700

Subscribe Today Vol. 7

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Subscribe today and receive the next issue delivered straight to your door. Perks: Quick and early delivery - Receive your issue one week before artGuide hits the shelves. Digital Copies Before Anyone Else - Receive emailed links to our newest issues 2 weeks before the beginning of the month. Convenience - artGuide delivered to your front door.

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Photo credit: Adobe Stock

Wildlife Art Capturing Nature Near the village of Montignac in the Dordogne region in southwestern France lay one of humanities greatest historical and cultural treasures – the Lascaux Caves. Within these complex cave systems, 17,300 years ago, Paleolithic man created some of the oldest and best preserved paintings of our history. The paintings created on the walls of Lascaux Caves depict images of animals as prehistoric man saw them. Nearly 2000 paintings, many of them animals, cover the walls and ceilings of several cave rooms. Anthropologists and art historians differ on the meanings and origins of the images, however one common theme arises – the need to depict in artistic fashion the animal kingdom. This need to depict the animal kingdom

continues today, not only with artists creating beautiful artworks of our animals friends, but also of our own patronage of these artworks and our fascination with the animal kingdom. The lure of our animal friends, or as some would phrase it, animal cousins, feeds the creative processes’ of artists as we remain in awe and humility at their mighty power, yet graceful elegance. Whether it is a beautiful painting of pelicans or an exquisitely framed whimsical photograph of a manatee, the constructs of Wildlife Art are an artistic constant. Wildlife Art pervades all mediums and genres of art. Animals have been included in traditional pieces to Picasso’s cubist interpretations. Our wonder with the animal kingdom will ensure Wildlife Art continues to grace canvases as artists seek to define and redefine our appreciation of Wildlife Art. In the following pages we have featured some amazing wildlife artists and their work. Enjoy!


Wildlife Art / Animal Art January 2017 Feature 1. Dianne Munkittrick Santee, SC 208.661.5108 Dianne’s artwork reflects her love of nature and all things wild. Light and color set the mood of her work as she endeavors to instill the awe and wonder that nature inspires into each piece. Every artwork is an echo from an actual experience. Dianne’s art describes the essence of the experience that inspired that piece. “I’m not trying to capture the accurate details of a scene or animal; I’m trying to describe the essence or soul of the subject.” Dianne’s early career was spent outdoors in the natural resource field doing everything from radio-tracking deer and elk to cooking and eating rattlesnake. All her past and present experience now finds expression through her artwork. Each little nuance in her art has a story to tell.

who now display her award winning photography worldwide. Although Wiles’ prefers not to specialize in one subject only, her love of nature and passion for wildlife is profound in her “one on one” wildlife images. She loves to be up close and personal with each and every wildlife subject which allows her the ability to capture an animal’s almost human like expressions. She has been recognized for having an uncanny ability to attract animals in a way that most would say, seem to “pose” for her. Wiles of course knows this isn’t true, “They are only curious of her and the camera lens “eyeball” that captures their attention. Then it takes a lot of patience for waiting on just the right moment and then to be quick enough to capture it when it presents itself. _________________________________

2. Karen Wiles United States & Abroad

artGuide had a great time discussing Wildlife Art with these two amazing artists and learning about their methods and love of nature.


Be sure to read more about these artists’ Wildlife Art on:

Karen Wiles’ images are like a wind blown breath of fresh air. An enchantment where one wants to visit and then remain. With over 25 Photography Awards, she has become known as the “Photographer With An Artist’s Eye!” The World Class Omni, Orient Express and Belmond Hotels have been added to her long list of collectors

For more information about artGuide’s monthly features and how artists and galleries can participate, visit:


1. Dianne Munkittrick, Three in the Keys, 2016, oil on linen, 20” x 30”

2. Karen Wiles, The Happy Manatee


High Ridge Gardens Artist Retreat and Bird Sanctuary With canopied country lanes, meandering meadows of green and gold, whisper quiet creeks, and gently rolling hills, the rural villages of Marshville and Peachland boast more fence posts and horses than people. Tucked snuggly away and centrally between interstate highways, it continues to defy time and the temptation to “improve”. Artists come from far and wide to settle, sketch the barns, paint the fields, capture the magic of this area lost in time. There is no traffic, no big box stores, no noise. Horses have the right of way here. “My former husband, John Edmondson and I purchased the neighboring property to our home in September 2006, giving us close to 40 acres to oversee. That fall, an adjacent 130 acres of woods was “harvested” –cut, bulldozed and burned. As I sat on the hill overlooking the charred remains, I worried where all of the winter and migrating birds would go. I put up feeders

all along the fence line to help the birds that came back to find their food and protective tree cover gone. That was the beginning of an all-consuming work in progress! We now have bird feeders scattered throughout the pastures, trails, and woods. We are continually adding nesting boxes, and mow selectively, to give adequate cover and nesting grounds for many different species. We have two year-round ponds and one seasonal wetland, in addition to birdbaths, to provide a bountiful water source. In addition to almost 70 “sight” identified birds, we have deer, raccoon, rabbit, bobcat, possum, and fox. Feral cats are trapped and turned in to the local animal rescue. We use pesticides and fertilizer only as a last resort, and then very sparingly, on the property. Mornings in spring host a cacaphony of bird song, and on summer nights we listen to the chorus of frogs, crickets and cicadas. Our dream is to leave the property as an ongoing artists’ retreat and bird sanctuary, long after we need to be here, so that others can enjoy its serene beauty.” -Mary Erickson


