Diss Matters Winter 2021

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W i n t e r 2021

Seeing stars Local celeb sets the stage for this year’s Christmas lights switch-on

2 Diss Matters Winter 2021

Welcome Let there be lights As a community we’ve all felt the loss of our town’s treasured annual events due to COVID19. Which is why it’s such a joy to be able to share news of the return of some of them in this issue of Diss Matters.

Contents 4-5

Council news

From the Remembrance parade on 14 Nov to


A mayoral update

the Christmas lights switch-on, the events diary


Strength in numbers: Meet our 14th councillor

for the rest of this year is looking bright. And next year’s is already filling up too. There’s the

10-11 South Norfolk Police news

return of the Diss Organ Festival in May and the


A place to call home

heart-warming wonder that is the Diss Carnival


The Corn Hall – A hall for all


The Corn Hall – What’s on

on the first Sunday in July. There’s also a special celebration planned for June to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. After the tough challenges faced by us all over the past 18 months or so, being able to look

16-17 The future’s bright for local broadcasting 18-19 Fighting for the future 21

Keeping athletics on track

forward to and take part in some great

22-23 The big switch, back on

community events feels like a real honour.

24-27 A vision for Diss

So, enjoy this issue of Diss Matters and enjoy all

28-29 Waving off Weavers

the many treats our town has to offer. Whether

32-33 Celebrating 100 years of Diss WI

it’s dancing at the carnival, bellowing out “boo!”

34-35 Walk this way

at the panto, enjoying a locally brewed beer while Santa works his magic on the lights, or

36-37 Rotary round-up

simply strolling through the park or shopping in


A clean sweep


Still making history/Grab a Grant

town, there’s a treat for us all. Keep safe and well,


Diss Matters is published by Falcon Publications, Units 10a-11 Red House Yard, Gislingham Road, Thornham Magna, Eye, Suffolk IP23 8HH Tel: 01379 773347 / 48, www.falconpublications.co.uk falconpublications@artseastmag Design & Artwork: Ian Foster, Copy Concept Diss Town Council: 01379 643848 Diss Matters Winter 2021 3

Council news Diss Town Council continues to work hard

both the skateboard park on Shelfanger

to enhance our town, plan fantastic events

Road and the Diss Youth and Community

and provide financial support through our

Centre (DYCC).

grant scheme. We now have a full

We’re refocussing efforts to improve the

complement of 14 councillors who,

water quality of the Mere, one of the

alongside our team of 13 staff, work on

council’s key objectives in its three-year

behalf of residents to make Diss a better

strategic plan. We’re consulting with

place to live, work and visit. And we

stakeholders, including experts in the field

couldn’t do it without the help and

of habitat restoration and enhancement, to

commitment of many volunteers and

gather data to inform a plan of

groups who work with us. Thank you.

recommendations. These will include increased vegetation, drainage improvements, tree management, water

I’d like to thank all staff and councillors and local volunteers and groups who are working alongside the council to make a difference to our town. Diss Town Clerk, Sarah Richards

quality analysis and aeration.

Improving facilities

We continue to support the Friends of

The play area in the park will soon include

Parish Fields to restore and maintain an

new equipment, which will better suit 4 to

ancient walkway at the rear of the DYCC

8-year-olds and children with additional

site. This will be officially launched in spring

needs. The installation will include a double


width slide, puzzle play panel, traversing

We’re also looking to plant additional trees

bridge and fully accessible seesaw. It is due

as part of Norfolk County Council’s aim to

to be installed by spring 2022. Public

plant one million trees across the county.

feedback helped the council decide which design best met the criteria so thank you to

Vaccination programme

all who commented

We’re pleased to have

during the consultation.

been able to support

To ensure the


equipment at our sites

vaccination programme

continues to benefit the

through the hire of the

community, we’re

DYCC. This facility was

committed to improving

the only Diss site to

security at the park and

meet the programme’s

to installing CCTV at

criteria and has enabled

4 Diss Matters Winter 2021

residents in Diss and surrounding parishes

Other partnership projects include

to access their vaccines more quickly. The

consideration of parking restrictions, the

third phase of the programme which is

pedestrianisation of Mere Street, the link

focusing on boosters is due to complete at

road between the railway station and

the end of the year.

Nelson Road and the Vinces Road/A1066 junction scheme.

Restarting events It was great to see so many of you at our Annual Town Meeting at the end of September. We were privileged to be joined by our Honoured Citizen, Anne BeckettAllen, and Junior Good Citizen, Lily Mills, who were presented with their awards. We’ve led on preparations for this year’s Remembrance Day parade and service which takes place on 14 November. And, on 27 November, we see the return of the

The Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan,

town’s Christmas lights switch-on.

along with the feedback from the

Looking ahead to next year, 14 and 15 May

Regulation 14 pre-submission consultation,

sees the return of the Diss Organ Festival.

is being submitted to the Planning Authority

Between 2 and 5 June, there will be a special

for examination.

event to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum

We’ve received positive feedback about the

Jubilee organised by the Beacon Committee.

new picnic benches on the Mere’s Mouth,

And the long-awaited Diss Carnival will take

which has seen an increase in footfall

place on 3 July. Watch out for details coming

following the programme of works to fully


pedestrianise the area. And we’re working with NCC’s EXPERIENCE team and other

Infrastructure improvements

stakeholders in support of an outdoor art

In partnership with Norfolk County Council

installation destined for the Mere’s Mouth

(NCC), we’re making highway-related

area. This will be linked to a 250-mile

improvements in Diss. The Parish

walking/cycling trail to encourage new

Partnership Scheme - funded equally by us

visitors to Norfolk.

and NCC - is one such example. This year, the Causeway Public Right of Way linking

Sarah Richards,

the A1066 to the town centre, will be

Town Clerk at Diss Town Council

resurfaced with new kerbing, lining and signage. We’re currently considering schemes for next year, including a third speed sign so we can target the key areas in the town more frequently.

Diss Matters Winter 2021 5

A mayoral update After a slow start to

archery, climbing, canoeing, kayaking and

the mayoral year

many more. And the good news is, it’s not

due to COVID

just open to Scouts and Guides, but also to

restrictions, Mayor

the public with holiday clubs, birthday

Councillor Eric

parties and day passes all available.

Taylor’s calendar

15 August

leapt into life

I held my car boot sale in the park on what

during the summer.

was a lovely sunny day. There were more

Find out where he’s

than 60 pitches and lots of customers, and

been, who he’s met

together we raised £300 for my nominated

and what he’s been

charity Mind.

up to.

