gitata electorate, which takes in Ashburton and Timaru, from blue to red.
Luxton, or a new Labour candidate, will be up against National’s James Meager.
Jacinda Ardern stepping down as Prime Minister has set up an intriguing lead-up to the election, Ashburton Mayor Neil Brown says. Local government will be keenly awaiting the outcome of the election to give them direction for the next three years, Brown said.
The election will be taking place in the middle of the council’s longterm plan process.
As the council discussed in December, Brown said they are faced with preparing two versions of the long-term plan to cover the potential election outcomes.
He said the current planning with Labour in power is for Three Waters assets and management to pass from the council to the new centralised entities in July next year, but National has stated it will repeal the legislation if it comes into power.
While he may not have agreed with some of her policy decisions, Brown said Ardern has done “an alright job” in what has been a tumultuous tenure with terror attacks, extreme weather events, volcanic eruptions and a global pandemic.
“She’s had a tough last three years under Covid and has performed well guiding us through as best she could.”
Brown said the Ashburton District has benefited under Ardern, receiving $20m in funding for the
new Civic Centre and Library Te
Pātaka a kā Tuhituhi and Te Waharoa a Hine Paaka, the Walnut Avenue intersection upgrade, and the pending Tinwald corridor upgrade. Ardern was also in town back in 2019 to announce the $60m re-
build of Ashburton College, the day before the mosque shootings in Christchurch.
Election date set
The election will take place on October 14.
With an election date set, Meager, who was announced as the National candidate in September, said National will be focused on running a strong campaign “on the issues that matter”.
“Here in Rangitata, and around the country, that means addressing the cost of living crisis and delivering a strong economy,” he said.
Other political parties are yet to announce candidates in Rangitata. National admiration
National party leader Christopher Luxon has offered Ardern thanks for her service following her announcement to stand down.
“She has given her all to this incredibly demanding job and I wish her and her family all the very best for the future,” Luxon said. Those sentiments were echoed by National’s Rangitata candidate, James Meager.
“You have to respect the dedication it takes to do a role like that so I’d like to wish Jacinda all the best for the future and thank her for her service to New Zealand.”
Rangitata MP Jo Luxton is yet to confirm if she will be standing for her seat this year for Labour.
In 2020, Luxton did what no other Labour candidate before her had managed to, turn the former National stronghold of the Ran-
“Public Interest Journalism funded through NZ On Air”
Mid Canterbury Federated Farmers president David Acland.
That was his thoughts as he followed the coverage on Thursday afternoon as Ardern announced her resignation, finishing by February 7.
enough left in the tank to do the job justice”.
“To Neve, mum is looking forward to being there when you start school this year.
“And Clarke, let’s finally get married.”
“She put her family first, as we all should do,” Acland said.
As for who takes over the leadership role and the prime minister position Acland didn’t have a clear favourite for the role.
Interesting times ahead was the reaction to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern stepping down from
Ardern said her reasons for stepping down were to spend more time with her young family and that she “no longer had
Acland said Ardern was very brave in putting her family first and being honest about her reasons in stepping down from the role.
“I’ve been following the coverage and seen the names Chris Hipkins, Kiri Allen, Megan Woods and Michael Wood repeated a lot, but I’m not sure who will be
getting the vote.”
But whoever the new person is, which will be announced tomorrow following a Labour Party Caucus meeting in Wellington will decide the direction Labour will go into the election, according to Acland.
“Everything is back on the table.
“For farmers there is some big legislation going through at the
ing before anyone else,” Wragg added.
“Often women put themselves last, so the fact she is choosing to prioritise herself and her family now is admirable.”
Ashburton businesswoman Gemma Wragg “completely understands” the PM’s resignation. CEO of law firm Tavendale and Partners, Wragg can understand why the PM has an empty tank and “can respect that Jacinda Ardern wanted to leave on her own terms,” she said.
As a fellow woman in leadership, Wragg is impressed by how Ardern has carried New Zealand over the past five years.
“Politics aside, as a leader she challenged stereotypes, broke the mould, and was an inspiration to many young females who have big career aspirations,” she said.
“She showed young women that
you can have both a personal life and a demanding career, though it is clear that more still needs to be done to support women who are trying to balance both.”
As a woman leader in a traditionally male-dominated industry, it is positive the PM has thought about her own well-be-
moment like Three Waters and the resource management act changes that will have big effects at a local level,” Acland said.
Acland said whoever the new leader is will have to decide whether they want to keep on the same track as Ardern or change tune.
“Whether it is pushing harder or backing off it will all depend
on who takes over.”
Acland said while he may not agree with all of her changes and legislation she has led the country well through some difficult events such as Covid and the Christchurch mosque attacks.
Right – Mid Canterbury Federated Farmers president David Acland
Wragg also acknowledges that there’s still pressure for women to be better in all aspects of life.
“This expectation normally stems from ourselves, but people need to understand that nobody is perfect.”
Wragg believes people should try to look past someone’s appearance and more at their role as a leader.
“I don’t want Jacinda or any other leader to be remembered for their gender. Leaders need to be assessed on leadership, ideas, and contribution to their communities, not their gender,” she said.
Wragg wishes “Jacinda and her family the best of luck for their future.”
Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, has paid the price for not letting go her hold on New Zealand people, according to the former president of South Canterbury Federated Farmers.
Allan Andrews, now an Elgin farmer, was impressed with the Prime Minister when she led the country through the Covid crisis, but said she never learned to let go and now she’s going herself.
“I became disillusioned with her and her senior colleagues over the disdain they had for the
farming industry,” he said. “Over many decades Labour has disliked us.”
“They also appear to be suspicious of people who’ve worked hard, made a life for themselves without needing government assistance.”
Andrews recalls the US armed services who, in 1940, offered to build a four-lane highway through New Zealand so this country could better mobilise to meet the threat of a Japanese invasion and the Labour Government, at the time, turned them down.
“I’ve never forgiven them. We could so benefit from those road works today,” he said.
Andrews said Jacinda Ardern has set a good example overseas and that could be where her future lies.
The final patches of mycoplasma bovis are being cleared in the Wakanui area.
All properties in the high-risk area in Wakanui, which is under a Controlled Area Notice (CAN), have now been cleared of cattle. Testing will be under way shortly on the properties in the surrounding area.
The CAN is on track to be lifted in mid-March.
This week two properties were cleared of M. bovis and were able to return to farming without restrictions. There is one new farm infected with M. bovis which has well-established links to another already infected property.
The new confirmed infected farm is a dairy grazing operation in Banks Peninsula, and it is linked through ownership and animal movements to a Confirmed Property in the Wakanui area.
Despite the new property M. bovis programme director Simon Andrew is happy that progress is still on track.
“We thank farmers and our sector partners for their continued support as we work toward eradication.”
“This brings the current number of Confirmed Properties to five (compared to 40 at the height of the outbreak), and we expect all of these farms to be cleared within the first half of 2023,” Andrew said.
”While this progress is great news for farmers, there is still work to be done before New Zealand can transition to the
next stage of the eradication effort which will primarily focus on bulk tank milk, and beef and drystock cattle surveillance.”
Andrew said, the investigation into the second strain identified from a Confirmed Property in Canterbury in October 2022 is ongoing.
“This includes testing semen and tracing all forward and back traces on and off the infected farm. To date none has been found on any farm that supplied the infected property with cattle, nor on properties that received cattle from this farm.
“It is possible we will continue
Five current infected properties (278 since M. bovis was found). 3 million tests have been completed. $233.4 million has been paid out to farmers in compensation.
More than 179,000 cows have been culled. In the past year, fewer than 2 per cent of farms with bulk milk tank defects have gone positive.
The cost of the programme, as at June 30, 2022, is $588m.
tices during the investigations.
to find animals with infection as we continue to move to long term surveillance, so it is just as important as ever that farmers record their animal movements in the NAIT (National Animal Identification & Tracing) system.”
Andrews was disappointed to find instances of poor NAIT prac-
“When a person in charge of animals fails their NAIT obligations, they potentially put the whole sector at risk and slow our efforts to successfully eradicate this disease.
“Good NAIT records mean we can trace animal movements a lot faster, which in turn reduces the residual risk of infection and protects what we’ve all achieved to date.”
It was “God’s timing” for Ashburton’s Johanna Warren to retire.
Rev Warren will hold her final service at Hakatere Parish tomorrow before leaving to rejoin family members in Whangarei.
It had always been part of her plan to retire following her Ashburton appointment, but the Almighty intervened.
Rev Warren has been minister of the Hakatere Parish, which includes St Paul’s Presbyterian Church and Ashburton South, for the last three years and, during her ministry, she’s seen the reopening of St Paul’s last year which required earthquake strengthening and the church hall at Tinwald.
“One of the things that drew me to Hakatere was the use of the Te Reo name,” she said. “It was a gift.”
She said it’s inappropriate for her to talk about Hakatere’s future but instead “sees a faithful bunch of people waiting for God as they engage in conversation with the wider Presbyterian circle.”
In her final service tomorrow Warren, 68, intends to include two of her favourite hymns.
A new Ashburton District Councillor should be known by May 12 at the latest.
That is if more than one candidate stands in the Western Ward by-election, but if only one candidate comes forward they will win the seat uncontested on March 16, and save an expensive by-election process.
The vacancy in the Western Ward follows the death of second-term councillor Rodger Letham in December.
Council chief executive, Hamish Riach, said the community has the significant task of nominating and electing a candidate who can bring the same dedication and enthusiasm to the council table that Letham had.
The election dates won’t be official until the formal Notice of Election is issued in February Riach said, but he hoped releasing the details “will get people thinking about who might make a good candidate or to consider standing themselves”.
Under the planned timeline, a Notice of Election will be issued
by the District’s Electoral Officer on February 13.
Nominations will then open from February 16 until March 16.
At that point, if only one eligible candidate is nominated they will win the election unopposed, but if more than one eligible nomination is received, postal
voting will open on April 20 and close at noon on May 12.
Riach said the timing meets statutory timeframes while avoiding a clash with the Easter period when many people would be travelling.
“We want our residents to have the best possible opportunity to
make a considered choice about who will represent them,” he said.
In the recent election, both Deputy Mayor Liz McMillan and Letham were successful in their bid to be re-elected, with Dame Lynda Topp the only other candidate that ran.
A candidate will need to be nominated by two electors who live inside the Western Ward, however, the candidate themselves can live anywhere in the country as long as they’re on the parliamentary electoral roll.
Council chief executive Hamish Riach is encouraging those who were new to the area, had moved recently, or didn’t receive voting papers during the October elections to check their enrolment details were up to date at vote.nz.
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It’s been a great start to the year for the Ashburton Citizens’ Association.
The Department of Internal Affairs’ announcement it has approved funding for new toilets at Digby Park is “a windfall for us all,” said president, Greer Ricketts.
