A former Ashburton runner has returned home for a break after another successful year in the United States.
Taonga Mbambo moved to the United States after he was awarded a scholarship for his running in 2019. He now resides at La Salle University in Philadelphia where he is studying international business and marketing with a minor in sports management.
“I think I learnt (the culture) pretty quickly and I’ve settled in quite well,” Mbambo said.
Despite many travel restrictions, Mbambo has still been able to make it home every Christmas to spend time with his family.
“It’s always really good to be able to get home and spend time with the family.
“I came home during the main lockdowns in 2020, being in New Zealand from probably March through to August.
While he may be on holiday that does not mean he gets to take a break, as he still follows a strict training programme, which can see him run nearly 100km across six days of training.
“I enjoy getting to go home and run on the local trails, there are a lot of good trails around here.”
Mbambo has now returned to the United States where he will begin the year with indoor track running, till March, where it will switch to outdoor track running, and into cross-country from August.
The aim for Mbambo this year is to keep lowering his times to the point where he can be in contention for national titles in all his disciplines, having competed in the national cross-country championship in Stillwater, Ohio, and placing eighth in the Mid Atlantic Cross Country Champion-
Resurfacing work is set to take place on State Highway 1 in Chertsey next week.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency crews will be working at night to repair and resurface an area of SH1 adjoining the rail level crossing for up to five nights.
The work will take place from 7pm at night and to 6am and motorists will face a short detour route at Chertsey east of the highway on to Chertsey Line Road and Chertsey Kyle Road from January 23.
The section of highway near the rail level crossing, on the south side, is being milled up and stabilised with foam bitumen treatment and will then be resurfaced with new chipseal.
There will be some traffic management set up ahead of the Monday night start, so people may see activity around the site from this weekend.
The foam bitumen process reduces the time and disruption for road users.
“Given the tight constraints of the site and the close proximity of the rail line, work periods have been careful selected to avoid peak traffic flows,” Waka Kotahi Central South Island system manager, Mark Pinner, said.
ships. Further ahead in 2024, he is hoping to make it to the World Cross Country Championship event in Croatia.
“I went to the one in Denmark for the under-20 and it was probably one of the coolest experiences in running I’ve had so far. ”
“The detour ensures that crews can undertake works safely and efficiently and return the highway back to normal as fast as possible.
“We appreciate everyone taking care while this work is under way in Chertsey over several nights.”
Low said.
She also explained what is being promoted may also depend on the platform the advertisements were being sourced by the user as “the digital smarts of today actually know where you are”.
Tony Todd believes Ashburton has a lot to offer visitors and wants to know why it is not part of the Canterbury-wide tourism discussion.
Todd said when ChristchurchNZ is advertising the places to visit within two hours of Christchurch it is Hanmer, Akaroa, Methven, Tekapo but not about Ashburton.
ChristchurchNZ head of tourism, Kath Low, said that because “visitors don’t understand borders” it’s simpler to focus on specific locations and in Mid Canterbury, Methven is the hot spot.
“Methven is very popular and has received a lot of exposure,”
“So they don’t say go to Ashburton if you’re in Ashburton.”
Methven has had high awareness but there is an opportunity with Ashburton she said.
Todd said Ashburton is more than just a pitstop or drivethrough town on State Highway 1.
“We are not a Hanmer, but we do have interesting things that can bring people to the town.
“Unfortunately, we are not top of mind for a lot of people to stop in town and explore what we do have.”
He listed things like Trott’s Garden, Plains Vintage Railway and Historical Museum, Ashburton
Do you think Ashburton is a destination or a drivethrough town? What does the town have to offer visitors or what should it have to make it a tourist destination? We would love to hear from you. Send your reponses to jonathan.l@theguardian.co.nz
Aviation Museum, the Ashburton Domain, the Ashburton River Trail bike track, good golf courses and sporting facilities.
Lake Hood is also just a short drive away, he said.
All those things, Todd said, are worthy of promoting for people to stop in Ashburton.
“We just need to be reminding people that we do have things here that we can be promoting.”
It’s not just about promoting
Ashburton to tourists, he said, but to help “attract people to come live and work” here.
The established tourist destination the district does have is Methven.
Mt Hutt Ski Area was named New Zealand’s best ski resort for the eighth year-in-a-row and now with the Ōpuke Hot Pools it is a year-round destination.
With the likes of the nearby Staveley Ice Rink, walkways in
the foothills, jet boating at the Rakaia Gorge, and the Mt Hutt Bike Park, and boasting ample accommodation and hospitality services, Methven is at the centre of the district’s tourism.
That is something councillor Russell Ellis said should be embraced.
“Methven now, especially with the hot pools as well, is our little crown jewel for tourism and we can tag on to it once our ice skating rink is up and functional.
“I think Ashburton will benefit as well just from what’s happening in Methven,” Ellis said.
Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air”ASHBURTON HOTSPOT Ashburton District Councillor Tony Todd (right) says Ashburton is more than just a pitstop or drive-through town on State Highway 1. PHOTO JONATHAN LEASK
3km, or 5km run or walk.
Ashburton Run/Walk Club president, Gary Whiting, said “a lot of people believe they have no ability to exercise, whereas everyone is capable of exercising”.
“Ninety per cent of people that come across the line won’t stop smiling, it’s quite rewarding.”
Throughout its time, Whiting said he has seen many lives change from this short-term commitment.
Anyone who bought Pam’s frozen mixed berries from Ashburton New World are asked to check the best before date.
The frozen mixed berries are part of a batch that’s been recalled due to a possible risk of hepatitis A associated with berries sourced from Serbia. The specific date is 14/08/2024 and the product was available for sale from Saturday, January 14, 2023.
Ashburton New World is one of four South Island stores that could have sold the batch.
The other three are Hornby Pak’n Save, Wainoni Pak’n Save and Three Parks New World, Wanaka.
A spokesperson from Ashburton New World didn’t wish to comment and referred the Guardian to Foodstuffs South Island.
New Zealand Food Safety’s deputy director-general, Vincent Arbuckle, said, despite a previous recall on October 4, 2022, Foodstuffs “in error released 478 bags of Pam’s mixed berries”.
It’s that time of year when many are feeling guilty about their Christmas calorie overconsumption and are contemplating a gym membership.
If you consider yourself in a similar position; the Ashburton Run/Walk team is providing the opportunity for you to compete in the annual Summer Park series tonight.
What has taken place for at least 10 years, this challenge has been created for all ages and abilities to take part in a 1km,
After many years of running, he said that “it’s all about consistency and going as slow as you need”.
The run/walk club is expecting to see between 65-150 people in attendance.
“I would love to see the same group commit over the six weeks as it is a huge sense of achievement,” Whiting said.
After each session, Whiting said competitors refer to the adrenaline rush as a natural drug that builds determination across the starting line.
Many have not only continued to compete in marathons across the country, but take their challenge overseas.
Participants meet every Tuesday at the Ashburton Domain, Walnut Avenue Pavillion, starting at 6pm.
There’s a $2 fee for adults and spot prizes to be won.
Whiting said he hopes to see many tonight to not only work off that Christmas pudding but create motivation for a dedicated fitness journey for 2023.
It was able to identify and remove most of those bags before consumers could buy them but “six had already been sold and another four are unaccounted for”.
“We are urging consumers who bought frozen berries from the four stores to check their freezers for the recalled product,” Arbuckle said.
“Consumers, especially those with chronic liver damage, the elderly and pregnant people, should not eat frozen berries raw. Bringing them to the boil will make them safe to eat or they can be returned to the place of purchase for a full refund.”
New Zealand Food Safety advises if anyone has consumed any frozen berries and are concerned for their health, they should contact their health professional or call Healthline on 0800-611-116.
Dangerous berries may have been sold hereCharlotte Mulder
The inaugural Ashburton Library Beat Saber Battle has been run and won, proving to be a
successful venture into the virtual world.
What is Beat Saber?
To put it simply, it is a computer game that is played using a virtual reality headset (VR).
The rhythm-based game takes place in a surrealistic neon environment and features the player slicing blocks representing musical beats with a pair of con-
trasting coloured sabers. Because the game is single player, each person got only one chance to set their highest score in one song per round.
Each round got harder with the top players making it into the next level of competition.
The battle ground was set with young competitors ready to compete in a three-round
knockout to be crowned the Beat Saber champion of Ashburton.
On the line was a $20 Warehouse gift card and a spot on the newly-created Beat Saber honour board.
After the three rounds Beat Saber player, Ashburton’s 15-year-old Lucas Wong came out on top.
He managed to top all rounds
along with taking the crown. After the first successful running the competition is expected to return every school holidays for the foreseeable future.
Fancy yourself as a Beat Saber master? The Ashburton Library has a virtual reality headset set up during opening hours for anyone to hone their skills and carve up some beats.
They enjoyed it because “it travels nicely and has eight cylinders, power steering and comfortable seats”. Bernie calls the boot “the paddling pool” because there’s a sunken area that children could almost wet their feet in.
It must be one of the longest cars ever driven off the production line.
Measuring 18 feet in length, it just fits into Kevin and Bernie Harkness’ garage with a foot to spare.
The Harkness family’s 1963 Pontiac Laurentian has a huge motor and bonnet and a boot that could contain a swimming pool.
When Kevin first drove it, the Pontiac could fit snugly into a parking space. It was a tight squeeze, but back then parking spaces were much longer. Now, there’s no generosity and the Pontiac needs a space and a half to park. It’s no longer fit for purpose.
Instead the Pontiac goes on rallies and Kevin and Bernie are preparing it for the Ashburton Vintage Car Club’s annual rally later this month.
The Pontiac will know the journey to Lake Coleridge. Ever since it was bought new by Wakanui
farmer, David Cairns, on July 1, 1963, it’s travelled Mid Canterbury roads.
Kevin Harkness often admired it when he provided contracting
services for David and longed to own it. “I had my eye on it. It was different,” he said. “It was long.”
When Cairns offered it for sale 11 years later Kevin was interest-
ed but had to sell his Valiant first. A few transactions later he was the owner and from January 24 this year Kevin and Bernie have been the owners for 48 years.
“It was a great family car,” Bernie said. “When I was a play centre supervisor I used to drive it from Mitcham to Lauriston,” she said.
Kevin admits the Pontiac has grown on him. “I can’t sell it now. The family want it as part of their inheritance,” he said. “It means quite a bit to me.”
The Harkness’ bought the Pontiac when it had done 31,000 miles – 3000 a year – now it’s reached 90,000 miles with the same motor intact and only the brakes overhauled to meet Warrant of Fitness requirements.
They’re looking forward to the January 29 rally and believe the Pontiac will purr to Lake Coleridge and back. If there’s a prize for the longest vehicle, the Harkness Pontiac will beat everything else by at least a bonnet.
President of the Vintage Car Club, Peter Jacob, is expecting about 60 entries from Mid Canterbury and beyond. “It’s one of our big rallies and the reason why we get together,” he said.
Levi Hart is determined to make the most of all life has to offer after a year of devastating personal loss.
The 29-year-old Mid Canterbury farmer secured a spot at the FMG Young Farmer of the Year Aorangi regional final.
Each contestant competed against 14 people from their district and Hart one of eight contestants headed for the regional final.
With a feed assessment job that takes him and his partner around the country, Hart loves to be social and meet new people, learning about different farming systems and how different places operate.
“Farming is a changing beast, and it puts a lot of people through adversity, but you see that passion and the drive that people have to do better.
“I think it’s fantastic, ultimately, we’re caretakers of the land.”
People, he’s found, are what is most important when ‘the going gets tough’.
In the past year, he and his partner have suffered multiple bereavements.
Grateful for the support they received from the farming community, this year he wanted to give back by volunteering at Rural Support Trust.
“If having one conversation with one person changes their outlook on what’s happening then that’s a massive win.”
The young farmer competition is now in its 55th year, and board chair Jessie Waite said it is shaping up to be another exciting one.
“It’s great to see the involvement our competitors have in their local community, and how they are giving back to help others.”
There are seven regional finals running across Aotearoa between February and April.
The Aorangi final will take place in the Ashburton area on April 15 with the exact details still to be confirmed.
Hart will come up against fellow Hinds Young Farmer Club member Andrew Allan, Pendarves Young Farmers Jess Cunliffe and Peter O’Connor, as well as Glenavy trio George Campbell, James Bell, and Robbie Wigley, while Marcus Frost represents the Five Forks branch.
Each regional final will decide who will be competing at the FMG Young Farmer of the Year grand final in July where the winner will receive around $70,000 worth of prizes.
New robot technology may be the answer to catching exotic diseases in animals.
Biosecurity New Zealand Animal Health Laboratory has a new machine that will improve the testing and accuracy for diseases such as M bovis or foot and mouth disease.
The $580,000 new high throughput diagnostic robot is the first of its kind in New Zealand and will increase testing accuracy and consistency during future biosecurity responses.
“The Mycoplasma bovis outbreak gave us useful insights into how our laboratory could increase its capacity during a response. In particular, it highlighted the need for automation,” Animal Health Laboratory manager Joseph O’Keefe said.
