Ashburton Mayor Neil Brown is encouraged to hear the change in prime minister might see some significant policy tweaks.
But he, like most of us, is playing the waiting game to see what those changes will be.
Incoming prime minister Chris Hipkins has signalled there will be significant policy changes in the weeks ahead as he looks at a reprioritisation of the work programme to focus on tackling the “inflation pandemic”.
Hipkins and his new deputy Carmel Sepuloni take the reins tomorrow following Jacinda Ardern’s sudden announcement last week she was standing down after a challenging five years as prime minister.
Hipkins said everything will be up for review as the change in leadership was a time to “run the ruler” over the Government’s work programme.
Brown said Hipkins “seemed the obvious choice” to take the top job and it was “heartening” to hear him signal policy changes.
“There has been a lot of work coming down from central Government, a lot of reforms, and it’s overloading local government.
“If he puts some on hold or delays them it would certainly help and make it a better process going forward.”
Hipkins did state that the Three Waters reforms would still go ahead, but that there may be some changes.
“I’m not going to walk away from that.
“But I will run the ruler over what we’re currently proposing to make sure that we’re focused in on the right issues.”
Brown said it will be good to see what Hipkins means by
when it talked about co-governance.
“Sometimes we haven’t necessarily explained enough what we’re doing,” Hip
kins said.
“We might need to slow down and better explain what we’re working on.”
His main focus, before the
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We are up for change but there are some things we believe that can be done better. Let’s work together rather than being dictated to
A Mid Canterbury Tongan leader was left speechless and emotional when the new deputy prime minister was announced.
Carmel Sepuloni made history as the first Pasifika deputy prime minister and the third woman to hold the role when she was confirmed alongside the incoming prime minister Chris Hipkins.
Mid Canterbury Tongan leader Naneh Manoa said she was very emotional watching the press conference with her four girls on Sunday.
“It took me by surprise, I didn’t expect it at all,” Manoa said.
“I was so proud that I was left speechless.
“It will go down in history for all Pasifika people.”
Sepuloni is the minister for social development, as well as ACC and arts, culture and heritage, and first entered parliament in 2008.
“Me as a Pasifika person has seen a lot of changes Pasifika and Maori policy changes while she has been in her [Sepuloni] minister roles,” Manoa said.
While Manoa has only met her in passing at a gathering, her
dad worked under Sepuloni while she was CEO at Vaka Tautua, New Zealand’s only national Pacific health provider.
Manoa said as a community leader herself, being the Mid Canterbury Tongan Community secretary and being involved in other groups, Sepuloni’s appointment shows her that there is a space for Pasifika people in New Zealand’s
leadership positions, where there may not have been before.
“Especially for me being a woman in a community leadership role, and it goes to show that New Zealand is moving forward.
“Because there are Pasifika MPs, but never a deputy prime minister or close.”
Sepuloni acknowledged that during her first press conference
and said she hoped to be a role model for younger Pasifika and Māori women.
“It is about role-modelling to our next generation. These opportunities, these leadership roles are possible for them,” Sepuloni said.
“I do acknowledge that it is significant for our Pacific community,” she said.
Manoa also hopes the appointment will bring more of the Pasifika community to the polling booths in October, no matter who they are voting for.
“Maybe will this give them the motivation to vote, where previously there has been no-one that they [could] relate to, whether they vote for her or someone else.”
Talk about enjoying the tastes of the world without leaving Ashburton.
That’s how one of the organisers is describing the Multi Cultural Bite on Waitangi Day.
He’s Selwyn Price, one of the trustees behind the family-friendly and volunteer-run event that will celebrate international food, music and culture at the Ashburton Domain on February 6 from 10am to 2pm.
“It’s a prime opportunity to travel the world without leaving Ashburton,” Price said.
More than 20 stalls will be on display, representing countries and cultures ranging from Southeast Asia to South America.
They will serve up to five traditional dishes, which can be pur-
chased with $3 tokens sold on the day, Price said.
The food stalls would be arranged in regional groups surrounding the centralised stage, featuring a new cultural performance from Kazakhstanis. Kazakhstan shares a border with Russia.
Price is encouraging attendees to bring picnic blankets and camp chairs “to enjoy their food and performance in comfort”.
Price also said the Waitangi weekend event provided an opportunity for the wider Ashburton District to recognise the founding of our nation and to celebrate the diversity of our community. He, and fellow organisers, were just pleased it’s back up and running again.
“Organisers have been working hard to get this event back on the calendar after Covid regulations forced a last-minute cancellation,” he said.
“We are grateful to resume this day of celebration after last year’s disappointments.”
A Hampstead resident is upset that he was given no chance to consult on a new Kāinga Ora housing project before they took nearly half of his backyard.
George Whyte has lived in his Kāinga Ora home for seven years without issues, but that changed when Whyte received a letter notifying of upcoming construction that would take 40 per cent of his backyard.
“At the time I had Covid, so when the Kāinga Ora representative came to my house and told me to sign on the dotted line I probably wasn’t thinking clearly,” Whyte said.
“I’m not sure what would have happened if I didn’t sign.”
Kāinga Ora regional director for Canterbury Liz Krause could not confirm this for privacy reasons, but said health and safety protocols are in place for all customer visits, including rescheduling appointments if a customer has Covid-19.
Whyte is concerned his chickens will no longer have the right sized backyard they need. He raises them for shows around New Zealand.
“I’ve had to move them off site while they work on the properties, but I’m concerned when they come back there won’t be enough room for them to run.”
Krause said customers are consulted with any upcoming changes or work.
“We are mindful of the impact this work may have on our customers and neighbours. Where a property is earmarked for redevelopment, we prioritise telling our customers about any proposed plans early in the process.
“We work with customers and neighbours, including several face-to-face visits with our customers, over a number of months
as our plans progress.”
Krause said there was a high demand for housing in Ashburton and adding to existing properties is one of the solutions being used.
“One of the ways we are in-
creasing the number of homes available for people in need in Ashburton is by building additional homes on our sites where there are existing homes.
“We are also removing homes that are at the end of their life,
and replacing them with more modern, good quality homes on the same sites,” Krause said.
In total Kāinga Ora are planning to build 12 new homes across a number of sites in Ashburton.
This includes eight one-bedroom
homes and four two-bedroom homes, two of which will be built on land in Adams Street and Trevors Road where there are existing homes.
These are expected to be completed in 2023.
positive about staffing numbers and the year ahead.
“While it’s always been a challenge to find New Zealand-trained teachers to come here, a number have relocated because family members have been appointed to Ashburton positions,” he said.
Mid Canterbury teachers are looking forward to a post-Covid “normal” year for 2023.
When schools reopen on January 30, they are looking to interact with the community once more, according to Mid Canterbury Principals’ Association president, Brent Gray.
He said teachers are feeling
“Five vacancies at Ashburton Intermediate have been filled because partners have accepted jobs locally.”
Gray estimates up to 40 teaching vacancies throughout Mid Canterbury have been mostly filled because schools “went to market to attract staff” early.
“It’s due to Ashburton’s growth
and the family connection with the district,” he said.
A number of schools have new principals starting in the first or second terms with Chertsey, Mayfield and Mount Somers/ Springburn currently advertising for a head teacher.
“This time last year we opened with smaller cells within schools because of Covid,” he said. “Students who had minor truancy issues developed major issues of staying away.”
“We had to engage with them and bring them back. One Year 8 class at Intermediate never had its full quota of 28 students any-
time during the year.”
Gray will welcome a completed classroom teaching block which will open at the start of the term.
There is a teaching space for six home-room classes, three at one end and three at the other. Work began on the project at the end of 2020.
Construction has also begun on a new technology block which Gray hopes will be completed by the end of 2022. The total cost of both teaching blocks is $10 million.
This year Ashburton Intermediate will start with 450 students, up 25 on 2022.
Carolyn CloughTwenty-eight young Mid Canterbury people will be presented with Advance Ashburton scholarships later this month.
The recipients intend to further their lives through study, training or personal development.
They will receive awards ranging from attending a personal development course at Outward Bound to the Frank Crampton agricultural scholarship valued at $20,000 and the $5000 Neil Sinclair Memorial Scholarship.
At the Ashburton Event Centre, they’ll receive their awards from the scholarship donor or their representative and will spend part of the evening with them.
The event will be the first official function attended by recently appointed executive officer, Carolyn Clough, who started her position last week.
“I’m very excited as I know every recipient and have taught many of them in my previous position as head of junior school at Ashburton College,” she said.
Previous recipients include Dr Isobel Ferguson who used her funding to complete a research study, through the emergency department at Ashburton Hospital, on youth self-harm.
farm to the freezer.”
If the product is not delivered within an hour the quality of the peas begins to deteriorate making the location a main priority when travelling to various crops.
Settled weather has come at the right time for process (fresh) pea harvest in Canterbury.
Talley’s says it is finding the weather for the current harvest much more optimistic.
“We are at a good place in the season, with the quality of the crop looking better than last year,” Talley’s vegetable general manager Danie Swanepoel said.
He also acknowledged that their crops had received minimal damage from weather events.
“Fortunately, none of our growers reported any damage from the hailstorm in December, nor has there been any reports of pea weevil in any of our crops.
“We are about two-thirds of the way through the pea harvest, all of which is grown within one hour of our factory, with Rangitata being our furthest location, ensuring all the goodness is retained from the
“Once harvested, we sell our vegetables throughout New Zealand and to customers overseas in our export markets,” Swanepoel said.
Farmers are expected to finish harvesting process peas around the end of February.
While the vining pea harvest is winding down, the dried pea harvest is only beginning.
Planting of the process pea crops begins from July and are ready at the start of November, compared to seed (dried) peas which are scheduled to be planted in September and are harvested at the end of January.
Dried peas are processed, tested, and, providing the quality is right, they are then exported or held for domestic use.
These dried peas are primarily used for sowing to make processed peas that will be used for the following harvest season.
A new farm in Canterbury has tested positive for the cattle disease mycoplasma bovis.
As part of the M. bovis eradication programme, which began in 2018, around 180,000 cattle from more than 270 farms have been culled.
The Ministry for Primary Industries said the latest detection meant there were now five infected properties.
M. bovis programme director
Simon Andrew said the new confirmed infected farm was a dairy grazing operation in Banks Peninsula and it was linked through ownership and animal movements to a confirmed property in the Wakanui area in South Canterbury.
“This brings the current number of confirmed properties to five
Mobile shingle screening and crushing plant, custom built for farmers’ work.
Truck available for shingle spreading if required.
Cost effective alternative
Established 1985
[compared to 40 at the height of the outbreak], and we expect all of these farms to be cleared within the first half of 2023,” he said.
Andrew said MPI was working closely with the affected farmer to depopulate the property before the milking season, to minimise the disruption to the farmer’s business.
Figures from MPI show about $233 million dollars has been paid in compensation to M. bovis-affected farmers, while the cost of the programme, as at June 30, 2022, was $588 million.
The mycoplasma bovis eradication programme is jointly funded by the Government (68 per cent) and industry groups DairyNZ and Beef and Lamb New Zealand (32 per cent).
In February a group of Japanese students will make their way to Mid Canterbury for a farm-stay experience.
The students, five male and 13 female from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology will spend a few days at Lincoln University, before embarking on a 10-day farm experience in the greater Rakaia area.
