Ashburton Guardian, Saturday, October 12, 2019

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News 2

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Self-harm a problem in Mid Canty By Susan Sandys

A recent study identifies a potentially growing and significant youth self-harm problem in Mid Canterbury. Researchers examined data on self-harm presentations to Ashburton Hospital’s emergency department for patients aged 15 to 24 and compared them to national rates. “Self-harm is a strong risk factor for completing suicide, so it is important to establish and monitor rates of self-harm,” the researchers said. Young Maori were over-represented in recent years, as were females, those aged 15 to 19, those from poorer suburbs and those living in the more built-up areas. There were 197 presentations from 162 patients to the department over the 10year study period, which was from January 2008 to December 2017. Of the presentations 75.1 per cent were female, 88.3 per cent were non-Maori and 68 per cent were aged under 20 years. “Most presentations were for self-poisoning, often with multiple drugs or toxins, and, in line with current hospital policy, most were admitted to hospital for an overnight stay,” the researchers said. There were significantly higher rates of self-harm presentations in the post-earth-

quake period than in the pre-earthquake period, while the lowest rate of presentations was in 2011, the year of the Canterbury Earthquake. From 2012 onwards, youth self-harming rates for non-Maori remained similar to pre-earthquake rates, but Maori rates rose steeply, with an almost nine-fold increase during the 2013 to 2017 period, from 116 to 1106 per 100,000. “It is possible that improved ethnicity data collection in recent times may explain part of the jump in rates,” the researchers said. “However, it seems more likely that young Maori in this district have a real increased risk of presenting with selfharm due to increased rates of distress or changed help-seeking behaviour. “In addition to the outstanding burden of health and socio-economic inequities that have persisted since colonisation, Maori settled in the Ashburton District have typically migrated from other areas of New Zealand. Being distanced from ancestral whenua (land) and whanau (family) could potentially be adding a further sense of displacement.” In addition, the study found rates of selfharm and suicidality over 10 years that “appear” to be higher than in the national population.

Kevin Clifford The local rate, averaged over 10 years, was 562.7 per 100,000 youth self-harm presentations compared to a national rate of 456 in 2013, which was the mid-point year of the study. And using unpublished data from the Coroner’s Office, the local annualised rate of completed suicide over

the 10 years was 37.6, compared to the national rate of 17.8. The study, published in the Journal of Primary Health Care in July, was one of very few in New Zealand specifically examining self-harm among rural youth, and contributed to the body of research to date. What was already known was that New Zealand had high rates of youth suicide, and globally rural youth tended to be at greater risk of suicide than urban youth. Safer Ashburton general manager Kevin Clifford said the trends were “very concerning, not only for Mid Canterbury, but for rural areas in general”. “The information we have seen indicates that rural areas are more susceptible to these trends than cities,” Clifford said. Mid Canterbury community organisations had been aware of the issues and working hard to increase service provision locally. “Safer Ashburton itself has embarked on the Lives Worth Living Project as a way to try and address some of the drivers behind these issues and we have had tremendous community support to get this project off the ground,” Clifford said. Two Lives Worth Living suicide prevention co-ordinators in one full-time equivalent position began in their role based at Community House earlier this year.

Feeling lucky?

Getting in spirit of pink

Mid Canterbury locals lining up for a shot at the $32 million Powerball draw tonight can do so knowing they hold a better statistical chance than most areas around New Zealand. As part of the promotional push towards tonight’s massive draw, Lotto NZ yesterday revealed the luckiest spots in New Zealand and Ashburton comes in at 19th on the list of 72 regions for the 2019 calendar year. Per capita winnings, Ashburton’s return is $82.20, a long way off from the Manawatu region which boosts a per capita winnings of $395.42 but a long way ahead of our close neighbours Selwyn whose return is a measly $23.25.

Volunteers for the annual Pink Ribbon Appeal stepped out into the public yesterday to begin the annual campaign. In Methven, Alison Esler and Liz McMillan (right) braved the cool temperatures to do their bit to help raise funds for the worthwhile cause under the shelter of the Methven Mall. The annual appeal carries on through to today with collectors again scattered around the district. PHOTO ERIN TASKER - 111019-ET-0016

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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


Students add their voice to voting Business

for sale, future up in air: Ellis

By Sue Newman

Their votes may not change the outcome, but 27 Ashburton Intermediate School students have taken a keen interest in this year’s local body elections. Year 7 teacher Kristina Sheppard had taken the opportunity to involve her class in a Youth Voting initiative promoted by Local Government New Zealand to create awareness of the elections among intermediate and college age students. The initiative allowed them to experience the election process first hand, considering and discussing key issues and completing ballot papers. It was seen as a way to highlight the importance of having a say in the issues that affected their lives now and in the future. During the final days of last term, Sheppard and her students had focused on the elections, the candidates and the issues involved. And those students surprised her by their knowledge of the candidates and the issues that were important. “They were really quite engaged. They’d obviously listened to their parents’ conversations and discussions got quite heated at time over who they would vote for and why they wouldn’t vote for other candidates,” she said. The students took the actual voting process seriously, in spite of knowing their votes would not affect the election’s outcome, Sheppard said. At the end of the term, she collected the students’ voting papers

By Sue Newman

and deposited them in the ballot box at the Ashburton District Council. Those papers have now made their way to the vote counting centre although they will not

become part of the official vote count. Ashburton College and Ashburton Christian School also signed on to the Youth Vote initiative.

Above – Ashburton Intermediate teacher Kristina Sheppard posting voting papers from her students.


Late deciders have until noon to vote If you woke up this morning and realised you hadn’t voted in this year’s local body elections, it’s not too late. Tardy voters have until noon today to complete their voting papers and to drop these into a ballot box at the Ashburton District Council’s office. Nominations close at noon sharp but until then eligible vot-

ers who have not received their voting papers in the mail or who have lost them can also complete special voting papers. Voting in this year’s election has been strong, with 48.57 per cent of votes returned by late Thursday, slightly ahead of the same time in the 2016 election. Total vote count in 2016 was just over 53 per cent.


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Once voting closes, a progress result is expected to be posted on the council website early afternoon. The progress result will be based on the counting of around 98 per cent of the returned votes, but won’t include votes made on Saturday morning. These votes will be counted early Saturday afternoon and included in the pre-

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liminary results, which the council anticipates will be available later in the afternoon. The council will publish both the progress and preliminary results on its website ashburtondc.govt. nz/elections, and results will also be available via its free Text Alert service and its social media channels, Facebook (@AshburtonDC) and Twitter (Ashburton_DC).

The fallout from this year’s local body elections has started before the results are out. Two-term Ashburton District Councillor Russell Ellis became ineligible to stand for election for another term after his nomination form was declared invalid after a nominator was found to live outside the Ashburton Ward. With council service off the table, Ellis has decided to take a long, hard look at his future options. And that includes putting his business, Kitchen Express, on the market. Selling up had been on the longterm radar, but with the debacle over his nomination still rankling, Ellis said he decided he’d test the market now. If he sells, then it’ll be decision time on whether he stays around and makes another bid for a council seat in 2022 or whether he leaves town. “I guess there’s a three-year gap to see what happens. If the business sells, and I hope it will, I don’t really have a plan. It’s all up in the air,” he said. Forced to watch the lead-in to the election from the outside, Ellis said he’s decided to spend election day out of town. He’ll still be watching with interest as the results come in, however. “I look at it and I don’t really know how it’ll pan out. Voter turnout is pretty good and I think it’ll be a very close call.” Ellis joins Peter Reveley in the loss of experience around the new council table. This experience drain will be greater once the results are known as long-serving councillor Neil Brown and current mayor Donna Favel are among the four candidates chasing the mayoralty. One, at least, will not be in the new team.


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News 4

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019

No bread for ducks, says ‘kill-joy’ council By Susan Sandys

Ashburton Domain visitors get friendly with ducklings and their parents yesterday. PHOTO SUSAN SANDYS 111019-SS-0056 on board with the council’s suggestion. Ashburton Fanciers Society life member Roger McCormick accused the local body of being “kill-joys and idiots”. “I think it’s a wonderful thing for children to be able to feed the ducks,” McCormick said.

It was a pastime he had himself done as a child growing up in Ashburton, when he visited his grandparents who lived near the domain. Now residing in Motueka, he had lived in Ashburton most of his life. He used to fatten his own ducks for pocket money as

a child, mainly feeding them on potatoes and white bread soaked in milk. “It’s an acceptable diet if it only forms part of it, and that is the case, the ducks are not standing there waiting for their next feed.” The domain ducks would fly out to farm paddocks at night, to

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Mid Cantabrians feeding ducks in the Ashburton Domain are being asked to think twice about the treasured pastime. The Ashburton District Council is considering erecting friendly signs advising about the activity, due to it not being good for the ducks or the domain. The issue is complicated at certain times of year in the domain as endemic and endangered black-billed gulls congregate with the resident waterfowl. Business support group manager Paul Brake said the council “does not actively encourage the feeding of ducks and gulls”. “We are considering appropriate signage, particularly adjacent to the ponds to help educate and advise the public,” he said. The council wanted to reduce the colonisation of ducks and gulls in some areas due to accumulations of bird droppings and debris allowing for disease organisms to grow which posed a public health risk. Additionally, bread was nutritionally deficient and made birds ill, while decomposing bread polluted the water. However, feeding ducks is a much-loved pastime amongst young and old, so not everyone is

feed on earthworms and grain. As a young man he used to go duck shooting and the ducks which he understood spent time in the domain were always the ones among the day’s bag limit which were plump and well fed. McCormick said while grain stores sold mixes specifically suited to ducks, in reality people feeding ducks were getting rid of stale bread from their pantries. “It makes far more sense to feed that to the ducks in the domain than for it to end up in landfill, so I don’t subscribe to the council’s view at all,” he said. However, the Ashburton SPCA advises not to feed ducks bread. Centre manager Rebecca Dobson said wheat, barley and other grains were preferred. “Bread can cause botulism in ducks which can be fatal,” she said. Other foods suitable for ducks include uncooked oats, cooked or uncooked rice, birdseed, grapes cut in half, unsalted nut pieces, defrosted peas and corn, earthworms or mealworms, chopped lettuce and chopped vegetable trimmings. Forest and Bird Ashburton advises not to feed black-billed gulls, as it interferes with their natural feeding routines.

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Ashburton Guardian Reigns Longer Than The Queen When Robert Bell purchased a partnership interest in the Ashburton Guardian in 1900, a long reigning monarch was still on the throne of England.

Queen and Duke of Edinburgh had lunch in Ashburton Domain with invited guests. Both events commanded front page treatment in the Guardian.

Queen Victoria turned 81 in May, 1900, and, only the year before, had visited Ireland. The patriotic fervour displayed by Mid Canterbury people towards the South African War, extended to the “old country.”

Queen Elizabeth has served her subjects for 67 years. In its own distinctive way, the Ashburton Guardian has served the Mid Canterbury community for more than twice her reign. While Royalty played an important role, the newspaper’s emphasis has been on the community.

The Ashburton Guardian recorded her birthday and then her death in January the following year. She reigned as monarch for 64 years, only surpassed by her great-great grand-daughter, Queen Elizabeth the Second. Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Philip, visited Ashburton twice. The first time was in 1953, shortly after her coronation. On that historic occasion, Mayor Bathurst, lost his notes and the Queen had to show him where he’d reached. “You’re a pal,” he replied. On the second occasion in the 1980s, the

It’s celebrated success and commemorated personal loss. It’s highlighted major community milestones and yet been invited into homes to record the most intimate of moments. It’s championed causes and publicised achievements. It’s been there for Mid Canterbury during three centuries and faces the challenges of the future with confidence. However in newspaper’s

his address at the 140th anniversary,

Bruce Bell shows off both the broadsheet Guardian and today’s compact issue. Owner/Publisher, Bruce Bell, said the Guardian can’t do it alone. It needs the community’s support, advertising, news and ongoing subscription to keep the

newspaper flourishing and viable. He referred to the road the Guardian was travelling and invited Mid Canterbury people to travel it with him.

A Day Full of Pyjamas, Panic and Pride October 13, 38 years ago was like any other Mid Canterbury day. It was a fine, spring morning, people had their breakfast and went to work. It was a Tuesday and the afternoon newspaper, The Ashburton Guardian, prepared for another issue. But the day would turn out differently. People had populated the fashion shops in town to buy spring outfits and hats. Book shops had done a brisk trade, selling crayons, paper and decorations. The shingle at the side of Seafield Road gleamed in the sun. The Domain had been cleaned, manicured and dusted. Nan Gilbert didn’t notice that as she walked her dog. What she observed were men lurking suspiciously in the bushes and around the Domain. She called the police. At the other end of the phone someone said, “Is the call from a woman in pyjamas, wearing a dressing gown with a German Shepherd?” Her night attire attracted interest from the

top security agents in the land. In Burnett Street, Guardian editor, Malcolm Hopwood, had a busy day when suddenly it was interrupted. A woman, known for her privacy, visited the newspaper. Her name was Bobbie Barwell, a local identity. She flashed her driver’s licence and showed off her pristine MG sports, with the hood down. It was British racing green, identical to the car Prince Phillip drove, when courting Princess Elizabeth, back in the 1940s. It was the sort of vehicle that would stop a Rolls Royce. And it did. You see October 13 wasn’t any old day in the thriving heart of Mid Canterbury. It was the day when the Queen and Duke came to town. They’d be in Ashburton for just over three hours and have lunch with invited guests. Neither the editor nor the Owner/Publisher of the Guardian, John Bell, were invited and they were prickly about it. But they had a paper to edit, news to gather and a publication to print. Personal feelings didn’t come into it. But like any provincial newspaper, they wanted to champion the community. Sometimes they weren’t above creating the news themselves. So the editor told Bobbie and her friend to park the car prominently at the side of Seafield Road and wave a placard which said “Remember?”

Former editor, Malcolm Hopwood, reflects on a publication from the 1980s.

It would make a great story in addition to the quail eggs, petit fours and Blenheimer that was consumed at lunchtime.

Bobbie was even told that, if she shouted loud enough, the Duke of Edinburgh might halt the Rolls, walk over to the MG and take it for a spin along the tarmac at Ashburton Aerodrome. After all MG stood for “My Girl” and Prince Phillip was courting the most sought-after woman in the world. It wasn’t to be. The bullet-proof vehicle slowed, Phillip looked out, motioned to Bobbie and the MG but the Royal Rolls kept moving. However any vehicle that travels up Seafield to the Domain has to return and Bobbie and the Guardian were waiting.

photos. The Guardian felt proud and subscribers loved it. The following day, Nan Gilbert walked her dog in the Domain. She wore her PJs and dressing gown but there was no security service to witness them, record her movements or for Fido to bark at. The Domain was pristine and quiet. Ashburton had returned to normal.

In the meantime editor, Malcolm Hopwood, still prickly, walked to the Domain to try and attract the Queen’s entourage. Surely a young Dickie Arbiter, the Royal correspondent, would be among them. It would be a great story for the BBC, after the Guardian had used it. But he couldn’t get near. He had no official invitation. Instead it was left to Bobbie to do her thing. The Rolls returned to the RNZAF plane. When it reached Bobbie, it stopped. The Duke leaned out of the window and asked her about it. Was it his? No, it was hers and she didn’t think he was a previous owner. But it brought back memories and he asked more questions. Finally the Rolls Royce left but not before Bobbie received her own Royal wave from the Queen and Duke. The Guardian had its exclusive, just like thousands of stories before and after that can only be found in its pages. The story was run, it was front page with

“Tomorrow’s another day, another issue, another milestone on our journey. It’s also one where we want to take you with us” - Bruce Bell


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ashburton Guardian


The Farmers team of By Sue Newman

Fifty years ago the Ashburton retail store known today as Farmers was a very different business. There were many more staff on the payroll and the range of goods sold was much wider. It also traded from a different location, at the opposite end of the East Street retail precinct. Then under the management of Doug Worner, The Farmers traded from a two-storey building on the corner of East and Havelock Streets. Its stock ranged from groceries, furniture and clothing to livestock trading. This photo of Ashburton staff in 1969 show that almost 100 people were on the payroll. As a national organisation, Farmers celebrated its 100th birthday in 2009. It began as a modest mail order business in October 1909 with the first sale a roll of wire netting. Today there are 58 stores across New Zealand employing 4000 people. It was founded by Scottish immigrant Robert Laidlaw and its initial focus was on rural communities. After World War One the company origi-

Back row: G. Hortin, K. Free, J. Clinton, C. McLeod, R. McIntosh, N. Escott, R. Nelson, E. Payne, R. Allen, J. Kewish, R. Woods, G. Kneale, C. Dow, R. Clarke, M. Watson, W. Protheroe, C. Hampton. Second row: G. Elliott, D. Johnston, A. Scarf, F. Soal, G. Burgess, G. Small, C. Harris, J. Argyle, J. Runtz, B. Reddecliffe, V. Bowman, J. Lawler, B. Stringer, P. Shurrock, P. Spence, A. Dickson, J. Marr, J. Kneale. Third row: P. Poulton, R. Bonnington, S. Tarbotton, J. Harris, Misses R. Sarney, M. Body, S. Smith, G. Melrose, Mrs McLeod, Mrs Andrew, Misses P. March, S. Gribben, C. Gardiner, Mrs L. Tindall, K. Olliver, S. Hardman, B. McElhinney, W. Whelan. Fourth row: Misses P. James, A. Denton, Mrs Cadigan, Miss M. Lawler, Mrs McGeorge, Misses C. Parnell, J. Kirwan, D. Spicer, J. Davison, Mrs Kneale, Mrs Jones, Mrs Gowans, Mrs Beatty, Miss L. Smith, Mrs McEwan, Misses F. Loveday, M. Reesby, Mrs Storrie, Mrs Roberts, Miss M. McLauchlan. Sitting: T. Ashton, M. Cunneen, W. Dalzell, W. Nelson, N. Fox, Miss O. Forbes, A. Wilson, Miss D. Simpson, L. Cornwall, D. Worner (manager), J. Smith, Miss I. Jamieson, B. Henderson, R. Thompson, R. Naish, S. Watts, P. Tuite, J. Sheehan, E. Templeton. In front: G. Eaden, G. Parkin, M. Prendergast, J. Freeborn, N. Calder.

nally known as Laidlaw Leeds merged with the Farmers Union Trading Company, a farming co-operative. It led the way in retail being the first to hold a Santa parade, the first to offer a free carpark and it was the first to introduce hire purchase shopping in New Zealand and was one of the first stores to go into self service rather than full service shopping.

Early mail order catalogues were a tome, made up of 500 pages, and packed with advertisements for merchandise such as flour, tea, bicycles, sewing machines, cars – even houses. By 1960, one in 10 New Zealanders had an account with the company. Ten years later, Farmers became the biggest department chain in the country, after buying

Calder McKay, a South Island company. In 1986, Farmers was taken over by investment company Chase Corporation and six years later, was bought by Deka, with the Maori Development Corporation and Australia’s Foodland. The business returned to New Zealand ownership in 2003 when Anne and David Norman, the owners of Pascoes, bought it.


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Transpower, the owner and operator of the national grid, will be carrying out a routine visual maintenance inspection of transmission lines in your area by helicopter. We have be undertaking inspections of the structures on the Glenavy to Waitaki 110 kV line and also our Roxburgh to Islington 220 kV line (as shown on the map) by a low flying helicopter over the last month. Waimate

Our final flyover date is planned for Monday 14 October 2019. The helicopter will fly at a constant speed of about 30 km/h, starting at Waitaki and will take approximately 4 hours per session.

Helicopter will be operating at low levels in around the transmissionTekapo line in highlighted zone.

Ashburton 1

Geraldine 79

8 8

Timaru Helicopter operating area

83 Aviemore Waitaki

Substations 82

Bells Pond Livingstone

Black Point


Highways Other Transmission lines

Please note this is weather dependent, and we would look to fly the next day if required.

It’s important to us that you are kept informed and updated on our activities. If you require further information, please call Myles Stichman 0274 779 693 or 03 688 2689. TPAG5121019

News 8

Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mystery piglet handed to SPCA By Jaime Pitt-MacKay

Ashburton SPCA Centre staff were left surprised earlier this week when a tiny piglet that is only a week old came in to their care. The piglet, named Charlotte after a character in the famous film Charlotte’s Web, was found by a member of the public in the middle of passing lane on State Highway 1 near Winchester. “We have absolutely no idea how a tiny one-week-old piglet ended up on the road on her own,” a SPCA spokesperson said. “Fortunately the man who Left – A lost piglet has been given the name Charlotte. PHOTO SUPPLIED

found Charlotte managed to catch her and brought her to safety at our SPCA Ashburton Centre. “She is just 1.4kg which is light for a piglet and she has been spending some time under a heat lamp to warm up.” Charlotte is going to be fostered out to a local vet so that she can continue recovering. “We rarely see cases like this, this is the first pig we have ever had at our Ashburton Centre,” they said. “We have advertised Charlotte on but so far no owners have come forward for her.” Charlotte’s foster mum reported she was doing well and had even figured out how to use the cat flap.

Smith’s shearing record up for challenge Rakaia shearer Grant Smith will be anxiously watching this summer as an attempt is made to break a world shearing record he has held since November 1999, one of the longest standing on the books. That year Smith set a new standard for a merino wether shear, 418 in nine hours, but Central Otago North shearer Stacey Te Huia has that record in his sights. The Smith record is one of at least two attempts that will be made on world records this summer after a two-year hiatus in which four new marks were set overseas. Multiple record breaker Te Huia’s attempt on Smith’s record will be the first of the two registered with the World Sheep Shearing Records Society. The challenge will take place on December 7. He currently holds a twostand ewe record set in 2012 and

the solo 9hrs merino ewes record, shorn in Australia in February 2015. The second attempt will be on December 23 when established multi-stand record-breaker Coel L’Huillier and records-bid newcomers Kaleb Foote and Daniel Langlands, all from Waikato, at King Country station Puketiti, will attempt the three-stand 8hrs strongwool lambs record of 1825 set by Welsh shearers Matthew Evans and Delwyn Jones and New Zealand shearer Ryan Miller in January 2017, also in the King Country. For L’Huillier, from Te Akau, it will be a chance to get back into the books following the disappearance of a two-stand 8hrs strongwool ewes record 1068 he and King Country shearer Kelvin Walker held for more than two years before English shearing contractor Martin Howlett (539) and lefthander Jonny Roberts (536) shore a new mark of 1075

at Bigley Farm, near Salisbury in Wiltshire, on October 2. That was the fourth record set overseas since the last record in New Zealand in January 2018 when Te Hui’s sister, Kerri Jo Te Huia, set a women’s nine hours solo strongwool ewes record in a North Wairarapa woolshed. The other three were all in Australia. Each of the record bids is expected cost over $10,000 to run, including recently-increased fees of $US2500 for the solo attempt and $US4200 for the three-stand attempt, and other costs associated with international judging panels required for each attempt, and feeding the substantial short teams. The longest-standing record in the WSSRS register is the three-stand nine hours strongwool ewes record of 1857 set by New Zealand shearers Ricky Pivac, Dion Morrell and Chris Brooker in 1993

Grant Smith shearing at the 2014 Ashburton Show, still holds a world record for the highest tally merino wether shear in nine hours. This record will be challenged in December. PHOTO ASHBURTON GUARDIAN


Ex-Timaru woman puts suicide on global stage By Sam Morton

A former Timaru woman is behind the world’s first global mental health campaign, encouraging people to lobby their national leaders to action urgent change and intervention around alarming suicide statistics. The campaign, titled Speak Your Mind, encourages people to record a 40-second video clip about what they want to see happen in the mental health space – reflecting the harrowing fact that every 40 seconds someone around the world takes their own life. Jazz Thornton, born and bred in Timaru before shifting to Auckland in her teenage years, has been a long-serving advocate for the issue in New Zealand – drawing on personal experiences to help people understand the impact suicide has on those left behind. Thornton, now 23, alongside United for Global Mental Health chief executive Elisha London who has spearheaded the initiative, was on hand to launch the Museum of Lost and Found Potential exhibition in Covent Gardens, London earlier this week. The exhibition showcases items from people with mental health issues, including a tree branch that not only saved Thornton’s life, but duly represents her story among the tangible and stark reminders worldwide. As part of their efforts, Thornton and London have received the backing from some global household names and world leaders including Stephen Fry, Jacinda Ardern, Royal Family representatives Prince William and Prince Harry, among other notable dignitaries – bringing on board more than 15 countries from throughout the United Nations. According to the World Health Organisation, it is estimated around 800,000 people die from suicide every year worldwide – clearly representing a global issue too large for individual nations to tackle separately. “Suicide is a global issue and yet countries are trying to fight it by themselves,” Thornton said. “I think it is so important and so valuable that we actually band together and fight it together, because only then, we’re going to start seeing significant change.” The exhibition will run through until October 15, before hitting the road and travelling internationally to spread the word. Thornton is also the co-founder of Voices of Hope and has been credited for saving thousands of lives with her powerful and hard-hitting video documentary, Jessica’s Tree.

