Friday, April 27, 2018
Since Sept 27, 1879
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A squirting good time Ashburton Fire and Emergency rolled open the doors and cracked open the hydrant for children like Ashton Gare, 7, to have a go.
ECan targets farmers P4
Water meters coming our way? BY SUE NEWMAN
The legend lives on MOTORING
Water meters could be on the horizon for residential properties around the Ashburton District. While stopping short of making a commitment to their installation, district councillors yesterday batted the value of meters around the service delivery committee meeting table. Meters, if given the nod, could be used to measure how much water each household uses, and ultimately they could be used to charge for consumption. A discussion on metering residential D
zone properties morphed into a debate on the fairness of metering water for one section of the community and not for the other. Currently the council is checking residential D properties to ensure they have water meters installed. This regime sees each property charged when consumption rises above 1000 litres per day. That consumption level wasn’t fair, Alasdair Urquhart said. He wanted those properties to be free from restrictions or to be given a 2000 litre allocation before charging kicked in. The council couldn’t have open slather
on its water supplies, projects manager Viv Eyberg warned. “It might be unfair at the moment but the only way to make it fair would be if everyone was metered and this could be where we’re headed,” he said. Even if meters weren’t used for charging water they were a good operational tool for a council because it meant where water was being used, lost or wasted could be measured, Eyberg said.
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News 2 Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 27, 2018
MP Lee in district on a fact finding mission By ColiN williSCroft
Former commerce committee chairwoman and current member of the economic development, science and innovation select committee Melissa Lee was in Mid Canterbury yesterday to find out about some businesses in the area. Lee, an Opposition list MP, was hosted by Rangitata MP Andrew Falloon. As part of her visit she called in at Mount Hutt Station, EA Networks and Farmers Corner. She was particularly interested in the velveting operation at Mount Hutt. As a child growing up in South Korea, Lee was well aware of the importance of traditional medicine there and the value associated with it. Much of the nine tonnes of velvet harvested at Mount Hutt last season was exported to South Korea and Lee was interested to learn more about it, particularly as she was involved in the free trade agreement New Zealand signed with South Korea in 2015. New Zealand exported about 80 tonnes of velvet to South Korea last season, making Mount Hutt Station a significant player in that market. As Opposition Broadcasting, Communications and Digital Media spokeswoman, Lee was also interested in the operating model of EA Networks, given that as a business it is focused on making a profit, while at the same time it’s a co-operative owned by its customers. She said the company’s fibre network was impressive, especially given the rural nature of a large part of its coverage area.
Rangitata MP Andrew Falloon, Bruce Hood from Mt Hutt Station, National list MP Melissa Lee and Rhys Griffiths from Deer Industry NZ take time out during Lee’s visit to the station yesterday. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Ethical investment policy step too far By Sue NewmaN
An attempt to create an ethical investment policy for the Ashburton District Council has fallen at its first hurdle. Councillor Selwyn Price was keen to see the council limit its investments to only those that came with the ethical tag, and requested council staff look at how such a policy could be developed. “I wanted this because at the
moment, there’s nothing to stop us investing in tobacco for example,” Price said. He said he was concerned the council could be investing money but not knowing where that investment was actually being made. After investigating the option, staff recommended there was no reason to take the idea any further. The policy is not one that is held by territorial authorities.
When the recommendation not to adopt the policy came to the council’s bylaws policy committee meeting yesterday, scrapping it was supported by his fellow councillors. Only mayor Donna Favel wanted to take a second look at the idea. The council’s current investment policy guidelines currently made it clear what and where the council invested and the significant majority of its funds
were with blue chip investments, council business support manager Paul Brake said. “Under our investment policy this all comes to council. If you’re asking us to come back with something else I’m very unclear what you’re asking us to come back with.” Councillors asked staff to investigate ideas and options, they did the work, wrote a report and made a recommendation and it
was a bit of a slap in the face to ask them to go back and do the work over again, councillor Russell Ellis said. Stuart Wilson agreed. It was ridiculous to ask staff to come back with every investment option to see if it involved palm oil or tobacco, he said. “How nit-picky do we need to be? No other council has this policy and I can’t see the point in wasting staff time.”
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Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 27, 2018
Youth crime stats down nationally By Katie todd
Youth offending rates have more than halved across the country since 2009 – but that trend may not necessarily reflect the reality in smaller towns like Ashburton. A Youth Justice Indicators Summary released this week reports a 59 per cent drop in offending by children aged 10-13 years and a 63 per cent drop in crime by those aged 12-14 years between 2009/10 and 2016/17. However, the cyclical pattern in youth crime in Ashburton means that trend might not be so evident here, said Senior Constable of Youth Aid Rob Hooper. While he praised New Zealand’s “very progressive youth justice system” he said youth crime in Ashburton comes and goes in waves. “Twelve months ago I would have said it was quite high … but it’s hard to get a consistent trend. It comes and goes for us,” he said. “It only takes a couple of active young people to get it started up again.” The Youth Justice Indicators Summary was released last month by Associate Minister of Justice Aupito William Sio, and pointed to “overall improvement across the system”. It noted a 38 per cent decrease in the rate of Youth Court appearances throughout New Zealand, and reported that the offending rates for all three main ethnic groups more than halved. However, the reduction in offending had not been “as significant” for all groups. “Reduction in offending rates for European/Other has been much higher than the reduction for young Pasifika and rangatahi Maori,” Sio noted.
Rob Hooper Maori are increasingly making up a greater proportion of those who appear in the Youth Court, he said, and it is a “key objective of this Government to reframe the justice system from a punitive to a rehabilitation focus and reduce the number of Maori and Pasifika youth in the system”. Hooper said there had always been disproportionate representation of ethnic groups in Ashburton youth crime as well, which is something a number of agencies are working hard to address. “It’s an ongoing concern,” he said. And while the report noted changes in the types of crimes occurring – with more serious crimes now making up a bigger proportion of those reported – Hooper said Ashburton has been “fairly consistent, if anything,” over recent years. However, national changes might also reflect a change in mind-set among those reporting and their “threshold for not reporting” the more minor incidents, Hooper said.
Logan McKnight, 7, and Braxton Bown, 5, dabbled in life on the firefighting frontline yesterday. PHOTO KATIE TODD 260418-KT-003
Trying firefighting on for size By Katie todd
Dozens of local children lived out their firefighting dreams during a trip to Ashburton Fire and Emergency yesterday. Ashburton Parents’ Centre held their annual visit to the Burnett Street station, getting their first visit behind the scenes of the station’s recent renovations.
Organiser Amy Huggins said this year’s visit had timed well with school holidays, meaning older children could look through as well. Children sat inside a fire engine, helped operate a hose and dressed up in mini-sized gear. They learnt that in locker rooms, firefighters leave their pants tucked into their boots for easy dressing, and that FH on
the street stands for fire hydrant rather than free hit. Around 15 rural firefighters and 40 urban firefighters use the station, and from it attend more than 400 call-outs each year – more than one a day. Ashburton Parents’ Centre are a voluntary organisation bringing together local families for education, activities and other services.
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News 4
Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 27, 2018
Hinds farmers targeted By Colin WillisCroft
A new information campaign focused on land use consents is targeting farmers in the Hinds area. Every farm in the Hinds/Hekeao area that is five hectares or more and has a nitrogen loss calculation that exceeds 15kg/hectare/year will soon need a land use consent to farm. To help explain consent requirements, ECan is holding two drop-in days at its Ashburton depot in McNally Street. They are being hosted by the Ashburton zone team and will provide advice and support on ways for landowners as they work towards gaining their land use consent to farm. The first of the drop-in days was yesterday and the other is on Wednesday, May 2. Farmers can drop in from 1 to 3pm, 4 to 6pm or 7 to 9pm. Ashburton water zone manager Janine Holland said letters were being sent to 162 properties within the Hinds catchment that are five hectares or more explaining the new requirements under the Land and Water Regional Plan. She said the agricultural industry was a key part of the Ashburton zone and is important to the community. However, water resources are showing signs of stress, with community and ECan monitoring showing that the Hinds River and other waterways in the
Rodwell on council John Rodwell, board chairman of Mid Canterbury’s Kintore Farm, has been named as a member of the Primary Sector Council. Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor announced the membership of the 15-strong council yesterday. The council’s role is to provide independent strategic advice to the government on issues confronting primary industries – with an immediate focus on developing a sector-wide vision. Rodwell is also executive director of Lindis Crossing Station and a director of Landcare Research NZ. He has a background in finance.
