artGuide December 2015

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This Month Palette Knife, pg 8 Fine Southern Clay, pg 10 Profiles in Art, Taylor Kinzel Gallery, pg 11

Vol. 6 No. 12

311 West Martin Street Raleigh, NC 27601 (919) 618-8216 Gallery Hours: Thurs - Sat 11:30-4:30, and by app Additional Holiday Hours: Dec 21-23, 11:30-4:30 Dec 24, 11:30-2:00

Ginny Lassiter, Back Deck, acrylic on canvas, 30� x 24�

Feed Your Eclectic Soul


10283 Beach Dr. SW Calabash, NC


he Charleston Artist Guild is dedicated to serving the arts community of Charleston, SC. In addition to encouraging our member artists with workshops, programs of instruction and opportunities to exhibit their work, the guild supports, promotes & sponsors several community projects in the Tri-county area.

Romantic Stroll - Mila Garro

160 E. Bay Street Charleston, SC 29401


Open daily from 11am - 6pm

The Charleston Artist Guild Gallery exhibits the work of 73 artists. When you purchase an original painting, print or photograph at our gallery, you are helping to sponsor our community programs.

“Peonies” by Jean Grunewald

Kenny Pieper - Glass Page Davis - Iron Sculpture & Jewelry

2778 Halls Chapel Rd. Burnsville, NC Tour map #46

Photo by David Ramsey 24” x 15” x 15”

If you would like your ad to be seen here contact artGuide at artguide@artguidemag. com

what’s inside Profiles Palette Knife Cutting Into Art. We explore the textual, color, and loose representational aspects of artists who use the palette knife 8

Fine Southern Clay Reimagined mediums. Our conversation with Mark Dunley of Eno Gallery regarding the age-old topic of ceramic/clay as a fine art 10

People and Places

8 Janine Medlin, Timeless (detail), 48” x 48”

Profiles in Art A fun Q&A wtih Mary Kinzel Means and Patrick Taylor exploring the origins, current status, and future of Taylor Kinzel Gallery 11

Previews Ralph Turturro at Elder Gallery and Elliston Roshi & Lela Brunet at Kai Lin Art 12



Cover Image

artGuide 12/2015

10 Alice Ballard This Month Palette Knife, pg 8 Fine Southern Clay, pg 10

Ginny Lassiter, Back Deck, acrylic on canvas, 30” x 24”, Sunset River Marketplace

Profiles in Art, Taylor Kinzel Gallery, pg 11

Vol. 6 No. 12

what’s inside Features A Kaleidoscope of Color An introduction to Raleigh’s Local Color 14 Gallery

Resolutions 2016 Hillsborough Gallery of Arts welcomes it’s second annual juried art show 15


Essence of the Lowcountry Works by Sandra J. Booker at the Charleston Artist Guild Gallery 16

Sandra J. Booker, Owl (detail)

NC Artists Exhibition Call for Artists Raleigh Fine Arts Society is calling for artists for the 2016 Exhibition 17

New Aquisitions Every month Picture House Gallery introduces new work to their collectors 18


The end of the year is “present” at 311 Gallery and Tipping Paint Gallery 34



Anne Cunningham, BFF Violet (detail)

Sunset River Marketplace

Rustic folk art trees and more, crafted from recycled and repurposed wood. 25

Fine Art at Baxters Fantastic destination gallery coast of North Carolina




Sections Creative Exposure Artists Index November’s Calendar

44 46 47

34 Cheryl McCardle, Embracing Chaos, (detail)

tion with other painting tools. However, this does not hold true for those who choose to extricate the palette knife from it’s lonely, singular existence and aggrandize it’s function as a painting tool.

Palette Knife Cutting Into Art Texture, composition; these are some of the quantitative personality traits that are attributed to paintings as they are being created by their masters. Artists painting on canvas have always sought to recreate some likened representation of the visual world we inhabit. Whether realism or abstract, this representation touches on our inner appreciation of what we see and more importantly what we feel in the “real world”. Perhaps it is this instinctual feeling of the textural reality we inhabit that draw many artists and patrons alike to those paintings on canvas that provide deep texture and loose forms. A perfect albeit nonexclusive example of textural creation and loose forms are works that are created using a palette knife. For those new to art or just blissfully non-informed a palette knife is a thin steel blade with a handle that was and still is used primarily for mixing colors on a palette for later applica-

The finished work, with its unique texture, mixed colors, and loose representational form lends itself to the dissimilar creational processes that other tools, such as the brush, cannot provide. For artists such as Janine Medlin the palette knife affords her a tool that “is decisive and fresh in a way that I’ve not found in the stroke of a brush”. Depending on the application of the knife, whether thick or thin, the artist can create differing stories using the interaction of colors and textures in a way that often creates unintended, surprised results. “Oil paints do some of their work well after the paint is put down. This is fun for me as the artist since I will often be surprised at the color

9 that emerges during the days and weeks that the paint dries. It almost feels like the piece has its own story to tell, partially independent of what I intended” says Janine Medlin. Maureen Engle uses a palette knife to enhance the loose color structure of her paintings. “I experimented with mixing colors directly on the canvas with the knife, layering over wet and dry paint and using both the flat surfaces and the edges of the knife to create texture and line work... although with experience I can control the paint quite well, I love the unexpected effects I get with knife work” says Engle. Engle continues, “I’m passionate about color, movement and energy and a palette knife helps me to achieve this in my work. A palette knife makes it difficult to be too tight and therefore, helps me to focus on what is important”. This “loose” effect has been echoed by many artists who use palette knives and can be observed in the minute, loose configurations that arrange the differing lines within a piece.

Janine Medlin

Timeless, 48” x 48” Janine’s impressionist landscapes in oil-on-wood or canvas reflect the wildness and beauty she sees in nature. Texture from palette knife and brush in a calming but rich color scheme are found in her distant horizon and her Aspen groves pieces. More on Instagram, @janinemedlinfineart


Whether the palette knife offers artists an all-in-one tool for “smearing, application of thick and thin paint, straight lines, or blending” as described by Charlotte-based artist Adrian Redmond, or a “less structured more representational result”, as stated by artist Christine Tavel, the ability to add texture, mix colors over canvas, and paint with a loose form allows many artists the ability to create unique representational forms which allows the viewer to observe the creation process in the finished product. Maureen Self Expression

Maureen Engle Artist & Instructor 1. Maureen Engle, Birchtrees, 40” x 60” 2. Janine Medlin, Give It All, oil on canvas, 40” x 40” 770-633-7809


