Member Committee Applications AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
Create the change you want to see in Colombia
Dear Applicant AIESEC in Colombia is underway an incredible journey towards AIESEC 2015. We are constantly evolving as an organization, and the challenge that lays always ahead every day is how we are going to become more relevant in Colombia. The external landscape is exciting. Colombia is going through tough challenges and as well as through constant changes that mean big opportunities for AIESEC to be more relevant and to deliver on its promise to society. The key to continue growing is to find the connecting points between the essence of the organization and the progress of it; there is NOT dilemma between quantity and quality; they are both elements that must be embedded in our operations, as well as reflected in our behaviors. Our promise to society is crystal clear and AIESEC in Colombia is going to deliver on that promise. We are the current prize holders of the Global Excellence UBS Award. This important recognition means a lot for our country and for the network. This is something earned by many generations who have been working very hard for our organization, and therefore there is a responsibility on our shoulders to carry up further this important legacy. The term 2013-2014 lays many challenges for AIESEC in Colombia. We need to be able to make our LCs more independent. We need to continue thriving on our expansion efforts. We also need to operate smarter and more efficiently to do more and better.
Join us on the exciting quest of conquering the no-boundaries of impact that AIESEC in Colombia was born to have. Hereby, with great excitement the MC applications 2013-2014 are open! Wishing you all the best, MC BOOST AIESEC in Colombia 2012-2013 United in Purpose Growing through Actions
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
General profile of MC Members While the members of AIESEC in Colombia’s MCs come from diverse backgrounds and environments, several general characteristics, skills and knowledge are expected of everyone. Intellectual and psychological Many aspects of one’s personality can effect being part of a leadership team in AIESEC in Colombia. Some of them are obvious: constant learning, systematic thinking, creativity, adaptability to change, sense of responsibility, capacity of analysis, patience, listening, and supportiveness. Society knowledge A broad knowledge of world and organizational systems, current trends and issues facing society and cultural issues are important to lead a Local Committee. Practical understanding of new management theories (e.g. learning organization, selforganizing systems) is also important in managing the diverse environments in which AIESEC operates. In addition, each position requires skills and knowledge in the areas of financial management and budgeting, project management, human resources management, and good understanding of English. AIESEC understanding A broad understanding of the association is required in order to execute an MC position properly. An understanding of our vision, values, identity, current direction, country development, and systems is certainly something we will look for in all candidates. Others Overall, there is no perfect candidate profile; however, good candidates will possess strong competencies in the areas of social behavior, motivation, task orientation, and people management skills. The key component is balance - within the individuals and within the team of individuals!
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
MC Life and Conditions. Living in Colombia Living in Colombia is a challenge you do with pleasure. The country is rich on beautiful landscapes and natural resources that Colombians are very proud of and think are unique in this world. Colombia proved in the last couple of years it is not a land to be feared. People are very warm, open to foreigners and passionate.
The economy has been stable despite the regional changing situation of Latin America, offering a promising professional environment. Working for the Colombian MC Working for the Colombian MC will give you a valuable professional experience, working with many different partners as well as having to follow the high expectations of a Top AIESEC country in order to be able to deliver results. For further information: Conditions The AIESEC in Colombia Office is located within one of the AIESEC local committee’s universities. It has the necessary infrastructure to be able to work: server, desk spaces, scanner machine, phone, Internet ADSL, wireless. It is located in the financial center of BogotaĚ city well connected in terms of public transport. Nearby there are a fitness center, a shopping center and a supermarket, nice little places to eat or drink something, parks etc. MC members are required to bring their own laptops for the work for MC since it is not provided by AIESEC in Colombia. But AIESEC in Colombia will be able to finance to some of the MC Members the purchase of a personal computer that they can pay during the MC Term with the monthly wage.
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
MC Life and Conditions. Salary MC members will also receive a monthly compensation for living expenses of COP $1,000,000. In US Dollars the monthly salary is equivalent (it changes depending on the exchange rate) to 556. This amount is enough for the basic expenses in BogotaĚ , such as rent, food, urban transportation and parties. There will be only basic support of COP $20,000 per day for the transition month so candidates are required to have some savings to last them until they get their first salary for June. Accommodation will be possible at the MC apartments during transition (this topic will be discuss once the MC is elected)
There might be the possibility to live in the MC apartments if the agency agrees and if you wish so. Not the whole team is living together and you are free to choose what you prefer.
Transportation Travel for purposes of AIESEC in Colombia (coaching, marketing and conference travel), according to national priorities and budget available, are covered both for full time and part time MC members. Personal travel and moving expenses to BogotaĚ are not. The support for the MC Members to go to International Conferences depends on the financial situation during the term.
