Quest 5. Workbook

Page 1

Anne Helene Røise Bade Maria Dreyer Pettersen

Quest Kumi Tømmerbakke






• AY P

• EV

1 It’s My Life! 3 2 How the Body Works 32 3 Let’s Go to the UK! 49 4 Let’s Read 69 5 The Three Rs 86 6 Hidden Treasures 97 Vocabulary and Grammar Extras 113

Learning new words


• Ask someone – a pupil, a friend or your • Use a dictionary – online or book teacher: What does horse mean?

• Make word maps hest HORSE The horse is in the stable. 2

• Make a word bank

Farm barn chicken cow field horse






It’s My Life!


1:1 My fantasy family a Make up your own fantasy family. Do drawings or find pictures on the internet or in magazines. Write sentences under each picture.

This is my father, Benny. He is 58 years old.

These are my brothers, Ben, Greg, Simon and Bob. They are 17 years old.

This is my mother, Elizabeth. She is 55 years old.

This is me. I am 10 years old.

This is my sister, Veronica. She is 12 years old.

b Who are these people in real life? 3

1:2 Match the descriptions grandfather

She is my grandmother’s mother.


We have the same father, but different mothers.


Two children born at the same time.


My mother has married again and he is my ...


She is the daughter of my mum’s new husband.


He is my mother’s father.

EXAMPLE: grandfather = He is my mother’s father.

1:3 My family tree a Can you find out who is in my family? My name is Lizzie. Can you find me?















My brother’s name is ___. Emma is my ___. My father’s name is ___. My mother’s name is ___. Cathy is my ___. My other grandmother is called ___. My grandfathers are called ___ and ___. Maggie is my mother’s sister, so she is my ___. She is married to uncle ___. They have a daughter and a son. They are ___ and ___, my cousins. b Draw a family tree of your own family. You can use real photos or drawings.

1:4 Read the text about Alan and answer the questions 1 What is the colour of Alan’s hair? A light brown B dark brown 2 Where is Alan’s mum from? A Sweden B Scotland 3 Where does Alan live? A Glasgow B Inverness

C dark blond

C Pakistan

C Edinburgh

4 What kind of house does Alan live in? A a terraced house B a detached house 5 What is Alan’s favourite football team? A Liverpool FC B Manchester United

C a block of flats

C Rangers FC

EXAMPLE: 1B Alan’s hair is dark brown.


1:5 What kind of house is it? a detached house a terraced house a semi-detached house a block of flats a cottage

1 There are many houses in a row. The houses share one or two walls. What kind of house is it? 2 This house doesn’t share any walls with another house. It has a garden. What kind of house is it? 3 In this building there are many homes next to each other. People can live over and under you. There can be many floors in this kind of house. What kind of house is it? 4 This house is connected to one other house and they share a wall. Very often they have a garden. What kind of house is it? 5 This is a small house. It is often used at the weekends and in the holidays. EXAMPLE: 1= a terraced house – It is a terraced house.

Describe a house to your partner without telling what kind of house it is. Let your partner guess or make a drawing of that house. Take turns.


1:6 Where are they?




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Where is your mum? My mum is on the ‌ Where is your dad? My dad is in the ‌ Where is your brother? Where is your sister? Where is your grandmother? Where is your grandfather? Where is your cat? Where is your dog? Where is your car? 7

1:7 Questions and answers a Match the right questions and answers.

1 2 3 4 5 6

How old is Nellie? Who is your best friend? When is the tennis match? What is your name? Where is my sweater? Why is he so happy?


My name is Ali. She is five years old. Sylvia is my best friend. It is in your room. It is on Sunday. He won the lottery.

EXAMPLE: 1B How old is Nellie? She is five years old.

b Make one question with each of the following question words: why, when, who, what, how, where

c Ask your partner to answer the questions you have made. 8

1:8 Listen: Who is who?

a What can you see in the pictures? b Listen to the text. Which picture is it? EXAMPLE: Number one is picture D. Number two ‌










c Write a short sentence to go with each picture. 9

1:9 Monty, the Monster a Read the following information and draw Monty, the Monster. Monty has a big, round head. He has two big yellow ears and a small, blue nose. His eyes are red and his face is green. He is wearing glasses. Monty has a big mouth and his tongue is black. His hair is red and curly. Monty’s arms are pink and he has six fingers on each hand. They are orange. He has two brown legs. His body is green. b 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Answer the questions about Monty. What colour are his ears? His ears are ‌ What colour is his face? His face is ‌ What colour is his tongue? Is his hair straight, wavy or curly? What colour is his body? How many fingers does he have on each hand? How many legs does he have?

