Brochure comenius non polluting

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. Acest proiect este finanţat cu ajutorul Comisiei Europene. Această comunicare reflectă numai punctul de vedere al autorilor, iar ANPCDEFP și Comisia Europeană nu sunt responsabile pentru eventuala utilizare a informațiilor pe care le conţine. Această broşură tematică a fost elaborată în contextul întâlnirii de proiect COMENIUS G.R.E.E.N ( Go Re-Educate Earth Now) nr. de referinţă COM 12-PM-1185 SB-TR, desfăşurată în perioada 2- 9 martie 2014 la Kaufmannisches Berufscolleg Oberberg, Germania





Tehnologii nepoluante

2-9 March, 2014, Germany


Nonpolluting energies • Renewable energies are considered the energies coming from sources which are inexhaustible or that can regenerate themselves.

• Almost 16% from final global energy is provided by renewable sources, 10% from biomass and 3,4 from hydro-energy.



•Geothermal energy •Biomass energy

•Nuclear energy •Hydropower energy

•Solar energy 5

Wind power • Wind power is generated by transferring wind energy to wind turbine. • Wind power is the source of energy with the largest increasing in the last years. • At the beginning of 2012 in Romania were over one thousand wind turbines. 6

World will still rely on fossil fuels this century - New technologies desperately needed to halt climate change impact

•As we all noticed when talking about the global warming, it is the biggest environmental threat of our time, being caused by the high rate of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere;

•As long as fossil fuels such as coal and oil remain dominant source of global energy consumption, the emissions are likely to rise, adding more impact to our climate and putting the lives of our future generation in jeopardy; •Therefore, we must concentrate our efforts to use and discover nonpolluting energies. 7

Advantages: • Clean and renewable energy. • It not produce waste. • The low costs per unit of energy produced.

Disadvantages: • Intermittency- variations throughout the day and the seasons. • Inconstancy because of the speed variation of the wind and the small number of possible locations. • The high risk of damage in case of storms. 8

Geothermal energy Represents the heat contained in fluids and in the underground rocks. Advantages • Is clean for the environment • Geothermal power are not affected by weather conditions and the cycle day/night • Geothermal energy is cheaper than the energy from fossil fuels Disadvantages • Increasing ground instability in the area • The areas with geothermal activity are cooled after decades of use • We can not speak about a infinite source of energy 9

Biomass energy • Biomass is the biodegradable part of products, waste and residues from agriculture, including vegetal and animal substances, forestry. • Is the renewable resource most abundant on the planet.


Plants use up CO2 and thus recycle it, as opposed to fossil fuels that introduce further amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere.


Advantages: • No Harmful Emissions • Reduce Dependency on Fossil Fuels • Reduce Landfills Disadvantages: • Harmful to Environment • Require More Land • Inefficient as Compared to Fossil Fuels


Nuclear energy •Nuclear power contributes to reducing CO2 emissions - the main gas responsible for climate change. • All this technology will reduce dependence on fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas.




• Lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Powerful and Efficient • Cheap Electricity

• Nuclear Radiation • High Cost • Major Impact on Human Life 14

Biggest hydroelectric powerplants Cele mai mari centrale hidroelectrice din lume • 1. Three Gorges (China)- in constructie /Fluviul Albastru ( Yangtze ) • 2. ITAIPU (Brazilia-Paraguay) Parana -12.600 MW • 3. Grand Coulee (SUA) - Columbia 6.500 MW4. • Sayano Shushenskaya (Rusia) 6.400 MW

Small hydropower plants •Small hydro is the development of hydroelectric power on a scale serving a small community or industrial plant ( •Small hydropower production are units with installed capacity up to 10 MW. •The use of water is known for thousands of years, in particular for the grinding of grain for the production of electrical energy. •A small system of a hydropower plant consist of: a hydraulic micro, an actuator, inlet valve, an asynchronous generator, an electrical control cabinet-automation.