4 September

My diary

Early in September, I travelled to How Hill

So far this year, I’ve attended many events,

Trust, near Great Yarmouth for Norfolk

in addition to my regular council and

County Council Chairman Cllr Penny

committee meetings. Events like these are a

Carpenter’s Reception.

chance to promote Diss, support the

The Trust is a renowned environmental

organiser’s charities and engage and

educational charity, based in the landmark

network with other chairmen and senior

How Hill House overlooking beautiful

officers at parish, district and county council

gardens, wetlands, historic windmills,

levels. Here are some highlights of my year

woodlands and the River Ant.

so far.

Schoolchildren stay in the house virtually

21 June

every academic week of the year and make

My first event was the Beacon of Hope

full use of its unique position in the heart of

lighting ceremony in the park. A special

the Norfolk Broads National Park.

guest at the event was the High Sheriff of

5 September

Norfolk, Michael Gurney DL. Before the

The next day, was the Big Sing at St Mary’s

ceremony, Mr Gurney tried out both of the

church organised by Gerry Hoskins. It was

new Diss Beacon Trails around the town

my first time at this event, and I can confirm

and surrounding villages and was very

that Gerry was wearing a brightly coloured

complimentary about them.

shirt which is apparently his trademark.

12 August

Aimed at bringing people together,

Another event I attended was a visit to the

churchgoers or not, the Big Sing was very

13.5-acre Eaton Vale Scout and Guide

well supported by the public, with all

Activity Centre in Norwich. The event

monies raised going to the Alzheimer’s

marked the opening of the Iceni House


accommodation unit after a major fire in

6 September

March 2020 and a £500,000 restoration of

Hot on the heels of the Big Sing came the

the accommodation.

High Sheriff of Norfolk, Michael Gurney DL’s

The range of activities was impressive with

Reception at Cromer Pier. It was a glorious

6 Diss Matters Winter 2021

sunny day and there were stands on the

for Diss.

pier supporting local retailers and services

26 September

including Cromer crab fishermen, the

Stowmarket Parade and Civic Service for the

Cromer Cares charity, RNLI, Cromer

Mayor Cllr Keith Scarff was quite an event.

Museum and Coastal Defence.

The streets were closed off for the parade

12 September

(led by the Salvation Army) from the council

This was a particularly special day for me as

offices to St Peter and St Mary’s parish

it was my Civic Ceremony and my chance to


welcome dignitaries to our lovely town.

27 September

I was delighted to see so many

I attended a Rotary Club of Diss Waveney

representatives from local organisations. It

meeting where the guest speaker was

was particularly nice to see mayors and

Rachel Walsh from Mind (my chosen

mayoresses from six neighbouring towns

charity). She gave a presentation on all their support activities, and we were able to have a chat about fundraising ideas, which was useful. 29 September Another big evening for me, I hosted the council’s Annual Town Meeting at the DYCC. This was a great opportunity to meet members of the public, local organisations and charities and present awards to our

and chairmen from three county and

Junior Good Citizen Lily Mills and Honoured

district councils. The ceremony also

Citizen, Anne Beckett-Allen.

attracted a surprise guest on the hunt for

3 October

some local treasure. Just before the

The parade and civic service for Eye Mayor,

ceremony started, I was approached in the

Cllr Johnnie Walker was quite something

grounds of the church by TV weather

and was led by a lone piper. Parading

presenter and BBC Radio Norfolk ‘Treasure

through the town to the sound of bagpipes

Quest’ host, Julie Reinger. It turns out I was

was quite surreal and very appropriate (Cllr

the treasure she’d been searching

Walker and I were both born in Glasgow!).

southwest Norfolk for all day! 24 September

Diss Town Mayor, Cllr Eric Taylor

The Civic Reception for Wymondham’s Mayor, Cllr Kevin Hirn was held in the new council offices at Kett’s Park, opposite the new sports hall and all-weather pitches. It was interesting to see their leisure facilities as this is what we have been discussing with South Norfolk District Council who are keen to provide better sports and leisure facilities Diss Matters Winter 2021 7

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8 Diss Matters Winter 2021

Strength in numbers: Meet our 14th councillor

I have always believed in the power of local people to make a difference, and I am honoured to have a chance to do my best for Diss.

On 15 September, Fair Green resident,

supporting Fair Green residents. I also

Charlotte Valori, was co-opted onto the

trained with the charity Change Grow Live,

council. A high-level PA, former MP’s diary

to become a volunteer Independent Visitor

secretary and caseworker, freelance opera

for children in care in Norfolk. I started

and theatre critic, life-long volunteer for

doing this because I’m hoping to foster or

the Pony Club, and now 14th member of

adopt one day.”

the council, Charlotte brings a wealth of experience and interests to her role.

Creating change, solving problems and getting things done

Helping others in the community

Cllr Valori also formed part of the

“I grew up in the Waveney Valley. And,

committee that worked towards installing a

although I went away to school and

Beacon of Hope in the town park. And it

university, and then spent some time

was this involvement, coupled with her

working in London, I always knew I wanted

experience as an MP’s caseworker that

to come back,” said Councillor Valori. “Both

sparked her interest in joining the council.

my parents are from Norfolk; my father’s

“I spent two years as an MP’s caseworker in

Italian family came over to Norwich in the

Ipswich, which was when I first saw how

early 1900s. When I moved to Diss a few

local councillors can create change, solve

years ago, I was immediately struck by the

problems and get things done,” said Cllr

character of Fair Green. I became fascinated

Valori. “I love organising things, large and

by the history of Diss and, as I researched it


more, I realised what a remarkable place it

“During lockdown, I joined what became the

is. It’s a truly special place: vibrant, full of

Beacon Committee and I’ve really enjoyed

life, and very welcoming.”

watching the Beacon of Hope project take

An active volunteer in the community, Cllr

shape over the course of many Zoom

Valori is Deputy Chairman of the Fair Green

meetings. It’s been fun, challenging and

Neighbourhood Association. During

exciting, and made me think seriously about

lockdown, she demonstrated her

joining Diss Town Council.

commitment to helping others in the

“I have always believed in the power of local

community in various ways.

people to make a difference, and I am

“In the early days of the pandemic, I joined

honoured to have a chance to do my best

my neighbours on Fair Green to form a

for Diss.”

small community action group dedicated to Diss Matters Winter 2021 9

South Norfolk Police news An update from Inspector Richard Freeman

pleasing to see the town looking busy again. We are constantly striving for visibility and availability in the communities we serve, and

It’s been a busy few months for your local

I’m pleased to report that officers from the

policing team since my last update. As our

Safer Neighbourhood Team were able to do

communities emerged from lockdown, we

just that in July and August. The team visited

experienced a surge in demand which has

52 parishes which make up the local policing

tested your local policing team and policing

area - including Mere’s Mouth on 1 July.

across the county alike. Some of our partner

Setting themselves up in prominent locations,

agencies are experiencing a similar increase

they listened to key issues from residents and

and this made for a very busy summer. In

carried out some local polling to gather

addition to keeping up with rising demand,

opinion. We’re also continuing to run online

my team has finally managed to take some

public meetings every three months. These

well-deserved leave after policing 24/7

meetings give you an opportunity to receive

throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Rest

an update on our work and express your

assured, this has not prevented us from

views on local policing priorities and we’re

responding to calls to keep Diss and

keen to hear from everyone.

surrounding villages safe.