NZ Study Careers, New Zealand team manager Jo Taylor said it will be a great chance for the students to learn about farming in New Zealand.
“In Japan the farms are much smaller so there are fewer opportunities for these students, but there is still the same amount of interest in agriculture studies,” Taylor said.
In Japan a big farm would be considered 200 cows, much smaller than the average New Zealand farm size.
While the students are studying at the university, they are in a range of disciplines, not all directly related to being on farm, with some vets, and technology students.
“These students will not be on the farm as workers, more as observers. They are able to assist by joining in, but their main focus would be more on learning and observing the farm life and culture.”
This would be the first time NZ Study Careers had run a farm-stay experience having previously brought in students to Rolleston High School as part of a school exchange.
NZ Study Careers is part of the Black Origin Group, which exports high quality Wagyu from farms across New Zealand to the international market which started with Japan in 2019.
“Our director (Arato Tsujino) is Japanese and he has a strong interest in education and bringing Japan’s students and workers to New Zealand for training,” Taylor said.
“We’d like to think that once the stu-
dents have completed the farm-stays they may consider coming back to New Zealand to work one day.”
Taylor said once they complete this first programme they will have a much better idea of anything that needs improving or changing for the future. With the plan to bring more students and some workers into New Zealand potentially for much
longer periods.
Farms can be of any size and type –dairy, sheep, cropping, market gardening etc. and hosts can accommodate one to three students (in separate bedrooms) as suitable. Location can be anywhere in the Selwyn area, as long as hosts can pick up and drop off students in the Rakaia township.
If you want more information, or to register interest, please contact info@nzstudycareers.com or call Jo on 0272714066 (please leave a message if no answer and they will reply asap).
Please note that all farm-stay hosts will be interviewed prior to make sure they match the students with suitable and compatible hosts.
We’d like to think that once the students have completed the farm-stays they may consider coming back to New Zealand to work one day.
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He’s fresh-faced, loves sausage rolls, often bikes an hour-plus to Parliament and everyone knows him as Chippy.
He’s new Prime Minister Chris Hipkins, who will be watched closely by the rural sector to see what unfolds in his early days in power in the post Jacinda Ardern era.
Because one thing we do know is that Hipkins is certainly no Ardern, who may well still be New Zealand’s most popular politician with international star power appeal, but who had become increasingly polarising domestically.
Ardern’s resignation, on the back of poll results showing her and Labour’s approval rating steadily dropping, was probably not the surprise many have
police portfolios on top of that, the latter of which he took over from the underwhelming Poto Williams.
So now it’s the turn of Hipkins, who has been highly regarded as Labour’s “Mr Fix-it” for taking on some of the hardest roles and portfolios with a quiet, calm demeanour but a steeliness and the ability to get stuff done
Think taking charge of our Covid-19 response and leading the country through some of the toughest moments during the pandemic in the past two and a-bit years.
Think the education and
farming sector, and rural communities by association, will be watching with much interest.
They’ve been rightly frus-
try and win back some of the love to stop the Labour Party bleeding.
It won’t be easy because Ardern’s move has a history-repeating-itself political feel, paralleling very much with the equally shock resignation by PM Sir John Key in 2016.
Back then, Key thought a fresh leadership change would increase National’s chances in the following year’s election.
Importantly, Hipkins, the PM, has already indicated changes are afoot. A cabinet reshuffle was always to be expected but a key early comment since becoming PM was his promise that he would review some policies
And what polices would they be? Who knows but the hard-hit
trated and alarmed by what they say have been unworkable compliance, regulatory costs and policies introduced by the Ardern Government.
Will there be any changes to that? There has to be if Labour wants to remain in power. That’s the bottom line and Hipkins is smart enough to realise that to
Nice idea but the strategy bombed big time. National was steamrolled, plunging into a massive black pollical hole from which it is only just emerging.
Chippy is going to have to use all his smarts and boyish persuasive charms, starting with the agricultural industry, if he and Labour are not to follow suit.
So now it’s the turn of Hipkins, who has been regarded as Labour’s “Mr Fix-it” for taking on some of the hardest roles and portfolios with a quiet, calm demeanour
Seven days of TV
Enjoy 7 days of TV listings for your entertainment
or List It 3
10:50 Hoarders PG 3
12:25 Life and Birth PGC 3
1:35 Million Dollar Listing
2:30 Love It or List It 3
3:30 Celebrity Ghost Stories
4:30 Hollywood Medium PGC
5:30 Love It Or List It –Vancouver
6:30 Shark Tank PG 3
7:30 The Fatal Attraction
Murder MC
A trip to Puerto Rico shifts the investigators’ focus onto Carolyn; Police build a circumstantial case that uncovers shocking new details.
8:30 Below Deck Adventure
M A fed-up Faye vows that she is not going to be the nice chief steward they have had all season.
9:30 Stacey Dooley Sleeps
Over MLS 3 Cathy and Thomas have an open relationship and practice polyamory with their Australian flatmate, Nicole.
10:30 Snapped M 3
11:30 Twisted Killers 16VC 3
12:20 Infomercials
8:23 Spider-Man –No Way Home MV 2021
Action. Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch.
10:53 Cry Macho MC 2021
Drama. Clint Eastwood, Eduardo Minett.
12:38 The Matrix Resurrections MVL 2021
Action. Keanu Reeves, CarrieAnne Moss.
3:07 Military Wives MLS 2019
Comedy. Kristin Scott Thomas, Sharon Horgan.
5:02 Dual 16VLSC 2022 Sci-fi. Karen Gillan, Aaron Paul.
6:40 Every Breath You Take 16VC 2021 Thriller. Casey Affleck, Sam Claflin.
8:30 The Eyes of Tammy Faye MLSC 2021 Drama. In the 1970s and 80s, Tammy Faye and Jim Bakker built a religious empire. Rivals, financial wrongdoing and scandal soon came knocking. Jessica Chastain, Andrew Garfield.
10:38 Dune MV 2021
Action. Timothee Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson.
1:13 Belfast MVL 2021 Drama. Jamie Dornan, Caitriona Balfe.
2:50 Killing Field 16VLC 2021 Action.
4:25 South of Heaven 16VLSC 2021 Action.
Keep. 0
10:50 The Equalizer MVC 0 11:45 The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG
6:50 Charlie’s Angels – Full Throttle MV 2003 Action.
8:35 Hulk MV 2003 Adventure. Eric Bana, Jennifer Connelly, Nick Nolte.
10:50 The Hunger Games MV 2012 Sci-fi Adventure. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth.
1:10 Unfaithful 16VS 2002 Drama. Diane Lane, Richard Gere.
3:15 Crimson Peak 16VLSC 2015 Drama. Tom Hiddleston, Mia Wasikowska.
5:15 Snatch 18VL 2000 Crime.
6:55 The Dark Tower MV 2017 Action. Matthew McConaughey, Idris Elba.
8:30 Troy MV 2004 Action. Adaptation of Homer’s epic The Iliad, about a combined Greek attack on the city of Troy and the fate of the leading protagonists. Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom.
11:10 Whip It MLS 2009 Drama. Ellen Page, Drew Barrymore, Kristen Wiig.
1am Suicide Squad 16VLC 2016 Action. 3am Elizabeth 16VS 1998 Historical Drama.
5am Elizabeth – The Golden Age MV 2007 Historical Drama.
6am Netball – Quad Series (RPL) Australia v Silver Ferns.
From the International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa.
8am Netball – Quad Series (HLS) South Africa v England.
From the International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa.
8:30 Basketball – NBL (HLS)
Sydney Kings v NZ Breakers.
9am Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Eight.
From Melbourne Park.
10am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (RPL) Leinster Rugby v Racing 92.
From Aviva Stadium, Dublin.
Noon Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Eight.
From Melbourne Park.
1pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day Nine, Day Session.
From Melbourne Park.
8:30 L Tennis –Australian Open Day Nine, Night Session.
From Melbourne Park.
Wednesday 3am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (HLS) Round Four.
4am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (RPL) Bordeaux Begles v Gloucester.
©TVNZ 2023 ©TVNZ 2023
Newshub Live at 11:30am
When a man’s marriage proposal is rejected, he devises a plan to win his girlfriend back using techniques learned from romantic comedies. Christa B Allen, Brandon Jones.
1:55 Cutthroat Kitchen PG
2:55 Top Secret Swimming Holes 3:55 Kitchen Crashers 4:25 Extreme Couponing
a stolen truck down the M1; Derbyshire
gets a call about a stolen motorhome.
Squad MLC After freezing temperatures, a critical water pipe has burst on the busy A6 road in Stockport; Luke and his specialist sniffer dogs test a new recruit.
10am Love It or List It 3
8:30 24 Hours In Emergency
MC Maureen, who suffers from a chronic neurological condition, comes to A&E struggling to breathe; doctors battle to stop a 10-year-old boy’s internal bleeding.
9:30 911 Crisis Center MLC
10pm Snapped M 3
11pm Twisted Killers 16VC 3
11:50 Tattoos After Dark
MC 3
12:20 Infomercials
6:25 Moonfall ML 2022 Sci-fi.
8:32 Tentacles 16VLSC 2020
Horror. 9:54 Ascension M 2021 Documentary.
11:29 Crawlers 16VLSC 2019
12:50 12 Mighty Orphans M 2021 Drama.
2:45 Fantastic Beasts – The Secrets of Dumbledore MV 2022 Adventure.
5:05 Those Who Wish Me Dead 16VL 2021 Thriller.
6:45 Morbius MVL 2022
Action. Jared Leto, Matt Smith.
8:30 Resident Evil –Welcome to Raccoon City
16VL 2021 Action. Once the booming home of the Umbrella Corporation, Raccoon City is now a wasteland with a great evil beneath the surface. Kaya Scodelario, Robbie Amell.
10:20 The Suicide Squad
16VLC 2021 Adventure.
Supervillains join a super-secret task force and are dropped off at a remote, enemy-infused island of Corto Maltese.
Margot Robbie, Idris Elba.
12:30 Breaking News in Yuba County 16V 2021
Comedy. 2:05 Redeeming Love MVSC 2022 Drama.
4:15 No Sudden Move 16VL 2021 Thriller.
6:55 Assassin’s Creed MVL 2016 Action.
8:47 Shopping 16VLC 2013
10:25 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 1 MV 2014
12:25 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2 MVC 2015 Action.
2:40 Inception MV 2010 Action.
5:05 Blue Crush PGV 2002 Drama.
6:50 Saw 18V 2004 Horror. Cary Elwes, Danny Glover.
8:30 Looper 16VL 2012 Scifi. In 2074, a man works for the mafia as a ‘looper’, who kills victims sent back in time but, when he is retired, his future self is sent back as a target for his younger self. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis.
10:30 Man on Fire 16VC 2004 Crime.
A former CIA assassin is hired to protect an industrialist’s daughter in Mexico and, when she is kidnapped he vows to kill anyone involved.
12:55 Conspiracy Theory MV 1997 Thriller. 3:10 The Dark Knight MV 2008 Action.
9:30 Aussie Salvage Squad PG Team Salvage have to save a derelict yacht from sinking in crocodileinfested waters; Shaun and Sarah have to recover a ute that is buried on a beach.
10:30 The Curse of Oak Island PG
6am Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL)
Edinburgh v Saracens.
From DAM Health Stadium.
8am Netball – Quad Series (RPL) England v Silver Ferns.
From the International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa.
10am Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL) Stormers v Clermont Auvergne.
