Friday, April 8, 2016
Since Sept 27, 1879
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Taking a stand against parking meters, retailers (from left) Tony Todd, Bob McDonald and Carolyn Cameron saying parking metres are killing inner town business. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 070416-TM-0015
‘Our retail heart is being killed’ BY SUE NEWMAN
Parking meters are killing Ashburton’s retail heart, say its central business district retailers. The retailers are so concerned at the future of the town centre, a delegation of business owners made a presentation yesterday to Ashburton District councillors, calling on them to remove all parking meters and create one-hour free parking zones in the inner town. Parking meters and particularly the pay-and-display machines that regularly malfunctioned, turned shoppers away at a time when retailers were already struggling, said pharmacist Carolyn Cameron. “We already have about a 20 per cent
vacancy now in the CBD and these meters are acting as a disincentive to people to stop and shop in Ashburton,” she said. “Anecdotally we know the pedestrian foot count on the street is down. Ask any retailer. There will be no main street in 10 years time if you don’t make parking more attractive.” Retailers in the CBD were battling on all fronts for survival, she said, with some opting to move to the edges of town where not only were rentals cheaper but where there was better parking. All were forced to come up with new ways to survive in an environment where e-commerce was well entrenched, Ms Cameron said. “Parking metres are the single biggest
contributor to the decline in business in the CBD. It’s important you understand the viability and vibrancy of the CBD is at stake. Sadly whatever we do, it’s to no avail when we have the council limiting our ability to offer customers services because of parking.” Retailers were focused on ensuring the CBD had a strong heart with few empty shops, clothing retailer Tony Todd said. “The pay-and-display machines are dogs and we’re bearing the brunt of frustrated customers. We’re asking you to remove the meters and put in place time restrictions,” he said.
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News 2 Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 8, 2016
Mayoral meeting rejected By Sue NewmaN
On Wednesday Mr McKay invited Ms Branje and other protest rally organisers to meet with himself, deputy mayor Darryl Nelson and finance committee chair Neil Brown to discuss their concerns. That invitation was turned down and Mr McKay said he was disappointed the two groups could not get together to talk through the issues. “From my experience, the first step in the resolution of any dispute is for both parties to get together and put their concerns on the table,” Mr McKay said. While Ms Branje refuses to speak to the Guardian, on a Face-
The gulf between Ashburton water protest rally leader, Jen Branje and Ashburton Mayor Angus McKay is widening. As community angst increases over a plan by the Ashburton District Council to sell a site at the North East Business Park to a water bottling company, Mr McKay and Ms Branje, who vehemently opposes the sale, have been at a very public loggerheads. She is spearheading a public rally to be held in the Ashburton Domain on April 16 in opposition to the sale.
book page she gave the following as her reasons for declining the mayor’s invitation. “This deal has gone on long enough behind closed doors and personally, I don’t want to be party to any private meeting regarding water consent at Lot 9. If our mayor has anything he feels needs to be said, it should be in the public forum, for all to hear and evaluate. “I’m a bit too long in the tooth to be hauled into the headmaster’s office for a grilling (smile emoticon). “I have passed this invitation on to the Waimaori Lot 9 Action
Group Committee.” The Facebook post says. In defending the planned sale, Mr McKay said that at every step of the way all required consultation had been undertaken. “The Ashburton District Council has acted in what it considers to be the best interests of the Ashburton community. This will be a considerable land sale that will benefit all ratepayers in the district,” he said. While the council was selling a block of land (with a water consent in place) to a water bottling company, the site could also be used for a range of other ‘wet’ in-
dustries including horticulture or an abbatoir, In spite of Ms Branje’s refusal to talk with councillors or himself about the issue, Mr McKay said his door was open to anyone in the community who had concerns over the land sale. “I welcome them coming to talk to us.” The Bung the Bore Facebook page says that the protest and information rally is being held to “show our discontent with water consents being given to offshore investors allowing them to come here, take our water, and ship it offshore at no cost!”
Seed breeders look for seed trade opportunities By NadiNe Porter
A group of visiting influential Turkish seed breeders were in Mid Canterbury yesterday to look at our seed production and make new business partnerships. Organised by the New Zealand Grain and Seed Trade Association (NZGSTA) and the NZ Plant Breeding and Research Association, the 27 strong delegation from Turkey’s seed companies visited South Pacific Seeds, South Island Seeds and a Pendarves arable farm yesterday. NZGSTA president Barry McCarter said the study tour allowed the local seed industry to showcase itself as a premier seed producer and help international customers gain a greater appreciation of the processes and investment in the industry for contract seed production and multiplication. The whirlwind three-day
Canterbury visit will finish today when a memorandum of understanding will be signed between the two countries and trade opportunities explored. NZGSTA general manager Thomas Chin said the group had been impressed with the infrastructure in the Canterbury seed industry and he hoped it would bring new business opportunities for seed producers. “We have an idea the contacts generated by the study tour will translate into new partnerships and market opportunities for Kiwi seed exporters.” Sub Union of Seed Industrialists and Producers of Turkey director Yildiray Gencer said the group came to New Zealand because of its reputation as a great seed producer. “We wanted to see the opportunities for trade between Turkey and New Zealand.”
Inspecting seed at South Island Seeds yesterday are (from left): Yildiray Gencer and Dr Ali Ustun. The pair were part of a 27 strong delegation in Mid Canterbury yesterday to encourage seed trade between Turkey and New Zealand. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 060416-AK–065
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News Friday, April 8, 2016
Della’s our latest top model By Erin TaskEr
Della Glassey used to curse her curves and hide from the camera; never in a million years did she see herself as a model. But next week, that’s exactly what the 47-year-old mother of three will be doing after winning a competition run by a fashion chain which caters to the plussized woman – Taking Shape, or TS14 Plus – to find models for its next catalogue. It was something she wouldn’t have even considered entering 10 years ago, but after years of struggling with her body and unsuccessfully trying every diet under the sun, Della learned to accept her body and her curves once she hit her 40s. “Back in the day models needed to be skinny, six foot tall and didn’t eat for days, but it’s not like that now, it’s about being happy within yourself and loving your curves,” she said. “That’s what I love about TS14 Plus, is that they try to inspire the normal woman; we have bumps, we have curves, we have stretch marks. “It’s about saying it’s okay to be who you are and believing in yourself, and believing that you can do it.” Next week she’ll fly to Melbourne where she’ll get to experience the model life for a couple of days; her airfares, accommodation and transfers are all paid for, and she gets a $500 voucher too – which she plans to spend in the Taking Shape’s Riccarton store before she goes. “I love clothes and I always like to try and look nice, because when you look good, you feel good.”
on why she should be chosen. Her written entry was all about feeling good about yourself, and she didn’t think any more of it, until she got a call on Tuesday saying she was one of the winners. Eight models were chosen, and Della was the only winner from New Zealand.
Della said she’d always been a bigger girl, and struggled with it when she was younger. “Before my 40s I used to think this is an issue, but now I have learnt to accept it and this is me, and to enjoy it,” To enter she had to supply two photos of herself, and 200 words
Rates rise likely to be 3.3 per cent By suE nEwman
Ashburton’s next top model – Della Glassey has won a competition run by a plus-sized fashion retailer, to be a model in their next catalogue. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 070416-TM-0007
Ashburton Guardian
A rate rise of just 3.3 per cent next year is almost set in concrete for Ashburton District property owners. Yesterday district councillors worked their way through the draft copy of their annual plan that spells out where the $31.319 million it will collect in rates will be spent next year. Transportation absorbs the largest share of rates, $6.92 million. This includes spending on the district’s 2773 kilometres of roads as well as its 224 kilometres of footpaths and its cycleways. Recreation and leisure absorbs the next largest slice of rates, $6.38 million, up 9.9 per cent on the amount allocated to this area in the current year. This area of spending includes the EA Networks Centre, the Ashburton Art Gallery and Heritage Centre, the Ashburton Trust Event Centre and the library. An increase in operating expenditure at the EA Networks Centre has pumped up this budget by almost $700,000. The council will also invest an extra $88,000 worth of capital expenditure in the complex for
a pool automation filter and a fence. Wastewater and drinking water will take about $4 million each from total rates. The biggest winners this year when the first rates bills of the new year are posted will be property owners in Mayfield. The rates on a house with a capital value of $232,800 will drop by 1.89 per cent thanks to a decline in its roading, water supply and refuse collection rate. Dromore, up 8.8 per cent and Methven, up 7.6 per cent are the two areas carrying the bulk of the rates increase burden in the next year. A significant increase in water supply rates have been the catalyst for both Methven and Dromore’s rates hikes. While targeted rates for water and solid waste may vary across the district and different amenity rates are paid in different areas, all ratepayers are levied a uniform annual general charge and a general rate. The council will sign off its draft annual plan later this month ahead of a series of public meetings as part of its community consultation, starting in Methven on April 26 and wrapping up at Hakatere on May 4.
‘Our retail heart is being killed’ Ashburton retailers claim From P1 “The question for everyone is how do we stop the CBD becoming a ghost town? Small-town New Zealand is under threat from malls and online shopping.” Ashburton was moving through its post-earthquake rebuild with
a huge investment planned in the inner town. Those new complexes would need to attract new tenants, Mr Todd said. “We need to create an environment that’s attractive. There will be quite a few spaces to fill and we already have gaps there now.
“You have to ask, are we working hard enough and putting ourselves out there enough to attract new retail to Ashburton? “Ashburton’s CBD will not survive if we sit on our hands and hope it will happen. The council needs to look at the bigger picture
and ask does it want to create a better shopping environment or not?” Scrapping parking meters and returning to limited-time parking was a simple change, but if the council didn’t bite the bullet and make that change, then many businesses in the CBD would not
be there for much longer, health store retailer Bob McDonald said. “It’s such a simple decision, a simple solution, it could happen tomorrow.” The council will discuss the submission at a parking strategy workshop later this month.
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News 4
Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 8, 2016
Rising burglary figures ‘not bad’ The number of burglaries committed in Mid/South Canterbury continues to rise, but police say it’s not as bad as it seems. A 52 per cent increase in burglaries for the Mid/South area may sound like a lot, but Ashburton Police senior sergeant Scott Banfield said much of that was down to a rise in the Timaru area, and a change in the definition of a burglary. A burglary used to be something taken from a dwelling, but the definition has expanded to now also include something taken from a car parked up a drive way, for example. In the past, something taken from a car no matter where it was, would have been defined as a theft from a car. As a result, the number of thefts from motor vehicles had dropped by 10 per cent. Mr Banfield said for the year to date, total recorded crime in Mid/South Canterbury had dropped 14 per cent. But Labour’s police spokesperson Stuart Nash said the rise in burglary numbers – 11 per cent nationally for the 2015/16 year was concerning. “These crimes are invasions of privacy and potentially life threatening. Every Kiwi deserves to feel safe in their own home,” he said. He said the National Government needed to admit that police were struggling as a result of underfunding.
In brief Cat rescued The Mid Canterbury SPCA were called to a cat-astrophe on Burnett Street yesterday after several wild cats got stuck in the container near the arcade. Inspector John Keeley said one was freed relatively quickly and taken to the vet but it was suspected there were a few more. The SPCA planned to go back last night to try to lure them out.
Car crashes off road A woman was lucky to escape uninjured after her car crashed off the road near Staveley on Wednesday. Emergency services were called to the scene – on Arundel Rakaia Gorge Road – at 6am, with police and St John ambulance attending. The female occupant was assessed at the scene but was not transported to hospital.
Breakfast fundraiser A breakfast fundraiser for Women’s Refuge, presented by the Mid Canterbury Families Without Violence Network, will be held in Methven next week. Held at the Southern Cross Lodge from 9am on Wednesday, the event’s guest speaker will be Chanelle O’Sullivan from Farming Mums NZ. Tickets are available from Safer Ashburton on the corner of Cass and Moore streets, and the $30 price covers a buffet breakfast. All proceeds will go to South Island Women’s Refuge and Family Safety Services.
Crash victim named
Centre’s reopening a stylish affair Ashburton Borough School’s revamped performance centre was opened in style with a show by the NZ Opera yesterday. Students were treated to an adaptation of Donizetti’s The Elixir of Love which was sung in English and set in a fish and chip shop in a small country town. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 070416-TM-004
Long process ‘frustrating’ By RuBy HaRfield
The Education Council’s outdated and time-consuming system for a teacher to renew their practising certificate is causing delays for schools and their employees, a Mid Canterbury School principal says. Every three years a teacher needs to renew their practising certificate with the Education Council to show they have satisfactory teaching experience and have recently been assessed as meeting all practising teacher criteria. Tinwald School principal Peter Livingstone said while it is important to have a watertight system the current process takes far too long and needs to be changed. He currently has a teacher who is still waiting for renewal after receiving the paperwork back for the third time for a few things
Peter Livingstone including not having the correct marriage licence or a birth certificate issued before 1998. The bureaucracy behind it seems to be unnecessary and could have been dealt with better, he said. Instead of the paperwork being sent back three times maybe they could look at the whole
documentation and send back all errors in one go. Also some of the documentation for proof of identity seems to be inconsistent with other government organisations, such as the Education Council accepting a birth certificate for proof of identity but not the Department of Internal Affairs, Mr Livingstone said. Then there is the problem of the council not accepting a birth certificate issued before 1998 meaning nearly all teachers need to pay and apply to get a new one. All of this means that the process can take months, during which time a teacher’s registration can lapse and an extension needs to be applied for. He has no issues with the need to have a robust system in place more the fact that it takes so long, is inefficient and is inconsistent with other government
branches. An electronic system with the right authorisation security would be much more efficient and safer, Mr Livingstone said. Hampstead School principal Peter Melrose said his teachers sometimes get their paperwork sent back but it is something they have to do every three years so they should be aware of the process. The system needs to be absolutely secure to ensure there are no problems with teachers so if it takes a long time and they send things back then that is just something that needs to be accepted, he said. Methven Primary School principal Chris Murphy also agreed that it should be thorough and teachers need to be prepared for it. “Schools can rest assured that teachers are who they say they are,” he said.
A man who died after his car crashed into a stream in Taranaki yesterday morning has been identified. Siolo Malili, 36, from New Plymouth was the driver and sole occupant of the vehicle that crashed on Wiremu Road, Opunake, sometime before 6.50am. The crash was discovered by a member of the public who called police. “It appears the vehicle has left the road and crashed into the stream beside the road,” police said. “Ambulance staff were the first to arrive at the scene and found Mr Malili deceased inside his car.” The serious crash unit is investigating. - NZME
Students’ necks cut St Kentigern College head Steve Cole says two boys whose necks were cut with a prop razor during Wednesday night’s opening performance of Sweeney Todd are out of hospital and doing well. In an interview with Newstalk ZB’s Larry Williams, Mr Cole explained the “unfortunate” incident happened halfway through the performance’s second act. The prop was a razor which had been blunted and wrapped in several protective layers, Mr Cole said. “It’s normal for Sweeney Todd to have such an instrument [and it] clearly had been checked many, many times. “It has been bound and cellophaned and all sorts of things. It had been blunted and had been through all sorts of health and safety checks. It was a very unfortunate mistake.” The scene had been performed “many times” since January including eight dress rehearsals where the prop was used. - NZME
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News 6
Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 8, 2016
In brief
Recycling station set to open By RuBy HaRfield
Mt Somers’ new recycling depot should be up and running in the next few weeks, Ashburton District Council waste recovery manager Craig Goodwin says. The community recycling station, which will be based at Mt Somers Springburn School, has been in the pipeline for about
eight months. It was hoped to be up and running by the beginning of this year but development work took longer than expected. Mr Goodwin said the site is now set up but the finishing touches still need to be put on this signs. This should be done within the next few weeks and after that the community will be able
to start using it. It will be great to have the facility at the school and they have been great to work with, he said. The station used to be situated near the Mt Somers Tavern but it was decided to move it to a more recognisable place. The school is a central place within the community and students will be able to learn about
sustainability with the new station. The project was set up by council, Mt Somers Springburn School and the Mt Somers District Citizens Association. The station will be able to be used at any time of the day because it is on a driveway that students are not able to access during school time.
A Te Kuiti man charged over the death of Otorohanga teen Ocean Heke appeared in court yesterday. The 21-year-old, charged with the manslaughter of 17-year-old Ocean, entered no plea when he appeared before Judge Simon Menzies in Hamilton District Court. Judge Menzies also granted the man name suppression because many of his wider family had not learned of his charge. He will reappear in the High Court at Hamilton on April 26. The man was originally charged with drink-driving causing death but the charge was upgraded yesterday. - NZME
Countdown pulls eggs Countdown is removing eggs sourced from a farm implicated in footage showing dead rotting hens in their cages. Animal advocacy activists released the footage of the Waikato colony egg farm on Wednesday. It also depicted severely de-feathered hens living in overcrowded conditions. Yesterday, Countdown announced it will be taking off the shelves all its eggs sourced from the Waikato farm until it could be sure the farm’s practices were up to scratch. Spokesman James Walker said none of its eggs came from the farm’s colony caged hens, but 14 of its stores did stock a small number of its conventional caged eggs. “We are hopeful that other retailers stocking this brand will seek the same reassurances. The footage shown is disturbing and disappointing to us.” - NZME
On a mission for funds Cupcakes with a message are on sale in Ashburton this week with St John volunteers out on a fundraising mission. An earlier appeal saw the organisation selling miniature ambulances to raise money for a full size model and during this week’s nationwide appeal cupcakes iced with ambulances were offered as the fundraising effort continued. The St John Annual Appeal is from April 4-10 with fundraising initiatives and volunteer collectors out across the country with the goal to raise $2 million. The donations will be used to buy ambulances and lifesaving equipment for communities throughout New Zealand. Donations can also be made by calling 0800 ST JOHN (0800 785 646), donate online at www. or at any ASB branch.
Charge upgraded
Death not heart attack
Helping the cause in Ashburton were Phil Godfrey and Jackie Rapley. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 060416-AK-002
Hoops returning to defend cooking title
Testing out water skills A group of Year 7 students from Ashburton Intermediate School got to test out their water skills at the EA Networks Centre yesterday. The Year 7 students have been spending time in the pool all week for swimming lessons. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 060416-AK-060
Radio personality Phill ‘Hoops’ Hooper will be back to defend his title at the second ever SEEDS Shoestring Chefs Cookoff later this month. The brainchild of Marie McAnulty, co-ordinator of the Sharing Everyday Experiences and Drawing on Skills (SEEDS) programme at Safer Ashburton, the cook-off will see four well known Mid Cantabrians given a food parcel they must cook from, and the best dish – as judged by the audience – wins. “They don’t know what they are getting and the audience are the judges – they taste it and they vote,” Ms McAnulty said. The aim is to show people what they can do with food from a food parcel, and entry will be via a donation of nonperishable food which will be given to a local food bank. Hoops faces some tough competition if he’s to retain his title though, with one of his competitors having already shown the country she’s a dab hand in the
A heart attack was not the cause of a New Zealander’s death in a Sydney detention centre, a Green MP said she had been told. The Australian Immigration Department said Rob Peihopa, 42, was suspected to have died from a heart attack in Villawood Immigration Detention Centre on Monday night. Green MP Marama Davidson had been speaking to Peihopa’s sister, and said a coroner had ruled this out. “The coroner told Rob’s family that he had sustained a head injury. But he wants to further investigate,” she said. Four people were arrested on Wednesday in relation to Peihopa’s death. Ms Davidson said the family had not been able to see his body, and she was urging the New Zealand Government to intervene. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday said that the New Zealand High Commission was in touch with Australian authorities. - NZME
Brash, Peters alliance
Phill Hooper kitchen – it’s MasterChef finalist Chantelle Quinn. Ashburton Mayor Angus McKay is also back for another shot at the shoe string chef title, while the fourth contestant will be Community House Ashburton manager Kathryn Barr. The cook-off will be held at the Tinwald School Hall on April 27, from 10am until midday.