Fine Southern Clay Reimagined Mediums Our talk with Mark Dunley of Eno Gallery In first planning this editorial we sought to introduce readers to a very unique ceramic/clay invitational at Eno Gallery in Hillsborugh, NC. However during our Q&A with owner Mark Dunley we came across a fascinating, substantive conversation about how ceramic crafts are viewed in conjunction with fine arts. Enjoy! Why an invitational? We sought to re-define the potter as an artist, and illustrate how ceramics have been redefined as a vehicle for artistic expression. The Fine Southern Clay exhibition was conceived to showcase the work of some of the finest contemporary clay artists in the South. Artists represented have been recognized both locally and nationally. Why ceramics? Contemporary ceramics are pushing the boundaries between functional and sculptural work. There is currently unprecedented experimentation not only with forms, colors, and glazes, but also with the role of clay as an artistic and sculptural medium. Bernard Leach, considered the ‘father of British Studio pottery’ said “Very few people in this country think of the making of pottery as an art.” What’s your statment with this show? We seek to throw out the old debates about the relative values of craft vs fine art. An accomplished ceramist’s work is

as important as an oil painting. The point is to understand each tradition. There is a broad distinction between fine arts (unique objects created purely for their visual or aesthetic appeal) and crafts (objects which, no matter how visually decorative are usually functional.). Thus “fine art pottery” (or ceramics) describes artistic works, while the term “pottery” tends to be reserved for pots, dishes and other functional items. However, we want to bring a realization that these definitions are not absolute: some ceramic items can be both beautiful works of art and still have a function. This exhibition allows viewers to understand and appreciate each tradition. The Fine Southern Clay exhibition seeks to redefine clay as a vehicle for artistic expression. In a world of mass produced objects, what these artists create is of such importance that whatever tag you give it is very special Will there be a next year? We will continue ‘Fine Southern Clay’ as a yearly exhibition. This year 21 notable ceramists exhibited work. There were a number of notable ceramists that were unable to exhibit this year due to other commitments. The next exhibition promises to bring an even wider variety of compelling new work. ________________________________ Southern Fine Clay will be on view at Eno Gallery through January 15, 2016.

Profiles in Art Mary Kinzel Means & Patrick Taylor Taylor Kinzel Gallery Gallery owners, Mary Kinzel Means and Patrick Taylor, established their partnership in Atlanta as successful art consultants in 1993. Since then, they have immersed themselves in the southern art market through extensive experience at established galleries and museums. In 2003, they combined their shared passion and knowledge for the arts with the opening of Taylor Kinzel Gallery in charming Historic Roswell just outside Atlanta.

How did Taylor Kinzel come to be? Patrick and I became great friends working together at an Atlanta gallery in 1993. We worked really well together and had a shared dream to own and operate our own gallery. We used to scout around the historic area of Roswell just waiting for something to become available... when it did, we jumped on it! And in 2003 opened Taylor Kinzel Gallery. What is your gallery’s direction? Our vision, from the start, was to represent established Southern artists and carry only contemporary original works. It’s been a successful and satisfying plan, one we plan to stay on!

into our overall gallery aesthetic? and c) Do we LOVE it? Do you collect art? Absolutely! Working in galleries for as long as we have, you can’t help but have a pretty fantastic collection of work. And, while our collections are varied, we are partial to collecting artists we have a close personal connection to and therefore collect a lot of our own artists. What’s next for Taylor Kinzel? Our goal is to always stay true to our vision... to create and cultivate a prosperous positive experience for ourselves, our artists, and our clients. We are in the “art world”, an exciting creative world of the great unknown and infinite possibility! _________________________________

How do you select your artists? When we started out, the artists we chose to represent were those whose work we were familiar with, soon however, with the incredible number of artist submissions we were receiving, we found it helpful to facilitate our decision on the following criteria: a) Is it original work? b) Does it fit

Mary Kinzel Means and Patrick Taylor has owned and operated Taylor Kinzel Gallery since 2003. Taylor Kinzel Gallery ~ A Southern Original. Taylor Kinzel Gallery offers a varied collection of original works by nationally renowned southern artists.



Desire (detail), mied media on paper, 22” x 30”

Elliston Roshi, Appertain (angle), sumi ink and watercolor on gasso panel, 33 1/2” x 37”

Ralph Turturro

Elliston Roshi / Lela Brunet

Elder Gallery December 4-31

Kai Lin Art Thru December

Elder Gallery’s contemporary aesthetic continues with its exhibition of new paintings by New York artist, Ralph Turturro. Known for his contemporary tenebroso style, he infuses primitive scrawls to create depth and texture. The color, texts, and inadvertent images that grow out of his process of painting are tools he uses to discover a world he describes as “eternally, cosmically, and universally real.” He sees this process as similar to that of “an archeologist discovering found objects that send one reeling back and forth through time.” “Painting is something that continues to fill me with wonder and awe. The color, textures, texts, and inadvertent images that grow out of my process of painting become detached clues of self-discovery; visual tools to discover this world beyond.” Turturro is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin and holds an MFA from Pratt Institute. He has done Post Graduate work at Queens and Brooklyn College in New York.

A solo exhibition of new works by Zen Buddhist Sensei Elliston Roshi in the main gallery and new works by contemporary artist Lela Brunet in the Grey Gallery. A Sensei (teacher) who created the Soto Zen Center, Elliston Roshi takes a Zen Buddhist approach to creating his works. With command of his materials, he explores emotion and mysticism through the organic behavior of sumi ink on gesso panels and glass surfaces. Roshi allows the abstracted image to emerge, capturing beauty at its raw essence. Lela Brunet draws inspiration from ancient stories of female deities and creatures from Egyptian, Greek, and Japanese mythology. In this new series, she explores sacred female figures and forms through a variety of techniques using graphite, ink, acrylic, tissue bleed, markers, and coffee stain. Through finely detailed, intricate lines, Brunet’s color combinations and geometric patterning creates an obsessively patterned and dynamic work of art.

Lee Hansley Gallery

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Gallery creates quite the kaleidoscope. Local Color Gallery is open year-round from Thursday Saturday from 11:30 -4:30pm and on and First Fridays from 6 -10pm and by appointment. Local Color Gallery, established in 2002, is an artist Co-Op of twelve women that is constantly evolving and developing and calls 311 Gallery home. It is unique in the Raleigh’s Arts Scene not only because it consists of only women, but because it provides artists, whether part or full-time an opportunity to keep a toe in Raleigh’s Arts Scene while holding down that “day job” or raising that “family”. Its membership is diverse. Some artists work with clay, others with glass or cloth and some with pigments. They explore possibilities, wander in and around form and function, dive into value and tone, dance with presentation and pine for those customers who see and appreciate what it’s artists have accomplished. Each member of Local Color brings to our shared space her own distinctive interpretation of the visual world – they share hints on marketing and display and offer encouragement and critique. Displaying all the diverse art forms at Local Color

Please stop by, explore our art and you will surely find that perfect birthday or holiday gift at Local Color Gallery. Exhibit Artists: Adrien Montoya Bekah Haslett Janie Johnson Keanna Artis Kim Balentine Linda Kimball

Lizzie Bailey Margaret Griffin Margo White Mary Beth Owen Mary Ruth Dana Rebecca Toy

Where: Local Color Gallery 311 W Martin St. Raleigh, NC Thurs - Sat 11:30 - 4:30pm


Resolutions 2016 The Hillsborough Gallery of Arts welcomes in the New Year with its second Statewide Juried Show, RESOLUTIONS 2016. RESOLUTIONS 2016, which runs from January 5th to January 25th, 2016, will showcase the work of artists from across North Carolina. Following on the success of last year’s statewide show, RESOLUTIONS 2015, HGA held its open call to artists this fall. 2D and 3D artists from every part of the state entered works in a wide variety of media via the online portal, Guest juror for awards will be Dr. Peter Nisbet, Chief Curator and Interim Director of the Ackland Art Museum in Chapel Hill, NC. Dr. Nisbet has extensive national and international experience in collection development and exhibitions. Formerly he held the position of Curator of the Busch-Reisinger Museum at the Harvard Art Museum where he was responsible for a collection of 39,000 works of art and played a leading role in the reconceptualization and revitalization of the museum. Nisbet holds a BA and MA from Cambridge University and a PhD in the History of Art from Yale.

