11 minute read
Save money on your mobile
John, Logan and Dane of family business, Rainford IT
Facebook Alert!
If you get a message from a friend on Facebook that seems a bit strange like, “Hello, how are you doing mate?”, it probably isn’t from them and their account may have been hacked. Which? warn that fraudsters send messages saying they saw your name on the NCG list. No such ‘National Consumer Grant’ list exists. The fraudster claims they have received a grant and sends you a link to an application form. If you click on the link, you will be sent to a dodgy website requesting your personal details – and you may fi nd that the link also downloads malware onto your device.
If you receive a strange Facebook message, contact your friend another way to alert them. If it’s your account that’s been hacked, visit www.facebook. com/hacked to secure the account. Consider turning on two-factor authentication (2FA) for added protection against any further attempts.
In recent years there has been a massive increase in the number of websites losing the personal data of their users – for the consumers the after-effects of targeted hack or identity theft can be devastating. 2FA is an extra layer of protection to ensure the security of online accounts.
After entering a username and a password, an extra piece of information is required such as: • Something you know: like a PIN (personal identifi cation number) • Something you have: like a credit card • Something you are: like a fi ngerprint
With 2FA, even if your password is stolen or your phone is lost, the chances of someone else having your second-factor information is highly unlikely. Learn more about two-factor authentication and download the Authy app for IOS, Android and Chrome at: https://authy.com/
Sign up for Which? scam alerts: https://campaigns. which.co.uk/scam-alert-service/ . Find details of recent scams at www.actionfraud.police.uk , on our Facebook page Rainford-it-stay safe online or the blog at www.rainford-it.co.uk. Call 07552 863996 for more info.
Stick with your existing phone
If you’re coming to the end of a mobile phone contract, don’t keep it going: you can almost certainly save money by switching to a month-to-month SIM-only plan, and you can still keep your existing phone number even if you’re moving to a different network.
Don’t buy more than you need
A deal with 150GB of mobile data every month sounds brilliant, but do you need it? Even if you use mobile data every day of the week you’ll rarely exceed 10GB in a month. You should be able to check how much data you’ve been using in your current provider’s website or app.
Buy a new phone separately
Need a new phone too? Buy it outright and then go shopping for a suitable mobile phone plan to use it with. It does mean having to pay the price of the phone up front, but you’ll be able to get a much better deal by taking out a SIM-only contract.

Cassie Chidlow
It can be a daunting prospect, but Cassie Chidlow, of Lanyon Bowdler’s residential property team, answers some commonly asked questions to help take the mystery out of buying a house.
How long will the process take?
It generally takes 8 to 10 weeks depending on the chain.
How much does it cost and when do I have to pay?
The majority of firms offer fixed fees which are based on the purchase price. At Lanyon Bowdler we provide a full breakdown of our fees at the outset so that our clients do not get any unwelcome surprises upon completion.
When obtaining quotes for a purchase transaction you should check that there are no “hidden costs”. The legal fees will be payable upon completion and will be included within a completion statement however you will be asked for monies on account upon instructing a solicitor in respect of search fees.
What happens if my parents are helping me buy the property?
Getting onto the property ladder is difficult for young people and therefore it is not uncommon
Common questions when buying a property
Buying a property, for most, will be the biggest and most important financial transaction made in their lifetime, and it’s understandable to have questions about how it all works...
for parents to assist by way of a gifted deposit toward the purchase. If a gift is involved, we would be required to notify the lender and comply with their requirements in this regard.
There are generally no issues with gifted deposits from family members and the majority of the mainstream lenders accept gifted deposit applications.
The person providing the money would be required to sign a declaration to confirm the gift is indeed a gift and it is not refundable and that they do not intend to take any interest whatsoever in the property. Your solicitor will arrange to obtain this declaration on your behalf.
Why do I need searches?
The lender requires that we carry out due diligence, which means ensuring the property is adequate security for the amount of money you are borrowing from them and this includes carrying out the necessary searches against the property.
The standard searches generally include a local search, environmental search and water and drainage search. If any other risks are flagged for the property, for example flooding or mining, we would also carry out those additional searches. Searches are generally valid for six months and will cost in the region of £300 which you will be required to pay for on account of costs when instructing a Solicitor.
What happens on the completion day?
This is the day in which you move into your new home. Your solicitor will deal with all legal formalities and will call you to confirm once legal completion has taken place and when you can pick up the keys. Keys will not be released to you until such time as the completion monies have been received by the seller’s solicitor, who will then release the keys with the estate agent.
You can listen to Cassie discussing these questions in more detail on the latest edition of Lanyon Bowdler’s podcast, the Legal Lounge, at www.lblaw.co.uk/podcast or search for the Legal Lounge on your usual podcast provider.
Does your child have forgotten savings?
By Paula Hurford, Wealth Management Consultant at Hadlow Edwards Wealth Management