“If an exotic disease such as foot and mouth disease (FMD) arrived here, our people could need to test some 3000 up to 7000 samples a day.
“Automating this process will speed our delivery of results, making the whole process faster for farmers, better for the wellbeing of our people and for the animals involved too.”
The Explorer G3 workstation
was manufactured in Germany and is designed to test up to 7000 samples per day for antibodies to FMD and other exotic diseases.
O’Keefe said the robot doesn’t need frequent attention or intervention, freeing Animal Health Laboratory staff for other testing and providing stability throughout intense response periods. The robot can even run tests overnight without staff present.
“Testing delays can affect our economy as antibody testing is essential for maintaining the access and security of product exports to New Zealand’s international markets.
“If there is an exotic disease outbreak in New Zealand’s animals, automation will allow us to recover faster.”
The 750kg robot took a week to set up, with each part being
brought safely into the biosecure containment area.
Once it was assembled, the team ran it through stringent testing and calibration to ensure the tests were as accurate as the current manual process.
Now that this has been confirmed, the robot has begun dayto-day diagnostic testing.
The machine achieves its efficiency through moving test
plates around.
Each plate can contain approximately 90 samples and the robot manages up to 40 plates at once. Simultaneously it adds samples and different reagents, washes and incubates the test plates.
Outside of responses, the robot is used to perform antibody tests for surveillance programmes, and for testing groups of animals for import or export purposes.
The Mycoplasma bovis outbreak gave us useful insights into how our laboratory could increase its capacity during a response. In particular, it highlighted the need for automation
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Listen up Ashburton peeps, especially those responsible for marketing our district to the world to show we’ve got more going for us than the weather, farming success and the highest per head of population numbers of check shirt-wearing blokes in the country. OK, I’m just joking about that. Sort of.
But have I got an idea for you. It’s Elvis. As in Presley. As in the King of rock ’n’ roll. He who died in 1977 when he was only 42 but still lives on for many. We see that with Elvis Presley festivals and conventions taking place all over the world.
In Sydney recently, I got a dose of just that when hundreds of Presley lookalikes – resplendent in what was a sea of blue suede shoes and Hawaiian shirts –shook up the city’s central station when they boarded a train
called the Elvis Express. Destination? The outback New South Wales town of Parkes.
That’s where the now 30th annual Parkes’ Elvis Festival takes place, an event that started as a one-night affair at a local club where a call was put out for Elvis impersonating performers from around the country to gather.
It was a simple idea to draw tourists to the town during the peak of summer and to celebrate the late singer’s birthday.
Well, talk about a hound dog of a success story. It’s now an annual five-day festival, which attracts 25,000 fans – more than
twice the population of the town – transforming it into a vibrant tribute to the King.
It got me thinking. Why can’t we do something similar in Ashburton and stage our own Elvis Presley festival? We’ve already got a synergy of sorts with the King, with Ashburton’s
is often referred to as Ashvegas by many outside the district. It’s true that the nickname is more an ironic allusion to Las Vegas but that’s the link. Las Vegas and Presley go together like salt and pepper and bread and butter, and it’s lasted for decades since his death.
duration of the event.
Is it out there, a bit far-fetched for some? Maybe but, boy, this town needs a marketing shakeup, an event that puts us on the national tourism map. We can’t keep relying on flash new hot pools and a skifield of note to do that every year.
If Parkes, in outback Australia can do the same and it’s a town of a similar size, then why can’t we try it in Ashburton?
The Parkes’ Elvis Festival injects millions into the economy, with accommodation always fully booked across the region.
John Lobb possessing the largest collection of Elvis memorabilia in New Zealand, something he’s been collating for the past 60 years. More than that, Ashburton
Why couldn’t we rename our town Ashvegas to coincide with our Elvis festival?
We’d even rename the paper to the Ashvegas Guardian for the
No-one knows how important that is to the town than its mayor Ken Keith, who at the Sydney station could be seen standing on a platform wearing his mayoral chains over a blue Elvis 70s jumpsuit.
Love it. Your turn now, Ashburton Mayor Neil Brown.
Daryl Holden... this town needs a marketing shakeup, an event that puts us on the national tourism map. We can’t keep relying on flash new hot pools and a skifield of note to do that every year
6am Infomercials
10am Love It or List It 3
10:50 Hoarders PG 3
11:40 Hollywood Medium
12:35 Life And Birth PGC 3
1:40 Million Dollar Listing
2:35 Love It or List It 3
3:30 Celebrity Ghost Stories PGVC 3
4:30 Hollywood Medium PGC
5:30 Botched PGC 3
A woman seeks help after a dog ripped off half her lip; Dr Dubrow works to repair disfigurement caused by spina bifida.
6:30 Hoarders PG 3
7:30 The Fatal Attraction
Murder MC
After 27 years of imprisonment, a woman details her affair with a co-worker that lead to the murder of his wife.
8:30 Below Deck Adventure
M Faye is becoming fed up with her crew’s disobedience.
9:30 Stacey Dooley Sleeps
Over MSC 3 Stacey challenges her views and those of the Arkwright family on inherited wealth, hunting, and private education.
10:30 Snapped M 3
11:30 Twisted Killers 16VC 3
12:20 Infomercials
6:40 Escape Room –Tournament of Champions MVL 2021 Horror. Taylor Russell, Logan Miller. 8:15 Stillwater MVLC 2021 Drama.
Matt Damon, Abigail Breslin.
10:35 Cry Macho MC 2021
Drama. 12:20 Redeeming Love MVSC 2022 Drama.
2:30 Scream 16VL 2022 Horror.
4:25 Fantastic Beasts – The Secrets of Dumbledore MV 2022 Adventure. 6:45 Take Home Pay MV 2019 Comedy.
Tofiga Fepulea’i.
8:30 This is the Night 16LC 2021 Comedy. In 1982, as all of Staten Island anticipates the opening of Rocky III, a teenage boy embarks on a quest that draws in his entire family.
Lucius Hoyos, Frank Grillo.
10:20 Morbius MVL 2022 Action. A biochemist tries to cure himself of a rare blood disease, but inadvertently infects himself with a form of vampirism. Jared Leto, Matt Smith.
12:05 The Conjuring 3 – The Devil Made Me Do It 16VC 2021
1:55 Uncharted MVL 2022
Action. 3:50 Spiral – From the Book of Saw 18VL 2021
Horror. 5:25 Ascension M 2021 Documentary.
Border Security – America’s Front Line 0 9pm L Tennis – Australian Open Day Two, Night Session. From Melbourne Park. 0 Wednesday Midnight The Equalizer MVC 12:55 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 1:50 Closedown 3:30 Infomercials
7:35 Sicario 16VC 2015
Crime. Emily Blunt, Benicio Del Toro, Josh Brolin.
9:35 Children of Men 16VL 2006 Drama. Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine.
11:25 Looper 16VL 2012
Sci-fi. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis. 1:20 The Host MV 2013 Sci-fi Adventure. Rachel Roberts, Shyaam Karra.
3:25 The Dark Knight MV 2008 Action. Christian Bale, Heath Ledger. 5:55 The Revenant 16VS 2016 Drama. Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Will Poulter.
8:30 Hancock MVL 2008
Action. Unpopular superhero Hancock saves the life of a public-relations executive who attempts to salvage Hancock’s public image. Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman.
10pm Deepwater Horizon ML 2016 Action. During one of the worst oil spills in US history, the crew on board must save the lives of their fellow work mates. Mark Wahlberg, Kurt Russell.
11:45 Everest MC 2015 Adventure. Jason Clarke, Josh Brolin, Keira Knightley.
1:45 Inception MV 2010 Action. 4:10 Jarhead 16VLS 2005 Drama.
Life Beyond the Lobby PG Giles Coren and Monica Galetti are in South Africa – where they experience a land of contrasts in two very different hotels.
9:25 Charlotte Church’s Dream Build PG
10:25 The Curse of Oak Island PG As the team struggle to retrieve the contents of the money pit, a visitor arrives with a method of getting to the treasure.
11:20 Beat Bobby Flay
11:50 Infomercials
6am SailGP – Singapore (HLS)
Day Two.
6:30 Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL) Stade Rochelais v Ulster. From Stade Marcel Deflandre, La Rochelle.
8:30 Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL) Bulls v Exeter Chiefs. From Loftus Versfeld, Pretoria.
10:30 Cricket – Women’s International (HLS) Australia v Pakistan – First ODI.
11am SailGP – Singapore (HLS) Day One.
11:30 SailGP – Singapore (HLS) Day Two.
Noon Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day One.
1pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day Two, Day Session. From Melbourne Park.
8:30 L Tennis –Australian Open Day Two, Night Session. From Melbourne Park.
3am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (RPL) Saracens v Lyon.
5am Cricket – Pakistan v Blackcaps (HLS) Third ODI.
5:30 Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (RPL) Ospreys v Montpellier.
on the hunt for wild pigs and deer with Willy Hollis and Hit Stevens near Ruatoria.
10pm Michif Country 3 Exploring the unique landscape, culture and language of the Michif community of St Laurent, Manitoba, Canada.
6:05 Pool Kings PG All About the View.
6:30 How Do They Do It? PG Fire Gloves, Enamel Bakeware.
6:55 Mysteries at the Museum PG Indestructible Mike, Bubble Trouble.
7:45 Guardians of the Glades
17Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
6am Outrageous Acts of Science PG 3 0 6:55 Dodgeball Thunderdome PG 3 7:50 Dr Jeff – Rocky Mountain Vet PG 3
8:45 Infomercials 10:30 Gold Rush – White Water PG 3 0
11:30 Flip or Flop 0 Noon M Woman of the House PG 3 2017 Romance. A woman who is nostalgic about her college days, takes a job as house mother to her former college chapter only to find that it is in shambles. Charlie Carrick, Kristen Prout. 0
1:55 Cutthroat Kitchen
2:55 Top Secret Swimming Holes 3:55 Kitchen Crashers
4:25 Bondi Vet PG 3
4:55 Gold Rush – White Water PG
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm Bondi Rescue PG 3 0
7:30 The Block Australia PG Scotty is in the firing line as the contestants ask how they can start landscaping if no budget has been given to them. 0
8:35 The Block Australia PG A design challenge inspired by a top-secret location.
9:45 Heartbreak Island 16 Ash and Tobias reveal their feelings; Antoni and Aleisha aim to set aside differences. 10:40 Newshub Late
Married at First Sight USA PG 3
Crashers 3 0
11:55 Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Two.
1pm American Pickers PG 3
2pm The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 3 3pm Wheel of Fortune 3
6:55 Pawn Stars PGC
7:25 Traffic Cops PGVC
A car linked to the drug trade in pursued; another suspected drug dealer is stopped with an infant child on board.
8:30 Border Security – America’s Front Line PGC
A person with a one-way bus ticket to America is questioned at the border; a traveller suspected of coming to work in the restaurant business is forced to serve up the truth. 0
9pm L Tennis – Australian Open Day Three, Evening Session. From Melbourne Park.
Thursday Midnight The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 1am Closedown 2am Infomercials
Impossible 7:15 The Pioneer Woman 7:40 Trisha’s Southern Kitchen 8:05 Gordon Ramsay’s Ultimate Cooking Course
Border Security Australia PG
Border Security Australia PG
8:30 Richard Hammond’s Workshop
Neil promises to help a friend with his 1930s Morris 8, but it is a financial hit for Cog; Richard admits to Kamla that work on the MGB will cost more than expected.
9:30 Aussie Salvage Squad PG A demolition mission to remove a 50-tonne trawler from a historic beach.
10:30 The Curse of Oak Island PG
11:25 Beat Bobby Flay Midnight Infomercials
10am Love It or List It 3
10:50 Hoarders PG 3
11:40 Hollywood Medium
12:35 Life and Birth PGC 3
1:45 Million Dollar Listing
2:40 Love It or List It 3
3:30 Celebrity Ghost Stories PGVC 3
4:30 Hollywood Medium PGC
5:30 Botched PGC 3
6:30 Hoarders PG 3
7:30 Dog Rescuers PG
A Christmas special that spends 48 hours with two RSPCA centres, following the work they do.
8:30 24 Hours In Emergency MC
A man has a suspected blood clot; an elderly woman has been found unresponsive at home.
9:30 911 Crisis Center MLC
A rookie dispatcher settles in at CVD thanks to the support from her policeman husband, but is fearful of dispatching police into dangerous situations.
10pm Snapped M 3
11pm Twisted Killers 16VC 3
11:50 The Circus M 3
12:20 Infomercials
7am The Fallout 16VLSC 2021 Drama.
Jenna Ortega, Maddie Ziegler.
8:35 Separation MVLC 2020
Horror. Violet McGraw, Rupert Friend.
10:20 The Many Saints of Newark 16VLSC 2021 Drama. Michael Gandolfini, Ray Liotta, Vera Farmiga.
12:20 The 355 MVL 2022
Action. Jessica Chastain, Penelope Cruz.
