TOGETHER FOR A BETTER G.R.E.E.N FUTURE -A Romanian JournalProf. Tischer Alexandra National College “Octavian Goga” Sibiu
The concern about protecting the environment is getting more and more visible nowadays, taking into consideration the signals we receive on daily basis not only from scientists, but from nature itself. Floods, global warming, pollution, the disarmonic food chain, the disappearance of major species of animals and plants, smog, the higher price of electricity, fuel and gas, they are all results of our reckless attitude towards nature and all its inhabitants. No wonder we are all suffering, without even thinking that might have a desastruous impact on our lives. Yet, there are still ways to arouse consciousness on the ecological issues and contribute, in a certain limited measure, of course, to improving the mentality and behaviour of the people towards the beautiful planet we inhabit. It is a matter of bringing the young generation in touch with a real work on such themes, so that they can truly experience the urge to change the people to a better relationship with nature. This is what the COMENIUS Multilateral Project G.R.E.E.N ( Go ReEducate Earth Now), sustained and funded by the E.U Commission intends to do, involving in researching and disseminating works of Turkey (coordinating country), Italy, Spain, Germany, Hungary, and, last but not least, Romania. Romanian team gathers around 100 students and teachers from The National College “Octavian Goga” from Sibiu, a beautiful medieval city in the heart of Transilvania. The sincere concern about ecological matters, the desire to discover scientific facts and statistics to share with the others in order to prove the real problems of the environment, to meet new people, visit new places and make lifetime friends, experimented level of IT, linguistic and social skills are just a few of the qualities the team brings to this project. 3
Here are some thoughts they are ready to share to all who are curious about the experience of this project.
PROIECTUL COMENIUS G.R.E.E.N. 2012-2014 Mă numesc Diana Chirilă și sunt profesor de informatică. În acest proiect am fost implicată din punct de vedere al tehnicii computerizate, în special, dar și în activități derulate în cadrul proiectului. Am participat la realizarea sau finalizarea majorității materialele digitale din proiect. Am avut plăcerea de a lucra în echipă cu elevi și profesori talentați, muncitori și serioși. Din punctul de vedere al profesiei mele am avut o satisfacție în diversitatea produselor digitale realizate pe parcursul proiectului unele cu finalitate tipăribilă: afișe, pliante, broșuri, căni, ecusoane. Prima dovadă că echipa din Romania a făcut treabă buna a fost alegerea ca siglă pentru proiect, de către toți partenerii, a siglei noastre. Rodul muncii noastre s-a finalizat și prin premii naționale și interjudețene la concursuri tematice: la Seminarul Național Adobe Youth Voices mențiune; la concursul interjudețean Regii Virtuali am avut premii și mențiuni; premiul II la Concursul Național “Made For Europe”. Din punct de vedere social colaborarea cu partenerii din acest proiect a deschis porțile către culturi și obiceiuri specifice fiecărei țări. Am aflat modalități diferite de percepere a impactului omului asupra planetei din fiecare țară. Elevii, prin prezentările lor PowerPoint, au subliniat aceste detalii. Un mare avantaj al Comenius-ului l-a reprezentat comunicarea cu alți profesori. Limba principală de comunicare fiind engleza, dar ne-am îmbogățit sau exersat vocabularele personale în limbile: italiană, spaniolă, franceză, germană, în funcție de preferințele noastre lingvistice extra curriculare. Pot să spun ca nivelul de vorbire personal în limba engleză față de începutul proiectului este mai bun (nu mai dau așa mult din mâini ).
Eu am participat la mobilitățile din Italia (în martie 2014), în România (în octombrie 2013) și în Turcia (în mai 2014). Rolul meu a fost verificarea și finisarea produselor digitale, asigurarea funcționalității aparatelor tehnice (computer, video proiector, soft), fotografierea momentelor (în special în România), colaborarea cu elevii în cadrul realizării prezentărilor PowerPoint prezentate în fiecare țară, colaborarea cu profesorii implicați în proiect în cadrul activităților. Ce mai intensă și fructuoasă colaborare, pentru că în urma îmbinării ideilor noastre au ieșit produse mai bune decât cele inițiale, a fost cu coordonatoarea de proiect doamna profesor Alexandra Tischer. E important ca un coordonator de proiect să fie deschis la nou, să gestioneze bine situațiile neprevăzute și să obțină rezultate cât mai bune. Ea a demonstrat că se poate. Vizitele sunt binevenite pentru că te pun față în față cu realitatea fiecărei țări, cu noutăți în cadrul proiectului pe care nu le-am întâlnit în regiunea noastră: alimentarea curent prin centrale eoliene – în Turcia, păstrarea și conservarea monumentelor protejând mediul în Italia. Prin acest proiect am aflat noi informații în ceea ce privește mediul înconjurător și protejarea lui. Ca finalități în cadrul proiectului G.R.E.E.N. am avut aplicații practice și workshop-uri tematice cu impact pozitiv asupra mediului. Prezența mea în proiectul G.R.E.E.N., de la început până la sfârșit, este dovadă că activitățile diverse și cu finalitate desfășurate, posibilitatea de a exersa limba engleză și de a interacționa cu oameni și cultura din alte țări m-au motivat de a merge înainte alături de o echipă grozavă.
