Consent has been granted to relocate the Boer War cenotaph from Baring Square East to Baring Square West.
The $2.45 million contract to redevelop Baring Square East has been awarded to Tru-Line Civil, the same contractor who worked on the revitalisation of Ashburton’s CBD.
The square redevelopment involves creating a new one-way road with angle parking in front of the new library and civic building Te Pātaka o kā Tuhituhi and Te Waharoa a Hine Paaka, and a major replant and renovation of the square itself.
It also includes the cenotaph, unveiled in 1903 listing the six local men who lost their lives in the South African War of 1900 to 1902, being moved from Baring Square East.
The cenotaph was previously moved in 1978, as part of a redesign of the square to mark the centenary of the Borough Council.
The council plans to relocate the Boer War memorial to Baring Square West, where it will sit with Ashburton’s other war memorials, and was granted a resource consent to do so in December.
The original plans had the war memorial remaining in place, but it was later determined its location could compromise the civic plaza area, where public events and general gatherings are proposed, and that there was a risk that the cenotaph could be damaged as a result of increased public use of the area.
Chief executive Hamish Riach previously said, “the new location will be different, but no less appropriate as Baring Square West is the home of other war memorials”.
The council had discussed the proposed move with the Ashburton RSA and the New Zealand Defence Force to ensure a sensitive relocation, and they were comfortable with the project, he said.
Council infrastructure and open spaces group manager, Neil McCann, said relocating the war memorial will be undertaken by specialists and “included the advice of heritage experts
in the moving plan that has been approved”.
McCann said the Baring Square East upgrade would breathe new life into the area, while retaining some original features of the space, like the whale bones, water feature, and the town’s iconic clock.
The statue of founding father John Grigg, unveiled in 1905, and the Frontiersman Memorial will also remain in place.
“The work is designed to complement what has already been accomplished in the CBD, and it will include a paved plaza entrance to the new civic building, Te Pātaka o kā Tuhituhi and Te Waharoa a Hine Paaka.
“We see the redeveloped area as
being a pleasant spot where people can meet or take their lunch breaks, and it will be ideal for big and small events, with some street furniture able to be moved.”
The work is expected to get under way soon, he said.
The civic centre is expected to be completed later this year.
2.20am and left 20 minutes later –with his bike.
Gould hasn’t given up all hope of finding it.
“I’ve been scanning all the (online) marketplaces and Trade Me to see if it has gone up for sale, but haven’t seen it yet.”
who had hers stolen the night after and she said the thieves were pretty brave, with bikes only being a few centimetres away from where she was sleeping in her motorhome.”
Another bike was also stolen from the campsite in December.
A visitor to Mid Canterbury has held back on how he really felt after his $5000 e-bike was stolen from right under his nose.
“I’m pretty frustrated, to put it lightly,” Timaru resident Terry Gould said.
Gould was staying at the Methven Racecourse last Thursday when he woke up to find his bike, which was locked to the front of his bus, was gone.
“I’d been for ride the night before to town and back, locked the bike up with a high tensile lock, and put a cover over top.
“When I woke up my wife asked me what I’d done with the bike, and that’s when I found it had been taken,” Gould said.
The bike in question was a metallic blue Giant electric machine.
While the thieves got away with the frame, the battery was not attached at the time.
From the racecourse security vision, Gould could make out a white Japanese ute had arrived at
Worryingly, the same ute was also seen on security vision at the New Zealand Motor Caravan Association campsite behind the Allenton Rugby Club, where another e-bike was taken and again without a battery.
“I was speaking to the lady
Gould, who travels all over the South Island, has never had an issue before until his Ashburton incident.
“It doesn’t make the district (Mid Canterbury) look very good for people who want to come and stay in the area.”
A brazen bike theft in Ashburton’s CBD has stunned the family concerned.
The bike was stolen outside Kelly’s Cafe and Bar on East Street when a hooded man casually walked past in the afternoon, got on it and rode away.
The bike was not locked outside the bar where other patrons sat.
The bike belonged to the father of Dylan Smith, who
turned to Facebook to try and find the person and the bike on behalf of his dad.
“Around 5.30pm yesterday (January 5) this guy made off with my dad’s bike outside Kelly’s,” said Smith, who has even offered a $400 reward for its return.
A video from Kelly’s security camera clearly showed the thief in what is yet another stolen bike incident in Ashburton.
That includes the theft of three pricey e-bikes in the past few weeks.
About once in every five years the owner of Chertsey’s Book Barn is offered something special.
This year, under sufferance, he’s been sold a container of 600 war and historical books by a Canterbury collector.
The man was under siege when his wife purchased a new car, and wanted extra space in the garage for her 2023 model. Something had to give, and the collector reluctantly offered his library of war stories to Paul Edwards.
“They range from Andy McNab to personal accounts of war experience, extending from Civil War histories to the latest conflicts,” Edwards said.
He already has about 600,000 books at his Chertsey barn, but this week he started unpacking the volumes.
“The collection has tripled the stock in our section of war books,” Edwards said.
“I regard the Book Barn as an orphanage.
“I’m now looking for good homes for them so I’m being realistic about the price.”
Elizabeth Temple often told people a hearing aid is like a walking stick. It helps the disability, but causes problems of its own.
Recently Elizabeth was made a life member of the Ashburton Hearing Association, and reflected on more than a 40 year involvement with the association.
As a hearing therapist she would caution people that, while an aid magnified the voice, it also raised the noise level of the surrounding world.
Her advice was “go home and familiarise yourself with domestic sounds, before you go out socially.”
Elizabeth trained in Dunedin as a teacher, and taught around South Canterbury before embarking on her OE.
She met her late husband, Ted, back in
Christchurch, and they moved to Ashburton in 1967.
She had a genetic loss of sound from birth and became involved with the Hearing Association after she moved here. Her involvement as a therapist started in her late 30s, and she remained active until 2009.
During her involvement she was a committee member, branch secretary, therapist and an active supporter.
Comments accompanying her citation, described her as having “a wide knowledge of hearing impairment, treatment methods and associated health issues”.
Elizabeth regards the ability to hear as very important.
“If you can’t hear you become isolated, or you talk loudly because you no longer listen,” she said.
“Hearing keeps you in touch.”
Ashburton Mayor Neil Brown says a proposed weigh station is dangerous and “should not go there”.
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency announced contractors are starting to construct a split site Commercial Vehicle Safety Centre (CVSC), previously called weigh stations, just north of the Rakaia River.
Waka Kotahi director regional relationships James Caygill said the centre is being built with facilities on both sides of SH1 so truck drivers only need to turn left in and left out.
The northbound site is between Weavers Road and North Rakaia Road, north of the Rakaia rail overbridge, and the southbound site is on the opposite
It may sit just north of his boundary, but Brown is disappointed Waka Kotahi is going ahead with the southbound facility located between the two bridges, and is contacting the chief executive of Waka Kotahi for an explanation.
“It’s a huge safety risk putting a weigh station there,” Brown said.
“Taking heavy vehicles in and out there, they are slow-moving machines that take a lot of slowing and speeding back up, and it’s going to cause a lot of disruption to traffic and potentially cause accidents.
“It’s already a sketchy stretch of road now and this is making it worse.”
