Syncretism in Italian Witchcraft (Stregheria). The God of Italian Witches (Stregas) is “Dianus Luciferous”. He is the Lord of Light in his symbolism, and he is the brother of the Goddess Diana. He is the Horned God, the Elder, Lord of the Forests, syncretism with Pan.
Yazidis: The Yazidis (or Yazidis) believed that the world was created by an archangel Melek Taus (or Malak Ta'us) and seven holy beings, sirr heft (seven mysteries), this god was represented by a peacock. Yazidis translated as "Angel People". All of this is symbolic. Obviously, rival religions (such as the Christian religion) readily describe this god as negative. Melek means King. The peacock has a tail with “eyes” in its down, symbolizing a deity with thousands of eyes, therefore omniscient and omnipresent. The “rainbow colors on each feather symbolize the kalas, or rays, colors of the magical current”. The “fan” of the peacock's tail opening symbolizes the unfolding of many worlds, several realities. It is “a symbol of the alchemical processes of transmutation and the stages of development in the seeker's consciousness”. The Sufi tradition has a myth that says that when light was first created and beheld, it was shaped like a peacock. He was a Solar deity, as the Egyptians and the Yazidis worshipped the Sun. He had five prayers, always facing the sun, the main ones being the prayers for sunrise and sunset. The peacock represented several Hindu deities, including Lakshmi, SkandaKarttikeya, and Kamadeva. The peacock's plumage resembles the starry sky, the peacock represented Hera, daughter of Kronos and Rheae, wife/sister of the father of the Greek pantheon, Zeus.
The Yazidis believe that the Supreme Being, the Cosmic Creator or God of the Universe, passed the work of creating life on Earth to the seven lesser gods or