2:20 Moonshot MVLSC 2022
Comedy. Cole Sprouse, Zach Braff. 4:05 American Underdog PG 2021 Drama. Zachary Levi, Anna Paquin.
5:55 Dune MV 2021 Action.
8:30 Umma MVL 2022 Horror.
A woman living a quiet life on an American farm with her daughter has her world rocked when the remains of her estranged mother arrive from Korea. Sandra Oh, Fivel Stewart.
10pm Respect ML 2021 Drama. The remarkable story of Aretha Franklin’s journey to find her voice. Jennifer Hudson, Forest Whitaker.
12:20 Off the Rails MLS 2021 Comedy. 1:55 Jackass Forever 16LC 2022 Comedy.
3:30 Venom – Let There Be Carnage MVL 2021 Action.
5:05 Scream 16VL 2022 Horror.
6:10 The Impossible ML 2012 Drama. Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor.
8:05 Batman Begins MV 2005 Adventure. Christian Bale, Michael Caine.
10:25 I Am Legend MV 2007
Drama. 12:05 Man on a Ledge MVL 2012 Action Crime.
1:50 Apollo 13 PGL 1995
Drama. 4:05 Straight Outta Compton 16VLSC 2015 Drama.
6:30 Out of Sight MVL 1998 Action Comedy. George Clooney, Jennifer Lopez, Ving Rhames.
8:30 Conspiracy ML 2001 Drama. Historical recreation of the 1942 Wannsee Conference, where Nazi leaders discussed the Final Solution to the Jewish question. Kenneth Branagh, Stanley Tucci, Colin Firth.
10:07 Whip It MLS 2009 Drama. A mother wants her daughter to win the local Miss Blue Bonnet Pageant, but instead, her daughter discovers a completely different world.
Ellen Page, Drew Barrymore, Kristen Wiig.
Thursday Midnight Green Zone MVL 2010 Action. 1:55 Assassin’s Creed MVL 2016 Action.
3:50 Entrapment MV 1999 Thriller. 5:40 The Legend of Tarzan MV 2016 Adventure.
7:30 Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL) Munster v Northampton Saints. From Thomond Park, Munster.
9:30 Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL) Durban
Sharks v Bordeaux Begles. From Hollywoodbets Kings Park, Durban.
11:30 Football – Women’s A-League (HLS) Perth Glory v Wellington Phoenix. From Macedonia Park, Sterling. Noon Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Two. From Melbourne Park.
1pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day Three, Day Session. From Melbourne Park.
8:30 L Tennis –Australian Open Day Three, Night Session. From Melbourne Park.
Thursday 3am Kiwi Football Fix
Interviews with New Zealand’s top players and breaking down the domestic leagues, A-League and internationals.
Have More
18Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
7:30 24 Hours In Emergency MC
A man is airlifted to A&E after an accident while training for a charity bike ride; an elderly cyclist suffers multiple injuries after a collision with a van.
8:30 Below Deck M
Conflict ensues in the interior department between Alissa and Camille; a romance heats up between Camille and Ben.
9:30 Mayday Air Disaster MC
A turboprop narrowly averts disaster after a lightning strike over the North Sea.
10:30 Snapped M 3
A couple open their home to help others, but a deadly home invasion raises questions about lies and conspiracy.
11:30 Twisted Killers 16VC 3
12:20 Infomercials
Flop 0
12:05 M Twist of Fate PG 3 2016 Drama. When a young woman forms an instant bond with the emergency operator after a car accident, she sets out to reconnect with him. Cassie Steele, Ryan Kennedy.
1:55 Cutthroat Kitchen
2:55 Top Secret Swimming Holes
3:55 Kitchen Crashers
4:25 Bondi Vet PG 3
4:55 Gold Rush – White Water PG
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm Bondi Rescue PG 3 0
7:30 Lego Masters USA
The teams put an imaginative twist on a summer camp theme. 0
8:25 The Graham Norton Show Guests include Jamie Dornan, James Norton, and stories from the audience in the big red chair. 9:30 N The Elon Musk Show In Silicon Valley in the 1990s, tech geek Elon Musk begins his rise to power, building and selling his first business and falling in love. 0
6:57 Fantastic Beasts – The Secrets of Dumbledore MV 2022 Adventure. Eddie Redmayne, Jude Law.
9:15 The Card Counter 16VLSC
2021 Thriller. Oscar Isaac,
Tye Sheridan. 11:05 Military
Wives MLS 2019 Comedy.
12:55 Reminiscence MVC 2021 Sci-fi. 2:50 South of Heaven 16VLSC 2021 Action.
4:50 Here Today ML 2021 Comedy. 6:45 Resident Evil – Welcome to Raccoon City 16VL 2021 Action.
Kaya Scodelario, Robbie Amell.
8:30 Last Seen Alive MVLC 2022 Thriller. When a man’s wife mysteriously disappears, his desperate search for her leads him deep into a town’s criminal underbelly.
Gerard Butler, Jaimie Alexander.
10:10 Spider-Man – No Way Home MV 2021 Action. With his secret exposed, Peter turns to Doctor Strange to make the world forget. However, the spell goes wrong and unleashes dangerous foes. Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch.
12:35 Those Who Wish Me Dead 16VL 2021 Thriller.
2:12 In the Heights PGL 2021
Musical. 4:32 A Mouthful of Air MLC 2021 Drama.
Stars PGC
7:30 L Basketball –NBL New Zealand Breakers v Illawarra Hawks. From Spark Arena, Auckland.
9:30 L Tennis – Australian Open Day Four, Night Session. From Melbourne Park. 0 Friday
12:30 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 1:25 The Comeback MC 3 2am Infomercials
7:30 Broken City 16VL 2013
Crime. Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Catherine ZetaJones. 9:20 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PGLS 2011 Comedy Drama. Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Penelope Wilton.
11:20 The Dark Knight Rises MV 2012 Action. Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway.
2pm Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy MVL 2012 Drama.
4:07 T2 Trainspotting 16VLSC 2017 Crime.
6:05 Man on Fire 16VC 2004 Crime. Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning.
8:30 Snatch 18VL 2000
Crime. Unscrupulous boxing promoters, and a variety of other underworld denizens, compete to track down a stolen diamond. Brad Pitt, Vinnie Jones, Jason Statham, Benicio del Toro.
10:10 Troy MV 2004 Action.
Adaptation of Homer’s epic The Iliad, about a combined Greek attack on the city of Troy and the fate of the leading protagonists. Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom.
12:50 Shopping 16VLC 2013 Drama. 2:30 Batman v Superman – Dawn of Justice MV 2016 Action.
5am Inception MV 2010 Action.
detector dog has his first real test; an expensive and highly prohibited item is discovered; a man makes a desperate plea to cross the border.
8pm Border Security Australia PG When a woman pushes away a sniffer dog officers hone in her; a young man’s past is exposed.
8:30 All That Glitters PG The three finalists return to the workshop to battle it out for the title.
9:40 My Big Family Farm PG
10:40 The Curse of Oak Island PG
11:40 Beat Bobby Flay
12:10 Infomercials
6am Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL)
Clermont Auvergne v Leicester Tigers. From Stade MarcelMichelin, Clermont.
8am Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL)
Gloucester Rugby v Leinster Rugby. From Kingsholm Stadium, Gloucester.
10am Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL)
Sale Sharks v Toulouse. From AJ Bell Stadium, Manchester.
Noon Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Three.
From Melbourne Park.
1pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day Four, Day Session.
From Melbourne Park.
9pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day Four, Night Session. From Melbourne Park.
3am NBL Overtime
All the highlights and analysis from the latest round of games.
3:30 SailGP – Singapore (HLS)
4am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (RPL) Racing 92 v Harlequins. From La Defense Arena, Paris.
6:05 Pool Kings PG Cabanas and Cannonballs.
6:30 How Do They Do It? PG Opal, Stunt Planes, Nougat.
19Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
The sewers are tasked with making an asymmetric yoked skirt. 0 9am Lingo 3 Adil Ray hosts a wordbased quiz show. 0
10am Tipping Point 3 Quiz show in which players take on a machine, hoping to win its jackpot. 0
11am The Chase 3 Quiz show where contestants must stay one step ahead of The Chaser. 0
Noon Country Calendar 3 0
12:30 Emmerdale PG 0
1pm A New Zealand Food Story PG 3 0
1:30 Coronation Street PG 3 0
2pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0
3pm Tipping Point 3 0
4pm Te Karere 2
4:30 F Pictionary 0
5pm The Chase 3 0
6pm 1 News at 6pm 0
6:30 L Cricket – T20 Black
Clash Team Rugby v Team Cricket. From Hagley Oval in Christchurch. 0
10:30 Hard Quiz PG 3 0
11:05 Interior Design Masters with Alan Carr ML 3
The designers must transform three very different shops. 0
12:20 Big Fat Gypsy Weddings
MVL 3 0
1:10 Te Karere 3 2
1:40 Infomercials
5:35 Te Karere 3 2
6am Infomercials
10am Love It or List It 3
10:50 Hoarders PG 3
11:40 Hollywood Medium
12:35 Life and Birth PGC 3
1:40 Million Dollar Listing
2:35 Love It or List It 3
3:30 Celebrity Ghost Stories
4:30 Hollywood Medium PGC
5:30 Love It Or List It –Vancouver
6:30 Hoarders PG 3
A family struggle to keep ahead of the insignificant things that have taken over their lives.
7:30 M Housesitter PGL 3
1992 Comedy. A con artist moves into a man’s empty home without his knowledge and begins setting up house, posing as his new wife.
Goldie Hawn, Steve Martin.
9:40 An Unexpected Killer
16VC 3
After the burned body of a young nursing student is discovered near a rural road, detectives investigate several suspects.
10:35 Snapped M 3
11:30 Twisted Killers 16VC 3
12:20 Infomercials
6am Outrageous Acts of Science PG 3 0 6:55 Dodgeball
Thunderdome PG 3 7:50 Dr Dee –
Alaska Vet PG 3 8:50 Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush – White Water
PG 3 0
11:30 Flip or Flop 0
Noon M The Music in Me 3
2015 Romantic Drama. A singer/ songwriter puts her dreams on hold to help her family, until one special guy and a group of musicallychallenged strangers help her find her voice again. Debbie Gibson, Gloria Reuben. 0
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen 0
3pm Top Secret Swimming Holes 0
4pm Kitchen Crashers 0
4:30 Bondi Vet PG 3 0
5pm Gold Rush – White Water PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm Bondi Rescue PG 3 0
7:30 Lego Masters USA Each team must transform a putting green into a playable mini golf hole. 0
8:25 M Ghost Rider M 3 2007
Action Thriller. Johnny Blaze sells his soul to the Devil to save his father’s life. He is transformed into the Ghost Rider, the Devil’s own bounty hunter. Nicolas Cage, Eva Mendes. 0 10:30
Finest M 3 0
6:14 Christmas Waltz 2020 Drama. Lacey Chabert, Will Kemp. 7:40 12 Mighty Orphans M 2021 Drama.
Luke Wilson, Martin Sheen.
9:35 Last Seen Alive MVLC
2022 Thriller. Gerard Butler, Jaimie Alexander.
11:10 Marry Me PGLS 2022
Comedy. 1:05 King Richard MVL 2021 Drama. 3:25 Snake
Eyes – GI Joe Origins MVL
2021 Action. 5:25 Belfast MVL 2021 Drama. 7pm Kimi 16VLSC
2022 Thriller. Zoe Kravitz, Rita Wilson. 8:30 Last Night in Soho 16VLSC 2020 Horror.
An aspiring fashion designer is mysteriously able to enter the 1960s. However, the glamour of the past soon splinters into something darker. Thomasin McKenzie, Anya Taylor-Joy.
10:30 Dual 16VLSC 2022
Sci-fi. A woman who has a clone made due to a terminal diagnosis, recovers miraculously, and now must fight her clone to the death.
Karen Gillan, Aaron Paul.
12:05 Firestarter 16VLC 2022
Horror. 1:40 Every Breath
You Take 16VC 2021 Thriller.
3:25 Killing Field 16VLC 2021
Action. 5am Redeeming Love MVSC 2022 Drama.
Night Session. From Melbourne Park.
Saturday Midnight Raw MVC 1am The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 2am The Comeback MSC 3 2:30 Closedown
4am Infomercials
7:25 American Gangster 16VLSC 2007 Crime. Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe.
10:15 Assassin’s Creed MVL 2016 Action. Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard. 12:10 Sully ML 2016 Drama. Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart. 1:45 The Wolfman 16V 2010 Horror.
3:25 The Shallows MLC 2016 Drama Thriller. 4:50 Saw 18V 2004 Horror. 6:30 Jarhead 16VLS 2005 Drama. Jake Gyllenhaal, Jamie Foxx, Peter Sarsgaard. 8:30 Crimson Peak 16VLSC 2015 Drama. After a family tragedy, an aspiring author must choose between love for her childhood friend and the temptation of an outsider. Tom Hiddleston, Mia Wasikowska.