Waka Kotahi is also proposing to reduce the speed on SH1 between Weavers Road and Rakaia from 100kph to 80kph, as well as the speed through the Rakaia township proposed to reduce from 70kph down to 50kph.
Even with the reduced speed in the area, Brown believes the southbound site will cause issues.
When the project was first proposed in 2019, local trucking companies ran a trial at the intersection, pulling a heavy truck and trailer onto the road, to highlight the safety concerns.
“It showed that heading north
wasn’t going to work, and they did take notice of that and put two stations in,” Brown said.
“But it doesn’t alleviate the southbound issues.
“It’s not going to be as dangerous, but it will be more dangerous than before.”
It’s a logical spot to capture all southbound traffic, Brown said, “but traffic safety is logical too”.
He said that the increased safety issues also go right against Waka Kotahi’s focus on
the Road to Zero campaign.
The council, along with the Automobile Association, the trucking industry and the Rakaia community are opposed to the southbound location, Brown said, and that is why he will be asking Waka Kotahi why it is surging ahead.
Waka Kotahi announced the southbound site works will start first, with the northbound site later in 2023, with both sites aimed to be complete and operational by the end of 2024 – subject to consent, contractor availability, and weather conditions.
The work will involve the construction of the centre’s buildings and site access, along with in-road scales, and electronic signage.
Other safety improvements are also still being considered along State Highway 1 from Rakaia to Rolleston, including median barriers, rural roundabouts, and turnaround facilities.
Waka Kotahi is expected to announce more on these projects later this year.
CVSCs are sites where enforcement officers check vehicles and their drivers including vehicle/load weight, brakes, road user charges, certificate of fitness, logbook, and alcohol and drug impairment.
The programme involves using electronic scales and other scanning equipment which are built into the road.
As a truck passes over the scales at normal speeds, software identifies if it is overloaded and those truck drivers are directed into the safety centre.
Trucks within weight limits will mostly keep on travelling, uninterrupted.
Enforcing weight restrictions and other forms of noncompliance, safe driving practices and road-ready vehicles is an integral part of keeping all road users safe and protecting the road network from damage, Caygill said.
Inset – The warning signs for the height restriction at the Tinwald viaduct are deemed adequate, but further safety improvements are being investigated.
the incidents are mostly camper vans or small vans, not commercial trucks “who probably know to avoid the bridge and are more aware of their vehicle height and height restrictions”.
Three times a year a driver will crash into the Tinwald viaduct, which authorities say is clearly signposted.
The viaduct on Melcombe Street in Tinwald passes under the railway line and has a height restriction of 2.39m, but three times in each of the last three years it has been hit by oversized vehicles.
KiwiRail said it is the second most-hit rail bridge in the country over the last two years.
The most hit bridge is in Taumarunui; it has had 34 bridge strikes since 2004.
A KiwiRail spokesman said
The spokesman said the bridge’s height restriction has adequate signage and advanced warning signs, which are the responsibility of the local roading authority.
Ashburton District Council infrastructure and open spaces group manager, Neil McCann, said the existing warning signs are clear, but the council and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency are looking at ways to improve road safety around the Tinwald viaduct.
“We plan to increase the size of the signage across the top of the viaduct arch to make it more visible,” McCann said.
“A new sign informing of the height restriction is proposed to
be installed on Melcombe Street for those approaching the viaduct from the west, as part of Waka Kotahi’s SH1 Tinwald Corridor Improvements project.”
Whether any further signage pointing to the height restriction will be installed on SH1 is a decision for Waka Kotahi, McCann said.
“One factor we believe might be contributing to issues is that GPS navigation may be directing drivers to Melcombe Street and the viaduct to avoid congestion on SH1.
“We have reached out to a commonly-used mapping service and, while it is outside of council’s direct control, we hope that the height restriction will be noted on that navigation service in the future.”
When a rail bridge gets hit, the KiwiRail spokesman said, the driver should call the 0800 num-
ber which is on each of KiwiRail’s bridges with the bridge number and line quoted on it.
Once train control, which is monitored 24/7, receives the call, they contact the local structures inspector and will stop all trains from going over the bridge.
Once KiwiRail staff have inspected the bridge for safety, train control can allow trains to go over the bridge, the spokesman said.
An engineer’s report is also completed by a third party at a later date to confirm if any repairs are required, the spokesman said.
In the latest plans for the Tinwald Corridor Upgrade, due to start later this year, the Melcombe Street viaduct will remain open to two-way traffic. It had been proposed to be limited to left-out only onto SH1 and Waka Kotahi director regional relationships, James Caygill, said the change was made following public consultation but it will be monitored “to maintain that works”.
“Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air”
As Secretary of both the Thistle Masonic Lodge and the Rose and Thistle Royal Arch Chapter (chapter also means a type of lodge), I was browsing through some old records and I came across a booklet commemorating the 75th anniversary celebration of the Rose and Thistle Royal Arch Chapter.
An article in that booklet detailed a previous Royal Arch Chapter here in Ashburton: “Ashburton Kilwinning Royal Arch Chapter, Number 187 Scottish Constitution.”
This chapter operated from March 1881 until July 1907, when it returned its charter to Scotland. A charter is the document that gives masons the authority to create a lodge.
The booklet article listed the names of most of the 1st Principals (the highest presid-
ing officers) of the Ashburton Kilwinning Chapter, but we have no idea who the members of the chapter were and whether they all lived in Ashburton.
Using the Thistle Lodge attendance register, which starts from 1878 and is currently in the Ashburton Museum & Historical Society’s collection held in the Ashburton Museum, I attempted to identify Thistle members against known members of Ashburton Kilwinning.
While doing this, museum staff searched the name of the lodge in PapersPast, an online tool for searching historic publications, and an article appeared from the Ashburton Guardian, dated August 1884, and written by Rudolph Friedlander.
Rudolph Friedlander was a member of the Ashburton Lodge and Ashburton Kilwinning at the time, and the article stated that the lodge rooms would be open for members of the public
to view 12 banners depicting the Twelve Tribes of Israel, which had just been received from England.
The Twelve Tribes of Israel are important to Royal Arch masonry.
The Guardian article only describes these as being 12 banners mounted on brass rods.
Interestingly, the Rose and Thistle chapter, which was formed in 1914 and is currently still operating, are in possession of 12 banners depicting the Twelve Tribes of Israel, mounted on brass rods.
The banners are contained in what seems to be a purpose-built wooden box. None of the current members know where these banners came from and it is assumed that these are the same banners as those received by Ashburton Kilwinning in 1884.
What happened to them between 1907 and 1914 is unknown.
The English manufacturer’s label is still attached, but has no date. The banners have never been exposed to natural sunlight and are still as bright and fresh as the day they were made, even though they are over 135 years old.
Enquiries with Royal Arch in Scotland have not shed any light on the matter.
If we had located the original charter for Ashburton Kilwinning, we would have at least known who the originating members were.
We are hoping that there may be descendants of the earlier members who are in possession of Masonic regalia, or other material that they know is Masonic, especially from the 1800s and early 1900s.
If you or someone you know may have such things, you can contact me as I will assist in identifying specifically what you have.