Jazz Thornton

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ashburton Guardian

Mind your own beeswax Do you want to know how to make your own cleaning products and beeswax wraps? Instruction in these tasks and many others will be featured at the Mid Canterbury TimeBank’s zero-waste themed open weekend at Staveley Camp this weekend. The time bank is holding the free weekend to celebrate its first two years. Today’s practical workshops

are Zero Waste Your Pantry 10am to midday, DIY Zero Waste Bathroom and Cleaning Products 10am to midday. There will also be beeswax wrap and bunting making this afternoon and yoga early Sunday morning. Visitors can help out with forest projects if they wish. There will be dinner and live music on Saturday night, and anyone is welcome to pop in or stay overnight.


Our people 10 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The week in pictures It has been another busy week across Mid Canterbury and we have all the best photos from the past week to share.

Above – Live music was all part of the fun at the Extravaganza Fair at the Ashburton Domain last Saturday. 051019-HM-0019 Left – Pat and David Waller celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary this week. 081019-SS-0340

Above – The boules were flying at the Piste of Origin competition at the MSA Petanque club. 061019-HM-0060 Below – Plenty of mud was flung at the Ashburton Motorcycle Club miniature TT Race Day. 61019-HM-0116

Above – Debbie Woods has trained Oi in agility and obedience after retrieving her from the pound and will be participating in the Mid Canterbury Dog Training Club’s biannual agility event. 101019-SS-0046 Below – Making houses was the big focus of the Ashburton Art Gallery’s school holiday activity Design Your Whare on Monday. 071019-SS-0075

Above – Big hits were on the agenda in the local rugby league derby between the Chertsey Oilers and Ashburton Barbarians at the Rakaia Domain. 051019-HM-0131 Left – Bowlers flocked to the Allenton Bowling Club on Sunday for the Todd Cup. 061019-HM-0014

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World 12 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019


UN undecided on Turkey’s offensive AP The divided UN Security Council failed to agree on Turkey’s offensive in northeast Syria on Thursday, with Europeans demanding a halt to military action and Syrian ally Russia calling for “restraint” and “direct dialogue” between the two countries. The five European council members who called the closed meeting would have liked its 15 members to agree on a statement on the Turkish offensive, launched after President Donald Trump suddenly withdrew US forces from the volatile northeast. The United States proposed a statement that expressed “deep concern,” called for protection of civilians, and asked Turkey to go through diplomatic channels rather than take military action, council diplomats said, speaking on condition of anonymity because consultations were private. But Russia’s UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia told reporters afterward that any Security Council statement needs to take into account other aspects of the Syrian crisis, not just the Turkish operation, and should demand the immediate termination of “the illegal military presence” in the country.

Left – Protesters wave Cypriot and Kurdish flags in protest at Turkey’s offensive into Syria and urging the withdrawal of Turkish forces. PHOTO AP

So the Europeans issued their own statement after the meeting, urging Turkey “to cease the unilateral military action.” They said the offensive threatens progress against the extremist Islamic State group by a global coalition, undermines stability of the region and exacerbates “civilian suffering.” Turkey says it is targeting Kurdish fighters, who fought alongside

US forces in routing the Islamic State extremist group from northern Syria. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government considers the Kurds “terrorists” who are allied with Turkey’s outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party. US Ambassador Kelly Craft said Trump “has made abundantly clear” that the United States “has not in any way” endorsed Turkey’s

decision to mount a military incursion in northeast Syria. She told reporters the president has emphasised to Turkey’s government that it bears “full responsibility” for protecting Kurds and religious minorities, and for ensuring that Isis fighters remain in prison and the extremist group doesn’t reconstitute itself. Craft stressed that Turkey’s “fail-

ure to do so will have consequences.” She didn’t elaborate. The council meeting again displayed the inability of the UN’s most powerful body to deal with the more than eight-year Syrian conflict, which has claimed over 400,000 lives. The statement by the European council members – United Kingdom, France, Germany, Belgium and Poland – who were joined by Estonia which will join the council in January, was very similar to the European Union’s statement issued Wednesday. The council statement also urged protection of civilians and said “it is unlikely that a so-called ‘safe zone’ in northeast Syria, as envisioned by Turkey, would satisfy international criteria for refugee return.” And it stressed that “any attempt at demographic change would be unacceptable.” Russia’s Nebenzia called the Turkish operation “the result of demographic engineering some of the coalition partners did in the northeast of Syria.”

Do you work in, for or rely on the Agriculture sector? If so then the government’s plans will affect you. Canterbury business owner. This absolutely affects you. Federated Farmers Mid– Canterbury President David Clark, will unpack what the freshwater proposals mean, unless amended the entire Canterbury economy will be affected. Speakers include Federated Farmers of NZ chief executive Terry Copeland, local farmer and Federated Farmers environment spokesperson Chris Allen, as well as expert water policy analysts. Streamed live on Federated Farmers Facebook page.


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 13


Manufacturing at seven-year low By Rebecca Howard NZME

New Zealand’s manufacturing activity shrank for a third month in September as production hit its lowest level in more than seven years. The Bank of New Zealand-BusinessNZ performance of manufacturing activity was unchanged from August at 48.4 points, remaining below the 50 level that separates expansion from contraction. “While it is good to see the sector not declining further, it remains stuck in a tight band of contraction,” said Catherine Beard, BusinessNZ’s executive director for manufacturing. “The key to lifting it back into expansion will be a sustained boost to both new orders and production in the months ahead.” The latest PMI reading showed the production sub-index fell to 46.2 points from 49.2 in August. It was well below its long-term average of 53.9. “With this, we should probably expect manufacturing activity to contract again in the 3Q GDP accounts, having done just that in 2Q,” said BNZ senior economist Craig Ebert. “Having said this, if it’s a man-

ufacturing recession then it’s an extremely mild one compared to what the industry went through in 2008/09.” It touched a low of 36.1 points in November 2008.

Gross domestic product expanded 0.5 per cent in the three months ended June, following a 0.6 per cent rise in the March quarter. It was up 2.1 per cent from the same quarter a year earlier. Man-

ufacturing activity fell 0.8 per cent on the quarter, weighed down by a 2.8 per cent contraction in food, beverage and tobacco manufacturing. Yesterday’s manufacturing re-

port showed the finished stocks index fell to 48.8 points from 52.8 in August. Deliveries fell to 46.4 points from 47.9 in the prior month. The employment measure just managed to expand at 50.0 points from 49.9 in August. New orders were also above the line for expansion at 50.1 points from 45.9 in August. Ebert said both the PMI and the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research’s recent Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion paint a “broadly dour picture” around manufacturing. However, each of them also held “some hope that the worst might just be passing.” The PMI’s new orders index has “recovered a semblance of stability” and the employment component has also lifted after being at 42.3 points in July. In the case of the QSBO, while many of its activity indicators related to the prior three months were poor, expectations for the coming three months were, by comparison, relatively sound, he said. Last week’s QSBO showed that manufacturers were still the most pessimistic of all sectors, even though their confidence lifted slightly.

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0.9506 0.8587 4.7951 0.5891 1.4386 0.5186 69.95 1.7706 9.6767 19.55 0.6466

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Opinion 14 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019


Rural outliers dealt second sports blow S

o, Spark Sport is set to take on the world of live cricket and it would appear that, a little bit like their Rugby World Cup coverage, not everyone is happy about the news. It was announced earlier this week that the telco company had secured the rights to cricket played here in New Zealand – dealing another death knell to Sky who seem just a couple of sports away from extinction now. The world is advancing and changing, but change is uncomfortable and unnerving for a lot of people and it’s understandable as to why there is so much concern out there. Had the Spark Sport Rugby World Cup experience been a faultless and easy one for the

majority of New Zealanders who have paid for the service and tuned in, or at least tried to tune in, to the action, then it could have been understandable. Instead, it’s been a hot mess of a disaster for so many and has most certainly left a sour taste in the mouth which will be hard to remove for quite some time. These issues, however, are seemingly not so much to do with the Spark Sport setup itself,

although major problems in the streaming of the All Blacks and South Africa match nearly four weeks ago were a direct result of their inadequacies. The big problem has been unsuitable and unstable internet connections, particularly in rural areas of New Zealand where technology hasn’t quite caught up with that of the big centres. All I’m hearing, and yes the vocal minority are often the ones who do the complaining, is that this week’s announcement of cricket being shifted onto the Spark platform will be the end for many loyal followers of the game when it comes to viewing it on their television sets. I’m probably not talking so much about my own generation,

we’re tech savvy enough to adapt to the changes that will be forced upon us by this announcement, but it’s the generations further on than my own. I’ll use my own grandfather as an example. He’s an avid cricket follower and, in between daily jobs, would watch the majority of a test match involving the New Zealand cricket side. His internet connection isn’t strong enough to carry livestream currently, so his days of watching cricket live are now limited – and that’s a shame. And he’s the sort of demographic that is more likely to actually sit and enjoy an entire game of cricket than anyone else, largely because they have the time. For those of us who will be

hardy enough to go with the plan, largely because there’s no other real choice, there’s another issue though that is really concerning. We still don’t know how much it’s going to cost us to watch cricket played here in New Zealand, but we do know that if we want to be able to view all games involving our national side we’re going to have to keep Sky in the mix because they will continue to show matches from across the globe featuring the Black Caps and other national sides. So, all of a sudden it’s not just one bill for watching sport. It’s two and it’s pretty hard to see how there is not going to be an increase in cost compared to what is being paid now. Frustrating.

In 2001, NBC announced that an assistant to anchorman Tom Brokaw had contracted the skin form of anthrax after opening a “threatening” letter to her boss containing powder. In 2002, bombs blamed on alQaida-linked militants destroyed a nightclub on the Indonesian island of Bali, killing 202 people, including 88 Australians and seven Americans. In 2007, Former Vice President Al Gore and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change won the Nobel Peace Prize for sounding the

alarm over global warming. Ten years ago: A suicide car bombing near a market in northwestern Pakistan killed 41. Five years ago: The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that a health care worker at the Texas hospital where Ebola victim Thomas Eric Duncan was treated before his death had tested positive for the illness in the first known case of Ebola being contracted or transmitted in the US. One year ago: Pope Francis accepted the resignation of the archbishop of Washington,

Cardinal Donald Wuerl, after he became entangled in two major sexual abuse and cover-up scandals. Roelof “Pik” Boetha, the last foreign minister of South Africa’s apartheid era, died at the age of 86. Today’s birthdays: Singer Sam Moore is 84. Actress-singer Susan Anton is 69. Pop/rock singer/songwriter Jane Siberry is 64. Actor Hiroyuki Sanada is 59. Actor Carlos Bernard is 57. Jazz musician Chris Botti is 57. Rhythm-and-blues singer Claude McKnight is 57. Rock singer Bob Schneider is 54. Actor Hugh

Jackman is 51. Actor Adam Rich is 51. Rhythm-and-blues singer Garfield Bright is 50. Country musician Martie Maguire is 50. Actor Kirk Cameron is 49. Rock singer Jordan Pundik is 40. Actor Brian J. Smith is 38. Actor Tyler Blackburn is 33. Actor Marcus T. Paulk is 33. Actress Ito Aghayere is 32. Actor Josh Hutcherson is 27. Thought for today: “The want of logic annoys. Too much logic bores. Life eludes logic, and everything that logic alone constructs remains artificial and forced.” – Andre Gide, French author and critic (1869-1951). – AP

Matt Markham


TODAY IN HISTORY Today is Saturday, October 12, the 285th day of 2019. There are 80 days left in the year. Today’s highlight in history: On October 12, 1984, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher escaped an attempt on her life when an Irish Republican Army bomb exploded at a hotel in Brighton, England, killing five people. On this date: In 1492, Christopher Columbus’ expedition arrived in the presentday Bahamas. In 1810, the German festival Oktoberfest was first held in Munich to celebrate the wedding of Bavarian Crown Prince Ludwig and Princess Therese of SaxeHildburghausen. In 1917, October 12 was New Zealand’s ‘blackest day’ during World War One when 843 New Zealand soldiers either died or were left mortally wounded between the lines at Passchendaele. In 1918, the line Niagara’s arrival in New Zealand was blamed for the onset of a flu pandemic. In 1942, during World War Two, American naval forces defeated the Japanese in the Battle of Cape Esperance. In 1976, it was announced in China that Hua Guofeng had been named to succeed the late Mao Zedong as chairman of the Communist Party; it was also announced that Mao’s widow and three others, known as the Gang of Four, had been arrested. In 1984, Actor Jon-Erik Hexum was mortally wounded on the set of his TV show Cover Up when he jokingly shot himself in the head with a prop pistol loaded with a blank cartridge; he was declared dead six days later. In 1997, singer John Denver was killed in the crash of his privately built aircraft in Monterey Bay, California; he was 53. In 2000, 17 sailors were killed in a suicide bomb attack on the destroyer USS Cole in Yemen.


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Is this the slow death of democracy? E

ngage – to occupy oneself; become involved. So says Democracy ... a system many in the world would die to be part of and, in the pursuit of that, many in fact do. For it to work though, it involves several things. A governance system based on liberties and controls as managed by bodies elected by citizens. And a population freely engaging in that process. In this country, every three years eligible voters get to have their say for a New Zealand government and in a further three year cycle, in differing years, we have a similar chance to engage in the management of our more immediate communities and elect persons to local body positions according to our evaluation of their skills and perceived aptitudes for the role. Some of us see different things in the same person, ranging all the way from bull dust to brilliance. It’s all a matter of perspective and a reference of the things that are important to us for ourselves, our families and community. But at least under democracy we get to have our say. But, is malaise killing democracy? I wasn’t around at the conclusion of the big WW Two, but I’m sensing that, as the free world adjusted to life without violent conflict, the population would have largely rejoiced in the chance to participate, to build communities, and lives, to develop infrastructure and provide support and purpose to our existence and along with that, would have enthusiastically embraced polling days, whether at a national or local body level. Knowing full well that life could have been very oppressive-

Peter Mac


ly different. But somewhere along the line, that meaning, that value, that impetus has dissolved for a large section of the electorate. Are we on the slippery slope to the demise of democracy? The figures around this past week, just days from the closing of voting at noon today, have been kind of embarrassing. Something is missing. People, by and large, in numbers way too massive, are simply not bothering to engage. Those that are, tend to be of an older demographic and we know this, by looking at trends going back more than a decade. What happens when those engaged senior people fall of their perch? And the demographic not presently voting are the only ones left? Who decides democracy then? I had this conversation with a forty-something female work colleague this week. She’s openly not politically tuned in, it’s not her bag. The democratic process doesn’t seem to be at all relevant to her life. She has “other things”. On Thursday though, following weeks of Pete pestering, she proudly showed me her completed and sealed envelope. Mel tells me that if voting was on line, more of her generation would participate. She reckons the problem is in the mechanism to place a vote. People under 40 don’t fill out old-skool hard-copy forms apparently.

Not even worthy ones. The future of democratic engagement she reckons, is digital. She may be right, but I suspect there’s more to it. I’ve become the proverbial stuck record this local body election. I have banged on to anyone and everyone. Do some reading. Get across the issues. Decide what is important for our town. Research the candidates. Find out their motives. Vote for whoever you like, but vote. Engage! And today, thanks to those who participated, we will have some answers. The other factors which make me ask the “big” question are evident when one steps back from the canvas and takes a broader look at life in Western civilisation. Trump, Brexit, trash TV, a British military that has reassessed its zero tolerance to drug use (because too many are doing them), ... in the West it’s all become “loose as a big hairy goose” man! And I’m observing this as a lover of the freedoms under which we live. But honestly, we are stuffing it right up cos we’ve lost perspective. We are now disconnected from the people who fought for and shed blood and died to give us a life we could participate in, and look, too many of us just can’t be stuffed. Their motivations are now largely lost on many. A few weeks ago we were treated to China showing the world its military might in a flawless parade in Beijing. Thousands of military personnel parading as one. It’s not a regime I’d wish to live under, but one couldn’t help but

A response to Chris Murdoch’s article “The world is not ending,” (in Guardian Farming) October 2019. I wish to make two points in response: First – young people are angry with us because our generation operates the mines, the foundries,

the factories and the marketing machinery that floods the world with consumer goods. They’re also angry with us because we operate the farms and factories that aren’t viable unless they pollute. Second – the difference between climate change and nuclear war, HIV or Ebola is that climate change has begun and it will affect us all, and everyone who follows us.

In 1992 the Kyoto Protocol set 400ppm of atmospheric carbon concentration as the absolute “do not cross” line; we’ve passed 410ppm. What happens now? By 2040, at this current trajectory, the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets will begin collapsing, many cities in equatorial parts of the world will become unliveable, currently productive areas will become unfarmable, our tradi-

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admire the disciplines, finesse and polish on display for all to see. The sense that, as a nation, their act is entirely together. They have rules and boundaries and consequences. They are organised and effective. A look at the West currently, and in every direction, a shambles. Governments and institutions play fast and loose with the rules. When it gets too hard, when it’s inconvenient we simply shift the boundaries. Like a half-pissed, dishevelled drunkard, in the big picture we’ve really let ourselves go. No one seems to have a clue. Especially at the top. It’s one scandal, one misstep, one pack of lies after another. What is real anymore in the age of Fake News? Where are the real role models? What are our young kids using as aspiration? But while democracy still has some shred of relevance, isn’t a pity more of us weren’t participating in it? Strap in, it may get worse before it gets better. Broadcaster Peter Mac is Ashburton born and bred and the afternoon host on the Hokonui Radio Network. The views expressed in this column are his and do not reflect the opinion of his employer or the Ashburton Guardian.

YOUR VIEW The world is not ending

Ashburton Guardian 15

tional markets may find it cheaper to manufacture protein rather than ship beef, lamb and dairy across great distances. By 2050 it is calculated there will be 200 million climate refugees that need somewhere new to live. The world isn’t ending, Chris, but our generation has had the last of the best of it. John Dickson Oamaru

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Your Place 16 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019


Write to us! Editor, PO Box 77

Test yourself with the Guardian’s weekday quiz 1 – Which recreation area is closest to Ashburton? a. Mt Cook National Park b. Hakatere Conservation Park c. Te Kahui Kaupeka Conservation Park 2 – The People’s Republic of China was established in which year? a. 1945 b. 1949 c. 1951 3 – The USA purchased Louisiana from which country? a. Spain b. Mexico c. France 4 – Wellington Phoenix play in which sporting competition? a. ARL b. AFL c. A-League 5 – Robyn Fenty is the original name of which musical performer? a. Adele b. Rihanna c. Madonna 6 – Morbilli and rubeola are names for? a. Shellfish b. Stars c. Measles 7 – In cuisine, what does ‘en croute’ mean? a. Toasted b. In pastry c. In cheese 8 – Yumi Zouma is a/an? a. Kiwi band b. Alcoholic drink c. Type of pear

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9 3 5 1 2 4 7 6 8

Garden pagoda Previously part of the Rangiora garden of Courtney Archer for 50 years, this Qing Dynasty pagoda was acquired by Rewi Alley during his time in China before he gifted it to Archer. It was donated to the Dunedin Chinese Gardens, in 2018, where it now features on display. Hamish Allot took this picture on a recent trip to Dunedin.

4 2 7 6 3 8 5 9 1

8 1 6 5 9 7 3 2 4

5 7 1 3 8 6 9 4 2

6 8 4 2 5 9 1 7 3

3 9 2 4 7 1 8 5 6

2 4 9 7 1 3 6 8 5

1 6 8 9 4 5 2 3 7

7 5 3 8 6 2 4 1 9


Answers: 1. Hakatere Conservation Park 2. 1949 3. France 4. A-League 5. Rihanna 6. Measles 7. In pastry 8. Kiwi Band.

Hearty chilli con carne

To serve: Cooked rice, juice of 1 lime, sour cream and fresh coriander leaves



5 5 8 6 2 8 3 1 YESTERDAY’S 8ANSWERS 2

QUICK RECIPE 1kg Quality Mark chuck steak, trimmed, cut into 2cm pieces 2 onions, finely chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 large carrot, grated 1 stick celery, finely chopped 1 1/2 T dried oregano 1T ground cumin 2t ground coriander 2t mild smoked paprika 1/4 t chilli powder 1 bay leaf 3T tomato paste 1/2 C strong coffee 400g can chopped tomatoes in juice 2C Campbell’s Real Stock – Beef 2 cans mixed beans or kidney beans, drained 2 roasted marinated capsicums, chopped (or use 2x fresh) 1T brown sugar


■■ Preheat the oven to 130°C fan bake or 150°C conventional bake. ■■ Heat a little oil in a large frying pan over a high heat. ■■ Add half the beef and fry without stirring until one side of the meat is browned. ■■ Stir and brown the other sides. ■■ Transfer to a bowl and repeat with the rest of the meat. ■■ Cool slightly, then drain off and discard any liquid. ■■ Add another splash of oil to the same pan over a medium heat. ■■ Add the onions, garlic, carrot and celery and cook, stirring for 10 minutes until soft. ■■ Add the oregano, cumin, coriander, paprika, chilli powder, bay leaf and tomato paste, stir for a few minutes. ■■ Add the coffee, tomatoes, stock, beans, capsicum and sugar, combine well and bring to a simmer.

6 1

4 ■■ If your pan is ovenproof, cover and bake in the oven for three hours, stirring once. ■■ Or transfer everything to a covered casserole dish for cooking. Remove from the oven and season as required. To serve: Serve over rice with fresh coriander and a dollop of sour cream. To finish, squeeze over the fresh lime juice. Recipe courtesy of Beef + Lamb New Zealand



7 9 2

1 3 1 5 6

1 5 9 7 6 6

7 6 2 4 2 8


Solutions for today in Monday’s Your Place page.

Saturday, October 12, 2019


17 Ashburton Guardian

Hayley’s a sharp shooter

Oilers fired up for final



New era dawns for cricket By Erin Tasker

When Allenton and Tech head out onto the field for the start of a new cricket season today – weather permitting – it will signal the start of a new era for Mid Canterbury Cricket. For the first time, Mid Canterbury is sending teams north to take part in the Canterbury Country senior cricket grade, a move that’s the result of a review at the end of last season. With Mid Canterbury Cricket’s Saturday senior competition looking like dropping from four teams down to three for the 2019/20 season, something had to change. So a plan was hatched and clubs were given the option of playing in the Canterbury Country competition, or a local midweek 18-over competition, which will start next month. Just one of the four teams that made up the local senior competition last year has taken up the opportunity to play in the country competition, and that’s Tech. Neither Coldstream or Lauriston have been able to muster

teams, while Methven were the team that last season indicated they’d be unable to field a team this season. Tech captain Bevan Ravenscroft said he and his team-mates are looking forward being tested against unknown opposition. “We might think we were good down here, and we might come across a couple of those country teams and they might show us up,” Ravenscroft said. But Tech head into the competition quietly confident, with an eye already on gaining promotion to the premier grade. “All of our guys are serious that we want to play as good cricket as we can and hopefully it’s going to be better cricket than we did last year, and our aim is to get to that promotion/relegation game,” Ravenscroft said. While the core of the Tech team from the past few seasons remains,

they’ve also picked up a few new players, like Liam O’Sullivan, Bevan Richan and Nick Gilbert, three past Lauriston players. Ravenscroft said there’s no weak links in the Tech side, and he’s particularly looking forward to seeing what O’Sullivan is capable of, along with opening batsman Will McKee. Mid Canterbury’s second team in the Canterbury Country competition is actually the club that pulled out of the competition after the 2017/18 season – Allenton – but it’s a whole new Allenton team. It’s a team completely made up of players from India, and captain Karmjeet Singh Khalsa (Karm) said the new-look Allenton team started as a few friends from India who would meet up for a game of cricket. Their numbers gradually grew to where they are now – 16 or 17 regulars – and they started thinking about forming a club. But then they got talking to Jeff Naish from the Allenton Cricket Club and decided instead to play for an existing club. For a lot of the Allenton players

it will be their first time playing competition cricket in New Zealand. They’ve all played back in India, but the extent of their cricket since arriving in New Zealand has mostly been social. So they’re looking forward to testing themselves in the Canterbury Country competition, and have been playing throughout the colder months to ensure they are ready. They’ve been having regular games with a fellow Indian team from Timaru, which is also preparing for a debut season in the South Canterbury competition, and have been regulars at the Ashburton Domain after hours, fine-tuning their skills. The Canterbury Country competition is split into two sections,

north and south, and both Allenton and Tech are in the five-team south section. Each Saturday there will be a crossover match and when that pits a Mid Canterbury team against a North Canterbury team, the teams will meet in the middle, at Rolleston’s Brookside Park. That’s how Allenton will begin their season, playing Swannanoa in a crossover match in Rolleston this afternoon, while Tech are also on the road, playing Weedons at the Weedons Domain. That’s so long as the forecast rain stays away. The competition will be 40over games, with play getting under way at 1pm.