From DHL Stadium, Cape Town.
Noon Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day Nine.
From Melbourne Park.
1pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day 10, Day Session.
From Melbourne Park.
8:30 L Tennis –Australian Open Day 10, Night Session. From Melbourne Park.
3am Kiwi Football Fix
Interviews with New Zealand’s top players and breaking down the domestic leagues, A-League and internationals.
6:05 Pool Kings PG 6:30 How Do They Do It? PG 6:55 Mysteries at the Museum PG 7:45 Homestead Rescue PG 8:35 Reclaimed PG 9:25 Strange Evidence PG 10:20 Expedition Unknown PG 11:45 Mysteries of the Deep PG Secrets of Russia’s Nuclear Sub. 12:40 How Do They Do It? PG 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 2pm Naked and Afraid – Alone MLC Hunted and Haunted. 2:55 Moonshiners MLC Two Tons of Fun. 3:50 Deadliest Catch MLC Truth Will Set You Free. 4:45 Reclaimed PG Desert Digging. 5:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6:35 Deadliest Catch MLC Where Eagles Dare. 7:30 Deadliest Catch MLC The Crush of Winter. 8:30 Homestead Rescue PG A Golden Opportunity. 10:30 Mighty Cruise Ships PG 11:25 Naked and Afraid – Alone MLC Gary of the Jungle. Thursday 12:15 Homestead Rescue PG 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 1:55 Deadliest Catch MLC 2:45 Naked and Afraid – Alone MLC 3:35 Bering Sea Gold MLC 4:25 Moonshiners MLC 5:15 Aussie Gold Hunters PG The Hangover Part II, at 8:35pm Perfect House, Secret Location, at 8:35pm Sewer Squad, at 9:30pm Heartbreak Island, at 10:05pm Richard
6am AM 3
9am Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush – White Water
PG 3 0
11:30 Newshub Live at 11:30am
Noon M Advance and Retreat
PG 3 2016 Drama.
After she reconnects with an old flame at a corporate retreat, a woman realises that taking a step back may help her go forward. Riley Voelkel, Casey Deidrick. 0
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen PG 0
3pm Top Secret Swimming Holes 0
4pm Kitchen Crashers 0
4:30 Extreme Couponing PG 3 0
5pm Gold Rush – White Water
The remaining four celebrities have to cook their best Thai dishes to impress the judges. 0
8:30 Nick Knowles Heritage Rescue Nick joins Charles Courtenay, the 19th Earl of Devon, who is attempting to save Powderham Castle from the destructive British weather. 0 9:30 Coronation Street PG
PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm The Project
7:30 Lego Masters USA
The contestants build tall, strong and stylish castles using only regular bricks. 0
8:30 The Graham Norton Show With Cate Blanchett, Margot Robbie,
6:10 Reminiscence MVC
6am Infomercials
10:50 Shark Tank PG 3
3:30 Celebrity Ghost Stories PGLVC 3 4:30 Hollywood
Medium PGC 3
5:30 Love It Or List It –Vancouver
6:30 Shark Tank PG 3
7:30 24 Hours In Emergency
MC Mark is rushed to A&E struggling to breathe; Thomas’s high temperature may be linked to his rare blood condition; Katrina injured her knee climbing over a fence.
8:30 Below Deck M
An essential missing ingredient sets up Rachel’s dinner for disaster; Fraser realises he needs a different management style.
9:30 Mayday Air Disaster MC
After a private jet crashes into an apartment building, investigators discover an erratic descent and a puzzling delay.
10:30 Snapped M 3
11:30 Twisted Killers 16VC 3
12:20 Infomercials
2021 Sci-fi.
8:05 Snake Eyes – GI Joe Origins MVL 2021 Action.
10:05 Stillwater MVLC
2021 Drama.
12:25 Separation MVLC
2020 Horror.
2:10 Juniper MVLC
2021 Drama.
3:45 The Fallout 16VLSC
2021 Drama.
5:20 Umma MVL 2022 Horror.
6:45 This is the Night 16LC
2021 Comedy. Lucius Hoyos, Frank Grillo.
8:30 The Duke MLS 2020 Drama. To improve the lives of the elderly, a 60-year-old steals and ransoms Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery. Jim Broadbent, Helen Mirren.
10:10 Blue Bayou MVLC
2020 Drama. A Korean adoptee raised in a Louisiana town confronts his past when he discovers he could be deported. Justin Chon, Alicia Vikander.
12:07 Off the Rails MLS 2021 Comedy. 1:41 Scream 16VL 2022 Horror. 3:35 Spiral –From the Book of Saw 18VL 2021 Horror. 5:07 Chronicle Mysteries – Helped to Death PG 2021 Thriller.
3 10am Infomercials 0
Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day 10. 0
1:05 American Pickers 3 2pm The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 3
Wheel of Fortune 3
– Men’s A-League
7:30 Britain’s Most Luxurious Hotels PG 3 Built in 1865, London’s Langham hotel undergoes major changes in the wake of Covid-19. 0
8:30 Million Pound PG 3 A British couple plan to spend a decade travelling in their expensive and luxurious off-road caravan. 0
9:30 L Basketball – NBL Brisbane Bullets v NZ Breakers. From Nissan Arena, Brisbane.
11:30 The Crowd Goes Wild PG
Friday Midnight The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 1am Infomercials
7:55 The Host MV 2013 Sci-fi Adventure.
10am The Hunger Games –Catching Fire MV 2013 Action.
12:25 Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy MVL 2012 Drama. Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Benedict Cumberbatch.
2:30 The Wolfman 16V 2010 Horror. Benicio Del Toro, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt, Hugo Weaving.
4:10 Deepwater Horizon ML 2016 Action.
5:55 The Revenant 16VS 2016 Drama.
8:30 Sully ML 2016 Drama. Captain Sully is hailed as a hero after successfully making an emergency landing in the Hudson River, but he later finds his actions under investigation. Tom Hanks, Aaron Eckhart.
10:05 The Theory of Everything M 2014 Biography. Story of the love between renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking and his first wife Jane. Eddie Redmayne, Felicity Jones.
12:05 Straight Outta Compton 16VLSC 2015 Drama.
2:30 Entrapment MV 1999 Thriller.
The Nice Guys 16VLSC 2016 Action Comedy.
Squad PG 1pm Richard Hammond’s Workshop 2pm Bondi Rescue PG
2:30 Border Security – Australia PG 3pm Restaurant – Impossible
4pm Bizarre Foods – Delicious Destinations
4:30 Mary Berry’s Quick Cooking
5pm Mysteries at the Museum PG
6pm American Pickers PG 7pm Bondi Rescue PG
7:30 Border Security – Australia PG A woman attempts to evade Customs officers; at Quarantine, a passenger shocks officials when they inspect her luggage.
8pm Border Security – Australia
PG 8:30 Full Bloom
9:30 My Big Family Farm PG
10:30 The Curse of Oak Island PG The team discovers 10-X contains many secrets and new technology could reveal treasure sites on the island.
11:30 Beat Bobby Flay Midnight Infomercials
6am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (HLS) Round
7am Netball – Quad Series (RPL) Third v Fourth. From the International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa.
9am Netball – Quad Series (RPL) Final. From the International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa.
11:30 NBL Slam A weekly review of the NBL, with highlights from the latest round of the competition.
Noon Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day 10. From Melbourne Park.
1pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day 11, Day Session. From Melbourne Park. 9pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day 11, Night Session. From Melbourne Park.
Friday 1:30 The Crowd Goes Wild
The team presents the best of the day’s sports news.
2am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (RPL) Ulster v Sale Sharks.
4am Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup (RPL) Montpellier v London Irish.
6:05 Pool Kings PG
6:55 Aussie Gold Hunters PG
7:45 Aussie Gold Hunters PG
8:35 Aussie Gold Hunters PG
26Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
A fitness instructor who is struggling with her new business volunteers to be a nanny for a single dad.
6am Infomercials
1:35 Million Dollar Listing LA PG 3
2:30 Love It or List It 3
3:30 Celebrity Ghost Stories
4:30 Hollywood Medium
5:30 Love It Or List It –Vancouver
6:30 Shark Tank PG 3
7:30 M Enemy at the Gates MVLSC 3 2001 Drama.
A Nazi and a Russian play a cat-and-mouse game in the ruins of Stalingrad. Jude Law, Joseph Fiennes.
10:05 The Real Murders Of Orange County MVC 3
The execution-style murder of a woman leaves police with no leads, until a similar shooting reveals the truth behind a murder plot gone awry.
10:55 Snapped M
12:45 Twisted Killers 16VC 3
1:35 Infomercials
Still struggling with his curse as the devil’s
6:32 Ascension M 2021 Documentary.
8:12 Downton Abbey –A New Era PGL 2022 Drama.
10:17 The War Below MVC
2021 War. Tom GoodmanHill, Sam Hazeldine.
11:57 Georgetown 16LC 2021
1:40 Together MLSC 2021
3:15 The Card Counter 16VLSC
2021 Thriller.
5:05 Take Home Pay MV 2019
6:53 Last Seen Alive MVLC
2022 Thriller. Gerard Butler, Jaimie Alexander.
8:30 Here Today ML 2021
Comedy. A veteran comedy writer forms a bond with a singer that redefines the meaning of friendship, love and trust. Billy Crystal, Tiffany Haddish.
10:30 The Matrix Resurrections MVL 2021
Action. To find out if his reality is a construct, Mr Anderson, aka Neo, will have to follow the white rabbit once more. Keanu Reeves, CarrieAnne Moss.
Saturday 12:55 Our Ladies 16LSC 2021 Comedy.
2:40 Operation Mincemeat ML 2022 Drama.
4:45 The 355 MVL 2022 Action.
sale; Chum and Rick check out some Magic the Gathering prototype cards.
9:30 Rugby – World Sevens Series (HLS) Hamilton. 10:40 Raw PGV
with Stephen Colbert PG
6:15 Batman v Superman – Dawn of Justice MV 2016
8:45 RocknRolla 16VL 2008
10:40 I Am Legend MV 2007
12:20 Eat Pray Love ML 2010 Romantic Drama.
2:40 The Dark Tower MV 2017 Action.
4:12 Zodiac 16V 2007 Crime.
6:45 Children of Men 16VL 2006 Drama. Clive Owen, Julianne Moore, Michael Caine.
8:30 The Impossible ML 2012 Drama. The true story of a family’s survival after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.
Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor.
10:25 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PGLS 2011 Comedy Drama. British retirees travel to India to live in what they believe is a newly restored hotel. Less luxurious than advertised, the hotel nevertheless slowly begins to charm in unexpected ways. Judi Dench, Bill Nighy, Penelope Wilton.
12:25 Charlie’s Angels – Full Throttle MV 2003 Action.
2:10 In the Valley of Elah 16VLC 2007 Crime.
4:10 Broken City 16VL 2013 Crime.
6am Netball – Quad Series (RPL) Final.
From the International Convention Centre in Cape Town, South Africa.
8:30 The Crowd Goes Wild
The team presents the best of the day’s sports news.
9am Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL) Leicester Tigers v Ospreys. From Mattioli Woods Welford Road, Leicester.
11am Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL) Lyon v Bulls.
1pm Tennis – Australian Open (HLS) Day 11.
2pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day 12, Day Session. From Melbourne Park.
9pm L Tennis –Australian Open Day 12, Night Session. From Melbourne Park.