Opinii privind desfășurarea proiectului Comenius GREEN Prof. Lidia Carmen Pircă
Prin schimbul de experienţă cu profesorii din ţările partenere, profesorii au avut oportunitatea de a se familiariza cu sistemul educațional occidental, şi, de asemenea, şi-au dezvoltat abilităţile de comunicare şi interrelaţionare în domeniul educaţional. Un alt aspect pozitiv atins prin finalizarea Proiectului Comenius G.R.E.E.N. a fost realizat prin organizarea unui Simpozion Internațional Terra, frumoasa noastră planetă albastră, care a avut ca obiectiv principal sintetizarea într-o revistă a diverselor activități științifice și culturale desfășurate pe teme ecologice, atât la nivel național, cât și internațional. Lucrarea a cuprins creații lirice, în proză sau plastice ale elevilor din România, Spania, Ungaria și Turcia, precum și lucrări - exemple de bună practică - ale profesorilor din țară sau din străinătate. Domeniile fundamentale supuse cercetărilor și dezbaterilor de-a lungul derulării prezentului proiect au fost o reală invitație la meditație privind viitorul Planetei, dar și la dezvoltarea unor deprinderi sănătoase de exploatare și protejare a mediului, transmiţând comunităţii care sunt valorile naturale ce trebuie preţuite pentru a lăsa și generațiilor următoare moștenirea unei Planete albastre veritabile, cu numeroase bogății naturale. By sharing experiences with teachers from partner countries, teachers had the opportunity to familiarize with Western education system, and also have developed communication skills and networking in the educational field. Another positive aspect achieved by finishing Comenius Project GREEN was by organizing an International Symposium Earth, our beautiful blue planet, which had as its main objective synthesizing a review of various scientific and cultural activities based on environmental issues, both at national and international level. The work included lyrical creation in prose or plastics by the students from Romania, Spain, Hungary and Turkey, and works - examples of good practice – by the national or foreign teachers. Key areas subject to research and debate during this project were a real invitation to meditation on the future of the planet and to develop healthy habits of exploitation and environmental protection, transmitting to the community which are the natural values that must be treasured in order to leave to the future generations the heritage of a true blue planet with many natural resources. 6
Rares Gligor, XI-th grade: “Being involved in this project was a really great opportunity for me to learn about environmental issues, to make new friends and discover other cultures. All the experiments and presentations helped me to understand the causes of global warming, how people contribute to that and how global warming is affecting us. I have learned that forests absorb less heat than croplands, that there are several gases responsible for warming. This project was also a great chance for me to practice my English and to improve it. I developed my team work skills which was a great thing. I had the opportunity to learn how the educational system works in other countries and about the relationship between students and teachers. The best part of this project was that we could combine learning with fun. It was a really special week for me and I can’t wait for another G.R.E.E.N meeting .“
Go ReRe-Educate Earth Now!
7 ROMANIA March, 2013
Andreea Văcăroiu, XII-th grade: “This was the great experience on my student life, being involved in such a project First of all, I have learned many things about environmental issues, especially about recycling. We have also discussed about several types of recycling, not well known, and so we managed to develop the ability to communicate in a different language (English) and to work in a team. Moreover, this project was a chance for me to make new friends from all over the world, to find out more about the culture and traditions of other regions and about how they learn and spend their time at school. I have only words of praise this project, COMENIUS, and who will have the chance to be involved in such an experience to do it without hesitation because it is the best thing that can happen in the development of all the skills of a teenage.”
•„Faptul că mam implicat în acest proiect n-am să-l regret niciodată, din mai multe motive: în primul rând, fiindcă mi-am dat şansa să cunosc mult mai mult despre o problemă gravă, prezentă zi de zi în vieţile noastre: poluarea şi moduri în care am putea-o combate, iar în doilea rând pot spune că am dobândit mai multă încredereîn propriile forţe. Cât despre săptămâna petrecută în Italia, ei bine, a fost o experienţă cu adevărat grozavă. Am cunoscut oameni foarte cumsecade şi politicoşi, cu care m-am împrietenit, am aflat anumite aspecte din cultura şi modul lor de viaţă, ca de exemplu că animalele de companie sunt trataţi ca un alt membru al familiei sau că mănâncă aproape în fiecare zi pizza, lasagna sau spaghetti, însă în special seara. De asemenea, am vizitat locuri bine cunoscute în lume, precum Milano, frumosul orăşel Como sau regiunea Varese. Singurul lucru pe care îl regret e că sa terminat prea repede, însă eu de abia aştept să vină cei din Italia în România, ca să-i putem
Andreea Popa, cls. a XI-a
Participarea la programul Comenius a fost o experienţă unică. Arhitectura clădirilor, precum şi peisajele geografice au fost impresionante. Cel mai mult mi-au plăcut Domul din Milano, precum şi vizita la Como. Pot menţiona că îmi lipseşte veselia oamenilor, faptul că erau foarte uniţi şi deosebit de sociabili. Familiile gazdă erau dispuse să facă orice doar să te simţi comfortabil în căminul lor. Am apreciat eforturile depuse de acestea şi sperăm că la vizita lor in România să se simtă cel puţin la fel de bine ca noi în minunata lor ţară.”
Sabina Rogos , cls. a XI-a E
„Mă bucur enorm că am avut iniţiativa de a lua parte la acest proiect, fiindcă mi-a dat şansa să cunosc oameni minunaţi din alte ţări, să-mi îmbunătăţesc limba engleză, să vizitez locuri minunate, precum Milano, care m-a marcat în mod impresionabil. Totodată, am avut de a face cu oameni total diferiţi de noi, românii, foarte ospitalieri şi sensibili, căci şi numai o săptămână a fost de ajuns să simt că fac parte din familia lor. Sunt un popor de oameni care ştiu să se distreze, în ciuda greutăţilor vieţii. De asemenea, m-a impresionat traiul lor de viaţă, cu mult superior de al nostru. Chiar dacă vremea nu a ţinut cu noi, eu personal m-am simţit minunat şi aştept cu nerăbdare vizita lor în 10 frumosul nostru Sibiu.”