Below: Allenton’s Karmjeet Singh Khalsa and Tech’s Bevan Ravenscroft are preparing to lead their teams into Canterbury Cricket’s senior grade for the first time.


Sport 18 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019


Fresh new look on court By Erin Tasker

A new-look open grade tennis competition is set to hit the courts today, as Mid Canterbury Tennis moves away from a long-running format. The old Saturday afternoon A grade and A reserve grades have this season been scrapped in favour of the one open grade competition, still on a Saturday afternoon, which will feature larger teams. Instead of teams of four in two grades, six teams of six in the one combined grade will take to the court at the Ashburton Trust Tennis Centre this season, playing out ties which will be made up of six singles matches and three doubles. With that adding up to nine, it means that the old days of results going to a countback are gone, and Mid Canterbury Tennis open grade convenor Tony Brosnahan is excited about the season ahead. He said it’s hoped the new format will foster a good team environment, where the top players are able to inspire and mentor their team-mates. “We’ve got very strong top players playing alongside our regular line-ups and up-andcoming youngsters in our new, innovative competition, which has elements of previous interclub competition,” Brosnahan said. “Tennis in Mid Canterbury is very healthy and vibrant.” Most of the game’s big local names have returned for another shot, including defending Mid Canterbury Tennis Gala Cup men’s singles champion Cameron McCracken, who will this year lead Methven in to battle. McCracken will be joined by talented young local Tyler Leonard at two, with Aidan and Ryan Watt filling the next two spots, and Neil Alombro, Emily Molloy and Victoria Talbot rounding out the team. One of the biggest talking points heading into the season though, is the acquisition of Diego Quispe-Kim, who will play at number one for Fairton. He is the national under-14 tennis champion and has been

Defending Gala Cup champion Cameron McCracken will again make the weekly trip down from North Canterbury to play tennis in Mid Canterbury this season. PHOTO ASHBURTON GUARDIAN lured down from his home south of Christchurch, to play in the Mid Canterbury interclub competition. Quispe-Kim will be joined in the Fairton side by Connor Brosnahan at two, fresh from a stint overseas, while the remainder of the team is made up of Michael Kerr, Phil Crozier, Jade Brosnahan, Angel Spooner, John Leslie and Ashton McGrath. The Allenton side will be led by Jason Feutz at number one, with Lee Gilbert captaining the side from two, and Jake Parsons and Mathieu Lucas rounding out the top four. Feutz’s daughter Holly-Jane Feutz, Lachlan Adam, Murphy Dargue and Sam Holland fill the remaining spots in the Allenton side.

Meanwhile three members of the Bubb family feature in this year’s Southern side. Last year’s Gala Cup runner-up Sam Bubb will play at one, with Gareth Evans at two, while Ollie Bubb is at three followed by dad Matt Bubb. Jim Barry, Erin Connelly-Whyte and Jess Aldridge complete the Southern line-up. There’s a family feel to the Dorie side too, with Rhys Cromie set to play one and his brother Jayden Cromie at two. They’ll be joined by Harry Dargue, Tim Groves, Riley Breen, Tess Opie and Grace Austin. Mid Canterbury Tennis stalwart Peter Leonard returns for another season to lead the competition’s sixth team, Hampstead, with Peter Kirwan set to

play at two, and Bryn Looij and Josh Jones three and four. The remaining Hampstead team members are Matthew Hopkins, Ila Paula Cabalse and Maia Liu. The season gets under way today with Methven taking out Southern, Allenton facing Hampstead, and Dorie playing Fairton. The annual Mid Canterbury Tennis showpiece, the Gala Cup championships, will be played on March 14 and 15 and despite the change to the Saturday format, will still be played in the two divisions, A grade and A reserve. When it comes to interclub, Brosnahan said grades will be reviewed after the first round and new players are welcome to become involved, junior or adult.


McLaughlin sounds a Bathurst warning Scott McLaughlin has sent out a warning ahead of Bathurst, setting a new lap record in practice. It might have only just been practice but McLaughlin will have his competitors looking over their shoulders heading into the great race this weekend at Mount Panorama. McLaughlin set a time of 2:03.7728, beating his previous record of 2:03.8312 that he set two years ago. The Kiwi posted his time in the last three-hour practice session,

where the drivers test their cars to the limit – setting them up for the qualifying session. McLaughlin is showing that he deserves to have the favourite tag, with the Ford Mustangs running hot. Jamie Whincup was the only Holden to break into the top 10, in practice. Fabian Coulthard was seventh, Shane can Gisbergen was eighth, with Andre Heimgartner 13th and Richie Stanaway 19th. “I had a lot of fun and hopefully

tomorrow the rain holds off and everyone can have a fair crack in the dry, but I doubt that will happen,” said McLaughlin. “I knew we could go a bit quicker after our second to last run, then I was just holding on. “We’re so quick across the top now, we’re so committed and virtually just wheeling it”. McLaughlin who held the previous record after beating Greg Murphy’s ‘lap of the gods’ two years ago. However, he set that on Satur-

day in front of a huge crowd. Thursday’s new record time was set in front of only the diehard fans. However, the Kiwi is not letting the great time get to his head. “It’s basically just a good start to the weekend. “You’ve got a clean car, a clean start to the weekend, but I’ve learnt that it’s Sunday that really counts and we’re just focused on that.” The great race gets underway at 11:30 am NZT on Sunday.


AshColl finish on a high note Ashburton College’s netballers have finished with a win to finish 15th at the New Zealand Secondary Schools’ Netball Championships in Nelson. They took on Samuel Marsden College in the play-off for 15th yesterday morning and won it 33-30, to ensure they finished the tournament on a high. It was a tough tournament for the young College side, failing to pick up a win until the final day, although they came close on more than one occasion and gave some much larger schools a real run for their money. The tournament got under way on Tuesday and after losing all of their pool games, the Ashburton girls found themselves in the lower half of the draw. On Thursday morning they took on St Mary’s College, a team that finished fourth at the lower North Island tournament, as Ashburton College did at the South Island tournament. Down by one at half time, Ashburton College – led by Samantha Holden – applied a lot off defensive pressure, creating multiple turnovers which were converted by Hayley Tallentire at the shooting end. The girls were determined to maintain that pressure, but St Mary’s came back and turned the score around to be leading 29-27 at three quarter time. A couple off crucial turnovers in the final quarter saw the game slip away from the Ashburton side, eventually going down 36-40. Tallentire continued her fantastic tournament, shooting 32 out of her side’s 36 goals. After a short turnaround the Ashburton girls were back out on the court, this time against Napier Girls’ High School, and the Napier side came out off the blocks firing and before the Ashburton girls knew it they were down 13-30 at half-time. It was a game of two halves, with Ashburton clawing their way back into it, only losing the third quarter 10-11 to be down 23-41. All Ashburton players made it on court and the side’s two youngest players, Year 10s Ella Pearson and Billie Surridge, both put in great performances, as AshColl won the last quarter 10-7 for a final score of 33-44. Without a win, they went into the 15th place play-off, which they won.

Hayley Tallentire


Saturday, October 12, 2019


Final shot for Hammers By Erin Tasker

They may be out of semi-final contention, but there’s still plenty on the line when Mid Canterbury host Wairarapa Bush in the last round of rugby’s Heartland Championship today. Most of all for Mid Canterbury, it’s about pride. No-one’s more disappointed about the fact that Mid Canterbury are second-to-last on the table with one game to go, than the players and coaches themselves. It’s not how they saw the season playing out when they ran out onto the field in their opening game of the season against Horowhenua-Kapiti on August 24, but that’s the way it is and while they can’t make the top eight themselves, Mid Canterbury can still affect the outcome for a few other teams. So they want to end the season by rattling a few cages and finish 2019 on a winning note. It won’t be easy though. Since starting their season off with a win over a traditionally strong Wanganui side, Wairarapa Bush have made their mark as one of the teams to beat this season, and they’re secure in their top eight spot, it’s just a matter of how high they finish. At the moment, Wairarapa Bush are just one point off the top of the ladder, but third on points differential. If they win today they’re a chance of finishing top of the table, although that also requires Thames Valley losing to King Country and North Otago losing to East Coast, which is a long shot given East Coast are on a 49-game losing streak. East Coast are the only team Mid Canterbury have beaten this season, and the only team below the Hammers on the points table, and it will stay that way, with East Coast unable to catch them even if they do topple North Otago in Ruatoria today. It hasn’t been Mid Canterbury’s best season, but the side’s coaches Dale Palmer and Jason Rickard have remained positive throughout, and are still thinking posi-

Mid Canterbury supporters will get one last chance to cheer their side on in the Heartland Championship today, when they play host to Wairarapa Bush. PHOTO ASHBURTON GUARDIAN tively today, as are their players. They’ve got nothing to lose, so spectators shouldn’t be surprised if they see players try a few new things on the field today. “We are definitely going out there to have a go and I wouldn’t say it’s all new things, but we are definitely going to have a crack at them,” Palmer said. “We are definitely not rolling over. “We’ve got a chance to still go up a place at least and a lot of people are probably pegging that their places are probably set in

stone because of what Wairarapa Bush will do to us, but we’ve got a chance to muck that up.” A bad run of injuries late in the season means that there’s again a few changes to the Mid Canterbury starting line-up today. The biggest injury loss is arguably that of barnstorming forward Seta Koroitamana, with Sam Madden coming in to fill his shoes today at seven. In the backs, Manasa Bari returns from a couple of weeks on the bench to start on the wing, while Lima Savaiinaea has moved

from the wing to the unfamiliar position of fullback, where Palmer said he’s been keen to have a crack. Everyone who takes to the field today will do so with their heads held high, Palmer said. It may not have been Mid Canterbury’s best season, but they’re a proud team who want to make the final memory of the 2019 season a positive one for everyone. “We just want to be proud of how we play and hopefully that leads to a good result,” Palmer said.

Ashburton Guardian 19

TEAMS The Mid Canterbury team for today’s game is: 1 Tom Heywood 2 Jackson Donlan 3 Adam Williamson 4 Eric Duff 5 Matt Bentley 6 Kody Nordqvist 7 Sam Madden 8 Jon Dampney (C) 9 Will Mackenzie 10 Corey McKay 11 Brian Matoramusha 12 Tyler Blackburn 13 Richard Catherwood 14 Manasa Bari 15 Lima Savainea Reserves: 16 Joel Leo, 17 Matt Groom, 18 Tevita Ula, 19 Jacob Sutton, 20 Cory Sinclair, 21 Tim Lawn, 22 Matt McAtamney The Wairarapa Bush line up for today’s game is: 1 Sam Gammie 2 Bruce Kauika-Petersen 3 Max Tufuga 4 Lachie McFadzean 5 Andrew McLean 6 James Goodger 7 Johan van Vliet 8 Kirk Tufuga (C) 9 Bryan Arnold 10 Tim Priest 11 Tristan Flutey 12 Raneira Petersen 13 Ueta Tufuga 14 Logan HebentonPrendeville 15 Inia Katia Reserves: 16 Elijah-James Pakoti, 17 Sam Tufuga, 18 Logan Flutey, 19 BJ Campbell, 20 Daryl Pickering 21 Tipene Haira, 22 Brock Price

HISTORY The history between Mid Canterbury and Wairarapa Bush: Played: 17, 1988-2017. Mid Canterbury wins: 8, Wairarapa Bush wins: 8, Draws: 1. Last match: Mid Canterbury 60 Wairarapa Bush 24 in Masterton 16.09.2017 (HC) Last Wairarapa Bush win: Wairarapa Bush 26 Mid Canterbury 16 in Ashburton 10.09.2016 (HC) Highest score Mid Canterbury: 60 in Masterton 16.09.2017 (HC) Highest score Wairarapa Bush: 72 in Ashburton 30.09.1995 (NPC) Biggest differential: Wairarapa Bush by 64 (72-8) in Ashburton 30.09.1995 (NPC)





107 Tancred Street, Ashburton | 03 307 9700 | |

Sport 20 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019


How it stands Italy (12) finish third. New Zealand will play the Pool A runners-up, with South Africa playing the Group A winners.

Here’s a look at the quarter-final qualification scenarios as teams enter the final weekend of pool-stage action at the Rugby World Cup and following the cancellation of two matches (current pool points totals in brackets).

Pool A Ireland (11 points) can guarantee progress with a bonus-point victory over Samoa (5) on Saturday but a win without a bonus point could open the way for a three-way tie at the top on 15 points. In that scenario, the deadlock would be settled by total points difference in the pool matches, with Ireland (+52) and Scotland (+71) guaranteed to progress because their currently superior points difference could not be bettered in defeat by Japan (+46). Scotland (10) are scheduled to play Japan (14) in the final game of the pool phase tomorrow. If Scotland win with no bonus points for either side, they would go above Japan on the head-to-head result. They would also advance with a bonus point win – assuming Japan do not collect two bonus points in defeat. If Japan gain a losing bonus point and Scotland fail to claim a bonus point, Japan would finish above the Scots and advance to the knockout stage in first or second place. Victory or a draw for Japan would seal top spot, but they could also go through as pool winners if they lose to Scotland by seven points or less but score four tries, delivering a rare, but not impossible, two bonus points. There is still a possibility that the Japan v Scotland game will be cancelled due to the typhoon danger. If that happens, the match will be declared a 0-0 draw

Pool C Things are also settled here after England v France was cancelled. England (17) and France (15) are through to the last eight. Group winners England will play the runners-up from Pool D, probably Australia, with France likely to play Wales.

Japan could seal top spot in their group, or could still miss out altogether.

with each team being given two points. That would guarantee Japan top place and Ireland would take second place with a win, or even a losing bonus point against Samoa, with Scotland eliminated. Four years ago Japan won three games but finished third in their pool because of bonus points, pipped to qualification by Scotland and South Africa – the only time a team has won three pool matches and not progressed. Likely outcome: Ireland to qualify. Too close to call on who joins them. Pool B After the cancellation of New Zealand’s game against Italy, the top three places are settled. New Zealand (16) top the group, with South Africa (15) runners-up.

Pool D Wales (14) and Australia (11) are guaranteed a place in the last eight. A win for Australia against Georgia (5) last night could mean Wales need to win against Uruguay tomorrow to stay top, although they could still top the group if they pick up one or two losing bonus points against Uruguay (4), depending on whether Australia collect a winning bonus point. Fiji (7) are currently third, with no games remaining. Georgia would need to beat Wales to overhaul Fiji and secure automatic qualification for the 2023 World Cup. Likely outcome: Wales and Australia to both win their last game, Wales to top the group ahead of Australia. Quarter-finals October 19 England v runner-up Pool D New Zealand v runner-up Pool A October 20 Winner Pool D v France Winner Pool A v South Africa Semi-finals October 26 Winner QF1 v Winner QF2 October 27 Winner QF3 v Winner QF4 November 1 Third place playoff November 2: Final

Island players up in arms Pacific Island nations are sick of the status quo and are calling on World Rugby to do more after Fiji, Samoa and Tonga all failed to qualify for the Rugby World Cup knockout rounds. Fiji were the last Pacific side to reach the quarter-finals in 2007 and bowed out of contention at the current tournament with a narrow defeat by Japan on Wednesday. Between the end of the 2015 Rugby World Cup and the start of the current tournament Fiji played eight tests against socalled tier one nations, winning three and losing five. That included victory over France last year which lifted the Fijians to a best ever eighth place in the world rankings. While Fiji pushed Australia

and Wales close at this World Cup, hooker Sam Matavesi says if they want to take that next step they need to be playing the very best on a regular basis. “Honestly, I think it’s playing top nations constantly like Argentina in the Rugby Championship. “Argentina were a very good team before but if you’re playing New Zealand, South Africa and Australia week-in weekout it’s going to help you and we’re the same. “It’s no disrespect to who we play but if you want to be a power in these tournaments you have to play the best people all year,” Matavesi said. Tonga only played four games against tier one oppo-

sition in between World Cups, which included a notable win in Italy three years ago. Fullback Telusa Veainu said something has to change. “We get so sick of playing the island nations – that’s all we do is just play Fiji, Samoa, Canada – and those game are fine but for us to improve, to get better and to be competitive we need to play those tier one nation teams. “World Rugby needs to step in and do something because it’s not healthy, it’s not healthy for the sport,” said Veainu. The ‘Ikale Tahi have shown significant progress in their three matches to date, losing by 32 points against England, 16 against Argentina and just two against France.

Rakaia players go through their build-up to the club sevens this week. PHOTO SUPPLIED


Club sevens back on the paddock By Erin Tasker

Club sevens makes a much-anticipated return to Mid Canterbury today, with a tournament which is hoped may help uncover a few new stars. The Mid Canterbury Rugby Union-run competition has attracted five teams – Celtic, Hampstead, Methven, Mount Somers and Rakaia – and after the final whistle sounds on the last game of the day, sevens will make way for today’s Heartland Championship rugby game between Mid Canterbury and Wairarapa Bush. The tournament will take the format of a straight round-robin, with five rounds meaning each team will get four games. The first games will kick off at 9.30am, and games will be played on both the main oval and the number two ground at the Ashburton A&P Showgrounds. Starting things off on the main oval will be Hampstead and Methven, while over on the second ground Mt Somers will take on Celtic, with Rakaia drawing the bye in round one, giving them a chance to see what their competition’s like before

they take to the field. Rakaia coach Terry Murray said his side boasts a few players to watch, including newcomer Dube Vasurakuta, Tai Ratu, and Mid Canterbury Heartland squad member Inoke Tonga. He’s also particularly impressed by Harvey Blyth, who recently played at the national under-19 tournament for the New Zealand Heartland side. Then there’s some classic Rakaia grafters like Todd Boag, Logan Flett, and young gun Tom Innes training the house down that should surprise a few, Murray said. Rakaia will start their campaign at 10.25am against Celtic, while Mt Somers take on Hampstead and Methven sits out round two, while round three – at 11.20am – will see Rakaia take on Mt Somers and Celtic play Methven. In the 12.15pm round, Hampstead will take on Rakaia and Methven will play Mt Somers, while the last round will see both games take to the main oval as a curtain raiser to the Heartland match. At 1.10pm Celtic will play Hampstead, and at 1.25pm Methven will play Rakaia.


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 21


Fired up for the final By Erin Tasker

At the start of this year’s Aoraki Rugby League competition, the Chertsey Oilers hadn’t won a game, ever. But barely a month later, it’s a completely different story. Not only have they got a win to their names, they’re unbeaten and preparing to head into the Duncan McGregor Memorial Cup final in Timaru today. They claimed their first win in round one, beating the Timaru Outlaws, and in round two they claimed their first ever win over the other Mid Canterbury side in the four-team competition, the Ashburton Barbarians. A week after that they drew with the team they’ll play in today’s final, the Country Cowboys, and last weekend they played the Ashburton Barbarians in a semi-final to find out which team would face the top qualifiers – the Cowboys – in the final, and won that. It’s been a season of firsts, and Oilers coach Reuben Browne hopes that the firsts will keep coming today, with the Oilers’ first final ending in their first title. He knows he’s got the team to do it and unlike last week, where they were a few players short due largely to work commitments, the Oilers will have close to their best line-up on the park today. Last week even Browne had to take to the field, and while it’s a possibility that could happen again today, he’s hoping he’ll get to direct things from the sideline, rather than on the field. At just 23, Browne is one of the youngest coaches of a senior sports side around, but he’s loving the experience. He’s been an Oilers man since the club was formed three years ago. Initially he wanted to play, but registered too late, so in year one he was just a supporter. In year two, he became coach, and he’s still there and proving that he knows what he’s talking about. Browne said the Oilers were lacking in intensity last week, but he has no doubt they’ll lift today. He said their draw with the Cowboys last weekend brought the Cowboys back down to earth after they’d put 70-plus points

Chertsey Oilers: Paovale Sofai Sesega Fuluasou Henry Crawley Seamus Smyth James Hifo George Hufanga Lepani Saitava Reuben Browne Sairusi Turuva Randy Browne [VC] Tara Ngametua Isireli Masiwini Hemi Witehira Jarh Pukenga [C] Marvin Brown Raitube Vasurakutu Anare Bogitina John Raukete Saiola Fifita Sione Langi

Randy Browne has been a key ball carrier for the Chertsey Oilers this season. on the Outlaws the week before. So he knows the Cowboys will be wary of the Oilers. “They know that we are the team to beat because we haven’t lost this year, and they haven’t lost this year, and they know what kind of game we bring,” Browne said. “I think they know that we have something to bring, and something to offer.” Among those cheering the Oilers on from the sidelines today will be members of the team they

beat to earn their place in today’s final, the Ashburton Barbarians. After last weekend’s semi-final loss, Barbarians coach Steve Gamble said his side was planning a trip south to cheer the Oilers on, in the hope that the trophy would call Mid Canterbury home for the second year running. “We will be down there rooting for the Oilers to take out a good win and I think they have got the team to win it,” Gamble said. For the man behind the formation of the Oilers, Glenn Jamie-

son, the success of the side this season has been incredible, although he only saw the first two games before heading to Nigeria to help run a rugby league tournament there. “The first season left us a bit drained. We struggled to get buyin to the Chertsey Oilers from the community and even players, other than a small core of people, but this year has been different,” Jamieson said. “The local community has been fantastic in their support,


the Rakaia Rugby Club has been amazing, reaching out to host and help us where they can, and the players have created a real culture within the club which I believe is driving the success.” Today’s final between the Chertsey Oilers and the Country Cowboys will be played at 12.30pm at Timaru’s Alpine Energy Stadium, as the curtain-raiser to South Canterbury’s final round Heartland Championship rugby match against West Coast. Admission is free before half-time.


Collier girls looking for strong finish to tournament Mid Canterbury’s girls did something no other team had managed to do in the national Collier Trophy primary hockey tournament on Thursday. They managed to turn a halftime deficit into a well-deserved victory in a spirited match against their neighbours South Canterbury, coming back from

2-1 down to win 3-2. The Mid Canterbury girls are playing off in the bottom section of the tournament in Wellington, where the 17th-place trophy became their goal after finishing with just one win to their names at the end of pool play. They beat Thames Valley in pool play, but went down to the

other four North Island teams in their pool, including Northland and Hawke’s Bay, who have gone on to make the tournament’s semi-finals – an indication of how tough Mid Canterbury’s pool was. Mid Canterbury found themselves in the bottom section, along with South Island mates

South Canterbury, Eastern Southland and Invercargill, and yesterday morning they followed up their win over South Canterbury with a 5-0 win over Invercargill. Meanwhile, at the boys’ tournament in Palmerston North – the Hatch Cup – Mid Canterbury were unable to pick up a win in

pool play, but managed a draw with Counties Manukau. In their first game post-pool play they took on Wairarapa and went down 3-1, and in their latest game yesterday the Mid Canterbury’s boys took on Wanganui and came away with a 6-0 loss. Both tournaments will wrap up today.

Racing 22 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019


Heading into the abyss By Matt Markham

You won’t find too many trainers using a $30,000 Group Three feature as a yardstick to get a line on exactly where their horse is at, but that’s the situation Nigel McGrath has found himself in heading into tomorrow’s Methven Cup. McGrath, who is never shy of a having a good horse or two in his barn, thinks he might potentially have a very good one in up-and-coming pacer, Gran Chico – but the only way to know if you’re actually going to be capable beating in the best is to find out against the best. So that’s what he’s doing. Having just his 13th race day appearance, Gran Chico will tomorrow take a step into the abyss when he tackles the Methven feature up against Group One winners including defending New Zealand Trotting Cup champion, Thefixer. “We’re going to find out pretty quickly,” McGrath said yesterday. “I think I know how good he is, but until you get into those types of races up against those really good horses you just don’t know. “I’ve gone into races before thinking I’m unbeatable and gone home with my tail between my legs.” A winner fresh-up in stunning fashion last week at Addington, Gran Chico, to be fair, has always looked above average and his run for second behind Jesse Duke on Harness Jewels day earlier this year was one of the performances of the season. But Methven is a whole new ball game. It’s a grass track, it’s a standing start and it’s a new challenge. “I’m not worried to be honest, we took him out to Motukarara today (Friday) and gave him a bowl around behind a galloping pacemaker and he was perfect. “He’s a pretty sensible sort of horse, just a big lump of a dude, but the stand shouldn’t worry him too much.” The cause is helped significantly by the fact that Blair Orange will be doing the steering.