12:30 Rugby – Heineken
Champions Cup (RPL) Montpellier v London Irish.
2:30 Cricket – BBL (HLS) Melbourne Stars v Sydney Thunder.
2:50 L Cricket –India v Blackcaps First T20. From JSCA International Cricket Stadium, Ranchi.
10:20 The Capture 16LC 0
11:35 The Split 16S 3 0 Sunday 12:40 Jamestown
MVC 0 2:20 The White Princess M 0 3:25 Infomercials
6am Infomercials
10am Love It Or List It –Vancouver 3
10:55 Love It Or List It –Vancouver 3
11:50 Masters of Flip 3
12:40 Southern Charm
1:45 Southern Charm PGLSC 3
2:40 Rich Kids Skint
Holidays PG 3
3:35 Love It or List It 3
4:30 Botched by Nature
5:30 Maternity 24/7 PGC 3
6:30 Undercover Boss 3
7:30 Tattoo Fixers Extreme
8:30 M Believe Me – The Abduction of Lisa
McVey MVS 3 2018 Crime.
A 17-year-old girl convinces a kidnapper to set her free. When she returns home, the only person who believes her story is a veteran detective. Katie Douglas, David James Elliott.
10:25 The Real Murders of Atlanta MVC 3
11:20 Snapped MVC 3
12:15 Infomercials
5am Hollywood Medium
After a break up, the Mystery Inc gang are individually taken to an island resort to investigate strange goings on. Sarah Michelle Gellar, Freddie Prinze jr. 0
8:35 M The Promotion 16 2008 Comedy. Two assistant managers of a corporate grocery store vie for a coveted promotion. John C Reilly, Seann William Scott.
10:20 The Gulf M 3 When a child’s skeleton is dug up on a cannabis plantation, suspicion falls on the local community and a nearby commune. 0
11:25 The Gulf M 3 Jess’s relationship with the commune founders complicates the investigation; the blackmailer loses patience with Jess. 0
6:45 Blood Moon 16VLSC 2020
8:05 A Mouthful of Air MLC 2021 Drama.
9:50 Escape Room –Tournament of Champions MVL 2021 Horror. Taylor Russell, Logan Miller.
11:25 No Sudden Move 16VL 2021 Thriller.
1:20 Reminiscence MVC 2021
3:15 Belfast MVL 2021 Drama.
4:50 Venom – Let There Be Carnage MVL 2021 Action.
6:25 The Eyes of Tammy Faye MLSC 2021 Drama. Jessica Chastain, Andrew Garfield.
8:30 Death on the Nile MV 2022 Drama. Hercule Poirot’s Egyptian holiday aboard a glamorous river steamer turns into a terrifying search for the murderer of a young heiress. Kenneth Branagh, Gal Gadot.
10:35 Resident Evil –Welcome to Raccoon City 16VL 2021 Action.
Kaya Scodelario, Robbie Amell.
12:20 The Conjuring 3 – The Devil Made Me Do It 16VC 2021 Horror. 2:10 Midnight Kiss 16VLSC 2019 Horror.
3:40 Malignant 18VLC 2021
5:30 South of Heaven 16VLSC 2021 Action.
selling gift wrap to Victor’s co-workers for a school fundraiser, Cucu confronts an unexpected rival. 0
6:30 F Raised by Refugees
PGS 3 0
7pm Head of the Class PGC Alicia realises that she has overinflated the debating team’s egos; Luke struggles to land a popular kid’s endorsement for class treasurer. 0
7:30 L NBL Basketball New Zealand Breakers v Melbourne United.
From Spark Arena, Auckland.
9:30 L Tennis – Australian Open Women’s Singles Final. From Melbourne Park.
12:30 Game of Thrones 18VLSC 3
2am NXT PGV 3am Infomercials
6am Superman Returns MV 2006 Action.
8:30 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PGLS 2011 Comedy Drama.
10:30 Troy MV 2004 Action. Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom.
1:07 The Dark Knight MV 2008 Action. Christian Bale, Heath Ledger.
3:35 The Dark Knight Rises MV 2012 Action. Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Anne Hathaway.
6:15 The Amazing SpiderMan MV 2012 Action. Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans.
8:30 American Gangster 16VLSC 2007 Crime. In 1970s America a detective works to bring down the drug empire of a heroin kingpin from Manhattan. Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe.
11:25 Gladiator MV 2000 Action. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen.
1:55 Daredevil MV 2003 Action Fantasy. Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Colin Farrell.
3:40 Suicide Squad 16VLC 2016 Action.
5:40 Jarhead 16VLS 2005
an actor impersonating a detective crosses paths with his high-school dream girl, an actress who needs his help. Robert Downey jr, Val Kilmer, Michelle Monaghan.
10:35 Forged in Fire PG
11:30 Beat Bobby Flay
Midnight Infomercials
7am Women’s Cricket –Australia v Pakistan Second T20. 7:40 Rugby – Heineken Champions Cup Round Four. 8:40 L Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Sale Sharks v Bath Rugby.
10:45 UFC on Sky
11:15 Tennis – Australian
Open Men’s Singles Semifinal One. 12:45 Tennis – Australian Open Men’s Singles Semi-final Two.
2:15 Cricket – BBL Melbourne Stars v Sydney Thunder.
2:30 L Football –A-League Wellington Phoenix v Perth Glory.
4:55 L Football –Women’s A-League Brisbane Roar v Wellington Phoenix.
7:05 No Boundaries 7:30 Tennis – Australian Open Men’s Singles Semi-final Two. 9pm L Tennis –Australian Open Women’s Singles Final. 11:30 L Tennis – Australian Open Men’s Doubles Final.
2am Cricket – BBL 2:25 UFC on Sky 2:55 L Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Leicester Tigers v Northampton Saints. 5am Cricket – India v Blackcaps 5:25 L Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Exeter Chiefs v Gloucester.
28Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
8:15 Happy Campers – The Caravan Park 3 0
9am F Secrets of the London Underground PG 3 0
9:55 F Waka Huia
10:25 Indigenous 100 3 0
11am L Cricket –
Women’s Super Smash Otago Sparks v Central Hinds. From University of Otago Oval, Dunedin. 0
2pm F Britain’s Busiest Airport – Heathrow 3 0
3pm Fight for the Wild 3 0
4pm NZ Hunter Adventures PGC 3
The team takes to rugged mountain roads in a 4WD and visit some historic huts. 0
5pm The Chase 3 0
6pm 1 News at 6pm 0 7pm Starstruck UK 0
8:10 F Bali 2002 MVLC
Investigators work to track down the perpetrators of the Bali bombings as injured survivors try to piece together their shattered lives. 0
10:20 Line of Duty M 3
AC-12 link Gail Vella’s murder with a historic case of police corruption; Kate hatches a plan to find out if Jo is bent. 0
11:35 F Manifest M 3 0
12:30 Infomercials
Australia PG The odds are stacked against the Blockheads finishing their homes –but there is a surprise visit. 0
The Block Australia PG Facing obstacles, the Blockheads strive to finish the work spaces in their massive sheds. 0
The Diana Investigations PG The story of the British and French police investigations into Princess Diana’s death. 0
9-1-1 – Lonestar M 3 0
Framing Britney Spears M 3 Britney Spears’s fight for control of her estate after being in a 13-year conservatorship. 0 Monday 12:25 Infomercials
5:30 AM Early 3
7:27 Fantastic Beasts – The Secrets of Dumbledore MV 2022 Adventure.
9:45 Death on the Nile MV 2022 Drama. Kenneth Branagh, Gal Gadot.
11:50 Spider-Man –No Way Home MV 2021 Action. Tom Holland, Benedict Cumberbatch.
2:15 This is the Night 16LC 2021 Comedy. Lucius Hoyos, Frank Grillo.
4pm Dune MV 2021 Action. Timothee Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson.
4:30 Football – Women’s A-League (HLS) Brisbane Roar v Wellington Phoenix.
5pm Football – Men’s A-League (HLS) Wellington Phoenix v Perth Glory.
5:30 Prime News
6pm Pawn Stars PGL 3
7pm N Storage Wars PG
The buyers try their luck at a new facility; Dusty brews an interesting unit; Kenny weighs the value of childhood memories. 0
7:30 Outback Truckers PGL
Dougal is depending on the sale of massive haul of cattle to stave off his mounting bills; Steve has fallen a mere 50km short of his destination. 0
8:35 Border Security – America’s Front Line PG 3 0
9:30 L Tennis – Australian Open Men’s Singles Final. From Melbourne Park.
12:30 SmackDown PGV
1:30 Closedown 3am Infomercials
7:40 Man on a Ledge MVL 2012 Action Crime.
9:20 Conspiracy Theory MV 1997 Thriller.
11:32 The Hunger Games MV 2012 Sci-fi Adventure. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth.
1:50 The Departed 16VL 2006 Crime.
4:20 Whip It MLS 2009 Drama.
6:10 The Amazing SpiderMan 2 MV 2014 Action. Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx.
Forged in Fire PG
11:45 Beat Bobby Flay
12:10 Infomercials
7:30 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Leicester Tigers v Northampton Saints.
9:30 Football – Women’s A-League (HLS) Brisbane Roar v Wellington Phoenix.
10am Football – A-League (HLS) Wellington Phoenix v Perth Glory.
10:30 Basketball – NBL (HLS) NZ Breakers v Melbourne United. 11am Spirit of Sport 11:30 Tennis –Australian Open (RPL) Men’s
Doubles Final. 1:30 Tennis – Australian
6:30 Tiny House Nation PG
7:30 M It’s Complicated
MSC 3 2009 Rom-com. When a woman unexpectedly becomes more than friends with her remarried former husband, it is perfectly tawdry until another man also wants her affections.
Meryl Streep, Steve Martin, Alec Baldwin. 0
10pm 999 What’s Your
Emergency? 16LC 3
11pm 24 Hours In Emergency MC 3
11:55 An Unexpected Killer
MC 3
12:45 Infomercials
6:35 Last Night in Soho 16VLSC 2020 Horror. Thomasin McKenzie, Anya Taylor-Joy.
8:30 Top Gun – Maverick MVL 2022 Action. After more than 30 years of service, Maverick continues to push the envelope as a test pilot but must confront ghosts of his past. Tom Cruise, Miles Teller.
10:40 Amsterdam MVC 2022 Comedy. Christian Bale, Margot Robbie.
12:54 Stillwater MVLC 2021 Drama. Matt Damon, Abigail Breslin.
3:09 Breaking News in Yuba County 16V 2021 Comedy.
4:43 Jackass Forever 16LC 2022 Comedy.
8:30 The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PGLS 2015 Comedy. Indian hotelier Sonny attempts to expand his empire. Richard Gere, Judi Dench, Maggie Smith.
10:30 The Revenant 16VS 2016 Drama. A frontiersman on a fur-trading expedition in the 1820s must survive after being mauled by a bear and left for dead by his own companions.
Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hardy, Will Poulter.
1:05 Sicario 16VC 2015 Crime.
3:05 Assassin’s Creed MVL 2016 Action.
5am The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel PGLS 2015
– NBL (HLS) Brisbane Bullets v NZ Breakers.
2am Basketball – NBL (HLS) NZ Breakers v Melbourne United. 2:30 Cricket – BBL (HLS) Qualifier Final.