An Opening Reception and Juror’s talk will be held on Friday, January 9th from 6-9 pm. All works are for sale. 1. Susan Brabeau, Orchids, 2015 Best in Show 2. Laura Hughes, Of A Different Color, 2015 People’s Choice

Where: Hillsborough Gallery of Arts 121 N Churton St. Hillsborough, NC 919.732.5001 Mon-Th 10-6, Fri-Sat 10-8, Sun 12-4


Essence of the Lowcountry Sandra J. Booker

Reception: Friday, Dec 4, 5-8pm

Sandra J Booker, Owl


elcome to your local hometown gallery for the holidays! Art is the perfect gift to give this holiday season and we are featuring a Christmas tree full of miniature paintings affordably priced for you to choose from. In addition, our 73 gallery artists provide a variety of art and photography that would make a unique gift for the person that has everything. Find over 400 works from local artists encompassing a medium, style, color, subject, and size to fit every taste.

Sandra J. Booker is our featured artist this month. Her opening reception is December 4th. Stop by and see what treasures we have to offer for the month of December. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

Where: Charleston Artist Guild 160 East Bay St. Charleston, SC (843) 722-2425 Hours: Daily 11-6pm

Mary Sayas, Old Copper

Kay Lybrand, Light Peeking Through

Visit our gallery to enjoy the holiday music and artwork from the Charleston Artist Guild artists. Gallery gift certifcates are also available.

Vicki P. Maguire, Celeste



Accepting art through January 12th


Sponsored by

March 6, 2016 Lecture in Meymandi Hall 4:00 pm Viewing exhibition and reception 5:00-6:30 pm

Raleigh Fine Arts Society Promoting North Carolina Art and Artists for over 50 Years

Bradley Sumrall is the Chief Curator and Collections Manager of the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans. The Ogden Museum is one of the leading museums in the United States focusing on the richness and diversity of the art of the American South and houses the largest and most comprehensive assemblage of Southern art in the world from 1733 to the present.

Bradley Sumrall - Juror

To learn more about the Exhibition and art selection process, please visit For those interested in being on an email list for notices about the RFAS Artists Exhibition, please email us at

Art will be for sale from March 6 – April 28 Betty Ray McCain Gallery During performances at the Duke Energy Center for the Performing Arts

Bradley Sumrall is the Chief Curator/Collections Manager for the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans and Juror for 2016 Raleigh Fine Arts Artist Exhibition. Described by potter Mark Hewitt as a quintessential “Art World Warrior”, Mr. Sumrall brings his passion and expertise to judging and curating this year’s Artist Exhibition. Mr. Sumrall has a long career steeped in art of the American South, having curated and managed collections of paintings, photography, sculpture and folk art in New Orleans and throughout the South. His proclivities range from the beautiful to the raw, from fine to folk, giving equal weight to artistic expression from across the aesthetic and creative spectrum, gauging quality from intent, technique, style, and history. Mr. Sumrall has high praise for what he

described as “the very rich art scene in North Carolina.” Many of the exhibitions he has curated have featured North Carolina artists, including basket weaver Billie Ruth Sudduth and glass artist Richard Ritter, mixed media artist Juan Logan, and potter Mark Hewitt. Mr. Sumrall brings a cosmopolitan eye and discriminating spirit to the Raleigh Fine Arts Society Artists Exhibition.

Where: Betty Ray McCain Gallery 2 E. South St. Raleigh, NC March 6 - April 28, 2016


New Aquisitions: Picture House Gallery Since 1974, Picture House Gallery has been Charlotte’s premier resource for the discriminating art collector, providing the most comprehensive ranges of art services in the country.

Whatever your taste, dĂŠcor, or budget, you are likely to find a piece here that looks as if it were created for you. At Picture House Gallery, the eclectic collection includes contemporary and traditional oil paintings, from small sizes to massive, oversized pieces. It also features watercolors, pastels, indoor and outdoor sculptures of wood and marble, art glass, and ceramics, along with lithographs, serigraphs, etchings, and posters. Many

of their artists are nationally and internationally renowned artists collected by institutions across the United States. Picture House Gallery’s staff is glad to make an appraisal or answer any questions about any artist whose work a private collector may be interested in obtaining. Selling art, however, is only a part of the foundation on which Picture House Gallery has built its well-earned reputation. Fine art deserves the utmost in care, handling, and expertise, and this gallery has maintained the highest standards for more than 37 years.

It provides one of the most comprehensive ranges of art services in the nation. Owner Bob Griffin and his staff have extensive experience acquiring and


installing pieces for some of Charlotte’s finest corporations, and health care and financial institutions, some of which has encompassed the use of scaffolding and cranes. “It’s important that our clients talk to us about their needs so we can accomplish what they want to achieve,” Bob says. “We have a loyal clientele who keeps coming back because of our service-oriented philosophy”. In addition to fine art sales and consultation services Picture House Gallery offers a full-service custom framing shop with over 2,600 mouldings, and such special touches as French matting, period framing, hand-gilded and hand-carved frames, 14-karat white gold or 23-karat gold frames. Skilled technicians can also restore oil

paintings, antique frames, old documents, and refurbish silk fabrics. This distinctive gallery offers an all encompassing range of art forms. If you have any questions about any of the gallery’s services, come by and talk to the experienced staff. For more information about the gallery’s services feel free to visit their website or call them. 1. Jennifer Hollack, Billow, acrylic on plexiglass, 56” x 42” 2. Leila, Aquatic Bloom, mixed media collage on board, 56” x 44”

Where: Picture House Gallery 1522 E. Fourth St., Charlotte, NC (704) 333-8235 Mon - Fri 10 - 4pm; Sat 10 - 3pm



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Atlanta Alan Avery Art Company

315 E. Paces Ferry Rd.

(404) 237 - 0370 Tues - Fri 10 - 6pm; Sat 11 - 5pm

Huff Harrington Fine Art

4240 Rickenbacker Dr.

(404) 257 - 0511 Mon - Sat 10 - 5pm

Arriving daily at Huff Harrington Fine Art: gorgeous and provocative new work from our gallery artists including edgy and elegant urban street scenes by Lorraine Christie and textural abstracts from Andrea Costa.

690 Miami Circle

(404) 261 - 8273 Tue - Fri 10 - 5pm; Sat 11 - 5pm

18th Annual Christmas Sale. Diana Cutrone displays a polished but forthright realist approach. Her work concentrates intense scrutiny on her subject, whether figurative or landscapes. A viewer senses activity beyond the image. Ms. Cutrone’s almost photographic realism is representational art that is accessible but with flawless technique. Dec. 8th - 24th.

Reinike Gallery

789 Miami Circle

(404) 364 - 0490 Tue - Sat 10 - 5pm

In the month of December: The Annual Holiday Group Show will be on view through December 19, featuring the works of Carolyn Busenlener, Henry Callahan, Peter O’Halloran, Patricia Fabian, Charles H. Reinike III, and other gallery artists. This year’s pewter Christmas ornament is a pelican and will be available for sale at the Holiday Show and throughout December.


Alan Avery Art Company is honored in collaboration with the Romare Bearden Foundation to present one of the 20th century’s most influential artists. Romare Bearden: When I Conjure These Memories will underscore the diverse range of Bearden’s work, from watercolor to collage to monotype. THRU Jan. 16th.