North Carolina Wildlife Art Society Founded in 2010, the North Carolina Wildlife Artist Society was Beaufort, NC resident Kyle Dixon’s way of bringing statewide artists together and giving them a voice to promote not only their artwork, but also wildlife education and preservation. “There was a great amount of talent getting overlooked here in North Carolina,” he said, “and this seemed like a chance for us to step up and do our part to help highlight the importance of wildlife not only here, but everywhere.” Currently, over 30 artists from the mountains to the shore of North Carolina share their love of animals and art, and contribute works to several shows from Maryland to Georgia, the largest being held at the Core Sound Heritage Museum on Harkers Island, NC every fall. The mediums range from hand carved wooden decoys to stained glass, but the predominant works are flat art, like Kyle Dixon’s acrylic painting, “The Watch”. Several society members’ paintings have been selected to appear in the annual NC Wildlife Calendar, including Tony Craig’s “Barn Swallows”, as well as Raney Rog-

ers, Mike Helsabeck, JP Edwards, and Tim Larson, to name a few. In November of 2012, a new annual award was created to honor individuals the society deems have done the most to preserve wildlife and promote awareness. Named the Duane Raver Conservation Award (or Raver, for short), it was created to initially honor one of North Carolina’s premiere wildlife artists, Duane Raver himself. “For more than 50 years, Duane has been writing articles, creating plant and animal art and magazine covers for many well known publications, including ‘Wildlife in North Carolina’, and it was a privilege to bestow the first ‘Raver’ to Duane” says Kyle. The North Carolina Wildlife Artist Society invites all fine art wildlife artists working in North Carolina to join and showcase their art. Field trips to local sanctuaries and workshops with guest speakers are provided. The mission is to continue to expand with new shows and new means of preserving the state’s wildlife heritage, to provide special funding for scholarships in wildlife research, and to become a strong, influential factor in education within the school systems. Anyone, anywhere is invited to become an associate member and receive a newsletter detailing events. 1. Tony Craig, Barn Swallows


Introducing a revolution Your personal art app “As an artist I need the time to create, and it’s important for me to meet and talk to each person that shows interest in my work. This app does just that. It’s allowed me to clone myself”. Darius Quarles, artist, Durham, NC

artGuide Magazine is excited to introduce Auger, a company that we will be partnering with in the coming months who are revolutionizing the way the art world communicates with patrons. Auger is a new technology company based in North Carolina that is building custom mobile phone applications for the art world. Mobile apps are the new websites, providing seamless, mobile interactive platforms that websites cannot. Auger’s new technological feat in mobile applications provides new scanning technology, analytics, direct conduit marketing, and augmented reality in customizable apps for artists, galleries, museums, art walks, public art installations, and art publications at a tiny fraction of the cost of creating their own mobile app. Auger’s mobile application contains multiple features and creative ways to use them. Some of our favorites include allowing artists, curators, and gallerists the opportunity to discuss their art and provide docent tours virtually on anyone’s mobile phone. Another revolutionary and inno-

vative feature is allowing any mobile app user to view artwork through their mobile phones anywhere, on any wall in scale, via 3D augmented reality. Other amazing features include an archival tool for storing entire bodies of work; cutting-edge art marketing with interactive talking publications, show cards, and posters; and analytics that allow you to gauge the reaction of your viewers. Whether you are an art publication, artist, gallery, public art installation, a museum, or an art walk, Auger’s mobile app will provide you with direct conduit marketing, real time feedback, and a much deeper relationship with your patrons. In the coming months artGuide will be featuring all the exciting functions of Auger’s new mobile app. For questions about how you can have your own custom app or how your app can revolutionize the way you communicate with your audience please go to: Website: Email

“Revolutionary! As someone who has been involved in promoting the visual arts for many years I recognize the importance of technology in marketing art. This innovative application will revolutionize how we interact and experience art.” Thomas Gilanyi, Founder, artGuide Magazine

With your personal app collectors can access your art directly through their mobile phones as well as by scanning your artwork in artGuide Magazine ads - see below: To get a sneak peak of how the app is working for one artist, download “SandraElliottArt” in the App Store or Google Play and use the Magnifying Glass on your mobile phone to scan her piece of art below.

Sandra Elliott Download her app to view her inventory at: App Store or Google Play: SandraElliottArt


Art Apps


Bamboo Turtle Studios

Carol Retsch-Bogart Art

The Carrack

Eno Gallery

Sandra Elliott Art

Tyndall Galleries

Listen to artists and galleries talk about art Develop intimate relationships with artists & galleries and their art Virginia Henrys

View their work on your walls at home via 3D augmented reality ALL FROM YOUR MOBILE PHONE Download these apps from the App Store or Google Play and start your journey into art!

New Year’s Resolution Buy More Art! 311 Gallery January 5 - January 28 New Year’s is a time of celebration, filled with traditions that go back 4,000 years. We have parties, special foods, fireworks, resolutions, and since 1907, a large ball that drops in NYC. Babylonians celebrated the New Year in March, when they planted, with an eleven day religious festival. Babylonians made resolutions to curry favor with the gods: return borrowed objects and pay off debt. In 46 BC, Julius Ceasar added two months to the calendar and began the new year on January 1st to honor its namesake, Janus, the Roman god of new beginnings. Janus had two heads, one looking forward (future) and one looking backward (past). These traditions, practiced mostly in the West, have lasted a long time. They are no longer religious so instead of making promises to the gods, we make them to ourselves. Defining resolution as a firm decision to do or not to do something, we resolve to improve ourselves and our life. 2016 was quite a year and our country was seriously divided. It’s time to embrace another definition of resolution: the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious

matter. Instead of losing weight as #1, change it to spending more time with people who matter. After reading through lists of resolutions, here are a few new ones to consider: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Stop procrastinating Meet new people everyday Stop judging Go for daily walks Volunteer and give more to charity Let go of grudges Travel more Be more responsible Face your fears and insecurities Express yourself artistically Consider adopting a pet Shop locally Support the arts

The artists at 311 Gallery wish you luck with whatever resolutions you make this year. While most resolutions are abandoned, sharing your goals with others will help you succeed. We wish you good fortune in 2017.