2:50 L Cricket – India v Blackcaps Second
29Jan23 metservice.com | Compiled by
©TVNZ 2023 ©TVNZ 2023
As Tommy’s big day approaches, Catherine is suspicious and Ryan finds a new way to defy her. 0 10:25 1 News Tonight 0
6am AM 3 9am Infomercials
10:30 Gold Rush – White Water
PG 3 0 11:30 Newshub Live at 11:30am Noon M The Bouquet PG 3 2013 Drama. Two estranged sisters who return home after a tragic turn of events discover how much they need each other.
Kristy Swanson, Alberta Mayne. 0
2pm Cutthroat Kitchen 0
3pm Top Secret Swimming Holes 0 4pm Kitchen Crashers 0
4:30 Extreme Couponing PG 3 0
5pm Gold Rush – White Water PG 0
6pm Newshub Live at 6pm 0
7pm The Project 0
7:30 The Block Australia PG
The race is on for the penultimate reveal on the Block tree change; one team will not reach the finish line. 0
8:55 The Block Australia PG 0
10:10 The Diana Investigations PG More than one person comes forward with claims of a plot to murder Princess Diana. 0
11:05 Newshub Late
11:35 Controlling Britney Spears
PG 3 Britney Spears says the conservatorship is an oppressive and controlling tool against her; a New York Times investigation features interviews with key insiders. 0 Tuesday
6:16 Belfast MVL 2021 Drama.
6am Infomercials
10am Love It or List It 3
10:50 Shark Tank PG 3
11:40 Hollywood Medium
12:35 Love It Or List It –
Vancouver 3
1:35 Million Dollar Listing
2:30 Love It or List It 3
3:30 Celebrity Ghost Stories
4:30 Hollywood Medium
5:30 Love It Or List It –
6:30 Shark Tank PG 3
7:30 Snapped MVC 3
After the body of woman is found in an abandoned trailer, investigators uncover the dark truth of what happens when someone is pushed too far.
8:30 An Unexpected Killer
MC Early leads of an executionstyle shooting take police down a path of greed and desperation.
9:30 The Real Murders of Atlanta MVC
An actor’s dreams of stardom are shattered after he is beaten to death.
10:30 Snapped M 3
11:30 Twisted Killers 16VC 3
12:20 Infomercials
but end up phoning it in; Dave trains his eye on a messy unit. 0
5pm F Rural Delivery 0
5:30 Prime News
6pm Storage Wars PGL 3 0
7pm Pawn Stars PGC 3
7:30 American Pickers PGC Robbie gets revved up for a time travel bike; Mike unearths a 1932 pickup that has not seen the light of day in 50-years.
8:30 M Cold Pursuit 16VLSC 3 2019 Action. A man’s life is changed after the death of his son, and his search for justice becomes a hunt for a violent drug lord. Liam Neeson, Laura Dern. 0
11:05 The Crowd Goes Wild PG
Midnight The Late Show with Stephen Colbert PG 1am Infomercials
6:30 Dr Dee – Alaska Vet PG 7:20 The Pioneer Woman 7:45 Trisha’s Southern Kitchen 8:10 Bake Off – The Professionals PG 9am Mysteries at the Museum PG 10am American Pickers PG 11am Pool Kings 11:30 Hidden Potential Noon Incredible Journeys With Simon Reeve PG 1pm American Restoration PG 1:30 Baggage Battles PG 2pm Griff’s Canadian Adventure PG 3pm Restaurant – Impossible 4pm Giada Entertains Giada invites friends over to make some of their favourite dishes together. 4:30 Adam and Poh’s Malaysia in Australia PG 5pm Mysteries at the Museum PG 6pm American Pickers PG 7pm Bondi Rescue PG 7:30 Border Security Australia PG
Officers stop an elderly woman and make a disturbing discovery; immigration suspect a Latvian man intends to destroy a building.
8pm Border Security Australia PG The discovery of a bag reveals the truth behind an imposter’s lies; drug readings spark an intensive search; a shipment of tennis racquets serves up a big hit for officers.
8:30 The Motorway
9:30 Great Southern Truckers PG
10:30 The Curse of Oak Island PG
11:30 Beat Bobby Flay Midnight Infomercials
7:51 Military Wives MLS 2019
9:41 12 Mighty Orphans M 2021 Drama.
Luke Wilson, Martin Sheen.
11:36 Firestarter 16VLC 2022 Horror. Zac Efron, Ryan Kiera Armstrong.
1:08 Joe Bell MVLSC 2020
Drama. Mark Wahlberg, Connie Britton.
2:39 Scream 16VL 2022
Horror. Neve Campbell, Courtney Cox.
4:30 Dream Horse PGL
2021 Drama. Toni Collette, Damian Lewis.
6:20 The Suicide Squad
16VLC 2021 Adventure. Margot Robbie, Idris Elba.
8:30 West Side Story MV 2021 Musical. Tony and Maria’s romance adds fuel to the fire between rival gangs vying for control of the streets.
Ansel Elgort, Rachel Zegler.
11:15 Umma MVL 2022
Horror. Sandra Oh, Fivel Stewart.
12:40 Morbius MVL 2022
2:25 Spiral – From the Book of Saw 18VL 2021
Horror. 4am Ascension M 2021 Documentary.
5:35 Good Boy 16VLSC 2020
7am The Legend of Tarzan MV 2016 Adventure.
8:50 Entrapment MV 1999
Thriller. Sean Connery, Catherine Zeta-Jones.
10:40 Gone Girl 16VLS 2014 Thriller.
1:05 The Hunger Games –Catching Fire MV 2013 Action.
3:30 Batman v Superman –Dawn of Justice MV 2016 Action.
6pm Gladiator MV 2000 Action. Russell Crowe, Joaquin Phoenix, Connie Nielsen.
8:30 Citizen X MV 1995 Crime. During the 1980s, forensics specialist Viktor Burakov hunts a serial killer who picks his victims at railway stations and lures them into the woods. Stephen Rea, Jeffrey DeMunn.
10:20 Into the Blue MVL 2005 Action. A group of aspiring treasure hunters finds themselves in trouble after they find the illicit cargo of a sunken plane while diving in the Bahamas. Jessica Alba, Paul Walker.
12:07 Eat Pray Love M 2010 Romantic Drama. 2:22 Superman Returns MV 2006 Action.
7am Tennis – Australian Open Men’s Singles Final.
11am Tennis – Australian Open Day 14. Noon Cricket
– BBL Qualifier Final.
12:15 Cricket – BBL Knockout
12:30 Football – Women’s A-League Melbourne City v Adelaide United.
2:30 Football –Women’s A-League Brisbane Roar v Wellington Phoenix.
3pm Rugby – World Sevens Series Sydney – Day Three.
4:30 Rugby – Gallagher Premiership Leicester Tigers v Northampton Saints.
6:30 Basketball – NBL NZ Breakers v Melbourne United.
7pm The Crowd Goes Wild
8pm Football – A-League Wellington Phoenix v Perth Glory. 8:30 Rugby – World Sevens Series Sydney.
9pm Rugby – World Sevens Series Sydney – Semi-finals and Finals.
9:30 Football –Women’s
6am 6am Would I Lie to You? PG 6:30 Qi ML 7am Keeping Up Appearances PG 7:30 The Bill MVC 8:20 A Touch of Frost MVC 10:05 Father Brown PG 11am Doc Martin PG 11:50 Midsomer Murders PG 1:30 The Bill MVC 2:20 New Tricks MVS 3:25 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown MLS 4:20 The Graham Norton Show ML 5:15 Who Do You Think You Are? Australia PG Grant Denyer. 6:20 Qi MLS 6:55 EastEnders PG 7:25 Qi MLSC 8pm Would I Lie to You? PG Comedy panel show where contestants bluff about their secrets. 8:35 Death in Paradise MV 9:40 Good Karma Hospital MC 10:35 Traces MLC 11:25 Midsomer Murders PG Tuesday 1:05 Qi MLS 1:35 Qi MLSC 2:05 Would I Lie to You? PG 2:35 Who Do You Think You Are? Australia PG 3:35 Death in Paradise MV 4:40 Good Karma Hospital MC 5:30 Mrs Brown’s Boys MLS
A-League Brisbane Roar v Wellington Phoenix. 9:45 Football – Women’s A-League 10pm Rugby – World Sevens Series 11:30 The Crowd Goes Wild Tuesday 12:30 Tennis – Australian Open 2:35 Tennis – Australian Open 4:35 Rugby –Gallagher Premiership 6:05 Pool Kings PG 6:30 How Do They Do It? PG 6:55 Mysteries at the Museum PG 7:45 Homestead Rescue PG 8:35 Gold Rush – Parker’s Trail Special MLC 9:25 Gold Rush – Parker’s Trail MLC 10:20 Homestead Rescue PG 12:10 Pool Kings PG Mountain Lake Resort Pool. 12:40 How Do They Do It? PG 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 2pm Naked and Afraid – Alone MLC 2:55 Moonshiners MLC 3:50 Deadliest Catch MLC Of Ice and Men. 4:45 Reclaimed PG Seeking Ore. 5:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6:35 Aussie Gold Hunters PG The Golden Goal. 7:30 Railroad Australia PG 8:30 Building Alaska PG Ninja Framer. 9:25 Pool Kings PG Dream Home Needs Dream Pool. 10:25 Alaskan Bush People MLC Wind and Water. 11:25 Naked and Afraid – Alone MLC Lonely Like the Wolf. Tuesday 12:15 Homestead Rescue PG 1:05 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG 1:55 Deadliest Catch MLC 2:45 Naked and Afraid – Alone MLC 3:35 Bering Sea Gold MLC 4:25 Moonshiners MLC 5:15 Aussie Gold Hunters PG Treasure Island – Fans v Faves, at 7:30pm Frozen Planet II, at 8pm Cold Pursuit, at 8:30pm The Diana Investigations, at 10:10pm Giada Entertains, at 4pm Monday February 13, 2023 7pm – 9pm $50 per person includes 2023 membership Duration of 12 weeks Playing bridge is a really great way to engage with others and an excellent way to keep your brain alert Enquiries: Contact Sheryl • email: ashbridgeton@xtra.co.nz • M: 0274 383 739 https://sites.google.com/site/ashbridgenz/ Beginners Lessons
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): The more you acknowledge that you're part of a collective, the more you feel that way. Put the group mind at the forefront of your thoughts and act in accordance with what the group needs.
TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): Even though you are content with your own company, you enjoy diverse groups and one-on-one interactions with people who are different from you. Today, there's an interesting spark with an unlikely partner.
GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): Of course no one is inherently better than another, but our egos have us flexing anyway, as though there's something at stake that can be won with an air of superiority. You'll win because you'll go in the opposite direction.
CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): Ask yourself if you are making something more complicated than it needs to be. Sometimes, handling what's bothering you doesn't need to be an investigation. What if you just tossed out the old and moved on?