She said the approval, which follows months of advocacy by the Citizens’ Association, will be discussed at their first meeting for 2023 next month.
“We’re absolutely pleased it’s
going to happen,” Ricketts said.
While she acknowledges existing public toilets on East Street and at Ashburton Cemetery could be considered on the East side, she wants further toilets built right in the heart of its residential area.
“Digby Park and the tracks along the river bed are frequently used for recreational purposes and we urgently need toilets to meet that demand,” she said.
The new Seafield cemetery has no toilets or rubbish facilities and Ricketts, who’s a celebrant, is often asked by mourners where they are.
“I have to tell them to get in their car and drive to the toilet some distance away in the old cemetery area.”
“That’s not nice for elderly people.”
Ricketts doesn’t know when installation work at Digby Park will begin, but hopes there’s progress by the end of the year.
“A further option is for the developers of the Trevors Road retirement village to install public toilet facilities there,” she said.
At the February meeting Ricketts will raise her idea of establishing a Friends of the Cemetery group. Their main purpose will be to progressively tidy areas of the cemetery, but they should also be familiar with it so they can help people find graves of loved ones, she said.
“I want to raise the idea with Ashburton District Council to see if they can help,” she added.
pleted without an impact on the ratepayers, he said.
The council submitted seven projects for the first tranche of the Government’s Three Waters Reform support package, termed better off funding.
$2.3m: Fairfield Freight Hub.
$900,000: Additional new footpaths around the perimeters of Ashburton, Methven and Rakaia.
A public information day focusing on the water quality and health of the Ōtūwharekai/Ashburton Lakes is being held on February 25. The event, supported by the Ashburton Water Zone Committee in collaboration with the Ōtūwharekai Working Group, will discuss the work under way to address water quality issues within the lakes and give people the chance to ask questions. Working group and water zone committee members will be on-hand to talk with the public, and scientists will demonstrate some of their water monitoring gear and share recent results. The event, from 11am to 2pm, will also include a sausage sizzle and kids’ activities.
The Ashburton District Council won’t be muzzled by receiving $4.19 million in the Three Waters ‘better off’ funding.
Ashburton Mayor Neil Brown said the council will continue to oppose the Three Waters reforms, in its current form, but didn’t want to pass up the opportunity to receive valuable Government funding.
“It’s money that is lying on the table and if we didn’t take it we won’t get the opportunity again,” Brown said.
“Three Waters is legislated now so, under this government, it is happening but we can still voice our opposition.”
The funding will go towards getting additional projects com-
The council tried to include an amendment to the agreement that confirmed the council can maintain its opposition without risking the funding.
Chief executive Hamish Riach said the Department of Internal Affairs didn’t accept it or any of the proposed changes to the funding agreement.
He said the DIA did acknowledge that signing the agreement in the DIA’s required format does not restrict councils from independently expressing their views on the reform programme.
“These comments from DIA give council clear confidence that we can oppose the reforms in their current form, while accepting the better off funding for the benefit of the community,” Riach said.
The funding approved by the DIA includes $2.3m to help relocate Ashburton’s rail freight hub from the centre of town to the soon to be under construction Fairfield Freight Hub at Fairton.
That covers the council’s contributions towards the $14m project being led by the Wareing
$250,000: New toilets at Digby Park in Ashburton.
$200,000: Urgent repairs to five playgrounds.
$200,000: Changing rooms at the Rakaia and Hinds swimming pools, water treatment upgrades for all five district pools, and design work for a future upgrade of the Tinwald pool.
$190,000: Equipment in specialist spaces in the new Ashburton Public Library and Civic Centre, Te Pātaka a kā Tuhituhi and Te Waharoa a Hine Paaka.
$150,000: To relocate the South African War Memorial from Baring Square East to Baring Square West, as part of a major redevelopment of Baring Square East.
Group, which also has a $2.5m Government contribution from Waka Kotahi’s NZ Upgrade Programme.
Council business support group manager, Leanne Macdonald, said the projects had to meet certain criteria to qualify for funding, which included it couldn’t be used on Three Waters projects or projects already budgeted for in the annual or long-term plan.
ing has been approved work on the projects will begin, and the DIA will monitor their progress and manage funding.
The council is eligible for a further $12.6m of better off funding in the second tranche, earmarked for 2024.
The council will also receive $437,000 of transition support funding to assist with the Three Waters transition work it is required to do.
Ashburton’s County Scottish Society will be once again holding the annual Burns Night. Burns Night was cancelled in 2022 due to Covid restrictions but will once again take place this year, just at a later date rather than the traditional January 25. Society secretary Simon Wallis said the new date is yet to be confirmed and the delay was down to losing “the momentum from the cancellation last year which is why we are falling behind this year”.
The Ashburton Plains Rotary Club is starting up its first monthly car boot sale with everyone welcome. Club president Carolyn Cameron has clarified that while it’s a chance for young entrepreneurs to gain exposure – any-age entrepreneurs are welcome to sell their wares when the monthly event starts on February 5, from 10am to 1pm, at the West Street Car Park.
Some sheep were injured on Sunday morning when a trailer rolled north of Ashburton. The truck and trailer unit was travelling south when the trailer overturned. “There were no injuries to people, however, it appears some sheep may have received injuries,” a police spokesperson said.
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Area for over 20 years, but in May 2021 Langdon’s wetlands were devastated by floodwater.
“There was probably two feet of water across the site, we had to rebuild all of the fences and replant in areas that were damaged.”
After months of battling with paperwork and red tape, a Westerfield conservationist has got his wekas back.
Russell Langdon has recently received a group of buff weka from the Chatham Islands as part of a Department of Conservation mainland breeding programme.
“I’ve had to have two inspections, and filled in a lot of paperwork to make this happen,” Langdon said.
Langdon created and has owned Riverbridge Conservation
Langdon did have several weka then which survived the flood, turning up in neighbours’ properties in their search for higher ground.
“It has been a lot of work but I think finally we are getting back on our feet now.”
The most recent step in Langdon’s recovery has been the return of the buff weka which come from the Chatham Islands but were once common on the eastern South Island. They are abundant on Chatham and Pitt
islands, where they were introduced in 1905.
“I like the weka, they are quite funny little bids really,” Langdon said.
The first weka arrived a fortnight ago, and they will be in an enclosure for three weeks to a month while they settle into their new environment.
“If you just let them run free, they would try and go home to the Chathams.”
After their introduction period, the weka will be allowed to run free in the specially designed 20 acre pen, but that doesn’t mean each bird will be allowed to have the whole 20 acres.
“The weka are very territorial, and they won’t cross each other’s invisible line otherwise they will attack each other.”
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It’s not supposed to be like this.
It’s not the way we want our sporting idols and heroes to be remembered.
We want them to exit when the time is right and to step aside with dignity and before their skills and bodies have faded so badly that they’re not the player they once were, the one we so desperately want to remember.
I wish I could say that right now to Rafael Nadal, the Spanish legend who for so long has been one of the greats of world sport and who, in many ways, is a synonym for tennis.
He, who has won more Grand Slams, at 22, than anyone else. He, who is just the fourth man ever to win all four of the sport’s major titles at least twice.
He, with the bullfighter-like fight and determination, and a crowd favourite everywhere because of his exemplary on and
off-court manner and professionalism, and his undoubted resilience over two decades. Right now, though, that’s not what everyone is talking about.
The chat now is on whether this is it for Nadal, whether he’ll ever be back after another injury dramatically contributed to the 36-year-old defending champion being dumped out of the Australian Open by little known American Mackenzie McDonald in a second-round match at Melbourne Park on Wednesday night.
For the record, McDonald had played the match of his life for nearly two sets, then did what he needed to do to prevail over an
ailing legend in the third.
Nadal, the tournament’s top seed, started struggling with a hip injury near the end of the second set. He called for a trainer on court, left to receive medical treatment, then returned and played on, not prepared to concede defeat by retiring and succumbing to injury. That has never been his way.
And then, when it was over, Nadal left to a rousing ovation, taking time to turn and wave to the crowd. For the final time? Maybe but it’s too early to say and no-one would ever write off such a warrior, but this loss was the latest in a string of defeats that have plagued Nadal as he’s battled numerous injuries and a wounded psyche.
into the Australian Open and then struggled to put away young Englishman Jack Draper in the first round.
His losses included his defeats to Great Britain’s Cameron Norrie and Australia’s Alex de Minaur when playing for Spain in this month’s inaugural United Cup, a rare teams’ competition with both men and women involved.
And it was his loss to de Minaur, which I watched live and almost in disbelief in Sydney, that showed he was well off the pace. At one stage, after losing the second set 6-1, Nadal could be seen staring blankly at a change of ends, looking devoid of ideas and how to find a way back.
His wife was seen crying in the stands as the drama unfolded, while other family members and coaches sat silently as the match eventually reached its inevitable end.
He’s also had to adjust to fatherhood after the birth of his first child, Rafa Junior, in October. Injury or not, his form has been poor. He’d lost six of his previous seven matches coming
We saw that look again on Wednesday night and it was sad to see. The demise of a great. The beginning of the end.
It’s not the memory anyone wants to have of one of sport’s true superstars.
No-one would ever write off such a warrior, but this loss was the latest in a string of defeats that have plagued Nadal as he’s battled numerous injuries and a wounded psyche
Jacinda Ardern’s resignation announcement has turned politics on its head and Labour must now find a new leader capable of taking on the task of regaining the lead over National – an awesome undertaking in an election year.
The term “bombshell announcement” is often over-used but not this time – Jacinda Ardern’s decision to resign was totally unexpected and the blast zone covers the political landscape.
She admitted her caucus was “surprised” and that was probably an understatement.
For more than five years Ardern has been the most popular prime minister in the polls and often described as Labour’s best chance of winning a third term for Labour.
This seemed so sure that there’s been little speculation about who would take over if she left – and the most obvious successor, her deputy Grant Robertson, has said he isn’t in the running.
Over the next 24 hours the candidates will emerge and caucus will vote tomorrow. That’s not much time for gathering support and counting votes, and perhaps that’s intentional.
Labour doesn’t need an untidy scrap, it needs consensus and quickly.
Frontrunners will soon be visible, and among them are likely to be Transport Minister Michael Wood and Education and Police Minister Chris Hipkins.
Wood is one of Ardern’s most competent cabinet ministers, a good speaker with a solid Labour background. Hipkins is a highly experienced cabinet minister and is well known to the public from the time he was in charge of the response to Covid-19.
Neither was immediately prepared to say they wanted the job, but neither ruled out standing.
Stuff suggests Megan Woods, Kiri Allan and Nanaia Mahuta could be contenders, but it’s difficult to see any one of them gaining more support than either
Hipkins or Wood.
The Herald’s Audrey Young said the best option would be for Robertson to change his mind and give the finance portfolio to Hipkins or Megan Woods.
was asked whether she was effectively handing the election to National and she replied – of course – that she wasn’t and believed a new leader could take her party to victory.
in the polls, with a solid trend showing National and ACT would be able to form a government.