Unfortunately, we have seen an increase in low level anti-social behaviour as our parks

Striving for visibility

and open spaces reopened around the town.

Thankfully, the impact of our national

Throughout the summer, the team has been

vaccination programme has allowed for a

regularly patrolling these areas. And we will

return to some sort of normality and it’s

continue to educate and, if necessary,

10 Diss Matters Winter 2021

prosecute those responsible for any damage

vehicles were escorted onto a designated

or associated public disorder. The Safer

check site along Victoria Road. A total of 51

More than 50 vehicles were stopped by police in Diss on Friday 10 September as part of a multi-agency operation to reduce road casualties and disrupt criminality.

vehicles were stopped throughout the day with 38 drivers being dealt with for offences. 25 of those drivers were issued with Traffic Offence Reports for the following offences: 3 x insecure loads

Neighbourhood Team is working with the

7 x driving whilst using a mobile phone

Youth Support Team from Children’s Services

5 x not wearing a seatbelt

to engage with our younger community

3 x number plate offences

members who frequent these areas.

5 x construction and use offences 2 x vehicles prohibited

Targeting speeding We’re working closely with Diss Town Council

In addition, 30 vehicles were caught speeding

to improve the situation with speeding

along the A140 and the A143 by the Safety

motorists on certain roads around the town.

Camera Partnership.

We’re sharing data to allow us to target areas which persistently indicate a problem with

For now, I’d like to close by reassuring you

speeding. Officers will be out and about in

that crime remains low and Diss continues to

these areas - monitoring speeds, educating

be a safe place to live and work.

drivers and, if necessary, taking enforcement action. More than 50 vehicles were stopped by police in Diss on Friday 10 September as part of a multi-agency operation to reduce road casualties and disrupt criminality. A number of officers took part in the Roads Policing Action Day, including the Operation Moonshot Team who use ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) technology to target known offenders and interrupt criminals using the road network, while also targeting unsafe vehicles. Partner agencies including Trading Standards, South Norfolk Licencing, South Norfolk Environment Agency, DVSA, Community Protection and HMRC were also involved. As part of the action, on the day a number of

Inspector Richard Freeman Diss Matters Winter 2021 11

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A place to call home

The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened

A tenant who’s

awareness of social isolation and

lived at Thomas

loneliness, especially among older

Manning Road

members of our rural communities. With

since 2007 said:

over 6000 properties across East Anglia,

“I’m very happy

Saffron Housing Trust provides specialist

with the

housing to enable older residents and

bungalow, the

disabled people to live as independently

wardens (wellbeing coordinators) are very

as possible, while still supporting their

good, and they helped me with hospital

wellbeing and keeping them connected to

transportation during the lockdowns.”

the community. We go behind the doors of two of their properties in Diss.

24-hour care Saffron Housing Trust also offers homes for

Designed to make life easier

people needing between four and 13 hours

The Independent Community Living Scheme

of care a week. One of these Independent

in Thomas Manning Road consists of 23

Community Living Plus schemes is Weavers

one-bedroom bungalows. Each one is

Court, on Mount Street.

specially designed to make life a little easier

Residents of Weavers Court have all the

for residents, including features like raised

benefits of independent living. But they also

I’m very happy with the bungalow, the wardens (wellbeing coordinators) are very good, and they helped me with hospital transportation during the lockdowns.

have the reassurance of 24-hour care. Plus, communal facilities such as laundry, lounge, restaurant, bar and buggy store. A tenant of Weavers Court who recently moved to the scheme said: “Living at Weavers Court I’m closer to the

electricity sockets, walk-in showers, wider

town centre, the surgery is just across the

doors, and step-free access from the path.

road and my family are able to visit me

There are also wellbeing coordinators on-


hand to provide access services that their tenants may need. For example, helping with money matters, fixing repairs and filling in forms. This became particularly vital during all the COVID-19 lockdowns.

For further information visit www.saffronhousing.co.uk, ring 01508 502337 or email asymonds@saffronhousing.co.uk Diss Matters Winter 2021 13

A hall for all can continue to be a hub of activity into the future. I've only been in the job a short time, but I’m incredibly impressed with the wide range of activities, events and groups that The Corn Hall supports. At the moment, it’s being used for community exercise and slimming classes, it’s hosting a food bank, the film programme is up and running, vibrant performances are being hosted, and visual arts fans are attending in the daytime As well as hosting a packed programme of arts events, The Corn Hall supports many community groups looking for a home. New CEO of The Corn Hall, Stuart Hobday, talks more about this and what’s in store over the next few months. Hello from the new CEO “I’m very happy to introduce myself as the new Chief Executive of The Corn Hall. It's a privilege to take the helm at such a great venue and one that plays such a central part in Diss life. Hopefully we've also seen the worst of the COVID-19 disruption of the arts scene (and other event venues), and it will be onwards and upwards to ensure The Corn Hall continues to grow in 2022. The last 18 months have been very challenging for venues of any kind, and I want to say a big well done to the team at The Corn Hall for ensuring that we secured the requisite government funding and took important actions to ensure that our venue 14 Diss Matters Winter 2021

to see the paintings of the Eastern region's premier artist, Maggi Hambling.

I’m incredibly impressed with the wide range of activities, events and groups that The Corn Hall supports.

Any arts venue really depends on people coming along and buying tickets, so please have a look at www.thecornhall.co.uk. There really is something for everyone. There's a great live music line up in coming months as well as regular comedy events and some stimulating theatre and film. And the question on everybody’s lips - is there a panto this year? Oh, yes, there is! 'Snow White' will be running for nine days from 18 December. Grab your tickets while you can! Please get in touch if you feel you can help with our operations in anyway either through sponsorship or in giving your time as a volunteer. Hopefully see you down here soon.” Stuart Hobday, CEO of The Corn Hall

November to February events

CHRISTMAS PANTO December 18-28*, 10.30am, 2pm & 5.30pm (*no performances on 20 or 25 December) Snow White - The Corn Hall THEATRE Friday 3 December, 7.30pm Humbugged: A Christmas Carol 2 - The Pantaloons

Christmas panto

Saturday 1 January, 4pm & 7.30pm Sherlock Holmes meets Count Dracula - Common Ground Saturday 22 January, 7.30pm Phoney Fools and Horses COMEDY Friday 4 February, 8pm (extra show due to public demand!) Gary in Punderland- Gary Delaney

A Swinging Christmas with Jazz at the Movies MUSIC Friday 19 November, 7.30pm The Searchers & The Hollies Experience Saturday 27 November, 7.30pm Belshazzar’s Feast Thursday 2 December, 7.30pm A Swinging Christmas with Jazz at the Movies Saturday 4 December, 7.30pm ELO Encounter Saturday 15 January, 7.30pm Paul Jones & Dave Kelly

The box office, café and galleries are open Monday to Saturday between 10am and 4pm. To book or for more information visit www.thecornhall.co.uk, pop in or call 01379 652241.

