102 ATIM’S TOP 60 MASTERS 2023
“Girasol” Watercolor On Paper “Blue Poppy” Watercolor On Paper
NEELA PUSHPARAJ www.watercolorsbyneela.com Neela Pushparaj
eela Pushparaj started painting at age 49 under the tutelage of Sarita Anne Cooke at the Summit Adult Education program. Following her advice, she attended W/C classes at du’ Cret in Plainfield, NJ as a part-time student. She then became passionately interested in painting watercolors and took multiple workshops in the following years. She continued her career as a hospital pathologist while painting and pursuing art. She helped create an art gallery at the hospital and exhibited her work there. In addition, she has often donated her art for fundraising, both there and at the Rotary in NJ.