1:10 Fill in the correct personal pronoun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


(Kimberly) ____ She likes dogs. (Alan) ___ plays tennis. (Mary and I) ___ can sing. (The dog) ___ barks a lot. (Kate) ___ likes oranges. (Steven and Alan) ___ love music. (The picture) ___ is nice. (You and your friends) ___ can come with us. (Christine) ___ lives in England. (My brother) ___ is ten years old.

1:11 Fill in the correct personal pronoun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

it I can’t find my book. Where is ___? I can’t find my books. Where are ___? I like Julian. ___ is nice. Mark and I love ice hockey. ___ play every Friday. The trains are late. ___ are always late in the morning. Sarah likes milk. ___ drinks it every day. Where is my school bag? ___ is in your room.

1:12 Am, are or is? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

He ___ is a boy. I ___ hungry. We ___ good friends. It ___ a blue bus. They ___ not here. You ___ happy. She ___ ten years old.

1:13 Make sentences Anna Buddy The picture Mary and Steven The elephants You and I I

am are is

good friends. late for school. grey. a girl. good at sports. our dog. very beautiful.

EXAMPLE: Anna is a girl.


1:14 Am, are or is? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

___ Is he a nice boy? ___ we ready? ___ they from France? ___ she rich? ___ it dark? ___ I late? ___ you at home? ___ the girls thirsty? ___ the dog big? ___ you and Peter hungry? ___ Mr and Mrs Smith from England?

1:15 Use the correct form of the verb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


I _____ sing in a choir. (sing) We ___ spaghetti. (like) She ___ dogs. (love) You ___ a lot. (travel) It ___ a lot. (rain) They ___ to school every day. (go) He ___ for an hour every day. (read) My dad ___ around the block. (walk) My parents ___ the bus to town. (ride) Sarah ___ out the trash. (take) Bob and Don ___ to go Scotland. (want) The teacher ___ on the blackboard. (write)

I run … You run … He runs … She runs … It runs … We run … You run … They run …

1:16 Put the words in the right order Remember full stop!





























EXAMPLE: goes the He cinema to = He goes to the cinema.

1:17 Make sentences I Chris Fatima The children The girls The cat You and Pat My parents

live/lives play/plays like/likes talk /talks want/wants scream/screams ride/rides think/thinks

in a terraced house. ice hockey. the drums. about the new teacher. some ice cream. “there’s a rat”. your bikes. it’s time for bed.

EXAMPLE: I play the drums.


1:18 Make a pet mind map soft, different colours, four legs, long tail

Then use the mind map to make sentences.

cat PETS


1:19 Make a pet survey a Ask the other pupils in your class if they have a pet and fill in the handout. b Use the information to make a bar chart. EXAMPLE:

pupils 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 turtle








1:20 Guess the animal 1 It is a small animal. It has two long ears and two big sharp teeth. It is very soft. It loves carrots! It is a rabbit. 2 It lives in a bowl. It can swim. It is orange. 3 It is a small animal. It is brown and has a long tail. It has sharp teeth. 4 It is a big animal. It is grey, has two large ears and a long trunk. It is afraid of mice. 5 You can keep it in a cage. It has feathers. It can fly and sometimes talk. 6 It is very soft. It has a long tail. It is a good climber and has very good eyesight. Some people say it has nine lives. 7 It doesn’t have any legs. It glides on the ground. It can bite you and be poisonous. Make your own riddles. Who can guess the answers to your riddles?

1:21 Listen and sort the words – s-sound or z-sound?

S socks

socks fuzzy sun sky zebra summer zoo zap sleep zero Saturday school Zoom is skateboard was wizard wuzzy skirt

Z fuzzy


1:22 Complete the sentences Once upon a time

I’m the King of Beasts?

He grabbed the mouse

and let the mouse go.

Don’t you know that

can be big friends.

If you let me live, perhaps

including the tiny mouse.

And with that, the lion lifted his paws

and held him in his big paws.

Every animal could hear it,

the lion was free.

Very soon

I can help you some day.

Little friends

a large lion was asleep in the jungle.

EXAMPLE: Once upon a time a large lion was asleep in the jungle.

1:23 Write the true sentences 1 2 3 4 5 6


The mouse ran up and down the lion’s tail. The lion woke up, and was very happy. The mouse said: “Please, don’t eat me, Your Majesty.” The lion let the mouse go. The lion was caught in a hunter’s net. The mouse used a knife to cut the hunter’s net.