Gary in Punderland - Gary Delaney All shows will be run in a COVID-secure environment and follow the latest government guidelines. If, for whatever reason, these shows can’t happen, ticket holders will be contacted directly and offered an exchange, credit or refund. Diss Matters Winter 2021 15

The future’s bright for local broadcasting Award ceremonies, big birthdays, nail-

The licence extension means that the

biting licence renewals, studio expansions,

popular radio station can now make firm

outdoor and on-the-road broadcasts and,

plans for the future.

er, bug hotels (not to mention 24-hour

“We’ve already started to plan for a satellite

transmission throughout the Waveney

studio hub in Eye,” said Chris. “And are

Valley) - it’s been all go for Park Radio over

looking to bring on stream a further satellite

the last six months.

studio hub in Harleston. These studios will give closer access to Park Radio for

Licence to thrill until (at least) 2027

members of the public.”

With its current licence due to expire in 2022, applying to media regulator Ofcom

Time to celebrate

for an extension was top of Park Radio’s list

Further recognition of the great work Park

earlier this year. And, the good news is,

Radio does for the community was received

thanks to a compelling and well-supported

just weeks later. At the end of July all of Park

submission, it’s been granted. “In July, we

Radio’s volunteers were given a Community

received excellent news from Ofcom

Champion award from South Norfolk

confirming that they’ve agreed to a five-year

Council. This was presented by Florence

extension to our broadcasting licence to

Ellis, chairman of the council at a special

2027,” said station manager, Chris Moyse.

reception held at The Corn Hall. It was

“This extension didn’t just happen. We were

described by Chris Moyse as “a truly

supported by Diss Town Council, South

memorable day”.

Norfolk District Council, Richard Bacon (MP),

And that’s not the only celebration in the

local businesses and listeners. It was your

calendar. On 28 November, the radio

endorsements of the good work that we do

station marks its 4th birthday of

that helped us achieve this extension. And,

broadcasting full time.

here at Park Radio, the whole team would like to say THANK YOU.” 16 Diss Matters Winter 2021

Time to train

Adopters Award in 2020 we’ve kept caring

With years of broadcasting ahead and new

for the planters and garden at Diss train

studios set to open, the station’s also

station,” said Chris. “There was a period

making moves to future-proof its service by

during lockdown when our gardening

We’ve already started to plan for a satellite studio hub in Eye. And are looking to bring on stream a further satellite studio hub in Harleston. These studios will give closer access to Park Radio for members of the public.

encouraging a new generation of presenters.

volunteers weren’t able to attend to them. But over the past few months we’ve seen our railway station platforms bloom again. We’ve also installed a bug hotel.” Back to the studio Since March 2020, when the pandemic struck, Park Radio decided to mothball its studios at the Diss Youth & Community

“A small number of Long Stratton High

Centre to keep its team of 50 volunteers

School pupils have been working with us,

safe and well.

learning how to become presenters and

Thanks to some truly groundbreaking

then presenting their own shows,” says

technology, it continued to broadcast

Chris. “We’re also looking to give this

throughout lockdown, presenting live and

opportunity to the students at Hartismere

pre-recorded shows from presenters’

School. In the past, this initiative has been


very successful and involved students from Diss High School and the Archbishop

On 1 October, after 18 months of remote

Sancroft High School in Harleston.”

broadcasting, Park Radio welcomed listeners and its team back to the studios.

Time to care

“Visitors will notice when they pop in, which

And if that wasn’t enough, the Park Radio’s

we hope they will, the new and more spacious and comfortable reception area which has been upgraded in the last few months,” said Chris. "I'm so proud of all the team for working so hard and for maintaining the service over the last year and a half. But equally we are now looking forward to welcoming visitors back to our base where we can now properly celebrate Ofcom's recent decision to extend our licence to 2027.”

team of gardening volunteers have also

Park Radio broadcasts on FM in Diss & Eye

been busy.

on 107.6FM and in Harleston on 105.2FM

“Since winning the Greater Anglia Station

and online too at: www.parkradio.co.uk Diss Matters Winter 2021 17

Fighting for the future When Diss Judo Club looked like it might

Judo Club when the existing Diss coach

have to close 16 years ago, Howard Oates

retired. Diss Judo Club has a long history.

came to the rescue. Merging the club with

And when we absorbed it some 16 years

his own Kumo Judo Club it soon became

ago, we decided we wouldn’t rename it as it

one of the major powerhouses of the

deserved its own identity.

eastern region. The club has since raised a double Olympian and a Paralympian and currently has three members training with the England Development Squads. Howard shares some of his story here. Like a snowball down a mountain “I’m often asked why I got involved in the sport of judo. Frankly I can’t be entirely sure. I certainly liked the idea of a fighting sport that didn’t involve inflicting physical damage on an opponent. “My sons Colin and David became involved in judo through friends who were attending a local club at Hornchurch Leisure Centre back in 1989. At this time, I was travelling a lot

Like a bobsleigh from Jamaica

through work, so had all but given up

“Inspired by the film ‘Cool Runnings’ about

myself. Like a snowball rolling down the

the Jamaican bobsleigh team that trained in

mountain, my daughters Charlotte and

Jamaica for the Winter Olympics, I decided

Vicky started doing judo. So did my wife

to write a book about our own unusual

Denise who went on to be the chairman of

journey. Norfolk wasn’t known for being a

the Eastern Area region. I suppose Reece,

martial arts hub, so we felt very much

my grandson, had little option in taking up

aligned to the Jamaican story.

the sport as his mum, Vicky, also

“The book ‘Accidental Olympian: Colin

represented Great Britain as a cadet player.

Oates, a judo journey’ covers everything

“Our judo journey really picked up speed in

from my son Colin competing in the 2012

1991 when we moved to the beautiful

London Olympics Games and being

village of North Lopham and joined Diss

appointed as a Great Britain Coach to the

Judo Club run by wonderful coach, Chris

emergence of new talent and future medal-

Clancy. We set up Kumo Judo Club in 1994

winners, Niamh and Eden Southgate and

and years later amalgamated it with Diss

my grandson, Reece.