1. Heaven's gatekeeper's not at home if one dies away (6,3)
5. One is no longer favouring this side of the field (3)
7. American man in journalism was habituated to it (4)
8. Mad to change it, Edward owned up (8)
10. Cycle around the establishment to find a base (8)
11. He sings, but might otherwise be pronounced fishy (4)
13. It's curious in red revolution to move with uncertainty (6)
15. Engine sounded starved, but was in the pink (6)
18. Solid body of Ursa Minor at the end of June? (4)
19. Look at the mirror and this may help one see (8)
22. Everything one puts in foie gras to soften it (8)
23. Return to the French to give the glad eye (4)
24. Half the snakes have gone to tot things up (3)
25. Err with one replacing nothing for the moment to produce fun (9)
1. Opted for pleasantly rounded half of 7 (7)
2. Material is unwanted in the garden following half of it (5)
3. It's hard to go through gold and be a trader (6)
4. Journey on which one will fall over one's own feet (4)
5. Away from home with play-actors, not welcome in society (7)
6. Loses colour being fed as maybe (5)
9. Without a headmaster? It blooms! (5)
12. Stick out for Gershwin initially in his Blue composition (5)
14. Was an amateur artist bad? The reverse: he suffered! (7)
16. In the Sahara oasis finally provides what may be last course (7)
17. 'Why, then the world's mine _____' (The M W of W) (6)
18. In a particular pocket found coconut material turning up (5)
20. A street in Paris in which gendarme first appears to row (5)
21. Stable business (4)
6. Sufficient (6)
7. Brilliance (6)
10. Sunbathing (7)
11. Skinflint (5)
12. Every one or thing (4)
13. Discovered (5)
16. Of this area (5)
17. Listen to (4)
20. Wilt (5)
21. Not certain (7)
22. Muffle (6)
23. Cowardly (6)
1. Slow-witted
LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): The main event is engrossing, and you are likely to forget yourself as you handle the challenge. Pause often to assess. You will have time if you take time.
VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): You've learned to be a little sceptical as to the motives of those who offer you favours. Today, you needn't be. More often than not, people are motivated by kindness and the satisfaction that comes with being able to help.
LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): You'll have fascinating exchanges, and people will consider you to be an essential part of their experience. They won't always tell you this, so it's a good thing you're excellent at reading the vibes.
SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): You send a message with your heart and hope for a return, but don't expect it. Joy is often a function of zero to subzero expectation. Though you don't feel like validation is a requirement, you'll get all you need.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): No, you're not imagining the signals. You're picking up what they're throwing down. Someone finds you interesting, and the next move is truly all yours. Wait three days to make it.
CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): The ability to entertain an idea without accepting it is the mark of a sophisticated mind. Play with ideas, try them on and take them off as it suits. You'll try to see things as others do to understand them better.
AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): You'll speak to the needs of others and feed them in more ways than one, lending the attention that makes them feel seen. It takes generosity of spirit to foster a sense of belonging. It's tricky today, but worthwhile.
How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter word.
How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter word.
PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): While there's a time to ask why, this is not that time. Going down a rabbit hole of history or the upward spiral of possibility will only waste the resources that are best applied to things like acting in your own best interest in the current situation.
Across: 1. Minute 4. Turnip 9. Darning .10. Dodge 11. Troy 12. Bear 13. Rye 15. Seek 16. Hoop 19. Art 21. Diet 22. Doom 24. Usual 25. Bullion 26. Exhume 27. Spread
Previous solution: cero, cor, core, corf, foe, for, force, fore, fro, froe, ore, orf, orfe, rec, ref, roc, roe
Previous solution: cero, cor, core, corf, foe, for, force, fore, fro, froe, ore, orf, orfe, rec, ref, roc, roe
Down: 1. Made to measure 2. Nervous 3. Tail 5. Underdog 6. Nadir 7. Predetermined 8. Ogres 14. Pendulum 17. Promise 18. Derby 20. Truth 23. Slap
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Every day
Mt Hutt Memorial Hall
10am, 160 Main Street, Methven. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and Hall of Memories.
Ashburton Aviation Musuem
1-3pm, Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.
Mid Canterbury Connector
Provides low-cost return trips to Ashburton, Mondays to Fridays, any time between 9am and 4.30pm.
Ashburton Aviation Museum
1-3pm. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road.
Age Concern Ashburton
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am.
Ashburton Bridge Club
1.05pm, Bridge Club Rooms, 79 Alford Forest Road.
Ashburton Community Walking Group
Mondays and Fridays at 10.30am. Walnut Avenue Pavilion.
Ashburton Pipe Band practice
Pipe Band rooms, Every Monday, 7.30pm onwards.
MSA Dance Section
Monday 4.00pm to 6.00pm. All welcome at the MSA Havelock St.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Age Concern Ashburton
Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
Held at Methven All Saints Anglican Church Chapman St at 10.30am, starting February 7. Rakaia St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Bridge St at 1.00pm.
MSA Tai Chi
Classes at 11am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street.
Justice of the Peace
JP available for all signing services on Tuesdays and Fridays at 12pm-2pm. No appointment necessary. No fee. Community House, 44 Cass St.
RSA Indoor Bowls
Every Tuesday at 12.45. RSA in the Doris Linton Lounge. $2, followed by a cuppa & chat.
Pickleball Ashburton
EA Networks Centre from 5-7pm. Paddles provided.
Mid Canterbury Badminton Club
Badminton Club night from 7-9pm. All abilities welcome at EA Networks Centre.
Waireka Croquet Club
Draw 9.45am GC Handicap Singles. Ist Tuesday in the Month Handicap Singles 19 hoops. Draw 1.15pm. Singles Handicaps -0 5; 6-9; 10-16.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Ashburton Ladies Friendship Club
9.45am, Sinclair Centre. Speeches, morning tea, every fourth Wednesday of the month.
Wednesday Walk Group
9.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue on the west side of the Ashburton College Auditorium
Age Concern Ashburton
Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
• Held at Allenton St David’s Church, Allens Road at 9.30am.
Pickleball Ashburton
Every Wednesday from 9.30am - 11.30am at EA Networks Centre.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church
Holy Communion at 10am on Park Street.
Age Concern Ashburton
Programme for the elderly runs Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am.
Hip Hop for Seniors
10am-11am at the Ashburton Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street, Ashburton, $5. Ashburton open coffee mornings
All are welcome at the Plunket rooms, 222 Cameron Street. 10.30am - 12 noon.
Ashburton Bridge Club
Every Thursday, 7.05pm, Bridge Club rooms, 79 Alford Forest Road.
Ashburton Menz Shed 9am-2pm at 8 William Street.
Age Concern Ashburton
Ladies exercise class at 9.30am at Ashburton Seniors Centre at 206 Cameron Street.
Mid Canterbury Badminton Club 9.30am-11am at EA Networks Sports Centre.
MSA Tai Chi
Classes at 11am. Cost $3 per session at the MSA on Havelock Street.
Age Concern Ashburton
Steady as you Go Gentle Falls Prevention Exercises. All levels of ability are welcome. $2 per 1hr session.
• Ashburton St Stephen’s Church, Park Street at 1pm.
• Ashburton Buffalo Lodge Rooms, Cox Street at 1pm.
Ashburton Community Walking Group
Walking for about 30-40 minutes on Mondays and Fridays at 10.30am. Meet Walnut Avenue Pavilion.
St Stephen’s Anglican Church
Seniors Coffee Club, 2nd and 4th of the month at 10.30am, St Stephen’s Parish Centre, Park St.
Ashburton Justice of the Peace
JP available for all signing services from 12-2pm. No appointment necessary. No fee. Community House. 44 Cass Street.
Pickleball Ashburton
EA Networks Centre from 6-8pm. Paddles provided.
Ashburton Farmers Market
Saturday mornings, 9am-12.30pm, north end West Street car park. Plants, hot and cold food, vegetables.
Ashburton Aviation Museum
Ashburton Airport from 10am - 3pm.
Ashburton Woodworkers
Clubrooms at Plains Museum site 1pm-4pm.
Seventh-Day Adventist Church 10am, Weekly worship & Bible Study. 11am, Sabbath singing & Sermon.
At Grace Presbyterian Church building, 63 Princes St. Ashburton. All welcome!
Vintage Car Club
The museum and parts shed, 86 Maronan Road, Tinwald, will be open ONLY on the following Saturdays during the month of January, 2023 (times 10am to 12 noon):
January 14, 21, 28.
Waireka Croquet Club
AC Singles or Doubles. Draw 9.45 and 12.45, GC Draw 1.15 pm Doubles. New players welcome, mallets available.
Ashburton Anglican Parish
Sunday - St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Park St, 10 am. Holy Communion
Sunday - St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Thomson St. 10 am. Holy Communion, 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month
St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
Sunday January 29, 2023: 10am Combined Service at St Andrew’s. Service led by Rev. Eric Mattock. All welcome. Sinclair Centre, Park Street.
Grace Presbyterian Church 10am at 63 Princes Street.
Hakatere Presbyterian Parish
We have several combined services in January and this is the service schedule –
Sunday January 29 – joining in a Combined Service at 10am at St Andrews, Park Street.
Each week from Sunday February 5 – Morning Worship at 10am. All welcome. 65 Oxford Street.
St Paul’s Church, Mid Canterbury CCAANZ
Chertsey Community Hall, Chertsey Line Road, Chertsey, 10am Sunday. Communion 1st and 3rd Sundays. “Knowing Jesus and making Jesus known”.
Pickleball Ashburton
Sunday is organised competition day at EA Networks Stadium from 5-7pm. Prior registration through our facebook page is required. Some courts are available for social play.
Every Monday and Saturday
Allenton Assn Croquet Club
Venue Allenton Sports Club. Monday, Saturday. Start every week Monday September 19 until March 27 2023. Starting time 1.15pm.
Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
Methven Croquet Club
We play croquet every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 1.30pm at the Methven Domain. All welcome to come along.
Ashburton MSA Petanque Club
115 Racecourse Road, Ashburton. Please be there by 1pm to play off at 1.15pm each day. All welcome. Equipment and tuition available.
Every Tuesday and Friday
Methven Museum – Christmas Display
60 Main St, Methven. Open Tuesday and Friday 2-4pm. Believe it or not an orange was once a treat as were nuts. Many families could only afford these treats if they saved up all year. Come to the museum and see what gifts were given at Christmas of yesteryear, and what decorations were put up in the home. There are puzzles for the children to do and the history of Methven is on display. Admission is free but donations are welcome.
Every Thursday and Saturday
Ashburton Toy Library
Open every Thursday and Saturday from 9.30am-12.30pm, plus every alternate Tuesday 3.30pm-5pm at 106 Victoria Street.
Every Wednesday, Saturday
Allenton Golf Croquet Club
Wednesdays & Saturdays. Start every week from Wednesday September 21 2022 until March 29 2023, starting time 9.45am.
Last Sunday of every month
Nor’Westers Muso’s Club
All are welcome, as is any style of music. 2pm6pm at Feeneys Lounge, Devon Tavern.
First Sunday of every month
Methven Market
At Methven Resort, from 9am to 1pm. Ashburton Anglican Parish
5pm Taize-style reflective worship (even months) or 5pm Evensong (odd months).
Third Monday of every month
The Ashburton Electronic Organ & Keyboard Club meets on the third Monday of every month (except December/January) at Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street at 7.30pm
Second Fri of every month
In Colour, art and craft club
Bring along your art and craft projects to share with others over morning tea once a month. 10.30am - 12 noon.
Second and fourth Friday of every month
St Stephen’s Anglican Church Seniors Coffee Club 10.30am on Park Street.
Ashburton Embroiderers’ Guild
Meet Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street first Saturday of the month 10.30am-3.30pm, second Thursday of the month 1pm-3.30pm, third Tuesday of the month -9pm, and the fourth Thursday of the month 10.30am-3.30pm.