Don Brash and Winston Peters formed an unlikely alliance yesterday in protest against what they believe is “preferential treatment” for Maori in new planning laws. The two men, once sworn enemies, united in criticism of proposals to change the way iwi are consulted in the resource consent process. Dr Brash was making a submission on Resource Management Act (RMA) reforms on behalf of Auckland-based lobby group Democracy Action. He said the National-led Government’s proposals were “pitifully limited” and “barely scratched the surface of what was needed”. - NZME
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World 8
Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 8, 2016
New PM and early poll Iceland’s government has named a new prime minister and called for early elections, after Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson quit because of the Panama Papers leaks. It was unclear whether the naming of Fisheries Minister Sigurdur Ingi Johannsson to head the government or the call for early elections would satisfy the thousands of Icelanders who in street protests this week demanded the government resign immediately for early elections. Gunnlaugsson quit as prime minister after leaked documents from a Panamanian law firm showed his wife owned an offshore company that held millions of dollars in debt from failed Icelandic banks. The government said the decision to hold elections in autumn would give it time to follow through on one of the biggest economic policy changes in decades – the ending of capital controls introduced to rescue the economy from the 2008 financial crisis. Protesters, already fed up with the financial and political elite after the 2008 banking
Group confuses Americans A Japanese girl group that mixes heavy metal riffage with pop choruses has confused the heck out of Americans with their US television debut. Babymetal, who have racked up millions of views on YouTube with the frenetic genre-mashing of songs like Karate and Megastune, made their US debut on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. The three teens performed their biggest hit Gimme Chocolate!! Colbert warned viewers beforehand: “I’m not sure what I’m about to see. But I’m pretty excited about it!” Many viewers failed to share in the presenter’s enthusiasm. Some seemed downright confused about what they were seeing. A policeman stands as people protest in front of the Parliament building during the third consecutive day of demonstrations calling for a new government in Reykjavik, Iceland. PHOTO AP
crisis wrecked their economy, have gathered the last three nights in the capital Reykjavik, some pelting parliament with yoghurt and eggs. “I feel like I am watching a live show of House of Cards,” Erla Gisladottir, a 32-year-old mother on parental leave, said ahead of the government’s de-
cision to call new elections, referring to a television show about political intrigue. Polls show the anti-establishment Pirate Party in the lead if a new election is called in the country of 330,000 people, a result with potentially wider impact across Europe where mainstream political
parties are fending off populists. Iceland has struggled to recover from the 2008 collapse of its highly indebted banks, which led to popular protests, the fall of a government and the jailing of many bankers. Many Icelanders still harbour a strong distrust of their leaders. - Reuters
PC row over Thomas
Diabetes cases quadruple
Brussels terrorist worked at EU Parliament
The number of adults with diabetes has quadrupled worldwide in under four decades to 422 million, and the condition is fast becoming a major problem in poorer countries, a World Health Organisation study shows. In one of the largest studies to date of diabetes trends, the researchers said ageing populations and rising levels of obesity across the world mean diabetes is becoming “a defining issue for global public health”. Type 2 diabetes is a long-term condition characterised by insulin resistance. Patients can manage their diabetes with medication and diet, but the disease is
often life-long and is a major cause of blindness, kidney failure, heart attacks, stroke and lower limb amputation. “Obesity is the most important risk factor for type 2 diabetes and our attempts to control rising rates of obesity have so far not proved successful,” said Majid Ezzati, a professor at Imperial College London who led the WHO research. Published in The Lancet journal on ahead of the United Nations World Health Day today, the study used data from 4.4 million adults in different world regions to estimate age-adjusted diabetes prevalence for 200 countries. - Reuters
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One of the perpetrators in last month’s terrorist attacks on Brussels twice held a summer job as a cleaner in the European Parliament several years ago. More than 30 people died in triple bombing attacks on the Belgian capital on March 22. The perpetrators blew themselves up in the city’s international airport and an underground station near the Brussels headquarters of the European Union’s main institutions. “Seven and six years ago, one of the perpetrators of the Brussels terrorist attacks worked for a period of one month for a cleaning company which was contracted by the European Parliament at the time,” spokesman for the organisation Jaume Duch said. “As a student, he held a summer holiday job cleaning at the parliament for one month in 2009 and one month in 2010,” he added. The cleaning firm had submitted proof that the perpetrator - who has not been identified - had no criminal record at the time. Three of the four attackers have so far been identified: Brusselsborn brothers Ibrahim and Khalid El Bakraoui, and Najim Laachraoui, a Belgian national. A d v iThey c e all • died T r u sint the • attacks, C a r e while a Countdown Complex, East Street, Ashburton fourth is 03 still Phone: 03suspect 308 6733 Fax: 308on 6755the run. - DPA
WISES Countdown Complex, East Street, Ashburton Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755
The producer of a new Thomas the Tank Engine film that features a host of new foreign characters has rejected claims that film-makers had bowed to political correctness by introducing the multicultural cast. The Great Race, which will be released next month, features 13 new international engines, including Yong Bao, a red engine from China, Ivan of Russia, and Ashima, a hand-painted engine from the Nilgiri Mountain Railway in Southern India. The new characters will represent their countries, alongside Britain’s entrant, the Flying Scotsman, in a train race.
Rowling’s chair sold The humble chair JK Rowling sat on while writing the first two books of the Harry Potter series was auctioned in New York City for $NZ577,000. An anonymous private collector made the winning bid, Heritage Auctions said. The chair is one of four mismatched chairs given to the then little-known writer for her flat in Edinburgh, Scotland, and which she used while writing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The seller, Gerald Gray, of Worsley, England, said the winning bid far exceeded his expectations. The chair was auctioned before once by Rowling herself to benefit a charity in 2002 where it fetched $21,000, and on eBay in 2009 where it brought $29,000.
Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 8, 2016
Homeowners better at saving
ments on their mortgage. Craig Herbison, BNZ’s director of retail and marketing said the research suggested home owners were more likely to be thinking long-term about their finances than non-property owners.
“This will have big consequences for their finances.” Herbison said nearly threequarters of home owners regularly reviewed their mortgage which could allow people to pay off their loan sooner.
He said more non-home owners needed to take a hands-on approach with managing their money. “Ideally we’d like to see this discipline in a greater number of non-home owners, more than a
Guardian Shares & Investments
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to reverse the losses seen since the beginning of the year. The index is now just over 12 per cent lower than where it started the year. Whole milk powder, a key product group for New Zealand, rose 1.5 per cent. The next GDT auction will be held on April 19 and farmers will be hoping for another rise. Although this is unlikely to have an effect on the current season’s payout, it could have a positive influence on the next season. The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) met this week to discuss whether or not to change the current cash rate from 2.00 per cent. As was expected, the RBA chose to keep rates on hold, citing continued uncertainty for the global economic outlook, stubbornly low inflation and that the Australian economy is still in a rebalancing process. However, the RBA considers these conditions warrant an accommodative monetary policy. If the labour market doesn’t continue to improve and if inflation remains low, the RBA may see fit to cut rates further. The market is pricing in a chance of a rate cut later in the year. In other central bank news, Bank of Japan Governor, Haruhiko Koruda, has said that
Jeremy Flood works for Craigs Investment Partners. This article should not be deemed as advice. Disclosure statement available free of charge and on request.
a2 Milk Company ATM Air NZ AIR ANZ Banking Gr ANZ Argosy Prop ARG Auckland Intl Airpt AIA Chorus CNU Coats Gr COA Contact Energy CEN Diligent Corp DIL Ebos Gr EBO F&P Healthcare FPH Fletcher Building FBU Fonterra Share Fund FSF Freightways FRE Genesis Energy GNE Goodman Prop Tr GMT Heartland Bank HBL Infratil IFT Kathmandu Hldgs KMD Kiwi Property Gr KPG Mainfreight MFT Meridian Energy MEL Metlifecare MET Metro Perf Glass MPG Mighty River Power MRP Nuplex Ind NPX NZ Refining NZR NZX NZX Orion Health Gr OHE Port Tauranga POT Precinct Properties PCT Prop For Industry PFI Restaurant Brands RBD Ryman Healthcare RYM Skellerup SKL Sky Network TV SKT Sky City SKC Spark SPK Steel & Tube STU Stride Property STR Summerset Gr Hldgs SUM Tower TWR Trade Me Gr TME TrustPower TPW Vector VCT Vital Hlth Prop Tr VHP Warehouse Gr WHS Westpac Banking WBC Xero XRO Z Energy ZEL
Buy price
Sell price
Last sale
193 194 194 301.5 303 303 2526 2530 2530 117 118.5 118.5 641.5 645 644.5 400.5 403 402 60 60.5 60 501 503 502 699 707 706 1680 1683 1680 980 988 988 782 787 787 565 570 566 624 629 625 208 210 209.5 135 136 135 116 118 116 335 336 335 165 170 165 145 146.5 146.5 1583 1587 1587 268 270 270 529 531 531 170 174 170 291 292 292 511 512 512 322 324 323 102 103 102 375 384 384 1833 1855 1855 129 130 130 164.5 165 164.5 482 483 482 830 833 831 134 135 134 476 488 476 475 484 476 351 354 353 224 227 225 223 225 225 424 430 424 177 178 177 433 435 433 777 780 777 335 339 339 207.5 208 207.5 279 280 279 3200 3280 3213 1635 1668 1668 681 686 683
Daily Volume move ’000s
+3 +8.5 +17 +0.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2 –6 +2 +11 +14 –1 – +2 – – +5.5 –1 +0.5 –12 +7 +3 –2 – –1 – – +17 –4 – –0.5 – –2 –1 –12 –19 –1 –5 +2 – –1 – +3 +2 +2 –1 +8 +18 –4
1.4m 2.1m 53.84 813.2 977.4 6.2m 3.5m 1.1m 6.4m 20.65 384.7 1.7m 206.0 604.0 416.1 411.4 1.8m 542.1 33.24 2.0m 318.6 1.7m 547.8 51.43 17m 797.7 444.0 278.5 539.5 19.85 1.5m 225.6 33.72 149.8 185.7 1.2m 2.9m 4.1m 481.2 454.2 568.1 71.29 281.6 26.41 75.99 192.8 47.45 49.80 12.78 90.92
S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross 6780 6706 6632 6558 6484 6410
Company CODE
At close of trading on Thursday, April 7, 2016
Jeremy Flood
S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross constituents
he is prepared to loosen monetary policy further if required through either increasing asset purchases, by lowering the deposit rate further into negative territory, or both. Data from the US late last week showed a better that expected non-farm payroll jobs report, with 215,000 jobs added for the month, although the unemployment rate rose marginally to 5.0 per cent from 4.9 per cent. Average hourly earnings increased 0.3 per cent for the month taking the annual gain to 2.3 per cent. However, it wasn’t all positive news, with manufacturing employment falling and temporary hiring remaining weak. Investors in the US in particular are looking towards the next quarterly reporting season, set to kick off on Monday with Alcoa. While due to start off quietly next week, it will ramp up in the following fortnight. Expectations are fairly low, with the market predicting an earnings decline of 7.4 per cent, relative to the first quarter last year. This would make for the weakest quarter in terms of earnings growth since 2009. After the recent rebound we have seen, this earnings season could be the catalyst for a renewed sell-down in global markets, with share prices unwinding to reflect the uninspiring results.
Source: NZX and Standard & Poors
April off to a mixed beginning fter such a strong March, markets have had a mixed start to April. The NZX50 continues to hover around its record high levels reached at the end of March, but has started April lower. The ASX200 is following a similar vein, seeing intraday fluctuations as commodity prices continue to swing. It wasn’t a hugely busy week in terms of economic data in New Zealand but there were two pieces of data that the market was looking forward to. Firstly the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research’s Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion (QSBO) and secondly the latest Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction. The QSBO is widely followed and gives an up-to-date indication of how business sentiment is tracking. After a positive December reading, markets were expecting a much more subdued tone given the poor conditions in the dairy sector, the stubbornly high NZ dollar and the weakening global economic outlook. March’s reading was sufficiently lacklustre, showing a net 1 per cent of firms expect business conditions to deteriorate. Of the firms surveyed, a net 18 per cent experienced better trading activity, equal with December’s result, while hiring intentions scaled back from 14 to 9 per cent. The latest GDT auction surprised markets, with an increase in the average price of 2.1 per cent from the previous auction. This is only the second rise for the year, but was not enough
third of whom said they let their finances take care of themselves. “This is unlikely to set them up for the future they want and deserve.” Non-home owners were also overly pessimistic about buying a house in the future with 70 per cent saying it was a lot harder to buy property in today’s market than in the past. Just 37 per cent believed it was a good time to buy a first home compared to 63 per cent of home owners. While 64 per cent of non-home owners said they had the capacity to save some money more than half (59 per cent) did not believe they could get on the property ladder in the next five years. To buy a first home nearly half (47 per cent) would raid their retirement savings by accessing KiwiSaver while 18 per cent would take money from parents or family and a 15 per cent would have their parents go as guarantors. The research was carried out by Colmar Brunton in March and had 2000 respondents. - NZME
People who don’t own their own home are more likely to live payday to payday and more than half feel their prospects of getting on the property ladder in their home town within five years are slim. Research by the BNZ looking at Kiwis’ financial futures has revealed vastly different money habits and attitudes between those who own property and those who do not. While 50 per cent of non-home owners said they lived pay cheque to pay cheque just 23 per cent of home-owners were doing that. When it came to surviving the financial speed bumps in life home owners were also much more resilient with 77 per cent saying they could cope compared to only half of non-home owners. Home owners also appeared to be better at saving. A third of non-home owners said they spent more than what they earned whereas 43 per cent of home owners were making lifestyle sacrifices like reducing their spend on holidays, clothes and technology to make extra pay-
p S&P/NZX 50 Gross
6,755.23 +20.97 +0.31%
p S&P/NZX 20 index
p S&P/NZX All Gross
7,283.48 +25.15 +0.35%
p Rises 72 q Falls 49
p S&P/ASX 200 index
At close of trading on Apr 7, 2016
p Dow Jones Indust.
17,716.1 +112.7 +0.64% At close of trading on Apr 6, 2016
p FTSE 100 index
At close of trading on Apr 6, 2016
p Nikkei 225 index
15,749.8 +34.48 +0.22% Snapshot at 7pm on Apr 7, 2016
q Gold
London – $US/ounce
q Silver London – $US/ounce
q Copper London – $US/tonne
Source: BNZ
As at 4pm April 7, 2016
TT buy
TT sell
Australia 0.9126 0.8821 Canada 0.9096 0.876 China 4.7025 4.1272 Euro 0.6128 0.5863 Fiji 1.447 1.3344 Great Britain 0.4925 0.4752 Japan 76.29 73.08 Samoa 1.829 1.5995 South Africa 10.4869 10.1075 Thailand 24.38 23.24 United States 0.6965 0.6715
Disclaimer: NZX and MetService have endeavoured to ensure the correctness of the information; neither NZX, MetService related companies, nor this newspaper, nor any of their respective employees or agents make any representation as to its accuracy or reliability nor will they, to the extent permitted by law, be liable for any loss arising in any way from, or in connection with, errors or omissions in any information provided (including responsibility to any person by reason of negligence). Please note: All products and services are subject to change without notice.
Opinion 10
Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 8, 2016
Can the meters, let chalk do the talking Sue Newman
ood on Ashburton’s retailers for banding together and telling it like it is as they struggle to do business in an environment where the cards are stacked against them. They’re battling a mish-mash of buildings, old, new, decrepit and in many cases with empty windows where their neighbours have packed up, moved and never returned. They’re battling for their own survival, but more than that, they’re battling to keep Ashburton’s town centre alive. Ashburton is at a cross roads in terms of how its retail heart will look in a few years’ time. If we get it right, the town centre will be thriving and stocked with great retail stores. It will be buzzing with people who come from out of town to shop in what could become a retail destination. We have developers with great plans but those plans will come to nothing if the heart of the town dies before the new walls rise around it. If Ashburton’s retail precinct is to realise its potential we have to start by giving shoppers every possible incentive to come into town to spend their money. And that starts with parking. Our short-term parking spaces generally meet demand. Some of those are free, with a two hour time limit, others are governed by parking meters. And that’s the problem. Meters work in many parts of New Zealand, but there’s something in the Ashburton psyche that means they’re not well accepted here. That may have everything to do with the machines themselves. From the first machine, they’ve been a bad experience. The old style meters were often on the blink and their replacements are no better. We were clearly sold a lemon when the council bought the pay and display machines on East Street. They’re out of service more often than in. Retailers are fed up with fielding complaints from angry shoppers and disenchanted shoppers are opting to shop out of town. The retailers have put a stake in the ground. They want the meters removed with a return to limited time parking. It’s a no-brainer. The council might lose money in parking fees but it will lose much, much more if our retail heart dies.
YOUR VIEW Giving water away The Ashburton District Council under the guidance of Mayor McKay have managed to alienate the people of Mid Canterbury once again. The art gallery being the other occasion. I can understand him getting excited about selling a decentsized lump of land at the industrial park. After all there is plenty to sell. But to add the bonus of 40 billion litres of water for free is like Saudi Arabia giving away oil during the 70’s world oil crisis. It is time that the government and their unelected puppets, ECan, put a stop to the wholesale rape of the world’s most important life form. Simon Blissett
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by David Fletcher
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Opinion Friday, April 8, 2016
Baseball, beans, gas and the L word OFF THE AIR
Yesterday’s result Q: Will you be attending Waimaori Lot 9 Action Group’s water protest rally? No 78%
Yes 22%
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Above – The Wicked Pig at the whopping cost of $NZ39.70.
Write to us! Editor, PO Box 77
Below – The Chicken & Donut Skewer (Texas Rangers). ■
■ into the bizarre food options at baseball parks in America. The MLB season has just got under way, here’s a review of some of the worst (and worstfor-you) concoctions to be found in stadium stands … ■ Burgerpizza (Atlanta Braves) – 20 ounces of beef covered in cheddar and carefully placed between a pair of pepperoni pizza pies. ■ Cheetos Hot Dog (Texas Rangers) – Nacho sauce infused with Cheetos and
sprinkled on top of a hot dog. Cheeseburger Dog (Arizona Diamondbacks) – Chargrilled hamburgers, in the shape of a hot dog, on a roll with bacon. To make it healthier, it comes with lettuce and tomato. Chicken & Donut Skewer (Texas Rangers) – This 12-inch skewer alternates chicken and doughnuts, and is covered in buffalo honey sauce. Cracker Jack & Mac Dog (Pittsburgh Pirates) – A hot dog topped with caramel sauce, jalapeños, Cracker Jack, and macaroni and cheese. The Everything Dog (Atlanta Braves) – A foot-long in a pretzel bun, covered in french fries, nacho chips, chili, beer cheese, jalapeños, popcorn, and Coca-Cola-infused BBQ sauce. Flying Pig (Cincinnati Reds) – A humble hot dog wrapped in bacon and topped with
Your matters @AshGuardian
Today’s online poll question Q: Should Ashburton have parking meters?
