Saturday, April 9, 2016
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Be quick, holiday programmes filling Got your school holiday childcare organised? If not, you’d better hurry. Holiday programme organisers are expecting to put up the full house signs.
Double Maadi gold P18
Missing: Signatures on water petition
Meters ‘must go’
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News 2 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
PJs the way to go at school Tinwald School students got to stay in their pyjamas all day yesterday to raise money for the Children’s Ward at Christchurch Hospital. Pictured are some Room 4 students in their best sleep gear before a parade and a most irritating snoring competition. The school’s student council organised the day to buy toys and games for the ward and raised $307.70. Principal Peter Livingstone said the students will buy the items from The Warehouse on Tuesday to be presented to the ward in the school holidays. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 080416-AK-012
No signatures may sink petition By Sue NewmaN
A website offering people an opportunity to add their name to a petition opposing the Ashburton District Council’s sale of land with a water consent to a water bottling plant has been ‘signed’ by more than 11,000 people But regardless of how many people put their names to the document, the petition could fall at its first hurdle, because it fails to have an authentic signature accompanying every name. The website https://actions. explains why its supporters object to the council’s plan and asks people to support a petition. Doing so is simple. Put in any name, real or fictitious, any email address, add a post code add New Zealand and click sign. The response you receive is “Thanks for adding your name to this. Council just sold the rights
A specific format needs to be followed and this includes a requirement for a name, address and signatures
to 40 billion litres of Canterbury’s purest water—but it won’t say to whom”. The council has clear guidelines for anyone wanting to gather signatures and present a petition. Any organisation or individual can present a petition to the council about any topic. A petition is non-binding but the council does consider each request made through a petition, regardless of whether they need to act on it or not, council chief executive Andrew Dalziel says.
A beautiful & unique experience, Pink Sugar welcomes you to enjoy the tasty delights and exquisite teas on our beautiful premises. Perfect for special occasions, eat gorgeous cupcakes and afternoon tea from our fine china. Visit our website for more information. 76 Main Road, Oxford | Phone 03 312 1416 Open Thursday-Sunday 9am – 4pm. Please book ahead for high tea and evening appointments.
A specific format, however needs to be followed and this includes a requirement for the name, address details and signatures to be on the document. If a petition is presented to the council Mr Dalziel said he expected the mayor and councillors’ first focus would be on the substance of the request, however, the more signatures on a petition the greater weight the request may have, he said. “But if the mayor and councillors believe some of the signa-
tures are false that would act as a detractor to the request. Local people signing, versus people living outside the district is another factor they will take into account.” One of the principles of the Local Government Act, however, was about the council making itself aware of, and having regard to the views of all of its communities, he said. “We will just work with what we get and note that it’s been done online, with no signatures. The guidelines are there to help, and the more people stray from them, the more the robustness of the petition is likely to get questioned.” As the online petition gains traction, support is also being drummed up for a protest rally through a Bung the Bore Facebook page. The rally is planned for April 16 at 10am in the Ashburton Domain. A poll is also running on
the page asking people to think about why they oppose the land sale deal. The council is in negotiation with an unnamed buyer for the 10 hectare site which has a consent for a bore that would allow it to take up to 44 litres of water per second. The consent was granted in 2011 and it was always the intention of the council to sell the block of land for ‘wet’ industry that could include anything from an abattoir to a vegetable processing plant. Objections are being made on several aspects of the proposed sale including what people see as the sale of water to an overseas interest, the impact of the new well on other wells in the area, the closed-doors process the council has used during negotiations and what people see as a lack of community consultation. The council expects to have the deal finalised by the end of June.
Discover an elegant shopping experience in our 1889 historic cottage 75 Main Road, Oxford Phone 03 312 1416 Open Tuesday-Sunday 10am – 4pm
News Saturday, April 9, 2016
Ashburton Guardian
No debate, parking meters must go – retailers BY SUE NEWMAN
Ashburton’s retailers say they’ve put a stake in the ground over inner town parking and they want just one outcome – all parking meters removed. On Thursday a retail delegation spoke to Ashburton district councillors, saying parking meters were having a significant, negative impact on their business, particularly as the meters failed more often than they worked. This created significant frustration for customers who were now turning away from the inner town in droves. Health shop owner Bob McDonald said that the message had been clearly spelled out to the council and retailers would continue to apply pressure until the parking meters were removed and the inner town returned to time restriction parking. The council plans to take the retailers’ concerns to a workshop on April 21 and Mr McDonald said they’ll be knocking on the door the next day to see what the outcome has been. “Doing nothing is not an option. It’s such a simple thing; it could start tomorrow. These things on East Street have to go and the ones on the side streets have to go,” he said. The council could waste another $200,000 replacing the faulty pay and display machines but that would be a waste of ratepayer money and would do nothing to create a positive inner town shopping environment, Mr McDonald said. The retailers left councillors in little doubt that un-
Bob McDonald less change was made there wouldn’t be a retail precinct in 10 years’ time. Already small businesses were moving out to suburban areas where parking was better and rents lower. “This is about the council and a vote of confidence, saying they want the town centre to be vibrant. A lot of people are looking at what they’re doing and why and some are looking at jumping ship. There are a lot of options out there.” There was a core group of retailers who were committed to the town centre, who believed that a strong retail area in town was vital but they couldn’t fly the flag for survival on their own, he said. “We’re not interested in moving from the CBD but if the council puts in new parking machines we’d be looking at where we wanted to be.” The retailers wanted the parking meters removed and replaced with one-hour parking restrictions that would be monitored by parking wardens. That was the only outcome they were prepared to accept, Mr McDonald said.
% 10pa
Dictionaries dished out to students Ashburton Netherby School Year 6 students received dictionaries as part of a Rotary Club of Ashburton Plains programme. Every year the club donates $42,000 to youth programmes in the area including providing dictionaries to all Year 6 students in Mid Canterbury. The books are given out during term one and this year 450 students received them. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 080416-AK-046
Inquiry petition presented BY KURT BAYER A petition calling for the government to establish a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Canterbury earthquake repairs was presented to Labour leader Andrew Little yesterday. Around 2500 people have signed the petition, launched by Christchurch insurance lawyer Duncan Webb in November last year. It calls for an investigation into the repairs carried out by EQC and insurers, as well as the con-
senting process of Christchurch City Council, to prevent defective earthquake repairs in the future. “We are confident that a Royal Commission will result in an improvement of the ability of insurers, councils and EQC to respond effectively to disasters in the future,” Mr Webb said. “There’s an urgent need to identify houses which have been poorly repaired so that they can be remedied. “Repaired houses should be warm, weather-tight and sound
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Boundary lines are indicative only
– unfortunately, we are seeing that is too often not the case.” Mr Little was presented with the petition in Christchurch yesterday. Homeowner Melanie Tobeck says her house underwent repair work in 2012, which failed and her story along with many others haven’t been listened to. She’s hopeful that the Government will listen but believes it doesn’t have a vested interest in exposing how many failed repairs are out there. - NZME
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News 4
Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
In brief
‘Lack of appetite for change’ By Sue NewmaN
By centralising their administration decades ago, harness racing clubs in Mid and South Canterbury may have given themselves the ultimate survival tool. Last year Harness Racing New Zealand released a plan that it hoped would see the 45 regional clubs around New Zealand, amalgamate into just nine super clubs. That plan was greeted with howls of outrage from individual clubs who feared they would lose more than there was to gain by any mergers. The Ashburton and Methven trotting clubs were to be part of a super club that included Geraldine, Hororata and Timaru. The review of club structure was undertaken because of static funding, declining income and
increased costs for individual clubs. Meetings between the national organisation and clubs were held last year and in a report in February, HRNZ chief executive Edward Rennell said that there had been no progress on the Mid/ South cluster because there was a “lack of appetite for change”. He signalled that discussions would resume, probably in April and that a model to be used in Southland where clubs retained their identity but pooled their financial results from off-course and fixed odds funding could be introduced. A central Southland racing body would co-ordinate programming and stakes for the region, leaving clubs to become race day hosts running programmes developed by the cen-
tral body. The Ashburton Trotting Club, however, is already well down this track and it paved the way nationally for the centralised administration body concept, club secretary Fiona Stuart said. Since the 1970s Ashburton had been the administration base for other clubs and now had Hororata, Geraldine, Methven, Waimate, Banks Peninsula gallops and since January, Motukarara on its books. Only Timaru in the mid-south cluster continues to remain a stand alone administration base. Unlike the Southland model, those clubs continue to run their own race days. It was very clear from meetings held between harness racing and clubs in the proposed cluster that there was little interest in
any amalgamation, Mrs Stuart said. “It was going to be a fight to get anything in place here. Methven owns its own land, we have money in the bank.” Amalgamating any club functions or race days had to be about efficiencies and Ashburton was largely doing what the industry wanted, she said. The driver for the amalgamation proposal was survival, Mr Rennell said. If nothing changed then small clubs would continue to fade away year after year. Even with amalgamation, the survival of all tracks could not be guaranteed, he said. The national body intends to continue talks with clubs, hoping to achieve the end goal of encouraging clubs to work in clusters rather than as individuals.
Hinds drain open day A research project aimed at improving water quality in the Hinds drains will be on show at a community open day on Wednesday. University of Canterbury researchers have set up two demonstration sites as part of the Canterbury Waterway Rehabilitation Experiment (CAREX) to measure nutrient, sediment and weed management. Improving the health of the drains through fencing and riparian planting has multiple benefits, including providing habitat for native fish and providing opportunities for food gathering. CAREX research associate Kristy Hogsden said members of the Hinds Drains Working Party, which operates under the umbrella of the Ashburton Zone Committee were scheduled to visit the demonstration sites and it was decided to extend the invitation to the wider community. The open day will start at the Lowcliffe Hall at 10am with an update on the project before participants visit two of the nearby demonstration sites.
Three arrested Three people have appeared in court charged with conspiracy to commit aggravated robbery after Christchurch police executed a number of search warrants around the city on Thursday night. Detective Inspector Darryl Sweeney, the field crime manager in Christchurch, said the search warrants were issued following an incident overnight Wednesday. Two firearms were also seized as a result. The three people arrested appeared in court yesterday and one has been remanded in custody. Mr Sweeney said Canterbury police will continue to react swiftly in regards to acts of violence in the community. The investigation was continuing, he said. - NZME
Trial date set Mount Hutt College students farewelled 20 Thai students yesterday who had been visiting for three weeks. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 080416-AK-014
Thai students get a taste of Kiwi in Methven By RuBy HaRfield
Twenty Thai students have spent the past three weeks learning the New Zealand way of life while on a trip to Mount Hutt College. The group, aged between 13 and 18, arrived on March 24 and have been staying with families
of students at the school. Deputy principal Kristine Canham said the students came to Methven as part of an annual programme which has been running for the past few years. They got to do a range of different things including putting together a Thai exhibition for students, working with a tour-
ism class, spending days with their buddies and taking trips around the district. For the Mount Hutt College students it was a great opportunity for them to interact with people from another culture, she said. It also gave the Thai students a chance to see what New Zea-
land schooling and culture is like. The students, who are from all over Thailand, had their last day at school yesterday and fly out of New Zealand today. The programme was organised by Mount Hutt College’s home stay co-ordinator Lucy Appleton.
Pedestrian versus car but with a big difference When Rakaia’s volunteer firefighters were called to a pedestrian hit by a car in the town yesterday, they feared the worst. It turned out it was a person hit by a car, but not in the way they ever expected. Rakaia Volunteer Fire Brigade chief Donald Dunlea said an el-
derly woman was trying to start a car in her garage, but it went horribly wrong, and she suffered a suspected broken leg. “She put her leg inside the car to start it, but didn’t realise it was in gear,” Mr Dunlea said. He understood the woman – in her 70s – may have been hav-
ing trouble starting the car, so had a go at starting it from outside the car, but because it was in gear it lurched. Her leg was inside the car when it moved. Rakaia police constable Aaron Tapp said neighbours alerted emergency services.
“Neighbours heard her crying out and they jumped the fence to see what was going on, so good on them,” Mr Tapp said. A St John spokesperson said the woman was taken to Christchurch Hospital via ambulance with moderate injuries.
A trial date has been set for the Christchurch man accused of murdering his autistic step son. Leon Jayet-Cole, 5, died in hospital days after suffering a serious head injury in May last year. His mother’s husband James Roberts is charged with his death. Justice Cameron Mander confirmed yesterday that the case will go to trial on October 31. Roberts will reappear at the High Court in Christchurch on May 6 for a pre-trial hearing. - NZME
Arrests after chase Two people have been arrested following a car chase through Wellington yesterday afternoon. Police pursued a car from Tory Street through to Cable Street at the waterfront before the two people in the car ditched it near Te Papa. They were chased on foot and arrested, a police spokesman said. “They are facing charges as a result.” The chase attracted the attention of Twitter users. “Very dangerous police car chase along the waterfront now,” Privacy Commissioner John Edwards wrote. - NZME
News Saturday, April 9, 2016
Ashburton Guardian
‘Farm land values holding up’ BY NADINE PORTER
A respected locally-based dairy farm valuer is angry at the relentless negative outlook for dairy farm values being fed to the media by the Reserve Bank. The Reserve Bank’s last sixmonth financial stability report stated under a severe scenario the milk pay-out would fall to $4 per kilogram of milksolids and assumed dairy farm prices would fall by about 40 per cent by 2018 under that scenario. However David Montgomery who values dairy farms across the South Island said average milksolids prices to dairy farmers between 2007-14 was in fact $6.88 per kilogram. In 42 years of valuing he had seen doomsday prophecies come and go as often as the economists making them, he said. While acknowledging the short-term outlook for arable and dairy farmers is grim, Mr Montgomery believes the strength and diversity of Canterbury mixed farming systems along with reliable irrigation means the province would be one of the last affected by a long-term downturn. “This is reflected in recent
Bryce and Cameron Horne talk to valuer David Montgomery who says there has been no impact on land prices in Canterbury from the dairy downturn. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 060416-AK-045 Mid Canterbury farm sales since January 2016.” Three spray irrigated arable farms had sold at excellent prices ranging from $46,000 to $50,000 per hectare. A smaller irrigated dairy support farm reached just over $60,000 per hectare and a dairy farm sold for $56,500 per hectare. “There have been no significant drops despite short-term low dairy and arable product prices and this is a positive sign
that buyers are taking positive but realistic long-term views of farming in Canterbury.” Mr Montgomery said local banks were taking a realistic view of the current cashflow situation but also recognised the longterm strength of keeping diversity of farm types in Canterbury. “So we can weather all future economic storms in any sector and this means their long-term client security and viability for
the majority of their clients is sound.” He advised farmers to communicate with their banks regularly and involve them in business planning. “And get a strong support group around you. Don’t get isolated and think you have the whole problem or responsibility on your own shoulder and remember downturns always finish with an upturn.”
Grow Mid Canterbury CEO Rob Brawley agreed with Mr Montgomery’s comments and said it was too easy to be swept away with doom and gloom predictions. “We need to be very cautious of ‘predictions’. For example the decrease in oil prices is arguably a major contributor to current low farm product prices but not very long ago, at all, we had all bought into the prediction of peak oil and high oil prices.” Mr Brawley said while he was not a qualified real estate valuer he hadn’t seen any significant property value decreases. “And yes Mid Canterbury, with its intensive and diversified farming base has been one of the areas last affected by the current price downturn – you need only look at what has been happening in other areas such as Southland and Waikato.” There is a future for food production and sales because of a growing, hungry world, he said. “And while farm incomes are currently low farmers and businesses need to work closely with their banks and advisers and be aware they do not have to feel they are on their own there is a lot of support out there.”
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News 6
Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Plenty for the children to do in holidays By RuBy HaRfield
The school holidays are nearly here and while Mid Canterbury children will have plenty to do many of the programmes are expected to fill up fast. Children will be able to participate in a range of activities including swimming, cooking, bubble soccer, gardening and netball during some of the district’s many holiday programmes. EA Networks Centre swim school supervisor Stacey Hoets said the facility will be offering their usual swim lessons as well as breast stroke and water safety courses. The breast stroke programme is being held to help children struggling with the difficult swim style as it tends to be the one that most find challenging, she said. The water safety course, which is a new feature of their holiday activities, will have children learning about life jackets, treading water, swimming in their clothes and getting the chance to use the centre’s new inflatable boat. “Water safety is a really cool new class that we’re doing.” The holiday sessions are always popular at the EA Networks Centre and already 180 children are enrolled across all programmes, Mrs Hoets said. The Base Youth Centre will be holding their usual holiday activities for the whole two weeks. Co-ordinator Rebecca Soper
Crash victim named Police have named the man killed in a car crash north of Taupo on Thursday night. He was 60-yearold Ivor Martin Plumstead, from Taupo, who died at the scene 20km northeast of the town. The car versus 4WD crash happened on Broadlands Road, near the intersection with Whites Road, at about 9.30pm. Two other people suffered serious injuries and the serious crash unit is investigating. - NZME
Found, one panda
Mid Canterbury children will have plenty to do these holidays including bubble soccer, cooking and crafts. PHOTO ASHBURTON GUARDIAN said they will be running their usual science, craft and cooking but will also be doing gardening for the first time. Children will work with the Incredible Edible Ashburton to learn about edible plants and herbs. Parents needed to book in quickly because most usually left it to the week before the activities started when programmes started to get near capacity, she said. Base Youth Centre has also announced it will be moving prem-
ises so this will be the last programme at their current facility. The location cannot not be disclosed yet and although the space will be smaller it will be revamped. YMCA is also expecting high booking numbers with their Breakaway Programme which will run for five days over the two weeks. YMCA South and Mid Canterbury general manager Keith Shaw said the children will be able to participate in archery,
bubble soccer, mountain biking and swimming. “We always have high registration numbers. “It’s hugely popular, this will be the fourth breakaway programme we have run.” Other holiday activities include Mid Canterbury Rural Women’s “Cooking With Students” course at Ashburton College, Mid Canterbury Netball’s programme and a children’s holiday show at the Ashburton Trust Event Centre.
Daughters back in NZ with dad The two young daughters of troubled former Auckland model Sophia Nash are back in New Zealand with their father. Radio DJ Thane Kirby was devastated when his estranged wife Nash left the country last month taking their kids, aged 4 and 5, with her. Nash – who recently came clean about her high-profile battle with alcoholism – had been due to appear in the Auckland District Court on charges of theft, driving while disqualified and
In brief
breaching a community-work order. The absence of the St Marys bay woman meant a warrant was issued for her arrest. Nash took the children to an undisclosed location in Australia and later claimed to a woman’s magazine she had been falsely accused of theft. It is understood George FM presenter Kirby flew to Australia last week to bring his daughters home to Auckland. He posted on his Facebook
Meet us Wednesday, April 13, 5pm at St Joseph’s School, Ashburton
page yesterday he was grateful to his supporters for their help during a difficult time. On his Snapchat account he also posted a short video of himself and his daughters visiting an Auckland shopping mall. “I just want to say thank you for all your support over the last month,” Kirby wrote. “It’s been a really tough time on our family. “I’m happy to report the girls are back and are happy to be home. Their first week of school went really well.
“Again a big thanks for your positive comments and thoughts and to everyone who helped along the way.” Last month Kirby posted he was devastated when Nash left New Zealand with the girls. He added he was “kinda powerless to do anything other than put this matter in the hands of my lawyer, police and cyfs. ... I am just wishing for my girls to come home as quickly as possible so we can put this terrible period behind us.” - NZME
The case of a missing panda owner has come under the watchful eye of the Fuzz. The Beach Haven Community Constable Facebook page posted a plea for help finding the owner of a lost panda bear. “Who lost their PANDA !!!!!!, located on Beach Haven Road by the Lancaster shops. He’s starting to cause carnage around the Glenfield station as well as getting up to all types of mischief.” A series of photos of the bear, including one of it hiding behind a Batman face mask and dressed in a police vest and hat, were also posted on the page. “We would love to return him to his home. He’s obviously much loved and I’m guessing a little person somewhere won’t be sleeping well without him. Please let me know if he belongs to you.” - NZME
Appeal dismissed An appeal by the man convicted of the brutal rape and murder of Blessie Gotingco has been dismissed, although judges have accepted the initial running down of the Auckland mother could have been accidental. Tony Robertson had presented a string of complaints to the Court of Appeal, complaining his conviction for the deadly attack was unsound and the minimum 24-year sentence was unfair. - NZME
Gas leak plugged A gas leak in Auckland yesterday morning has been plugged. Emergency services were called to St Heliers Bay Road just before 11.30am after a digger “ripped” a gas main, a Fire Service spokesman said. “The gas company Vector sorted it out. We just made the area safe. - NZME
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News 8
Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Pizza franchisee confirmed By Erin TaskEr
The man who brought Ashburton its first kebab shop, is now bringing Domino’s to Ashburton. Matt and Sandra Rollinson were yesterday revealed as the franchisees behind Domino’s Ashburton, which is due to open at the end of this month. The Rollinsons are Ashburton locals, and Mr Rollinson was looking for the next step in his career after running a successful kebab shop in Ashburton when he saw that Domino’s were on the hunt for someone to bring the international pizza chain to Ashburton. Mr and Mrs Rollinson did their research and realised Domino’s was what they were looking for. “Everything felt right and after finding the right location it all seemed to fall into place. The next thing I knew we were going to be the Domino’s Ashburton franchisee,” Mr Rollinson said. “We have always liked the way Domino’s portrays itself and the focus on technology and the customer sit well with us.” The Rollinsons say they have been blown away by the support they’ve received from the community before they’ve even opened. Mr Rollinson has undertaken six weeks of training within existing Domino’s stores and while a date for the Ashburton store’s
opening was still to be confirmed, it would be at the end of this month. “Sandra and my two little girls, who I refer to as my Dominions, have been such a great support. They are so excited to get the shop open and I can’t wait to teach them all how to make a great pizza.” He was looking forward to delivering fast, reliable service. “The brand invests significantly in new technology, new products and new offers to enhance customer satisfaction, and that really suits us as a family. We have always focused on our customers in our previous careers and we like that Domino’s have this same ethos.” New Zealand Domino’s general manager Scott Bush said the Rollinsons were a fantastic addition to the Domino’s brand. “There is so much potential in the area for a community focused store and the passion and experience Matt and Sandra have is outstanding. “While we can give Matt and Sandra a globally recognised brand, they are the ones to bring it to your community. Brace yourselves Ashburton.” They’re now looking for staff – around 20 people in various, mainly part-time, roles – and applications can be made via www.
The man who raped and murdered 6-year-old Teresa Cormack has been denied parole because his risk of further sexual offending is too high. Jules Pierre Mikus, 57, was sentenced to life in prison and preventive detention in 2002 after he was found guilty of the 1987 murder of the schoolgirl. Teresa’s murder was unsolved for 15 years, until DNA advances led to the arrest of Mikus, who had been a suspect early in the
investigation but had an alibi that was not challenged. Mikus appeared before the Parole Board in December and was denied an early release. On April 1, the board met again and decided to postpone his next appearance for three years. A similar postponement order was made against Mikus in 2012. Parole Board member Justice Marion Frater said Mikus had consistently failed to engage with the parole process “from the beginning”.
Baby badly burned A baby girl is today recovering in Auckland’s Middlemore Hospital after a jug of boiling water fell on her. She was transported to Auckland Hospitalon Thursday night via Westpac Rescue Helicopter. A helicopter spokesperson said crew treated the baby at a Colville address, in the Coromandel, before airlifting her to Starship Hosptial in a serious condition. She was later transferred to Middlemore Hospital where she remained stable in the Kidz First surgical ward. - NZME
Road toll a tragedy New Zealand’s road toll is standing at 98, a life claimed for every day of the year so far. The latest sobering statistic has being described as a “tragedy” by the Ministry of Transport. The ministry’s Land Transport Safety manager Brent Johnston said the grim toll could be averted by drivers heeding a number of safety measures once behind the wheel. “Every death and serious injury on our roads is a tragedy,” he said. “We can help keep ourselves, our passengers and others safe by wearing seatbelts, driving at an appropriate speed within the speed limit, driving sober, taking rest breaks when necessary, and being considerate of other road users.” - NZME
Fiery crash Matt Rollinson is the franchisee for Domino’s Ashburton. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Teresa Cormack’s murderer denied parole By anna LEask
In brief
“Nor has he taken any steps to address his very serious sexual and violent offending. He has declined to participate in assessments for the Parole Board and declined to participate in any interventions with a departmental psychologist,” she said in the decision released yesterday. “Given his assessed very high risk of sexual re-offending we are satisfied that even if Mr Mikus changes his mind and engages now, it will take at least five years before there is any prospect that he could safely be released.