Where: 311 Gallery 311 W. Martin St. Raleigh (919) 436-6987 Wed-Sat 11:30-4:30pm


Resolutions 2017 The Hillsborough Gallery of Arts welcomes in the New Year with its third annual statewide juried show, RESOLUTIONS 2017. RESOLUTIONS 2017, will run from January 4th to January 22nd, 2017, and will showcase the work of artists from across North Carolina. Following on the success of the juried shows of the previous two years, HGA held its open call to artists for RESOLUTIONS 2017 this fall. 2D and 3D artists from throughout the state entered works in a wide variety of media. This year’s show includes painting, photography, sculpture, ceramics, collage, encaustics, glass, and more. In previous years, the exhibit has drawn participation from artists living as far east as Wilmington and west toward Asheville. The annual RESOLUTIONS exhibits are one of a very few art exhibits dedicated specifically to North Carolina artists. The artist-owners of the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts, have enjoyed the new challenges which have come as the group has undertaken the role of organizing and curating the RESOLUTIONS exhibits. Guest juror for awards for RESOLUTIONS 2017 will be Dr. Larry Wheeler, Director of the North Carolina Museum of Art in Raleigh, N.C. since 1994. Under Dr. Wheel-

er’s leadership, the NC Museum of Art has become one of the leading art museums in the American South. Prior to joining the NCMA, Dr. Wheeler was director of development at the Cleveland Museum of Art, from 1985 to 1994. Dr. Wheeler has been recognized internationally for his knowledge of and contribution to the arts. An Opening Reception and Juror’s Talk will be held on Friday, January 13th, from 6-9 pm. The Hillsborough Gallery of Arts is located at 121 North Churton Street in Hillsborough, NC. All works in the show are for sale. 1. Tomasz Hueckel, Apres de la Deluge, Nous 2. Susan Reeves, Swish 3. Kimberly Wheaton, Guardian of My Solitude


Now and Again Hillsborough Gallery of Arts The Hillsborough Gallery of Arts is celebrating 10 years as a gallery! This celebration will be marked by a group show titled Now and Again that will include 42 members, past and present. HGA opened its doors in September of 2006 as a leap of faith of its 15 founding member artists. The artists did not know each other, and they had little experience in running a business. The Hillsborough Gallery of Arts is now run by 21 artist-owners who are equal partners and make decisions by consensus. The Gallery presents featured artist shows, group shows, and an annual statewide juried show that all help to create a strong relationship between the artists and the surrounding community. Now and Again, which will run January 23rd through February 19th, 2017, is the Hillsborough Gallery of Arts’ way of celebrating with all of the talented artists and friends who have helped to make the gallery a success. The show opening reception and anniversary celebration will be held on Friday, January 27th from 6 to 9 pm. It is an opportunity to see both the art and the artists who have created this oneof-a-kind venue. The Hillsborough Gallery of Arts is owned and operated by local artists and rep-

resents these established artists exhibiting contemporary fine art and fine craft. The Gallery’s offerings include oil and acrylic paintings, pastels, sculpture, ceramics, photography, textiles, jewelry, glass, metals, encaustic, enamel, and wood. Featured shows change monthly, more information can be found on the HGA website: HGA is located in the historic Mercantile Building at 121 N. Churton Street, in Hillsborough, North Carolina. The gallery is open 10am-6pm Monday-Saturday, January-March. 1. Linda Carmel, Spelling Bee 2. Alice Levinson, Facing East


New Aquisitions: Picture House Gallery Since 1974, Picture House Gallery has been Charlotte’s premier resource for the discriminating art collector, providing the most comprehensive ranges of art services in the country.

Whatever your taste, dĂŠcor, or budget, you are likely to find a piece here that looks as if it were created for you. At Picture House Gallery, the eclectic collection includes contemporary and traditional oil paintings, from small sizes to massive, oversized pieces. It also features watercolors, pastels, indoor and outdoor sculptures of wood and marble, art glass, and ceramics, along with lithographs, serigraphs, etch-

ings, and posters. Many of their artists are nationally and internationally renowned artists collected by institutions across the United States. Picture House Gallery’s staff is glad to make an appraisal or answer any questions about any artist whose work a private collector may be interested in obtaining. Selling art, however, is only a part of the foundation on which Picture House Gallery has built its well-earned reputation. Fine art deserves the utmost in care, handling, and expertise, and this gallery has maintained the highest standards for more than 37 years.

It provides one of the most comprehensive ranges of art services in the nation. Owner Bob Griffin and his staff have ex-


tensive experience acquiring and installing pieces for some of Charlotte’s finest corporations, and health care and financial institutions, some of which has encompassed the use of scaffolding and cranes. “It’s important that our clients talk to us about their needs so we can accomplish what they want to achieve,” Bob says. “We have a loyal clientele who keeps coming back because of our service-oriented philosophy”. In addition to fine art sales and consultation services Picture House Gallery offers a full-service custom framing shop with over 2,600 mouldings, and such special touches as French matting, period framing, hand-gilded and hand-carved frames, 14-karat white gold or 23-karat gold frames.

Skilled technicians can also restore oil paintings, antique frames, old documents, and refurbish silk fabrics. This distinctive gallery offers an all encompassing range of art forms. If you have any questions about any of the gallery’s services, come by and talk to the experienced staff. For more information about the gallery’s services feel free to visit their website or call them.

Where: Picture House Gallery 1522 E. Fourth St., Charlotte, NC (704) 333-8235 Mon - Fri 10 - 4pm; Sat 10 - 3pm



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Atlanta Artists Atelier Gallery & Studios

“Emerging Artists”. For the first time, several emerging artists will have a substantial body of their work on display at the Artists Atelier Gallery and Studio for viewing. The art will be on display for until February 28th. Meet the artists at the studio on January 21 from 12-4pm at the opening reception to hear more about their work Art Stroll: Jan. 21st, 12 - 4pm

Huff Harrington Fine Art

4240 Rickenbacker Dr. (404) 257 - 0511 Mon - Sat 10 - 5pm

Join us Friday, January 27th, 2017 from 6-8 p.m. for our annual “A Grand Affair” exhibit featuring work from our gallery artists priced at $1,000.00 and under. Complimentary sips and nibbles will be offered. Opening Reception: Jan. 27th, 6 - 8pm

Kai Lin Art

999 Brady Ave. NW, Suite 7 (404) 408 - 4248 Wed - Sat 12 - 5pm

Hatched, Solo exhibitions by Thomas Turner and Carley Drew. January 27 - March 10, 2017. Artist Talk: Saturday, February 18, 2017 4 - 6 pm. Opening Reception: Jan. 27th, 7 - 10pm


75 Bennett St. (404) 367 - 8700 Tues - Sat 11 - 5pm

Elizabeth Lide - 2015/2016 Working Artist Project Fellow. Reception January 28, 2:30pm. Artist Talk: Saturday, January 28, 3:00pm. Exhibition Dates: December 13, 2016 – February 11, 2017. MOCA GA Art Auction January 9 – 23, 2017. Online Art Auction and Exhibition. Reception: Jan. 28th, 2:30pm