Denisa Savu, cls. a XI-a E
Hungary Alina- Maria Roman “I think that the “Comenius project” is an extraordinary and interesting project. The exchange with Hungarians was the most wonderful experience and I will never forget. It is so beautiful to know that are a lot of people who wants to protect the environment and to learn the others how to do it. It was interesting that we visited a recycling plant, Visonta powerplant and an environment friendly house made by students.The presentations which took place on Tuesday were also interesting and I liked them because I learnt many new things.My host family was so friendly and I felt as at home. I liked so much because I met a lot of nice people and I learnt new things from them and with some of them I will be friends forever. It is so amazing to hear 6 different languages in the same place and to see people have fun even if they cannot understand the others very well and how they try to learn the others language. It was very beautiful when I visited Budapest with my host and then with all the team. I love that city! In conclusion, this project influenced my way of thinking and I learnt to be more responsible for the Earth. I wish I could repeat this experience because it was wonderful. I am very happy to be part in this project. “
Andreea Văcăroiu “This project was a positive experience for me and I can say that somehow it influenced my way of thinking about recycling and about doing something for this planet which has so many things to give to us. I appreciated that we visited factories and companies related to the project, action which demonstrated that we didn’t go there just to have fun. Of course I enjoyed the most the part when we went visiting different places which put in evidence the difference between Romania and Hungary such as their religion. The hosts were really friendly and they explained to us what every place where we went meant. The thing that I didn’t quite like was the part when we had so little free time in Budapest. It’s not like we were there every day and we didn’t have time to go to every place where we wanted to go. All in all, it was a great experience where I made a lot of friends with whom I keep in touch and I had a lot of fun. I don’t regret the fact I joined this project.
Loud cheers were coming from the city and from our exchange. I was glad to be home as well, to see my family who was impatient to see me and hear my news (we spent at least 2 hours talking and eating cookies). I never thought this experience could be as interesting as it was.. I met a lot of new people who were sociable, so we became friends easily. My host, Kamilla, is an awesome girl and I found out this thing when she sent me the first e-mail. We talked for hours and shared each other photos not only with us, but also with our personal memories. I said that i love shopping and she remembered that and took me to Budapest to a Shopping Center on my first day in Hungary. I was surprised to discover how big and modern her school was. I took part in some classes and i felt as I was home (despite the language i didn't understand) because of all the kind people around me. They were friendly and everyone spoke English fluently. They seemed to be interested in Romanian culture as they asked me questions about my country and answered patiently to my questions about Hungary. I am so glad that i had the chance to meet people like them. I consider it to have been a life lesson and an interesting experience.
Five letters, making a word Which means our pretty world * Shaped like a ball, that’s what we call Perfect structure. And you’re gracious, even if you’re not small Like a flying vulture. * Your skin is blue, it’s beautiful Stars are your jewels Your whole existence is fantastic Like a book by H.G. Wells. * Earth, you dizzy, it’s amazing That you never, ever turn lazy, You rotate without stopping, Being active like a bunny, hopping. * Countries, countries, places, faces, You give this to us all in one, You give place to all the races That everybody has to run. * I adore you, Big Blue Ball, How can you be so strong? Instead of destroying, we should all Try to keep you for long.
When Sandra Bullock left the spaceship, She had a fantastic view of the Globe. She was dreaming about an internship, But instead of it, she got the Golden Globe. The Earth is always the same, Playing this silly game, Changing colours from green to blue Sticking to the pattern like glue. We only pay attention to World Earth Day, But people living on the shores and bays Know the real beauty of this place. Maybe you can tell it’s blue only from space.
Huszár Viktória X A Aszód, Hungary
Daria Mărcuş “Prieteni noi. Distractie. Reciclare. Cam asa as putea descrie săptămâna frumoasă petrecută in Ungaria. Singurul aspect negativ: a trecut mult prea repede si nu am apucat să vizitez tot ceea ce mi-as fi dorit. E minunat să legi prietenii internationale, să pătrunzi câteva zile în sufletul unui noi familii, să călătoresti si să inveti. Poate e prea mult să spun ca aceasta experienta m-a maturizat, dar cu siguranta m-a facut să-mi schimb modul de gândire intr-o anumită proportie si să-mi apreciez mai mult familia. Sincer, m-as intoarce si astăzi în frumoasa Budapesta. E de apreciat faptul că in aceasta săptămâna "ne-am apropiat" de natură, am aflat lucruri noi despre reciclare si am lucrat cot la cat cu elevi din
Oana Coşa “Proiectul Comenius G.R.E.E.N. 2013 din Ungaria a fost o experiență unică. Am avut șansa de a învăța lucruri noi despre reciclare și de a conștientiza problema acesteia în diferite țări. Am cunoscut mulți oameni noi și ne-am împrietenit foarte repede. Comunitatea din Aszod este una foarte prietenoasă cu care poți comunica foarte ușor. Cel mai mult mi-au plăcut deplasările în alte orașe și vizitarea acestora. Vizita la fabrica și la firma de reciclare din Ungaria m-a surprins placut, oamenii fiind organizați și primitori.Gazda la care am stat a avut o familie nemaipomenită cu care m-am înțeles foarte bine și sunt sigură că vom ține legătura în continuare . Apreciez încrederea care au avut-o în noi cand ne-au lasat să stăm mai mult în Budapesta deși eram doar 5 persoane doritoare.Ceea ce nu mi-a placut a fost deplasarea pe timp de ploaie în diferite spații și timpul scurt pe care lam avut pentru timpul liber din timpul excursiilor.Concluzionând, Proiectul Comenius G.R.E.E.N. din Ungaria a fost o experiență unică prin care am cunoscut noi mentalități și culturi diferite cu care o să țin legătura în continuare.” 15