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“Accordingly, we make a postponement order of the maximum duration of five years from 16 December 2015, when parole was last considered. This means that Mr Mikus’ next parole hearing will be scheduled on a date between October and December 2020, but in any event before 16 December 2020.” Before that time, if Mikus believes there has been a “significant change in his circumstances” he can apply under s27(6) of the Parole Act 2002 for an earlier hearing. - NZME
People inside two cars have escaped without serious injury after a fiery, high-speed crash on the outskirts of Invercargill overnight on Thursday. Police said a vehicle travelling at high speed collided with another vehicle on North Road, Lorneville, about 12.10am. Both vehicles burst into flames. Everyone inside the vehicles manged to get out safely but several were taken to hospital for treatment. Their injuries were not believed to be serious. - NZME
Teacher resigns A Hamilton teacher has resigned from her job at a high school after she allegedly performed oral sex on a Year 13 boy the same night as his school leavers’ dinner. The dinner was held in November and the teacher allegedly performed the act on the boy the same night, but not at the venue. - NZME
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Weekend focus 10
Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Baby boomers might be starting gentle slide towards a life without paid work, but that doesn’t mean they’re well prepared for the day the pay cheque stops, says former Ashburtonian David Boyle. Reporter Sue Newman talks to the man who is now investor education head with the Commission for Financial Capability about planning for a life where your expectations may far exceed your bank balance.
prepared M
oney makes David Boyle smile, particularly when it’s money that’s tied to retirement savings. The man who cut his financial teeth in the Ashburton Post Office as a 17-year-old school leaver, now heads the investor education arm of the Commission for Financial Capability, charged with the unenviable task of getting people to think about saving for retirement. When you think about money and retirement, it’s all about quality of life and whatever your expectation might be of this when you stop work. That’s changing all the time as the meaning of the word
retirement changes, David said. “My role with the commission is looking at people who’re 50-plus, at how we help the next generation transition – I don’t like the word retirement, it doesn’t reflect where New Zealanders will be in the future,” he said. Gone are the days when people were physically unable to work beyond 60 or 65; the changing nature of the workplace means people can continue in their careers for much longer, David said. “The physically hard jobs are disappearing and people are living much longer. “Retirement was such a big
thing for many people, but it’s not as significant for as many now. It’s more important for people to have a purpose in life, to be living a fulfilling life. And for a lot of New Zealanders, they might need to keep working.” David is passionate about changing the way people view the transition from working to not working. “There’s nothing to say you should be at a certain point at a certain time in your life. “I think there will be a large number of people who want to keep working and employers will need to accommodate this. The
ageing workplace is increasing,” he said. “Baby boomers are a wave, not a bubble, an underestimated section of the population.” Many of today’s retirees were in reasonable financial shape; home ownership numbers among this demographic was high and many had a little money set aside when they stopped work, David said. “It’s the next group coming through I’m particularly worried about. They haven’t built up the assets. They’re the sandwich generation, supporting their adult children financially and supporting their parents; they’re 65-year-
olds looking at retirement but who need to help their children into their homes. But you have to ask, when does the mummy or daddy bank officially close?” Often over-50s’ lack of preparedness came down to easy access to credit and loans, David said. When retirement was not too far over the horizon, there were no easy answers, no quick fixes if the dollars weren’t adding up. “The first step is to take stock of where you are. Do you keep climbing the property ladder or do you start decumulating? A lot of people are asset rich and income poor, so you need to decide how
Weekend focus Saturday, April 9, 2016
Ashburton Guardian
THE FACTS Facts and figures provided by the Commission for Financial Capability: ■
■ ■ ■
25 per cent of retirees did not have the money they needed to do the things they wanted in retirement. 25 per cent of retirees have the money to do everything they want in retirement 33 per cent of people nearing retirement say they need to accumulate more money before they retire 46 per cent of those nearing retirement don’t have a financial plan for the lifestyle they want 34 per cent of those nearing retirement have worked out how much they need on top of superannuation to live the lifestyle they want 42 per cent of those nearing retirement have calculated what their regular expenses will be 78 per cent plan to own their own home when they retire 11 per cent will have a mortgage when they retire 6 per cent say they will be renting.
ncially for retirement
It’s the next group coming through I’m particularly worried about. They haven’t built up the assets
you unlock things when you retire. Decumulation is the new word and you need to do this to maintain the lifestyle you want.” People asked how much money
they needed, but different demands, different expectations meant everyone’s answer was different, he said. Sorted’s website calculator was a
good first step for getting a handle on where your finances were at; it showed you where the gaps might be between reality and fantasy. For some it might provide the reality check they needed, David said. “We don’t want to scare people, but you need to look at where you are, what you can trim and what you can save.” Research indicated many people hadn’t taken the time to have an honest look at their current circumstances. “Our job at the commission is about providing a range of tools and services for people and about being as passionate about this as
we can. We want to improve New Zealanders’ overall wellbeing, to take away the stress.” It was never too late to take stock and to put in place a plan that had goals around budgeting and the best way to do that was seek advice from the experts. Independent advice might come with a cost, but it was worth spending a little to ensure you were better set up for the future, he said. “I get real satisfaction from talking about what I know from the corporate world and being able to take this information and put it in a way that creates stories. Storytelling, not jargon, is one of the
best ways to get ideas across. I like to create case studies that people can relate to and identify with.” It was the commission’s job to provide people with information that would encourage them to seek independent advice that would help them make better financial decisions, David said. “I turned 50 last year and initially I was in denial, but it also got me thinking that we all need a survival preparedness kit. We do this for other big events and as New Zealanders we need to do this financially. “We need to have a checklist and we need to tick the boxes.”
Weekend focus 12
Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Darcy Lysaght After 45 years at the Fairton meatworks, Darcy Lysaght is easing into retirement.
Darcy’s 45 years on the fast chain at SFF
Their boys at Fairton.” That’s how farmers referred to the hard-working staff at Silver Fern Farms Fairton branch and Darcy Lysaght was one of those “boys”. He was just 17 years old when he started at Fairton, working as a labourer before moving on to the brisket shears as a slaughterman. Now 62, Darcy reflects on his time at the processing plant. Friendship and loyalty are two words that he uses a lot. Not just the farmers whose loyalty he said was “exceptional”, but co-workers as well. “They’re great guys, fantastic fellas, characters,” he said. It was a ballot that landed Darcy a job at Fairton, spawning a career that spanned 45 years. Wife Sue said Darcy’s work was ideal for their family. A father of two, he was home at 3.30pm each day to play with the kids, coach rugby and help out with after-school activities. “We had a great lifestyle,” Sue said. Of all the jobs on the chain he has tried his hand at – and there
Forty-five years came and went and now, Darcy Lysaght has clocked out of Silver Fern Farms Fairton for the final time. He talks to the Guardian about his career and his new-found retirement. have been many – pelting was his favourite. That involved taking the skin off the sheep. His least favourite – bobby calves. Those four-day-old doe eyes could make anyone’s heart twinge, but as Darcy put it, “you considered every one a dollar”. Even in the off season he was kept busy. From standard farm work, driving tractors or fencing, to working in a butter factory, he enjoyed it all. A union man, Darcy was the secretary of the Fairton branch of the New Zealand Meat Workers’ Union and a member of the Canterbury Meat Workers’ Union executive for 15 years. That job brought him into contact with all sorts of people and all sorts of issues, from health and safety to disputes and ACC claims.
In his time at Fairton, Darcy has seen a lot of things change – for better and, also, for worse. Technological advancements have seen men replaced by machines and some of the hard work reduced, but other changes have not been quite so beneficial. When times were hard it was a solid management team, hard workers and community backing that saw the processing plant through. Darcy can recall more than one occasion when former Ashburton mayor Murray Anderson was pacing in his living room, wanting to talk about the state of the works. Now though, things are different. Tough times have fallen on Silver Fern Farms, with a sharp decline in stock numbers and difficulty recruiting workers, and it appears no-one is doing anything
to fix it, he said. The loss of the third chain back in 1999 saw Silver Fern Farms operating on a two-string system for the first time. Then, due to shortened seasons – this season was the shortest in history, just shy of six months – staff departed to look for a more secure income. That resulted in the frantic training of a new second chain and cracks began to appear. While no-one can predict the future of the processing plant, Darcy hopes Fairton will prosper once again and he believes above all else, those in charge need to be up-front with their staff. If the only option was to close they’d have to say they’re going to close and let people get on with their lives, he said. However, conversations between those on the ground and
those in power appear to be few and far between. Not long ago Darcy recalled a person in senior management asking someone on the ground at Fairton if he was able to send the plant’s third chain to Pareora. “No”, he replied, “we haven’t had a third chain since ‘99”. It is that out-of-touch attitude that has him worried. Now semi-retired Darcy is focusing on other things, for once work isn’t at the forefront of his mind. He’s keen on spending time with the family, planning an overseas trip or two and keeping up with his gardening and horseracing. Happy in his decision to step down, Darcy said he had no misgivings about his lengthy career. “There were tough times, but no regrets.”
Obituary Saturday, April 9, 2016
Ashburton Guardian 13
Gave so much to our community Businessman David Neil Sinclair QSM 1940 to 2016
ince Neil Sinclair (right) arrived in Ashburton in the mid-1960s, he became one of our community’s outstanding contributors. Neil was actively involved in his church community, initially as a youth leader at St Paul’s Presbyterian Church, then moving to St David’s Union Parish in 1969 when it was formed. He was on the St David’s Parish Council for most of the past 40 years (20 years as chairman) providing leadership in many facets of St David’s activities, as well as a youth group leader for many years. Neil was a member of Rotary since 1985 and held almost all of the leadership positions, including president and treasurer, and chaired various committees. He was awarded the Paul Harris Fellowship (Rotary’s International Recognition of Achievement) for his work. Neil was a chartered accountant and a founding partner with Ron Gabites in an accounting and
sharebroking firm in Ashburton, which was known for many years as Gabites Sinclair and Partners, and is now Gabites. The firm grew from small beginnings to being the largest accounting and business advisory firm in Ashburton. As well as building a very successful accounting firm, Neil contributed to his chosen profession with active involvement at branch and national levels. He was acknowledged in this work by being awarded a Fellowship
of the New Zealand Institute of Chartered Accountants. Another achievement of which Neil was extremely proud was the founding of the Advance Ashburton Community Foundation. It was Neil’s vision in 2003 that has seen the establishment and growth of the foundation. Over the past 13 years, with the “dream” firmly fixed in his mind, Neil led a group of likeminded people to establish a Mid Canterbury-based charitable
Come and find out how our local drains are being improved
trust that facilitates benevolence from people and groups within the Ashburton community to enable home-based philanthropy to flourish. Neil worked tirelessly to establish Advance Ashburton and since its establishment, until quite recently, he undertook many of the operational tasks himself (including chairman, secretary, treasurer, correspondence, and publicist) in his own time and at his own expense. It was fundamental for Neil that Advance Ashburton had unquestionable integrity in the community, that donors’ funds were in safe hands and that the returns to the community were maximised with the minimum of costs being incurred. These goals have all been achieved. Advance Ashburton has now built up assets of over $10 million in its care with testamentary promises of over $21 million. Neil and his wife Jeanette set up their own fund within Advance Ashburton and income from that fund has been used to establish the BOOST literacy programme for under-achieving seven and eight-year-old pupils in five schools in the Ashburton District. As funds grew, so did Advance Ashburton’s ability to give back to the community.
This has enabled Advance Ashburton to become active in making Ashburton a better place to live. In addition to the annual scholarship programme, some of the major projects Advance Ashburton has been involved in include a community contribution of $1.5 million to our hospital, that has ensured our local hospital remains viable, is redeveloped after the effect of earthquakes and a new operating theatre is built; providing the Cancer Society with a permanent home in Mona Square and the BOOST programme, run by the Ashburton Learning Centre and co-funded with the Mackenzie Charitable Foundation, now extended to a fifth school in the district. For his contribution to our community, including Advance Ashburton, Neil was honoured with a Queen’s Service Medal in the 2015 New Year’s honours. This was seen by many as a fitting recognition of his contribution to the Ashburton community over many years. A devoted and beloved family man, Neil is survived by his wife Jeanette, and family Nikki and Mike Crosbie, Garth and Julie Sinclair, Craig and Ali Sinclair and nine grandchildren. by Elizabeth Ashford
Guardian Farming Out next Tuesday!
Community members are invited to come and learn about the progress being made at Canterbury University’s research sites in the Hinds catchment. This research is part of the Canterbury Waterway Rehabilitation Experiment, which aims to find ways to improve waterway health through better nutrient, sediment and weed management. Improving drains in this area is important as they provide multiple benefits including drainage, habitats for native fish, and provide opportunities for food gathering. On 13 April the research team will provide an update on progress made in the last year, and this will include a visit to two demonstration sites. Come along and bring your gumboots and questions.
Event information Date: Wednesday, 13 April, 2016 Location: Lowcliffe Hall, Isleworth Road, and two nearby demonstration sites. 10am- Meet at Lowcliffe Hall. 10am-11am- Research update and questions 11am-12.30pm- Visit two demonstration sites 12.30 - Return to Lowcliffe Hall
I’ve finally found my release valve Guardian Farming columnist Craig Hickman talks about how he is able to get through the stressful times with a ‘pythonesque élan’.
We will car pool from Lowcliffe Hall to the research sites. For further information contact Olivia Smith on 027 886 394 or email
For more information
Craig Hickman | ELBOW DEEP
Tuesday, April 12
Your place 14 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Test yourself with the Guardian’s weekday quiz 1 – Approximately what is the population of Timaru City? a. 28,000 b. 37,000 c. 50,000 2 – Where is glycogen stored in the human body? a. Brain b. Muscles c. Liver 3 – Baton Rouge is the capital of which US state? a. Louisiana b. Alabama c. Georgia 4 – Irishman Seamus Heaney was awarded a Nobel Prize for ... what? a. Physics b. Peace c. Literature 5 – What did the two faces of the Roman god Janus represent? a. Treachery b. Peace and war c. Future and past 6 – The great cyclist Eddie Merckx came from which country? a. France b. Belgium c. Austria 7 – How big was the wood where Pooh Bear lived? a. Ten acres b. Fifty acres c. One hundred acres 8 – Ben Sigmund was a leading player for NZ in which sport? a. Cricket b. Rugby league c. Soccer
Yesterday’s top 5 stories on 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
3 2
Snuggling up at Wheat and Wheels Five-year-old papillon, Anya, may love nothing better than snuggling up on mum’s lap to keep warm, but she’s no shrinking violet. She has a penchant for putting bigger dogs in their place. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 020416-AL-097
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1 5 9 8 2 7 4 6 3
Answers: 1. 50,000 2. Liver 3. Louisiana 4. Literature 5. Future and past 6. Belgium 7. One hundred acres 8. Soccer.
Rustic chicken, pesto and tomato tart 2 sheets pre-rolled butter puff pastry, thawed 1/3 C pesto 2C chopped hot cooked chicken 1C grated mozzarella 1/2 C grated Parmesan cheese 250g tub cherry tomatoes 1 egg yolk, lightly beaten Chopped parsley to garnish ■ Preheat oven to 200°C. ■ Place pastry end to end on a large tray allowing a 1-2cm overlap where the two pieces meet and press to seal. Fold edges in making a 2cm border around the outside of the pastry (you may need to trim your pastry to fit your oven tray). ■ Spread an even layer of pesto over the pastry and then a layer of chicken. ■ Sprinkle with mozzarella and parmesan cheese. ■ Arrange cherry tomatoes over
Mayoral meeting rejected Retail heart ‘being killed’ Water protest gathers steam Uniforms too expensive HNZ stance risky
the cheese, cut side facing upwards. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper. ■ Brush pastry edges with egg yolk and then bake for 20 min-
utes until puffed and golden. ■ Garnish with chopped parsley. Recipe courtesy of Tegel
5 9 1 6 3 5 7 9 7 5 6 1 2 6 3 8 1 4 7 6 3 9 5 1 4 4 9 Solutions for today in Monday’s Your Place page.
Ashburton Guardian 15
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Danny Lee, of New Zealand, tees off on the 17th hole during the first round of the Masters golf tournament yesterday.
Stunning start for Lee By Simon PlumB Kiwi golfer Danny Lee has delivered one of the rounds of his life on day one of the Masters, tied for second – two strokes off the first round lead of defending champion Jordan Spieth. On a blustery, difficult opening day at Augusta National, where only 20 of the world’s best players went under par, Lee produced an impeccable display of golf, carding a four-under par round of 68. The New Zealand 25-year-old was almost flawless in his execution of an aggressive game plan, shooting for the pin at every opportunity.
Carding six birdies and two bogeys, Lee acknowledged how hard the conditions were in describing the round as one of the best of his career. “That’s probably top five. “It’s tough out there. It’s blowing 25 miles per hour all day. There’s a lot of times it felt like 50 miles per hour, there’s a lot of gusts,” Lee said. “It’s very hard to commit to the line on the putting green, because the wind was blowing so hard. And I was just really trying to focus on my routine and I did a great job today. “I cannot ask for anything better in the first round, I’m very
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pleased with my round today.” After nailing his drive down the Par 5 second, Lee went for the green in two. Striping a hybrid right at the flag, his ball hit the pin and ricocheted almost off the green – which he said was lucky. “I was actually pleased at the flag, otherwise it would have gone back over the green and that would have been a very tough up and down from there. I actually had a lot of good breaks today,” he said. Making Lee’s score even more impressive, it was his first competitive round with trial caddy Michael Hartford.
As far as auditions go, Lee said Hartford’s efforts were excellent. “Obviously it worked very well,” Lee said. “It was very hard for me to let my ex caddie go. It was a very, very tough decision for me, and I’m still a little bit upset about it. “But it wasn’t matching up very well and I wanted to bring my Agame this week because it means a lot.” Lee trailed defending Masters champion Spieth by two after he carded a superb six-under 66 earlier in the day. Ireland’s Shane Lowry was tied for second with Lee on four-under par with a log-jam of players
tied for fourth on three-under.
SHORT SHOTS - Only four Kiwis have ever made the cut. - Lee being in a tie for second is the highest a Kiwi has ever been at the completion of a round - Tied for 10th is the best a Kiwi has ever been when the cut was made. - One New Zealander has made the cut since 1997, two players have made the cut since 1973. - Frank Nobilo is the best New Zealander by some distance - only top 10 in NZ Masters history.- NZME
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Sport 16
Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
F1 returns to old format By AlAn BAldwin
The 12-year-old mixed relay team of Sophie Fulton, Bree Middleton, Alex Roderick and Jared Mee won their heat and placed fourth overall. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Swimmers qualify impressively Ten of Mount Hutt College’s swimmers qualified for the Canterbury Zone Primary Schools’ Swimming sports, which were held at Selwyn Aquatic Centre in
Rolleston on Thursday. More than 100 schools competed with the 9- and 10-yearolds in action in the morning and 11- and 12-year-olds taking
to the water in the afternoon. Sophie Fulton, Bree Middleton, Alex Roderick and Jared Mee were in the 12-year-old mixed relay team that won their heat
and placed fourth overall, before Middleton also finished first in her girls’ 50m butterfly and third in her 12-year girls’ backstroke event.
Aerodynamic package to make racing safer Ed Carpenter and James Hinchcliffe left Indianapolis Motor Speedway yesterday more confident about the cars they’ll race in May.
A new rear-wing flap should prevent cars from going airborne, as Carpenter experienced 11 months ago. New suspension parts should
prevent drivers from getting gouged, which happened to Hinchcliffe last year at Indy and left him with a life-threatening injury.
And as everyone tries to figure out what impact the new aerodynamic package might make, Carpenter and Hinchcliffe believe the racing will be safer. - AP
Formula One will revert to its 2015 qualifying format at next week’s Chinese Grand Prix and for the remainder of the season, the governing FIA confirmed yesterday. The change will come into force in time for next weekend’s Chinese Grand Prix after it is rubber-stamped by the F1 Commission and World Motor Sport Council bringing an end to the failed experiment to shake up starting grids. The teams had outlined their united position in a letter to F1 commercial supremo Bernie Ecclestone and International Automobile Federation (FIA) head Jean Todt. This year’s elimination format, which saw drivers knocked out at timed intervals during the three sessions, was approved hurriedly before the start of the season to add excitement. However, drivers were eliminated while sitting in the garages in the final stage rather than battling for pole on track as in the past. The sport had looked set to retain the elimination format in China after teams rejected a compromise backed by the FIA. Todt and Ecclestone had ruled out going back to the old system at a meeting with the teams in Bahrain last weekend. Williams deputy-principal Claire Williams said on Sunday that Todt and Ecclestone believed “going back to 2015 would create more confusion than is necessary”. Teams agreed at the Bahrain Grand Prix to vote by yesterday on a compromise solution, which would have seen each driver do at least two laps in each of the three phases of qualifying with the times aggregated. - Reuters
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Proudly Supported by Ashburton RSA and Ashburton Rotary Club
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Ashburton Guardian 17
Langman making her mark By Chris rattue Laura Langman is a netball trailblazer, the first star Kiwi to sign up for an Australian team in the ANZ netball championship. The Silver Ferns’ veteran had a winning start with the New South Wales Swifts being rated one of the standouts as they crushed the Melbourne Vixens. She will line up against old friends in Sydney when the Swifts play the Waikato/BoP Magic, the team she made her name and won a title with. The 29-year-old shoots the breeze with the Herald.
Ashburton College lost out 33-14 to Celtic in their opening ACL Premier Grade netball match on Thursday evening. PHOTO TETSURO MITOMO 070416-TM-0040
Top start for Celtic By James Ford
Celtic, Methven and United picked up wins on the opening night of the ACL Premier Grade netball season at the EA Networks Centre Stadium on Thursday evening.
Ashburton College Finesse Fitness A 14 v Celtic Auric Energy A 33 Celtic produced a convincing performance against last year’s finalists and dominated throughout Thursday’s clash. Ange Leadley’s ladies flew to a 9-2 lead at the end of the first quarter and were at it again in the second to extend their lead to 16-5 at halftime. Julia McLeod was in fine form, nullifying College’s attacks with timely intercepts along with a strong attacking display. Celtic piled on more points in the third quarter and were 17-points up at 26-9 when the buzzer sounded following a solid shooting display from Amanda Ward. College were more resilient in the final stanza, but it proved too little too late, as Celtic comfortably took opening night honours and the Premier Grade Challenge Cup. Despite the loss, College coach Angela Mitchell took positives from the performance of a team that featured five debutants. “It was great to get started and to be put under pressure by a very experienced Celtic team,” she said.
“It was a debut for five of our players and our inexperience showed, but there were glimmers of what we will be able to do once we have more time to develop.” College will be bolstered by the return of goal shooter Grace Wilson, defender Molly Stapleton and centre Meg Witterick when they face Hampstead next Thursday, and Mitchell is confident that the trio will make a big impact. “It will be great to have a full strength team next week with three of our more experienced girls back,” she said. “We will be working on our option taking this week to ensure we maintain and convert more possession.” Celtic will lock horns with an unfamiliar United team in their next outing, and will be out to make their first defence of their newly-acquired Premier Challenge Cup. “There are always things to work on. “United is unknown for us, so we will be concentrating on our strengths and playing to those,” said Leadley. “It was great to win the challenge cup. “It was one we didn’t get our hands on last year, I think it adds a new dimension to the competition.”
Hampstead Hotel Ashburton A 26 V Methven Wareings A 31 Methven kicked off the defence of their title with a win, but were pushed to the very end
by a defiant Hampstead. Hampstead, who finished bottom of the ladder in last season’s competition, finished the first quarter with a razor-thin 8-7 lead following an intense opening 10 minutes. The fast pace did not let up in the second quarter as Methven gained parity at 9-9 within two minutes and eventually took a two goal advantage in to the break at 16-14. Methven coach Greta Currie then called upon Anita Den Baars for the second half, and she made a solid contribution in the mid-court. Both sides put up seven goals in the third period before Methven out-scored Hampstead eight to five in the final 10 minutes to wrap up a 31-26 win. Kimberly Gibson showed no sign of ring rust at goal attack with an accomplished performance to combine well with goal shoot Leanne Clemens to grind out the win. Currie said she was pleased with her side’s performance in a fast-paced encounter. “We were pretty happy generally with the game. “I thought it was played at a good high intensity, it was a tough game which we were expecting from Hampstead,” said the Methven coach. “We felt it was good to have a tough game at the outset of the season.” Hampstead coach Cindy Meadows was also pleased her
side’s opening night performance, but cited a drop in intensity and focus for allowing Methven back in to the contest. “Overall pretty happy with the first game. “Need to build on combinations and work on our game plan – ball speed and variety of movements to the ball being a big focus,” she said.
United KFC A 32 v Rakaia A 20 United led Rakaia throughout their tie on the Vetent Court with a fine performance from wing attack Tracey Stone and stalwart Claire Tappin, who took on a new role at goal defence. Anne Gilbert’s team were 16-6 up at halftime before upping the intensity in the third quarter to push out the deficit to 17 points at 27-10. Rakaia reduced the gap to 12 with a determined fourth quarter effort, but United ran out deserved winners. Gilbert credited her players for a consistent performance. “All the girls played with passion. “I was particularly pleased with Tracey Stone, our WA (wing attack), who had a baby only three weeks ago,” she said. “She made excellent choices on court and fed the circle really well.” Rakaia coach Brans Surridge praised her players for their never-say-die attitude and is confident of continued progression following last season’s promotion.
What’s it like coming up against a former team? Fortunately, I’ve been in the situation before (after joining the Northern Mystics) and there are only a few originals left in the Magic. It’s just another game. My focus is on putting my hand up and keeping a starting position here. Has the move gone well so far? There was a certain baptism of fire and one moment of ‘ooooh, what have you done?’ I thought I might get a bit of time to find my feet but within the first couple of days, I had the equivalent of an Individual Programme Plan. The expectations were made loud and clear from the start - I had to front up and make some improvements pretty quickly. It exposed parts of my game I needed to work on. And that’s why I came here - for personal growth, to be in an environment to take my game to the next level. I’m only one game in but so far it has been everything I hoped it would be. What adjustments were needed? Defence is obviously one ... I come from a background where the unit works for each other, whereas here my man-on-man needed work. That is the first area I had to put a lot of work in. Is Rob Wright your first male coach? Yes. It’s been really refreshing. He has a sound technical and tactical knowledge of the game. It doesn’t really change anything – we are still playing the same game. What do you miss from home? Family and friends, and the odd Kiwi product that you can’t get over here. I’m missing my big CookieTime biscuit which I always have with a cup of tea post game. But the focus is on making the most of this opportunity rather than what I’m missing. The Aussies were tagged as the ones who roughed the game up have you had to fall in line? I’m not sure I agree with that. We have worked hard on our bodies to make sure they can handle the demands and a byproduct is a more physical game. But I don’t think one nation has brought in the biff so to speak. - NZME
Sport 18
Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
In brief
Two finals, two golds By James Ford
Veronica Wall has reached the pinnacle of high school rowing and reaffirmed her credentials as one of the finest young scullers in the country. Wall took gold medals in the girls’ under-16 single sculls and the girls’ under-17 single sculls A-finals at Lake Ruataniwha yesterday afternoon. The 16-year-old displayed the same ruthless form she has shown throughout this year’s Maadi Cup. Wall powered home more than 14 seconds quicker in a time of 8.33.35 than second placed Stella Clayton-Greene (8.47.77) of Hauraki Plains College and almost 18 seconds faster than Rangitoto College’s Claudia Waite (8.51.33) in third. The College starlet then showed strength of nerves beyond her years in the under-17 girls’ single sculls A-final to add another gold medal to her growing haul and reputation. Wall (8.18.04) was more than 15 seconds ahead of her nearest rival, Stella Blake (8.33.94) of
Marlborough Girls’ College, and almost 18 seconds ahead of Sacred Heart Girls’ College’s Georgia Keech (8.35.93). Lara Biggs, Emma Stagg, Katie Dolan, Mollie Gibson and coxswain Emma Jansen also had a day to remember in the girls’ under-15 coxed quad sculls with a third placing, while Grace Wilson and Fran Connelly-Whyte were just outside the medals in fourth in the girls’ under-18 double sculls. Wall will be out for a third gold medal in the girls’ under-18 single sculls this morning, before joining Wilson, Connelly-Whyte and Biggs in the girls’ under-18 coxed quad sculls A-final at 12.30pm.