When governments are behind in the polls it’s extremely difficult for them to turn that around, and Labour is in no position to be able to offer enticing policies that would inevitably mean spending money that would fuel inflation.
take her on.
Until Ardern’s announcement it had been considered that one of Luxon’s most difficult tasks was going to be debating Ardern in the run-up to the election. He’s a relative newbie, he’s been inclined to be gaffe-prone, he’s not lighting fast on his feet and could have risked being taken apart.
If that doesn’t happen she thought Hipkins was the best bet.
“If he puts his hand up for the Labour vote on Sunday he should have no competition,” Young said.
At her press conference Ardern
That really does seem a long shot. There isn’t going to be anyone able to spark the enthusiasm of Jacindamania that saved Labour in 2017, and whoever it is will have to start from the beginning with the voters.
Labour ended last year behind
Add to that the imminent end to the petrol excise cut, big increases in the cost of mortgage repayments and an economic recession if the Reserve Bank’s warning becomes reality, and the enormity of the task facing Labour’s new leader starts to look truly daunting.
National’s leader, Christopher Luxon, must be relieved and thankful he isn’t going to have to
That’s not going to happen now. Whoever leads Labour into the election is going to have less leadership experience than Luxon. In that respect, and it’s an important one, the playing field has been levelled.
Peter Wilson is a life member of Parliament’s press gallery, 22 years as NZPA’s political editor and seven as parliamentary bureau chief for NZ Newswire.
Happy New Year! I hope you have managed to have some down time and a chance to spend time with loved ones over the holiday season.
There’s no question that the Ashburton District is a beautiful place to live, with vibrant communities and great local businesses. It’s also a safe place to live, and making sure that it stays that way is a top priority for me.
While youth crime has been trending down long term, the recent spike that New Zealand has seen in ram raids is not acceptable.
Our Government is focused on tackling the problems that
Jo Luxton RANGITATA MPcause crime with solutions that are proven to work, while also making sure that appropriate consequences are in place.
We’ve rolled out a raft of measures to achieve this, including our Better Pathways package.
Announced at the end of last year, this package expands programmes that support young people back into education or
employment, and it’s already having an impact on offending.
Around half of the most serious and repeat young offenders that have been identified and targeted are now in education or training, and wrap-around support is in place to help them get back on the right track.
Now we’re taking the next step in our plan with a circuit-breaker for a specific group of children who engage in serious and repeat offending.
It will ensure children who commit serious crimes will be dealt with immediately and receive the support they need to stop them offending again.
By taking this type of approach, fast-tracking it and applying it to a small group of 10 to 13-year-olds who are serious offenders, we can help address the recent spike in offending and continue to see the number of ram raids come down.
We know there’s no single solution to tackling crime or the causes of it, but we’re absolutely focused on putting in place solutions that work and helping at-risk young people turn their lives around.
I also wanted to pass on my thanks to all of you who have sent your love and support to me and my family with the passing
of my beautiful and courageous mum.
The end of last year was a really tough time for us but the support and understanding we felt from friends, family and the community has meant so much to us all.
Thank you.
Jo Luxton is a Labour MP.
The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by the author and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Ashburton Guardian Co Ltd or any employee thereof
There isn’t going to be anyone able to spark the enthusiasm of Jacindamania that saved Labour in 2017, and whoever it is will have to start from the beginning with the voters.
Like many things we own, clothing can hold special significance for many reasons. Whether it’s a wedding dress, uniform, baby clothes or something else, we often hold onto textiles for their sentimental value.
That special meaning may be due to the fact that a piece of clothing was a gift, or it may have historical value to your family. Whatever the case, it’s important to know how to take care of your family’s important textiles, so that they don’t get damaged or degrade over time.
There are two approaches to preserving family textiles. One is the method of boxing up items and bringing them out only on occasion. The second method is the use and mend approach.
Neither choice is better than the other, in fact I dabble in both every day! But, whatever you choose to do, there are a few foundational steps that will help you preserve those items.
Don’t worry, they are quite acheivable for anyone.
Here are the basic steps:
Storing textiles
This is what we do at the Ashburton Art Gallery & Museum, and what many people think of when preserving family heirlooms. The goal here is to keep the item in as close to original form as possible.
Materials needed:
■ Conservation-grade tissue paper (unbuffered is preferable).
■ Boxes made of archival grade (acid free) corrugated cardboard.
■ Soft lead pencil, preferably a 2HB.
■ Notebook, either physical or digital, just make sure that it is accessible to other family and a back-up is available.
■ A safe place to store the item with stable temperature and humidity.
First step: Tidying
Whenever we handle a textile
object in the museum, the first thing we do is give the item a look over. We never use water to clean a historic textile. Rather, if an item is soiled, then it will be treated with a light brush and low suction vacuum.
To do this at home, spread a clean white sheet on a table big enough to support the entire textile. Lay your item out and check for debris. With a clean brush, gently sweep away what you can onto the sheet.
Make a note of any stubborn soil marks in the notebook for future reference. When it comes to vacuuming textiles, I would not recommend trying this if your item is very fragile, as this would require guidance from experienced professionals.
(above 45 per cent or lower than 20 per cent).
At the Ashburton Art Gallery and Museum, we reduce humidity levels in our collections stores by using silica beads to help draw moisture away from textiles. We replace these every two months.
Fourth step: Monitoring
The most important part of this whole process is keeping an eye on the storage situation. The museum does a monthly check for bugs and critters that may take to nibbling or inhabiting our textiles, despite having rigorous pest management processes in place to prevent this to begin with.
Shelves and boxes get dusted regularly and items are routinely
For example, when it comes to the exchanging or care of the mauri of taonga (including textiles ie korowai), touching and interacting with taonga is an important part of care.
First step: Cleaning
Know what material you are wearing. Natural, protein-based fibres like wool or silk need to be cleaned sparingly. Bear in mind that water can weaken the fibre.
If you happen to get a stain, try spot cleaning with gentle detergent. Wear a protective layer like a linen undershirt, bloomers or a slip to create a barrier between your body and the garment.
Linen is durable, stronger when wet, and absorbs sweat and oil, protecting the clothing worn over it.
With items made of plant fibre or synthetics, still keep washing to a minimum, use mild detergent, and if you are putting it into a machine, place the item in a mesh bag and choose a cold water delicate cycle.
In all cases of cleaning make sure to line or block dry your items away from direct sunlight.
cleaning storage spaces is really important.
Keep an eye out for bugs like webbing clothing moths, house moths, carpet beetles, and silverfish. If you notice infestation and damage, carefully double bag the item in food grade plastic ziplock bags and place in the freezer for one week. Take the item out and allow to thaw for 24 to 48 hours in the room where it will be stored.
Make sure the storage room has been thoroughly cleaned and any infestation eraticated. Yearly checks of storage areas are highly recommended.
For wearing clothing with damaged parts, mending is part of the story of the garment. There are art forms dedicated to mending for practicallity and also beauty, find what works for you.
My biggest recommendation for any textiles that you want to preserve and hand down to family or the museum is: Jot a few notes about who made it, wore it and when.
Instead, remove the now lightly cleaned textile from the sheet and place on a new clean sheet to prepare for the next step.
Second step: Boxing
Over time, creases and folds in clothing become weakened and brittle. Try not to fold garments in a box, instead lay them flat.
The standard box we use at the museum for garment storage is often the full length of the item. Pad shapely areas such as sleeves or voluminous fabric with conservation grade tissue.
Stacking textiles on top of each other in a single box is inadvisable but acceptable when kept to a minimum. Make sure to layer with the heaviest item at the bottom and lightest on top.
Third step: Storing
Store boxes in a darkened room or closet and off the floor.
Textile objects do not like temperatures that are too hot or cold (above 20°C or lower than 4°C) or humidity outside a certain range
checked and re-boxed if necessary.
Using a notebook to record issues, damage, and any other changes in your textiles will help tell the story of the object for future kaitiaki tasked with caring for/preserving the object?.
The second option for preserving textiles is to wear them. Yep, you read that right. Of course, there are instances when items should not be worn; for example, when they are too delicate or their historic value is far too high to risk damaging the material. However, as someone who wears garments that are three generations old, I know that wearing these items is one way to protect and preserve family heritage.
And of course, taonga that are in museum care are looked after differently compared to cultural care.
Second step: Hanging
If you are going to keep your items on a hanger, it’s best to use padded ones. The padding should be made from an unbleached muslin and inert stuffing material.
If you have plastic or wooden hangers, wrapping unbleached muslin can act as a protective layer between the hanger and the textile.
When keeping items in a drawer, be mindful of anything that may snag or tear.
Third step: Storing
Be it in a drawer or on a hanger, making sure items don’t stay in one place or position too long. I’d suggest wearing your items at least once a month but if they are a bit fancier or for special occasions, it can be less.
If going longer than a year without wearing the item, refer to the storing textiles advice.
Fouth step: Monitoring
Building a routine around
If you can include pictures, reciepts, or family stories, add those too. So much more value is added to any item you save when the reasons why it has been cherished are clearly known.
Material for this page is coordinated by the Ashburton Art Gallery and Museum. Articles from other organisations are welcomed, as is any feedback on what appears.
Email: museum@ adc.govt.nz
Mail: PO Box 94, Ashburton 7700
Phone: 307-7890
Copies of the photos on this page are available from the Ashburton Art Gallery and Museum.
It’s important to know how to take care of your family’s important textiles, so that they don’t get damaged or degrade over time.
Oh, Sydney. My dear old Sydney. That multicultural city, with all its vibrancy and sophisticated spots and sights, inviting beaches and trendy areas. It’s Australia’s most populated city, with at least ve million calling it home. Great fashion, great weather and great food, and a whole lot of not-so-great things that can eat, kill, or scare the bejesus out of you. And that’s just the locals in their budgy smugglers at Bondi Beach. But what a place, as Daryl Holden and his son Finn discovered again, bravely sampling the good, bad and the ugly of good old Sydney town.
It begins with our arrival at immigration control at Sydney Airport. An easy three-and-a-half hour flight from Christchurch and we’re there, back again for the first time in three years.
An English friend, originally from London, has an uncomfortable start though, being pulled away by an immigration officer after his bag screening.
The officer asks: “Do you have any felony convictions, sir? I notice you haven’t filled in that question on your arrival card.” My buddy replies: “I’m sorry, I didn’t realise that was still a requirement.”
How not to win friends. Of course, I’m just kidding. That never happened but who doesn’t like rehashing a good old joke that takes the mickey out of those across the ditch. But, hey, Sydney is still a great place to visit and here’s some highlights from our nine-day holiday.
I’m talking tennis here, peeps. Not what could be needed after a dodgy trip to Sydney’s notorious Kings Cross red-light district or even Oxford Street where an upmarket nightclub and cocktail bar has just opened and where you can order a table service six-litre bottle of vodka for $4300. Sip it slowly is my advice.