10:25 Straight Outta Compton 16VLSC 2015 Drama. In 1988, NWA revolutionises pop culture with its honest depiction of life in Southern LA, changing the face of hip-hop. O’Shea Jackson jr, Corey Hawkins.
12:50 Fight Club 18VL 1999 Thriller. 3:05 Daredevil MV 2003 Action Fantasy.
4:45 Gone Girl 16VLS 2014 Thriller.
7:30 Border Security Australia PG Immigration compliance officers make an early morning swoop; a well-travelled woman pleads ignorance to strict quarantine laws.
8pm Border Security Australia PG Officers are determined to catch out a passenger involved in the importation of narcotics; a secretive Lithuanian refuses to divulge her reasons for coming to Australia.
8:30 Our DNA Journey M
9:40 Escape to the Chateau – DIY
10:40 Alone PG Midnight Infomercials
6am Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL) Castres
Olympique v Edinburgh.
From Stade Pierre Fabre, Castres.
8am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (RPL)
Gloucester Rugby v Leinster Rugby. From Kingsholm Stadium, Gloucester.
10am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (RPL)
Clermont Auvergne v Leicester Tigers. From Stade MarcelMichelin, Clermont. Noon Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Four. From Melbourne Park.
1pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day Five, Day Session.
From Melbourne Park.
9pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day Five, Night Session. From Melbourne Park.
3am ATP Uncovered
Everything you need to know about the world of men’s tennis.
3:30 SailGP – Singapore (HLS)
4am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (RPL) Sale Sharks v Toulouse.
20Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
6am Infomercials
Steady Cook 3 0 11am Cricket – Women’s Super Smash Central Hinds v Otago Sparks. 0
2pm F George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 3 0
3pm M Lucille Ball – We Love Lucy PG 3 2020 Documentary. 0
5pm The Chase 3 0
6pm 1 News at 6pm 0 7pm Tipping Point – Lucky Stars 3
Three celebrities take on a machine, hoping to win money for charity. 0
8pm Lotto 0
8:05 Mrs Brown’s Boys MLS
Buster and Dermot are convinced
Cathy’s boyfriend is a vampire; Agnes awaits the valuation of an antique vase. 0
8:35 Call the Midwife PG
Sister Julienne helps care for a firsttime mother who is going through a challenging diagnosis; Lucille struggles with her own health; Poplar celebrates the Whitsun Maypole. 0
9:55 The Capture 16VL 0
11:10 The Split M 3 0
Sunday 12:15 Jamestown
MVC 0 1:55 The White Princess
MVC 0 3am Infomercials
5:30 Religious Programming
6am Infomercials 10am A Place in the Sun – Home or Away
10:55 A Place in the Sun –Home or Away
11:50 Flip it Like Disick PG 3
12:50 Southern Charm
1:50 Southern Charm PGLC 3
2:50 Love It or List It 3
4:25 Botched by Nature
5:30 Dog Rescuers PG 3
6:30 Undercover Boss PG 3
7:30 Tattoo Fixers Extreme
MLC 3 Uzzi rids Stefen of a terrible tribute to brotherly love; Alice lights up Amanda’s life; Pash blows away Liam’s trumpy tattoo.
8:30 The Real Murders of Atlanta MVC 3
9:30 M Conrad and Michelle: If Words Could Kill
18 3 2018 Drama. Two teens with suicidal thoughts mainly communicate through text, sharing a toxic relationship of dependency. Bella Thorne, Austin P McKenzie.
11:20 Snapped MVC 3
12:20 Infomercials
5am Hollywood Medium
6am Charles Stanley PG
6:30 Infomercials
9:30 Extinct or Alive PG 3 0
10:30 Celebrity Family Feud PG 3 0
11:30 Grand Designs NZ PG 3 0
12:30 Love Yurts 0
1pm Arranged NZ 3 Meet the Kiwis putting faith in their families to arrange their marriage. 0
2pm The Zoo PG 3 0
3pm Lego Masters Australia 3 0
5pm Family Game Night 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm M Yogi Bear PG 2010
Animation. A documentary filmmaker travels to Jellystone Park to shoot a project, and soon crosses paths with Yogi Bear, his sidekick Boo-Boo, and Ranger Smith. Dan Aykroyd, Justin Timberlake, Anna Faris. 0
8:40 M New in Town M 2009 Comedy. A Miami executive ends up in a tiny Minnesota town. The icy weather and the equally icy welcome has her struggling at work, but soon the town grows on her.
Renee Zellweger, Harry Connick jr.
10:35 The Gulf M 3 Detective Jess Savage wants to leave the past behind, but a blackmailer is making that impossible.
11:35 The Gulf M 3 Jess learns more about Spencer’s background and marriage; the blackmailer pays a visit.
12:30 Infomercials
7:10 Dream Horse PGL 2021 Drama. Toni Collette, Damian Lewis. 9am Don’t Breathe 2 16VLC 2021 Horror. Stephen Lang, Madelyn Grace.
10:36 Downton Abbey – A New Era PGL 2022 Drama.
Hugh Bonneville, Maggie Smith.
12:37 Amsterdam MVC 2022 Comedy. Christian Bale, Margot Robbie.
2:47 Halloween Kills 16VLC 2021 Horror. Jamie Lee Curtis, Nick Castle.
4:30 Breaking News in Yuba County 16V 2021 Comedy.
Allison Janney, Mila Kunis.
6:05 The Matrix Resurrections
MVL 2021 Action. Keanu Reeves, Carrie-Anne Moss.
8:30 The Suicide Squad
16VLC 2021 Adventure. Supervillains join a super-secret task force and are dropped off at a remote, enemy-infused island of Corto Maltese.
Margot Robbie, Idris Elba.
10:45 This is the Night 16LC 2021 Comedy. Lucius Hoyos, Frank Grillo.
12:30 Fantastic Beasts –The Secrets of Dumbledore MV 2022 Adventure. Eddie Redmayne, Jude Law.
2:50 Joe Bell MVLSC 2020 Drama. Mark Wahlberg, Connie Britton.
4:25 Blue Bayou MVLC 2020 Drama.
7:30 Pig Goat Banana Cricket PG 3 0
7:55 Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Five.
From Melbourne Park.
9am L Rugby – World Sevens Series Hamilton – Day One.
From FMG Stadium Waikato.
6:15 Rugby – World Sevens Series (HLS) Cape Town.
6:30 L Rugby – World Sevens Series Hamilton – Day One.
From FMG Stadium Waikato.
8:30 Border Security – America’s Front Line PG 3
In Boston, two travellers return from Africa with some unsavoury food; in Port Huron, a traveller with a concealed pistol poses problems. 0
9pm L Tennis – Australian Open Day Six.
From Melbourne Park.
Sunday Midnight Game of Thrones
18VLSC 3
1:35 NXT PGV
2:30 Closedown
4am Infomercials
7:10 Conspiracy Theory MV 1997 Thriller. Mel Gibson, Julia Roberts. 9:20 The Dark Tower MV 2017 Action. Matthew McConaughey, Idris Elba. 10:55 Hancock MVL 2008 Action. Will Smith, Charlize Theron, Jason Bateman. 12:25 In the Valley of Elah 16VLC 2007 Crime. Tommy Lee Jones, Susan Sarandon, Charlize Theron.
2:25 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 MV 2014 Action. 4:25 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 MVC 2015 Action.
6:40 Into the Blue MVL 2005 Action. Jessica Alba, Paul Walker.
8:30 The Amazing SpiderMan MV 2012 Action. After a young man is bitten by a genetically altered spider, he gains new powers, and sets out to solve the mystery of his parents’ deaths. Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans.
10:45 Everest MC 2015 Adventure. Jason Clarke, Josh Brolin, Keira Knightley.
Sunday 12:45 RocknRolla 16VL 2008 Action.
2:40 Into the Blue MVL 2005 Action. 4:30 Superman Returns MV 2006 Action.
6am UFC on Sky
6:30 Cricket – BBL (HLS)
Brisbane Heat v Hobart
Beat Bobby Flay
12:10 Infomercials
6:50 All Access – A-League
7:20 Basketball – NBL (HLS)
NZ Breakers v Illawarra Hawks.
7:50 Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (HLS)
8:50 L Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup Leicester
Tigers v Ospreys.
From Mattioli Woods Welford Road, Leicester.
11am Cricket – BBL (HLS)
Adelaide Strikers v Perth
11:15 Cricket – BBL (HLS)
Brisbane Heat v Hobart
11:30 Basketball – NBL (HLS)
NZ Breakers v Illawarra Hawks.
Noon Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Five.
1pm L Tennis – Australian Open Day Six, Day Session. From Melbourne Park.
9pm L Tennis – Australian
Open Day Six, Night Session.
From Melbourne Park.
3am Basketball – NBL (HLS)
NZ Breakers v Illawarra Hawks.
3:30 SailGP – Singapore (HLS)
4:05 L Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup Leinster Rugby v Racing 92. From Aviva Stadium, Dublin.
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Going Native
5:30 Matau Three young tane travel throughout the Far North fishing for knowledge and kai.
6pm Waiata Nation 3
7pm M Paddington 3 2014 Animation. When a Peruvian bear travels to London and gets lost at Paddington station a family offers him a temporary haven. Hugh Bonneville, Sally Hawkins, Julie Walters.
8:30 M The Monkey King
2 MVC 3 2016 Action. When a travelling monk is stranded in a wasteland, the Monkey King must escort him to retrieve sacred scriptures and protect him from an evil demon. Aaron Kwok, Gong Li, Shaofeng Feng.
10:50 Lifted PGC Riapo Panapa presents the stories behind the music that is dominating the airwaves.
11:20 Aroha Bridge PGC 3
Authentic urban Maori characters set out to succeed while growing up in a bicultural, eclectic community.
11:50 Closedown
21Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
6am Closedown
6:15 Football – Men’s A-League (HLS) Wellington Phoenix v Central Coast Mariners.
From Sky Stadium, Wellington.
6:45 Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Six.
From Melbourne Park. 0
7:45 L Netball – Quad Series South Africa v Silver Ferns.
From the International Convention Centre, Cape Town.
9:20 L Rugby – World Sevens Series Hamilton – Day Two.
From FMG Stadium Waikato.
6:15 Rugby – World Sevens Series (HLS) Dubai – Women’s Final.
6:30 L Rugby – World Sevens Series Hamilton – Day Two.
From FMG Stadium Waikato.
8:30 Border Security – America’s Front Line 16 Two backpackers return after six months abroad with some suspicious souvenirs. 0
9pm L Tennis – Australian Open Day Seven.
From Melbourne Park.
Midnight SmackDown PGV
1am Closedown
2:30 Infomercials
6:20 Operation Mincemeat
ML 2022 Drama. Colin Firth, Matthew Macfadyen.
8:25 Juniper MVLC 2021
Drama. Charlotte Rampling, George Ferrier. 10am Cry Macho MC 2021 Drama.
11:45 Ghostbusters –
Afterlife PGL 2021 Adventure.
1:45 Off the Rails MLS 2021
Comedy. 3:20 The Lost City
MVS 2022 Action. 5:10 No
Sudden Move 16VL 2021
Thriller. 7:05 Umma MVL
List It –Vancouver 3
5:30 Love It Or List It –Vancouver 3
6:30 Rich Kids Skint Holidays PG
7:30 M The Blues Brothers MVL 3 1980 Comedy.
Two petty crooks go on a mission to save the Chicago orphanage where they were raised. John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd.
10:10 999 What’s Your Emergency? 16LC 3
11:10 24 Hours In
Emergency MC 3
Midnight Infomercials
Still grappling with major changes, Bravo Team go on a dangerous mission in
2022 Horror. Sandra Oh, Fivel Stewart. 8:30 The Duke MLS 2020 Drama. To improve the lives of the elderly, a 60-year-old steals and ransoms Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery. Jim Broadbent, Helen Mirren.
10:08 Spiral – From the Book of Saw 18VL 2021 Horror. Working in the shadow of his father, a detective unwittingly becomes trapped in a serial killer’s morbid game.
Chris Rock, Samuel L Jackson.
11:39 Georgetown 16LC 2021 Crime. Christoph Waltz, Vanessa Redgrave.
1:17 Separation MVLC 2020
Horror. 3:02 Malignant 18VLC
2021 Horror. 4:50 Christmas on Wheels 2020 Romance.
7:05 Man on Fire 16VC 2004 Crime. Denzel Washington, Dakota Fanning. 9:30 Apollo
13 PGL 1995 Drama. Tom Hanks, Ed Harris, Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton.
11:50 The Hunger Games – Catching Fire MV 2013 Action. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson. 2:15 The Legend of Tarzan MV 2016 Adventure. Alexander Skarsgard, Rory J Saper, Christian Stevens.
4:05 The Nice Guys 16VLSC 2016 Action Comedy.
Russell Crowe, Ryan Gosling, Angourie Rice. 6pm The Departed 16VL 2006 Crime. Leonardo DiCaprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson.
8:30 The Amazing SpiderMan 2 MV 2014 Action. When Spider-Man’s enemies unite, Peter Parker finds his greatest battle is about to begin.
Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx.
10:50 Runaway Jury MV 2003 Drama. Dustin Hoffman, Gene Hackman.
12:55 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PGLS 2011 Comedy Drama.
2:55 The Host MV 2013 Sci-fi Adventure.
5am Carrie 16VLS 2013 Horror.
6:20 L Rugby –Heineken Champions Cup
Exeter v Castres Olympique.
From Sandy Park, Exeter.
8:30 Football – Premier League (RPL) Southampton v Aston Villa.
From St Mary’s, Southampton.
10:30 Netball – Quad Series (HLS) South Africa v Silver Ferns.
11am Football – A-League
Highlights Show
1pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day Seven, Day Session.
From Melbourne Park.
9pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day Seven, Night Session. From Melbourne Park.
3am Cricket – India v Blackcaps (HLS) Second ODI.
From Shaheed Veer Narayan Singh International Cricket Stadium, Raipur.
3:30 Football – A-League (HLS) Wellington Phoenix v Central Coast Mariners.
From Sky Stadium, Wellington.
4:10 L Rugby –Heineken Champions Cup Toulouse v Munster.
From Stade Ernest Wallon, Toulouse.
Film Stars Don’t Die in Liverpool MLSC 3 2017 Drama. Hollywood actress Gloria Grahame finds romance and happiness with a younger man, but her life changes when she is diagnosed with breast cancer. Annette Benning, Jamie Bell, Kenneth Cranham.
22Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
6am AM
9am Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush – White
Water 3 0
11:30 Newshub Live at 11:30am Noon M Tomboy 3 2011
Drama. A transgender woman who is introduced to her neighbourhood as a boy feels alienated in society.
Zoe Heran, Malonn Levana. 0
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen PG 0
2:55 Top Secret Swimming Holes
3:55 Kitchen Crashers
4:25 Extreme Couponing PG
5pm Gold Rush – White Water
7:30 Frozen Planet ll M Journey through remote frozen worlds and discover the incredible ways animals survive. 0
8:45 Happy Valley 16VL
Catherine confronts Clare and presents Ryan with an ultimatum; Faisal and Joanna hatch a plan that takes an unexpected turn. 0
10pm Hard Quiz PGC 3
Tom Gleeson puts four selfproclaimed experts on Bill Clinton, the planet Neptune, Taylor Swift and cult TV series Press Gang through the wringer. 0
10:35 1 News Tonight 0
11:10 Shortland Street PG 3 0
11:40 Nurses Down Under PGC 0 Tuesday
12:30 Inside Central Station PG 0 1:20 Te Karere 3 2
1:45 Infomercials
5:35 Te Karere 3 2
6am Infomercials
10am Love It or List It 3
10:50 Hoarders PG 3
11:40 Hollywood Medium
12:35 Life and Birth PGC 3
1:40 Million Dollar Listing
2:30 Love It or List It 3
3:30 Celebrity Ghost Stories
4:30 Hollywood Medium PGC
5:30 Hoarders PG 3
7:30 Snapped MVC
After leads dry up in a missing person case, detectives discover a severed body part at a lake.
8:30 An Unexpected Killer
MC A woman is found stabbed in her bedroom, secret recordings lead investigators to a sinister plot and horrific confession.
9:30 The Real Murders of Atlanta MVC Detectives piece together a puzzle to track down the killers of the leader of a religious dynasty, shot dead while protecting his family.
10:30 Snapped M 3
A possible love triangle has deadly consequences for a prominent lawyer.
11:30 Twisted Killers 16VC 3
12:20 Infomercials
PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm The Project 0
7:30 The Block Australia PG
The Blockheads tackle their guest bedrooms and re-do rooms. 0
8:35 Next Level Chef PG
The final three contestants must create an appetizer, a seafood dish and a meat-focused dish; one chef is crowned the winner. 0
9:30 Heartbreak Island 16
The top four battle in the Challenge Arena with eyes on the $100,000 prize.
Married at First Sight USA
6:14 Chronicle Mysteries
– Helped to Death PG 2021
Thriller. Alison Sweeney, Benjamin Ayres. 7:38 In the Heights PGL 2021 Musical.
Anthony Ramos, Melissa Barrera.
9:57 Out of Death 16VLC 2021
Thriller. 11:31 Our Ladies
16LSC 2021 Comedy. 1:13 The War Below MVC 2021 War.
2:47 Uncharted MVL 2022
Action. 4:39 The Conjuring
3 – The Devil Made Me Do It 16VC 2021 Horror. 6:27 Death on the Nile MV 2022 Drama. Kenneth Branagh, Gal Gadot.
8:30 Take Home Pay MV 2019 Comedy. Two brothers arrive in New Zealand as seasonal workers to make money to take back home to their family in Samoa. Tofiga Fepulea’i.
10:20 Last Seen Alive MVLC 2022 Thriller. When a man’s wife mysteriously disappears, his desperate search for her leads him deep into a town’s criminal underbelly. Gerard Butler, Jaimie Alexander.
11:58 Moonshot MVLSC 2022 Comedy. Cole Sprouse, Zach Braff.
1:43 American Underdog PG 2021 Drama.
3:38 Stillwater MVLC 2021
Drama. 5:58 Dear Evan Hansen MLC 2021 Musical.
8am Netball – Quad Series Australia v Silver Ferns. 0
9:30 Storage Wars PGL 3 0
9:55 Infomercials 11:55 Tennis –Australian Open (HLS) Day Seven.
1pm American Pickers PGC 3
2pm The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 3
3pm Wheel of Fortune 3
3:30 Jeopardy 3
4pm Storage Wars PGL 3 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm Football – Women’s
A-League Wellington Phoenix v Canberra United.
6:30 Football – Men’s A-League (HLS) Wellington Phoenix v Central Coast Mariners.
7pm Pawn Stars PGC
An early addition of PT Barnum’s autobiography shows up at the shop.
7:30 American Pickers PGC Mike and Jersey Jon target some big money picks; Danielle and Robbie meet a legendary bluegrass fiddler with an awesome Nashville collection.
8:30 Border Security – America’s Front Line PG 3 0
9pm L Tennis – Australian Open Day Eight. From Melbourne Park.
Tuesday Midnight The Crowd Goes Wild PG
1am The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 2am Closedown
3:30 Infomercials
6:40 The Dark Knight Rises MV 2012 Action. Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway.
9:25 Daredevil MV 2003 Action Fantasy. Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Colin Farrell.
11:10 Children of Men 16VL 2006 Drama. Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine.
1pm I Am Legend MV 2007 Drama. Will Smith, Alice Braga.
2:40 Broken City 16VL 2013 Crime. Mark Wahlberg, Russell Crowe, Catherine ZetaJones. 4:30 Elizabeth 16VS 1998 Historical Drama.
6:35 Elizabeth – The Golden Age MV 2007 Historical Drama. Cate Blanchett, Clive Owen, Geoffrey Rush.
8:30 Master and Commander – The Far Side of the World MV 2003 Action. During the Napoleonic War, a brash British captain pushes his ship and crew to the limits in pursuit of a much larger French vessel. Russell Crowe, Paul Bettany.
10:48 Batman Begins MV 2005 Adventure. Christian Bale, Michael Caine. Tuesday
1:08 Charlie’s Angels MV 2000 Action. 2:48 Eat Pray Love ML 2010 Romantic Drama. 5:08 Man on a Ledge MVL 2012 Action Crime.
Museum PG 10am American Pickers 11am Stone House Revival 11:30 Hidden Potential Noon Incredible Journeys With Simon Reeve PG 1pm American Restoration PG 1:30 Baggage Battles PG 2pm Griff’s Canadian Adventure PG 3pm Restaurant –Impossible 4pm Giada Entertains 4:30 Adam and Poh’s Malaysia in Australia PG 5pm Mysteries at the Museum PG 6pm American Pickers
7pm Bondi Rescue PG At the start of summer, the lifeguards must pass grueling tests to be admitted to duty for the season.
7:30 Border Security – Australia PG A traveller says she did not pack her own bags; a marital rift; some very expensive noodles.
8pm Border Security – Australia
PG A bungling drug mule tries to avoid being caught; an elderly gambler’s luck runs out; a delivery is suspected to be part of illegal animal trading.
8:30 The Motorway
9:30 Great Southern Truckers PG
10:30 The Curse of Oak Island PG
11:30 Beat Bobby Flay Midnight Infomercials
6:20 L Rugby –Heineken Champions Cup Edinburgh v Saracens. From DAM Health Stadium, Edinburgh.
8:30 Football – Women’s
A-League (HLS) Wellington Phoenix v Canberra United.
9am Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Seven.
10am Basketball – NBL (RPL) Sydney Kings v NZ Breakers. Noon Football – Women’s International (HLS) Game One – Football Ferns v United States.
12:30 Football – Women’s International (HLS) Game Two – Football Ferns v United States.
1pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day Eight, Day Session. From Melbourne Park.
9pm L Live – Tennis –Australian Open Day Eight, Night Session. From Melbourne Park.
3am Football – Premier League (RPL) Arsenal v Manchester United.
5am Rugby – World Sevens Series (HLS) Group Stage and Quarter-finals.
5:30 Rugby – World Sevens Series (HLS) Semi-finals and Final.
crimes on US college campuses, their institutional coverups and the devastating toll they
23Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
Every day
Mt Hutt Memorial Hall
10am, 160 Main Street, Methven. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and Hall of Memories.
Ashburton Aviation Musuem
1-3pm, Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.
Mid Canterbury Connector
Provides low-cost return trips to Ashburton, Mondays to Fridays, any time between 9am and 4.30pm.
Ashburton Aviation Museum
1-3pm. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.
Age Concern Ashburton
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am.
Ashburton Bridge Club
1.05pm, Bridge Club Rooms, 79 Alford Forest Road.
Ashburton Community Walking
Mondays and Fridays at 10.30am. Walnut Avenue Pavilion.
Ashburton Pipe Band practice
Pipe Band rooms, Every Monday, 7.30pm onwards.
MSA Dance Section
Monday 4.00pm to 6.00pm. All welcome at the MSA Havelock St.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Age Concern Ashburton
Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
Held at Methven All Saints Anglican Church Chapman St at 10.30am, starting February 7.
Rakaia St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Bridge St at 1.00pm.
MSA Tai Chi
Classes at 11am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street.
Justice of the Peace
JP available for all signing services on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12pm-2pm. No appointment necessary. No fee. Community House, 44 Cass St.
RSA Indoor Bowls
Every Tuesday at 12.45. RSA in the Doris Linton Lounge. $2, followed by a cuppa & chat.
Pickleball Ashburton
EA Networks Centre from 5-7pm. Paddles provided.
Mid Canterbury Badminton Club Badminton Club night from 7-9pm. All abilities welcome at EA Networks Centre.
Waireka Croquet Club
Draw 9.45am GC Handicap Singles. Ist Tuesday in the Month Handicap Singles 19 hoops. Draw 1.15pm. Singles Handicaps -0 5; 6-9; 10-16.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Ashburton Ladies Friendship Club 9.45am, Sinclair Centre. Speeches, morning tea, every fourth Wednesday of the month.
Wednesday Walk Group 9.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue on the west side of the Ashburton College Auditorium entrance.
Age Concern Ashburton
Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
• Held at Allenton St David’s Church, Allens Road at 9.30am.
Pickleball Ashburton
Every Wednesday from 9.30am - 11.30am at EA Networks Centre.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church Holy Communion at 10am on Park Street.
Age Concern Ashburton
Programme for the elderly runs Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am.
Hip Hop for Seniors
10am-11am at the Ashburton Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street, Ashburton, $5. Ashburton open coffee mornings
All are welcome at the Plunket rooms, 222 Cameron Street. 10.30am - 12 noon.
Ashburton Bridge Club
Every Thursday, 7.05pm, Bridge Club rooms, 79 Alford Forest Road.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Age Concern Ashburton
Ladies exercise class at 9.30am at Ashburton Seniors Centre at 206 Cameron Street.
Mid Canterbury Badminton Club 9.30am-11am at EA Networks Sports Centre.
MSA Tai Chi
Classes at 11am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street.
Age Concern Ashburton
Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
• Ashburton St Stephen’s Church, Park Street at 1pm.
• Ashburton Buffalo Lodge Rooms, Cox Street at 1pm.
Ashburton Community Walking Group
Walking for about 30-40 minutes on Mondays and Fridays at 10.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue Pavilion.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church
Seniors Coffee Club, 2nd and 4th of the month at 10.30am, St Stephen’s Parish Centre, Park St.
Ashburton Justice of the Peace
JP available for all signing services from 12-2pm. No appointment necessary. No fee. Community House. 44 Cass Street.
Pickleball Ashburton
EA Networks Centre from 6-8pm. Paddles provided.
Ashburton Farmers Market
Saturday mornings, 9am-12.30pm, north end West Street car park. Plants, hot and cold food, vegetables.
Ashburton Aviation Museum
Ashburton Airport from 10am - 3pm.