18 Diss Matters Winter 2021

“As to the “Accidental” I only ever wanted my orange belt in judo, not having any aspirations to go further. So, every time we hit a target, we moved the goalpost a yard further back until we reached the stage of achieving a double Olympian and a

I hope to open in Diss again as soon as the chance arises. In the meantime, why not join us in North Lopham and train in a place where dreams have been made and medals won?

Where dreams have been made

“At its height, the club has boasted

sites in Lopham, Debenham, Thetford, Attleborough and Diss. Now, with the DYCC being used as a vaccination centre, the club currently runs classes just from the Lopham Village Hall. But I hope to open in Diss again as soon as the chance arises. I’m reluctant to ever close Diss because once a club dies, just like a cinema, it rarely returns. Until that time, why not join us in North Lopham and train in a place where dreams have been made and medals won?”

Paralympian. Even now I ponder whether we really achieved all this. And, what is more, with Niamh and Eden we have two outstanding prospects to continue the dream.

The book ‘Accidental Olympian: Colin Oates, a judo journey’ can be ordered from bookstores or through Amazon with all royalties invested back into the club. For more information on Kumo Judo Club please see their Facebook page or call: 01379 688258.

Diss Matters Winter 2021 19

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20 Diss Matters Winter 2021

Keeping athletics on track “Diss Town Council granted us access to their facility during a very difficult time, when many tracks could not facilitate our request,” said Emma. “They were so friendly, accommodating, helpful and quick to respond. The facility was perfect and just what we needed. Being able to train on the track allowed me to continue progressing my timing, and for my sequencing for technical changes to develop. It made a huge difference to my training and particularly in my build-up to various Originally from the Midlands, Great Britain

competitions. It inevitably allowed me to

and Northern Ireland javelin thrower, Emma

secure 3rd at this year’s British Athletics

Hamplett, moved to Bury St Edmunds in

Championships, 2nd at the English Athletics

2019 to train with her coach, Michael

Championships and 1st place at the

McNeill. All was going well until the

Midland Counties Athletics Championships.

pandemic hit in 2020. With all competitions

I can’t thank them enough.”

stopped and training grounds closed, Emma

Looking ahead, Emma’s next ambition is to

(an U18s British Record Holder and England

make the 2022 Commonwealth Games, due

Commonwealth Youth Games gold medal

to take place in Birmingham. And to keep

winner) was forced to train mostly at home.

throwing into her late 50s. “Taking part in the Birmingham 2022

Towards the end of 2020, England Athletics

Commonwealth Games would be very

announced that elite athletes would be

special,” said Emma. “I grew up in

allowed to restart training. But finding a

Staffordshire so this would be at my home

local sports ground that was open and that


would accommodate new users proved tricky for Emma and her coach. After trying several venues in and around her local area, Emma contacted Diss Town Council in January this year to see if the athletics track

Diss Sports Ground and skate park are located on Shelfanger Road. The facility is owned by Diss Town Council and

at the Diss Sports Ground was available.

is used by local clubs for football and

After a visit to assess suitability and all the

Playschool. The ground has Diss’ only all-

relevant risk assessments and administration checks, Emma and her coach started to use the track twice a week for

athletics. It’s also home to Merryfields weather floodlit athletics training facility and is available for private hire for sporting and recreational purposes.

training just a few weeks later.

Diss Matters Winter 2021 21

The big switch, back on Last year, compromised by COVID-19,

There will be music

Father Christmas turned on the Christmas

It wouldn’t be a Diss Christmas lights switch-

lights under the cover of darkness. His

on without a suitable soundtrack. Which is

only witnesses were his elves, reindeer

why singers and strummers are also on the

and someone in a pirate hat who looked

guest list. There will be a colourful mix of

suspiciously like the previous mayor. As

live music to keep even the coldest toes

we know, Santa loves the limelight, so he's

tapping. From festive folk to pop, if you’re

delighted to be able to perform in front of

askin’, we’re dancin’.

a huge crowd (you!) this year. He’s put the date and time in his diary – Saturday 27

Mince pies and more

November, 12 noon to 6pm. He’s set his


sleigh sat nav to ‘Diss Market Place’. And


he's invited all his friends. Let’s look at the

needs to


be filled. And you

The panto’s coming (oh yes it is!)

know how

Stars from The Corn Hall’s Christmas panto

he likes his

‘Snow White’ (which starts on 18 December)

sherry. So,

have their invite. And they’re already busy

top of the guest list are his favourite food

preparing for the ball. Look-out for Snow

and drink folk. From locally brewed beers

White, the wicked stepmother and a

and mulled wine to wood-fired pizzas, jacket

reasonable number of dwarves. They’re

potatoes and doughnuts, why wait for

looking forward to meeting you. Just don’t

Christmas lunch?

Photo: Lucy Kayne

take an apple from any of them! Fun for all the family Diss has got talent

And if that wasn’t enough, there’s a fun fair

A TV and

at Mere’s Mouth and a free ‘Search for the


Stable’ event at the United Reformed


Church. Want to meet the big man? Santa

also on the

will be welcoming guests in his grotto

list. Hosting

throughout the event.

the event and

Lights on at 5.15pm

performing on the day, is Norfolk local and

And finally, the big switch-on. Setting off

Britain’s Got Talent success, Ben Langley.

from Bressingham, the steam museum’s

Ben scored a hit with Mr Cowell and his

vintage fire engine will transport Santa

panel of star-studded judges on Britain's

along Mere Street to Diss Market Square for

Got Talent in 2018. And we’re sure he’ll keep

the 5.15pm switch-on.

the crowds and Santa’s belly chortling throughout the day. 22 Diss Matters Winter 2021

Happy Christmas!

The Diss Christmas lights switch-on takes place on Saturday 27 November from 12 noon to 6pm in the centre of town. The big switch happens in the Market Place at 5.15pm. Diss Town Council would like to thank broadband-provider UPP for sponsoring this year’s Christmas lights switch-on. Their support has helped us put together a truly spectacular event. You can find out more about them at: www.upp.com. Photo: Lucy Kayne

Diss Matters Winter 2021 23

A vision for Diss Diss Town Council is here to “make Diss a successful, vibrant, attractive town, where people want to live, work and visit.” That’s the vision that underpins everything we do. And here’s a photographic insight into what we’ve been doing over the past few months to keep our vision alive.