by Juan Ramón Jiménez LA CORONA DE PEREJIL (ELISABETH OROZCO, 1ST YEAR) Platero es pequeño, peludo, suave… Los espejos de azabache de sus ojos son duros cual dos escarabajos de cristal negro. THE CROWN OF PARSLEY Platero is small, hairy, soft… The jet mirrors of his eyes are hard like two black glass beetles. LA AZOTEA (ALISON MORRÁS, 1ST YEAR) Se siente uno quemado en el sol pleno del día, anegado de azul como al lado mismo del cielo, ciego del blancor de la cal. THE ROOF One feels burnt under the midday sun, sunk in blue like just next to the sky, blinded by the whitness of lime. LA PRIMAVERA (Mª CARMEN GARCÍA, 2ND YEAR- ROCÍO ESPEJO, 1ST YEAR) El sol pone en la tierra su alegría de plata y de oro; mariposas de cien colores juegan por todas partes… SPRING The sun sets on the earth its happiness of silver and gold; butterflies of a hundred colours play everywhere… AMISTAD (MIGUEL OCHOA, 2ND YEAR) Nos entendemos bien, yo lo dejo ir a su antojo y él me lleva siempre a donde quiero. FRIENDSHIP We understand each other very well, I let him go at will and he always leads me where I want. GORRIONES (THERESE MANICHEU, 1ST YEAR) Viajan sin dinero y sin maletas; mudan de casa cuando se les antoja; presumen un arroyo; presienten una fronda… SPARROWS They travel without money or suitcases; they move house whenever they fancy; they presume a brook; they sense foliage…
EL ALIENTO DE LA TIERRA Nerea Lara (4º curso de enseñanza secundaria)
Nuestra tierra, nuestro mundo. Me gusta verte respirar, Ver tus cascadas y tu mar. Disfrutar de tu brisa y de tu nieve, Que nos da el frío cuando debe. Me gusta ver tus montañas, Mirar tus árboles, frondosos y altos. Pero más me gusta verte viva, Ver tus hojas en otoño, Y tus pequeños tallos al llegar la primavera. Me gusta sentir tu aliento cálido en mis mejillas Cuando por fin llega el verano. Porque eres nuestra tierra, nuestro mundo Y me gusta verte respirar.
La Primavera_ Rok
- A week to remember-
The project Comenius Green took place this time in Gummersbach, Germany from 2nd of March to 8th of March. We were all warmly welcomed. A lot of events organized step-by-step by our hosts and their teachers took place this week in order to accustom us to Germany’s atmosphere and traditions.
Day one (2nd of March): At 7 pm we all arrived in Koln’s airport where we had been welcomed warmly by our hosts. For some it was a short first day because of tiredness, but some of us chose to visit the carnival for a couple of minutes before getting placed in our hosts houses. The teachers were invited at “Welcome” dinner in Gummersbach. Day two (3rd of March): In the second day, our started at 12 pm at the parade. Both children and adults dressed in different cartoons characters or stars, took their floats and started off. Our presence there wasn’t only to look at well-dressed people marching and to befriend with project’s partners. We were also “attacked” with sweets from all directions. Children of all ages surrounded the street and ran after the sweets thrown by the dressed people. The sweets which fell from the floats like from a piñata, the happy and energetic children and the positive energy shared by the event were critical in our week in Germany. We felt extremely well and we linked beautiful and longtime friendships. The rest of the day was free, so we all spent the time with our hosts and their families. 18
Day three (4th of March): We devoted the third day to projects and serious problems related to environmental issues. We started with the school’s tour at 9 am, then we were officially welcomed by the headmaster, the teachers and the media. Between 10.30 am and 3.30 pm we presented projects and took lunch, and then we visited the town. From 5.30 pm we were free to spend the time with our hosts or with our new friends. Day Four (5th of March): If our program was flexible until this moment, from the fourth day we started to feel tired because of the busy program, but we were curious about the next day. At 9.30 am we arrived at Metabolon, a local recycling company. Metabolon use as a touristic attraction because everything that goes there as trash is reused. There, we took part in “go green” workshops and we climbed hundreds of stairs to see the Metabolon from above. Finally, we arrived at a playground made entirely from metal and rubber. Otherwise, Metabolon serve as a special space for activities devoted to cyclists and motorcyclists.
At 2 pm we visited Jokey Plastic company (sustainable energy production) and at 4 pm we took lunch together at a restaurant where it was cooked only German traditional food. At 6 pm we came back in Gummersbach and at 8.15 pm we went at the rink with the hosts and friends. Day five (6th of March): On Thursday we visited Cologne, both the cathedral and the town. First we visited the big cathedral and then we climbed about 500 stairts to the cathedral’s tower and we saw the town from above. After, we were divided into 3 teams and we had to search for answers to different questions, some kind of treasure hunt, in the town. We visited Cologne until 7 pm and then we came back to our hosts. Day six (7th of March): Friday was the last day. We visited Aachen and its tourist attractions. We visited the thermal springs, the churches and the gingerbread shops. We had time to visit the town until 7 pm. At 8 pm we took the “Goodbye� dinner with our hosts and on Saturday we came back home. This project was a fantastic opportunity for us, both as students and children. We had the opportunity to meet another lifestyle, to visit a foreign country, but also to talk about ecology. We all linked close friendships, we learnt new things and we gained experience in teamwork and communication. For some of us this experience was beneficial from a vocational point of view too, because some of us realized that this is what we want to do, to work with people from all over the world in order to change the human behavior against the envi20
PLATERO AND ME NATURE IN PLATERO’S WORLD by Ángela García (Translation by Trinidad Zarza) This year we are celebrating that Platero and me, by the Spanish poet Juan Ramón Jiménez, was first published 100 years ago. This work is one of the most remarkable examples of poetic prose in Spanish. Juan Ramón Jiménez tells us stories from his birth village, Moguer (Huelva) through his love for Platero, his donkey, and his love expands to everything he sees: nature, the pathway, the smells, the little kids and their games and inocence, ordinary people in their every day life. With his poetic language, full of metaphores, he makes us feel these experiences as our own. Natural elements: water, flowers, animals, the landscape seen and perceived by the poet’s sharp look, show nature as a fundamental element, which he merges with, which he talks to and which he shares his inner self with in a beautiful simbiosis. His great love for animals is reflected on the longing and sad memories that cause the sale of the horse, Almirante, and the deaths of the dog, Lord, the children’s canary and Platero itself. Other times he enjoys their presence; this happens when he refers to sparrows, crickets’ song, the new mother bitch, the swallows, the Greek turtle… Other times he argues against thir suffering: cockfighting or bullfighting. In the bullfighting he simply choses to leave the village and plunge into the beautiful lonely countryside. Plants are also part of Platero’s universe. The figs, the oranges, the fig tree, the rose bushes, the parsley, the labdanum trees reflect a fragant, colourful, intimate common world, full of feeling. Gorriones-Therese Manicheu
