Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Since Sept 27, 1879
Retail $1.50 Home delivered from 95c
Kids can still be kids in Mid Canty
Health and safety legislation won’t stop Mid Canterbury children from climbing trees.
Woman in farm accident P4
10ha sale could lower rates bill BY SUE NEWMAN
Fancy a sweet treat? P13
If the Ashburton District Council clinches a deal to sell 10 hectares of land in the North East Business Park, the proceeds from that sale could carve a large amount off the district’s annual rates bill, says Ashburton Mayor Angus McKay. The prospect of a lower rates bill, however, is not winning over the community. There is growing opposition to a sale under negotiation that could see a water bottling plant established on a 10-hectare site in the park.
The council has been under fire for its refusal to release details around the pending sale and for what some people see as it trying to strike a deal that would compromise the district’s water resources. For some time the council has been in closed-door negotiations with an unidentified company over the sale of the block of land. It comes with a water consent to take up to 45 litres a second from a bore that will be sunk to a minimum depth of 95 metres. This consent was granted in 2011.
Mr McKay said that the only details not provided around the sale related to the potential buyer and the price they might pay. That was commercially sensitive information as any business deal would be at that stage of negotiations, he said. The site in question was always intended as a “wet industry” site suitable for industry.
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News 2 Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
COMMENTS Margaret Livingstone: In this article Angus says the council is selling land but not selling water. I say, what they are actually doing if this deal goes ahead for a bottling plant on the lot, is giving our water away. Do you think your ratepayers came down in the last shower of rain Angus? And what happened to the council being more transparent. Your statement sounds like a Tui billboard to me. Maureen Small: They are ‘indirectly’ selling the water. If it wasn’t for the consent, pretty sure they wouldn’t have a buyer for the land. Why all the dealings behind closed doors? Is the reason we don’t have water restrictions this past summer have anything to do with this sale? How stupid do they think us ratepayers are; it’s time to remember who put them in and who pays their salaries. Catherine Kilgour: My understanding was that the stock water system in that area had been closed a number of years ago. Surely if they are taking surface water that should require a separate consent to that for the water coming out of the bore. Surely if you think something is going to be reacted to negatively you should be pre-emptive with information rather than reactive only once the media has got hold of the story. I would also like to know, did the council apply for the water consent before or after they were approached by a company interested in bottling the water?
Megan Codlin: 45 litres of water every second and ECan is fine with that?
Siobhan Pearson “I don’t know much about it but I feel that if we are selling the land to a New Zealand company then that’s okay. If the water is staying in the country then it is fine but if it is going overseas then I feel we are already selling off so much.”
Brian Walker “I actually for once agree with Angus McKay. I don’t know why people are upset about it. I think it’s being misinterpreted by people.”
Shirley Goodwin: It’s not your water to sell – it belongs to the people of Canterbury. You will be doing immeasurable damage to the aquifers by allowing this bottling plant to go ahead.
Ross Drummond “It’s not the council’s business to be interested in specifically commercial ventures. It may or may not be a good idea but it is not the council’s business to be involved.”
David Brown: If this has been planned since 2011, then why all the closed-door meetings about it? Heath Lyttle: I think it’s a good thing for Ashburton.
The water issue BY SUE NEWMAN
The water consent for a bore on Ashburton’s North East Business Park is moderate in size when compared to the amount of water used on many farms, says Environment Canterbury water scientist Carl Hanson. The consented take is similar to the amount used on a 90 hectare dairy farm. “There are a lot of wells taking water out of the aquifers for irrigation across the plains. These are often 70 to 75 litres a second and there are a lot of those,” Mr Hanson said. When it came to abstraction, depth was not really the issue, a deeper well was more about quality rather than quantity, Mr Hanson said. He’s not discounting the impact of the wells on others in the area, but said that would only occur if
they were at a similar depth, 95 metres plus. “In the bigger sense, what another well does is add to the cumulative effect of wells on the plains.” Aquifers were recharged from rain and stockwater races and any water not used for irrigation runs out to sea. Recharge from the business park consent ensured that more water would go back into the aquifers than was taken, Mr Hanson said. The consent was granted following consultation with four other parties whose water bores may have been affected by taking water from the aquifer. The 60 litres per second that must be returned to the aquifer will come from the stockwater race system. Water from this will be directed into an old shingle pit about five kilometres further inland.
Christine Hutt: The residents’ wells down from the proposed extraction have been under threat most summers at some stage in the past few years. The council has no regard for this. They are trying to confound us, but we will not be lied to. The mayor gave away too much with his deliberate show of premeditated body language and a pained face on TV news.
While the Ashburton District Council is closing large stretches of its water race network, the recharge consent meant this section would always remain open, mayor Angus McKay said. “When we started shutting these water races part of this was that we wanted to make sure there was a section retained to meet our bio-diversity requirements,” he said. The council considered several sites where it could utilise a water race to create an aquatic feature. “This came along and we thought the two would be a good fit,” he said. ‘This consent will ring fence this section of water race.” Water returned to the aquifer needs to be of the same quality as that taken out and this will be achieved through water from the stockwater system being directed through swales surrounded by native plantings.
Nichola Box: Why don’t you put it to a public vote then and see what the Ashburton community thinks as a whole? Craig Snook: As a ratepayer and inhabitant of this burg, I would like to know much, much more about this deal. If the water that’s to go back into the aquifers is the same quality and at a higher rate of supply, why can’t they use that? I just do not like the underhanded and sneaky way this seems to have been handled. Come on ADC open up to the people who pay you and voted you in.
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News Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Ashburton Guardian
P labs included on LIM reports By Michelle NelsoN
Methamphetamine (P) manufacture in a dwelling can haunt property owners and landlords long after the criminals have moved on. The scale of New Zealand’s P problem has prompted government departments and territorial local authorities to develop comprehensive guidelines and recommendations – including listing the presence of P labs on Land Information Memorandum (LIM) reports. The chemical residues generated in the manufacturing process remain at levels hazardous to future occupants long after the criminals have gone – and with an estimated 2000 labs in operation at any one time, meth “cooks” are leaving countless property owners and landlords caught in limbo should they wish to sell.
For this reason some are choosing to ignore possible contamination in fear their property’s value will plummet. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Health said contamination was categorised in degrees, with the worst case scenarios occurring when a lab had operated in a residential dwelling. Where a lab has been operating, contamination can extend to surrounding land. In the worst case scenarios buildings have been demolished and topsoil removed. Ashburton District Council environmental services manager Rick Catchpowle said the council would probably not be notified if P had been used in a property, but he expected it would if a clandestine lab had been operating. “I would consider we would be notified if the police thought there were additional public health risks – such as a full-blown
lab,” he said. The degree of contamination would be factored into whether it was entered on the property’s LIM report – held by the council as a record of a building’s history. “We would report it on a LIM if it was proven information, but not if it was just hearsay,” Mr Catchpowle said. Removal of such information would depend on the level to which the health threat was reduced in the clean-up, he said. “We would take legal advice on what could be taken off or left on, but all the relevant information would be there.” Mr Catchpowle said some property owners were withholding information regarding drug contamination. Under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008, agents are obligated to disclose any issues they are aware of when selling or renting a property.
Land sale could lower rates bill From P1 “The council wanted to ensure it had an independent water supply for the future. This was good forward planning and it could as easily have been an abattoir or a carrot washing plant that bought that land. These were the businesses talked about at the time,” he said. The council decided to secure a water consent for that
site anticipating any business that bought the large tract of land would have demands that were too great to be met from the town supply, Mr McKay said. The water consent was just part of preparing the park for sale, similar to creating of drainage swales, bunds and plantings. The site was eyed up for a bottling plant about three and
a half years ago, but the current negotiations were not with the original inquirer. He would not be drawn on a likely time frame for the deal, but said if it was signed, the payback for the community would come in lowering the amount needed from ratepayers to run the district. “This money will go to rates like all money that comes from sales at the industrial park.
Ready for a big night out Belles of the country ball: Pendarves Young Farmers’ Club members Gemma Bell (left) and Kathryn Hutchings are donning their best frocks and polishing their gumboots in time for the After Harvest Ball to be held at the Methven Heritage Centre on Saturday night. The close to being sold-out event is a major fundraiser for the club and a highlight on the social calendar. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 050416-TM-0042
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News 4
Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
In brief
Bruises ‘part of learning’ By RuBy HaRfield
Mid Canterbury schools will not let new health and safety legislation stop children experiencing risks. The Health and Safety at Work Act, which came into force on Monday, has left many schools taking measures such as banning tree climbing and bullrush for fear of being liable if a child hurts themselves. However, Dorie School principal Anthony Dorreen said his school would not be banning any of these things because children needed to experience risks and learn their limits to become functioning adults. “Our kids will still climb trees and still play bullrush. They have to experiences these sorts
of things. “You can’t wrap them up in cotton wool and expect them to be able to manage risks when they get to 18 or 19 if they haven’t experienced things like that before.” With the new tighter regulations schools have to be more careful but if a child did hurt themselves and the school had all the right paperwork and procedures in place to minimise risks then it should be fine, he said. Chertsey School is also taking the same approach with principal Sean Wansbrough saying that the new legislation is designed to keep people safe at work, not limit children’s experiences. “For our children we still want them to challenge themselves
by climbing on the playground equipment, learning to swing on the bars, taking that first step to sliding down the fireman’s pole and of course we still want them to be able to climb trees sometimes.” Children will still make mistakes that sometimes end in a bump or scrape but this helps their brains learn the best ways of reducing harm in the future. “I believe that’s an important part of learning and we still want children to do that.” The new legislation will mean that schools still needed to still fix damaged equipment or broken fences and students could help by pointing out these sorts of hazards to parents or teachers, he said. “It’s about being aware of the
hazards and trying to minimise the risks.” Hampstead School principal Peter Melrose said they already had a policy of not letting children climb trees due to the number of students at the school but they still wanted them to be able to experience other risks, such as using the bike track. They have reviewed their health and safety policies and while most schools have made minor changes, the students at Hampstead will not notice any day-to-day difference. The Health and Safety at Work Act is part of “Working Safer: a blueprint for health and safety at work” and has come about following recommendations from the Independent Taskforce on Workplace Health and Safety.
Farming accident A woman is in Christchurch Hospital with an ankle injury following a farm accident near Rakaia yesterday morning. Emergency services were alerted to the incident on Somerton Road shortly after 11am. A St John spokesperson said the injury was caused by a combine harvester. Personnel from St John and the Rakaia Volunteer Fire Brigade attended the scene. WorkSafe NZ confirmed it was aware of the event and an investigation was under way.
Bird boarding Ashburton’s home grown bird hotel is open all hours for birds wanting a break from their owners. Valerie Snook started the home away from home for birds as a trial over the Christmas period but the venture proved so popular with bird owners she’s decided to offer her services year-round. Bird owners needed bird boarding facilities the same as cat and dog owners, she said.
Crushed by car
A man has died after he was crushed between two cars in the Auckland suburb of Remuera yesterday. The accident happened at the man’s home on Monteith Crescent. Inspector Chris Money said the man died when a car was being loaded on to a trailer. “The car has rolled forward and crushed him between the cars,” he said. The man, believed to be in his 70s, was standing near the towbar of the trailer when the accident happened. Mr Money said the man died at the scene from his injuries. - NZME
Developing leadership skills A group of Year 10 students from Christchurch’s Hillview Christian School got to develop their leadership skills during a special tutoring day at Ashburton Christian School yesterday. Pictured are Vince Cabading, 10, Hershel Ranay, 10, Grace Wood (from Hillview), 13, and Olivia Flack, 14, participating in some of the leadership activities. Ashburton Christian School principal Tim Kuipers said Hillview Christian School had been sending their Year 10 students for eight years to help them develop leadership skills. They took lessons in music, Christian living, physical education and art before putting all their experiences into an assembly in the afternoon.
Villawood death A Kiwi has died in an Australian detention centre. MP Kelvin Davis said the name of the dead detainee was Rob Peihopa. He described him as a man in his 40s who was quite fit. Mr Davis said he received a phone call at 3am yesterday from a person who knew the man, saying he had passed away inside the detention centre. He said he did not know the circumstances surrounding the New Zealand man’s death. Australian Immigration has confirmed that the New Zealand man died at the Villawood Detention Centre in Sydney overnight. - NZME
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News Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Ashburton Guardian
Breaking down the language barriers
Firefighters fighting fit By RuBy HaRfield
A group of Mid Canterbury firefighters have been busy, not with fires, but training for a gruelling race. Two Ashburton Volunteer Fire Brigade members and eight from the Rakaia Volunteer Fire Brigade will take part in the annual Sky Tower Stair Challenge next month to raise money for Leukaemia and Blood Cancer New Zealand. Ashburton’s Mark Ellis, who has raced up New Zealand’s tallest building twice before, said with only eight weeks to go he has started to ramp up the training. He is doing karate a few times a week and also racing up Somerset House’s three flights of stairs in full gear with teammate Brett Collins, who is competing for the first time. Because Mr Ellis has done the race twice before he knows what to expect and is not nervous but he does want to make it up the 51 flights of stairs in good time, he said. The pair plan to raise $5000 be-
By Sue NewmaN nz
Mark Ellis, of the Ashburton Volunteer Fire Brigade, has been training hard ahead of May’s Sky Tower Stair Challenge. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 310316-AK-004 tween them and Mr Ellis hopes he can raise at least $2000 on his own to make his personal total $10,000 over three years. To help raise funds they are holding a quiz night next Friday at the Ashburton Fire Station and want to get as many people there
as possible. It starts at 7.30pm and will cost $50 for a team of five or six, he said. The team has sponsors for their flights but are still looking for someone to help with their accommodation.
“That’s always something that we are grateful to accept.” Having sponsors means they can focus all their efforts on fundraising for the cause. Anyone wanting to donate can visit nz.
Way of the future for teachers By RuBy HaRfield
Mid Canterbury is to host a major education conference which has an ICT focus. The Energise Conference, which is being organised by the Mid Canterbury Principals’ Association in conjunction with Cyclone, will be held at the end of this month to help teachers gain new skills on how to educate in the 21st century. Organising committee member and Methven Primary School principal Chris Murphy said having the conference focused on ICT is especially important to present-
day teachers because technology is increasingly being integrated into classrooms. “There couldn’t be many people whose lives are not affected by the use of ICT.” Preparations for the event are going well and 300 tickets have been sold with people coming from all over the country. “It’s amazing, there’s a good smattering of people from outside the district.” Cyclone professional learning manager Arnika Macphail said the great thing about the conference is that on the first day teachers will be given an opportunity
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to take some of what they have learned and implement it into a plan for their classrooms. The two-day event is also good for Mid Canterbury teachers because normally they have to go out of the district to get professional development or hear from quality speakers, Mrs Macphail said. “We’re just really excited to have such a high calibre of speakers.” Two keynote speakers, Kevin Honeycutt, from the United States, and Khoa Do, from Australia, will be there to share their knowledge and expertise. Mr Honeycutt is a technology
integrationist and staff developer who spent 13 years teaching K-12 (a private online international academy) and now travels the world sharing ideas with educators. Vietnamese-born Mr Do is a humanitarian, filmmaker and speaker who was awarded the 2005 Young Australian of the Year for his leadership, compassion and will to inspire and inform Australians on issues that affect their communities. The conference will be held between Hotel Ashburton and the Ashburton Trust Event Centre on April 28-29.
It might not be a formal classroom, but a growing number of Ashburton’s new New Zealanders are learning conversational English in an unconventional way. With a growing congregation of new immigrants joining Ashburton’s New Life Church, church member Julia Crosson knew many of those people were struggling with their language skills. She decided to lend a helping hand and the church’s Kiwi English language class was born. It’s all very casual and it’s based around having fun while you’re learning, Mrs Crosson said. “We make it up as we go along, it’s the connection to local knowledge and people are learning while they’re doing things and while we’re talking,” she said. It’s a class that’s open to anyone wanting to learn everyday Kiwi English and taking part is as simple as turning up at the church on Monday evenings. “Sometimes that can be talking about something like insulating your house. It’s so they learn practical things. And we’ll go to the supermarket and talk about things like what’s in season and what’s not,” Mrs Crosson said. The informal classes have been running for about four years and numbers continue to build. And so do the friendships through the contacts made, she said. A student network has developed and that’s generated new friendships and support and it is often through that network that new students from a growing range of countries find their way into the class.
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News 6
Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Recruitment process starts for principal BY RUBY HARFIELD
Ashburton College’s board of trustees expects to have appointed an acting principal in the next few weeks. Last week it was announced that principal Grant McMillan would be leaving the college during the Term 1 holidays for a new position at James Cook High School in Auckland. Chairman Rennie Davidson said to hire a principal they needed to follow a process set out by the Ministry of Education which can take at least six weeks. In the meantime they would be appointing an acting principal from within the school to cover. “We should have an outcome in the next few weeks.” Part of the process to appoint a new principal will include advertising through the Education Gazette, he said. They would be recruiting widely and would not know whether
they would hire internally or externally as it would depend on the quality of the applicants. “What we’re looking for is the best person we can find to lead Ashburton College moving forward.” The school is focused on student achievement and engaging with families of students so they will need someone who can pursue this, Mr Davidson said. While recruiting a principal can take a long time, he expected some progress to be made within the next six to eight weeks. Some schools around the country have had difficulty hiring principals but Mr Davidson said it was too early to say if Ashburton College would be affected and he hoped they would get a number of quality applicants. Mr McMillan formally accepted his new position last Tuesday and will have his last day with students at the end of this term on April 15.