‘A good package’ Finance Minister Grant Robertson says all the forecasts in the budget will be locked down in the next few days. He said the government was in the process of finalising the budget, due on May 17. “In the next few days we will lock down all the final fiscal forecasts and so on that go into the budget,” he said. He said there were a few loose ends to tie up but “by in large we’ve put together a good package, I believe”. - NZN
Knife scare ECan land management and biodiversity adviser Sarah Heddell listens to a farmer’s questions at an ECan land use consent drop-in session in Ashburton yesterday. PHOTO COLIN WILLISCROFT 260418-CW-007
catchment have particularly high nitrate concentrations when compared to the rest of Canterbury. Work is already under way across the Hinds catchment to improve that, Holland said, with
more than 92 per cent of farms with more than 50 hectares of irrigated land having already acted. “Now our focus is working with farmers on the remaining properties. Collectively, we can
achieve better environmental outcomes in this area.” She said landowners who could not make it to one of the drop-in sessions could still contact ECan to make an appointment to find out what they need to do.
Water meters heading Ashburton’s way? From P1 While residential D properties should all have water meters, assets manager Andrew Guthrie said, only some did. He wants to bring all of those properties into the metered water supply net. By imposing those restrictions, the council was able to afford to spread its network of connections to the town’s water supply,
In brief
Guthrie said, and he was quick to shoot down any suggestions that the current system wasn’t fair. “Without those restrictions we might not be able to do this. If you make these water connections in town over 100 metres you’ll service 20 to 30 properties; in the country it might be two or three. If you’re talking about fairity with others, we’ve got it right.” Water meters are already in-
stalled in some rural villages and over the past two years as water main renewals had been completed some water meters had been installed, on Ashburton residential properties, Guthrie said. “They’re not necessarily in preparation for universal water metering, they’re to give us information that will allow us to understand consumption and waste.”
If Ashburton is keeping a low profile on water meters, Christchurch is not, with mayor Lianne Dalziel saying earlier this month that it could be time for the city to consider charging its residents for water. The Timaru District Council has built the prospect of water meters on its supplies in Timaru, Temuka, Fairlie and Geraldine into its long term plan.
Aviation Security (Avsec) is investigating the recent Auckland Airport incident in which a woman made it through the international terminal with a knife. On Tuesday the international terminal was put on hold, causing a large backlog of people going through security after the woman continued through into the terminal, setting in motion a security emergency. Avsec said it was investigating the incident and reviewing CCTV footage. - NZME
Poverty deadly Children living in impoverished conditions are three times more likely to die in childhood or adolescence than those living in New Zealand’s least deprived areas. The Child and Youth Mortality Review Committee’s report found 483 children died in 2016. Committee chair Dr Felicity Dumble said the report also showed poverty was a key driver of child deaths in New Zealand. “This is true for all types of child death and also for many specific causes of death, she said. - NZME
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News Friday, April 27, 2018
Ashburton Guardian
Sports stars back fun run/walk Delhi 2010 Commonwealth Games gold medallist John Snowden will celebrate with, and inspire, hundreds of people in Ashburton this Mother’s Day through the Jennian Homes Mother’s Day Fun Run/Walk. Snowden, who won gold in the Full-Bore Pairs with shooting partner Mike Collings, will be assisting with the warm-up and 5km event at the Ashburton Domain from 10am on Sunday, May 13. The four-time Commonwealth Games athlete is part of an inspirational drawcard of 50 athletes lending a helping hand at 33 locations nationwide in efforts to improve the heart health of New Zealand women. Now in its seventh year, Jennian Homes’ annual event supports the Heart Foundation’s Heart Foundation for Women campaign. This year also marks the Heart Foundation’s 50th anniversary year. Heart disease is the numberone cause of death for women in New Zealand, claiming the lives of more than 50 women each week, and more than 3000 each year.
John Snowden will play a part in the annual Mother’s Day Fun Run/Walk this year. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Other past or present Olympic and Commonwealth Games athletes include track cyclist Olivia Podmore (Hamilton), sailor Alex Maloney (Auckland’s Long Bay), canoeist Luuka Jones (Tauranga),
shooter Natalie Rooney (Timaru) and netballer Shannon Francois (Dunedin). The chance to meet these athletes arises from Jennian Homes’ partnership with the New Zea-
land Olympic Committee to help Kiwi athletes Earn The Fern at the recent Commonwealth Games on the Gold Coast and at Rio in 2016. Jennian Homes COO Aidan Jury has no doubt that these Kiwi
athletes will motivate everyone to get active this Mother’s Day. “The Jennian Homes Mother’s Day Fun Run/Walk continues to grow in popularity each year and we are grateful for these athletes, like John, lending a hand and helping save lives and keep more families together,” he said. “It just speaks volumes about everyone’s commitment – athletes and the public alike – to help ensure that the women we love are with us for many years to come.” This year’s event is expected to be the biggest yet, with events at 10 new locations, including Cambridge, Taupo, Napier, Blenheim and Wanaka. While the event is enthusiastically embraced by women all over the country, Jennian Homes is this year appealing for more men to get out and show their support. “This event brings women and their health to the forefront, and it would be great to see the men in their lives taking an active support role – whether it’s looking after the kids so mum can get in some training, cheering her on from the sidelines or even lacing up their running shoes and joining in,” Jury said.
Lunch a thank you to legends Mid Canterbury harness racing legends from today and from yesteryears will come together at tomorrow’s Ashburton Trotting Club meeting at the Ashburton Racecourse. After a successful inaugural holding of the day 12 months ago, organisers have put their heads together again and decided to hold the function once more to recognise the contribution made by many to the strong racing region throughout the decades. Last year more than 70 people attended the event which is dubbed the Legends of Mid Canterbury Harness Racing
Luncheon held by the five trotting clubs and associations in the district with financial contributions made by all clubs to help with running the day. The Ashburton, Chertsey, Mt Hutt and Methven trotting clubs are all involved while the Mid Canterbury Owners and Trainers Association are also a part of the event. The idea was spawned over a beer at the pub one night and quickly grew and the organising committee have been working hard to bring new elements to the day in 2018. Ashburton Trotting Club
president, Craig Harrison said it was an honour to have some of the most influential names in harness racing attending the meeting as part of the luncheon. “Last year’s event was extremely successful, and we hope that this year is every bit the same. “It is also our annual sponsors’ meeting, so we are fortunate to have some very distinguished guests on course for the meeting.” The event will be held in the historic Tea Kiosk and Museum at the western end of the racecourse.
A good crowd is expected for the second edition of the Legends of Mid Canterbury Harness Racing Luncheon tomorrow.
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News 6
Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 27, 2018
‘Senseless’ peer pressure led to death A coroner has highlighted New Zealand’s drinking culture, ruling on the role “senseless” peer pressure played in the death of a teenager. Harihari farmhand Mitchell David Heward, 17, died on February 12, 2016, after drinking excessively. The inquest findings, released yesterday, said Heward was pressured to drink when he went to Lake Kaniere, on the West Coast, with a group of friends. The group, aged between 14 and 18, took a significant amount of alcohol with them, and Heward is believed to have drank beer, vodka and Midori until he lost consciousness. “Mitchell’s death was the tragic consequence of excessive alcohol consumption by a young person, in a group in which pressure to drink was applied. His death was senseless, and a sad illustration of the prevalent drinking culture,” the coroner said. “It is critical that young drinkers, particularly, appreciate the seriousness of the dangers of binge drinking, and to know what to do if someone becomes unresponsive after drinking.” Heward could not be revived and died at the lake, coroner Anna Tutton said. Two members of the group, aged 18 and 21, supplied the alcohol. Heward’s mother Jan told media in late October 2016 she had no resentment to-
wards his friend who supplied him alcohol. Brendan Perrin, 22, pleaded guilty to supplying Heward with alcohol and was discharged without conviction. “He was one of Mitchell’s best friends,” Jan Heward said. “He was swimming in the lake when it happened. We are not blaming him.” A second man, who was jointly charged, pleaded not guilty and was cleared after a judge-alone trial.