Reinike Gallery

789 Miami Cir. (404) 364 - 0490 Tues - Sat 10 - 5pm

In the month of January, we begin the new year showing the newest works by gallery artists. Henry Callahan has new acrylic abstractions and Donna Johnson has new mixed media encaustics employing symbolic messages. There will be new additions to the Field Series and Figurative Series by Charles H. Reinike III. Marleen DeWaele De Bock and Patricia Fabian have a number of new works on display. Also, more musical still-lifes by Peter J. O’Halloran. Opening Reception: Jan. 21st, 11 - 4pm


800 Miami Cir., Ste 200 (404) 231 - 5999 Tue - Sat 11 - 4PM



Augusta Morris Museum of Art


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Avery Gallery 390 Roswell St. (770) 427 - 2459 Mon - Sat 10 - 5pm

Impressive! Amazing! Inspiring! Descriptions of the photographic art of Scott MacQuarrie. His work captures the brilliant contrasts found in the Antarctic from stark mountain ranges to penguins jumping into clear blue water. Dramatic images of Scotland and Iceland as well. THRU Feb. 4th.

Scott MacQuarrie, Sleeper, 2013, photographic print, 20” x 30”

Marietta Cobb Museum of Art

30 Atlanta St. (770) 528 - 1444 Tues - Fri 11 - 5pm; Sat 11 - 4pm; Sun 1 - 4pm

The Great American West: Featured Works from the Booth Western Art Museum. On view from January 14 - March 25, 2017. Artistic Reality: Booth Photography Guild. On view from January 14 - March 25, 2017. Opening Reception: Jan. 14th, 6pm


Marietta Marietta Square Artist’s Attic

120 South Park Sq., Ste. 207 (770) 298 - 9207 Mon - Sat 11 - 6pm; Sun 1 - 5pm

Vinings Gallery





Cowgirl Studios

Muse & Co. Fine Art hwy 9

Ann Jackson Fine Art Vinings Gallery on Canton Synergy Fine Art mimosa blvd ramsey st

webb st

Green Oak


Ford Smith Gallery

canton st


oak st


SLM Studio & Gallery Taylor Kinzel Gallery Vinings Gallery

Hill st


10 Elizabeth Way (770) 299 - 1122 Mon - Thurs 12 - 7pm; Fri - Sat 12 - 8pm; Sun 12 - 5pm Vinings Gallery in Historic Roswell is pleased to welcome Alexei Butirskiy back to the gallery for an artist’s show on January 2022. Butirskiy’s work is characterized by the profound relationship between light and dark with space, shadows and color offering dialog in each composition. For times and additional information, please visit us at

Alexei Butirskiy, Winter Morn-Amsterdam

Vinings Gallery on Canton

938 Canton St. (770) 545 - 8887 Mon - Thurs 11 - 7pm; Fri - Sat 11 - 8pm; Sun 12 - 5pm Vinings Gallery on Canton brings a vibrant collection of original and limited edition artwork to Historic Roswell. With new and emerging artists, contemporary sculpture and stunning fine art glass, the gallery truly offers something for everyone.


Historic Marietta Square is a WINTER WONDERLAND complete with skating rink! Enjoy Candlelight Shopping amidst twinkling lights. MSAA’s Christmas Market features artwork for under $100 crafted by 27 local artists. Open until 9pm every Friday until December 16th.

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N. Pack Sq

Bender Gallery

t N. Marke

Patton Ave Church St

Asheville Gallery of Art

College St


Asheville Gallery of Art

Blue Spiral 1

Map Not Shown to Scale

Asheville St Otis

The Haen Gallery

82 Patton Ave. (828) 251 - 5796 Mon - Sat 11 - 6pm; Sun 1 - 4pm

Asheville Gallery of Art’s January show, “Diverse Infusions: New Perceptions, New Visions, New Times,” features the work of four new member artists: Cheri Brackett, Sue Dolamore, Robert Long, and Michael Robinson. The show presents exciting works from figurative to landscape. Opening Reception: Jan. 6th, 5 - 8pm

Robert Long, Peering into Time, 32” x 35”

River Arts District reet d St woo y a h w. Riverside

Hatchery Studios 95 Roberts Street Phil Mechanic Studios



na ve

Warehouse Studios


Pink Dog Creative

The Lift Studios Northlight Studios an st

375 Depot Studios

Riverview Station

depot street

David C Stewart Fine Art

old lym

North Carolina Glass Center Odyssey Center Jonas Gerard Fine Art

cl ing ma


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Curve Studios


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rd Cotton Mill Studios ood hayw Wedge Studios Old Wood Co Robert Street Studios

lyman street

North Carolina


352 Depot St Studios

bartlet t st

372 Depot St / Desert Moon Designs

EcoDepot Marketplace


River Arts District Artist Index

North Carolina

Autumn is in the Air

240 Clingman Ave & 191 Lyman St, Studio 144

Lynn Stanley

Trackside Studios 375 Depot Street

Trackside Studios 375 Depot Street

Matter of Time

Jonas Gerard Fine Art

Noelle K. Miller

Stephen Fulghum

Trackside Studios 375 Depot Street

Bouncing Baskets, oil on canvas, 24” x 30”

Silent Shout #3, acrylic and glass beads on canvas, 30” x 40”

Are you a RAD artist? Want to be listed in the Index? email:

Sahar Fakhoury

Trackside Studios 375 Depot Street



W Rd S ons Simm

River Sunset

Map Not Shown To Scale

Calabash b Dr ry Clu Count

r SW Beach D

Boundary Dr SW

Sunset River Marketplace

10283 Beach Dr. SW (910) 575 - 5999 Mon - Sat 10 - 5pm

Elements of Nature runs Jan. 14 - Feb 25. Works by clay artist Brian Evans and wood carver Jim Comer are featured in this six-week exhibition celebrating the close ties between art and nature. Opening Reception: Jan. 14th, 2 - 5pm