Goodhew pays special visit to schools Mt Somers Springburn and Mayfield schools had a special visit from Rangitata MP Jo Goodhew on Monday. She is pictured here with Mt Somers Springburn School leaders Angus Neal and Sophie Adkins. Principal Brent Gray said the MP was at both schools as part of her regular visits to schools around the district. She met with staff, toured the school and had a question and answer session with one of the classes, he said. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Top building apprentice sought Ashburton’s carpentry apprentices have an opportunity to be recognised among their peers in this year’s apprenticeship of the year awards. The Registered Master Builders’ Carters 2016 Apprentice of the Year is now open for entries, with more than $100,000 at stake in prizes. With a significant demand for building apprentices, Registered Master Builders’ Chief Executive David Kelly said he hoped the competition would raise the profile around the value of an apprenticeship. “We are experiencing a real shortage of builders right now, with the industry call-
ing out for more apprentices. The demand for new houses is forecast to be more than 28,000 in 2017 alone, but the current labour market can only support 15,000,” he said. The competition was a great way for apprentices to launch their careers, by showcasing their skills, challenging themselves, and meeting others in the construction community, Mr Kelly said. Last year 145 apprentices competed for the title. Entries can be made on line at www., and close on June 9.
Fisher & Paykel to close factory Fisher & Paykel Appliances is to close its small refrigeration appliances factory in Auckland’s East Tamaki, with the loss of 186 jobs, saying the plant did not have the scale or cost-competitiveness to remain open. Currently operating four days a week, the factory is likely to close in two stages, in July and November. Closure had first been indicated in 2007 and the decision was not a reflection on the staff’s performance, said managing director Stuart Broadhurst. “The business has enormous respect for this team – past and present. Until now the factory’s staff have staved off the inevitable. However, the harsh reality is this factory is no longer sustainable due to the
lack of scale and cost-competitiveness the facility and its products face in today’s global whiteware marketplace,” he said. “This factory would have closed much earlier, rather than experience a series of downsizings over recent years, if not for the loyalty and commitment of this team.” Fisher & Paykel would continue to produce specialist componentry and production equipment in New Zealand, but this type of consumer whiteware would be manufactured at its plant in Thailand and by the wider Haier group in China. Haier first bought into F&P Appliances in 2009, citing its desire to tap into the company’s design and innovation capabilities and completed a full takeover in late 2012. - NZME
Toddler dies after being hit by car An 18-month-old boy is dead after he was struck by a vehicle in Otara last evening. The baby was taken to a medical centre by family at about 5pm but died soon after. The driver of the vehicle is helping police with their inquiries and the Counties
Manukau Serious Crash Unit is investigating. The family of the boy is being supported by police and Victim Support. The boy’s name will be released today, police said. - NZME
News Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Ashburton Guardian
Big game hunter cancels trip to NZ By SuSan Strongman A US hunter who enraged the internet by posing with a dead giraffe, then declared she would visit New Zealand this month, has cancelled her trip. Idaho accountant Sabrina Corgatelli has posted pictures of herself on Facebook, including one of her standing over the body of a dead giraffe, a zebra and a kudu on a hunting trip to the Kruger National Park in South Africa. In September last year she announced she would travel to New Zealand with fellow hunter Mark Martineau this month to hunt deer during the roar in the South Island for five days. The roar is when stags become preoccupied with finding a mate so are less cautious and easier to hunt. “I can’t wait to go stag hunting!” she wrote on Facebook.
The pair planned the hunt through Glen Dene Hunting and Fishing at Lake Hawea near Wanaka and planned to hunt red stags using a bow and arrow. Posts about her plans to visit New Zealand angered many Facebook users, with one suggesting the Government should ban her from entering the country. Glen Dene owner Richard Burdon confirmed Ms Corgatelli did not visit New Zealand, but wouldn’t comment on why. Ms Corgatelli did not respond to queries from the Herald, but Mr Martineau, who was at Glen Dene last month and is still in New Zealand, said “she had a few things come up and couldn’t make it”. The pair would be hunting together in Canada in June, he said. Mr Martineau shared many photos of himself hunting at Glen Dene on Facebook. – NZME
New modern learning environment A group of Year 8 students at Rakaia School got to check out their new modern learning environment last week. The building, which will be the equivalent of four classrooms, will house Year 5-8 students. Work started on the project in October last year and will be finished by the beginning of Term 2. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 310316-AK-016
Amateur historian succeeds in Clark Park sign bid By SuSan SandyS
Clark Park has its sign in place in time for Anzac Day. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 040416-TM-0071
Amateur historian Velma Langdon has finally succeeded in her journey to have a Tinwald park named in honour of two brothers killed at war. The Lagmhor grandmother said a resident who lived near the park phoned her at the weekend to let her know that the Clark Park sign had been installed. “It was a big surprise I can tell you, I felt pretty good about it,” Mrs Langdon said. She had been waiting for the council to install the sign ever since the park was named in 2011, and last year was assured it would be installed by Anzac Day 2015.
When that did not eventuate and almost another year had gone by, she pinned her hopes on Anzac Day this year and contacted the Guardian. She said she believed the media coverage had helped kick the council into gear and remind them to install the sign this year. The council at the time said the sign was now made and would be in place by Anzac Day, but had no explanation for the delays. Clark Park is named after two brothers, George and Charles (Alby) Albert Clark, who grew up in the grounds of a Tinwald nursery, and were killed overseas fighting in World War Two. Clark Park once formed part of
the nursery. Mrs Langdon also grew up in the area and knew the boys. She recalled George and Alby as “very nice lads”. She was just 14 when the oldest, George, went off to war. He was killed in 1943 fighting in Tunisia as a member of the New Zealand Infantry 23rd Battalion, and is buried there. He was 21. Alby then headed off, vowing to “kill the buggers who shot my brother” as he left. But he was to die at the same age, 21, in 1945, as a member of the New Zealand Infantry 26th Battalion. He is buried at the Faenza War Cemetery in Italy.
Opinion Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
A storm in a water bottle Sue Newman
he prospect of a water bottling plant being built in Ashburton’s business estate has created a community uproar. Water bottling plants, however, are not new in New Zealand. There are several already in business, some of those in Canterbury, and most are exporting to all four corners of the world. What’s proposed in Ashburton is no different. In its simplest terms a company wants to buy land that comes with a water consent already in place, one that was granted in 2011 but has yet to be activated. There is a willing seller and on paper it should be a straight forward deal. The consent comes with a raft of conditions on maximum quantities of water that could be taken, the depth the well must be sunk to and the amount of water that must be recharged. The safeguards are in place. The potential buyer wants to hand over a large amount of money, take ownership, activate the consent, sink a bore and set up a business. That business could be anything from farming, to vehicle dismantling, to timber processing to water bottling. Where the deal changes shape, where it becomes emotion laden, is that the sale is not about just any landowner, it is about the Ashburton District Council. It’s difficult to identify what the real issue is for objectors – is it the sale of land that was developed to be sold, the use of a water consent already granted, a company making money from ‘our’ water, a fear that one more well will compromise those already established? The business park was developed to encourage new business and industry into the district and for each section the council sells (and this one is big), money comes into its coffers that will be used to keep our rates down. There are a range of businesses out there now and they’re using water, albeit from the town supply (which also comes from wells). Instead of the town’s wells the water bottling plant will use water from what will be their own well. Water is not the commodity here, land is; water is not sold in New Zealand.
YOUR VIEW Water bottling plant The Council is selling water – pure and simple. They applied for a water consent in 2011 with the sole purpose of making the parcel of land more attractive to a purchaser. It has been marketed as a potential water bottling/soft drink site. They are selling water – 3 million 888 thousand litres a day – 365 days a year for 35 years. To say they are selling land is a blatant attempt to mislead the public. Kevin Hurley * * * Following the recent article in the Guardian on the Ashburton District Council’s ‘Intention to allow the district’s water resource to be exported’. I was encouraged by the TV One news report tonight (Monday) and commend the local lady that contacted TVNZ. It is absolutely ludicrous to even consider a resource consent to provide free water for export with no possible advantage for the district. At a time when groundwater levels are depleting, river levels are at near lowest recorded flows,
and some farmers have been on irrigation restrictions it is obvious to most locals that there is not enough water to meet the current demands of the Ashburton District, hence the ‘Red Zones’ which have been in place for many years. The comments by the ECan spokesperson on TV One confirms how out of touch both ECan and the Ashburton District Council are, and there will be much opposition to this proposal. D. Saunders * * * We are told this company will dig a well deeper than the water we use. If you take from the bottom of anything the top falls down. If they take the water underneath, our water will fall down there and we will have less water available to use. Then our land will dry and form a crust. When we have a heavy downpour of rain it will not soak into the ground and we will have floods. Is this what we citizens of Ashburton want? Wake up Ashburton and unite against this company coming here. D. Morris
by David Fletcher
* * * Yesterday, a statement by mayor Angus McKay serves only to muddy the waters. For years he has said the single most important issue facing our district is fresh water. But now he is advocating and facilitating giving it away in significant quantity, at our expense. Again, will the mayor, please explain the truths of this venture to our community. It’s a fact council is selling land, but equally, isn’t it true that historically, council enabled and empowered a water consent to be available for that parcel of land at our expense? The mayor says comments are “based on a raft of mis-information. Uncork it by releasing the historical and current facts and decisions please. Is the land purchase including free abstraction going to a foreign company? He is concerned about “Lack of understanding of the aquifer system”. So am I. Where is the science that proves recharge at 50m and lower. As a matter of recharge from the surface the past shows the opposite to be true. Historical evidence is plentiful, water from inland distribution points, (particularly RDR leakage) infiltrat-
ing surface strata of soil profile has caused much surface flooding down country. How does that constitute aquifer recharge at deeper levels? Isn’t it true too, a few have an undertaking from the council to deepen their wells if they go dry; will that assurance be afforded to other affected wells in the red zone; and as is apparent for the former, at ratepayers’ expense? The statement ends with the mayor focusing attention on Cr Cutforth for speaking out, and suggested “council had mechanisms it could use to censure a councillor if standing orders were breached”. Late last year standing in front of a group at the 206 Club rooms the mayor told them of a goat milking plant and an export water bottling plant at the north east industrial park. On Boulevard Day last I asked you about that and you said it may have slipped out. Did that mean it was in-committee? Yes. While matters of this magnitude should be in your community’s knowledge, apparently, it is you in breech of standing orders. You enabled the activity, then opened the can, it’s past time that you spilt the rest. Ken R. Leadley
Opinion Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Ashburton Guardian
POLL RESULT Yesterday’s result Q: Do you enjoy the end of daylight saving? Yes 59% No 41%
Today’s online poll question Q: Should children be able to climb trees at school?
CONTACTS News tips Call 03 307-7958 After hours news tips Advertising Call 03 307-7936 Classifieds Call 03 3077-900 Missed paper Call 0800 ASHBURTON 0800 274 287 A small minority of freedom campers are spoiling it for their responsible peers.
Leave no trace of visit T
he hot topic around New Zealand currently is freedom camping and the environmental impacts it’s having on our beautiful country. As always it’s a small minority that are causing the problem. To help protect our environment and keep the country clean and green, I urge you to please ensure you leave only footprints, not rubbish, wherever your travels take you. Leave no trace of your visit! A few weeks ago the EMC team attended the Covi Motorhome Super show in Auckland, which was focused on the motorhome and caravan lifestyle. This was a huge opportunity to promote Mid Canterbury to the 63,000+ domestic motorhome and camping community, all of whom are incredibly passionate about travelling around our beautiful country.
Bruce Moffat
During the many discussions we enjoyed with people attending our booth, many were appalled by the actions of some around our country leaving rubbish and human waste in our riverbeds, Department of Conservation (DOC) sites and road-side rest areas. It’s important to point out that it’s NOT just international tourists who are creating the problems. The travel industry, including Experience Mid Canterbury has voiced clear concerns at a national level about the impacts
to our environment. The tourism industry is working hard to educate our domestic and international visitors on camping rules and etiquette with online initiatives such as This site offers links to important information from the New Zealand Government, DOC and i-SITE Information Centres throughout the country. Companies such as Tourism Holdings Limited who own brands including Maui Campers and Britz Campers and other operators like Jucy Rentals also offer information on camping responsibly. With the industry working together from a common standpoint we will be able to help stamp-out some these environmental concerns. Finally, I wanted to highlight how Experience Mid Canterbury can help you expand your expo-
sure for your local community events. Each year there are hundreds of community-based events that are held in our district and quite often they are not well advertised. If you have an event that you want published go to www. and complete the simple form and EMC will review and publish your event on our website. If you’re looking for something to do in our district, go to www. browse to the bottom on the main page to “what’s on” and view all the events published. This is especially handy with the school holidays coming up soon. Bruce Moffat is general manager of Experience Mid Canterbury
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Countd Pho
World 10 Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Spotlight on global elite BY BY GREGORY VISCUSI From Moscow to Reykjavik to Buenos Aires and beyond, the same two words are suddenly reverberating in financial circles: offshore accounts. No sooner did a group of media outlets report that some of the world’s wealthiest people, including politicians and business figures, had channelled billions through offshore accounts than the inevitable outrage began. Public officials responded with outrage, bluster, denials, semi-denials or all of the above. Banks like HSBC and UBS Group AG stressed that they follow the rules and carefully vet customers. And regulators said what regulators often do: We’ll look into it. In many ways the articles, published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, simply confirmed what experts have long known: Wealthy people, prominent or not, often use offshore accounts – and, in most cases, those accounts are perfectly legal. Yet for political and business leaders, as well as their financial enablers, even legal offshore accounts can raise uncomfortable questions. The reports, said to be based on 11.5 million leaked documents from a Panama law firm, have once again trained a spotlight on the offshore ecosystem used by a global elite who at times seem to operate beyond conventional borders. As yet, the full scope of the allegations is unclear. To some, the Panama Papers, as the documents are being called, could represent the tip of the iceberg. The ICIJ said its cache of leaks outlined more than 200,000 shell companies. The Panama law firm at the centre of the reports, Mossack Fonseca, has denied wrongdoing. Within hours of publication, the articles prompted a political storm in Iceland, where the Prime Minister, Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, faced a no-confidence vote. Gunnlaugsson told Parlia-
New album coming up The Rolling Stones are planning to release a new album, possibly this year, guitarist Ronnie Wood said. The British rockers last released a studio album in 2005, but Wood said they have been in the studio and recorded some new material and some blues covers. “We went in to cut some new songs, which we did,” the 68-year-old Wood said. “But we got on a blues streak. We cut 11 blues in two days. They are extremely great cover versions of Howlin’ Wolf and Little Walter, among other blues people. But they really sound authentic.” When asked when the new material would be released, Wood said only: “This year.” The Rolling Stones, which started as a blues band in 1962, just wrapped a tour of Latin America with a free show in Cuba on March 25. The Stones have released 22 studio albums in Britain and 24 in the United States. A Bigger Bang was the last, and the band toured the album in 2005, ‘06 and ‘07.
Panama City skyline at sunset. Panama’s president says his government will co-operate “vigorously” with any judicial investigation arising from the leak of a vast trove of information on the offshore financial dealings of the world’s rich and famous. PHOTO AP
ment that the company mentioned in the ICIJ report “is a company in my wife’s ownership and it has always paid taxes and been declared in our tax returns”. The reports drew a salty rebuke from a confidant of Vladimir Putin. “It’s bulls**t,” Andrey Kostin, chief executive officer of the Russian VTB Bank, said in an interview with Bloomberg Television. The reports said Putin was linked to a “clandestine network” operated by his associates that had shuffled at least $US2 billion through banks and offshore companies. Almost invariably, the report said, money and power moved through that network “to companies and people allied to Putin”. Argentina said its President, Mauricio Macri, had been a director of an offshore company but had never held a stake in it. According to the ICIJ, the
trove includes offshore companies linked to 12 current and former world leaders, as well as hidden financial dealings by 128 more politicians, public officials and entertainment celebrities. The account holders include current and former leaders from Georgia, Iraq, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and United Arab Emirates. While offshore holdings are usually legal, they can also be used to hide wealth. Since the 2008 financial crisis, Western governments have sought to shed greater light on offshore banking centers, arguing they can be used to avoid taxes or hide illicit funds. Perhaps the most explosive claims in the reports involve links to Putin. The documents don’t name the Russian President, according to the report. It outlined an example of its findings: the creation, within 24 hours, of a chain of four
shell companies in three countries, involving two banks – a process that made the money behind it “all but untraceable”. The Panama Papers landed at a somewhat tricky moment for the financial industry. The world’s biggest banks, including HSBC and UBS, have paid billions in fines in recent years for helping wealthy clients evade tax or for failing to have sufficient safeguards in place to prevent money laundering. Such issues are moving to the centre of the political debate as rising inequality in the developed economies prompts a populist backlash. “The Panama Papers investigation unmasks the dark side of the global financial system where banks, lawyers and financial professionals enable secret companies to hide illicit corrupt money,” José Ugaz, the chairman of Transparency International, an advocacy group, said. - AP
Bynes back on right track Amanda Bynes is “happy, healthy, and excited about the future”. The She’s The Man actress - who turned 30 yesterday - has finally overcome problems which saw her placed under a conservatorship and endure stints in rehab and psychiatric facilities and is focused on her studies at the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in Los Angeles. Her family’s attorney, Tamar Arminak, told E! News: “She is doing great. She is happy and healthy, and excited about the future.” Amanda returned to the school in October 2015 after reportedly being kicked out the year before after she allegedly turned up to class under the influence of marijuana and offered students money to do her homework.
Swift gets all gushy
Kiwi in detention centre ‘couldn’t be saved’ A friend of a Kiwi who died in a Sydney detention centre has described the final moments before he collapsed and died inside the Australian facility earlier yesterday. MP Kelvin Davis said the name of the dead detainee was Rob Peihopa.