Watching Queensland’s woeful start to the Super Rugby season from a distance hasn’t been easy for captain James Slipper. But as he prepares for his return to the starting line-up in tonight’s clash with reigning champions the Highlanders, injury has helped him put it all in perspective. “We haven’t had a great start to the year, we’ve lost our coach,” Slipper said yesterday. “But the beauty of everything is we’re heading on the right track. Especially in the last three games we can definitely see an improvement in the way we’re playing the game.” - AAP
Right - Ashburton’s Veronica Wall is crushing her opposition on Lake Ruataniwha this week.
Any position is fine
No complacency as Steel take on Tactix Southern Steel captain Wendy Frew is not about to let her team take the Mainland Tactix lightly. The Christchurch-based franchise has been dreadful since 2010, notching a scarcely believable 8-71 record. It managed just one win a year ago and is already on the back foot this season, after losing by 15 goals to the defending champion Queensland Firebirds in its opening match last Friday night. But despite the team’s struggles, Frew said the Steel was preparing for a tough home opener against the Tactix in Invercargill tomorrow afternoon. ‘‘I thought the Tactix did look sharp in that game [against the Firebirds],’’ Frew said.
‘‘We certainly won’t be taking them lightly. “We know we’re going to have to play a really good 60 minutes to get a result over them that we want. ‘‘We will make sure we come out firing for it.’’ The Steel has won 13 of the 16 matches between the teams since the ANZ Championship started in 2008, including an 8458 win in the corresponding fixture a year ago. But two of Mainland’s wins were in Invercargill, most recently in 2012 when it won 62-61. However, while the Tactix head into Sunday’s game in an all too familiar situation, the Steel is riding high after its stunning 58-57 comeback win against the Mystics in Auckland last Friday night.
The Steel trailed by five goals with 2 minutes left in the match, before shooter Jhaniele FowlerReid slotted six consecutive goals to pull off the last-gasp upset. Such was the scale of the Mystics’ late collapse, their fans would be forgiven for wondering if Dean Barker took over for coach Debbie Fuller down the stretch. There was still ‘‘lots of excitement’’ in the squad after the frantic finish, and the team never doubted it could come back and win, Frew said. ‘‘When you’re down by five, you know you’ve got a big challenge ahead of you,’’ she said. ‘‘But I think we were confident we could pull it back and I think it showed great heart and composure from the girls.
‘‘It certainly builds your confidence going into the season.’’ Sloppy passing into the circle was the primary reason the Steel got itself into the hole it did. Too often passes were fired over the head of Fowler-Reid, particularly in a sloppy third quarter, an area the Steel will work on at training this week, Frew said. ‘‘I think for us, we were just all guilty of personal errors at crucial times,’’ she said. ‘‘There were times when we were up by two and then chucked a long ball into Jhaniele which wasn’t accurate. ‘‘Just little things like that ... and we need to tighten up and stick to our structure a bit more.’’ - NZME
Karmichael Hunt isn’t bothered if playing at fullback for Queensland might affect his chances of a potential Wallabies debut. Despite the recruitment of Japanese star Ayumu Goromaru, Hunt has emerged as Queensland’s first-choice custodian and has been one of the team’s most-effective players. But with Israel Folau set as Australia’s No.15 for the foreseeable future, fullback is not where Wallabies coach Michael Cheika, who has made no secret of his admiration for Hunt, would prefer to see him play. Cheika has repeatedly claimed the triple-code star’s skill set is best suited to inside centre. - AAP
Watch for young guns Michael Cheika’s Wallabies have been warned to expect a rejuvenated England outfit not just based on the magic of coach Eddie Jones, but the emergence of young star Maro Itoje. The versatile forward, comfortable at lock and in the back-row, is considered the brightest talent in English rugby and made his international debut during this year’s Six Nations triumph on route to a rare grand slam. The exciting Itoje impressed immediately, and is considered a shoo-in to make the touring squad for England’s three-Test series in Australia in June. - AAP
Foley focused on Tahs
Wada gives Kenya a month’s grace Kenya has been handed a onemonth extension to comply with the World Anti-Doping Agency (Wada) code and thereby avoid future sanctions, an official told Reuters yesterday. “We have been given a onemonth extension by Wada ... we are proceeding to Mombasa to consult with the parliamen-
When the New Zealand women’s sevens team started beating all opposition in the early stages of the burgeoning international circuit, most Kiwi fans considered them a gold medal certainty for this year’s Olympics - but an Aussie team chock full of code-switchers is spooking New Zealand Rugby. This weekend is the third event in the World Rugby Women’s Sevens Series, in Atlanta, and leaders Australia can draw upon the talents of a couple of code-switchers to ensure they remain the team to beat. - NZME
Reds on the rise
By roBert van royen
Aussies team to beat
tary committee on labour and sports so that when the (new anti-doping) bill comes for a second reading ... we will be on the same page,” said an Anti-Doping Agency of Kenya (ADAK) source. The bill is a key requirement for the east African nation, famed for its distance runners but tarnished by around 40 doping
cases in recent years, to be declared compliant with the Wada code ahead of the Rio Olympics in August. “We have no doubt things will be fine,” added the highly placed source who declined to be identified. Kenya was given a deadline to enact the law or be declared non-
compliant, which brings Wada sanctions, but parliament went into recess earlier this month and the bill could not become law before time ran out on April 5. Athletics world governing the IAAF said last month it was highly unlikely Kenya would be suspended from the Olympics. - Reuters
Bernard Foley says the NSW Waratahs’ Test hopefuls need to get their own shop in order before contemplating any Wallabies action this year. The straightshooting Wallabies No.10 admits the under-performing Tahs weren’t up to standard in Sunday’s Super Rugby loss to Melbourne and must start delivering and forget about higher honours for now. Foley’s damning assessment came after the Waratahs sat through a brutal review of the listless loss to the Rebels. “It wasn’t a pretty review. Pretty honest,” he said. - AAP
Saturday, April 9, 2016
In brief
Smith still on injured list By Steve HepBurn One Otago man replaces another as the Highlanders have made a raft of changes to their side to take on the Reds in Brisbane tonight. Co-captain and fullback Ben Smith has not recovered from the head knock he picked up a week ago against the Force and will sit out the match. He has been replaced by Matt Faddes, who will make his first competition start in the No15 jersey. Faddes has played the custodian role over the years but, over the past two seasons at club and provincial level for Otago, has been playing more at centre or on the wing. With Faddes moving to fullback, Jack Wilson comes into the team on the right wing. Wilson, the Otago winger, made his debut last month against the Rebels when he scored a try and is making the most of the opportunities he has received when coming into the side because of injuries to others. First five-eighth Lima Sopoaga is over his groin strain and is back to steer the side around the paddock. There may have been a temp-
Ben Smith will be on the sidelines when the Highlanders clash with the Reds tonight. tation to rest the one-test All Black with the team having a bye next week but the coaching staff were keen to get Sopoaga back on the park. In the pack, loose forward Elliot Dixon has not recovered from a nasty head gash he picked up last week and is replaced by Luke Whitelock. Shane Christie rotates with Dan Pryor while Joe Wheeler and Mark Reddish will lock the scrum. Christie will also captain the side. With Brendon Edmonds out
for the season because of a knee injury picked up in the rugged game against the Force, Daniel Lienert-Brown comes into the side. Josh Hohneck and Ross Geldenhuys will be the propping back-up on the reserves bench. Hohneck has the ability to play on both sides of the scrum. The Highlanders have the wins well ahead of the Reds this season but do not have the history. The team last won in Brisbane in 2005. It suffered a painful last-minute loss when the teams most
recently played in Brisbane in 2014. The Reds have yet to bag a win this season and sits second last on the table. Their only positive result from the season is a 25-25 draw with the Blues. The side, which won the title just five seasons ago, has improved under new coaches Matt O’Connor and Nick Stiles but it still has a way to go to be competitive. It does welcome back skipper and captain James Slipper, who will make his first start of the season. Slipper had a slow start to the season because of a delayed return from shoulder surgery. The Reds had a bye last week so will be well rested for the Highlanders.
Highlanders v Reds
Brisbane, tonight, 9.40pm Highlanders: Matt Faddes, Jack Wilson, Malakai Fekitoa, Rob Thompson, Patrick Osborne, Lima Sopoaga, Aaron Smith, Liam Squire, Shane Christie (captain), Luke Whitelock, Joe Wheeler, Mark Reddish, Siosiua Halanukonuka, Liam Coltman, Daniel Lienert-Brown. Reserves: Ash Dixon, Ross Geldenhuys, Josh Hohneck, Tom Franklin, Dan Pryor, Fumiaki Tanaka, Hayden Parker, Jason Emery. - NZME
Why we shouldn’t lose faith in the Warriors By Andrew MulligAn
ou start to hear the same things about the Warriors, whether they win or lose. There are those that implore us to “keep the faith” and that “this is our year” which actually turns into sighs of resignation. But there is hope. A spine of exciting little men, a forward pack that can match it and two wins on the trot are making most of us forget about that first half against the Tigers in round one. But there will always be the same complaints so here are some handy answers. “Should’ve won that Roosters game easily” Yes, they should’ve won that game easily and it shouldn’t have headed into extra time. But referees’ boss Tony Archer explained that they got the Ryan Hoffman call wrong and it was obstruction and to rule that the ball was a shade beside Simon Mannering’s inside shoulder on a disallowed try was the Bunker just doing its job. It’s a game of centimetres. “Shaun Johnson needs to kick better” Crikey, mate! He slotted six of seven against the Knights. His general kicking is getting better but the comeback from the ankle injury is obviously taking
Ashburton Guardian 19
Ivan Cleary: Never should have let him go . . . longer than we thought. “Roger Tuivasa-Sheck isn’t as good as he was at the Roosters” This one was bandied about after the first three games of the season, mainly because he wasn’t ripping through teams like he did in Sydney. He’s run 103 times for 1025 metres to lead the competition in both categories. He’s fine. “Simon Mannering can’t offload” Why should he? Next thing they’ll be saying, “They offload way too much”. “Sack Andrew McFadden” Again? Another coach gone? Maybe Laurie Daley is coming to help, maybe he isn’t, but can we please give this guy at least to the end of his contract to see
if the players he’s brought in and developed from the juniors perform. When you give the team a game plan and they don’t execute it, then the onus must go on the players. Since 2011, only Craig Bellamy has remained in the same job in the NRL. “Who has McFadden developed?” That one came in this week to Radio Sport in a text. Solomone Kata, Albert Vete, Charlie Gubb and Sam Lisone was the reply. Sure, these guys were in the system before McFadden but the same happens to any coach – they inherit the good young ones. “They should never have let Ivan Cleary go”
Ivan doesn’t coach in the NRL any more. Ruthless business. “Too many Aussies/not enough Aussies” What’s the line being set here for Aussies at Warriors? Is it 5.5 or is it higher? Should it be lower? Or should it be just get the best players in the roles for what game plan the coaches want to execute. “Manu Vatuvei can’t defend” Manu is supposed to score tries and in a career where he’s played 214 games and scored 148 tries, he’s one of the greatest strike weapons ever. If Vatuvei is the last line of defence, it’s likely 12 other players haven’t done their job. “They only get up for games against the Storm or Broncos” Great. Because while they’ve lost games already this season against those two teams, they’re currently the top two teams on the ladder whereas their wins are against the bottom two teams on the ladder. Which leads to ... “They shouldn’t lose to bad teams” Which flies in the face of “man, it’s so hard to tip in the NRL because everyone is beating everyone”. And finally ... “There are too many jerseys” Then tell your mates to stop buying them all. - NZME
Koroisau in for Daly Manly makeshift playmaker Apisai Koroisau is approaching his limited time filling Daly Cherry-Evan’s shoes with a chip on his shoulder. The former South Sydney grand final-winning hooker was dropped by coach Trent Barrett following just two games in the Sea Eagles No.9 jumper after being usurped by Matt Parcell. After spending a fortnight in NSW Cup, Koroisau received an unexpected reprieve when he was called in to replace star halfback Cherry-Evans while he recovered from an ankle sprain. The Queensland and Australian representative is expected to spend the next three weeks on the sidelines, giving Koroisau time to mount a case for a recall into the Sea Eagles’ top 17. - AAP
Contracts not an issue Off-contract Melbourne halfback Cooper Cronk isn’t carrying the weight of negotiations onto the playing field. Cronk said last week that contract decisions were playing on his mind and he wasn’t happy with his performances this NRL season, but now he says the two matters are unrelated. “I probably made the mistake of being a bit too honest in a press conference,” he said. “I said ‘look I’m thinking about it, it’s obviously in the back of my mind’ and next minute everyone is talking about this decision and that it’s affecting me and things like that.” - AAP
Dragons kept scoreless St George Illawarra have been held scoreless for the second week in a row, beaten 26-0 by a rampant Broncos in their NRL clash in Brisbane. The Broncos barely moved out of first gear on Thursday night but did more than enough to demonstrate the huge chasm in class between themselves and the error-riddled Dragons in front of 29,869 fans at Suncorp Stadium. It is the first time a NRL team haven’t scored in consecutive matches since Cronulla’s threematch drought in 2014. - AAP
Salary cap probe Lessons learnt last year are behind Parramatta coach Brad Arthur’s decision not to address the club’s salary cap issues with his players. The Eels are currently being investigated by the NRL in relation to the manipulation of third-party deals of both current and former players, Arthur adamant he wants to keep his distance until the probe is complete. “I’ve found at times last year I worried too much about a few other things other than the football. It’s not healthy for me and it’s not healthy for the team,” Arthur said yesterday. - AAP
Stars back on track Penrith stars James Segeyaro and Dean Whare are eyeing a return for the side’s round eight NRL clash against Cronulla. Segeyaro has yet to commence contact work since breaking his arm against Canberra in round one, however Whare has shown considerable improvement after aggravating a calf strain in round two. Panthers coach Anthony Griffin said both have been making steady progress in their recoveries and could be back in time to face the Sharks. - AAP
Sport 20 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
In brief
‘Complete devastation’ “I thought, ‘I’ve just lost the World Cup’. “I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t know what to do. It took me so long to get back on my feet. I didn’t want to get back up. “It was like the whole world had come down on me. There weren’t any good things going through my mind. “It was just complete devastation.” Christchurch-born Ben Stokes sums up how he felt at the end of the World Twenty20 final after Carlos Brathwaite had smashed him for four sixes to snatch victory for the West Indies over England in the most spectacular and cruel way possible in front of 50,000 fans at Eden Gardens and a global television audience of millions. For Stokes the experience is still raw when we meet four days later in surroundings that could not be more different from Sunday night in Kolkata. A solitary sign next to the trolley park outside a branch of Waitrose in Hexham, Northumberland, is the only indication that the man who bowled the final over in the World Twenty20 final is making an appearance in the store. The madness of India and a global International Cricket Council tournament has been left far behind. But, speaking publicly for the first time, Stokes reveals the feelings of disappointment are really only just beginning to kick in and admits it will take him a long time to move on despite the support of England fans and personal messages from the likes of Shane Warne. “For about 40 minutes at the end of the game I knew I just had to deal with it. “I had to come back out on the field, collect my medal and listen
England skipper Eion Morgan comforts Ben Stokes as the West Indians celebrate in the background. PHOTO AP to all the speeches,” he said. “I knew the cameras would be all over me to see how I was. Obviously I was gutted but I did not want to show that. I wanted to keep my head up. “It is probably only now really that all the emotions have started to come out about it. “I remember getting the medal and thinking it’s just a runnersup medal. You don’t want it. “You want the winner’s medal but then later we had two hours in the changing room and all the lads had medals around their neck and we were saying nobody can take this moment away from us. “We played for our country in a World Cup final. Let’s be proud of that.”
It was an extraordinary final. A thrilling game of cricket that ebbed and flowed like a Test match but crammed into three hours of high intensity sporting theatre. England were down, then they were up before their final crash. “It didn’t spin, it was a flat wicket and boundaries were not the biggest so we knew we were 30-40 runs short. But we knew we could get them on the back foot if we took wickets. “Then we got down to the last over and that was the worst passage of cricket I played throughout the whole World Cup.” The debate among cricket followers has been whether it was great hitting or poor bowling. With 19 needed off six balls Eng-
land should have been home and dry. The ‘win predictor’ gizmo used by the broadcaster was confidently backing England. Stokes had bowled the final over of the New Zealand innings in the semi-final and conceded only one run (there were also two leg byes) and took two wickets. He was going to win the final for England. He had pedigree. He had a plan. “People have been hit for 19-20 an over before. It is not the first time and won’t be the last so not for one second was I walking to my run-up thinking ‘19, this is all over’. “I knew all it would take is two big hits and it is game on again. “I knew if I got six yorkers in the block hole they were only going to get eight or nine runs maximum and we would win.” The first ball from Stokes was too full and got what it deserved. The next two deliveries were better but Brathwaite managed to swing under the ball and hit them with ferocious, Stokes-like power. “I looked at the scoreboard and they needed 13 off five balls and then seven off four. “I still thought if I get two balls away here and they only get two that leaves five off two and it is still on.” But the third six was the killer. “It was not until they needed one off three that I knew the game was gone.” Will he bowl the death over again? “A hundred per cent. Definitely. It is something I work at a lot. Some days they go well. Some days they don’t. “That was a bad day but I won’t be shying away from it. “You almost want it to happen because if you nail it everyone forgets [the final].” - AP
Tries becoming a valuable commodity S
ix points for a try. And two for a penalty, which means everyone will be going for tries, making players, spectators, sponsors, everyone (except the Poms) much happier with the game of rugby. In theory, that is. Things have changed a bit since the mid-1800s, when there wasn’t even a try in the rule book at all. You could only score points by kicking goals, until some bright spark figured it might be interesting to do something else to get a ‘try’ at kicking for goal, like getting the ball over the line for example, which would be worth one whole point. Slowly the value of tries increased over the years, until
1893 when a try finally became worth more points than a penalty, and the aims of playing the game changed forever. A few folk out there will remember the sweeping, drastic and much-debated change in 1971, when a try increased in value to a massive four points, which many said would never work, but like so many things once it was in place it was quickly accepted as the norm. There wasn’t half as much a hullaballoo in 1992 when the five-point try was mooted; society as a whole was in a constant state of flux, change was seen as inevitable in all sectors, and the five-pointer slipped reasonably quietly into the game. As with every change, coaches scrambled to adapt, and while
Steve Devereux MY SHOUT
the focus was, as intended, more and more on the attack phases and scoring tries, the role of the defence coach became equally as important. There may have even been just a tiny bit of justification for the northern hemisphere scribes calling Super rugby ‘basketball’ for a few years there, until the defensive systems caught up with the rest of the game. But catch up they did, produc-
ing easily the best, most competitive rugby on the planet. And now it’s changing again. With a huge six-point gap between a converted try and a penalty, sides will obviously choose to go for an attacking lineout or scrum as opposed to taking the easy two points. But the canny defence coaches will be well on to that, and we may well see more, a lot more, infringing in the red zone to stop those six-pointers. I see a danger that deliberate foul play could result in more yellow/red cards; maybe we’ll see teams finish games with 13, 12 or 11 men on the paddock; now if that doesn’t promote open, running rugby and scoring tries then I don’t know what will.
Masters hockey As the Black Sticks women took on some of the world’s best in Napier this week, an Ashburton woman was also in action wearing the Silver Fern. Ashburton police officer Kerry Chapman – a goalie – has been a part of the New Zealand 35-plus Masters team playing in an affiliates tournament at the Hawke’s Bay Festival of Hockey. The team didn’t have the easiest time though, losing its first two matches – to a national senior XI and Hawke’s Bay – before drawing with Australia Country. That saw them finish bottom in their pool, and yesterday they finished with a 2-1 win over the New Zealand Barbarians, and a 3-2 loss against the national senior XI.
Shark frightens surfers Some of the world’s best surfers endured a spooky moment on the eve of the Margaret River Pro in Western Australia as they were forced to flee the water after spotting a shark. World Surf League competitors Kanoa Igarashi, Jeremy Flores, Caio Ibelli, Alessa Quizon and Wiggolly Dantas - as well as Margies wildcard Leo Fioravanti - were getting one final warm-up session in at the main break when a shark appeared about 15m from where they were sitting in the line-up. “It looked like a submarine,” Igarashi said. - AAP
Chasing test recall Glenn Maxwell’s fifth Indian Premier League season starts next week. The IPL carries a reputation of style over substance in the eyes of many, not unlike Maxwell – despite the allrounder’s best efforts to shred the ‘Big Show’ tag. The reality is while many cricketers use the T20 league as a well-paid working holiday, Maxwell isn’t one of them. The 27-year-old’s immediate focus is performing for Punjab but his desire to don the baggy green again burns brightly. - AAP
Clay form looks good Michael Venus has transferred his hard court form on the red clay as he starts preparations for next month’s French Open. Venus and his Croatian partner Mate Pavic have won through to the doubles semi-finals at the ATP tournament in Marrakech. They’ve beaten the Spanish Czech duo of Albert Ramos-Vinolas and Jiri Vesely 6-4, 6-3. Venus and Pavic have won hard court titles in Auckland, Marseille and Montpellier already this year. - NZME
Venus knocked out Venus Williams is out of the WTA event in Charleston after losing to Yulia Putintseva of Kazakstan 7-6 (7-5) 2-6 6-4. Williams, seeded third and ranked 14th, had a chance to gain a place in the top 10 had she won this match. Instead, Putintseva won five of the final six games yesterday to advance. Williams became the fifth of the top eight seeds in Charleston to lose before the quarter-finals. - AP
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Ashburton Guardian 21
In brief Netherlands beat Ferns The Football Ferns have been beaten 2-0 by the Netherlands yesterday after a quick-fire double from lively right winger Shanice van de Sanden in the first half secured the international friendly. The Netherlands, who missed qualification for the Rio Olympics through the European qualifiers, played like a team with a point to prove at the IJmond Stadion against the Brazil-bound Ferns. The New Zealand side will regroup following this fixture with four games scheduled ahead of the Olympics in August. - NZME
Roar eye history Brisbane Roar skipper Matt McKay says if they can secure the A-League Premiers Plate this weekend it would go down as one of the club’s biggest achievements in its short history. The Roar face Melbourne Victory on Saturday night at AAMI Park, and a win will be enough to seal top spot and secure a sixth piece of major A-League silverware, to go with their three grand final wins and two previous premierships. Just getting this close is an achievement in itself for Brisbane, who were dangerously close to being wound up last year due to mounting debts. - AAP
Reds happy with draw
Stanley Pokipoki in action during Mid Canterbury United’s 5-2 win over Selwyn at the Ashburton Domain last Saturday. United will be gunning for another win over pace-setters FC Twenty Bombers 11 today. PHOTO AMANDA KONYN 020416-AK-075
United set for tough test By James Ford
Mid Canterbury United will hope their fine form continues against FC Twenty Bombers 11 at Burnside Park today. United kicked off their division two campaign with a 5-2 win over Selwyn at the Ashburton Domain last Saturday. Coach Martin Fitzgerald’s side showed no signs of having jumped up two divisions and never looked troubled. Selwyn opened the scoring, but
Dave Ring was quick to reply to level proceedings in an intense opening 20 minutes. Mid Canterbury then took control of the tie with prolonged periods of possession in the centre of the park. Greg Feutz netted twice, but in the second half Selwyn drew first blood against the run of play. Mid Canterbury continued to play attractive, fast-paced football and defender-turned-striker Sam Hall scored a brace of his own for the 5-2 win.
But Fitzgerald will be more cautious today, opting for either a 4-4-2 or 4-5-1 formation in an attempt to nullify Twenty’s attacking threat. “We want to make sure our passing is accurate and we finish the chances we create and hopefully we can build upon our possession,” he said. Fitzgerald credited his team for the solid start last weekend, but insisted his players should expect a tougher challenge today following Bombers’ 6-2 demolition job
of Universities Aardvarks in their season opener. “You couldn’t really wish for a better start from last weekend, but they had a 6-2 win too,” he said. “We were saying at training last night (Thursday), gearing up for it, it’s not going to be easy, they were mid-table last season so it won’t be like last weekend.” Today’s men’s division two fixture: FC Twenty Bombers 11 v Mid Canterbury United, 2.30pm, Burnside Park.
All Whites slip to lowest spot since 1992 By michael Brown When Ricki Herbert took over as Maldives football coach in 2015, it’s doubtful he ever thought the tiny country in the Indian Ocean would be ranked ahead of New Zealand. But it’s happened. As hard as it is to believe, the Maldives are ranked 160 in the latest Fifa rankings and the All Whites are a miserable 161. The Fifa rankings are flawed
(and the All Whites should normally occupy a spot between about 80 and 100) but New Zealand’s position is an inescapable truth and their lowest since the rankings were introduced in 1992. They were 49th in 2002 and 63rd in 2010 but have been on a downward spiral since. They have slipped 12 places in the latest rankings, which is a reflection of the fact they have played barely any meaningful
football games in this World Cup cycle. That should improve after next month’s Oceania Nations Cup in Papua New Guinea, when the winner qualifies for next year’s Confederations Cup. The Nations Cup is also the first round of World Cup qualification for the Oceania confederation. The All Whites played only three games last year - a 1-0 defeat to Korea, a 1-1 draw with Myanmar and a 1-0 victory over Oman –
and was part of the reason why coach Anthony Hudson labelled New Zealand’s football culture as “soft” and hit out at the lack of international competition. They are still the top-ranked side in Oceania, but aren’t far ahead of American Samoa, the Cook Islands and Samoa who are all equal in 170th. Argentina have taken over as the world’s No 1 side ahead of Belgium, Chile, Colombia and Germany. - NZME
Liverpool manager Juergen Klopp enjoyed a satisfying return to Borussia Dortmund, his new side claiming a valuable away goal to draw 1-1 in their Europa League quarterfinal, first leg. Klopp, whose sevenyear Dortmund spell ended last season, was warmly welcomed back to the Westfalenstadion, but the hosts were feeling far less gracious as Liverpool took the lead through Divock Origi. Defender Mats Hummels levelled after the break, but the away goal leaves Liverpool in good stead heading back to Anfield for the return leg. - Reuters
Iwobi new shooting star There’s growing competition for discovery of the season in the English Premier League. Leading the way are N’Golo Kante, the box-to-box French midfielder propelling Leicester to an unlikely title triumph; Dele Alli, the Tottenham playmaker plucked from England’s third tier; and Marcus Rashford, Manchester United’s 18-year-old striker. Time to add Arsenal winger Alex Iwobi to the list. Iwobi has burst onto centre stage in the world’s most popular league. He has scored and been named man of the match in the last two appearances in the Premier League. - AP
Dive incurs wrath Real Madrid left back Marcelo has been widely criticised for diving against Wolfsburg in the quarterfinals of the Champions League. The Brazilian defender appeared to kick and head-butt Maximilian Arnold, then threw himself to the ground after pretending he was hit in the face by the German midfielder. His antics in Real Madrid’s 2-0 loss in Germany led to a yellow card to Arnold. Wolfsburg coach Dieter Hecking was still upset by the incident after the match, and reportedly had an angry exchange with Marcelo in the tunnel to the changing rooms. - AP
Racing 22 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
In brief
Surprise packet not finished Heni has come a lot further than trainer Mike Breslin initially thought and the under-rated mare still has more to offer. The daughter of Towkay will return to racing after a break in today’s Rangipo Cup at Trentham with stable apprentice Danielle Hirini to take the reins. “She’s coming up well, but the 1000 metres might be a bit short for her – there’s some fast horses in the race,” Breslin said. Heni hasn’t started since the New Zealand Cup carnival where she was in action on all three days of the meeting and was rewarded with a win and two placings. Her performances continued an excellent form line that also featured earlier wins at Ashburton and Riccarton. “She has surprised me and I thought she was probably a one or two win horse, but she really bloomed down south,” Breslin said. “There’s no early goals for her.
