Harleston Information Plus (HIP) Harleston Information Plus is an independent charity funded through grants and donations. The charity has a voluntary management board made up of local people, and with the help of around 40 volunteers and three part-time staff, provides services and support to around 5000 people each year. It offers a community hub that is home to a number of valuable services, catering for visitors to the town, its residents and those that live in the surrounding villages of Norfolk and Suffolk. We always look forward to welcoming people at the Community Information Centre, so why not call in to browse or see if we can help you? Or visit our website where you will find a wealth of information about local businesses, services, community groups and events.
Community Information
Finding Employment
Community/Lifelong Learning
Clubs and society details Events around Harleston Volunteer opportunities Bus timetables Tourist information, local attractions, walking routes, accommodation guide
Jobs Club CV writing and application support Local job vacancies Work skills training Careers guidance Self-employment
First Aid Fraud awareness Access and support to online courses and services
Community Events
Tackling Loneliness and Social Isolation
And so much more…
Citizens Advice (Weds by appointment) Info on services and help agencies Foodbank vouchers County Councillor surgery
Befriending Service Better Together project in association with Voluntary Norfolk
Meeting Room hire Harleston Cinema bookings U3A Board Games group Ticket office for local events For sale.….Harleston bags, books, craft goods, dog poo bags! Recycling collection point – spectacles, stamps, plastic bottle tops
We rely on grants and donations, and are particularly fortunate to have the support of Harleston Town Council and the Bullock Fair Charity to enable us to continue our service to the community. Opening Times: Mon-Fri (9:30am to 3pm), Thu (9.30am-12:30pm and Saturday 10am -1pm). Harleston Information Plus 8 Exchange St, Harleston, IP20 9AB Phone: 01379 851917 Email: hip@harleston-norfolk.org.uk www.harleston-norfolk.org.uk Harleston Information Plus
@HarlestonIP | 11