Member MemberCommittee CommitteeAIESEC AIESECininColombia Colombia2013-2014 2013-2014
Application Process The application process is divided into 7 mandatory parts: 1. Profile 2. General Questionnaire and Specific Questionnaire. All must be answered. 3. Summary of Application: Please summarize all your answers in one PDF page. 4. Your 360 Competency Assessment (CAT): Please fill in the Competency Assessment Tool in and ask 4 other people you have worked with you to contribute to your 360º profile. 5. Endorsement letters: For Nationals: Please ask 3 different LCs of AIESEC in Colombia for an endorsement. (JUST 3, otherwise package will not be accepted) For Internationals: Please ask 3 different people for an endorsement: 1 (of your) Leader. 1 from your host LC. 1 MC member of your AIESEC country. 6. Video. Please upload a video of max 7min in which You will introduce yourself and the position you are applying for. You will explain the strategy for the position you are applying for. Add the link of the video into the summary page. 7. References: Someone you lead. Someone that leaded you A pair/co worker An external (not related with AIESEC) 8. Optional: Blank PDF Page Challenge (explained at the end of this booklet)
The application package should include and be one .zip file: Profile + General and Specific Questionaries’ = 10 pages in one PDF. Summary of your application = 1 Page in one PDF. Link of the video (include in the summary page). Your 360º CA in one PDF. Endorsement letters in three PDFs. References in one PDF. Optional: Blank Page Challenge in one PDF. Please send the applications package only to and We will help you to spread your content application. Please help us to keep order in this matter.
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
Nomination Process According to the National Compendium and the policies of General and Local Assemblies.
ARTÍCULO 16. REQUISITOS PARA SER NOMINADO A UN ROL DE JUNTA EJECUTIVA NACIONAL O LOCAL. Los requisitos para ser nominado al rol de Junta Ejecutiva Nacional o Local serán los descritos en el manual de funciones previamente aprobado por la Junta Ejecutiva Nacional.
Adicionalmente se requiere para ser nominado a un rol: 1. Ser Mayor de Edad según la ley colombiana (solo si el rol al que está aplicando es el de Presidente Ejecutivo Nacional). 2. Enviar completamente diligenciada al Subcomité de Elecciones la aplicación que este órgano haya establecido para tal fin. 3. Enviar adjunto a la aplicación cartas de apoyo de por lo menos tres comités locales o nacionales distintos. (Solo aplica para elecciones nacionales). In order to be nominated and take part in the selection process each candidates needs: 1. To send the application complete with the proper number of pages (30%). 2. To send the link of the presentation video (10%). 3. To pass the Nomination Interview with one Supervisory Group member (60%). 4. The correct amount of Endorsement Letters
IMPORTANT: To be nominated you should get a minimum score of 80%.
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
Timelines The following timeline contents the official dates for the MC Team election. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
MCVPs Application launch: 25/03/13 Deadline to receive the applications: 07/04/13 Accepted applicants launch: 08/04/13 Applicants Nomination Interviews: 08/04/13 to 09/04/13 Nominations: 10/04/13 Virtual Q&A: 10/04/13 to 11/04/13 Confidence 12/04/13 Subcommittee Interviews : 13/04/13 to 16/04/13 Announcement: Around April 17
Please keep in mind the following dates which are a must, in case you get selected. 1. Team to Team transition in Bogotá: 14/05/13 2. BD Team transition in Bogotá: 06/05/13
The official deadline for MCVPs applications is the following one: 07th of April 2013, 11:59 pm GMT -5. Applications out of the deadline will not be accepted. Send to: and
For any question please feel free to contact the following people.
Ana María Saldarriaga| President 2013-2014 | Esteban Navarro V. | President 2012-2013 | Thiago Gabri | MCVP Marketing - Elections responsible | Jorge Gaitán Villegas | President Supervisory Group |
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
Member Committee Applications AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
Profile, Specific & General Questionnaire
Profile Contact Information
• • • • • • • •
First Name and Surname Nationality Date and Place of Birth Telephone Mobile Phone (include dialing codes) Skype ID Personal E-Mail E-Mail
Your photo
Studies and Working Experience 1.
Please provide details of your highest academic level achieved, studies completed and other relevant academic backgrounds.
Please give details of all relevant practical and professional experience in chronological order (starting with the most recent). Indicate whether it was fulltime, vacation work or another type of position. (Dates- Work/EmployerDescription- Responsibilities/experience and knowledge gained).
AIESEC Experience 3.
List all positions held and for which year. (Dates-Position-Country/Location).
Please list the National and International Meetings you have attended (Year Meeting/Name- Location- Your role).
What have been your five main achievements in AIESEC in the past? Indicate Role / Strategy implemented / Main numerical results.
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
General Questionnaire 1.
Why have you decided to apply for Colombia’s Member Committee Team? What are your life plans and what do you expect to take out of this experience?
What are the values that describes you and how do you live them every day?
In your opinion, what’s the main strength of AIESEC in Colombia and also, its main weakness?
What would be that unique contribution you will add into the team order to have a good and balanced team dynamic?