There’s some nice $30,000 races coming up and possibly the Dunstan Sprint Final. “We’ll see how she progresses this time and maybe she can get up to black type.” Heni will be accompanied to Trentham by Harlem ‘N’ Co, a Stravinsky three-year-old who will debut in the Adventador Cup. He had two quiet educational trials in the spring before he was put aside. Meanwhile, Heni’s stakes winning stablemate Wafer is about a month away from making her return to the races. She hasn’t raced since she was successful in the Listed Gore Guineas and may get her chance in Australia later in the year. “I’ll see how she comes up,” Breslin said. “Brisbane may come around a bit early for her, but there are plenty of races in Melbourne or Sydney.” - NZME
McKay on the board Ashburton horsewoman Ashley McKay has opened her account in her new racing role. She recently joined her father Russell, with whom she served her riding apprenticeship, in a training partnership and at Thursday’s Timaru meeting Flytime provided them with their first winner. “I’ve still got my licence and I will ride the odd one, but I want to focus on the training side of things,” McKay, 24, said. - NZME
Walsh laid low Veteran jockey David Walsh has been laid low by appendicitis. The South Island-based rider had to forego mounts at yesterday’s Manawatu meeting and at Trentham today and will be side-lined for the foreseeable future. - NZME
Scrutinize returns
Heni will have Danielle Hirini on board today. PHOTO RACE IMAGES
M2 Te Aroha gallops
Stakes placed three-year-old Scrutinize will be back in work next month. The Stephen Autridge-trained three-year-old was the early favourite for the New Zealand Derby and an age-group win at Awapuni, how-ever, he subsequently turned in three poor performances. - NZME
Today at Avondale raceway
Racing Te Aroha Venue: Te Aroha Meeting Date: 09 Apr 2016 NZ Meeting number: 2 Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9 1 12.12pm (NZT) TE AROHA LIQUOR 1200 MAIDEN $20,000, MDN, 1200m 1 937x2 Al Be Civics (5) 58.5 .................. L Satherley 2 2266x Where Theres Smoke (6) 58.5Magorrian (a1) 3 30650 Goldchi h (4) 58.5 .......................T Thornton 4 2057x Remind Me Again (10) 58.5 ........C Lammas 5 06453 Vonchoi b (12) 58.5 ........................V Colgan 6 205x2 Money Trail (16) 58........................M McNab 7 2 Peaky Blinders (2) 58 ................ M D Plessis 8 x028x Acre (11) 58 ............................... Z Moki (a3) 9 3x Bachro (3) 58 ..........................S McKay (a1) 10 783x5 Classic Warrior h (15) 58 ...........M Cameron 11 0x Get Smart (9) 58 ............................. S Spratt 12 Richie McHorse (7) 58 .................... C Grylls 13 92862 North Of The Wall (14) 56 ...............A Collett 14 66x30 Teri (13) 56 ...............................A Jones (a1) 15 Hollywood Lass (1) 56 ......................L Innes 16 9x Darci’s Daughter (8) 56 ...........B Hutton (a1) 2 12.47pm TOWES INSURANCE BROKERS 1400 3YO SW+P $20,000, 3YO SW+P, 1400m 1 3115x Slice Of Cake (6) 58.5 .......................L Innes 2 8300x Stradivarius m (3) 57.5 ................T Thornton 3 x1322 Sabotage b (7) 57.5 ......................M McNab 4 41207 Lanciato d (14) 57.5 5 3170x Roc de Bank d (8) 57.5 ......................M Hills 6 70263 Ina Canta (4) 57.5 ........................... R Jones 7 140. Just Call Me Riley (5) 57.5 ......S McKay (a1) 8 7x166 Esbeedee (2) 57.5 .......................... C Grylls 9 7137 Steppenwolf d (11) 57.5 .................. S Spratt 10 0x801 Nahema tm (13) 56.5 .................M Cameron 11 1x9x1 Nostariel (15) 56.5 .........................V Colgan 12 6x211 Caprikosa d (9) 56.5 ................. M D Plessis 13 39156 Neala (1) 55.5 ............................... R Norvall 14 21867 Precision Miss t (10) 55.5 ...............S Collett 15 160. Light Minded (12) 57.5 16 99405 High Finance 54 ........................... Scratched Emergencies: Light Minded, High Finance 3 1.23 PYRAMID TRUCKING 1200 RATING 85 $30,000, Rating 85 Benchmark, 1200m
1 5711x Mr Knowitall tdm (12) 60 .....A Schwerin (a3) 2 45732 Packing Tycoon (2) 59.5 ..........S McKay (a1) 3 3531x Ramarro tdmh (6) 58.5.................... S Spratt 4 64205 Onlyarose d (8) 58 ...................A Jones (a1) 5 59026 Abaddon (5) 58 .................................L Innes 6 21383 Airlie House d (10) 57.5 .................V Colgan 7 145x3 First Class d (1) 57.5...............B Hutton (a1) 8 1506x Ohope Prince d (7) 56..................... R Jones 9 23248 Attention Seeker d (11) 55.5 ..... M D Plessis 10 3360x Permesso tmh (9) 54.5..................M McNab 11 87371 Rich Billie Marsh dm (4) 54 ............. C Grylls 12 x125x Bonniegirl dm (13) 54.................M Coleman 13 x2838 Cherry Vain db (14) 54 ........Z N Azman (a3) 14 86144 Hunapo d (3) 54 .........................M Cameron 4 2.02 TE AROHA PLUMBING & DRAINAGE LTD 2200 RATING 75 $25,000, Rating 75 Benchmark, 2200m 1 475x6 Bachelor Zeel (5) 60 ...............B Hutton (a1) 2 54631 Diesel m (3) 57 3 23x16 Private Hero (12) 57..........................L Innes 4 x1414 Victory Drive b (14) 57 ...............M Coleman 5 02158 Silk Chardonnay d (4) 56.5 ......A Jones (a1) 6 38851 Liquid Asset t (16) 56.5 ................... S Spratt 7 20103 Call Me Royal m (1) 56 ...........S McKay (a1) 8 431x1 First Honour d (7) 56 .................. L Satherley 9 00142 Heistheone (9) 56 .........................M McNab 10 3x751 Mendoza (13) 56 .........................C Lammas 11 33374 Blue Flag 55.5 .............................. Scratched 12 15715 Geppetto’s Girl td (15) 55.5 ....... M D Plessis 13 96306 Dalezinga th (8) 54 14 77386 Quintastics (11) 54 .......................... C Grylls 15 94302 Tiara Concerto (10) 54 16 45026 Team Pete d (2) 54 17 10033 The Sweet Escape tdh (6) 54 Em: Tiara Concerto, Team Pete, The Sweet Escape 5 2.38pm J SWAP TE AROHA CUP $40,000, OPEN HANDICAP, 2200m 1 37991 El Soldado td (8) 60 ......................D Bradley 2 17178 Saint Emilion b (1) 58.5..............M Cameron 3 65185 Guess What (7) 58 ..........................S Collett 4 49301 Storming The Tower dm (5) 57.5 .......L Innes 5 97503 Dubai Shuffle tdm (4) 55.5 ...L Magorrian (a) 6 32211 Chenille (13) 53......................... M D Plessis
7 22045 Apache Fireworks (14) 53 ...........T Thornton 8 99779 Smedley m (11) 53 .......................... S Spratt 9 80887 Little Alfie Brown m (10) 53 ........... R Norvall 10 27902 Seconds Out mh (3) 53 ...............C Lammas 11 72141 Endean Rose (6) 53 ..................B Hutton (a) 12 11808 Gotta Keeper tdh (12) 53 ................ R Jones 13 400x7 Back In Black tmh (9) 53 ....................M Hills 14 10033 The Sweet Escape tdh (2) 53 ......... C Grylls 6 3.13pm TE AROHA VETERINARY SERVICES 1600 RATING 65 $20,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1600m 1 61550 Flying Ibis b (15) 60 .......................V Colgan 2 570x8 Kentucky Son dm (11) 60.. U Holmquist (a2) 3 148x2 Street Smart (5) 59.5 ..............B Hutton (a1) 4 2145 Irish Call (4) 59.5........................V Gatu (a2) 5 52732 Rule The World (7) 59 ....................H Tinsley 6 1355x Inastride t (1) 59 .........................M Cameron 7 35182 Nelson Park t (10) 59 ................ M D Plessis 8 32310 Chancery d (2) 58.5 ..........................L Innes 9 03103 Hirapour d (3) 58 .............................S Collett 10 48082 Irresistabelle (9) 57.5 ..................C Lammas 11 1x960 Sucker Punch t (17) 57 ......................L Tiley 12 63341 Red Tsunami m (8) 56.5 .........S McKay (a1) 13 27155 Lilyput (14) 56.5 .............................. S Spratt 14 04403 Pinstripe (13) 55.5.........................M McNab 15 139x0 Stocktake dmh (18) 55.5 ...............D Bradley 16 33688 Rubee td (16) 54.5 17 9x740 Newstead m (6) 55.5 .......................D Turner 18 93132 Society Princess (12) 57.5 Emergencies: Newstead, Society Princess 7 3.48pm TEAM WEALLEANS 1400 OPEN HANDICAP $40,000, OPN HCP, 1400m 1 7858x Sakhee’s Soldier d (15) 60.5 ......M Cameron 2 71235 Antonio Lombardo dm (2) 60 ..S McKay (a1) 3 22211 Watch This Space tdm (3) 56.5B Hutton (a1) 4 27564 Jubilate td (4) 56 .........................T Thornton 5 x135x Platinum Witness db (11) 55 .........D Bradley 6 10046 King Krovanh (1) 55 ..........................L Innes 7 53386 Gustavo dm (13) 54.5 ................M Coleman 8 2120x Kindaleica dm (7) 54.5 .............A Jones (a1) 9 43655 Fast Learner d (8) 53.5 10 077x7 Bechtolsheimer dm (9) 53 ..................L Tiley 11 54685 Miss Foxwood d (5) 53 ..................M McNab
M4 Wellington gallops
13 860x3 Empress Elect m (11) 57 ...................M Hills 14 12096 Ruud Not Too t (2) 54.5 ................... S Spratt 15 93132 Society Princess (10) 54.5 ..........C Lammas 9 5.05pm FIRST CREDIT UNION 1400 RATING 75 $25,000, Rating 75 Benchmark, 1400m 1 21441 Seventh Up dm (3) 60 ................G Cooksley 2 16431 Luen Yat Miracle d (13) 59.5 ...B Hutton (a1) 3 90x06 Prince Mambo (20) 59.5 4 22474 So It Goes dm (16) 59.5.....L Magorrian (a1) 5 x7224 Persuasive d (10) 58.5 ...............M Coleman 6 54579 The Last Shower dh (2) 58.5..............M Hills 7 80x03 Vibrant Moss (9) 58.5.................M Cameron 8 295x8 Nothing tdmh (8) 58.5 .........Z N Azman (a3) 9 13x56 Increditable Hulk (1) 58 ................... C Grylls 10 31454 Wheeler Fortune d (14) 58 .............H Tinsley 11 48x02 Queen Of Navarre tm (12) 57.5S McKay (a1) 12 126x4 Summer’s Day db (18) 57 .................L Innes 13 29792 Carnavalito (19) 56 ....................A Sims (a3) Leith Innes rides Rasa Lila in the 14 32051 Silver Bubbles dm (6) 55.5 .......A Jones (a1) $200,000 Breeders Stakes today. 15 0x552 He’s Cavalier dm (7) 57.5 16 83625 It’s Bianca (15) 55.5 12 58Px9 Oceania dm (12) 53 ........................S Collett 17 126x6 Sonsy db (17) 55.5........................M McNab 13 x1212 Snapshot tdb (16) 53 ...................... C Grylls 18 2510x Ryker d (5) 57.5 14 2357x Late Decision tdh (6) 53 ..............C Lammas 19 54741 Al Pacino d (11) 57 15 40863 Riding Shotgun d (10) 53 ................A Collett 20 17210 Docket d (4) 57.......................... M D Plessis 16 14311 Triaction d (14) 53 ..................... M D Plessis Em: He’s Cavalier, It’s Bianca, Sonsy, Ryker, Al Pacino, Docket 17 21441 Seventh Up 53 ............................. Scratched Blinkers on: Goldchi (R1), Silk Chardonnay, Quintastics (R4), Dubai Shuffle (R5), Bechtolsheimer (R7) Blinkers off: Emergencies: Riding Shotgun, Triaction, Seventh Up 8 4.25 FIBER FRESH NZ THOROUGHBRED BREED- Remind Me Again, North Of The Wall (R1), Seconds Out (R5), Abidewithme (R8), So It Goes (R9) Winkers off: ERS STAKES $200,000, WFA F&M, 1600m 1 60x05 Abidewithme d (14) 57 ...............G Cooksley Quintastics (R4), Late Decision (R7) 2 22003 Recite d (4) 57 ..............................M McNab SELECTIONS 3 33112 Girl Of My Dreams d (6) 57 .............D Turner Race 1: Hollywood Lass, Peaky Blinders, Richie McHorse 4 23551 Rasa Lila d (13) 57............................L Innes Race 2: Sabotage, Slice Of Cake, Nostariel, Nahema 5 0890x Celebrity Miss dm (7) 57 .............T Thornton Race 3: Airlie House, Hunapo, Mr Knowitall, Onlyarose 6 44233 Consensus d (8) 57.........................A Collett Race 4: Private Hero, Geppetto’s Girl, Victory Drive, Heistheone 7 11211 Perfect Fit (15) 57.......................M Coleman 8 27032 Soubrettes (3) 57 ...................... M D Plessis Race 5: Chenille, Saint Emilion, Dubai Shuffle, El Soldado 9 569x4 Candle In The Wind d (12) 57 ....M Cameron Race 6: Nelson Park, Society Princess, Street Smart, Chancery 10 1x111 Emily Monk d (5) 57 .......................V Colgan Race 7: Watch This Space, Antonio Lombardo, Fast Learner 11 34112 Mary Quant db (9) 57 .....................H Tinsley Race 8: Perfect Fit, Rasa Lila, Emily Monk, Girl Of My Dreams 12 15464 Big Dreamer d (1) 57 ......................S Collett Race 9: Seventh Up, Increditable Hulk, Summer’s Day
Today at Trentham Raceway
Wellington RC Venue: Trentham Meeting Date: 09 Apr 2016 NZ Meeting number: 4 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8 Trebles: 2, 3 and 4; 6, 7 and 8 1 12.34pm (NZT) HAVE FAITH IN ME 3YO SW+P CUP $20,000, 3YO SW+P, 1400m 1 23617 Shadows Cast (6) 58.5 .................L Allpress 2 21231 Beefeater td (4) 58.5 ................... C Johnson 3 650x2 Spiker b (1) 57.5 ........................L Hemi (a2) 4 11034 Deedee Panache d (3) 56.5 ..........M Tanaka 5 252x3 Master Platinum (2) 56 6 Capaill (5) 56.................................. J Parkes 2 1.09 ADVENTADOR MAIDEN CUP $10,000, MDN, 1000m 1 Harlem ‘N’ Co (6) 58........................J Riddell 2 6545x Honey Queen (8) 56.5 ..................L Allpress 3 00546 Savannah Gem h (7) 56.5 ......... D Hirini (a3) 4 8048x Elusive Jane (2) 56.5 .................. R Hannam 5 4x90x Vickezzcristal (9) 56.5 .................... J Parkes 6 2643x Hungry Eyes (4) 56 ....................L Hemi (a2) 7 Amorata (5) 56 ...................... M Dravitzki (a) 8 Avastin (3) 56 ................................M Tanaka 9 Pounamu Magic (10) 56 .............R Elliot (a3) 10 08 Tudee (1) 56 ................................. D Mo (a2) 3 1.49pm LUNA ROSSA 2YO SW+P CUP $20,000, 2YO SW+P, 1000m
1 1 Heisenberg (3) 57.5 ......................M Tanaka 2 32 Lincoln Blue b (5) 56 .......................J Riddell 3 24 Tellyawhat (10) 56 .......................... J Parkes 4 Fine Taylor (4) 56 .................. M Dravitzki (a) 5 14. McPhoebe b (2) 55.5 ....................L Allpress 6 4x Ballet Choux (7) 54 7 Alamcferson (6) 54 ...................... C Johnson 8 Sophialign (8) 54 .......................... D Mo (a2) 9 Temptress (1) 54 ......................... R Hannam 10 Whipped (9) 54 ..........................L Hemi (a2) 4 2.27pm RANGIPO RATING 85 CUP $25,000, Rating 85 Benchmark, 1000m 1 3049x She’s Slinky tdm (7) 60 ..............L Hemi (a2) 2 1213x Heni (6) 58 ................................ D Hirini (a3) 3 2486x Miss Appleton dm (1) 58 ...R Goldsbury (a2) 4 48660 Catwomandu m (8) 57.5 ................ J Parkes 5 57122 Ballybay d (5) 55.5 ........................L Allpress 6 65134 Platinum Express (10) 54............ R Hannam 7 60241 Clubs Choice (9) 54 ......................M Tanaka 8 1218x Isola Bella (2) 54 .......................... D Mo (a2) 9 2674x Hocus Pocus (3) 54....................R Elliot (a3) 10 00220 The Axe tdmh (4) 54 ................... C Johnson 5 3.02pm DUKEDOM OPEN HANDICAP CUP $30,000, OPEN HCP, 1600m 1 x7214 Duffers Creek mb (6) 60................. J Parkes 2 2416x Superturf tdm (1) 55.5..................L Hemi (a)
3 4 5 6 7
2x552 Chambord b (4) 54.5 ................... C Johnson 71856 Savaria td (7) 54............................L Allpress 53x89 Shezgorgeous tm (5) 54 ...............M Tanaka 78145 Wiggle tdm (3) 54........................... D Mo (a) 8960x Zartan tdm (2) 54 .................. M Dravitzki (a) 6 3.37pm TURN ME LOOSE MAIDEN CUP $10,000, MAIDEN, 1600m 1 439x3 Cotta Pin (12) 58.5 2 4232 Thatstheticket (5) 58.5 ....................J Riddell 3 8463. Marcellus (10) 58.5 ........................ J Parkes 4 980 Fully Infected (2) 58.5 ............... D Hirini (a3) 5 0097. Her Son (11) 58.5 ....................... R Hannam 6 65088 Mio Kiwi (8) 58.5 7 69x92 Valour (1) 58 ......................... M Dravitzki (a) 8 Class Above (6) 58 9 44343 Judith Kate (15) 56.5..................L Hemi (a2) 10 0x223 Madrekay (9) 56.5 11 770x3 High Esteem (7) 56.5 12 40358 Diversity (3) 56.5 ...........................L Allpress 13 84x85 Keeping Faith (14) 56.5 ....................K Smith 14 666x5 Percy’s Jazz (4) 56.5 .....................M Tanaka 15 09x99 Mr Enthusiastic (16) 58 ............... C Johnson 16 068x9 Dame Wynnie (13) 56.5 Emergencies: Mr Enthusiastic, Dame Wynnie 7 4.13 JULINSKY PRINCE RATING 85 CUP $25,000,
Rating 85 Benchmark, 2100m 1 5x444 Loves The Show (3) 60 ............... C Johnson 2 58322 Antonio (8) 59.5 ..............................J Riddell 3 12857 Diamantine (1) 58 ................. M Dravitzki (a) 4 25073 Red King m (5) 57.5 ....................... J Parkes 5 x0363 Volkswood (12) 57......................R Elliot (a3) 6 36554 Skybird td (6) 56 7 32250 Kairanga Lad (9) 56 ..................... D Mo (a2) 8 03x77 Alinko Prince m (2) 54................L Hemi (a2) 9 23421 Chop Suey m (11) 54 .................. R Hannam 10 04525 Irish Chat d (4) 54 .........................M Tanaka 11 32513 Hiique d (7) 54 ..............................L Allpress 12 18656 Prioritise d (10) 54..................... D Hirini (a3) 8 4.53pm SOFIA ROSA RATING 65 CUP $20,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1600m 1 32424 Amun Ra (2) 60..........................R Elliot (a3) 2 5651 Hunta Pence d (9) 59.5 ....................K Smith 3 09139 Thane (3) 59.5 ............................ R Hannam 4 10x48 Jumanah d (19) 59 ....................... D Mo (a2) 5 900x6 Platinum Command d (10) 59 .........J Riddell 6 33910 De Gaulle d (6) 59.........................L Allpress 7 81803 Francome d (11) 59 8 47875 Attivaree d (5) 58.5........................M Tanaka 9 04007 Jewel Of The Naki d (20) 58........ C Johnson 10 28208 Red Sunset (12) 58 ................... D Hirini (a3) 11 72345 She Knows d (14) 58 -
12 3400x One Kay dm (17) 57.5 ........... M Dravitzki (a) 13 90x02 Charlie Chine m (15) 57.5 ..........L Hemi (a2) 14 90x45 Bootyful m (13) 56.5..........R Goldsbury (a2) 15 0x704 Aladdin (18) 58............................... J Parkes 16 09768 Abbey Road (8) 57 17 83069 Southern Secret d (16) 54.5 18 890x0 Paddy Owen tdm (4) 57.5 19 58700 Storm Home m (7) 57 20 6007x Go Go Gonzo dm (1) 57 Emergencies: Aladdin, Abbey Road, Southern Secret, Paddy Owen, Storm Home, Go Go Gonzo Blinkers on: Zartan (R5), Fully Infected (R6), Skybird (R7), De Gaulle (R8) Blinkers off: Vickezzcristal, Tudee (R2), Charlie Chine, Paddy Owen (R8) Winkers on: Tellyawhat (R3), Jumanah, Charlie Chine, Aladdin (R8) Winkers off: Zartan (R5), Diversity (R6) Pacifiers off: Fully Infected (R6) SELECTIONS Race 1: Deedee Panache, Beefeater, Spiker, Master Platinum Race 2: Avastin, Harlem ‘N’ Co, Honey Queen, Hungry Eyes Race 3: Heisenberg, Tellyawhat, Ballet Choux, McPhoebe Race 4: Miss Appleton, Isola Bella, Heni, Platinum Express Race 5: Savaria, Chambord, Duffers Creek, Shezgorgeous Race 6: Thatstheticket, Judith Kate, High Esteem, Marcellus Race 7: Loves The Show, Antonio, Red King, Diamantine Race 8: She Knows, Platinum Command, Attivaree, Francome
Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Innovation award goes to Carrfields Left – Carrfields Irrigation was a winner at this year’s IrrigationNZ awards.