Brian Evans, Clay Vessel

hillsboro st

Page Walker Art & History Ctr ambassador loop

Village Art Circle w park st

e cedar st

e reynolds st waldo st s walker st

n academy st

Cary n harrison st

North Carolina


e park st

Cary Pottery dry ave

Cary Arts Center walnut st

Village Art Circle

200 S. Academy St. (919) 210 - 0398 Wed - Sat 11 - 5pm

Fine Arts League of Cary 2017 Show, opens Saturday January 7, 1-4pm reception. Show runs through Wednesday January 25. In addition, rotating work by 22 gallery members, curated by JJ Jiang. Handmade jewelry, ceramics, silk scarves, handbags. Opening Reception: Jan. 7th, 1 - 4pm


Chapel Hill

FRANK Gallery e franklin st

Ackland Museum

kenan st

s graham st

s robertson st

s merritt st



w franklin st

t es


n columbia st

w rosemary st

Light Art + Design

s es

FRANK Gallery

109 East Franklin St. (919) 636 - 4135 Tues - Sat 11 - 6pm; Sun 1 - 5pm

Ring in the New Year with a brand new exhibition at FRANK! Artists Mary Lamb, Emma Skurnick, and Ronan Peterson come together for a lively show featuring encaustics, paintings, and ceramics. THRU Feb. 5th. Natural Forces and Planting Hope continue through January.

Opening Reception: Jan. 13th, 6 - 9pm

Ronan Peterson, Loopy Curvy Mug

Tyndall Galleries

201 S. Estes Dr., University PLACE (919) 942 - 2290 Wed - Sat 11 - 6pm

The Tyndall Galleries welcome the New Year with a Group Exhibition of works by our renowned gallery artists, highlighting new ceramics by Ellen Kong and Colleen Black Semelka, and new paintings by Gayle Stott Lowry, Jane Filer, Jacob Cooley, and John Beerman.

Gayle Stott Lowry, PASSTIME (Morocco), oil & wax on canvas, 16� x 20�

North Carolina

Tyndall Galleries








r va

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nt on Providence Gallery

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Charlotte Art League




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Hidell Brooks Gallery

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Picture House Gallery

Ciel Gallery Lark & Key Gallery Anne Neilson Fine Art

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LaCa Projects Gallery



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North Carolina

Coffey and Thompson Art Gallery


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w morehead st

1517 Camden Rd. (704) 376 - 2787 Tues - Thurs 11 - 3pm; Fri 1 - 8pm; Sat 12 - 5pm; Sun 1 - 5pm

“Holiday Boutique.” Shop for a variety of gifts including original paintings, sculpture, photography, pottery, jewelry, woodwork & wearable art. THRU Jan. 27th. Gallery Crawl: Jan. 6th, 6 - 9pm

Charlotte Fine Art Gallery

7510 Pineville-Matthews Rd, 9A (704) 541 - 0741 Tues 10 - 4pm; Wed 10 - 9pm; Thurs - Fri 10 - 6pm; Sat 10 - 2pm

An Annual January Event, CFA starts the year out by giving! A portion of all proceeds will help find a cure for MS. Close to the curator’s heart. Represented Utah artist, Christensen and artist/curator, Joni Purk will be generously donating 50% of their sales. Jan. 3 - 28. Opening Reception: Jan. 14th, 5 - 8pm

art - i - facts Salvator Rosa was a poet, actor, as well as a painter and printmaker. He was a colorful character who did a great deal to create the popular romantic image of the artist as a rebel and outsider.

Charlotte Ciel Gallery: A Fine Art Collective

128 East Park Ave. (704) 496-9417 Tues - Sat 11 - 6pm

Ciel Gallery presents Gimme Shelter January 6 - 26, a national juried exhibition with animal-inspired art both realistic and whimsical. Wish List donations for The Humane Society will be collected at Ciel on their behalf. Free and Open to the Public. Opening Reception: Jan. 6th, 6 - 9pm

Fabric Lenny, We are the Birds

Elder Gallery

1520 South Tryon St. (704) 370 - 6337 Wed - Fri 10 - 5:30pm; Sat 10 - 2pm

Winding Down and Starting Up, Group Exhibition for Gallery Artists. Each of our gallery artists will be featured as we celebrate the conclusion of 2016 and the beginning of the new year. The exhibition showcases the wide variety of art being created by our artists from paintings, sculpture, ceramics, collages, and drawings. THRU Jan. 28th.

LaCa Projects

1429 Bryant St. (704) 837 - 1688 Tues - Fri 10 - 6pm; Sat 1 - 5pm

LaCa Projects presents Strike a Match to Hear My Sound, a new body of work by Cristina Toro that addresses natural and supernatural phenomena related to fire and light. January 27 through April 8. Opening Reception: Jan. 26th, 6 - 8pm

Picture House Gallery

1520 East 4th St. (704) 333 - 8235 Mon - Fri 10 - 4pm; Sat 10 - 3pm

ONGOING - Featuring Frederick Hart sculpture, works by Jamali, and extensive collection of paintings, sculpture, art glass, and various mediums. Established 1974.

Craig Alan

North Carolina



Charlotte 601-A Providence Rd. (704) 333 - 4535 Mon - Fri 9 - 5pm; Sat 10 - 2pm

Rod Wimer introduces a new, limited series of small mixed media abstract compositions combining the artist’s deft use of layered elements. Handmade paper and print combine with a vibrant color palette and geometric patterns to intrigue the observer.

Rod Wimer, Nirvana, mixed media on paper/framed, 16” x 20”



de ll




Mike Basher Gallery Carolina Artist Gallery

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tu rn

9th st

Carolina Artist Gallery

Evans st


Bridges st arendell st

4th st

Coastal - Beaufort / Morehead City

13th st

North Carolina

Providence Gallery

fr on





br oa







800 Evans St. (252) 726-7550 Tues - Sat 11 - 5pm

Rescue Me. Art in many mediums educates the public and brings happy endings to animals in need, with a portion of sales going to non-profit animal outreach and rescue. Opening reception is Jan. 14, 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The exhibit continues through March 10. Opening Reception: Jan. 14th, 5 - 7pm

Drew Hoover, Maggie, oil, 36” x 36”



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N. Elizabeth St.

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Golden Belt Ar�sts Studios





Map Not Shown to Scale





Foster St.

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Morris St.

N. Gregson St.

N. Buchanan Blvd.

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W. Club Blvd.