He described him as a man in his 40s who was quite fit. Mr Davis said he received a phone call at 3am from a person who knew the man, saying he had passed away inside the detention centre. Friend Vaelua Lagaaia has told the New Zealand Herald,
despite efforts of guards and emergency services to revive his mate, Rob Peihopa, could not be saved and passed away. His friend had gone to a neighbouring unit at the centre to visit a couple of the Kiwi boys but was soon heard crying out, desperate for help.
“He yelled out for help to the officer – he felt something was wrong – so the officer ran to his aid and tried to administer CPR after he called for an ambulance. “When the ambulance arrived they couldn’t revive him.” - NZME
Taylor Swift paid a gushing tribute to boyfriend Calvin Harris at the iHeart Radio Music Awards in Los Angeles on Sunday. The 26-year-old singer singled out DJ Calvin - whose real name is Adam Wiles - as she was presented with the gong for Best Tour by Justin Timberlake at the Forum in Inglewood. Taylor said: “For the first time I had the most amazing person to come home to when the spotlight went out and when the crowds were all gone. So I want to thank my boyfriend Adam for that and I love you guys so much.” The Bad Blood hitmaker also picked up the award for Best Album, which was presented by her close pal and Triple Threat winner Selena Gomez.
Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
In brief
Liner staying longer
‘Toughest job in the world’
Prime Minister John Key appears to have softened his defence of New Zealand’s tax-free foreign trusts, saying that the Government would consider any recommendations to tighten the rules. Mr Key said yesterday that he did not “hold a candle” for New
Zealand’s foreign trust laws and revealed that one of the reasons the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) had not reviewed them was its huge workload. The leak of more than 11 million documents from a Panamabased law firm drew attention to New Zealand’s tax-exempt foreign trusts, which have been reported
to be attractive to offshore investors because of minimal disclosure requirements. The documents showed that a senior Malta politician and a Mexican tycoon had opened trusts in this country. Mr Key is now under pressure to act as New Zealand is described as a “tax haven” in some international media coverage of the leak.- NZME
Think about investing in buckets M any clients that I see are in the late stages of retirement planning, often ready to retire from work within the next 12 months. They’ve done the hard work, saved, invested and now have a reasonable nest egg to enjoy. Many retirees are aware that they still need to invest their retirement funds throughout their 70s, 80s and potentially into their 90s but are worried by potential investment market falls. One common retirement strategy to alleviate this concern is to invest in ‘buckets’, usually labelled Spending, Saving and Investing. Bucket 1, Spending. This bucket usually holds two years of living costs to provide you with the knowledge that no matter what happens, you have enough put aside to cover living costs and for that reason is sometimes referred to as “the confidence bucket”. Bucket 1 should be invested in very safe investments that can be withdrawn quickly and easily in the case of an emergency, such as bank accounts, term deposits, or bonus bonds. The returns in bucket 1 will be similar to official cash rates. Bucket 2 Saving. The savings bucket will hold
Dai Eveleigh
funds for 2-5 years. It might be earmarked for future travel, home or vehicle upgrades, or to provide a boost to bucket number 1 if needed. Investments in this bucket should be conservative and low risk such as longer term deposits, investment bonds with good credit ratings, and potentially some conservative managed funds. Returns in bucket 2 should be a little higher than the official cash rate. Bucket 3, Investing. This bucket should be the cornerstone of a retirement plan, holding the bulk of the investment fund with the aim of providing a regular income (to top up bucket 1 or 2). With short term spending accounted for in bucket 1, and medium term savings safely held in bucket 2, the investing bucket can focus on the longer term. This bucket will help to provide a comfortable retirement
over the next 20+ years. With a longer term focus, investments in this bucket could include long term bonds for income, blue chip shares for growth, property type investments and managed funds for diversity. While bucket 3 is likely to be more volatile in capital returns, over the longer term it is expected to provide a higher return to help make your retirement funds last longer. Returns in bucket 3 are aiming for returns above the official cash rate and should outpace inflation. Each year, you will be able to reassess the level of each bucket and move funds around to top up as required. This is a simple strategy that gives retirees the confidence that short term expenses are accounted for, medium term needs are saved for, and longer term retirement needs are invested. Sometimes simple is best. Dai Eveleigh is a Certified Financial Planner and Investment Adviser with First Capital Financial Services. The views in this article are of a general nature only and should not be considered personalised advice. A disclosure statement is available and free of charge.
Compiled by
Source: NZX and Standard & Poors
S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross constituents Company CODE
a2 Milk Company ATM Air NZ AIR ANZ Banking Gr ANZ Argosy Prop ARG Auckland Intl Airpt AIA Chorus CNU Coats Gr COA Contact Energy CEN Diligent Corp DIL Ebos Gr EBO F&P Healthcare FPH Fletcher Building FBU Fonterra Share Fund FSF Freightways FRE Genesis Energy GNE Goodman Prop Tr GMT Heartland Bank HBL Infratil IFT Kathmandu Hldgs KMD Kiwi Property Gr KPG Mainfreight MFT Meridian Energy MEL Metlifecare MET Metro Perf Glass MPG Mighty River Power MRP Nuplex Ind NPX NZ Refining NZR NZX NZX Orion Health Gr OHE Port Tauranga POT Precinct Properties PCT Prop For Industry PFI Restaurant Brands RBD Ryman Healthcare RYM Skellerup SKL Sky Network TV SKT Sky City SKC Spark SPK Steel & Tube STU Stride Property STR Summerset Gr Hldgs SUM Tower TWR Trade Me Gr TME TrustPower TPW Vector VCT Vital Hlth Prop Tr VHP Warehouse Gr WHS Westpac Banking WBC Xero XRO Z Energy ZEL
Buy price
Sell price
Last sale
192 193 192 285.5 288 288 2510 2548 2510 117.5 118 118 635 645 635 400 401.5 401.5 57 57.5 57 496 500 500 711 712 711 1680 1682 1680 962 966 965 758 763 760 585 592 592 625 629 629 206 208 207.5 135.5 136 136 119 120 119 327 329 329 168 170 170 144 145.5 145.5 1579 1598 1596 266.5 267 267 525 528 528 171 172 172 290 292 292 516 519 519 319 320 320 103 104 103 348 350 350 1850 1855 1855 128 129 129 166 167.5 166.5 482 483 483 832 834 834 135 136 135 497 498 497 498 508 498 344 350 344 227 230 228 224 225 225 431 433 433 178 179 179 432 440 440 768 780 768 330 338 338 206.5 207 207 277 280 280 3280 3285 3280 1628 1670 1665 683 688 687
At close of trading on Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Daily Volume move ’000s
–1 +3 –40 +0.5 +7 – – –3 +4 –5 –21 –23 +1 +4 +1.5 +1.5 –2 – – – +22 +0.5 +1 – – –4 +1 – – +6 +1.5 – –1 –9 +1 – –7 –4 –1 +2 –5 +1 –3 –1 +3 +2 +1 –28 +15 +2
766.8 3.5m 85.75 1.2m 1.2m 1.1m 647.8 2.0m 6.1m 250.1 1.5m 3.2m 118.8 48.03 1.3m 3.5m 494.6 568.0 38.69 1.1m 29.69 3.3m 606.7 716.3 3.7m 316.3 212.8 563.7 297.9 13.20 939.0 552.6 61.06 322.5 322.0 912.4 715.0 4.9m 102.6 349.6 338.4 163.3 211.9 48.23 149.0 260.3 57.65 28.52 185.9 428.9
S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross 6770 6692 6614 6536 6458 6380
Guardian Shares & Investments
Key’s stance softened
Fonterra Co-operative Group could let farmer shareholders sell “wet shares” - the shares held based on annual milk production - as a way of providing support to its cashstrapped milk suppliers, says broker First NZ Capital. The co-operative’s latest support measure has been to bring forward payment of its forecast 20 cents per share final dividend earlier than usual to get the money into farmers’ hands as quickly as possible. - NZME
UN member states. Key attributes include integrity and impartiality and one of the most important roles is to use the “good offices” of the position, both publicly and in private, to help prevent international dis-
Selling Fonterra shares
Ex-NZ MP Helen Clark
putes arising or escalating. Although the UN Charter describes it as a “chief administrative officer” it also includes critical political and diplomatic elements. The Secretary-General has the power to raise with the Security Council any issues he or she believes threaten peace and security. Commentators have observed that those who have held the role have adapted it to suit the problems faced in the world at a given time – the Council on Foreign Relations noted Kofi Annan was considered an “activist” and “world moderator” and his work earned him a Nobel Peace Price. - NZME
Former Prime Minister Helen Clark will have more than 40,000 staff under her and earn a tax-free base salary of about US$230,000 as well as free accommodation in New York if she is successful in her campaign to be the next Secretary-General of the UN. However, the job has been described as the most difficult job in the world by the man who first held the role -Trygve Lie. The Secretary-General oversees 41,000 staff worldwide who work for the UN Secretariat, of which about 6500 are based in New York and 21,000 are in field operations. Other UN organisations have
a further 35,000 staff. The UNDP led by Clark has 7500 staff and Clark is on a base salary of about $US190,000 but her total remuneration has been estimated at $US450,000. She has previously said a “significant portion” of that goes toward paying for her New York apartment. Based in New York, the UN website says the Secretary-General is “equal parts diplomat and advocate, civil servant and CEO”. It describes the day-to-day work of a Secretary-General as ranging from attending the sessions of the various UN bodies to consulting with world leaders and extensive international travel to stay in touch with the
The biggest megaliner to visit New Zealand will stay in this region longer this summer and is confirmed to return for another season, Royal Caribbean International said yesterday. Royal Caribbean said that Ovation will return for a second season in summer 2017/18 due to the “extraordinary demand’’ for the ship from Australians and New Zealanders. The ship will carry close to 5000 passengers. - NZME
q S&P/NZX 50 Gross
6,715.81 –27.79 –0.41%
S&P/NZX 20 index q
4,771.37 –26.01 –0.54%
q S&P/NZX All Gross
7,237.32 –27.01 –0.37%
p Rises 56 q Falls 50
S&P/ASX 200 index q
At close of trading on Apr 5, 2016
q Dow Jones Indust.
At close of trading on Apr 4, 2016
p FTSE 100 index
At close of trading on Apr 4, 2016
q Nikkei 225 index
15,732.8 –390.4 –2.42% Snapshot at 7pm on Apr 5, 2016
p Gold
London – $US/ounce
q Silver London – $US/ounce
q Copper London – $US/tonne
Source: BNZ
As at 4pm April 5, 2016
TT buy
Australia 0.915 Canada 0.911 China 4.7025 Euro 0.6134 Fiji 1.4543 Great Britain 0.487 Japan 77.41 Samoa 1.8146 South Africa 10.2452 Thailand 24.41 United States 0.6965
TT sell
0.8844 0.8773 4.1272 0.5868 1.3403 0.4699 74.15 1.5881 9.8737 23.27 0.6715
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Your place 12 Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
TEST YOURSELF Test yourself with the Guardian’s weekday quiz 1 – Which is Jo Goodhew’s electorate? a. Timaru b. Selwyn c. Rangitata 2 – Approximately how many people are born every day? a. 200,000 b. 300,000 c. 400,000 3 – How many red stripes are there on the US flag? a. Five b. Six c. Seven 4 – Which bird lays its eggs in another bird’s nest? a. Golden eagle b. Ostrich c. Cuckoo 5 – How long would it probably take for people to travel to Mars? a. 3-4 months b. 5-6 months c. 8-9 months 6 – What would an ancient Egyptian touch to take an oath? a. An onion b. A cat c. A dagger 7 – When does REM occur in the human body? a. During exercise b. During digestion c. During sleep 8 – What is the average age of cars in NZ? a. 14 years b. 16 years c. 18 years
6 5
8 7 9
5 8 7 2 9
A fluffy ball of cute Mac is a three-month-old long-haired pure breed chocolate seal point persian. Like most kittens, he likes eating a lot and sleeping. And his favourite things to do are playing with his duck and his maze where he can hit the ball up and down with his paw. He is obviously keen to help his human out with the washing too.
Your Place is the place to display the photos of your sports team, your pets, your school events, or just something ordinary from the present or days gone by. Please send your photos to with the words YOUR PLACE in the subject line and we will run it in the Guardian or our website
Answers: 1. Rangitata 2. 200,000 3. Seven 4. Cuckoo 5. 8-9 months 6. An onion 7. During sleep 8. 14 years.
1 4 8 6 2 1 5 9YESTERDAY’S 6 79 4ANSWERS 5 1 3
3 1 6 5 7 2 8 9 4
8 9 2 6 4 3 7 1 5
7 5 4 1 8 9 2 3 6
6 2 5 7 3 1 9 4 8
1 8 9 2 5 4 3 6 7
4 7 3 9 6 8 1 5 2
5 3 8 4 9 7 6 2 1
9 6 1 8 2 5 4 7 3
2 4 7 3 1 6 5 8 9
7 8 2 2 8 5 9 4 6
9 8 2
7 4 5 7 4 1
Thai chicken soup with coconut cream and lemon grass
1 8
Solutions for today in tomorrow’s Your Place page.
1 400ml can coconut cream 1C chicken stock 2C water 2 stalks lemon grass, cut into 3cm lengths 2cm piece fresh ginger, thinly sliced 3 kaffir lime leaves, thinly sliced 500g Tegel Lean & Lite Skinless Breast Fillets, sliced into thin strips 200g small button mushrooms 2 medium tomatoes, chopped 1 large red chilli, finely chopped 1/4 C lime juice 2T fish sauce 2T chopped fresh coriander
stock, water, lemon grass, ginger and kaffir lime leaves into a large saucepan. Bring to the boil and simmer for five minutes. If desired strain the mixture and remove the lemon grass, kaffir lime and ginger. ■ Add the chicken, mushrooms, tomatoes and chilli to the saucepan. Simmer for a further 5 minutes or until the chicken is just cooked. Add the lime juice and fish sauce. ■ Ladle into bowls and garnish with the coriander.
■ Place the coconut cream, chicken
8When 2 1considering 4 5 3 Insurance 6 9 7 requirements it’s 5 9 simpler 4 7 to 1 use 6 a8team 2 you 3 can trust. 3 7Call 6 9 2a8 Rothbury 5 1 4 9 3 5 1 6 7 4 8 2 Broker today 4 1 8 2 3 5 7 6 9 7 6 2 8 9 4 3 5 1
Hamish Davy Rothbury Insurance Broker DDI: 03 307 6896 M: 021 243 1386 E: Members of IBANZ 69 Tancred Street, Ashburton
Recipe courtesy of Tegel
Simply living Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Ashburton Guardian 13
Sweets for special occasions W
ith sugar now listed as one of the culinary world’s worst deadly sins, there’s a fair amount of guilt attached when your food fancy turns to something sweet. With that in mind, New Zealand’s tried and true culinary duo, mother and son, Alison and Simon Holst have come up with a nifty little book, Sweet Treats for Those Special Occasions. They’re not pretending that everything in their book will get a tick from the health conscious, but they’re working on the premise that a little bit of what you fancy now and again won’t do too much harm. Moderation is the key. Some of the recipes have stood the test of time from Alison’s grandmother’s time; others are new inventions, putting a modern twist on old favourites.
Rocky road 375g dark chocolate chips or melts 1-2t Kremelta 200g marshmallows 1C popped popcorn 1/2 C chopped dried apricots or glace cherries or a mix of both ■ Line 18x28cm tin with baking paper. ■ Place chocolate in large microwave dish and melt, stirring every 30 seconds. ■ Add vegetable shortening and stir until melted. ■ If it is not runny add a little more Kremelta. ■ Add marshmallows, popcorn and fruit. ■ Stir to combine and tip into prepared tin. ■ Refrigerate until cold and then cut into squares.
GIVEAWAY FOR FOODIES This weekend is a red letter one on the calendar for Canterbury foodies with the annual Food Show being held in Christchurch from Friday until Sunday. The show is open to the public from 10am to 5pm each day and is held in the Horncastle Arena. The Guardian has four double passes to give away to this event. Please write your name, address and phone number on the back of the envelope with Food Show written on it and make sure it reaches us by 5pm on Thursday to be in the draw. You can also email your details to Winners will be notified on Thursday evening. tight container in fridge.
Fruit and nut balls 1/2 C sultanas 1/2 C raisins 1/2 C dried apricots 1/2 C orange or lemon juice 1/2 C roasted peanuts 1/4 C sesame seeds 1/2 C coconut ■ Pour boiling water over sultanas and raisins in sieve. ■ Drain well. ■ Boil chopped apricots in citrus juice until liquid has disappeared. ■ Chop peanuts roughly in food processor. ■ Add other fruit and sesame seeds and process until finely chopped. ■ Add enough coconut to form into a rollable mixture. ■ Form into small balls or bars. ■ Roll in extra coconut. ■ Leave until firm then store in air-
Birdseed bars 1C sesame seeds 1C sunflower seeds 1C chopped roasted peanuts 1C coconut or finely rolled oats or crushed cornflakes 1C sultanas 100g butter 1/4 C honey 1/2 C brown sugar ■ Line base and sides of 18x28cm tin with baking powder. ■ One ingredient at a time toast seeds, peanuts and cereal. ■ Mix in large bowl after browned and add sultanas. ■ Melt butter, honey and brown sugar until sugar is dissolved and mixture is toffee-like. ■ Heat until a drop forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water.
■ Tip into toasted ingredients. ■ Stir well and press into prepared pan. ■ Leave until lukewarm and then turn-out on to board. ■ Cut with sharp knife.