We made improvements to Mere’s Mouth… and all who lunch by it

We looked after the Mere… and all who float on it 24 Diss Matters Winter 2021

We helped update the toilets

We provided a space

We cleaned the streets

We supported the stalls Diss Matters Winter 2021 25

We kept shoppers safe

We promoted the town

We took care of the cemetery 26 Diss Matters Winter 2021

We fed the bees

We kept playing

We brightened things up

We revamped the boardwalk

Want to find out more? From recent achievements and progress so far, to our three key objectives, read more about Diss Town Council’s Strategy Plan at: www.diss.gov.uk/about-us

We gave hope Diss Matters Winter 2021 27

Waving off Weavers It started life in the 14th century as a chapel

of Portsmouth and went on to train at the

belonging to one of Diss’ prominent

Savoy in London,” said Katrina. “This was

weavers’ guilds. Since then, it’s served as a

followed by a number of years working in

butcher’s shop, retail store, collar maker,

London hotels. The pull of my hometown

grocer, and silversmith. And for the last 34

and wanting to work with William brought

years it’s been one of Diss’ most popular

me back to Diss and Weavers, and we've

and iconic eateries, run by locals Katrina

run the restaurant together ever since. With

and William Bavin. As the Bavins prepare to

him behind the stove and me out front.”

retire, we celebrate 34 years of Weavers Wine Bar & Eating House.

Come for the food, come back for the friendship

No April fool

And they’ve been firm favourites with Diss

William Bavin

gourmands ever since.

opened Weavers

“We’re lucky to have had so many loyal

on Wednesday 1

regulars,” said Katrina. “It’s this that has

April, 1987. Having

helped us run a successful business in the

trained at Norwich

town for so long. We love the fact that we

City College,

know so many of our customers well. We’ve

William worked in

helped them celebrate special occasions,

the catering

date nights, works dos, birthdays and nights

industry all over

out with friends. And they’ve become so

the country but

much more than customers. To us they’re

returned to his Norfolk roots to take on his

now very dear friends. Running a business

final project. After completely refurbishing

in a small town is special. There's something

the restaurant, including exposing and

lovely about knowing everyone and them

treating all the timbers, he opened the

knowing you. The last two years have

doors to Weavers Wine Bar & Eating House.

shown us the value of having a loyal

“William went to Norwich City College to do

customer base. And we can't thank them

his catering qualifications and worked in

enough for the amazing support during the

Scotland and London before returning to

pandemic and indeed for all the years

Norfolk to work in hotels in the mid-80s,”


said Katrina Bavin. “He had always wanted

With fabulous food, an intimate and historic

to have his own place and when the

setting and warm and welcoming hospitality

building came up for lease it seemed like

all on the menu, it’s no surprise people have

the perfect opportunity to finally realise his

been coming back for more.


“Our most popular dish has been our

Katrina joined him on his dream path 10

chicken liver starter, “said Katrina. “We serve

years later.

it at the table straight from the pan. It was

“I did a hospitality degree at the University

on the very first menu Will produced and

28 Diss Matters Winter 2021

has been on the menu every day since. Will

the new Beaujolais, dress up and have light-

is very proud of the dish and its legacy. Our

hearted competitions and activities. These

Pavlovas are pretty legendary too. We

often require lots of imagination with

always have one on the menu and over the

Playdoh or pipe cleaners or making up

last 30 years have filled them with all sorts.

songs or limericks!”

We’ve gone from the more traditional vanilla ice cream with honey and raspberry

Time for a new challenge

sauce to brown bread ice cream with Earl

All good things must come to an end, and at

Grey tea syrup and Jaffa Cake ice cream

the end of September the Bavins served

with orange sauce.”

their final Pavlova. Retirement and new challenges beckon. But that’s not the end of Weavers. “We love Diss. We love that everyone knows everyone else and that it has a lovely community spirit,” said Katrina. “Even though we’ve retired we’ve bought a home in town - we didn't want to leave a place we love so much. It needs lots of work doing to it to make it a home so it’s our retirement project! Weavers is selling as a going concern, and we’re pleased that it will stay

Good times and great support

as a restaurant for the local community. The

And let’s not forget the team who’ve kept

new owners are lovely. We wish them every

everything running smoothly.

success and hope they enjoy running

“Without a good team working alongside

Weavers as much as we have for the last

you, you're nothing,” said Katrina. “You can't

34 years.”

run a place like Weavers without professional, dedicated people who love what they do and work hard for a common cause. We’ve been able to employ many excellent people over the years. And they’ve helped make Weavers a success.” But, despite working hard, there’s also been time for a good knees-up. “We've had some great New Year’s Eve parties,” said Katrina. “We’d serve an 8course menu and then everyone is up and dancing until the small hours. Our Beaujolais Nouveau nights have always been great fun too. Every year, we sample Diss Matters Winter 2021 29

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Diss Matters Winter 2021 31

Celebrating 100 years of Diss WI

Photo: Photo Elite, Market Hill, Diss

With centenary plans put on hold due to

there are the regulation cups of tea and

COVID-19, the ladies of Diss Women’s


Institute (WI) have had a little longer to wait

Dorothy: Demonstrations of crafting skills

for their celebration. And a little longer to

are always very popular.

reminisce. We talked to past presidents Pat

Pat: We have a programme secretary who

Simms, Dorothy Howling and Jean Sudron

investigates anything that could be of

to find out more about their WI story.

interest and - with at least ten meetings to cover in a year – variety is key. Diss WI is

When did you join Diss WI and why?

one third of the Boudica Group of WIs

Pat: I joined Diss WI about thirty years ago

(Scole and Pulham Market being the other

when a young wives’ group I was a member

two). And once a year we all meet for

of closed. My mother and grandmother had

fashion shows, talks and demonstrations.

gained a lot from WI membership, so I

We also have a member of our committee

thought I’d try it myself.

specialising in outings.

Dorothy: I joined in 1975. At one time you had to wait to be invited (members would

What’s your most memorable meeting?

be encouraged to bring a friend), you

Dorothy: I’ve always particularly enjoyed our

couldn’t just turn up.

lovely summer picnics at various locations around Norfolk.

Describe a typical meeting

Jean: My most memorable meetings were

Pat: We enjoy a chat, but we also hear about

Pudding and Play Reading evenings. These

what’s going on at national and county

were always fun and a chance to chat and

level. Our president, secretary and treasurer

get to know one another. There was also

update us and then there may be a

the World War dinner we held in Diss

competition or two. There’s also usually a

church. The menu consisted of dishes of the

speaker or demonstration. And of course,

day, and we all dressed accordingly - some

32 Diss Matters Winter 2021

ladies even wore their Land Army uniforms.