New Zealand’s leading reinsman, Orange is driving as good as ever currently and gives all his drives an extra edge when they step onto the track. Safely through tomorrow’s assignment, McGrath is plotting a path to the second Tuesday in November and the New Zealand Trotting Cup. But there’s a bit of water to go under the bridge still if he is to take his part. “I’m going to leave him in the mix, we’ll go this weekend and then he can most likely head to Ashburton for the Flying Stakes. “As long as he doesn’t get left behind there (Ashburton), then we’ll press forward to the Cup I think. “If things don’t go well then we might look at turning attention to next year, but I’m reasonably confident he’ll be competitive.” While Gran Chico offers up the unknown quantity of the Methven Cup field for tomorrow, there’s some pretty well-knowns set to take their place too. Thefixer is joined by stablemates Chase Auckland and Ashley Locaz, giving the All Stars stable a really strong chance of winning their seventh edition of the race in the past 10 years. The local hopes look to be pinned firmly

on Ricky May, who takes the reins on the Paul Court trained Hail Christian in the 3000-metre staying test. McGrath will put three other horses on the float with Gran Chico on Sunday, Duke, Adhika and He’s A Ladies Man. He said they were all outside chances of success if they managed to get a bit of luck. Matt Markham’s Methven Selections Race 1: The Guild, Beau Major, El Chapo, Tiger Moth Race 2: Madam Sass, Superfast Lad, Dudes Star, Steel Dust Race 3: Tiz A Sizzler, Adhika, Prodigal Guinness, Glenledi Bandit Race 4: Just Michael, Where’s Daddy, Laver, Manly Olsen Race 5: Ardee Trouble, Rebel Kibbybones, Momentous, Foreigner Race 6: Franco Garrett, That Alexander Guy, Sweeney Todd, Markham Eyre Race 7: Essence Of Easton, Yorkshire, Standout, Overarem Race 8: Chiller Bay, Iknow, Unico Legend, Shadow Minister Race 9: Gran Chico, Thefixer, Ashley Locaz, Chase Auckland Race 10: Girls Let Loose, Renezmae, Missie Castleton, We’ll Meet Again Race 11: Can I Be Me, Rake, Bush Man, Somekindawonderful BEST: Franco Garrett (Race 6) VALUE: Chiller Bay (Race 8)


Punters Challenge set to be tough There’s $4000 up for grabs at tomorrow’s Methven Trotting Club meeting for the annual Brown Pub Punter of the Year competition. With an $800 buy-in and eight races to punt on, it’s not for the faint-hearted, especially on the punter-unfriendly grass track. Guardian editor Matt Markham has put his tipping hat on and spends $100 a race trying to find the right recipe to get over the line first in the hotly-contested competition. Race 4: $50 each way #13 Just Michael Massive run after missing the start two weeks ago. Mobile here will help that. Can win for Jimmy Hooper and Leo O’Reilly. Race 5: $100 to place #5 Momentous Grass track toff who doesn’t know how to run a bad race. Will land on the speed and give them all plenty to think about. Race 6: $100 to win #11 Franco Garrett Four big runs to open the career. Rough and robust pacer who will put them to the sword today and should win. Race 7: $50 each way #12 Essence Of Easton Another with a love of the grass tracks. Big field but in form and Ricky May knows how to win on his home track. Race 8: $50 each way #14 Chiller Bay Loves this track and a speed merchant when saved for one run. Could blow them off the track if close enough. Race 9: $100 to win #8 Thefixer Defending Cup champion back in the mix for the new season. Will relish the grass and should be hard to roll, even off the 30m. Race 10: $50 each way #14 Girls Let Loose Has the ability, but mistakes in last couple. Grass might work in favour and hard to roll if handy to the speed. Race 11: $100 to place #2 Rake In great form at the moment and good enough to measure up to this field. Can plot a nice path from the draw.

Methven harness Tomorrow at Mt Harding Racecourse

Methven Trotting Club Inc at Mt Harding Racecourse Meeting Date: 13 Oct 2019 NZ Meeting number: 8 Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9; 10 and 11 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 5, 6 and 7; 9, 10 and 11 1 12.17pm TARA FAMILY TRUST PACE $8500, non-winners 3yo+, stand, 2400m 1 6x04 Beau Major (1) fr............................R Holmes 2 Budvar Eyre (2) fr............................. G Smith 3 05 Webs Reactor (3) fr.................. S O’Reilly (J) 4 009 Genelis (4) fr...............................R Cameron 5 38565 Tiger Moth (5) fr...................... J Morrison (J) 6 00809 Comfortably Numb (6) fr............M Anderson 7 08004 I Can Remember (7) fr................ K Cameron 8 000 Changeover Jo (8) fr..................... G O’Reilly 9 45096 Maldito (9) fr............................. M Williamson 10 0407x Social Media (10) fr......................T McMillan 11 80x98 Boilover (11) fr.......................... C D Thornley 12 23x33 The Guild (12) fr................................... J Hay 13 90870 Nicole (13) fr............................... D Keast (J) 14 80x08 Emma G (14) fr...............................G Archer 15 0F My Man Rooster (15) fr...............S Payne (J) 16 08684 Chalberg (16) fr..............................B Weaver 17 69697 Miss Behavin (17) fr.............................K Butt 18 568 El Chapo (U1) fr.................................. R May 19 0 Albasini (U2) fr Em: Comfortably Numb, Nicole, My Man Rooster, Albasini 2 12.47 JA & GD TRUDGEON TROT $8500, non-winners 3yo+, stand, 2400m 1 370 Best Wishes (1) fr.........................C DeFilippi 2 32660 Awesome Impee (2) fr................... P Wakelin 3 38600 Maranatha Atlas (3) fr......................... R May 4 84x22 Superfast Lad (4) fr...........................S Ottley 5 43782 Mono Gamble (5) fr.......................T Williams 6 Madam Sass (6) fr.............................J Dunn 7 88003 Listen Easy (7) fr............................R Holmes 8 0x852 Girlz N Boyz (8) fr..........................L O’Reilly 9 5x0 Aldebaran Belle (9) fr 10 3378 Mega Pixels (10) fr....................... B Hope (J) 11 70094 Pastrana (11) fr....................... J Morrison (J) 12 39 The Artful Dodger (12) fr.......... M Williamson 13 6 Rachel Daytom (13) fr 14 53 Dudes Star (14) fr......................... S McNally 15 20450 DD’s Super Stuart (U1) fr............ J Markham 16 0838x Appearance (U2) fr........................... J Smith 17 03x9 Steel Dust (U3) fr.........................T McMillan 18 x9984 Kowhai Sundown (U4) fr................B Orange

19 96 Ilsas Son (U5) fr......................... R Anderson Emergencies: Awesome Impee, Aldebaran Belle, Rachel Daytom, Ilsas Son 3 1.22pm RAKAIA SEED CLEANING PACE $8500, non-winners 3yo+, stand, 2400m 1 06607 Gottagettabeer (1) fr........................... R May 2 0 Sparkling Annie (2) fr....................M Heenan 3 70886 Onedin Smiler (3) fr......................... G Shand 4 43403 All Money (4) fr 5 07 Waihemo Hannah (5) fr...........S Thornley (J) 6 7 Adhika (6) fr...................................B Orange 7 068x0 President Pat (7) fr..........................N Burton 8 8076 Kingsdown Atom (8) fr.................. G O’Reilly 9 00809 Comfortably Numb (9) fr 10 90870 Nicole (10) fr............................... D Keast (J) 11 2638 Prodigal Guinness (11) fr...................J Dunn 12 Better Fly (12) fr.........................M Anderson 13 7784 Conquer Me (13) fr.........................R Holmes 14 Tiz A Sizzler (14) fr................. J Morrison (J) 15 54802 Rafa Novak (15) fr..........................L O’Reilly 16 0F My Man Rooster (16) fr...............S Payne (J) 17 25x Glenledi Bandit (17) fr................... S McNally 18 97605 Hurrania Three (18) fr..................C DeFilippi 19 0 Albasini (U1) fr 4 1.57pm THE BROWN PUB PUNTER OF THE YEAR MOBILE PACE $8500, non-winners 3yo+., 2300m 1 Hells Shadow (1) fr...........................R Close 2 5x Where’s Daddy (2) fr..................M Anderson 3 56390 Iron Woman (3) fr.................... J Morrison (J) 4 07x74 Motu Cullen (4) fr..........................T Williams 5 42345 Manly Olsen (5) fr..............................J Dunn 6 0 Smellslikestilton (6) fr...................S Smith (J) 7 0F My Man Rooster (7) fr.................S Payne (J) 8 67370 Tactical Change (8) fr...................C DeFilippi 9 357Px Shezsomethinspecial (9) fr................. R May 10 5x534 Laver (21) fr................................... G O’Reilly 11 456x7 Jims Mama (22) fr...................... R Anderson 12 50542 Gotta Party Doll (23) fr...................B Weaver 13 54x23 Just Michael (24) fr........................L O’Reilly 14 4790P Duke (25) fr....................................B Orange 15 Gotta C Tintin (26) fr...................... J Herbert 16 0 Albasini (U1) fr.............................. S McNally Emergencies: My Man Rooster, Albasini 5 2.32pm STAPLES & KIDD HANDICAP TROT $9000, r40-r80 c,g&e spechcp, stand, 2400m 1 70297 Rusty I Am (1) fr............................ P Wakelin

2 x5003 Tonique De Feu (2) fr.......................... R May 3 66404 Rogie Falls (3) fr..........................M Lewis (J) 4 90x76 Take After Me (4) fr.................... R Houghton 5 53453 Momentous (5) fr...............................S Ottley 6 2x934 Foreigner (6) fr...................................G Hunt 7 00x07 Midnight Sioux (7) fr.......................... J Keast 8 00x66 Prince Teka (8) fr......................... K Cameron 9 0580x Flying Monkey (9) fr...................... A Lethaby 10 P1042 Ardee Trouble (U1) fr..................... S McNally 11 21080 Boyz Invasion (U2) fr.....................M Heenan 12 7408x Rebel Kibbybones (U3) fr..................... J Hay 13 590x0 One Over Dover (1) 10M.......... C D Thornley 14 08294 Beyond The Horizon (2) 10M............ J Smith 15 D3061 Ideal Invasion (1) 20M.. S O’Reilly (J) 6 3.07pm PAT & PAULINE O’REILLY MEMORIAL JNR. MOBILE PACE $9000, 4yo+ r40-r60. jun.d, 2300m 1 96523 That Alexander Guy (1) fr............S Smith (J) 2 54331 Donegal Davy Boyd (2) fr............C Jones (J) 3 5216x Markham Eyre (3) fr................ S Diamant (J) 4 1P492 Sweeney Todd (4) fr..................... B Hope (J) 5 2001 Stevie Lynn (5) fr.....................K Newman (J) 6 219x9 Tiebreaker (6) fr....................... S O’Reilly (J) 7 82741 Jazelle (7) fr...........................B Laughton (J) 8 16163 Matthew Eyre (8) fr....................E Barron (J) 9 210x8 J B Mauney (9) fr........................S Payne (J) 10 32801 Delight Of Texas (21) fr.......... O Thornley (J) 11 3122 Franco Garrett (22) fr.............. J Morrison (J) 12 5x924 Mr Midnight (23) fr...................... C Purvis (J) 13 69x14 The Governor (24) fr..................M Hurrell (J) 14 88538 Sounds Lika Gem (25) fr............ L McKay (J) 7 3.41pm LIQUORLAND TINWALD PACE $9000, 3yo+ r40-r55, stand, 2400m 1 32128 Standout (1) fr......................... J Morrison (J) 2 1984D Jamies Bad Boy (2) fr 3 9x609 Sister’s Delight (3) fr...................... G O’Reilly 4 8401 Silent Rapture (4) fr......................C DeFilippi 5 9x080 Dodgethebullet (5) fr................ M Williamson 6 21470 Stick Man (6) fr...............................B Orange 7 14 Yorkshire (7) fr.......................... C D Thornley 8 98232 Overarm (8) fr............................... S McNally 9 551 Clachanburn (9) fr...................J Young-Grant 10 8106x Gotta Future (10) fr............................J Dunn 11 216 Alyssa Delight (11) fr.................... B Hope (J) 12 6x423 Essence Of Easton (12) fr................... R May 13 67300 Artfilly Crafted (13) fr.........................S Ottley 14 05920 Eastwood Isabella (14) fr..............T Williams

15 6470x Nui Ba Den (15) fr.............................R Close 16 0x08P Isla’s Joy (16) fr...........................R Cameron 17 0060x Johnny Eyre (17) fr.......................... G Smith 18 780x0 Star Reactor (18) fr................ G Thornley (J) 19 0496x Futura Easton (U1) fr...................... M Purvis Emergencies: Jamies Bad Boy, Johnny Eyre, Star Reactor, Futura Easton 8 4.17pm PGG WRIGHTSON STANDARDBRED DIVISION HCP PACE $10,000, r56-r70,r71-r75 w/c spechcp, stand, 2400m 1 28217 Unico Enchantress (1) fr 2 290x7 Bobby T (2) fr..............................R Cameron 3 98741 Rollova (3) fr.........................................B Butt 4 13x41 Iknow (4) fr........................................... J Hay 5 5333x The Kaik (5) fr......................................K Butt 6 37845 Shadow Minister (6) fr....................L O’Reilly 7 248x3 Vinnie Rulz (U1) fr........................ B Hope (J) 8 17860 Copperhead Rose (1) 10M............... J Keast 9 9759x Cast No Shadow (2) 10M...............B Orange 10 2x21x Nearis Green (3) 10M................... S McNally 11 x660x Swamp Major (4) 10M.......................S Ottley 12 17292 Homebush Lad (5) 10M.....................J Dunn 13 47784 Unico Legend (6) 10M........................ R May 14 206x0 Chiller Bay (7) 10M.......................T Williams 15 1112x Change Is Good (8) 10M...........M Anderson 16 70751 Kardesler (9) 10M........................C DeFilippi 17 5506x Three Ideas (U1) 10M.............. C D Thornley 18 3787x Be Mine Tonight (U2) 10M.......... D Keast (J) 9 4.52 ALABAR METHVEN CUP (HANDICAP PACE) $30,000, r70+ discrhcp, stand, 3000m 1 210x9 Airpark Flyer (1) fr.................... M Williamson 2 076x2 Clasina Maria (2) fr.................J Young-Grant 3 312x1 Gran Chico (3) fr............................B Orange 4 2641x Smokin By (U1) fr.......................M Anderson 5 87x35 Hail Christian (1) 10M......................... R May 6 4x147 Chase Auckland (1) 20M...............T Williams 7 125x4 Ashley Locaz (2) 20M....................M Purdon 8 2232x Thefixer (1) 30M......................N Rasmussen 10 5.27 WHAT THE HILL TROTBRED COMBO HANDICAP TROT $13,000, r40-r120 f&m spechcp, stand, 2400m 1 7x051 Flyin Mandy (1) fr.......................... S McNally 2 070x0 Lisa Marie P (2) fr.........................M Perriton 3 05090 I’ldoitmyway (3) fr..................S Tomlinson (J) 4 1x070 Deborahs Gem fr.......................... Scratched 5 327x8 Natives Lasting Love (4) fr.......... K Cameron

6 8x729 Stellar Success (5) fr............... J Morrison (J) 7 33418 Solsbury Hill (6) fr.........................M Heenan 8 66005 Chivasion (7) fr........................... M Edmonds 9 x7030 Maria Tsarina (U1) fr............................B Butt 10 P058P In Sequence (U2) fr........................B Orange 11 27D60 Quaestor (U3) fr...................................K Butt 12 8x680 Sioux Princess (U4) fr.......................S Ottley 13 95x91 Riteur (1) 10M.......................... M Williamson 14 01248 Girls Let Loose (2) 10M................ G O’Reilly 15 2x906 Missie Castleton (3) 10M.................... R May 16 70x47 We’ll Meet Again (1) 20M.................. J Smith 17 97613 Renezmae (2) 20M...........................R Close 11 5.58pm NOVEMBER 1 TWILIGHT MEETING BE HERE MBL PACE $9000, 3yo+ r40-r55., 2300m 1 148x0 Virginia Cool (1) fr.......................... J Herbert 2 22063 Rake (2) fr........................................... R May 3 00x39 With The Band (3) fr.......................L O’Reilly 4 10x70 Chromozone (4) fr.............................R Close 5 32958 Delightful Tanner (5) fr..........................K Cox 6 31706 He’s A Ladies Man (6) fr............ R Heads (J) 7 34x84 Bush Man (7) fr........................ M Williamson 8 13 Can I Be Me (8) fr......................M Anderson 9 167 Plutonium (9) fr..............................B Orange 10 07505 Melt Down (21) fr.................... J Morrison (J) 11 50686 Doctor Tim (22) fr.......................... G O’Reilly 12 x2215 Donegal Mary Francis (23) fr... S O’Reilly (J) 13 90004 Leading The Way fr....................... Scratched 14 83385 Jimmy Cannon (24) fr....................... J Keast 15 10 Somekindawonderful (25) fr...............J Dunn 16 46007 Friend fr......................................... Scratched SELECTIONS Race 1: The Guild, Beau Major, Chalberg, Webs Reactor Race 2: Madam Sass, The Artful Dodger, Steel Dust Race 3: Prodigal Guinness, Tiz A Sizzler, Adhika, All Money Race 4: Where’s Daddy, Laver, Just Michael, Manly Olsen Race 5: Ardee Trouble, Ideal Invasion, Flying Monkey Race 6: Franco Garrett, Stevie Lynn, That Alexander Guy Race 7: Yorkshire, Overarm, Alyssa Delight, Essence Of Easton Race 8: Iknow, Unico Enchantress, Homebush Lad, Vinnie Rulz Race 9: Thefixer, Ashley Locaz, Chase Auckland, Gran Chico Race 10: Renezmae, We’ll Meet Again, Girls Let Loose Race 11: Can I Be Me, Rake, He’s A Ladies Man LEGEND: X - Spell from racing of at least 3 months P - Retired (or pulled up) from race L - Driver unseated U1 - Unruly beginner {C} - Concession driver {} - Claiming concession driver which allows horse to start one class down



Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 23

Gore harness Today at Ashburton raceway

Gore Harness Racing Club Inc Venue Gore Raceway Meeting Date: 12 Oct 2019 NZ Meeting number: 7 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8; 9 and 10 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 8, 9 and 10 1 12.10pm GORE SEPTIC TANK SERVICES TROT $10,000, non-winners, stand, 2700m 1 04706 Whangamata (1) fr.......................B McLellan 2 43047 Helluva Way (2) fr...............................A Beck 3 2325x Robo Trouble (3) fr.....................E Barron (J) 4 75467 The Power Broker (4) fr........ K McNaught (J) 5 480x7 Orlando Magic (5) fr..........................S Ottley 6 Tweedledee (6) fr..................... N Williamson 7 56x92 South Park (7) fr.............................. P Hunter 8 78220 Kiwi Heir (U1) fr...........................R McIlwrick 9 0x0 Stay Aboard (U2) fr........................ B Barclay 10 80 Love Monkey fr.............................. Scratched 2 12.45pm TRANSPORT REPAIRS LTD MBL PACE $8000, non-winners mr40 to mr43., 2200m 1 92290 Shezdawon (1) fr.......................B Williamson 2 25898 Loissonya (2) fr..............................B Orange 3 73336 The Naenae Express fr................. Scratched 4 890x6 Be Inspired (3) fr............................ A Armour 5 82205 Hans Ideal (4) fr....................S Tomlinson (J) 6 05578 Kennedy (5) fr................................... A Milne 7 889x2 Delight N Gold (6) fr......................... E Swain 8 0780x Wee Ring The Changes (7) fr.....C Ferguson 9 45070 Bub’s VC (21) fr........................ N Williamson 10 00794 Phoebe’s Delight (22) fr...............B McLellan 11 53454 A Cracker Knight (23) fr................. B Barclay 12 99909 Top Pocket Chance (24) fr.................J Curtin

3 1.20pm JACCKA LODGE MOBILE PACE $8000, r40-r44,r45 w/c., mobile, 2200m 1 98494 Dreaminsover (1) fr.....................R McIlwrick 2 70543 Black Ops (2) fr..................................A Beck 3 37626 Ellnbac (3) fr.................................B McLellan 4 24372 Edie Jaccka (4) fr........................... B Barclay 5 0060x Vintage Rose (5) fr......................... K Barclay 6 24662 Rosinupthebow (6) fr..................M Hurrell (J) 7 36x88 Man I’m Good (7) fr............................. A Kyle 8 5090x Geoff’s Legacy (8) fr........................ E Swain 9 74560 Star Ruler (21) fr...................... M Williamson 10 20056 Running On Empty (22) fr.................S Ottley 11 90078 Annie Fitz (23) fr........................ C Purvis (J) 12 76347 Tact Denzel (24) fr.....................B Williamson 13 53500 Vigoroso (25) fr..............................B Orange 14 76835 Swift Robyn (26) fr......................C Ferguson 4 1.55 MCKEOWN GROUP JUNIOR DRIVERS TROT $9000, 4yo+ r40-r55 jun.d, stand, 2200m 1 1250x Only One Way (1) fr................... C Purvis (J) 2 92135 Justan’s Sister (2) fr..............S Tomlinson (J) 3 64449 Spotlight The Valley (3) fr........ J Morrison (J) 4 5x906 Barham Belle fr............................. Scratched 5 6x561 Alpine Retreat (4) fr....................E Barron (J) 6 51x62 Spur To Action (5) fr................. S O’Reilly (J) 7 D0215 The Night Sweats (6) .K McNaught (J) 8 57833 Cuddly Trouble (7) fr................... R Heads (J) 9 25964 Zoned Scarlett (U1) fr................M Hurrell (J) 10 6x877 Whatwillbeewillbee (U2) fr..... J Campbell (J) 11 10038 Rydgemont Son (U3) fr..........B Laughton (J) 5 2.32 T K SHANKS EXCAVATING/EBONY N IVORY

MBL PACE $8000, non-winners mr45 to mr46., 2200m 1 09x8 Ronnie Pickering (1) fr................... B Barclay 2 300x4 Stingray Tara (2) fr.................... M Williamson 3 4500x Aurelia Cotta (3) fr..................B Laughton (J) 4 5626x Malinka (4) fr.....................................J Curtin 5 4300x The Mighty Cullen (5) fr.................. P Hunter 6 77x86 Southin Excuse (6) fr.....................B Orange 7 7463x Ideal Glacier (7) fr......................E Barron (J) 8 996x9 Schnitzel Von Krumm (8) fr.......B Williamson 9 97x02 Kramer (21) fr....................................S Ottley 10 90x07 Victoria Calling (22) fr.............. N Williamson 11 00x00 Tact Miesha (U1) fr.....................M Hurrell (J) 6 3.06pm ‘SIR LINCOLN’ AT ALABAR LADYSHIP FINAL MBL PACE $15,000, 3yo+ f&m., mobile, 2200m 1 25 Kickupyaheels (1) fr.........................R Swain 2 33 American Eyretime (2) fr................ B Barclay 3 232 Renegade Rose (3) fr.............. M Williamson 4 78914 Plutonium Lady (4) fr.........................S Ottley 5 7x421 Woman In Gold (5) fr............... S O’Reilly (J) 6 431 Emmersyn Lee (6) fr.........................J Curtin 7 1 Tact Eze (7) fr.............................E Barron (J) 8 4x11 Need You Now (8) fr................. N Williamson 9 9x221 Yoha (21) fr....................................B Orange 7 3.42pm ZILCO/HAMIL SADDLERY MOBILE PACE $10,000, non-winners 3yo+ mr47 to mr50., 2200m 1 6x8 Targaryen (1) fr...............................K Larsen 2 Rumours (2) fr................................ B Barclay 3 Fireforefiddle (3) fr................... M Williamson 4 Burnham Boy (4) fr............................S Ottley 5 0 Hold Thumbs (5) fr................... N Williamson


Matamata gallops


Winton gallops

6 6502 Payment Plan (6) fr.....................C Ferguson 7 8x89 Magnetic Chime (7) fr........................A Beck 8 x7954 Vergeofgreatness (8) fr..............E Barron (J) 9 70 Mila Kunis (21) fr........................M Hurrell (J) 10 4 Major Meister (22) fr....................... K Barclay 11 0 Racing Minister (23) fr............. J Morrison (J) 8 4.17 COLIN BAYNES MEMORIAL HANDICAP TROT $10,000, r56-r100 spechcp, stand, 2700m 1 550x7 Rydgemont Milly (1) fr.....................D Shirley 2 01624 King Cassidy (U1) 10M.........S Tomlinson (J) 3 03560 Sundons Flyer (1) 20M..................B Orange 4 71468 Nottingham K Two (2) 20M.........E Barron (J) 5 56711 Robbie Royale (U1) 20M................ B Barclay 6 4435x Le Lievre’s Gift (U1) 30M..................J Curtin 7 0x602 Monty Python (1) 40M.............. M Williamson 8 1334x Majestic Man (2) 40M...............B Williamson 9 4.52pm DWAINS SERVICE CENTRE/TAPANUI 4 SQUARE MBL PACE $9000, r45-r51., mobile, 2200m 1 47x40 Dianne Lorena (1) fr..........................S Ottley 2 0x980 Vin Scully (2) fr................................ P Hunter 3 29809 Motoring Major fr........................... Scratched 4 8x063 Jacks N Jazz (3) fr................... M Williamson 5 34724 Paduka (4) fr..............................E Barron (J) 6 580x7 Magnetic Watch (5) fr.........................A Beck 7 40078 Wolf West (6) fr..............................B Orange 8 10895 Bound To Be Bettor (7) fr........ S Walkinshaw 9 45690 Tetrick (21) fr................................B McLellan 10 103x7 Toby O’Gara (22) fr.................. N Williamson 11 800x0 Von Richthofen (23) fr...........S Tomlinson (J) 12 41222 Glacier Coaster (24) fr................... B Barclay