Heward was found to have 349mcg/100ml of alcohol in his system – almost seven times the legal blood alcohol limit for a New Zealand driver over 20 years old. The doctor concluded that Heward died from choking on his vomit because of “profound, severe alcohol intoxication”. Jan Heward said her son wasn’t a drinker and alcohol had never been an issue in their family. “He was a good kid. He had focus and was
saving really really hard. He had bought himself a car and had a motorbike, had furnished his home and he and his friend were planning to buy a farm together and go overseas. “He was going places ... I don’t know if you ever get over it. “It needs to be drummed into teens that alcohol can kill you. Don’t believe stupid things; peer pressure from other people saying it’s going to be alright. Mitchell was a solid kid. “Nothing is going to bring him back.” Perrin, in a speech at his school after his best friend died, talked at length about the pain he had caused, and the perils of underage and excessive drinking. “I tried to resuscitate Mitchell once I saw what had happened and how ill he really was. “The one thing that keeps me awake at night is that I failed to resuscitate Mitchell. “I was unable to help him, I was unable to do anything for him. I really tried my best, and it wasn’t enough.” The risk of underage drinking or abusing alcohol was too high, Perrin said. The law was there for “a damn good reason, and it’s to protect us from ourselves”. There was a drinking culture in New Zealand – especially among young people. “We drink to get drunk, rather than drink socially. We drink until we fall.” - NZME
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Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 27, 2018
Cop turns killer, rapist A man once sworn to protect the public from crime has been accused of living a double life terrorising suburban neighbourhoods at night, becoming one of California’s most feared serial killers and rapists in the 1970s and ‘80s before leaving a cold trail that baffled investigators for more than three decades. Former police officer Joseph James DeAngelo, 72, was arrested at his home after DNA linked him to crimes attributed to the so-called Golden State Killer and he initially was charged with eight counts of murder and could face dozens more charges, authorities said. The culprit also known as the East Area Rapist, among other names, is suspected of at least 12 slayings and 50 rapes in 10 counties from Northern to Southern California. The armed and masked prowler sneaked in through windows at night and surprised sleeping victims who ranged in age from 13 to 41. When encountering a couple, he was known to tie up the man and pile dishes on his back. He threatened to kill both victims if he heard plates crash to the floor while he raped the woman. He then ransacked the house, taking souvenirs, notably coins and jewellery before fleeing on foot or bicycle. Despite an outpouring of thousands of tips over the years, DeAngelo’s name had not been on the radar of law enforcement before last week, Sacramento County District Attorney Anne Marie Schubert said. “We knew we were looking for a needle in a haystack, but we also knew that needle was there,” she said. “It was right here in Sacramento.” A break in the case and the arrest came together in “light speed” during the past six days, Schubert said, though authorities refused to reveal what led to DeAngelo. Sacramento Sheriff Scott Jones said detectives with “dogged determination” were able to get a sample of DNA from something DeAngelo discarded, though he wouldn’t say what the item was. The genetic material was not a match, but there were enough similarities for investigators to return for more and they said they were able to get a conclusive match. After watching DeAngelo for several days, deputies took him by surprise Tuesday.
Gaines debuts cookbook Even though Fixer Upper has come to an end, Joanna Gaines is still going strong. The designing half of the just-wrapped HGTV show is showcasing her cooking skills with the release of her Magnolia Table cookbook. She showcased tasty food made from the book’s recipes at a recent lunch in New York as hubby Chip cracked jokes and playfully teased his pregnant wife while prepping biscuits in front of guests. The pair talked about the inspiration for the book, which was finding time to spend time together with their four children. - AAP
Sacramento County Sheriff Scott Jones talks to reporters about the arrest Joseph James DeAngelo, seen in photo, on suspicion of committing a string of violent crimes in the 1970s and 1980s. PHOTO AP “It looked as though he might have been searching his mind to execute a particular plan he may have had,” but never had time to act, Jones said. DeAngelo was arrested on suspicion of committing double-killings in Sacramento and Ventura counties and later charged with four counts of murder in Orange County, officials said. Ventura County District Attorney Gregory Totten said prosecutors would seek the death penalty. DeAngelo, who served in the Navy, was a police officer in Exeter, in the San Joaquin Valley, from 1973 to 1976, at a time a burglar known as the Visalia Ransacker was active, Jones said. He transferred to the force in Auburn in the Sierra foothills near where he grew up outside Sacramento. About 50 crimes, including two killings, were attributed to
the East Area Rapist during the three years DeAngelo worked in Auburn, but Jones said it wasn’t clear if any were committed while on duty. DeAngelo was fired from the Auburn department in 1979 after being arrested for stealing a can of dog repellant and a hammer from a drug store, according to Auburn Journal articles from the time. He was convicted of the theft and fined $100. Ten slayings occurred after he was fired and all took place in Southern California. Although it’s unusual for serial killers to stop, Jones said they have no reason to think DeAngelo continued to commit crimes after 1986, when the last rape and killing occurred in Orange County. Jones said he always thought the rapist was alive, but might be in prison. - AP
NBA star signs deal NBA star Stephen Curry is heading to Hollywood in a big way. Sony Pictures Entertainment announced this week that it has struck a deal with the Golden State Warriors All-Star guard to produce television, film and possibly gaming projects. Curry and the company he has co-founded, Unanimous Media, will have their production headquarters on the Sony backlot in Culver City, California. The projects developed by Curry’s company will focus on family, faith, and sports themes. Curry says in a statement he wants to use the deal “to affect the world positively”. - AAP
Did I win? Scot’s Games memory blank Scottish athlete Callum Hawkins has revealed he asked ambulance workers if he had won the Commonwealth Games marathon as he was taken to hospital in a distressed state. But that’s about the only thing the 25-year-old can remember after collapsing while on cusp of winning the gold medal at the Gold Coast. “I remember coming around the corner and seeing the bridge, knowing there were about a mile, a mile and a half, to go,” he told BBC. “Then the next thing you know, my legs are almost switching off on me and going to jelly, I’m starting to stumble. “I remember falling off at the side of the road and then trying my best to get back up and then I don’t remember anything after that.” Hawkins, who had a two-minute lead over Australian Michael Shelley, said the next thing he recalled was being in the
A paramedic helps Scot Callum Hawkins after he collapsed close to the finish line in the marathon.
ambulance following his collapse. “The first thing I asked (was) did I win because I thought there might have been a chance that I went on autopilot and finished it,” he said. “But nobody answered me and I knew straight away, eh that’s a no.” Hawkins said he was not angry about
the slow response from organisers and spectators to his collapse that resulted in him hitting his head on the barrier. “If you see that happen it’s the shock of it and you freeze,” he said. “It more annoys me that I managed to put myself in that place because if I hadn’t I would have won a medal.” - NZME
Equal pay supported The Crown star Matt Smith says he supports fellow actor Claire Foy over the revelation that Foy was paid less than her male co-star in the Netflix drama. A producer disclosed last month that Foy, who starred as Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, was paid less than Smith, who played Prince Philip, because Smith was better known. Smith told The Hollywood Reporter he believes they should be paid “equally and fairly”. The gender pay gap has become a big issue in Hollywood. Foy and Smith are being replaced by older performers in the next season of the show. - AAP
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a glorious time in the garden “Seasons of mist and mellow fruitfulness” John Keats summed up the essence of autumn in the garden. It’s a time of richness of colour, richness in terms of ripening fruit and a sense of mellowness as plants that have flourished and yielded produce in summer, complete their cycle and die or begin their winter hibernation. Autumn is also a time for celebration in the home garden ... The rich harvest of summer might be slowing, but as the days shorten there are still many pleasurable hours to be had in the garden and still many crops to harvest ahead of winter. In the vegetable garden pumpkins are ripening, the last of the summer tomatoes are full and plump on vines, brassicas if protected from white butterflies will be ready to eat, courgettes will still be producing and main crop potatoes are ready to dig. It’s a time for harvesting and storing food away for the long winter months and once the first frosts have done their work, the last of the crops, parsnips and yams will be ready to harvest. Leeks will also be starting to thicken and
will be ready to dig and enjoy. Autumn is a busy time for home gardeners both in terms of harvest and planting. The soil is still warm and morning dew and more regular rain ensure plants are well nurtured. This encourages roots to get established before the cooler months creep in. Enjoy the remaining warm days to plan seedlings of cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, beetroot, winter lettuce, parsley, spinach and more and you’ll be eating tasty home grown produce all winter long. It’s also a good time to sow broad beans for late spring harvest. Areas of the vegetable garden that are lying fallow can be enriched by sowing green crops such as lupin or mustard seed, an easy and natural way to add nutrients and improve soil structure for spring. Compost, blood and bone, sheep pellets are also good additions to the garden to build up soil health for spring. In the fruit garden, autumn is a busy time as not only are the last of the summer fruits ready to harvest, it’s also a time when new season fruit trees start arriving
in garden centres. Dig compost into new planting sites and fertilise citrus trees with citrus food. In the flower garden, autumn is a great time to plant spring bulbs and to prune back flowering plants that have finished for the season. Mulch your flower beds to suppress weeds and protect plants from the cooler months ahead. Pea straw is the gardener’s best friend and it’s a cheap and efficient way of both providing protection for trees and shrub roots and for keeping weeds down. Pack it down liberally on garden beds. New trees, shrubs, climbers and roses can be planted now and plants that need to be moved will do best if relocated at this time of the year. Autumn is also an important time for lawn care. Lawns can be the most underappreciated part of your garden but now is the best time to prepare your lawn for the winter months ahead by applying lawn fertiliser that is high in potash and phosphates. Treat your lawn well in autumn and it will reward you with lush green growth in spring and summer.
