Building Communities, Beating Crime
Diss Beat Manager PC Andy Baker has been
“On the website is also our page for Street
hard at work over the summer months
Safe. This is a pilot service where you can
responding to local concerns and engaging
anonymously tell us about public places
with the community. Alongside Beat
where you have felt or feel unsafe. This could
Managers from Long Stratton and
be because of environmental issues, eg:
Harleston, PC Baker took part in a ‘South
street lighting, abandoned buildings or
Norfolk Tour’, visiting 52 locations in 13
vandalism. Or because of the behaviour of
days, completing 156 miles of foot and cycle
others, eg: being followed or verbally abused.
patrols along the way. Over 40 traffic and
“The SNT email inbox is always available to
road safety offences were dealt with, and
be contacted, and the address can be found
740 face-to-face discussions with the public
on our website under ‘Your Area’. If you
were had.
want to come and speak to PC Baker in person, he will be holding street surgeries
One common question from these
throughout the rest of the year. Check out
conversations was how to report issues or
the ‘Events’ section of ‘Your Area’ to find out
crimes without calling 999. Sgt Butler
more details.
highlights a few ways you can do this:
“If you are witnessing an emergency or
“If you are wanting to report something
crime in progress, please call 999.”
non-urgent to us you can call the number 101. The issue you report will then be passed over to the team best suited to handle it, either the Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT), or the Response officers. “The Norfolk Constabulary website holds lots of useful information, including the ‘report it’ page where you can submit an online report specific to your issue or conduct a live chat with an officer. 28 Diss Matters Winter 2022
As we head into the winter months, we often receive an increase in heating oil theft reports across the county. There are steps you can take to prevent this from happening to you. • Control switches for the flow of oil should be turned off and the electricity supply isolated when the tank is not in use • Purchase a good quality lock for your tank • Check your oil levels regularly • Keep the tank well overlooked, and visible from your window if possible • Remember access is required for deliveries • Consider a fuel tank alarm