Apricot balls Zest of 1 orange 1/2 C caster sugar 250g dried apricots chopped 1/4 orange juice 3/4 C fine desiccated coconut ■ Roughly chop apricots then pulse with orange and sugar in blender till finely chopped. ■ Add a little juice and process again. ■ Add coconut in two or three lots and process until mixture can be rolled in balls with wet hands. ■ Shape into balls. ■ Roll in coconut.
■ Can be frozen.
Salted caramels 125g butter 2C sugar 1C golden syrup 395g can sweetened condensed milk 2t vanilla essence 1T flaky salt ■ Combine butter, sugar, syrup, condensed milk and vanilla in large pot. ■ Heat over medium heat until it boils, stirring frequently. ■ Cook 10 mins stirring frequently until mixture forms a ball. ■ Stir vigorously then pour on to baking-paper lined non-stick, spayed 23 x 23cm tin. ■ Sprinkle with salt and leave to cool completely. ■ Cut into 2–2.5cm squares.
Midweek Munchies
Midweek Munchies • • • • • • •
Pastry pies and sausage rolls Hot chips/Wedges Freshly made sandwiches Freshly made salads Homemade baking Cold drinks/coffee Milk shake/thickshake
Gluten free Fresh spring rolls Chicken/vegetarian $5.00
If you’re friendly and great with customers we want to hear from you as we are now looking for a new team member.
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Daily special
Apricot, Apple and Banana Custard pies.
Main South Road, Tinwald - Ph 308-5774
Arts 14 Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Top-notch NZ artists featured
April 6 – Their Name Liveth, Commemorating Our Fallen, opens at the Ashburton Art Gallery and Ashburton Museum foyer, runs until Anzac Day.
April 8 – Ashburton Society of Arts autumn show opens, guest artist Richard Bolton.
April 9 – Shaun Galdwell, Yokohama Linework exhibition, at the Ashburton Art Gallery until May 11.
April 10 – Jub Jub Club, two sessions every second Sunday at the Ashburton Art Gallery, 10.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 4pm. Making Texture, looking at different textures in art and making textured paintings.
To April 10 – Methven artist Dennis Brown exhibiting at the Methven Art Gallery at the Methven Heritage Centre.
April 13 – Festival of the Spoken Word 2016, 7pm, Ashburton College auditorium. Come along and be entertained by the spoken word. Tickets $5, available from college office.
April 19 – Drawing with Film, school holiday programme, at the Ashburton Art Gallery through to April 21.
April 21 – Psychic Kelvin Cruickshank at the Ashburton Trust Event Centre, 7pm.
April 22 – Ashburton Tease – Burlesque Variety Show at the Ashburton Trust Event Centre, 8.30pm.
April 26 – HMS Pinafore, directed by Geraldine Brophy, at the Ashburton Trust Event Centre, 7pm, $81.90 to $87.
To April 30 - Ashburton Art Gallery holding creative still life competition. A still life area with materials in the gallery foyer, entries will be judged by artist Jan Chaffey and the winning piece will be displayed at the gallery.
May 1 - Sons of a Bitch and Mel Parsons woolshed tour at Snowdon, 566 Snowdon Road, Rakaia Gorge. Doors open 6pm, show begins 7pm, and general admission is $42.50.
Let us know what’s happening in the world of art and we’ll make sure your information goes into our Arts Diary Send your information to:
Susan Sandys or phone 03 307-7961 @AshGuardian Subscribe at
About 75 people attended the opening of two exhibitions at the Ashburton Art Gallery on Saturday. Pictured is staff member Simone Barnsdale and gallery committee vice president Michael Armstrong, viewing the oil-on-board work Woman on Park Bench, 1971, by Jeffrey Harris. The exhibitions were Recent Works by Jan Chaffey, who spoke at the opening, and selected Jeffrey Harris works from the Bosshard Browne Collection. Ms Chaffey is a Tai Tapu artist whose work aims to draw attention to New Zealand’s native flora and fauna and highlights the need for their protection. Mr Harris is considered among New Zealand’s most significant artists and works included in the exhibition are mostly drawn from the first 12 years of his fulltime career, collected by his friend, collector and former dealer Patricia Bosshard Browne.
‘Such stuff as dreams are made on’ for BLTC members
It was “such stuff as dreams are made on”, to quote the words of Shakespeare himself, for Big Little Theatre Company members at the weekend. Members were representing Mount Hutt College when they beat about 40 other entries in the 2016 Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival regional Canterbury competition, making it to a showcase performance at the Court Theatre on Sunday night. While their goal of making it to the national finals in Wellington and ultimately the Globe Theatre in London was not to be this year, they are gearing up to achieve this in future years. Director Jackie Heffernan said it was the first time the company had competed in the festival, and she was proud of how her students performed. The majority of students in competing schools had been older and more experienced. The Mount Hutt College entry was set on a Mid Canterbury dairy farm, with King Lear’s lands being the farm itself. This quirky interpretation saw the school pick up a Kiwi-as award from the judges. Additionally, the directors of Mrs Heffernan and fellow Big Little Theatre tutor Georgie Sivier received the best teacher directors award of the night. “Our aim this year was to secure a foot in the door. Our young actors would not have the opportunity to be part of this experience through their schools,” Mrs
Mitchell Farr as King Lear at the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival at Court Theatre in Christchurch, accompanied by fellow actors Magdalene Haugh (right) and Libby Higson. PHOTO SUSAN SANDYS 040416-SS-0046
Heffernan said. “We are not a school and this is a schools’ festival, so we had to seek special permission and secure the support of a local school that we could represent. “We chose Mount Hutt College as they do not have a drama de-
partment,” Mrs Heffernan said. She said Big Little Theatre had award-winning students when it came to their expertise in Shakespeare and she had wanted to give them a chance to earn a place in the New Zealand Young Shakespeare Company.
“To be nominated through this festival is the only way.” She was in the process of putting together a team of specialist tutors to help coach the company’s actors in readiness for next year’s festival. “We will get to the Globe in London,” she said.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Ashburton Guardian 15
Premiership ‘wide open’ By James Ford
Premier grade netball will return to the EA Networks Centre Stadium tomorrow evening as the six finest club sides in the district vie for ACL Premiership supremacy on the hardwood.
Methven Wareings A Methven have retained six players from last season’s championship winning team, but coach Greta Currie will be without wing defence Emma Perry and goal attack Bindy Egden, who have both headed overseas, while stalwart defender Kate Cairns is also unavailable. Currie said winning backto-back titles will be a tough challenge, but has plenty of confidence in her players’ determination and commitment to the cause. “Girls playing at this level always have a real drive to win the competition and it is a challenge to try and back up our win from last season,” she said. “Every year is different and every team we will meet is different, which makes the start of the year exciting.” Currie said preseason preparations have gone well and helped the newcomers familiarise themselves with their new surroundings. “We have had a couple of preseason games against Pleasant Point and Harlequins from Timaru, these games were very worthwhile, giving the chance to work on different combinations,” she said.
Celtic Auric Energy A Celtic, who were the last team to win the title outdoors, will be gunning for a return to championship form after finishing in third place last season. Coach Ange Leadley has lost the services of Gina Taylor, Olivia Hutchinson, Olivia Hood and Emma Doyle, but will be boosted by the return of some key personnel in Rachel MacGregor, Amanda Ward and Debbie Summerfield. “These are welcomed returns as they bring experience with them,” said Leadley. “We have been lucky to have Julia McLeod and Alice Breading join us, who are both talented players.” McLeod and Breading will join up with Anna Holland, Lynda Summerfield and Emma Bonnington, which will give Celtic a strong blend of youth, experience and versatility. Leadley said her players have prepared well for the coming season, and also credited newly appointed co-coach Gina Taylor for her positive influence on the team. “Trainings have been going well, we have a very committed group,” she said. “Gina Taylor has stepped into a co-coaching role with the team. “She brings new ideas and enthusiasm to our trainings.”
Lynda and Debbie Summerfield were put through their paces during Celtic’s training session at the EA Networks Centre Stadium on Monday. Celtic will lock horns with last year’s finalists Ashburton College in their opening tie of the season tomorrow evening. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 04016-TM-0092
United KFC A Defenders Claire Tappin and Meg Ashworth will return to the fray for United A, along with goal shooter Alyce Lysaght and the versatile Kate Benny. Coach Anne Gilbert said United, who placed fourth last season, have not had as many preseason hit-outs as she hoped for, but is
College have four familiar faces who are back for the 2016 campaign. Shannon Stockdale will skipper the side, while Molly Stapleton will make her long awaited return following a knee injury and Georgina Kelly and Grace Wilson will also don the College red for another season.
Every year is different and every team we will meet is different, which makes the start of the year exciting
confident her side will progress rapidly. “We would definitely have benefited from a couple more weeks of preparation,” she said. “But we’ll grow as the season progresses, we have a lovely group of girls who are still getting to know each other.”
Ashburton College Finesse Fitness A
College will be aiming to go one better this year after falling to a disappointing 22-21 final defeat against Methven last season and will be trying to utilise more of the attacking flair of Kelly and Stockdale. “I think all my players have the potential to be influential, however the attacking pair of Shannon Stockdale and Georgina Kelly will be exciting to watch,” said
coach Angela Mitchell. “They come into this season having gained a lot of experience last year and bring with them a fantastic fitness level and lots of speed.” Mitchell said her young team is eager to get started. “This group loves playing netball and they have approached every preseason session with focus and worked hard,” she said. “Nothing substitutes playing competition games, though, so we are ready to hit the court and start to work on our combinations.”
Rakaia A Rakaia have retained goal shooter Olivia Breading and goal keeper Kimberly Stubbs-Dynes from last season’s promotionwinning side. Newcomer Philippa Newton will bolster the defence while Lauren Angus, Cassie Burch and Maree McNally offer their services in the mid-court. Lara Reihana has made a return to premier grade netball to spearhead the attack at goal shoot while Brans Surridge will have her work cut out as player-coach, but brings plenty of versatility to the side.
Hampstead Hotel Ashburton A Hampstead will begin their season against reigning champions Methven in the second clash of the evening on the ACL Court tomorrow. Elizabeth Bell, Emma Rosevear, Makayla Cromie and Sarah Tait make up the quartet of returning players, while Shannon Vidler and Casey McIntosh have made the step up from the Senior B side. Liana Arnold will give Hampstead a boost in defence, having joined from Christchurch’s Technical Netball Club and coach Cindy Meadows will also have the option of sisters Nicole Hands and Amy Ferguson, who have returned to action following a spell away from the game.
DRAW Ashburton College Finesse Fitness A v Celtic Auric Energy A, 6.30pm, ACL Court. Hampstead Hotel Ashburton A v Methven Wareings A, 7.30pm, ACL Court. United KFC A v Rakaia A, 7.30pm, Vetent Court.
Racing 16
Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
In brief
Locals out to make impact Graeme Sanders and Debbie Sweeney have a big team engaged at their home meeting at Te Awamutu today and they are optimistic of an early strike. The father and daughter training combination will produce two runners in the opening event, the Garrard’s Horse & Hound 1300, and rate both Two Gee’s and Lady Ferner strong chances. “I quite like Two Gee’s – he over-raced a bit at his last start and he’s improved while Lady Ferner has been quite consistent and she’s well,” Sweeney said. Two Gee’s ran fifth at Waverley when resuming from a lengthy spell while Lady Ferner has collected five cheques from her last seven appearances. Later in the Waipa programme, Sanders expected Mariposa to give another bold account of herself in the NZB Insurance Pearl Series Race. “It was a good effort at Hawera last time out and we’re very happy with her,” she said. “On paper, she’s probably our best chance.” Mariposa was a close second when returning from a four month break and she has drawn ideally in gate two to go one better in the hands of Brendan Hutton. The stable will be represented
Future uncertain Fanatic’s immediate future will be confirmed in the coming days. The Gr.1 New Zealand Oaks winner was sent for a break shortly after her Trentham victory and a crack at the Gr.1 Queensland Oaks hasn’t been ruled out. “The owner is quite keen so it’s a possibility, but we’ll have a meeting in the next week or so and make some decisions,” said Debbie Sweeney, who prepares the Shocking filly with her father Graeme Sanders. - NZME
Winx out of QE Stakes Chris Waller has decided against backing up his champion mare Winx in this Saturday’s $A4 million Gr.1 Queen Elizabeth Stakes at Randwick. He informed stewards after track work yesterday that she wouldn’t be taking her place in the feature, after betting on the race was suspended on Monday amid uncertainty over whether she would start. It is now expected that Winx will be spelled ahead of a spring campaign that will include the defence of her Cox Plate title. - NZME
Walker to miss big day Tommy Berry has picked up the mount on Criterion when the New Zealand-bred and owned entire defends his Queen Elizabeth Stakes title. The in-form jockey will replace Michael Walker, who has stood himself down in the wake of an unexplained fainting episode at his home on Sunday. Walker was also booked to partner Criterion’s stablemate Almoonqith in the $A1 million Gr.1 Sydney Cup. - NZME
Two Gee’s is rated as a big show in the Garrard’s Horse & Hound at Waipa today. PHOTO RACE IMAGES
by The Keept Lady, who has been in the money in both of her last two appearances, in the other Pearl Series event. “She’s coming back in distance and Robert Priscott’s
horse A’Larose is very fast so we’ll probably be chasing her around the track as well,” Sweeney said. “We’ve also got a bit of time for Night Vision and he’ll be a chance
if he doesn’t get too far back.” The three-year-old will make a fresh start in the Te Ata Rest Home 1150 after placing in three of his four starts last preparation. - NZME
Waipa gallops Today at Te Awamutu Raceway
Miranda Dravitzki rides The Secret’s Out in the Pearl Series today.