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
Specific Questionnaire Colombia MC Team 13-14 Structure
BD Mngr
BD Mngr
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
Specific Questionnaire MCVP MKT 1. In your opinion, what has to be the three main focus of marketing area for the term 13-14? Why? 2. What is your plan to improve the external positioning of AIESEC in Colombia regarding traditional media? 3. Based on the goals proposed by the MCPe on her application, please create your goals of applicants in each program taking in account the currently average of number of subscription for each raise and the scenario that you want to see in your term. 4. How to increase the number of participants in national and local Youth to Business Forum? How to use those people to improve operations results?
MCVP FL&M 1. Make a SWOT of the current state of the area at national level. With that analysis in mind please state 5 priorities to implement during your term as MCVP. 2. What do you see as the main challenges of AIESEC Colombia in terms of finance and legality? How can we overcome these challenges? Please outline the bodies involved, and how what resources you see required dealing with it. 3. For all exchanges programmes: a. What do you think are the main administrative bottlenecks? What changes do you see happening to break those bottlenecks? b. Please state three financial strategies that can boost growth for each exchange programme. 4. Based on the new Finance Model legislated in Dec’12, describe: In your opinion its main strengths, its possible flaws and explain how will you overcome them.
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
OD Expansion Director 1. According to our LCD Model (Greiner's Curve), the Start-Ups are beginning their growth path in the Creativity Phase. Based on the definition of this phase, what should be the proper education and coaching model for these new entities during your term? Please focus your answer on how to guarantee a proper leadership development in the EBs and Members taking into account its lack of functional and organizational knowledge. 2. Propose 3 innovative strategies to ensure AIESEC in Colombia has 30 LCs in NPM 2013, taking into account each single reality of the pipeline we currently have: • 5 extensions: @Tuluá, @Popayán, @Central, @UGC and @Armenia. • 7 interest groups: @Montería, @Sincelejo, @Cúcuta, @Tunja, @Neiva, @Javeriana Cali and @Pasto. • 1 observer group identified: @Villavicencio. The strategies should include an answer for the next concerns: • Operations growth according to the product life cycle (at least each entity having 50 exchanges realizations at the end of 2013). • Membership criteria fulfillment according to new policies (from observer group to interest group, to extension and to LC). • Financial sustainability. 3. Propose a strategy to drive AIESEC in Colombia to have 40 Specialized Units at the end of your term, considering that each SU should provide at least 4 team experiences (1 team leader and 3 team members) and 10 exchanges. Please specify: • Which LCs will bring those SUs? • How many will be SUs in universities and how many in new territories? • What will be the total contribution of ELD experiences from this strategy to AIESEC in Colombia's goal in your term? 4. One of the main concerns we have currently is the management of universities by AIESEC entities, since all of them manage it in different ways and universities are starting to share information among them about their experience and different partnerships with AIESEC. What do you think should be the evolution of the relation between AIESEC in Colombia and the universities in the country?
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
OD Education Director 1. Based on the AIESEC in Colombia Roadmap and the AIESEC in Colombia’s LC Development Model (Greiner Curve), explain the ideal national educational model taking into account the implementation of LEAD. With this ideal model please specify your 5 main education priorities and the strategies to implement them. 2. Taking into account the growth of AIESEC in Colombia, especially regarding expansion, and the need to limit the capacity of regional and national conferences to just some specific attendees/targets; how to assure the reach of education to our whole membership of the country? Please propose three strategies.
3. Please identify potential learning partnerships in order to increase the impact and reach of educational initiatives and start professionalizing the trainings to lose our empirical culture. 4. How to connect strategically your role as Education Director with the roles of MCVP LCD, MCVP TM, Expansion Director and the whole Operations Team?
MC BD Manager 1. Explain your detail strategy to ensure that YOUR incomes as BD Manager will be monthly of at least COP $10.000.000 (It can be incomes for X, Y2B, Donations, etc) 2. Specify a detailed strategy to generate financial sustainability for AIESEC in Colombia national educational cycle’s events. Focus this strategy in terms of hotel long term partnerships, increasing delegates capacity, external opportunities aligned to leadership development and at the end all of them guarantee the non increasement of conference’s fee. (Analyze GCPs of other countries and ICs). 3. What are the main challenges of AIESEC when partnering with public sector? What strategies would you propose in order to overcome this challenges? (Please specify if you identify any concrete opportunities to capitalize during your MC term). 4. What new, better and innovate strategies would you like to implement in order to make sure our cash cow product will be Y2B. (How to make it better for partners and delegates)
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014
Blank Page Challenge Optional: You can have 1 additional PDF page (inside the application package) and all your creativity to propose what is the biggest question that lies in front of AIESEC in Colombia today and give an answer to it. You have the license to change the system, to challenge any paradigms and unleash the potential of the organization in order to build the AIESEC in Colombia you have always dream.
¡Enjoy this process as much as you can!
Member Committee AIESEC in Colombia 2013-2014