Ashburton Guardian, Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Page 1

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Since Sept 27, 1879

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Tears spark a song

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Twelve breach warnings By Jaime Pitt-MacKay

Police are continuing to push the stay at home, save lives message, issuing 12 formal warnings to people for breaching Alert Level 4 lockdown conditions over the Easter period. Ashburton Sub-Area Supervisor Senior Sergeant Leigh Jenkins said the majority of people have been following the restrictions and making a difference, but urged people not to get complacent and ensure they continue to play their part.

More than 500 checkpoints were run around the country to ensure that people were complying with the conditions. Jenkins said there was one formal checkpoint set up in Fairlie, but he was not aware of the results as it was organised by Timaru staff. Locally 12 formal warnings were issued to people for breaching the lockdown conditions over the Easter period. That included two males who were allegedly hunting, and were spoken to by police on Saturday.

“Hunting as an activity is prohibited under Alert Level 4. Under the current alert level, DOC (Department of Conservation) are not issuing any hunting permits,” he said. “Persons found hunting illegally may face prosecution which may have a flow-on effect for their ability to hunt when the restrictions are lifted.” So far one person has been arrested and charged with breaching the lockdown conditions in the Ashburton District. The 27-year-old Ashburton man

was arrested after twice previously being stopped by police for undertaking non-essential travel and warned. The man was stopped for a third time and was arrested. The man was charged with obstructing a medical officer of health and with refusing a request for a blood specimen and has been summonsed to appear in the Ashburton District Court later this month. Nationwide over the Easter period enforcement action was taken against 622 people for breaching either the Civil Defence Emergen-

cy Management Act or the Health Act. The majority of people were issued with a warning, however prosecution is being taken against 64 people and there were 15 youth referrals. In total since the introduction of the Alert Level 4 restrictions there have been 1205 breaches of either the Civil Defence Emergency Management Act or the Health Act. From these breaches there have been 138 prosecutions and 1038 warnings.

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News 2

Ashburton Guardian

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ashburton District, ‘shovel ready’ By Sue Newman

Six major Ashburton District projects are vying for a share of a new government fund designed to help kick-start the economy in the post Covid-19 era. Funds are available for ‘shovel ready’ infrastructure projects that will put the construction industry back on track as part of the government’s efforts to reduce the economic impact of the current lockdown. The Ashburton District Council is determined to get its share of the allocated fund and had six major projects in the funding pool when applications closed last night, said service delivery group manager Neil McCann. Those projects are the second Ashburton urban bridge, the Ashburton Civic Centre and library project, road freight route safety improvements, the Methven water supply upgrade, Ashburton relief sewer work and the relocation of Ashburton’s rail siding. If any of these are given the funding tick, they could be fasttracked to boost Canterbury’s post-lockdown economy. The time frame between announcing the fund and the close-off for applications was short, but the district was in the fortunate position of having a number of major projects where planning was well advanced and that meant they fitted the ‘shovel ready’ criteria, McCann said. “The types of projects the government would consider funding include water, transport, clean energy and buildings, and should also have a public or regional benefit, create jobs and be able to get under way within six months.” The six on the council list met those criteria and while the fund is aimed at projects with a value of more than $10 million, smaller projects that demonstrated a direct or immediate benefit to the regional economies and communities in which they were based would also be considered, he said.

An artist’s impression of Ashburton’s new civic centre and library in Baring Square east.

Ashburton’s rail siding site has been earmarked for relocation.


Applications for a share of the fund can be made by both the private and public sector and the new projects will be in addition to the $12 billion New Zealand Upgrade programme and existing Provincial Growth Fund infrastructure investments. Council staff worked round the

clock to complete the extensive paperwork required for each project, McCann said. With applications now closed, there would be an anxious wait for a decision on the projects that could be funded, contracted and ready to go as soon as the construction workforce was able

“Ultimately though it’s totally dependent on what other councils and other parts of the industry apply for. It’s about anything that will stimulate the economy after lockdown and the government is saying it has money to put out there to get the economy going.”

to return to work, he said. In its brief on the fund, the government stated that it would consider funding projects in the areas of water, transport, clean energy and buildings that had a public or regional benefit, created jobs and were able to get under way in short order. All of Ashburton’s projects fitted those criteria, and for several planning was well advanced, McCann said. Mayor Neil Brown believes Ashburton could have the edge on other Canterbury council that have also lodged applications because so many of its projects were virtually ready to go. “It’s great fund to kick start the economy and let’s hope Ashburton gets its share because we have things that are shovel ready, ready to go. Our projects are more advanced than some,” he said. Brown said the only negative with the fund was that some of the money was being taken from the Provincial Growth Fund and this could see money from this pool reduced to the regions and redirected into cities. “But this is a great fund and it’s great we have this opportunity,” he said.

Falloon chasing four-lane funding By Sue Newman

A bid has been made to receive a share of money from the government’s ‘shovel ready’ infrastructure project fund to have State Highway One between Rolleston and Ashburton four-laned. Since he was elected, Rangitata MP Andrew Falloon has been pushing to have this stretch of highway four-laned and said the project met all the criteria for the fund as it had both economic and safety benefits. “Recently the Road Transport Forum identified the road between Rolleston and Timaru as one of New Zealand’s three highest priorities for upgrading, noting that we had ‘missed out’

in the Government’s previous infrastructure package. $3.5 billion of that package went to Auckland, with just $250 million for the entire South Island,” he said. The fund itself was an excellent initiative, as with what was likely to be tens of thousands more people out of work it was important there was a clear package of economic recovery once New Zealand moved out of Alert Level 4 lockdown, Falloon said. “I’ve asked the Government to include the road between Ashburton and Rolleston in their next funding package. Not only will construction provide much needed jobs, there will be substantial ongoing economic and

safety benefits.” Traffic volumes on that stretch of State Highway One had doubled since 1997 and would continue to grow and in recent years it had been the second most dangerous stretch of highway in New Zealand, he said. “With a major downturn expected in tourism and other industries, more than any time in our recent history New Zealand will be relying on the economic contribution our farmers and primary industries make.” With work on four-laning the Christchurch to Rolleston section of the highway close to completion, it was time to continue that work through to Ashburton, Falloon said.

Right – Rangitata MP Andrew Falloon has made a bid for the four-lane highway between Ashburton and Rolleston from the shovel ready infrastructure project fund. PHOTO ASHBURTON GUARDIAN


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ashburton Guardian



Connect, contribute, belong By Susan Sandys

Connect, contribute, belong – those are three things that can still happen in lockdown, says Mid Canterbury TimeBank. Spokesperson Kate White said those three words made up the organisation’s slogan, and they are more pertinent than ever in these times. And members are trying to connect and encourage learning amongst not just each other, but everyone in the district. There will be a weekly Crafternoon each Friday from 2pm to 3pm, where participants can log on to a Zoom session and craft away together on whatever project they may be working on. It is for both adults and children. White said that last Friday afternoon three women gathered for the first Crafternoon, undertaking activities including knitting poppies for Anzac Day and knitting blankets for the hospital maternity ward. The participants had reported back that it was fun, and it made them “sit, chat, slow down and meet new people”. Another lockdown initiative is Teaching Tuesdays, from 7pm to

Mid Canterbury TimeBank’s Kate White. 8pm, where someone with expert knowledge will impart this to others on a Zoom session.


Last night was the first, with a financial advisor instructing on KiwiSaver, while upcoming top-

ics include an introduction to Te Reo. There are also distance teach-

ing sessions planned on a variety of topics, these being held in lieu of the TimeBank’s regular real-world learning exchanges. Among these is a Gardening Q&A on Sunday afternoons. White said Mid Canterbury TimeBank had 181 members, and they were supporting each other at this time, checking on fellow members with phone calls and messages to see if they were okay. The exchange of services may well be what the TimeBank movement is most known for, however, it is about so much more than that. “It’s not just about exchanges, it’s to help people stay connected and to be able to contribute,” White said. TimeBank foundation principles such as these tied in with the ways to wellbeing as outlined by mental health organisations. “These events are not just for TimeBank members but anyone in the community and they are free,” she said. Anyone interested can connect on the organisation’s Facebook page, or access the online form


Peak of infection passed; no room for complacency By Susan Sandys

Mid Canterbury may seem well ahead of the Covid-19 curve, but there is still a chance of catching it, say local GPs. Numbers reported each day are lowering nationally, and are far outweighed by the number of people recovering, and none of the nation’s 15 clusters are based in Mid Canterbury. Mid Canterbury GP spokesperson Dr Emma Andrew said she was not aware of any further suspected

increase of cases in the district following on from considering there were at least several here as of last week. “I have not heard any whisperings from my colleagues that there’s a rise in the number of cases in Mid Canterbury, so maybe we are okay,” she said. GPs are just as much in the dark as to anyone else on the number of cases in the district, with public health being the body responsible for relaying the negative or positive test result back to the patient,

and not the GP. The GP which refers the patient to the CBAC (Community Based Assessment Centre at Ashburton Hospital) often has a result come back to them, however, that can be delayed. Government health bodies are not releasing the number of cases at a district-wide level, only at a regional level. Dr Andrew said it was encouraging to see the director-general of health Dr Ashley Bloomfield in his daily update yesterday say that it seemed New Zealand had “passed

the peak” of Covid-19 infection. However, she said it would be dangerous to assume that Mid Cantabrians were in the clear and would not contract the illness locally. “We still have to exercise caution, even a trip to the supermarket, the virus can survive on hard surfaces for a number of days, there’s still the chance of catching something,” she said. And the tragedy of three additional deaths in Rosewood resthome residents announced yester-

day should hammer that home more than ever. Yesterday 17 new cases were announced for the last 24 hours, taking the new nationwide total to 1366, which includes 139 in the Canterbury District Health Board region. Dr Andrew reminded Mid Cantabrians to continue to phone their doctors to make appointments for regular health issues, and that face-to-face consultations were continuing when someone needed to be examined in person.