Distribution of micro hydro energy potential For SHP, the economics depend on: •Site and related investments (including administrative costs) •Installed capacity and energy production samples (flow regime, fall) •Distance network •Maintenance requirements (degree of automation, operation without the remote , personally reliability) •Financial conditions and the rate of recovery of energy produced. •Although we would like to think that there are universal solutions, unfortunately we can not put the "green label" on any type of renewable energy. •Environmental abuses, in case of construction of the SHP on several rivers in our country, resulted riverbeds destroyed, deforested areas and significantly reduced water flows. •Romania is allocated the highest number of green certificates for the renewability of all hydro power, after the solar energy.


Six myths about hydropower 1. Hydropower energy is “clean” and “green” IN FACT… A stream crossed or captured loses many of it’s original features and can not be compared to a river which holds healthy habitats and functional ecosystems. A hydropower development scheme regards irreversible impacts on river ecosystems. The result being fatal for the river’s ecosystem. 18

2. Small hydropower are less harmful than larger ones IN FACT… Past studies of the European Environment Agency show that, from the point of view of environmental impact, small capacity hydropower's can be comparable or higher than a large-capacity hydropower. 3. Hydropower is a reliable protection against floods IN FACT… They do not protect us against floods at all. 4. Romania has inexhaustible hydrological resources IN FACT… Over 70% of Earth's surface is covered by water, but less than 3% of it is sweet. Only a third is accessible to people, the rest of it being stored in ice caps. 19

5. Romania has a inexhaustible hidrogenetic potential. IN FACT… People should pay attention to the need of establishing exclusion zones for construction of these types of buildings in order to protect the areas designated for different species and habitats 6. Hydropower construction provides new available jobs. IN FACT… The number of jobs is influenced insignificantly, it is actually determined by the building’s location (outside the city) and the duration of building it. 20

… i n Ro m a n i a


Statistics: • Nowadays, there are wind turbines with a total capacity of 106,000 MW, located in the EU. The most productive is in Germany, with more than 30,000 MW produced and Spain, with over 20,000 MW.

•Following the UK, Italy and France, Romania is ranked 10, among the countries with a significant number of wind turbines. 22

Hydropower in Romania • “Iron Gates” I (1080 MW) and II (250 MW)system is one of the largest hydraulic engineering in Europe and the largest of the Danube.

•Arges River dam is the tallest concrete dam in Romania, double curved arch. The dam was at the same time the fifth arch dam in Europe in the inauguration (March 1966).


Territorial distribution of renewable energy


Danube Delta ( solar energy ) Dobrogea ( solar energy, wind energy ) Moldavia ( plain and plateau: microhydro, wind energy, biomass) IV. Carpathian Mountains ( high potential in biomass, micro-hydro and wind energy) V. Transylvanian Plateau (high potential for micro-hydro and biomass) VI. Western Plain ( high potential for geothermal and wind energy) VII. Subcarpathian hills ( high potential for biomass, micro-hydro) VIII. Southern Plain (biomass, geothermal energy, solar energy) 24

Electricity Production From Renewable Sources • Wind turbines – 2307 MW • Photovoltaic panels – 553 MW

• Hydropower – 460 MW • Biomass – 53 MW 25

Green Energy in Romania Commitments • Romania has fulfilled its obligations to the EU to reach 24% electricity production from renewable sources. • In 2013 39.4% of electricity was produced from renewable sources. • Currently the government wants to stop granting Green Certificates.

Green technologies participation rate in electricity production 26

Green Certificate • Green certificates are the way government helps companies that invest in renewable energy. • 1 Green Certificate = 1 MWh of electricity produced from renewable sources • OPCOM (Green Certificates Market Operator) provide trading of green certificates and determines their price.


Planning stage in Romania • In Romania, there are over 430 small hydropower plants, arranged in 11 major river basins of Romania.