Lagerquist Gallery



Atlanta Thomas Deans Fine Art

690 Miami Cir. ne ste 905

(404) 814 - 1811 Mon - Fri 11 - 5pm

Small Works: Paintings by Five Artists; through 6 January 2016. Also New paintings by Stephen Pentak, Paul Tamanian, Scott Upton, David Kidd, Allison B. Cooke, and Sydney Licht.

TEW Galleries

425 Peachtree Hills Ave ne ste 24

(404) 869 - 0511 Mon - Fri 10 - 5pm, Sat 11 - 5pm

Carmelo Blandino & Kimo Minton: Carmelo Blandino’s opulent, bold, and passionate floral paintings use velvet-rich color to almost transcendental effect. Minton’s masculine forms, pared down color, and intricate cutting make his woodcut panels and wood sculpture powerful and monumental. Opposites that make a show worth experiencing. THRU Jan. 9th.

Opening Reception: Dec. 10th

Carmelo Blandino, “Courage” 2015, mixed media on canvas, 60” x 60”

dk Gallery

Lawrence st

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25 West Park Sq. NE (770) 427 - 5377 Tue - Sat 11 - 5pm

dk Gallery’s December show will be a show featuring white works of art by all dk Gallery artists and small works will don dk’s white Christmas trees for the holiday season. THRU Dec. 26th. Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm




Cowgirl Studios

Muse & Co. Fine Art hwy 9

Ann Jackson Gallery Synergy Fine Art mimosa blvd

Ann Jackson Gallery

ramsey st

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932 Canton St. (770) 993 - 4783 Mon - Sat 11 - 5pm; Sun 12 - 5pm

Ann Jackson Gallery present Tom Everhart. Friday December 11, 12pm - 8pm. Saturday December 12, 12pm - 8pm. Sunday December 13, 12pm - 4pm.

Cowgirl Studios

31 Oak St., STE B

(404) 590 - 6240 Mon - Fri 11 - 3pm

“Cowgirl Studios Holiday Show and Sale” - Cowgirl Studios. A holiday exhibition and sale of clay, painting, jewelry, sculpture, and fine art from Heiða Halldórsdóttir, Nicole Merkens, and Paulette De Lucia. Runs Dec. 4- 18, 2015. Opening Friday Dec. 4th. 6:009:00pm. Refreshments will be served. Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm

MUSE & Co Fine Art

23 Oak St. (770) 594 - 9511 Tue - Sat 11 - 4pm

“A Few Of Our Favorite Things” featuring new works by gallery artists and a special trunk show featuring (M Jewels presents Ray Griffiths Fine Jewelry )… Sculpture by Rachael Zaudke Wilkins. Find a few of your favorite things at MUSE & Co. Fine Art and give the gift that inspires. Bringing you the best of contemporary art located the heart of Historic Roswell GA. THRU Dec. 31st. Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm

Rachael Zaudke Wilkins, Worth The Wait, clay sculpture


Ford Smith Gallery

canton st


oak st


SLM Studio & Gallery Taylor Kinzel Gallery Vinings Gallery

Hill st



Roswell Synergy Fine Art Gallery

26 Webb St., Ste. 3

Georgia (770) 708 - 7416 Mon, Tue & Thur 10 - 2pm; Wed & Fri 1 - 4pm; Sat 12 - 5pm

December 4th-30th Small Works and Gift Show (Opening night Friday Dec 4, 6-9 pm). As the holiday giving season reaches its peak, Synergy is the place to go for the creative people in your life. Featuring unique art, jewelry, accessories, and ceramics; don’t miss the opportunity to find the perfect present!

Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm

Taylor Kinzel Gallery

16 Elizabeth Way (770) 993 - 3555 Mon - Sat 11 - 6pm; Sun 1 - 5pm

12th Annual Glass Show/Toys for Tots Fundraiser. This annual event features original glass sculpture, as well as functional work in glass by artists Robert Burch, Brenda Griffith, Licha Nicholson, and Pam Smith. For every new unwrapped toy, or $10 donation, receive a raffle ticket to win an original glasswork by each artist.

Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm

Licha Nicholson, Ancient Relics XVIII, original glass work

Vinings Gallery

10 Elizabeth Way

(770) 299 - 1122 Mon - THUR 12 - 7pm; Fri - Sat 12 - 8pm; Sun 12 - 5pm

Thomas Arvid spends months perfecting each of his paintings, never letting one go before he has refined every nuance. This attention to detail, combined with his unerring visual acuity, have cemented his place as “America’s Preeminent Painter of Wine.” It’s no wonder The Los Angeles Times calls him “The Rembrandt of Yountville.”

Three’s Company


Asheville Art in the Park

Aston St

Eagle St

Blue Spiral 1


Coxe Ave

Commerce St


Bender Gallery on S. Lexingt

The Haen Gallery


Asheland Ave

Patton Ave Church St

Asheville Gallery of Art

N. Pack Sq

Bender Gallery

12 S. Lexington Ave.

(828) 505 - 8341 Mon - Sat 10:30 - 5pm; Sun 12 - 5pm

Bender Gallery will be holding our second annual invitational paperweight exhibition, Microcosms: Our Work in Paperweight. The exhibition runs from December 4 - January 31, 2016. Artists include Rick Ayotte, David Graeber, Gordon Smith, and many more.

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10283 Beach Dr. SW

(910) 575 - 5999 Mon - Sat 10 - 5pm

Through December 31, A Sunset River Holiday. Visit the gallery for a charming display of rustic folk art trees and more crafted from recycled and repurposed wood. Open House serving wine and holiday treats every Saturday through December.

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North Carolina

Chapel Hill

FRANK Gallery

109 East Franklin St.

(919) 636 - 4135 Tues - Sat 11 - 6pm; Sun 1 - 5pm

Intersections. This show consists of three artists’ unique visions of Universal Form, and how those visions intersect despite such diverse mediums as paint, clay, and metal. Featuring Sasha Bakaric, Shelly Hehenberger, and Suzanne Krill. Also on view, IntraHealth International: The Human Touch. Sasha Bakaric, Vessels

Tyndall Galleries

Opening Reception: Dec. 11th, 6 - 9pm

201 S. Estes Dr., University PLACE

(919) 942 - 2290 Wed - Sat 11 - 6pm

LYNN BOGGESS, New Landscape Painting. “The type of impasto painting that I do is ideally suited to capturing water’s glassy surface, rhythmic movement, reflective illusions, and mysterious transparencies. Warmer temperatures allow me to set my easel closer to the edge, actually in it. Painting in winter, the freezing and thawing cycles, from liquid to solid to gas, are endlessly fascinating.” THRU Dec. 31st.

Lynn Boggess, 1 October 2015, oil on canvas, 46” x 40”




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North Carolina

Coffey and Thompson Art Gallery

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Anne Neilson Fine Art

18 E. Kingston Ave. Suite 16

(704) 496 - 9181 Mon - Fri 11 - 5pm, SAT 11 - 2pm

Please join us for our Small Works Show featuring a variety of artists from around the country. Drop in on December 1st for our open house with coffee and a pop up show featuring local artist, Katherine Condon. THRU Jan. 10th. Open House: Dec. 1st, 10 - 5pm

Murphy Ayala, Just The Three Of Us, oil on canvas, 20” x 20”

Charlotte Art League

1517 Camden Rd. (704) 376 - 2787 Tues - Thurs 11 - 3pm; Fri 1 - 8pm; Sat 11 - 5pm; Sun 1 - 5pm

“Holiday Gift Boutique”. Shop for a variety of gifts including original paintings, sculpture, photography, pottery, jewelry, woodwork & wearable art. THRU Jan. 29th.

Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm



North Carolina

Charlotte Fine Art Gallery

7510 Pineville-Matthews Rd, 9A (704) 541 - 0741 Tues 10 - 4pm; Wed - Thurs 10 - 9pm; Fri 10 - 6pm; Sat 10 - 2pm

Small Works for Gift Giving: Represented artists of Charlotte Fine Art Gallery will be showcasing new works to gift yourself or a loved one. Collection includes jewelry, glass, silk, paintings, and more. Free gift wrapping during the month of December. THRU Dec. 17th. Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm

Ciel Gallery: A Fine Art Collective

128 East Park Ave.

(704) 496-9417 Tue - Sat 11 - 6pm

Baby It’s Cold Outside! An Art and gifts exhibition featuring small, original works: paintings, jewelry, pottery, textiles, mosaics, photography, sculpture, and more, all handmade by local artists. Ciel offers yearround classes, affordable fine art, commission work, and event space. THRU Dec. 24th.

Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm

Small works and merriment at Ciel

Coffey and Thompson Art Gallery

109 W. Morehead St. (704) 375 - 7232 Mon - Fri 9 - 5pm; Sat 10 - 2pm

Ralph McDonald is one of America’s foremost portrait and wildlife artists. Each year McDonald also produces a Santa painting. Come see this year’s Santa in the Forest and the other great holiday gift items at Charlotte’s premier art gallery since 1946.


1520 South Tryon St. (704) 370 - 6337 Wed - Fri 10 - 5:30pm; Sat 10 - 2pm

A festive display of artwork by numerous gallery artists will be on display throughout December. Paintings, drawings, ceramics, and mixed-media works are included. A few small pieces from the Plansky Collection will be available for the discerning art buyer. THRU Dec. 31st.

Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 5 - 8pm

Lark & Key Gallery

128-B East Park Ave

(704) 334 - 4616 Tue - Sat 11 - 5pm

HOLIDAY SHOWCASE - Visit Lark & Key to find unique holiday gifts! Shop a selection of paintings, mixed media art, functional and decorative ceramics, and jewelry from local and national artisans.

Duy Huynh, Lark & Key, acrylic on ceramic tile

Picture House Gallery

1520 East 4th St.

(704) 333 - 8235

Mon - Fri 10 - 4pm; Sat 10 - 3pm

ONGOING - Featuring Frederick Hart sculpture, works by Jamali, and extensive collection of paintings, sculpture, art glass, and various mediums. Established 1974.

Cecil K, Abstract Figures, encaustic oil on canvas, 30� x 60�

North Carolina

Elder Gallery



Charlotte 601-A Providence Rd. 4535

(704) 333 Mon - Fri 9 - 5pm; Sat 10 - 2pm

Small Works Show. Give the gift of art this holiday season! Exhibit features a variety of small works perfect for everyone from the novice to the most seasoned collector. Several gallery artists will be showcased, providing a wide assortment of choices. December 2nd – 25th.

(right to left) J. Celano, A. Watcher, L. Aveleyra, & T.B. Black

Coastal - Beaufort / Morehead City





Mike Basher Gallery

Beaufort Art Market

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Evans st


arendell st

4th st

9th st

Bridges st

13th st

North Carolina

Providence Gallery





129 Middle Ln. (252) 838-1896 Tue - Sat 12 - 5pm

Beaufort Art Association’s Holiday All - Member Art Exhibit runs through the month of December. Member Artists exhibit their best work of 2015. During November and December the BAA Holiday Boutique is also open with smaller fine art and craft items for purchase.

Mike Basher Gallery

1300 Arendell St. E (661) 305 - 7026 Thurs - Sat 12 - 6pm; Sun 12 - 4pm

Delightfully abstract, and one of our most striking images, “Aspens III, 2012” is a new addition to our collection. Exposed on infrared photographic film, and printed 30x40 (38x48 framed).

Mike Basher, Aspens III, 2012, infrared silver gelatin photograph, 30” x 40”



North Carolina

W. Club Blvd.


Craven Allen Gallery

Mai n



Spectre Arts

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Englewood Ave.

119 west main St.

(919) 943 - 8370 Wed - Thurs 11 - 6pm; Fri - Sat 11 - 8pm; Sun 1 - 4pm

In December, we are extending our gallery hours to highlight our full curated collection by several artists from the region and beyond. Nancy Tuttle May, Ben Knight, Cindy Walton, Sandy Nelson, Jeff Erickson, Jena Matzen, and Larry Moore and many more artists will be on display. Please check our website for extended hours.

Craven Allen Gallery

1106 1/2 Broad St. (919) 286 - 4837 Mon - Fri 9:30 - 6pm; Sat 10 - 4pm

In Moving Pictures/Figure and Forest, Dan Gottlieb combines photography, painting, and surface finishing in a completely original way; he directs planning and design at the NC Museum of Art. Oakland-based artist Iris Gottlieb (Dan’s daughter) brings an elegant line and quirky sense of humor to her enigmatic Animal, Vegetable, Mandible. THRU Jan. 9th.

Pleiades Gallery

109 E. Chapel Hill St. (919) 797 - 2706 Wed - Thur 12 - 7pm; Fri - Sat 10 - 8pm; Sun 12 - 4pm

CREATION. November 18 – January 3. “Creation” is all about our member artists and our diverse creative processes: why and how each of us chooses to create as we do. The thematic doors are wide open; our personal selections of artwork will surprise and delight you.

Opening Reception: Dec. 18th, 6 - 9pm



W. Tryon St.

N. Wake St.

W. King St.

Hillsborough Arts Council Gallery

Eno Gallery

W. Margaret Ln

0A US 7

Exit 164

Eno Gallery


Map Not Shown to Scale

North Carolina

Hillsborough Gallery of Arts

N. Churton


100 South Churton St. (919) 883 - 1415 Tues - Thurs 12:30 - 5:30pm; Fri - Sat 12:30 - 8:30pm; Sun 1 - 4pm

Nancy Tuttle May- ‘Celebrating 40 years’ is a marker of the number of years she has made a living from her art and that is truly something to celebrate! THRU Jan. 15th. Fine Southern Clay, featuring 21 of some of the finest contemporary clay artists. THRU Jan. 15th.

Nancy Tuttle May, Layers of Flavors, combined media, 36” x 36”

Hillsborough Gallery of Arts

121 North Churton St.

(919) 732 - 5001 Mon - Sat 11 - 6pm; Sun 1 - 4pm

The Art of Giving - Hillsborough Gallery of Arts annual holiday show. Show runs November 16th through January 3rd.

art - i - facts

George Seurat painted La Grande Jatte in a studio which his fellow-painter Paul Signac noted was too small for such a large canvas. Perhaps this explains the discrepancies in the scale of the figures, which if viewed at an angle appear more proportional.


New Bern

S Front Stree t

Fine Art at Baxters Gallery

323 Pollock st.

(252) 634 - 9002 Mon - Fri 10 - 6pm, Sat 10 - 5pm

Fine Art at Baxters will be a festive destination for visitors during the month of December. The gallery will be a great place to buy one-of-a-kind gifts ranging from paintings, pottery, sculpture, jewelry, ceramics, and glass from local, regional, and national artists.