13 6x703 Senorita Margarita (25) fr..........B Williamson 14 25447 American Mac (U1) fr.................M Hurrell (J) 10 5.25 GORE WINDSCREENS ‘N’ GLASS MOBILE PACE $10,000, r52-r65,r66-r70 w/c., 2200m 1 9x805 Whata Razzle Dazzle (1) fr........... B Norman 2 12507 Elva Jaccka (2) fr........................... B Barclay 3 53508 Kotare Elite (3) fr.......................B Williamson 4 x4536 Candidasa (4) fr...................... J Morrison (J) 5 24508 Tartan Robyn (5) fr................... M Williamson 6 9x842 Ideal Draw (6) fr................................S Ottley 7 45696 Four Starzzz Shiraz (7) fr...............B Orange 8 2271x I’mallaboutthebase (8) fr E Barron (J,.......Cl) 9 6371x Cast A Shadow (21) fr........................A Beck 10 2208x Bridesdale Robyn (22) fr.............C Ferguson 11 08725 Maidonthebeach (23) fr................... P Hunter SELECTIONS

9 5117x She’s Not Bad dbh (13) 56........... D Johnson 10 0477x Spring Heat tdh (5) 56 11 35453 Inca Warrior dm (11) 56..............M Cameron 12 27148 Time To Fly tdh (2) 55.5................... R Jones 13 11212 Supreme Heights dmbh (8) 54.5......S Collett 6 3.19 TEAM WEALLEANS MATAMATA CUP $50,000, OPN HCP, 1600m 1 1500x Vin De Dance tm (2) 60................... T Harris 2 01123 Dez dmb (7) 59.5......................... C Johnson 3 10x68 Major Tom dm (8) 57....................... S McKay 4 61560 Admiral dm (5) 56........................C Lammas 5 18x82 Concert Hall td (3) 55.5...............M Cameron 6 32392 Battle Time dmb (1) 55.5.................. S Spratt 7 3600x Mongolianconqueror dh (16) 55.5.D Johnson 8 061x6 Hinerangi dm (9) 55....................M Coleman 9 52310 Verry Flash dm (12) 55....................R Smyth 10 14211 Polly Grey dmh (15) 53.......S Weatherley (a) 11 25x41 Lady Shabeel tdm (11) 53............D Mansour 12 43421 Hay Tiger tdmh (4) 53......................S Collett 13 84219 Tweedledee tdmh (14) 53...... T Yanagida (a) 14 34313 Codecracker tmh (13) 53 15 24325 Paisley Park tdmh (10) 53............T Thornton 16 26441 Yamuna dh (6) 53............................ R Kozaki 17 36541 El Coolio 53................................... Scratched 7 3.54 FAIRVIEW MOTORS MATAMATA 2000 $30,000, Rating 82 Benchmark, 2000m 1 92055 Andoyas h (1) 59.5........................... T Harris

2 648x0 Excalibur (8) 59...................S Weatherley (a) 3 46125 Suliman mh (5) 59...........................V Colgan 4 661x6 Justamaiz 58................................. Scratched 5 04597 Youwantmore dm (10) 57..... T Yanagida (a2) 6 72471 De Gaulle m (2) 57....................... C Johnson 7 04211 Super Hoof h (7) 56.....................C Lammas 8 62445 Divine Duke tdmh (9) 55.5..........M Cameron 9 41x66 Korakonui 55................................. Scratched 10 36822 Elle Eye Are tm (11) 54.5........C Burdan (a3) 11 23x21 Luminous h (3) 54.5..................... D Johnson 12 33936 Joe Cargo tdh (6) 54........................ R Jones 13 05141 Rodolfo tdm (4) 54.......................T Thornton 8 4.29pm MITRE 10 MATAMATA 2000 $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 2000m 1 0026L Battle Royal tdh (7) 59.5...... T Yanagida (a2) 2 75532 Hesalljazz tdm (6) 59...................T Thornton 3 10820 Dependsonsituation mh (8) 58.5.. C Lammas 4 x3761 Lake Superior (11) 58.5............... D Johnson 5 14665 Escapologist m (10) 58....................R Smyth 6 02x36 Wheao 58...................................... Scratched 7 74593 Zenntari 57.5................................. Scratched 8 00312 Barbara td (2) 57.............................. S Spratt 9 7x03P Te Waewae Bay (4) 57.....................S Collett 10 80431 Century Miss m (5) 56.5.............M Cameron 11 66x42 Vainglory tdh (1) 56.5..................M Coleman 12 04P55 Epae Road (9) 56.........................D Mansour 13 0x059 Blade Runner (3) 54......................... R Jones

3 0640 Tricky Mickey (10) 58.5................ C Johnson 4 956x7 Mr Intelligence (3) 58.5................L Callaway 5 Goa Head Caller (7) 58.5................K Selvan 6 600x6 Ray’s In Command (8) 58.5.............J Laking 7 506x0 Rock Master (1) 58.5....................T Moseley 8 00 Tramway Road (9) 58.5................K Kwo (a3) 9 30530 She’ll Cat Choux (2) 56.5........ B Murray (a2) 10 360x6 June Rose (4) 56.5..................Z Bholah (a3) 11 4x40 Feel The Rush (6) 54............... K Asano (a3) 8 4.35 AON INSURANCE & CLOVERTONE WINTON CUP HANDICAP $25,000, OPN HCP, 2000m 1 534x1 Come Fly With Me tdm (5) 60.A Bohorun (a3) 2 15312 Nomen Ludi dmbh (13) 58............T Moseley 3 51125 Galway Garry dmb (9) 57......... K Asano (a3) 4 52x70 Orepuki Lad m (3) 56.5.....................J Lowry 5 4056x Shantav tdm (10) 54.5.............Z Bholah (a3) 6 10146 Lord Beaver tm (11) 54....... C Campbell (a2) 7 21x37 Riviera Rock td (1) 54............. B Murray (a2) 8 212x6 The Style m (6) 54..........................S Wynne 9 01107 Choice du Jeu m (12) 54................ C Barnes 10 72021 Spider Lily tdm (2) 54..............T Comignaghi 11 83542 Eager Beaver (7) 54.....................K Kwo (a3) 12 54374 Red Major tmh (8) 54............ R Mudhoo (a3) 13 84757 Midnite Kaos tdm (4) 54................K Mudhoo 9 5.10pm COMMERCIAL HOTEL & BIOFEED COM-

PANY $10,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 2000m 1 58033 Fly Without Wings m (6) 59...A Bohorun (a3) 2 12x90 Beam Me Up Scotty m (2) 58.5 Mudhoo (a3) 3 01800 Karm ‘N’ Easy m (4) 58....... C Campbell (a2) 4 78349 Our Boy Baz (10) 57.5.................K Kwo (a3) 5 65090 Smokem Up 57.5.......................... Scratched 6 14270 Molly Polly m (9) 57.................. K Asano (a3) 7 75130 Spectra dm (3) 57........................ C Johnson 8 250x9 Franconi (11) 57............. K Chowdhoory (a2) 9 84050 Olaf t (1) 56............................. B Murray (a2) 10 64756 Mrs Gee Eye tdm (8) 55.5............L Callaway 11 907x0 Minue m (5) 54.5...........................T Moseley 12 90400 Madam De Soir (7) 54.................... C Barnes Blinkers on: He’s Got Power (R5), Rock Master, Tramway Road (R7) SELECTIONS


6 832F6 Alex Attack 18.38 U &........................Cottam 7 8x522 Jinja Mongo 18.34 W &....................T Steele 8 25335 Quara’s Yoshi 18.45...................... H Mullane 9 67867 Jinja Might 18.61 U &.........................Cottam 10 214F7 Manila Bala 18.24 R &.................N O’Regan 11 4.26 HEWLETT ELECTRICAL SPRINT C3, 318m 1 31862 Podium Phobia 18.89.........................B Craik 2 87661 Luke Skywalker 19.07..................... L A Hunt 3 65712 Wedgwood Warrior 18.55 M &.......... J Smith 4 86F82 It’s Pawsible 18.61...........................P Green 5 12524 Express Emporium 18.72 W &.........T Steele 6 68842 Bigtime Lovie 18.92...........................B Craik 7 38313 Thank You Next 18.63........................B Craik 8 48511 Paddy’s Passion 18.33..................... T Green 9 52837 Digger Ace nwtd U &..........................Cottam 10 11257 Waiterimu Ripper 18.51 R &................L Udy 12 4.44pm JACK’S WHOLESALE MEATS C4, 318m 1 84337 C’est L’Amour 18.67...........................B Craik 2 62327 Nangar Dream 18.56...................... G Farrell 3 14454 Shallay Pallay nwtd U &.....................Cottam 4 71553 Audrette 18.45.................................S Codlin 5 224x1 Manicorn 18.45..................................B Craik 6 34155 Pam Arising nwtd............................ S O’Neill 7 71811 Talkabout Izzy 18.61........................... D Ray 8 43182 One Cool Chap 18.47 W &...............T Steele

Race 1: Orlando Magic, Robo Trouble, Helluva Way, Kiwi Heir Race 2: Kennedy, Hans Ideal, Loissonya, A Cracker Knight Race 3: Swift Robyn, Edie Jaccka, Annie Fitz, Rosinupthebow Race 4: Only One Way, Zoned Scarlett, Spotlight The Valley Race 5: Ronnie Pickering, Kramer, Southin Excuse Race 6: Need You Now, Kickupyaheels, Woman In Gold, Yoha Race 7: Hold Thumbs, Burnham Boy, Vergeofgreatness Race 8: Majestic Man, Monty Python, Robbie Royale Race 9: American Mac, Paduka, Jacks N Jazz, Dianne Lorena Race 10: Ideal Draw, Bridesdale Robyn, Elva Jaccka, Tartan Robyn LEGEND: X - Spell from racing of at least 3 months P - Retired (or pulled up) from race L - Driver unseated U1 - Unruly beginner {C} - Concession driver {} - Claiming concession driver which allows horse to start one class down

Today at Matamata Raceway

Racing Matamata Venue: Matamata Meeting Date: 12 Oct 2019 NZ Meeting number: 2 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8 Trebles: 2, 3 and 4; 6, 7 and 8 1 12.20pm (NZT) COLCHESTER ENGINEERING LTD 1600 $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1600m 1 364x7 Joe’s Legacy tdh (5) 60.................... T Harris 2 36541 El Coolio d (10) 59.5....................T Thornton 3 331x4 Leaderboard h (15) 59...................O Bosson 4 7413x Noble Star d (2) 59..........................V Colgan 5 107x5 Galway Bro (16) 58.5.......................S Collett 6 6108x Trumpet d (3) 58........................... D Johnson 7 58854 Playboy Prince m (8) 57.5............D Mansour 8 5313 Garnet tmh (7) 57.......................M Coleman 9 x7012 Taree tdm (14) 57....................C Burdan (a3) 10 713x0 Thousand Stars h (4) 56.5...........C Lammas 11 6664x Ohthoserussians (6) 56.5.................R Smyth 12 05177 I See Red d (13) 56.......................... S Spratt 13 219x6 Kya Khoob Lagti Ho td (12) 56 Weatherley (a) 14 1950 One Madison mh (11) 56..... T Yanagida (a2) 15 28260 Van Diamond d (1) 56........................L Innes 16 100x6 Horsey Horse Horse tm (9) 55.5...... R Jones 2 12.55 COMAG LTD 1600 $25,000, Rating 72 Benchmark, 1600m 1 23730 Bluetwentytwo tdm (9) 60............T Thornton 2 57734 Wrangler m (8) 59.5......................... T Harris 3 20x31 Shezathinka tdh (3) 59...................O Bosson 4 538x2 Masetto h (6) 59...........................C Lammas

5 1115x Special Light (13) 58........................S Collett 6 86x60 Barcelo h (10) 57.5......................... S McKay 7 979x2 Katie Perrie tdh (12) 57.................... R Jones 8 229x1 Yatima d (11) 56.5........................ D Johnson 9 211x0 Babiche d (7) 55.5........................D Mansour 10 1441x Claddagh (5) 55.5...........................V Colgan 11 13518 Its A Kinda Magic tdmh (2) 55.5 Yanagida (a2) 12 221x1 Soda tdh (1) 55.5................S Weatherley (a) 13 156x8 En Soie dh (4) 54.5.....................M Coleman 3 1.30pm MATAMATA VETERINARY SERVICES LTD 1400 $25,000, 3YO SW+P, 1400m 1 517x2 Equinox 58.5................................. Scratched 2 13 Double Impact b (5) 57.5................. T Harris 3 18x65 Enjoy The Show (3) 57.5.............M Cameron 4 721 Gigolo George d (8) 57.5....S Weatherley (a) 5 83x1 Harlech th (4) 57.5.......................C Lammas 6 640x2 Bavella (9) 56.5..................................L Innes 7 9x5 Scorpz (6) 56..............................M Coleman 8 39x50 Appellant m (1) 55.5..................... D Johnson 9 1x0 Birdsong 55.5................................ Scratched 10 241 Rhapsody In Blue 55.5.................. Scratched 11 33510 Ruby Negroni h (2) 55.5................... A Jones 12 1 Travelling Light (7) 55.5....................S Collett 4 2.05 LUMINATEONE 1400 $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1400m 1 6x31x Alaskan Gold m (16) 59...............C Lammas 2 653x2 Firoden db (12) 59........................... S Spratt

3 0x737 Danger Dee dh (17) 58.5................. T Harris 4 213x0 Duck Road dh (4) 58.5...................O Bosson 5 7x703 Ricky Baker h (15) 58.5......S Weatherley (a) 6 7306x Red Sky At Night d (5) 58...............V Colgan 7 731x0 Flying Trapeze dh (8) 58..............T Thornton 8 43317 Leaf tdm (14) 58...................................C Dell 9 0879x Khorabella dh (10) 57.5............... C Johnson 10 3212 My Superior Girl dmb (11) 57.5...D Mansour 11 2158x Decadence (7) 57........................ D Johnson 12 81332 Goodnight Irene dmh (2) 57....C Burdan (a3) 13 124x3 Tammie Wynette dh (9) 57... T Yanagida (a2) 14 7x095 Matuzalem h (1) 56.5...................... S McKay 15 21 Manchu (6) 54.5.................................L Innes 16 33510 Ruby Negroni h (13) 54.5 17 107x5 Galway Bro 58.5............................ Scratched 18 58854 Playboy Prince dm (3) 57.5 Emergencies: Galway Bro, Playboy Prince 5 2.40 RUSSELL & YVONNE GREEN MEMORIAL 1200 $30,000, Rating 82 Benchmark, 1200m 1 24165 On Point dm (3) 59......................M Coleman 2 0109x Pinmedown mh (9) 58..................C Lammas 3 96x10 Amastar dm (10) 57.5.............C Burdan (a3) 4 1521x La Mia Stella th (7) 57.5...............T Thornton 5 411x6 Speedy Meady tdmb (4) 57..........D Mansour 6 12372 Star Treasure dh (12) 57.................. T Harris 7 x600x Melt d (1) 56.5.................................. S Spratt 8 31331 Burgundy Belle tdmh (6) 56...........O Bosson

Tomorrow at Gore Raceway

Winton JC Venue Gore Meeting Date: 13 Oct Meeting number: 6 Doubles: 2 and 3; 4 and 5; 6 and 7; 8 and 9 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9 1 12.35pm FARMER DIPPING & O’MEARA CRUTCHING MAIDEN $10,000, MDN, 1200m 1 x43x0 Renounce (3) 58.5.......................L Callaway 2 07x75 Hurricane Aubert (7) 58.5.K Chowdhoory (a2) 3 8066x Buster Bolt (6) 58.5..........................J Laking 4 8x2 Mother Goose (9) 56.5..................K Mudhoo 5 3 Show Park (8) 56.5.......................T Moseley 6 00 Busy h (5) 56.5.............................K Kwo (a3) 7 4090x Playday (1) 56.5........................... C Johnson 8 Dream Brave (2) 56............. C Campbell (a2) 9 87x6 Sandy Cool (4) 54................... B Murray (a2) 2 1.05pm TYRES N WHEELS & FLASH AGRI MAIDEN $10,000, MDN, 1200m 1 34744 To Sir With Love (6) 58.5.......A Bohorun (a3) 2 Macron (1) 58.5........................Z Bholah (a3) 3 60x0x Trickle Treat (9) 58.5................T Comignaghi 4 97330 Belle South (3) 56.5................ B Murray (a2) 5 6370x Superstition (7) 56.5......................T Moseley 6 8 Icanttellya (5) 56.5.......................K Kwo (a3) 7 Rosie Mae (2) 56.5............... R Mudhoo (a3) 8 Final Line (8) 56...................R Beeharry (a3) 9 3 Kentucky Cougar (10) 54............. C Johnson

10 6x0 Super Tap (4) 54................. C Campbell (a2) 3 1.40 RYAL BUSH TRANSPORT & ADV AGRICULTURE OPN SPRINT $15,000, OPN HCP, 1200m 1 18641 Irish Excuse tdmh (6) 60..... C Campbell (a2) 2 619x2 Timy Tyler tdm (4) 54.5............ K Asano (a3) 3 10100 Wild Jack tm (5) 54...............A Bohorun (a3) 4 11100 The Bumper tdm (3) 54.................. C Barnes 5 x4368 Waimate Bill dm (2) 54.................L Callaway 6 426x4 What’s Up Alf dm (1) 54...............K Kwo (a3) 7 4844x Friar Tuck tdb (7) 54......................T Moseley 4 2.15pm NIGHTCAPS CONTRACTING & SCULLYS TRANSPORT $11,000, Rating 72 Benchmark, 1335m 1 1314x Picture Me Rollin (3) 59........ R Mudhoo (a3) 2 2847x He Ain’t Heavy tm (5) 59.......A Bohorun (a3) 3 x7072 Nesta m (6) 58.5..............................J Laking 4 211 Hazelnut tdm (2) 56.....................K Kwo (a3) 5 26544 Promising m (1) 54................... K Asano (a3) 6 53x60 Supatwista (4) 54.................R Beeharry (a3) 5 2.50pm CENTRAL STHLD FREIGHT & COUNTRY JEWEL $10,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1335m 1 108x9 Son Of Surf (5) 60................. R Mudhoo (a3) 2 0383x Aulyn Star (1) 59.5........................T Moseley 3 58398 Opio Rose 58................................ Scratched 4 410x0 Haywood tdm (6) 57.5.................. C Johnson 5 6417x City Slicker (10) 57................... K Asano (a3)

6 60833 Abbey Kay (2) 56.5..................Z Bholah (a3) 7 182x8 He’s Got Power (11) 55.5.............K Kwo (a3) 8 4498x Azareel (9) 55.5...........................L Callaway 9 60362 Boyslightup tm (4) 55.............. B Murray (a2) 10 60480 Tachibana m (12) 54.5....................S Wynne 11 90796 Little Flick (3) 54............................K Mudhoo 12 09095 Garment m (7) 54...................T Comignaghi 13 8x887 Dream Rich (8) 54............... C Campbell (a2) 6 3.25pm AQUA SALON & SPA & NIGHT N DAY WINTON $10,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1200m 1 44525 Vice Marshall dm (2) 60.K Chowdhoory (a2) 2 8551x Tobilicious dm (7) 59....................K Kwo (a3) 3 58398 Opio Rose dm (3) 58.............A Bohorun (a3) 4 0x460 Tickets On Her d (8) 58...........T Comignaghi 5 53x36 Free And Easy tdmb (10) 57.........T Moseley 6 x10x3 Times Time d (1) 56.5.............. K Asano (a3) 7 7520x Below Zero d (11) 55.5....... C Campbell (a2) 8 7409x So Natural d (4) 55.5.....................K Mudhoo 9 768x2 Expedition (6) 54.5.......................L Callaway 10 60480 Tachibana dm (9) 54.5 11 x7858 Knutquacker dh (5) 54.....................S Wynne 7 4.00 SCULLYS TPORT & MCGREGOR CONCRETE MAIDEN $10,000, MDN, 1800m 1 52422 Gerry Joyce b (5) 58.5..................K Mudhoo 2 6x925 Sounds Promising (11) 58.5.C Campbell (a2)

M9 Auckland dogs

Race 1: Show Park, Mother Goose, Renounce, Playday, Buster Bolt Race 2: Kentucky Cougar, Belle South, Superstition, Super Tap Race 3: Timy Tyler, Irish Excuse, Waimate Bill, What’s Up Alf Race 4: Hazelnut, Picture Me Rollin, Nesta, Promising, Supatwista Race 5: Abbey Kay, Boyslightup, Garment, Aulyn Star, City Slicker Race 6: Free And Easy, Times Time, Expedition, Tobilicious Race 7: Gerry Joyce, Tricky Mickey, Mr Intelligence, She’ll Cat Choux Race 8: Galway Garry, Nomen Ludi, Orepuki Lad, Riviera Rock Race 9: Fly Without Wings, Our Boy Baz, Molly Polly, Spectra

Tomorrow at Manukau Stadium

1 75888 Clover Victoria 18.65........................S Codlin 2 58334 Grey Way 18.65.......................... G Pomeroy 3 12117 Cosmic Meteor 18.66.................... D R Laing 4 88x52 Kuridrani 18.71..................................M Black 1 1.31 SPEEDMAPSFORMPRO RATINGS C1, 318m 5 77874 Kapai Lana 18.57 R &..........................L Udy 1 71763 Just Nia 19.14...................................M Black 6 28138 Idol Ajay 18.49 W &..........................T Steele 2 88748 Tilly’s Silly 18.95 R &............................L Udy 7 51388 Karaoke Prince 18.70 R &...........N O’Regan 3 112 Last Star 18.84.............................. D R Laing 8 38257 Out Of Paper 18.81..................... G Pomeroy 4 45574 Billy Bullet 18.68................................H Scott 9 25775 Always Dreaming 18.58.................. G Farrell 5 53357 Extroverted 18.65............................ S O’Neill 10 34466 Stay Rich 18.55 M &......................... J Smith 6 15777 Platinum Tears 18.87.......................R Roper 4 2.24 PUMP ENGINEERING SERIES FINAL C1f, 527m 7 72574 Tango Miss nwtd.............................. T Green 1 22233 Charlow nwtd R &........................N O’Regan 8 26113 Choo Choo 18.81............................ G Farrell 2 25514 Little Apple 31.03 W &......................T Steele 9 44477 Bigtime Gal nwtd R &...................N O’Regan 3 64272 Jinja Babe 31.03................................E Potts 10 65681 Smash Rock nwtd........................... L A Hunt 4 1111 Thrilling Amelia 31.23...................... K Walsh 2 1.49 LAST ONE STANDING 27 OCTOBER C0, 527m 5 64342 Enjoy The Perks nwtd.....................P Henley 1 3745 Sleek Mover nwtd............................ S O’Neill 6 34651 Botany Esmay nwtd.........................P Green 2 3886 Indi Shae nwtd................................ S O’Neill 7 63554 Jinja Twist 30.62 W &.......................T Steele 3 88458 Pukekohe Smurf nwtd........................H Scott 8 47436 Flying Dewy nwtd R &..........................L Udy 4 Spring Queen nwtd............................E Potts 9 31153 Thrilling Nina nwtd........................... K Walsh 5 74737 Xena Poppy nwtd R &..........................L Udy 10 87663 Just Maddie nwtd..............................M Black 6 6F634 Mrs. Presley nwtd............................ S O’Neill 5 2.41 GREYHOUNDS NORTH MAIDEN C0d, 603m 7 57875 Master Brady nwtd...........................S Codlin 1 35878 Frosty Blaze nwtd............................. T Green 8 74656 Donny nwtd U &.................................Cottam 2 52231 Kiwi Gal nwtd U &..............................Cottam 9 Rowdy Ratbag nwtd.........................S Codlin 3 64667 Peekay Shout nwtd............................J Black 3 2.06pm MT WELLINGTON TAB SPRINT C2, 318m 4 74772 Hey Khali nwtd U &............................Cottam Auckland Greyhound Racing Club Venue: Manukau Stadium Meeting Date: 13 Oct 2019 NZ Meeting number: 9 Doubles: 1 and 2; 3 and 4; 5 and 6; 7 and 8; 9 and 10; 11 and 12 Trebles: 1, 2 and 3; 4, 5 and 6; 7, 8 and 9; 10, 11 and 12