The balls we saw were those hit by tennis superstars in a new and highly charged mixed-gender professional teams event called the United Cup. Teams from 18 countries took part, with
Check out Sydney on New Year’s Eve, they said.
It’ll be a blast, they said.
You’ll never forget it, they said.
Well, yes, it was cool to be in Sydney for the final day of 2022, but we got caught out because we were unable to get a great viewing spot to see the famed harbour bridge New Year’s Eve midnight fireworks because all the best vantage points had become ticketed affairs for the first time. And they were all sold out. As an example, to observe the spectacle from the nearby Royal Botanic Gardens, which is free on any other day of the year, attendees had to fork out $595 each. Even if we wanted to do that, tickets had been snapped up well before we even arrived in the big S.
Not surprisingly, those exorbitant fees caused outrage, with one councillor saying charging for Sydney’s New Year’s Eve was a “tax on fun’’.
Then suddenly, with more than a million people packing into the foreshore and CBD, Sydney’s packed New Year’s Eve celebrations turned a little scary in a moment of chaos that unfolded before we realised what had happened.
The trouble came when a crowd in the popular rocks area, where we were, began trying to push their
group matches in Sydney, Brisbane, and Perth.
The top four teams then slugged it out in Sydney, with the United States beating Italy in the final in a key build-up competition for the game’s big guns ahead of the Australian Open.
The tennis was our major drawcard for our Sydney trip, and it was fantastic. Watching New Zealand-raised Cameron Norrie upset the legendary Rafael Nadal up close in the Great Britain versus Spain contest – and at cheap ticket prices you wouldn’t get at other big tournaments – was a real highlight.
Meerkats. Such cute little critters, who look like a mix between a weasel, kitten, and a monkey.
We got to experience a special up-close-and-personal meerkat encounter at the impressive Sydney Zoo, and what a delight it was.
The adorable and inquisitive African natives climbed all over us in a special 45-minute session.
They sat in our laps as we hand-fed them live worms and dead crickets under the watchful eye of one of the zookeepers, who told us all you needed to know in an activity perfect for families and realistically priced, costing adults $99 each.
We could take as many photos and videos as we wanted, plus a zookeeper took heaps on our own phones too, and at no charge.
It was a fun and informative session where we discov-
way into a ticketed area past police and big fencing.
We thought the police had opened the gates to let people in.
Before we knew it, I was gripping on to the back of my six-foot fiveinch son as we powered to safety like a gigantic rugby rolling maul, hundreds behind and in front of us, and some terrifyingly knocked to the ground and almost crushed.
What a drama.
Time for a drink in Sydney on December 31 with my 19-year-old
lad to calm the nerves. No such luck.
The three places we tried, all at about 10pm, said they were no longer serving.
Too busy, they said. Too busy? On New Year’s Eve? Isn’t that a good thing for bars and clubs? Unbelievable.
So, we mucked around, watched some quality buskers do their thing and waited until the midnight fireworks lit up the skies.
Though our view wasn’t the best, it was still out of this world, as was the early 9pm fireworks session let off for families and Kiwi father and son tourists wandering around slightly aimlessly.
Get into it: What a concept, a restaurant-supplied bib for Guardian editor Daryl Holden, doing his best to embarrass his son dining with him.
ered that a bunch of meerkats are called a mob.
One of them was always on sentry duty – standing on a high point on lookout, up on their hind legs to utilise their keen vision where they can see up to 5km to spot threats.
To notify the mob of danger – or their incoming KFC Uber Eats delivery at Sydney Zoo – the sentry will deliver a high-pitched squeal, sending them scrambling for cover.
Their claws are sharp enough to dig underground burrows, offering protection from predators and the harsh African heat, but we never noticed them at all as they crawled all over us.
They’re determined and inquisitive, but also delicate little fellas, who are prone to the dangers of Covid with one dying from the virus.
Hence, why we had to wear masks for our meerkat moment. It was our only Covid mask-wearing requirement while in Sydney.
Of course, they do. That’s why I gladly donned an adult bib at a ribs and rumps restaurant. It wasn’t just me either, an eccentric lone adult wearing a bib.
Everyone who tucked into the delicious but messy ribs wore a bib supplied by the restaurant.
I’d never come across it before and, yes, I may’ve looked even more like a plonker than usual, and it may’ve added to the embarrassment my son already felt about dining with his old man, but what a great idea.
I get it that most diners can eat a meal without needing a change of clothes and shower afterwards, but why take the chance?
The ribs were top notch by the way and the food all over Sydney was mostly outstanding. Cheaper than NZ and way better quality, especially the mouth-watering and refreshing fresh fruit.
And if the food was generally to die for then the shopping options were a close second.
A DFO (direct factory outlet) shopping centre in the Olympic Park area had everything and more. And we struck it lucky on the day we visit-
I’ve been to some of the world’s biggest sporting events, mostly in a privileged position as a reporter where access and the best views are guaranteed.
But never – I say never people – have I experienced such a charged and electric atmosphere and true fan experience as I did when watching the Sydney Kings’ national basketball league team play at their home venue.
Our seats were high up in a 15,000-capacity arena, but it didn’t matter. A massive indoor screen and concert-like sound system ensured we missed nothing and were part of the fun from the start where Kings’ soft toys were hiffed out to fans before play began.
Two radio jocks controlled the proceedings before and during breaks. A sideline MC was exceptional, providing explanations to referee calls to the crowd and asking, or baiting them, to yell, be loud and be involved, “to support our Kings. This is our kingdom’’.
The kiss cam, where a camera scans the crowd, and selects a couple with their images being shown on the ginormous stadium screen, was used before the game even started. And it wasn’t just about kisses either.
Fans were asked to dance, do goofy stuff, show their outfits off to win prizes. It was the ultimate party –happy kids and families everywhere.
They say professional sport is in the entertainment business and the Sydney Kings have clearly got it right.
For the first time for over 30 years, the Kings broke the 10,000 average per game attendance figure for four games in a row. Of course, it helps that they’re the top team in the league, the playing benchmark for our New Zealand Breakers.
One surprising downer though, and something to be aware of and something I’ve never come across anywhere else, is that you can’t take a bag or backpack to the venue because they’re banned.
It’s a slightly over-the-top fallout from the 2017 suicide terrorist bombing that killed 23, and left more than 1000 injured, as fans were leaving an indoor concert by American pop singer Ariana Grande in Manchester, England.
So, if you turn up with a backpack at the Qudos Bank Arena – as we did – you’ll have to pay $10 for it to be placed in storage for return after the event.
ed, queueing for quarter of an hour to get into what turned out to be an annual flash sale at a Nike store where everything was reduced by about 70
per cent.
Everything, with many of the items being new season stock.
To be honest, my lad was really in
shopping heaven when we visited the impressive Sydney NBA store a few days later.
Only a few months old, the shop features official and oh-so-popular NBA league-branded basketball merchandise and memorabilia.
There’s no cheap imitation stuff here. It’s the real deal. They also offer advanced instore customisation services for fans to personalise jerseys and hats.
That’s why my boy, for a small extra charge, got Joel Embiid’s name, of the Philadelphia 76ers, stitched into his singlet.
How cool is that? Well, no doubt it’s up there for an NBA merch-loving teenager, but it doesn’t quite compare with my ultimate Sydney keepsake.
You got it, my reusable plastic restaurant bib. I can’t wait to unveil that bad boy at the next fancy dinner, keeping me nice and tidy and catching what my mouth doesn’t.
Now there’s an image for everyone to
Tricro� Proper�es is a family team, headed by general manager Gilbert, and right now they’re probably feeling pre�y proud of themselves as their visionary River Crossing shopping and eatery development next door to Countdown South con�nues to move closer to comple�on.
Anchor tenant, na�onal retail chain store Kmart, opened its doors in late October, with St Pierre’s Sushi and Coupland’s Bakeries joining them at the new site, which first became a possibility about a decade ago when land �tles began to be purchased.
Way back then, the property investment business had a vision to create something special in south Ashburton. That something special is becoming apparent for all to see, with Gilbert making that very point late last year on what it meant for the district and especially Ashburton shoppers and those from outside the district.
“… the na�onal brands we are bringing to town is just another really good drawcard for Mid Canterbury,’’ Gilbert said when the much-an�cipated town-altering Ashburton precinct started to take shape and get people talking.
“The River Crossing hub provides locals and visitors with another great reason to enjoy
shopping and dining in Mid Canterbury.’’
Roll forward a few months and progress is even more obvious. Na�onal franchise Bento Bowl, which showcases some of Japan’s most popular street foods, has just opened beside St Pierre’s Sushi.
In the next few months, Joe’s Garage, Coffee Culture, Sal’s Pizza and Turkish restaurant, The O�oman, are expected to open much to the delight of quality food and beverage-needy locals.
Those worried that the ongoing development of the precinct would further erode Ashburton’s CBD by taking consumers away from the town’s
shopping heart, should not be concerned, though Gilbert gets that apprehension.
“I completely understand that,’’ Gilbert said just before Kmart opened.
“The health of the centre of the town is vital. But we’re hoping that this is another reason to spend in town and also to find out what else is here.
“It’s just more choice.’’
That’s why the growth of the precinct con�nues to a�ract community interest and support, which was obvious when St Pierre’s opened a
What is it: The River Crossing is Ashburton south’s shopping, eatery and beverage precinct next to Countdown.
What’s it got going for it? For a start, New Zealand’s 26th Kmart chain store, which opened in October.
Plus: St Pierre’s Sushi and Coupland’s Bakeries have been trading since Kmart flung its retail doors open. Na�onal franchise Bento Bowl, which showcases some of Japan’s most popular street foods, has also just opened beside St Pierre’s Sushi.
And further addi�ons: Joe’s Garage, Coffee Culture, Sal’s Pizza and Turkish restaurant, The O�oman, are all expected to open in the next few months or so, much to the delight of food and beverage-excited locals.
day before Kmart to a crowd of hundreds who lined up for a chance to grab some free sushi offered to the first 500 customers.
One of the sushi company’s founding brothers, Nick Katsoulis, said at the �me that it was great to be in Ashburton and he hoped being alongside Kmart would be a drawcard for customers.
“The stores next to Kmart have always done well,’’ he told the Guardian.
“We have another set-up in Papanui and Invercargill, (both) next to Kmart stores.”
The wait is over for authen�c New York Pizza!
You no longer have an hour’s drive to Christchurch for your favourite New York slice, or only dream about our Pepperoni Wheels and Garlic Knots while you watch the Sal’s Na�onal Basketball League on TV … We’re coming to YOU!
It’s our great privilege to be able to share our pizza passion with the great town of Ashburton, and you can expect the full New York pizzeria experience at Sal’s!
From the moment you step foot in our pizzeria you’ll hear our iconic music playlist featuring �meless rock bands including The Strokes, Guns N’ Roses, Bon Jovi and The Cure.