Phill Hooper
orget exercise and watching what you eat. That got your attention didn’t it? It certainly did with me as well. All you have to do to lose weight is add some beans to your diet apparently. According to a new study, simply adding a serving of beans to your daily diet can help you lose weight … even if you do nothing else to alter what you eat. Researchers who have analysed clinical trials involving close to 1000 adults have found that participants who eat a daily serving of beans feel 31 per cent fuller, leading them to eat less food overall. The successful participants consumed a single serving of pulses – meaning dried seeds of legumes, such as beans, chickpeas, lentils, or peas – and didn’t make any effort to restrict or reduce their other food intake. Maybe we are about to start hearing “would you like beans with that order” at a certain fast food outlet in the near future? Sure you may be skinny, but you’d be a nightmare to live with. That is a perfect segue into this. When is the perfect stage in a relationship to let one rip? According to a new study, the perfect time to break wind in front of a partner is between two and six months into the relationship. But the research notes that, if you’re having regular sleepovers, you’ve probably already ‘broken the barrier’. Not everyone is so relaxed however. Fully 9.3 per cent of people polled would rather wait at least a year. The two-to-six month period of a relationship also coincides with when a couple is likely to say “I love you” the first time. Just make sure you follow through with one and not the other. I’m not sure a serving of beans is going to help anyone tucking
Ashburton Guardian 11
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honey mustard. Punisher (Atlanta Braves) – Served on a Braves-branded bun, this is fried rib meat, loaded up with a BBQ sauce with undertones of Monster energy drink and topped off with bacon. Wicked Pig (Texas Rangers) – This double-decker sandwich includes five types of pork: pulled pork, bacon, sausage, prosciutto and ham. The cost? $US27 or $NZ39.70.
What a great column! Basically we can eat whatever we like as long as we add some beans and if that causes you to “drop one” in front of your loved one, just say I love you and you’ll live a happy and skinny life. Phill Hooper is the breakfast host of Ashburton’s Hokonui radio station. The views expressed in this column are his and do not reflect the opinion of his employer or the Ashburton Guardian.
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So tell us what you think Address correspondence to The Editor, Box 77, Ashburton, or email
Your place 12 Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 8, 2016
Test yourself with the Guardian’s weekday quiz 1 – Hatfield is near...? a. Hinds b. Rakaia c. Methven 2 – How many strings are there on a sitar? a. Eight b. Twelve c. Twenty 3 – The co-writer of the The Communist Manifesto was...? a. Vladimir Lenin b. Leon Trotsky c. Friedrich Engels 4 – Sweetbreads are usually made from what part of an animal? a. Liver b. Pancreas c. Brain 5 – How old was Ronald Reagan when he became US President? a. 57 b. 61 c. 69 6 – Australian Mark Webber is well-known as a...? a. NRL star b. Formula One driver c. Cricket player 7 – Who played Lord Melchett in the Blackadder series? a. Tim McInnery b. Hugh Laurie c. Stephen Fry 8 – Which party does Louisa Wall represent? a. NZ First b. National c. Labour
6 4 8
A picturesque Mid Canterbury sky taken from the Methven Highway by Guardian photographer Amanda Konyn. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 030416-AK-080
Your Place is the place to display the photos of your sports team, your pets, your school events, or just something ordinary from the present or days gone by. Please send your photos to subs@theguardian. with the words YOUR PLACE in the subject line and we will run it in the Guardian or our website
2 1 5
5 6 9 4 8 3 2 1 7
7 8 4 6 2 1 5 9 3
1 3 2 7 5 9 4 8 6
3 7 8 9 1 2 6 4 5
4 2 1 5 7 6 8 3 9
9 5 6 8 3 4 1 7 2
8 1 3 2 6 7 9 5 4
6 9 5 3 4 8 7 2 1
2 4 7 1 9 5 3 6 8
Answers: 1. Rakaia 2. Twenty 3. Fiedrich Engels 4. Pancreas 5. 69 6. Formula One driver 7. Stephen Fry 8. Labour.
3 2
Lettuce and duck parcels
7 1
4 1 6 7 1 9 4 9 5 6 7
Use as part of a tapas selection or increase this recipe for a tasty family dish. Serves 4 4 cooked duck legs 1/2 C mango and peach chutney 4 large lettuce leaves, blanched 1 spring onion, trimmed and sliced lengthwise into ‘strings’ 4T mango and peach chutney, for serving 1T chopped parsley ■ Slice duck meat off the middle of the leg. Dice and place in a bowl. Add chutney and mix well. ■ Place a lettuce leaf on a clean board. ■ Put duck leg and a quarter of the duck mixture into the middle of the lettuce leaf. ■ Roll lettuce leaf around mixture to form a parcel. Tie with a spring onion string.
4 2
2 3 5 1 3 6 9 1 9 6 5 8 9 7 8 3 6 YESTERDAY’S 5 2 ANSWERS
Mid Canterbury sky puts on a show
3 ■ Serve sprinkled with parsley and extra chutney on the side. ■ To blanch lettuce leaves: Place in rapidly boiling water for 20
seconds. Remove and place in iced water. Drain well. Recipe courtesy of
8 4
1 4
1 7 8 7 2 5 9 7 5
Solutions for today in tomorrow’s Your Place page.
d M3 12:16pm
Addington Dogs
Today at Addington Raceway
$1,100, c0, 295m Trainer
PX # REC Greyhound Fastest time
1 4 1 2 3 4 3 5 2 6 7 8 9 10
48783 Jinga Snag nwtd Clever Sage nwtd 87534 King Simba nwtd Speed y Blueblood nwtd 7333 Botany Alan nwtd 52222 Pep’s Terra nwtd 28825 Another Relm nwtd Dan Blue Blood nwtd 67586 Hilton Cust nwtd 88586 Homebush Johnny nwtd
A Joyce B Dann M Roberts J T McInerney J T McInerney C asey & Fagan J T McInerney J T McInerney A Bradshaw J T McInerney
$1,800, c0, 520m
1 33 Opawa Merc nwtd 1 2 2 6 Amino Trouble nwtd 4 3 4 Gold star Boomer nwtd 4 53X6X Lagoon Allira nwtd 5 26 Nozzno Fear nwtd 3 6 32541 Opawa Faith nwtd 7 33372 Gold star Dallas nwtd 8 46656 Opawa Diva nwtd 9 88778 Promises Maid nwtd 12:51pm
1 1 2 3 3 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Lane & Wales A Bradshaw S & B Evans C Roberts A Bradshaw Lane & Wales S & B Evans Lane & Wales K C assidy
$1,100, c0, 295m
66376 Cold rum nwtd Mary Blue Blood nwtd Botany Cold nwtd 33534 Glad Rags nwtd Tod d Blue Blood nwtd 7 Gold star Delta nwtd 42467 Reality nwtd 68 Homebush Fitzroy nwtd 67586 Hilton Cust nwtd 88586 Homebush Johnny nwtd
d M9
M Robinson J T McInerney J T McInerney A Lee J T McInerney S & B Evans B Dann J T McInerney A Bradshaw J T McInerney
1 58444 Opawa Rocky 3 0.50 2 43535 Private Action 3 1.14 3 251 Hells A Coming 3 1.06 1 4 74572 Patty’s Pick nwtd 3 5 22322 Cawbourne Kenny 3 0.6 7 2 6 73211 Opawa Alex 3 0.79 4 7 11415 Spare Action 3 0.71 8 46772 Lagoon Twist 3 0.3 3 9 87234 Punch On Jaime 3 0.58 10 348X6 Cawbourne Dallas nwtd 1:26pm
$1,100, c0, 295m
1 25 Minor Brainwave nwtd 2 2 675 Homebush Gracie nwtd 3 3 52 Giancana nwtd 4 48572 Gord ons My Mate nwtd 4 5 Mattie Blueblood nwtd 6 487 Botany Vikki nwtd 7 353X6 Nariti nwtd 1 8 4 Uno Again nwtd 9 67586 Hilton Cust nwtd 10 88586 Homebush Johnny nwtd 1:44pm
33438 Belfast Smarty 17.92 88348 Cawbourne Rowan 18.06 34612 Deathstar 17.6 0 27514 Homebush Lucifer 17.6 7 41766 Witch Misty 17.81 5772F Snow Ball Chance 17.72 62361 Gully Crusher 17.77 25521 Apollo Baxter nwtd 85185 Homebush Ginger 17.6 4 58844 Another Cover 17.72
$1,400, c2, 305m Trainer
1 11285 Opawa Minstrel 3 0.6 3 2 2 44482 Nina Baxter 3 0.53 1 3 54511 Majestic Action 3 0.00 4 47X67 Know Value 3 0.4 4 4 5 14641 Opawa Bucks Eye 3 0.78 6 68173 Another Belle 3 0.59 3 7 31646 Tamara May 3 0.2 6 8 65417 Opawa Born 3 0.4 3 9 87234 Punch On Jaime 3 0.58 10 348X6 Cawbourne Dallas nwtd
J W Bell M Roberts Poutama/Gommans J T McInerney P C lark A Duganzich G & J C larke J T McInerney J T McInerney M Flipp
Mitchell & Smith J T McInerney S Hindson D T Barnes J T McInerney J T McInerney R Blackburn Lane & Wales A Bradshaw J T McInerney
Today at Hatrick Raceway
Lane & Wales S & B Evans A Botherway R Adcock C Roberts Lane & Wales S & B Evans C Roberts J T McInerney C Roberts
Wanganui Dogs
PX # REC Greyhound Fastest time
1 4 2 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 2 8 9 10
April 8, 2016
1 46133 Sed gebrook Babe 17.4 8 3 1 2 6X123 Allegro Chaser 17.4 0 3 72618 One Broke Girl 17.50 2 4 51612 Wild Effective 17.4 1 5 51351 Al’s Girl 17.50 6 16671 Speed y Beat 17.3 3 7 84416 Sweet As Bro 17.2 5 4 8 36515 Effective Power 17.4 7 9 76565 Nero 17.6 1 10 37587 Homebush Zane 17.70
$2,200, c1/2, 520m
Lane & Wales J T McInerney J & D Fahey G C leeve Lane & Wales J T McInerney M Grant Lane & Wales J T McInerney C Roberts
1 26345 Homebush Riley 17.4 2 2 3 2 36237 Harsesis 17.56 3 88575 Gossip Queen 17.18 4 4 32663 Zorba The Greek 17.2 6 1 5 41421 Paua Shot nwtd 6 22614 Know Energy 17.50 7 61534 Look At Lucy 17.2 1 8 77514 Bad Week 17.3 3 9 577X5 Jimmy Hammer 17.3 4 10 47588 Ohoka Coby 17.13 2:18pm
SHIRLEY VET CLINIC DASH $1,400, c2, 295m
1 12411 Barcia Express 17.4 6 2 1 2 51113 Fiery Fagan 17.2 9 3 57517 Theseus 17.3 1 4 4 X8444 Fliberty Jiberty 17.3 2 5 87672 Another Fan 17.3 8 6 X1882 Shakayla Rose 17.4 9 3 7 22126 Ad renalin Kick 17.4 2 8 51743 Brooke Davis 17.2 5 9 577X5 Jimmy Hammer 17.3 4 10 86578 Only Got Time 17.12 2:34pm
M Grant C asey & Fagan R Blackburn B Dann J T McInerney McC ook & Jopson J T McInerney L Waretini M K Dempsey R Blackburn
1 63724 Knocka Few Back nwtd 1 2 2 62326 Go Tommo 17.10 4 3 56254 Know Contest 17.3 0 4 88827 Sweet Marylou 17.3 6 5 48153 Chicago Black 17.54 6 75417 Another Spin 17.3 3 7 16838 Big Mud d y 17.2 9 3 8 36135 You’re The Best 17.53 9 577X5 Jimmy Hammer 17.3 4 10 78887 Homebush Fine 17.6 2
M Grant S & B Evans G C leeve R Blackburn J T McInerney J T McInerney Mitchell & Smith C Weir M K Dempsey J T McInerney
April 8, 2016 WANGANUI CHRONICLE C4/5 $2,400, c4/5, 305m
F Kite L Ahern W Kite L Ahern L M Pearce L Ahern L Ahern L Ahern B Hodgson J T McInerney
2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
34258 Brilliant Jayla 17.71 13433 Downgrad e King 17.6 6 56522 Miss Eld ora 17.74 71754 Another Charm 17.6 4 28846 Legerd emain 17.6 7 11886 Homebush Chaos 17.6 6 23667 Rapper Dash 17.4 8 85185 Homebush Ginger 17.6 4 86647 Allegro All Go 17.6 1
M Roberts Ross/Voyce A Turnwald J T McInerney M Flipp Poutama/Gommans W Kite J T McInerney G Fredrickson
h M8 1
Addington Harnes s
Today at Addington Raceway
April 8, 2016
5 11 Distinctive Del (5) L Hanrahan 2 R May S Golding (J) $20,000, 3yo+ c0 mob. pace, 2600m 6 68004 Bella Jones (6) G & N Hope D Dunn PX # REC Horse (Start pos) Trainer Driver 7 2164 Bet On A Rascal (7) K Chapman 8 13367 Mrs Brown’s Boy (8) J Howe J W C ox 1 54250 Blazing VC (1) R Jenkins A Lethaby 1 9 15530 Mastercraftsman (9) Purd on/Rasmussen M Purdon 1 2 3 Donegal Rund lescreek (2) C Dalgety D Dunn 10 53038 Take After Me (10) G Scott B Orange 3 000X0 Tiger John (3) K Dixon K C ox (J) 11 1 Smarter VC (11) C & J DeFilippi C DeFilippi 2 4 342 Ed en Franco (4) S McRae C D Thornley 12 84626 Parramatta (12) T & G Chmiel T C hmiel 5 40X25 Franco Hamilton (5) B Wald ron B Orange 4 13 29135 Torrid Bromac (13) S McRae C D Thornley 6 3533 Love Ova Gold (6) R Holmes R Holmes 7 Our Star Mac (7) L Boulton J C urtin 6:55pm AVON CITY FORD NZ WELCOME STAKES (MOBILE PACE) 8 63299 Lucky Three (8) H Hunter H Hunter opt 804 $40,000, 2yo mob. pace, 1950m 3 9 43342 Red October (9) J Howe J W C ox 2 1 2 King Solomon (1) Purd on/Rasmussen M Purdon Barrier 2 31 Ultimate Machete (2) Purd on/Rasmussen T Williams 10 6257 Sarah Kate (21) T Twid le M Williamson 4 3 128 The Lone Ranger (3) Telfer/Garlick S Phelan 11 Letspend anitetogetha (22) R Dunn J Dunn 4 52 Bettor To Be Tricky (4) G Payne G R Payne 12 3785 Spooky (23) R And erson R Anderson 1 5 21122 Pacing Major (5) Purd on/Rasmussen N Rasmussen 4 13 42335 Blad e (24) G Smith G Smith 6 Lanikai (6) T Butt D Dunn 14 72094 Smackwater Jack (25) L Driver R May 3 R May 7 3513 Mongolian Storm (7) P Court 5:23pm opt 801
5:53pm 802
PI & GJ KENNARD BLOODSTOCK MOBILE PACE $20,000, 3yo+ c1 mob. pace, 2600m
1 26663 Ultimate Desire (1) B Mowbray 3 2 1 One Big Fella (2) N McGrath 3 63354 Usain Colt (3) G & N Hope 4 4 12312 Nolan Sackett (4) R Winter 5 58795 Johnny Eyre (5) M Brown 2 6 11 Ears Burning (6) N McGrath 1 Eh Ef El (7) K Barron 7 1X312 Barrier 8 Heaven Rocks 6:25pm 803
1 2 3 3 4
D Dunn T C hmiel R May M Williamson K C ox (J) N McGrath B Orange SC RATC HED
$20,000, 3yo+ c1 pace, 2600m
69425 Marshal Star (1) N Le Lievre 47400 Beale Street Boy (2) R Winter 1X Karmic Fire (3) N McGrath 53132 Rum Delight (4) M House
R C lose M Williamson J C urtin T Williams
T Downey G Fredrickson Kettlewell & Phillips M Flipp M Roberts S Stone A Turnwald N Udy M Roberts B Hodgson
B Marsh N Udy J T McInerney M Roberts L Ahern Kettlewell & Phillips Poutama/Gommans J T McInerney M Flipp
7:55pm 806
$2,500, c1d , 645m
$1,400, c2, 295m
21377 Long Stockings 3 8.2 3 74653 Opawa Paul 3 8.70 73513 Rushcuter Action nwtd 13645 Gold star Coco 3 8.6 0 35662 Cawbourne Miami 3 8.2 1 55324 Gold star Jagger nwtd 54656 Unova Bale nwtd 22314 Ester Action nwtd
1 2245X Know Thanks 17.4 4 2 2 77446 Terra Mond o 17.3 0 1 3 72472 Time Slayer 17.2 6 4 55714 Ohoka Hope 17.3 8 4 5 36686 Ace Bale nwtd 3 6 86453 Bad uzzi 17.4 8 7 52422 Thund er Storm 17.4 2 8 18467 Cabarita 17.4 1 9 577X5 Jimmy Hammer 17.3 4 10 86578 Only Got Time 17.12 3:36pm
G C leeve C asey & Fagan Mitchell & Smith L Waretini C Roberts J T McInerney J T McInerney M Grant M K Dempsey R Blackburn
1 45718 What I Like nwtd 4 2 47436 Know Salute 17.2 9 3 84165 Hayley James 17.53 3 4 74455 Air Express 17.3 0 5 16683 Ebony Fancy 17.3 3 2 6 46421 Max Brainstrain 17.3 9 1 7 61128 Royal Bash 17.3 5 8 18767 Homebush Errol 17.3 2 9 577X5 Jimmy Hammer 17.3 4 10 86578 Only Got Time 17.12 DOUBLES TREBLES QUADDIES FIRST 4 PLACE 6
J T McInerney G C leeve L Waretini J T McInerney M Grant Mitchell & Smith B Dann J T McInerney M K Dempsey R Blackburn
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9, 10-11-12 2-3-4-5, 9-10-11-12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 7-8-9-10-11-12
16763 Crikey nwtd 41773 Opawa Jackie 3 0.4 1 41176 Meg’s Me Mum 3 0.4 0 42361 Nitro Mary 3 0.06 47151 To The Bank nwtd 21432 Aunty Trace 3 0.55 28855 Big Wond er 3 0.4 3 15683 Scod elario nwtd
$22,500, 3yo+ c3 to c9 spechcp pace, 2600m
1 11211 Alpha Rock (1) C Dalgety 2 2 42626 Joey Maguire (2) R Dunn 3 71310 The Friend lyassassin (1) G McStay 4 11143 Callenberg (2) R Dunn 5 53233 Tas Man Bromac (3) N Williamson 6 Idealindiamonds 1 7 12255 Seel The Deal (4) G McStay 3 8 2246X Bord er Control (1) Purd on/Rasmussen 9 21555 Better B Amazed (2) Telfer/Garlick 10 16442 Valor Lustre (3) I Court 11 Lewy Risk 4 12 37513 Mighty Flying Mac (1) R Dunn