It’s that time of year where we look to try and turn over a new leaf and have a bit of a sort out. For those with children, grandchildren, or nieces and nephews, here is something that could affect them. Child Trust Funds In October 2022, HMRC issued a press release* stating that thousands of teenagers could be missing out on unclaimed amounts in their Child Trust Fund (CTF) account.
A CTF is a long-term savings account which was set up for every child born between 1 September 2002 and 2 January 2011. To encourage saving, the Government provided an initial deposit of at least £250.
The CTF account matures when the child turns 18 years old with the fi rst accounts maturing in September 2020 and the last in September 2029. On maturity, the account can either be cashed in or transferred into an adult ISA.
Those who are aged 18 or over and have yet to access their CTF account, could have savings waiting for them worth an average of £2,100.* Help when needed Many eligible teenagers who have yet to claim their CTF savings might be starting university, apprenticeships, or their fi rst job. The lumpsum amount could offer a fi nancial boost at a time when they need it most, which is especially helpful to parents in a cost-of-living crisis!
If the child or their parent/guardian know who their CTF provider is, they can contact them directly, or alternatively, they can use HMRC’s online form to locate their CTF account using the link: https://www.gov.uk/ child-trust-funds/fi nd-a-child-trust-fund. ISAs In January 2011, the CTF was replaced with Junior Individual Savings Accounts (ISA). There are different types of Junior ISAs, including cash and Investment based ones. Once a minor becomes an adult, they can invest in regular ISAs. Always seek advice if you are thinking of investing on behalf of a child.
If you would like help to understand the savings options available for your child or grandchild, or if you would like to look more specifi cally at the options for your child’s maturing CTF, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.
The favourable tax treatment given to a JISA may not be maintained in the future, as they are subject to changes in legislation.
*HMRC 05/10/22: Teenagers could be missing out on a stash of cash.
We believe in connections. We help you plan in the present for the future, where you and your loved ones come first. Bespoke financial advice around: PROTECTION PLANNING INVESTMENT PLANNING RETIREMENT PLANNING TAX PLANNING
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Arrange a meeting at a time and place convenient for you 01978 311611| paula.hurford@sjpp.co.uk www.hadlowedwards.co.uk
Hadlow Edwards Wealth Management Limited is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website www.sjp.co.uk/products. The 'St. James's Place Partnership' and the titles 'Partner' and 'Partner Practice' are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives. SJP approved on 06/12/22

Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (12A)
Master detective Benoit Blanc fi rst appeared back in 2019 in US director Rian Johnson’s hugely enjoyable Knives Out. A lovely spin on classic Agatha Christie style ‘Country House’ murder mysteries, the fi lm went down so well that a sequel was a foregone conclusion.
Daniel Craig plays Blanc as an old-fashioned southern gentleman, a Kentucky Fried Poirot. Invited to a murder mystery party on a private island owned by tech billionaire Miles Bron (a thinly disguised Elon Musk style whiz), only for the party to stop being fun when Bron is killed.
As is usual, Blanc must root through the motives and means of a group of suspects, including Kate Hudson’s supermodel and Dave Bautista’s activist. The joy of the fi rst Knives Out was the sparkling screenplay and the genuine twists and turns of the plot, and that looks to be replicated successfully second time around. Expect some great one liners, some over the top characters and some suspenseful moments, all part and parcel of an original and witty whodunnit. Bringing a little sharpness to a fun confection, this is an ideal choice for the post-Christmas period, just put your feet up and enjoy.
LIKE THIS? TRY ‘ZERO EFFECT’. Another great update of a classic genre. ‘Zero Effect’ sees Bill Pullman playing the world’s greatest detective, Daryl Zero (socially awkward, hugely intelligent, basically Sherlock Holmes) with Ben Stiller as his Watson. Zero usually solves all his cases without ever leaving his apartment, but a millionaire being blackmailed over a lost key leads him to a mysterious woman and the chance of love and normality. This overlooked US indie also works as a great whodunnit while still being funny and original. Available to stream. BOOK REVIEW EDITOR’S CHOICE
Food for Life
Yes, it’s January and we tend to focus on new year’s resolutions and fresh starts, so a good starting point is our health. I’m not talking about the gym (you can breathe a sigh of relief). Author Tim Spector is a Professor in Genetic Epidemiology at King’s College London and his focus is, “in researching the microbiome, the large community of microbes that live in our gut, skin and body”.
In this book, Spector points a magnifying glass over the scientifi c research around food to date and brings attention to what we should know that can improve our approach to health. What does that mean? In a nutshell, what we know, isn’t exactly helping us in our vision to live longer or better.
That all sounds a bit worrying but Spector knows what he’s talking about so if you’re looking to overhaul your diet in the new year – this will really help guide your choices.
Tangerine Heart
My tangerine heart, ripe and hopeful Picked from the laden tree Turned over, chosen partly devoured Then cast aside unfl avoured Discarded for sweeter juicier fruit My tangerine heart lies lonely Deep in the fruit bowl Of the shallow mind Discarded to wrinkle alone.
Words’n’pics Open Writers (WOW) Come & meet us for the New Year New writers especially welcome contact janhedger7@googlemail.com