1:24 Answer the questions about The Dreamers 1 2 3 4 5

What is the name of the band? The name of the band is The Dreamers. What are the girls’ names? Where do they practise? What are they going to do next week? What is the name of the song they are going to play?

1:25 Guess the instrument flute guitar piano bass drums saxophone trumpet violin cello trombone electric guitar

Describe an instrument without saying its name. Your partner has to guess what kind of instrument it is: EXAMPLE:

It can be big or small. You need electricity to play on it. You can push many buttons on it. It can play different melodies or rhythms, also when you play. It has black and white keys. (Answer: electric keyboard)


1:26 BFF and LOL:) What does it mean? BFF LOL ATB BF4L 224 YOLO I<3U

you only live once today, tomorrow, forever best friends for life I love you laughing out loud all the best best friends forever

EXAMPLE: BFF = best friends forever

1:27 Write the football words in alphabetical order back, winger, striker, midfielder, goalkeeper, coach, referee, goal, field, football kit, gloves, shin pads, players Say the words above, spell them and try to explain what the words mean.

1:28 Draw a football field and place the players 1:29 Make sentences about different hobbies When I play music When I play handball When I play online games When I take my dog for a walk When I go swimming

I need

EXAMPLE: When I play music I need my guitar.


my knee pads. its leash. my guitar. my swimming goggles. my computer.


1:30 Listen to George talking about his hobbies Complete the text on the handout.

1:31 My hobby


MY HOBBY Ice hockey your head. n o t e lm e h a d You nee n your feet. o s te a sk d e e n You ey pants and a k c o h s, k c so y e You need hock . team’s emblem r u o y h it w y e hockey jers e hockey stick. You need an ic r protection. fo s d a p d e e n u g! Yo fast and excitin is it se u a c e b y I like ice hocke

a b c d e

Choose a hobby or a sport. Find a picture and paste it into your document. Write what kind of equipment you need. Write why you like this hobby or sport. Do you know more about it? Work in groups. Tell the others about your sport or hobby. You can also give a presentation in class.



1:32 Make an identity card Fill in the form on the handout.


1:33 What time is it? 1:34 Complete the sentences 168 60 1440 hour 3600 24 year 12 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

There are ___ 60 seconds in one minute. There are 60 minutes in one ___. There are ___ hours in one day. There are ___ days in one week. There are ___ months in one ___. There are ___ seconds in one hour. There are ___ hours in one week. There are ___ minutes in one day.




11 12 1



3 8





1:35 Solve the cryptic clock Look at the clock. Around the clock are all the letters of the alphabet. The letter A is at 0 minutes, the letter D is at 15 minutes and the letter H is at 35 minutes.

a Break the code. Write down the letters and you will get a sentence. When you have done that you will know what to do next. 8 – 12 – 51

57 – 12 – 42

10 – 0 – 8

42 – 32 – 20

37 – 35 – 20

10 – 55 – 12 – 10 – 50 b 2 – 0 – 50 – 20

42 – 18

57 – 12 – 42 – 27

12 – 51 – 8

2 – 20 – 32 – 32 – 0 – 30 – 20 c Let someone in your class solve your cryptic message.


1:36 Complete the sentences The money in Norway is

winter sports.

Children take part in parades on

Norwegian kroner (NOK).

Two famous fjords are

the Midnight Sun.

The highest mountain in Norway is

17 May.

Skiing, snowboarding and skating are


When the sun never sets, it is called

Geirangerfjorden and Sognefjorden.

EXAMPLE: The money in Norway is Norwegian kroner (NOK).

1:37 Tell about Norway! If you were to say something about Norway, what would it be? a Write sentences about Norway: Sights: What can you see? In Norway you can see … Activities and sports: What can you do? In Norway you can … Food and drink: What do people normally eat and drink in Norway? Other ideas: b Give a presentation about Norway in class or to your partner.


1:38 Write the true sentences 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Jane is a pupil at Woodlands Junior School in Kent, England. Children normally start secondary school at the age of five. Jane says: I am ten years old, so I am in year 6. In most schools in the UK, children have to wear a school uniform. School starts with registration at 8:55. In assembly, the pupils play different games. In British schools, children can usually choose between a hot or a cold dinner or a packed lunch brought from home.