If you know anything about the
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To be honest, this is upsetting – and a shoddy look for our community unfortunately.
I’m talking about the elderly Ashburton couple, in their 80s, who have given up hope of ever getting their treasured concrete lion garden ornaments back.
The ornaments mean so much to Ann and Phil McKay, having been with them for over 30 years and having taken pride of place in three houses they’ve owned in Mid Canterbury in that time.
But sometime around Christmas Day, and obviously in the secrecy and anonymity of darkness, the ornaments were stolen, as reported in the Guardian and on our Facebook page a few weeks back.
The big cat statues had been quite visible at either end of
Daryl Holdentheir Havelock Street garage close to the road. And they wouldn’t have been flogged by an opportunist wandering home from a big night out in the closeby CBD area.
It had to be a planned theft, involving a vehicle and perhaps more than one crook because the biggest of the two lion ornaments weighed about 50kg. It wasn’t easy to lift or carry, according to the McKays.
“You wouldn’t want to carry it more than about 20 or 30 feet,’’ Phil said. “They (thieves) had to have a vehicle.’’
Yes, to a vehicle and yes to them not having a moral conscience because who does this?
Mrs McKay was especially upset because one of the lions had been bought in Singapore, the other a gift from a family member.
She was rightly annoyed too that whoever stole them decided to be a bit of a smartarse by leaving a 50-cent coin under where the biggest lion sat. A sort of cheeky two-fingered salute if you like.
Now, of course, the McKays say they’re resigned to the fact that they’ll never see them again.
They’ve been checking for the lions on online auction and selling sites like Trade Me, but nothing has come up.
So now they’re trying to move on, but they wanted to let every-
one know how overwhelmed and touched they’ve been by the support they have received, mostly from strangers, after our coverage of the theft. On the Guardian Facebook page it certainly struck a note, reaching close to 20,000 followers.
The McKays, who also admitted to being a little worried for their safety after the theft, genuinely appreciated the community acknowledgement.
“I would like to thank all the friendly caring people in Ashburton, who have spoken sympathetically to me over the loss of my lions,’’ Mrs McKay said.
“I don’t know how many people have stopped me in shops and in the street, as well as all our friends. They have restored our faith in people.’’
But that faith could be restored even more.
How? If the lowlifes who stole them returned the cats in the dead of night back to where they belong.
Do the right thing people. Do the right thing.
Time for a sort of lame dad joke sent in by – you guessed it –a dad. Enjoy.
American actor and television personality David Hasselhoff walked into a bar and ordered a drink.
“It’s a pleasure to serve you, Mr Hasselhoff,’’ the bartender said to the man, best known for his starring role as a lifeguard in the popular 1990s TV show, Baywatch.
Hasselhoff smiled and replied: “Thanks but just call me Hoff.’’
The bartender said: “Sure. No hassle.’’
Do you want to increase your revenue and attract more customers quickly? en come talk to us about the rock star success that is the Guardian’s Facebook page. It’s got close to 16,000 followers, which is so far ahead of other media and marketing business wannabes in Ashburton, that it’s not even funny.
We know many Ashburton businesses are trying to promote their goods and services, and their image, on their own Facebook page, which is fantastic, but, honestly, too many are missing out on greater returns because their page follower numbers are just too low to have any impact. at’s where we come in. We’ve got the biggest audience reach (nearly 16,000 remember), plus we’re a highly regarded multi-platform marketing, sales and media business, which is recognised internationally.
at’s been proven by being accepted on to a Facebook international programme where we are working with global online sales and marketing experts.
Our aim? To help Ashburton businesses ourish and earn more money. In a way, we’re o ering another shop local campaign but this time it’s online. If that sounds like a bit of you, then get in touch. e biggest Facebook audience in Ashburton – and more money and success for your business – is just a click away.
Holden | Managing editorSituated on the lake’s southern shore, the stylish town of Como comprises a walled old quarter with intimate slender lanes lined with boutiques and swanky alfresco eateries.
Just 48 kilometres north of Milan, it always astounds me how Como’s leafy lakeside and stone-paved streets seem a world away. You can see its Roman origins in the orderly grid of streets of its historic heart and the remains of the Roman gate, Porta Pretoria.
Those canny Romans sure knew when they were on to a good thing in Como. They were the first to see the potential of the Italian Lakes as a holiday playground, lustily constructing their palatial villas on the edge of the likes of Lake Como. And they have never fallen out of fashion.
The grand hotels, luxuriant gar-
dens and sparkling waters became a staging post for 18th-centur y grand tourists, a favourite retreat for European nobility and a destination that still exudes serious cachet.
Nature has blessed these lakes, where the southern foothills of the alps sweep down towards the Mediterranean and the fertile plains of northern Italy cluster around these watery jewels. With mild climates,
superb food, elegant shopping. photogenic towns and villages edging the shoreline, the Italian lakes have got it going on, year-round. (If you’re a floral fiend, head to the lakes in April and May, when the tulips, camellias and azaleas hit full bloom.)
A beloved landmark is the 14th-century façade of Como’s cathedral, which nearly fills one side of Piazza Duomo. It’s pure Gothic, a
marble face highlighted by detailed stone carving and statues around a rose window, edged with delicate carved pinnacles.
Once inside, you’ll see why this church is hailed as Italy’s finest example of the 14th-century transition from Gothic to Renaissance styles. If you’re energetic, haul your way to the top of the 18th-century dome.
Even the waters of this fjord-
like lake seem extra glossy in this most glamourous of destinations. No wonder Hollywood fawns over Como as a natural movie set.
I passed by numerous Belle Epoque pleasure pads including the 18th-century Villa del Balbianello, in Lenno. The Baroque villa, built for an 18th-centur y Cardinal, is surrounded by terraced gardens, where lake views are framed by columns and balustrades. Not only did it feature in Bond’s Casino Royale but it hosted Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones.
Casino Royale was also filmed in front of Villa La Gaeta, in San Siro, where the final scene shows James Bond shooting Mr. White.
I gazed across Sophia Loren’s villa and the late Gianni Versace’s property, Villa Fontanelle. Currently owned by a Russian billionaire, it’s reportedly on the market for 75 million Euro. Then there’s the Opus Dei Villa. Many Italians believe this is really where the next Pope is chosen.
The production team of Ocean’s 12 didn’t have to look too hard for an Italian villa to shoot in, since star George Clooney happened to own an 18th-century property in Laglio, Lake Como.
The actor purchased the 25-room Villa Oleandra from the Heinz family in 2001 and hosts many of his A-list friends there.
The movie also featured Villa Erba, which you can actually visit, because it isn’t a residential home, but an art museum and exhibition centre.
Another magical little village is Nesso. It’s home to Orrido, a natural canyon in the rocks, carved by the confluence of two rivers, where the strength of the water through the centuries has opened a deep break
in the stone. The union of the rivers explodes in a waterfall 200m high!
The Orrido and the waterfall split the village into two parts, joined together by a fairytale stone bridge.
But the most glittery village of them all is Bellagio, situated where the lake’s three arms of its inverted Y shape, converge.
It’s flamboyantly beautiful with its rainbow-hued villas and baroque gardens, as are the old stone fishing villages of Bellano and Varenna, where medieval castles mingle with elaborate Renaissance gardens.
