Festive Coffee Morning for charity Diss Methodist Church will be holding a Christmas coffee morning on Saturday 10th December 10am-12noon in aid of the Goodwill Children’s Village in India. With a variety of stalls and Christmas activities for all, there’s plenty to join in with, or simply just sit and relax with a hot/cold drink, a mince pie and soak up the festive atmosphere. We encourage anyone who would like to visit to come and say hi – a warm welcome awaits you. Myra Stannard myra.s@uwclub.net 01379 644401
Weave your way around Diss…
Introducing The Diss and District Guild of
at various events throughout the
Weavers, Spinners and Dyers!
year to raise awareness of the traditional
We are a group of enthusiastic, resourceful
skills used in the manufacture of
and like-minded people who are interested
in the crafts of weaving, spinning and
For further information about the Guild,
dyeing. The ethos of the group is to share
dates, times and place of our
our knowledge, not only within the group
meetings as well as the textile heritage of
but to the wider public in general.
Diss and the surrounding area, visit
Guild members can be seen demonstrating
our website at: www.dissweaversspinnersanddyers.co.uk
22 Diss Matters Winter 2022