Ashburton Woodworkers
Clubrooms at Plains Museum site 1pm-4pm.
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
10am, Weekly worship & Bible Study.
11am, Sabbath singing & Sermon.
At Grace Presbyterian Church building, 63 Princes St. Ashburton. All welcome!
Vintage Car Club
The museum and parts shed, 86 Maronan Road, Tinwald, will be open ONLY on the following Saturdays during the month of January, 2023 (times 10am to 12 noon):
January 14, 21, 28.
Waireka Croquet Club
AC Singles or Doubles. Draw 9.45 and 12.45, GC Draw 1.15 pm Doubles. New players welcome, mallets available.
Ashburton Anglican Parish
Sunday - St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Park St, 10 am. Holy Communion
Sunday - St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Thomson St. 10 am. Holy Communion, 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
Sunday January 1, 2023: 10am Combined Service at St Andrew’s. Service led by Rev. Eric Mattock. All welcome. Sinclair Centre, Park Street.
Grace Presbyterian Church 10am at 63 Princes Street.
Hakatere Presbyterian Parish
We have several combined services in January and this is the service schedule –
Sunday January 15 – joining in a Combined Service at 10am at Baring Square Methodist Church.
Sunday January 22 – Combined service - 10am at 65 Oxford Street – led by Rev. Johanna Warren.
Sunday January 29 – joining in a Combined Service at 10am at St Andrews, Park Street.
Each week from Sunday February 5 – Morning Worship at 10am. All welcome. 65 Oxford Street.
St Paul’s Church, Mid Canterbury CCAANZ
Chertsey Community Hall, Chertsey Line Road, Chertsey, 10am Sunday. Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays. “Knowing Jesus and making Jesus known”.
Pickleball Ashburton
Sunday is organised competition day at EA Networks Stadium from 5-7pm. Prior registration through our facebook page is required. Some courts are available for social play.
Every Monday and Saturday
Allenton Assn Croquet Club
Venue Allenton Sports Club. Monday, Saturday. Start every week Monday September 19 until March 27 2023. Starting time 1.15pm.
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Methven Croquet Club
We play croquet every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1.30pm at the Methven Domain. All welcome to come along. Ashburton MSA Petanque Club
115 Racecourse Road, Ashburton. Please be there by 1pm to play off at 1.15pm each day. All welcome. Equipment and tuition available.
Every Tuesday and Friday
Methven Museum – Christmas Display
60 Main St, Methven. Open Tuesday and Friday 2-4pm. Believe it or not an orange was once a treat as were nuts. Many families could only afford these treats if they saved up all year. Come to the museum and see what gifts were given at Christmas of yesteryear, and what decorations were put up in the home. There are puzzles for the children to do and the history of Methven is on display. Admission is free but donations are welcome.
Every Thursday and Saturday
Ashburton Toy Library
Open every Thursday and Saturday from 9.30am-12.30pm, plus every alternate Tuesday 3.30pm-5pm at 106 Victoria Street.
Every Wednesday, Saturday
Allenton Golf Croquet Club
Wednesdays & Saturdays. Start every week from Wednesday September 21 2022 until March 29 2023, starting time 9.45am.
Last Sunday of every month
Nor’Westers Muso’s Club
All are welcome, as is any style of music. 2pm - 6pm at Feeneys Lounge, Devon Tavern.
First Sunday of every month
Methven Market
At Methven Resort, from 9am to 1pm.
Third Monday of every month
The Ashburton Electronic Organ & Keyboard Club meets on the third Monday of every month (except December/January) at Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street at 7.30pm
Second Fri of every month
In Colour, art and craft club
Bring along your art and craft projects to share with others over morning tea once a month. 10.30am - 12 noon.
Second and fourth Friday of every month
St Stephen’s Anglican Church
Seniors Coffee Club 10.30am on Park Street.
Ashburton Embroiderers’ Guild
Meet Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street first Saturday of the month 10.30am-3.30pm, second Thursday of the month 1pm-3.30pm, third Tuesday of the month -9pm, and the fourth Thursday of the month 10.30am3.30pm.
January events
St David’s Union Church
Tuesday January 17, 9.30am. St David’s Union Church. Walking Group meets outside church. 48 Allens Road.
Sunday 22nd January, 9.30 am, St David’s Union Church. Worship Service led by Rev Henry Mbambo. 48 Allens Road, Ashburton
Tuesday, 24th January, 9.30 am. St David’s Union Church. Walking Group meets outside church. 48 Allens Road.
Run and Walk Ashburton
Summer Park Series, Run or Walk, 1, 3, 5km. January 17 to February 21, Tuesday, 6pm start. Ashburton Domain, Walnut Avenue Pavilion. Adults $2, under 18 free. Everyone welcome –all ages, all abilities, walker or runner.
Ashburton Horticultural Society (Garden Group)
Friday January 20, Meeting 2pm at Domain Pavilion, Walnut Avenue. New members welcome.
Waireka Croquet Club
Philip Street. Tuesdays, Waireka Croquet Club GC Draw 9.45am and 1.15 Singles.
Vintage Car Club
The museum and parts shed, 86 Maronan Road, Tinwald, will be open ONLY on the following Saturdays during the month of January, 2023 (times 10am to 12 noon):
January 21 and 28.
February events
Craft Cluster Workshop
Monday February 6, 10am, at the Plains Museum.
Send all details to: whatson@ theguardian.co.nz
IMPORTANT: If you’re running a regular event, we only need to hear from you when you have CHANGES to this regular event.
7. Break colts in a clean way as they've scratched from race (13)
8. Money? Blimey! If you want these, use your loaf! (11)
12. Calls one and takes a chair after five (6)
14. Packed in to one side in the ends of the world (6)
16. In the Southeast a short journey may be punishing (6)
18. Bound to be played quietly instead of loudly where Paris is (6)
19. Tried changing people backing at fifty doing damage (11)
23. Financial position of men cast incorrectly in the circus (13)
1. Gift of talking that's about right for clothing (4)
2. Highest point came adrift (4)
3. Leaves grass to dashing young fellows (6)
4. Vegetable is the best part of it (6)
5. Take pictures of mistiness (4)
6. Models of industry are never tolerating slack beginners (4)
9. Book it but hold back judgment on it (7)
10. Flower might begin with nothing at start of April (7)
11. Cutter used in a broad zed-pattern (4)
12. Huge tank swallowed Sherman initially (4)
13. The slender extremity of a hand-out (3)
15. A bit of corn one will almost merit (3)
17. Meaning the North has once gone to work out the puzzle (6)
18. Full supply for time before Easter in piety first and last (6)
19. Sentimental drivel one may leak a drop at a time (4)
20. A short nail one will lightly stitch in place (4)
21. Coarse seaweed has an after-taste (4)
22. German art song apparently was romancing (4)
1. Impolite (4)
3. Unchanging (8)
9. Prison cell (7)
10. Throws (5)
11. Exchanged letters (12)
14. Delay (3)
16. Locomotive (5)
17. Be
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): You're not expecting anyone to take care of you or behave differently because you're there. Even so, your presence changes things. Your influence is powerful even if you don't do anything other than just show up.
TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): If you have to be brave, generous or heroic you will be. Opportunities are more often small and invisible to anyone who's not looking for them. You'll do common things with uncommon grace.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): You're good on your own, but you're way better when you involve others. Test your ideas out on your trusted cohorts. If you don't have such a group, don't worry –you'll make new friends in the weeks to come.
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): You'll put yourself out there and learn who doesn't agree. This is good information. "He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare. And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere." – Ali ibn-Abi-Talib
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): People influence your experience with their attitudes and behaviours. You could be in the same place with different people, and it wouldn't be the same at all. Your environment will be as lovely as the people who populate it.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Vanity serves a positive purpose. It keeps you doing the things you tell yourself you'll do. So, if vanity has you in its clutches, at least you can count on your pride to energise you to do the work to fulfill your own wishes.
LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): Very occasionally, life rolls over and lets you control it. It will happen again, but not for a while. Right now, life is taking off like a shot. It's all you can do to hold onto the mane and try to sync with the gallop.
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): Among the best gifts you could hope for is the gift of a single purpose. When you devote yourself to one idea, everything else lines up. You want something, you'll work hard for it and you will have it.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): A well-timed silence will be magic. If you can accompany it with heartfelt emotion and your expressive face, you'll deliver a more complex communication than words could relay.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Movement is defined by stillness. Music is shaped by the silence. And today you will be experienced by others for what you don't do. Your restraint is in itself an astounding act.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Who you are in the group is different from who you are alone. Make efforts to be around likable people. A group will change you and you will change a group, and it will all happen simultaneously.
How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter word.
How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter word.
Previous solution: fin, fit, flint, flit, lift, lint, lit, nil, nit, tin
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): You sense there's something more to know and you'll dig for it. People like helping you because you bring energy to interactions, which keeps things interesting. Sudoku
With all the harness racing attention currently on the top of the South Island and the annual summer circuit at Nelson and Blenheim, things step down a little today for a Canterbury catchup meeting at Ashburton.
The first harness meeting in Canterbury since New Year’s Day, there’s plenty of horses out for a chance to earn some money today with big fields across the 11-race card and also plenty of local contenders hoping to dominate on home turf.
Nineteen Mid Canterbury trained horses will contest races at the meeting with a number holding strong hands throughout the day and looking likely to get themselves in on the action.
Rakaia trainer Allan Ford heads down the road with three horses on the float and it would come as no surprise to see any of the trio featuring in the finish of their respective three races.
Nineteen Mid Canterbury trained horses will contest races at the meeting with a number holding strong hands throughout the day and looking likely to get themselves in on the action.
Navara has bounced back to good form in recent starts and finds himself in a very even race early on in the day while Test The Boundaries has looked right on song for another victory with great efforts in the last five performances.
The stable rounds out with Call This Fun late in the day who looked on track to perhaps win at Motukarara between Christmas and New Year before a late gallop lost all chances. While none are standouts, all three provide solid each-way options.
Ford’s son, Jason will drive the three stable runners.
Call This Fun will face a couple of hardy locals who are also on track for victory.
The Lawrence McCormick trained Vertigo slides into her assignment nicely off the back of an impressive Cromwell victory earlier in the month.
The daughter of Peak hasn’t been too unfairly penalised in the ratings for that victory and with form on the board looks a prime candidate to perhaps go back-to-back for her big group of local owners.
John Morrison should also have a hand to play on his home track with a number of his own stable runners engaged and a handful of
outside drives.
He lines up B Smart, Galleon’s Ambassador, Kingsdown Atom and Phoebe K from his own barn with all four capable of getting into at least the top four.
He has strong outside drives in Coachella for Ken Barron late in the day and also Majestic Rollon for the in-form Brent and Tim White stable Racing action for the day’s 11-race card kicks off at 1.02pm with entry into the racecourse free for patrons.
Former Mid Canterbury pacer Cranbourne made a winning start to his Australian adventure claiming the Shepparton Gold Cup on Saturday night. The big son of Sir Lincoln bounced to the lead out of the gate and then had too much speed for Inter Dominion winner, I Cast No Shadow in the run to the line. He’ll now head towards the Ballarat Cup then the Hunter Cup with hopes of earning a start in the Miracle Mile.
After harness action today, the Ashburton Racecourse will be alive again on Thursday when the Ashburton Racing Club holds its first meeting for the new year. Nine races have been programmed for the day with the option to extend that out further if nominations allow. A low-key mid-week meeting all races will carry a $14,000 stakes with final fields expected to be released later today.
The Ashburton stable of Sarah and Matt Smith are in for a quiet month as they look to start from scratch again following a virus working through their stable. Matt Smith said that they’d been battling to get their horses right after the illness swept through and that they’d elected to turn the entire team out to the paddock and look to start again soon to allow time for them to recover.
After a winning double at Winton last week, Brent and Tim White kept the run going at Nelson on the weekend claiming three winners across the two days of racing. Enigmatic trotter Randal Huston P and equally as challenging pacer Lone Wolf both won on Friday’s first day before promising pacer, Aeronaut led all the way to complete the weekend on Sunday. They’ve now produced six winners for the season and sit second on the national premiership.
Matt Markham’s Ashburton Selections
Race 1: A Hill Two Menny, Barrytown, Dancing Glenis, Matthew Eyre
Race 2: Quicksmart, B Smart, Alices Sweetheart, Ambleside Drive
Race 3: Commander Ben, Woodlea Jewel, Harry Belafonte, Prides Contessa
Race 4: Galleons Ambassador, Lil Miss Muscles, Rachmaninov, Sonoma Tyron
Race 5: Better Fly, Rocknallovertheworld, Franco Stefan, Refine
Race 6: Pink Panther Pounce, Lizzie Richter, Theresa Love, Baileys Pitch
Race 7: Sunny Louis, Unico Vacanza, Majestic Rollon, Test The Boundaries
Race 8: The Conqueror, Hidden Desire, Princess Leia, Rakero Raider
Race 9: A Bettor You, Tiger Taylor, Coachella, Accento
Race 10: Vertigo, Call This Fun, Instant Delight, Phoebe
K Race 11: Chambray, Bryce’s Meddle, Mayson Shard, Georgie Zukov
BEST BET: Chambray (Race 11)
VALUE: The Conqueror (Race 8)
Local bowlers mixed it with some of the biggest names in the country at the weekend when a handful of players went to Christchurch to compete in the annual Burnside Pairs tournament.