chanical Engineering Department for an engineering design to stabilise irrigators. A patented solution was developed by FAR and the university and licensed to Carrfields Irrigation for further development and
Guardian Shares & Investments
Accessing capital to fund your business BUSINESS MATTERS
of receiving the funding you require. The sources you use will be determined by the purpose of the financing, how long you need the funds and how much you have to pay to get the funds. Lending from a bank is an obvious option, but you may want to look at getting a venture capitalist or business investor on board to provide finance. Asset finance is a way of obtaining plant or equipment through leasing arrangements, rather than an outright purchase. There are also grants and other funding programmes available from government organisations such as New Zealand Trade and Enterprise. These are particularly relevant
Matt Hannah is a director of KPMG Private Enterprise
NZ govt posts 8-month surplus BY JONATHAN UNDERHILL
$828 million more than forecast, offset by lowerThe New Zealand Govthan-forecast interest ernment recorded a income. surplus in the first eight Core Crown expenses months of the year, of $48.4 billion were compared to the Treas$113 million more than ury’s forecast for a defiexpected. cit, mainly driven by The operating balhigher-than-expected ance including gains tax revenue. and losses was a deficit Bill English The operating balof $5.1 billion, or $4.6 ance before gains and billion greater than exlosses (Obegal) was a surplus of pected, mainly reflecting higher$398 million for the eight months than-expected actuarial losses ended February 29, compared to on ACC claims liability and losses a forecast deficit of $332 million, on financial instruments because the Government’s financial state- of unfavourable market movements show. ments, the Treasury said. Core Crown revenue of $48.1 Finance Minister Bill English billion was $606 million more is scheduled to release his eighth than expected and included core budget since the election of the tax revenue of $44.68 billion, or National Party-led government
in 2008 on May 26. In the December Budget Policy Statement, the Treasury projected an obegaldeficit of $400 million in the year ending June 30, having previously forecast a surplus of $200 million, with a return to surplus in 2017, mainly because of a slower than expected growth in the tax take. In his speech to open the 2016 parliament, Prime Minister John Key said lower economic growth forecasts would reduce anticipated tax revenues by $17 billion over five years. In the first eight months, net debt was lower than forecast at $62.4 billion, or 25.3 per cent of gross domestic product. The Crown’s total assets were valued at $275.3 billion as at February 29, while liabilities stood at $188.3 billion. – NZME
Source: NZX and Standard & Poors
S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross constituents Company CODE
a2 Milk Company ATM Air NZ AIR ANZ Banking Gr ANZ Argosy Prop ARG Auckland Intl Airpt AIA Chorus CNU Coats Gr COA Contact Energy CEN Diligent Corp DIL Ebos Gr EBO F&P Healthcare FPH Fletcher Building FBU Fonterra Share Fund FSF Freightways FRE Genesis Energy GNE Goodman Prop Tr GMT Heartland Bank HBL Infratil IFT Kathmandu Hldgs KMD Kiwi Property Gr KPG Mainfreight MFT Meridian Energy MEL Metlifecare MET Metro Perf Glass MPG Mighty River Power MRP Nuplex Ind NPX NZ Refining NZR NZX NZX Orion Health Gr OHE Port Tauranga POT Precinct Properties PCT Prop For Industry PFI Restaurant Brands RBD Ryman Healthcare RYM Skellerup SKL Sky Network TV SKT Sky City SKC Spark SPK Steel & Tube STU Stride Property STR Summerset Gr Hldgs SUM Tower TWR Trade Me Gr TME TrustPower TPW Vector VCT Vital Hlth Prop Tr VHP Warehouse Gr WHS Westpac Banking WBC Xero XRO Z Energy ZEL
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192 297 2472 117.5 643.5 402 60 496 705 1660 980 774 567 629 205.5 134.5 115 333 167 144.5 1580 268 526 172 288 506 319 102 393 1841 128 164 488 833 135 464 460 350 224 225 424 177 431 778 337 208.5 277 3169 1638 678
Sell price
195 304 2490 118.5 647 403.5 60.5 497 707 1663 982 776 569 630 209 135.5 118 337 170 145.5 1585 269 527 173 292 508 320 103 397 1850 129.5 165 490 835 136 467 461 353.5 225 – 425 178 433 780 340 209 280 3190 1645 690
Last sale
195 304 2490 118.5 647 402.5 60.5 497 707 1660 981 776 569 629 209 134.5 115 336.5 170 145 1585 269 527 172 292 508 320 103 395 1850 129.5 164 490 835 136 465 460 353.5 224 225 425 178 433 780 337 209 280 3169 1645 685
At close of trading on Friday, April 8, 2016
Daily Volume move ’000s
+1 +1 –40 – +2.5 +0.5 +0.5 –5 +1 –20 –7 –11 +3 +4 –0.5 –0.5 –1 +1.5 +5 –1.5 –2 –1 –4 +2 – –4 –3 +1 +11 –5 –0.5 –0.5 +8 +4 +2 –11 –16 +0.5 –1 – +1 +1 – +3 –2 +1.5 +1 –44 –23 +2
1.9m 3.6m 81.16 795.2 802.3 823.0 1.9m 1.7m 3.9m 69.69 748.9 1.6m 112.6 167.3 552.2 504.5 692.3 518.7 98.09 7.3m 37.84 2.4m 224.7 131.3 1.4m 2.4m 191.9 176.2 715.1 13.82 742.3 255.4 185.3 729.6 245.7 2.3m 7.0m 2.8m 450.6 384.2 270.0 99.57 1.2m 68.40 434.8 127.1 115.2 193.5 98.91 346.8
S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross 6780 6708 6636 6564 6492 6420
Matt Hannah
for research and development projects. Depending on the scale of the grant, you may need to engage with a specialist to develop your bid. The questions to ask are why you need it, when you need it and how you will manage your capital needs. It is sensible to engage with a trusted professional that is highly experienced in raising capital. They can provide you with guidance and advice, not only with the preparation of your business plan, but also on the details of your financing proposal, submission to potential lenders and negotiation of terms. Lenders and investors will look for a realistic prediction of your business’ performance and will consider all the elements that are unique to your situation. The better the information and analysis that you provide, the more likely you will receive the financing you need.
mall and medium-sized businesses need capital for a variety of reasons. You may be looking to grow or expand, acquire new equipment, open a new business, restructure, or refinance your existing debt. A shortage of working capital can make it difficult to realise your vision and reduce the rate your business can grow. Firstly, you need to clearly define your business needs before determining the type of capital that best suits your situation. It is important to have a wellprepared business plan as this will inspire the confidence of the lender or investor. There are a lot of different options available and your ability to access capital depends on a number of factors. A lending institution or investor will look at your stage of business development, level of risk, how quickly you need funding, the business sector and what your business needs to fund. Selecting the right source of financing increases the likelihood
Compiled by
The loss of irrigation systems for several months caused major losses of production for farmers and the cost of repairs was estimated in the millions of dollars. Assistance was sought from the University of Canterbury’s Me-
effort from the operator. The innovation was developed after Foundation for Arable Research (FAR) clients requested a solution following the 2013 gales which damaged more than 800 irrigators across Canterbury.
commercialisation. IrrigationNZ CEO Andrew Curtis said HydroFix’s emergence reflected the innovative way irrigation companies were now responding to customer requests in collaboration with research partners. “It shows the typical Kiwi number 8 wire ‘we can sort it’ attitude,” Mr Curtis said. “We’re seeing more and more of this as irrigators look to improve their infrastructure for local conditions and risk-proof their operations. “We’ve now got an industry that is making adaptations in New Zealand that will likely end up being snapped up by the multinationals for global use.”
An Ashburton irrigation company has won a national award for an innovative irrigator stabiliser set to save farmers a fortune in the event of wind storms. The IrrigationNZ Innovation Award, in association with Aqualinc, was presented on Wednesday at the industry body’s national conference which has attracted more than 400 people to Waitaki District this week. The HydroFix Irrigator Stabiliser System consists of a series of inflatable water tanks connected to pulley and counterweight systems along the length of an irrigator. In the event of damaging winds, the tanks fill with water and lower to the ground to secure the irrigator at the centre of each span. When the wind danger has passed, the water tanks are drained and automatically lift back to a ready-to-activate storage position, requiring minimal
q S&P/NZX 50 Gross
6,730.28 –24.95 –0.37%
S&P/NZX 20 index q
4,787.37 –23.63 –0.49%
q S&P/NZX All Gross
p Rises 47 q Falls 65
S&P/ASX 200 index q
At close of trading on Apr 8, 2016
q Dow Jones Indust.
17,542.0 –174.1 –0.98% At close of trading on Apr 7, 2016
q FTSE 100 index
At close of trading on Apr 7, 2016
p Nikkei 225 index
15,821.5 +71.68 +0.46% Snapshot at 7pm on Apr 8, 2016
p Gold
London – $US/ounce
p Silver London – $US/ounce
q Copper London – $US/tonne
Source: BNZ
As at 4pm April 8, 2016
TT buy
TT sell
Australia 0.9171 0.8863 Canada 0.908 0.8745 China 4.6689 4.0975 Euro 0.612 0.5855 Fiji 1.4544 1.34 Great Britain 0.4917 0.4745 Japan 75.57 72.39 Samoa 1.8162 1.5886 South Africa 10.5337 10.1524 Thailand 24.27 23.14 United States 0.6934 0.6686
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Opinion 24 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
The Lake Hood dream made today’s champions Sue Newman
f ever there was an example of creating a facility that opened a world of opportunities, it has to be Lake Hood. Twenty years ago the lake was a patch of dry ground that grazed a few sheep. Its hollows filled with water when it rained, but otherwise there was nothing to mark it up as a block of land with a future. The tract of land’s future changed when a small group of people put their heads together and dared to dream. They envisaged a large, man-made lake that would give Ashburton new aquatic sports options and they envisaged a housing estate that would offer water-side living. Those men who dared to dream were condemned, criticised and told their plans would come to nothing. They were pouring good money into a hole in the ground apparently. Leap forward to the present. The reality of Lake Hood has far exceeded even their ambitious dreams. It is now home to hundreds and an aquatic playground to thousands. Perhaps best of all, it has given young Ashburtonians a chance to take part in sports that were previously off the radar – rowing, yachting, kayaking and canoeing to name just a few. Aquatic clubs have grown and our young athletes are flexing their muscles in new sporting fields. We only need to look at this week’s Maadi Cup at Lake Ruataniwha. Ashburton College is now among the schools who field crews in this event, but we’re doing a whole lot more than that. We are fielding teams of champions on the water. These young people who put in hours of training are now footing it, and in some cases leading, the way nationally across all age groups, in all rowing events. Without Lake Hood Ashburton’s name would never have been linked to the sport. And among those on the water this week has been a young woman who could be well on the way to taking New Zealand’s name to a future Olympic Games. Veronica Wall is a relative baby on the water and yet she’s more than making her mark across several age groups, toppling competitors with vastly more time in the boat. Without those early dreamers, Veronica and other young rowers may never have had this chance to shine.
YOUR VIEW Water If you can buy it in the bottle – then someone had to sell it. If they are bottling water – then they are selling water – then they bought water; water is sold in New Zealand. This is a national issue as recently highlighted in the media about giving away water for profit. Billions of litres all around the country for the water export market. We in Ashburton want to be part of that debate and not have decisions being made by a new committee, behind closed doors, denying the public or the full council any consultation. The new committee decided that the sale information was commercially sensitive, they also have the chance to be open and
honest and make all that information public – but do they have the 'nads for that? The example of using dairy farms as examples of water use is not on the same playing field. Dairy water goes on the ground and back to the aquifer, not in a bottle for export. Dairy only irrigates for around six months a year, not 24 hours a day 365 days a year for 35 years. Dairy water grows grass that produces milk. The export water companies, export the water and produce nothing, just bottle our resource and reap the profit for which they pay nothing. Should that continue is part of the debate. Dairy farmers are major contributors to every part of the New Zealand economy and society – huge milk factories employing tens of thousands and meat
by David Fletcher
works’ jobs processing cows. Thousands of on-farm jobs and housing for families. They put their kids in schools and are the drivers of our rural communities. Water exporters are not in the same game. Some concerned New Zealand ers want to be part of the water debate of what we are comfortable with in this regard. It is not enough for others, including [Ashburton Mayor] Angus McKay and others to say it’s OK because of some jobs, when clearly the public is not [OK with it]. This is the start of a national discussion on the future of the new “liquid gold” or “new oil” as water is being called throughout the world and Ashburton and Jen Branje are driving that discussion. Kevin Hurley
PO Box 77 We welcome your letters and emails, but: ■ They should be of no more than 300 words. ■ We reserve the right to edit or not publish. ■ They must include your name. We will only publish under a nom de plume if a suitable case for anonymity is made clear. ■ They must also include your address and phone number, which will not be published.
Opinion Saturday, April 9, 2016
Inside jobs only please For goodness sake, just fix my front door
he combine has been put away for another year and peace reigneth forevermore in our household with the Farmer becoming familiar with the home routine again. I always get excited about having him home – at least for the first week. I dream of all the DIY jobs around the house being done and imagine a less chaotic household. But the Farmer has a different idea. He thinks DIY is less to do with fixing light fittings or putting that piece of vinyl down in the kitchen that he was meant to do six years ago and more to do with chainsaw gardening. In fact any little fix-it job inside is pushed aside by the Farmer in favour of grunty machinery he can use outside and never the twain shall meet. So thinking along those lines I bought a Renovator for the Farmer one Christmas. It promised to have so many DIY attachments on it that no man could resist using it. I was smugly pleased with myself when he opened the box and saw the power tool. In my mind I saw him fixing skirting board gaps, sanding over rough paintwork and nailing down carpet that we had tripped over for 15 years. There would be no escape for him – the Renovator would be all he could ever want and more. Except for last week I realised I hadn’t seen that tool since the day I gave it to him two years ago. I hunted high and low through our cupboards and the garage and pondered where he had put it. “Where is that Renovator I gave you?” I queried later that night as he read his farming newspapers. “Hmmm,” he nodded absently still reading. “The Renovator?” I demanded impatiently waiting for him to take his nose out of the news-
POLL RESULT Yesterday’s result Q: Should Ashburton have parking meters? No 69% Yes 31%
Today’s online poll question Q: Have you booked your child into a holiday programme?
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Write to us! Editor, PO Box 77 print. “Around,” he waved his arms dismissively. “Well you could use it to do the DIY jobs in the kitchen now you’re finished harvest,” I folded my arms to signal I meant business. “Nah love,” he shook his head solemnly. “I’ve to catch up on all the news I’ve missed and that will take me at least six months and by then it will be drilling time.” “Oh no you don’t,” I wagged my finger at him. “I bought you that Renovator so that you could do some of these jobs around the
house and I haven’t seen it since the day I bought it. Have you even used it?” He put his hand on his heart mockingly. “Of course I have love. How could you even suggest that I haven’t?” I left the conversation there, determined to find the tool as I figured it might motivate him more to have it front of him. As it turned out I didn’t have to wait long to find it. I was in the yard when I spotted a familiar box with Renovator written across it, but was perplexed when I couldn’t find it
inside. And then I saw it, dirty and very much broken on the corner of the workshop bench. “What happened?” I demanded when the Farmer arrived. To which he replied. “Oh that,” he shrugged. “Just a slight misunderstanding between it and a gate I was mending to keep the sheep in.” “It’s for doing house jobs, only,” I said, increasingly feeling bemused. “But it was a house job love. The sheeps’ house. I was fixing the front door.”
Life is an adventure race and God has the map
read with interest a newspaper article about the first teams finishing the GODZone Adventure Race. The winning team completed the 530km epic race in three days, 13 hours and 44 minutes. They only stopped and rested twice; once for a 2hr 44min sleep and the other time for a 4hr 15min sleep. For most of us looking on we think they are crazy. While certain sections of the race may appeal to us, doing the whole race under the time pressure that they put themselves under is something not many of us would ever aspire to or even comprehend. One thing that this race does
Ashburton Guardian 25
highlight, is that as humans we are often capable of so much more than we think. This is something that applies not only in adventure racing but in all aspects of life. In the Bible in the book of Hebrews it says: “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily
trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.” This verse would be helpful for those training for adventure racing – focus, ignore distractions, run your own race not worrying about the other teams. However, this verse was written to apply to our lives. Life is a journey; life is an adventure race. We need to get rid of things in our lives that are a distraction from running our race. The most important thing, however, is to get the map, or the guide book so we know where we need to go. The verse in Hebrews calls us to run with endurance the
race God has set before us. Each one of us has our own race to run, with its own obstacles and distractions. We need to get to know the one who designed the course that we are running to get His expert help and assistance to discover and run our race. If you feel like you are running your race without the map, if you are running but need advice and help to conquer the obstacles that you are facing, then why not head along to your local church this Sunday. God has the map; He has the answers that you need. Pastor Mark Taylor is with the Mt Hutt Elim Church in Methven
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World 26 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Migrants given notice Authorities in Greece say thousands of migrants and refugees camped out at the country’s largest port near Athens have been given two weeks to move to army-built camps voluntarily or be expelled by force. The warning issued yesterday came as nearly a third of the 52,000 migrants stranded in Greece by European border closures are refusing to move to organised shelters and remain camped out at the port of Piraeus and at the northern border with Macedonia. More than 4000 migrants remain at Piraeus, which as the main port linking the mainland with vacation islands is important for Greece’s vital tourism industry. It is also one of Europe’s busiest ferry ports. “Every effort will be exhausted to persuade refugees and immigrants that it is in their own interest for them to move,” a statement from the Greek coast guard said. “There is a 10-15 days timeframe for them to leave the port.” Athens has toughened its position toward migrants since a March 20 agreement between the European Union and Turkey went into effect. Some 4000 migrants and refugees who reached the Greek islands from Turkey after that date are in detention, with most due to be sent back to Turkish ports. The deportations started Monday and are expected to resume today.
Theron to play villain Mad Max: Fury Road star Charlize Theron is ready to rev up those engines once again in the eighth instalment of the Fast and Furious series. Universal Pictures announced the casting on social media. Theron, who also showed off her car skills in The Italian Job, will join stars Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson and Michelle Rodriguez in Fast 8, set for release on April 14, 2017 with Straight Outta Compton director F Gary Gray at the helm. The announcement teased that Theron’s character will be the “crew’s greatest adversary ever,” although no plot has been officially announced.
Migrants carrying their belongings walk in the Athens port of Piraeus. More than a million refugees and migrants reached the EU last year, most travelling through Greece and across the Balkans to central Europe. At Piraeus yesterday, Interior Ministry officials and translators spent hours trying to persuade migrants to move to a new camp in northern Greece, showing them aerial photographs of the site and
explaining what facilities are available. “We are trying to explain that the new camps have good facilities and that people there will be able to fill out their asylum applications there,” volunteer translator Ilias Iakovou told the AP. “But people are afraid to go because they fear they will be cut off and will run out of money. They feel safe if
they are near Athens.” Iranian migrant Ahmad Devidjan said he wasn’t sure whether he should move. “I’ve been in Greece for 19 days. I went two times to the border with Macedonia, but it was closed. Now I’m back here,” Devidjan said. “I have a brother in Germany. He’s a teacher. I want to go there.” - AP
Isis abducts dozens of cement workers In a brazen assault near the Syrian capital, Islamic State militants abducted 300 cement workers and contractors from their workplace northeast of Damascus yesterday, as fighting against the extremist group raged in the country’s north ahead of a new round of peace talks. In a blow to the Islamic militants, however, rebel fighters wrested control of a northern border town, potentially undermining Isis supply lines across the border with Turkey and endangering one of its most important strongholds in Aleppo province. The UN special envoy for Syria, meanwhile, said the next round of peace talks in Geneva was expected to start next week, around April 13, and would focus on a political process he hopes will lead to a “concrete or real beginning of a political transition”. Speaking to reporters in Geneva, Staffan de Mistura said he was encouraged by the fact that a partial ceasefire has largely held since going into effect February 27, despite a series of worrisome incidents that continue to
The cement factory where Islamic State militants snatched up to 300 cement workers and contractors from their workplace. happen on a daily basis. State TV said yesterday’s mass abduction of workers from the al-Badia Cement Company took place in Dumeir, about 45 kilometres northeast of Damascus, where militants launched a surprise attack against government forces earlier this week. The state-run news agency SANA quoted a source in the company as saying there had been no success in efforts to
establish contact with the workers. At the factory headquarters in Damascus, a spokeswoman declined to discuss the kidnapped workers’ fate, saying authorities had told the company to refrain from commenting on the abduction. “The situation is not easy at all,” she told The Associated Press. There was no formal responsibility claim for the kid-
napping, but the Isis-linked Aamaq agency posted a video showing the deserted cement factory, located near a military air base. The video showed what appeared to be a Syrian soldier lying on the ground, apparently dead. One militant is seen driving a truck, towing away a fork lift. Islam Alloush a spokesman for the Army of Islam rebel group which has a strong presence in Dumeir, told the AP in an email that Islamic militants attacked five targets in the town, including other insurgents’ positions near the airport. They also seized control of the factory, kidnapping hundreds of its workers. He said his group had managed to secure some workers who got away, but the fate of the kidnapped workers was not known. Alloush added that the town is densely populated, making their ability to manoeuvre difficult. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which monitors the Syria conflict, said earlier yesterday that contact had been lost with dozens of workers in Dumeir. - AP
Sivan coming to NZ He was listed as one of Time Magazine’s most influential teenagers of 2014, his YouTube channel has four million subscribers (with over 241 million views), he’s approaching a billion streams on Spotify, and now 19-year-old Perth native Troye Sivan is coming to perform in New Zealand. His debut album Blue Neighbourhood was released in December last year, with Sivan in hot demand ever since. He recently completed a 23-date tour of North America and has made fans out of Taylor Swift, Ellen DeGeneres and local favourites Broods.
Brent on the big screen David Brent is back and he’s still making life hell for office dwellers. The first trailer for the film version of Ricky Gervais’ award-winning series The Office shows Brent making things incredibly awkward in an office setting. Due out in August, the trailer for Life on the Road shows Brent working as a travelling sales rep while forging ahead with a career in music. He showcases a song to some office workers, but makes things increasingly awkward as the conversation turns to sex Life on the Road is the follow-up to The Office which ran for two seasons from 2001-2003, and resulted in a successful US adaptation starring Steve Carell. The film is due for release in New Zealand on August 25.
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Bombing suspect sought Belgian prosecutors launched a public appeal yesterday seeking any information on “the man in a hat” seen before the Brussels Airport suicide bombings that killed 16 people. Belgian Federal Prosecutor Eric Van der Sypt said authorities were especially interested in any people who might have filmed or photographed him. The suspect was seen at the airport with two suicide bombers before they died in the March 22 attacks. A subsequent explosion at Brussels’ Maelbeek subway station killed another 16 people the same morning. Photos released by prosecutors showed the man, who was wearing a dark hat, leaving the airport on foot, walking to the nearby town of Zaventem and then into Brussels, where all traces of him were reportedly lost. The suspect also wore a white jacket but discarded it at some point, prosecutors said. The appeal for public assistance more than two weeks after the suicide bombings indicates that investigators are at a standstill. Three bombers, two at the airport and one in the subway, also died in the attacks, which wounded 270 people and were claimed by Islamic State extremists. According to a video reconsti-
In this Belgian Federal Police hand-out made available yesterday, the third suspect, of the recent attack on Brussels airport is shown, indicated in box, during his escape from the airport after the blasts. PHOTO AP tution of the suspect’s itinerary presented to reporters, the man left the Brussels Airport terminal at 7.58am before the two other men he was with there detonated suitcases laden with explosives. He passed by a Sheraton hotel and a rental car parking lot, walked through the town of Zaventem, discarded his jacket, and was seen on video footage at Meiser Square in northeastern Brussels at 9.42am. Eight minutes later, his trail vanishes. Belgian authorities hope that they or someone finds the dis-
carded jacket, saying it could yield precious clues. Federal Prosecutor Thierry Werts also said many people who were around the hotel when the suspect walked by may now be overseas, and asked for their assistance as well. Prosecutors asked “people who might have filmed or taken a photograph of the suspect or think they can provide extra information” to call a special telephone number or to email authorities. Belgian media had earlier identified a Brussels resident
arrested on terror charges as the missing man in the hat. But prosecutors never officially confirmed the reports, and a judge ordered the man’s release. Also yesterday, the lawyer for Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam said it will take some weeks before his client can be extradited from Belgium to France. Lawyer Sven Mary spoke after a legal hearing on the Belgianborn French citizen’s continuing detention in Belgium. He said the existing “Belgian arrest warrant must be lifted for (Abdeslam’s) transfer” to France, in accordance with the extradition request. Mary said before Belgian authorities let Abdeslam leave they want to question the 26-year-old about another case — a deadly police raid in the Forest neighbourhood of Brussels days before his arrest. Abdeslam fled to Belgium after the deadly November 13 attacks on Paris and was arrested March 18 after four months on the run. Since then he has been in a prison in the Belgian city of Bruges. He faces preliminary terrorism charges in France for the Paris attacks, which killed 130 people, left hundreds wounded and were also claimed by the Islamic State group. - AP
Trump shakes up team ahead of NY
Cameron admits stake in dad’s trust
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is strengthening his team and refocusing on New York after tactical failures have raised doubts about his campaign operation. The billionaire’s campaign announced yesterday that veteran operative Paul Manafort would be taking on an expanded campaign role as chances grow of the Republican nomination being decided by a contested party convention. The move comes after Trump’s loss this week in Wisconsin to rival Ted Cruz, which makes it increasingly unlikely that Trump will be unable to collect the 1237 delegates needed to win the nomination before the national Republican convention. The addition of Manafort to Trump’s team also signals a less prominent role for campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, who recently was charged with simple battery over an incident with a female reporter in Florida. Lewandowski says he’s innocent. “The nomination process has reached a point that requires someone familiar with the complexities involved in the final stages,” Trump said in a statement. Manafort has worked on conventions for Presidents Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush. Trump’s unconventional cam-
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton answers media questions outside Yankee Stadium in the Bronx borough of New York yesterday. PHOTO AP paign operation is known for being unusually small and insular. There are no pollsters, no media consultants and few outside policy advisers, with the candidate determining much of the messaging himself. Trump is now focusing on the April 19 primary in his home state of New York, where early opinion surveys show him with a commanding lead. On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders hopes to turn his recent winning streak into concrete momentum toward the party nomination. But the Vermont senator must win 68 per cent of the remaining delegates and uncommitted superdelegates. While Sanders is a Brooklyn
native, Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is a former senator from New York. Trump’s remaining Republican rivals, Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, were both in New York City yesterday. Former mayor Rudy Giuliani announced that he will be voting for Trump in the primary. Cruz has been criticised for a comment he made in a debate in January, where he said, “Everyone understands that the values in New York City are socially liberal or pro-abortion or pro-gay marriage. Not a lot of conservatives come out of Manhattan.” The Texas senator has insisted he wasn’t talking about the state as a whole. - AP
After days of headlines about his family’s financial affairs, British Prime Minister David Cameron acknowledged yesterday that he profited from shares in an offshore firm set up by his father. Cameron told ITV news that he and his wife, Samantha, sold shares worth 31,500 pounds (currently $44,300) in an offshore fund named Blairmore Holdings in January 2010 – five months before Cameron became prime minister. They had paid 12,497 pounds for the shares in 1997. Cameron said the money was subject to British tax “in the normal ways”. He said he sold his shares because he did not want anyone to accuse him of having “vested interests”. The prime minister’s father, Ian Cameron, who died in 2010, was a client of Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca. Millions of documents detailing the firm’s work shielding wealthy individuals’ money from tax have been leaked to the international media. - AP
Ashburton Guardian
In brief Shoplifting charge An English teacher from Maine who won the $1 million Global Teacher Prize last year has been accused of shoplifting a blouse worth $14.99. Nancie Atwell is founder of The Centre for Teaching and Learning in Edgecomb. The Portland Press Herald reports security personnel saw Atwell browsing through a Damariscotta store March 28. The security officers say she removed the blouse from a hanger, rolled it up and placed it in a bag she was carrying. Atwell says it was a misunderstanding. She says she had returned another item and took the blouse in exchange. She’s scheduled in court next month on a misdemeanor theft charge. - AP
Rocky romance As marriage proposals go, Michael Banks’ was a cliff-hanger. Banks, 27, scaled 200-metre Morro Rock just off California’s Central Coast early yesterday morning to propose to his girlfriend, who was watching via FaceTime video. The good news: Banks’ girlfriend said yes, according to Morro Bay fire Captain Todd Gailey. The bad news: Banks got stuck, and had to be plucked by helicopter for a tricky, post-proposal flight to safety. Banks “took a different trail down, much steeper” and became stranded, Gailey said. “He couldn’t go any direction, on a sheer ledge, with his feet dangling 80 feet off the ground.” - AP
A son to Hathaway Anne Hathaway is a first-time mother. E! reported yesterday that the Oscar-winning star of Les Miserables and husband Adam Shulman welcomed a son named Jonathan Rosebanks Shulman on March 24. Hathaway’s spokesman Stephen Huvane confirmed the report. The Academy Awardwinning star posted a close-up photo of her baby bump with her Oscar statue on Instagram on February. 28. - AP
Panama papers probe Venezuela’s president says his government will investigate any citizens named in the Panama Papers leak. President Nicolas Maduro is asking the chief prosecutor to look into Venezuelans whose names appear in leaked documents that originated with a Panama-based law firm that helps individuals and businesses set up secretive offshore bank accounts and shell companies. Maduro promised to investigate any wrongdoing exposed in the leak. - AP
Sexuality ‘not the key’ Police believe the primary reason a Los Angeles man shot and killed his adult son was to cover up for the stabbing death of his wife the previous day, and not chiefly because the son was gay, as prosecutors had alleged. LAPD homicide Detective John Doerbecker told the Los Angeles Times that his son’s sexuality was a contributing factor for Shehada Issa, 69, in the killing, but not the main factor. Officers discovered the body of the wife, Rabihah Issa, while investigating the killing of the son, Amier Issa, on March 29. - AP
Trades & Services
HEAT PUMPS Perfect all year round
• Wall or floor mounted available • Most models will continue to heat even with outside temperatures of minus 15°C
electriCOOL Ltd
To place a Trades & Services ad, call 307-7900 or email PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS
Phone Paul Crequer, your local authorised Daikin dealer for a free quote on all domestic and commercial systems phone 0274 362 362 or 308 4573.