Durham Arts Council Gallery Durham Arts Guild Gallery


North Carolina

Craven Allen Gallery

Craven Allen Gallery

1106 1/2 Broad St. (919) 286 - 4837 Mon - Fri 9:30 - 6pm; Sat 10 - 4pm

Sue Sneddon explores size and scale, both intimate and expansive, with found objects and landscapes from travels coast-to-coast. The artist will give a workshop in January; see the gallery website for details. THRU Jan. 28th.


W. Tryon St.

W. King St.

Hillsborough Arts Council Gallery

Eno Gallery

W. Margaret Ln

Exit 164

Hillsborough Gallery of Arts

0A US 7


Map Not Shown to Scale

N. Wake St.

Hillsborough Gallery of Arts

N. Churton


121 North Churton St. (919) 732 - 5001 Mon - Sat 11 - 6pm; Sun 1 - 4pm

Resolutions 2017: 3rd annual statewide juried show, January 4th - 22nd, opening reception Friday, January 13th, 6-9 pm. Now & Again: HGA 10th anniversary show featuring art from all members past and present, January 23rd - February 19th, opening reception Friday, January 27th, 6-9 pm.

Reception: Jan. 13th, 6 - 9pm


New Bern

Fine Art at Baxters Gallery

S Front Stree t

Map Not Shown To Scale

Fine Art at Baxters

E Front Street

Pollock Stre et

Craven Street

Middle Street

Hancock St reet

North Carolina

Broad Street

323 Pollock st. (252) 634 - 9002 Mon - Fri 10 - 6pm; Sat 10 - 5pm

Bernie Rosage’s passion for art and music, led to his new contemporary series called “With a Little Help From My Friends.” Pieces include Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, The Beatles, and Jim Morrison. What makes this series unique is the color and expressive abstract quality of the work. Opening Reception: Jan. 13th, 5 - 8pm

Bernie Rosage, Boogie & One Love, Bob Marley

ATTENTION GALLERIES Place artwork next to your listing and receive: 1. Print magazine - 28,000+ monthly readers 2. image and exhibit description on 7000+ page views/month 3. Digital magazine - live interactive links on all images linking your website 10,000+ monthly readers 4. Social media 9,000 likes, views, impressions/month

Only $90 No commitment email for more information





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The Mahler Fine Art

Visual Arts Exchange

CAM Raleigh W. Davie St. W. Cabarrus St.

E. Morgan St.

E. Martin St.

Artspace E. Davie St.

E. Cabarrus St.

Map Not Shown to Scale

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North Carolina



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E. Franklin St.

Capital Blvd.

North Raleigh



North Carolina

311 Gallery

311 West Martin St. (919) 247 - 4915 Wed - Sat 11:30 - 4pm New Year’s Resolution: Buy More Art. The artists of 311 Gallery invite you to stop in and browse our collection of small works on display in the Main Gallery to help you keep at least one New Year’s Resolution this year!

Betty Ray McCain Gallery Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts

Opening Reception: Jan. 6th, 6 - 9pm

2 E. South St. (919) 996-8700

#Greenspaces, Landscape Paintings by Judy Crane and Wendy Musser is on view through February. The exhibition features all new works by the two Wake County artists. The subject matter was taken from central and western North Carolina settings. Exhibition hosted by the City of Raleigh’s Convention Center and Performing Arts Center Commission.

Wendy Musser, Creekside Shade, oil on canvas, 36” x 48”

Lee Hansley Gallery

1053 E. Whitaker Mill Rd. (919) 828 - 7557 Tues - Sat 11 - 6pm

My Favorite Things is an exhibition of favorites of the gallery’s owner. It includes works by McDonald Bane, Anne Wall Thomas, Richard Kinnaird, Herb Jackson, Luke Buchanan, Anne Heartt Gregory, Jennine Hough, Pat Scull, Gerry Lynch, Howard Thomas, George Birelline, Ann Harwell, Edith London, and many others who are associated with the gallery.

Jennine Hough, Finding Moses, oil on linen, 40” x 48”


210 Princess St. (484) 885 - 3037 Tues - Sat 10 - 6pm

Art in Bloom Gallery is in a renovated, 19th-century horse stable exhibiting original art by a diverse group of artists including Debra Bucci who is showing oil paintings of animals, flowers, and trees. “Visible Spectra: Art by Janette K. Hopper & Photographer Charles Kernan” continues until January 20, 2017.

Debra Bucci, Snow Fox, oil on wood block, 4” x 4”

New Elements Gallery

201 Princess St. (910) 343 - 8997 Tues - Sat 11 - 6pm

New Elements Gallery is excited to announce our new online shopping cart! Now you can browse and purchase all of your favorite artworks from anywhere, whether you are sitting on your couch or flying to Kathmandu. Visit to shop now.

Mary Rountree Moore, Abandoned Bliss, oil, 24” x 20”

North Carolina


Art in Bloom Gallery

N. 7th




Art in Bloom Gallery

N. 6th

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Map Not Shown To Scale



Shelby Lee / Studio 151


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South Carolina



Charleston 102 Church St. (843) 577 - 5500 Mon - Sat 10 - 5pm

South Carolina

Dog & Horse Fine Art & Portraiture

Visit our gallery in person or online to see more than 30 artists’ interpretation of animals and the bond we share with them. Commissioned portraits available as well as work from the 19th century.

Ella Walton Richardson Fine Art

58 Broad St. (843) 722 - 3660 Mon - Sat 10 - 5pm

New oil paintings by American and European artists, opening Friday, January 6th from 5-8 pm. Exhibition through February 1st. Join us as we celebrate our 15th year in business.

Opening Reception: Jan. 6th, 5 - 8pm

John C. Doyle Art Gallery

125 Church St. (843) 577 - 7344 Tues - Sat 11 - 5pm

Please join us in January as we start the year off by unveiling many new original oils by John Doyle in all subjects! This also includes his photography and several new giclee on canvas editions! We are so excited to feature new works by all three exceptional artists we represent. We hope to see you in the gallery!