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News 4

Ashburton Guardian

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

In brief

A touching sight

Scam warning Cantabrians are being reminded that any legitimate phone calls made on behalf of Canterbury Civil Defence Emergency Management (CDEM) would never request bank account, credit card or PIN details. CDEM have been made aware of at least one incident where a member of the public received a call from someone claiming to be from the organisation, seeking cash or credit card information. The caller offered to help get groceries, stating they would come pick up cash or a credit card and do the shopping. CDEM has made police aware and recommend that any suspected scam calls are reported by calling 105 or using the online form at https://www.police.govt. nz/105support

The Holy Name Catholic Church in Ashburton towers majestically over a lone figure kneeling on the pavement below. Undeterred by the church being closed in the Covid-19 lockdown, and gates encompassing the incomplete construction of a wheelchair ramp, the man prays to God. The image was snapped by assistant priest Father Huynh Tran recently as he was on his way back from a trip to the supermarket. Father Huynh said he did not wish to interrupt the man’s prayers, so did not talk to him or know who he was, but believed he may have been one of the church’s parishioners. “This faithful person touched my heart when I saw him kneeling in front of the church,” Father Huynh said. PHOTO FATHER HUYNH TRAN

Writers’ comp open

Busy Easter for firefighters By Jaime Pitt-MacKay

Firefighters were kept busy over the long weekend, attending a number of different call-outs around Ashburton and further afield. It all started on Friday morning at around 11.30am when an alarm activated at Bunnings Ashburton. Ashburton Volunteer Fire Brigade Chief Fire Officer Alan Burgess said there was no obvious reason for the activation. They were then called to a medical assist at around 2.10pm, before being called to a tractor and silage wagon fire alongside

the Hinds Volunteer Rural Fire Force at around 6.40pm, which completely destroyed the tractor and trailer. Saturday was the busiest day for firefighters, first being called to a medical assist in Netherby at 5am. They were then called to a shed fire shortly before 7am at St Joseph’s School. Burgess said the fire was being treated as suspicious, and destroyed the shed and its contents. “There was not a lot in it, just gardening material and equipment for outdoors activities,” he said.

That evening they were called to two fires within an hour of each other, one which was in a brazier and the other which was in a 44 gallon drum which rubbish was being burnt in. Burgess said ECan restrictions prohibit the burning of rubbish in the town’s boundaries, and that once the Covid-19 restrictions were lifted they would look to clarify those restrictions further as they had changed several times recently. The last call on Saturday was to a false alarm in the Hampstead area. “The person had heard a fire alarm going within a couple of

houses but we were unable to find the source,” he said. On Sunday at around 5.50pm they were called to the Allenton area to reports of roofing iron lifting in the wind, which was the last call-out of the Easter period. Burgess said they are keeping a keen eye on what the Government’s next steps will be if the Covid-19 Alert Level 4 is lifted next week and how that might impact their operations. The brigade is currently running a number of different watches to reduce the amount of contact between the brigade’s members when attending callouts.

Ashburton Writers’ Group is holding its annual short story competition, and this time round it wants adults to come on board. Generally held only for children, the competition for 2020 has dropped the poetry category and instead added an adult category in the short story section. Spokesperson Rae Magson members thought now could be the time that both adults and children were wanting to get creative. “We thought it might be something to keep children and adults occupied in this time of self-isolation,” she said. The Ashburton Writers’ Group Paper Plus Short Story Competition has the age groups of 10 and under (maximum 400 words story), 11 to 13 years (maximum 500 words), 14 to 18 years (maximum 750 words), and adults (maximum 1500 words). The story must be original and not previously published. Entrants may choose any topic. Prizes are book vouchers donated by Ashburton Paper Plus. Entry forms are available from Magson at Entries close July 3.


Along came the Mini, both the car and skirt W

e were at secondary school and Bob Dylan was correct when he sang the times they are a changing. Cars were changing too. Along came the Mini. Both the car and the skirt! Both interesting! Students and those who pass by Ashburton College these days may find it hard to believe that back then it was uncommon for pupils to drive to school. But those who did sometimes paid a price. Just as a classmate was about to drive off others would often lift the rear of their car leaving the back wheels spinning and both car and driver going nowhere. It was just one of those harm-

Guardian motoring correspondent, Bernard Egan is well known around these parts. Over the next few weeks, he’s agreed to share with us some of his tales from yesteryear. Some will be his own telling while others will come directly, or indirectly from others. The whole truth of some, can be left for public opinion. Readers are invited to share tales with Bernard by emailing

Bernard Egan


less pranks which became a tradition. But then along came the Mini – the car variety – which was front-wheel-drive. We talked a lot about this incredible innovation, overlooking Andre Citroën had introduced his famous Traction Avant (front -wheel-drive) many years before and this leads to a school memory. You see it wasn’t only pupils

who were subjected to the tradition – we treated our teachers equally – so if the occasion was right, maybe a birthday or a teacher leaving (mind you with great kids like us why would they want to?) they were given the same treatment. Amongst our teachers was a gentleman who taught French and was obviously very interested in French culture. To us he seemed the epitome of a Frenchman, often wearing a beret and driving a Citroën Light Fifteen. For whatever reason his day

and his turn came to experience the wonderful tradition. He hopped into his Citroen and just as he was about to drive off, the back wheels were lifted off the ground, but the joke was on the lifters, they found out Minis – the car variety – were not the only vehicles with frontwheel-drive. It probably looked quite funny – a Citroën heading down Grey Street with several chaps being dragged behind it and the driver possibly singing Viva la France! Ultimately the pupils let go, the car and no doubt the driver, still

resplendent in his beret, gave a bit of a lurch and a bump then carried on while those involved swallowed their pride. Gradually during our school days one or two pupils got cars, one classmate inherited his grandfather’s Model A canvas top truck. One Monday he recounted being at a rather posh weekend party during which some ponce, in an attempt to embarrass a young fellow, asked: “and what kind of car do you drive?” to which he retorted “a Ford convertible”.

Living at Alert Level 4 Wednesday 15 April Update Today is the last day of week three at Alert Level 4. We know this is a trying time, so remember to ask for help if you need it. Be kind and support each other. Can I see my doctor for things that are not related to COVID-19?

Where can I seek help if I’m feeling overwhelmed?

Yes. It’s important that you do not neglect other health issues just because they are not related to COVID-19. Don’t hold off or wait until you feel worse. Our health system is open and running and ready to help. Healthline is free and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 0800 358 5453.

If you feel you are not coping, it is important to seek help and professional support. Your family doctor is a good starting point. For support with grief, anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing, you can also call or text the ‘Need to talk?’ service on 1737. This is free, and available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It gives you the chance to talk with a trained counsellor.

How can I see a medical professional to discuss my health concerns? Start by calling your family doctor. They can advise you on next steps to take, and if a consultation can take place over the phone or if you should visit them. If you do visit, they will ensure your safety while you are there.

Is there somewhere I can access tools to help me through feelings of anxiety?

Why is exercise allowed?

A new mental health campaign, ‘Getting through together’ is here to help New Zealanders care for their mental health during COVID-19. For more information go to It also includes tips for parents or caregivers who want to discuss mental health and wellbeing with primary-school aged children.

There are very few exceptions to staying home, but exercise is one of them. Going for a walk, run or bike ride is good for your physical and mental health. Just remember to:

How can I show my support and kindness towards others?

• stay close to home. Enjoy your neighbourhood, but go no further • go by yourself, or only with those you live with • keep a 2-metre distance from others.

What can I do if I experience, or know someone who is experiencing, violence at home? If you’re not safe at home, it’s okay to leave your bubble to ask for help. If you have to leave, you can contact a friend or neighbour. Call 111 as soon as you can. If you are safe, remember that you can keep an eye-out for friends and neighbours. If you have concerns about a young person, call 0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459).

Be kind. If you see someone out and about, try not to judge them. Remember that most New Zealanders are doing their bit, and are probably just getting exercise or picking up supplies. Just make sure you keep a 2-metre distance, smile and wave but please don’t stop to chat.

Who can I contact if I see people not following the rules on self-isolation? You can tell the Police by completing the online form at Where possible, try to keep the phones free for those that need them in an emergency.

Thank you parents A special thank you to all parents and caregivers. Term 2 starts today – led by you at home. We appreciate you working around the clock to care for New Zealand’s children, keeping them safe and healthy.

Got questions? Find the answers faster at

News 6

Ashburton Guardian

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


Love in a Fowlhouse, in the key of G By Heather Mackenzie

Ashburton’s Garner Wayne spent his life living and breathing country music. His love of the genre was first forged when, growing up in the 1930s, he was introduced to movies starring singing cowboys like Roy Rogers and Gene Autry. Wayne always had natural musical talent. While still at school he, and some of his school mates, formed a loose kind of band they named the Musketeers. Looking back Wayne told the Tinwald Times in 1990, he knew the Musketeers’ band practice nearly drove his parents mad, but as he pointed out, there was no television at the time, so they had to make their own entertainment. In a career that spanned from the 1950s and continued right up until he died in 2007, aged 86, Wayne clocked up some impressive statistics. He made 300 recordings, wrote 100 songs and was awarded a gold disc for his LP Country Sing Song.

No story about Garner Wayne would be complete without mentioning the most polarising song of his, Love in the Fowlhouse. Released in 1964 it received a substantial amount of radio play. Audio Culture writer Chris Bourke described the song as “having a naïve charm and innocence that hides its songwriting craft”. Love in the Fowlhouse was inspired by Wayne finding one of his young daughters in tears by the family chookhouse. The cause of his daughter’s misery was the failure of a playground romance when the boy she liked decided to spend time on the swings with another girl. In a bid to stem the flow of tears Wayne pointed out that even the hens and roosters have love problems too. Taking his dad wisdom further he started making clucking and crowing noises and eventually got a smile out of her. The encounter with his teary daughter stayed with him and

led to him writing one of his most notable songs, with that unforgettable “bwuck bwuck bwuck” chorus. Some members of the public loved the song, with one lady claiming that playing it to their hens made them lay better, others were not so keen on it and were happy to tell its writer that they “hated the damn song”. Wayne always took the negative comments in his stride and put it down to the fact that you couldn’t please everybody. One newspaper at the time even went so far as to describe the song, featuring Freddie the rooster and Hettie the hen, as pornographic. Swift legal action on Wayne’s behalf took care of that, forcing the paper to print an apology. Song stars, Freddie and Hettie proved their critics wrong when their popularity led Wayne to pen three more songs around the pair. After writing follow-up songs, A Fowlhouse Wedding, Fowlhouse Honeymoon and

Garner Wayne, with his beloved guitar, at home in front of his Wall of Fame. PHOTO SUPPLIED Twin Chicks in the Fowlhouse, Wayne put his song writing pencil down and let the chook family live happily ever after. At the time the record company wanted him to go further, including a marriage break-up and emotional life moments, but Wayne refused, stating that he

wanted to leave it there with a happy ending. Love it or hate it the song certainly has longevity. There will be many audience members across the country who remember hearing Wayne turn to his band and say, “Love in the Fowlhouse, in the key of G”.