Waipa RC Venue: Te Awamutu Meeting Date: 6 Apr 2016 3 x487x Jessicova (4) 56.5 ......................V Gatu (a2) 5 23308 Laddie Of Oakview 54 .................. Scratched NZ Meeting number: 2 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 4 Hush Little Sista (5) 56.5.......... D Danis (a4) 6 88x74 Straight Furrow dm (5) 54 ..........L Hemi (a2) 6; 7 and 8 Trebles: 2, 3 and 4; 6, 7 and 8 5 Senassy (7) 56.5 .................Z N Azman (a3) 7 86054 Keandra tmh (3) 54 ............... M Dravitzki (a) 1 12.44pm GARRARD’S HORSE & HOUND 1580 6 5697x Maddee Fae (2) 56.5..................R Elliot (a3) 6 3.34pm NZB INSURANCE PEARL SERIES RACE 7 97 Moonlight Song (1) 56.5 ...........A Jones (a1) MAIDEN $7000, MDN, 1580m 1150 RATING 65 $12,000, Rating 65 Benchmark Fil8 0x Couleur De Rose (9) 56 ............. Z Moki (a3) lies and Mares*, 1150m 1 375x5 Two Gee’s h (2) 58.5 ............. M Dravitzki (a) 9 9x Lisa Lou (8) 56 ........................B Hutton (a1) 2 650x6 Colombian Prince (7) 58.5 .......A Jones (a1) 1 x001x Flying Fantasy m (7) 60 .............R Elliot (a3) 3 56070 Licavoli (5) 58.5 ..........................V Gatu (a2) 4 2.29pm CROWE HORWATH 1150 MAIDEN $7000, 2 7x144 Ruby Bloom (3) 59.5 ...............B Hutton (a1) 4 96807 Matangi Boy (4) 58.5 .................. Z Moki (a3) MDN 3YO, 1150m 3 321x Underthemoonlight m (5) 59.5 .A Jones (a1) 1 x028x Acre 57.5...................................... Scratched 5 76x70 Ready To Rumble (6) 58.5 .........A Sims (a3) 4 9460x A’Larose h (4) 59 .......................L Hemi (a2) 2 540x0 Buffalo Joe (8) 57.5 ....................L Hemi (a2) 6 32308 Lady Ferner h (8) 56.5 .......L Magorrian (a1) 5 00824 The Keept Lady h (8) 58.5 .L Magorrian (a1) 3 08x Camaroso h (1) 57.5 ............. M Dravitzki (a) 7 586x7 Perfect Rose (1) 56.5 ........ U Holmquist (a2) 6 2018x The Secret’s Out th (6) 58.5 .. M Dravitzki (a) 4 Colourful Achiever (3) 57.5 ........R Elliot (a3) 8 524 I See Fire (3) 56 ......................S McKay (a1) 7 4687x Tranky Doo m (1) 58.5 ........Z N Azman (a3) 2 1.19pm PAPER PLUS & TOYWORLD TE AWAMUTU 5 60x0x Lupita h (9) 55.5 ......................S McKay (a1) 8 36176 Katie’s So Kool (2) 57.5...........S McKay (a1) 6 85 Windstorm h (2) 55.5 ...............A Jones (a1) 7 4.04pm NZB INSURANCE PEARL SERIES RACE 1400 3YO MAIDEN $7000, MDN 3YO, 1400m 7 Endean Express (6) 55.5 ........B Hutton (a1) 1400 F&M MAIDEN $12,000, MDN F&M, 1400m 1 243 Cutting Up Rough b (1) 57.5Z N Azman (a3) 8 Flying On Red (5) 55.5...............A Sims (a3) 1 02262 Brunette (8) 57.5 .....................S McKay (a1) 2 6x Rocksun (6) 57.5 .....................S McKay (a1) 9 Jumeirah h (4) 55.5 ........... U Holmquist (a2) 2 083x2 Mariposa h (2) 57.5 .................B Hutton (a1) 3 x964x Cellar h (5) 55.5 .................L Magorrian (a1) Shonali h (7) 55.5...............L Magorrian (a1) 3 3359x Zadoree h (6) 57.5 ..............Z N Azman (a3) 4 00x Love Game h (4) 55.5 ....... U Holmquist (a2) 10 5 Loveable (3) 55.5 ....................B Hutton (a1) 5 3.04pm TIMMO’S ITM 2000 RATING 75 $8000, Rat- 4 x4764 Kittykittybangbang (1) 57.5 ......A Jones (a1) 5 96740 Capistrano Pearl h (9) 57.5 ... M Dravitzki (a) 6 98 Shameless (2) 55.5 .................. D Danis (a4) ing 75 Benchmark, 2000m 3 1.54pm TE ATA REST HOME 1150 MAIDEN $7000, 1 475x6 Bachelor Zeel td (1) 60 ...........B Hutton (a1) 6 704x8 Likewise (4) 57.5 ........................A Sims (a3) 2 01268 Maid Of Steel (6) 58.5 .............S McKay (a1) 7 03705 Spawn of Elaia (5) 57.5 ..............L Hemi (a2) MDN, 1150m 3 41775 Southern Power d (2) 57.5 .......A Jones (a1) 8 56x Domaine (3) 57.5 1 6x9x Hoyt Axton h (3) 58.5 ..........A Schwerin (a3) 4 97829 Sky Idea (4) 56.5 ........................ Z Moki (a3) 9 4760x Orange Roughie h (7) 57.5 U Holmquist (a2) 2 3943x Night Voyage h (6) 58..............S McKay (a1)
10 2 Indian Maid h (10) 57 .........L Magorrian (a1) 4.34pm NIGEL PITCON AUTO ELECTRICAL 1580 RATING 65 $7000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1580m 1 2321x Hushed (4) 60 2 x1076 Bear th (3) 58 .....................L Magorrian (a1) 3 578x1 Archduchess (5) 57.5 4 0x837 Celtic Boy (6) 57.5............. U Holmquist (a2) 5 2929x Skylla (1) 57.5 ................... I Musiolkova (a4) 6 82310 My Paloma h (7) 57 ............... M Dravitzki (a) 7 139x0 Stocktake 56.5 ............................. Scratched 8 100x6 Nathalie Falmet m (2) 56.........S McKay (a1) Blinkers on: Couleur De Rose (R3), Buffalo Joe (R4), Ruby Bloom, Katie’s So Kool (R6) Blinkers off: Lupita (R4) Winkers on: Kittykittybangbang (R7) Winkers off: Licavoli (R1), Katie’s So Kool (R6) SELECTIONS Race 1: Two Gee’s, I See Fire, Perfect Rose, Colombian Prince Race 2: Cutting Up Rough, Loveable, Shameless, Cellar Race 3: Night Voyage, Hush Little Sista, Senassy, Maddee Fae Race 4: Endean Express, Colourful Achiever, Shonali, Lupita Race 5: Maid Of Steel, Bachelor Zeel, Keandra, Sky Idea Race 6: Ruby Bloom, A’Larose, Flying Fantasy, Katie’s So Kool Race 7: Brunette, Indian Maid, Likewise, Kittykittybangbang Race 8: My Paloma, Nathalie Falmet, Hushed, Celtic Boy
Wanganui dogs Today at Hatrick Raceway
Wanganui Greyhound Racing Club Venue: Hatrick Race- 1 3211 Thunderation 17.64 ..........................L Ahern 7 77852 Wall Age 30.51 ................................L Doody way Meeting Date: 06 Apr 2016 NZ Meeting number: 3 2 23287 Vee Veery Lovely 18.49 G & ........... J Clarke 8 84775 Mariah 30.72 ....................................P Taylor Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8; 9 and 10; 3 52241 Tank’s Rob 17.70 ............................S Maher 9 57658 Kirkham Harvey 30.26 .................M Roberts 11 and 12 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9; 10, 4 14234 Allegro Dasher 18.11 ...................... J W Bell 10 67876 Dark Garnah nwtd.................... S Gommans 11 and 12 5 33573 Hyde Baxter 18.14 .................J T McInerney 6 1.28pm KEENAN CONCRETE C1 HEAT2 C1q, 520m 1 12.01pm ABSOLUTELY ELECTRICAL C0 C0, 305m 6 73425 Takeaway 17.70 L & ........................... Morris 1 75224 Business Review nwtd L & ................. Morris 7 78668 Petite Joy 18.22 ................................M Flipp 1 446 Grace Slick nwtd .........................A Turnwald 2 88225 Cawbourne Paws nwtd ............ S Gommans 8 78172 Electric Dandy 17.70 ......................... B Hunt 2 74431 Totes nwtd ..............................J T McInerney 3 36536 Zamaddis Lass 30.64................... T Downey 9 65777 Homebush Tiare 17.41 ...........J T McInerney 3 5 Bigtime Runnings nwtd ....................L Ahern 4 11485 Charlie Bo Bo 30.68 ....................B Hodgson 4 44342 Scooter’s Rose nwtd ............... T McCracken 10 36884 Shelly McBell 18.13 ...............J T McInerney 5 2558x Scott The Best 30.86..................... R Maisey 5 52464 Belfast Barry nwtd ........................... J W Bell 4 12.53pm WANGANUI CHRONICLE C1 C1, 305m 6 35124 Freddy Bedrock 30.26 .................A Turnwald 1 34875 Liz Watto 18.12 ................................... L Bell 6 Bee Like Me nwtd .................... S Gommans 7 53651 Homebush Bounce nwtd ........J T McInerney 2 767x8 Exact Master 17.81 ........................... B Hunt 7 55375 Terra Trip nwtd.................................... N Udy 8 13221 Thrilling Cassie nwtd ....................... K Walsh 3 67646 Working Jewel 17.75 .......................L Doody 8 36586 Eve Ning Hill nwtd I C & .................J Lenden 9 15877 Ranger’s Waltz nwtd .......................S Maher 4 37225 Gully Yappa 18.09 G & .................... J Clarke 10 68758 Lagoon Victory 30.90 ............... S Gommans 9 48667 Another Ranger nwtd .............J T McInerney 5 21322 Kay Marting 17.91 ..................J T McInerney 7 1.45pm AON CPF C1 HEAT3 C1q, 520m 10 75776 Gully Screamer nwtd G & ............... J Clarke 6 45573 Zippora Blaze nwtd ...........................M Flipp 2 12.18pm ADEPT ACCOUNTANTS C0 C0, 305m 1 17568 Cawbourne Spree 30.66 ..............M Roberts 7 44647 Brilliant Ava 17.80 ........................M Roberts 1 Raging Demon nwtd U & ......................Bliek 2 44378 Zimmer Frame 30.52 U &......................Bliek 8 26465 Val Baxter 18.11.....................J T McInerney 2 36455 Rally Sarious nwtd .................J T McInerney 3 11 Thrilling Boris nwtd.......................... K Walsh 9 51878 Lulu’s Flame 18.08 I C & ................J Lenden 3 85376 Dark Witch nwtd ............................... P Clark 4 65642 Opawa Jay nwtd ............................... A Clark 10 86788 Princess Novak nwtd..................... D Donlon 4 37377 Khal Drago nwtd G & ...................... J Clarke 5 83724 Cawbourne Satin 30.79 D P & . K Gommans 5 78632 Culvie Den nwtd .............................. J W Bell 5 1.10 LIQUORLAND WANGANUI C1 HEAT1 C1q, 520m 6 88783 Come On Mickey 30.92 G & ........... J Clarke 1 7868x Sheriff Roscoe 30.91 ...................... C Brider 6 43545 Goldstar Lexie nwtd ................ T McCracken 7 67746 Homebush Naki 30.79 ...........J T McInerney 2 84347 Opawa Amber 30.69 .........................M Flipp 7 2347x Charrina Hill nwtd I C &..................J Lenden 8 43345 Milly Rivers 31.26 ........................B Hodgson 3 46622 Calypso Star nwtd ........................... K Walsh 8 Allegro Beaty nwtd ...........................L Ahern 9 15877 Ranger’s Waltz nwtd .......................S Maher 4 35862 Candid Angel 30.62 ...................... M Gowan 10 68758 Lagoon Victory 30.90 ............... S Gommans 9 646 Kalisi nwtd .......................................... N Udy 5 66647 Thrilling Dylan 30.24 ............... T McCracken 8 2.03pm THE ROCK 95.2FM C1 HEAT4 C1q, 520m 10 58678 Wrong Number nwtd ................ S Gommans 6 x3141 Red Express nwtd ............................L Ahern 3 12.35pm LASER PLUMBING C1 C1, 305m 1 34733 Cawbourne Gable 31.02 ................. J W Bell
2 66373 Kennel Boy nwtd .........................A Turnwald 3 43886 Lily Ma’s Smoking 30.62 .................S Maher 4 71834 Cawbourne Marcy 31.47 ......... T McCracken 5 28864 Cawbourne Bird nwtd............... S Gommans 6 77447 That’s King 30.50 ........................B Hodgson 7 23736 Pedro’s Carat nwtd ........................ M Gowan 8 75276 Opawa Shiloh nwtd .........................B Marsh Emergencies: 9 57658 Kirkham Harvey 30.26 .................M Roberts 10 67876 Dark Garnah nwtd.................... S Gommans 9 2.20pm PALAMOUNTAINS SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION C1, 305m 1 74674 Opehu Flyer 17.78 ...........................R Waite 2 86533 Vee Veery Good 18.29 G & ............. J Clarke 3 64353 Winfield Autumn 17.78 ....................L Doody 4 53683 Lick It Up nwtd .......................J T McInerney 5 17637 Another Jet nwtd ....................J T McInerney 6 65766 Cawbourne Mark 18.38 D P & . K Gommans 7 146 Nadzeya 17.86 .................................L Ahern 8 56774 Kapai Lana 17.82 U & ...........................Bliek 9 87658 Stainless Knocka 17.92 U & .................Bliek 10 66886 Dallas Baxter 18.11................J T McInerney 10 2.38pm FIRST SECURITY DISTANCE C1d, 645m 1 45514 Bralyn Charlie nwtd .....................A Turnwald 2 82114 Thrilling Evie nwtd U & ..........................Bliek 3 53677 Alamein Blonde nwtd ...................... J W Bell 4 5x234 Big Red Chev 37.62 ....................A Turnwald 5 17726 Allmendinger nwtd ......................A Turnwald
6 44367 Fast Rigby nwtd ..........................A Turnwald 7 26555 Opawa Gavin nwtd G &................... J Clarke 8 58517 You’re So Free 38.42....................... J W Bell 11 2.55 DOPEY DOG LASER ENGRAVING C1, 305m 1 575x7 Bigtime Chip 17.68.........................R Murray 2 46888 Buzzy As 18.33 ..................................J Hunt 3 3F767 Princely Money nwtd ..............J T McInerney 4 37546 Maligned 18.16 U & ..............................Bliek 5 84571 Nui Magic 17.68 ................................M Flipp 6 34122 Big Ben 17.86 .......................... S Gommans 7 65746 Johnny Angel 17.86 ................ T McCracken 8 62585 Belfast Eejit 17.84 ..................J T McInerney Emergencies: 9 28875 Ella Baxter 18.05....................J T McInerney 10 57878 Cawbourne Peejay nwtd ..............M Roberts 12 3.13 BOOK YOUR FUNCTION@HATRICK C1, 305m 1 34488 Plaiting Puss 18.45 U & ........................Bliek 2 88587 Cheries Boy nwtd ...................J T McInerney 3 28431 Opawa Leigh 17.84 ...........................M Flipp 4 37424 So Unbelievable 18.43 ....................M Olden 5 43646 Five Kay Leg 17.97 ............................ N Udy 6 346x5 Goodtime Lady nwtd ........................ I Moore 7 57552 Sammy Baxter 17.95 .............J T McInerney 8 52157 Tracey nwtd .....................................L Doody 9 36884 Shelly McBell 18.13 ...............J T McInerney 10 51878 Lulu’s Flame 18.08 I C & ................J Lenden LEGEND: fsdt - First Start Here nwd - No Win this Distance fstd - First Start This Distance 31 13 - Best Winning Time This Track
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Six-point tries in Heartland
Julian Savea’s weight problems, which have caused him to be dropped and recently brought back into the fold by Hurricanes coach Chris Boyd, will be a concern for the player and the franchise but also All Blacks coach Steve Hansen. Unfortunately, all parties have been here before. Last year, as the Hurricanes eased their training load during the latter stages of their road to the Super Rugby grand final against the Highlanders, Savea’s weight went on the rise, due to, apparently, a lack of physical activity and less than optimal diet. It affected his form and the All Blacks responded by not selecting the wing with one of the best strike rates in world rugby until the third match of the Rugby Championship - against Australia in Sydney. It was decided that the now 25-year-old needed a wake-up call – and a gruelling three-week
Prop banned for 99 years An Argentine prop has been hit with a 99-year ban from his own club after kicking an opponent in the head during a URBA club match in Burazco over the weekend. Pucará Club prop Cipriano Martínez was caught on camera kicking San Aldano second rower Juan Masi at the base of a maul. Martínez was red-carded following the incident while Masi was not seriously hurt. Pucará were quick to hand down the life ban on the prop. - NZME
SBW off to France? Sonny Bill Williams is reportedly close to returning to French rugby club Toulon for part of the 2016-17 season. Williams’ long-time manager Khoder Nasser met with Toulon’s boss Mourad Boudjellal last week to discuss a short-term deal according to French newspaper Var Martin. The 30-year-old would be looking to play in the Top 14 competition between August’s Rio Olympics and New Zealand’s British and Irish Lions Test series next June. It would end speculation that the former Roosters star would return to the NRL next season.- AAP
Kruis could miss tour
The Mid Canterbury Hammers will be playing under new laws this season. PHOTO JOSEPH JOHNSON 190915-JJ-021
“We are particularly keen to trial these laws as we believe they will help make the game safer to play, will be easier to understand, and as a result more entertaining to watch,” NZ Rugby’s general manager of rugby Neil Sorensen said. He said NZ Rugby wanted to revise the laws around the breakdown to improve safety, and was leading the process, with significant changes to laws 15 and 16. These laws cover the tackle
and ruck respectively and see the ruck renamed the “breakdown”. These amendments will apply to the Mitre 10 Cup which starts on August 18 and are already being trialled in some premier club games. Eight provincial unions - Bay of Plenty, North Harbour, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Tasman and Waikato - have already elected to implement the law trials during their current premier club rugby season.
The law trials will be in place for the pre-season Ranfurly Shield challenges from Thames Valley, King Country and Wanganui, but these unions have not chosen to include them in their premier games. There was an earlier proposal put forward to consider the use of two referees in games, however, after conversations with World Rugby it will not be proceeding in this round of new law trials. - NZME
Savea should be heeding weight warnings By Pat McKendry
In brief
New Zealand Rugby’s Heartland championship will this year trial several new laws including a change to six-point tries and two-point penalties. There will be other changes, including amendments to the tackle and breakdown laws, which will also be used in the Mitre 10 Cup, formerly the ITM Cup, held in conjunction with World Rugby. The points changes are the most obvious and will be trialled only in the Heartland competition. Another major change is the increase in value of a penalty try to eight points, with no conversion necessary. A conversion would remain at two points, with penalties and dropped goals being reduced from three points to two. Tries are currently worth five points. New Zealand coaches and referees have already begun preparing for the new laws, which will be implemented in this year’s Mitre 10 Cup and Mitre 10 Heartland Championship. Both start in August. The trials are part of a cyclical law review undertaken by World Rugby every four years which recently involved input from All Blacks head coach Steve Hansen and Chiefs head coach Dave Rennie. Following a review by World Rugby’s Laws Representative Group, the law trials may be considered for a global trial in 2017 and possible adoption in 2018. “I think it’s always exciting to be part of a process that looks to keep the game fresh and relevant.
Ashburton Guardian
fitness regime with All Blacks trainer Nic Gill – in order to get him in the best possible shape for the Championship and All Blacks’ World Cup defence. He didn’t disappoint in the latter, scoring a hat-trick of tries in the quarter-final victory over France in Cardiff in a performance which once again led to comparisons with Jonah Lomu. Unfortunately the lessons haven’t been learned. Boyd was forced to drop Savea for the Southern Kings match in Wellington a fortnight ago but after seeing him put in the requisite fitness work since, including during the team’s recent bye weekend, the 106kg wrecking ball who has scored 38 tries in 41 tests will play against the Jaguares in the capital on Saturday. “We gave other people opportunities to play last time and he had a set of work to do over the last 10 days and I think by and large he’s done really well in that space and he’s looking good,” Boyd told the media yesterday.