Back in town, if you’re up for the best panoramic view of Lake Como’s glossy expanse, jump on board the venerable old Funicular Railway, which has been whisking travellers up to Brunate since 1894. From atop, glance over the epic azure lake, the colourful clusters of traditional Italian houses and sweeping mountainsides.
Sheraton Lake Como Resort was where I based myself. It’s a short walk from the hotel to the village of Cernobbio, home to a trove of palatial Art Nouveau villas, like
Prior to that, in 1815, it became the residence of Caroline of Brunswick, estranged wife of future King George IV.
A gala dinner held at the Villa d’Este in 1948 was the scene for the scandalous murder of the wealthy silk manufacturer Carlo Sacchi, shot dead by his lover Countess
Pia Bellentani with her husband’s pistol.
Another must-see is Villa Bernasconi, close to the boat landing at Cernobbio. The exterior is covered in intricate decorations representing mulberry leaves, silkworms, and other motifs related to silk production. The villa was built in the early 1900s for the leading silk manufacturer, Davide Bernasconi. Inside, an interactive museum tells the story of the house and those who lived there.
It was somewhere around 2016.
The Kingston Flyer, once a proud and internationally recognised staple of the New Zealand tourist scene, was not in a good way.
Despite changes of ownership and the promise of a new beginning, varying factors, not the least being the deteriorating health of the previous owner had resulted in the Flyer being laid up in the summer of 2012/13.
In the years thereafter, the collection of two heritage AB class steam locomotives and period wooden carriages, including a historically rare and important “birdcage carriage”, lay dormant. The locomotives sat silent in the Kingston yard and very quickly the weeds, overgrowth and decay crept in and over them.
It didn’t look great. In fact it all looked very grim indeed.
Frustrated at how such a beloved New Zealand national treasure could continue down this path, I called a meeting in Ashburton of what became a fledgling group to consider some possibilities.
The group was diversely drawn from the Ashburton business and financial sector, heritage organisations and others.
Basically there were two proposals to discuss.
One: Investigate extending the Plains Railway back along railway reserve land on Melcombe Street alongside the main line in Tinwald, culminating just before the Laghmor Road crossing, about in line across from the Z service station. The idea being to give a visual connection to the SH1 traffic.
Two: Acquire the steam locomotives and rolling stock assets of the derelict Kingston Flyer and base them as part of the Plains Railway complex.
How far did the group get?
The now late owner was contacted and advised of our proposals. It was clear that there was no future for the train under his ownership but there may be heritage complications removing it from its famous base.
Also, costings were obtained from a Timaru heavy haulage contractor to shift the items up, one by one
that the Kingston from “the dead” to once hour return journey from Fairlight
I always vowed if it ever there to savour the experience glory. I was not disappointed.
“A step back in time with this historical vintage steam train powered by the mighty AB795 steam locomotive. PHOTOS PETER MCQUARTERS
on the long road to Mid Canterbury.
We met with the executive of the Plains Railway and while there was some merit in the idea, in the end, it was decided it was just too big a challenge to take on. Obviously considerable funding would have had to be raised, but more than that, the ongoing workload to the local heritage train fraternity would have been too onerous.
So the Flyer sat and sat until on the passing of the owner, the assets changed hands again and finally, under the careful guidance of a southern engineer by the name of Neville Simpson, a group of dedicated volunteers have resurrected a very forlorn and faded treasure, phoenix-like, back to a fully functioning gleaming black and brass heritage steam train.
This author travelled south to Kingston especially to witness the final run to Fairlight prior to the Christmas break. This was the culmination in a series of Sunday and other special runs and charters as the Flyer found her feet again in late 2022.
ever rose again, I’d be experience in all its disappointed.
The universal appeal to all ages was clear to see with the carriages fully booked and cameras and phones out everywhere.
During the short stop as the engine was “turned” at Fairlight, the affable footplate crew were busy explaining to awe-inspired youngsters exactly what all the controls did and how the magic of steam locomotion worked.
It appears things are indeed looking up for the Kingston Flyer as the operation builds to a fully sustainable footing.
From January 22, on Sundays until Easter, the Flyer will continue to find its feet and no doubt further plans will unfold to secure it a long-term future. Including perhaps, the restoration of the second locomotive.
I always vowed if it ever rose again, I’d be there to savour the experience in all its glory.
I was not disappointed.
In fact back in 2016, I’d have said, on the strength of what I’d seen, it would never happen.
I’ve never been so happy to have been proven wrong.
Peter McQuarters is over the Kingston Flyer has been resurrected once again puff its way on a 1 1/2 from the Kingston Foreshore to and back.Top – The cameras are out and everyone is soaking up the unique aura of a working heritage steam passenger train. Above left – The sumptuous deep-buttoned interior passenger compartments on the Kingston Flyer’s rare 1900 vintage “birdcage carriage” are an experience from another time. Above right – AB795, built in 1927, pays special respects to the late Monarch Queen Elizabeth II. Left – The crew of the Kingston Flyer take time during the stopover at Fairlight to explain the workings of a vintage steam train with some young rail fan passengers.
High-performance and luxury car specialist Clive Sutton is celebrating the 100th birthday of performance motoring icon Carroll Shelby.
The London-based retailer is offering UK customers exclusive access to super-sized power, presence, and performance with the latest Shelby Super Snake F-150 pickup truck.
Clive Sutton has imported Shelby vehicles to the UK for more than 15 years and its latest import, the Shelby Super Snake truck, features the optional Shelby supercharger power upgrade that pushes output past 775bhp.
A new suspension system optimises the truck for onor off-road driving, while comprehensive styling enhancements further distinguish the Super Snake.
With only 300 of the four-door 4x4 pickups produced globally, the Sutton allocation ensures exclusivity alongside the capability to out-perform most vehicles on- or off-road.
The Shelby Super Snake Sport (single cab) is priced from £139,950* plus VAT. The Shelby Super Snake truck (double cab) is priced from £159,950* for the onroad version, with an off-road specification costing £157,950* plus VAT.
The off-road Super Snake includes a BDS lift kit paired with the FOX Shock System suspension, and 35-inch BFG all-terrain tyres.
Clive Sutton, Founder and CEO: “As the UK’s official Shelby distributor, we plan to spend all year celebrating the 100th birthday of Carroll Shelby.
“What a way to start this special year with a big, powerful American truck! Our
customers often seek exclusivity and always appreciate power, characteristics the Shelby Super Snake truck has in spades.”
Already the best-selling pick-up truck in the US, Ford recently updated its F-150 enhancing the iconic model to make it the toughest, most productive F-150 ever.
As capable as it is powerful, the Shelby Super Snake is available
in on-or off-road form.
Each has the new 10-speed automatic transmission, a wealth of performance enhancements, FOX Shock System, 22-inch Shelby wheels and Shelby bumpers and badging.
Shelby has thoroughly overhauled the interior of the spacious Super Snake cab.
Custom two-tone seats are offset against carbon fibre trim, tinted windows, and racing pedals.
Outside, distinctive ramair induction vents are set on the leading edge of the truck’s bonnet.