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Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ashburton Guardian


Lockdown forces NZTA changes Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency says legislative changes to driver licensing and vehicle certification requirements, that have come in to effect, will help drivers and vehicle owners safely navigate through the Covid-19 lockdown period and beyond. Transport Minister Phil Twyford has announced a series of changes which will temporarily extend the validity of driver licences, endorsements, Warrants of Fitness (WOFs), Certificates of Fitness (COFs) and other certification documents during the lockdown period. To help smooth the transition back to compliance, the legislative change provides a temporary extension to the following expired documents. WOFs and COFs, driver licences, and vehicle certifications issued under the Vehicle Standards Compliance Rule that expired on or after January 1, 2020. Endorsements (including drivers of passenger services and dangerous good endorsements held by some truck drivers) that expired on or after March 1, 2020. The legislative changes also provide a temporary suspension of the requirement to have a current and valid registration sticker (commonly known as a ‘rego’), if


the vehicle licence expired on or after January 1, 2020. Drivers are still encouraged to licence their vehicle online where possible. When you buy your next vehicle licence (rego), it applies from the date your previous licence (rego) expired. Waka Kotahi General Manager Regulatory Services Kane Patena says the changes are aimed at easing the concerns of hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders

who own, or drive, vehicles in a private or commercial capacity or hold endorsements issued by Waka Kotahi by providing much-needed clarity during the lockdown period. “Questions about the impact of expiring driver licences, WOFs and COFs have been front of mind for many owners and drivers since New Zealand entered Alert Level 4 on March 26,” he said. “Waka Kotahi has been work-

ing closely with Ministry of Transport to find solutions which will allow people to continue to undertake essential travel safely without risking fines or prosecution. Our goal is to ensure that everyone who needs to travel to access essential services can do so, provided the vehicle they use is safe to drive on public roads. “People should not be afraid to undertake essential travel at this time solely because a document has expired which is unable to be renewed.” Patena stressed that the temporary extensions introduced by the legislative change are intended to enable essential travel only, and do not remove the responsibility for drivers to ensure their vehicles are safe, or the need to comply with all other road rules. “During the lockdown people should stay home and stay local. For those undertaking essential travel, the law already requires drivers to ensure that their vehicles are up to WOF or COF standard every time the vehicle is used on the road, regardless of how recently the vehicle has passed inspection. It’s every driver’s responsibility to ensure their vehicle remains safe to operate during this extension period. “Waka Kotahi has an easy-to-


follow, step-by-step guide for undertaking a basic self-inspection on our website, and we urge people to use it.” Patena says private motorists will also be allowed to have essential repairs undertaken, such as fixing punctured tyres or damaged windscreens, to keep vehicles safe and operational to access essential services. These services have been available for essential workers throughout the lockdown period. Waka Kotahi is working with industry groups to manage the anticipated spike in demand for vehicle inspections and driver licensing requests after New Zealand moves out of Alert Level 4 into recovery. “We have been exploring a range of possible solutions with stakeholders across the sector to manage the anticipated demand as New Zealanders look to get their documents back upto-date when the country moves out of Alert Level 4,” he said. “There are several options under consideration, as it is still uncertain what recovery will look like. “We are committed to keeping the public and industry groups informed as further information becomes available.”


We know them largely for their roles within our community but for many at the moment those roles are on hold. So, in the spirit of getting to know a little bit more about some of the frequent faces of the Ashburton District, we’re putting the spotlight on and digging a little deeper.

1: What’s something you’ve never tried, but have always wanted to? Skydiving. At Big Smoke v Rural Folk last year I won an auction for a skydive. It’s due to expire in mid-April so I might have missed my chance. 2: Which three celebrities would you invite to dinner? Al Brown, to help in the kitchen. Dave Grohl, for the music. Tina Fey, for the banter.

3: What’s your go to relaxation away from work? I really love to cook. A relaxing night for me is Rose’s feet up on the couch while I’m in the kitchen taking my mind off the world. 4: What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without? I’d love to give another answer but, in all honesty, it’s my phone. 5: What are three things you wouldn’t miss if you were stranded on a desert island? Covid-19, cleaning out guttering, pointless bureaucracy. 6: What’s the best book you’ve ever read? An Island to Oneself – Tom Neale. 7: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve heard or had given to you? “You’ve got two ears and one mouth;

use them in that proportion,” thanks Nana. 8: If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be? I started out pig farming on Company Road, back before the business park went in. You learn a fair bit on the end of a rake cleaning out pig pens. 9: What is the one thing you cannot resist? Coffee. Long black, short black, espresso. 10: Tell us something about you that might surprise us? I’m pretty much blind in one eye and have been my whole life. When I was at Allenton School I was meant to wear glasses with one side shaded over to encourage my weak eye to get better, which I hated. They didn’t really work so now I’m literally a one-eyed Cantabrian.

Your Place 8

Ashburton Guardian

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

TEST YOURSELF Test yourself with the Guardian’s weekday quiz 1 - Fiji is an archipelago of around how many islands? a. 30 b. 300 c. 3000 2 - The word renal refers to which part of the human body? a. Heart b. Kidneys c. Liver 3 - In what year did India gain its first test cricket series win in Australia? a. 1929 b. 1978 c. 2019 4 - In which of these countries is azul the word for blue? a. Spain b. Italy c. Germany 5 - Which car manufacturer makes the Vanguard model? a. Honda b. Mazda c. Toyota 6 - In what year did building work begin on The Beehive in Wellington? a. 1963 b. 1969 c. 1974 7 - What is the Maori name for the fantail bird? a. Pihoihoi b. Piwakawaka c. Pokotiwha 8 - Who sang You’ll Be In My Heart on the soundtrack of the Disney movie Tarzan? a. Elton John b. Phil Collins c. Michael Bolton



4 3 6 2 9 1 2

9 6 3


7 4YESTERDAY’S 1 3 7 5 3 2 7 8 ANSWERS

Teddies’ bubble picnic PHOTO BRUCE ARNST

9 8 3 5 1 2 7 4 6

GOT GREAT PHOTOS? Your Place is the place to display the photos of your sports team, your pets, your school events, or just something ordinary from the present or days gone by. Please send your photos to with the words YOUR PLACE in the subject line and we will run it in the Guardian or our website

1 6 4 8 3 7 9 2 5

2 7 5 9 4 6 8 1 3

7 3 9 4 8 1 6 5 2

8 2 1 6 7 5 4 3 9

4 5 6 3 2 9 1 8 7

3 9 7 1 5 8 2 6 4

6 4 8 2 9 3 5 7 1

5 1 2 7 6 4 3 9 8


Answers: 1. 300 2. Kidneys 3. 2019 4. Spain 5. Toyota 6. 1969 7. Pīwakawaka 8. Phil Collins.


■■ Either bake potatoes or microwave potatoes until soft – instructions below. ■■ When cool enough to handle, slice potatoes in half and scoop out the flesh. ■■ Mix potato flesh, cheese and milk together until smooth. ■■ Pile back into potato skin and


8 1 3

QUICK RECIPE 2 medium baking potatoes, washed 1/2 C grated cheddar cheese 1/4 C milk Slices of cheese for sails Very finely sliced lettuce for the water (sea, lake or river) Vegetables as suggested below: Carrot (grated or sticks), bean sprouts, cucumber – slices or strips, beetroot slices, tomato wedges, halved cherry tomatoes, slices of radish, slices of green, red or orange capsicums, cooked sweet corn kernels, slices of cooked mushrooms



smooth the top. ■■ Decorate with vegetables to make a yacht, rowing boat or steamer as illustrated. ■■ Place the decorated potatoes on the finely sliced lettuce. ■■ Oven baked potatoes: ■■ Preheat oven to 220°C. ■■ Prick each potato several times with a fork. ■■ Rub potatoes with a little oil and place on a baking tray in the middle of the oven. Bake in preheated oven for 45-60 minutes, or until potatoes are tender when tested with the point of a knife.

■■ Remove potatoes from the oven and use as above. ■■ Microwave baked potatoes: ■■ Prick potatoes with a fork to pierce the skin. ■■ Place in microwave, and cook on high power for about 4-5 minutes for each potato; two potatoes will take 8-10 minutes. The time depends on the power of the microwave and the size of the potatoes. ■■ Carefully remove potatoes from the microwave and follow instructions as above. Recipe courtesy of



2 6

5 9 1 5 6 4 9 3 6 2 4 2 6 4 1 7 6 8 1 4 5 9 3 Solutions for today in tomorrow’s Your Place page.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ashburton Guardian



Matt Markham


Options for the other side important I f you don’t ask, then you won’t receive. It’s a pretty simple way to look at life and right now, when nothing is certain – being proactive and getting on the front foot is often the key to success, even if in this case it might not be for a while yet. There’s going to come a point when life returns to normal and we need to get back on our feet, dust ourselves off and carry on. And there’s going to be opportunities within that as well. Ensuring that there is good strong potential employment opportunities available to fill any potential voids left in the wake of Covid-19 is critical and if any funding comes the way of the Ashburton District Council from the Shovel Ready funding model, then it’s kicking things off in the right fashion. You’d imagine not all of the wish list will be granted – but maybe there’s some solid grounding there which could ensure at least something comes our way. Maybe even the same for Andrew Falloon’s four-lane highway battle. Phil Twyford hasn’t exactly shown much sympathy towards the cause since Falloon began his campaign back in 2017 but maybe, just maybe – now might be the time to get things moving. With Christchurch’s Southern Motorway nearing completion, there’s going to be a big hole to fill there alone, so a natural progression would logically be to extend the works down State Highway One to Ashburton, surely? There hasn’t been a lot of good that’s come from the Covid-19 situation, but perhaps this could be one. Getting this district back up, fully functional and firing on all cylinders is going to be the most important part of this whole process and ensuring there’s work for people to do and jobs that need to be filled will be a good start towards that. Thought of the day: A question that makes you think is a question always worth asking.


NZ Inc – we’re all in this together E

your drafter, works rep or xtraordinary times truck driver needs is hostility require extraordinary from farmers because their people with extraordianimals are on farm for a few nary patience. weeks longer than budgetThe Covid-19 lockdown means health and emergency Miles Anderson ed for. Note that because services are designated as procurement is not an issue, FROM THE FARM essential, as are food/beverage it’s a good time to deal diproduction and distribution, rectly with meat companies. media, transport and a number The same can be said about of critical industries that are key to meeting the the shearing industry. Contractors are doing basic needs of the population while we reduce their utmost to ensure staff safety and if that (and hopefully eliminate) the spread of the means fewer people in the shearing shed virus. then that is a small price to pay, inconvenient Those of us in the Ag sector have a responsithough it may be. Shearing can only occur if it is for genuine animal welfare reasons; if it can bility to produce food for the country and for be done later then it should be delayed. others around the world who are in similar or Talk to your shearing contractor about reworse situations. For this to occur we rely on so many people to get that product from our scheduling shearing or crutching. paddocks on farm, to the plates of consumers. At times like these, necessity is the mother of We also need to take the time to understand invention. Is your neighbour’s woolshed close the challenges they also face in doing their jobs enough to split the shearing gang and spread under such trying circumstances; all industries the mobs? are doing their best to introduce protocols that Please don’t be that person who must get the allow employees to continue to work safely. job done with no regard for the pressure others For many businesses this is likely to mean are also under in these trying times. No-one a reduction in productivity. These businesses wants to be responsible for the spread of Covand employees need the support of farmers id-19. We are all in this together. and others now, more than ever. I am humbled by the people who are selfMeat processors, for example, are seeing a lessly working in the meat plants, factories, reduction in the number of employees on the shearing gangs, trucking firms and the like durchain to achieve physical distancing. This iming this difficult time. Thank you. Your efforts are appreciated and pacts each plant’s daily capacity – not ideal but recognised, without you the country would be an inevitable consequence of keeping people hungry, cold and even more worried about the safe. future. We are all in the same boat and the last thing

Tales from the back seat A big thank-you to you and Bernard Egan for the wonderful stories each day in our local paper, this was an idea to give us all some cheerful news and connect people in the community. Bernard is a regular speaker, entertainer at Elizabeth Street Day Centre and we have been missing each other and him.There have been so many positive comments and a past staff member now in Australia wants copies of all stories. Judy Swaney, volunteer

Letters with Love I see your Mother has been keeping you up to date about our holiday. I would have written earlier but I’ve been a bit busy, my boss has insisted that I work while I’m away writing reports on how to improve the company’s efficiency. I’ve also been doing a good deal of housework, and strangely enough both of these tasks have merged into a project I have just thought of, namely to organise the jobs around the house so that they can be completed in an effective and efficient manner. I’m sure your mother will appreciate the effort I’ve gone to and the reward of saving time so she can do more of what she likes, like baking and sewing and the like. Yes indeed, I expect a few bonus brownie points for this one. Love Father and Mother

Brief Relief Poor Flossie she lived down in Dorset. Her Ma said “You must wear a corset” Flossie pushed and she squeezed, And she made it with ease. And said “there … and I needn’t of forced it” Yesss

Sport 10 Ashburton Guardian

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ethan Titheridge at full noise on the track.