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2 years
2 years
Buying a property is rarely straightforward, which is no surprise given that it’s the biggest financial commitment most people ever make. When you combine big sums of money and a considerable level of emotional investment, even the simplest transaction can be stressful. We hear a lot about the need for buyers to do their homework, but there are plenty of reasons for sellers to be careful too. If you’re selling a property with a real estate agent, you must sign an agency agreement that sets out all the terms and conditions of your contract with them, including how much commission they will earn from the sale and how the property will be marketed. That’s why it’s so important to get legal advice before you sign an agency agreement. If it’s a standard agreement, you usually retain the right to sell the property privately but it’s a good idea to check this. If you have signed an agreement with an agency but decide for whatever reason to opt for a DIY private sale, you should double and triple-check whether the agency agreement requires you to pay commission to the real estate agent or agency. Most agencies use the Real Estate Authority (REA) standard clauses in agency agreements, which set out certain terms and conditions for the contract and the payment of commission.
According to the standard clauses, commission is payable if the property is sold within the active term of the agreement (normally 90 days) or if it is sold privately within six months after the end of the term to a buyer that the agent had earlier introduced to the property.
sale and purchase agreement have been met), but it doesn’t matter whether it goes unconditional during or after the agency period, or during or after the six months following expiry, so long as the sale and purchase agreement is entered into within those timeframes.
In other words, if the buyer visits an open home run by the real estate agent, and then enters into a private sale with the seller within six months after the end of the agreement, the seller is still obliged to pay commission to the agent.
So, before you sign an agency agreement, ask the agency if it uses standard REA clauses. If it doesn’t you may be exposed to more complicated commission risks and you should seek legal advice.
This can vary depending on whether it is a sole or general agreement – talk to your lawyer before you sign up.
Generally, any issues arising from the agency agreement/arrangements between the seller and the real estate agent won’t have a direct effect on the separate sale and purchase agreement between the seller and the buyer.
Both sole agency agreements and general agency agreements provide for commission payments after the agreed period ends. If a seller enters into a sale within six months of the agency agreement ending with a buyer who was introduced by the real estate agent (or the agent facilitated the sale), then the seller must pay the agent commission just as they would have done when the agreement was still current. So, if the agent brings a potential buyer to a property in March, the agency agreement expires in April, and the seller and purchaser enter into a private sale agreement in May, the seller will have to pay the agent commission. The sale must become unconditional (which is when all the conditions of the
Ready to build your dream WE TAKE THE HASSLE OUT OF MOVING From packing, clean-up, storage and moving your whole household to delivering a recent large purchase, we do it all. Call today for a quote. Free quotes in Mid Canterbury THE ASHBURTON FURNITURE MOVERS DIFFERENCE
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2 years
2 years
*At the time of printing
However, the wrangling involved may create headaches or delays that you as a buyer wouldn’t want to be troubled with. If you do decide that you’re really keen on a property in this situation, seek legal advice before getting involved (and especially before signing anything). Remember too that the REA can help you with questions and complaints about sales involving licensed real estate agents, but it’s unable to step in if you have a problem with a private and unlicensed seller. For independent advice on buying or selling property, check out
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strengthening Repairs, and Compliance. Phone Repairs, andand Compliance. strengthening and Repairs, and Compliance. Come and see us today. Repairs, and (03) 303 9830 Repairs, andCompliance. Compliance. Phone Phoneor Phone 588 East Street, Ashburton (03) 303 9830 or(03) 303 9830 or Phone 03 308 8061 0800 500 564 0800 500 Phone 564 0800 (03) 500 564303 9830 or Phone Phone 0800 500 564 E:(03) 303 9830 or Email: Email: 9830 (03) 303 or (03) 303 9830 or W: 0800 500 564 OPEN 7 DAYS Email: 0800 0800500 500564 564 Email:
Let the Guardian take you away.
12 noon – 3pm ................................................8 Whiteoak Grove
TINWALD 8am to 5pm ...................................................8 Whiteoak Grove
Every Monday in your Ashburton Guardian.
ASHBURTON 10-10.30am .................................................... 15 Primrose Place 10-10.30am ......................................................... 68 Farm Road 10.30-11am .............................................. 18 Alford Forest Road 10.30-11am ...................................................... 5 Coniston Drive 10.45-11.15am ........................................... 2/356 Havelock Street 10.45-11.15am ...................................................... 57 Lane Street TINWALD 11.30-12pm.................................................... 12 Whiteoak Grove 11.30-12pm................................................... 119A George Street 12.15-12.45pm ...................................................... 6 Jane Street 1-1.30pm ........................................................... 21 Agnes Street
Open Homes
What’s On 16 Ashburton Guardian April 27
Ecostore & XVenture Family Challenge TV Series Roadshow Ashburton Domain The Ecostore Roadshow and XVenture are touring the country looking for the next amazing New Zealand families to join series 2 of the hit TV series XVenture Family Challenge presented by ecostore, with $25,000 up for grabs and the family experience of a lifetime! Go to for more details and how you can audition for the series. 10.30am – 12.30pm Foster & Allen - Golden Years Ashburton Trust Event Centre Legendary Irish folk music duo Foster & Allen are number one stars across the globe, having 30 new-release charting albums over a 40-year career, the only act in the world to do so. 7.00pm–9.30pm
April 28
Hororata Night Glow Hororata Domain Experience hot air balloons firing up the night sky! Balloonists from all over New Zealand are travelling to this event, the only one of its kind in the South Island, providing a unique opportunity to
Friday, April 27, 2018 experience hot air balloons lighting up the night sky, glowing in unison to music. There will also be an autumn festival including music, the Sensational Selwyn Food and Wine trail, children’s entertainment and an amazing array of street food - this unique autumn festival will entertain the whole family. Follow our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with all the news/ Tickets: Pre-sale from 27/4/18: $20 per person, 16 years and under free, includes all booking fees Gate Sales: $20 per person, cash only at the gate. 16 years and under free. 3.00am – 8.30pm Hollywood Glam Emergency Services Charity Ball Stonebridge Country Estate, 842 Winchester-Geraldine Road, Geraldine The second Geraldine’s Emergency Services Charity Ball promises to be as good as the last on. This year’s theme is Hollywood Glam. Geraldine Vintage Cars will be providing classic transport to the venue for a donatio. Please see our Facebook page for further details. Cash bar, credit card facility available for auction. R18, Ball Admission: $60.00 7.30pm – 1.00am
May 4
Hopetoun Brown & the Genius of Finn Scholes: Arts on Tour NZ Ashburton Trust Event Centre Open hat night! Horn-heavy duo Hopetoun Brown are joined on stage by arguably the country’s finest trumpet player Finn Scholes. These three multi instrumentalists travel with a bootload of exotic instruments. Bass-clarinets, tubas and trombones are swapped for trumpets, saxophones and an assortment of strange keyboard instruments throughout the two stompheavy sets. The set list will be peppered with tunes from Hopetoun Brown’s latest album Look So Good which features guest turns from Tami Neilson, Marlon Williams and their touring buddy Finn Scholes. 7.30pm
May 5
Vintage Car Club Swapmeet Maronan Rd, Tinwald Experience the atmosphere of the annual Swapmeet with over 300 stalls – something for everyone. Gates open 7.30am. No dogs allowed. Catering by Ashburton Lions Club. Site bookings to Karen 021 0243 1955.