Opening Reception: Dec. 11th, 5 - 8pm

Anne Cunningham, BFF Violet

creative exposure GEOMETRIX™ 311 West Martin Street, Raleigh

More Than Series: No. 1384

creative exposure Jennine Hough


Artist Section:


In Rehearsal

Discounted by 70%

all art. 704-334-0800

Hilton - Biltmore Park 43 Town Square Boulevard Asheville, NC 28803

Durham, NC


October 21, 2013-January 7, 2014

807 E. Main St

Terry M. Thirion

“Daughters and Sons” Contemporary portraits of the imaginary children of artists, writers, musicians, politicians and dancers.....

Chapel Hill Street, oil on linen, 18” x 24”, Room 100 Gallery

Ongoing - Suzanne Conners Fine Art, West Palm Beach

Ilisa Millermoon

Intuitive Energy Artist

December Venues: Dec. 8 - Boylan Heights ArtWalk

Lori White


Jane Faudree

Beach Path, oil on canvas, 11” x 14”

Artsource Fine Art, Raleigh, NC 919.787.9533

Reach over 35,000 art buyers Distributed throughout NC/SC Free ad designs

Proudly connecting artists with art buyers for over 5 years. For more information, email:, or call 917-968-3306

North Carolina

Fine Art at Baxters

E Front Street

Craven Street

Middle Street

Hancock St reet

Pollock Stre et

Map Not Shown To Scale

Broad Street


Y’alltide “One of the great things about the traditions of holiday gift giving is that they allow us to take the time to focus on our friends and family, to focus on what makes them special and what makes them special to us. Finding that special gift that will light up the face of a friend or family member is itself one of life’s greatest gifts that we can give to ourselves.” Allen Clapp, artist and owner of 311 Gallery.

Cheryl McCardle, Embracing Chaos

Elaborate feasting, the burning of candles, and the giving of gifts, many of our holiday traditions, harken back to Saturnalia, a Roman feast celebrated during the winter solstice; a time of darkness, cold and hunger; a time when it’s easy to slip into depression. It is also a time when the harvest is done and the fields fallow; when people have time to devote to their religious life and to spend time together. Today, with the flick of a switch, much of the solstice darkness is conquered but the heaviness remains for many. What better way is there to face the shortest day of the year than a celebration with family and friends. Looking back at the origins of mid-winter festivities, we learn that gift giving was added as a magical custom. The giving of gifts in our culture is no longer magical. It has become a season of wants, a gift-giving bonanza; creating stress and the depression it was meant to ease. The shopping season reaches from mid October through late December, extending the period of stress and depression to nearly a quarter of the year! Turn back to the magic.

Allen Clapp, Caroling at Christmas

Remember that the purpose of a gift is

Amy Beshgetoorian, Nicotiana Tabacum

to show love. “I hate shopping! It’s so stressful staring at stacks of sweaters, racks of neckties, and display after display of novelty gifts knowing that most will be exchanged or broken in short order. My Aunt Mary had a knack for finding just the right gift; everything had a story. Twenty years after her death, her gifts still bring back fond memories. I want to give gifts like that. I want to give a gift that will last.” Susan Jones, artist with Tipping Paint Gallery

work to sustain the gift of art that is so vital to civilization. The artists of 311 Gallery and Tipping Paint Gallery invite you to stop in and browse our collection of one-of-a-kind gifts so that you can give a gift that lasts. “Without art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable.” George Bernard Shaw

Art is a gift that lasts. It will be around a long time. “Art will have a lasting impact as it continues to speak to the viewer and to nourish their soul.” Amy Beshgetoorian, artist with Tipping Paint Gallery Art is permanent. It will be enjoyed for a long time; that’s not true of most gifts. Art reaches beyond, “it becomes loved not only because of its beauty and its origin but because it was cherished by someone we love.” Cheryl McCardle, artist, 311 Gallery As we move toward more meaningful gift giving, don’t forget to add those organizations that support artists and museums to your list of charities. These organizations Susan K. Jones, Rings



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Lee Hansley Gallery, pg 18

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North Carolina



311 Gallery/ Tipping Paint Gallery

311 West Martin St. (919) 247 - 4915 Wed - Sat 11:30 - 4pm

The end of the year is “present” and 311 Gallery and Tipping Paint Gallery have small treasures for everyone on your gift list. “Y’alltide”

Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm

Amy Beshgetoorian, Nicotiana Tabacum

Adam Cave Fine Art

115 1/2 East Hargett St.

(919) 838 - 6692 Tues - Fri 11 - 5pm; Sat - Sun 12 - 4

19th and 20th Century Print Trunk Show. This 10 day sale runs from Thanksgiving through December 6th and features over 100 works on paper by Thomas Hart Benton, James McNeill Whistler, Joe Cox, Romare Bearden, and many more. THRU Dec. 6th. Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm

ArtSource Fine Art Gallery

4421-123 Six Forks Rd.

(919) 787 - 9533 Mon - Sat 10 - 6pm

November 5 - December 31: James Kerr exhibition will run through the end of the year. December 17, 6-8: Third Thursday Painting demo by Larry Dean & holiday treats courtesy of Edible Art. Free and open to the public. Opening Reception: Dec. 17th, 6 - 8pm

Little Art Gallery and Craft Collection

432 Daniels St.

(919) 890 - 4111 Mon - Sat 10 - 6pm; Sun 1 - 5pm

STEPHEN WHITE’S ANNUAL HOLIDAY EXHIBITION: “THE CLASSICS”. Opening Reception and Meet the Artist - Saturday, November 21st, 3 - 5pm. Show runs through December 31st.

Each oval panel: oil on wood, 22” x 16”

North Carolina




North Carolina

Lee Hansley Gallery

225 Glenwood ave.

(919) 929 - 7557 Tue - Sat 11 - 6pm

George Bireline (1923 - 2002): Master Painter. This exhibition features a panoply of paintings of one of North Carolina’s most important artists. Expressionistic, color filled trompe l’oeil and narrative paintings will comprise this survey. December 4 through January 16. Opening Reception: Dec. 6th, 2 - 5pm

George Bireline, 1975, oil on canvas, 81” x 45”

Local Color Gallery

311 West Martin St.

Wed - Sat 11:30 - 4:30pm

Come Celebrate - “Let It Snow!” Join us for an eclectic exhibit of watercolor, acrylic, oil, clay, glass, and mixed media by twelve local women artist. Local Color offers the opportunity to meet and interact directly with the artists every First Friday. THRU Dec. 31st. Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 10pm

NC Museum of Natural Sciences Nature Art Gallery

11 West Jones St.

(919) 707 - 9800 Mon - Sat 9 - 5pm; Sun 12 - 5pm

The Nature Art Gallery presents, “Rock Transformed: Handmade Felt by Sharron Parker”. This show runs two months, December 4th through January 31st. Gallery reception First Friday, December 4th from 6:00-8:00pm at the NC Museum of Natural Sciences. Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 8pm Sharron Parker

Raleigh Nicole’s Studio & Art Gallery

719 N. Person St.

(919) 838 - 8580 Wed - Fri 10:30 - 5pm; Sat 12 - 4:30pm

“Street Life”. This highly anticipated exhibit features Dan Nelson, Nicole Kennedy & special guest artist Bert Sult. NY to London, Rome to Raleigh. These works in oil and watercolor are imbued with nostalgia, rhythm, and the beautiful drama of urban life. THRU Dec. 27th.