Caitlin Titheridge charging down a mountain track.



Friendly rivalry sparks siblings By Adam Burns

Caitlin and Ethan Titheridge are not afraid to give each other grief. It’s a sibling rivalry which not only keeps the pair in check, but has driven down some impressive roads on the bike. The Mid Canterbury teens have impressed in their respective fields recently, with mountain biker Caitlin (17) finding her groove immediately on the downhill trail. Younger brother Ethan (16) meanwhile has a penchant for the hotfoot bursts of track cycling, which has put him among the best sprinters in the country based off recent results. You could argue they have both been integral to each other’s versatility, despite their friendly sparring. “When we were starting it was

really competitive between us,” Caitlin said. “His quads are a lot bigger than mine now. I’ve got a bit of a disadvantage there.” Caitlin who is at Christchurch’s New Zealand Institute of Sport, said their dynamic helps drive them along. “When I was living back at home, he would make me take him riding because he’s too lazy to do it by himself,” she jokes. However she said she followed in her brother’s footsteps when he was gifted a road bike about eight years ago by their grandmother. “I started after Ethan did because I was like, that looks cool,” she said. Initially beginning on the track, she transitioned to the road. She then made the hop to mountain biking about three years ago, where she competed in

cross country and enduro events. Ethan meanwhile began on the track in Tinwald where he built his footing with the local club. “There was a trip with the Tinwald Cycling Club, we went to Invercargill and that’s where track started for me,” he said. “I did a carnival down in Invercargill and then went onto nationals and then went onto elites this year.” Earlier this year, Ethan competed at the Elite and U19 Track National Championships in Cambridge, where he secured a bronze medal in the Men’s Under-19 Sprint Finals. It sets the Ashburton College pupil up for top billing should he compete next year in the under-19 category. Sporting an impressive ‘do, Ethan’s mullet puts All Black centre Jack Goodhue to shame and

was reportedly a hit in Cambridge. “The commentators loved it,” Caitlin said. “He’s got it running strong.” Ethan said his ‘do was catching on among his team-mates. The same weekend in January, Caitlin was in Dunedin where she competed in the Oceania and National MTB Championships. She finished second in the female under-19 juniors in the Oceania downhill event and third in the national downhill event, an impressive feat considering she only began downhill this year. “It was pretty different because it was only my second proper downhill race with the Oceanias, I was like, wow, deep end. “So it’s weird stepping it up to downhill because I used to think it was crazy. “That transition has been big for me.

It was not the first time she had excelled at the Oceania event, after she secured a second place in the under-17 women’s cross country two years ago. “There are other events which you can consistently do good at, but those two are probably the biggest for me.” The pair are not setting themselves any lofty goals despite their prowess on the bike, preferring to take it as it comes. Ethan had originally planned to compete in school cycling events prior to lockdown, and prior to the National Track Series scheduled later in the year, however admitted he was taking it all in his stride. Meanwhile Caitlin was aiming to train as hard as she could ahead of a transition to elite level next year, where she will monitor her form accordingly.

■■TOKYO 2020

Massive costs will be incurred in Olympic delays The International Olympic Committee will face “several hundred million dollars” of added costs because of the postponement of the Tokyo Games, the body’s president said. Thomas Bach spoke in an interview with German newspaper Die Welt yesterday. Estimates in Japan put the overall cost of the postponement at $NZ3.3-9.8 billion. Except for the IOC portion, all added costs will be borne by the Japanese side, according to an

agreement signed in 2013 when Tokyo was awarded the Olympics. Bach said it was “impossible to say for now” the extent of the added costs for the IOC caused by the coronavirus pandemic. “We agreed with the prime minister that Japan will continue to cover the costs it would have done under the terms of the existing agreement for 2020, and the IOC will continue to be responsible for its share of the costs,” Bach said. “For us, the IOC, it is already clear that we shall be faced with

several hundred million dollars of additional costs.” Before the postponement, Japanese organisers put the official cost of the games at $12.6 billion. However, a government audit report in 2019 said the costs were at least twice that. All but $5.6 billion of it is in taxpayer money. Tokyo said the 2020 Games would cost about $7.3 billion when it won the bid seven years ago. On Friday, the CEO of the Tokyo

organising committee said the pandemic left some doubts about the games going ahead next year. “I don’t think anyone would be able to say if it is going to be possible to get it under control by next July or not,” Toshiro Muto said, speaking through an interpreter. “We certainly are not in a position to give you a clear answer.” Bach was asked about the possibility of another postponement. He did not answer directly, but said later in the interview that Japanese organisers and Prime

Minister Shinzo Abe “made it very clear to me that Japan could not manage a postponement beyond next summer at the latest”. Bach was also asked if the pandemic provided an opportunity for some athletes to violate the doping rules with no threat of testing. Bach countered that the delay could allow new testing methods to be developed. He also said tests made before the Olympics would be saved for 10 years for retesting.


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Ashburton Guardian



NRL restart desperate, arrogant M

ay 28. That is the mooted date for the NRL’s ambitious plan to resume the season, six weeks from now. This is despite ongoing border restrictions, social distancing measures and lockdowns in Australia and New Zealand. They were one of the last codes to pull the pin and the first to make concrete plans of getting back into it. The unpredictable nature of the Covid-19 crisis which has compelled health experts (ie people actually in the know) to urge caution seems to have been a message lost in translation when it comes to the NRL’s administrators. The way they have navigated their way through this crisis reeks of a self-serving organisation detached from the horrors this crisis is causing in the real world. There have been numerous murmurings which have emerged

over the past week or so of proposed logistical plans to “get around” the restrictions in place. One which came from the Sydney Morning Herald outlined the NRL innovation committee’s bubble proposal, where players and staff would be subjected to mandatory quarantine measures which would force players and staff to remain isolated in their rooms for 14 days with exercise equipment and food being delivered to their door. The latest plan appears to be having all clubs based in NSW and sourcing exemptions for Queensland-based clubs comprising of the Broncos, Cowboys, Titans as well as the Storm, Raiders and Warriors. Warriors chief executive Cameron George naturally has questions and is still awaiting a response to an email labelled urgent. However the very mention of an exemption undermines why the public is in lockdown in

the first place and comes off as arrogant at best, disrespectful at worst. New Zealand’s strict lockdown measures will most likely have the final say on any far-fetched prospect of the Warriors joining their Australian club peers in a rebooted competiton. The NRL have previously stated they would be prepared to soldier on without the Penrose-based club. Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said at the weekend that she would not be giving the three Queensland-based NRL sides an exemption to cross the border into NSW unless they entered into a 14-day quarantine. The NSW Police Commissioner has no issues though. I know, and what? Prime Minister and Cronulla devotee Scott Morrison commended the “ambition”, but there would be no special treatment. This all followed a scathing assault from Channel 9, who called

Adam Burns


out the NRL’s mismanagement of finances whilst saying they had not been involved in any talks with the NRL. When committee chairman Wayne Pearce made his announcement about the proposed date for resumption last week, there was no mention of player safety amid this global health crisis. The question remains, would the NRL be going to all this effort if they weren’t in such a dire financial position? I think it’s safe to say no, they wouldn’t be. Never mind the fact they put all their financial eggs into one broadcast basket worth billions,

leaving themselves little in the way of cash reserves or contingencies to fall back on. This desperate ploy to restart the competition, which will thankfully need the sign off of various government level authorities, appears to be motivated by filling the void and cashing in on a desolate sporting market in order to save itself. Following this was the revelation of a wish list of competition coups for the reboot including Israel Folau. Australian Rugby League Commission (ARLC) chairman Peter V’landys had already called out the former Storm and Queensland representative after his homophobic comments on social media. Would administrators be able to put aside these deep-seated eschewal in what would be an astonishing flip flop? Time will tell, if the competition is still actually standing by that stage.


Test rugby considered priority for Sanzaar Sanzaar, the organisation that oversees the Rugby Championship, is working hard on the possibility of a competition based in Australia, according to a report. The Sydney Morning Herald reports the four countries that compete in the Rugby Championship – New Zealand, Australia, South Africa and Argentina – have prioritised test rugby over resuming Super Rugby. The report suggests Sanzaar is weighing up a “quickfire, six-week competition in one country, and likely one state or city”, with Australia being a strong candidate due to its more lenient pandemic measures compared to New Zealand and relatively low rates of infection compared to countries like South Africa. Australia is also the geographical middle ground, with Perth reportedly being an ideal location for any proposed competition because of its time zone. Rugby Australia’s general manager of professional services Ben Whitaker told the Sydney Morning Herald that getting test rugby started was a priority for Sanzaar. “There is definitely a collective commitment to prioritising test match footy,” Whitaker, who has been in discussions with other Sanzaar nations, said. “But we are also committed to community safety, first and foremost. “We roll off the back of that. “But we are ready with different formats. Hopefully that’s

sooner rather than later.” Whitaker also said there are still hopes for a resumption of Super Rugby. “The other thing we are committed to is trying to get some Super Rugby played as well,” he said. “As you squeeze towards the back end of the year, you have to have various models to handle that.” New Zealand Rugby later responded to the report saying no decision has been made on any proposed competition yet. “New Zealand Rugby is reviewing a range of competition options, both domestically and internationally, for when rugby is able to resume,” Chief Executive Mark Robinson said in a statement. “However nothing has been decided and any decisions will be made in alignment with advice from the Government. “At this stage any competition options are just purely speculative.” Another report in South African newspaper Rapport revealed that the Springboks believe the Rugby Championship will start in August or September. However, the Australian report played down that suggestion with travel restrictions still likely to be in place for the foreseeable future. The Rugby Championship was scheduled to begin on August 8, with the All Blacks facing the Wallabies in Melbourne and the Springboks taking on the Pumas in Johannesburg.