1:39 School badges and uniforms Many school uniforms in the UK have school badges. a Design a school badge for your school. Make a drawing.

b Design a school uniform. Make a drawing and give a description of your uniform: The shirt is white, the trousers are grey ‌


1:40 Match subject and description music food and health social studies art and crafts physical education (PE) science maths Norwegian English religion


You use your body. You can run, jump, play with a ball, dance and lots of other things. 2 You learn to add, subtract, divide and multiply. 3 You work with food and learn what is healthy. 4 You learn about different religions and cultures. 5 You use your voice or you play an instrument. 6 You learn about your body, animals, nature and the universe. 7 You learn how to use your hands to create things. You can work with wood, drawings, clothing or many other things. 8 You study the Norwegian language. 9 You learn history and geography. You also learn about other cultures. 10 You study the English language. You learn about English-speaking countries. EXAMPLE: 1= Physical education (PE)

In PE you use your body. You can run, jump, play with a ball, dance and lots of other things.


1:41 Fill in your timetable MONDAY





1:42 Finish the sentences clothes shop butcher’s shop sweet shop shoe shop electrical shop hairdresser’s supermarket bakery

30% o ff

When I need a new pair of trousers, I go to the ____________. clothes shop When I need a haircut, I go to the ___. When I need new shoes, I go to the ___. When I need to buy food, I go to the ___. When I need to buy some bread, I go to the ___. When I want a new mobile phone, I go to the ___. When I want a lollipop, I go to the ___. When I want to buy a steak, I go to the ___. 25

1:43 What are you wearing today?

T-shirt/shirt/blouse EXAMPLE: I am wearing a yellow T-shirt. trousers/jeans/skirt/dress sweater/jumper/cardigan socks/stockings/leggings shoes/boots/trainers jacket/coat other things (scarf, gloves, …)

a Describe what your partner is wearing. You are wearing … b Describe what your teacher is wearing. He/She is wearing …

1:44 Make riddles Have a look at some of your classmates. Make up a riddle describing how they look: She has got long, straight, brown hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a blue jumper and blue jeans. Who is it?


1:45 How much is it worth?







kroner (NOK)

The UK

pence (one penny – two pence) pounds

pounds (£ GBP)

Many EU countries

cents euro

euro (€)



dollar ($ USD)

Use a currency converter and find out: How much is a pound in NOK? How much is a euro in NOK? How much is a dollar in NOK? If you buy a T-shirt for £10, how much is this in NOK? If you buy a pair of jeans for $10, how much is this in NOK? If you buy trainers for €25, how much is this in NOK? If you buy a chocolate for 50p, how much is this in NOK?


1:46 Go shopping! You need: a dice, counters, pencil and paper 1 Each player starts with £200. Write down £200 and the names of the players. 2 Throw the dice and move your counter. 3 Tell the other players what you buy, how much it costs and how much money you have left after each turn: I will buy a pair of trousers. They cost £20. I have £180 left. You have to buy what you land on. Will you finish before you run out of money? The winner is the person who has the most money left. START £20

You have £200.





£17 £23 £5





£6 £6 £9.95 £5


£7 £9



How much money do you have left?





£7.75 £2


1:47 Complete the sentences

This is a washing machine. It can … … take out the rubbish … fold the laundry … do the laundry

This is a dishwasher. It can … … do the dishes … wash the dog … do the laundry

This is a cooker. It can … … dust … mop the floor … cook

This is a broom. It can … … water the grass … sweep the floor … clean up the closet

This is a lawn mower. It can … … cut the grass … take out the rubbish … set the table

EXAMPLE: This is a washing machine. It can do the laundry.


1:48 Write sentences Go through the list in your textbook of the different chores you can do at home. Write at least seven sentences. EXAMPLE: Every Saturday, I have to tidy my room.

Read your sentences to your partner.

1:49 My chores diary Make a table. You have to do at least one thing each day. Get an adult at home to sign.






I tidy my room.

I babysit my sister.




1:50 Fill in the correct words 1:51 Learning words Choose eight words from this chapter and fill in the word maps.



Summing up a Say a sentence or two about each of these texts:

b List as many family words as you can. c List what kind of houses you can live in. d What was the most interesting thing you have learnt about different hobbies? e What can you do to help at home? f

Make a rule for how to use am, are and is. Give examples to show how the rule works.

g Make three sentences using the personal pronouns I, she and we and the verb like or likes. h Which text in chapter 1 did you like the best? Give reasons for your answer. 31






How the Body Works


2:1 Write sentences with adjectives Adjectives = Words that describe a noun: a big boy, a nice house, a green tree.