5 22533 Monsoon Malabar nwtd U &...............Cottam 6 18752 Crackling Gal nwtd U &......................Cottam 7 36522 Jinja Nice nwtd...................................E Potts 8 41836 Our Rick nwtd....................................E Potts 6 2.59pm GREYHOUNDS AS PETS SPRINT C1, 318m 1 65624 Snoopy’s Hero 18.63........................... D Ray 2 26767 Bigtime Silver nwtd............................E Potts 3 86431 Gain Capital 18.81.............................B Craik 4 54211 Carbon Tiger 18.75 W &..................T Steele 5 37767 Tamantha 19.04.................................B Bond 6 68876 Sly Cath nwtd.....................................J Black 7 13768 Ford Man 19.06 R &.............................L Udy 8 76543 Smash Charger nwtd...................... L A Hunt 9 25488 Unconscionable 18.61 R &..................L Udy 10 63458 Opawa Kong nwtd........................... G Farrell 7 3.17 $30,000 GUARANTEED PICK6 C4/5, 318m 1 62426 Ashen 18.42.......................................B Bond 2 72338 Call Me Leo 18.69............................ T Green 3 16137 Electric Dancer 18.48 W &...............T Steele 4 62214 Zugzwang 18.54............................. S O’Neill 5 12168 Buddy Boom 18.26 U &.....................Cottam 6 62645 Oskitz 18.52.....................................S Codlin 7 34811 Miss Claude 18.54 U &......................Cottam 8 62717 Relevance 18.35........................... H Mullane 9 2F346 Thrilling Katie 18.40...........................E Potts 10 214F7 Manila Bala 18.24 R &.................N O’Regan

1 36274 Looking Snatched 31.10....................B Craik 2 7434F Afridi 31.16 W &...............................T Steele 3 41386 Little Moo 30.50 U &..........................Cottam 4 56246 Dignity Dented 31.23....................... T Green 5 13424 Thrilling Stomp nwtd........................ K Walsh 6 55781 Kapai Tahi 31.00 R &...........................L Udy 7 76456 El Narco 30.69.................................P Green 8 58535 It’s A Stroll 30.66 U &.........................Cottam 9 87663 Just Maddie nwtd..............................M Black 10 55886 Zipping Memphis 31.07 R &.........N O’Regan 9 3.51pm ROBSON STAKES C3/4, 527m 1 21868 Opawa Big 30.91............................ G Farrell 2 43624 Grunt 30.83 W &..............................T Steele 3 13884 Ti Amo 30.73......................................B Craik 4 72857 Jinja Bailey 30.36 U &........................Cottam 5 67147 San Tan Samson 30.68.................... T Green 6 382F7 Isn’t She Sassy 30.37.....................P Henley 7 55434 Bear Claws 30.81 W &.....................T Steele 8 72155 Prerogative 30.92 U &........................Cottam 10 4.09pm QUALIFIED PET SERVICES C4/5, 318m 1 85516 Does He Exist 18.53........................R Roper 2 16184 Kiwi Boy 18.18 U &............................Cottam 3 2245x Due To Burn nwtd............................ K Walsh 4 21717 Bigtime Hearty 18.66.........................B Craik 5 44184 Classy Impact 18.35........................ T Green

9 214F7 Manila Bala 18.24 R &.................N O’Regan

Classifieds 24 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019



Practice Nurse

Strong side to defend Shield Canterbury Head Coach Joe Maddock has made minimal changes to his side for their final Mitre 10 Cup regular season match against North Harbour tomorrow. The starting forward pack is unchanged from last weekend’s successful Ranfurly Shield challenge against Otago, while the only change in the backline sees Braydon Ennor return from a knee injury to line up in the midfield. Ennor’s return means Ngane Punivai moves back out to the left wing, in place of Sam Gilbert. On the bench, Inga Finau will wear the number 23 jersey this week, having recovered from the concussion he sustained against Counties Manukau in week eight. Tomorrow’s match at home follows the Canterbury Women’s Farah Palmer Cup clash against Bay of Plenty, and will be the last Ranfurly Shield challenge of 2019. Canterbury and North Harbour currently sit third and fourth on the Premiership table with this being the final round

SITUATIONS VACANT Methven Medical Centre

Café Assistant Checkout Operator Do you want to be a part of a team where we believe great people make great teams? We have an opportunity for someone to help us deliver an incredible café experience and to deliver exceptional customer service at our Checkout department. This a fixed term position until early June 2020 to cover parental leave. Applicants will need to be: • Reliable, organized and cool under pressure • Passionate about food and coffee and keen to learn in a supportive environment • Capable of outstanding presentation • An excellent customer service provider with great communication skills • Able to multi task and use initiative • A team player • Confident with cash handling

Dallas McLeod before the semi-finals next week. Canterbury team: 1. Daniel Lienert-Brown 2. Brodie McAlister 3. Owen Franks 4. Luke Romano 5. Mitchell Dunshea 6. Reed Prinsep 7. Billy Harmon 8. Luke Whitelock (C) 9. Mitchell Drummond 10. Brett Cameron 11. Ngane Punivai 12. Tim Bateman 13. Braydon Ennor 14. Dallas McLeod 15. Josh McKay Reserves: 16. Seb Siataga, 17. Harry Allan, 18. Siate Tokolahi, 19. Whetukamokamo Douglas, 20. Tom Christie, 21. Ereatara Enari, 22. Fergus Burke, 23. Inga Finau

This is a full time - Sunday to Thursday position with some early starts, where two days will be dedicated to the Café. Other days will be Checkout based with time spent in the Café covering breaks. Do you enjoy variety in your work and feel you have the skills to under-take this position? Applications to: Human Resources Manager Ashburton New World PO Box 444, Ashburton 7740 Email: Applications close on October 29, 2019.

Guardian Situations Vacant

307 7900

We are looking for a practice nurse to join our practice from December 2019. Methven Medical Centre busy rural medical centre located at the base of Mt Hutt Ski Area approximately 30 minutes inland from Ashburton servicing both the local community and tourist and seasonal workers. We are a 15 staff strong team made up of six part time administrative staff, four part time practice nurses, one nurse practitioner and four general practitioners. We are a cornerstone accredited practice and a PRIME practice and take pride in delivering a high level of care to our Patients. The vacancy we have is for a part time practice nurse to work a combination of weekday, weekend clinics and relieving work. The winter weekend clinics run every weekend for three months from July till October and they are 10 hour days. The successful candidate will work three out of four winter weekends. The rest of the year the weekend clinics are approximately every 2nd weekend and are 3-4 hours each day. The rostered hours per week (not including relieving) for summer would be approximately 30 and for winter 40 (averaged over a month). Previous practice nurse experience would be an advantage, however this is not a necessity. We are looking for nurses with an interest in, or who have post graduate education in diabetes management. As we are a PRIME practice previous PRIME training or experience in emergency care would be an advantage however undertaking the PRIME training is part of the contract. Childhood Immunisations is a staple part of the job so having a vaccinators certificate would also be an advantage however not a necessity. Absolute requirements of the successful candidate include: • A NZ registered Nurse with current practising certificate • Have excellent interpersonal skills • Be able to perform both a rapid and thorough adult and child health assessment. Be able to work weekends-limited in the summer, more regular in winter • Be able to work within a multidisciplinary team environment Be able to work under pressure • Be willing and confident to accompany Prime trained staff to offsite emergencies. • Be willing, if needed, to undertake further education (funded by the Medical Centre) in areas such as diabetes, cervical smear taking, B4 school checks and PRIME. For more information or if interested please email: Ellen Kemp at Applications close 24/10/2019

Daily Events SATURDAY 7.30am (sharp) RUN AND WALK ASHBURTON. Rise and Shine Saturday. Runners and Walkers, all welcome. Meet at Frontrunner, 28 Moore Street. Visit our facebook page for more details. 9am (start) ASHBURTON MENZSHED. Garage Sale, wooden toys, tools, small trailer, parts, farm gates, work bench, shelving units and more. Cash only 8 William Street. 9am - 11am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH FAIR.

SUNDAY 8am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, Park Street. 8.30am HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH. Mass, Holy Spirit Church, Thomson Street, Tinwald. 9.30am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Worship service led by Rev Henry Mbambo. 48 Allens Road, Allenton.

MONDAY 6am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Sweaty Betty’s circuit training in hall. 48 Allens Road. 9.30am (10am start) ASHBURTON VETERANS GOLF. RSA Trophy AGM. Facebook Ashburton County Veterans Golf Association. Ashburton Golf Club. 9.30am - 10.30am

Oct 12, 13 & 14, 2019 Stalls, food, silent auction and much more. 48 Allen’s Road, Allenton. 9am - 12pm ASHBURTON FARMERS MARKET. Local fresh produce, hot drinks and more. North end West Street carpark. 9am - 12pm CRAFT MARKET. Woodwork, jewellery, Rawleighs products etc. West Street car park. 9.30am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON TOY LIBRARY. Open Thursday and Saturday mornings for toy hire. Victoria Street, The Triangle.

9.45am - 3pm WAIREKA CROQUET CLUB. Association singles morning and doubles afternoon. Waireka Croquet Club, the Domain, Philip Street. 10am MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and hall of memories. 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am - 12pm VINTAGE CAR CLUB MUSEUM AND PARTS SHED. Open. Ashburton Vintage Car Club, Maronan Road, Tinwald.

10am - 12pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome. Heritage Centre, West Street. Closed most public holidays. 10.30am - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of over 30 aircraft from the past to the future on display. Open daily with extended hours on a Saturday and Wednesday. Ashburton airport, Seafield Road. 1.15pm WAIREKA CROQUET CLUB.

9.30am ASHBURTON METHODIST CHURCH. Morning worship with Rev Heather Kennedy. Paterson’s Chapel, corner East and Cox streets. 10am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion. Park Street. 10am ST ANDREW’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, Thomson Street. 10am ST ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Morning worship service led by Rev Eric

Mattock, all welcome, Sinclair Centre, Park St. 10am MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and Hall of Memories. 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am HAKATERE PRESBYTERIAN PARISH. Morning worship led by Neville Burns, all welcome. 127 Thomson Street, Tinwald. 10am ASHBURTON BAPTIST CHURCH. Morning service, all welcome. 67 Cass Street.

10.30am VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. Worship God and study his word. 131 Thomson Street (Tinwald School hall). 10.30am GRACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Worshipping God and transforming lives. 63 Princes Street, Netherby. 10.30am - 3.30pm ASHBURTON FIRE MUSEUM. Stunning exhibition of firefighting history at the Plains Historic Village in the Tinwald Domain, Maronan Road.

DAYTIME NETBALL. $5 a game, first game free. EA Networks Centre, River Terrace (not school holidays). 9.30am - 4pm ST JOHN SHOP. Opportunity shop open daily, donations welcome. 129 Tancred Street. 10am MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and hall of memories. 160 Main Street, Methven.

10am - 3pm 206 CLUB AGE CONCERN. Join us for a fun day filled with activities for the over 60 years. For more information ring Age Concern 308 6817. Seniors Centre, Cameron Street. 10am - 4pm HOSPICE MID CANTERBURY OP SHOP. Quality clothing and homewares. Donations welcome. 71 Tancred Street. 12pm BAPTIST CHURCH FREE LUNCH.

Weekly lunch, available at Baptist Church, Cass Street. 1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of over 30 aircraft from the past to the future on display. Open daily with extended hours on a Saturday and Wednesday. Ashburton airport, Seafield Rd. 1pm - 4pm ASHBURTON DISTRICT FAMILY HISTORY GROUP. Open for research, visitors welcome.

Golf croquet doubles, new members welcome. Waireka Croquet Club, Philip St. 1.15pm ALLENTON CROQUET CLUB. Golf and Association Croquet. Allenton Sports Club, Cavendish Street. 1.30pm RUN AND WALK ASHBURTON. Runners and Walkers, afternoon meet outside Robert Harris. West Street. 7.30pm ASHBURTON MUSICAL CLUB. Grand Finale, the final concert for 2019. Members free, visitors welcome $5. Sinclair Centre, Park Street. 1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of over 30 aircraft from the past to the future on display. Open daily with extended hours on a Saturday and Wednesday. Ashburton airport, Seafield Rd. 1.15pm WAIREKA CROQUET CLUB. Golf Croquet doubles, new players welcome. Waireka Croquet Club, Philip Street. 7pm VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH. Worship God and study his word. 131 Thomson Street (Tinwald School hall). Heritage Centre, West Street. Closed most public holidays. 1.15pm ALLENTON CROQUET CLUB. Golf and Association Croquet. Allenton Sports Club, Cavendish Street. 6pm ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Sweaty Betty’s circuit training in hall. 48 Allens Road.


Saturday, October 12, 2019



Ashburton Guardian 25




Deli / Seafood Assistant

Minu Abraham BDS

Full time position - 35.5 hours per week This is an ideal opportunity for someone with a flair for food and a can-do attitude to join our busy Deli/Seafood team. The ideal candidate will: • Have previous experience in the service deli or food retail industry • Enjoy providing excellent customer service • Have a good understanding of food safety and hygiene standards • Be reliable, hard-working and a team player Key duties will be to serve our customers, prepare food and do some cooking, and to ensure the delicatessen and seafood counters are appropriately stocked and merchandised at all times. Days and Hours will be: Monday 6.00am – 3.30pm Thursday 12.00pm – 9.00pm Friday 6.00am – 3.30pm Sunday 6.00am – 3.30pm

Please apply - including a cover letter and CV to: Human Resources Manager Ashburton New World PO Box 444, Ashburton 7740 Email: Applications close: October 29, 2019.

1am starts.

Experience preferred but happy to train the right person. Immediate start. Please apply in person, with your CV, by Friday, October 19, 2019.

123 Main South Road, Ashburton

WANTED FIREWOOD tree lines wanted, 20 tonne digger to clean up. Phone 027 611 3334. GARDENER wanted for country garden. Lawns and gardening. Four hours/ fortnight. Phone 302 0709.


Our well established dental practice is looking for an exceptional Dental Assistant. This is a part time that role involves chair side assisting as well as reception duties. Experience welcome, but not essential as training provided for the successful candidate. Applicants looking for a long term career in the dental industry only need apply. Applicants must be pleasant, have excellent customer service skills and telephone manners. Must develop good rapport with other team members and clients. If this sound like you send us an email expressing your interest today.

If this is the position you’ve been waiting for then we would love to hear from you!


Dental Assistant

For all subscriber enquiries, missed deliveries, new subscriptions, temporary stops – text, call or email:

Text 021 271 3399 Phone 0800 274 287 Email circulation@ TRADES, SERVICES COMPUTER PROBLEMS?? For professional computer servicing and laser engraving, see Kelvin at KJB Systems, 4 Ascot Place. Phone 308 8989. Locally owned and serving Ashburton for 30 years. Same day service if possible. Supergold discount card welcomed.

PUBLIC NOTICES Acknowledgement Thank you one and all for attending the opening of my exhibition in Methven. It was a great success. Bertie Holmes

Dr M Abraham

MOTORING WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life of your tyres with an alignment from Neumanns Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills Street. Phone 308 6737.

This position would suit a mature person with excellent communication and people skills and the ability to work unsupervised. Hours of work are 10.00am to 3.00pm Monday, Wednesday and Friday however, flexiblity of these hours will be required from time to time. Applicants should have New Zealand residency and a full current driver’s licence. Please send your CV and covering letter to: Tony Sands, Resort Manager 25A/25 Charlesworth Drive, Ashburton 7700 or by email to by Friday October 18, 2019.

Customer Service Representative BP Connect Ashburton Exciting chance for a motivated individual who’d like to develop a career in retail! We are looking for full-time and part time Customer Service Representative to join our friendly team! As a CSR you will be responsible for delivering excellent service to our customers; from dispensing fuel, processing sales, merchandising, food preparation to making delicious Wild Bean Coffee! To apply, submit your application online at under the Canterbury CSR Campaign or bring your CV in store for a quick discussion.



WANTED TO LEASE Irrigated Farm Properties Mid Canterbury My clients are very experienced local farmers with good histories of successful farm leasing. They seek further spray irrigated arable farms to lease as follows: Location - Mid Canterbury Irrigation – Spray preferred Soils – Free draining silts Size – Flexible Buildings – Housing Optional • Grain Storage desirable • Good cattle and sheep yards Term – Flexible, prefer long term Rental – Top rate paid for the right properties Possession – By mutual agreement Please apply in writing, with full property and preferred lease details to: David Montgomery Agribusiness Consultant / Registered Valuer PO Box 584, Ashburton 7700 Or Email: Ph 307 2220 Cell 027 433 3174

MEETINGS, EVENTS Methven Vintage Club AGM Samuels Bar Blue Pub Methven Thursday, October 24, 2019, 8pm.



BUYER of unwanted animals. Cattle, bobby calves, horses and all farm animals. We also sell pet food. Call Nick’s Pet Food 0272 101 621, A/H 03 348 9439.

CHARITY accessory sale supporting “Lives Worth Living”. Pre-loved homeware and fashion accessories, can be left at Community House or Selke Enterprises (161 Cameron Street.) Sale October 17-19, 10am4pm, 200 East Street.


All welcome. Light supper provided. Apologies / enquires to: Gerard phone 027 417 2067.

GENERAL hire. Lawnmowers, chainsaws, concrete breakers, trailers, and more. All your DIY / party hire, call and see Ashburton U-Hire. 588 East Street. Open Monday-Friday 7am - 6pm; Saturday 7.30am - 5pm; Sunday 8.30am 12.30pm. Phone 308 8061.

Birthday Greetings Birthday Greetings are free for those aged 12 and under only. Free birthday greetings must be received at least two working days before date of insertion otherwise there is no guarantee that it will appear on the day requested. Photos will be available at our level 3 office for collection after notice has appeared in the paper.

Part Time Receptionist A vacancy has arisen at Lochlea Lifestyle Resort for a Part Time Receptionist.

Georgia Scammell Wow Gigi double digits. Happy 10th Birthday. Enjoy your special day. Lots of love Mum, Dad, Emma and Charlie. xoxo Georgia Scammell Happy 10th Birthday Georgia for tomorrow. Hope you have an awesome day. Lots of love. Nana and gramps.xx

GARAGE sale - Saturday, October 12. 8 William Street, 9am start. Items include: wooden toys, assorted tools, small trailer, parts bins, farm gates, work bench, shelving units and sundry items. Cash only.

Non-proprietary and uncertified seeds – Commodity Levy Order Renewal Vote

Press Releases Herbage Seedgrowers’ - The Subsection of Federated Farmers manages a levy collected on all non-proprietary ryegrass and clover, which are known as the Commons, and uncertified herbage seed.


This levy is used to fund the maintenance of the stockseed so that these public cultivars continue to be freely available to growers and the industry.

FIREWOOD green pine $160, green blue gum $200, ceda $200, dry firewood available all 3.6m³. Phone Shane James Firewood 027 611 3334.

This Order under which the levy is collected now requires renewal and the Herbage Seedgrowers’ Subsection will issue ballots for a referendum on Friday, November 22, 2019 with the voting period through to Monday, December 9.

SCOOTERS - new and secondhand three and four wheel-electric scooters and wheel-chairs. Call Fred Reddecliffe at Electric Mobility Ashburton today. Phone 308 3602.

Ballot papers will automatically be sent to those entitled to vote in the referendum but any herbage seed grower who would like to more information or to discuss the collection of the levy can contact:

ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NEW Asian, gorgeous, sexy, size 8, busty 40DD. Playful, good massage. Phone 0210 248 8519. Guardian Classifieds 307 7900

Nick Hanson, Federated Farmers on 04 470 2161.



NEW to town, Asian ladies, size 8, sexy body, 34DD, busty. Chinese prostrate massage. Two girls available. In/out calls. Phone 021 046 4314.

SPACIOUS modern four bedroom home. Available now in Allenton. Phone 021 466 533. Guardian Classifieds 307 7900

Guardian Motoring 307 7900

Classifieds 26 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019




To advertise here contact Neil on 021 272 2399 or 03 307 7907


NOW $59.90 East Street, Ashburton Phone 03 308 5771

Monday - Friday 9am - 5.30pm Saturday 10am - 2pm Sunday By appointment only

Neil Cushen

To advertise here contact Neil on 021 272 2399 or 03 307 7907 Moore Street Medical Centre, Moore Street, Ashburton, will be the duty practice for Saturday until 8am Sunday. Consultations will be by appointment only. To make a booking please phone 0800 700 155.

Weekend Services


IN EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY PHONE 111. For all other medical assistance outside of normal hours, please phone your General Practice team, 24/7, to speak with a health professional who will give you free health advice on what to do or where to go if you need urgent care If you don’t have a regular General Practice, call any GP team 24/7 for free telephone health advice.


DIAL 111 in the event of a Medical or Accident Emergency

advice over the phone. The service is free and confidential. Lines open 10am - 10pm seven days.


Ashburton Rest Homes

327 West Street, Ashburton, phone 308 1133. Open daily: 10am – 4pm, Wednesday: 10am – 7pm


Ashburton Museum

If you do not have or cannot contact your regular dentist, Tinwald Medical Practice, Archibald Street, Ashburton, will please phone 027 683 0679 for the name of the rostered be the duty practice for Saturday until 8am Sunday from 10am weekend dentist in Christchurch. Hours 9am - 5pm, to 12 noon and 6pm to 7pm. No appointment necessary. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Ashburton Health First, Havelock Street, Ashburton, ELPLINE ERVICES will be the duty practice for Sunday until 8am Monday. Consultation will be by appointment only. To make an Alcoholics Anonymous appointment please phone 0800 700 155. Call 0800 AA WORKS (0800 229 6757) or visit for more information. Please bring your Community Services Card. All non New Zealanders should bring their passport with them, Mental Health - Call free on 0800 222 955. New Zealanders should bring some form of ID. Ask for the Crisis Team.



Safe Care - 24hr Rape and Sexual Assault Crisis For weekend and emergency services please phone Support. Phone 03 364 8791 Methven Medical Centre on 302 8105 or Rakaia Medical Victims Support Group Centre on 303 5002 for details on how to access the 24hr - Freephone 0800 VICTIM (0800 842 846). after-hours service each weekend. Direct dials to a volunteer. Healthline is a free health advice service. It operates Ashburton Office - 307 8409 week-days, 9am - 2pm, outside of these hours leave a message. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The toll-free number to call is 0800 611 116. Healthline is staffed by registered Alcohol Drug Help Line nurses who are trained to assess health problems and offer Call us free on (0800 787 797).

Methven & Rakaia Area

y p p Ha ay d h t Bir

Reservations & timetables, 24-hour service. Freephone for reservations: 0800 802 802. BUSES - Southbound: 9.30am, 3.20pm. Northbound: 12.30pm, 5.10pm.

Toll-free: 0800 353 353.

Wises Pharmacy, Countdown Complex, East Street, will be open from 9am - 1pm Saturday, from 10am - 1pm Sunday and from 5pm - 7pm both evenings.

Emergency Dentist

Bus Departures



ANIMAL SERVICES Dog, Stock & Noise Control

Ashburton District Council 03 307 7700 - 24hr service.

327 West Street, Ashburton, phone 307 7890. Open daily: 10am – 4pm

Animal Welfare Centre

Ashburton Public Library

Mid Canterbury Animal Shelter

All enquiries - phone 308 4432 or 027 3329286.

Havelock Street. Ph 308 7192. Saturday: 10am - 1pm. Sunday: 1pm - 4pm.

Contact - President 021 1356 969.


ASHBURTON VETS - Ph 0276 838 000, 20 River Terrace - phone 03 308 4020. WEEKEND HOURS: 149 Cameron Street, Ashburton: Duty vet: Ben Hallenstein. Full emergency service all weekend. Sat and Sun 7am - 7pm. Public holidays 10am - 5pm. VET ENT RIVERSIDE - Ph 03 308 2321, Mail Closing Times 1 Smallbone Drive, Ashburton. Saturday clinic: 9am - 12 ASHBURTON MAIL CENTRE noon. Weekend 24-hour emergencies. STANDARD POST: Mon - Fri 6pm VETLIFE ASHBURTON - Ph 03 307 5195, POST DELIVERY CENTRES Cnr East Street and Seafield Road, Ashburton. Saturday Allenton & Tinwald: Mon - Fri 5pm clinic: 9am - 12 noon. Weekend 24-hour emergencies. Methven & Rakaia: Mon - Fri 4.30pm CANTERBURY VETS - Ph 03 307 0686, ASHBURTON’S STREET RECEIVERS West Street Clinic, West Street, Ashburton. Saturday clinic: Business Area: Mon - Fri 5pm 9am - 12 noon. Weekend emergencies: Maisie Fleming. Residential Area: Mon - Fri 1pm

EA Networks Centre - Pools

Information Centre

Methven - Saturday, Sunday and public holidays 10am until 3pm. Phone 302-8955 or

Vet Ent and Vet Life operate a joint after-hours SMALL animal emergency service. To use this service please phone your vet as usual.