Will the All Blacks be doing the haka only on Australian soil?

Racing 12 Ashburton Guardian


Wednesday, April 15, 2020



Focus on Not An Option Not An Option will be carrying the weight of his stable when he contests the Gr.1 Champagne Stakes (1600m) at Randwick on Saturday. The promising two-year-old has become the only active runner for Cambridge trainer Tony Pike and he is hoping his charge can deliver on Saturday. The son of Not A Single Doubt pleased his connections with his first-up effort in Australia when placing in the Gr.3 Kindergarten Stakes (1100m) at Randwick a fortnight ago and Pike said he has pulled up well since that run. “We were really pleased with his run in the Kindergarten,” Pike said. “Over the 1100m, from the outside gate and to go back to last, it was always going to be a bit sharp for him. He was very strong over the final stages. “Reports are really good and he has bounced through it in great order. “He galloped on the course proper at Rosehill this (Tuesday) morning with an older country cups horse and worked really well over 1200m. “Apparently he has pulled up very well. As long as we are happy with him over the next 24 hours he will line-up in the Champagne Stakes on Saturday.”

on Saturday we will probably wait and go straight into the JJ Atkins (1600m) in Brisbane. “That will give him time to get The Cancer Society’s Mid Canterbury centre is closed at present, over the trip up there and I might but we are still here to provide support and information. just give him a quiet barrier trial in Brisbane before the JJ Atkins.” If you or someone you care about has cancer, please call us Meanwhile, the autumn camon 307 7691. Alternately the 0800 CANCER information line is paigns of Pike’s two other Australicurrently available 7 days a week from 8.30am until 8.30pm. an raiders The Bostonian and SherWe understand that the COVID-19 pandemic is really wood Forest have come to an end. challenging for those living with cancer and their whānau. The Bostonian was recently transferred to John O’Shea’s RandTake care of yourselves, your people and their families. wick barn, but after consulting He waka eke noa, we are all in this together. with Pike the decision was made to Trainer Tony Pike spell the five-year-old gelding. Not An Option hasn’t been tested The son of Jimmy Choux had Mid Canterbury Centre over further than 1200m, but Pike a near perfect campaign having Phone: 307 7691 believes the mile will be ideal for won the Gr.1 Canterbury Stakes Cancer Information Line: 0800 226 237 him on Saturday. (1300m) first-up last month before Facebook: @cancercwc “He is bred to get over a little a solid runner-up effort in the Gr.1 bit of a trip and we have always George Ryder Stakes (1500m). thought once he can stretch out “We have just decided to pull pin over further it would really suit,” on him,” Pike said. For all subscriber TRADES, SERVICES GRAZING Pike said. “Talking with John, he wasn’t 100 enquiries, SUN CONTROL WINDOW GRAZING wanted for TINTING. Professional store lambs. Please missed deliveries, “It gives him a chance at a Group per cent happy with him since he window tinting for cars, homes phone 027 321 6060. new subscriptions, One race in Australia and improved arrived. and offices. Providing privacy, temporary stops. track conditions will help him on “That last run might just have UV (fading), heat, safety and Please Saturday as well. taken a bit out of him. We have desecurity. Phone Craig Rogers 307 6347 or 0800 TINTER. “It doesn’t look like being a big cided to send him to the spelling Text 021 271 3399 Member of Master Tinters field, but there is a fair bit of quality paddock. He had done a great job Phone NZ. in it.” in his two runs over there. 0800 274 287 While Pike is looking forward to “We will bring him home and we Email Saturday he said a further Group will set him up for the Winx Stakes Guardian Classifieds circulation@ One target awaits Not An Option (1400m) in Sydney at the end of 307 7900 in Queensland. “If he runs wellLevelgust.” 2, 73St, Burnett Ashburton Members I.B.A.N.Z &&of NZBrokers Brokernet Ltd. NZ Ltd. LevelSt, 2, 73 Burnett St,|Ashburton Members I.B.A.N.Z & NZ Brokernet 2, 73Level Burnett Ashburton | Members of|of I.B.A.N.Z Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton | Members of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd.

Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton | Members of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd.

Learn a new language: French Les accents Accents La voyelle e peut recevoir différents accents (The vowel e can receive different accents) : l’accent aigu (the acute accent): é

l’accent grave (the grave accent): è

l’accent circonflexe (the circumflex): ê

son [ e ]

exemple: écouter (to listen)

son [ ε ]

son [ ε ]

exemple: la lumière (the light)

exemple: la bête (the beast)

D’autres voyelles (a, i, o, u) peuvent aussi recevoir des accents (Other vowels (a, i, o, u) can also receive accents). Exemples : voilà ; la pâte ; dîner ; le côté ; goûter. (eg. here is ; pastry ; having dinner ; the side ; to taste) Jeu (Game): Retrouvez les accents qui manquent (Find the missing accents) 1. Janvier, f.....vrier, mars 5. La t.....te.

6. La

2. L’hiver, le printemps, l’.....t....., l’automne 3. Un carré a 4 c.....tés (a square has 4 sides).

7. L’.....toile.

4. Juillet, ao.....t, septembre. Réponse (answer): 1. é - 2. é é - 3. ô - 4. û - 5. ê - 6. é - 7. è

Puzzles Puzzles and horoscopes

Cryptic crossword

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Simon Shuker’s Code Cracker

ACROSS 1. Has to sin in order to amaze one (8) 4. Heavenly body to head the bill (4) 8. May do some damage with broken arm (3) 9. Bid for a chest lacking only its top (5) 10. In a house cellar the wine is dry (3) 11. Discounts are to be put back in old local taxes (7) 12. He’s the best a politician can be, following the church (5) 13. It automatically got one off without need of cranking (4-7) 17. Insurance protection for company, very curtailed (5) 18. Didn’t go on with the aitch being unvoiced (7) 20. One to go on a trip east will depart (3) 21. See about Virginia backing part of the house (5) 22. Forty winks taken for a game of cards (3) 23. Sliding frame leading speculator has to change (4) 24. Staplers may be used to apply them to wounds (8) DOWN 1. Think highly of one in a sort of dream (6) 2. Making broth from pulse? (5) 3. Closely examines the South if the street is up (5) 5. Have to climb the ladder in due proportion (2,5) 6. It may tell one how to prepare one’s course (6) 7. How one curses PR, or those who came before (10) 9. It’s not according to the rules if it isn’t working (3,2,5) 14. Wanting what another has, Venus perhaps gave one nothing (7) 15. How one practises extortion on prison warders (6) 16. Skilled people exchange dates quietly (6) 18. Old Nick would cook it with hot spices (5) 19. Some happen certainly to hold their coins (5)

Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or anti-clockwise.

G E O R D WordBuilder G E O R D

WordWheel 660

? Quick crossword 1










Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or Previous solution: INDEBTED anticlockwise. Previous solution: INDEBTED





13 14







ACROSS 1. Commands (7) 5. Resists (5) 8. Imitators (13) 9. Sailor (3) 10. Subsidiary point or topic (4,5) 12. Foolish (6) 13. Find not guilty (6) 15. Differs (9) 16. Mine (3) 18. Done on the spur of the moment (13) 20. Forward or bold (5) 21. Abandoned (7)


DOWN 1. Float aimlessly (5) 2. Consequences (13) 3. Stroking (9) 4. Poorly made (6) 5. Snake (3) 6. Having different aims (5,8) 7. Distrust (7) 11. Cuts (9) 12. Torturers (7) 14. Wrote (6) 17. Played with (5) 19. Attempt (3)



How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s at least one five-letter word. Good Verywords Good of 14 three Excellent 19 How 10 many or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s atsolution: least one five-letter word. Previous glow, glows, log, logs, low, owl, owls, slog, slow, Good 10lows, Very Good 14 Excellent 19 sol, sow

I D 8

Your Stars

WordBuilder WordBuilder


Ashburton Guardian 13

ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): Make it a point to get more support. Know who has your back, is on your side and will promote and help you. Rule out those who have had the opportunity to help before but didn’t. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): Your daily life doesn’t automatically include telling people how much they are loved. That’s something you have to add. You’ll go out of your way to show people you value them. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): Your best friends are sometimes also the ones who give you the most grief, extra work and drama. Be open to breaking old habits and finding new ways of interacting that serve everyone better. CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): The norms go out the window when originators are in the room. You’re such a person. Your fresh ideas are just part of the package that comes with you. You won’t even realise how creative you’re being. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): You’ve extended yourself. You’ve worked hard to learn, get hands-on experience and see what others needed you to see. Now it’s your turn to be understood and to let people in on what you’re dealing with. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): You were eager for good to triumph over evil. Now you realise it’s not so much about good and evil as it is about power and how a game is played. Rules will get broken by all sides. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): You’ve tuned into the whispers of trends and dramas. These are soft words that are not to be taken too seriously as they can so easily drift when the wind blows a different direction. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): You can’t help but notice that everyone has a void. As much as you’d like to fill in the blanks and supply what’s needed, don’t rush to do so. More listening and understanding must happen first. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): If it doesn’t bring you challenge, money or joy, then what does it bring you? Your answer to this question may have you cutting something out of your life. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Sometimes you think if ideas were dollars, you’d be much richer. And what if they are? Apply your sign’s famous follow-through now. Brainstorm... you’re on to something! AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): Interruptions are costly. Even once an hour is too much. Precautions taken to make yourself difficult to interrupt will ultimately save you from wasting your hours. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): You can always make your natural impressionability work for you. For instance, fill your eyes, mind and experiences with beauty and you become even more beautiful.