January events
St David’s Union Church
Tuesday, 24th January, 9.30 am. St David’s Union Church. Walking Group meets outside church. 48 Allens Road.
Run and Walk Ashburton
Summer Park Series, Run or Walk, 1, 3, 5km. January 17 to February 21, Tuesday, 6pm start. Ashburton Domain, Walnut Avenue Pavilion. Adults $2, under 18 free. Everyone welcome –all ages, all abilities, walker or runner.
Waireka Croquet Club
Philip Street. Tuesdays, Waireka Croquet Club GC Draw 9.45am and 1.15 Singles.
Vintage Car Club
The museum and parts shed, 86 Maronan Road, Tinwald, will be open ONLY on the following Saturdays during the month of January, 2023 (times 10am to 12 noon):
January 28.
February events
Craft Cluster Workshop
Monday February 6, 10am, at the Plains Museum.
Send all details to: whatson@ theguardian.co.nz
IMPORTANT: If you’re running a regular event, we only need to hear from you when you have CHANGES to this regular event.
Do you want to increase your revenue and attract more customers quickly? en come talk to us about the rock star success that is the Guardian’s Facebook page. It’s got close to 16,000 followers, which is so far ahead of other media and marketing business wannabes in Ashburton, that it’s not even funny.
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Daryl Holden | Managing editorREACH 33,013
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Two winners on his annual pilgrimage to Blenheim have Ashburton trainer Ben Waldron within striking distance of a notable milestone in his career.
Victories to Georgie Zukov on Friday and then maiden pacer Franco Humbie on Sunday took the Winchmore based horseman to 99 career training wins from his more than 20 years of training a small, but select team.
The first came in 1999 when training in partnership with former Mid Canterbury horseman Andrew McPherson when Suave Century won at Forbury Park – one other win would come with McPherson before they went their own ways and Waldron’s first outright win came two years later when Sunset Glen won at Ashburton.
That’s a long time ago though, and there’s been a lot of good horses go through the barn since including Group One performer Mr Molly – but Waldron’s modus operandi these days is more on the smaller numbers and getting wins on
the board.
And that’s what he achieved at the weekend when Georgie Zukov grabbed his first win in over two years on Friday and then stable-newcomer Franco Humbie broke maidens on Sunday.
Both horses were driven by John Morrison.
Georgie Zukov went from last week’s Ashburton meeting on the Tuesday to Blenheim on Friday but showed no ill-effects of a busy week with a dominant victory for his big band of local owners and then backed it up with a strong placing on Sunday.
Franco Humbie was one of the eye-catching runs on the first day, his first start for Waldron after beginning his career with Steven McRae, and then dished out an impressive performance on Sunday to win comfortably.
Waldron joins fellow Mid Cantabrian, Sarah O’Reilly on the milestone watch list.
She’s currently on 199 career driving wins in New Zealand and while no luck came her way at the weekend she’ll be back on the road and chasing victories this week again with meetings at Addington on Friday, Winton on Saturday and then a little closer to home at Methven on Sunday.
Nineteen riders, 18th January, 2023.
16km. 1st. Nigel Chatterton 27m 19s.
2nd. Charlotte Cox 27m 20s. 3rd. Chris
Gilbert 28m 23s. 4th. Neil Wylie 27m
24s. 5th. Emma Mealings 29m 57s.
6th. Nick Squires 28m 27s. 7th. Eliza
McKenzie 30m 58s. 8th. Brent Hudson
33m 04s. 9th. Paul Summerfield 25m
52s. 10th. Emma Waite 25m 56s. 11th.
Don Summerfield 25m 58s. 12th. Jelle
Hendriksen 26m 01s. 13th. Paul Brake
26m 02s. 14th. Kaylib Gorrie 25m 20s
2f/t. 15th. Rob Hooper 25m 21s 3f/t.
16th. Chris Reid 25m 21s 4f/t. 17th. Nick
Grijns 26m 41s. 18th. Tony Ward 25m
10s. F/T. 19th. Mark Summerfield 25m
Wednesday, January 18, Competition:
Par Round
Sega Golf Winner over the Field: John McArthur +4, 2nd Richard McKernan +3, 3rd Robbie Bell +3. Other good nett scores were: Bryan Donaldson +2, Charlie Alexander +2, Terry Molloy +1, Grant Smith +1, Brent MacGregor+1, Don McQuarters +1, Gavin Douglas 0, Ross Chatterton 0, Graham Gunn 0 & Manny Sim 0. Twos: Charlie Alexander, Chris Lovelock, Richard McKernan, Dennis Stoddart, Ross Chatterton & Peter Walker. Phat Duck Closest to the pin: Hole 14#: Dennis Stoddart, McKay & Donaldson E-Bike: Closest to the Pin Hole 8#: Richard McKernan.
Midlands Seeds Social Teams
January 20
Top Team: In the Zone - 92 - Tom Blacklow, Hamish Niles, Al Jopson, Ed Harrison; Stroke of Luck - 92 - Brendan Davidson, Ollie Davidson, Nick Rattray, Isaac Bazley; Engineers & Planners - 92 - Kelvin Lysaght, Peter York, Mrtin Lo, Billy Edger. Women: Mayfield Mayhem
84.5, Business birdies 84. Men: Course Rejects 91, Read Rebels 89, Mixed:
Born Again 90.5, TGIF 89.5, The Cruisers 86.5
Top lady: Kristeen Williams 33.5, Top man: Jacob Hughes 35, Billy Edger 35.
Nearest the Pins: Columbus Coffee –Sharon Carlson, Mac & Maggies –Robin Bennett, Paul May Motor – Harrty Chatterton, Gabites Ltd – Brent Macgregor, Karen McRae Property Brokers Longest Putt: Greg Chalmers, Murray Young
Property Brokers Longest Putt: Warren
Twos: Matt Young, Aaron Beal, Rob Hooper, Peter Walker, Nick Rattray, Paul Stoddart, Brent Macgregor.
Mayfield Golf Club
January 21 – Irish Stableford
Winners: Mark Greenslade 83, Tom Bell
79, Wayne Vessey 75, John Low 72, Wayne Blair 70.
Nearest The Pin: No 2 Aon Insurance: Harley Davies, No 11 Hydes Brothers
Spraying: Andrew Lake, No 5 Campbell Contracting: Jarrod Townley, No
14 Anz Bank Wayne Blair, 9&18 Ruralco
2nd Shot Gordon Duthie.
Twos: Andrew Lake, Kenny Read, Mark Greenslade, Jeff McNeilly,Jarrod Townley, Martin Prior, David Morrow, Murray Keir, Leo, Wayne Blair x2.
Kallara Stud - Player of the Day: Mark Greenslade: 81-14-67.
Reminder to all Mayfield Golf Opening Day, Saturday 28-01-23.
Tinwald Golf Club
Twilight - Thursday January 19th
Leading scores in Thursday’s twilight stableford -6 Jeff Naish 21, Warren Mackenzie 20, Paul Hefford 19 c/b. 7-10 Neil Rayner, Ross Preece 21, Gordon Rennie, Kevin Bishop 20, Mike Sandrey 19. 11Plus Robert George, Ewan Gordon, Selwyn Munro 22. Women
0-14 Leen Bell 17. 15Plus Barb Harris, Shona Vucetich 19. Nearest the pin; #2 Jeff Naish. #16 Mike Sandrey. Two’s; Alastair White, Brent Holmes. Hokonui Hacker; Alex Bec 14 Points.
Saturday January 21st
Leading scores in the drawn partner combined stableford played on Saturday; -Men; Lindsay Jackson & Murray Wilson 80, Percy Kelsall & John Moses 75, Adam Lowe & Brent Smith, Wayne Lloyd & Pete Marshall 74, Grant Wilson & Randall Feutz 72. Mixed; Andrew Hill & Jenny Harrex 80, Kevin Bishop & Christine Kinita 73, Clarry Whiting & Maree Moore 72. Nearest the Pin: Tinwald Liquorland #2. R Feutz Gluyas Ford #6 Gary Lee. The Fine Lion #12 Bill Mason. Ace Automotive #16 Adam Lowe. Twos; Brian Rouse, Wayne Kerr, Kevin Bishop, Leen Bell, Gary Lee, Percy Kelsall. Net Eagles; #2 Kevin Bishop, Maree
Moore, Pete Nolan. Summer Championship winners; -14
Alex Roa, 15-21 Andrew Hill, 22Plus
Steve Kircher. Women -20 Jenny Harrex, 21Plus Leen Bell. Summer Trophy for men Elvis Kelsall, CJ Trophy for women Jenny Harrex.
Alan Pickard Doubles Winners: Kate Marriott, Bruno FalcoAsh/Ash, Third: Jan Guilford, Tim Williams - Ash/Asc.
Plate: Ellen Pithie, John Smart - Ash/ Chch, Karine Crum, Mavis ThompsonAsh/Ash.
Bowl: Shelagh Field, Sheila Boa - Ash/ Tim.
At The Butts, 22 January, 300 yards.
TR, John Snowden 49.9, 49.3, 98.12, John Miller 46.3, 48.7, 94.10, Martin Fleming 47.5, 47.2, 94.7, + 48.5, John Fleming 44.3, 44.3, 88.6, Brian Hawksby 42.1, 41.0, 83.1.
FO, Murray Cook 52.2, 56.2, 108.4, Archie Maginness 108.3, Mike Chui 52.2, 55.1, 107.3.
FTR, Mark Alexander 55.1, 54.3, 109.4, Brian Graystone 52.2, 54.2, 106.4.
FPR, David Smith 56.2, 57.4, 113.6, Darral Bradley 53.1, 58.2, 111.3.
Hampstead Slow Pitch
Friday, January 20
Devon Hampstead Slow-Pitch Marines & Angels 20 beat Once Were Hawkies 14, Retryed 19 beat Laser Attack 5, S & Giggles 4 beat Once Were Winners 0, The Misfits 17 beat Hakatere Hitters 4.
Mid Canterbury Softball Association
Saturday January 21
Devon Tavern Hampstead Heat 9 beat Devon Tavern Hampstead Phoenix 6, Rakaia Dairy Services Demons Rebels 9 beat Fairfield All Sorts 5.
Mid Canterbury Tennis
Twilight Tennis – January 18
Grip N Rip won by default against Called To Serve, 40 Love won by default against What The Deuce, Family Affair 20 beat Know Eye Deer 13, Double Shots 17 beat beat Young Blood 16, What’s The Score 17 beat Hacker 16, Between The Lines bye, We Are Sthil Suzuki 17 beat Donalds Dux 16, Famous Grouse 19 beat Grand Slammers 14.
Softball Hampstead Slow-Pitch
Devon Tavern D1: The Misfits v S & Giggles, Laser Electrical D2: Once Were Winners v Laser Attack, First National Real Estate D3: Marines & Angels v Hakatere Hitters, Hurst Automotive D4: Once Were Hawkies v Retyred.
Points: Hampstead Slow-Pitch 1 Marines & Angels 33, 2 S & Giggles 31, 3 Retyred 24, 4 Laser Attack 21, 5 Hakatere Hitters 21, 6 The Misfits 19, 7 Once Were Winners 14, 8 Once Were Hawkies 13.