ENZO - The Songs of Split Enz Isaac Theatre Royal, Christchurch One of the most important projects in New Zealand’s music history – ENZSO – is being recreated to celebrate its 21st anniversary. Also celebrating NZ Music Month. Tickets from $77.50 8.00pm – 10.30pm
May 6
Ashburton Hospital Biennual nurses reunion Chapel service 11am. Meal at MSA 12:30pm. All nurses who have trained or worked for APH health services (RN, ENS and health care assistants) are warmly welcomed. Registration $5.00. Meal $33.50 Contact dingbennett@ kingnk@farmside.
May 11
Winchmore Rural Women NZ Annual Quiz Winchmore Hall Entry Fee - $30/team. Maximum of six people. Please bring own refreshments. Great prizes and supper. Register your team by May 4 to: Stephanie Butchard p 3024848 jabutchard@xtra., Anne Watson p 3088197 7.30pm start
May 13
Mother’s Day High Tea The Homestead, 1 Waterholes Road, Springston Remember the days of the Sunday Drive? For a beautiful and unique Mothers Day experience The Event Boutique in conjunction with Crisp and Vale Catering have designed this very special experience. The Homestead in Springston is being opened for the day and will be setup with gorgeous lounging and dining areas, for you to relax in elegant surroundings and enjoy being served high tea. As an extra special treat we’ll be entering every Mum into our Mothers Day Gift draw. $30 per person - to create an intimate yet social experience, numbers are limited. Booking times are available at 10am, 12.30pm and 3pm. Jennian Homes Mother’s Day Fun Run/Walk Ashburton Domain The nationwide Jennian Homes Mother’s Day Fun Run/Walk returns this year, offering women the chance to have fun, get active and support a worthy cause. Run, walk or have a leisurely stroll with your friends and family this Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 13. 10.00am – 12.00pm McDonald’s Ashburton 6 Hour Mountain Bike Race
Join us for a day out on your bikes! Enter in teams of up to 4 to relay race around the River Trail loop track or, if you are really keen, enter as an individual! Racing from 10.00am-4.00pm
May 18 – May 26
Mamma Mia Ashburton Trust Event Centre With a stellar cast, live band, amazing custom-made touring set and costumes, everyone will be having the time of their lives night after night. Music written by Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus and some songs with Stig Anderson. Based on the book by Catherine Johnson. By arrangement with Hal Leonard Australia Pty Ltd Exclusive agent for Music Theatre International (NY). Tickets avaiilable from Ashburton Trust Events Centre or TicketDirect.
June 2 – June 4
Christchurch Armageddon Expo 2018 Horncastle Arena, Christchurch. Queens Birthday Weekend. Horncastle Arena will become the destination for everything pop culture related from comics, animation TV and movies, cosplay and more!! Tickets available from Ticketek! – 10.30pm
proudly present the smash hit musical
INTERNATIONAL CHALLENGE QUILT EXHIBITION 30 Challenge - themes 90 Quilts Japan 30 France 30 New Zealand 30 90 Quilters
Quilters were asked to interpret their allocated theme in the quilting style of their choice.
Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia). All performance materials supplied by Hal Leonard Australia
Annie’s Country Quilt Store May 4 to 6, 2018 10am – 4pm Gold Coin Donation
SPONSORED BY Shiretoko by Paula Cole
03 307 2010
Affordable Theatre made easy. Pay what you believe the show was worth following the show
Hopetoun Brown & the genius of Finn Scholes MAY
Mamma Mia 10th Anniversary 4
Fri 18 - Sat 26, 7.30pm – Sun 20 & Sat 26, 2pm Tickets from $37*
Sue Nicholson JUNE
Fri, 7.30pm Open Hat night
Horn-heavy duo Hopetoun Brown are joined on stage by arguably the country’s finest trumpet player Finn Scholes. These three multi-instrumentalists travel with a boot-load of exotic instruments. Bass clarinets, tubas and trombones are swapped for trumpets, saxophones and an assortment of strange keyboard instruments throughout the two stomp-heavy sets their repertoire spanning blues, soul, funk, jazz, Americana and stomp.
* Fees apply
Mon, 7pm
Come and join us for our Red Carpet Gala Evening on Friday, May.18.
A mother. A daughter. Three possible Dads! And a trip down the aisle you will never forget. Featuring all the hits of ABBA and with a stellar cast, live band, amazing custom-made touring set and costumes, everyone will be having the time of their lives night after night.
Tickets $64.95* R13
Prepared to be amazed and enlightened as Sue connects with both spirit and the audience in her uniquely compassionate and uplifting style. You are going to really enjoy the chance to learn about the mysteries and wonders of Earth.
If you would like to see your upcoming event listed here, please contact Emma - email
Motoring April 27, 2018
- Get the service you deserve Smallbone Ashburton - Main South Road, Tinwald, Ashburton | 03 307 9028 | join us on facebook @smallboneashburton Smallbone Timaru - 177 Evans Street, Timaru | 03 687 7530 | join us on facebook @smallbonetimaru Proud to be supporting the Cancer Society
Farming Motoring
Friday, April 27, 2018
Spec levels bound to excite T his new LDV is a beast of a ute. It’s big, and it’s bold. Powered by a 2.8L VGT Diesel, this is a full size 4WD ute absolutely loaded with features. Available in both auto and manual, and in two spec levels, the new T60 is surely impressive. The VM Motori 2.8L Third Generation Common Rail Turbo Diesel Engine has high efficiency and low consumption surging power. The VGT turbo engine utilises variable cross-section Bosch third-generation high-pressure common rail direct injection technology to achieve high-power, low fuel consumption and low emissions. Rated power is 110KW / 3400rpm, maximum torque 360Nm and maximum. The T60 has unique three-mode driving mode. Expressway driving can be used in ECO mode, to achieve fuel efficiency. LDV’s T60 also utilises BorgWar timesharing four-wheel drive, with Bosch ninth generation ESP system, to provide good traction in the snow and ice on the road to avoid slipping, to ensure traffic safety. The T60 has a maximum wading depth of 500mm. It is equipped with Eaton mechanical automatic differential lock and Borg-War time-sharing four-wheel drive, which can be used effectively in the gravel. The LDV T60 can climb close to the angle of 27.2 degrees. When put in low four-wheel drive mode,
it can maximise the maximum torque to 360Nm and maximum climbing rate to 54 per cent. It has a rear tray capacity of 1188L and has a payload of 1025kg, and will accommodate most loads easily.
There are six airbags (driver, passenger, side and full length curtain), LED driving lights, Adaptive Front Lighting System, Electronic Stability Program, Emergency Brake Assist, ABS Brakes, Blind Spot Moni-
tor, Hill Descent Control, Hill Start Assist, Traction Control System, Electronic Differential Lock, Roll Movement Intervention, Tyre Pressure System, Rear View Camera and 4-Wheel Disc Brakes.
Smallbone Ashburton
Duck Shooting 4x4 Specials Get out there this duck shooting season with your new 4x4 from Smallbone Ashburton.
