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revenue producers

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and shop

March/April | 2013 | Vol. 3, No. 2

The Technicals

Ref ashing tips and tricks Page 13 | Reprogramming can be diff cult, so charge for your time!

Hybrid vehicle air conditioning H service s Page 22 | As models become more popular, P demand for A/C service will increase d

Electric fuel pump diagnosis Page 36 | Houston, we have a problem

Fire in the hole!F Page 48 | Spark plugs: past and presentP

Noise/vibration/harshness Page 58 | Chasing the irritant gremlins — part two

Straight Talk Specialty services: Add-on revenue producers | Page 4


Quik-Link Your connection to free information | Page 68

Letters Readers agree with editorial on oil change intervals | Page 8 Tool Review Goodson cam bearing tool | Page 65 The Toy Chest New and innovative equipment for your tool chest and shop | Page 71

Specialty services: Add-on revenue producers

Mike Mavrigian | Editor

In addition to the daily repair workload existing customers, farm out the work and required to address customer repair and make a buck or two in the process. drivability concerns, there is a host An appearance treatment called water of “additional services” that you’re able transfer printing or hydro-graphics (this to provide, things that you may not have process goes by several names) allows previously considered.

Powder coating offers certain customers with a surface treatment that’s both durable and, depending on the customer’s needs, visually appealing as well.

Powder coating is a dry “powder” paint that’s applied with an electrostatic cling and then baked. The baking process causes the powdered paint to melt and f ow, resulting in a hard f nish that withstands most solvents. I know what you’re probAn example of water transfer printing (hydro-graphics). This ably thinking at this cast aluminum intake manifold was deburred, smoothed out and point — you don’t build primed, then sprayed with a black basecoat. The manifold was custom street rods, so then “dipped” through a carbon f ber ink f lm and then urethane cleared. Hundreds (if not thousands) of different graphics are why would you consider available for any metal or plastic surface. powder coating? Granted, powder coating is popular for dressing-up graphic treatment to any non-porous surbrake calipers, suspension parts, frames, face to make a component look like wood, etc., but this technology is also very suitcarbon f ber, etc., including creating a able for commercial/heavy-duty customers camouf age look (there are hundreds of who want a tough, long-lasting f nish on choices). various items such as snow plow hardware, This process involves prepping the part steel wheels, fuel tanks, ladder racks, etc. (cleaning and priming) and “dipping” the Consider getting hooked up with a local piece through an ink f lm that rests on powder coating shop in your area. the surface water in a dedicated tank. It’s

You’ll be able to offer the service to akin to dipping an Easter egg. The f lm

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