A Turnwald N Udy S Maher Ross/Voyce P Denbee L Ahern M Gowan L Ahern
D Dunn R Houghton G O'Reilly G Smith N Williamson SC RATC HED R May M Purdon S Phelan B Orange SC RATC HED J Dunn
$2,000, c4, 305m
G & J C larke A Turnwald Ross/Voyce G Fredrickson L Ahern A Turnwald J T McInerney Poutama/Gommans B Hodgson N Udy
HAPPY 3 0TH KIERAN O’DONNELL C4/5 $2,400, c4/5, 305m
9:24pm 809
A Turnwald L Ahern Kettlewell & Phillips F Kite L Ahern S Kite W Kite J T McInerney B Hodgson J T McInerney
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 8-9-10 2-3-4-5, 7-8-9-10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 5-6-7-8-9-10
8 0X335 Benicio (7) Purd on/Rasmussen Buster Brad y (8) K Austin 9 12214 Barrier 10 13574 Bite The Bullet (21) R Dunn 1 11 11111 Lazarus (22) Purd on/Rasmussen opt
A Bradshaw Lane & Wales S & B Evans S & B Evans C Roberts S & B Evans C Roberts S & B Evans
1 77377 Wheelie Chillie 17.6 3 4 3 2 62847 Whatu Trend y 17.55 3 56465 Freed om Flyer 17.4 8 2 4 6437X Sed gebrook Magic 17.4 3 1 5 27347 Allegro Touch 17.51 6 18571 Making Time 17.6 7 FIRST SECURITY C3 7 84725 Funky Fred d y 17.58 $2,600, c3, 520m 8 14816 Homebush Flyte 17.73 M Roberts 9 76565 Nero 17.6 1 A Turnwald 10 37587 Homebush Zane 17.70
Track Information Type: All weather; Direction: Left-handed; Length: 1193m; Weather: Beoming fine opt
1 2 2 3 3 1 4 5 4 6 7 8
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9, 10-11-12 2-3-4-5, 9-10-11-12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 7-8-9-10-11-12 ANGLER’S ARMS TAVERN DISTANCE
1 54138 Tongariro 17.59 4 3 2 26337 Angie Zarr 17.4 6 2 3 618X2 Jinja Coll 17.59 4 81238 No Time Yet 17.51 5 23273 Happy Wife 17.50 1 6 22213 Two Up 17.3 9 7 15344 Chaimbo 17.59 THE ROCK 95 .2 FM C2 /3 8 12641 Another Miss 17.53 $1,700, c2/3, 305m 9 76565 Nero 17.6 1 N Udy 10 14766 Bigtime Reign 17.51
3 4 4 5 3 6 7 8 PALAMOUNTAINS SCIENTIFIC NUTRITION C2 9 $2,200, c2, 520m 10
1 62327 Lad y Zeena 3 0.56 3 2 2 23115 Another Habit 3 0.3 4 RACING SERIES ADVANCED FINAL 6:13pm 4 3 32521 Alamein Jah 3 0.2 6 $11,000, nzrsf, 520m ADEPT ACCOUNTANTS WANGANUI C2 4:49pm 2 1 74237 Absinthe Mind ed 3 0.08 L Ahern 4 12247 Pacific Sunrise 3 0.56 $1,400, c2, 305m 4 2 58114 Triple Parked nwtd S C lark 5 76156 Cawbourne Ohio 3 0.4 6 2 1 23553 Alamein Duke 17.6 7 Kettlewell & Phillips G C leeve 6 434F8 Mc Lovin’ 3 0.88 3 2 71753 Spot On Maggie 17.52 A Duganzich 3 X2514 Know Jinx nwtd 1 7 22321 Hawkesbury Fever 3 0.3 5 L Ahern 4 3 52768 Fair Cruzin 17.55 J T McInerney 4 35863 Smash Allegro 3 0.15 M Flipp 8 83614 Filante 3 0.89 4 67167 Homebush Olive 17.71 J T McInerney 5 53216 Opawa Shay 3 0.2 7 3 6 25112 Know Mention nwtd G C leeve 9 15588 Cawbourne Gracie 3 0.3 2 5 45756 Premier Prince 17.74 L Doody G C leeve 10 68432 Swiftly Chloe 3 0.96 1 6 12823 Cawbourne Kiwi 17.76 J W Bell 7 27115 Know Hero nwtd 1 8 12333 Know Decision 3 0.00 G C leeve 7 43315 Venga Guapa 17.80 M Olden 8:14pm 8 83178 Gully Flaherty 17.6 3 G & J C larke LIQUORLAND WANGANUI C2 /3 9 85185 Homebush Ginger 17.6 4 2 1 21455 Serve Ya Purpose 17.81 J T McInerney 6:46pm $1,700, c2/3, 305m 10 65854 Bigtime Red foo 17.6 2 1 2 45465 All In Berlin 17.4 7 G Fredrickson 2 1 82166 Manu Rama 17.6 5 L Doody 3 2 52312 Miss Mowhawk 17.75 P Denbee 3 5378X Hanify Ace 17.53 LASER PLUMBING WANGANUI C2 5:11pm 1 3 21322 Brilliant Ashlee 17.4 7 M Roberts 4 83756 Tell The Boys nwtd $1,400, c2, 305m 3 5 54863 Cawbourne Mid get 17.4 9 N Udy 3 1 66775 Mangamahu Jack 17.84 G Atwood 4 53377 Empty Bank 17.59 4 6 86467 Grand Allegro 17.57 Ross/Voyce 2 2 34282 Pixie Dust 17.80 L M Pearce 5 27164 Asteria 17.77 J T McInerney 7 F2241 Dreamzone 17.6 0 3 35128 Another Key 17.72 J T McInerney 6 31336 Homebush Dod ger 17.78 G & J C larke 8 18138 Magic Gina 17.6 9 4 32713 Azure Dreams 17.75 G & J C larke 7 45355 Second Time 17.83 4 8 17717 Kinetic Assasin 17.92 Kettlewell & Phillips 9 85185 Homebush Ginger 17.6 4 1 5 55321 Increasing 17.58 N Udy J T McInerney 10 58844 Another Cover 17.72 4 6 58833 Cawbourne George 17.6 5 J T McInerney 9 85185 Homebush Ginger 17.6 4 G Fredrickson 7 6X777 Opawa Spice nwtd J W Bell 10 65854 Bigtime Red foo 17.6 2 8 87714 Elite Dose 17.6 3 A C lark LOOKING GOOD AT 60 VENESSA TRASS C2 /3 8:44pm 9 85185 Homebush Ginger 17.6 4 2 1 43411 Ollie Boy nwtd J T McInerney 7:13pm $1,700, c2/3, 305m 10 86647 Allegro All Go 17.6 1 1 1 46231 Opawa Blair 17.53 1 2 11128 Top Prosecutor 3 0.07 G Fredrickson N Udy
J T McInerney R Blackburn A Bradshaw M Grant J & D Fahey G C leeve Mitchell & Smith J T McInerney M K Dempsey L Waretini
Compiled by
N Rasmussen B Orange J Dunn M Purdon
$20,000, 4yo+ c3 & faster d iscrhcp, 2600m
1 113X4 Le Reveur (1) P Nairn P Nairn 2 30321 Little Mo (2) K Ford C Ford 3 23568 Lisa Marie P (3) M Perriton M Perriton 4 54048 Galleons Royale (4) C & J DeFilippi C DeFilippi 4 5 32125 Royal Shine (5) S Smolenski B Orange 8:25pm FRED SHAW MEMORIAL NZ TROTTING CHAMPIONSHIP 1 6 22518 Clover Mac (6) C & J DeFilippi S Ottley opt 807 $80,000, ffa mob. trot, 2600m 7 22579 Lothario (u1) P Nairn D Butt 1 06021 Zachary Binx (1) K Ford A Tomlinson 8 38422 Everybod y Knows (u2) G & N Hope S Golding (J) 2 D1113 Harriet Of Mot (2) C & A Ed mond s J Dunn 9 91766 Arran Chief (1) A Faulks A Faulks Barrier 3 15924 Valmagne (3) C & J Kennett B Orange 10 00626 Santorini Sunset (u1) K Townley D Dunn 2 11 07117 Gee Up Ned d y (1) L Jones P Nairn N Williamson 7:24pm PAINTLAB RACING 4 JONTY NZ TROTTING DERBY 4 18948 Waterloo Sunset (4) P Nairn 3 12 X4185 Aile Rouge (1) R Holmes N Williamson R Holmes opt 805 $80,000, 3yo mob. trot, 2600m 5 80223 Jag’s Invasion (5) R Dunn 3 6 37712 Sheemon (6) K Townley D Dunn 13 11779 Pyramid Monarch (u1) P Williamson B Williamson (J) 1 11353 Donegal Bettorgretch (1) C Dalgety D Dunn 1 7 11181 Monbet (7) G & N Hope R May 14 85069 Experiment (u2) M House J C urtin 2 P4109 Sea Eyre (2) R Allen M Neilson 2 8 51812 Sunny Ruby (8) S Smolenski G Smith 3 17060 Beg Hall (3) T Butt 9:54 pm YALDHURST HOTEL LEGEND OUT WEST PACE J C urtin 4 Springbank Sam (u1) P Williamson B Williamson (J) 4 2X177 He’s Like The Wind (4) G Smith 9 11737 Barrier G Smith opt 810 $20,000, 4yo+ c2–c3, c4 with cond ., 2600m 5 1X455 Blazing Und er Fire (5) P Williamson 1 77718 Bird Of Parad ise (1) B Ward B Williamson (J) L O’Reilly A ROCKNROLL DANCE NEW ZEALAND DERBY (MBL PACE) 3 6 01111 Marcoola (6) K Ford 2 2 38311 Captain Dolmio (2) M Brinsd on C Ford 8:55pm D Dunn $200,000, 3yo mob. pace, 2600m 3 94314 Shrieks Of Delight (3) P Vermeulen 1 7 18311 Wilma’s Mate (7) P Nairn D Butt opt 808 S Golding (J) 2 1 11112 Classie Brigad e (1) N McGrath R May 4 46078 That Guy Finn (4) J Howe 8 731X0 Benchmark (8) C Dalgety M Howard T C hmiel T Williams 5 42626 Joey Maguire (5) R Dunn 2 High Gait (9) Purd on/Rasmussen N Rasmussen 2 83356 Stroke Of Luck (2) Purd on/Rasmussen R Houghton 9 11112 Barrier 3 87437 Scotlynn Jack (3) D Taylor J Young (J) 1 6 49X11 Say My Name (6) R Dunn J Dunn 10 D4624 Sunny Afternoon (21) P Nairn 4 4 13637 Walkinshaw (4) T Herlihy B Orange J C urtin 7 39590 Here We Go Again (7) J Gameson C D Thornley 11 15413 Gershwin (22) G & N Hope 3 5 51174 Shand ale (5) M McKend ry R May M McKendry 3 8 88623 Dalness X change (8) R Dunn C DeFilippi 4 12 11X12 Conon Brid ge (23) P Nairn P Nairn 6 16231 Moonrock (6) M House D Dunn 4 9 14434 Eva Sophnally (9) G & N Hope R May Barrier 13 41861 All Star Angus (u1) Purd on/Rasmussen 7 Blade SC RATC HED M Purdon
g M6
11:52AM 601
Riverton Races Tomorrow at Riverton
April 9, 2016
4 33511 A Beautiful Knight (3) 55.5 K Tyler 1 4 5 658X7 Sir Amron (2) 54 K Tyler 1 Jockey 6 51743 Joe Bonanno (4) 54 Kerry & Ian Taplin
PX # REC Horse (Barrier) kg Trainer
1 3604X Loose Goose (6) 58.5 A Dickson 2 2 064 Risk (2) 58.5 Kerry & Ian Taplin 3 87048 Pompeii Tiger (3) 58.5 K Tyler 1 4 4 82806 Double Panda (9) 58.5 G Gibson 5 370X8 Holy Mackerel (4) 58.5 N & B Blatch 1 6 34X93 Satin Jitterbug (7) 56.5 S McKay 3 7 X0682 Miss Fortune (10) 56.5 J Curran 8 39830. Eagle Magic (1) 56.5 M Hamilton 9 50887 That’s My Pussycat (5) 56.5 S McKay 10 700X6 Gun Law (8) 56 K Thompson
C Barnes K Kalychurun (a3) D Bothamley G Jogoo (a2) K Mudhoo (a2) T Moseley J Morris D Prastiyou (a2) S Wynne (a) R Cuneen (a1)
1:37PM OPT 604
K Kalychurun (a3) G Jogoo (a2) R Black
3 22045 Double Tap (1) 56 Kerry & Ian Taplin 1 4 17345 Point Proven (6) 56 G Wright 4 5 09340 Letthethunderroll (4) 54 S McKay $7,000, mdn, 1200m 3 6 05674 Lady Platinum (5) 54 L Vaughan D Bothamley 7 X7008 Tai Ho (2) 54 E Winsloe
1 3850X Diva’s Halo (4) 58.5 A Hewitson 4 2 5X050. Gold’nguru (6) 58.5 L Beck T Moseley 3 Franconi (1) 58.5 G Robinson 4 My Irishman (9) 58.5 K Dickson D Chin (a3) 5 98 Sergeant Sakhee (7) 58.5 G Robinson G Jogoo (a2) 6 9 Master Karsten (12) 58 K Tyler 1 K Kalychurun (a3) 7 Wild Jack (14) 58 Blair-Edie/Cheng 1 D Prastiyou (a2) 1 8 07X2 In Her Wake (11) 56.5 A Soper 1 K Mudhoo (a2) 3 9 X6236. The Music Guru (2) 56.5 Bros/Dennis S Muniandy CENTREPOINT & SOUTHCITY LIQUORLAND MAIDEN 10 2X00X Queenofthestoneage (8) 56.5 A Dickson 12:22PM R Black S Wynne (a) $7,000, mdn, 1600m 11 830X6 Our Madonna (13) 56.5 B Tapper OPT 602 88 Apache Guru (15) 56.5 B & S Anderton C Barnes 2 1 4762 Gazza The Guru (2) 58.5 S McKay T Moseley 12 2 13 743 Over Take (10) 56 L Beck L Callaway 2 09000 Hafemeister (4) 58.5 J Sheridan R Cuneen (a1) 1 4 Knutquacker (5) 56 E Winsloe R Cuneen (a1) 3 69X0 Mac Murdoch (10) 58.5 J Dalton D Bothamley 0 15 00X0 Raising Al (3) 56 K Thompson J Morris 1 4 28593 Belle Boy (11) 58 K Tyler 1 K Kalychurun (a3) 5 Apowerfull Beat (7) 58 Blair-Edie/Cheng 1 L Callaway 2:17PM ILT FOUNDATION OPEN HANDICAP 6 7. Boot It Barry (8) 58 L Beck R Black OPT 605 $15,000, opn hcp, 1200m 3 7 40393 Lydia (5) 56.5 T Kennedy S Muniandy 2 1 20985 The Knight (2) 60 B Tapper G Jogoo (a2) 8 7977 Franky Doyle (6) 56.5 A Hewitson S Wynne (a) 1 2 42872 Magic Epic (3) 59.5 J Dalton S Muniandy 9 09X9 Palmy Girl (9) 56.5 S McKay D Chin (a3) 4 3 78041 Comanche Gold (5) 59 G Eade 1 L Callaway 4 10 8 Raising Penny (3) 56.5 N & B Blatch G Jogoo (a2) 3 4 32564 Fastfoot (6) 55 S Tyler T Moseley 11 07699 Thyme Trial (1) 56.5 K Thompson J Morris 5 768X6 The Gordonian (4) 54.5 J & J Gordon K Kalychurun (a3) S Wynne (a) KELVIN HOTEL RATING 85 HANDICAP 6 14001 Shaara (1) 54 J & J Gordon 12:57PM
Track Information Type: Grass; Expected: Dead; Direction: Left-handed; Length: 1650m; Straight: 400m; Rail: Rail true; Weather: Mainly Fine
G Jogoo (a2) R Black
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 8-9-10 2-3-4-5, 7-8-9-10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 5-6-7-8-9-10
3 43186 Court No Fear (6) 58 S McKay 4 4 22045 Double Tap (2) 58 Kerry & Ian Taplin K Kalychurun (a3) 3 5 08461 Sir Jack Remington (11) 58 K Tyler 1 S Wynne (a) 6 80330. Yeah Sister (3) 57.5 Bros/Dennis 3:27PM INVERCARGILL LICENSING TRUST OPEN HANDICAP 7 44081 Rock Solid (12) 57 J & J Gordon $15,000, opn hcp, 2147m OPT 607 8 78007 Beacons (7) 55.5 M Hamilton 2 1 91122 Motorboat Mike (2) 60 S Price R Cuneen (a1) 1 2 X0561 Miss Three Stars (1) 59 T Beckett S Wynne (a) 9 839X0 Revenge (4) 55.5 K Tyler 1 3 58098 The Bishop (5) 58.5 Bros/Dennis D Bothamley 10 L99X9 Swiss Alps (1) 55.5 B & S Anderton 3 4 41471 Come Fly With Me (4) 54 Blair-Edie/Cheng 1 L Callaway 11 00X88 Switzer (8) 55.5 Patterson/Horrell 4 5 62470 Take Fire (6) 54 J Dalton K Mudhoo (a2) 12 01930 Velocious Satin (13) 54.5 L Vaughan 6 X9797 Confused (3) 54 G Wright K Kalychurun (a3) 13 X9000 Polly’s Sister (5) 54 G Gibson
4:02PM 608
$12,000, R65 benchmark fillies and mares*, 1200m
1 75423 The Barmaid (7) 60 Bros/Dennis 2 1 2 70623 Let’s Escape (3) 59.5 K Tyler 1 3 01177 Stage Door (6) 59 L Beck 4 X2321 Galella (8) 58.5 B & S Anderton 5 00751 Oh So Smart (5) 58.5 B Tapper 3 6 07802 All Dressed Up (1) 58 J & J Gordon 7 00335 Katango (9) 57.5 B Laking 4 8 50602 Manamanup (2) 57 S Washington 9 Polly’s Sister 10 05500 Readywhenyouare (4) 55 J Curran
G Jogoo (a2) K Kalychurun (a3) L Callaway C Barnes D Chin (a3) T Moseley S Muniandy S Wynne (a) SCRATCHED J Morris
5:22PM 610
L Callaway R Black D Bothamley G Jogoo (a2) R Cuneen (a1) D Prastiyou (a2) K Kalychurun (a3) S Muniandy C Barnes K Mudhoo (a2) D Chin (a3)
$8,000, rating 65 benchmark*, 1600m
1 51424 Shakti (4) 60 J & J Gordon 2 L Callaway 3 2 62417 King Pin (2) 59.5 S McKay K Mudhoo (a2) 1 3 08646 Avow (3) 58.5 B & S Anderton D Prastiyou (a2) 4 06PX7 Prime Prosecutor (1) 58.5 G Wright R Black 5 02476 Wild Wings (10) 58 J Dalton S Muniandy 4 6 44361 Clareville Flight (6) 57.5 K Tyler 1 K Kalychurun (a3) 7 90791 Penny A Thought (9) 57.5 B Tapper D Chin (a3) 8 4307X Drumgold (7) 57 L Beck T Moseley LONE STAR CAFE & BAR RATING 65 HANDICAP 9 679X0 Proximity (5) 56 J Phillips C Barnes $12,000, rating 85 benchmark, 1600m 2:52PM OPT 603 ASCOT PARK HOTEL RATING 75 $10,000, R75 & 4:42PM $8,000, rating 65 benchmark*, 1600m 10 350X0 Tap Out (11) 56 Kerry & Ian Taplin G Jogoo (a2) jumpers benchmark, 2600m OPT 609 3 1 8X503 Irish Excuse (6) 60.5 E Winsloe R Cuneen (a1) OPT 606 1 1 98426 Centavada (9) 60 J Dalton S Wynne (a) 11 94698 Brahma Queen (8) 55 M Henry J Morris 1 2 61065 Full Count (1) 60 N & B Blatch S Wynne (a) 1 785X5 Gargamel (7) 60 L Beck T Moseley 2 2 90414 Sally Getcha Gun (10) 58 K Thompson T Moseley 12 69709 Golden Castle (12) 54.5 Blair-Edie/Cheng 1 S Wynne (a) 2 3 14311 Gallant Dan (5) 60 B & S Anderton 2 2 6X901 La Nouvelle Vague (3) 58.5 G Eade 1 D Chin (a3) L Callaway
h M7 1
Winton Harness
Sunday at Central Southland Raceway
April 10, 2016