For just $10!* Book your birthday greeting, including a photo, for just $10! Ten words only.* (Under 12 children’s birthday greetings remain FREE) *Terms and conditions apply.

F Phone 03 307 7900 Email: Level 3, Somerset House, 161 Burnett Street

Trades & Services To place a Trades & Services ad, call 307-7900 or email


Your local authorised Freeview installer Commercial TV systems Extra phone points TV wall mounting Future proof pre-wire of new homes Authorised Sky installer Home theatre installation



MANUFACTURERS & INSTALLERS OF: • Continuous Spouting - Fascia • Down pipes








Ben Kruger 027 390 1027 or 03 308 4380 481 West Street, Ashburton -

TALBOT SECURITY GROUP Home and Business Solutions • • • •


100% L

Alarm Installation Alarm Servicing Alarm Monitoring Alarm Response

Book your high windows in today

E - phone 03 307 2409 anytime 24/7

“we clean to a standard, not a price”



• regular full house cleans • one off spring cleans • farm houses • builders cleans • floor buffing • All staff are police vetted •Able to travel out of town

03 307 2656 |

Mobile Mower servicing • Rotary Mowers • Ride-on Mowers • Water Blasters • Small Motor Repairs

• Reel Mowers • Chainsaws • Rotary Hoes • Generators

electriCOOL Ltd Phone Paul Crequer, your local authorised Daikin dealer for a free quote on all domestic and commercial systems phone 0274 362 362 or 308 4573.



• Tile shower makeovers • Professional tile and grout cleaning • Re-colouring existing grout

• Sealing and repairing/replacing tiles/grout • Replacing mouldy and tired silicon

Stan Keeley, Owner

Ph 307 0002 - Mobile 021 88 34 36 Keeping your property protected with a security camera system from Masterguard Protect your biggest asset with a home security camera package from Masterguard Call me today for a free, no obligation quote

WE TRANSFORM TILES/GROUT IN BATHROOMS, KITCHENS, SHOWERS, BALCONIES, CONSERVATORIES AND ANY TILED AREA Contact GroutPro Brett Muir or Mark Butler for a quote and an upfront honest discussion.

0508 422 532

Hartley Curd phone 0800 788 393 or 021 328 301 57 Dobson Street, Ashburton.

TALBOT SECURITY GROUP Key Cutting Solutions • • • • •

Key Reprogramming House Keys Transponder Car Keys Car Remotes Car Keys

E - P - 03 307 2409 anytime 24/7

Television 28 Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Saturday, October 12, 2019 TVNZ 1


©TVNZ 2019

©TVNZ 2019

6am Te Karere 3 2 0 6:30 Country Calendar 3 0 7am Pound Pups To Dog Stars 3 0 7:30 Infomercials 0 9am Whanau Living 3 0 9:30 Tagata Pasifika 10am Tipping Point 3 11am Restaurant SOS 3 0 Noon Call The Midwife PGR (Starting Today) 3 0 1:20 Coast v Country 0 2:25 Kirstie And Phil’s Love It Or List It 3 0 3:30 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 0 4:30 Fishing And Adventure The boys go to the far north to try kayak fishing for the first time, and the challenge is set to land the heaviest fish over 5.5 kg. 0 5pm The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0

6am The Wot Wots 3 0 6:20 The Wiggles, Emma! 0 6:30 PJ Masks 3 0 6:55 The Insectibles 3 0 7:05 Be Cool Scooby Doo! 0 7:25 Super Dinosaur 0 7:50 Transformers Cyberverse 0 8:15 Star Wars Rebels 0 8:40 Justice League 0 9:05 We Bare Bears 0 9:15 Dragon Ball Super PGR 0 9:40 The Simpsons 3 0 10am Fresh 10:30 AP Bio PGR 3 0 11am Suburgatory PGR 3 0 11:30 8 Simple Rules 3 0 Noon God Friended Me PGR 3 0 1pm American Housewife 1:30 Car Crash TV 2pm Renters PGR 3 0 2:30 America’s Funniest Home Videos 3 0 3pm My Restaurant Rules PGR 3 0 5pm The Crystal Maze 0 6pm The 100k Drop 0 7pm Rugby World Cup – The 7pm M Cool Runnings PGR Story So Far 1993 Comedy. 0 Take a look back on the best 8pm L Lotto of the Rugby World Cup 2019 8:05 Cool Runnings 3 0 so far. 0 8:50 M The Legend Of 8:30 Dinner Date Hercules AO 2014 Action 9:30 M Mandela – Long Fantasy. 0 Walk To Freedom AO 2013 10:45 M 300 – Rise Of An Biography. 0 Empire AO 2014 Action. 0

12:15 Blindspot AO 3 0 1:10 Coronation Street Catchup PGR 3 0 3:05 Infomercials

Peter Pan

3:45pm on Three

BRAVO 10am How To Look Good Naked – Sexy Over 60 PGR 3 10:55 Million Dollar Listing NY 3 11:50 Million Dollar Listing NY 3 12:45 Masters Of Flip 3 1:40 Masters Of Flip 3 2:40 Catfish 3 3:35 Catfish 3 4:30 The People’s Court 3 5:30 The People’s Court 3 6:30 Million Dollar Listing NY 7:30 Botched PGR 3 8:30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians AO Kim meets the survivors of the Parkland shooting to learn about their movement; Scott revives his podcast with Khloe in Cleveland; Kylie feels insecure about her post-baby body. 9:30 Southern Charm AO 10:35 Cults And Extreme Belief AO 3 11:30 Catfish 3


12:20 Infomercials 3 5am Masters Of Flip 3

12:40 M Suicide Squad – Hell To Pay AO 2018 Drama. 0 2:10 The Sexbots Are Coming AO 3 3am Regular Show 3 0 3:10 The Bachelor PGR 3 0 4:40 Home Improvement 3 0 5:05 Fresh 3 5:30 Infomercials

The Halcyon

10:45pm on Prime

SKY 5 6am 9JKL PG 6:25 Modern Family PG 6:50 The Simpsons Super Saturday PG 9:35 Modern Family PG 10:05 9JKL PG 10:30 Salvation MV 11:20 72 Dangerous Places To Live MVC 12:10 The Flash MVS 1pm SmackDown Live MVC 3:05 Main Event MV 3:50 Highway Thru Hell PG 4:40 The Simpsons Super Saturday PG 7:30 Modern Family PG 8pm 9JKL PG 8:30 Counting Cars PG 9pm Highway Thru Hell PG 10pm Mountain Men PG 10:50 Classic Pawn Stars PG 11:20 The Simpsons PG 11:50 The Simpsons PG Sunday 12:15 The Simpsons Super Sunday PG 2:15 Counting Cars PG 2:40 The Flash MVS 3:30 Main Event MV 4:20 Mountain Men PG 5:10 Chicago PD 16V



6am Charles Stanley 6:30 The Project 3 7:25 Infomercials 9:30 NewsHub Nation 0 10:30 Slice Of Paradise 3 0 11:25 Face Off PGR 3 12:25 Married At First Sight NZ PGR 3 0 1:50 Married At First Sight NZ PGR 3 0 2:45 Married At First Sight NZ PGR 3 0 3:45 M Peter Pan PGR 3 2003 Adventure. The bored Darling children get all the adventure they can handle when Peter Pan takes them to Never Neverland to help in the ongoing war with evil pirate Captain Hook. Jason Isaacs, Jeremy Sumpter, Rachel HurdWood. 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm America’s Got Talent 0 8:30 America’s Got Talent 9:30 M Trainwreck AO 3 2015 Comedy. A commitment-shy career woman may have to face her fears when she finally meets a good man. Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, Brie Larson. 0

12:15 M The Cheerleader Murders AO 3 2016 Thriller. Samantha Boscarino, Amanda Leighton, Hannah Kasulka. 2:10 Infomercials 5am Hillsong 5:30 Charles Stanley



6am The Powerpuff Girls 3 0 6:25 Kung Fu Panda – Legends Of Awesomeness 3 0 6:50 Max Steel 3 0 7:15 Hank Zipzer, The World’s Greatest Underachiever 3 0 7:40 Danny Phantom 3 8:05 Teen Titans 0 8:30 Batman – The Animated Series 0 9am Justice League Unlimited PGR 10am SmackDown AO 3 11am Raw AO 3 Noon The Crowd Goes Wild 3 1pm Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 2pm Pawn Stars 3 2:30 Super League Triathlon (RPL) 4:30 Hot Bench 3 5pm Addicted To Fishing 0 5:30 Prime News 6pm Antiques Roadshow 0

6:30 Te Ao – Maori News 3 7am Tamariki Haka 7:10 Pukoro 2 7:40 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 7:50 Polyfest Kapa Haka 3 8:20 Huritua 3 8:30 Pukana 3 2 10am Hip Hop International – New Zealand Nationals 3 10:30 Celebrity Playlist 3 11am School Of Hard Knocks PGR 11:30 School Of Training Noon Waka Ama Sprints 3 1pm Haati Grassroots Rugby 3 2pm College Basketball Nationals 3 3pm The Pits TV 4pm Marae PGR 3 2 4:30 He Kakano 3 5pm Fresh 5:30 Nga Pari Karangaranga O Te Motu 3 6:30 Te Ao – Maori News

7pm Shipping Wars PGR 0 7:30 Mayday Air Disaster – The Accident Files PGR 0 8:30 M Mad Max – Beyond Thunderdome AO 1985 Action. 0 10:45 The Halcyon AO 3 0

7pm M Stuart Little 1999 Comedy. A mouse embarks on a human-sized adventure when it is adopted by the Little family. 8:30 M Pollock AO 2000 Drama. Story of the life and times of celebrated abstract expressionist painter, Jackson Pollock. 10:40 Te Ao – Maori News 3

11:45 SAS – Who Dares Wins AO 3 The remaining men are split into two units, Alpha and Bravo, as the course instructors look at the recruits’ ability to bond as well as competing with one another. 0 12:45 Closedown

11:10 Survivance Kiwi artist Rob Ruha shares a selection of waiata from his 2017 album. 11:50 Closedown



6am The Post ML 2018 Drama. Meryl Streep, Tom Hanks. 7:25 The Hummingbird Project ML 2019 Drama. Jesse Eisenberg, Salma Hayek. 9:15 This Teacher 16VC 2018 Drama. Hafsia Herzi, Lucy Walters. 10:50 I, Tonya 16VLSC 2017 Drama. Margot Robbie, Allison Janney. 12:45 Hopeless Romantic MLC 2016 Romantic Comedy. Christa B Allen, Brandon W Jones. 2:10 Unfriended – Dark Web 16VLSC 2018 Horror. Colin Woodell, Betty Gabriel. 3:45 Solo – A Star Wars Story MV 2018 Action. Aiden Ehrenreich, Emilia Clarke. 6pm Maria By Callas M 2017 Documentary. 8pm On The Basis Of Sex ML 2018 Drama. Story of lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg, whose battle against gender discrimination led to her nomination for the US Supreme Court. Felicity Jones, Armie Hammer. 9:55 Double Date 16VLSC 2017 Comedy. Danny Morgan, Georgia Groome. 11:25 Don’t Knock Twice MVLC 2016 Horror. Katee Sackhoff, Lucy Boynton. Sunday 1am The Joneses Unplugged MC 2017 Romance. Mischa Barton, Sean Faris. 2:25 Unfriended – Dark Web 16VLSC 2018 Horror. 4am Solo – A Star Wars Story MV 2018 Action.

7am Pitch Perfect MLS 2012 Comedy. Anna Kendrick, Brittany Snow, Rebel Wilson. 8:50 People Interview – Anna Kendrick 9:35 Oblivion MVS 2013 Sci-fi. Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Olga Kurylenko. 11:35 Superbad 16LSC 2007 Comedy. Jonah Hill, Seth Rogan, Emma Stone. 1:25 The Last Samurai MV 2003 Drama. Tom Cruise, Ken Watanabe. 3:55 Body Of Lies 16VL 2008 Action. Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe. 6pm About Time MLS 2013 Fantasy Romance. Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams. 8pm Training Day 18VL 2001 Action Thriller. A rookie narcotics officer experiences the toughest day of his life with a partner who is a law unto himself. Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke. 10:05 Thor – The Dark World MV 2013 Action. Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins. 11:55 We’re The Millers 16VLS 2013 Comedy. Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston. Sunday 1:45 Body Of Lies 16VL 2008 Action. Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe. 3:50 About Time MLS 2013 Fantasy Romance. Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams. 5:50 Training Day 18VL 2001 Action Thriller.

SKY SPORT 1 6am Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Taranaki v Auckland. 6:30 Mainfreight Rugby Club matches from around New Zealand. 7:30 L Rugby – Pro14 Newport Gwent Dragons v Connacht Rugby. From Rodney Parade, Newport. 9:35 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Taranaki v Auckland. 11:35 Mainfreight Rugby 12:30 Rugby – Premiership Cup (RPL) Gloucester v Bath. 2:30 L Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup Hawke’s Bay v Tasman. From McLean Park, Napier. 4:45 L Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup Manawatu v Counties. From Central Energy Trust Arena, Palmerston North. 9pm L Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup Wellington v Waikato. From Westpac Stadium, Wellington. 9:30 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Hawke’s Bay v Tasman. 11:30 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Manawatu v Counties.


1:25 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Hawke’s Bay v Tasman. 1:55 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Manawatu v Counties. 2:25 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Wellington v Waikato. 2:55 L Rugby – Pro14 Scarlets v Zebre Rugby Club. From Parc y Scarlets in Llanelli, Carmarthenshire. 5:10 Rugby – Pro14 (RPL) Cheetahs v Munster.

0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1

6am Wild Ireland 6:30 Restoration Man 7:30 Earthflight 8:30 Big Dreams, Small Spaces 9:30 Mysteries At The Museum 10:30 James Martin’s American Adventure 11:30 American Pickers 12:30 Restoration Man 1:30 Escape To The Chateau – DIY 2:30 Big Dreams, Small Spaces 3:30 Ocean Parks 4:30 French Food Safari A celebration of French cuisine, filmed around Australia and France. 5pm Food Safari – Water Cooking fish over fire is an instant call to the taste buds; chef Lennox Hastie takes his grill to a NSW southcoast beach to cook whole flathead over coals. 5:30 Best Cake Wins 6pm Cesar Millan’s Dog Nation 7pm Storage Wars – New York 7:30 American Pickers 8:30 Antiques Roadshow 9:30 Dancing On Icebergs Documentary that goes behind the scenes as Kiwi choreographer Corey Baker makes a dance film in Antarctica highlighting the impact of climate change on the continent. 11pm Discovering… The Pretenders 3 11:30 Breaking The Magician’s Code – Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed AO 12:30 Best Cake Wins 1am French Food Safari 1:30 Food Safari – Water 2am Gordon’s Great Escape – India 3am Ocean Parks 4am Cesar Millan’s Dog Nation 5am Antiques Roadshow

SKY SPORT 2 6am Cricket – India v South Africa Second Test – Day Two. 8am Cricket – CPL Barbados Tridents v Trinbago Knight Riders. 9am Cricket – India v South Africa Second Test – Day Two. 10am Cricket – ODI Flashback Blackcaps v England – First ODI 2018. 10:25 Cricket – ODI Flashback Blackcaps v England – Second ODI 2018. 10:50 Cricket – ODI Flashback Blackcaps v England – Third ODI 2018. 11:20 Cricket – ODI Flashback Blackcaps v England – Fourth ODI 2018. 11:50 Cricket – CPL Third Place Match. 3:20 Cricket – ODI Flashback Blackcaps v England – First ODI 2018. 3:50 Cricket – India v South Africa Second Test – Day Two. 4:50 L Cricket – India v South Africa Second Test – Day Three. From Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune. Sunday 12:30 ICC Cricket 360 1am Cricket – ODI Flashback Blackcaps v England – First ODI 2018. 1:30 Cricket – ODI Flashback 2am Cricket – ODI Flashback 2:30 Cricket – ODI Flashback 3am Cricket – ODI Flashback 3:30 Women’s Cricket – Australia v Sri Lanka 4am Women’s Cricket – Australia v Sri Lanka 5am Cricket – CPL 12Oct19

DISCOVERY 6:35 How It’s Made PG 7:05 How Do They Do It? PG 7:30 Gold Rush PG 8:20 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 9:10 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 10am Aussie Gold Hunters PG 10:50 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 11:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 12:30 Expedition Unknown PG America’s Lost WWII Hero. 1:20 Strange Evidence PG Alien Armageddon Conspiracy. 2:10 Fast N’ Loud PG Scout’s Honour. 3pm Aussie Lobster Men PG 3:50 Aussie Lobster Men PG Winners are Grinners. 4:45 Aussie Lobster Men PG The Pranksters. 5:40 Aussie Lobster Men PG The Season’s End. 6:35 BattleBots PG USA v the World. 7:30 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG The Sun’s Evil Twin. 8:30 Houdini’s Last Secrets PG To Catch a Bullet. 9:25 Deadliest Catch PG Crane Wreck. 10:15 The Day I Ran China PG 11:05 BattleBots PG USA v the World. 11:55 How It’s Made PG Sunday 12:20 How Do They Do It? PG 12:45 Strange Evidence PG 1:35 Weather Top Tens PG 2:25 People Magazine Investigates M 3:15 Murder Chose Me M 4:05 American Monster M 4:55 Murder Calls M 5:45 Killer Instinct With Chris Hansen M | Compiled by


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Ashburton Guardian 29

Sunday, October 13, 2019 TVNZ 1

©TVNZ 2019


©TVNZ 2019



6am F Supersize Structures 3 0 6:55 Tiny House Nation 3 7:40 Tagata Pasifika 3 8:15 Praise Be 3 8:45 The Big Ward 3 0 9:10 The Curious Mind 3 0 10am Marae PGR 2 0 10:30 Waka Huia 11am Attitude 0 11:30 Fair Go 3 0 11:55 F Millennium Teens PGR 3 0 12:55 Coast v Country 0 1:55 Outback Truckers PGR 3 0 2:55 Rugby World Cup – The Story So Far 3 0 4:25 Border Patrol 3 4:55 The Family Chase Family teams of four must answer quick-fire questions, with each correct answer earning them $2,000 as they seek to stay one step ahead of the chaser. 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm Country Calendar 0 7:30 Sunday 0 8:30 The War Of The Worlds AO (Mini-series) In London during the Edwardian era, George and Amy’s attempt to start a life together is interrupted by a Martian invasion of Earth. Adaptation of the HG Wells classic. 0 10:25 F Deep State AO 3 0

6am Paw Patrol 3 0 6:25 Thomas And Friends 0 6:35 Puppy Dog Pals 3 0 7am Alvinnn!!! And The Chipmunks 3 0 7:10 Chuggington – Little Trainees 3 0 7:15 Powerpuff Girls 0 7:35 Andi Mack 0 8am What Now? 10am Shortland Street Omnibus PGR 3 0 Noon The Bachelorette PGR 3 0 1:45 The Real O’Neals 0 2:40 Home And Away Omnibus 3 0 5:05 Friends 3 0 6:05 The 100k Drop Game show where pairs of players start with $200,000, and must prevent it from dropping out of the game by avoiding the wrong answers. 0 7pm M Thor – Ragnarok AO 2017 Action. Thor is imprisoned on the planet Sakaar, and must return to Asgard in time to stop Ragnarök, the destruction of his world, at the hands of the powerful Hela. 0 9:30 M Godzilla AO 2014 Action. 0

6am Life TV 6:30 Brian Houston 7am Charles Stanley 8am Life TV Repeat 8:30 Turning Point 9am Andy And Ben Eat The World PGR 3 9:25 Tasty Conversations 3 9:30 The Hui 0 10am NewsHub Nation 3 0 11:05 Around The World With Manu Feildel 3 0 Noon Entertainment Tonight Weekend PGR 1pm Motorsport – Porsche Carrera Cup Asia 1:30 Motorsport – MotoGP 2:40 Motorsport – British Touring Car Championship 3:50 Motorsport – DTM 10 5pm Ocean Bounty On board the Talley’s long liner Janus on the Chatham’s Rise, targeting ling where research has produced innovation and a lucrative export opportunity. 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm Married At First Sight NZ PGR 0 8:30 M Dirty Dancing PGR 1987 Drama Romance. While spending the summer in a holiday camp with her family, a privileged teenager falls in love with the camp’s dancing teacher. Patrick Swayze, Jennifer Grey. 0 10:35 The Hui 3 0

11:35 F Secrets And Lies AO 3 Detective Cornell closes in on Kate’s killer, and the murderer is finally exposed. 0 12:35 Attitude 3 0 1am Coronation Street Catchup PGR 3 0 3:05 Infomercials

11:55 The Walking Dead (Starting Today) 3 0 12:55 M Carrie AO 2013 Horror. Chloë Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Gabriella Wilde. 2:35 Stitchers PGR 3 3:20 Infomercials 3:40 Quantico AO 3 0 4:40 Religious Programming 3 5:10 Mike And Molly PGR 3 0 5:30 Infomercials

11:10 NewsHub Nation 3 An in-depth weekly current-affairs show hosted by Simon Shepherd and Emma Jolliff. 0 12:20 Chicago PD AO Olinsky goes undercover as a hit man for hire after Lindsay is tipped off about a grieving father seeking to avenge his daughter’s death. 1:15 Infomercials

MOVIES PREMIERE 6:15 The Joneses Unplugged MC 2017 Romance. Mischa Barton, Sean Faris. 7:45 On The Basis Of Sex ML 2018 Drama. Felicity Jones, Armie Hammer. 9:40 Double Date 16VLSC 2017 Comedy. Danny Morgan, The War of the Worlds Thor – Ragnarok Georgia Groome. 11:10 Don’t 8:30pm on TVNZ 1 7pm on TVNZ 2 Knock Twice MVLC 2016 Horror. Katee Sackhoff, BRAVO SKY 5 Lucy Boynton. 12:45 The 6am Counting Cars PG 6am Masters Of Joneses Unplugged MC 2017 Flip 3 6:50 Masters Of 6:25 Mountain Men PG Romance. Mischa Barton, Flip 3 7:40 Masters Of 7:15 NCIS – New Orleans Sean Faris. 2:15 A Man In Flip 3 8:30 Masters Of MV 8am Main Event MV A Hurry MC 2018 Drama. Flip 3 9:20 Catfish 3 Fabrice Luchini, Leila Bekhti. 8:45 The Amazing Race 10:05 Catfish 3 3:55 Ant-Man And The PG 9:35 The Flash MVS 10:50 Botched PGR 3 10:25 Classic Pawn Stars PG Wasp PGVL 2018 Action. 11:40 Love It Or List Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly. 10:55 NCIS – New Orleans It – Vancouver 3 5:50 Hostiles 16VLC 2018 MV (Part 1) 11:50 Highway 12:30 Million Dollar Thru Hell PG 12:40 Mountain Drama. Christian Bale, Listing NY 3 1:25 Million Rosamund Pike. 8pm Instant Men PG 1:30 Counting Dollar Listing NY 3 Family M 2019 Comedy. A Cars PG 2pm The Amazing couple must learn the ropes of 2:15 Million Dollar Listing Race PG 3pm Raw MVC instant parenthood when they NY 3 3:10 The People’s 5:45 SmackDown MVC Court 3 4:05 The People’s 7:30 NCIS – New Orleans MV take in three foster children. Inspired by a true story. Court 3 5:05 Dance Pride assembles an off-theMark Wahlberg, Rose Byrne. Moms 3 6pm Love It Or books team to search for a 10pm 7 Days In Entebbe MVL List It – Vancouver 3 7pm I loophole when he faces a 2018 Thriller. Rosamund Pike, Am Elizabeth Smart PGR 3 grand-jury indictment for Daniel Brühl. 9pm M Starsky And abuse of power. 11:45 Love And Debt MLC Hutch AO 2004 Comedy. 8:30 NCIS MV 2018 Drama. Tom Cavanagh, Remake of the 1970s show 9:30 NCIS MV Bellamy Young. about two streetwise police 10:30 Chicago PD 16V officers catching a notorious Monday 1:20 A Man 11:25 The Amazing Race PG In A Hurry MC 2018 Drama. drug dealer with the help Monday of their snitch. Ben Stiller, Fabrice Luchini, Leila Bekhti. 12:15 SmackDown Owen Wilson, Snoop Dogg, 3am Ant-Man And The Wasp Vince Vaughn. 11pm Internet MVC 1:55 Chicago PD 16V PGVL 2018 Action. Paul Rudd, 2:45 NCIS – New Orleans MV Evangeline Lilly. 4:55 7 Days Ruined My Life AO 3 3:35 The Amazing Race PG 11:25 Pregnant In Heels In Entebbe MVL 2018 Thriller. Rosamund Pike, Daniel Brühl. PGR 3 12:20 Infomercials 3 4:25 NCIS MV 5:10 NCIS MV


6am Religious Programme 7am Nella The Princess Knight 3 0 7:30 Religious Programme 10:30 Sport Box The best of the past week’s sports from New Zealand and around the world. Noon Ready For Take Off 3 0 1pm Mainfreight Rugby 2pm Mad About You PGR 3 2:30 Super League Triathlon (RPL) 4:30 Rugby Nation 5:30 Prime News 6pm NZ Press Box Studio panel show covering the month in sport, featuring a range of high-profile guests. 0

7:30 Cruising With Jane McDonald PGR Broadcaster Jane McDonald takes four types of cruise that she would have not booked for herself. 0 8:30 Making New Zealand Broadcasting in New Zealand from its beginning in radio to the digital future. 0 9:30 The Clinton Affair AO 0 10:30 SmackDown AO 11:30 Football – A-League (HLS) Wellington Phoenix v Western United. 12:30 Closedown

MOVIES GREATS 7:55 Thor – The Dark World MV 2013 Action. Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Anthony Hopkins. 9:45 We’re The Millers 16VLS 2013 Comedy. Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston. 11:35 About Time MLS 2013 Fantasy Romance. Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams. 1:40 Training Day 18VL 2001 Action Thriller. Denzel Washington, Ethan Hawke. 3:45 Transformers – Dark Of The Moon MVL 2011 Action. Shia LaBeouf. 6:15 Veronica Mars MVL 2014 Crime Drama. Kristen Bell, Jason Dohring, Enrico Colantoni. 8pm The Hunger Games – Catching Fire MV 2013 Action. As Katniss and Peeta go on a victory tour, President Snow plots a new Hunger Games that could change Panem. Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson. 10:25 The Animal MS 2001 Comedy. Edward Asner, Rob Schneider. 11:45 The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button MLS 2008 Drama. Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett. Monday 2:25 Veronica Mars MVL 2014 Crime Drama. Kristen Bell, Jason Dohring, Enrico Colantoni. 4:10 The Hunger Games – Catching Fire MV 2013 Action.