And we’re pleased to have president, Jo

Pat: I was president when we celebrated our

Locke, at the helm now. She’s already done

75th birthday. We had a local entertainment

so much including arranging a display

group and Dorothy was a hit with her comic

showcase in Diss Museum about WI history

sketch. I also enjoyed our Pudding Evenings

and Diss WI in particular.

when members each made a pudding and we produced a ‘recipe book’ (which I still

How has the group benefitted the town

turn to now and again). We added a bit of

and its residents?

musical entertainment and it proved to be a

Pat: Over the years we’ve given many gifts

popular event.

to the town, but didn’t really publicise them. These include a special mirror for the health

How did you mark your 100th birthday?

centre which helped physiotherapy

Pat: Our centenary fell right in the middle of

patients, a hand-built table for the museum

the pandemic, so we closed for a bit. We did

to hold the famous dolls’ house, two trees

have a few meetings in Diss park where we

for Quaker Wood and oximeters for Diss

caught up with each other’s news – and

surgery. We’ve knitted trauma teddies, heart

even blew a few bubbles. In May (the date

shaped cushions for breast cancer patients

of our centenary), each of our members

and hats and bonnets for premature

received a flowering plant in a pot. And

babies. We’ve donated a picnic bench for

towards mid-summer lots of us gathered

Mere’s Mouth, with a plaque

for a photo on the Diss boardwalk. Now

commemorating our 100 years.

we’re looking forward to our December

Jean: We do lots of fundraising for local

meeting for a Christmas-cum-birthday meal

causes. We had a fashion show at The Corn

with all sorts of extra tweaks, including a

Hall and hold Saturday cake stalls on the

souvenir for each member.

Market Place and craft and cake stalls at the Diss Town Carnival. As well as raising

What do you value about Diss WI?

money, these events offer a chance for

Pat: Diss WI is very inclusive. We welcome

people to find out more about us.

all ladies in Diss, and the committee always listens and considers all suggestions coming

And finally… where do you meet?

from members.

Pat: We meet at Montgomerie Hall in Diss

Jean: Our door is open to all, and we always

(next to the park and opposite the

look out for each other in hard times -

Thatcher’s Needle), at 7.30pm on the

particularly sickness, loneliness, and

second Tuesday of the


month - unless there is

Pat: We’re lucky to have some truly

an outing.

inspirational members too. Former president and county treasurer, Hilda Corbett deserves a special mention. Diss Matters Winter 2021 33

Walk this way In June, two new walking trails and one new cycling trail were created in and around town. Ranging from a 5km walk to a 15km bike ride, they cater for all sectors of our community - from steady strollers to powerful peddlers. To make the shorter trail a little different, we’ve designed a quiz you can do while following the trail. Why not grab the kids and try it out? Diss Beacon Trail: Short walking route 1. Start with the Diss Beacon of Hope at your back and the Mere on your left. 2. Take the tarmac path down the hill, and follow Madgett’s Walk around the Mere. 3. At the Diss town sign, turn left up Mere St. What can you spot? Look at the dragon post on Holland & Barrett. What can you see? 4. Walk up to the Market Place, passing Diss Museum on your right. What can you spot? Can you see some golden wheat? Can you find a hare opposite the museum? 5. Cross Church St and continue up the Market Place,

What can you spot? How many triangles are on the

past the gates to St Mary’s church on your right.

modern sculpture?

What can you spot? What’s the date on the

9.Coming out of Cobb’s Yard, bear left and cross the road,

church gates?

then continue through the wide paved gap between the

6. At the war memorial, turn left up St Nicholas St to start


exploring the Heritage Triangle.

10. Ahead, you will see the large pink building which

What can you spot? On the war memorial, can you find

houses Diss Town Council. Go through the arch to the

the following? Five barbers, two knights, a kitchen and


some parsley, a phoenix and a potter, one Gotobed and a

What can you spot? Look at the flowers in the gardens.

man called Mr Rude!

How many different colours can you find?

7. Turn right into Norfolk House Yard (first turning)

11. Coming back out of the boardwalk, turn left up

8. After Fredrick’s Fine Foods, turn left by the spiral

Market Hill.

staircase into Cobb’s Yard 34 Diss Matters Winter 2021

What can you spot? Look at the dragon post on Tudor

on your right. Turn right onto The Entry.

House: What do you think it shows?

What can you spot? What’s creeping along the roof of

12. Cross over St Nicholas St to The Corn Hall and

the pink house at the top of The Entry? How many black

turn left.

crosses are on the school?

What can you spot? What date is on The Corn Hall?

18. Follow The Entry past the school and down the

13. At the top, turn right in front of the old Crown Hotel

narrow path between Rectory Meadow and the playing

onto Shelfanger Rd.

fields. At the end, turn right onto Victoria Rd. Keep

What can you spot? How many arches are on the old

straight, passing Diss Methodist church and The

brewery building on your left?

Causeway on your right.

14. Go straight on past Harrison’s Yard, and then

19. Turn right into Mere Street. Pass the Victorian Gothic

Shelfanger Court on your right. Turn right into the car

Diss United Reformed Church on your right.

park and walk to the end of the Citizen’s Advice Bureau building. Follow the path through trees along the edge of Parish Fields, a 400-year-old historic meadow. At the end, turn right and cross the car park to join the footpath by the lamppost. What can you spot? How many iron bosses can you find in the big brick wall after the Parish Fields path? Can you spot a high trapdoor? 15. Turn left. The footpath brings you down to Mount St: Turn right. What can you spot? How many Green Men are gazing out from the Saracen’s Head? The Saracen is having a

What can you spot? What’s the date on Park House?

staring competition. But with whom?

20. Turn left at the Diss town sign by the Mere. Follow

16. At the corner of the Saracen’s Head, cross the road

Madgett’s Walk to the left around the edge of the mere

into the churchyard. Follow the path.

back into the park, finishing at the Diss Beacon of Hope.

17. Come out of the churchyard and turn left onto

What can you spot? How many circles in the railings

Church St (once known as Dirt St!). Walk pass Diss Library

around the Mere? Diss Matters Winter 2021 35

Rotary round-up Diss Waveney Rotary Club With a new president at the helm and faceto-face meetings back in the diary, not to mention a packed schedule of fundraising events, it’s back to business for Diss Waveney Rotary Club. Working together In the summer, Diss Waveney Rotary Club and Diss & District Rotary Club joined together to plant 75 trees on Brewers Green to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Since then, the two clubs have laid a

meeting of club members, the gathering gave members the chance to catch up after not meeting for so many months. “Zoom helped us conduct business and keep up with our speaker meetings during COVID-19,” said president, Elaine Bootman.

memorial stone at the site of the trees.

“And it will, no doubt, have a role to play in

Welcoming a new president

atmosphere when members are brought

In June 2021, at a handing over ceremony, outgoing president, Beverley Blake, presented incoming president, Elaine Bootman, with her presidential collar and jewel. Beverley wished Elaine well in her coming year and Elaine thanked Beverley for all her hard work and commitment to the club in what was an extremely difficult

the future. But nothing can replace the together in fellowship.” Time to help On 27 August, the Diss Waveney and Diss and District Rotary Clubs joined together in a street collection at the Mere’s Mouth to raise funds for the people of Haiti following the devastating effects of the earthquake

year due to all the COVID-19 restrictions.

and tropical storm, Grace. The event itself

Time to meet

website have brought the total to over £700.