One of the must-attend events for bowlers from all over the country, and from Australia, the tournament always draws a standout field of players and the 2023 edition was no different.
Mid Canterbury was repre-
sented by a number of players and while none grabbed glory, they did all hold their own and put themselves in good positions to grab some of the lucrative prize-money on offer.
Five games of section play are competed in across the opening days of the event before the teams are then split into divisions based on results.
The Methven pairing of Craig Carter and Jeff Nowell finished second in their section with three wins, a draw and a loss from their five games to qualify for Division One playoffs.
From there they won one of their three post-section matches to finish third in their pool and inside the top 12 teams in the tournament from an original field of 48 teams.
Sandra Keith and Richard Kane qualified for Division Two, also winning one of their three post-section games to finish inside the top half of the field for the weekend while Rodney Greaney and his playing partner Paul Matheson qualified for Division Three and worked their way through to the final of that division where they finished runners-up.
Back in Mid Canterbury a full green of teams stepped out at Methven for the annual Doug Hood Memorial Fours tournament and it was the Allenton quartet of Tracey and Les Fickling along with Graeme Clark and Gordon Sparks who took overall honours to win the annual tournament.
The second round for the season of the South Canterbury Cricket T20 competition is one Mid Canterbury’s two sides would rather forget as they both fell to defeats at the weekend.
The Tech Stags felt the full force of one-day competition leaders Celtic Senior, losing by six wickets while Allenton fell well short in their run chase after Pleasant Point put a big tally on the board in Temuka.
Batting first, Pleasant Point scored 194 for four in their 20 overs with Angrej Singh the pick of the bowlers with 2-28 off his four over spell. He then turned around and opened the batting for his side and at 50-2 things weren’t looking too bad.
When Singh fell however, the floodgates opened and only Mana
Singh, who scored 21 not out, made it past five runs in the remainder of the batting line-up as Allenton were rolled for 92 with two balls remaining in the match.
In Ashburton, the Stags opened up the batting and Jason Morrison was straight into his work on his way to 39 off 32 deliveries. Aside from his contribution though, only Callum Gallagher (15) and Lachie Jemmett (19) really troubled the scorers post that mark as the hosts limped through to 112 all out.
Alex Veint opened the bowling and gave the Stags some hope as he removed two of the Celtic top order for ducks but that would be about it as the competition favourites put their heads down and reached the total in the 13th over with just four men back in the shed.
T20 action returns on Thursday for another round with no Saturday cricket this weekend.
Both teams are in action in Ashburton with Allenton hosting Temuka and the Stags hosting Celtic A with both matches under way at 5.30pm.
Ashburton Golf Club
Saturday, January 14 – Summer Stableford & R6 Qualifying for Property Brokers Shooutout.
Summer Stableford Winner: Hilary
Lovett 42, 42, 37, 121pts, 2nd = Wendy Hopwood & Henry Lawrence 118pts. Radius Care Winner over the Field: Wendy Hopwood 88-23-65 43pts.
2nd Pete Morrison 42pts, 3rd Hilary
Lovett 42pts, 4th Alan White 41pts.
Other good nett scores were: David
Rush 40pts, Robert Pawsey 40pts,
Ryan Stoddart 39pts, Peter Walker
39pts, Don McQuarters 38pts, Henry Lawrence 38pts, Al Jopson 38pts, Perry Hunt 38pts, Blair Snowball 38pts, Ron Carlson 38pts, Tufuga Sa 38pts, Eric Parr 38pts & Brent McCabe 37pts.
Two’s: John Ramsay x2, Brian Nuttell, Kevin McStay, Al Jopson, James McFarlane, Jeff Hewitt, Barry Jury Brent
McCabe & Wendy Bruce. JAE Cleaning
Jackpot 2’s ($120.00) John Ramsay.
Nearest The Pins: Hole 4# Ashburton
Mitre 10: Ron Carlson, Hole 8# South
Island Seed Processing & Storage Co: Kevin McStay, Hole 12# Value Plus: Jeff Hewitt, Hole 14#: 3 Stooges (Brown
Bombers): Brent McCabe, Hole 6#
Hamish Niles Shout: Paddy Bradford,
Hole 9# Ton’s Thai: Jeff Hewitt. Birdie
Jackpot Hole No 9#, Nett Eagle Jackpot Hole No 9#.
9 Hole Harvey Bakehouse Competi-
Stableford: Winner: Peter Wright 20pts, 2nd: Robynne Nicoll 20pts, 3rd Murray Lister 18pts, 4th Jamie Stone 17pts.
January 13
Top Team: Read Rebels – 92.5 – Chris
Lovelock, Rod Carson, Tony Spicer, Lindsay Williams. Women: Mayfield Mayhem 88.5, The Un-Ko’s 85. Men: Occasionally Available 90.5, Marauders 88.5, Bogey Boys 88.5, Rural
Rascals 86.5. Mixed: Puff Caddies 92, Flower @the Gate 88.5. Top lady: Leah Harrison 33, Top man: Tony Spicer 34.
Nearest the Pins: Columbus Cof-
fee – Brian Nuttall, Mac & Maggies –Matt Smith, Paul May Motor – Kelvin Woods, Gabites Ltd – Andrew Rosevear, Karen McRae Property Brokers
Longest Putt: Rod Carson, Murray
Young Property Brokers Longest Putt: Kristeen Williams
Twos: Kevin Hurley, Peter Walker, Steve Thomas, Kristeen Williams, Kevin Woods.
Mayfield Golf Club
Saturday, January 14 – Stroke Round
0-14 handicap: Andrew Lake 67, Wayne Blair 71, Steve King 74, Alan Dixon 76. 15+ Handicap: Dan Hall 67, Dave Morrow 71, Grant Early 72, Brian Fielder 73.
Nearest The Pin: No2 Aon Insurance Andrew Peck; No 11 Hydes Bros Spray-
ing Andrew Lake; No5 Campbell Contracting Ian Beach; No 14 Anz Bank Andrew Peck; 9&18 Ruralco 2nd Shot Steve King. Twos: Dan Hall, Andrew Lake, Andrew Peck, Ian Beach, Gordon Duthie. Kallara Stud Player of The Day: On Count Back: Dan Hall 85-18-67.
Tinwald Golf Club
Twilight - Thursday January 12th
Leading scores in Thursday’s twilight stroke off alternate tees -6 Dave King 32, Paul Boon 33, Steve Cowie, John Moses 34, John Smitheram 35, Charlie Rapsey 35 c/b. 7-10 Mike Sandrey 30, Matt Forbes 31, Geoff Soal, Phil Prendergast 33, Kevin Chamberlain 34 c/b. 11Plus Selwyn Munro 31, Tod Dolan 33, Vic Hylands 34. Women 0-14 Leen Bell, Dinielle King 36 c/b. 15 plus Madeline Smith 36. Nearest the pin; #6 Gordy Kenton. #12 Mitchell McLauchlan. Two’s; Brock Peddie, Matt Forbes, Daz Young, Charlie Rapsey. Hokonui Hacker; Eveyn Beach 46 net. A hole-in-one to Kevin Chamberlain made it the second of the season.
Saturday January 14th
Leading scores in the stroke round played on Saturday; -14; Elvis Kelsall 66, Randall Feutz 68, Andrew Hill 69, John Moses 70. 15-21; Kevin Bishop 66, Bill Mason 68, Pete Marshall, Bob MacGregor 69. 22 Plus; Pete Nolan, Lindsay Jackson 68. Women -20; Jenny Harrex 69. 21 Plus; Villane Hastie 72. Nearest the Pin: Tinwald Liquorland
#2. Jo Peacock Gluyas Ford #6 Ray Wards. The Fine Lion #12 Selwyn Munro. Ace Automotive #16 Randall Feutz. Two’s; Terry Reynolds, Andrew Hill, Neil Rayner, Ross Preece, Chris Bell. Net Eagles; #15 Roger Bruce, Pete Nolan, Struan Scott, Bill Mason. The winning pair in the Dobson Cup for mixed couples combined net was Lindsay Jackson and Leen Bell with 135.
Ashburton Bowling Club
Open 2 bowl Triples, Wednesday 18th January -12.30pm start - Our grateful thanks to our sponsors:
Skip-2-it Flooring Xtra. Whites or Club colours to be worn. The following Skips have entered teams.
The AGM of the club was held on December 5, 2022. The office bearers for 2023 are: President, Warren Jones, Vice President, Jason Easton, Secretary,John Lawler, Treasurer, Garth Fechney, Club Captain, Kyle Gray, JAB Captain, Malcom Chubb, JAB Vice Captain, Harry Stanway, MCRU, Mark Hanrahan. Committee, Chris Burrows, Bruce Perry, Leighton Nicol, Dean Ford, Mark Boag, Geoff Maw, David Boag, Murray Burrowes, Philip Rushton.
Friday, January 13
Devon Tavern Hampstead Slow-Pitch: Laser Attack 22-16 The Misfits, Marines & Angels 25-1 Once Were Winners, S & Giggles 26-2 Retyred, Hakatere Hitters 29-4 Once Were Hawkies.
M Anderson, N Atkinson, J Argyle, T Blain, H Goodall, D Grice, R Gutberlet, A Hill, M Hill, S Holdom, W Lee, E Maw, D Muir, B Mayson, L Osborne, M Quinn, M Skilling, J Smart, GT, D Watson. For information contact: J Kewish, 308 6354.
Hampstead Slow Pitch
Devon Tavern Hampstead Slow-Pitch
6.30pm Start: Devon Tavern D1, Once Were Winners vs S & Giggles, Laser Electrical D2: Retyred vs Laser Attack, First National Real Estate D3: Marines & Angels vs Once Were Hawkies, Hurst Automotive D4: Hakatere Hitters vs The Misfits.
Mid Canterbury Softball Association
Saturday 21st January 2023
1.00pm D1: Devon Tavern Hampstead Heat vs Devon Tavern Hampstead Phoenix - (Plate: Rebels, Base All Sorts). 3.00pm D1: Fairfield All Sorts vs Rakaia Dairy Services Demons Rebels - (Plate Heat, Base Phoenix).
New Zealand shooter at the event in the 2019 tournament, just dipping out to Australia’s Jim Bailey to finish second.
The 2023 event saw the return of international shooters for the first time since the Covid-19 pandemic put a halt to visiting shooters from foreign shores.
New Zealand’s oldest sporting trophy is headed back to Ashburton.
The Ballinger Belt, the pinnacle for shooters from across the globe who come to compete at the national championships each year, is again John Snowden’s for a third time after a meteoric effort on the Seddon Rifle Range in Trentham, Wellington last week.
The belt was first competed for as the Ballinger Belt in 1908 after it was renamed following its gifting by Private Arthur Ballinger who won his third champion belt in 1907 which meant he was able to retain the belt.
The competition itself was first competed for in 1861 and has had three different variations.
In picking up his third title, Snowden had to fend off the challenge of the man who stood alongside him to win a gold medal in the fullbore rifle pairs at the Commonwealth Games in Delhi in 2010 – Mike Collings.
From the Te Puke Rifle Club, Collings was on track for a historic third-straight Ballinger Belt victory having won the title in 2022 and 2021 to go with his debut win back in 1998.
Snowden won his in 2013 and then his second in 2018 he was also the highest placed
Competitors from Australia and the United Kingdom were in Wellington to compete last week.
Snowden claimed the title with the best average score across the competition with 562.54 out of 600 leading for the majority of the tournament and holding off all challenges.
His victory meant, in keeping with tradition, that he was carried from the shooting range in a ceremonial chair by his Ashburton club mates and fellow Canterbury shooters with his wife Coby and daughter Megan at the front of the carrying party.
As well as the national championships, Ashburton shooters alongside Snowden also competed in the Wellington Championships while in Trentham as well.
Another highlight of the week was the selection of three local shooters to compete at the 2024 World Championships in South Africa.
Megan Snowden, Martin Fleming and Bruce Horwood were all selected as part of a strong New Zealand contingent.
A full report on the other successes of Ashburton shooters in Trentham will appear in the Guardian later this week.
Both Jemmett and Middleton have been selected off the back of their efforts for the Ashburton College side in the 1st XI competition prior to Christmas while Robinson plays for Christchurch Boys’ High School and has worked his way in through the same path.
There’s a strong Mid Canterbury flavour to this year’s Canterbury Under 17 cricket side who begin their bid for national glory today.
Fresh off the back of the Under 19 Men’s tournament last week, the Under 17 sides from around the country step into the spotlight this week in Lincoln for their week-long competition which begins today and runs through until next Monday.