Also, dual stripes run centrally down the length of the vehicle from the custom bumper and grille to the Shelby nameplate on the rear tailgate.
In addition to the Super Snake trucks, Clive Sutton also offers the Shelby Raptor truck, official continuation model Shelby Cobras, and the only Shelby-licenced Cobra replicas, the Superformance MkII, MkIII, and MKIII R.
In addition, a Shelby Daytona Coupe by Superformance is on the Sutton books, alongside the Shelby GT500 Mustang, and company’s own Shelby-inspired righthand drive CS850R Mustang.
From its birth in 2006, Vespa Gtv has been the ambassador of purest classicism within the Vespa family thanks to the use of the “faro basso” (low headlamp), positioned on the front mudguard, and the exposed metal tubular handlebar, stylistic throwbacks to the most iconic models.
Vespa Gtv débuts in a completely revolutionised look, maintaining the traits of the legend’s origins, but combining them with an ultra modern technological equipment package and brand new sporty finishes.
The new Vespa Gtv is powered by the gritty 300 hpe (High Performance Engine) single cylinder, with four-valve timing, liquid cooling, and electronic fuel injection; with power of 17.5kW (23.8hp), it is the highest performance engine ever fitted on a Vespa.
by, including a starting spot in the semi-final, losing to the Blues at Eden Park.
Former Mid Canterbury rugby player Ollie Sapsford has his eye on the prize in 2023.
After a debut season in Super Rugby last year with the Brumbies, the 27-year-old is in line for a promotion of sorts this season, following the departure of one of the franchise’s most powerful weapons.
Midfield beast Irae Simone has departed the club, and the void left behind has created an opportunity, one Sapsford is keen to put his name forward for.
“I’d be lying if I said my eyes weren’t on the 12 jersey,” he told Rugby Australia this week.
“I was really lucky to work with ‘E’ (Simone) when he was here, and he taught me a lot.
“He’s a good bloke and had an exceptional year last year.”
Sapsford’s selection into the Brumbies last year on a two-year contract was a bit of a bolt from the blue for the opportunistic player who has shown there’s more than one way to make it in the game of rugby.
He’s been a firm part of the New Zealand rugby furniture since he returned home from Western Australia in 2016 and slipped into the Methven rugby jersey.
That led to selection in the Mid Canterbury Heartland side, which led to being picked up by the Wellington Rugby Academy, which led to being selected to play for Hawke’s Bay, which in turn led to being sighted by the All Blacks Sevens set-up.
And, ultimately, Super Rugby came calling last year – just not in New Zealand where many probably expected.
He made eight appearances in his maiden season in Super Rug-
Sapsford returned to New Zealand post-season and again stepped out for Hawke’s Bay in the Mitre 10 Cup – but returned to Australia in December last year to begin preparations.
“It’s all about building from last year.
“I really enjoyed my first year here and ticked off a lot of goals I’ve been working towards … hopefully I can keep building on last year.
“We didn’t get the result last year and then I went back to New Zealand to carry on with Mitre 10, so I actually didn’t get to reflect until I came back here in December.
“I was really proud to start in the semi.
“I had been waiting for my opportunity and it came.”
While his dreams of making the vacant midfield spot his own are right now just that, dreams, there are murmurs from within the Brumbies camp that they’re keen to put Sapsford to the test in the position.
Assistant coach Rob Seib suggested that the Kiwi would thrive, if given the opportunity.
“Last year we were quite fortunate to have the same players on the field week-in, week-out.
“Guys like Ollie on the fringe probably didn’t get the minutes that we would’ve liked so I know with the more opportunity to play, he’s going to excel.
“He’s someone who has impressed with the condition he’s come back from pre-season.
“He’s hitting PBs, decision-making is really sharp and he’s someone in the group that can impress if given the opportunity.”
The Brumbies begin their Super Rugby campaign against the Waratahs on February 24, but there’s a return to Canterbury in the reckoning for Sapsford early doors too when they come to Christchurch to take on the Crusaders in round five.
The wider Ashburton district will be well represented among the 900 young athletes headed to Timaru this weekend to compete in the annual South Island Colgate Games in Timaru.
The annual event, which is the pinnacle of junior athletics in the South Island, officially opened yesterday with the first day of competition and 37 members of Ashburton Athletics are competing at the Trust Aoraki Athletics centre in Timaru.
It’s a large local contingent for the Ashburton group with athletes hoping to run, jump and
throw their way to glory against their peers over the course of the competition.
Sixty-two clubs from around the South Island are competing.
Athletics New Zealand CEO Pete Pfitzinger said the event was a special one on the calendar.
“The Colgate Games are a highlight of the summer calendar, and I’m very confident Timaru will provide an ideal venue for the participating children and their families to enjoy a great experience,” he said.
Established in 1978, the Col-
gate Games is one of the longest continuous sports sponsorships in New Zealand.
Each year, Colgate and Athletics New Zealand provide eight scholarships worth $500 each for athletes who display outstanding performances.
The eight scholarships – four awarded each in the North and South Islands – are named after Colgate Games alumnus, Nick Willis, the two-time Olympic 1500m medallist, and the funds will go towards helping the winning athletes achieve their athletics goals.
On Tuesday January 10 was the first week of the evening pairs played at the Allenton Club, results were as follows:
First Richard Kane, Murray Anderson 3 wins 16 ends 33 points, Second: Rosemary Bennett, Mike Quinn 3 wins 16 ends 31 points, Third Graeme Dowie, Donalda Watson 2 wins 1 draw 16 ends 29 Points, Fourth Dave McDonnell, Michael Clarke 2 wins 1 draw 14 ends 24 points, Fifth Nic Andrew, Gemma Andrew 2 wins 1 draw 14 ends 24 points.
Upcoming Events: Saturday 14th Ron White Allenton Club drawn triples 12.30 pm start, Monday 16th Sub Centre Women’s Interclub 9.30am start, Tuesday 17th Ladies Club Day morning, Allenton evening pairs 5.30 pm. Good bowling everyone.
I really enjoyed my first year here and ticked off a lot of goals I’ve been working towards … hopefully I can keep building on last year
Mid Canterbury’s own Ollie Sapsford has eyes firmly on the Brumbies’ 12 jersey this Super Rugby season.
Victory; nothing more and nothing less.
That’s the Mid Canterbury requirement this weekend as they kick back into the cricketing new year, looking to hunt down and solidify their position in the Hawke Cup’s zone four competition.
With two rounds remaining almost everyone is still in play in the zone, but for Mid Canterbury, who currently sit third, points taken off current competition leaders Otago Country – who they face today and tomorrow – could be critical if they are to push for higher honours later in the season.
An up-and-down start to the campaign with weather and a
tough result in Southland last year left the baggy green and golds five competition points off the top of the standings, with South Canterbury – who they beat with first innings points – in the opening round, sitting just above them.
And for head coach Bevan Ravenscroft, the push starts this morning.
“I think it’s a case of getting through the opening rounds and seeing how things settle before really pushing in the second half of the competition,” he said late last year.
“First innings points are good early, but you really want to be able to push for those outright wins when you can, and hopefully we can put ourselves in the position to do that early in the New Year.”