About the Electricity Sector in Romania • Romania has a wide range but reduced of primary energy resources. • Our country has a considerable potential of renewable resources. • The increasing future demand for energy will be satisfied by raising the use of renewable energy. 29

Hydroelectric Sector in Romania

• Romania has a hydropower potential of 8,000 MW. • The small hydropower plants potential is 1100 MW. • Currently, Romania exploit 48% of this resource.


• In January 9, the most modern wastewater treatment plant in the country and the second largest in Romania, was inaugurated in Cluj Napoca • The station was rehabilitated and expanded, and it became an important producer of "green" energy, half of the required electricity and heat generated from biogas being extracted from sewage sludge. 31

• Unisum Chinese company built three solar parks in Brasov and Cluj, which is expected to generate annual revenue of 8 million euros from the sale of energy and green certificates.

•The government supports the production of energy from renewable sources by granting green certificates. 32

• SADU I (1896) - the first hydropower plant in Romania and third in the world, using technology distance transport of electricity.


In Sibiu county: •The Municipality of Mediaș, a city near Sibiu, has proposed a project which refers to power traffic lights with solar panels.

•This will be experienced at the new traffic light system in the food market, where traffic lights have been installed, and photovoltaic panels. •These systems are equipped with a system to store excess energy, so that we have a power reserve and night. 34

• The energy produced by small hydropower is clean • Small hydropower involve lower maintenance costs or expenses • No fuel problems • It is a long-term solution • International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that in 2030 Europe will import 70% energy. • Oil resources will fade in 40 years! • Natural gases are available for 60 more years from now.

• Current consumption will lead in 200 years to depletion of coal resources.


• A new form of energy can change the future! Known as "flammable ice", or clathrate, looks like a sherbet substance, consisting of methane trapped in water glaciers. Frozen gas can provide more power than all the combined resources of the world oil and gas, according to some researchers.

•“Bio-isooctane” is the name of a “wonder fuel” that the French Company Audi produces by a fermentation process using genetically modified bacteria E.coli on sugar. Specialists can use corn, sugarcane or wood biomass residues with high glucose content. The new fuel can be used alone or mixed with the classic one.


Hydrogen – fuel for the future •Although there is still lot of research left to do before hydrogen's "future potential" becomes obvious, it ranks among the promises of the modern ecology •The problem is finding an environmentally friendly way to produce hydrogen in large quantities because current production methods include production of hydrogen by splitting methane, thus leading to producing carbon dioxide as a byproduct. 37

Comenius G.R.E.E.N Scientific Conference, february


Results of Non-polluting Questionnaire

The answers reveal the confidence of the interviewed about the eficiency of the non-polluting energies, nuclear and wind energy ranking among the first renewable ones. Also, the high procentage of the repondants that answered “I don’t know” shows the need of information on this topic. 39

Reports reveal the fact that non-polluting technologies are rarely used in Romania, despite the fact that they are famous worldwide,in Europe in particular. The perception of the people is correct when it comes to theory, but practice shows a rather reluctant attitude, due to the higher costs of purchasing this type of installations.


A great percentage of the respondents considers that financiar efforts in prompting ecological renewable sources is beneficial for mankind and nature, due to their prottective impact on the environment.


Safety seems to be a very serious matter, taking into consideration the high percentage of the answers about the danger of radiations, known from the cruel history of the Cernobil power plant. Results show a real concern about this kind of technology, due to its contamination risk.


Conclusion People are aware of the benefits of non-polluting, technologies, the great majority appreciating most the role of protecting the environment. Luckily, only a few agreed they don’t consider the fact of a major importance, which means there is a chance to change mentalities by educating the people to have a proper attitude towards the environment.


A project made by the students: Alina Anişoara Tudor-documentation Ana Maria Pircă-translations Rareş Gligor- presentations, evaluation Ana Maria Popa- presentation “Octavian Goga”National College, Form XI-th E, F Under the guidance of following teachers: Headmistress: Laura Florentina Dumitru Alexandra Tischer – project coordinator Elena Maria Gabos- documentation Diana Chirilă- editing, media




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