Hunters Collect (9) M G Brown A Armour 9 6607 Barrier 12:18PM 2yo+ c0, c1 with cond., 2400m S McNally PX # REC Horse (Start pos) Trainer Driver 10 X8985 Atom Express (21) N Edge 11 02894 Magnetic Watch (22) R Swain R Swain 4 1 0 Galleons Victory (1) T Barron D Dunn 12 45228 Tilly Patron (23) A Milne A Milne 2 76090 Pegasus Hanover (2) O Lawrence A Armour COX FAMILY HANDICAP TROT 3 8600 Giventake (3) G & J Knight M Williamson 1:48PM $7,500, 4yo+ c1 to c6 spechcp trot, 2400m 4 08608 Eyre’s A Rag Doll (4) G McEwan G McEwan 5 08403 Strathspey Boy (5) A Kyle A Kyle 1 02559 Bear’s Rest (1) B White B Williamson (J) 6 66602 Rosie Express (6) N Edge A Beck 2 39718 Phoebe Flyer (2) K Franks K Franks 2 7 37559 Another Delight (7) R Wilson C Ferguson (J) 3 58326 Starlight Invasion (3) D McLachlan A Beck 8 76796 Grace O’Malley (8) C Thomas P Hunter 3 4 88824 Overcast (4) A Paisley R McIlwrick (J) 3 Another Crusher (9) C Laurenson B McLellan 5 81X Dipendra (5) T Stevens S Walkinshaw 9 76867 Barrier 6 00040 The Badger (u1) B Gray B Barclay 1 10 006X0 Love Struck Romeo (21) T Butt J W Cox 7 70493 Belmont Invasion (u2) O Lawrence C Graham 11 60008 Pure Emotion (22) S Lock N Williamson 4 8 4P531 Abraham Jones (1) A Black A Black 12 00005 Best Of The Bunch (23) C Barron C Barron 1 9 22235 Mass Invasion (2) C Barron C Barron 2 10 45500 Trouble Rieu (1) B White S McNally SOUTHLAND STANDARDBRED BREEDERS ASSOC. PACE 11 65388 Moment Of Sun (u1) G & C Lee G Lee 12:48PM $7,000, 3yo c0, 2400m WINTON NEW WORLD MOBILE PACE 1 62887 Fear Xchange (1) L & T Robertson T Robertson 2:23PM $5,000, 2yo+ c0 mob. pace, 2400m 4 2 3826 Tahlia Franco (2) S McNally S McNally 3 3 0X Mr Mojito (3) B Gray 1 1 2 No More Change (1) C Ferguson B Barclay C Ferguson (J) 1 4 22402 Western Delight (4) T Stratford D Dunn 2 00 Vincenzo Denario (2) G Gibson-Smith A Beck 5 Ansett Flight (5) P Hunter P Hunter 3 720P9 Talkalot (3) G Gibson-Smith C Barron 2 6 45242 Allison Stokke (6) G Smith A Armour 4 09360 Dixie Peach (4) S Walkinshaw S Walkinshaw 7 3 5 525 Jayedgar (5) M Swain Steiger (7) L Veint K Larsen N Williamson 8 3 A Smart Excuse (8) C Barron C Barron 6 04X40 Kowhai King (6) N Edge S McNally 9 43083 Franco Jameson (9) K Barclay S Walkinshaw 7 503 Gunslinger Bromac (7) C Thomas P Hunter Two Ply (u1) C Laurenson B McLellan 8 90X5 Father Ted (8) Shirley/Larkins D Dunn 10 0070 Barrier Barrier 9 Mandolin SCRATCHED PGG WRIGHTSON MOBILE PACE 4 10 736X4 One Cool Chick (21) R Swain R Swain 1:18PM $7,000, 4yo+ c0 mob. pace, 2400m 2 11 Dennis Lillee (22) M Saunders B Barclay 2 1 66342 This Excuse Is Fine (1) T Barron D Dunn 12 P7X70 Go Grunter (23) M G Brown A Armour 1 2 00943 Culler Coded (2) D Heffernan N Williamson 13 080X Lady’s Lass (24) L & T Robertson T Robertson 3 3 63575 Luciano (3) B McLellan B McLellan WINTON MITRE 10 MARES PACE $7,500, 4yo+ 4 P Buffalo Soldier (4) M Swain A Beck 2:59PM mares c1–c2, 1609m 5 0X306 Finger In The Till (5) S Lock J W Cox 4 6 867X6 Jabali (6) R Hope M Williamson 1 16 Tammy Brown (1) M White B McLellan 3 2 90257 Sumthin Special (2) C Barron 7 35527 Annie Fitz (7) R Wilson C Barron C Ferguson (J) 8 P30 Just Wish (8) M G Brown S Tomlinson (J) 3 91777 Rahuri Badlands (3) W Bryant P Hunter
h M8
PX # REC Horse (Start pos) Trainer
Motukarara Harness
Sunday at Motukarara Raceway
WESTFIELD HOLDINGS TROT 11 $6,500, 3yo+ c0 trot, 2170m 12
1 80697 Little Miss (1) T Jellyman 2 X0829 Squire John (2) Wakelin/Noble 2 3 45524 Ella Lavra (3) R Kennedy 3 4 20569 Brylin Rose (4) J Versteeg 5 70 Ko Wrected (5) Jason & Scott Lethaby 6 Landora’s Logan 7 Sunrise Spur (6) J Versteeg 8 Magnafique (7) R Holmes 9 Red Hot Rocket 10 7X Here We Are (8) W Stapleton 11 9 Venola (9) P Anderson 12 76377 Rollin Thunder (10) G Turner 1 13 44073 Look Ahead (11) L & J Smith 12:33PM
1 1 2 3 4 2 5 3 6 7 8 9 4 10
R Payne P Wakelin S Ottley J Versteeg S Lethaby SCRATCHED C DeFilippi R Holmes SCRATCHED R May L O'Reilly C D Thornley J Smith
April 10, 2016
26755 JJ’s Delight (22) C Kennedy 02860 Lyin Eyes (23) M Nyhan
J Dunn P Davis
$6,500, 4yo+ c0 mob. pace, 2000m
1 X6670 Magical Murf (1) K Fairbairn 4 2 500X0 Take A Gamble (2) R Jenkins 3 9X0X0 Snowden (3) K Estreich 4 70000 Omihi El (4) C Thornley 5 66909 Uralla Sue (5) J Reardon 6 45339 Midnight Flyer (6) M Nyhan 3 7 06494 Got A Beauty (7) C McDowell 1 8 82052 Supreme Blue Chip (8) M Murcott 2 Man Of Change (9) G O'Reilly 9 73X Barrier 10 00X69 Master Jordy (21) D Taylor 11 00X49 God Of War (22) K Barron 12 53957 Rico Gold (23) G Bates MITRE 10 MEGA HORNBY PACE
$6,500, 2yo+ c0 pace, 2170m
1 00660 Aveross Ferrari (1) A Faulks 2 30 Jonty James (2) S Smolenski 3 Franco Garcia (3) B Waldron 4 67740 Mustang Bullitt (4) W Stapleton 0 5 Stompem (5) D Thompson 0 6 60000 Stonebridge Lad (6) M Heenan 3 7 4888P Volatile Lavra (7) R Kennedy 2 8 03P6X Champagne Reign (8) C & J DeFilippi 4 9 50453 Red River Lochee (9) J McDermott 1 10 Alantic (10) D Ottley 11 Tom Me Gun (11) M DeFilippi 12 8 Pure Righteous (12) K Estreich 13 33236 Buffy Bay (13) N Perkins 14 77540 Karanga Sweet P (14) D Jones 15 9000X Zoerotten (15) R Thornley 16 686 Rock Of Ages (16) W Williams 1:03PM
T Chmiel B Orange G O'Reilly R May J Dunn
C D Thornley C DeFilippi S Golding (J) S Ottley J Curtin C Markham T McMillan J Young (J) K Cox (J) R Close
$6,500, 2yo+ f&m c0 mob. pace, 2000m
79 Lucy Diamond (1) D Thomas 8 Glenstone (2) G Payne 70999 Shez Wicked (3) J Harrington 09 Ireby Meg (4) G Court 09532 She’sa Tricky Bridge (5) J McDermott 22344 Crackared (6) B Hill 0407 Gotta Mama (7) D Thompson 99 El Storm (8) D Feast 03 Ariadne Lavra (9) M Jones Barrier
6 Charlees Wishes (21) J & J Geddes
L O'Reilly R Payne J Harrington (J) H Hunter J Curtin R May R Holmes A Lethaby S Ottley J Geddes
C Markham B Orange J Morrison (J)
$6,500, 2yo+ c0 pace, 2170m
1 537X8 Flamboyant (1) D Taylor 4 3 2 00783 Pembrook Harry (2) R Dunn 3 0098L Loire Franco (3) W Stapleton 0 4 60000 Stonebridge Lad (4) M Heenan 5 00806 Rainy River (5) C McDowell 6 69000 What A Curtainraiser (6) K James 7 09305 Magic Blaze (7) D Flint 0 8 Stompem (8) D Thompson 9 95000 Rozzano (9) P Toomey 10 7 Lavros Vance (10) L Jones 1 11 Junkyard Mase (11) G O'Reilly 2 12 29524 Caitlin Franco (12) P Anderson 13 0X7 A Life Under Fire (13) N McGrath 14 Art Whorled (14) B Kerr 15 02748 Bionic Man (15) R Holmes 16 400 Just Chillin (u1) S Harding 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 4 9 3 10
T Quate (J) R Jenkins C DeFilippi C R Thornley L O'Reilly P Davis C McDowell K Cox (J) G O'Reilly
J Young (J) J Dunn J Morrison (J) C McDowell K James D Flint J Curtin C DeFilippi G O'Reilly L O'Reilly N McGrath C D Thornley R Holmes A Tomlinson
$7,000, 3yo+ c1 pace, 2170m
05050 Going To California (1) B Ward 10506 Thisgirlisonfire (2) J Howe 77003 Nothingtolaughabout (3) P Robertson 73210 Jayees Supreme (4) G Telfer 50332 Pay Me Visa (5) A Stuart 63774 All Nuts N Bolts (6) M House 05236 Hopeful Harriet (7) M Fuller 10085 Julia Lady (8) S Adlam 05228 Kotare Kasai (9) R Dunn 60223 Sounds Swift (10) K O'Reilly
L O'Reilly T Chmiel C D Thornley G Telfer B Orange D Dunn R Close S Ottley J Dunn K O'Reilly
Track Information Type: All weather; Direction: Left-handed; Length: 1407m; Weather: Mainly Fine
4 00690 Elle Ko (4) M G Brown 5 07005 Cullens Lady (5) B White 4 6 56853 Picobello (6) D Baynes 7 19679 Dachy (7) Cox/McGrannachan 1 Roxy Dale (8) M G Brown 8 60612 Barrier 9 89746 Sweet As (21) A Paisley 10 5200X Sumtala (22) T Stratford 2 11 7586P Isola Bella (23) K Larsen 12 95045 My Rona Gold (24) K Barclay
M Williamson S McNally A Beck N Williamson A Armour
1 10
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 8-9-10 2-3-4-5, 7-8-9-10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 5-6-7-8-9-10
31124 Costa Del Magnifico (2) B Shirley
D Dunn
SBS PACE $8,000, 3yo+ c2, c3 with cond.,
1 38423 Robyn’s Bad Boy (1) R Wilson 3 C Ferguson (J) 2 13687 River Patrol (2) C Laurenson R Swain 3 42770 Moondyne Joe (3) B Gray B Barclay 1 4 11643 Talkerup (4) C Dalgety D Dunn 4 5 89542 Groomsman (5) H Hunter H Hunter GALLAGHER ANIMAL MANAGEMENT MOBILE PACE 6 47537 Man I’m Good (6) A Kyle A Kyle 3:33PM $7,500, 3yo+ c1 mob. pace, 2400m 7 91209 Dissolution (7) Cox/McGrannachan N Williamson 0 1 50097 Rockefeller (1) C Gerken J W Cox 8 64758 Russian Express (8) N Edge A Beck 2 13186 Pavarotti (2) B Gray B Barclay 2 9 96216 Expresso Martini (9) G Anderson R McIlwrick (J) 2 3 34323 Galactic Star (3) D Baynes B McLellan Barrier 4 0604P Hot Chilli (4) R Wilson C Ferguson (J) 10 86964 Give Me The Night (21) S Walkinshaw S Walkinshaw 5 20109 Changesaw (5) G Davis C Barron 11 64410 Music (22) R Dunn M Williamson 1 6 1 Cullen Who (6) T Barron D Dunn 12 01090 Geordie Sivad (23) R Faithful J W Cox 7 0049X Another Windermere (7) Shirley/Larkins A Beck ADVANCE AGRICULTURE LTD MOBILE PACE 8 021 Erin Jaccka (8) M G Brown N Williamson 5:08PM $6,000, 3yo+ c1 mob. pace, 2400m 9 09643 Van Eva (9) S Cook M Williamson 2 1 78X62 Havinaravup (1) C Ferguson C Ferguson (J) Barrier 3 2 42855 Soapbox (2) M G Brown A Armour 10 05272 Pegasus Kommander (21) S Lock R McIlwrick (J) M Williamson 11 00530 Macardo (22) M G Brown A Armour 3 40260 Hopes And Dreams (3) G & J Knight H Hunter 3 12 11335 Scarlet Falcon (23) S McNally S McNally 4 00084 Understudy (4) H Hunter 4 5 07805 Takitimu Express (5) S Baucke J W Cox 13 46338 Tact Rousey (24) T Proctor S Walkinshaw 6 Rahuri Badlands SCRATCHED 4 14 36121 Six Diamonds (25) A Black B Williamson (J) A Beck 15 00056 Sioux Nation (26) N Edge R Swain 7 67913 Knockmanaugh (6) I Wilson 8 84073 Black Athena (7) B Shirley R McIlwrick (J) WINTON TROTTING CUP PACE $14,999, 4yo+ c3–c7 9 29432 First Son (8) S Matheson M Parker (J) 4:10PM Barrier discrhcp, 2400m 1 11134 Southern Pursuit (1) C Barron 0 10 90257 Sumthin Special (21) C Barron B Barclay C Barron 3 2 33230 Democrat Party (2) Katrina & John Price 0 11 0049X Another Windermere (22) Shirley/Larkins N Williamson 4 3 22151 Devil May Care (3) H Hunter 1 12 12421 Blow A Cloud (23) M G Brown H Hunter S Tomlinson (J) 4 48914 Odette Jaccka (4) B Gray J W Cox 13 13483 Glenburn Joy (24) B Shirley N Williamson 5 11883 Macy Blue Chip (1) T Barron M Parker (J) 14 3337X Deceitndesire (25) T Stratford D Dunn 6 53027 New Years Jay (1) A Hoffman S Walkinshaw 15 35502 Melina Lowe (26) K Larsen B Williamson (J) 7 25179 I’m Full Of Excuses (2) C Barron B McLellan C Barron 16 35541 Happy Lou (27) M Hunter 17 8 58076 Bettor’s Brigadier (u1) D McLachlan Rockefeller SCRATCHED A Beck 2 9 23147 Titan Banner (1) G Anderson B Barclay R McIlwrick (J) 18 10667 Son Of Brahma (28) B Gray
R McIlwrick (J) D Dunn K Larsen S Walkinshaw
Track Information Type: Grass; Direction: Left-handed; Length: 1811m; Weather: Fine
11 12 2 13
03784 Midfrew Tarpediem (11) W Lake 84930 Game Changer (12) M Nyhan 73270 Marat Saf Finn (13) D Taylor
P Davis J Young (J)
2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11 1-2-3, 5-6-7, 9-10-11 2-3-4-5, 8-9-10-11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 6-7-8-9-10-11
7 52407 Kowhai Monarch (u1) M Jones 4 S Ottley 8 99X87 Bacardi N Coke (u2) P Robertson C D Thornley 3:17PM K Cameron with cond., 2000m 9 0X400 Izinthezone (u3) K Cameron L Newton 4 1 66635 Franco Caliph (1) D Taylor J Young (J) 10 21005 Merlot (u4) K Hadfield B Cusdin 2 0X547 Bhappy (2) R Jenkins R Jenkins 11 90010 My Sky (1) K Townley 1 12 06373 Donsmedad (2) G & N Hope R May 3 3 25994 Whoosh Factor (3) A Stuart B Orange N Burton 4 40716 Fair Dinkum Bromac (4) M Jones L McKay (J) 13 0X058 Evander D Go (3) N Burton A Lethaby 2 5 73471 Bontz (5) J & J Geddes J Geddes 14 80361 Peterhof (1) B Graham 2 15 40P8P Mon Richie (2) D Ross T Chmiel 6 60358 Gerald (6) B Negus S Ottley J Curtin 1 7 X1212 Franco Exeter (7) M Jones W Higgs 16 90770 Star Commando (3) B Hutton L O'Reilly 8 98608 Bettor Be Smooth (8) B Butt J Curtin 17 0P000 Free Bird (u1) B Ward K C Pedro (9) A Hastie A Hastie 9 8870X Barrier BPC CARS LTD PACE 4:59PM $7,000, 3yo+ c1 pace, 2170m 10 064P0 Franco Tariq (21) P Anderson L O'Reilly 11 40978 Living Legend (22) R Dunn J Dunn 1 00487 Sonnetsson (1) M Nyhan P Davis 12 90070 Marquis Eyre (23) P Anderson G O'Reilly 1 2 58795 Johnny Eyre (2) M Brown K Cox (J) 13 63453 Mighty Empire (24) J Howe T Chmiel 3 47689 It’s All Over Now (3) B Ward R May 14 X0003 Alan Golightly (u1) A Garters C D Thornley 4 4 00405 Shadow Rider (4) F Shrives C DeFilippi 3 5 96028 Motu Lightning Lass (5) S Adlam S Ottley RON ELLEN MEMORIAL HANDICAP PACE 6 28867 Buckeye (6) J & J Geddes J Geddes 3:52PM $8,000, 3yo+ c2 to c4 spechcp pace, 2810m 7 08676 Drover’s Eyre (7) B Waldron C D Thornley 1 21610 Latin Lloyd (1) G & N Hope S Golding (J) 8 09640 Just Ben (8) K Williams S Golding (J) 2 80221 Gee Jay Easter (2) A Stuart R Close 2 9 69425 Marshal Star (9) N Le Lievre R Close 3 06100 Hestia Franco (3) L Smart J Morrison (J) 10 82595 Lottie Franco (10) H Hunter H Hunter 4 90286 As Kiwi As (4) R Holmes R Holmes 11 57680 Changeover A Flyin (11) M Edmonds M Edmonds 4 5 27766 Boomer Bailey (5) G Telfer G Telfer 12 1234 Our Quinn (12) Jason & Scott Lethaby S Lethaby 1 6 111 Mogul (6) J & J Geddes R May 13 8007X Golden Desire (u1) M Heenan M Heenan 7 90198 Young Mister Grace (u1) J Bartlett K Cox (J) 8 11609 Canndew (1) M Nyhan P Davis TREVINOS BAR & RESTAURANT PACE $7,000, 4yo+ 5:25PM 3 9 22469 Graduate Under Fire (2) R Dunn mares c1–c2, 2000m 10 89444 Highland Reign (u1) B Negus S Ottley C D Thornley 2 11 61187 Idealindiamonds (1) D & C Butt M Anderson (J) 1 0X150 Jewelz (1) S McRae G Smith 12 46573 Maybe Flyin (2) R Needham J Young (J) 2 45X1 She Aint Sweet Az (2) G Smith B Orange 13 5001X Karanga Red Fantasy (3) D Jones C D Thornley 3 06075 Livadia (3) K Barron P Davis 14 21757 Clive (4) D Ross C DeFilippi 4 00300 Redback Jars (4) T Thomas J Young (J) 15 40805 The Royal Garden (5) R Dunn T Williams 5 8X125 Nomattermee (5) D Taylor R May 16 01836 Donegal Jimmy Dave (u1) R Dunn G O'Reilly 6 89902 Mysistersastar (6) L Boulton 1 7 42117 Regency Franco (7) S McNally G O'Reilly C & J MCDERMOTT/B & J SANDFORD HANDICAP TROT 4 8 77718 Bird Of Paradise (8) B Ward L O'Reilly 4:25PM $7,500, 4yo+ c1 to c3 discrhcp trot, 2810m 2 9 54429 Art Critic (9) R Dunn J Dunn Barrier 1 09702 Momentous (1) A Garters C DeFilippi 2 57085 Soney Beatt (2) K Ford A Tomlinson 10 44410 Ashes To Wings (21) M Smolenski D Dunn 3 42570 Speedy Earl (3) K Cameron I Cameron 11 54484 Wozniacki (22) J Harrington J Harrington (J) 4 46939 Diana Harbour (4) K James K James 12 23886 Star In The Future (23) R Anderson R Anderson 5 00870 Explosive Star (5) M Heenan G O'Reilly 13 91307 Christian Lady (24) P McClelland P McClelland 3 6 62246 Sarah Palin (6) M Nyhan 3 14 53931 Buzkil (25) J & J Geddes P Davis J Geddes
CHRIS JONES REAL ESTATE PACE $7,000, 4yo+ c1, c2
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Friday, April 8, 2016
Ashburton Guardian 15
In brief Do you know who I am? Even golfing legend and six-time Masters champion Jack Nicklaus gets carded by security while driving into Augusta National. Nicklaus was stopped for identification three times while travelling down the club’s iconic Magnolia Lane driveway on his way to the Champions Dinner. Although it took a minute, when each guard realised they were talking to arguably the greatest golfer of all time they apologised, shook his hand and even let him smuggle in his son. “Why are they so nice to you?” Nicklaus’ friend asked. “I don’t know,” he humbly replied. - AAP
When Lydia met Jordan
Ashburton’s Veronica Wall clears out from her rivals in the Girls’ Under 18 single semi-final yesterday.