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Main South Road, Tinwald
Friday, April 27, 2018
M The legend
lives on
cLaren Automotive, the British sportscar and supercar maker, returns to the Beijing Auto Show this week where the McLaren Senna will make its debut on Chinese soil and the brand will pull the covers off a unique limited run of 570GT cars. McLaren’s split-level stand will feature five of the brands latest sportscars and supercars from each of the now well-established product family of Sports Series, Super Series and Ultimate Series. True to the legendary abilities of the racing driver whose name it bears, the McLaren Senna has been designed, engineered and developed to be the ultimate road-legal McLaren track car. With 800PS (789bhp) and 800Nm (590b ft) from its 4.0-litre, twin-turbocharged V8 – McLaren’ s most powerful-ever internal combustion engine in a road car – and the ability to generate a staggering 800kg of downforce, the 1198kg McLaren Senna delivers the purest possible connection between driver and car. Performance is breathtaking. The McLaren Senna can cover 0–100km/h (62mph) in 2.8 seconds; 0-200km/h (124 mph) is achieved in just 6.8 seconds and a standing quarter-mile (402m) in only 9.9 seconds. Impressive though the straight-line acceleration and maximum speed of 340km/h (211 mph) are, the true depth of the performance credentials of the new Ultimate Series McLaren will be revealed when it calls on downforce of up to 800kg on a circuit, against the stop-watch. McLaren will also unveil details of an exciting collaboration with a Chinese designer on a limited run of 570GT Sports Series cars that makes use of traditional Chinese craftsmanship. The limited run will be exclusively retailed in the country, incorporate traditional Chinese elements with a modern twist alongside hand-crafted panels from a traditional Chinese embroidery master. McLaren Automotive has a growing presence in the Chinese market. With imports of the new 570S Spider and 720S expected to begin shortly, the company expects to double sales there this year.
ATTRACT ATTENTION, NOT INTEREST. Standing out couldn’t be easier in the iconic MINI 3-Door or MINI 5-Door Hatch, now available with an attractive finance offer. Make the icon your own with its many customisable features, then get behind the wheel and experience the unique, go-kart handling. You’ll also receive three years of scheduled servicing, a warranty plan and roadside assistance. Book a test drive at Christchurch MINI Garage today.
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CHRISTCHURCH MINI GARAGE. 30 Manchester Street, Christchurch. 03 363 7240.
* Offer includes an establishment fee of $175, a dealer origination fee of $200, a PPSR fee of $10.35 and recommended on-road vehicle costs. Fixed interest rate 0% p.a. MINI Financial Services terms, conditions and standard lending criteria apply. Offer ends 30th April 2018 or while stocks last.
All new Kona $ 31,990 From
+ ORC’s
Kona. Join the Intrepids. The Intrepid new Kona SUV is here. Through narrow streets, up that curb, down that dirt road, along that highway. The Kona SUV is designed to get you anywhere you want to go with everything you need to take. Featuring the latest Hyundai safety, technology and styling all from $31,990 + on road costs. Test drive today. Hyundai Mid Canterbury 91 Archibald Street, Tinwald (03) 307 2415 |
Normal lending criteria, establishment fee and On Road Costs apply. This Isuzu Finance offer is available on new vehicles through to 30th April 2018. The 7.9% interest is available with zero deposit and a maximum of 48 months.
Friday, April 27, 2018
Suzi’s a real charmer A
mong the latest Swift range (they’re the best selling privately bought small cars in NZ) the RS, with its enthusiastic, 1.0 litre, three-cylinder 82kW/160NmBoosterjet turbo-petrol until recently was the spiciest performer of the bunch. But now has to surrender this title to its new Sport sibling, whose 1.4-litre four cylinder turbo-petrol produces 103kW, and 230Nm from 2500 to 3500rpm. It comes with option of either a sixspeed auto, or six-speed manual as driven. Now some cars can put a smile on your face as soon as you get behind the wheel. The Sport is definitely one of these! There’s an absolute minimum of turbo lag from this engine, lots of power on hand and a gear ratio ready for any driving situations. Factor in the car’s appropriately named (as far as the writer is concerned) light and strong Heartech platform and stated all-up weight of just under 1000kg adds up to a super performer. It’s one that the keenest of drivers will, when making the most of the engine’s performance and the short throw gearbox, scamper from 0-100kmh in just under 8 seconds. Doing this means goodbye to the claimed 6.1l/100km overall, but its still fuel-frugal and staying below 7L/100km is easy. But then the Sport also pulls so well at low speeds, like being happy to negotiate right angle turns around town in third gear, then cruising at 100kmh in sixth at 2300rpm. That is nicely in the maximum torque
Roger Hart ROAD TEST
zone, resulting in quick overtaking response, without needing to change down. While there’s a Swift family look about the exterior, all the new models, are quite different than previously with an up to the minute look about them. The Sport adds carbon fibre look-a-like body dressings, dark night excellent LED headlights and neat twin exhausts, the sounds from which tempt you to head out into the country, wind the rear windows down, accelerate and listen! It sits on a very smart set of 17-inch alloys wearing 195/45R Continental Sport tyres. On the road the enthusiastic nature of the engine, nicely weighted electric steering and well-sorted chassis with its Monroe shock-absorbers front and rear and large stabilisers means a composed, yet rewarding drive. There is very precise and playful handling for those who appreciate such, and excellent brakes as well. But then it also happily cruises in a nice, relaxed manner on the open road, where its raft of driver assist and safety systems are present to provide assistance and reassurance. Also the wind and road noise,even on coarser chip is quite acceptable.
Around town the Swift is easy to drive and park through its neat size, tight turning circle and as needed, the reversing camera. While they are slightly smaller and lighter, the wheelbase is 20mm longer there’s more space inside, especially now for two adult (three at a pinch) rear seat passengers. But of course it’s the driver and front passenger who get priority with their shapely and comfortable sports seats complete with red stitching and Sport motif. Seated therein there’s plenty of headroom, very good vision all round, and they’re rather easy to get in and out of as well! The dash and instruments have red highlights, as has the neat steering wheel with its flat, squared off lower section. The alloy pedals set the mood as well. The 7.0-inch colour touchscreen infotainment system has dedicated sat-nav, bluetooth, reversing camera, and smartphone capability. There’s a 6-speaker sound system, climate air-con and key less entry/pushbutton start. A additional digital speed readout also would be useful and appreciated. The boot has quite a deep floor and holds a handy 242 litres of stuff. There’s no spare however, just a sealant kit. Until recently much of the latest in driver assist, safety and crash avoidance technology, like the adaptive cruise control, automated emergency braking and lane departure warning etc the Sport (as do the RS and GLX Swifts) has were the preserve of luxury priced vehicles.
SUZUKI SWIFT ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
■ ■
Pricing: $28,500. (Auto $29,990) - all plus ORCs. Engine: 1.4-litre 4 cylinder turbo petrol, 103kW and 230Nm of torque. Transmission: 6-speed manual – front-wheel-drive. Quoted Economy: 6.1L/100km. Safety: 6 air bags, comprehensive advanced driver assist/safety technology package. 5 star ANCAP rating. Kerb to kerb turning circle: 10.4 metres. Warranty: 5 years of warranty (100,00ks) and 5 year roadside assistance.
FINALE While the Swift Sport has loads of character and is great fun to drive, it also just so easily slots into the role of being a very easy, but still charming everyday driver.
Suzuki Swift Sport
2 6
Farming Motoring
Friday, April 27, 2018
Inspired concept T
he INFINITI Motor Company has announced that it is developing an allnew electrified vehicle platform influenced by the stunning Q Inspiration concept car. INFINITI will produce an electrified vehicle on this platform, one of five new vehicles it will build in China over the next five years. INFINITI chairman and global president Roland Krueger made the announcement today at a special Auto China preview event at the INFINITI Brand Experience Centre in Beijing. “INFINITI is developing a new platform for electrified vehicles inspired by the Q Inspiration concept car, which shows the new design language for the age of autonomy and electrification. “We very much had China in mind when designing the Q Inspiration, which shows a very sporty, performance-oriented electric concept, with a much bigger interior space,” said Krueger. Representing the next step in INFINITI design, the exterior of the Q Inspiration features clear and concise lines with dynamic and confident proportions. It is the first manifestation of INFINITI’s new form language for an era of advanced powertrains. The concept eschews classical sedan forms with its coupe-like appearance and elongated silhouette, presenting INFINITI’s design vision for vehicles in this segment. Advanced powertrains have liberated INFINITI’s designers from the constraints of traditional powertrain architecture to realise a spacious interior. Modern technology and craftsmanship merge inside the cabin, presented in a way that enables, rather than distracts, the driver. INFINITI is also reconfirming the company’s commitment to electrification. For Chinese car buyers, this translates into vehicles with increased performance and fuel economy with reduced emissions.