You’ll be right at home in our cozy red booths where you can soak up the aroma coming from our hot ovens and watch our world class pizza makers handcra� our signature 18” New York pies right in front of you!
Se�le in with a huge 18” New York Pie and catch the very best of live sports in-store! You’ll never miss a moment with the NFL, NBA, MLB, and, of course, … The Sal’s NBL! You can choose between a
number of New York classics including our Famous NY Pepperoni Pizza, award-winning Nonna Pizza, Hot Buffalo Chicken Pizza, and our NEW Black Garlic and Fire Island Pizzas!
Plus, you can grab our renowned Pepperoni Wheels, freshly baked Garlic Knots (baked fresh daily), gooey Mozzarella S�cks, and our world famous BUFFALO WINGS! S�ll got room for dessert? Try Sal’s New York Cheesecake with our delicious Raspberry Coulis!
Our signature slow-risen dough is made using genuine New York milled hard spring wheat flour for that authen�c New York base you can fold – crispy on the outside, but light, tender and airy on the inside. Our sweet tomato sauce is made
fresh daily using Sal’s famous recipe and comes from vine-ripened California tomatoes.
Our 100 per cent premium Wisconsin mozzarella is produced using the highest quality milk from sustainably farmed “happy cows” (Wisconsin has been producing cheese since the 18th century).
Our famous New York Pepperoni and Italian Meatballs are exclusive to Sal’s and our Free Range Buffalo Wings are made with the authen�c “Original 1964 Buffalo” recipe.
We hope you love New Zealand’s ONLY 100% authen�c New York pizza! And remember, if Sal’s authen�c New York pizza isn’t the best pizza you’ve ever had, we’ll give you your money back – EVERY PENNY!
Your local pizzeria
Oh yes, Bento Bowl. Welcome to Ashburton.
The newest edi�on to the na�onal Bento Bowl chain, which is owned by and part of the St Pierre’s Sushi family, opened at Ashburton’s River Crossing Kmart precinct earlier this month. And it’s another welcome addi�on to the emerging eatery and beverage op�ons at the town-altering shopping and eatery site by Countdown South.
Bento Bowl, which is a term used to define a packed meal in bowls found in Japanese cuisine, is an offshoot to its sushi cousin and serves hot meals that consist mainly of meat and vegetables on rice or noodles. It’s all the flavours of Japan, with the cooking sauces, soups and dressings all sourced from the country.
One popular example of that is Bento’s udon soup base from the island of Shodoshima in Kagawa, an area famous for udon noodles. All Bento Bowls are also made from scratch, including their popular mayo and fresh hand panko crumbed katsu chicken. You can get all that and more at Bento Bowl Ashburton.
You know that feeling a�er a busy morning ge�ng everyone off to school, work, and day care? We sure do! Maybe you just need a quiet 10 minutes with your favourite brew before tackling the rest of the day? We think so!
We took the opportunity to sit down for a coffee with Sacha Coburn, from Coffee Culture, and catch up on the exci�ng new café being fi�ed out in the new River Crossing development.
Sacha, a former lawyer, was a regular at her local café and fell in love with not only the house roasted beans but also the barista, Coffee Culture founder Chris Houston. Fast forward 26 years and the two are proudly leading the group of independently owned Coffee Culture cafes across the country.
Sacha says, “we want our cafes to become a second home where you meet, gather and connect as if it were your very own living room – but we’ll take care of you, the baking, the coffee making and the dishes!”.
We love seeing friends and family chat�ng, networks and business opportuni�es being explored, and weary feet being rested during shopping trips. We’re there for your morning long black, your Sunday brunch and your a�er-dinner cake and hot chocolate!”
This focus, and importance, placed on connec�on and community has been a key driver as the team searched for the perfect Ashburton site for almost a decade. When the River Crossing development came on
to their radar, they knew it offered the perfect mix: easy access for locals, a des�na�on for the wider rural community and a great place to pause for those travelling through.
“We’re always selec�ve about new sites and are commi�ed to making sure the style and feel is right for the loca�on and the guests that will be spending �me with us”.
With 20 cafes na�onwide there really is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach as each one is locally owned and operated.
The incredibly busy, and much loved, Rolleston café is only 40 minutes up the road which gives the Coffee Culture team real confidence that Ashburton is the perfect loca�on for the next café so they can serve the wider Mid Canterbury community.
There are plenty of opportuni�es to be part of this dynamic new site as the team are s�ll looking for that perfect person to join as owner/operator as well as management and wait staff. We look for the right people and back ourselves and our systems to support and equip them to be successful.
Training and skill development are at the core of what we offer across the business and are excited to connect with the community, get to know faces, names, and most importantly coffee orders.
Sacha says, “my focus is ‘how do we grow our people’”. Having been in business for so many years there have been so many of our staff who have joined while studying, progressed through to manager and onto our support office and ownership.
“As business gets tougher in New Zealand, we’ve been helping our young staff with ownership of their own stores. For me, that’s enormously fulfilling – having an impact on people’s lives.”
Coffee Culture River Crossing will open in March 2023. If you would like to speak with the team about joining the team, please contact them on talk@coffeeculture.co.nz
Ireckon this latest family focused S-Cross very nicely shows off its new looks against the background of the eye-catching mural on the back wall of Braided Rivers.
Dimensionally like the previous S-Cross models, the latest Japanese engineered, Hungarian assembled line-up comes in JX and JLX grades, each more highly specified than before with lots of new safety technology and convenience features.
The $36,990 JX is two-wheeldrive while the higher specification JLX is available in either two-wheel-drive at $39,990, or $41,990 when with the electronically controlled “AllGrip” four-wheel-drive system (all plus on-road costs). They are zero rated for Clean Car fees.
All three have the lively, yet suitably frugal, 1.4 litre “Boosterjet” direct injection turbo-petrol engine. This produces 103kW at 5500rpm and 220Nm of torque ranging from right from 1500 to 4000rpm. The latter which the six-speed auto makes the best possible use of.
The result being a very easy drive, both about town and on the open road, where it both cruises quietly and responds quickly for overtaking.
Then while the stated overall fuel use figure is 6.9L/100km, the trip computer for some 400km of varied driving indicated 6.6L/100km.
On resetting that for the return drive to Christchurch the doorto-door result was 5.3L/100km. Ninety-five octane petrol is mandatory.
There are four selectable driving modes via a simple pushand-turn dial. ‘Auto’ prioritises
fuel economy in typical driving conditions. Then, as its name implies, it switches to AWD when it detects wheelspin. ‘Sport’ means even better engine response.
There’s also a ‘snow’ mode which is not just for that, but as experienced ideal also for driving on deep shingle. Plus, a ‘lock’ function for constant high torque distribution to all four wheels for dealing with more serious snow, mud or sand.
Conditions in which the 175mm ground clearance and 215/55 R17 tyre size are appreciated.
Entry and exiting the comfortably furnished, well equipped cabin proved easy, both front and rear.
The traditional dash and controls, including the centre screen both look good and are easy to use. There’s dual-zone climate air-con, Android/Apple connectivity, voice recognition, sat/ nav and a seven-speaker sound system.
Not forgetting the adaptive cruise control with stop and go function and the excellent 360-degree view camera system (it has four cameras).
The ‘leather-effect weave’ upholstery both looks good, and the seats, which both front and back now have more legroom than before, proved comfortable for longer drives.
Those in the front are heated. With the rear seats occupied there’s 430 litres of luggage
Pricing: $41,990. Others JX 2WD $36,990 and JLX 2WD $39,990 (all plus on-road costs)
Clean Car Fee: Zero rated.
Engine: 1.4 litre fourcylinder turbo-petrol 103kW @ 5500rpm and 220Nm @ 1500 to 4000rpm.
Transmission: Six-speed auto, on demand allwheel-drive (full -time in ‘Locked ’ mode)
Claimed overall fuel use: 6.9L/100km
Size: 4300mm long, 1785mm wide, 1585mm high, 2600mm wheelbase. Turning circle: 11.0m.
space, with them folded,1230 litres.
The electrically-assisted steering is suitably light about town and then firms up a little for the open road. Where the suspension, with MacPherson struts at the front and torsion beam rear axle, is nicely tuned for a more than satisfactory mix of agility and a comfortable, quite ride.
Very agile and capable.
The latest in preventive safety technologies are aboard. They include dual sensor brake support (a combination of a monocular camera and a laser) for it and the autonomous emergency
Tows: 1200kg (braked)
Warranty: Five years –unlimited kilometres and roadside assistance.
Safety: 5 Star ANCAP.
braking, blind spot monitoring, rear cross traffic alert, lane departure warning, auto levelling, light-sensing LED headlights and much more.
While this smart looking latest S-Cross is loaded with lots of new safety features and technology, this is all very easy to use and appreciate while you enjoy the drive. Which you’ll be very likely to do!
The Guardian’s sports wrap
calling time on a week of sport
Got an event happening? Invite us along: editorial@theguardian.co.nz
Close to 40 of Ashburton’s up and coming athletes trekked to Timaru last week to compete in the annual South Island Colgate Games. Kylie Edmond was there to capture some of the action with the camera.
Not to be left out, mum Coby also made her way up onto the podium.
John Snowden’s incredible third Ballinger Belt success last weekend wasn’t the only reason Mid Canterbury shooters came home smiling from Trentham on Monday. While his achievements were significant, they painted just a small picture of the stature in which shooting in this district stands through the work of the Ashburton District Rifle Club, who were right to the fore when the National Rifle Association of New Zealand awards were handed out at the end of the national championships.
And of significant note was the efforts of other members of the Snowden family, who found themselves receiving trophies and badges frequently for their efforts.
In particular, Megan Snowden, John’s daughter, who picked up the University Trophy and was crowned Universities Rifle Champion for her effort through the belt series. She also picked up the Under 25 Target Rifle competition prize for her efforts. She also claimed the Jim Ross Cup, for the best score in the B Grade long range aggregate over the course of the championships.
She, alongside fellow local shooter, Mike Chui, was part of the South Island team who won the Barista Cup in the F-Class, with Chui the top overall scorer in that particular competition, claiming the Chiew Family Trophy in the process.
Other local shooters to pick up prizes included Bruce Horwood, Murray Cook and John Miller.
The Ashburton District Rifle Club was high in the shining lights too, claiming the President’s Cup in the T15 Postal Club teams event with the side consisting of Martin Fleming, John Snowden, Carl Nordqvist, Garth Miller and John Miller, with John Miller awarded the coach of the highest scorer in the postal comp, which happened to be John Snowden.
As well as the Ballinger Belt, Snowden also picked up the White Horse Challenge Cup as the best competitor over the second round of each of the belt series distances, the Akarana Cup for the highest score in the postal competition, the Copland Cup and A Grade Gold Medal, Colonel Collins Memorial Grant Aggregate Cup and gold medal for grand aggregate the NRZ Nicholl Silver Medal and the Mrs W N Masefield Cup as the highest individual TR scorer in the NZ coached champion clubs team match.