On 7 August, a social gathering was held at Roydon Village Hall. The first face-to-face

raised £520.43. Continued donations via the The proceeds will be divided equally between the two clubs to support Rotary’s efforts on the ground in Haiti.

Dates for the diary Fundraising events: 10 December - The Fine City Chorus at Roydon Village Hall 18, 20 & 22 December - Santa, his sleigh and helpers will be at the Mere’s Mouth 26 March 2022 - The South Norfolk Youth Symphonic Band at The Corn Hall Speakers booked: 22 November - Cecile Roberts, the Chief Executive Officer, of Emmaus Norfolk & Waveney 28 March 2022 - Graphologist Patricia Field 36 Diss Matters Winter 2021

Diss & District Rotary Club Fundraising, fundraising and fundraising (and a bit of fun, too), Diss & District Rotary Club member David Crawford reviews the past few months. Meeting up and moneys raised “The second annual Rotary Club ‘SIMPLY WALK’ event took place on 27 June. It was great to see over 60 people take part. Thanks to them we raised over £800 for Rotary charities. “We also completed our ‘Funny side of life!’ cartoon collection campaign, put together by our resident cartoonist, David Gooderham. This proved a great success, and raised over £2000, which is to be split between Cancer Research UK and The Norwich Hospitals charity. “In conjunction with the Diss Waveney Rotary Club we commemorated the 75th anniversary of VE Day with a stone being placed adjacent to the trees we planted on Brewers Green in Roydon last December. A moving occasion, this joint initiative also gave us the opportunity to meet up with our fellow local Rotarians. “With the UK government giving us the allclear (and with COVID-19 safety measures in place) we were very pleased to be able to meet with fellow Rotarians, family and friends at our annual Summer Garden Party. James and Lynn Kay provided their fabulous garden, yet again, and somehow it looked better than ever – as always, we are

were raising money. The raffle had over 30 prizes donated by members and, along with ticket sales, this helped us raise over £2000!!! “The weather behaved very well and so did most of the club’s members. Although some interesting dancing later in the evening suggested that the wine had been put to good use! “Spurred on by meetings outside, the club visited the 100th Bomb Group at Thorpe Abbotts on 31 August. A fascinating look back to wartime England through the eyes of an American Air Corps was combined with some entertainment from museum volunteers and a fish and chip supper! “And most recently, together with the Diss Waveney Rotary Club we held a joint collection at Mere’s Mouth on 27 August for the Haiti Earthquake Disaster and raised £742.63 in generous donations from the public. The Diss & District club’s half share will support the emergency response of ShelterBox.”

very grateful to them for their generosity and support. “It wasn’t just a fabulous chance to get back together at a social event, but of course we Diss Matters Winter 2021 37

Diss Town Guide 2022­23 The Diss Town Guide

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38 Diss Matters Winter 2021

committee is collating information for the next edition of the Diss Town Guide which will be out at the beginning of 2022. If you are a club, society or group please let us have your details by 30th November by sending to sarah@falconpublications.co.uk or tel: 01379 773348

A clean sweep Passionate about keeping Diss rubbishfree, the Diss Litterpicking Group has grown from strength to strength since its first official pick in August. Powered by members of the public, town councillors, representatives from local groups and businesses, it’s helping keep Diss’ streets spick and span. The group’s founder, George Waterman shares his vision below. Great support from the start “The group was started after I moved to the town in April and noticed that there was a lot of litter in residential streets, public spaces and countryside verges. We were lucky to have great support from the start. Diss Town Council helped us get up and running and helped with the disposal of the litter collected. And the Co-Op Funeralcare’s Community Pioneer, Karen Sheen, helped me make all the contacts necessary to establish a venue and gather support from local businesses and other community groups in the town. Without them, my relatively small independent project simply would not have been as successful as it is. “The response to the group from Diss residents has been very positive. Using Facebook, people have been sending in their suggestions of what parts of the town could do with our help. We’ve also had kind offers of refreshments from the Time Out Coffee & Food and Fair Green Fish Bar, and equipment and sacks donated to us by the Bargain Shop, Morrison's and Truck Monkey Garage to name a few. A mixed bag “We meet on the second Saturday of every

people joining us. As well as being rewarding, it’s also quite an eye-opening experience. Some examples of unusual items found include chair cushions, car parts, socks and shoes. The most sacks we’ve filled in a single morning is well over 20, with the average being about 18. We have so far cleared Taylor Road, Skelton Road, Fisher Road, Roydon Road, the park, Fair Green and more. Help for other initiatives “As far as the future goes, we simply intend to keep clearing different areas of the town. If anyone else in the local area has an idea for a project or group and needs some support to get it off the ground, they shouldn’t hesitate to speak either to myself or anyone else involved – particularly Karen at the Co-op. Different groups within the town, when working together, can achieve many wonderful things.” Get in contact For more information and to contact George, search for the Diss Litterpicking Group on Facebook.

month and usually have between 10 and 20 Diss Matters Winter 2021 39

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Still making history

Grab a grant

Diss Museum may have been closed since the start of COVID-19; but its work continues. Maintaining interest

So far this year, Diss Town Council has

Museum manager, Basil Abbott’s monthly

provided financial assistance to Norfolk

slots on Park Radio have proved popular

Threads CIC, which is now promoting its

and help to maintain interest in local

second series of free art and wellbeing

history. His book, ‘Call Back the Past: Giving

courses at The Corn Hall. And the good

a Buzz to History’ has secured the museum

news is, there’s still £16k of Community

an income even in lockdown. His

Grant funding left. If you meet the criteria,

presentation about the R34 airship is

why not apply?

booked up well into next year. And his historic town tours continue, with Mr Abbott

Helping Diss Youth Work

leading one in September for former UEA

We’ve had many worthy recipients over the

members as part of a university hosting

years, including the Diss Youth Work team


who have used money to run local projects

such as:

Behind closed doors

• conservation work at Quaker Wood

The museum is still asking for help with

• gardening in the community

research and offered items for donation.

• ‘A brush with the Past’ and ‘Elephant on

(Among this year’s donated items were the

the Green’ history projects

personal effects of a local senior

• intergenerational dining

policeman.) And, behind closed doors, work

• Community litterpicking

still goes on to prepare the displays, with

• The Diss Youth Town Council, and the

Basil Abbott’s large collection of neckties

• Fareshare Food scheme.

among the fresh material.

Find out more about applying for a grant at:

It is hoped that the museum will be able to


reopen its doors soon. Watch this space.

scheme Diss Matters Winter 2021 41


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Diss Matters Winter 2021 43


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