La primavera (Primăvara)-Carmen García
Necat Tektaş Iskenderun Lisesi, Turcia Coordinator of Comenius G.R.E.E.N
Natural resources have been reached the point of running out. The natural disasters like floods, drought, forest fire etc. have been increased. The continued increase of carbon dioxide emissions caused by vehicles and houses, and nearly two billion tones waste have been produced and this has been increased 10% every year, make the earth uninhabitable. Continuously increasing CO2 emissions and the other harmful gasses causes greenhouse effect, so, the average of climate of the world has already started increased. “Habitat” has already been damaged by this climate change and other negative conditions which were created by human beings. Most of species of animals are under the danger of the extinction. We, six schools from Europe and Asia, came together to make our students and their families be aware why some species of animals are in danger of being extinct, why the climate change has occurred, and what precautions people should or must take. The direct aim of the project is letting students become more responsible citizens and sensitive towards the environmental problems. The indirect aim is to make both the teachers and students and their families be familiar with each other’s culture. It also aims to improve the attendants ICT skills. In order to make our students and their families be aware why climate change has appeared, we, six schools, decided to work on 5 subtitles: pollution, recycling, non-polluting technology, global warming and food chain (habitat). Pollution: Because people are polluting the earth especially, while they are trying to get energy, getting some metals and other instruments. Energy need is increasing day by day because of increasing population of the world. The natural resources are needed much more than yesterday. During the process of getting energy, metals and other instruments, people cause the air, water, soil pollution, and also noise pollution. We want to show people how we cause the pollution and how we can reduce it. 22
Recycling (the three “R”): Instead of producing new materials, we can either reuse, recycle and reduce them. We want to make people acquire the importance of them. By means of three R, people will need less raw materials. Non-polluting technology: when you consider statistics, people are polluting the earth during the process of getting energy, to obtain raw materials and the process of getting metals. In last decades, people has started to use sustainable energy, without causing any pollution. They have almost used wind power, sunlight, biomass, hydropower, geothermal and tidal waves. We want make people to see the alternative ways of getting energy. We hope, when our students are the main actors of governing the world affairs, they will prefer the right ways to make the earth greener
Global warming: When you burn fossil fuels and other chemical substances, you produce some harmful, dangerous gases. These gases cause both greenhouse effect and acid rains. While acid rain ruins nature greenhouse effect causes global warming. Global warming affects all living creatures in wrong way. We want to make people be aware of the consequences of their neglecting the nature. Habitat: when you pollute the earth, do not pay attention on three “R” do not use non-polluting technology, you cause global warming. So, you damage the habitat, you may break the food chain. Some species of animals 23 have already been extinct and some almost. Human beings are also in danger.
The World Health Organisation [WHO] recently issued a statement saying that air pollution contributed to an estimated seven million deaths, or one death in eight, worldwide in 2012 (By Donna Duggan | March 25, 2014). We all have watched that the earthquake in Fukishima, in Japan, it has damaged not only Japan but also all over the world. Those dangerous radiation has been spread everywhere in the world. It was carried by clouds over Europe in a week. We should know if there pollution anywhere in the world, it will also affect us. So, all people, countries in the world must do something to GREEN. To reach our aims, we decided to imply some activities. We, the six countries, implied questionnaires with students and their families, interviews with both officials and ordinary people, we created some posters, brochures, calendars, facebook group with 1700 people, website, school magazine or newspapers, seminars, visited a university to study about the sea. In order to be able to arouse their interest about the problems of “the environment�, we performed four awarded contests; composition, poetry, objects from used materials and art contests. We gave gold for the first, mp3 player for the second and meal for two students for the third. The slide shows which were presented during the transnational mobility were translated to their own languages, and get the students at each partners’ school to watch the presentation. So, many students have been involved at our works.
We also informed the local media of our work. So, people in the city have learnt about our work on the project. Here are the awarded compositions of art, made by Başak Kılıç, İlayda Albayrak, Yahya Arca and İrem Turaç. During the transnational mobility, we visited some organizations related to our topics; a thermic power plant, recycling companies, wind power plants, birds observation point, recycling companies, biomass plant, and so on. During the transnational mobility, the students of six countries were hosted by the students of host school, so, they have learnt much more about their culture, interests, language etc. They also improved their ICT skills. Our project will end in the end of July, 2014, we can say that we reached at our aim from now.
PEACEFUL, CLEAN ENVIRONMENT By Selin Bolat, 10 H, Iskenderun Lisesi Coordinator Necat TektaĹ&#x;
Keep clean the environment where you live Be exemplary for all Do not pollute the earth Let the earth be clean for the next generation Let the glacier not melt Let the seasons not disappear Make everybody be aware of it Let everybody be aware of global warming The papers you used Do not throw away In order not to let the trees be cut down Use recycling much more In order not to make the environment be polluted, Use the non-polluting technology. Do not forget! Be exemplary for the all! Keep the environment clean!