Bowlers from across the district are in for a busy weekend, as competition bowls heats up both locally and across the wider Canterbury district.
A number of players from Mid Canterbury will take on Bowls Canterbury challenges this weekend, today in the Premier Sevens competition where the Allenton Bowling Club ladies will be out to do justice to their position in Division One, and then tomorrow in the first stage of the Centre Fours, with a number of local sides competing.
On the home front, the Junior Singles qualifying gets under way on both the Ashburton Bowling Club and Ashburton MSA greens, before the annual Maddison Trophy Fours are held out on the Hinds green tomorrow.
The Allenton women’s sevens side will begin their bid for glory ahead of a busy few weeks today in the opening round of
the premier sevens, where they take on Halswell in the first round. Rounds are played over the coming weeks with the top qualifiers advancing to finals day on March 25.
Tomorrow’s Centre Fours will see four sides from Mid Canterbury in action, as well as a Halswell team skipped by Mid Canterbury local, Rodney Greaney.
Daniel Hopkins skips one Allenton side in Section One, while John Eddington skips the other in section two where they are joined by a Methven quartet led by Craig Carter.
Sandra Keith is at the helm of the only Mid Canterbury women’s side competing, facing off against a tough section of players at the Papanui club.
Keith’s first match of the day will see her taking on Commonwealth Games medallist and recent national pairs winner, Tayla Bruce’s side from the Burnside Bowling Club. They’ll then enjoy the bye in the second game before squaring off with the Belfast team skipped by Raelene Peters, a former New Zealand selector. Teams compete tomorrow before the post-section stage of the competition is held next Sunday.
mates and disappointment of his rivals, sent the ball flying over the rope for an epic victory.
It leaves Allenton still without a success, and plenty to think about as the competition returns to the longer format next weekend.
The Allenton senior cricket side came agonisingly close to their first victory of the season on Thursday night, but again had to settle for second best.
As the South Canterbury competition turned to T20 over the week, Allenton put themselves in a position to grab victory when they batted first and scored 122 all out in the 20th over against Temuka.
Twenty-five-run innings from both Manish Rawat and Ranvy Pannu set the platform, and smaller contributions from others in the batting line-up helped lift the total up to being defendable.
And defendable it looked too, right up until the last ball of the Temuka innings where they needed five runs off the final ball of the match.
Batsman Cam Slee was left with the task of facing the delivery, and much to the delight of his team-
Over on the Tech wicket, the Stags put a defeat to Celtic Senior behind them last week by taking it out on their club-mates, Celtic A, with a big victory.
Batting first, the Stags worked through to 157/9 from their 20 overs.
Jason Morrison set the tempo, scoring 40 off 24 balls in an innings which included eight fours.
Ryan Bell chipped in with a solid 35 off 23 as well, as the home side did the job with the bat.
Celtic were unable to make too many inroads into the total, and were eventually all out for 66.
Alex Hooper was again the chief destroyer, taking 4-9 off his four overs, while Bell also did the job with the ball taking 3-19 from his three.
There is no competition play today, with sides returning next Thursday night for more T20 action.
Ever wanted to be a part of a $1 million winning bet?
Well today might be your chance.
Noted social media group and horse race punting enthusiasts Boys Get Paid are set to launch into the biggest nationwide punters club seen in New Zealand today, at the annual Karaka Million Race Night in Auckland.
With big stakes and great racing on offer, the group have for the past few years made the meeting their annual big dance for the year with big pools, big bets and big collects the order of the day.
But 2023 is set to the biggest yet, with close to three quarters of a million dollars likely to be invested into the club before they shut the door shortly after 4pm this afternoon.
Boys Get Paid started as a group of friends on Facebook and numbered just five people.
Now, over half a decade on there’s more than 20,000 people involved.
Late last year they ran a successful punters club over New Zealand Cup week in Christchurch, tripling the initial investment by punters around the country and landing some huge bets along the way.
Today is the mecca though, with a large group of people set to enjoy the day as part of a function at Ellerslie racecourse, while the racing action happens on the other side of the Auckland region in Pukekohe.
With renovations being undertaken at Ellerslie, the meeting has been shifted for this year, but Boys Get Paid were keen to keep with the original plan, and will enjoy a phantom meeting from the traditional home of the Karaka Million with a big screen up to enjoy the action.
Now paired up with the TAB, it’s a lot easier for Kiwis to get involved in the Punters Club, as entry can be done through any TAB account or in any store in the same manner as a normal bet would be placed.
Heading into last night close to 7000 people had invested close to $700,000 into the pool, with that number expected to grow throughout the day.
All bets placed are pushed through the group’s social media accounts, and Track-
Success in today’s Listed Gore Guineas for Elsie May might save Wingatui trainer Shane Anderton from unwelcome jibes from his in-laws.
That’s the quip from the trainer ahead of the Time Test filly’s first black-type race assignment.
Anderton, who trains in partnership with his father Brian, has his sister Karen Stewart in the ownership, along with her husband Wayne, their son Jack and his wife Emma.
“It’s a black-type race for good money so as you can imagine, I’m getting a bit of pressure from the in-laws,” Anderton said.
Elsie May has won two of her three starts, securing her shot at the Gore Guineas with a tenacious last-start win on a heavy track at the same track in mid-December for rider Kylie Williams.
“It was a good effort. She showed a fair bit of guts and Kylie said she wasn’t 100 per cent in the ground,” Anderton said.
“This is a step up in grade again and there are some nice three-year-olds in there but if you’re not in you can’t win.
“She’s a pretty laidback filly.
“She hasn’t had a run for a while but she’s jumping out of her skin. I’m quite happy with her.
“Kylie is sticking with her which is a bonus.”
TAB bookmakers have Elsie May as a $15 outsider in a Gore Guineas market headed by Redmond at $4.50.
Anderton reported that Elsie May had prepared well for the Guineas and suggested she would be positively ridden from barrier two.
side will come to the party displaying them on the screen before each of the six races.
And before the racing action has even begun, they’re already in line to collect $1 million.
The first bet of the syndicate was placed earlier in the week, a three-leg multi featuring Tutukaka to win the first race, Imperatriz to win the second and Maven
Belle to win the third.
The $80,000 investment will net just over $1 million should it come home.
It’s not too late to get involved either, with the option to invest online through your TAB account under the Boys Get Paid banner, and also in retail stores using the option number 3182.
Investments can be from as little as $1, with the official close off at 4.09pm.
Late last year they ran a successful punters club over New Zealand Cup week in Christchurch, tripling the initial investment by punters around the country and landing some huge bets along the way.
Today at Gore Raceway M6
“I can see her being in the first half dozen from that draw. If she can settle just in behind them and come off their backs, that would be good,” he said.
“ We’ll take it one race at a time with her. We’ve got a good fillies series coming up here. We’ll get a good line on where she sits against the colts and geldings this weekend, so we’ll work from there.
“You can’t fault her form so there’s no reason she can’t run a good race.”
The Andertons have six runners accepted for Gore, with Direct Flight, Giveherago, Camise, Cherryville and Rosy Clark slated to run on the undercard.
“Giveherago went a really good race last start,” he said.
“They ran 1:08 at Timaru, which was pretty slick for there, and she worked really well the other morning.”
1 Member select band of Black Caps batsmen to score 15 -plus ODI centuries (5)
5 Wellington winger scored two tries in each of his first two Tests v 1959 British Lions (7)
8 World record-breaking Aussie swim whiz-kid emerged late 1950s, Konrads (4)
9 Former All Black appointed England’s attack coach (5)
10 New York baseball team (7)
11 Kiwi galloper ran second as favourite 1992 Caulfield and Melbourne cups (12)
16 Wellington All Black halfback/ first-five 1972-73 tour (7)
17 Otago paceman made stunning T20I debut v Pakistan 2020 (5)
18 One-game All Black firstfive 1980, Wyllie (2)
19 Hurricanes’ 2016 Super rugby title-winning coach (4)
21 Eight-gold US Olympics swim star 1984-92, Matt – (6)
23 Italian football powerhouse, Milan (2)
25 Crusaders All Black prop 2009-17 (8)
27 Sailing class, Dinghy (2)
28 NZ Rugby CEO 2007-19 (3)
30 Former Man United star now Macarthur A-League coach (5)
31 Leading NZ rugby commentator, Tony – (7)
2 Chiefs ABs winger 2005-11 (8)
3 Trailblazing jockey, Jones (5)
4 South African golfer nicknamed “Big Easy” (3)
5 Kiwis’ 2008 World Cupwinning captain (7)
6 England member Test cricket’s exclusive “10-for” club (5)
7 US Olympic track and field legend, Jesse (5)
12 Renowned cricket historian administrator, player, Don – (5)
13 NZ-born England paceman 1993-2003 (7)
14 – spinner (3)
15 Black Caps red/white -ball allrounder-turned international commentator (6)
16 Auckland All Black World Cup-winning centre 1987 (7)
19 Crusaders All Black prop made Test debut 2021 (5)
20 Former Otago/Wellington flanker, Williams (4)
21 Former Queensland rugby league Test prop, Sam – (5)
22 Richard Hadlee’s long -
time English county cricket club, abbrev (5)
25 Britain’s two-time Olympic 1500m track champion (3)
26 NZ-born dual-code international figured 2017 British and Irish Lions tour (3)
29 1960s ABs flanker earned
“Black Panther” tag, initials (2)
1. What was former Australia Rugby coach Dave Rennie’s win record?
a) 38%
b) 48%
c) 58%
2. Against which country did Michael Bracewell score his first ODI hundred?
a) Ireland
b) Netherlands
c) England
3. Rafael Nadal dipped out of the Aussie Open in the second round this week, how old is he?
a) 32
b) 34
c) 36
4. Athlete Connor Bell set a new New Zealand record at the pre-Potts classic this week in which event?
a) Discus
b) Shot put
c) Javelin
5. The Football Ferns take on USA in their second match of the series today where?
a) Auckland
b) Hamilton
c) Wellington
6. The Black Sticks are competing in a Hockey World Cup, but where are they?
a) The Netherlands
b) India
c) Chile
7. Which former All Black’s son was signed by the All Blacks Sevens team?
a) Tony Brown
b) Andrew Mehrtens
c) Carlos Spencer
8. Steve Alker picked up the Champions Tour’s Player of the Year award, named after which golfer?
a) Arnold Palmer
b) Jack Nicklaus
c) Gary Player
Selection of previous pu zzles available as printable PDFs Email: peter@sportswordcentral.com
Monday February 13, 2023 • 7pm – 9pm
$50 per person includes 2023 membership
Duration of 12 weeks
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): Everyone will get to the future at the same time. No amount of money can make next week come sooner or today last longer. Cherish your time and protect it from anyone who seems to devalue it.
TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): Create routines that will help you succeed. Pay attention to what affects your physical and mental energy levels. Your most productive stretches are those that tap into your natural rhythms.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): When the competition gets more intense, so do you. It will be a blessing to have a reason to work harder. Your choices will be cut and dried: either advance and achieve, or retreat and watch someone else achieve.
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): You've received answers you don't much like, but you don't have to settle for them indefinitely. Stay open. No answer is final. Feelings change. In time, "no" could become "yes"; "yes" could become "of course."
1. Small amount of time needed to cook steak – very small! '(6)
4. Put in right order for a vegetable (6)
9. Repair work in grand disarray (7)
10. Manage not to encounter a wrinkle (5)
11. Where wooden horse was a model, right to be included (4)
12. Manage to put up with Ursa? (4)
13. Every establishment can provide one sort of whisky (3)
15. Try to find and understand the end of the book (4)
16. Ring Winnie back (4)
19. I am, thou painting (3)
21. Be careful of intake where national assembly's concerned (4)
22. State of emotions returned at the last trump (4)
24. American dual-decapitation, as one would expect (5)
25. Gold and silver in the middle of target no one returns to (7)
26. Dig up a ripe smell in the river (6)
27. Quite a feast if you put butter on it! (6)
1. Forced to see how long it is if not off the peg (4,2,7)
2. You French will have half a meal to start with if edgy (7)
3. Go after what sounds like a story (4)
5. Boxer gets on top of the weaker contestant, it seems (8)
6. Rain swirling round Danish capital at its lowest point (5)
7. Pure but non-u, decided it was settled in advance (13)
8. Thus get around work unit turning up such monsters (5)
14. It swings from a nude in a plum situation (8)
17. Sip more of a cocktail with hope for the future (7)
18. Race for one's hat or get the boot (5)
20. What's accurate might hurt tip-top version (5)
23. Friends given over to a form of chastisement (4)
1. Prohibits (4)
8. Walker (10)
9. Those who avoid their duty (8)
10. Fragment (4)
12. Soak up (6)
14. Documents (6)
15. Declared as fact (6)
17. Shrewd (6)
18. Reverberate (4)
19. Figure of speech (8)
21. Mildly unwell (3,2,5)
22. Slope (4)
2. From A to Z (10)
3. Urge on (4)
4. Part of grammar (6)
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): One way to make the world more beautiful is to see it that way. You're on the lookout for vivid moments, and the world will not disappoint. The insight you bring to matters will elevate them. You go deeper; they get higher.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Preparation is the difference between successful work and a waste of time. Make sure you have the right tools for the job. Look into what you'll need. Getting it right from the start will save you time, energy and money.
LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): Before you can put the important stuff first, you have to know what's important to you. You'll get clear on that today. Your No. 1 priority will be handled. The rest is up to the whims of destiny.
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): When a bee becomes incensed, it stings the offender to its own detriment. Anger is less costly for humans, but it's still something worth calculating. De-escalate tension whenever possible. Bring calm wherever you can.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Patience isn't the most exciting virtue, and there are many who don't see its appeal. However, those who have patience can win the whole game just by avoiding the mistakes that impatient people make.
How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter word.
How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter word.
Previous solution: den, dens, dent, dents, end, ends, ens, est, nest, net, nets, sen, send, sent, set, ted, ten, tend, tends, tens
Previous solution: den, dens, dent, dents, end, ends, ens, est, nest, net, nets, sen, send, sent, set, ted, ten, tend, tends, tens
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Your appetites, needs and wishes are changing, so refrain from declaring what you want. Stay lighthearted and experimental. You are learning what's good for you, what delights you and where these intersect.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): When an action is right, it makes you brave. You don't even have to think about your move. You dive in, and instinct takes it from there. There is no time for fear in the moment of action, though it could creep in.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Just because you're not in step with others doesn't mean your timing is off. Awareness is key here. What is driving your rhythm? Only you can tell the right beat for you.
Rotary Club of Ashburton Plains Charitable Trust
Sunday 5th February 2023
10 am – 1 pm monthly
West St. Car Park, Ashburton
Sellers register by TXT name and email address to 027 231 7285 email:secretary@plainsrotary.org.nz
FIREWOOD for sale: Green Bluegum $250 for 3.6 m³. Green Old Man Pine $220 for 3.6 m³. Phone Shane James Firewood. 0276113334.
WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life of your tyres with an alignment from Neumanns Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills Street. Phone 308 6737.
FEED Barley for sale, new seasons, good quality $600/ton + GST, Ashburton area. Phone 027 6884334.
Ashburton Contracting Ltd is looking for a Utilities Service Person to work in our ACL Water Department.
If you are a methodical problem solver with a can-do attitude, then this could be the position for you. This role is focused around maintenance repair work to the water reticulation and full training is available for the right person.
The right person should be:
• Physically fit and willing to manually dig in conjunction with machine operation/plumbing and drain laying activities
• Have a high level of focus on safety and delivering high quality work
• Be able to show initiative and an ability to follow instructions
• Be prepared to be rostered on Call
• Successful applicants must be comfortable with technology (tablet, computer data entry).
Desirable Qualifications
• Class 2 licence, W, T, R, D
• Working towards or have a National Certificate in
Utilities Maintenance L4
Applicants for this position must have at least NZ Residency
Please send applications, including current CV to:
Email: aaron.gairns@ashcon.co.nz
Like early starts?
Enjoy your afternoons off?
Then this position is a fantastic opportunity for you, as we require a motivated, positive and self-starting team player who would enjoy the challenges of supermarket retailing. As an integral member of the team, reporting to the Bakery Manager, you will play a significant part in the values and culture of this business.
Key responsibilities of this position include:
• Ensuring the Bakery department provides a superior level of customer service.
• Presenting product to a high standard.
• The ability to adhere to Food Safety and Health & Safety policies
Key competencies required for this position are:
• Delivering a superior customer experience.
• Being an excellent communicator who develops relationships and fosters teamwork.
• Having an engaging and positive manner. We offer great working conditions, a supportive management structure, and personal and professional development opportunities, Funeral Cover (after 12 months employment) and an attractive hourly rate. Days and hours of work will be Sunday to Thursday 5.00am - 1.30pm. Applicants must have the legal right to work in New Zealand. Please apply now by submitting your CV and cover letter to: vacancies.ashburton@newworld-si.co.nz
Applications close on 12th February 2023.
Performing a range of tasks to keep our cemeteries beautiful, you will also operate various machinery from small handheld equipment to our excavator.
You will also be involved in a number of operational cemetery tasks such as burial preparation and care and adornment tasks.
Our standard working week is Monday to Friday, eight hours each day starting at 7:30am. This position will provide a challenge, satisfaction and you will ensure that our customers’ needs are met during a difficult time.
To find out more about this vacancy and what the Ashburton District Council has to offer you - go to our website.
Applications close Sunday, 29 January 2023.
The Ashburton Golf Club seeks to employ a secretary/treasurer for our vibrant club on a part-time Employment Agreement for 20 hours per week.
1. The key attributes we seek in a successful applicant, are:
a. a team player;
b. a collaborative worker by nature;
c. a positive and friendly outlook;
d. excellent self and time-management skills.
2. Experience in the following areas is essential:
a. Basic accounting and computer systems including payroll, GST and Microsoft Office;
b. Health and Safety systems; and
GENUINE private cash buyer, wanting Falcons, Holdens, Valiants or any pre 1995 vehicles suitable for preservation. Phone 021 02914847 or 03 615 7930
Permanent - Full Time/Part Time
Positions Available
We are seeking customer focused individuals to join our Checkout team. You should possess ability and enthusiasm, as you will play an important role within our overall team.
You will be:
• Able to work under pressure
• Self-motivated
• Presented to a high level
• An excellent customer service provider with good communication skills
Key responsibilities include:
• Ensuring that our customers are provided with service to a high standard
• Creating a friendly and helpful environment for customers and staff alike
• Dealing with cash and customer transactions, ensuring accuracy at all times
• Working within Food Safety and Health and Safety requirements
These positions will include a mix of day, evening and weekend shifts. Applicants must have the legal right to work in New Zealand. Please apply now by submitting your CV and cover letter to: vacancies.ashburton@newworld-si.co.nz
Applications close on 12th February 2023.
GENERAL hire. Lawnmowers, chainsaws, concrete breakers, trailers, and more. All your DIY / party hire, call and see Ashburton U-Hire. 588 East Street.
c. Bar experience and manager’s licence preferable
3. We offer a flexible work environment, including the ability to work from home on some occasions, a stunning view out of your office, and a supportive Management Board and Club. Some weekend work is involved.
4. A copy of the job description can be obtained by emailing ashburtongolf@gmail.com.
5. Applications close at 5pm on February 3, 2023, and can be emailed to ashburtongolf@gmail.com.
Positions available now:
- Field Staff - Labourers
- Administrator
- Agricultural Mechanic ... and more Full-time, Part-time, or Contract Apply online: W. agstaff.co.nz P. 0800 247 8233
Canterbury Dried Foods are proud to produce some of the world’s finest dehydrated herb and vegetable leaf products. We grow our crops, harvest and transport to our unique facility based in Wakanui Ashburton.
We are looking for a part-time Class 5 Truck driver and/or an experienced Telehandler operator to assist our fantastic team on a short term basis with an immediate start available.
This position offers a great work life balance and may suit a semi-retired / retired person looking for some extra income.
You must have a Valid New Zealand Class
5 Drivers License and complete a pre employment drug and alcohol screen.
Any inquires please the HR & HS Coordinator Lisa on 021 743 341 or email lisa@canterburydriedfoods.co.nz
Office cleaning by a professional member of NZ Cleaning Coop in Ashburton. Offices, windows, hygienic work spaces.
Office cleaning by a professional member of NZ Cleaning Coop in Ashburton. Offices, windows, hygienic work spaces Guaranteed.
Email now for a quote for your space:
Email now for a quote for your space: info@nzcleaning.coop www.nzcleaning.coop
HOUSEKEEPER Wanted. Light duties, 1 Hour per week. Phone 0276556820.
Green ( Lawn and Garden Services) for all your Ride on and Rotary mowing, spraying, fertilising, garden and section tidy ups - Call Pat Prendergast 0274445314We promise it was accidental, but if your paper hasn’t arrived by your morning breakfast, in the first instance, please phone us on 03 307 7900 and follow the voice prompts:
• Press 1 for ‘Circulation’
• Press 1 again for ‘Missed Papers’
You will then be connected to our amazing delivery team, please leave a clear and detailed message. It’s vital we hear your DELIVERY ADDRESS and we will aim to get a paper redelivered by lunchtime.