I can see … I can hear … I can smell … I can touch … I can taste … EXAMPLE: I can see a sad girl.

new bad fat sad pretty smelly


full beautiful good heavy round tiny

clean boring green light tall ugly

big cool blue nice short upset

small cold red old silly wet

easy warm yellow young slow dry

rich empty happy purple fast

2:2 Listen and write down some of the things you hear At the farm

In the city

In the haunted house

What can you hear at the farm? I can hear … What can you hear in the city? I can hear … What can you hear in the haunted house? I can hear …

2:3 A or an? An in front of words that start with a vowel sound. A in front of words that start with a consonant sound.

___ a doctor ___ snack ___ banana ___ meal

___ nurse ___ hug ___ orange ___ leg

___ accident ___ ear ___ heart ___ ice cream

And a tricky one: ___ hour 33

2:4 A or an? ___ a strange story ___ open door ___ old grandmother

___ young man ___ hungry wolf ___ empty room

2:5 Add an adjective a _____ giant swing a ___ slide an ___ smile

an ___ story a ___ kitten a ___ ice cream

2:6 Find nouns in the poem “That’s What I Like” a Write the nouns in the singular and the plural: a slide – slides a swing – swings a kite – ___

singular =

plural = We cannot count the nouns music, bread and shampoo. They are only used in the singular.

b Make sentences with five of the nouns. EXAMPLE: I like to touch soft kittens.


2:7 Body parts Say the name of a body part in English. Your partner must point at that part on their own body. When you have practised a few times, set a time limit. Can you do ten body parts in ten seconds?




cheek chin


shoulder chest


stomach arm belly button

waist elbow hip thigh knee


calf hand finger


foot – feet



2:8 Connect the sentences Tyler is not at school

because she hurt her knee.

Rosie is at the doctor’s

because he doesn’t like to see blood.

She had an accident

give Rosie stitches.

The doctor has to

because he is ill.

Her father is looking pale

at the beach.

EXAMPLE: Tyler is not at school because he is ill.

2:9 Make up a dialogue Tyler’s mum gets a phone call from the doctor. Make up a dialogue between Tyler and his mother in which: – The blood test shows that Tyler has the flu. – The blood test shows that nothing is wrong. – The blood test shows that Tyler is allergic to ice cream. Mum: Tyler, the doctor just called. Tyler: What did he say? Mum: … Tyler: …

2:10 Write about a time when you were ill What happened? Where did it hurt? How did you get well?


2:11 The body game 1 2 3 4

You need a dice and two counters. Play with a partner. When you land on a body part, say the name. Write the word in your book. If you don’t know the word, you miss a turn. When you land on a red cross, you lose a body part because of illness. Cross out a word from your list. 5 The person with the most body parts at the finish line wins the game! START



2:12 Make a menu for the meals of the day Today’s menu Breakfast: Lunch: Snack: Dinner: Supper:

2:13 Write down your daily physical activities Monday







walk to school

play volleyball

walk the dog

play volleyball


walk the dog

play a match

2:14 Write down different types of exercise EXAMPLE: to play basketball

Work with a partner and compare your lists. Which type of exercise is your favourite?


2:15 Guess the activity

Think about an activity, for example swimming. Tell your partner which body parts you use. Make your partner guess the activity you are thinking of. A: I use my whole body. I move my arms and legs up and down all the time. B: Is the word “running”? A: No. I can do it on my tummy, or on my back. B: Is it hard to do? A: No, but I get tired if I do it for very long. If I stop moving, I will sink. B: Now I know! The word is “swimming”. stomach You may need these phrases: first … and then … up and down back and forth in and out from side to side



Three words which mean the same. 39

2:16 Answer the questions Do you want to be a firefighter? Yes, I want to be a firefighter, because it is interesting and important. No, I don’t want to be a firefighter, because it is difficult and scary. Do you want to be a caretaker? Yes, I want to be a caretaker, because … No, I don’t want to be a caretaker, because … Do you want to be a pilot? Yes, I want to be a pilot, because … No, I don’t want to be a pilot, because … Do you want to be a journalist? Yes, I want to be a journalist, because … No, I don’t want to be a journalist, because … interesting useful boring different

fun important scary great

difficult easy nice busy

Do you want to be a …? Yes, I want to be a …, because … No, I don’t want to be a …, because … teacher office worker journalist astronaut


computer engineer zookeeper carpenter hairdresser

actor dancer doctor


2:17 Colour Robbie’s daily chart Robbie sleeps 8 hours every night. Colour the correct sections blue. Robbie spends 8 hours at school. Colour the correct sections red. Robbie walks the dog for 1 hour after school. Colour the correct section yellow. Robbie spends 2 hours in front of the computer. Colour the correct sections green. Robbie spends 2 hours doing homework. Mark the sections with blue stripes. Robbie eats dinner and watches TV with his family for the rest of the day. For how many hours? Mark the sections with red dots.