Opening Reception: Dec. 4th

Nicole White Kennedy, Frescobaldi Afternoon, oil, 30” x 24”

Roundabout Art Collective

305 Oberlin Rd.

(919) 747 - 9495 Wed - Sat 11 - 5pm; Sun 1 - 5pm

KING NOBUYOSHI GODWIN “My favorite Feelings” - Autistic Painter - King is an autistic young man, who found his passion for painting and expresses his heart through colors and numbers. His unique art has become a powerful vessel to his well-being and a great creative holiday gift. THRU Dec. 31st.

Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 9pm

The Mahler Fine Art

228 Fayetteville St.

(919) 896 - 7503 Wed - Sat 12 - 4pm

Fine Art and Craft! The Mahler is highlighting glass by John Geci, ceramics by Andree Richmond, pottery by Daniel Johnston, Marsha Owen, and many more fine craft artisans. Please welcome painters Cindy Morefield and Rachel Campbell to The Mahler. Pop-up!: Wearables by Lisa Veronica Wood, Dec. 4th & 5th.

Tumble, wax pastel rubbing on polypropylene, 48” x 32”

North Carolina



Winston-Salem Map Not Shown To Scale

North Carolina

Artworks Gallery

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Delurk Gallery

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564 N. Trade St.

(336) 723 - 5890 Wed - Sat 11 - 5pm; Sun 1 - 4pm

Artworks Gallery presents their annual Holiday Exhibition, December 2 - 26. Artworks Gallery members will be exhibiting a wide variety of works including painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, and more.

Gallery Hop: Dec. 4, 7 - 10pm


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Map Not Shown To Scale


201 Princess St.

(910) 343 - 8997 Tues - Sat 11 - 6pm

The 31st Annual Holiday show continues through January 22, 2015. This exhibit features new work from our roster of gallery artists. This year’s holiday show will benefit The Carousel Center, a Wilmington non-profit dedicated to providing safe spaces for abused and neglected children.

Susan Mauney, Empty Porch #37, watercolor & gold leaf, 4” x 4”



South Carolina

Shelby Lee / Studio 151

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South Carolina

Charleston Artist Guild Gallery

160 East Bay St.

(843) 722 - 2425 Daily 11 - 6pm

Sandra J. Booker is the featured artist for December. Her exhibit, ‘Essence of the Lowcountry’ is a collection of work that shows Sandra’s use of the palette knife. Her paintings are full of vibrant bold color and texture. The paint stands out and leans toward an impressionist look. Please join us on Friday, December 4, for the opening reception from 5-8pm. Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 5 - 8pm Sandra J. Booker, OMG!

Courtyard Art Gallery

149 1/2 East Bay St.

(843) 723 - 9172 Mon - sat 10 - 5pm; Sun 12 - 5pm

Join us on Friday, December 4th for the Art Walk and opening reception of “Colorscapes” by Alexandra Kassing. Her work in oil and acrylic, Kassing pushes the limits of color in vibrantly expressive landscapes of the Lowcountry and beyond. THRU Dec. 31st.

Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 5 - 8pm Alexandra Kassing, Color Fields, oil on panel, 8” x 10”

Dog & Horse Fine Art & Portraiture

102 Church St.

(843) 577 - 5500 Mon - Sat 10 - 5pm

Dog & Horse Fine Art will be open during the Art Walk, Friday, December 4, 5:00 - 8:00pm. If you can’t join us in Charleston, we are offering free shipping on all online purchases through the end of 2015!

Ella Walton Richardson Fine Art

Opening Reception: Dec. 4th, 5 - 8pm

58 Broad St. (843) 722 - 3660 Mon - Sat 10 - 5pm

Jeff Jamison’s contemporary Impressionist style is playful, romantic, and thought-provoking as he presents cities recognizable and imaginary in his new exhibition, “Metropolitan”. Join us for this fantastic show, which opens December 4 and runs until January 8. Opening Reception: Dec 4th, 5 - 8pm


Charleston Gaye Sanders Fisher Gallery

124 Church St.

(843) 958 - 0010 Mon - Sat 10 - 5pm

The GSF Gallery invites all our clients and friends to the Friday, December 4, 2015 ARTWALK from 5-8 P.M. Introducing the 2016 Gallery Calendar, and Gaye will be there for a personalized signing. There will be notecards, Daily Books, prints, and originals for your holiday shopping. Artwalk: Dec. 4th, 5 - 8pm A Wet Charleston Afternoon

John C. Doyle Art Gallery

125 Church St.

(843) 577 - 7344 Tue - Sat 10 - 5pm

Please join us in December as we celebrate the holiday season by showcasing all new sketches and studies by the renowned John Doyle. As a prolific and always passionate artist, Mr. Doyle sketched every single day, and the gallery is excited to offer these special framed original works in all the diverse categories that inspired him!

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Clemson R d

Village Artists

Village Artists Town Cente

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631-8 Promenade Pl. (803) 699 - 8886 Mon - Sat 10 - 8pm; Sun 12 - 5pm

Join us for our Art & Wine reception, Friday, December 4 from 6-8 pm featuring the art of Melinda K. Smith, Roy Paschal, Al Leitch, and Pat McNeely. We have a great selection of art from local artisans who are on duty seven days a week to help with your selections.

Reception: Dec. 4th, 6 - 8pm

Julie Larkin, acrylic

South Carolina


creative exposure Keanna Artis

Paisley Blues, acrylic


Local Color Gallery 311 W. Martin Street

melissa designer jewel r y One of a kind fine gold jewelry by national award winning designer Melissa Booth in the heart of historic downtown Hillsborough. handcrafted jewelry

custom design


Rose Window, Notre Dame, 12� x 12�

Vicki Rees

116 S. Churton St. Hillsborough, NC 919-643-2600

creative exposure

Herons Hunting

Garland Mattox Greenville, SC

Marsh Wind, oil on linen, 30” x 30”

Available for purchase at: Elder Gallery, Charlotte, NC 1.704.219.0391

Elinor Bowman Watercolor, Chinese ink & Black Walnut Ink

Linville Gorge from Lake James, pastel, 11” x 14”

Lori White

Fall(en) Leaves, oil on linen panel, 8” x 10” Asheville Gallery of Art


46 Index Atlanta, GA - 20 - 22

Alan Avery Art Company Anne Irwin Fine Art Artists’ Atelier of Atlanta Atlanta Artists Center Atlanta Contemp. Art Ctr. Bill Lowe Gallery David Gallery dk Gallery Huff Harrington Fine Art Jackson Fine Art Kai Lin Art Lagerquist Gallery Lumiere Gallery Mus. of Contemp. Art GA O’Karma Gallery Pryor Fine Art Reinike Gallery Sandler Hudson Gallery (The) Signature Shop & Gallery TEW Galleries Thomas Deans Fine Art Watson Gallery Whitespace

Roswell, GA - 23 - 24 Ann Jackson Gallery Cowgirl Studios Creative Mill Art Show SLM Studio/Gallery Synergy Fine Art Gallery Taylor Kinzel Gallery Vinings Gallery

Savannah, GA - n/a Friedman’s Fine Art Gallery 11 Gallery 209 (The) Savannah Gallery (The) Signature Gallery (The) Village Craftsmen

Durham, NC - 31

Craven Allen Gallery Durham Arts Guild Durham Arts Council Gallery Golden Belt Artist Studios Pleiades Gallery Through This Lens