Rough Terrain & Electric Slab Lifts
If you are renovating or building a new home you need someone to trust in all your PAINTING and DECORATING NEEDS – Commercial or Residential. • Interior decorating • Exterior decorating • Wallpapering • Waterblasting • Roof painting
Site delivery and collection available 403 West Street, PO Box 60, Ashburton 7740 Phone: 03 308 8155 - Mobile: 0273 529 909 Email:
For any enquiries call us today on Ph/Fax 308-8432 Mob 0274 332 259 Email:
MOBILE MOWER SERVICING • Rotary Mowers • Ride-on Mowers • Water Blasters • Small Motor Repairs
• Reel Mowers • Chainsaws • Rotary Hoes • Generators
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Truck and trailer of dry firewood delivered.
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Trevor Hurley Real Estate Limited. REAA 2008 MREINZ.
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Trades & Services To place a Trades & Services ad, call 307-7900 or email
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• Woodfire installation • Fire maintenance and parts • Chimney cleaning
Flaming Good Service!
190 Seafield Road RD2, Ashburton Phone: 308 8675/021 887 545 E:
Doaky’s Plumbing Ltd
Wardrobe organiser
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Rob and Janelle Neal Ph 308 FIRE - 308 3473
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150 Smithfield Rd, Ashburton - 03 308 1248
For all your Scaffolding and Edge Protection Requirements
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Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
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To advertise here contact Trudy on 021 959 783 or 307 7955
Daily Events Saturday 9am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON FARMERS MARKET. Local fresh produce, coffee and hot food. Northern end West Street Car Park. 9am - 12pm CRAFT MARKET. Good variety of crafts. West Street Car Park. 9.30am
Sunday 8am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, Park Street. 8.30am HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH. Mass, Holy Spirit Church, Thomson Street, Tinwald. 9.30am ASHBURTON METHODIST PARISH. Service and worship with Rev Tevita Taufalele. Baring Square Church Lounge. Baring Square East. 9.30am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH.
Monday 6am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Real women circuit training in hall. 48 Allens Road. 10am
ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Community Garden, Thomson Street. 9.30am ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Community Garden, Thomson St. 9.30am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON TOY HIRE. Open for toy hire. Methodist Church Baring Square. 10am METHVEN HERITAGE CENTRE.
New Zealand Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, interactive fun for all ages. Main Street, Methven. 10am - 11.30am ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Pre-loved clothing sale, bargains and cuppa. St Andrew’s Church Hall, Cnr Thomson and Jane Street. Closed today. 10am - 1pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome.
Heritage Centre, 327 West Street. 10am - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road. 1.15pm ALLENTON CROQUET CLUB. Association and golf croquet, new members welcome. Allenton Sports Club, Cavendish Street, Allenton.
1.15pm GOLF CROQUET WAIREKA. Golf croquet doubles. Waireka Philip Street. 6pm HOLY NAME PARISH. Mass, Holy Name Church, Havelock Street. 7.30pm ASHBURTON MUSICAL CLUB. Monthly Concert “Prelude to 2016.” Sinclair Centre, Park Street, Ashburton.
Choir Resurrection celebration, 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 9.30am ST PAUL’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Morning worship with special guest Rob Berg, all welcome. 65 Oxford Street. 10am METHVEN HERITAGE CENTRE. New Zealand Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, interactive fun for all ages. Main Street, Methven. 10am ST ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Worship Service, Havelock Street.
10am ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, Thomson Street, Tinwald. 10am HOLY NAME CATHOLIC CHURCH. Mass, Sealy Street. 10am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, Park Street. 10.30am VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. Worship God and study his word. 131 Thomson Street, (Tinwald School hall). 10.30am
METHVEN HERITAGE CENTRE. New Zealand and Agriculture Encounter, interactive fun for all ages. Main Street, Methven. 12noon - 1.30pm ASHBURTON BAPTIST CHURCH. Free lunch every Monday. Ashburton
Baptist Church, Cnr Cass and Havelock Streets, entry off Cass Street. 1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Seafield Road.
GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Worshipping God and transforming lives. 63 Princes Street, Netherby. 11am - 4pm THE PLAINS RAILWAY. Steam train rides, museum village open. Tinwald Domain, Maronan Road. 1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Ashburton airport, Seafield Road. 1.15pm GOLF CROQUET WAIREKA. Golf croquet casual. Waireka, Philip Street. 1pm - 4pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome. Heritage Centre, 327 West Street. 6pm ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH.
4pm ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Messy church, meet in the hall, 48 Allens Road. 4.30pm - 6pm ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Youth group meet in youth room, 48 Allens Road. 7pm VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. Worship God and study his word. 131 Thomson Street, (Tinwald School hall). 7pm ST ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Worship Service, Havelock Street. Real women circuit training in the hall. 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 7.30pm CATHOLIC PARISH CENTRE. Euchre, all welcome. (not public holidays). Cnr Burnett and Winter Street.
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ECONAVI now comes with 5 features that save energy by adjusting to changes in human movements, activity levels, absence and sunlight intensity.
Robin Carmeena
Phone 308 9019 Moore Street, Ashburton (Next to Columbus Cafe)
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Ashburton Guardian
Building Estimator • Ashburton based • High end residential/commercial • Building company with 70 years experience in the Canterbury Market Bradford Building Ltd is the leader in the building industry in Mid Canterbury and also has a significant presence in Christchurch. We wish to appoint a new Building Estimator to join our team in Ashburton. This is a diverse role involving modern systems and working with Bradfords staff and external professionals. The role will require you to be both in the head office and on site. Knowledge of both the building industry and some QS experience is likely to be required. Bradford Building is the current winner of the Canterbury House of the Year for houses over $2m. If you are interested and have the required skill level please forward your application to:
Staff required Chefs
RECEPTIONIST (full time - fixed term) based at Ashburton Hospital
(various positions)
Wait and Bar Staff (position available)
Full and part time positions available All of the above positions are high demand and are only suitable to people with proven previous experience. Please send detail covering letter and C.V. to:
PROGRESSIVE One Painting Apprentice DAIRIES(2009)LTD DUTY MANAGER/CHEF Wanted Joe & Suz Wyborn
Dandin’s Carinderia Buffet, The Filipino Cuisine Youa position must: We have is looking for a full time Duty Manager. availableBe for reliable a farm AutoSparks is a Auto Electrical/Mechanical/Hydraulic The right candidate must have: assistant for this coming workshop with 15 staff. We have been part of Battery Town • Minimum 1 year Have good communication skillsexperience season. for many years and are also part of Auto Super Shoppe. We • Current General Manager certificate & LCQ have the latest Scan Tools that cover most cars and trucks This position Bewould ablesuit to work in a team Training someone looking to enter including Autologic that specialises in BMW, VW, Audi and • Experience in cooking Filipino food Have or pride work the dairy industry who in your Landrover. We are searching for enthusiastic team players has had some dairy or to join our staff: The right candidate must be able to work farm experience. weekdays and public holidays. Filipino language Engineer/Mechanical Person: Full training will be given. be an advantage. have forana person opening apprentice toWe join our team. Weskills canwill provide good - WeWe are looking to help for in ouran engineering are looking for Pleaseyou sendwith yourmany CV via email to: remuneration, varied job sites and training for a trade that will provide someone who is and hydraulic side of our agriculture machinery dept interested in dairying, career opportunities. working mainly on fertiliser spreaders and sprayers. honest, reliable and or ring 0221 728 862 / 03 307 2403 has a positive can-do Experienced Auto Electrician: for up more Please call into our office on Bremners Road to pick an information. attitude. In return we We require an experienced auto electrician application form. Applications close Wednesday164 15th OctoberStreet, Ashburton. Burnett offer a safe and friendly 2014. - This position involves working in the field. environment, a 54 bale - Be able to work confidently and have a good work ethic rotary shed, with cup removers, protack and All candidates must have: two centre pivots. - Be able to work under pressure and priorities work loads Accommodation - Able to work unsupervised as well as part of a team is available - one - Professional presentation bedroom unit. Position - Have high standards and a high level of attention to would suit a single detail person. - Bright and friendly personality Full-time All applicants must be New Zealand residents. Please reply to: We are currently looking for a full time Please send CV, with two AutoSparks Ltd Barista to join our team. references, to: 187 Alford Forest Road If you are passionate about coffee and Ashburton 7700 Ph. 021 360 518 Ph: 03 307 2696 would love working in the busy fast Please, no texts. food industry then we would love to
» » » »
Qualified Barista
Or phone Kevin Pooke 0274 55 22 54 Tony Houston 0274 55 22 72
Situations Vacant Employment Opportunity Do you like meeting people, good with computers, enjoy sales? We have a position for a person from 12pm to 5.30pm Mon to Fri in our busy Barber Shop. Enquire now to the manager at or 03 307 0604
307 7900
MILK HARVESTER/ DAIRY ASSISTANT Please email your C.V and a cover letter to shearerfamily@
hear from you. Outstanding customer skills and the ability to work closely with others in what can be an incredibly busy environment are what we are looking for. Is this you? If so please forward your CV attention of Wendy, by May 1, 2016, to: wendy@
Guardian Real Esate
307 7900
FLOORING Come check our great flooring options: • Tiles • Vinyl • Carpet • Woodfloor Call today for an obligation free quote
East to Burnett Street, Ashburton | Phone 03 308 5269
Café/Bakery – Staff Wanted • Cafe Assistant – Monday, Tuesday and every second weekend/ Casual A vacancy has become available at our busy Café/Bakery for a Cafe Assistant position. The position covers cafe work with a lot of variety. Food prep, working with customers and general cafe duties. Experience preferred but not necessary as full training will be given.
3 months commencing approximatively June 20 tbc. SCREENSOUTH LTD Provides screening mammography services for women aged 45 to 69 years as part of the National Breast Screening Programme. ScreenSouth Ltd is seeking a Receptionist to work in the mobile breast screening unit while it is based at Ashburton Hospital. The mobile breast screening unit visits Ashburton each year for approximately 3 months. We would like to employ some one who will be available each year to fill this role at approximately the same time each year. The person we are seeking will have: • Experience as a receptionist. • Excellent data entry/computer skills • Excellent communication and organisational skills • Ability to work independently Ideally experience working in health Must be able to work in a small team in a confined space. An empathy with women’s health and cultural issues is essential A job description is available on request. Applications, including a current C.V. and a covering hand written letter, should be forwarded to: The Manager, ScreenSouth Ltd, PO Box 25 087, Christchurch 8144 Email Closes Tuesday, April 26, 2016.
Hastings McLeod Ltd Licensed REAA 2008 217 West Street, Ashburton
If you want to join our fun hardworking team please email your CV with a cover letter to or more details phone Scott or Lisa on 307 2776.
Real Estate Sales Person
Our success though, is all about our people. We place a great deal of value on team work, local knowledge and expertise; these principals are the cornerstones of our culture.
Caregivers needed for our gentle natured, special needs, 18 year old son in a wheelchair. • School holidays and/ or after school care three days/week. • Respite in your home 2-3 days/week. Hours shared by 2+ caregivers. Hampstead area. Phone Kathy 027-232-0973
Experienced Farm Worker Required
Property Brokers is a leading residential, lifestyle and rural specialist agency in provincial New Zealand. We have 39 branches nationwide and 11 of these are in the South Island. Our Ashburton team enjoy a dominant market position and openings in our team do not come along often.
Key attributes sought are excellent work habits, a strong aspiration to succeed and a desire to thrive in a team environment. Local knowledge and strong networks would be a huge advantage. We can offer additional financial incentives for candidates with the right pre-requisites. All applications will be treated with the strictest of confidence. Please apply in the first instance to our Operations Manager
For 190 hectare dairy support block at Wakanui. Animal husbandry, rotorainer and fencing experience required. Please email your C.V and a cover letter to shearerfamily@ Guardian Classifieds 307 7900
AUTO TRIM, CANVAS & SHADE SERVICES: Hay covers, farm truck seat covers, upholstery repairs, shade sails and blinds, marquee and event hire.
Call Toni & Peter May on 03 308 8893 to find out more! 151 Alford Forest Rd, Ashburton
Classifieds 34 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
HASTINGS MCLEOD LTD Hastings McLeod Limited Licensed REAA 2008
Telephone 03 307 9176
TENDER WEB ID AC48879 ASHBURTON 69 Tancred Street
Central CBD office and retail building with great prominence and foot traffic. This property provides the opportunity to upgrade the building to a high seismic rating with a strong anchor tenant and good lease terms. Enquire for full details. VIEW By Appointment TENDER closes Friday 6th May, 2016 at 4.00pm, (unless sold prior)
LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES • Bark • Oamaru stone • Rocks • Organic compost • Sand • Screened soil • Home deliveries available
Plus much more FREE loan trailer available! From a shovel load to a trailer load. Dobson Street West Ph: 307 8302 Hours: Mon-Fri: 7.30am - 5pm Sat: 7.30am - 12 noon
AMSOIL SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS - All oils, greases, fuel additives, filters, antifreeze, car polish, V & L cleaner, tyre cleaner, rust bust, rain clear, engine cleaner and more. Call local distributor. Veehof phone 302 2911.
OPEN HOME 18 Charlesworth Drive, Allenton Lochlea Estate * architecturally designed * three bedroom plus ensuite * open plan living * new build * quality fittings * top Allenton location
NEW POTATOES. Last week to come and see Farmer Brown at the Farmers Market on Saturday morning.
TOYOTA Allion, 2002, auto, 1800cc, 120,000 kms, excellent condition. $5000. Enquiries phone 021 613 676.
Open homes: Saturday, April 9 and Sunday, April 10 between 1.00pm and 2.00pm Contact: 027 272 7837or 03 302 6887
Buyer enquiry range WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life $605,000 - $620,000 of your tyres with an WANTED 2x TICKETS wanted for the alignment from Neumanns Ten Tenors. Contact 03 308 Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills LIVESTOCK, PETS GARAGE SALES Street. Phone 308-6737. 9937. BUYER of unwanted ASHBURTON METHODIST animals. Cattle, bobby calves, PARISH - Parish fair, April 9, WANTED shed or covered MEETINGS, EVENTS horse and all farm animals. 2016. Baring Square Centre storage for large motorhome. We also sell pet food. Call 9am until 11.30am, garage In or around Ashburton. Long Ashburton area Nick’s Pet Food 0272 101 sale. Variety of stalls: home term preferred. Phone 0274 621, A/H 03 348 9439. Show Jumping cooking, children’s stuff, 324 716. books, raffles, morning tea. and Show Hunter LET OR LEASE Something for everyone. TRADES, SERVICES OFFICE available for rent. COMPUTER PROBLEMS ?? AGM Parking, 24 hour access, FOR SALE For prompt reliable service nightly security. Minutes from 2x2 SEATER couches, contact Kelvin Boult, KJB Tuesday, April 26 CBD. Ph 021 554 570. Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot Place, shoulder support. Very good 7.30pm Ashburton. Phone 308 8989. STORAGE unit for lease. Fire condition, $110. Phone 308 30 years local service. Same Ashburton A&P rated storage unit (7.85 x 2488. day service if possible. Showgrounds. 3.90m) in secure, alarm SUPERGOLD Discount card monitored compound, Deer shed welcomed. accessible 24/7. Please for removal phone Nicola at Bradfords 03 HOME handyman available. 308 9039. Minor repairs, painting etc. Ph Winchmore area, 027-677-1952. Ashburton. STORAGE units available. ashburton Various sizes. Rainbow Approx. 12m x 10m. Storage. Ph 307 0401. Could have other uses.
RENZ Trevor Hurley Real Estate Limited REAA 2008
Birthday Greetings Charli Quinn Happy 5th Birthday Charli Happy School days sweetheart. Lots of love all of your family.
Charli Bird Happy 5th Birthday sweetheart. Have fun at school. Love from Nana, Grandad and the family. Birthday Greetings are free for those aged 12 and under only. Free birthday greetings must be received at least two working days before date of insertion otherwise there is no guarantee that it will appear on the day requested. Photos will be available at our level 3 office for collection after notice has appeared in the paper.
Ashburton District Council has fixed several weight and speed limits for heavy motor vehicles and combinations on the following bridges: Bridge ID
Road Name
POSTING WEIGHT LIMITS Gross Weight (maximum sum of axle weights)
Maximum Speed Limit km/hr 10
Hakatere Heron Road
50% Class 1
Double Hill Run Road
Shepherds Bush Road (Ruapuna)
Attention is drawn to the applicable infringement fees set out in Schedule 1B, Part 3 of the Land Transport (Offences and Penalties) Regulations 1999, which apply to infringements of these limits. TRADES, SERVICES
Weight and Speed Limits on bridges
AKAROA - CHARMING, spacious holiday home, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, all electric heating. Sky, all mod cons, short walk to village. Phone Brian 307-8000 or 308-6180.
Phone 0274 200 008 or 03 302 4924. FIREWOOD for sale. $170 per cord (3.6 m³). Seasoned pine, delivered. Phone or text Sue 0211 624 102.
FIREWOOD - Green old man pine $140, semi $170, semi blue gum $200, green blue FLOAT hire - single, double gum $160 per 3.6m³. Phone and tandem. Reasonable Shane James Firewood 303 rates. Morrison’s Saddlery & 7063. Feed. Phone 308-3422 anytime. FIREWOOD, guaranteed dry old man pine. Phone 03 307 0077 or 0274 746 026. GRAZING
WINTER grazing Overdale kale / grass and silage and good yards. Phone 027 284 0377.
SCOOTER’S - new and secondhand three and four wheel electric scooters and wheel chairs. Call Fred Reddecliffe at Electric WINTER grazing Overdale - Mobility Ashburton today. kale / grass and silage and Phone 308-3602 good yards. Phone 027 284 Guardian Classifieds 0377. 307 7900
Brian Fauth Roading Manager ashbur
Ashburton Showgrounds April 16, 2016
8am - 3pm
PRACTICAL DAY • Great family fun for everyone • Kids activities • Food and coffee available Come and see Andrew Cox (No1 in jigger board (tree climbing) in the South Island) and Joseph Cox (currently Mackenzie Show Champion) in action. EVENING SHOW - Collegiate North Rugby Club Rooms, ticket prices: $40 includes a meal OR $10 for the after party, doors open at 5.30pm and 9.00pm for the after party. Please purchase tickets through
For more information contact Matt Bell 027 426 2728 or Amanda Kelly 022 156 4786
$1.99 kg
Avocado Peppers 1kg Lettuce Broccoli
.99c ea $2.99 bag $1.99 ea 2 for $3
Specials available from 5/04 - 12/04
OPEN 7 DAYS The Green Grocer Fresh Fruit & Vege
Main South Road Tinwald 308-1095
Peastraw - $6 Lucerne Hay - $12 Meadow Hay - $10 Rye Grass Straw - $8 Barley Straw - $7 (all conventional bales)
Pick up 15 Bryant St during office hours. Free delivery within Town Boundary for orders over $200. 0800 QUIGLEY No EFTPOS - CASH ONLY
BUSINESS NOTICES Physiotherapist Paul Annear Injury Management Available at 256 Moore Street. Mondays and Thursdays Phone 307 0560 Guardian Classifieds 307 7900
Lions Club of Ashburton Pakeke
Annual Auction The Racecourse Friday, April 15 Proceeds to Local Charities Viewing Friday, April 15, 1pm-5pm Auction Commences at 5.30pm Goods include household items, garden tools, produce, cake stalls and antiques Donations of goods and items most welcome, for collection ring: George 307 2273, Anthony 308 3336 Trevor 307 2629, George 308 8231 Goods may be left at the Racecourse from Thursday, April 14, 10am onwards Terms of Auction. As is where is. Cash sales only
Surplus winter feed and no mouths to eat it?
We currently have funds available to distribute in grants for the following purposes in the Canterbury area: • Research, treatment, provision of equipment in relation to, and the education and training of skilled persons relative to, the disease of cancer. • Research, development, education for, training and expansion of, the science and practice of agriculture. • The needs of young people who suffer physical or mental disabilities or have less chance in life than their peers. Applications close at 5pm, Friday, April 22, 2016. For further information and application forms, please contact: The Secretary Mackenzie Charitable Foundation C/- Croys Ltd Level 2, 161 Burnett Street PO Box 582 Ashburton 7740 Phone 03 308 8353 Email:
Independent Director X 2
Trailride Mayfield Sunday, April 10 9.30 start Easy main loop Kids and Enduro Loop
YOUR OFF-ROAD DRIVER RENTAL FOR RENT - Four bedroom TRAINING SPECIALISTS house, heat pump, double Quads / LUV’s Heavy Vehicles Or call 027 274 1580
garage. West side location. Professionals preferred. Reference required. Phone 027 332 9272.
HOUSE for rent. Tidy three bedroom home, owner going overseas. Available from April 10. Off street parking, wood burner, heat pump. $320 per week. Enquiries phone 021 613 676.
Poultry Auction
Jubilee Christian Fellowship 10am Every Sunday All welcome
Fear is your enemy Sunday, April 17, 2016 Cnr Cass & Havelock Sts but faith restores Sports Hall, the soul. Phone 308 5409 Tancred Street West, 206 Cameron Street Ashburton Pastors Jim & Ida Heath 10am - Morning Ph 308 7511 Viewing: 11am Service & Communion Start: 12.30pm Speaker: Pastor Rob Davison Huge selection to choose Life 2 da Max (Kids Church) from: Bantams, Poultry, Creche available Ducks, Cavies, Pheasants, Finches, and equipment, Refreshments to follow Have you lost your way in Life? Peacocks, Carry Boxes, 6pm House of Prayer Araucana Green Eggers. Join us this Sunday to 6.30pm Encounter Service with discover HOPE for 2016. guest musician, Rob Including Children’s ADULT Berg, from Canada church ENTERTAINMENT ALL VERY WELCOME See you at cnr SAVANNAH, bubbly Cass & Cameron St’s attractive, sweet. 24/7 no texting please. Would suit Sundays @10.00am mature gentleman. Phone Everyone is welcome 021 044 0698. Ph 308 7610 or 308 7062
TO RENT - 98 Belt Road, three bedroom home, double car garage, off street parking, PRIVATE board available in a AMAZING Thai lady, hot sex, looking for careful long term three bedroom house with busty 42DD, playful, firm full clients. References required. owner. Must be mature. service. Phone 021 0238 Phone 03 318 7116 or 027 Phone 027 308 9518. 8947. 927 5911.
Weekend Services
DIAL 111 in the event of a Medical or Accident Emergency
857 2133 or visit www.alcoholics-anonymous. Wises Pharmacy, Countdown Complex, East for more information. HML Home care Medical Limited - Ring 0800 Street, will be open from 9am - 1pm Saturday, MENTAL HEALTH - Call free on 0800 700 155 for FREE 24hr Health Advice. from 10am - 1pm Sunday and from 6pm - 8pm 222 955. Ask for the Crisis Team. both evenings. DUTY DOCTORS SAFE CARE - 24 hr Rape and Sexual For all urgent medical calls phone 0800 HOSPITAL VISITING HOURS Assault Crisis Support. Ph: 03 364 8791 ASHBURTON HOSPITAL 700 155 at any time. IN EVENT OF AN VICTIMS SUPPORT GROUP WARD 1 - DAILY, 10 - 11.30am & 2 - 7.30pm. EMERGENCY PHONE 111. 24 hr - Freephone 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 Children must be accompanied by an adult. This service is for emergency medical care only. Please bring your Community Services WARD 6 - (including Assessment, Treatment & 846) - Direct dials to a volunteer. Ashburton Office - 307 8409 week-days, 9am Card. All non New Zealanders should bring Rehabilitation Unit) - OPEN VISITING. 2pm - outside of these hours leave a message. MATERNITY WARD - DAILY, 10am - 8pm. their passport with them, New Zealanders -Husbands and patient’s own children may visit should bring some form of ID. ALCOHOL DRUG HELP LINE the patient from: 7am - 10pm. Allenton Medical Centre, The Mall, Harrison Call us free on (0800 787 797). Street. Will be the duty doctor for Saturday and TUARANGI HOME (Cameron St) - DAILY, Lines open 10am - 10pm seven days. -unrestricted visiting. Sunday until 8am Monday. They will hold surgery LIFELINE - Toll-Free: 0800 353 353 from 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 5pm ASHBURTON REST HOMES both days. Clinics run on appointment basis. OMMUNITY ERVICES Phone for an appointment from 9.30am. Surgery COLDSTREAM HOUSE, CAMERON COURTS and PRINCES COURT all have DAILY, phone 308 9139. ART GALLERY unrestricted visiting. 327 West Street, phone 308 1133. METHVEN & RAKAIA AREA EMERGENCY DENTIST Open Daily: 10am – 4pm Wed: 10am – 7pm Saturday and Sunday doctor and emergency details, please telephone the Methven Medical If you do not have or cannot contact your ASHBURTON PUBLIC LIBRARY regular dentist, please phone 027 683 0679 Centre, ph 302 8105. Havelock Street. Ph 308 7192. for the name of the rostered weekend dentist Saturday: 10am - 1pm, Sunday 1pm - 4pm Ashburton Hospital DOES NOT in Christchurch. Hours 9am-5pm, Saturdays, provide an accident and emergency service. ASHBURTON MUSEUM Sundays and Public Holidays. Except in cases of emergency, persons requiring 327 West Street, Asburton. Ph 307 7890. medical attention must consult their own or the ELPLINE ERVICES Weekends 1pm - 4pm. Research facilities duty general practitioner. Persons subsequently weekday afternoons. requiring treatment at Ashburton Hospital must ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Call 0800 AA WORKS (0800 229 6757) or 027 have a general practitioners note of referral.