Previous cryptic solution

Across: 1. Coltsfoot 5. Pub 7. Into 8. Advisors 10. Portrait 11. Morn 13. Endows 15. Career 18. Brim 19. Swindled 22. Godchild 23. Hale 24. Eye 25. Presented 1 7 Down: 1. Cripple 2. Later 3. Ordain 4.9Tail 5. Promote 6. Basin 9. Growl 12. Pains 14. Dwindle 16. Red lead 9 6 17. Twelve 18. Bugle 20. Least 21. Ship

2 6 3 8 7 Across: 1. Part 3. Amicable 9. Dallied 10. Oldie 6 5 2 5 17. Reservations 11. Obsolescence 13. Karate 15. Toasty 20. Khaki 21. Keeping 22. Antipode423.3Omit 7 8 Previous solution: glow, glows, log, Down: 1. Paddocks 2. Rules 4. Modest 5. Close-mouthed 5 6 logs, low, lows, owl, owls, slog, slow, 6. Bedecks 7. Ewes 8. Will-o’-the-wisp 12. Eyesight sol, sow 14. Re-enact 16. Evoked 18. Odium 19.7Skua 8 15/4 5 4 7 8 4 PREVIOUS SOLUTIONS Sudoku Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. 5 6 9 54 9 1 81 7 83 2 7 3 4 5 2 9 6 8 9 1 6 7 1 4 6 7 3 7 4 25 9 19 2 8 6 5 8 7 1 9 6 5 2 4 3 8 5 1 4 7 3 1 9 5 6 2 4 3 1 7 8 2 1 5 99 86 2 4 3 7 8 1 5 4 9 4 7 3 1 2

2 1

9 8 9 2

6 3


1 2 6 3 7

8 6




8 1 6 5 4

4 9 7

Previous quick solution

2 8

1 3


1 3



1 4 6 3 5 9 7 2 8


5 7 9 1 2 4 6 3 8

4 8 2 3 5 6 9 1 7 6 1 7 8 9 4 3 2 5 3 8 7 3 9 5 1 7 2 8 6 4 8 4 6 2 9 5 7 1 3

9 1 3 4 6 7 2 5 8

7 2 5 1 8 3 6 9 4

4 7 9 6 5 8 1 3 2

2 3 1 7 4 9 5 8 6

5 6 8 3 2 1 9 4 7

3 5 4 9 7 2 8 6 1

6 8 2 5 1 4 3 7 9

1 9 7 8 3 6 4 2 5

4 7 9 6 1 6 1 2 5

3 2


Family Notices








14 Ashburton Guardian DEATHS

MAW, Charles Amos – With sadness we announce the peaceful passing of Charlie on Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at Rosebank, Ashburton, aged 93. Dearly loved husband of Joyce for 66 years. Cherished father of Elizabeth (deceased) and John Chynoweth, Leslie and Annette, Geoffrey, Ian and Vicki. Loved Grandfather of Richard and Tracey, Sara and TJ, Jacqui and Brad and Grant. Adored great Grandad to Jaryn, McKenna, Andee, Freya, Xanthe, Charlie and Thomas. The family wish to send their special thanks to the caring staff at Rosebank for their care of Charlie over the past years. Messages to the Maw family, 1433 Back Track, RD 12, Rakaia 7782. Due to COVID19 a private burial will take place.

MAW, Charles Amos – Passed away peacefully on Tuesday, April 14, 2020. Son of the late Mark and Elizabeth. Respected brother and brother-in-law of Joan and Leslie Ludemann; Stanley; Dorothy and Lloyd Harkerss, Mervyn and Rosaleen, Keith and Molly, Alice and Bill Clark. Eileen and Wilfred Legg (all deceased) and George and Isobel Cooper. Loved and respected Uncle to all his nieces and nephews. SMITH, Stephen Joseph – 10.09.1963 – 12.04.2020 Dearly loved son of Natalie and the late Thomas Smith. After a courageous battle, aged 56. No more pain and suffering my darling. Rest in peace. My love to you always, Mum. Please note all late death notices or notices sent outside ordinary office hours must be emailed to:

to ensure publication. To place a notice during office hours please contact us on 03 307 7900 for more information. Any queries please contact 0800 ASHBURTON (0800-274-287)


Canterbury owned, locally operated

S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross constituents Company CODE

a2 Milk Company ATM Air NZ AIR ANZ Banking Gr ANZ Argosy Prop ARG Arvida Gr ARV Auckland Intl Airpt AIA Chorus CNU Contact Energy CEN Ebos Gr EBO F&P Healthcare FPH Fletcher Building FBU Fonterra Share Fund FSF Freightways FRE Genesis Energy GNE Gentrak Gr GTK Goodman Prop Tr GMT Heartland Gr Hldgs HGH Infratil IFT Investore Property IPL Kathmandu Hldgs KMD Kiwi Property Gr KPG Mainfreight MFT Mercury NZ MCY Meridian Energy MEL Metlifecare MET NZ Refining NZR NZ X NZX Oceania Healthcare OCA Port of Tauranga POT Precinct Properties PCT Prop for Industry PFI Pushpay Holdings PPH Restaurant Brands RBD Ryman Healthcare RYM Sanford SAN Scales Corp SCL Skellerup SKL Sky Network TV SKT Skycity Ent Gr SKC Spark SPK Stride Prop & Inv SPG Summerset Gr Hldgs SUM Synlait Milk SML Tourism Holdings THL TrustPower TPW V ector VCT V ista Gr Intl VGL V ital Hlth Prop Tr VHP Westpac Banking WBC Z Energy ZEL

Buy price

1835 103.5 1738 97.5 137 581.5 677.5 600 2238 2727 384 382 625 271 138 212 107 424.5 170 69 95 3527 441 440 377 85 125 84 682 157 203 412 1075 1135 640 470 182 27.5 230 433.5 140 610 725 115 620 334 116 242.5 1676 298

Sell price

1837 104 1741 98 138 582 679.5 601 2255 2729 387 383 640 271.5 139 213 108 428 171 70 95.5 3533 444 440.5 378 86 126 85 685 157.5 204 413 1085 1136 642 472 183 28 231 434.5 141 611 735 116 621 335 119 243 1679 300

Last sale

1835 +87 985.2 104 +14 13m 1743 +64 174.5 97.5 +4.5 1.1m 137 +2 565.1 582 +7 5.0m 678.5 +17.5 579.7 601 +11 434.6 2255 +45 55.81 2729 +29 997.0 386 +30 867.2 382 –3 380.5 628 +58 722.6 271 +9 352.8 139 +4 83.70 213 –5.5 897.4 106 –1 1.3m 424.5 +2.5 816.1 170 +1 117.1 69 +5 7.2m 95 +1 2.1m 3527 –33 60.54 441 +16 532.8 440.5 +4.5 762.4 378 +1 1.5m 86 –2 523.9 125 +6 169.2 84 +4 2.2m 682 +2 186.3 157.5 –3.5 1.2m 203 –2 284.5 412 +10 224.0 1075 +25 78.47 1135 +23 1.2m 642 +2 563.0 470 –9 58.02 183 –3 240.9 27.5 +1 2.2m 231 +16 1.7m 434 –1 1.3m 140 – 399.2 611 +16 395.0 732 +12 216.6 115 – 467.5 621 –19 39.52 334 –3 124.5 116 +15 701.9 243 –6.5 253.3 1679 +44 121.5 298 – 817.5




bur to


Data provided by NIWA


isolated snow thunder flurries

sleet thunder

Top 10 NZX decliners

daily % fall

Scott Tech Emerging Mkts Hallenstein Glasson TrustPower Colonial Motor V ital Hlth Prop Tr Goodman Prop Tr AFT Pharma NZ Refining Precinct Properties

–5.10% –5.00% –4.53% –2.97% –2.65% –2.61% –2.52% –2.40% –2.27% –2.17%


60 plus



Fine at first, then cloudy periods from afternoon. Southwesterlies, turning northerly in the evening.

TOMORROW Fine, apart from a few early showers about the coast with a southwest change. Winds dying out in the evening.


fine fine rain fine fine showers cloudy thunder fine thunder fine thunder fine fine fine


Fine at first, then cloud increasing afternoon. Wind at 1000m: SW 45 km/h, becoming light in the morning. W 45 km/h developing in the evening. Wind at 2000m: SW gale 80 km/h, easing to 40 km/h in the afternoon.







TOMORROWFZL: Rising to 2500m in the afternoon



Morning cloud clearing and becoming fine. Wind at 1000m: W 55 km/h, easing to W 40 km/h for a time late morning and early afternoon. Wind at 2000m: SW 40 km/h, rising to SW 55 km/h in the evening.















Frankfurt Geneva Hobart Hong Kong Honolulu Islamabad Jakarta Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur London Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Moscow Nadi

18 0 25 4 17 23 15 28 8 24 25 22 24 4 6

fine fine rain fine showers fine cloudy fine thunder fine fine rain fine rain showers

18 19 18 25 28 31 32 18 35 18 27 16 24 9 31

0 3 12 18 21 15 25 10 25 2 13 10 15 2 22

New York Paris Perth Rarotonga Rome San Francisco Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Washington Zurich

showers fine fine cloudy fog fine fine fine showers fine cloudy fine cloudy rain fine

Tides, Sun, Moon and Fishing m am 3 3

Wednesday 6

9 noon 3



9 noon 3

Friday 6

9 pm am 3


9 noon 3


9 pm

2 1 0


10:22 4:26 10:48 5:06 11:19 5:24 11:44 6:01 12:10 6:16 The times shown are for the Ashburton River mouth. For the Rangitata river mouth subtract 16 minutes and for the Rakaia river mouth subtract 4 minutes.

Rise 7:06 am Set 5:59 pm Good

Good fishing Set 2:33 pm Rise 11:44 pm

Last quarter 15 Apr 10:57 am ©Copyright OceanFun Publishing Ltd.

Rise 7:08 am Set 5:57 pm Fair

Fair fishing

Rise 7:09 am Set 5:55 pm Bad

Set 3:13 pm

New moon 23 Apr 2:27 pm

7 6 17 25 7 11 8 24 4 15 16 13 7 2 1

River Levels


Bad fishing Rise 12:46 am Set 3:46 pm

First quarter 1 May

Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa

8:40 am

1.43 nc

Selwyn Whitecliffs (NIWA) at 2:05 pm, yesterday

Rakaia Fighting Hill (NIWA) at 3:00 pm, yesterday 243.1 Nth Ashburton at 2:00 pm, yesterday


Sth Ashburton at 2:00 pm, yesterday


Rangitata Klondyke at 3:00 pm, yesterday


Waitaki Kurow at 3:04 pm, yesterday


Source: Environment Canterbury

Canterbury Readings

Thursday 9 pm am 3

9 22 24 26 19 21 21 35 15 26 21 22 22 12 18

18 13 17 9 19 9 16 10 13 8 16 8 17 4 13 7 13 3 14 3 12 7 13 9 12 8

Palmerston North fine

Forecasts for today

30 14 32 15 28 30 29 36 24 32 34 40 33 13 14

overnight max low


FZL: Rising to 2000m in the afternoon

Rain about the divide, clearing late in the day. Cloudy with a few spots of morning rain in the east. Northwesterlies at times.

World Weather

Adelaide Amsterdam Bangkok Berlin Brisbane Cairns Cairo Calcutta Canberra Colombo Darwin Delhi Dubai Dublin Edinburgh

NZ Today


For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit



Canterbury High Country


daily % rise


Canterbury Plains

Fine with northerlies.

Michael Hill Intl +34.62% Serko +17.39% Air NZ +15.56% V ista Gr Intl +14.85% Smartpay Holdings +13.58% QEX Logistics +11.86% Freightways +10.18% Fletcher Building +8.43% NZ ME +8.11% Kathmandu Hldgs +7.81%


Wednesday, 15 April 2020

A low pressure system is moving away to the east, directing a southwesterly flow over New Zealand. A warm front is expected to spread onto the south of the South Island from afternoon. A weakening front moves across New Zealand tomorrow, followed by a narrow ridge.

mainly isolated cloudy drizzle drizzle few showers fine showers clearing showers

Fine with northerlies.

p Gold

NZ Situation

Wind km/h





High cloud, with a few spots of light rain possible in the morning. Northeasterlies developing.