Ravenscroft has made a couple of changes to the side which trekked to Southland prior
who will cap a busy week by swapping the red and black of Canterbury for the green and gold of Mid Canterbury following the Under 19 Men’s Nationals in Christchurch.
On the Domain Oval, which has also seen plenty of use this week with the Year 8 Festival being held, runs on the board will be critical for which ever team bats first this morning, with Otago Country likely to secure themselves a playoff spot if they can get at least first-innings points.
While the representative cricketing scene will hog most of the headlines this weekend, the club action kicks back into gear as well, with Mid Canterbury’s two senior sides in action.
South Canterbury’s Tweedy Cup begins once again with the 10th round of the competition, and for both the Tech Stags and Allenton today marks an important launching pad for the rest of the year, in completely different sets of circumstances.
For the Stags it’s an unfortunate situation.
They come up against the high-flying Celtic Senior side, who are yet to taste defeat this season, and do so without five of their key, experienced regulars, who will be in action just a stone’s throw away on the Ashburton Domain Oval for Mid Canterbury.
Incidentally, the last time the two sides met also coincided with a Mid Canterbury rep fixture.
Despite the absence of some key figures, the Stags will still put out a strong playing XI, drawing on their wider squad of players, many of whom are experienced and talented cricketers.
But with Celtic on top and looking to reaffirm that control of the competition, getting points won’t come easy for the defending champions.
Allenton will play without one of their key all-rounders, Satwant Singh, in their clash in Pleasant Point today, as they look to turn around some ordinary 2022 form and put a complete performance together.
to Christmas, with the Innes brothers, Tom and Ben, both welcomed back into the starting line-up in replacement of Sam Clark and Lachie Jemmett.
Clark’s absence leaves an opening spot available alongside Angus Jemmett at the top of the order, which could well be filled by Devon Flannery,
If Mid Canterbury can deny them that, which they are more than capable of doing, then things could well become evenly poised heading into tomorrow’s second day of play, with a lot riding on the overall result.
Play begins on both days at 10.30am, with the weather looking set to play ball on both days.
Winless through the first half of the season, there have been glimpses of what they are capable of, but never a complete effort with both bat and ball.
Pleasant Point pose a tricky situation, as at their best they are capable of beating anyone in the competition.
So, the challenge for Allenton today is a tough one.
Both matches get under way at 12 noon.
week against Otago and Auckland, before faltering to a good Central District side on Wednesday.
Flannery scored 20 against Otago and then 70 against Auckland.
Flannery again contributed, scoring 40.
Friday’s final clash saw Canterbury again squaring off with Central Districts.
Talented young Mid Canterbury cricketer Devon Flannery has done his future prospects in the game no harm with a solid showing for Canterbury at the Under 19 Men’s Nationals.
Selected into the team late last year, Flannery made his mark during the week as a noted middle-order batsman, with strong contributions to help his side toward a successful week out in the middle.
After a rain-interrupted start to the competition which saw all of the first day’s play washed out, Canterbury got to work registering two good wins early in the
The tournament switched to the T20 format on Wednesday, and the red and blacks were straight back into their work before the weather stepped in and interrupted again.
It was a cruel outcome for Canterbury, who were up against the undefeated Wellington and had worked through to 109 for four before the rain halted the match.
Flannery was in the middle of all the action too, sitting on 58 not out before the game was abandoned.
They did return later in the day however, and picked up a strong win against Auckland to see themselves a clear second on the standings.
Flannery made an immediate impact on the match, after Canterbury won the toss and elected to bowl.
Fielding at mid-wicket, he threw down the stumps and effected a run-out in the opening over of the game, as Central worked through to 129 from their 20 overs.
Canterbury looked in control of the match at one stage early when going at better than nine runs an over.
Flannery’s innings was fleeting, crushing two boundaries before chipping one back to the bowler to be out for nine.
His side fell short however, all out for 113 with two and half overs remaining.
Charges have been laid against a young apprentice jockey following the death of Megan Taylor at an Ashburton race meeting late last year.
They have been brought against the unnamed jockey by the Racing Integrity Board who control and officiate over the racing industry in New Zealand.
The charge is one of careless riding.
In confirming the charge the RIB elected to not name the jockey who had been charged with chief executive Mike Clement telling media that the decision not to name the apprentice was one of sensitivity.
“Given the fact that it’s a young rider and there was a death of another rider involved, I’m leaving the naming of the rider to the adjudicative panel that sits over the top of the case,” he told Stuff.
“They are almost certainly going to say that there’s no reason not to name the rider.
“The industry wants there to be transparency, it’s not a matter of hiding these things, it’s just a matter of being sensitive at the moment.”
Twenty-three-year-old Taylor was killed when her ride, Red Orchid was part of a four-horse fall in the second race of the day at the Ashburton Racing Club meeting on December 15.
Attempts to revive the talented young apprentice jockey were unsuccessful, and she was pronounced dead at the scene.
A week later racing returned to the Ashburton Racecourse, with blessings made by local kaumatua on the track, and a moment’s silence was held in the birdcage prior to the first race of the day.
The jockey facing charges is not stood down or suspended until the hearing takes place, but has not ridden since the incident.
In racing a careless riding charge is deemed to be where a jockey has failed to take reasonable care at a level lesser than what could be reasonably expected.
It is a step below the more serious charge of reckless riding, in which a jockey is said to be indifferent to the danger
or peril of the consequence of their actions.
Last year North Island jockey Sam Weatherley was suspended for nine weeks for reckless riding in an incident
which claimed the life of popular jockey Taiki Yanagida. The Japanese native died in hospital almost a week after the fall at the Cambridge Racecourse on the new synthetic track.
Former Mid Canterbury pacer Cranbourne’s fledgling Australian career begins tonight.
The Brent and Tim White-trained pacer when in New Zealand was sold to American interests late last year and is bound stateside, but not without first trying to pillage some spoils on Australian soil.
That raid begins tonight, with a potentially busy schedule for the dour pacer before he departs, probably in March, for his new home in America.
Speaking to Harness Racing New Zealand this week, trainer David Aiken said he’s been impressed with everything the big son of Sir Lincoln had shown him since arriving in his stable.
“I really like the horse,” he said.
“His work at home has been good and he went well at the trials last week.
“He’s nice and relaxed and gives you the feel of a nice horse.”
Aiken is no stranger to having a top-liner in his care as the trainer of former pacing great Lennytheshark, so his comments come with some background.
Tonight’s assignment, the Group 2 Shepparton Gold Cup will set the path for the coming months for Cranbourne, with a wealth of riches available including races like the Ballarat Cup and then the rich Hunter Cup soon after.
Nathan Jack will drive Cranbourne.
His Australian debut comes a few days after his former stable produced a winning double at Winton on Wednesday, when both Midfrew Luisianabeau and Better’s Tart were victorious.
Both pacers were expertly handled by stable employee Kimberly Butt.
They also had a strong team of horses set to race yesterday evening at Nelson.