Julian Savea Boyd and Hansen will hope Savea stays that way and that the player isn’t relying on Gill to get him in shape. The No11 is set to play a big part for the All Blacks in the three tests against Wales in June if he remains injury free because, firstly, he is one of the best in the world at what he does when in peak fitness, and, secondly, the selection of right wing is looming as an issue. Nehe Milner-Skudder, bril-
liant at the World Cup, is out for the rest of the season with a shoulder problem suffered in his team’s round three victory over the Blues at Eden Park, and Highlander Waisake Naholo is recovering from a broken leg suffered at the same venue in round one. Naholo will come into the frame if he gets enough game time and initial estimates suggested he would be due to return in a fortnight. The other options would be a return for Cory Jane, who will play his 100th match for the Hurricanes on Saturday, Highlander Patrick Osborne, or James Lowe, who is in stunning form for the Chiefs. Hansen will already be forced to go to a new midfield following the departure of Ma’a Nonu and Conrad Smith, so the last thing he needs is an unfit Savea thrown into the mix. Savea would do well to heed the warning; the alternative could be uncomfortable. - NZME
England player George Kruis faces being banned from rugby for at least three months after being charged with biting an opponent while playing for Saracens. The lock will appear in front of a three-man Rugby Football Union disciplinary panel following the incident in Friday’s Premiership game against Bath. Kruis, who played in all five matches in England’s victorious Six Nations campaign, would miss the tour of Australia in June. - NZME
Cheika coy over results Wallabies coach Michael Cheika is keeping at arms length from growing concern about the standard of Australian Super Rugby and unflattering comparisons with New Zealand teams. After six rounds, only the Brumbies and Melbourne Rebels (both 4-2), have more wins than losses while the previouslydominant Waratahs have stumbled to 2-3, the Western Force are 1-5 and the Queensland Reds have four losses and a draw. - AAP
Apology for ‘gypsy’ Joe Marler has apologised for calling Wales prop Samson Lee a “gypsy boy”, and insisted he is not a racist ahead of a World Rugby misconduct hearing. Harlequins’ Marler escaped with a reprimand after insulting Scarlets prop Lee in England’s 25-21 Six Nations win over Wales last month, but could face a retrospective ban from World Rugby. Marler took to Twitter on the eve of the hearing to apologise, adding that he would accept the ruling from the governing body. “I’m not a racist,” he wrote. - PA
Less talk, more action Israel Folau wants less talk and more action as the NSW Waratahs’ Super Rugby season goes on the line against the Brumbies. The 2014 champions can all but kiss their finals hopes goodbye with another loss to the Brumbies, after they succumbed 32-15 to the ACT outfit in Canberra in round two. - AAP
Sport 18
Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 19, 2016
Secret of Ko’s success
Are you ambitious, driven, and looking to succeed in a sales role?
By Wynne Gray Repeat major champion Lydia Ko says a key to her golfing success is having fun on the course. “I play better when I am laughing or smiling or having fun out there. “Obviously you need to be serious and focus on the shot you need to hit,” she told the Paul Henry breakfast show. “But during the breaks when you are walking up to the next shot or walking up to the green there is still so much to enjoy about it and I am just trying to enjoy being out there with the girls and having fun.” Ko sounded as though she had collected a cold after taking the traditional winner’s leap into Poppie’s Pond after winning the ANA Inspiration at the Mission Hills course in California. She had not worried about her rivals in the last round of the tournament, she followed her regular pattern of concentrating on her own game as she plotted her way through the drama. Later this week, Ko travels to the Masters to receive her Golf Writers Association of America player of the year award before flying to Hawaii to play in the Lotte Championship. With her usual grace, Ko accepted questions which compared her impact to Tiger Woods. She hoped her style would encourage more juniors to take up the sport. She had never met Woods but hoped to have that honour one day. Meanwhile, Ko’s thrilling win has led to a stunning accolade from one of sport’s biggest players – ESPN. Columnist Melissa Isaacson said Ko now led the debate on the topic “Who is the greatest teenage athlete in history?” Under the headline ‘Lydia Ko makes case for greatness with second straight major’ she said Ko “should also be lauded for the almost frighteningly tranquil manner in which she has done it.” Traditional news outlets were more conservative in their reporting of Ko’s victory in the ANA Inspiration in California. The New York Times headline read ‘Lydia Ko’s Victory Is Her 2nd in a Row In Majors’. But Isaacson showed no such
RESULTS ■ Bowls Hampstead Bowling Club April 1 Friday Half Day Triples, Proudly Sponsored by the Devon Tavern: 1st Place: M. Smallridge, P. Whinham, G. Sparks 3 Wins, 14 Ends, Points; 2nd Place A. Crawford, B. Holdom, J. May 2 Wins, 1 Draw, 14 Ends, Points; 3rd Place M. Behrns, G. Baker, B. Robinson 2 Wins, 15 Ends, Points.
Sales Consultant You are? Then we have the perfect role for you! For over 135 years, the Ashburton Guardian has been market leaders in the specialist field of delivering news to Mid Canterbury. We require a motivated, results driven sales professional who will achieve sales, whilst securing new business opportunities. You will be selling into our daily newspaper, farming publications, exciting monthly lifestyle magazine YOU and also digital platform. We are looking for a team player with a competitive spirit, driven by achieving results and targets. This role will be based between Christchurch and Ashburton. The key skills for this position include: • Sales experience and drive is vital, along with a high degree of professionalism • Confident in making outbound sales calls and closing a sale • Hunting, building and maintaining valuable customer relationships • Experienced in building new relationship channels. • Enjoy a career opportunity and lifestyle that is flexible and allows you to work around your customers’ needs • Good planning and organising abilities • Professional phone manner and a high level of professional presentation • Focused on meeting and exceeding targets • Have an excellent command of the English language • Great computer skills In return we will provide: • Full time position • Attractive base salary + OTES’s (circa $60k - $80k pa) • Great and enthusiastic business culture • Social Club You will be reaching for the stars in this role. If you think you have what it takes to excel, join us on this exciting adventure! Please send your CV and cover letter to:
Desme Daniels General Manager PO Box 77, Ashburton 7740 Or Email Applications close Thursday, April 7, 2016
Lydia Ko: Almost frighteningly tranquil under pressure.
restraint, glowing in praise for her dedication to the game. “...she prefers to focus on her game rather than going after en-
dorsements that could at least help make her one of the most recognised athletes in the world,” she wrote. - NZME
■ Golf
■ Shooting
Ashburton Golf Club
Mt Somers Rifle Club
April 2 and 5, Women’s Section LGU: Silver: Catherine Trott – 68, Bronze 1: Hilary Ward – 77 on countback from Maryanne Urquhart and Heather Robertson, Bronze 11: Robynne Nicoll – 69, Bronze 111: Gay Lane – 69. Nearest to the Pins: No. 4 Gabites: not struck, No 8 House of Travel Ashburton: Maryanne Urquhart, No 12 Lynn’s small Salon: not struck No 14 Todds of Ashburton: Vicki Moore, No 18 2nd shot to Green: Madeleine Stoddart. Twos: Nicky Gill No 12. Nine Hole Section: Wednesday 30th March 2016. Stroke – 1st Annette King – 35, 2nd Mike Smith 36 by lot
April 4 - Nick Holgate 79, Eddie Millichamp 89.2, 84.1, Stephen Millichamp 89.1, Patch Duff 73, Reilly Duff 60, Julian Evans 92.2, 84, Kevin Fews 94.1, Brent Frame 98.3, Sid Stewart 87.2, 94.2, 92.2, David Millichamp 95.4, 98.2.
Mayfield Rifle Club Adrien Holden 82, James Spencer 61, Robert Spencer 87, 86.1, Nicholas McDowell 80, Oakley Murphy 86, Kyle Hansen 96.3, Sophie Holden 68, Fernando Torres 81, 90.1, Hamish Yeatman 64, Ben Roberts 84.2, Will Boyd 70.1, Jorge Llanos 69, Thomas Corbett 84.1, 85, Hunter Stacey 52, Ben Nordqvist 85.1, Daniel Gould 75, Grace Austin 88.1, Carl Nordqvist 97.4, Alan Wakelin 94.5, 97.5, Brent Austin 95.1, Andrew Donaldson 96.3, John Fleming 97.1
Admin/Optical Assistant RECEPTIONIST (full time - fixed term) based at Ashburton Hospital 3 months commencing approximatively June 20 tbc. SCREENSOUTH LTD Provides screening mammography services for women aged 45 to 69 years as part of the National Breast Screening Programme. ScreenSouth Ltd is seeking a Receptionist to work in the mobile breast screening unit while it is based at Ashburton Hospital. The mobile breast screening unit visits Ashburton each year for approximately 3 months. We would like to employ some one who will be available each year to fill this role at approximately the same time each year. The person we are seeking will have: • Experience as a receptionist. • Excellent data entry/computer skills • Excellent communication and organisational skills • Ability to work independently
Ashburton Eyecare is a primary eyecare facility catering for the visual and eye health needs of local clients. A position is being created for an administrator/optical assistant to play an integral part in making this happen. Your duties will include: • Patient meet and greet • Phone enquiries and appointments • Sales • Maintaining patient and other records • CDHB contract admin • Spectacle repairs, adjustments and glazing • Frame selections and measurements To be successful in this role you will have a bright and bubbly nature with an ability to work sensitively with clients. Ideally you will have strong interpersonal skills. You will be well organised with excellent attention to detail. You will also need to have good computer skills with an ability to learn new computer systems. This position will be 30+ hours per week.
Ideally experience working in health
Keen to hear more about this pivotal role?
Must be able to work in a small team in a confined space.
Send CV by Monday, April 11, 2016 to Tinneke, at:
An empathy with women’s health and cultural issues is essential A job description is available on request.
Ashburton Eyecare 139 Walnut Ave Ashburton 7700
The Manager, ScreenSouth Ltd, PO Box 25 087, Christchurch 8144 Email
Closes Tuesday, April 26, 2016.
Dandin’s Carinderia Buffet, The Filipino Cuisine is looking for a full time Duty Manager.
Experienced Farm Worker Required
The right candidate must have: • Minimum 1 year experience • Current General Manager certificate & LCQ Training • Experience in cooking Filipino food
Animal husbandry, rotorainer and fencing experience required. Please phone or text Mandy 027 299 7984
MILK HARVESTER/ DAIRY ASSISTANT Please phone or text Mandy 027 299 7984
The right candidate must be able to work weekdays and public holidays. Filipino language skills will be an advantage. Please send your CV via email to: or ring 0221 728 862 / 03 307 2403 for more information. 164 Burnett Street, Ashburton.
Guardian Situations Vacant
SITUATIONS VACANT PUBLIC NOTICES PROGRESSIVE DAIRIES(2009)LTD Joe & Suz Wyborn We have a position available for a farm assistant for this coming season. This position would suit someone looking to enter the dairy industry or who has had some dairy or farm experience. Full training will be given. We are looking for someone who is interested in dairying, honest, reliable and has a positive can-do attitude. In return we offer a safe and friendly environment, a 54 bale rotary shed, with cup removers, protack and two centre pivots. Accommodation is available - one bedroom unit. Position would suit a single person. All applicants must be New Zealand residents. Please send CV, with two references, to: Ph. 021 360 518 Please, no texts.
Applications, including a current C.V. and a covering hand written letter, should be forwarded to:
For 190 hectare dairy support block at Wakanui.
Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 19, 2016
307 7900
• Bark • Oamaru stone • Rocks • Organic compost • Sand • Screened soil • Home deliveries available
Plus much more FREE loan trailer available! From a shovel load to a trailer load. Dobson Street West Ph: 307 8302 Hours: Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 5pm Sat: 7.30am - 12 noon
WANTED shed or covered storage for large motorhome. In or around Ashburton. Long term preferred. Phone 0274 324 716.
Ashburton Society of Arts
Autumn Show Short Street Studio Opening Friday, April 8, 6pm Guest - Richard Bolton. Continuing Saturdays and Sundays 10am - 3pm or when sign is out. Enquiries 308 4533
COMPUTER PROBLEMS ?? For prompt reliable service contact Kelvin Boult, KJB Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot Place, Ashburton. Phone 308 8989. 30 years local service. Same day service if possible. SUPERGOLD Discount card welcomed.
TOYOTA Allion, 2002, auto, 1800cc, 120,000 kms, excellent condition. $5000. Enquiries phone 021 613 676.
WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life of your tyres with an alignment from Neumanns SUN CONTROL WINDOW Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills TINTING. Professional Street. Phone 308-6737. window tinting for cars, homes and offices. Quality LIVESTOCK, PETS films for privacy, UV (fading), BEEF, two Belted Galloways, heat, safety and security. approx. 250kg. Ready for the Phone Craig Rogers your freezer. Nice meat $995.00 ONLY local applicator 307 each. Phone 308 3304 or 6347 or 0800 TINTER. 0274 370 532 to view. Member of Master Tinters BUYER of unwanted NZ. animals. Cattle, bobby calves, horse and all farm animals. THANKS We also sell pet food. Call Nick’s Pet Food 0272 101 THANK YOU 621, A/H 03 348 9439. To the kind gentleman LET OR LEASE who paid for my fuel when I used the wrong OFFICE available for rent. card. Parking, 24 hour access, On returning with cash nightly security. Minutes from to paid I had a lovely CBD. Ph 021 554 570. surprise. Much appreciated. STORAGE units available. Various sizes. Rainbow S. Smith. Storage. Ph 307 0401.
AMSOIL SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS - All oils, greases, fuel additives, filters, antifreeze, car polish, V & L cleaner, tyre cleaner, rust bust, rain clear, engine cleaner and more. Call local distributor. Veehof phone 302 2911.
LADY BANK LEARNING. Enrol for drums, lead guitar, piano, rhythm guitar. Adults and Children. Contact Barbara on 027 474 2003.
Guardian Real Esate
307 7900
Trailride Mayfield Sunday, April 10 9.30 start Easy main loop Kids and Enduro Loop Signposted from Mayfield. Phone 0274 328 457
FOR SALE 2x2 SEATER couches shoulder support. Very good condition $110. CONTAINERS for sale or hire, ex shipping: general and insulated. Sidelifter available for delivery. Wilson Bulk Transport, Phone 308-7772. DO YOU HAVE a smelly car? Woodwick car vent fresheners are the perfect way to eliminate odours. $10.00 in The China Shop in The Arcade. FIREWOOD for sale. $170 per cord (3.6 m³). Seasoned pine, delivered. Phone or text Sue 0211 624 102. FIREWOOD, guaranteed dry old man pine $200 per m³. Phone 03 307 0077 or 0274 746 026.
AMAZING Thai lady, hot sex, busty 42DD, playful, firm full service. Phone 021 0238 8947. ANNALISE - Tuesday and Wednesday only. Please phone 0210 288 5241.
WINTER grazing Overdale - JORDANA, 29. Sassy, kale / grass and silage and sensual - your DD delights. good yards. Phone 027 284 Phone 0204 045 0277. 0377.
GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE - Saturday, April 9, 9am-2pm. 26 Kitchener Street. Final clearance of large estate lot. Everything must go.
Real Estate New Zealand ashburton
24/7 Appraisals 308 6173
HOUSE for rent. Tidy three bedroom home, owner going overseas. Available from April 10. Off street parking, wood burner, heat pump. $320 per week. Enquiries phone 021 613 676. TO LET - Two bedroom unit, lounge, separate kitchen, plenty of cupboards and wardrobes. Underfloor heating, garage. $250 per week. Phone 308 6319.
Daily Events Wednesday 6am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Real women circuit training in hall. 48 Allen’s Road. 9.30am - 1.30pm ASHBURTON BAPTIST CHURCH. Second time around used clothing. Cnr Havelock and Cass Streets. 10am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, Park Street. 10.30am
Thursday 9.30am M.S.A. TAI CHI. Beginners, refresher and learning of Tai Chi for Arthritis. M.S.A. Social Hall, Havelock Street. 9.30am - 11.00am BALMORAL HALL LINE DANCERS. Fun exercise during term time. Balmoral Hall, Cameron Street. 9.30am - 11.30am MID CANTERBURY BADMINTON.
NEWCOMERS COFFEE MORNING. 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month, we would love to meet you! Reflections Cafe, 198 East Street. 10.45am M.S.A. TAI CHI. Seated exercises suitable for people with limited mobility. M.S.A. Social Hall. Havelock Street. 11am MID CANTERBURY LADIES PROBUS CLUB. Movie, Regent Cinema, Wills Street. 11.30am
ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Mid-week service, communion and lunch. 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 1pm - 3.30pm ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Pre-loved clothing sale, bargains and cuppa. Cnr Thomson and Jane Streets. 1pm - 4pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome. Heritage Centre, West Street. 1.15am GOLF CROQUET WAIREKA.
Golf croquet doubles. Waireka, Philip St. 1.15pm ALLENTON CROQUET CLUB. Association and golf croquet, new members welcome. Allenton Sports club, Cavendish Street, Allenton. 1.30pm ASHBURTON HERB SOCIETY. Herb talk, venue 51 Peter Street. 7pm GLENYS’ DANCE GROUP. Sequence dancing, Pipe Band Hall, Creek Road. 7pm - 9pm
MID CANTERBURY LINE DANCERS. Learn to Line dance (7pm), beginner/ intermediate (8pm-9pm). Instructor Annette phone 307-7138a/h. Tinwald Hall, Graham Street. 7.30pm R.S.A. POOL SECTION. Social pool nights weekly in main bar. Cox Street. 7.30pm ASHBURTON SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE CLUB. Dancing, music, fitness and fun. Buffalo Hall, Cox Street.
New players welcome. Enquiries to Clark Gillies 021-146-3619. EA Networks Centre Stadium. 9.30am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON TOY LIBRARY. Open for toy hire Thursday and Saturday, Methodist Baring Square Church hall. 9.30am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON METHODIST GOODWILL SHOP. Sell preloved second hand clothing. Tinwald Methodist Church, Cnr
Archibald and Jane Street, Tinwald. 9.30am - 1.30pm ASHBURTON BAPTIST CHURCH. OP shop second time around used clothing. Ashburton Baptist Church, Cnr Havelock and Cass Street, entry Havelock Street. 10am METHVEN HERITAGE CENTRE. New Zealand Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, interactive fun for all ages. Main Street, Methven. 10am
ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Fit Kidz, 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 10.45am M.S.A. TAI CHI. Stretching exercises for all abilities. M.S.A. Social Hall, Havelock Street. 1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of may aircraft from past to the future. Ashburton airport, Seafield Road. 1.30pm SENIOR NET.
