Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan – Seven Parishes in Partnership Readers will be pleased to hear that,
15% to 25% (net increase of 66%).
following on from several years hard work
“Pulling together feedback received during
and extensive community consultation, the
both our Regulation 14 consultations into
Diss and District Neighbourhood Plan was
the final submission draft of the proposed
submitted to South Norfolk Council as the
Plan, along with a Consultation Statement
lead Planning Authority in mid-July. This
that actually exceeded the plan in length,
marked a huge milestone on the journey of
was a huge undertaking for the steering
this Plan, which is one of the most complex
group and our consultants,” confirmed Diss
currently being undertaken in the UK given
Mayor Cllr Eric Taylor, a member of the
that it comprises seven parishes across two
steering group leading on the development
local authority areas.
of the Plan. “It will go before SNC’s Cabinet
The DDNP will offer more protection to
hopefully during October, and if the vote is
local green spaces, heritage assets,
positive, the DDNP can then go on to its
important views, growth and infrastructure,
Regulation 16 consultation and
green corridors and biodiversity
independent examination. Following on
enhancement, road traffic improvements,
from this, and subject to comments
walking and cycling networks and
received back, there will be the
delivering housing growth of the right scale
Referendum which we hope will be well
and mix in the locations preferred by
supported by the parishes involved and
leads to a positive vote to accept the Plan.”
A made plan would also increase the
We are hoping this all happens in good
amount of Community Infrastructure Levy
time, and will let you know, via the
(CIL) money that the town receives from
www.ddnp.info website as things progress.
Diss Matters Winter 2022 37