Top 10 NZX gainers


11:45 – 1:10

30 to 59

p Rises 97 q Falls 44


PROTECTION REQUIRED Even on cooler days


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For all your memorial requirements New headstones and designs Renovations, Additional inscriptions, Cleaning and Concrete work Carried out by qualified tradesmen.



less than 30



Midnight Tonight






SATURDAY: Fine with northerlies.


Ph 307 7433

At close of trading on Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Daily Volume move ’000s


Office and Chapel Corner East & Cox Streets, Ashburton

Compiled by

Source: NZX

Ra n

Patersons Funeral Services and Ashburton Crematorium Ltd

Guardian Shares & Investments NEW ZEALAND SHARE MARKET



FRIDAY: High cloud, chance spot of light rain in the morning. NE.









TOMORROW: Shower or two with early SW change, then becoming fine.








TODAY: Fine at first, cloudy periods from afternoon. SW, turns N later.



Map for today

Ashburton Forecast

Wa i m a ka r i r i

Ashburton Airport Temperature °C At 4pm 11.6 13.5 Max to 4pm 2.9 Minimum -0.2 Grass minimum Rainfall mm 0.0 16hr to 4pm April to date 5.0 Avg Apr to date 24 2020 to date 118.4 193 Avg year to date Wind km/h S 20 At 4pm Strongest gust SW 48 Time of gust 2:16pm

© Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2020

to 4pm yesterday


Christchurch Airport

Timaru Airport

9.1 12.0 0.9 –

12.8 15.2 3.3 -1.6

11.4 14.2 -0.8 –

– – – – –

0.0 0.4 24 85.0 164

0.0 4.6 16 84.6 150

S7 – –

SW 28 SW 61 11:07am

SW 22 S 44 12:59pm

Compiled by

London – $US/ounce

1,680.65 +32.85 +1.99%

p Silver London – $US/ounce




q Copper London – $US/tonne





Source: BNZ


As at 4pm April 14, 2020

TT buy

TT sell

Australia 0.9716 0.9345 Canada 0.8661 0.8329 China 4.4132 4.21 Euro 0.5703 0.5487 Fiji 1.4196 1.3408 Great Britain 0.497 0.4781 Japan 67.20 64.65 Samoa 1.7633 1.5963 South Africa 11.2834 10.7988 Thailand 20.43 19.64 United States 0.6243 0.6006

Disclaimer: NZX and MetService have endeavoured to ensure the correctness of the information; neither NZX, MetService related companies, nor this newspaper, nor any of their respective employees or agents make any representation as to its accuracy or reliability nor will they, to the extent permitted by law, be liable for any loss arising in any way from, or in connection with, errors or omissions in any information provided (including responsibility to any person by reason of negligence). Please note: All products and services are subject to change without notice.

Cremation, burial, pre-arrangements, pre-payments Continuing to care for you and your loved ones 18-22 Moore Street, Ashburton Free Phone 0800 263 6679 Mobile 027 637 1229

Jo Metcalf


tVNZ 1

©TVNZ 2020

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

tVNZ 2

©TVNZ 2020



6am Breakfast 9am Les Mills Body Balance 10am Tipping Point 3 11am Cash Trapped 0 Noon 1 News At Midday 0 12:30 Emmerdale PGR Robert is confused by Aaron’s behaviour; Jai must work out his next step; Kim’s feelings begin to change. 0 1pm 1 News Special The latest updates regarding Covid19 and how it will affect people. For more information, visit www. 1:30 Coronation Street PGR 3 0 2pm Tipping Point 0 3pm 1 News Special 4pm Te Karere 2 4:30 Nadia’s Comfort Kitchen 0 5pm The Chase 3 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0

6:30 Rescue Bots Academy 0 6:40 MyaGo 3 0 6:50 Bluey 0 7am The Tom And Jerry Show 3 0 7:25 Thunderbirds Are Go! 3 0 7:50 Wacky Races 3 0 8:15 Littlest Pet Shop 3 0 8:35 Be Cool Scooby Doo! 3 0 8:55 Monchhichi Tribe 3 0 9:20 The Insectibles 3 0 9:30 Moon And Me 3 0 9:55 Best Of Chuggington Collection 3 0 10:05 Mickey And The Roadster Racers 3 0 10:30 Infomercials 0 11:30 Neighbours PGR 3 0 Noon Selling Houses Australia 0 1:05 Judge Rinder PGR 3 2pm Splitting Up Together PGR 3 0 2:30 Shortland Street PGR 3 0 3pm Les Mills Born To Move 0 3:25 Goodnight Kiwi 0 3:30 Bluey 3 0 3:35 Get Clever 4pm Elmo’s Playdate – Caring For Each Other 0 4:25 The Deep 0 4:45 Friends 3 0 5:15 The Simpsons 3 0 5:40 Young

6am The AM Show 9am The Café 10am Infomercials 11:30 Millionaire Hot Seat 3 0 12:30 Face The Truth PGR 1pm Dr Phil PGR 1:55 Ninja Warrior UK Contestants tackle a variety of obstacles on an assault course, achieving a fast time or going the furthest to qualify for the semi-finals and the finals. 3:55 Chris Humfrey’s Animal Instinct Australian zooloigist Chris Humfrey spreads the conservation message by educating children about the problems facing species, and how humans can help. 4:30 NewsHub Live At 4:30pm 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm

7pm Seven Sharp 0 7:30 Jamie – Keep Cooking And Carry On 0 8pm Kirstie And Phil’s Love It Or List It 0 8:20 Lotto 3 8:25 Kirstie And Phil’s Love It Or List It Continued. 0 9pm Heathrow – Britain’s Busiest Airport 0 9:30 Coronation Street PGR 0 10pm 1 News Tonight 0 10:30 Criminal Minds AO 3 0

7pm Shortland Street PGR 0 7:30 Pooch Perfect 0 8:40 M Horrible Bosses 2 AO 2014 Comedy. When Nick, Kurt, and Dale find themselves in debt thanks to a bad investment, a kidnapping for ransom seems the only solution. Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis. 0 10:30 Two And A Half Men 3 10:55 Mom PGR 3 0

7pm The Project 7:30 Bondi Rescue PGR Lifeguards are on edge due to extreme weather conditions and extra-large crowds. 0 8pm Bondi Rescue PGR 8:30 9-1-1 AO 0 9:30 Hawaii Five-0 AO 0 10:25 NewsHub Late 10:55 Designated Survivor AO 3 0

11:20 Queen Sugar AO As Charley practices her speech for the town hall, Jacob Boudreaux unexpectedly arrives, and they become trapped together by a thunderstorm. 0 12:15 Emmerdale PGR 3 12:40 Te Karere 3 2 1:05 Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere 3 2

11:20 Wentworth AO 3 0 1:15 Shortland Street PGR 3 0 1:40 Infomercials 2:45 Quantico AO 3 0 3:30 Desperate Housewives PGR 3 0 4:15 The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air 3 0 4:40 Emmerdale PGR 3 0 5:05 Neighbours PGR 3 0 5:30 Infomercials

11:50 Infomercials

Jamie – Keep Cooking and Carry On, 7:30pm on TVNZ 1

BRAVO 10am Four Weddings USA 3 10:55 Hoarders 3 11:50 The Kelly Clarkson Show 12:50 The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills PGR 3 2:45 Love It Or List It 3 3:45 Wahlburgers 3 4:15 The People’s Court 3 5:10 Judge Jerry 5:40 Hoarders 3 6:30 Love It Or List It 7:35 Hoarders 3 8:30 999 – What’s Your Emergency? AO Exploration of the challenges and dangers emergency services face on the roads. 9:35 Young, Dumb, And Banged Up In The Sun AO Bristol lad David Todd goes to Magaluf for a stag weekend, but a bar brawl leads to his being wrongly accused of injuring a doorman and, after he is assaulted, despite his innocence he is identified in a police line-up as the prime attacker and put in jail, seeing daily violence, suicides, and attacks on his own life. 10:30 Snapped PGR 3 11:25 Killer Couples AO 3 12:15 Infomercials

Horrible Bosses 2 8:40pm on TVNZ 2

SKY 5 6am Jeopardy! PG 6:25 Wheel Of Fortune PG 6:45 The Simpsons PG 7:10 Parking Wars PGL 8am Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 8:25 Storage Wars PG 9:15 Hardcore Pawn PG 9:40 Hawaii Five-0 MV 10:25 SVU MV 11:10 Parking Wars PGL Noon Jeopardy! PG 12:25 Wheel Of Fortune PG 12:50 Trucking Hell M 1:40 Outback Truckers M 2:25 Hawaii Five-0 MV 3:10 Parking Wars PGL 4pm The Simpsons PG 4:30 Jeopardy! PG 5pm Wheel Of Fortune PG 5:30 Hardcore Pawn PG 6pm Storage Wars PG 7pm Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 7:30 Hawaii Five-0 MV 8:30 FBI MV 9:30 Shades Of Blue MVLSC 10:30 SVU MV 11:15 Storage Wars PG 11:40 Storage Wars PG


12:05 Parking Wars PGL 12:55 Wheel Of Fortune PG 1:20 Jeopardy! PG 1:40 Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 2:05 Shades Of Blue MVLSC 2:50 FBI MV 3:40 SVU MV 4:25 Hardcore Pawn PG 4:50 Hawaii Five-0 MV 5:35 The Simpsons PG


6am Ben 10 – Alien Force 3 0 6:25 Danger Mouse 0 6:50 The Loud House 3 0 7:15 Trulli Tales 3 0 7:30 Atomic Puppet 3 0 7:40 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 0 8:05 The Thundermans 3 0 8:30 The Moe Show 3 0 9am 100 Things To Do Before High School 3 0 9:25 The Great British Bake Off 3 10:30 The Chase Australia 3 0 11:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 3 0 Noon Ocean Predators PGR 3 0 1pm Penn And Teller – Fool Us PGR 3 0 2pm Celebrity Antiques Road Trip 3 3pm Wheel Of Fortune 3:30 Jeopardy 4pm Antiques Roadshow 3 5pm 3rd Rock From The Sun (Part 2) 5:30 Prime News 6pm Pawn Stars 3 7pm Storage Wars 3 0 7:30 Traffic Cops PGR The police are called to a serious multiple-vehicle collision on the A64, one the of county’s busiest roads. 0 8:30 Flights From Hell AO 0 9:30 Extreme Love Stories AO 0 10:30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PGR 11:30 Love Island UK AO Siannise is angry after Rebecca beats her to the punch, again. 12:30 Closedown

7pm 7:30 8pm 8:30

R&R With Eru And K’Lee Kai Safari 3 Ahikaroa AO 3 Toku Whare Kohanga Reo With rainclouds approaching, the community of Hanana Te Kohanga Reo rally together to begin the renovation of their whare kohanga. 9pm Toku Whare Kohanga Reo 9:30 Haka At Home 10:30 Te Matatini Ki Te Ao 3 11pm Te Ao – Maori News 3 The latest news, with an inclusive approach to Maori news by connecting directly with communities. 11:30 Closedown




6:15 Fast And Furious 6 MV 2013 Action. Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson. 8:30 A Most Violent Year MVLC 2015 Action Crime. Oscar Isaac, Jessica Chastain, David Oyelowo. 10:35 Wedding Crashers MVLS 2005 Comedy. Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn. 12:35 Anger Management MLS 2003 Comedy. Adam Sandler, Jack Nicholson. 2:25 Gridiron Gang MVL 2006 Action. Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Xzibit. 4:30 The Sapphires PGVLS 2012 Biographical Comedy. Jessica Mauboy, Deborah Mailman, Chris O’Dowd. 6:15 X-Men – Days Of Future Past MVL 2014 Action. Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, Patrick Stewart, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy. 8:30 Troy MV 2004 Action. Adaptation of Homer’s epic The Iliad, about a combined Greek attack on the city of Troy and the fate of the leading protagonists. Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Orlando Bloom. 11:15 The Boat That Rocked MLS 2009 Comedy. Philip Seymour Hoffman, Lucy Fleming, Bill Nighy.