Stanciu Melinda Alexandra I have always been interested in drawing and painting so when my head teacher asked me to draw for the Comenius project I took it as a great chance to share my visions but as well as a great challenge. The themes proposed were as interesting to find out about as hard to represent on the canvas. When I was offered the chance to participate directly in the project I was thrilled as my friends had participated in previous exchanges during the project and regarded it as an amazing experience. Excited and a little frightened we boarded on the plane to Turkey. Seeing the whole trip as an ordinary journey is fine but it was more than that. It was about learning about their culture, their customs, their lives and all these were scary. Going to a country that is way different than our own was terrifying. We were afraid that we could offend our hosts and their families with our behavior, not knowing what was allowed and not. When I arrived I was most impressed by the fact that, even though it was past midnight, the whole family gathered to welcome me: the parents and even the 2 older daughters along with their husbands. It was all awkward at first: I was paying attention to every detail of their house, to every word they were speaking, to every move they made trying to fit in.
Honestly the first and second day were hard, not because I was away from my family but because I was a stranger in someone else’s. Rumeysa and her family were treating me as a guest, always checking on me and trying to make me feel better. But we were still strangers. During the awesome trips we got closer. She and her friends treated us like real friends, made us feel comfortable, always making sure we were feeling great. As the days passed we got closer. I felt more comfortable with her and her family as much that her mother started calling me her daughter. We made some beautiful memories together and with the other students. On the last day, we had the chance to spend the whole day with our hosts. We woke up late, had a delicious breakfast and started chatting. Rumeysa loves to draw as well and she showed me some of her drawings. I was amazed by her skills and the characters she draws. After admiring every detail of her drawings Rumeysa told me to pick the one I liked best because she would gift it to me. On the back of the drawing I picked she wrote “ I love you Sandra”. I was so touched by this simple gift that I started crying thinking the next day I would have to leave. She and her mother made coffee which we drank in the living room as we listened to music. All of a sudden Rumeysa went upstairs and after a while she came back with a big album with pictures of her baby self. We went through the photos one by one laughing at little cute Rumeysa. We took the bus to the city where we met with the other Turkish and Romanian students. We went to a café where we played some games , we went shopping and after that we went to the amusement park. It was the day I remember the most because it was spent with awesome people. All in all, I had a great time in Iskenderun because of the beautiful locations we visited and because of the amazing people we met.”
Proud to say this is part of my work‌
Learn from experience – Comenius GREEN 2014 Throughout this year we have heard of many projects that took place in our school or that required participation from some our students in other countries, but one of them stood out the most: the Comenius Multilateral project. This year’s manifestation took place in Iskanderun, Turkey and, from my point of view, only “stirred” a multitude of positive reactions from both participants and their classmates from back home. Teams from Romania, Spain, Germany, Hungary and of course, Turkey, took part in this cross national project not only in order to benefit from the hospitality of the host country, but also to raise awareness concerning environmental issues, learn about the Turkish culture and lifestyle and, why not, make foreign friends and have lots of fun.
The Romanian team, made up of 4 teachers: Gaboş Elena, Delia Nemeş, Andra Tischer Podia, Chirilă Diana and 4 students: Stanciu Melinda Alexandra, Andreea Maria Săuchea, Coleta Giupana, Ioana Fechete, departed on this insightful journey on May 25th 2014, in order to be taught, but also to teach everything they learned during the intense preparations back home.
They returned on June 1st, but the participants’ hard work did not stop at the border. On the contrary, it continued even after their arrival. On a typical Friday afternoon, specifically June 16th, in “Octavian Goga” National College’s chemistry laboratory, 2 classes had been invited to view the presentation which was held in Turkey.
Andreea Maria Săuchea held a brief speech in front of her classmates from XI F and XI B, pointing out the essential aspects of the project in general, but also details of what made the entire trip memorable. As it was said, the delivery part was nothing but “a piece of cake” for out overly prepared schoolmates. All the hard work paid off when the Romanian project ended up to be one of the most successful, if not the most successful of them all. Wonderful posters, drawn by Stanciu Melinda, from XI B and edited only by the best teachers, captured the auditorium’s attention from the minute everything began. The highlight of the event, and also a bonus for Romania, was without a doubt the food chain poem “Do the big ones 31 in this world always win?”, written and recited by our beloved Coleta Giupana, also from XI B.