Peak performer
he Volkswagen I.D. R Pikes Peak has completed its first laps at the racetrack in Alès. The fully-electric super sports car, developed for the iconic Race to the Clouds in Colorado Springs, will attempt to break the record for electric cars at the Pikes Peak International Hill Climb on June 24. Between now and then, the spectacular prototype, which generates 500 kW (680 hp) and features a twin-engine powertrain, will undergo a strict programme of testing – initially in Europe, then in the USA. The man in the cockpit for the car’s first outing was Romain Dumas, who will also be at the wheel of the Volkswagen I.D. R Pikes Peak for the record attempt at the end of June. “It was absolutely fantastic to see the completed I.D. R for the first time, and to take it out for its first spin,” said Romain Dumas, who is a three-time winner of the hill climb on Pikes Peak. “What Volkswagen has managed to put together from scratch over the past few months has my greatest respect. “I had obviously seen initial pictures of the car – but it is even more spectacular in the flesh. “We now have a packed schedule of testing ahead of us, and I am looking forward to every metre!”
Friday, April 27, 2018
Extreme performer J
aguar has revealed a distinctive new special edition of its Jaguar XE sports saloon. The Landmark Edition features unique design enhancements and a carefully chosen specification to showcase the very best of the award-winning XE. The Landmark Edition is based on the R-Sport with the addition of unique 18-inch alloy wheels that set the new model apart. The exterior features a Sport front bumper, body-coloured side sills and boot spoiler while the side window surrounds, door mirror caps, grille surround and side vents are all finished in Gloss Black alongside special Landmark badging on the side vents. The new model is available in a choice of three bold colours – Yulong White, Firenze Red and Santorini Black – and joins the 2019 model year line-up. Inside, the XE Landmark Edition also uses the R-Sport model with its luxurious leather upholstery as a starting point, while unique Landmark-branded treadplates identify the special edition model. Customers benefit from the most popular XE features, including satellite navigation, xenon headlights and front and rear parking sensors fitted as standard. Jaguar Land Rover’s advanced Touch Pro system with 10-inch central touchscreen provides simple and intuitive control of the
infotainment settings. Customers will be able to choose from Jaguar’s advanced, British-built Ingenium petrol and diesel engines which deliver an exceptional combination of performance, refinement and efficiency. All petrol engines are now equipped with particulate filters to make them even cleaner. Under normal driving conditions, trapped particles will be oxidised into CO2 and the filter regenerated whenever the driver lifts off the accelerator. The XE features the latest safety technology with an advanced forward-facing stereo camera providing the foundation for its Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) system. In addition, Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR), Lane Departure Warning (LDW) Lane Keep Assist (LKA) and the Adaptive Speed Limiter (ASL) all help to reduce driver distractions and enhance safety. The XE forms the basis for Jaguar’s most extreme performance production saloon. Last year’s Jaguar XE SV Project 8 was developed by Jaguar Land Rover Special Vehicle Operations (SVO) and is powered by a 600PS 5.0-litre supercharged V8. The super saloon accelerates from 0-60mph in 3.3 seconds and has a top speed of 200mph.
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Your place
Friday, April 27, 2018
Ashburton Guardian
TEST YOURSELF Test yourself with the Guardian’s weekday quiz 1 - Ethylene glycol is better known as a basic...? a. Toothpaste b. Vinegar c. Anti-freeze 2 - What African nation is geographically closest to Italy? a. Tunisia b. Egypt c. Algeria 3 - Vibrato in music is small rapid changes in...? a. Tone b. Pitch c. Volume 4 - Burj Khalifa and KK100 are among the world’s ... what? a. Highest mountains b. Tallest buildings c. Biggest ships 5 - What sort of fruit has a variety called Jazz? a. Orange b. Pineapple c. Apple 6 - In which country was Carlsberg beer first brewed? a. Germany b. Norway c. Denmark 7 - In what part of a car would you find a float chamber? a. Fuel tank b. Carburettor c. Exhaust pipe 8 - How many black squares are there on a chess board? a. 16 b. 32 c. 64
9 8 1
6 2 4 3 PHOTO SUPPLIED 8 7 Cruising in vintage style for the holidays 9 7 2behind 6 the driver and 4 5 Marie and Les Bennett (Nan and Grandad) had some great holiday fun taking grandson George Bennett his buddy Luke Scott off to the Lake Hood playground and then McDonald’s, via the drive thru! 4 4 5 YESTERDAY’S 3 1 8 TAKEN SOME GREAT PHOTOS? ANSWERS 1 Your Place is a great place to display the photos of your sports team, your pets, your school events, or just something ordinary from the present or days gone by. Please send your photos to with the words YOUR PLACE in the subject line and we will run it in the Guardian or on our website
Answers: 1. Anti-freeze 2. Tunisia 3. Pitch 4. Tallest buildings 5. Apple 6. Denmark 7. Carburettor 8. 32.
Shepherd’s Pie, with kumara
■ Pre-heat the oven to 190°C. Lightly grease a medium-sized oven proof dish. ■ Heat a dash of oil in a large heavy-based saucepan. Add the lamb mince and brown. Remove to a bowl and set aside. ■ Reduce heat to low, add another dash of oil and add the onion and carrot. Cook for 10 minutes until the onion is soft. Return
4 6 3 1 2 9 7 5 8
7 2 5 8 6 4 9 3 1
5 9 8 7 3 6 4 1 2
2 1 6 4 9 5 8 7 3
3 4 7 2 8 1 5 9 6
6 3 2 9 4 7 1 8 5
1 7 4 6 5 8 3 2 9
8 5 9 3 1 2 6 4 7
QUICK RECIPE 500g Quality Mark lamb mince 1 onion, finely chopped 1 carrot, finely chopped 400g can chopped tomatoes in juice 2C vegetable stock 1T Worcestershire sauce 2t finely chopped parsley 1t chopped thyme leaves Kumara topping: 500g small red kumara, scrubbed 1C grated cheddar cheese or ½c freshly grated parmesan
9 8 1 5 7 3 2 6 4
lamb to the saucepan with the tomatoes, stock and Worcestershire sauce. Bring just to the boil, then reduce heat, partially cover and cook mince at a gentle simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir through the chopped herbs and season. The mince should be thick but not dry. Kumara topping: Boil kumara in lightly salted water for about
1 7 4
25 minutes or until tender. Drain, then using kitchen paper to help you, peel away the skin. Cut kumara in round slices. To assemble: Spoon mince into the greased ovenproof dish and top with the kumara slices. Sprinkle with the grated cheese and cook in oven for 25 minutes. Recipe from Beef + Lamb New Zealand
4 7
5 3 9 7 8 9 5 3 9 3 8 5 2 3 9 1 4 8 3 5 8 6 9 Solutions for today in tomorrow’s Your Place page.
1 5 9 6 3 4 7 8 2
1 6 4 7
Opinion 26 Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 27, 2018
The busy business of complaining E
ric Murray shouldn’t be drinking beer and Richie McCaw shouldn’t be letting his wife beat him a running race. That’s the conclusions we should draw from the findings of two complaints recently considered by the Advertising Standards Authority that have been released recently thanks to complaints by members of the public about the two separate sporting identities. The ASA ordered that Murray, an Olympic champion and one of New Zealand’s finest sporting figures, be removed from The Brewers Association’s advertising campaign, Beer the Beautiful Truth - in which he spoke about sneaking off for a celebratory beer with his father after the birth of his child. Now, to most citizens of this
country, it’s something we can all relate to. The tradition of “wetting the head” after a child is born is almost a fully-fledged part of the process and seen as normal. Normal, that is, unless you are the alcohol harm reduction group, Alcohol Healthwatch who lodged the complaint on the basis that it violated New Zealand advertising standards because Murray was a “hero to the young”.