2:18 Colour your own daily chart Compare with a partner.


2:19 Very berry words a Write down the words that end with -berry.

Did you know that bananas are berries?

EXAMPLE: blackberry sad









bil rasp

cloud straw



b Find the Norwegian names for these berries: blackcurrant, redcurrant, gooseberry, cloudberry. You can use an online dictionary. c Make a fantasy recipe for a smoothie using different berries. Make an illustration of your recipe.

2:20 Fill in and say the sentence Good dreams are about ‌

Nightmares are about ‌

Make a drawing of a good dream or a nightmare. 42


2:21 What’s in your fridge?

2:22 Guess the sound and situation You often see onomatopoeic words in cartoons and comic strips. They describe sounds: oink achoo


Make an onomatopoeic word. Say it. Let the others in class guess what kind of sound it is.

2:23 Choose the right expression to complete the dialogue Mum: What are you doing in the basement, Greg? Greg: I am building a tunnel. Mum: Really? Greg: Yes. I have made a big hole in the wall. Mum: What? ___

Use one of the expressions and make a dialogue. Perform the dialogue in class or in a group. 43

2:24 Measure things in your classroom desk sink

window door

chair books

teacher’s desk posters

pencil case teacher

bulletin board computer screen

a Choose five objects and measure them. b Put the objects in the right order from the shortest to the longest.

2:25 From the shortest to the longest Put the pupils in the right order from the shortest to the longest. Omar is 150 cm. Lisa is 4’2’’. Mrs Mehra is 5’3’’. Audrey is 53 inches. Tom and Ted are 4’9’’. Ronald is 130 cm.

2:26 Solve the riddle Matthew is the tallest. Jimmy is six inches shorter than Matthew. Bradley is two inches taller than Jimmy. Bradley is 150 cm tall. How tall are Jimmy and Matthew? 44

2:27 Make sentences with the silent K words knit know knife knuckle knee knot EXAMPLE: My grandmother likes to knit.

2:28 Same sound – different meaning Some words sound the same. Write the Norwegian word. knight ___ night ___ knot ___ not ___ know ___ no ___ knew ___ new ___

2:29 Write the sentences in your book Fill in the correct form of to do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

We ___ do chores. Mum and I ___ the cleaning. You ___ the laundry. Tom ___ the gardening. Mary ___ the tidying. You and Dad ___ the cooking. The dishwasher ___ the washing up. They all ___ chores.


2:30 Do or does – don’t or doesn’t? Use the correct form of to do when you answer the questions. Do you eat vegetables? Yes, I do. Does she like music? No, she doesn’t. Does he read books? Does it rain a lot? Do we learn English? Do you play cards? Do they watch TV? Does Joanna feel well? Do your parents have a car? Do you eat lunch? Does Thomas drink milk?

2:31 Make questions

Do Does

you he Lucy the doctor my parents we her dog

EXAMPLE: Do you write stories?


read books? write stories? like ice cream? sleep all day? play hide and seek? want breakfast? feel well? work every day?

2:32 Make questions with to do Work in groups of three or four. Make questions with to do to find out what your partners – like to eat for breakfast and dinner – do in their free time – want to be when they grow up – do to stay healthy Repeat the answer like this: A: Do you eat eggs for breakfast? B: Yes, I do. A: She eats eggs for breakfast. A: Do you play basketball? B: No, I don’t. A: He doesn’t play basketball. A: Do you want to be an astronaut? B: Yes, I do. A: He wants to be an astronaut. A: Do you eat candy every day? B: No, I don’t. A: She doesn’t eat candy every day.


2:33 Learning words Choose eight words from this chapter and fill in the word maps.


Summing up a Say a sentence or two about each of these texts:

b c d e

List three facts about the body from this chapter. Write three nouns with the indefinite article a. Write three nouns with the indefinite article an. Finish this five senses poem about PARTY:

Par t y I see happy friends. I hear … I smell … I taste … I touch … f Make up one question that starts with do, and one that starts with does. g How tall are you? h How many words do you know that start with a silent K? 48

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