Wall dominant on the water By James Ford
The Ashburton College contingent’s fine form has continued at the Maadi Cup, with some exceptional semi-final performances yesterday. Lara Biggs, Emma Stagg, Katie Dolan, Mollie Gibson and coxswain Emma Jansen progressed to the girls’ under-15 coxed quad sculls final following a second place in their semi-final. The foursome posted a time of 7.52.81 to narrowly edge out Glendowie College (7.52.88) in a
thrilling battle for second spot, while St Peter’s School (7.46.67) took first place spoils. The girls’ under-18 double sculls duo of Grace Wilson and Erin Connelly-Whyte also progressed to their final with a fourth placing behind Craighead Diocesan School, Fraser High School and Tauranga Girls’ College. Meanwhile, golden girl Veronica Wall’s dominance continued, taking another first place in the girls’ under-16 single sculls semifinal. The 16-year-old recorded a
time of 8.29.59 – more than five seconds quicker than Te Awamutu College’s Sophie Dixon in second. Wall continued to patrol the age groups in clinical fashion with another blistering time in the girls’ under-17 single sculls semi-final. The College starlet blew away the field in a time of 8:48.01 – more than 15 seconds ahead of her closest rival, Georgia Keech of Sacred Heart Girls’ College (9:03.37) in second. To round off another outstand-
ing day, Wall sped to first place in the girls’ under-18 single sculls semi-final in a time of 8.22.52, ahead of Hastings Girls’ High School’s Jessica Turfrey (8.26.59) in second and Jessica Norris of Woodford House in third. Wall then joined up with Wilson, Connelly-Whyte and Biggs to take out first spot in the girls’ under-18 coxed quad sculls in a time of 7.29.64. Blustery weather forced a break in racing yesterday afternoon, but finals will continue today and tomorrow.
Lee flying under the radar at Augusta By simon PlumB Shrugging off a mysterious pretournament split with his caddy, Danny Lee says he’s in the form of his life heading into this morn-
ing’s opening round of the Masters. The PGA Tour’s surprise package last season, the name of the 25-year-old is being bandied around Augusta this week as con-
versations turn to dark horses and lucrative long-shots. It’s almost inconceivable territory for a Kiwi golfer, with Lee the first New Zealander to even qualify for Augusta since Michael Campbell in 2010.
With new-found status, Lee must now live up to being a major regular and the calibre of player whose focus is on delivering at the big four events, rather than just trying to qualify. - NZME
The world’s best two golfers met at Augusta National yesterday – with reigning Masters champion Jordan Spieth heaping praise on Lydia Ko for her latest major victory. Spieth, 22, who stormed to last year’s Green Jacket with a history-making performance, had a chance meeting with Ko at the traditional Par 3 contest, held the day before the Masters begins. “Congratulations, again, Lydia. Another major,” Spieth said to the Kiwi. “We were all tuned in last week from Houston. I was watching and we all knew it was going to happen.” - AP
Curse? What curse? Jimmy Walker clearly isn’t one for superstition. He’s taken out the traditional Masters par-3 contest at Augusta, a day out from the tournament proper beginning. Walker shot a course record eightunder 19, including a hole in one on the second hole. There were nine aces in total during the relaxed tune-up, including veteran Gary Player. But no player has even won the par-3 contest and the Masters in the same year. - NZME
Tiger ‘will be back’ Jack Nicklaus says he thinks Tiger Woods will win again. After seeing him a few weeks ago, Nicklaus is surprised Woods isn’t playing the Masters this week. Woods is P H I L O S O P H Y missing the Masters for the second “Grant Hood Contracting Ltd’s time in three years as he recovers philosophy is to provide our clients from two surgeries on his with superior value and aback solution to their contracting needs. last year. He has not played since P H I L O S O P H Y a“Grant tie Hood forContracting 10th inLtd’sthe Wyndham Championship August, and he philosophy is to provide ourin clients with superior value andsince a solutionFirestone to has not won in their contracting needs. August 2013. - AP
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Sport 18
Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 8, 2016
In brief Sopoaga eyes No. 10 Highlanders pivot Lima Sopoaga has revealed what he needs to improve in order to impress the All Black selectors. The runaway success against South Africa last year missed the World Cup squad and is in a quality queue including Aaron Cruden, Beauden Barrett and Damian McKenzie for the test No. 10 jersey. Sopoaga said: “Maybe I could attack the line a little bit more, ball in hand wise ... have a go myself every now and then. I seem to be just shovelling on the ball but when you’ve got so much dangerous talent on your outside it’s hard not to feed the ball and let the boys do the damage.” - NZME
Force up against it Western Force coach Michael Foley is confident his team are on the verge of turning their season around, but he knows they’ll need more than a man in a banana suit to stop the Crusaders tonight. The Force have snared just one win from six this season to fall out of the finals picture again. Foley is adamant his players have kept faith in the new attacking game plan, and he hopes they’ll be rewarded with a win, but it won’t be an easy task. The Crusaders have scored 20 tries in their recent four-match winning run, including six in last week’s 4337 triumph over the Lions. - AAP Hampstead were thumped 57-7 by Glenmark last weekend and face another tough outing against Rolleston tomorrow. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 020416-AK-062
Atonement on the agenda By James Ford
Mid Canterbury’s senior club sides will be out to right the wrongs of last Saturday’s dismal displays in week three of the Luisetti Seeds Combined Country Competition tomorrow. Rakaia were the only local side to pick up a win in an all-Mid Canterbury affair against Celtic. Sean Carter’s men churned out a 19-13 victory in a largely forgettable clash. Despite the win, assistant coach Wayne Foxcroft insisted that a much improved performance will be required against Oxford tomorrow. Methven were beaten for the
second time in as many weeks last Saturday. The defending champions fell to a 25-17 loss to Rolleston, but did produce a more promising performance than in their 20-13 defeat to West Melton a fortnight ago. Coach Andy Pearce will hope his new-look team can gel for tomorrow’s clash against Kaiapoi, who were dealt a 62-5 hammering by Burn/Duns/Irwell in their last outing. Hampstead suffered the worst defeat of the local senior teams in week two, a 57-7 hiding from a well-drilled Glenmark. Regan Broker’s side were starved of possession and con-
fined to their own 22 for much of the tie. Broker said his players gave their own damning assessment of the poor performance and are determined to make things right in the clash against Rolleston tomorrow. Southern have yet to register a win this season and will have the odds stacked against them when they travel to Waihora this weekend. Waihora handed Hornby a 56-0 mauling in week one before seeing off a defiant Darfield 11-6 a week later, while Southern were beaten by Celtic 35-15 a fortnight ago and Ashley 36-30 last Saturday.
FIXTURES Luisetti Seeds Combined Country Competition week three fixtures: Methven v Kaiapoi, Waihora v Southern, Southbridge v Saracens, Ashley v Prebbleton, Glenmark v Lincoln, Hornby v Celtic, West Melton v Burn/Duns/Irwell, Darfield v Ohoka, Rolleston v Hampstead, Oxford v Rakaia. Senior B Michael Duff Memorial Trophy Competition week two: Allenton Senior B v Hampstead Senior B, Collegiate Senior B v Southern Senior B, Methven Senior B v Celtic Senior B, Mt Somers Senior B v Rakaia Senior B.
Tana’s backs unchanged The Blues will board their bus for Hamilton and their challenging assignment against the Chiefs without injured All Black forwards Patrick Tuipulotu and Jerome Kaino but, on the plus side, Tana Umaga has been able to name an unchanged backline for the first time this season. Umaga, in his first year coaching at this level, has been keen on tinkering with his line-up, particularly his backs, but this week the only changes are injured enforced. - NZME
Slipper starts for Reds Captain James Slipper has been named to start for the Queensland Reds for the first time this season when they host defending champions the Highlanders tomorrow. Wallabies prop Slipper, who had surgery on his shoulder in the off-season, made his season debut for the Reds off the bench in their loss to the Waratahs before last weekend’s bye. “He’s worked hard to get himself back and was very pleased to get some minutes against the Waratahs,” co-coach Matt O’Connor said. “James will offer plenty on Saturday.” - AAP
SBW will be in black
Wakanui Black chasing first win By James Ford
Wakanui Black will play host to Cambridge at the Ashburton turf tomorrow, while Wakanui Blue have the bye. Both Wakanui sides fell to losses in their opening ties last weekend. Black were downed 5-4 by
Oamaru’s Tainui in Timaru and Blue were dealt a severe 9-0 hiding by Cambridge. Wakanui Black skipper Mitch Moore credited Tainui for their performance last Saturday, but insisted there were positives to be taken from the narrow loss. “They (Tainui) probably deserved the win,” he said.
“Sam Bennett’s drag flick goals probably kept us in the match and Ryan Carr made some good saves.” Moore will have more options with players set to return for tomorrow’s clash, but is expecting a tough challenge against a Cambridge side that boasts plenty of attacking flair.
“A win would be nice, but it will be a tough ask against Cambridge,” he said. “They will be the team to watch in this season’s competition, I think.” Tomorrow’s men’s division one fixture: Wakanui Black v Cambridge, Ashburton Hockey Turf, 4pm.
Far from heading to France after Rio, Sonny Bill Williams will be fast-tracked into the All Blacks and is expected to be available for most of the Rugby Championship and tour to the US and Europe. Speculation is rife about what Williams intends doing after Rio, with the most recent reports suggesting he will sign a shortterm deal with Toulon before returning to make himself eligible to play against the Lions. But Williams, under contract with New Zealand Rugby until the end of this year, has been elevated to the All Blacks leadership group on the basis he will commit to the national team once his obligations to sevens end in mid-August. - NZME
Friday, April 8, 2016
In brief
College riders in top form Ashburton College’s equestrians put in a sterling effort at the recent Inter-Schools Dressage Competition at McLeans Island. The college contingent improved significantly on last year’s 15th placing to finish eighth out of 25 entries. For the first time in recent memory College fielded two teams to compete against 23 others from schools from across the Canterbury region. A last minute training session with local coach Debbie Nelson helped riders iron out a few issues in readiness to put in their best efforts. On the day it was Brittany Fowler and her flashy horse Concordia that scored the highest in the Novice level tests - the pair went on to place fourth and first. Not to be outdone, Jaimee Bird, who is perhaps better known for flying round the jumps, proved her worth in the dressage arena. Bird rode two fluent and re-
Ashburton Guardian 19
laxed tests to score consistently high marks. Natasha Waddell, on the delightful Uptown Charlie Brown, made a fine transition from the show ring to complete two well ridden tests and Hamish Kerr, on LJ Sundance, were the quiet achievers of the team as both posted worthy scores and kept the team in the running. The College’s second team made up of Amy Davidson, Charlotte Waddell, Harriet Stock and Megan Harrison also registered consistent scores – all improving as the day progressed and are keen to return to the competition next year.
Sprinters off to Rio New Zealand have named just four sprinters for the Rio Olympics, but with more to follow. To no surprise, the world champion team sprint trio of Sam Webster, Eddie Dawkins and Ethan Mitchell have been confirmed for the August Games, along with leading women’s sprinter Natasha Hansen. However the remainder of the sprint group will be named after Cycling New Zealand have worked out permutations to have their best chances in individual events such as the keirin and sprint. - NZME
Magic missing top pair The Magic will be without two of their most experienced stars for their second-round ANZ Championionship clash against the NSW Swifts this weekend. English import Jo Harten will captain the side this weekend, with Silver Ferns Leana de Bruin and Grace Rasmussen unable to make the trip across the Tasman due to injury. The loss of the pair comes at an inopportune time for the Waikato-Bay of Plenty team, with the side needing all the firepower they can muster against the impressive Swifts lineup, which features former Magic captain Laura Langman. - NZME
Right – Brittany Fowler and Concordia were in fine form in the novice level tests at the recent Inter-Schools Dressage Competition. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Wolfsburg rocks Real Wolfsburg battled its way to a shock 2-0 victory over 10-time winner Real Madrid in the first leg of their Champions League quarter-final yesterday. Playing in its first quarter-final in the competition, Wolfsburg outmuscled the Spanish giant and gave itself a good chance to make the last four. In the other clash Manchester City claimed a vital edge over Paris St Germain after grabbing two away goals in a 2-2 draw. - Reuters
Rangers mean business Rangers need to sign four or five players to be competitive in their first season back in the Scottish Premiership but will not repeat the mistakes of the past and spend money they have not got, manager Mark Warburton said yesterday. Rangers, 54-times champions of Scotland, won promotion back to the top flight on Wednesday when they beat Dumbarton 1-0 at Ibrox to clinch the Championship (second tier) title and the one automatic promotion berth, ending their fouryear exile from the elite. - Reuters
Van Gaal staying put
First silverware of the season goes to Celtic Celtic A downed Ashburton College A in a convincing 33-14 victory in the opening week of the ACL Premier Grade netball season at the EA Networks Centre Stadium yesterday evening.
Ange Leadley’s side led throughout the match, taking a 9-2 advantage at the end of the first quarter before extending their lead to a commanding 16-5 at half time.
Celtic piled on more points in the third quarter with some slick attacking play for a 26-9 lead after 45 minutes. College were more resilient in the final stanza but it was too lit-
tle too late as the greens took an opening night win and the Premier Grade Challenge Cup. See Saturday’s Guardian for a full report of the first round of premier netball.
Manchester United manager Louis van Gaal has been given assurances over his future at the club according to Dutch paper De Telegraaf. He has one year left to run on a three-year contract signed when he succeeded David Moyes in 2014, but has faced scrutiny this season for several disappointing performances and results. United are currently fifth in the Premier League table with 53 points, 16 behind the pace of leaders Leicester. - AP
UEFA offices raided Swiss police raided the headquarters of the European soccer body UEFA yesterday to gather information about a contract signed by new FIFA boss Gianni Infantino that was reported in the Panama Papers. The Swiss attorney-general’s office said the search was part of “ongoing criminal proceedings”.