6:30 Te Ao – Maori News 3 7am Tamariki Haka 3 7:10 Pukoro 2 7:40 Kainga Whakapaipai 3 7:50 Polyfest Kapa Haka 3 8:20 Huritua 3 8:30 Waka Ama Sprints 3 9am Marae Kai Masters 3 10am Sidewalk Karaoke PGR 3 10:30 Tangaroa With Pio 3 11am Game Of Bros PGR 3 11:30 Piri’s Tiki Tour PGR 3 Noon Shear Bro PGR 3 12:30 IVF World Sprints 2018 3 1pm Touch Rugby – Junior National Championships 3 2pm M Stuart Little 1999 Comedy. Geena Davis, Hugh Laurie, Jonathan Lipnicki. 3:30 Grid 3 4pm The Puna 3 4:30 Waka Man 3 5pm Tagata Pasifika 5:30 Matangi Rau 3 6:30 Te Ao – Maori News 7pm Te Ao With Moana 3 7:30 F Tupaia’s Endeavour 3 8:30 M Aliko And Ambai AO 2017 Documentary. Two young women face the challenges of growing up in the eastern highlands of Papua New Guinea. 10:25 Te Ao – Maori News 3 10:55 Nanakia PGR

6am Storage Wars – New York 6:30 Through The Bible With Les Feldick 7am Leading The Way 7:30 Ocean Parks 8:30 American Pickers 9:30 Antiques Roadshow 10:30 Better Homes And Gardens Noon Can I Catch It? 1pm Dancing On Icebergs 2:30 Where The Wild Men Are With Ben Fogle 3:30 Paris – A Wild Story 4:30 Heston’s Feast Heston prepares a feast inspired by The Titanic, with curry ice cream, camel meat, and a flambé extravaganza. 5:30 Kai Safari The paua pie has caught Sonia and Russell’s eye in the small East Coast settlement of Tokomaru Bay. 6pm Freedom Riders 6:30 Buying And Selling With The Property Brothers 7:30 American Pickers 8:30 M Mud AO 2012 Adventure. Two best friends find a man named Mud hiding out on a deserted island in the Mississippi. Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon.

11:25 Closedown

11pm Where The Wild Men Are With Ben Fogle Midnight American Pickers 1am Heston’s Feast 2am MontSaint-Michel – Resistance Through The Ages 3am Paris – A Wild Story 4am Can I Catch It? 5am Buying And Selling With The Property Brothers

SKY SPORT 1 7:30 L Rugby – Pro14 Glasgow Warriors v Cardiff Blues. From Scotstoun Stadium, Glasgow. 9:30 Rugby – French Top 14 (DLY) 11:30 L Rugby – Farah Palmer Cup Northland v Taranaki. From Semenoff Stadium, Whangarei. 1:30 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Hawke’s Bay v Tasman. 2pm L Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup Northland v Otago. From Semenoff Stadium, Whangarei. 4:15 L Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup Canterbury v North Harbour. From Orangetheory Stadium, Christchurch. 6:30 Rugby – Farah Palmer Cup (RPL) Canterbury v Bay of Plenty. 8:30 Rugby Nation 9:30 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Northland v Otago. 11:30 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Canterbury v North Harbour. Monday 1:30 Rugby – Farah Palmer Cup (HLS) Manawatu v Wellington. 2am Rugby – Farah Palmer Cup (HLS) Canterbury v Bay of Plenty. 2:30 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Northland v Otago. 3am Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Canterbury v North Harbour. 3:40 Rugby – French Top 14 (HLS) 5:50 Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Manawatu v Counties.

0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1

SKY SPORT 2 6am Cricket – India v South Africa (RPL) Second Test – Day Three. 8am Cricket – ODI Flashback (HLS) Blackcaps v England – Fourth ODI 2018. 8:30 Cricket – India v South Africa (HLS) Second Test – Day Three. 9:30 L Cricket – CPL Final. 1:30 Cricket – CPL (HLS) Barbados Tridents v Trinbago Knight Riders. 2:25 Women’s Cricket – Australia v Sri Lanka (HLS) Third ODI. 3:20 Cricket – ODI Flashback (HLS) Blackcaps v England – Fourth ODI 2018. 3:50 Cricket – India v South Africa (HLS) Second Test – Day Three. 4:50 L Cricket – India v South Africa Second Test – Day Four. From Maharashtra Cricket Association Stadium, Pune.


12:30 CPL Magazine Show 1am Cricket – CPL (HLS) Final. 2am Women’s Cricket – Australia v Sri Lanka (HLS) Second T20. 2:30 Women’s Cricket – Australia v Sri Lanka (HLS) Third T20. 3am Women’s Cricket – Australia v Sri Lanka (HLS) Second ODI. 4am Women’s Cricket – Australia v Sri Lanka (HLS) Third ODI. 5am Cricket – CPL (HLS) Final. 13Oct19

DISCOVERY 6:35 How It’s Made PG 7:05 How Do They Do It? PG 7:30 Weather Top Tens PG Top Ten Heroes and Survivors. 8:20 Houdini’s Last Secrets PG To Catch a Bullet. 9:10 BattleBots PG USA v the World. 10am Expedition Unknown PG America’s Lost WWII Hero. 10:50 Sydney Harbour Patrol 11:40 Gold Rush PG 12:30 Aussie Lobster Men PG The Pranksters. 1:20 Deadliest Catch PG Crane Wreck. 2:10 Outback Opal Hunters PG 3pm Outback Opal Hunters PG 3:50 Outback Opal Hunters PG 4:45 Outback Opal Hunters PG 5:40 Outback Opal Hunters PG 6:35 Outback Opal Hunters PG 7:30 Blowing Up History PG 8:30 Weather Top Tens PG Top Ten Record Setters. 9:25 Aussie Lobster Men PG 10:15 Nasa’s Unexplained Files PG The Sun’s Evil Twin. 11:05 Expedition Unknown PG America’s Lost WWII Hero. 11:55 How It’s Made PG Monday 12:20 How Do They Do It? PG 12:45 Naked And Afraid M 1:35 Weather Top Tens PG 2:25 Naked And Afraid M 3:15 Naked And Afraid M 4:05 Naked And Afraid M 4:55 Naked And Afraid M 5:45 Naked And Afraid M | Compiled by


Family Notices








30 Ashburton Guardian



WILSON, Carolyn May (nee Goodwin) – Peacefully on October 9, 2019 at Tauranga Hospital, in her 73rd year. Dearly loved wife of Gary, special Mum to Grant and Philippa (Ashburton) and Fiona and Aaron Keegan (Tauranga) and treasured Nana of Lydia and William. Now at peace and free from pain, flying with the angels. A service to celebrate Carolyn’s life will be held at Olive Tree Cottage, 247 Joyce Road, Tauranga on MONDAY, October 14, 2019, at 11.00am. All communications to the Wilson family, c/- Hope Family Funerals, 4 Keenan Road, RD3, Tauranga 3173. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the St John Ambulance.

BRUCE, William James (Bill) – 13-10-2016 In loving memory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. Love from Margaret and family.

GREENE, Cameron Raymond – Wendy, Donald and Tania thank most sincerely family, friends and neighbours who offered comfort, messages of sympathy, visits, baking, lovely flowers, help and donations towards Mid Canterbury Animal Welfare work in memory of our dearly loved son and brother. Thank you to everyone who attended Cameron's funeral and we are very sorry we did not get to speak to everyone. Thank you also to Bernard Egan for his guidance and taking a special service for Cameron. Thank you also to the staff of Ward One of Ashburton Hospital for their kindness and care of Cameron.

Please note all late death notices or notices sent outside ordinary office hours must be emailed to:

to ensure publication. To place a notice during office hours please contact us on 03 307 7900 for more information. Any queries please contact 0800 ASHBURTON (0800-274-287)

Canterbury owned, locally operated

Patersons Funeral Services and Ashburton Crematorium Ltd

GRIFFITHS, Ivan John – In loving memory of a very caring and wonderful husband, dad, father-in-law and grandad who passed away on October 13, 2013. Special memories treasured forever. Love - Christine and David, Hamish, Matthew and Scott. PEARSON, Thomas Francis (Tom) – In loving memory of my dearly loved brother who went to rest October 12, 2013. Every day in some small way, Memories of you come my way, Though absent, you are always near, Still sadly missed, loved and always dear. From your sister Mary Renner.

YOUNG, Elizabeth Thomson – Betty's family would like to express their heartfelt thanks to those who supported them by messages of sympathy, flowers, baking, visits and attending her celebration of life. Special thanks to Rosebank staff for their care of Betty over her time there and to Paterson's for their respect, guidance and support. Please accept this as our personal acknowledgement.


E.B. CARTER LTD For all your memorial requirements New headstones and designs Renovations, Additional inscriptions, Cleaning and Concrete work Carried out by qualified tradesmen.

620 East Street Ashburton Ph/Fax 308 5369 or 0274 357 974 NZMMMA Member

Office and Chapel Corner East & Cox Streets, Ashburton

Ph 307 7433




Ra n



5 4


10:35 – 4:00 AM


PROTECTION REQUIRED Even on cloudy days Data provided by NIWA


NZ Situation

Wind km/h less than 30 fine

30 to 59 fog

isolated snow thunder flurries

sleet thunder

Canterbury Plains TODAY

60 plus



Cloudy periods, mainly morning and evening. Isolated showers near the foothills. Northeast breezes.

FZL: Rising to 1600m

Cloudy periods. Showers developing during the afternoon and evening. Wind at 1000m and 2000m: Light.



Often cloudy. Isolated showers, mainly near the foothills. Northeasterlies.

Cloudy periods, isolated afternoon or evening showers. Light winds.



Partly cloudy, a few morning showers in the north. Light winds.

Often cloudy, isolated afternoon or evening showers. Winds mainly light.

Frankfurt Geneva Hobart Hong Kong Honolulu Islamabad Jakarta Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur London Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Moscow Nadi

10 12 24 13 15 21 22 26 5 25 24 22 29 8 9

fine fine cloudy showers showers fine fine fog thunder rain fine fine fine rain thunder

21 21 15 31 31 32 33 27 33 17 27 26 19 11 31

10 7 6 27 24 13 25 13 24 12 13 18 9 6 23

New York Paris Perth Rarotonga Rome San Francisco Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Washington Zurich

cloudy fine showers showers fog fine fine thunder rain showers cloudy fine thunder fine cloudy

Saturday 9 noon 3








9 pm am 3


9 noon 3

Monday 6

9 pm am 3


9 noon 3


9 pm

9:37 3:55 9:58 4:11 10:16 4:31 10:35 4:48 10:55 5:06 11:13 The times shown are for the Ashburton River mouth. For the Rangitata river mouth subtract 16 minutes and for the Rakaia river mouth subtract 4 minutes.

Bad fishing Set 6:25 am Rise 6:02 pm

Full moon 14 Oct 10:09 am ©Copyright OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

Rise 6:45 am Set 7:54 pm Fair

Fair fishing

Rise 6:44 am Set 7:55 pm Good

Set 6:48 am Rise 7:03 pm

Last quarter 22 Oct 1:41 am

Good fishing Set 7:10 am Rise 8:04 pm

New moon 28 Oct 4:40 pm

Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa

For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit

12 12 11 21 14 12 14 24 7 13 24 20 21 8 8

18 10 19 5 18 10 17 8 14 8 15 9 16 7 15 7 13 6 11 6 11 2 8 6 9 3

Palmerston North fine Wellington

















rain clears

River Levels


2.58 nc

Selwyn Whitecliffs (NIWA) at 2:00 pm, yesterday

Rakaia Fighting Hill (NIWA) at 2:00 pm, yesterday 330.4 Nth Ashburton at 2:00 pm, yesterday


Sth Ashburton at 2:00 pm, yesterday


Rangitata Klondyke at 2:30 pm, yesterday


Waitaki Kurow at 3:03 pm, yesterday


Source: Environment Canterbury

Canterbury Readings

Sunday 6

18 21 22 23 25 23 23 34 12 17 27 29 25 24 21

overnight max low


Forecasts for today

24 16 31 18 21 31 35 32 16 30 34 35 39 14 13

Tides, Sun, Moon and Fishing 6

NZ Today

TODAYFZL: Lowering to 1400m but 1200m in the south


fine showers rain cloudy rain fine fine thunder cloudy thunder fine fine fine fine fine


Low cloud and drizzle, easing in the morning and increasing fine spells. Showers developing in the afternoon, some heavy, then clearing at night. Snow possibly lowering to 1000m. Wind at 1000m: Light. Wind at 2000m: NW 30 km/h north of Arthur’s Pass, but light winds farther south.

Low cloud and patchy drizzle, gradually clearing and fine breaks increasing during the morning. Isolated showers developing inland in the afternoon. S gradually turn NE.

World Weather


Canterbury High Country

Low cloud with rain or drizzle at times. Southwesterlies.

Adelaide Amsterdam Bangkok Berlin Brisbane Cairns Cairo Calcutta Canberra Colombo Darwin Delhi Dubai Dublin Edinburgh


Saturday, 12 October 2019

A front moves away to the east of the North Island today, while a low pressure system lingers to the west of the South Island. A weakening low remains slowmoving west of the South Island while a ridge spreads over the country tomorrow. An intense low approaches the upper North Island from the north on Monday.

mainly isolated cloudy drizzle drizzle few showers fine showers clearing showers

Rise 6:47 am Set 7:53 pm

A University of Otago Centre of Research Excellence







Midnight Tonight



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We help save lives every day through the research and development of improved diagnosis, better prediction and treatment of heart disease in our hospital and community.


TUESDAY: Often cloudy, chance of shower. Northeasterlies. MAX

bur to



m am 3 3

We Help Save Lives


MONDAY: Cloudy periods, mainly morning and evening. NE breezes.










TOMORROW: Drizzle, then cloudy periods. SW turn NE afternoon.








TODAY: Low cloud with rain or drizzle at times. Southwesterlies.



Map for today

Ashburton Forecast

Wa i m a ka r i r i

Ashburton Airport Temperature °C At 4pm 11.5 12.1 Max to 4pm 8.6 Minimum 9.5 Grass minimum Rainfall mm 0.0 16hr to 4pm October to date 14.4 Avg Oct to date 21 2019 to date 570.4 534 Avg year to date Wind km/h S9 At 4pm Strongest gust S 31 Time of gust 1:05pm

© Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2019

to 4pm yesterday


Christchurch Airport

Timaru Airport

9.0 10.2 7.2 –

12.2 15.1 9.6 9.1

11.6 14.4 8.3 –

– – – – –

0.0 9.6 17 442.0 505

0.0 8.8 19 334.8 389

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Jo Metcalf

Puzzles Puzzles and horoscopes

Cryptic crossword

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Simon Shuker’s Code Cracker

Your Stars ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): Attention is a powerful gift to bestow, for better or worse. Fighting against a thing is a form of attention; you may as well be feeding the thing. Continue to fight and it will get bigger for sure. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): The highlight of the day involves a dynamic journey between knowledge and understanding. You’ll get the opportunity to experience real-life scenarios that help you to grasp concepts on a deeper level. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): Your energy is less finite than you thought. There are things that should logically take lots of concentration to complete but that somehow wind up putting you in an energy overflow instead of draining you. CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): There’s a link between honesty and inspiration. It’s like the truth unlocks something in you. After that unlocking, the energy flows freely and the creativity is there to use however you wish. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): You will find it is easier to think of others than to remember your own needs. Maybe it’s because they are being more vocal than you. Talk to yourself, or write down your needs as they come to mind. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Approaching people takes nerve. Even people you know can be hard to work up the courage to talk to depending on the difficulty of the subject. You try to make others feel at ease when they call. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): You’re not really looking for validation, but when people give it to you it’s reassuring. It’s why you offer a little something extra to others. It fosters a sense of belonging. Things are just nicer this way. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): You are the rightful owner of all that is yours. The trick is in figuring out territorial boundaries, which are mostly invisible. You’ll know when a line as been crossed because you’ll feel it in your gut. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): If you have been doing more taking, find a way to give back, most obviously by listening. Likewise, if you have been doing more giving, then be sure to take. Keep the exchange balanced. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Apologies can be a form of intimacy. Some people find them difficult to give, and others give them so often that the apology has very little value. That’s the way it goes when things come in abundance. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Who gets to choose the pizza toppings? If it’s always the same person, change it up. This will be good for everyone, a relationship is only as healthy as it is equal. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Though good times bring people together, work brings people even closer. The stakes are higher when sweat is involved. The harder something is, the more of yourself you have to bring to it.

ACROSS 1. Small bear holding lady, the dear little fellow (6) 8. Before midday a portion of the precincts can be seen (5) 9. Telling-off for perhaps being insecure without one (7) 11. See me, in battered setting, sent out of my mind (8) 12. With which too much interest is taken (5) 15. A low joint that will go under (4) 16. Perhaps it will be seen as Spring blossom (3) 17. Utensil one might expect to get from a bucket-shop (4) 19. A model comforter it may be, but it’s not the real thing (5) 21. One whose charges are said to be stubborn (8) 24. There’s so much French spirit in an outburst of rage (7) 25. Flower one will almost drag back in (5) 26. The tank-top may carry something cutting (6) DOWN 2. Foot parts taken to in flight (5) 3. Almost got up at the sign of The Ram with strings of beads (8) 4. It’s a flighty thing a prisoner may be doing (4) 5. Have the aspiration to state one will talk nonsense (5) 6. Nothing was so cutting as this short death appreciation (4) 7. Large-headed nail may close the collar (4) 10. A fish trap one could ask beetle to supply (3-6) 12. A party at Manhattan may resolve the trouble (4) 13. About fifty putters needed to articulate with fury (8) 14. It is a work one may consider as recreation (4) 18. It is cold, deaf and may be precious (5) 20. Army doctor will employ a computer hand-control (5) 21. The bar that will give one the shakes? (4) 22. From which pour the mouth parts (4) 23. Also rave about some older anthology (4)








Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or anti-clockwise.

WordWheel 497


Quick crossword 1

WordBuilder Y A L D I WordBuilder How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make Ausing L from theY five letters, each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. Done five-letter I word. There’s at least




? U



Insert the missing letter to complete an or anticlockwise. Previous solution: PROLOGUE

eight-letter word reading clockwise Previous solution: PROLOGUE











ACROSS 1. Brags (6) 5. Dozed (6) 9. Scattered (6) 10. Earnings (6) 11. Duo (4) 12. Collapsed inwards (8) 14. Muffle (6) 16. Worn away (6) 19. Put on record (8) 21. Medicine container (4) 22. Stay silent (colloq) (4,2) 23. Gourmet (6) 24. Break away (6) 25. Diminish (6)

Across: 1. Reading-room 8. Edgewise 9. Loco 10. Prays 13. Dead 16. Rain 17. Mien 18. Axle 20. Speck 24. Edit 25. Cupboard 26. Deliberates Down: 2. Eggs 3. Dower 4. Nasty 5 5. Oiled 6. 2 Repatriated 7. London pride 11. Alias 12. Snake 14. Emit 15. Bill 4 7 1 19. Extol 21. Prune 22. Cobra 23. Maze




DOWN 2. Fury (7) 3. Guided (7) 4. Awareness (9) 6. Declare invalid (5) 7. Trudged (7) 8. Feared (7) 13. Abundant (9) 14. Subtracts (7) 15. Antiquated (7) 17. Apparent (7) 18. Thoroughly inspect (7) 20. Pile (5)

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.

7 5 5 3 8

2 4 3 9 1





4 2 7 5 1 6 2 5

7 2 8 4 1

7 6

3 6 5


2 7




8 9


3 2 9 4

6 2 6


8 9 6 6

4 3 HARD


8 9 4 2 6 1 5 3 7 4 6 3 1 4 7 5 8 9 2 7 2 7 5 3 8 9 1 4 6 2 4 8 6 1 2 3 9 7 5 1 3 1 9 7 5 4 6 2 8 6 7 5 2 6 9 8 3 1 4 8 5 6 3 9 4 2 7 8 1 3 9 of 2 I.B.A.N.Z 8ofMembers 5 1 &7 4 6 &3NZ Level 2, 73 Ashburton Members I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet Ltd. LevelSt, 2, 73 St,|Ashburton | of I.B.A.N.Z Brokernet NZ Ltd.9 73 Burnett St,Burnett Ashburton | Members NZBrokers Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton |Burnett Members I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet 6 2 5 9NZ Ltd. 1of 4 7 8 3 5 Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton | Members of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd.

6 9 8 4 3 5 2 7 1

5 3 1 9 2 7 8 4 6

9 6 5 2 8 4 7 1 3

2 4 3 6 7 1 9 5 8

8 1 7 3 5 9 6 2 4

3 5

1 6 10. 5 Tames 2 Across: 1. Pray 3. Lenience 9. Approve 11. Blandishment 14. Lit 16. Merge 7 17. Lot 1 18. Disappearing 21. Alibi 22. Because 23. Caginess 24. Fens 3 2 7 9 Down: 1. Play ball 2. Alpha 4. Eve 5. Intemperance 6 12. 2 Scrap5 3 6. Nominal 7. Else 8. Condemnation 13. Staggers 15. Toiling 19. Inure 20.7Talc 22.8Bus 3

Previous solution: blow, blown, bow, bowl, lob, low, nob, now, owl, own, won

9 4 2


1 4

Previous quick solution


12/10 22

Previous cryptic solution

Good Very Good How 7many words 9ofExcellent three or11more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter word. blown, Previous solution: Good 7 Very Good 9blow, Excellent 11 bow, bowl, lob, low, nob, now, owl, own, won


Ashburton Guardian 31

7 5 4 8 9 3 1 6 2

3 2 9 5 1 6 4 8 7

1 8 6 7 4 2 5 3 9

9 9 3 4


7 6 9 8 8 2 4 5 1 4 3

5 1 42 4 3 9 2 8 1 1 6 5 2 7 9 3 3 4 8 6 2 64 9 7 86 8 5 7

5 3 2 7 4 6

5 1 3 6 8 9 4 2 7

8 9 6 4 7 2 3 5 1

2 7 4 1 3 5 9 6 8

7 3 5 2 6 4 1 8 9

9 6 1 5 8 2

8 9 6 5 1 8 6 3 15 7 4 2 3 4 5 1 2 7 79 33 8 7 16 2 3 9 6 4

4 2 7 3 8 66 79 5 1

9 4 1 7 5 8 2 3 6

6 8 2 9 1 3 7 4 5

1 6 8 3 2 7 5 9 4

3 5 9 8 4 1 6 7 2

4 2 7 5 9 6 8 1 3



8 2

TOP FARM WILL YOUR FARM DOMINATE? Join Meridian and Ruralco for a fun day out and compete with other local farms to see who is crowned Top Farm! It’ll be a great day with music, food, fun and watch out for the staff tug-of-war!







TYPES OF ACTIVITIES The memory game “perfect pairs”, geography puzzles with anagrams and word finds, an egg drop, an accuracy sling, a sports relay and more!




Rco_Top Farm_Guardian AD 260x380mm_1019.indd 1

0800 787 256 RURALCO.CO.NZ

10/10/19 9:47 PM

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