John C. Doyle, ROSE WATER, © 2001, oil on panel, 24” x 30”



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Gallery Flux

calhoun st



college ave

st maple




n cent er st


307B England St. (804) 752 - 3540 Tues - Fri 11 - 6pm; Sat 11 - 4pm; Sun 12 - 4pm

Gallery Flux invites you to attend our three artist show, featuring NEW WORKS by Amy H R Donahue, Dan Michael, and David Camden. The pieces will include realistic landscape paintings in both pastel and oil and intricate ceramic sculptures and vessels. Reception: Jan. 5th, 5:30 - 8pm


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City Clay





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Welcome Gallery

Second Street Gallery 841 Wolf Trap Rd. (434) 973 - 5566 Thurs - Sun 1 - 5pm

In Source: New Paintings by Ellen Hathaway, the works vary from florals to abstracted landscapes in a variety of mediums including acrylic, graphite, charcoal, pastels, oil sticks, all with an intention of exploring the genesis of creativity and her art. Jan. 6 - Feb. 12. Reception: Jan. 13th, 5 - 7pm

art - i - facts For the Romantics, all human endeavor seemed frail and insignificant when set against the overwhelming power of nature. In the Sea of Ice, by Caspar David Friedrich, the sunken mast and timbers of a shipwreck go almost unnoticed, crushed beneath a towering pyramid of splintered ice.


Richmond Crossroads Arts Center


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Art Works Studios & Galleries 4t h Artspacest Art Works Studios & Galleries


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320 Hull St. (804) 291 - 1400 Tues - Sun 12 - 6pm

Our 14th annual Simply Photography exhibit features photography of all types and opens January 22nd with a reception, awards, and gallery talk. Call for Entries for this juried exhibit is 1/20. The exhibit continues through February 18, 2017. Opening Reception: Jan. 22nd, 7 - 10pm

Brazier Gallery

1616 West Main St. (804) 358 - 2771 Tues - Fri 11 - 5pm; Sat 12 - 4pm

Our January show, “Inside, Outside” features a blend of interior paintings and landscapes. Local artist Beth Marchant will be teaching a Drawing Workshop January 17-19. Only 10 spots available, call (804) 358-2771 to register.

Candela Books + Gallery

214 West Broad St. (804) 225 - 5527 Tues - Fri 11 - 5pm; Sat 1 - 5pm

BY THE GRACE OF GOD. New work by Virginia based photographer, Susan Worsham. Deeply rooted in memories from her youth, Worsham’s photographs reveal the hospitality of strangers and the natural environment of untouched places found down a certain road. JAN 6 - FEB 18. Opening Reception: Jan. 6th, 5 - 9pm


creative exposure

Apres Bath - Ruby Throated Hummingbird, oil on panel, 8” x 8” For purchasing inquiries please contact: Helena Fox Fine Art 106-A Church Street, Charleston, SC 29401 843-723-0073

Lori White Palomar Mountain Tree

K EVIN P EDDICORD p-919.854.0920


Body, Mind, Spirit

Vigilant Traveler | 16 x 20 | Oil

Elinor Bowman Watercolor, Chinese ink & Black Walnut Ink Asheville Gallery of Art

Monthly Artist Section $95/month

Vicki Rees

No Contract Print, online, and social media

Beastie, 24� x 8�

50 Index Atlanta, GA - 28-29

Alan Avery Art Company Anne Irwin Fine Art Artists’ Atelier of Atlanta Atlanta Artists Center Atlanta Contemp. Art Ctr. Bill Lowe Gallery David Gallery Huff Harrington Fine Art Jackson Fine Art Kai Lin Art Lagerquist Gallery Lumiere Gallery Mus. of Contemp. Art GA O’Karma Gallery Pryor Fine Art Reinike Gallery Sandler Hudson Gallery (The) Signature Shop & Gallery TEW Galleries Thomas Deans Fine Art Watson Gallery Whitespace

Augusta, GA - 30

Art on Broad Morris Museum of Art Sacred Heart Cultural Center

Marietta, GA - 30-31

Avery Gallery dk Gallery Marietta Cobb Museum of Art Marietta Square Artist’s Attic Red Door Art Gallery & Studio

Roswell, GA - 31

Ann Jackson Gallery Ford Smith Gallery MUSE & Co. Fine Art SLM Studio/Gallery Synergy Fine Art Gallery Taylor Kinzel Gallery Vinings Gallery Vinings Gallery on Canton

Savannah, GA - n/a Friedman’s Fine Art Gallery 11 Gallery 209 (The) Savannah Gallery (The) Signature Gallery (The) Village Craftsmen

Asheville, NC - 32-33

Artetude Gallery Asheville Gallery of Art Black Mtn Col. Mus. & Arts Ctr Bender Gallery Blue Spiral I River Arts District 352 Depot Street Studios 372 Depot Street 375 Depot Street 95 Roberts Street Asheville Glass Center Cotton Mill Studios Curve Studios and Garden David C. Stewart Studios Desert Moon Designs Studios EcoDepot Marketplace Element Clay Studio at 362 Depot Street The Hatchery Studios Jonas Gerard Fine Art The Lift Studios NorthLight Studios

Odyssey Ctr. For Ceramic Arts Old Wood Company Phil Mechanic Building Pink Dog Creative Riverside Studios Riverview Station Roberts Street Studios Warehouse Studios The Wedge

Nicole’s Studio & Art Gallery Roundabout Art Collective The Mahler Fine Art Tipping Paint Gallery

Spartanburg, SC - n/a

Wilmington, NC - 43

Gallery Flux

Calabash, NC - 34

Winston, NC -n/a

Cary, NC - 34

Beaufort, SC - n/a

Sunset River Marketplace

Cary Arts Center Cary Pottery Page Walker Art & History Ctr. Village Art Circle Waverly Artists group Studio

Art in Bloom Gallery New Elements Gallery

Artworks Gallery

FRANK Gallery Hanes Art Center UNC Tyndall Galleries

Atelier on Bay Beaufort Art Association Charles Street Gallery Elena Madden Studio Greenfish Gallery I. Pinckney Simons Gallery Indigo Gallery Rhett Gallery Inc. Salt Gallery Thibault Gallery USC Ctr for the Arts

Charlotte, NC - 36-38

Bluffton, SC - n/a

Chapel Hill, NC - 35

allison sprock fine art Anne Neilson Fine Art Charlotte Art League Charlotte Fine Art Gallery Ciel Gallery Elder Gallery Hidell Brooks Gallery LaCa Projects Gallery Lark & Key Gallery McColl Fine Art Mint Museum Randolph Picture House Gallery Projective Eye Gallery Providence Gallery Shain Gallery SOCO Gallery