Hillsborough, NC - 32

Eno Gallery Hillsborough Arts Council Gallery Hillsborough Gallery of Arts

New Bern, NC - 33 Fine Art at Baxters

Raleigh, NC - 36-39

311 Gallery Adam Cave Fine Art ArtSpace CAM Raleigh Gallery C Lee Hansley Gallery Little Art Gallery Local Color Gallery NC Museum of Nat. Nicole’s Studio & Art Gallery Roundabout Art Collective The Mahler Fine Art Tipping Paint Gallery

Wilmington, NC - 40 New Elements Gallery

Winston-Salem, NC - 40 Artworks Gallery

Beaufort, SC - n/a

Sunset River Marketplace

Atelier on Bay Beaufort Art Association Charles Street Gallery Elena Madden Studio Greenfish Gallery I. Pinckney Simons Gallery Indigo Gallery Rhett Gallery Inc. Salt Gallery Thibault Gallery USC Ctr for the Arts

Chapel Hill, NC - 26

Bluffton, SC - n/a

Asheville, NC - 25

Artetude Gallery Asheville Gallery of Art Black Mtn College Mus. & Arts Ctr Bender Gallery Blue Spiral I

Calabash, NC - 25

FRANK Gallery Hanes Art Center UNC Tyndall Galleries

Charlotte, NC - 27 - 30 allison sprock fine art Anne Neilson Fine Art Charlotte Art League Charlotte Fine Art Gallery Ciel Gallery Elder Gallery Hidell Brooks Gallery LaCa Projects Gallery Lark & Key Gallery McColl Fine Art Mint Museum Randolph Picture House Gallery Projective Eye Gallery Providence Gallery Shain Gallery

Coastal, NC - 30 Beaufort Art Market Mike Basher Gallery

Pluff Mudd Gallery Society of Bluffton Artists

Charleston, SC - 41 - 43 Anglin Smith Fine Art Atrium Art Gallery (The) Atelier Gallery Cecil Bryne Gallery Charleston Artist Guild Gallery Coco Vivo Fine Art Corrigan Gallery LLC Courtyard Art Gallery Dog & Horse Gallery Edward Dare Gallery Ella Walton Richardson Fine Art Ellis-Nicholson Gallery (The) Gallery on Broad Gaye Sanders Fisher Gallery Helena Fox Fine Art Horton Hayes Fine Art Lowcountry Artists John Carroll Doyle Art Gallery Martin Gallery Mary Martin Gallery Michael Mitchell Gallery Principle Gallery

Sandpiper Gallery Spencer Galleries

Columbia, SC - 43

701 Center for Contemp Art City Art Gallery Gallery West Havens Framemakers and Gallery if ART Gallery Village Artists Vista Studios/Gallery 80808

Greenville, SC - n/a

Artists Guild Gallery of Greenville Les Beaux Arts Gallery T.L. Norris Gallery

Hilton Head, SC - n/a Endangered Arts Ltd Karis Art Gallery


311 Gallery - Alizarin Gallery artGuide BINDERS Art Supplies & Frames Charleston Artist Guild Gallery Elinor Bowman Fine Art at Baxters Garland Mattox Hillsborough Gallery of Arts - Historic Southend Keanna Artis Kenny Pieper Lee Hansley Lori White Mary Erickson Melissa Designer Jewelry Picture House Gallery Raleigh Fine Arts Society Sunset River Marketplace - Taylor Kinze Galleryl Tipping Paint Gallery - Todd Baxter Vicki Rees -

2 5 33 13 3 45 4 45 5 5 44 4 13 45 45 44 48 17 3 4 2 44 44


when where Atlanta, GA, pg 20-22 Friday, December 4th dk Gallery, 6-9pm

Thursday, December 10th TEW Galleries

Friday, December 4th

Charlotte Art League, 6-9pm Charlotte Fine Art Gallery, 6-9pm Ciel Gallery, 6-9pm Elder Gallery, 5-8pm

Friday, December 4th Cowgirl Studios, 6-9pm Muse & Co Fine Art, 6-9pm Synergy Fine Art, 6-9pm Taylor Kinzel Gallery, 6-9pm

Taylor Kinzel Gallery, 2-5pm

Friday, December 11th FRANK Gallery, 6-9pm

Thursday, December 17th FRANK Gallery, 6-8pm

Charlotte, NC, pg 27-30 Tuesday, December 1st

Lee Hansley Gallery, 2-5pm

Durham, NC, pg 31

Winston-Salem, NC, pg 40

Friday, December 18th

Friday, December 4th

New Bern, NC, pg 33

Charleston, SC, pg 41-43

Friday, December 11th

Friday, December 4th

ArtSource Fine Art Gallery, 6-8pm

Artworks Gallery, 7-10pm

Fine Art at Baxters, 5-8pm

Chapel Hill, NC, pg 26

Sunday, December 6th Thursday, December 17th

Pleiades Gallery, 6-9pm

Saturday, December 5th

The Mahler Fine Art

Saturday, December 5th Ciel Gallery, 10-6pm

Roswell, GA, pg 23-24

December 4th - 6th

Raleigh, NC, pg 36-39 Friday, December 4th

311 Gallery, 6-9pm Adam Cave Fine Art, 6-9pm Local Color Gallery, 6-10pm Nature Art Gallery, 6-8pm Nicole’s Studio & Gallery Roundabout Art Collective, 6-9pm Tipping Paint Gallery, 6-9pm

Atrium Art Gallery, 5-8pm Charleston Artist Guild Gallery, 5-8pm Courtyard Art Gallery, 5-8pm Dog & Horse Fine Art, 5-8pm Ella Walton Richardson, 5-8pm Ellis-Nicholson Gallery, 5-8pm Gaye Sanders Fisher, 5-8pm Mary Martin Gallery, 5-8pm

Columbia, SC, pg 43 Friday, December 4th Village Artists, 6-8pm

Anne Neilson Fine Art, 10-5pm


creative exposure GEOMETRIX™ 311 West Martin Street, Raleigh

More Than Series: No. 1384

creative exposure


Jennine Hough

Artist Section:


In Rehearsal

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Durham, NC

Hilton - Biltmore Park 43 Town Square Boulevard Asheville, NC 28803

807 E. Main St


October 21, 2013-January 7, 2014

Chapel Hill Street, oil on linen, 18” x 24”, Room 100 Gallery

Terry M. Thirion

“Daughters and Sons” Contemporary portraits of the imaginary children of artists, writers, musicians, politicians and dancers.....

Ongoing - Suzanne Conners Fine Art, West Palm Beach

Ilisa Millermoon

Intuitive Energy Artist

Lori White

December Venues: Dec. 8 - Boylan Heights ArtWalk

Jane Faudree

Beach Path, oil on canvas, 11” x 14”

Artsource Fine Art, Raleigh, NC 919.787.9533

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Proudly connecting artists with art buyers for over 5 years. For information, email:, If you’re a gallery andmore would like to list in artGuide, or for advertisement rates, contact artGuide Magazine, at (917) 968-3306, or at or call 917-968-3306

artGuide is published by artMedia Group, Copyright © 2010-2015. All rights reserved by Art Guide Publishing, Inc. Reproductions or use without written consent is strictly prohibited. Mailing Address: PO Box 2004, Concord, NC 28026. Telephone: (917) 968-3306. Email:

Mia Stone, Songs, oil on canvas, 48” x 48”

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