Original, accurate, simple yet diverse, the project captured the essence of Comenius in a true Goga spirit – nothing less than perfect. Although the information had been very well received by the masses, what interested our fellow classmates the most were all the extracurricular activities in which the girls took part. By now, everybody knows that Turkey is a wonderful country to visit, for everything from its delicious food to its beautiful landscapes. Since day one the atmosphere was one of celebration – the participants were welcomed with traditional Turkish meals and hospitality. “Fun” was one of the key words that described the experience abroad. The teams were taken in places filled with history, such as Tarsus and Antakya, where they got the chance to learn about the country’s past, but also witness its present. All our fellow schoolmates were fascinated by all the activities presented and undoubtedly had questions to ask at the end of the presentation. Aside from the usual historical sites and endless talk about part events, the team found itself in unexpected situation, such as having the chance to swim in the Mediterranean Sea, seeing a wind turbine plantation in real life and also, taking part at a traditional Turkish wedding. Shopping was a must and souvenirs were plenty – I for one, got two pretty bracelets. All in all, the event on Friday was a complete success. Not only did we, the ones stuck back home got the chance to learn about Turkey and Comenius in general, but it also gave the participants the voice to speak their mind and share heartwarming stories about learning, laughing and friendships that exceed the limits of borders. 32
Claudia Coţovanu
PARTENERIAT COMENIUS G.R.E.E.N - „Go Re-Educate Earth Now” la Colegiul Naţional „Octavian Goga” din Sibiu Prof. Tischer Alexandra - Colegiul Naţional „Octavian Goga”, Sibiu Coordonator proiect multilateral Comenius G.R.E.E.N Rezumat The multilateral project Comenius G.R.E.E.N which involves teachers and students from the National College „Octavian Goga” Sibiu, covers a very generous thematic ecological area, including pollution, global warming, recycling, food chain and habitat, issues of a big interest nowadays. The partners, highschools from Romania, Hungary, Turkey, Spain, Italy and Germany come together to reveal the threats of the actual world climat change and to find aut ways of arising the interest of the community in fighting against the possible natural disasters. Începând cu anul şcolar 2012-2013, Colegiul Naţional „Octavian Goga” din Sibiu este implicat în proiectul de parteneriat şcolar multilateral Comenius cu titlul “Go Re-Educate Earth Now” (G.R.E.E.N), care se derulează în cadrul Programului de Învăţare pe tot parcursul vieţii şi este finanţat cu sprijinul Comisiei Europene. Pe parcursul a doi ani - 2012-2014 - se vor desfăşura activităţi comune sub sigla acestui proiect în Turcia (Iskenderun Lisesi, Iskenderun, Hatay), Germania (Kaufmannisches Berufskolleg Oberberg), Ungaria (Lutheran Petöfi Secondary School, Aszod), Italia (InstitutoTecnico Aeronautico “Antonio Ferrarin”, Varese )şi Spania (IES Galileo Galilei, Cordoba). Scopul proiectului are o dimensiune ştiinţifică, urmărind trezirea interesului elevilor, a profesorilor şi a întregii comunităţi locale pentru problemele mediului şi socială, având drept scop realizarea unui parteneriat comunicaţional, social, cultural între instituţiile şi colaboratorii implicaţi. În acest sens, elevi şi profesori sunt antrenaţi în găsirea unor soluţii de reducere a poluării mediului şi de promovare a unor iniţiative în sfera protecţiei naturii, în iniţierea unei campanii educative în vederea protecţiei mediului, a reciclării, a economisirii resurselor naturale, precum şi în realizarea unor studii care vor deveni materiale didactice servind unor discipline de specialitate (biologie, chimie, geografie), limbi străine sau pot deveni opţionale (CDŞ).
Obiectivele fundamentale ale proiectului vizează atât elevii, profesorii, părinţii, cât şi membrii comunităţii locale. În ceea ce-i priveşte pe elevii CNOG, aceştia vor avea oportunitatea de a lucra în echipă pentru interesul comun, de a-şi îmbunătăţi competenţele lingvistice, de a-şi exersa cunoştinţele de limba engleză în situaţii reale de viaţă, de a utiliza a calculatorul pentru a crea o comunitate educaţională la nivel internaţional pe o platformă de comunicare online, de a face experimente, de a cunoaşte în mod real ţările participante cu elementele specifice de cultură, tradiţii, istoria acestora, mentalităţile, sistemul educaţional. Temele supuse cercetărilor şi dezbaterilor de-a lungul derulării prezentului proiect sunt poluarea, reciclarea, tehnologii nepoluante, încălzirea globală şi lanţul trofic, iar site-ul oficial al proiectului este w.w.w.futuregreeners.com. Activităţile sunt variate şi au în vedere documentarea în legătură cu temele propuse (motiv pentru care s-au realizat parteneriate cu instituţiile abilitate în domeniu, respectiv Agenţia Naţională pentru Protecţia Mediului şi Garda Naţională de Mediu), organizarea unor conferinţe cu participare largă şi invitaţi din aceste instituţii, realizarea unor broşuri (atât în limba engleză, care este limba proiectului, cât şi în limba română), a unor materiale media în scopul diseminării informaţiei, a unor expoziţii tematice, a unor acţiuni concrete de promovare a conduitei ecologice. De asemenea, elevii au ocazia de a găzdui elevi din ţările partenere, de a organiza dezbateri, workshopuri, excursii tematice care vor avea rolul sensibilizării tinerei generaţii în legătură cu necesitatea de a acţiona în sensul păstrării unui mediu ambiant cât mai sănătos. Până în prezent, cele mai importante acţiuni au fost conferinţele Comenius G.R.E.E.N pe teme ecologice, desfăşurate cu prilejul fiecărei mobilităţi, evenimente la care au participat reprezentanţi ai instituţiilor partenere, elevi şi profesori ai CNOG. Prezentările media în legătură cu principalele surse de poluare în judeţul Sibiu şi acţiunile menite a restabili echilibrul ecologic al regiunii au alternat cu dezbateri asupra rezultatelor unor chestionare şi ale unor interviuri realizate de membrii echipei, concluziile vizând punerea în practică imediată a unor iniţiative ecologice la nivelul şcolii, de exemplu realizarea de materiale de informare şi conştientizare a întregii comunităţi, campanii de colectare selectivă, workshop-uri de reciclare creativă, expoziţii de produse artistice realizate din deşeuri etc.