7am They Shall Not Grow Old 16C 2019 Documentary. 8:40 Stuber 16LS 2019 Action. Kumail Nanjiani, Dave Bautista. 10:14 Grace 16C 2019 Romantic Comedy. Tate Donovan, Katie Cassidy. 11:54 Love And Debt MLC 2018 Drama. Tom Cavanagh, Bellamy Young. 1:32 Ben Is Back MLC 2019 Drama. Julia Roberts, Lucas Hedges. 3:17 Jellyfish 16LSC 2018 Drama. Liv Hill, Sinead Matthews. 5pm On The Basis Of Sex ML 2018 Drama. 7pm Richard Says Goodbye 16LSC 2018 Comedy Drama. After being diagnosed with a terminal illness, a buttoned-down university lecturer starts living his final six months with a reckless abandon. Johnny Depp, Rosemarie DeWitt. 8:30 The Intruder 16VSC 2019 Thriller. A young couple buy what they think is the perfect house to start a family. However, the strangely attached seller begins to infiltrate their lives. Michael Ealy, Meagan Good. 10:15 Crawl 16VLC 2019 Action. Kaya Scodelario, Barry Pepper. 11:40 Stan And Ollie PGL 2018 Comedy. Steve Coogan, John C Reilly. Thursday 1:15 Jellyfish 16LSC 2018 Drama. 2:55 Dead Leaves MVS 2004 Anime. 3:49 On The Basis Of Sex ML 2018 Drama. 5:46 Stan And Ollie PGL 2018 Comedy.


1:30 Twilight Saga – Eclipse M 2010 Drama. Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner. 3:35 X-Men – Days Of Future Past MVL 2014 Action. 5:50 Troy MV 2004 Action.

Thinking of Selling?

0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1

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6:30 Waiata Mai 6:40 Te Mana Kuratahi 7:10 Tamariki Haka 7:20 E Kori 3 7:25 Pipi Ma 7:30 ZooMoo 7:40 Te Nutube 7:50 Darwin + Newts 3 8am Polyfest Kapa Haka 3 8:30 Sidewalk Karaoke PGR 3 9am Whanau Kai 9:30 Opaki 3 10am Waiata 3 10:30 Marae PGR 2 11am Nga Tamariki O Te Kohu 3 Noon Funny Whare – Gamesnight PGR 3 12:30 City Slickers Rodeo 3 1pm Nga Pari Karangaranga O Te Motu 3 1:30 Ako 3 2 2pm Toku Reo 3 2 3pm Nga Kapa Haka Kura Tuarua 3 3:30 Playlist 4pm HakaNation 4:30 Swagger 5pm Waiata Mai 5:10 Te Mana Kuratahi 3 5:40 Tamariki Haka 5:50 E Kori 3 5:55 Pipi Ma 6pm ZooMoo 6:10 Te Nutube 6:20 Darwin + Newts 3 6:30 Te Ao – Maori News

6:35 Berlin, I Love You MLS 2019 Romance. Keira Knightley, Helen Mirren. 8:32 Little PGLS 2019 Comedy. Regina Hall, Issa Rae. 10:19 Phoenix, Oregon 16L 2019 Comedy. James Le Gros, Jesse Borrego. 12:07 Green Book ML 2018 Drama. Viggo Mortensen, Mahershala Ali. 2:15 Changeland 16LSC 2018 Comedy. Seth Green, Breckin Meyer. 3:40 55 Steps MC 2018 Drama. Helena Bonham Carter, Hilary Swank. 5:35 Breaking In 16VL 2018 Action. Gabrielle Union, Billy Burke. 7:05 Time Out MS 2018 Comedy. When a troublesome prisoner is granted a weekend out of prison to see her dying mother, a new corrections officer is assigned to keep an eye on her. Tessa Thompson, Melissa Leo. 8:30 Bigger MC 2018 Drama. Facing antisemitism and extreme poverty, two brothers beat all odds to become the architects of muscle, and inspire future generations. Tyler Hoechlin, Julianne Hough. 10:20 Fixed MLSC 2019 Comedy. Andy Comeau, Courtney Henggeler. 11:50 The Hummingbird Project ML 2019 Drama. Jesse Eisenberg, Salma Hayek. Thursday 1:40 30 And Single MLS 2019 Romantic Comedy. 3:15 55 Steps MC 2018 Drama. 5:10 Breaking In 16VL 2018 Action.

Ashburton Guardian 15

6am Paul Hollywood’s Pies And Puds 7am Jamie’s 30-Minute Meals 7:30 Gourmet Farmer Afloat 8am Ocean Giants 9am David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 9:30 Somebody’s Gotta Do It PGR 10:30 Mysteries At The Museum 11:30 American Pickers 12:30 George Clarke’s Old House New Home 1:30 Help! My House Is Falling Down 2:30 Restoration Man 3:30 Grizzly Bear Cubs And Me 4:30 Gino’s Italian Escape Chef Gino D’Acampo goes to Venice, where he discovers a kind of Venetian tapas called ‘cicchetti’. 5pm Flour Power 5:30 Mysteries At The Museum Don Wildman unearths relics from the world’s greatest institutions to reveal secrets from the past, examining each artefact to illuminate the hidden treasures. 6:30 Gem Hunt

7:30 The Curse Of Oak Island PGR Following a childhood dream, brothers Rick and Marty Lagina set out to find treasure on Oak Island, off the south shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. 8:30 Running Wild With Bear Grylls NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal joins Bear on an adventure to the remote Adirondacks. 9:30 Guy Martin’s Fastest Van 11pm Gem Hunt Midnight Mysteries At The Museum 1am Flour Power 1:30 David Attenborough’s Natural Curiosities 2am America Over The Edge 3am Grizzly Bear Cubs And Me 4am Somebody’s Gotta Do It 5am Mysteries At The Museum

UKtV 6:45 Insert Name Here PG 7:15 The Graham Norton Show M 8:05 The Bill MVC 8:55 Midsomer Murders M 10:25 Call The Midwife PG 11:25 Doc Martin MC 12:15 DCI Banks MVLC 1:45 The Bill MVC 2:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown M 3:30 Traffic Cops PG 4:25 The Graham Norton Show MLS 5:20 Who Do You Think You Are? Australia PG 6:20 Qi ML 6:55 Insert Name Here PG 7:30 Qi MLSC With Rich Hall, Julia Morris, Peter Serafinowicz, and Alan Davies. 8pm Would I Lie To You? PG With guest panellists Sarah Millican, Jon Richardson, David Harewood ,and Bob Mortimer. 8:35 The Coroner PG When Mick’s rival landlord is found dead on the beach, Jane must clear his name. 9:30 Holby City MC Oliver must compete for funding and Jac’s support when Matteo pitches a rival project. 10:35 The Vicar Of Dibley MLS 11:35 DCI Banks MVLC


1:05 Qi ML 1:35 Qi MLSC 2:05 Would I Lie To You? PG 2:40 Who Do You Think You Are? Australia PG 3:35 The Coroner PG 4:25 Holby City MC 5:25 The Vicar Of Dibley MLS 15Apr20

DISCOVERY 6:35 Fast N’ Loud PG NHRA and a 1955 Pink Caddy 2/2. 7:30 Car Crash TV 7:55 Car Crash TV 8:20 BattleBots PG 9:10 Expedition Unknown 10am How It’s Made PG 10:25 How Do They Do It? PG 10:50 Expedition Unknown PG Hunting Vampires. 11:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 12:30 Web Of Lies MC High on Love. 1:20 Blood Relatives M Blood is the New Black. 2:10 Top Gear 3pm Gold Rush – Parker’s Trail PG 3:50 Deadliest Catch PG Devil’s Cut. 4:45 Fast N’ Loud PG 1971 Scat Pack Challenger 1/2. 5:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6:35 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 7:30 Alaska – The Last Frontier PG Homestead Havoc. 8:30 Alaskan Bush People PG Bam Bam’s Big Build and Bears. 9:25 Guardians Of The Glades PG Enter the Super Snake. 10:15 Moonshiners MLC What Happens in the Woods. 11:05 Naked And Afraid M Terror in Tanzania. 11:55 How It’s Made PG Thursday 12:20 How Do They Do It? PG 12:45 Car Crash TV 1:10 Car Crash TV 1:35 Deadliest Catch PG 2:25 Moonshiners MVL 3:15 Gold Rush – Parker’s Trail PG 4:05 Expedition Unknown PG 4:55 Naked And Afraid M 5:45 Deadliest Catch PG | Compiled by

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


16 Ashburton Guardian

Massive costs for delays

ABs based in Aussie?





Football season start delays extended again By Adam Burns

The delays have continued at community level sport as football administrators again prolong the start of the season. New Zealand Football issued a statement on Thursday confirming a further postponement of the season commencement until

at least Queen’s Birthday Weekend due to the uncertainty of New Zealand’s lockdown status. It prolongs the commencement of the season again by two weeks in Mid Canterbury, after local administrators postponed local league games until May 16. A New Zealand Football spokesperson reiterated timeframes for

player preparation, with team trainings suspended until May 16 or two weeks prior to the start of the season. The Mid Canterbury United Football Club said it would continue to work to the timeframes outlined. “If you can, please keep fit and keep those skills honed,” club

chairman Neil Simons said. New Zealand Football expressed their gratitude and delight at the manner in which the football community had taken a responsible attitude under the lockdown restrictions. The national organisation is sharing resources to help players stay fit, work on their skills and

keep entertained on their website and social media. The home training programme is based on a four corners model; technical, physical, tactical and mental and focuses in on key areas within those four elements of the match to improve players’ skillsets. It can be found at

Not An Option aiming for the Champagne Stakes


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