Sport 20 Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 8, 2016
Roosters facing uncharted territory By Steve Zemek A lot of words have been used to describe the Sydney Roosters’ fall from grace, but exciting is a new one. That’s how coach Trent Robinson says he’s finding the challenge of digging his side out of their predicament after their worst start – 0-5 – to an NRL season in 50 years. Robinson finds himself in uncharted territory having presided over a period of sustained success since taking over in 2013 in his first stint as an NRL head coach. While he’s careful to avoid phrases like “must-win”, he doesn’t hide from the magnitude of tonight’s clash with local rivals South Sydney at ANZ Stadium. When he took over the reins from Brian Smith, the Roosters had finished 13th the year before however he quickly transformed the club into a powerhouse, winning a title and three straight minor premierships. Up until the end of last season Robinson had the all-time best winning percentage of any coach with over 50 games experience. But now, Robinson finds himself back at square one, having to rebuild following the loss of Michael Jennings, James Maloney and Roger Tuivasa-Sheck, with those efforts hampered by the absence of key players Jared Waerea-Hargreaves (injury) and Mitchell Pearce (suspension). “People have seen me the last three years and before that I had my challenges that set you up for these types of times in your coaching career,” Robinson said. “It’s exciting, as well. “You want to win games but you want to build the best out of your players. That’s where we’re at at the moment.” Rabbitohs halfback Adam Reynolds is an outside chance to return from a broken jaw while Michael Maguire’s side grew an inch taller with Sam Burgess back in the line up in their 16-12 win over Manly last week. The Roosters must not only dust themselves off after their golden point loss to the Warriors last week, but try to set aside memories of the 42-10 hiding handed to them by the Bunnies in their season opener. Asked how hard it had been to lift to troops from the canvas, Robinson said:
Plus much more FREE loan trailer available! From a shovel load to a trailer load. Dobson Street West Ph: 307 8302 Hours: Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 5pm Sat: 7.30am - 12 noon
The Roosters were an unhappy bunch after losing to the Warriors. “It hasn’t been that hard actually. “It’s been good. There’s different ways to take it and we’re a fairly tight bunch of guys.” * South Sydney has been the best firsthalf team this season, scoring 72 points, whilst the Roosters have conceded the equal most (78) in this period. * Three of the Roosters’ five losses this season have been by 4 points or less. * The Roosters have conceded an equal league-high 28 tries this season along with the Knights. Meanwhile Canberra winger Jordan Rapana is confident he has enough brake horsepower to stop Parramatta’s SemiTrailer in his tracks. Semi Radradra has been at his damaging best for the Eels so far this NRL season, scoring two tries and averaging 137 running metres a game after five rounds. The Fijian flyer – tipped to make his Kangaroos debut later this year – has developed a formidable partnership with Michael Jennings. The pair will line up against Rapana and centre Joey Leilua when the third-placed Raiders play the Eels in Saturday’s clash at Pirtek Stadium. Radradra scored a double the last time the two sides met in last year’s final regular season round, which the Raiders won 2824 win in golden point extra time. But Rapana is confident there’ll be no repeat. “I’m confident I’ll be able to keep him try-less, hopefully, he said. “We’ve done the training and I’ve put in hard work this pre-season.” - AAP
Fast Four back on the court early lead against Tony Brosnahan, falling to a 3-4, 0-4 loss. TKJ took the overall tie by two matches to one. The third fixture of the evening saw a new team, Last Resort, taking on the Racqueteers. Larissa Allan, who made her Fast Fours debut, saw off the challenge of Matt Wong 4-2, 4-2, while Racqueteers’ captain Dan Copland squared the ledger against Dianna Leonard by a similar score line. In the deciding doubles, Copland and Wong took the first set 4-2, then at 3-3 in the second set, the tiebreak was locked at four points all, with Allan to serve on this match point to the Racqueteers. Her nerve held, and Last Resort won the sudden death point to win the second set before winning the final set and the overall fixture 2-1.
COMPUTER PROBLEMS ?? For prompt reliable service contact Kelvin Boult, KJB Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot Place, Ashburton. Phone 308 8989. 30 years local service. Same day service if possible. SUPERGOLD Discount card welcomed. SUN CONTROL WINDOW TINTING. Professional window tinting for cars, homes and offices. Quality films for privacy, UV (fading), heat, safety and security. Phone Craig Rogers your ONLY local applicator 307 6347 or 0800 TINTER. Member of Master Tinters NZ.
EXCELLENT fundraising opportunity - free to hire. Community fundraising BBQ situated at Mitre 10 Mega. Visit our customer service counter today to book and for details. – Phone 308-5119.
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GARAGE SALE: 21 Saunders Road. Strictly 9am! Toys galore 90% under $5. Saturday only.
Open homes: Saturday, April 9 and Sunday, April 10 between 1.00pm and 2.00pm Contact: 027 272 7837or 03 302 6887 Buyer enquiry range $605,000 - $620,000
GARAGE Sale. Furniture vintage. Wrought iron tables. Couch. Armchair. Draped duchess. Baskets. Linen. Coffee tables. Books. Toys. Cameras. Vinyl records. Saturday, April 9. 9am 12.30pm, Middle Road, Ashburton. GARAGE SALE - Saturday, April 9, 9am-2pm. 26 Kitchener Street. Final clearance of large estate lot. Everything must go.
CONTAINERS for sale or hire, ex shipping: general and ACCOMMODATION, TOYOTA Allion, 2002, auto, insulated. Sidelifter available 120,000 kms, for delivery. Wilson Bulk RENTAL 1800cc, excellent condition. $5000. Transport, Phone 308-7772. HOUSE for rent. Tidy three Enquiries phone 021 613 bedroom home, owner going 676. DEADLINES - Ashburton overseas. Available from April Guardian RUN-ON 10. Off street parking, wood classifieds close at 4.30pm, burner, heat pump. $320 per LIVESTOCK, PETS DISPLAY classifieds close week. Enquiries phone 021 at 2pm. Every week day, 613 676. BUYER of unwanted and on the day prior to animals. Cattle, bobby calves, insertion. Phone 03 307 ADULT horse and all farm animals. 7965. ENTERTAINMENT We also sell pet food. Call Nick’s Pet Food 0272 101 LINDEN leaves body oil. AMAZING Thai lady, hot sex, Treat your tired skin. Four 621, A/H 03 348 9439. gorgeous fragrances 60ml busty 42DD, playful, firm full $30.00. Call into The China service. Phone 021 0238 LET OR LEASE 8947. Shop in The Arcade. SWAROVSKI stretch OFFICE available for rent. bracelets - only $25.00. Treat Parking, 24 hour access, yourself at The China Shop in nightly security. Minutes from The Arcade. CBD. Ph 021 554 570.
STORAGE units available. Various sizes. Rainbow Storage. Ph 307 0401.
FARMERS Market Saturday. Black Boy and Golden Queen GRAZING peaches. Pansies, stocks and wallflower plants. Also vege plants. Terrace Gardens. WINTER grazing Overdale NEW POTATOES. Last week kale / grass and silage and to come and see Farmer good yards. Phone 027 284 Brown at the Farmers Market 0377. on Saturday morning.
Real Estate
GARAGE SALES ASHBURTON METHODIST PARISH - Parish fair, April 9, 2016. Baring Square Centre 9am until 11.30am, garage sale. Variety of stalls: home cooking, children’s stuff, books, raffles, morning tea. Something for everyone.
• Bark • Oamaru stone • Rocks • Organic compost • Sand • Screened soil • Home deliveries available
Competitive tennis returned to the Ashburton Trust Tennis Centre on Tuesday with the autumn round of the Terrace Downs Resort Fast Fours competition taking to the courts. Six teams are competing for the spoils, with ConAid leading the way early on. They were matched against MatJade, with Aidan Mitchell beating Mathieu Lucas in straight sets, and Connor Brosnahan only allowing little sister Jade a single game in their match. The doubles also went to ConAid in straight sets. Scruff & Co started well in the doubles against TKJ, winning 4-1, 4-2, but this gave no indication of what was to follow. Gala Cup champion Rhys Cromie was out-hustled by Jason Feutz 1-4, 1-4, before Peter Leonard failed to capitalise on his
2x2 SEATER couches shoulder support. Very good condition $110.
CINDY, kiwi, attractive, long hair, size 8, busty. Lots of fun. Phone calls only, private 027 363 7916.
Birthday Greetings Tyler King Happy 4th Birthday Tyler. Lots of love, Nan, Poppa and all the family. xx Birthday Greetings are free for those aged 12 and under only. Free birthday greetings must be received at least two working days before date of insertion otherwise there is no guarantee that it will appear on the day requested. Photos will be available at our level 3 office for collection after notice has appeared in the paper.
Daily Events Friday 6am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Real women circuit training in hall, 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 9.30am - 11.30am ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN
Saturday 9am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON FARMERS MARKET. Local fresh produce, coffee and hot food. Northern end West Street Car Park. 9am - 12pm CRAFT MARKET. Good variety of crafts. West Street Car Park. 9.30am ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Community Garden, Thomson Street. 9.30am ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Community Garden, Thomson St. 9.30am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON TOY HIRE. Open for toy hire. Methodist
CHURCH. Pre loved clothing sale, bargains and cuppa. St Andrew’s Church Hall, Cnr Thomson and Jane Street, Tinwald. 9.45am 50+
An interesting speaker. Senior Centre, 206 Cameron Street. 1pm - 4pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, all welcome. Heritage Centre, West Street.
Church Baring Square. 10am METHVEN HERITAGE CENTRE. New Zealand Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, interactive fun for all ages. Main Street, Methven. 10am - 11.30am ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Pre-loved clothing sale, bargains and cuppa. St Andrew’s Church Hall, Cnr Thomson and Jane Street. Closed today. 10am - 1pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome. Heritage Centre, 327 West Street. 10am - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM.
A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road. 1.15pm ALLENTON CROQUET CLUB. Association and golf croquet, new members welcome. Allenton Sports Club, Cavendish Street, Allenton. 1.15pm GOLF CROQUET WAIREKA. Golf croquet doubles. Waireka Philip Street. 6pm HOLY NAME PARISH. Mass, Holy Name Church, Havelock Street. 7.30pm ASHBURTON MUSICAL CLUB. Monthly Concert “Prelude to 2016.” Sinclair Centre, Park Street, Ashburton.
Puzzles Friday, April 8, 2016 CRYPTIC
ACROSS 7. Air facility it organises with affectation of manners (13) 8. Dipped at the knees, having fed gent clue like this (11) 12. Where a fellow joins the Spanish to pray (6) 14. Jerk or fool going to church (6) 16. Marked with favour of a prayer before start of dinner (6) 18. Competitions for selecting criminal hearings (6) 19. Has it eaten plum so that there’s one still left? (11) 23. Partner is changing coat, so will put off doing anything (13) DOWN 1. King George would go up for a drink with his sailors (4) 2. Put name to the archer, for one (4) 3. It is wicked but is fun, maybe, with Latin (6) 4. Tell one how to go and make a film (6) 5. Intrigue is the story of a story (4) 6. It may be found in collar of an animal used for breeding (4)
13 14
9. Proceed from me – a neat arrangement (7) 10. Take it out of a passage from a book (7) 11. In such a way it’s shut out (4) 12. First of convicts to get older in prison (4) 13. It can see the spot on an egg (3) 15. Open hostility of the inexperienced on being set up (3) 17. Buck, and tailless doe: all will turn right (6) 18. Number are in need of a drink, but leave son out (6)
Happy y a d h t r Bi
19. How soldiers would carry arms left to the Navy (4) 20. Steal something and one may land up in here (4) 21. Don’t start to tease a relative (4) 22. Teas are made up of such comestibles (4)
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS CRYPTIC Across 1. Observation 7. Allowed 9. Dill 11. Mania 12. Brandy 14. Celebrities 18. Tippet 20. Heave 22. Rail 23. Astride 24. Quicksilver Down 2. Balance 3. Vide 4. Onion 5. Gamma 6. Ploys 8. Whatever 10. Crotchet 13. Fry 15. Evasive 16. Start 17. Level 19. Poilu 21. Dais
Ashburton Guardian
QUICK Across 1. Memo 3. Resonate 9. Serpent 10. False 11. Achilles’ heel 13. Rascal 15. Writhe 17. Magnificence 20. Actor 21. Earnest 22. Paradise 23. Asks Down 1. Massacre 2. Mirth 4. Either 5. Off the record 6. Ailment 7. Even 8. Wellmannered 12. Mementos 14. Scatter 16. Offers 18. Needs 19. Warp
QUICK ACROSS 1. Give evidence (7) 5. Employees (5) 8. Non government industries (7,6) 9. Signal (3) 10. Vertigo (9) 12. Stick (6) 13. Seas (6) 15. Seaside sports area (4,5) 16. Cease (3) 18. Rebirth as a new soul (13) 20. Unearth (3,2) 21. Intense (7)
DOWN 1. Subject (5) 2. Terrifying (5-8) 3. Opening, introductory (9) 4. Surrenders (6) 5. Prosecute (3) 6. Simultaneously (2,3,4,4) 7. Woodlands (7) 11. Ceaseless (9) 12. Infuriated (7) 14. False (6) 17. Solid (5) 19. Limit (3)
For just $10!* Book your birthday greeting, including a photo, for just $10! Ten words only.* (Under 12 children’s birthday greetings remain FREE) *Terms and conditions apply.
SUDOKU Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Phone 03 307 7900 E: Level 3, Somerset House, 161 Burnett St
YOUR STARS ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): Go at the project with a mix of two parts logic and one part intuition. Why so heavy on the logic? Well, you don’t want to discount your inner knowing, but you need to test and measure extra carefully on this one. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): You’re kind to the one who is kind to you, and also to the one who is not. This is further proof (if you needed it) that kindness is who you are, and not the means to an end. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): Your optimism, based on nothing at all, is nonetheless wholehearted. This is the best kind of optimism you could have today, and you will be richly rewarded for your faith. CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): Just because you hold a certain belief for many years, that does not make it true. But because this belief has been with you so long it will take some time to fall out of the rotation. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): Keep the receipts, because there’s a good chance there will be returns later. This isn’t about making mistakes; it is about getting closer to the very specific answer to your problem. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): A feeling about a special relationship will come over you this weekend. It may even seem to you that the whole universe exists just to bring this magic combination together. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): It’s not your imagination. You are being tested, and even scored in some way. When you do well, you’ll be let deeper into a situation. This is where all the gold is, by the way. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): Irritants can come in many forms: perfumes, pollen, people. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter what or who is to blame. You have to rise above the irritant. Tolerance will set you free. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Your physical sensations are important, but not overly so. Be careful not to magnify their impact on the situation at hand. You’ll make gains by being tough, able and focused on the bigger picture. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Worry is positive if it causes you to make an action plan. Mistakes can be positive, too, and so can arguments. Forward momentum will be caused by disruption. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): There is more around to cause alarm than harm. Resolve not to let yourself get so apprehensive that it keeps you from the excitement of exploring exciting new avenues. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): The grass grows all by itself. Good! You appreciate this landscaping development, but you also know better than to waste your precious energy focusing on what is out of your control.
Family Notices 22 Ashburton Guardian GREETINGS
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Ra n
Midnight Tonight
10:55 – 2:10 AM
PROTECTION REQUIRED Even on cloudy days Data provided by NIWA
NZ Situation
Wind km/h less than 30 fine
30 to 59 fog
isolated snow thunder flurries
sleet thunder
Canterbury Plains
60 plus
TODAYFZL: 2600m, briefly lowering to 2000m morning
Rain, with some heavy falls about the divide, easing to showers early then gradually clearing in the morning. However, a few showers returning from afternoon. Wind at 1000m: Changing SW 35 km/h in the morning, then dying out. Wind at 2000m: Easing to W 45 km/h early morning and to 20 km/h in the evening.
Rain easing to a few showers from the south during the morning, then gradually clearing and becoming fine south of Christchurch in the afternoon. Southerlies dying out in the afternoon. Cloudy periods and the odd shower. Northeasterlies developing.
World Weather fine drizzle showers cloudy fine showers cloudy fine cloudy thunder fine fine drizzle drizzle cloudy
9 noon 3
Mainly fine. Northwesterlies developing.
Cloudy periods and one or two showers. Wind at 1000m: Light. Wind at 2000m: Light.
Rain with possible heavy falls spreading northwards about the divide. A few spots of rain developing further east. NW gale or severe gale in exposed places.
Frankfurt Geneva Hobart Hong Kong Honolulu Islamabad Jakarta Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur London Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Moscow Nadi
12 3 28 4 20 23 23 28 9 25 26 22 24 0 4
cloudy drizzle cloudy fine showers showers cloudy cloudy thunder rain showers fine fine fine showers
13 9 20 27 29 26 33 19 35 13 21 14 20 13 28
2 4 12 22 22 13 23 7 25 6 13 4 12 4 25
New York Y Paris Perth Rarotonga Rome San Francisco Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Washington Zurich
showers showers thunder rain rain showers fine thunder cloudy showers drizzle fine cloudy showers drizzle
9 pm am 3
Saturday 9 noon 3
Rise 7:23 am Set 6:47 pm
9 pm am 3
First quarter
14 Apr 4:01 pm ©Copyright OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
Rise 6:59 am Set 6:09 pm
Bad fishing
Rise 8:39 am Set 7:28 pm
Full moon
22 Apr 5:25 pm
9 noon 3
9 pm
Rise 7:00 am Set 6:07 pm
Bad fishing
Rise 9:53 am Set 8:13 pm
Last quarter
30 Apr 3:30 pm
Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa
For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit
6 4 16 26 13 13 7 25 3 18 19 14 11 3 5
River Levels
16 12 14 11 11 12 9 11 9 6 6 10 8
Selwyn Whitecliffs (NIWA) at 2:10 pm, yesterday
Rakaia Fighting Hill (NIWA) at 3:00 pm, yesterday 112.6 Nth Ashburton at 12:40 pm, yesterday
Sth Ashburton at 2:20 pm, yesterday
3.72 nc
Rangitata Klondyke at 3:25 pm, yesterday
Waitaki Kurow at 12:40 pm, yesterday
Source: Environment Canterbury
Canterbury Readings
10:06 4:22 10:37 4:48 11:01 5:16 11:33 5:43 11:57 6:14 The times shown are for the Ashburton River mouth. For the Rangitata river mouth subtract 16 minutes and for the Rakaia river mouth subtract 4 minutes.
Bad fishing
11 12 28 30 17 19 18 34 9 23 28 32 23 13 8
23 23 24 21 18 21 20 18 14 15 15 16 16
Palmerston North showers
Rise 6:58 am Set 6:11 pm
FZL: 2400m, rising to 2800m
Tides, Sun, Moon and Fishing Friday
Forecasts for today
21 12 34 14 30 31 40 37 22 34 34 35 34 8 8
overnight max low
Showers and southerlies developing.
m am 3 3
NZ Today
Canterbury High Country
Adelaide Amsterdam Bangkok Berlin Brisbane Cairns Cairo Calcutta Canberra Colombo Darwin Delhi Dubai Dublin Edinburgh
Friday, 8 April 2016
A front moves away to the east of the North Island on Monday, and a northwest flow spreads over the country ahead of another trough, moving onto the south of the South Island later Monday. The trough moves north onto central New Zealand on Tuesday.
mainly isolated cloudy drizzle drizzle few showers fine showers clearing showers
A University of Otago Centre of Research Excellence
Fine with high cloud. Northerlies.
MONDAY: Fine with high cloud. Northeasterlies.
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Becoming fine. Northeasterlies.
We help save lives every day through the research and development of improved diagnosis, be er prediction and treatment of heart disease in our hospital and community.
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SUNDAY: Becoming fine. Northeasterlies.
bur to
0800 274 287 0800 ASHBURTON
TOMORROW: Cloudy periods, possible shower. NE developing.
Andy Brown (Yarns)
TODAY: Early rain, then a few showers. Southerly dying out.