Speaker Helen Wilson - Personal/ Medical alarms. M.S.A. Lunge off Burnett Street. 1.30pm ASHBURTON M.S.A. PETANQUE CLUB. Social day, come and try it yourself. 115 Racecourse Road, Ashburton. 7.30pm GLENYS’ DANCE GROUP. Old time/sequence dancing. learn to dance. All welcome. Pipe Band Hall, Creek Road.
6 MARCH 2016
Volunteers are at the heart of every community - dedicating hours of time and energy every year to make their community a better place to live. Trustpower and Ashburton District Council join together to recognise volunteers in our community. If you are part of, or know of a group of hardworking volunteers, no matter how big or small, enter them in the 2016 Ashburton District Trustpower Community Awards. Entry forms are available at the Council reception or the Library, or available online at: Entries close Friday 8 April 2016.
d Room Main
Ashburton District Council advises residents connected to the Council water schemes, that in accordance with the Council’s Water Restriction Management policy, water restrictions on the following water schemes are lifted effective 02 April 2016.
Have you ever spotted something that you wanted to tell the Council about straight away? Well now you can with the free app - Snap Send Solve.
Schemes Hakatere Methven Rakaia Mt Somers
Chertsey Fairton Hinds
Note: Water restrictions on other scheme as indicated below remains the same. Level 3 - Hand held hosing Schemes
Restriction: Alternate days (as indicated below) hosing is only permitted between the hours of 6.00pm and midnight and may only be carried out by hand.
Note the following is not permitted: Irrigation using micro-spray and automatic systems, washing vehicles, building exteriors and paved areas using hoses.
Properties on the east side of Arundel Rakaia Gorge Road and all other properties east of Arundel Rakaia Gorge Road may hose on even dates. All other properties may hose on odd dates.
Permanent water conservation measures Schemes Dromore Methven/ Springfield Montalto
Permanent water conservation measures are in place. No use of water from a hose connected to the Council water supply is permitted.
Water restriction measures apply to any use of water from a hose connected to a Council water supply, including garden irrigation systems. Learn more at
Up & Coming
It means that you can whip out your phone, take a photo and send it straight to Ashburton District Council. Just download the app on to your smart phone and you’ll be ready for the next time you want to get in touch. Your phone’s GPS data will tell the Council exactly where the problem is, so that they can find and fix it, as soon as possible. For more info visit Download from the App Store or Google Play.
OPEN FIRE SEASON The previous restricted fire season for the Ashburton District has changed to an open fire season until further notice. This notice does not apply to any public conservation land and any fire safety margins associated with such land. Information on the open fire season is available from our website or from the Council offices at 5 Baring Square West, Ashburton. Restrictions may be re-imposed at a later date if conditions require. Lighting a fire without complying with the required conditions at all times may result in prosecution. Under Environment Canterbury’s outdoor burning rules, no outdoor burning is allowed at any time within all urban areas of the District without a resource consent from ECan. This notice is made under section 22 of the Forest and Rural Fires Act 1977. Don Geddes Principal Rural Fire Officer
Council Meetings To be held in the Council Chamber, 2 Baring Square East, Ashburton. Draft Annual Plan Workshop Thursday 7 April 2016 9.30am Environmental Services Committee Thursday 14 April 2016 from 10.30am Service Delivery Committee Thursday 14 April 2016 from 10.30am Finance & Business Support Committee Thursday 14 April 2016 from 10.30am Extraordinary Council Meeting (adopt draft Annual Plan 2016/17) Thursday 14 April 2016 from 10.30am (following Committee meetings)
Current Road Works Learn about road works underway or due to commence in the Ashburton District on our website. For more information, visit
FACEBOOK Ashburton District Council and EANetworks Centre are on Facebook. Follow us at:
Monday - Wednesday 8.30am - 5.00pm Thursday 9.00am - 5.00pm Friday 8.30am - 5.00pm
Monday - Friday 6.00am - 9.00pm Saturday 7.00am - 7.00pm Sunday 7.00am - 7.00pm
Monday - Friday 10.00am - 4.00pm Saturday 1.00pm - 4.00pm Sunday 1.00pm - 4.00pm
PO Box 94, Ashburton 7740
P (03) 307 7700
Puzzles Wednesday, April 6, 2016 CRYPTIC ACROSS 1. It comes from Hampton looking like a wraith (7) 5. The best conceivable one to conduct business (5) 8. As one was in the family, one told tales (7) 9. First finger the alphabetical register of subjects (5) 10. Swamp one for whom revel is arranged (9) 12. Do right by the dungbeetle (3) 13. Group of musicians one put in the National Theatre (5) 17. It makes holes in the law perhaps (3) 19. How to heat up car and make a drop with it (9) 21. Think highly of one, for what it’s worth (5) 22. Deal on the Stock Exchange that will exclude profit (7) 24. A place simply isn’t enough for a cropdestroying insect (5) 25. They made leather coins (7)
11 12
14 16 18
20 21
CRYPTIC Across 1. Irked 4. English 8. Visit 9. Crupper 10. Sir 11. Garibaldi 12. Idly 13. Smog 18. Aggravate 20. Nor 21. Invited 22. Fichu 23. Nostrum 24. Dread Down 1. Investigation 2. Kestrel 3. Dotage 4. Escort 5. Grubby 6. Impel 7. Horsing around 14. Manacle 15. Barter 16. Random 17. Beefed 19. Gives QUICK Across 7. Straight laced 8. Prologue 9. Eats 10. Closed 12. Ironic 14. Eon 15. Adds up 17. Gloomy 19. Anti 21. Training 23. Necessitating. Down 1. Startled 2. Callus 3. Agog 4. Steering 5. Make do 6. Best 11. Deputise 13. Imminent 16. Seizes 18. Ornate 20. Need 22. Alto
6 7
Ashburton Guardian
DOWN 1. It’s amnesty. What did you say? (6) 2. Something one suffers if one is in mental trouble (7) 3. A dram one may retrieve from the dustbins (3) 4. I’d gem made in the form of an insect (5) 5. Like language form, one I’d atomic version of (9) 6. In need of change, five hundred are done for (5) 7. Costly living, in flux, jury starts off (6)
11. New spires made for it to crush the grapes (9) 14. It’s bravery the company will argue about (7) 15. Wonder at the poet Andrew being cut short (6) 16. Game played with nets in such a way (6) 18. Tree arose in California and Illinois (5) 20. How to rob an automaton of it (5) 23. Print it for as long as the play is being shown (3)
QUICK ACROSS 1. Hostility (10) 7. Bury (5) 8. Lunacy (7) 10. Close examination (8) 11. Agitate (4) 13. Relative (6) 15. Tranquil (6) 17. Assist in a crime (4) 18. Fondness (4,4) 21. Barren (7) 22. Foreign (5) 23. Appraisal (10)
DOWN 1. Change (5) 2. Run away (4,4) 3. Gambling (6) 4. Naked (4) 5. Ghost (7) 6. Of the highest quality (5-5) 9. Snake-like (10) 12. Run of high temperatures (4,4) 14. Futile (7) 16. Lets down (6) 19. Indicate (5) 20. Plunge (4)
SUDOKU Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
YOUR STARS ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): To meet your very reasonable goal for the day, you must make a goal that is almost twice as ambitious. Reasonable goals are not enough to inspire you now, although you’ll hit them on the way to unreasonable goals. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): Once you start noticing and calling out the good moments, they build on each other, until you have so much to be grateful for you can hardly believe your good luck. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): You’re attracted to those with needs that can’t be met by just anyone. You think you’re the one for the job, though you may not yet be qualified. You’ll learn by jumping in to help. CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): When some around you get overly emotional, you’ll provide objectivity, stability and reason. Save the problem-solving for later when they can hear you above the emotional unrest. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): Lucky for you, most people will be too concerned with their own dramas and insecurities to pay much attention to what you’re doing. This will liberate you to explore, experiment and develop your ideas to your heart’s content. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Stick to your rules. If it’s a “no-go” zone, then don’t go there. Because of your example, others will hold themselves to a higher standard, too, which you may notice – while maintaining that it’s none of your business, of course. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): You’re loved. Sometimes you forget how much. You also forget how good it is to be held in such high esteem, given a special place in the hearts and lives of those who are deeply invested in your happiness. Cherish them! SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): You’ll be invited to join someone’s world, an opportunity not to be taken lightly! You won’t be long in that place, so commit fully, leaving your realm completely behind for a while. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): You could worry about any number of things, but are these worries legitimate, relevant or pressing? If the concern isn’t actionable today, don’t concern yourself. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): There’s nothing wrong with a fighting mood, but it doesn’t have to be applied to actual fighting. It’s better used to become a generally stronger competitor. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): To be extraordinary you have to do things you haven’t done. Of course, it’s too early to determine that; now is the time to aim high and commit. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): There is enough to go around. There is, however, a distribution problem. You can solve that this afternoon.
Family Notices 22 Ashburton Guardian DEATHS
MORTON, Robin Finlay – On April 3, 2016, peacefully at home. Dearly loved husband of Rhonda. Loved father and father in law of Brett and Kathy and James and Chantelle. Loved grandpa of his grandchildren. Messages to the Morton Family, P O Box 472, Ashburton 7740. Donations to Palliative care would be appreciated and may be left at the service. A service to celebrate Robin’s life will be held in the Doris Linton Lounge, at the Ashburton RSA, Cox Street, Ashburton on FRIDAY, April 8, commencing at 2.00pm. Followed by private cremation at the Ashburton Crematorium.
Patersons Funeral Services and Ashburton Crematorium Ltd
Ra n
10 9
SA URDAY: Mainly fine. SAT Northeasterlies developing.
bur to
FRIDAY: Showers clearing and southerlies dying out.
TOMORROW: High cloud thickening. Late S change.
Specially designed headstones to reflect the individual personality
Midnight Tonight
Phone Eddie anytime
10:35 – 2:35
308 9051 or 021 267 5563
Office and Chapel Corner East & Cox Streets, Ashburton
Ph 307 7433
TODAY: Fine, with high cloud increasing. Northerlies developing.
Ashburton Forecast
Wa i m a ka r i r i
Map for today
Canterbury owned, locally operated
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Data provided by NIWA
For all your memorial requirements New headstones and designs MID CANTERBURY Renovations, Please note all late death FUNERAL SERVICES Additional inscriptions, notices or notices sent Cleaning and Concrete work outside ordinary office hours Galbraith’s provide choice! Carried out by qualified must be emailed to: We have a team of highly respected, professional funeral directors and Galbraith’s celebrants. We offer you complete funeral care including pre-arrangement, tradesmen.
NZ Situation
Wind km/h less than 30
Paterson’s Funeral Services FDANZ Ashburton Ph 307 7433
PROTECTION REQUIRED Whatever your skin colour
mainly isolated cloudy drizzle drizzle few showers fine showers clearing showers 30 to 59
isolated snow thunder flurries
sleet thunder
Wednesday, 6 April 2016
A front moves over the South Island tomorrow and onto the North Island on Friday, followed by a ridge. The front becomes slow moving over the upper North Island on Saturday, then moves away to the east on Sunday.
60 plus
Ashburton, Geraldine, Temuka & Surrounding Districts since 1905
choice! 620 East Street Ashburton to ensure publication. We believe thatprovide every life is unique and every person’s funeral needs to reflect their individuality - ask us how we can be of assistance to you and Ph/Fax 308 5369 Call us on During office hours noticesyour family. or 0274 357 974 Call us on 308 3980 may also be sent to: and your choice of venue, funeral celebrants and catering.
Canterbury Plains TODAY
Fine, with high cloud from afternoon.
Eion McKinnon
Managing Director
Official Opening 18 Feb - 9am til 4pm
FRIDAY Showers clearing and southerlies dying out.
Mainly fine. Northeasterlies developing.
Happy Birthday
m am 3 3
9 noon 3
Phone 03 307 7900 Email: Level 3, Somerset House, 161 Burnett Street
Rise 6:56 am Set 6:14 pm
Bad fishing
Rise 4:51 am Set 5:34 pm
©Copyright OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
*Terms and conditions apply.
Showers, with snow down to 2000m, gradually clearing and fine spells developing. Southwesterlies dying out.
cloudy fine showers fog showers showers drizzle thunder thunder rain fine fine rain fine thunder
17 15 16 27 27 24 34 22 35 13 31 18 17 10 28
9 8 11 22 21 16 25 15 25 6 14 2 15 0 25
New York Y Paris Perth Rarotonga Rome San Francisco Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Washington Zurich
fine drizzle fine rain cloudy fine cloudy thunder rain fine cloudy fine fine fine showers
Thursday 9 noon 3
9 pm am 3
Bad fishing
Rise 6:06 am Set 6:10 pm
First quarter
14 Apr 4:01 pm
9 noon 3
9 pm
Rise 6:58 am Set 6:11 pm
Bad fishing
Rise 7:23 am Set 6:47 pm
Full moon
22 Apr 5:25 pm
Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa
For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit
-3 6 12 25 11 14 7 25 5 20 19 14 9 -1 11
River Levels
12 8 9 9 14 12 8 12 9 9 10 13 11
Selwyn Whitecliffs (NIWA) at 1:10 pm, yesterday
Rakaia Fighting Hill (NIWA) at 1:00 pm, yesterday 128.5 Nth Ashburton at 12:40 pm, yesterday
Sth Ashburton at 12:20 pm, yesterday
3.93 nc
Rangitata Klondyke at 1:25 pm, yesterday
Waitaki Kurow at 12:40 pm, yesterday
294.4 nc
Source: Environment Canterbury
Canterbury Readings
Rise 6:57 am Set 6:12 pm
9 13 24 30 24 32 22 35 10 29 29 27 20 15 14
21 21 21 19 18 19 22 18 20 21 20 21 20
Palmerston North fine
8:25 2:38 8:51 3:06 9:14 3:29 9:43 3:57 10:06 4:22 10:37 The times shown are for the Ashburton River mouth. For the Rangitata river mouth subtract 16 minutes and for the Rakaia river mouth subtract 4 minutes.
New moon
(Under 12 children’s birthday greetings remain FREE)
Frankfurt Geneva Hobart Hong Kong Honolulu Islamabad Jakarta Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur London Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Moscow Nadi
14 5 28 10 20 23 16 28 14 25 26 22 24 4 5
9 pm am 3
7 Apr 11:25 pm
Book your birthday greeting, including a photo, for just $10! Ten words only.*
Forecasts for today
21 13 36 17 29 32 32 37 31 34 34 37 33 9 8
Tides, Sun, Moon and Fishing
For just $10!*
rain rain showers cloudy fine showers fine fine fine thunder fine thunder fine showers cloudy
Mainly fine. Light winds.
Mainly fine. Northeasterlies.
overnight max low
World Weather
FZL: Lowering to 2400m overnight
Rain spreading northward from afternoon, with heavy falls about the divide. Wind at 1000m: NW rising to gale 80 km/h in exposed places; turning W 30 km/h later. Wind at 2000m: NW rising to severe gale 100 km/h, then turning W 50 km/h late.
with a southerly change.
Adelaide Amsterdam Bangkok Berlin Brisbane Cairns Cairo Calcutta Canberra Colombo Darwin Delhi Dubai Dublin Edinburgh
FZL: Above 3000m
Fine and sunny. Wind at 1000m: Winds turning NW and gradually rising to 60 km/h. Wind at 2000m: Winds turning NW and gradually rising to gale 70 km/h.