Mid Canterbury Softball Association
Saturday 28th January 1.00pm D1: Devon Tavern Hampstead Phoenix v Rakaia Dairy Services Demons Rebels (Plate All Sorts Base Heat), 3.00pm D1: Devon Tavern Hampstead Heat v Fairfield All Sorts (Plate Rebels Base Phoenix). Points Table - Senior Mixed 1 Demons Rebels 37, 2 Hampstead Heat 32, 3 Fairfield All Sorts 14, 4 Hampstead Phoenix 3.
through in two really tight games to open the day, before cruising to victory in their last to book a spot in the knockout stage.
There was double-delight for the Allenton Bowling Club in Christchurch on Sunday as two of their sides made it through the first stage of the Bowls Canterbury Centre Fours.
Their women’s side waltzed through their qualifying stage at the Papanui Club while one of their two men’s teams also advanced to the next stage in impressive fashion.
Celebrating her birthday, Sandra Keith skipped the women’s side to success.
She was joined by Rosemary Bennett, Sandra Holdom and Annette Sargisson.
In a tough draw first up they struck the Burnside Bowling Club side skipped by Black Jacks legend and Commonwealth Games medal winner Tayla Bruce in the opening match of the day.
The prospect barely daunted the Allenton ladies though as they coasted to victory with an impressive 19-6 win to kickstart their bid for glory.
With the bye in the second round, victory in their final match was all that was required
to qualify for the top eight which will be played this weekend.
It took a last bowl stunner from Keith for them to get there against
Belfast’s Raelene Peters but they did it and advance as one of the teams to beat on Sunday.
On the Morrison Avenue Bowl-
ing Green, the men’s quartet of Dan Hopkins, Michael Lawson, Liam O’Connor and Jock O’Connor made tough work of their way
They squared up against fellow Allenton player, Rodney Greaney – who also plays for the Halswell Club, in the opening game of the day and the battle went right down to the wire with the side winning 15-14 in a nail-biter.
Life didn’t get any easier in the second round up against a Woolston Park team with again only one point separating them at the finish as they won 17-16.
The third match for the team proved the easiest as they waltzed past a Kaiapoi Club side 18-11 to book their place in this week’s knockout stage where 18 teams from the original 36 will regroup.
Mid Canterbury’s two other sides in the competition were unable to advance.
Allenton’s John Eddington’s team won their first game but lost their next two while it was a winless day for the Methven quartet.
Back in Mid Canterbury, a full green stepped out at the Hinds Bowling Club for the Maddison Trophy with Craig Kellett, Bronson Kellett, Beavan Broker and Murray Smallridge taking out the tournament with three wins, 20 ends and 39 score points, two clear of the Graeme Bishop skipped side who claimed second.
The outcome of Tinwald Cycling Club’s, 45km handicap event round the roads of Methven on Sunday was wide open leading into the final 15km lap.
On the line however it was Chris Reid who had the final say and lifted the Dean Cooksley Memorial Trophy.
Gary Weston produced another trademark strong finish to secure the second place spoils, with fellow Rangiora resident Jason Wilson stepping onto the final podium position.
John Uden produced his best ride of the season to take fourth spot.
Neil Wylie, and the ever present Emma Waite rounded out the top six.
Scratch marker Thomas Audeau claimed fastest time honours, riding the course in 66.39.
Co-markers Tony Ward and Hamish McDonald recorded second and third times.
The juniors and division 2 contested a 15km handicap event.
Louie Audeau continued his good form with a strong ride, working his way through the field to take victory in the junior race.
Carter Shepherd held on bravely to claim second place.
Charlotte Neal backed up last week’s win to take third place.
Thomas Stevenson was hot on her heels in fourth, with the backmarker Jack Gorrie riding the distance in 25.49, recording the fastest time.
Alan Johns took division 2 honours from Nigel Leary and Brian Ellis.
Next week the club will contest a 50km handicap event around the Gardiners Road, Rakaia block.
The chance to test herself against some of the best female croquet players in the world earlier this month was a dream come true for local player, Carolyn Fordyce.
A member of the Waireka Croquet Club in Ashburton, Fordyce took her place in the Women’s World Cup which was held in Christchurch’s Hagley Park over the course of a week recently, playing three days of three, threehour long matches to start.
Up against players from six different countries; Australia, England, Ireland, Scotland, USA and New Zealand, the top four players in each block advanced through to the knockout stage.
“As an event qualifier, I was simply delighted to have the opportunity to play against so many world class female croquet players,” Fordyce said.
While no overall victory fell her way, Fordyce did take on and beat some of the best players in the world during the block play stage as she navigated her way around consistency and not getting too far ahead of herself.
“I began with two wins, then tried too hard and had some nightmare matches, followed by much better play when I relaxed with no expectation against the top-ranked women in my groups.
“My personal highlight was to
note that of the top eight players in the world, I defeated two of them in block play – playing well consistently is every croquet player’s dream.”
Fordyce said the Hagley Park lawns offered challenges that even the best of the world took time adjusting too with speed
and hoop placement and size making the challenge that much more exciting.
“It is generally agreed that the speed of the lawns at the United Croquet Club in Hagley Park, combined with the tight and firm hoops, makes for one of the most difficult croquet settings in the
“Imagine that your croquet ball has only half a credit card’s width on either side for it to travel through the titanium uprights – you can understand the level of accuracy and skill required to navigate the lawns.”
It was the English who made
Multi-sport star, Braden Currie has started 2023 how he intends to continue it – with success.
The former Mount Hutt College student claimed his fourth Tauranga Half Ironman at the weekend, smashing the previous course record set by fellow star and good mate, Kyle Smith by more than two minutes.
The annual event also doubles as the 2023 New Zealand middle distance triathlon championships, meaning Currie has started what is set to be a big year in the best possible fashion as he eyes a return to the Ironman World Championships later in the year.
“This is the race that sets me up for the year. I normally focus on ironman distance but I am mixing it up this year. Today gave me the confidence that age hasn’t caught up on me just yet.”
But Tauranga wasn’t always on the agenda for the now Wanaka-based athlete.
“I had decided I wouldn’t race the Tauranga Half this year as I wanted to spend more time with my family around Christmas and the New Year period before I got stuck in.
“Then pretty much every Kiwi professional I know put their name on the
start list and there was the added incentive of a bigger prize purse.
“I knew I needed to take a concrete pill and make it to the start line.
“My coach planted the seed that if I was going to race, then he wanted me to re-set the bar and break the course record.”
Currie crushed the 2km swim, 90km cycle and 21km run in a time of 3:36.47 – two minutes clear of the record set by
Smith in 2021.
There’s no rest off the back of the win though with the Tasmania 70.3 Ironman potentially on the cards in a fortnight, but the big aim is using the Ironman NZ in March to book his spot for the Ironman World Championships in Nice, France later in the year.
Female ironman star, Rebecca Clarke was victorious in the women’s event at the weekend.
their mark on the World Cup, qualifying two players for the final with Debbie Lines emerging as the victory winning the final two games to one.
But Ashburton’s Carolyn Fordyce certainly let the world know who she is with her efforts over the week.
The Black Ferns Sevens farewelled the Hamilton World Series tournament on a winning note.
Dominant throughout the event, the New Zealand women thumped the USA 33-7 in Sunday night’s cup final at FMG Stadium in Hamilton.
New Zealand were superb all weekend in the women’s event, scoring 225 points and conceding just 19.
In the cup final, Michaela Blyde scored a hattrick in a 33-7 win over USA, while Australia claimed bronze thanks to a 33-17 victory over Ireland.
New Zealand now lead the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series standings on 58 points with bronze medal winning Australia second on 54 points and USA third on 50 points.
New Zealand were denied a match-winning try in the last play of the men’s final, edged 14-12 by Argentina.
Argentina came back from 12-0 down to win the final while USA took bronze with a thrilling 15-14 win over France.
New Zealand now lead the HSBC World Rugby Sevens Series standings on 63 points with USA second on 61 points and Argentina third on 59 points. The tournament was the last on New Zealand soil for the foreseeable future.
World Rugby has opted not to bring the tournament to New Zealand beyond 2023.
Ashburton Contracting Ltd is looking for a Utilities Service Person to work in our ACL Water Department. If you are a methodical problem solver with a can-do attitude, then this could be the position for you. This role is focused around maintenance repair work to the water reticulation and full training is available for the right person.
The right person should be:
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Utilities Maintenance L4
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Email: aaron.gairns@ashcon.co.nz
SITUATIONS WANTED MATURE, Honest, Reliable Lady available for Housework.
CAMERON, Judith Mary (nee Parsons) –23 May 1941 - 21 Jan 2023. Passed away unexpectedly at home. Loved wife of the late Angus Cameron. Much loved mother and mother-inlaw of Carolyn and Johnny, Juliet and Peter, Guyon and Fiona, and Sarah and Seaun. Adored Grams to Jack, Laura, Sophie, Ella, Angus, Milly, Molly, Hugh, and Tilly. Messages to the Cameron family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. A service to celebrate Judith’s life will be held at the St Stephen’s Anglican Church, Park Street, Ashburton, on FRIDAY, January 27, commencing at 1pm, followed by a private interment.
MANSON, Garry James –
Passed away on January 17, 2023 in Blenheim, aged 55 after a short illness. Loved son of the late Bob and Mabel Manson and a loved brother by his sisters and brothers. Remembered by all his nieces and nephews for the love and support of their uncle. At Garry’s request, a private cremation has been held. May he rest in Peace.
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Office cleaning by a professional member of NZ Cleaning Coop in Ashburton.
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Midnight Tuesday
A weak trough affects the upper North Island while a ridge of high pressure covers the rest of New Zealand. The ridge remains over the country on Wednesday before moving eastward on Thursday. A cold front edges closer to Fiordland on Thursday and moves eastwards across the South Island on Friday. In the north, a subtropical area of low pressure moves towards the country late on Thursday.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy, with the chance of an early morning spot of drizzle. Easterlies developing in the morning.
Tuesday: Mostly cloudy. Isolated showers clearing for a time in the morning. Easterlies developing in the morning.
Wednesday: Partly cloudy. A few showers developing about the foothills for the afternoon. Northeasterlies, becoming fresh for a time in the afternoon and evening.
Thursday: Mainly fine, isolated showers in the afternoon and evening. Northerlies developing in the afternoon.
Wednesday: Fine breaks with northeasterlies.
SNOWBALL, Valarie Margaret (Val) –On January 21, 2023, peacefully at Radius Millstream, Ashburton. Aged 84 years. Dearly loved wife of the late Ron. Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Gavin and Cheryl, Ian and Jo, and Karen and Kevin. Adored nana of Nick; Daniel, Karl, and Blair; and Ben, Nicole, and Simon and greatnana of Aaliyah, Tessa, Ollie, and Millie. Messages to the Snowball family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. A service to celebrate Val’s life will be held in Our Chapel, cnr East & Cox Streets, Ashburton on WEDNESDAY, January 25, commencing at 10.30am followed by Cremation at the Ashburton Crematorium.
Thursday: Fine. Easterlies.
Mountain weather hazard: Wind Chill.
Mostly cloudy with isolated showers.
Wind at 1000m: Light, becoming NE 30 km/h south of Lake Coleridge in the afternoon.
Wind at 2000m: Light.
Freezing level: Above 3000m.
Mountain weather hazards: None issued.
Partly cloudy. Isolated afternoon and evening showers, mainly about the foothills.
Wind at 1000m: Light, NW 35 km/h developing at night.
Wind at 2000m: Light, NW 35 km/h developing at night.
Freezing level: Above 3000m.
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