Three Mid Canterbury players feature in the Canterbury side for the week with Lachie Jemmett, Jack Middleton and Toby Robinson also selected for the 13-man squad for the week.
Wallabies coach Dave Rennie has been sacked with immediate effect and former England boss Eddie Jones is set to lead the side at this year’s World Cup in France.
New Zealander Rennie, former coach of Super Rugby side the Chiefs, was contracted until the end of this year’s World Cup in France but has a winning record of only 38 per cent since taking over after the last edition.
Jones, who led the Wallabies to the 2003 World Cup final in his previous stint as Australia coach, was sacked by England in December.
Jones will be head coach of the Wallabies, as well as overseeing the Wallaroos, on a long-term deal until 2027.
Jones previously coached the Wallabies from 2001 to 2005, including taking the team to the Rugby World Cup final in Sydney in 2003.
The competition consists of five days of one-day matches before a T20 round next Monday to help determine the final standings for the tournament.
Canterbury begins today at Bert Sutcliffe Oval against Otago before taking on Northern Districts on Wednesday, Auckland on Thursday and then Central Districts and Wellington on Saturday and Sunday respectively.
The T20 match on Monday will see them playing Central Districts.
Updates from the matches can be found on the New Zealand Cricket scoring website with some games live-streamed each day through Youtube.
He recently concluded his tenure as the head coach of England, where he has the highest winning ratio of any coach to lead that nation at 73 per cent.
In addition to his role with the Wallabies, and in a world-first, Jones will also oversee the Wallaroos programme as Rugby Australia pushes forward towards a professional future for the women’s XVs game.
Jones will start with Rugby Australia on January 29.
Rennie has coached Australia since 2020, and has achieved some notable victories with the Wallabies, including series victories against France and South Africa in 2021.
Rugby Australia chairman Hamish McLennan said he’s thrilled with Jones’ appointment.
“It is a major coup for Australian Rugby to have the best coach in the world return home to coach the iconic Wallabies and to oversee the Wallaroos programme.
“Eddie’s deep understanding of our rugby system and knowledge of our player group and pathways will lift the team to the next level.
“Eddie instinctively understands the Australian way of playing rugby – this represents an opportunity to secure a coach of immense expertise and experience at the biggest competitions, and we did not want to miss it.”
RA chief executive Andy Marinos said he wishes Rennie all the best for the future.
“I would like to thank Dave for his hard work and effort with the Wallabies –we are grateful for all that he has done for Australian Rugby.
“Dave has been instrumental in developing much of the depth that we see in and around the current Wallabies squad; there are a number of players that are genuine World Cup possibilities because of opportunities that Dave has provided.
“The work ethic, the spirit within the group, and the way the team carries itself are all a direct result of Dave’s input – he has made a real mark on this group of players.”
Jones said he’s delighted by the chance to coach his country once again.
“It is a wonderful opportunity for me to be able to come home to Australia and lead my nation to a Rugby World Cup.
running, throwing and jumping over the three days of competition with plenty of success, both personal and on the results sheets, to celebrate along the way as well.
the efforts of her 35 rivals to take the honours.
Ashburton’s young group of athletes who travelled to Timaru over the weekend to compete in the annual South Island Colgate Games have again done the district proud with outstanding results across the board.
Close to 40 members of the Ashburton Athletics Club took part in the popular annual event,
Club spokesperson Kylie Edmond said across the board the group represented the region proudly and that for a number of athletes it was their first time competing at the Colgates with some outstanding results.
Madi Edmond claimed the weekend’s biggest prize. She picked up the gold medal in the Girls 12th grade discus with a throw of 28.60 metres, bettering
Other medals over the course of the weekend went to Parker Roddick who claimed bronze in the Grade 10 boys’ 100 metre dash, ripping 0.23 seconds off his semi-final time to record 14.33 in the final.
Brooke Edmond took out bronze in a field of 43 athletes in the Grade 10 girls’ discus with a throw of 28.07 metres and Malaika Dunlea picked up a bronze also in the Grade 13 girls’ shot put with an 8.30 metre effort in a field of 21 competitors. There were a number of fourth
Olivia Easton – 4th in Grade 12 girls’ long jump
Parker Roddick – Bronze in Grade 10 boys’ 100m dash
Brooke Edmond – 5th in Grade 10 girls’ 200m dash
Madi Edmond – Gold in Grade 12 girls’ discus
Brooke Edmond – Bronze in Grade 10 girls’ discus
Parker Roddick – 5th in Grade 10 boys’ 200m final
Malaika Dunlea – Bronze in Grade 13 girls’ shot put Ashlee Estreich – 5th in Grade 13 girls’ 200m final
placings as well and the club’s seven to nine-year-old team produced plenty of pennants as they prepare to step up into the older
grades in the future. Look out for more pictures from the Colgate Games later in the week.
Otago Country’s 256 total looked a more than competitive first-innings score based on other matches in the zone this year and Mid Canterbury were going to have to toil hard to try and reach first innings points.
A horror weekend with the bat meant the Mid Canterbury senior cricket wide walked off the Ashburton Domain Oval on Sunday with no points to show for their two-day, Hawke Cup, match against Otago Country.
And now, the task of making the final two and a zone play-off in New Zealand cricket’s domestic centrepiece is hanging in the balance, if not already impossible.
Things started well on Saturday morning when the locals won the toss against the zone leaders and threw them out into the middle and when they had them at 77-3 early on things looked bright.
Good partnerships from the Otago visitors changed the course of that though and they consistently scored runs on their
way through to 256 all out.
Angus Jemmett, who came into the attack late in the piece provided the biggest trouble for the
Otago batsmen, claiming four wickets for 49 runs from his 20 overs while Tom Innes and Ryan Bell both grabbed a brace each.
Being all out for 68 early on Sunday wasn’t in the playbook, however.
Just three of their batsmen made it into double figures on the score sheet, Ben Innes (10), Ryan Bell (13) and Satwant Singh (16) with everyone else struggling in an innings which featured three ducks at the end.
The low total meant Otago Country were happy to throw their hosts back into bat again and while they offered a little more resistance the second time around, it still wasn’t enough as they were rolled again for 143.
Ducks to both openers and single-digit efforts from the other three members of the top-five in the batting order didn’t help the cause.
Bell stepped up and produced a stoic 43 at No.6 to try and stem
Otago Country 256 (Angus Jemmett 4-49, Tom Innes 2-20, Ryan Bell 2-65)
Mid Canterbury 68 (Satwant Singh 16)
Mid Canterbury 143 (Ryan Bell 43, Will Southby 37, Harry Jones 22)
the flow and was joined for decent contributions from Will Southby (37) and Harry Jones (22) but it was never going to be enough as Otago Country grabbed an innings and 45 run victory.
Mid Canterbury’s final dig for the year comes at the end of the month when they head to Oamaru on January 28 to take on North Otago at Centennial Park.
Ashburton Contracting Ltd is looking for a Utilities Service Person to work in our ACL Water Department. If you are a methodical problem solver with a can-do attitude, then this could be the position for you. This role is focused around maintenance repair work to the water reticulation and full training is available for the right person.
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Utilities Maintenance L4
Applicants for this position must have at least NZ Residency
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Email: aaron.gairns@ashcon.co.nz
Light duties, 1 Hour per week. Phone 0276556820.
Lawnmowers, chainsaws, concrete breakers, trailers, and more. All your DIY / party hire, call and see Ashburton U-Hire. 588 East Street.
Open Monday-Friday 7.00am - 5.30PM; Saturday 7.30am - 5pm; Sunday 8.30am12.30pm - Phone 308 8061. www.ashburtonuhire.co.nz
WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life of your tyres with an alignment from Neumanns Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills Street. Phone 308 6737
TINTING - Vehicles-homesoffices. Phone Craig Rogers 307 6347 - 027 258 0884 or 0800 TINTER. Member of Master Tinters NZ. Follow us on facebook www.windowtinter.co.nz
Daily Events is a FREE DAILY LISTING of MID CANTERBURY EVENTS to be held in the immediate future by non-commercial organisations. To arrange for events to be published in Daily Events, clip this form, fill in the applicable details and hand in to our LEVEL 3 office on Burnett Street or post to: Ashburton Guardian, P.O. Box 77, Ashburton 7740, 5 (five) working days prior to the first publication.
1. Telephoned information NOT accepted.
2. Forms MUST be signed by an authorised representative of the organisation concerned.
Previously know as Daily Events, Play Planner is printed in the Tuesday and Thursday editions of The Guardian. Not Saturday.
3. A separate form MUST be submitted for each future event and may be lodged with the Guardian as far in advance as desired. For example: A club which meets monthly may submit, say, 12 separate forms simultaneously – one pertaining to each meeting scheduled over the following 12 months.
In memory of Janet Kingsbury, it has been one year since you left us and life will never be the same without you and we think of you everyday. Love Ian, Hamish, Michelle, Sonya, Sam, Rebecca and Jessie.
Thelma (Gay) –
On January 14, 2023, at Ashburton, aged 75 years. Gay passed away peacefully with her family at her side.
GEAR, Beatrice Betty (nee Evans) –
Born Greenwich England
A front weakens over the South Island as a ridge retreats to the east of the country. A subtropical low approaches the North Island from the north later on Wednesday. Meanwhile the ridge dominates over the South Island with a slow-moving weak front over the north of the island.
4. The organisation acknowledges that no responsibility for errors or omissions will be accepted by the Guardian Company.
Please send your event details at least a day in advance so we can add and update accordingly.
Fill out the form below and hand in to our LEVEL 3 office on Burnett Street. Or email details to whatson@theguardian.co.nz.
Dearly loved wife of the late David, loved mother and mother-in-law of Andrew and Sheree, Jan and Michael and treasured ‘Grandi B’ of Sophie, Jaeden, Zoe, Brody, and Max; Bianca, and Lucia and great-‘Grandi B’ to Asher, and Ezra. Loved daughter of the late Gerald and Maisie Campbell. Loved sister and sister-in-law of the late Guyon, and Trish Campbell, and a much loved aunty to all her nieces and nephews. Messages to the Beckley family, c/- PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. In lieu of flowers donations to Ashburton St John Health Shuttle Replacement would be appreciated and may be made online at bit.lygtbeckley1401. A service to celebrate Gay’s life will be held at St David’s Union Church, Allens Road, Ashburton on MONDAY, January 23, commencing at 2pm. Followed by private cremation at the Ashburton Crematorium.
1930. Sadly, passed away Thursday, January 12, 2023, in the care of Ashburton Hospital. Devoted and loving wife of the late Reverend Frank William Gear, minister of the Ashburton Berean Bible fellowship. The grieving mother of two sons, Richard died age two of Leukemia and eldest son Geoffrey tragically lost at age 40 years.
‘Death no longer will part us, or distance divide, for when I awake, I will rise by their side.’ Betty is survived by her granddaughter Zoe Gear. No flowers by request. Messages to Betty’s family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. A service to celebrate Betty’s life will be held in Our Chapel, cnr East & Cox Streets, Ashburton on FRIDAY, January 20, commencing at 11am, followed by private interment.
Tuesday: Becoming cloudy and southerlies developing in the morning, dying out late evening.
Canterbury Plains
Tuesday: Becoming cloudy in the morning with isolated showers about the foothills. Winds turning southeasterly during the morning.
Wednesday: Areas of morning cloud and isolated showers then fine breaks. Easterlies developing in the morning.
Thursday: Fine. Northeasterlies, becoming fresh for a time in the afternoon and evening.
Around The Region
Wednesday: Morning cloud then fine breaks. Easterlies developing in the morning.
Mountain weather hazard: Thunderstorm. Fine breaks. Showers developing in the afternoon, some heavy at times and with thunderstorms possible north of Arthur’s Pass, clearing in the evening.
Wind at 1000m: NW 35 km/h dying out in the morning.
Wind at 2000m: Light.
Freezing level: Above 3000m.
Mountain weather hazards: None issued. Partly cloudy, with isolated showers clearing in the evening.
Wind at 1000m: Light.
Wind at 2000m: Light. Freezing level: Above 3000m.
HURLEY, Effie Elizabeth –
On January 13, 2023. Unexpectedly but peacefully at Christchurch Hospital, aged 3 years. Beautiful wee princess of Shaun and Symone. Adored by her brothers, Huxley, and Macklin. Fun loving precious wee Effie girl to Chris and Mary-Jean Hart and beautiful Effie Bear to Geoff and Susan Allnutt. Loved niece of Sarah and Jack and loved by her extended family.
“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”Winnie the Pooh. Messages to Effie Hurley’s family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. A celebration of Effie’s life will be held at the Hotel Ashburton, Racecourse Road, on THURSDAY, January 19, commencing at 1pm, followed by interment at the Seafield Lawn Cemetery, Seafield Road, Ashburton.
Thursday: Fine. Northeasterlies, becoming fresh for a time in the afternoon and evening.
calling time on a week of sport
Local shooter, John Snowden made it three wins in New Zealand’s oldest sporting trophy, the Ballinger Belt at the National Rifle Association national championships in Wellington. FULL STORY: P21