Northerlies developing. 308 visit 3980 our new premises at NZMMMA Member or call in and 246 Havelock Street or call in and visit TOMORROW Any queries our new premises at please contact Guardian Classifieds High cloud increasing and northerlies 0800 246 Havelock ASHBURTON strengthening. Showers developing from 307 7900 Street (0800-274-287). the south during the evening and overnight Rob Cope-Williams
NZ Today
Canterbury High Country
Ashburton Airport Temperature °C At 4pm 19.0 19.6 Max to 4pm 3.5 Minimum -1.4 Grass minimum Rainfall mm 0.2 16hr to 4pm April to date 6.8 Avg Apr to date 8 2016 to date 159.6 177 Avg year to date Wind km/h SE 7 At 4pm Strongest gust N 19 Time of gust 11:47am
© Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2016
to 4pm yesterday
Christchurch Airport
Timaru Airport
16.8 17.9 3.5 –
16.5 17.6 1.7 -1.2
17.4 18.6 3.4 –
0.0 15.3 – 361.5 –
0.2 7.0 8 175.6 148
0.0 11.0 5 167.4 139
SE 7 – –
E 15 E 22 3:45pm
E7 NW 17 8:18am
Compiled by
Television Wednesday, April 6, 2016
©TVNZ 2016
6am Breakfast 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Show PGR 3 With special guest Allison Janney, and a performance by Charlie Puth. 0 10am The Chase 0 11am Coach Trip In Makarska, Croatia, the group make their way around an inflatable assault course at a local pool, before visiting a mandarin grove. 11:30 Come Dine With Me PGR Noon One News 0 12:30 Emmerdale 0 1pm Coronation Street 3 0 2pm Our First Home 3 0 3pm Tipping Point 3:55 Te Karere 2 4:25 The Chase 0 5:25 Millionaire – Hot Seat 0 6pm One News 0 7pm Seven Sharp 0 7:30 Fair Go 0 8pm Dog Squad PGR Whanganui Delta team Jason and Farris extract a burglar from his hiding place; drug dog Oscar alerts handler Bill to trouble at Mt Eden Prison. 0 8:30 Code Black AO 0 9:30 Unforgettable AO 0 10:30 One News 0
11pm Nothing Trivial AO 3 0 Midnight Football – English Premier League (Highlights) 1am Te Karere 3 2 1:25 Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere 32
CHOICE TV 6am Benny Hinn 6:30 Project – Restoration 7am Kitchen Crashers 7:30 Reno v Relocate 8am Better Homes And Gardens 9:30 Food Safari 10am Paul And Nick’s Big Food Trip 10:30 Decks, Docks And Gazebos 11am Buying The Bayou 11:30 Auction Hunters PG Noon Charlie Luxton’s Homes By The Sea 1pm Buying And Selling With The Property Brothers 2pm Project – Restoration 2:30 Kitchen Crashers 3pm Reno v Relocate 3:30 NZ Food Culture 4pm Love Nature – Shark Night 5pm The Cook And The Chef 5:30 Sean’s Kitchen 6pm Britain’s Best Back Gardens 7pm American Restoration 7:30 Monty Halls’ Great Irish Escape The west of Ireland is one of the most beautiful coastlines in the world and, for one summer, it is home from home for Monty Halls and his dog Reuben. 8:30 Operation Iceberg An expedition to the arctic investigates the unknown world of icebergs, exploring their creation, life, and death for the first time. 9:30 Speed With Guy Martin 10:30 American Restoration 11pm The Cook And The Chef 11:30 Sean’s Kitchen
Midnight Secret Creatures Of Jao 12:30 Benny Hinn 1am Reno v Relocate 1:30 NZ Food Culture 2am Love Nature – Shark Night 3am Speed With Guy Martin 4am Operation Iceberg 5am Britain’s Best Back Gardens
©TVNZ 2016
6am Creflo Dollar 6:30 Tiki Tour 3 0 6:55 Angry Birds Toons 3 0 7am My Little Pony 3 0 7:25 Back At The Barnyard 3 0 7:50 The Day My Butt Went Psycho 3 0 8:15 Jake And The Neverland Pirates 3 0 8:40 Sofia The First 3 0 9am Infomercials 10:30 Neighbours 3 0 11am Home And Away 3 0 11:30 Shortland Street PGR 3 0 Noon Hope And Faith 3 0 12:30 Jeremy Kyle PGR 1:30 Judge Rinder 2:30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 0 3:30 Angry Birds Toons 0 3:35 Kung Fu Panda 3 0 4pm Dog With A Blog 0 4:30 The Adam And Eve Show 0 5pm Friends 3 0 5:30 Home And Away 0 6pm The Middle 3 0 6:30 Neighbours 0 7pm Shortland Street PGR 3 0 7:30 Dr Ken PGR 0 8pm Mike And Molly PGR 0 8:30 The Big Bang Theory 0 9pm Mom PGR 0 9:30 Hoarding – Buried Alive AO 0 10:25 Mike And Molly PGR 0 10:55 Hell’s Kitchen AO
11:50 Miss Guided PGR 12:20 Mixology AO 12:50 Shortland Street PGR 3 0 1:20 Infomercials 2:25 The Real PGR 3 3:15 Pretty Little Liars PGR 3 0 4:05 Over The Garden Wall 3 0 4:15 Pair Of Kings 3 0 4:40 The Adam And Eve Show 3 0 5:05 Neighbours 3 0 5:30 Infomercials
TV THREE 6am Paul Henry 9am The Queen Latifah Show 3 Roseanne Barr; Country’s Kellie Pickler; the latest craze in reality television. 10am Infomercials 11:25 Family Feud 3 0 Noon NewsHub Midday 12:30 Dr Phil AO A young man and one of his adopted siblings discuss what they endured when they and several other children were abused by his father and stepmother. 1:30 M I Killed My BFF PGR 2014 Thriller. Kim Baptiste, Annabel Barrett, Katrina Bowden. 3:25 Rachael Ray 4:25 American Ninja Warrior (Part 2) 5:25 Family Feud 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm Story 7:30 F Beach Cops PGR 0 8pm Gold Coast Cops PGR 3 0 8:30 M The Bank Job AO 3 2008 Crime. When a car dealer with a dodgy past, who has always avoided major-league frauds, is offered a lead on a foolproof bank robbery, he recognises the opportunity of a lifetime. 0 10:45 NewsHub Late 11:15 NCIS AO 3 The NCIS team must rely on Twitter to help solve a case involving a missing naval lieutenant. 0 12:15 Infomercials
6:30 Pukoro 2 7am Pukana 2 7:30 SpongeBob Tarau Porowha 3 8am Miharo 2 8:30 Te Kaea 3 2 9am Kawe Korero – Reporters 3 9:30 F Kai Time On The Road 3 10am Korero Mai 3 2 11am Toku Reo 3 2 Noon Korero Mai 3 2 1pm Toku Reo 3 2 2pm Ako 3 2 3pm Whare Maori 3 3:30 Nga Pari Karangaranga O Te Motu 3 4pm Whanau Living 4:30 Marae PGR 2 5pm Te Mana Kuratahi
THE BOX 6am F CSI MV 6:50 The Simpsons PG 7:15 Piha Rescue PG 7:40 Modern Family PGL 8:05 Survivor – Redemption Island PG 8:55 SVU MV 9:45 Storage Wars Follow Up Specials PG 10:35 Criminal Minds 16VS 11:25 The Interceptor MVLS 12:15 Fire Scene Investigation M 12:40 Pawnography PG 1:05 Shipping Wars PG 1:30 SVU MV 2:20 Parking Wars PGL 3:10 The Simpsons PG 3:35 RAW MC 6:30 Shipping Wars PG 7pm Piha Rescue PG 7:30 Criminal Minds 16VS 8:30 NCIS – New Orleans MV 9:30 NCIS – LA MV 10:30 CSI MV 11:30 Criminal Minds 16VS
12:30 The Glades MV 1:20 Cajun Pawn Stars PG 1:45 Parking Wars PGL 2:35 CSI MV 3:25 The Simpsons PG 3:55 NCIS – New Orleans MV 4:45 NCIS – LA MV 5:35 Shipping Wars PG
6am Sesame Street 3 6:55 Peppa Pig 3 7am Sticky TV 3 7:30 Dream Defenders 3 7:55 Power Rangers – Megaforce 3 8:20 Chuggington 3 8:30 Hi-5 House 3 8:55 Ready, Steady, Wiggles 3 9:05 Peppa Pig 3 9:10 Fireman Sam 3 0 9:20 Thomas And Friends 3 9:30 Bob The Builder 3 9:40 Barney And Friends 3 10:05 Infomercials 2pm Sesame Street 3 2:55 Pingu 3 3pm Sticky TV 4:35 Tuff Puppy 3 5pm Turbo Fast 3 5:30 Drake And Josh 3 6pm Entertainment Tonight 6:30 Life’s Funniest Moments 3 7pm Family Guy PGR 3 When Brian tires of hanging out with Stewie, Stewie attempts to save the relationship. 0 7:30 Community PGR 3 8pm Fresh Off The Boat PGR 8:30 M Back To School PGR 3 1986 Comedy. Rodney Dangerfield, Robert Downey jr. 10:25 Crisis AO 3 0
6:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 3 7am Deal Or No Deal 3 7:30 Home Shopping Noon The Doctors 12:55 The Paradise PGR 3 When Moray welcomes Clémence Romanis from Paris, Denise becomes jealous; Clémence is selling fireworks, but the sale is overshadowed when the halfdead Jonas Franks arrives. 2pm The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon PGR 3 3pm The Crowd Goes Wild 3 3:30 Antiques Roadshow 3 4:30 Hot Bench Judge Judy and other judges exchange debate before reaching a verdict. 5pm Deal Or No Deal 5:30 Prime News 6pm Escape To The Country
11:20 Entertainment Tonight 11:45 Infomercials
11pm The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon PGR A celebrity chat show. Midnight The Crowd Goes Wild 3 12:30 Home Shopping 2am The Crowd Goes Wild 3 2:30 Home Shopping
7pm The Crowd Goes Wild 7:30 Top Gear PGR 3 8:30 Limitless PGR When Naz is detained on suspicion of funding terrorism, Brian and Rebecca’s efforts to clear her name lead them to Naz’s daughter, who reveals a family secret. 0 9:30 American Idol
Ashburton Guardian 23
6am Back Page 7am AFL Weekly Highlights (Highlights) 8am Fox Sports News 8:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 9am The Golf Fix 10am Golf Channel Academy 11am L Golf – Masters Tournament 1pm Rugby Nation 2pm Motorsport – V8 Supercars Championship (Highlights) 2:30 Motorsport – V8 Supercars Championship 3pm Motorcycling – Superbike World Championship (Highlights) 3:30 Motorcycling – Superbike World Championship (Highlights) 4:30 Rugby – Blues Secondary Schools Invitational 10s (Replay) 4:30 Motorsport – Formula One (Highlights) 5:30 NRL Fulltime 6pm Super League Fulltime 6:30 Motorsport – Formula One (Highlights) 7pm Motorsport – Formula One (Highlights) Gran Premio Motul de la Republica Argentina Qualifying. 7:30 Triathlon – Mooloolaba Festival (Highlights) 8:30 Rugby – The Breakdown 9:30 #SkySpeed 10pm Netball – ANZ Championship (Highlights) Firebirds v Tactix. 10:30 Netball – ANZ Championship (Highlights) 11pm Netball – ANZ Championship (Highlights) 11:30 Golf World Midnight Ping Pong – World Championship 1am Football – UEFA Champions League (Highlights) 1:30 Fox Sports News 2am Football – A-League (Replay) 4am The Breakdown 5am Football – ACFC U17 Tournament
SKY SPORT 2 6am Cycling – Ronde Van Vlaanderen (Highlights) From Belgium as part of the famous Flanders Classics. 6:30 Sky Sport Select 7am NRL 360 8am NRL Fulltime 8:30 Super League Fulltime 9am Inside Supercars 10am Fox Sports News 10:30 Sports UK News Limitless 11am Sky Sport Select 8:30pm on Prime 11:30 Mountain Biking – Crankworx (Highlights) Rotorua. DISCOVERY MOVIES PREMIERE MOVIES GREATS The epic endurance, supreme flow, monster air and heart-stopping 6am Destroyed In Seconds 6:50 San Andreas ML 2015 Action. 7:40 Inside Story – The Santa drops of gravity mountain biking. Clause PGL 9:10 Mystery Men Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino. PG 6:30 Deadliest Catch Noon Rugby League – NRL PGV 1999 Comedy. Ben Stiller, 8:45 Would Be Kings 16VLS PG 7:30 Deadliest Catch (Replay) Storm v Knights. Hank Azaria, Janeane Garofalo. (Mini-series) Part 2. Currie Graham, PG 9:25 Manhunt With Joel From AAMI Park. Ben Bass. 10:15 Love And Air Sex 11:10 Philadelphia PGC Lambert PG 10:20 Dual Survival 2pm Rugby League – NRL (Replay) 1993 Drama. Tom Hanks, 16LS 2013 Comedy. Michael StahlM 11:15 I Married A Mobster Denzel Washington, Antonio Banderas. Eels v Panthers. From Pirtek Stadium. David, Sara Paxton. 11:45 Jupiter M 11:40 I Married A Mobster 4pm Europa League Preview 1:15 Speed MV 1994 Action. Ascending MV 2014 Action. M 12:10 Stalked – Someone’s 4:30 Football – A-League Keanu Reeves, Sandra Bullock, Mila Kunis, Channing Tatum. Watching M 12:35 Stalked – Highlights Show (Highlights) Dennis Hopper. 3:10 You, Me Someone’s Watching M 1:05 The 1:50 The Curse Of Downers Grove 5pm Football League Show And Dupree MLS 2006 Comedy. 16VLSC 2014 Horror. Kevin Zegers, Perfect Murder M 2pm How 5:30 Back Page Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson, Bella Heathcote. 3:20 San Andreas It’s Made PG 2:25 How It’s 6:30 Ping Pong – World Matt Dillon. 5pm Love’s Labour’s ML 2015 Action. Dwayne Johnson, Made PG 2:55 How Do They Championship Lost PGR 2000 Romantic Comedy. Carla Gugino. 5:15 The Riot Club Do It? PG 3:20 Auction Hunters Kenneth Branagh, Alicia Silverstone. 7:30 Inside Supercars 16VLSC 2014 Drama. Max Irons. PG 3:50 Deadliest Catch 8:30 NRL 360 6:40 United 93 MVL 2006 7pm Lucy 16V 2014 Action. PG 4:45 Naked And Afraid M 9:30 Sterlo – On The Couch Scarlett Johansson, Morgan Freeman. Drama. David Basche, Trish Gates. 5:40 Mythbusters PG 6:35 Railroad 8:30 Mortdecai MVLS 2014 10:30 NRL Footy Show 8:30 Notting Hill ML 1999 Australia PG 7:30 Deadliest Job Comedy. Julia Roberts, Hugh Grant. THURSDAY Crime Comedy. Johnny Depp, Interview PG 8:30 Alaska – The 10:35 The Frighteners Gwyneth Paltrow, Ewan McGregor. 1am NRL 360 Last Frontier M 9:30 Alaskan AO 1996 Comedy Thriller. 10:20 Hercules MVLS 2014 Action. 2am Sterlo – On The Couch Bush People M 10:30 How It’s Michael J Fox, Elizabeth Hawthorne, 3am Triathlon – Mooloolaba Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane. Made PG 11pm How It’s Made Angela Bloomfield. 11:55 The Courageous Heart Of Triathlon Festival PG 11:30 Deadliest Catch PG Irena Sendler MC 2009 Biography. 4am Motorsport – Nascar Sprint THURSDAY Anna Pacquin, Marcia Gay Harden. THURSDAY Cup Series (Highlights) STP 500. 12:25 Hope Springs AO 2003 12:30 Swamp Murders M 5am Motorcycling – Superbike Comedy Romance. Colin Firth, THURSDAY 1:25 Your Worst Nightmare World Championship (Highlights) Heather Graham, Minnie Driver. 1:30 The Riot Club 16VLSC 2014 M 2:20 Auction Hunters PG Pirelli Aragon Round – Race One. 1:55 United 93 MVL 2006 Drama. Drama. Max Irons. 3:15 Lucy 16V 2:45 Destroyed In Seconds PG 3:45 Notting Hill ML 1999 Comedy. 5:30 Motorcycling – Superbike 2014 Action. Scarlett Johansson, 3:15 Deadliest Catch PG 4:10 Dirty Morgan Freeman. 4:45 Mortdecai 5:45 The Frighteners AO 1996 World Championship (Highlights) Pirelli Aragon Round – Race Two. Comedy Thriller. Jobs PG 5:05 Flying Wild Alaska PG MVLS 2014 Crime Comedy. 5:30 Te Kaea 2 6pm Pukoro 2 6:20 Huhu 6:30 Pukana 2 7pm SpongeBob Tarau Porowha 32 7:30 Kai Time On The Road 3 8pm Kairakau 8:30 Marae Kai Masters 9:30 Songs From The Inside 3 10pm Whare Taonga AO 10:30 Te The Bank Job Kaea 3 2 11pm Kawe Korero – 8:30pm on TV3 Reporters 11:30 Closedown
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language. RATINGS: 16 Approved for persons 16 years or over; 18 Approved for persons 18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
6Apr16 | Compiled by
24 Ashburton Guardian
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Ashburton’s Veronica Wall is making waves at Ruataniwha in this year’s Maadi Cup competition.
Veronica making every post a winner at Maadi Ashburton College rower Veronica Wall is creating a mini-storm at this year’s Maadi Cup Regatta at Lake Ruataniwha. On day one of the event, Wall began a relentless assault on the
results board chalking up four wins over four heats, three of those as an individual. And not only did she win, she won in superb style, leaving her competition several boat
lengths distant on each occasion. She took out heat one in the under 16 girls’ single sculls in 8:29,21; heat two in the under 17 girls’ single sculls, 8:19.00 and
heat five in the under 18 girls’ single sculls, 8:20,72. Wall then went on, as stroke, in a crew with Grace Wilson, Fran Connelly-Whyte, Lara Biggs and cox Emma Jansen to win heat one
in the under 18 coxed quadruple sculls. Several other college rowers were well placed and were to make a bid for a finals berth in later repecharges.
Rivals open fire on Sharapova The unsympathetic response from some sections of the women’s tennis tour to Maria Sharapova’s positive drug test didn’t surprise many. Rumours of the Russian’s unpopularity in the locker room have swirled around the WTA for years - Sharapova herself even declaring in 2013, “I think just because you’re in the same sport it doesn’t mean that you have to be friends with everyone”. But while there might not have been a lot of sympathy for the 28-year-old in the wake of her
positive test for meldonium, most pros have been reserved when asked to comment. Until now. Slovakian Dominika Cibulkova dropped a bomb on Sharapova in an interview with a sports magazine in her home city of Bratislava ahead of a tournament in Poland. The 2014 Australian Open finalist left nothing in reserve in her criticism of the tennis glamour girl, saying she hasn’t been missed since being placed on suspension. “I was surprised that most of the
Premier netball back on court P15
reactions were so diplomatic, because everyone’s opinion is actually totally different,” said Cibulkova. “I didn’t make any statement, as I didn’t want to be the only person to openly say what they think about this case. “I will only say that I don’t feel sorry at all for Sharapova and I don’t miss her on the tour. “She’s a totally unlikeable person. Arrogant, conceited and cold. When I sit beside her in the locker room, she won’t even say hello.”
The World No. 53’s dagger backs up comments from 18-time Grand Slam champion Chris Evert, who said: “Maria Sharapova has always isolated herself from the rest of the tennis world, from the players. “She doesn’t have a lot of close friendships on the tour.” A former coach of a top 10 player also told the New York Post Sharapova “definitely doesn’t seem to have any friends on tour”. “She is very cold. When Maria walks in, things stop midsentence,” the strength coach said. - AP
The secrets of Lydia’s success P18