McKAY, Isabel Daphne
Joan –Angus, John, Stephanie and Family wish to sincerely thank everyone for the tremendous support in the loss of a dearly loved mother, mother-in-law, “Grandmama”, and sister. The expressions of kindness and respect to Joan during her last years and at the funeral will be held in grateful memory by us all. Special thanks Methven House, Terrace View Retirement Village and the Team from Three Rivers Health for their wonderful care of Joan. Please accept this acknowledgement of our heartfelt thanks and support in memory of Joan.
Thelma (Gay) –Loved sister-in-law, aunty and great-aunty of the late Neil, and Judi, Richard, Mel and Drew, Trudy, Chris, Nick and Summah.
BRUCE, Malcolm Harry (Mac) –
On January 19, 2023 at Ashburton Hospital, with his loving family. In his 92nd year. Dearly loved husband and soul mate of Audrey for nearly 70 years. Dearly loved father and father-in-law of Roger and Raewyn, Greg and Carolyn. Dearly loved grandad of Michael and Amanda, Hannah and Richard, Jason, Daniel and Abbey and great-grandad of Walter and Wyatt, Thomas, Noah and little Mac. A very special thanks to Ward 1, Ashburton Hospital and the Urology Department, Christchurch Hospital for their care of Mac. Messages to Malcolm Bruce’s family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. A service to celebrate Mac’s life will be held in Our Chapel, cnr East & Cox Streets, Ashburton on TUESDAY, January 24, commencing at 1.30pm followed by Cremation at the Ashburton Crematorium.
Passed away peacefully January 17, 2023 surrounded by family. Loved wife of Brendon, cherished Mum of Sarndra, Grant, Kim and partners. Adored Nanna of her grandchildren, loyal friend to many. Matriarch HRH to extended family, daughter of the late Ron and Joyce, big sister to Brian, Joe, June and partners. Private celebration of her life has been held in Auckland, additional service is planned April 2023.
HEALD, Graham Fenton –07.08.1922 – 09.01.2023
Passed away peacefully, surrounded by family on January 9, 2023 at his home, in his 101st year. Dearly loved husband of the late Pam. Adored father and father-in-law of Jane and Hamish Macfarlane, Sue and Simon Morris, and Annie and Simon Bonifant and adored Pa of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Messages to c/- PO Box 9, Blenheim 7240 or www.cloudybayfunerals.co.n
z. A private family farewell has been held.
JOWERS, Colin John –
Passed peacefully on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at Rosebank Lifecare, Ashburton, in his 86th year. Dearly loved husband and soul mate of Perry for nearly 62 years. Much loved father and father-in-law of Janeen and Neil Donaldson, Lyndal and the late Donald Irvine, Tracey and Nick Traylen. Adored grandad of Karl and Courtney, Lana and Aaron, Rachel and Leighton, Hugh, George; Olivia and Riley, Maddy and Tom; Alex and Pippa. Special great-grandad of Natalie, Elsie and Bella, Edward and Charlie, Henry, Nate and Archer. Loved brother and brother-in-law of the late June and Ray Burton, and of Barry and Natalie Quantock. Loved uncle and cousin. Heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful medical and support teams who’ve cared for Colin, and to friends, family and colleagues for all your support. Colin loved life, and loved people. Messages to PO Box 6008, Ashburton. A celebration of Colin’s life will be held at the Hotel Ashburton, Racecourse Road, on MONDAY, January 23, at 4.30pm.
SMITH, Mary Florence (née Ambler) –Passed away peacefully in the care of Rosebank Lifecare, Ashburton, on Monday, December 19, 2022, in her 91st year. Dearly loved wife of the late Ken Smith. Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Jillian and Peter George, Christine and the late Dougal Moore, Richard Smith and Louise Green. Treasured Nana and Nana Mary of Nicholas, Cheyenne, Jayden, William and Charlotte; Hamish, Courtney and Harry; James, Laura, Jack, Annabel and Daisy; Tori, Jamie, Jakob, Liam and Zac; Jaclyn, Jonny and Olivia; Sam; Matt and Esther; and Maddie and Kate. Thank you to the staff at Rosebank for the loving care they have given Mary over the past 4 years. Messages to the Smith family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. A Memorial service to celebrate Mary’s life will be held at the Hakatere Presbyterian Parish, Oxford Street, Ashburton on WEDNESDAY, January 25, commencing at 1.30pm.
Midnight Saturday
A front moving up the South Island weakens away on Saturday, while a ridge of high pressure builds over the country from the Tasman Sea. The ridge weakens on Sunday as a front moves onto the lower South Island. The front weakens on Monday as it moves north over the rest of the country, followed by another ridge which becomes slow moving over New Zealand on Tuesday.
Saturday: Cloudy. Fresh southerlies easing and turning northeasterly in the afternoon.
Canterbury Plains
Saturday: Cloudy with showers, becoming isolated and confined to the foothills from afternoon. Southwesterlies turning southeasterly in the afternoon then northeasterly at night.
Sunday: Areas of morning cloud clearing then mainly fine. Becoming cloudy from evening and scattered showers developing. A southerly change in the morning.
Monday: Morning cloud and patchy drizzle clearing, then fine. Southeasterlies, dying out.
Christchurch Darfield Lake Coleridge
BRUCE Malcolm Harry –
On January 19, 2023. Son of the late Harry and Edna (late of Eiffelton). Brother and brother-in-law of the late Betty and Rex Barrett, Margaret and the late Bill Bruce. Brother-in-law of the late Winnie and Ron Chapman, the late Sadie and Len Chambers, the late Alma and Bill Lay, the late Shona Penrose, the late Shirley and Charlie Cullimore, Pat and the late Ivan Penrose and the late June Page. Respected uncle of all his nieces and nephews.
HOSKIN, Roy George –
On January 18, 2023 peacefully at Terrace View Retirement Village, Ashburton. Aged 81 years. Much loved husband of the late Kaye. Loved father and father-in-law of Darryll and Vicky, Janine and Donn, Kylie and Jason. Loved grandad of Moriah, Rebekah, Ben, Alyssa, Scott, Shanan and great-grandad of Shelby, Beau and Luka. Loved brother of Ian, the late Harvey, Bruce, and Barbara. Loved uncle of all his nieces and nephews. Thanks to the staff of Terrace View Retirement Village and Dr Penny Holdaway for their care of Roy. Messages to the family of the late Roy Hoskin, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. As per Roy’s wishes a private family service will be held.
Sunday: Areas of cloud clearing then mainly fine. Cloudy from evening and scattered showers developing. Morning S change.
REES, Ken –
Passed away peacefully surrounded by family at Ashburton Hospital, January 18, 2023, aged 84 years. Loved and adored husband of Lyn, dearly loved father of Glenn, and Donna, much loved Poppa of Oliver, Cameron, Cody, Daniel, Paisley and greatgrandfather to Lyric, Jackson, and Willow. Messages to the Rees family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. A Celebration of Ken’s life will be held at Our Chapel, cnr East & Cox Streets, Ashburton on WEDNESDAY, January 25, 2023, commencing at 2pm. All are welcome.
STUCK, Janet Mary (nee Jill Hanham) –Saturday January 14, 2023. Dearly loved mother of Cindy. Loved sister of Michael and Di, Polly (dec), Helen and Paul Bradley, Barry and Lyn, Mary and Warwick Johnson (dec). Loved by all her nieces and nephews. A private family service has been held as Jill requested.
Canterbury owned, locally operated
Patersons Funeral Services and Ashburton Crematorium Ltd
Office and Chapel Corner East & Cox Streets, Ashburton Ph 307 7433
Monday: Morning cloud and patchy drizzle clearing, then fine. Southeasterlies, dying out.
Canterbury High Country Readings to 4pm
Saturday Mountain weather hazard: Wind Chill. Mostly cloudy with showers, becoming isolated from afternoon. Wind at 1000m: Light. Wind at 2000m: Light winds turning NW 35 km/h in the evening. Freezing level: 2700m south of Twizel until midmorning, otherwise above 3000m.
Sunday Mountain weather hazards: None issued. Morning cloud clearing, then showers developing in the evening. Wind at 1000m: Light.
Wind at 2000m: NW 30 km/h turning SW 30 km/h in the afternoon. Freezing level: Above 3000m, lowering to 2600m in the evening.
Riley Claydon-Wade Team Administrator 03 307 4222 Roberta Counsell Sales Consultant 027 228 7843 Debbie Boon Sales Consultant 027 448 4006 Mark Williams Licensed Agent 027 442 2281 Craig Philip Sales Consultant 027 952 8722
For all other medical assistance outside of normal hours please phone your general practice team, 24/7, to speak with a health professional who will give you free health advice on what to do or where to go if you need urgent care.
If you don’t have a regular general practice, call any GP team 24/7 for free telephone health advice.
Please bring your Community Services Card. All non-New Zealanders should bring their passport with them, New Zealanders should bring some form of ID.
Methven & Rakaia areas
For weekend and emergency
services please phone Methven Medical Centre on 302 8105 or Rakaia Medical Centre on 303 5002 for details on how to access the after-hours service each weekend.
Wises Pharmacy, Countdown Complex, East Street, will be open from 9am - 1pm Saturday, from 10am1pm Sunday. Shut on public holidays.
Ashburton Rest Homes
Please contact directly for hours.
Emergency dentist
If you do not have or cannot contact your regular dentist, please phone 027 683 0679 for the name of the rostered weekend dentist in Christchurch. Hours 9am - 5pm, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
Healthline is a free health advice service.
It operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The toll-free number to call is 0800 611 116. Healthline is staffed by registered nurses who are trained to assess health problems and offer advice over the phone. The service is free and confidential.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Call 0800 AA WORKS (0800 229 6757) or visit www.aa.org.nz for more information.
Mental Health - Call free on 0800 222 955. Ask for the Crisis Team.
Safe Care - 24hr Rape and Sexual Assault Crisis Support. Phone 03 364 8791
Victims Support Group 24hr - Freephone 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846).
Direct dials to a volunteer.
Ashburton Office - 307 8409 week-days, 9am - 2pm, outside of these hours leave a message.
Alcohol Drug Help Line
Call us free on (0800 787 797).
Lines open 10am - 10pm seven days.
Art Gallery
327 West Street, Ashburton, phone 308 1133.
Open daily: 10am – 4pm.
Ashburton Museum
327 West Street, Ashburton, phone 307 7890.
Open daily: 10am – 4pm.
Ashburton Public Library
Havelock Street. Ph 308 7192. Saturday: 10am - 1pm.
Sunday: 1pm - 4pm.
EA Networks Centre - Pools
20 River Terrace - phone 03 308 4020. WEEKEND HOURS: Sat and Sun 7am - 7pm. Public holidays 10am - 5pm.
Information Centre
Methven - Saturday and public holidays 10am until 2.30pm. Phone 302 8955 or isite@ midcanterburynz.com
Dog, Stock & Noise Control
Ashburton District Council 03 307 7700 - 24hr service.
Animal Welfare Centre
All enquiries - phone 308 4432 or 027 3329286.