Inflamed, Darci’s Belle, Ceddy Smith, Cheekini
Race 9: Leave It To Me, Asathought, Dunhill, King Of The Dance
Race 10: Classic Diva, Pickens, Caitlyn Jay, Hunter Villian
BEST BET: Bornholm (R1) VALUE: Mayor Of Norwood (R6)
1. Which Black Caps player is being described as a glaring mistake after being left out of the Halberg finalists?
a) Kane Williamson b) Ajaz Patel c) Devon Conway
2. Welsh football star, Gareth Bale announced his retirement this week. Which Champions League side did he play for?
a) Bayern b) Dortmund c) Real Madrid
3. The Melbourne Victory were fined almost how much for their violent pitch invasion recently? a) $500,000 b) $750,000 c) $1 million
4. The Black Ferns have been pooled with Fiji, Great Britain and who in the World 7s events in Hamilton?
a) Tonga b) Australia c) Papua New Guinea
5. Which tennis Grand Slam winner announced she was pregnant this week?
a) Venus Williams b) Naomi Osaka c) Iga Swaitek
6. Devon Conway and which other batsman suffered golden ducks in the opening ODI against Pakistan on Monday? a) Glenn Phillips b) Henry Shipley c) Daryl Mitchell
7. Which cyclist claimed stage one glory in the NZ Cycle Classic this week? a) James Oram b) Ryan Cavanagh c) James Harvey
8. Ryan Fox has received his invitation to The Masters at Augusta, which world ranking will he take into the tournament? a) 24 b) 28 c) 32
Answers: 1. b) Ajaz Patel, 2. c) Real Madrid, 3. a) $500,000, 4. c) Papua New Guinea. 5. b) Naomi Osaka, 6. b) Henry Shipley, 7. a) James Oram, 8. b) 28
Bumptious way British Rail has adapted to it (5)
Van Dyke was an artist who turned up in part of the garden (5)
It learns of a different sort of guts (8)
The Duchy has trouble afoot: the West has everything (8)
The aged glory of the Stars and Stripes (3)
The king's favourite fruit is dried (7)
Flash of light seen by pilot first in Channel Island (5)
Charming and delightful and very small to be in the street (5)
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): Use what you have and connect with the people around you. Unqualified help is still help. Sometimes people become qualified in the process of helping, so in a way you are teaching someone just by needing them.
TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): You are developing an excellent relationship with your own systems, which will support you better than anything or anyone. With thorough planning, logistics will go smoothly. Checklists keep it all on track.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): Your handling of language puts you in a league of your own and makes you attractive to those who understand the value of good communication. Careful wording will impart messages with ease, style and respect.
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): You're readying yourself for a journey. Food isn't the only provision you'll need. A hunger extends to your heart, soul and mind. Because you actively seek knowledge, love and friendship, you'll be amply supplied.
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): The task at hand is time-sensitive yet it will not help you to watch the clock. That would only cause panic. Instead, pretend that you are the clock. Your methodical actions, one at a time, will march this project ever-forward.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): What if every person who did you wrong was part of the plan to make you great? Whether you think there's a plan or not, you've been made sharper, stronger and better for having dealt with difficult people.
LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): Curiosity is a good soldier, but a bad general. It's a day to lead with what you already know works. If you lead with questions be prepared for the chaos that comes with new knowledge. Once you know, you can't unknow.
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): The unconscious impacts you in very real, though hard-to-detect, ways. When the subconscious is brought to the surface you will make conscious choices to act in a way that better supports who you want to be.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): In another time frame, where the years count in millions, even the mountain will be something other than itself. And certainly, the day's complications that seem to drag on and on will be, in retrospect, but a blink.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Some obstacles are so integral to the landscape they cannot be conquered and must instead be crossed like a river, climbed like a mountain or flown over. What or who will be your wings?
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): You don't like to draw attention to yourself, but when it's your turn to command the crowd, you'll shine. You behave in a way that others would do well to model.
How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter
Good 7 VeryGood 9 Excellent 10
WordBuilder 6 15 5 726 43 8 8 6 9 2 42 7 3 4 18 9 3 31 9 736481529 158972643 294365187 512748396 389516274 467239851 975623418 621894735 843157962
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): How you talk about things impacts your experience of them. This is true in all phases: anticipation, action, takeaway and memory. The more apt your descriptions, the more enjoyable it will be through the phases.
7 964 6425 3 87 127 8 3 4 58 53 64715 49 78 3751 964 28 6425 381 79 1897 423 56 9 6 1 8 2 3 5 4 7 8574 192 63 4236 578 91 7 1 6 2 8 5 9 3 4 2983 647 15 5349 716 82
83 4 9 3 5 61 7 91 16 82 71 6387 2 5 1 65 8367 215 49 7519 846 23 9245 361 78 6 9 2 4 1 3 8 5 7 1476 589 32 3852 794 16 5 6 3 8 4 7 2 9 1 2791 653 84 4183 927 65
The Ashburton Golf Club seeks to employ a secretary/treasurer for our vibrant club on a part-time Employment Agreement for 20 hours per week.
1. The key attributes we seek in a successful applicant, are: a. a team player; b. a collaborative worker by nature; c. a positive and friendly outlook; d. excellent self and time-management skills.
2. Experience in the following areas is essential:
a. Basic accounting and computer systems including payroll, GST and Microsoft Office; b. Health and Safety systems; and c. Bar experience and manager’s licence preferable
3. We offer a flexible work environment, including the ability to work from home on some occasions, a stunning view out of your office, and a supportive Management Board and Club. Some weekend work is involved.
4. A copy of the job description can be obtained by emailing ashburtongolf@gmail.com.
5. Applications close at 5pm on February 3, 2023, and can be emailed to ashburtongolf@gmail.com.
NEW Asian Lady – 36D Cup, Busty, Massage. Phone 0225323904. I’m-Outcall.
FIREWOOD for sale: Green Bluegum $250 for 3.6 m³. Green Old Man Pine $220 for 3.6 m³. Phone Shane James Firewood. 0276113334.
WINTER Grazing Wanted. 570 Cows. Mid-Canterbury Area Preferred. Phone Matthew 0274798359.
GENERAL hire. Lawnmowers, chainsaws, concrete breakers, trailers, and more. All your DIY / party hire, call and see Ashburton U-Hire. 588 East Street. Open Monday-Friday 7.00am – 5.30pm; Saturday 7.30am - 5pm; Sunday 8.30am12.30pm - Phone 308 8061. www.ashburtonuhire.co.nz
WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life of your tyres with an alignment from Neumanns Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills Street. Phone 308 6737.
Full time Monday –Friday.
Early start –Experience with pastry and pie-making an advantage but training can be given.
Contact: Carmen Ross Managing Director SIMS Phone 03 308 5774 Mobile 027 9000 489 123a Archibald Street Ashburton
FIRE Extinguisher sales and servicing. On farm contractors – trucks/ tractors/balers/combines/ cars/boats/caravans etc. Phone Mack at Doors and More on 0273960361.
GENUINE private cash buyer, wanting Falcons, Holdens, Valiants or any pre 1995 vehicles suitable for preservation. Phone 021 02914847 or 03 615 7930
LOCKSMITH/Door repairs. Keys/Locks, sliding and bifold door roller repairs. Mobile service. Call Nigel at Doors and More. Ph 027 516 7104
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Apply now: Carmen Ross Managing Director SIMS BAKERY LOGO Phone 03 308 5774 Mobile 027 9000 489 123a Archibald Street Ashburton
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PHONE 111.