63 Princes Street All welcome
Signposted from Mayfield.
4WD on & off-road
10.30am Worship Every Sunday
Rev. David Bayne Ph 307 7355
Phone 0274 328 457
The Mid-South Canterbury Rural Fire Committee is responsible for the Reduction, Readiness, Response and Recovery of rural fire in the Ashburton, Mackenzie, Timaru and Waimate districts, along with the Department of Conservation lands within the Mid-South Canterbury Rural Fire Authority boundaries. The Committee is seeking registrations of interest to fill the positions of two independent directors on the Governance Board. All applications shall be accompanied with a resume of your knowledge, skills and attributes that may complement the position. Information packs are available from the Mid-South Canterbury Rural Fire Authority office at 2 King George Place, Timaru or telephone the secretary on (03) 687 7281 or email Please email applications to the secretary: Applications close at 5pm Friday, April 29, 2016.
Church Services
Give us a call Dave Marsh 0274 920 875 Phil Cushnie 0274 399 555
Mid-South Canterbury Rural Fire Board
Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
EA NETWORKS CENTRE - POOLS hour service. 20 River Terrace - Phone 03 308 4020 MID CANTERBURY SPCA WEEKEND HOURS: Sat & Sun 7am - 7pm. Public Holidays 10am - 5pm.
WEEKEND EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER: All enquiries - President – 021 135 6969.
MID CANTERBURY ANIMAL SHELTER - Contact (cats) Tracey 021 1356
ASHBURTON MAIL CENTRE FAST POST: Mon - Fri 6pm STANDARD POST: Mon - Fri 6pm POST DELIVERY CENTRES Allenton & Tinwald: Mon - Fri 5pm Methven & Rakaia: Mon - Fri 4.30pm ASHBURTON’S STREET RECEIVERS Business Area: Mon - Fri 5pm Residential Area: Mon - Fri 1pm
969 or (dogs) Dawn 021 828 350
ASHBURTON VETS - Ph 0276 838 000, 149 Cameron St, Ashburton: Duty vet: Ben Hallenstein. Full emergency service all weekend. VET ENT RIVERSIDE - PH 03 308 2321, 1 Smallbone Dr, Ashburton. Saturday clinic: 9am INFORMATION CENTRES - 12 noon. 24-hour Emergencies: Large: Nathan ASHBURTON - Sat 10am until 2pm. Roberts. Small: Ref Vetlife. Sun CLOSED. Public holidays from 10am until CANTERBURY VETS - Ph 03 307 0686, 2pm. Phone 308-1050. West Street Clinic, West Street, Ashburton. METHVEN - Saturday, Sunday and Public Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 noon. Weekend Holidays 10am until 3pm. emergencies: Renate Haveman. Phone 302-8955 or VETLIFE ASHBURTON - Ph 03 307 5195, Cnr East St & Smithfield Rd, Ashburton. BUS DEPARTURES Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 noon. Weekend Reservations & timetables, 24-hour service. emergencies: Large: Toni Johnston. Small: Freephone for reservations: 0800 802 802. Lynlee Kueh. BUSES - Southbound: 9.30am, 3.20pm. Northbound: 12.30pm, 5.10pm. Vet Ent and Vet Life now operate a joint after-
DOG, STOCK & NOISE CONTROL Ashburton District Council 03-307-7700 - 24
hours small animal emergency service. To use this service please phone your vet as usual.
Television 36 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Saturday, April 9, 2016 TV ONE
©TVNZ 2016
©TVNZ 2016
6am Te Karere 3 2 6:30 Country Calendar PGR 3 A couple start a new venture milking goats and making organic cheese after they become bored in their retirement. They are working harder than ever before, but they love it. 0 7am Rural Delivery 0 7:30 Infomercials 9am Tagata Pasifika 9:30 The Game Chef 0 10am Come Dine With Me PGR Noon Saturday Kitchen 1:05 F Gino’s Italian Escape 2:05 Kiwi Living 3 0 3pm Border Security 0 3:30 Along For The Ride PGR 3 0 4pm River Monsters With Jeremy Wade 0 5pm Robson’s Extreme Fishing Challenge 0 6pm One News 0 7pm Country Calendar 0 7:30 Posh Pawn 0 8pm L Lotto The Lotto draw. 8:05 Posh Pawn 0 8:30 Coronation Street 0 9:35 Flash Families AO 0 10:35 The Astronaut Wives’ Club PGR 0
6am Tiki Tour 3 0 6:25 Wiki The Kiwi 3 0 6:35 Miles From Tomorrowland 3 0 7am The Amazing World Of Gumball 3 0 7:25 Randy Cunningham – 9th Grade Ninja 3 0 7:50 Pokemon XY 0 8:15 Hulk And The Agents Of Smash PGR 0 8:40 The Barefoot Bandits 0 9:05 Clarence 0 9:35 Mighty Med 10am Fresh 10:35 Step By Step 0 11:05 Full House 0 11:35 According To Jim 0 12:05 The Fosters PGR 1:05 Pretty Little Liars PGR 0 2:05 The Flash PGR 0 3:05 Supergirl 0 4:05 Ant And Dec’s Saturday Night Takeaway 0 5:30 Bear Grylls – Survival School 0 6pm Betty White’s Off Their Rockers 0 6:30 N The Middle 0 7pm M Spider-Man 3 PGR 2007 Action. Peter Parker must contend with two new villains threatening the world while dealing with his inner demons. Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst. 0 9:50 M Bad Company AO 2002 Thriller. Anthony Hopkins, Chris Rock. 0
6am Charles Stanley 6:30 Outdoors With Geoff 3 7am Gone Fishin’ 3 7:30 Infomercials 9:30 The Nation An in-depth weekly local current affairs show. 10:30 Survivor – Blood v Water (Starting Today) 3 0 11:55 The Real Housewives Of New Jersey PGR 3 12:55 Come Dine With Me NZ PGR 3 0 1:25 Lip Sync Battle PGR 3 0 1:55 The Bachelor New Zealand PGR 3 0 3pm The Bachelor New Zealand PGR 3 4pm F Grand Designs Australia 3 0 5pm Gone Fishin’ 5:30 The Goldbergs 3 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm M Ice Age PGR 3 2000 Animated. When prehistoric animals band together to save a human baby, the misfit herd becomes the only hope for the future. Ray Romano, Jack Black, Dennis Leary, Goran Visnjic, Cedric The Entertainer. 0 8:45 M Anchorman 2 – The Legend Continues PGR 2013 Comedy. 0
11:35 L Football – English Premier League West Ham v Arsenal from Upton Park in London. 1:45 Emmerdale PGR 3 0 4:05 Infomercials 5:30 The Key Of David
12:10 M Won’t Back Down PGR 2012 Drama. Viola Davis, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Holly Hunter. 2:25 M Love And Other Impossible Pursuits AO 2009 Drama. 0 4:10 Jeremy Kyle AO 3 5:05 Fresh 3 5:30 It Is Written 3
11:05 Blue Bloods AO 0 12:05 Stacey Dooley Investigates… The Truth About Magaluf AO 3 1:15 Infomercials 5am Hillsong 5:30 Charles Stanley
CHOICE TV 6am Better Homes And Gardens 7:30 Reno v Relocate 8am Love Nature – Natural World: Monkey Thieves 8:30 Wildlife SOS 9am Shark Man 9:30 Luke Nguyen’s France 10am Paul And Nick’s Big American Food Trip 10:30 Location, Location, Location 11:30 Auction Kings Noon George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 1pm Gardeners’ World 1:30 Better Homes And Gardens 3pm The Liquidator 3:30 Buying The Bayou 4pm Kirstie’s Handmade Showdown 5pm Hugh’s Three Good Things 5:30 Poh And Co 6pm Getaway 6:30 Polar Bear Town 7:30 Antiques Roadshow Detectives 8pm Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets PGR 9pm American Restoration 9:40 Backroad Bounty 10:40 Xtreme Endurance – Race To The Pole 11:30 Buying The Bayou
Midnight Hugh’s Three Good Things 12:30 Poh And Co 1am Kirstie’s Handmade Showdown 2am Polar Bear Town 3am Antiques Roadshow Detectives 3:30 American Restoration 4am Backroad Bounty 5am Buying The Bayou 5:30 The Liquidator
6am Sesame Street 3 6:55 Peppa Pig 3 7am Sticky TV 8:25 Oh No! It’s An Alien Invasion 3 8:50 Beyblade – Shogun Steel 3 9:15 Power Rangers – Dino Charge 9:40 Infomercials 2pm Sesame Street 3 2:55 Pingu 3 3pm Barney And Friends 3 3:30 Infomercials 4:30 Pukana 2 5pm Drake And Josh 3 The brothers enter a local dance contest, but Josh ends up solo. 5:30 Mr Young 3 6pm Victorious 3 Series about Tori Vega as she adjusts to a performingarts high school. 6:30 Life’s Funniest Moments 3
6am Home Shopping 11:25 Rugby League – NRL Fulltime 11:55 The Crowd Goes Wild Omnibus 3 2:25 Netball – ANZ Championship 3:25 The Big Spring Clean 3 Andrew Graham-Dixon looks at the servants’ quarters, and explores the life of a servant at Petworth House. 3:50 The Queen’s Garden 3 An insight into the extensive gardens at Buckingham Palace, home to a quarter of Britain’s butterfly and moth species. 5pm Addicted To Fishing 3 5:30 Prime News 6pm Attenborough’s Fabulous Frogs 3
7pm F Bullseye 3 Eight more contestants try the Centre Spin, Truckto-Truck, and Zip Timeline challenges. 0 8pm The Biggest Loser Australia 3 9:55 Hounds AO 3 10:25 Just Shoot Me! PGR 3 0 10:50 Baggage AO 3
7pm Storage Wars 7:30 Father Brown PGR When the Church of Apollo comes to Kembleford, Susie is drawn to their charismatic leader, Kalon, but after his wife is murdered, Father Brown risks losing Susie for good. 8:35 F Weekend Murders – Partners In Crime PGR 0 9:45 Rugby – Super Rugby
11:15 Infomercials 5am Infomercials
11:45 Top Gear PGR 3 The boys go to Vietnam to travel the length of the country in eight days, but first they must each buy suitable transport in one of the world’s most expensive car markets. 12:55 Home Shopping
MAORI TV 6:30 Pukoro 2 7am SpongeBob Tarau Porowha 3 2 7:30 Tribe 8am Matika 3 8:30 Te Kaea 3 2 9am Playlist 9:30 Kai Time On The Road 3 10am Cam’s Kai 3 10:30 Paki Vault 3 11am Kawe Korero – Reporters 3 1:30 The Big Hit 2pm Rugby – French Top 14 2:30 Friday Night Lights PGR 3:30 Te Po Mekemeke 4pm Whawhai PGR 4:30 Get Your Fish On PGR 3 5pm Moko Aotearoa 3
THE BOX 6am Parking Wars PGL 6:25 Whose Line Is It Anyway? US PG 6:50 Pawn Stars PG 7:15 Lizard Lick Towing PG 7:40 CSI MV 8:30 Survivor – Redemption Island Marathon PG 11:50 The Simpsons Super Saturday PG A marathon of Simpson’s episodes. 2:20 Parking Wars PGL 3:10 Law And Order – UK MV 4pm By Any Means ML 4:55 The Simpsons Super Saturday PG A marathon of Simpson’s episodes. 7:30 Whose Line Is It Anyway? US PG 8pm Pawn Stars PG 8:30 Lizard Lick Towing PG 9pm Call Of The Wildman PG 9:30 Combat Dealers PG 10:30 RBT MC 10:55 Crash Investigation Unit M 11:20 RAW MC SUNDAY 1:45 Combat Dealers PG 2:40 Whose Line Is It Anyway? US PG 3:05 Pawn Stars PG 3:30 Lizard Lick Towing PG 3:55 Call Of The Wildman PG 4:20 By Any Means ML 5:15 Parking Wars PGL
7am Rugby – World Sevens (Highlights) Hong Kong – Day One. 8:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) Chiefs v Blues. From Waikato Stadium, Hamilton. 9am Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) Force v Crusaders. From nib Stadium, Perth. 9:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (Replay) Stormers v Sunwolves. From DHL Newlands, Cape Town. 11:30 L Triathlon – ITU World Triathlon Series Women’s Race. 1:50 Sport News NZ 2:30 L Triathlon – ITU World Triathlon Series Men’s Race. 5pm #SkySpeed 5:30 World Rugby 6pm Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) Chiefs v Blues. 6:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) Force v Crusaders. 7pm L Rugby – Super Rugby Hurricanes v Jaguares. 9:40 L Rugby – Super Rugby Reds v Highlanders. From Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane.
11:45 Random Rugby TV Midnight Rugby League – NRL (Replay) Warriors v Sea Eagles. 2am The After Match 2:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) 3am L Rugby – Super Rugby Sharks v Lions. 5:10 L Rugby – Super Rugby Kings v Bulls.
SKY SPORT 2 5:30 Te Kaea 2 6pm Waka Huia 6:30 M Jimmy Neutron – Boy Genius 2001 Animated Action Adventure. Voices of Debi Derryberry, Megan Cavanagh, Mark DeCarlo. 8pm Waiata 3 8:30 M A Dangerous Method PGR 2011 Drama. Keira Knightley, Michael Fassbender. 10:20 Te Kaea 3 2 Flash Families 10:50 Whare Taonga 9:35pm on TV One 11:20 Closedown
DISCOVERY 6am Destroyed In Seconds PG 6:30 Mythbusters PG Bullet Fired v Bullet Dropped. 7:30 Mythbusters PG 101 Uses for Duct Tape. 8:30 ET Fishing Escapes PG Western Waterways. 9:25 Killing Fields M A Body in the Bayou. 10:20 Dual Survival M Downed and Out 1. 11:15 Treehouse Masters PG 12:10 Gold Rush PG 1:05 Naked And Afraid M 2pm Restoration Wild PG 2:55 Alaska – The Last Frontier M 3:50 Railroad Australia PG 4:45 Alaskan Bush People M 5:40 You Have Been Warned M 6:35 Gold Rush PG 7:30 Treehouse Masters PG 8:30 Epic Bar Builds PG 9:30 Railroad Australia PG 10:30 Auction Hunters PG 11pm Man Made Marvels PG
Midnight Naked And Afraid M 12:55 Steven Avery M 1:50 The Devils Ride PG 2:45 Destroyed In Seconds PG 3:15 Dirty Jobs PG 4:10 Flying Wild Alaska PG 5:05 Mythbusters PG
MOVIES PREMIERE 7:25 Into The Grizzly Maze 16VL 2015 Horror. James Marsden, Billy Bob Thornton. 8:55 No Good Deed 16VLC 2014 Thriller. Idris Elba, Taraji P Henson. 10:20 Ouija 16VLC 2014 Horror. Olivia Cooke, Daren Kagasoff. 11:50 A Walk Among The Tombstones 16VLS 2013 Thriller. Liam Neeson, Dan Stevens. 1:40 The Cobbler MV 2014 Comedy. Adam Sandler, Steve Buscemi. 3:20 Bad Blood 16VLSC 2013 Drama. Abigail Breslin, Sean Bean. 4:50 Entourage 16LSC 2015 Comedy. Adrian Grenier, Jeremy Piven. 6:35 San Andreas ML 2015 Action. Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino. 8:30 American Sniper 16VLC 2014 Action. Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller. 10:45 Barely Lethal MVL 2015 Action. SUNDAY 12:25 Ryan Baxter – Re-Enactor M 2015 Comedy. 1:50 Bad Blood 16VLSC 2013 Drama. 3:20 San Andreas ML 2015 Action. 5:15 American Sniper 16VLC 2014 Action.
Spider-Man 3 7pm on TV2
MOVIES GREATS 6:50 Friday Night Lights PG 2004 Action. Billy Bob Thornton, Derek Luke. 8:45 The Dukes Of Hazzard MS 2005 Comedy. Johnny Knoxville, Jessica Simpson, Seann William Scott. 10:30 We Own The Night 16VL 2007 Crime. Mark Wahlberg, Joaquin Phoenix. 12:25 The Island MVL 2005 Sci-fi Thriller. Ewan McGregor, Scarlett Johansson. 2:45 You, Me And Dupree MLS 2006 Comedy. Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson, Matt Dillon. 4:35 Terminator Salvation MV 2009 Action. Christian Bale, Sam Worthington, Helena Bonham Carter. 6:30 Bringing Out The Dead 16VLC 1999 Drama. 8:30 Mission – Impossible II MV 2000 Action Adventure Thriller. 10:35 The Hangover AO 2009 Comedy.
12:15 The X-Files MV 1998 Sci-fi. 2:15 Bringing Out The Dead 16VLC 1999 Drama. 4:15 The Hangover 16LS 2009 Comedy. 5:55 Inside Story – The Santa Clause PGL
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language. RATINGS: 16 Approved for persons 16 years or over; 18 Approved for persons 18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
6am The Crowd Goes Wild 6:45 L Rugby League – Super League Warrington Wolves v St Helens. 9:30 Rugby League – Super League (Highlights) Hull KR v Catalans Dragons. 10am Rugby League – NRL (Highlights) Rabbitohs v Roosters. 10:30 Friday Night With Matty Johns 11:30 Sport News NZ Noon Rugby League – NRL (Highlights) Rabbitohs v Roosters. 12:30 Sky Sport News NZ 1pm L Football – OFC Champions League Wellington v Suva. 1pm Golf – The Masters Round Two. 4pm Golf World 4:30 Rugby League – NRL (Highlights) Rabbitohs v Roosters. 5pm L Rugby League – Holden Cup Warriors v Sea Eagles. 7pm L Rugby League – NRL Warriors v Sea Eagles. 9:20 The After Match 10pm L Hockey – Sultan Of Azlan Shah Cup New Zealand v Pakistan. 11:55 Rugby – Super Rugby (Replay) Hurricanes v Jaguares.
2am Rugby – Super Rugby (Replay) Reds v Highlanders. 4am Football – Champions League Weekly 4:30 Netball – ANZ Championship (Highlights) Swifts v Magic. 5am Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) Hurricanes v Jaguares. 5:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) Reds v Highlanders. | Compiled by
Television Saturday, April 9, 2016
Ashburton Guardian 37
Sunday, April 10, 2016 TV ONE
©TVNZ 2016
6am Rural Delivery 0 6:25 The Fishing Show 0 7:10 Sunday 0 7:35 Tagata Pasifika 8am Praise Be 8:30 Attitude New Season. 0 9am Q+A 0 10am Waka Huia 10:30 Marae PGR 2 11am Neighbourhood 0 11:35 Fair Go 3 0 Noon F Nature’s Great Events 0 12:55 SPCA Rescue 0 1:25 Coasters 3 0 1:55 George Clarke – Restoration Man 3 0 2:55 Alex Polizzi’s Secret Italy 30 3:55 Piha Rescue 3 0 4:25 Fishy Business 0 4:55 The Supervet 0 6pm One News 0 7pm Sunday 0 7:30 Our First Home 0 8:30 Blindspot AO 0 9:25 N The Family AO Series following the return of a politician’s son, who was presumed dead after disappearing over a decade earlier. 0 10:25 The Widower PGR 0
11:25 Q+A 3 Local political-affairs programme. 0 12:35 Attitude 3 0 1:05 Emmerdale PGR 3 0 3am Marae PGR Maori current affairs show. 2 3:30 Infomercials
CHOICE TV 6am Love Nature – Natural World: Monkey Thieves 6:30 Through The Bible With Les Feldick 7am Richard E Grant’s Hotel Secrets PGR 8am Buying The Bayou 8:30 Getaway 9am The Liquidator 9:30 Hugh’s Three Good Things 10am Poh And Co 10:30 Kirstie’s Handmade Showdown 11:30 Polar Bear Town 12:30 Antiques Roadshow Detectives 1pm American Restoration 1:30 Backroad Bounty 2:30 Sophie In The Orient 3pm The Kindness Diaries 3:30 From Ireland To Sydney By Any Means 4:30 Poh’s Kitchen Lends A Hand 5pm Beyond River Cottage 5:30 Far Flung With Gary Mehigan 6:30 The Living Room 7:30 American Pickers Mike and Frank find a potential mega-pick in northeast Iowa, but will it yield any treasures? Danielle has a lead on a rare, antique gas pump. 8:30 Charlie And Boots 10:30 The Time Of Our Lives AO 11:30 The Kindness Diaries
Midnight M Match Point MVS 2005 Drama. Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Scarlett Johansson. 2am Sophie In The Orient 2:30 From Ireland To Sydney By Any Means 3:30 Poh’s Kitchen Lends A Hand 4am American Pickers 5am Far Flung With Gary Mehigan
©TVNZ 2016
6am Tiki Tour 3 0 6:25 Sofia The First 3 0 6:50 The Octonauts 3 0 7:10 The Tom And Jerry Show 3 0 7:35 Get Ace 3 0 8am What Now What Now celebrates Sibling Day; chef Chelsea Winter cooks in the studio; Chris meets a real-life Quidditch team. 10am Jessie When Jessie forbids Emma from going to the school dance, Emma must sneak out to warn Luke his new girlfriend is going to dump him. 0 10:25 The Voice 0 Noon Shortland Street Omnibus PGR 0 2:30 The Family Tools PGR 3pm Trophy Wife PGR 0 3:30 Home And Away Omnibus 0 6pm The Cul De Sac 0 6:30 The Middle (Part 2) 0 7pm The Simpsons 0 7:30 N You’re Back In The Room UK Comedy game show in which a team of five strangers takes on simple challenges to win money, but must do it while hypnotised. 0 8:30 M Rush Hour 2 AO 2001 Action. Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker. 0 10:20 Filthy Rich AO 3 0
12:20 Arrow 0 1:15 Embarrassing Bodies Down Under AO 3 0 2:20 NY ER PGR 3 2:45 Infomercials 3:20 Jeremy Kyle AO 3 4:15 It Is Written 3 4:45 Switched At Birth PGR 3 0 5:30 Infomercials
TV THREE 6am Life TV 6:30 Brian Houston 7am Charles Stanley 8am Universal Church Of The Kingdom Of God 8:30 Turning Point 9am Re-Think 9:30 The Hui 0 10am The Nation 0 10:55 Missing Pieces 3 0 11:15 Arranged 00 Noon Entertainment Tonight Weekend 1pm Motorsport – Aussie Carrera Cup Round eight, Gold Coast. 1:30 Motorsport – D1NZ Race Three, Part One. 2pm Motorsport – Monster Jam 3pm Motorsport – SsangYong Racing Series Round six, Taupo. 4pm Motorsport – MotoGP Argentina Round two. 5pm Ice Road Truckers 3 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm Si And Gary’s Now That’s Funny! PGR 0 7:30 The Hunt PGR 0 8:30 The Night Manager AO With the arms in transit, Pine takes an escalating series of risks to protect his cover and expose Roper; in London, Burr and Steadman face mounting opposition from Whitehall. 0 9:30 Live At The Apollo AO 0 10:30 M Restless Virgins PGR 2013 Biography Drama.
FOUR 6am Sesame Street 3 6:55 Peppa Pig 3 7am Strawberry Shortcake 3 7:25 Wonder Pets 3 7:50 Ready, Steady, Wiggles 3 8am Tree Fu Tom 3 8:45 Julius Jr 3 9:10 Ben And Holly’s Little Kingdom 3 9:30 Sticky TV Omnibus Noon Infomercials 2pm Sesame Street 3 2:55 Pingu 3 3pm Barney And Friends 3 3:30 Infomercials 4:30 Pukana 2 5pm Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 6pm Victorious 3 6:30 M Dr Dolittle – Tail To The Chief PGR 3 2008 Family. Kyla Pratt. 8:20 M Forces Of Nature AO 1999 Romantic Comedy. A man who must get from New York to Savannah for his wedding has his plans ruined by an eccentric woman. Ben Affleck, Sandra Bullock, Maura Tierney. 10:30 Entertainment Tonight Weekend The biggest entertainment stories of the last week.
7pm Storage Wars PGR 7:30 Antiques Roadshow Tredegar House in Wales provides the backdrop for a show including a carved coconut and a frog-shaped brooch, and the story of a D-Day raid as told by a veteran commando. 0 8:30 Decades In Colour 0 9:35 Elementary PGR 10:30 Limitless PGR 3 0
THE BOX 6am Survivor – Redemption Island Marathon PG 9:20 The Simpsons Super Sunday PG A marathon of Simpson’s episodes. 11:50 RBT MC 12:15 RAW MC 3pm Main Event MV 3:55 Smackdown MV 5:35 RBT MC 6pm Crash Investigation Unit M 6:25 Call Of The Wildman PG 6:50 Combat Dealers PG 7:40 Covert Affairs MV Things become complicated for Annie when Eyal Lavin and his boss, Rivka Singer, request the CIA’s assistance to find a Mossad asset. 8:30 Bosch MVL 9:25 F Bosch MVL 10:20 Da Vinci’s Demons 18VLS 11:20 Covert Affairs MV
12:10 Smackdown MV 1:50 Main Event MV 2:40 Da Vinci’s Demons 18VLS 3:30 Bosch MVL 4:20 F Bosch MVL 5:10 Covert Affairs MV
7:15 Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) Hurricanes v Jaguares. 7:45 Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) Reds v Highlanders. From Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane. 8:15 Small Blacks TV 8:30 Rugby League – NRL (Highlights) Round Six Saturday. 9am Rugby League – NRL (Highlights) Warriors v Sea Eagles. From Mt Smart Stadium. 9:30 The After Match 10am Sky Sport News NZ 10:30 Sky Sports UK News 11am L Motorsport – Nascar Sprint Cup Series Duck Commander 500. From Texas Motor Speedway. 3:30 Football – Arsenal TV West Ham United v Arsenal. 6:20 L Marathon – Rome Marathon 8pm Motorsport – Nascar Xfinity Series (Highlights) O’Reilly Auto Parts 300. From Texas Motor Speedway.