Pluff Mudd Gallery Society of Bluffton Artists

Charleston, SC - 44-45

Craven Allen Gallery Durham Arts Guild Durham Arts Council Gallery Golden Belt Artist Studios Pleiades Gallery Through This Lens

Anglin Smith Fine Art Atrium Art Gallery (The) Atelier Gallery Cecil Bryne Gallery Charleston Artist Guild Gallery Coco Vivo Fine Art Corrigan Gallery LLC Courtyard Art Gallery Dog & Horse Gallery Edward Dare Gallery Ella Walton Richardson Fine Art Ellis-Nicholson Gallery (The) Gallery on Broad Gaye Sanders Fisher Gallery Helena Fox Fine Art Horton Hayes Fine Art Lowcountry Artists John Carroll Doyle Art Gallery Martin Gallery Mary Martin Gallery Meyer Vogl Gallery Michael Mitchell Gallery Principle Gallery Sandpiper Gallery Spencer Galleries

Hillsborough, NC - 39

Columbia, SC - 45

Coastal, NC - 38 Mike Basher Gallery Carolina Artist Gallery

Durham, NC - 39

Eno Gallery Hillsborough Arts Coun. Gallery Hillsborough Gallery of Arts

New Bern, NC - 40 Fine Art at Baxters

Raleigh, NC - 41-42 311 Gallery Adam Cave Fine Art ArtSpace Betty Ray McCain Gallery CAM Raleigh Gallery C Lee Hansley Gallery Little Art Gallery Local Color Gallery NC Museum of Nat.

701 Center for Contemp Art City Art Gallery Gallery West Havens Framemakers and Gallery HoFP Gallery if ART Gallery Portfolio Art Gallery Village Artists Vista Studios/Gallery 80808

Greenville, SC - n/a Artists Guild Gallery of Greenville

Hilton Head, SC - n/a Endangered Arts Ltd Karis Art Gallery

West Main Artists Co-op

Ashland, VA - 46 C’ville, VA - 46

BozART, Fine Art Collective Chroma Projects Graves International Art Les Yeux du Monde Nichols Gallery

Petersburg, VA - n/a

(The) Ward Ctr for Contemp Art Walton Gallery

Richmond, VA - 47 1708 Gallery ada Gallery Anne’s Visual Arts Studio Brazier Gallery Candela Books Chasen Galleries Crossroads Art Center Glave Kocen Gallery Page Bond Gallery Quirk Gallery Reynolds Gallery Uptown Gallery Visual Arts Center West End Gallery


311 Gallery - 3 Art Works Richmond 6 BINDERS Art Supplies & Frames - 5 BF Reed 7 (The) Breman Museum 2 Dianne Munkittrick 5 Donna Lee Nyzio 48 Elinor Bowman 49 Fine Art at Baxters 6 Hillsborough Gallery of Arts - 7 Jonas Gerard Gallery 4 Karen Wiles 4 Kevin Peddicord 48 Lori White 48 Mary Erickson 48 Picture House Gallery 52 Sunset River Marketplace - 3 Teresa Jones 6 Todd Baxter 49 Vicki Rees 49


when where Atlanta, GA, pg 28-29

Charlotte, NC, pg 36-38

Beaufort, SC

Saturday, January 21st

Friday, January 6th

Friday, January 13th

Artists Atelier Gallery, 12-4pm Reinike Gallery, 11-4pm

Friday, January 27th

Charlotte Art League Gallery, 6-9pm Ciel Gallery, 6-9pm Hidell Brooks Gallery, 6-8pm

Huff Harrington Fine Art, 6-8pm Kai Lin Art, 7-10pm

Saturday, January 14th

Saturday, January 28th

Thursday, January 26th

Marietta, GA, pg 30-31

Coastal, NC, pg 38

Saturday, January 14th

Saturday, January 14th

Asheville, NC, pg 32-33

Hillsborough, NC, pg 39

Friday, January 6th

Friday, January 13th

MOCA Ga, 2:30pm

Marietta Cobb Mus. of Art, 6pm

Asheville Gallery of Art, 5-8pm

Cary, NC, pg 34 Saturday, January 7th Village Art Circle, 1-4pm

Calabash, NC, pg 34 Saturday, January 14th

Sunset River Marketplace, 2-5pm

Chapel Hill, NC, pg 35 Friday, January 13th

Charlotte Fine Art Gallery, 5-8pm LaCa Projects, 6-8pm

Carolina Artists Gallery, 5-7pm

Charleston, SC, pg 44-45 Friday, January 6th

Ella Walton Richardson, 5-8pm

Ashland, VA, pg 46 Thursday, January 5th Gallery Flux, 5:30-8pm

C’ville, VA, pg 46 Friday, January 13th

Les Yeux du Monde, 5-7pm

Hillsborough Gallery of Arts, 6-9pm

Richmond, VA, pg 47

Friday, January 27th

Thursday, January 5th

Hillsborough Gallery of Arts, 6-9pm

New Bern, NC, pg 40 Friday, January 13th

Fine Art at Baxters, 5-8pm

Candela Books + Gallery, 5-8pm

Friday, January 6th

Candela Books + Gallery, 5-9pm

Sunday, January 22nd

Art Works, Studios & Galleries, 7-10pm

Raleigh, NC, pg 41-42 Friday, January 6th 311 Gallery, 6-9pm

FRANK Gallery, 6-9pm

Winston-Salem, NC

Thursday, January 19th

Friday, January 6th

FRANK Gallery, 6-8pm

Beaufort Art Assoc. Gallery, 5-7:30pm

Artworks Gallery, 7-10pm

More information on all events available at

If you’re a gallery and would like to list in artGuide, or for advertisement rates, contact artGuide Magazine, at (917) 968-3306, or at artGuide is published by Art Guide Publishing, Inc., Copyright © 2010-2017. All rights reserved by Art Guide Publishing, Inc. Reproductions or use without written consent is strictly prohibited. Mailing Address: PO Box 2004, Concord, NC 28026. Telephone: (917) 968-3306. Email:

1522 East Fourth St. Charlotte, NC 28204 704.333.8235 Mon-Fri 10-4, Sat 10-3

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