Mobilitatea din Italia, desfăşurată în perioada 3-10 martie 2012 la Istituto Tecnico Aeronautico Antonio Ferrarin din Gallarate, a avut ca temă poluarea, iar calendarul acesteia a inclus prezentări cu caracter teoretic şi de analiză a stării mediului în ţară şi în judeţ, realizarea unei broşuri, a unor afişe care au fost expuse în cadrul conferinţei, discuţii în cerc larg pe baza asemănărilor sau a diferenţelor dintre situaţia ecologică a diferitelor regiuni reprezentate. Interesul pe care participanţii (profesori şi elevi, părinţi, oficialităţi locale) l-au manifestat a fost dovada clară că acest proiect şi-a atins obiectivele şi că va avea o finalitate pozitivă. Astfel, au fost aduse în atenţia publicului problemele serioase în legătură cu pericolul poluării mediului, s-au discutat iniţiativele ecologice care se pot lua de la nivel particular şi promovate până la a deveni deprinderi colective şi sau propus o serie de măsuri concrete în cadrul proiectului. De asemena, participanţii la această mobilitate au avut posibilitatea de a lega prietenii statornice cu partenerii de proiect, de a se familiariza cu modul de viaţă al gazdelor, de a vizita câteva locuri celebre în Europa pentru frumuseţea lor naturală sau artistică: provincia Varese din nordul Italiei, Como, oraşul Milano, momente speciale care le-au demonstrat faptul că numai împreună vom putea păstra şi duce mai departe cea mai de preţ bogăţie a omenirii: un mediu ambiant sănătos. În cadrul acestei întâlniri de proiect, România a dus un mesaj ferm, prin cei şase elevi din clasele a XI-a - Andrei Epure, Sabina Rogos, Andreea Popa, Antonia Teoc, Dan Dobrotă şi Denisa Savu, coordonaţi de prof. Andra Tischer, Lidia Pircă şi Diana Chirilă: Lumea este a noastră, a tuturor. Să spunem un Nu hotărât poluării!”. Prof. Laura-Florentina Dumitru, director al Colegiului, a transmis partenerilor de proiect semnalul unei colaborări fructuoase şi încrederea în perspectiva de viitor a acestei acţiuni. Reuşita acestui proiect european implementat în România înseamnă, în fapt, reuşita unor elevi merituoşi, a unor cadre didactice convinse de menirea lor nobilă şi a unei mentalităţi colective animate de iubirea nestrămutată faţă de natură şi de oameni. Tema mobilităţii din Ungaria (25 mai – 1 iunie 2013, la Colegiul Catolic din ASZÒD, UNGARIA, „Az Evangélikus Egyház Aszódi Petőfi Gimnáziuma, Szakképző Iskolája és Kollégiuma”) a fost RECICLAREA, în ceea ce priveşte aspectele ei teoretice şi practice, studiul reciclarii în România şi în special în regiunea Sibiu. Surse de documentare şi bibliografie au fost pagini de specialitate Internet, studii puse la dispoziţie de Garda de Mediu şi Agenţia de Mediu Sibiu, Rapoarte oficiale ale Ministerului Mediului , ale Primăriei Sibiu. Activitatea elevilor şi a profesorilor implicaţi a constat în acţiuni de documentare, monitorizare şi evaluare, realizarea de fotografii tematice şi picturi, realizarea de obiecte şi accesorii din materiale reciclabile, participarea la ateliere de creaţie, afişarea materialelor la punctele de afişare Comenius, interpretarea chestionarelor, realizarea de interviuri, pregătirea prezentării PPT şi a broşurii, diseminarea prin filmul întâlnirii,35pagina de FB a proiectului, wikispaces, www.futuregreeners.com.
Întâlnirea din România, găzduită de Colegiul Naţional „Octavian Goga” din Sibiu, s-a desfăşurat în perioada 23-27 septembrie 2013, cu participare internaţională din Italia, Germania, Spania, Turcia, Ungaria. 12 cadre didactice de la şcolile partenere şi 20 de elevi au fost antrenaţi în dezbaterea unei teme de mare actualitate – încălzirea globală. Acţiunile incluse în programul acestei întâlniri au vizat atât latura de socializare şi culturalizare, prin vizite la Muzeul Civilizaţiei Populare ASTRA, Muzeul Brukenthal, cetatea Sighişoara, castelul Peleş – obiective de patrimoniu cultural reprezentative pentru ţara noastră, cât şi sesiuni de comunicări ştiinţifice şi prezentări PPT, menite a oferi elevilor, profesorilor, părinţilor, invitaţilor o imagine amplă, surprinsă în cele mai fine detalii, a fenomenului încălzirii globale. Punctele importante ale întâlnirii de proiect, deschiderea oficială, în incinta Colegiului, urmată de prezentarea şcolii, a programului evenimentului, activităţi de socializare, participare la ore ca schimb de experienţă didactică şi un spectacol internaţional, susţinut de elevii din cele 6 ţări participante, vizitarea Primăriei şi a obiectivelor de importanţă culturală din oraş, s-au desfăşurat marţi, 24 septembrie. De asemenea, miercuri, 25 septembrie a.c., în sala de festivităţi a Colegiului, a avut loc prezentarea şi susţinerea materialelor tematice informative pregătite de partenerii implicaţi în acest proiect, lansarea unor chestionare cu tematică ecologică şi a unor dezbateri în legătură cu problemele de actualitate ale mediului, în prezenţa unor distinşi invitaţi din cadrul Inspectoratului Şcolar Sibiu, Casa Corpului Didactic, Agenţia de Mediu şi Garda de Mediu Sibiu, elevi şi profesori din liceele sibiene care au dorit să se informeze în legătură cu problematica întâlnirii.
What Comenius meant to us
Every student should, at least once during their highschool years, take part in an multilateral project. By doing this they get the opportunity to gain insight into a country’s culture as well as establish long-lasting friendships with students of their age. These interactions can broaden and encourage intercultural learning and understanding. Multilateral projects such as Comenius bring together young people from all parts of Europe with the purpose of exchanging ideas and practices about a variety of issues that have a great impact on society. The young participants have the chance to present their ideas and share their knowledge with the rest of the team. Thus, everyone has the chance to learn more and discover things that they have not thought of before. Through interaction and respectful sharing of ideas and exploration of different thoughts and processes the world can be understood better. These type of projects add value to everyone’s experience and represent a step forward towards developing a mutual understanding of important issues that affect our society (for example, climate change, pollution or other environmental issues). Together, with hard work, persistence, intelligence and faith, the students can make a change in their communities. They get the chance to work in a team, to share opinons and ideas and work towards finding a solution even to the most complex problems. Visiting another country as an exchange student an unparalleled opportunity not only to see a new place, but also to make new friends from different cultures, and to experience and appreciate the traditions of that country. Taking part in a project like this is an extraordinary experience, which opens up new paths to self improvement and leads to building friendships with people all around the world. It is definitely something worth trying! 37
Comenius G.R.E.E.N Team