12:30 Infomercials 11:25 Infomercials 5:30 Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV 5am Infomercials
11:25 Top Gear USA PGR 3 Tanner takes Adam and Rut to try extreme off-road racing in rally cars, which involves driving at high speeds through the woods on narrow dirt roads with hairpin turns. 12:20 Home Shopping
v Sea Eagles. 8:30 M Chinese Take-Out AO 2011 Comedy Drama. In Buenos Aires, a reclusive Spanish hardware-store owner and a Chinese immigrant are thrown together by an absurd twist of fate. Ricardo Darín, Muriel Santa Ana, Ignacio Huang. 10:40 Te Kaea 3 2 11:10 Karanga – The First Voice 3 11:30 Marae Kai The Family Masters 3 11:40 Closedown – 9:25pm on TV One Whakamutunga
6am Rugby League – NRL (Highlights) Warriors v Sea Eagles. From Mt Smart Stadium. 6:30 The After Match Awen Guttenbeil and guests discuss the big issues in rugby league. 7am Rugby – World Sevens (Highlights) Hong Kong – Day Two. 8:30 Netball – ANZ Championship (Highlights) Swifts v Magic. From Sydney Olympic Park, You’re Back in the Room UK Sydney. 7:30pm on TV2 9am Rugby – Super Rugby (Highlights) Reds v Highlanders. MOVIES GREATS 9:30 Rugby – Super Rugby 7:25 Terminator Salvation (Highlights) Hurricanes v Jaguares. 10:05 L Rugby – Women’s MV 2009 Action. Christian Bale, World Sevens From Fifth-Third Bank Sam Worthington, Stadium, Kennesaw State University, Helena Bonham Carter. 9:20 You, Me And Dupree MLS 2006 Comedy. Atlana. 1pm Cricket – IPL (Highlights) Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson, Mumbai Indians v Rising Pune Matt Dillon. 11:10 Mission Supergiants. – Impossible MV 1996 Action 1:30 L Rugby League – Adventure Thriller. An American Holden Cup Sharks U20 v Titans agent, under false suspicion of disloyalty, must discover and expose U20. 3:30 L Rugby League – NRL the real spy without the help of his organisation. Tom Cruise, Jon Voight, Sharks v Titans. From Shark Park, Woolooware, NSW. Emmanuelle Béart. 1pm The 6pm L Rugby League – NRL Hangover 16LS 2009 Comedy. Bradley Cooper. 2:40 Philadelphia Knights v Tigers. From Hunter Stadium. PGC 1993 Drama. 4:45 Sex And 9pm Sunday Footy Show A review The City 2 MLS 2010 Comedy. and preview of all the weekend NRL 7:10 Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride league games. PGC 2005 Animated. 8:30 Whip It 11pm Fox Sports News MLS 2009 Drama. 10:25 Shaun Of 11:30 L Motorsport – British The Dead M 2004 Horror Comedy. Superbike Championship MONDAY Silverstone – First Round. From 12:05 Reign Of Fire MV 2002 Silverstone in England. Action Fantasy. 1:45 Sex And 5am Golf – The Masters The City 2 MLS 2010 Comedy. (Highlights) Round Three Saturday. 4:10 Philadelphia PGC 1993 Drama. From Augusta National Golf Club.
MAORI TV 10am Game Of Bros 10:30 Media Take 3 11am Native Affairs 3 12:30 Play PGR 1:30 Waka Ama Sprint Nationals 2:30 Poitukohu – Nga Kura Tuarua 3 3:30 Rugby – French Top 14 5:30 Te Kaea 2 6pm Nga Tangata Taumata Rau PGR 7pm The Laughing Samoans 7:30 Rugby League – NRL Warriors
6am Religious Programming 10:30 Sport Box The best of the past week’s sports from New Zealand and around the world. Noon Mythbusters PGR 3 The MythBusters take on five film firearm cliches. 1:05 Shearing Gang PGR 3 Lead wool handler Boy leads a crack team, but one of his key rousies has cracked ribs and, when a run-away turkey distracts the team, the gang may not finish the shear on time. 1:35 MasterChef Junior USA 3 2:30 Grassroots Rugby 3:30 F Danger Beach PGR 3 4pm Deal Or No Deal 4:30 Rugby Nation 5:30 Prime News 6pm Life 3
11pm Rugby – Women’s World Sevens (Replay) USA. 1:30 Football – A-League (Replay) Wellington Phoenix v Western Sydney Wanderers. From Westpac Stadium, Wellington. 3:30 L UFC Fight Night Rothwell v Dos Santos.
DISCOVERY 6am Destroyed In Seconds PG 6:30 Mythbusters PG 7:30 Mythbusters PG 8:30 Gold Rush PG 9:25 Treehouse Masters PG 10:20 Epic Bar Builds PG 11:15 Naked And Afraid M 12:10 Steven Avery M 1:05 Tutankhamun M 2pm Railroad Australia PG 2:55 Railroad Australia PG 3:50 Railroad Australia PG 4:45 Railroad Australia PG 5:40 Railroad Australia PG 6:35 Alaska – The Last Frontier M 7:30 Casino Secrets M 8:30 Close Encounters PG 9pm Close Encounters PG 9:30 Through The Wormhole With Morgan Freeman PG 10:30 Treehouse Masters PG 11:30 Mythbusters PG
12:30 You Have Been Warned M 1:25 Flying Wild Alaska PG 2:20 Auction Hunters PG 2:45 Destroyed In Seconds PG 3:15 Flying Wild Alaska PG 4:10 Dirty Jobs PG 5:05 Mythbusters PG
MOVIES PREMIERE 7:25 Barely Lethal MVL 2015 Action. Hailee Steinfeld, Samuel L Jackson. 9:05 Entourage 16LSC 2015 Comedy. Adrian Grenier, Jeremy Piven. 10:50 San Andreas ML 2015 Action. Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino. 12:45 American Sniper 16VLC 2014 Action. Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller. 3pm Blended MLS 2014 Comedy. Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore. 4:55 Hercules MVLS 2014 Action. Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane. 6:35 The Imitation Game MC 2014 Drama. Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley. 8:30 Avengers – Age Of Ultron MV 2015 Action. Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo. 10:55 Wrecker 16VLS 2015 Horror. Anna Hutchison, Andrea Whitburn.
12:20 Conduct Unbecoming PGLS 2011 Drama. Corey Sevier, Bridget Wareham. 2am Hercules MVLS 2014 Action. Dwayne Johnson, Ian McShane. 3:35 Blended MLS 2014 Comedy. Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore. 5:30 Avengers – Age Of Ultron MV 2015 Action.
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language. RATINGS: 16 Approved for persons 16 years or over; 18 Approved for persons 18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
10Apr16 | Compiled by
Family Notices 38 Ashburton Guardian DEATHS
van LEEUWEN, Johan George (Joris) – On April 8, 2016 peacefully in his sleep, at Rose Court Rest Home, Christchurch. Aged 89 years. Dearly loved husband of the late Eileen. Father of David and Rachel (Christchurch) and Ola and Julien (Wellington). Loved Opa of Reuben, George, Eve, and James. Messages to the van Leeuwen family, PO Box 472, Ashburton 7740. A special thank you to the Rakaia Community for their support of dad and to the people at Rose Court Rest Home. A service to celebrate Joris’s life will be held at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Main South Road, Rakaia on TUESDAY, April 12, commencing at 11.00am. Followed by cremation at the Harewood Crematorium Johns Road, Christchurch at 3.30pm.
Canterbury owned, locally operated
Patersons Funeral Services and Ashburton Crematorium Ltd
COOMBES, Reginald – 10-4-2005 “So many memories Of our lives spent together Keeping you close Day by day.” Loved and treasured forever.
Ra n
6 9
TUESDAY: Cloudy periods, a few showers. Brief southerly change.
Midnight Tonight
11:00 – 2:05 AM
PROTECTION REQUIRED Slip, Slop, Slap and Wrap
Managing Director
620 East Street Ashburton Ph/Fax 308 5369 or 0274 357 974 NZMMMA Member
bur to
MONDAY: Fine with high cloud. Gusty northerlies.
Data provided by NIWA
Ph 307 7433
For all your memorial requirements New headstones and designs Renovations, Additional inscriptions, Cleaning and Concrete work Carried out by qualified tradesmen.
Office and Chapel Corner East & Cox Streets, Ashburton
TOMORROW: Fine. Northeasterlies.
LIN LI N CO L N Rakaia
TODAY: Morning cloud, then fine. Northeast developing morning.
307 7900
Map for today
Ashburton Forecast
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Ashburton, Geraldine, Temuka & Surrounding Districts since 1905
Call the Guardian for all your classified requirements.
FECHNEY, Alan – In memory of a loved husband, dad and granddad. Passed away 2 years on Sunday, April 10. “In our home there stands a photo More precious to us than gold MID CANTERBURY FUNERAL SERVICES Paterson’s Funeral Services A photograph of you FDANZ Ashburton Your memory will never, Galbraith’s provide choice! Ph 307 7433 grow old. We have a team of highly respected, professional funeral directors and Galbraith’s celebrants. We offer you complete funeral care including pre-arrangement, People say we have our and your choice of venue, funeral celebrants and catering. memories, provide choice! We believe that every life is unique and every person’s funeral needs to maybe this is true Please note all late death reflect their individuality - ask us how we can be of assistance to you and Call us on But we never wanted notices or notices sent your family. Call us on 308 3980 memories outside ordinary office hours or call in and 308 visit 3980 our new premises at we only wanted you. must be emailed to: 246 Havelock Street or call in and visit The tears that flow we can wipe away to ensure publication. our new premises at But the ache in our hearts Eion McKinnon Rob Cope-Williams During office hours notices is here to stay.” 246 Havelock may also be sent to: All our love Pat, Ivan, Rosie, Street Tania, Christeena and Nicholas xx Any queries Official Opening 18 Feb - 9am til 4pm please contact FUNERAL 0800 For all subscriber FURNISHERS ASHBURTON MASTER (0800-274-287). enquiries, missed MONUMENTAL MASON
Guardian Classifieds
Saturday, April 9, 2016
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0800 274 287 0800 ASHBURTON
Waimate less than 30 fine
mainly isolated cloudy drizzle drizzle few showers fine showers clearing showers 30 to 59
isolated snow thunder flurries
sleet thunder
Canterbury Plains
60 plus
FZL: Rising to 2800m
Morning cloud, then fine. Northeasterlies developing in the morning.
Areas of morning cloud, otherwise fine. Wind at 1000m: Light. Wind at 2000m: Light.
Rain with possible heavy falls spreading northwards about the divide. Scattered rain developing further east. Snow down to 2000m. NW gale or severe gale in exposed places.
Fine with high cloud. Gusty northerlies.
TUESDAY Cloudy periods with a few showers. Brief southerly change.
Scattered rain easing to a few showers. Northwesterlies, strong or gale in exposed places.
WEDNESDAY Showers. Southwest change.
World Weather
Adelaide Amsterdam Bangkok Berlin Brisbane Cairns Cairo Calcutta Canberra Colombo Darwin Delhi Dubai Dublin Edinburgh
fine drizzle showers cloudy fine showers rain fine fine thunder thunder fine fine showers cloudy
Saturday 9 noon 3
cloudy showers fine showers showers showers drizzle fine thunder rain showers fine fine fine fine
15 2 13 3 20 12 27 23 29 22 24 14 33 24 20 9 35 25 11 7 19 13 16 3 21 11 16 5 32 22
New York Y Paris Perth Rarotonga Rome San Francisco Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Washington Zurich
9 pm am 3
Sunday 9 noon 3
9 pm am 3
9 noon 3
snow drizzle thunder rain cloudy showers cloudy thunder fine fine drizzle rain fine rain showers
9 pm
11:01 5:16 11:33 5:43 11:57 6:14 12:31 6:42 12:57 7:15 The times shown are for the Ashburton River mouth. For the Rangitata river mouth subtract 16 minutes and for the Rakaia river mouth subtract 4 minutes.
Rise 6:59 am Set 6:09 pm
Bad fishing
Rise 8:39 am Set 7:28 pm
First quarter
14 Apr 4:01 pm ©Copyright OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
Find out how you can help by visiting: A University of Otago Centre of Research Excellence
Rise 7:00 am Set 6:07 pm
Bad fishing
Rise 7:02 am Set 6:05 pm
Bad fishing
Rise 9:53 am Set 8:13 pm
Rise 11:02 am Set 9:02 pm
22 Apr 5:25 pm
30 Apr 3:30 pm
Full moon
Last quarter
Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa
For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit
Happy Birthday
4 11 27 29 16 18 19 34 9 25 28 36 21 10 10
2 6 16 25 11 13 7 24 1 17 22 20 9 1 5
20 21 20 20 19 19 19 18 18 19 19 19 19
River Levels
15 13 15 13 13 11 9 8 7 6 7 11 10
Selwyn Whitecliffs (NIWA) at 3:10 pm, yesterday
Rakaia Fighting Hill (NIWA) at 3:00 pm, yesterday 195.7 Nth Ashburton at 12:40 pm, yesterday
Sth Ashburton at 2:20 pm, yesterday
Rangitata Klondyke at 3:25 pm, yesterday
Waitaki Kurow at 12:40 pm, yesterday
Source: Environment Canterbury
Canterbury Readings
Forecasts for today Frankfurt Geneva Hobart Hong Kong Honolulu Islamabad Jakarta Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur London Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Moscow Nadi
22 12 13 3 35 28 15 4 31 20 31 23 40 28 40 27 24 8 34 26 34 26 37 22 32 21 7 -1 8 4
overnight max low
Palmerston North fine
FZL: 3000m
Fine. Wind at 1000m: NW 25 km/h. Wind at 2000m: NW 30 km/h.
Fine. Northeasterlies.
m am 3 3
We help save lives every day through the research and development of improved diagnosis, be er prediction and treatment of heart disease in our hospital and community.
NZ Today
Canterbury High Country
Saturday, 9 April 2016
A front moves away to the east of the North Island on Monday, and a northwest flow spreads over the country ahead of a trough, moving onto the south of the South Island later Monday. The trough moves north onto central New Zealand on Tuesday, and away to the east of New Zealand on Wednesday.
Tides, Sun, Moon and Fishing
We Help Save Lives
NZ Situation
Wind km/h
Ashburton Airport Temperature °C At 4pm 11.8 17.9 Max to 4pm 11.8 Minimum 9.5 Grass minimum Rainfall mm 0.4 16hr to 4pm April to date 7.2 Avg Apr to date 13 2016 to date 160.0 182 Avg year to date Wind km/h SE 13 At 4pm Strongest gust S 57 Time of gust 4:49am
© Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2016
to 4pm yesterday
Christchurch Airport
Timaru Airport
9.7 15.8 8.9 –
12.8 19.8 11.5 11.3
12.7 15.1 10.3 –
11.8 27.2 – 373.4 –
3.8 10.8 13 179.4 153
1.2 12.2 9 168.6 143
E7 – –
S 20 S 70 5:15am
SE 9 S 46 3:48am
Compiled by
For just $10!* Book your birthday greeting, including a photo, for just $10! Ten words only.* (Under 12 children’s birthday greetings remain FREE) *Terms and conditions apply.
Phone 03 307 7900 Email: Level 3, Somerset House, 161 Burnett Street
Puzzles Saturday, April 9, 2016 CRYPTIC
ACROSS 1. Charming prisoner endlessly eating head off (11) 6. One backed away from the platform, which is deplorable (3) 8. To sus endlessly out how it ejects one (5) 10. Are pinned so that the dress stands out from the hips (9) 11. Make dirty mould in which plants will grow (4) 12. Has to have Eden’s replacement (5) 13. Where it stands, no one will back the entire horse (8) 16. Packed close, the riders turn around final fence (7) 17. It is right to eke out the smell of smoke (4) 18. Piece of news involving two in a relationship (4) 19. Swing from end to end alphabetically, Peter may (7) 21. So industrious, one tingled in the making of it (8) 23. Stone ground flour suitable for making it? (5) 26. Exposure of a piece of stain (4) 27. Nothing to pay for manner of swimming (9) 28. Whips the top off the trophy (5) 29. Show a film of the chicken enclosure (3) 30. Changed over ferrets, and got them about right (11)
7 8
10 11 12
14 15 16 17
19 20
DOWN 1. Hit one over the head and race for China (5,5) 2. Old American flier one could see grasp opening (9-6) 3. Keeps making point about its sins (7) 4. Health deriving from bread, 5 (5) 5. Is closely questioned as to what 4 was (7) 6. She can bear it if it’s somebody else’s offspring (9,6) 7. Two parties no longer with us (4) 9. A sly person to be on one’s unaccompanied state (3)
13. If it’s safe, RUC will come out on top (7) 14. Meal – tin, perhaps: it’s still food (7) 15. Is concentrated in endless comedy by the newspapers (10) 19. Gemini giving extraterrestrial a jumper and cardigan (7) 20. Bind somebody to one who leaves nitrogen about (7) 22. A fibre many long to hold (5) 24. Because it’s colloquial, the lettuce is long (3) 25. It is seen from a distance in the leaf arrangement (4)
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTIONS CRYPTIC Across 7. Artificiality 8. Genuflected 12. Chapel 14. Twitch 16. Graced 18. Trials 19. Penultimate 23. Procrastinate Down 1. Grog 2. Sign 3. Sinful 4. Direct 5. Plot 6. Stud 9. Emanate 10. Extract 11. Thus 12. Cage 13. Eye 15. War 17. Dollar 18. Thirty 19. Port 20. Nick 21. Aunt 22. Eats QUICK Across 1. Testify 5. Staff 8. Private sector 9. Cue 10. Giddiness 12. Adhere 13. Oceans 15. Golf links 16. End 18. Reincarnation 20. Dig up 21. Extreme Down 1. Topic 2. Spine-chilling 3. Inaugural 4. Yields 5. Sue 6. At the same time 7. Forests 11. Incessant 12. Angered 14. Untrue 17. Dense 19. Cap
QUICK ACROSS 6. Overlaid (7) 7. Criminal (5) 9. Wicked (3) 10. Make neither profit nor loss (5,4) 12. Intricate (11) 15. Revealing the good and bad (5,3,3) 17. Cautiously (9) 19. Bight (3) 21. Sum (5) 22. Sailor (7)
DOWN 1. Faithful (5) 2. Animal’s lair (3) 3. Rip (4) 4. Usually (9) 5. Always (7) 8. Assorted (6) 11. Proceed delicately (4,5) 13. Pestilence (6) 14. Bullfighter (7) 16. Military trainee (5) 18. Go in front (4) 20. Assist (3)
Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton | Members of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd.
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
Ashburton Guardian
YOUR STARS ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): You already know a handful of subjects that you and your friends can connect over. Branch out to keep the relationships fresh. New topics and activities will be even more fortifying than the familiar ways of bonding. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): Some things you’d rather do alone. Your methods may clash with a partner’s way of doing things. Split the work. If you tackle it together, it will only cause friction. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): There’s nothing wrong with a little competition. You’ll be better off for the added pressure of having to do things faster, cheaper or in a more attractive manner than others. CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): Instead of being fine with “whatever,” you’re fine with a very specific list of variables, none of which will be out of the question as deliverables. So do you dare to ask for what you really want? LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): You have long believed in the strengths and competencies of others. It’s about time you see that your competencies are just as real and deserving of attention and nurturing than ever. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Your special someone has a strong sense of your love. What this person means to you goes beyond words. The feeling is untranslatable. And yet you keep trying – a noble effort. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): You are susceptible to enchantment. Bonus: There’s no harm in surrendering to it! A relationship will deepen as you relax into the natural flow of things. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): It takes a massive effort to carry a grudge, and frankly it’s a lot to keep track of, too. For this and other reasons, you’ll forgive someone and feel immediately lighter for it. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): You see a different truth than the others involved. Or maybe you’re just reflecting on it differently and thereby drawing highly original conclusions, the likes of which could baffle and delight them all at once. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): You’re not being greedy; rather, you just feel that you need fatter resources in order to do the job in the best way. More money means more options. There are lowmoney options too, however. Get creative. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Call your loved ones without a reason or a point. This will be one of their favourite expressions of your love. Pointless conversations usually happen between kindred hearts. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): You’re dealing with a flawed situation. Is it slightly flawed or is it tragically flawed? Can you work with and fix the problems – or is this something that will never change?
61 Eton Street, Ashburton 27 Grey Street, Ashburton 30 Grey Street, Ashburton 39 Queens Drive, Ashburton 26 Suffolk Street, Ashburton 122F Tarbottons Road, Ashburton 16 Kerr Street, Ashburton 11 Glassey Drive, Ashburton 127 Cameron Street, Ashburton 19 Coniston Drive, Ashburton 2 Avalon Grove 12 Hanrahan Street 19 Russell Avenue, Ashburton 23 Beach Road, Ashburton 27 Miller Avenue 108 Smithfield Road 5 Manse Place, Ashburton 22 Buchanan Place, Ashburton 26 Mitchell Place, Ashburton 17 Buchanan Place 81 Harland Street, Tinwald 12 Jane Street, Tinwald
9:30 - 10:00am 9:45 - 10:15am 10:00 - 10:30am 10:15 - 10:45am 10:15 - 10:45am 10:30 - 11:00am 10:45 - 11:15am 10:45 - 11:15am 11:00 - 11:30am 11:00 - 11:30am 11:15 - 11:45am 11:15 - 11:45am 11:30 - 12:00pm 12:00 - 12:30pm 12:00 - 12:30pm 12:00 - 12:30pm 12:30 - 1:00pm 12:30 - 1:00pm 1:00 - 1:30pm 1:00 - 1:30pm 2:00 - 2:30pm 3:00 - 3:30pm
3 4 2 4 2 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 2 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3
1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
1 2 1 2 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 2
10:30 - 11:00am 11:00 - 11:30am 11:00 - 11:30am 11:15 - 11:45am 12:00 - 12:30pm 12:30 - 1:00pm 12:45 - 1:15pm 1:00 - 1:30pm 1:00 - 1:30pm 1:15 - 1:45pm 2:00 - 2:30pm 2:00 - 2:30pm 2:00 - 2:30pm 2:00 - 2:30pm
3 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 3
1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 2
3 2 2 2 6 2 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 3
SUNDAY 10TH APRIL 147 Kermode Street, Ashburton 6 Millibrook Place, Tinwald 38 Winslow Westerfield Road, Ashburton 34 Tucker Street, Ashburton 3 Thomson Street, Tinwald 30 Dunford Street, Rakaia 5 Manse Place, Ashburton 55 Grayburn Road, Ashburton 87 Belt Road, Ashburton 110 Rolleston Street, Rakaia 30 Catherwood Avenue, Ashburton 14 Wakanui Road, Ashburton 5 Carters Road, Ashburton 15 Torbay Avenue, Ashburton
Ray White knows how to get you the best price for your property!
34 Tucker Street, Ashburton
* 3 ample bedrooms with built in wardrobes * separate bathroom, toilet & sizable laundry * freshly painted throughout * partial double glazing, heat pump & log fire * double internal access garaging For Sale $389,000 Open Home Sunday 11:15 - 11:45am AHB21175
11 Glassey Drive, Ashburton
* 3 bedroom * 2 adjoining living ares both open to private patio * Open plan kitchen/dining + 2 living * Bath and shower * Separate WC and laundry For Sale Offers over $385,000 Open Home Saturday 10:45 - 11:15am
81 Harland, Ashburton
If you are looking for a low maintenance home in a great family suburb then look no further than this well-built brick and iron house. This totally comfortable home is situated in a quiet street with fantastic proximity to shops, park, schools and town. For Sale $290,000 Open Home Saturday 2:00 - 2:30pm
26 Mitchell Place, Ashburton Family friendly & impressive
- 3 bedrooms - Great first home/investment - Lovely Street - Low maintenance Summer hill Stone This well presented Summer hill Stone home sits nicely on partially fenced 1012sqm section. It has two double and one single bedrooms all with built in robes, open plan kitchen/dining and a separate lounge. To keep you nice and cosy in the winter months there is 2 heat pumps. Outside is the double garaging and a very private outdoor area outback. This property would make a great family home and is in the Netherby school zone. Don’t miss out this is certainly worth taking a look.
30 Catherwood Avenue
What a thrill to absorb everything this 1997 home has to offer. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, office, open plan kitchen/ dining and living flowing to outdoor dining. Separate laundry, double garage with internal access and a strengthened mezzanine floor above offers storage space. * Deadline sale closing 4pm,15 April 2016 Open Home Saturday 2:00 - 2:30pm AHB21089
23 Beach Road, Ashburton
2 Avalon Grove, Ashburton
New to the market and sure to be snapped up quick. This cosy brick home is a must see if you are looking to get onto the property ladder as it has been modernised throughout and well insulated both in ceiling and under floor along with double glazed windows. Deadline sale closing 26 April 2016, at 2pm Open Home Sunday
In the heart of Braebrook lies this beautifully built home. No expense has been spared with this house,from the underfloor insulation & heating to the in built log fire with a magnificent shist wall behind it. For Sale POA Open Home Saturday 11:15 - 11:45am
Open Home Saturday 1:00pm - 1:30pm Carrie-ann Summers 021 165 3091 Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)
15 Torbay Avenue, Lake Hood
Lake access at the edge of your beautiful landscaped section with your own private jetty PLUS large BBQ Entertaining area which is sheltered and private yet overlooks the water. Deadline sale closing 2pm, 26 April 2016 Open Home Sunday 2:00 - 2:30pm
27 Miller Avenue, Ashburton
Just walk down the shared driveway to a private retreat, ready for a family to make it home. - 3 Double Bedrooms - Great 1/4 acre - Close to all amenities For Sale $335,000 Open Home Sunday 1:15 - 1:45pm