For all other medical assistance outside of normal hours please phone your general practice team, 24/7, to speak with a health professional who will give you free health advice on what to do or where to go if you need urgent care.
If you don’t have a regular general practice, call any GP team 24/7 for free telephone health advice.
Please bring your Community Services Card. All non-New Zealanders should bring their passport with them, New Zealanders should bring some form of ID.
For weekend and emergency
services please phone Methven Medical Centre on 302 8105 or Rakaia Medical Centre on 303 5002 for details on how to access the after-hours service each weekend.
Wises Pharmacy, Countdown Complex, East Street, will be open from 9am - 1pm Saturday, from 10am1pm Sunday. Shut on public holidays.
Ashburton Rest Homes
Please contact directly for hours.
If you do not have or cannot contact your regular dentist, please phone 027 683 0679 for the name of the rostered weekend dentist in Christchurch. Hours 9am - 5pm, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Healthline is a free health advice service. It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The toll-free number to call is 0800 611 116.
Healthline is staffed by registered nurses who are trained to assess health problems and offer advice over the phone. The service is free and confidential.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Call 0800 AA WORKS (0800 229 6757) or visit www.aa.org.nz for more information.
Mental Health - Call free on 0800 222 955. Ask for the Crisis Team.
Safe Care - 24hr Rape and Sexual Assault Crisis Support. Phone 03 364 8791
Victims Support Group 24hr - Freephone 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846).
Direct dials to a volunteer.
Ashburton Office - 307 8409 week-days, 9am - 2pm, outside of these hours leave a message.
Alcohol Drug Help Line
Call us free on (0800 787 797).
Lines open 10am - 10pm seven days.
Art Gallery
327 West Street, Ashburton, phone 308 1133.
Open daily: 10am – 4pm.
Ashburton Museum
327 West Street, Ashburton, phone 307 7890. Open daily: 10am – 4pm.
Ashburton Public Library Havelock Street. Ph 308 7192. Saturday: 10am - 1pm. Sunday: 1pm - 4pm.
EA Networks Centre - Pools
20 River Terrace - phone 03 308 4020. WEEKEND HOURS: Sat and Sun 7am - 7pm. Public holidays 10am - 5pm.
Information Centre Methven - Saturday and public holidays 10am until 2.30pm. Phone 302 8955 or isite@ midcanterburynz.com
Dog, Stock
03 307 7700 - 24hr
family of the late Stuart Arthur Burgess would like to thank all those that gave their support, flowers, messages and who travelled to be with us to celebrate Dad's life. A special thanks to the staff of Tuarangi who made his last years bearable. Resting in peace with Mum now. Kareen, Peter, Robin, Chris and families.
BALLARD, Joan Lesley (Lesley) –On January 9, 2023, peacefully at Ashburton Hospital, aged 79 years. Loving wife of Bruce. Much loved mother of Jason, and Nicky, and grandmother of William, and Melissa. Thank you to the staff of Coldstream Lifecare, and Ward One Ashburton Hospital for their care of Lesley. Messages to the Ballard family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. In keeping with Lesley’s wishes, a private cremation has been held.
ROBERTS, Leicester David –Peacefully at Terrace View Retirement Village, Ashburton (formerly of Pleasant Point) on Monday, January 9, 2023, aged 83 years. Gone to be with his Lord and Saviour. Dearly loved husband of Ngaire for 62 years. Adored and loved father and father-in-law of Faye and Neil (Pleasant Point), Suzanne (Waipahi), Eon (deceased) and Theresa (Reno USA), Karl and Jane (Lauriston), Ilene (Temuka), Vicki and Evan (Christchurch), Melvin and Megan (Ashburton), Vaughan and Amanda (Fergus Falls USA). Much loved granddad of 31 grandchildren and greatgranddad of 28 greatgrandchildren. His legacy lives on! Loved eldest son of Clifford and Susie (both deceased). Brother and brother-in-law of Elsie and Ray (both deceased), John and Margie, and Philip.
WATSON, William Francis (Bill, Willie, Papa Bill) –Peacefully, at Edith Cavell Lifecare, Christchurch, on Thursday, January 12, 2023, aged 91. Loving husband of the late Kath. Much loved brother and brother-in-law of Helen and the late Bill Cranfield, and the late John Watson (and by his family). Much loved uncle of Joanna, Katie, Shaun, and Myn; Jo, Mark, Cushla, and Rosie and loved by all their families. He will be missed by his other family at Edith Cavell, their “Papa Bill”. Messages to the family of Bill Watson, c/- PO Box 10345, Christchurch 8145. A celebration of Bill’s life will be held in the Ferry Park Chapel, 297 Ferry Road, Christchurch, on WEDNESDAY, January 18, at 2pm. Private cremation thereafter.
DEATHS Canterbury owned, locally operated Office and Chapel Corner East & Cox Streets, Ashburton Ph 307 7433 Patersons Funeral Services and Ashburton Crematorium Ltd MASTER MONUMENTAL MASON E.B. CARTER LTD For all your memorial requirements New headstones and designs Renovations, Additional inscriptions, Cleaning and Concrete work Carried out by qualified tradesmen. 620 East Street Ashburton Ph/Fax 308 5369 or 0274 357 974 ebcarter@xtra.co.nz NZMMMA Member
Brother-in-law to Ngaire’s family, Janice (deceased), Des (deceased), Don and Sheryl, and Margaret (deceased). Uncle and great-uncle to many more. All the family wish to thank the staff at Terrace View Retirement Village for caring for dad over the last few years – we thank you so much. We have had a cremation and are planning a service to celebrate Dad’s life at a later date. This will be at St Albans, Pleasant Point. We will contact friends and family to let you know the date. Otherwise messages to: Faye Gillies, 21 Kyber Street, Pleasant Point. 0210561277.
Friday Midnight Saturday
Mountain weather hazards: None issued.
Morning low cloud breaking, but scattered showers developing mainly about the divide towards midday, possibly heavy. Showers easing in the evening.
Wind at 1000m: Light.
Wind at 2000m: Light.
Freezing level: Above 3000m.
Sunday Mountain weather hazards: None issued.
19 11 19 13
21 12 21 11 21 10 20 11
23 13 22 14
25 14 24 13 23 12 22 12
Partly cloudy, with isolated afternoon and evening showers.
Wind at 1000m: Light.
Wind at 2000m: Light, NW 30 km/h developing at night.
22 12 23 13
Thu SUN PROTECTION ALERT Data provided by NIWA PROTECTION REQUIRED Wear a hat and sunglasses – 9:15 6:00 ampm
Freezing level: Above 3000m.
3:41am 4:15pm 10:35am 10:58pm 4:16am 4:49pm
11:42am 5:26am 5:57pm 6:05am 9:18pm 6:06am 9:17pm 6:08am 9:17pm 12:25am 12:52pm 12:44am 1:59pm 1:04am 3:09pm SaturdaySundayMonday 21 14 21 12 24 13 24 12
11:28am 11:55pm 5:18am 5:43pm last qtr Jan 15 new Jan 22 first qtr Jan 29 full Feb 6
10:41am 11:06pm 4:28am 4:56pm