Ashburton Forecast
Wa i m a ka r i r i
Map for today
Please note all late death notices or notices sent outside ordinary office hours must be emailed to:
Happy 50th
Friday, April 8, 2016
Ashburton Airport Temperature °C At 4pm 20.1 23.6 Max to 4pm 7.5 Minimum 3.1 Grass minimum Rainfall mm 0.0 16hr to 4pm April to date 6.8 Avg Apr to date 12 2016 to date 159.6 180 Avg year to date Wind km/h N 30 At 4pm Strongest gust N 50 Time of gust 2:03pm
© Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2016
to 4pm yesterday
Christchurch Airport
Timaru Airport
19.5 20.6 15.2 –
21.3 25.5 6.6 3.4
16.8 16.8 6.9 –
0.0 15.3 – 361.5 –
0.0 7.0 12 175.6 152
0.0 11.0 8 167.4 141
N 31 – –
NW 19 NW 50 2:05pm
SW 4 NW 19 6:21am
Compiled by
Television Friday, April 8, 2016
©TVNZ 2016
©TVNZ 2016
6am Breakfast 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Show PGR With guests Zac Efron, and Lauren Cohen from The Walking Dead. 0 10am The Chase 0 11am Coach Trip In Dubrovnik, the group have a paddle-boarding lesson; Brendan befriends some Australians at an a capella singing class. 11:30 Come Dine With Me PGR Noon One News 0 12:30 Emmerdale PGR 0 1pm Coronation Street PGR 3 0 2pm May The Best House Win Abroad 0 3pm Tipping Point 3:55 Te Karere 2 4:25 The Chase 0 5:25 Millionaire – Hot Seat 0 6pm One News 0 7pm Seven Sharp Stories of the day from around New Zealand. 0 7:30 Kiwi Living Host Miriama Kamo is joined by a range of experts offering tips, tricks, and inspiration for the weekend. 0 8:30 Coronation Street PGR Peter crashes Tina’s funeral; Leanne realises life is too short; Luke makes his feelings clear. 0 10:30 One News 0
6am Creflo Dollar 6:30 Tiki Tour 3 0 6:55 Angry Birds Toons 3 0 7am My Little Pony 3 0 7:25 Back At The Barnyard 3 0 7:50 The Day My Butt Went Psycho 0 8:15 Jake And The Neverland Pirates 3 0 8:40 Sofia The First 3 0 9am Infomercials 10:30 Neighbours 3 0 11am Home And Away 3 0 11:30 Shortland Street PGR 3 0 Noon Hope And Faith 3 0 12:30 Jeremy Kyle 1:30 Judge Rinder 2:30 The Ellen DeGeneres Show PGR 0 3:30 Angry Birds Toons 0 3:35 Kung Fu Panda 0 4pm Dog With A Blog 0 4:30 The Adam And Eve Show 0 5pm Friends 3 0 5:30 Home And Away 0 6pm The Middle 0 6:30 Neighbours 0 7pm Shortland Street PGR 0 7:30 The Voice A look back at the best of the blind auditions, and a look ahead to the battle rounds. 0 9:30 F The Undateables AO 0 10:30 N Mike And Molly PGR Mike and Molly return from their honeymoon, and are surprised to see how well their friends and family coped without them. 0
11pm Intelligence AO When CyberCom investigates a terrorist suicide bombing, Gabriel comes face-to-face with his wife. 0 11:55 Castle AO 3 0 12:50 Te Karere 3 2 1:30 Infomercials
11pm The Big Bang Theory PGR 3 0 11:30 Two And A Half Men PGR 3 0 12:25 Scrubs PGR 3 0 12:55 Shortland Street PGR 3 0 1:25 Infomercials 2:30 Marvel’s Agents Of Shield AO 3 0 3:15 Arrow AO 3 0 4:05 Over The Garden Wall 3 0 4:15 Step By Step 3 0 4:40 The Adam And Eve Show 3 0 5:10 Neighbours 3 0 5:35 Zeke And Luther 3 0
CHOICE TV 6am Benny Hinn 6:30 Trust Me I’m A Doctor 7:30 Reno v Relocate 8am Better Homes And Gardens 9:30 Cheese Slices 10am Sophie In Jordan 10:30 The Auction House 11:30 Auction Hunters Noon Tiny House Nation 1pm The Operatives 2pm Trust Me I’m A Doctor 3pm Reno v Relocate 3:30 NZ Food Culture 4pm Wildlife SOS 4:30 Shark Man 5pm Luke Nguyen’s France 5:30 Paul And Nick’s Big American Food Trip 6pm Location, Location, Location 7pm Auction Kings 7:30 Better Homes And Gardens Joh and Ed go on another food adventure, this time to Southern Queensland, home of natural wonders, clean country air, and some of the freshest produce in Australia. 9pm George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 10pm Gardeners’ World 10:30 Auction Kings 11pm Luke Nguyen’s France 11:30 Paul And Nick’s Big American Food Trip
Midnight Secret Creatures Of Jao 12:30 Benny Hinn 1am Reno v Relocate 1:30 NZ Food Culture 2am Wildlife SOS 2:30 Shark Man 3am Location, Location, Location 4am George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 5am Gardeners’ World 5:30 Secret Creatures Of Jao
TV THREE 6am Paul Henry 9am The Queen Latifah Show 3 Christopher Meloni and Bryce Dallas Howard; the viral video that brought Queen Latifah to tears. 10am Infomercials 11:25 Family Feud 3 0 Noon NewsHub Midday 12:30 Dr Phil AO Michael Lohan discusses losing custody of his two youngest children. 1:30 M Zoe Gone PGR 3 2014 Drama. A detective helps a teenager find her kidnapped baby. Sammi Hanratty, Alexandra Holden, Andrea Bowen. 3:25 Rachael Ray 4:25 American Ninja Warrior (Part 2) 5:25 Family Feud 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm Road Madness PGR 3 0 7:30 Jono And Ben PGR Presented by Jono Pryor and Ben Boyce, with Guy Williams and Laura Daniel. 8:30 The Graham Norton Show AO Graham is joined by Chris Hemsworth, Jessica Chastain, and Stephen Mangan. 0 9:30 7 Days AO 10:05 Fail Army AO 10:35 NewsHub Late 11:05 Backstrom AO The unit has only three days to rescue a teenaged girl abducted by an online predator, and the case hits close to home for Backstrom. Midnight Hawaii Five-O AO (Starting Today) 3 1am Infomercials
THE BOX 6am CSI – NY MV 6:50 The Simpsons PG 7:15 F Piha Rescue PG 7:40 Modern Family PGL 8:05 Survivor – Redemption Island PG 8:55 SVU MV 9:45 CSI MV 10:35 Criminal Minds 16VS 11:25 Graceland MVLC 12:15 Ice Road Truckers PG 1:05 Shipping Wars PG 1:30 SVU MV 2:20 CSI – NY MV 3:10 Survivor – Redemption Island PG 4pm F Piha Rescue PG 4:30 F Modern Family PGL 5pm The Simpsons PG 5:30 Storage Wars Follow Up Specials PG 7:10 Shipping Wars PG 7:40 Criminal Minds 16VS 8:30 Law And Order – UK MV 9:30 Longmire 16V 10:30 CSI MV 11:30 Criminal Minds 16VS
12:30 Survivor – Redemption Island PG 1:20 F Modern Family PGL 1:45 CSI – NY MV 2:35 CSI MV 3:25 The Simpsons PG 3:55 Law And Order – UK MV 4:45 Longmire 16V 5:35 Shipping Wars PG
6am L Darts – Premier League Sheffield. From Sheffield. 9:30 Rugby – Grassroots Club rugby matches and stories from some of the 600 rugby clubs throughout New Zealand. 10:30 Triathlon – Mooloolaba Triathlon Festival 11:30 Cycling – Criterium International (Highlights) Noon Cycling – Scheldeprijs (Highlights) Flanders Classic – Antwerp to Schoten. 12:30 InCycle 1pm Rugby – Grassroots 2pm Rugby – The Breakdown 3pm Golf – The Masters (Highlights) Round One. 4pm ICC Cricket 360 4:30 Rugby – Grassroots 5:30 World Rugby 6pm Rugby – The Breakdown 7pm The Crowd Goes Wild 7pm L Rugby – Super Rugby 7:30 Scorpion PGR Chiefs v Blues. From Waikato 8:30 NCIS – New Orleans Stadium, Hamilton. AO During a city-wide 9:35 World Rugby A show blackout that impedes lawreflecting on the best of enforcement and emergencyrugby union around the response teams, Pride vows world. to solve the murder of a 10pm UFC Now family friend’s fiancé. 0 10:55 L Rugby – Super Rugby 9:30 American Idol PGR Force v Crusaders. From nib Stadium, Perth.
6am Sesame Street 3 6:55 Peppa Pig 3 7am Sticky TV 3 7:30 Dream Defenders 3 7:55 Power Rangers – Megaforce 3 8:20 Chuggington 3 8:30 Hi-5 House 3 8:55 Ready, Steady, Wiggles 3 9:05 Peppa Pig 3 9:10 Fireman Sam 3 0 9:20 Thomas And Friends 3 9:30 Bob The Builder 3 9:40 Barney And Friends 3 10:05 Infomercials 2pm Sesame Street 3 2:55 Pingu 3 3pm Sticky TV 4:35 Tuff Puppy 3 5pm Turbo Fast 3 5:30 Drake And Josh 3 6pm Entertainment Tonight 6:30 Life’s Funniest Moments 3 7pm Family Guy PGR 3 0 7:30 The GC 3 0 8pm The Ridges PGR 3 0 8:30 M Road House AO 3 1989 Action Thriller. A bouncer is hired to calm an extra-rowdy midwestern tavern. Patrick Swayze, Kelly Lynch, Ben Gazzara. 10:55 Rush AO 3 0
6:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 3 7am Deal Or No Deal 3 7:30 Home Shopping Noon The Doctors 12:55 The Paradise PGR 3 Denise faces difficult decisions; finding Moray more and more distant, she finds it can be lonely at the top; to exert his ownership, Tom Weston begins plans to expand The Paradise. 2pm The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon PGR 3 3pm The Crowd Goes Wild 3 3:30 Antiques Roadshow 3 4:30 Hot Bench Judge Judy and other judges exchange debate before reaching a verdict. 5pm Deal Or No Deal 5:30 Prime News 6pm Escape To The Country
11:50 Entertainment Tonight 12:10 Infomercials
11:30 The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon PGR A celebrity chat show. 12:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 3 1am Home Shopping 2:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 3 3am Home Shopping
MAORI TV 6:30 Pukoro 2 7am SpongeBob Tarau Porowha 3 2 7:30 Playlist 8am Miharo 2 8:30 Te Kaea 3 2 9am Kawe Korero – Reporters 3 9:30 Kai Time On The Road 3 10am Korero Mai 3 2 11am Toku Reo 3 2 Noon Korero Mai 3 2 1pm Toku Reo 3 2 2pm Ako 3 2 3pm Project Whenua 3 3:30 Nga Pari Karangaranga O Te Motu 3 4pm Whanau Living PGR 4:30 Patapatai 3
Ashburton Guardian 23
1am ICC Cricket 360 1:30 Ice Hockey – NHL (Replay) Dallas Stars v Colorado Avalanche. 3:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) Chiefs v Blues. 4am Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) 4:30 World Rugby 4:55 L Rugby – Super Rugby Stormers v Sunwolves.
SKY SPORT 2 5pm Te Mana Kuratahi 5:30 Te Kaea 2 6pm Pukoro 2 6:20 Huhu 6:30 SpongeBob Tarau Porowha 32 7pm Tribe 7:30 Matau PGR 8pm The GC PGR 8:30 M Couples Retreat AO 2009 Comedy. Vince Vaughn. 10:40 Te Kaea 3 2 11:10 Kawe Korero – Reporters 11:40 Closedown
6am Rugby League – NRL (Highlights) Broncos v Dragons. From Suncorp Stadium. 6:30 L Rugby League – Super League Hull KR v Catalans Dragons. 9:30 NRL 360 10:30 Rugby League – NRL (Replay) Broncos v Dragons. From Suncorp Stadium. 12:30 NRL Footy Show NCIS – New Orleans Road House 2:30 Football – UEFA Champions 8:30pm on Prime 8:30pm on FOUR League (Highlights) Quarter-final – First Leg. 3:30 Darts – Premier League DISCOVERY MOVIES PREMIERE MOVIES GREATS (Replay) Sheffield. 7:35 Mission – Impossible 6am Destroyed In Seconds 6:10 Black Sea MVL 2014 6:30 Rugby League – NRL MV 1996 Action Adventure PG 6:30 Deadliest Catch PG The Thriller. Jude Law, Scoot McNairy. (Highlights) Broncos v Dragons. From Unforgiving Sea. 7:30 Deadliest 8:05 Superfast MVL 2015 Comedy. Thriller. Tom Cruise, Jon Voight, Suncorp Stadium. Emmanuelle Béart. 9:25 Blow Catch PG 8:30 Mythbusters PG Alex Ashbaugh, Dale Pavinski. 16VLC 2001 Crime. Johnny Depp, 9:25 Alaska – The Last Frontier 9:50 The Making Of Fury PGV 7pm NRL Footy Show Penelope Cruz. 11:25 The Watcher 9pm Friday Night With Matty M 10:20 Robson Green’s 10:10 The November Man 16VLSC 16VL 2000 Thriller. Marisa Tomei, Australian Adventure PG 11:15 I’d 2014 Action. Noon Spy 16VLS Johns Matty Johns and his expert Keanu Reeves, James Spader. Kill For You M 12:10 Deadly 2015 Comedy. Melissa McCarthy, panel have taken over Friday nights 1pm The Whole Ten Yards MVS Sins M 1:05 Blood Relatives M Rose Byrne. 2pm Black Sea to keep fans entertained as they 2004 Comedy Thriller. Bruce Willis, 2pm How It’s Made PG 2:25 How MVL 2014 Thriller. Jude Law, preview the completed NRL round. Matthew Perry, Amanda Peet. It’s Made PG 2:55 How Do Scoot McNairy. 3:55 The Cobbler Tune in for all the banter. 2:40 How To Lose A Guy In They Do It? PG 3:20 Auction MV 2014 Comedy. Adam Sandler, 10pm L Rugby League – NRL 10 Days PGL 2003 Romantic Hunters PG 3:50 Deadliest Steve Buscemi. 5:35 No Good Rabbitohs v Roosters. From ANZ Comedy. Matthew McConaughey, Catch PG 4:45 Gold Rush Deed 16VLC 2014 Thriller. Idris Elba, Stadium. Kate Hudson. 4:35 Friday PG 5:40 Mythbusters Taraji P Henson. 7pm Into The Night Lights PGC 2004 Action. PG 6:35 Mythbusters Grizzly Maze 16VL 2015 Horror. SATURDAY PG 7:30 Railroad Australia James Marsden, Billy Bob Thornton. Billy Bob Thornton, Derek Luke. 12:30 Friday Night With Matty 6:30 We Own The Night 16VL PG 8:30 Killing Fields M 8:30 A Walk Among The Johns 2007 Crime. Mark Wahlberg, 9:30 Steven Avery – Innocent Tombstones 16VLS 2013 Thriller. 1:30 Rugby League – Super Joaquin Phoenix. 8:30 The Or Guilty? M 10:30 How It’s Liam Neeson, Dan Stevens. League (Highlights) Hull KR v Island MVL 2005 Sci-fi Thriller. Made PG 11pm How It’s Made 10:25 Ouija 16VLC 2014 Horror. Catalans Dragons. Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson. PG 11:30 Deadliest Catch PG Olivia Cooke, Daren Kagasoff. 2am Football – Hyundai 10:55 The Dukes Of Hazzard MS 11:55 Tom, Dick And Harriet SATURDAY A-League (Replay) Melbourne City v 2005 Comedy. Johnny Knoxville, 12:30 Web Of Lies M 1:25 Secret M 2013 Comedy. Steven Weber, Jessica Simpson, Seann William Scott. Adelaide United. Michelle Harrison. Lives Of Stepford Wives M 4am ICC Cricket 360 1:50 Secret Lives Of Stepford SATURDAY SATURDAY 4:30 The Crowd Goes Wild Wives M 2:20 Auction Hunters 1:20 Into The Grizzly Maze 16VL 12:40 Kiss The Girls 18VL 1997 5am Rugby – Super Rugby PG 2:45 Destroyed In Seconds 2015 Horror. 2:50 No Good Deed Crime Thriller. 2:35 How To (Highlights) Chiefs v Blues. PG 3:15 Deadliest Catch PG 16VLC 2014 Thriller. 4:15 Ouija 16VLC Lose A Guy In 10 Days PGL 2003 5:30 Rugby – Super Rugby 4:10 Dirty Jobs PG 5:05 Flying 2014 Horror. 5:45 The Cobbler MV Romantic Comedy. 4:30 The Wild Alaska PG 2014 Comedy. Island MVL 2005 Sci-fi Thriller. (Highlights) Force v Crusaders.
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language. RATINGS: 16 Approved for persons 16 years or over; 18 Approved for persons 18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
8Apr16 | Compiled by
24 Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 8, 2016
Edmund Fordyce and Richard Turpie have been crowned 2016 New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Golf Croquet Champions. The duo went one better than last year’s second place finish, but had their work cut out in a highly competitive final against fellow Mount Hutt students Kaleb Small and Christopher Spittal in Nelson. Fifteen teams participated from as far as Kerikeri High School in the north to Timaru Boys’ High School in the south. The competition was organised into two seeded pools, in which teams played a round robin of 13 point games.
Fordyce and Turpie proceeded through pool play undefeated, conceding only eight hoops over seven games. Their semi-final opponents were the formidable New Plymouth Girls’ High School pairing of Grace Mohi and Alex Bennett, but the Mount Hutt duo won the best of three matches 7-3, 7-2. The score may not have given credit to the fine efforts of Mohi and Bennett, but the boys played tactically and with patience to utilise the positions of the balls to their advantage. On the opposite side of the draw, Mount Hutt College had two more teams in ac-
National champs
tion. Sam Wright and Jakob Smith played strongly to finish third equal in the plate section of the finals. Wright and Smith were the only team in their pool to defeat the New Plymouth Girls’ High School team, but Kaleb Small and Christopher Spittal finished top of the pile, playing strongly against defending champions Waiopehu College to win 7-5. Small and Spittal faced old rivals Timaru Boys’ High School in their semi-final match, meaning South Canterbury croquet provided three of the four semi-finalists. In a tense, closely fought match, the
Mount Hutt team held their nerve to take a 7-5, 5-7, 7-5 victory. Fordyce and Turpie then squared off against Small and Spittal in an all-Mount Hutt final. Both teams displayed sharp, tactical thinking in clearing shots, jump shots and hoop running. Fordyce and Turpie eventually pulled through with a final score of 7-6, 5-7, 7-3, from a tightly contested tie. The victory will put 15-year-old Fordyce in good stead for the world championships, which will be held in Florida from April 16.
The recent New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Golf Croquet Championships resulted in an all-Mount Hutt College final.
Wall continues her winning ways P15
Sopoaga eyes up No. 10 spot P18