Now, as you pick your tongue up from the floor – get ready to catch it again because the ASA upheld the complaint – albeit after the advertising campaign had finished. Now there’s a couple of things wrong with this complaint. The first is that there was a host of other well-known celebrities in the advert, but only Murray’s involvement was complained about and the second point is whether it actually is deserving of a complaint in the first place. Then we had another complaint in regards to the advert featuring Richie and Gemma McCaw which promotes the Good Health Turmeric Complex. The pair are out for a run and Gemma takes off and leaves Richie in her dust and he returns
home to a message on the mirror in the bathroom saying “thrashed ya”. The complainant said the ad inferred that in order to keep up with Gemma’s fitness, one had to take some of the tablets and that the ad was offensive and derogatory to men. The complainant also objected to the use of the term “thrashed”. Thankfully, the ASA said the advertisement played on the good-natured competitiveness of two well-known, married sporting personalities. It is slightly concerning that complaints like these have become a common part of life. In a world where there is any host of things that one could complain about; that we have organisations, groups and individuals prepared to lay com-
plaints over someone stating they enjoy a beer and guy getting beaten in a running race by his wife shows just what a sad state of affairs things have become. The one per cent who think and operate this way, and I say one per cent because that is about the state of things, need to just sit down, take a breath and take stock of the situation in front of them. Eric Murray enjoying a beer should never be seen as enough to influence the minds of the young and encourage a drinking culture in this country – especially when our national rugby team, full of heroes to the young wears jerseys branded with alcohol sponsors. It might be time to get a new hobby for some people out there.
in Kabul marking Afghanistan’s victory over Soviet occupation in the 1980s; three other people were killed in the rocket and rifle attack claimed by the Taliban. Ashley Force, 25, became the first woman to win a national Funny Car race as she beat her father, drag racing icon John Force, in the final round of the 28th annual Summit Racing Equipment Southern Nationals in Commerce, Georgia. Five years ago: North Korea announced that Kenneth Bae, an American missionary detained
for nearly six months, was being tried in the Supreme Court on charges of plotting to overthrow the government (Bae was later sentenced to 15 years of hard labour; he was released in November 2014 along with another American, Matthew Miller). One year ago: David Dao, the airline passenger who was violently dragged off a flight after refusing to give up his seat, settled with United for an undisclosed sum; cellphone video of the April 9 confrontation aboard a jetliner
at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport had sparked widespread public outrage over the way Dao was treated. About 20 hours after he fatally shot a state trooper, a Delaware man was shot to death following an overnight standoff with police. Today’s Birthdays: Actress Anouk Aimee is 86. Former NFL coach Chuck Knox is 86. Rock musician Jim Keltner is 76. Rock musician Ace Frehley is 67. West Virginia Gov. Pop singer Sheena Easton is 59. Actor James Le Gros is 56. Rock musician Rob
Squires (Big Head Todd and the Monsters) is 53. Actor David Lascher is 46. Actress Sally Hawkins is 42. Rock singermusician Patrick Stump (Fall Out Boy) is 34. Actress Sheila Vand is 33. Pop singer Nick Noonan (Karmin) is 32. Actor William Moseley is 31. Actress Emily Rios is 29. Singer Allison Iraheta is 26. Thought for Today: “For those who do not think, it is best at least to rearrange their prejudices once in a while.” — Luther Burbank, American horticulturist (1849-1926).
Matt Markham
TODAY IN HISTORY Today is Friday, April 27, the 117th day of 2018. There are 248 days left in the year. Today’s highlight in history: On April 27, 1968, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey declared his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president, less than a month after President Lyndon B. Johnson said he would not run for re-election. On this date: In 1521, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was killed by natives in the Philippines. In 1777, the only land battle in Connecticut during the Revolutionary War, the Battle of Ridgefield, resulted in a limited British victory. In 1822, the 18th president of the United States, Ulysses S. Grant, was born in Point Pleasant, Ohio. In 1865, the steamer Sultana, carrying freed Union prisoners of war, exploded on the Mississippi River near Memphis, Tennessee; death toll estimates vary from 1500 to 2000. In 1925, the song Yes, Sir! That’s My Baby by Walter Donaldson and Gus Kahn was published by Irving Berlin, Inc. of New York. In 1938, King Zog I of the Albanians married Countess Geraldine Apponyi de Nagy-Apponyi. In 1941, German forces occupied Athens during World War Two. In 1950, Britain formally recognised the state of Israel. In 1978, 51 construction workers plunged to their deaths when a scaffold inside a cooling tower at the Pleasants Power Station site in West Virginia fell 168 feet to the ground. In 1982, the trial of John W. Hinckley Jr., who shot four people, including President Ronald Reagan, began in Washington. (The trial ended with Hinckley’s acquittal by reason of insanity.) Ten years ago: Afghan President Hamid Karzai escaped an attempt on his life during a ceremony
Friday, April 27, 2018
A week of learning
Ashburton Guardian 27
CONTACTS News tips Call 03 307-7969 After hours news tips Advertising Call 03 307-7936 Classifieds Call 03 3077-900
Phill Hooper OFF THE AIR
Missed paper Call 0800 ASHBURTON 0800 274 287
ome weeks it seems like you are constantly raising your eyebrows and saying “oh really, I didn’t know that” and other weeks it feels like everything is flying straight over your head. I’ve had four eyebrow-raising moments this week. Have you ever noticed that most elevators have a mirror nearby? You will now. So why are there often mirrors in the vicinity of elevator doors? Because we don’t like waiting and people like to have something to do while they wait for the doors to open. Apparently the idea first surfaced during the post-World War Two boom, when the spread of high-rises led to complaints about elevator delays. The rationale behind the mirrors: give people something to occupy their time, and the wait will feel shorter. With mirrors, people could check their hair or slyly check out the other people with whom they were about to share a ride. And it worked: almost overnight, the complaints ceased. Vain, much! Sometimes I really love science. We all know someone who thinks they come up with all their best ideas when they are quietly sozzled. Now, science says that they may be right. Drunks are better at creative problem solving. A professor from the Mississippi State University carried out a study where vodka-cranberry cocktails were served to 20 male subjects until their blood alcohol
Write to us! Editor, PO Box 77
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levels neared legal intoxication and then gave each a series of word association problems. A group of 20 others remained sober. Not only did those who partook, give more correct answers than the sober group, but they also arrived at solutions more quickly. They found that the tipsy people solved two to three more problems than folks who stayed sober. They also submitted their answers more quickly. I wonder if they finished each answer with, can I have some pizza now? Seven-year-olds are on to something! A doctor says that when it comes to your health, you really shouldn’t be showering every single day. Dr C Brandon Mitchell, who is a Professor of Dermatology, says that bathing daily can actually lead to an
increase in infections. Too much time in the shower can strip skin of natural oils, disrupting good bacteria that supports the immune system. He suggests that instead of bathing every day, consider paying more attention to washing your hands regularly and cleaning your clothes more often. So go ahead … skip the shower and snooze for an extra 15 minutes. And my final learn this week and unlike me, you probably shouldn’t have to be told this, but just in case: You shouldn’t use emojis in work-related emails. No smiley-faces, no cute symbols, nothing. If you need proof, scientists from Ben-Gurion University conducted an experiment in which participants were asked to read a work-related email from an unknown person,
and evaluate their competence and warmth. The content of the email was the same for all participants. Some included smileys, and some did not. The results showed that the smileys in the emails had no effect on the perception of warmth, but had a negative effect on the perception of competence. Bugger! Till next week, Hoo Roo Phill Hooper, Always more intelligent when drunk Phill Hooper is the breakfast host of Ashburton’s Hokonui radio station. The views expressed in this column are his and do not reflect the opinion of his employer or the Ashburton Guardian.
YOUR VIEW Local news and views The Anzac Day edition of the Ashburton Guardian informs us Stuff plans to close at least 10 community newspapers it owns. Newspapers are a vital part of a democratic society, and citizens of Mid Canterbury are fortunate the Guardian still manages to report local, national, and international events, and publish the opinions of a wide range of people, despite the current difficult
situation facing it. Ashburton is fortunate to have a group of dedicated reporters interviewing locals, recording their views, and an independent local newspaper to publish the resulting articles. Go the Ashburton Guardian! Jonathan Everist
Historic Places The Historic Places Mid Canterbury people are rightly con-
gratulated for their initiative in recognising the significance of the iconic Ashburton Railway Footbridge with its significant design (Guardian April 25). This handsome and useful structure which unites East and West Streets across the railway lines would be an even more gracious feature of Ashburton if the people of Kiwi Rail/Toll could be prevailed upon to remove the unsightly rubbish and disused material that has been dumped
under and at the south west end of the bridge. It would be good too if the sward of green grass opposite the new museum building could be extended a bit further to the north, to reach the bridge, and further enhance the approach from that end. Perhaps the Ashburton District Council could facilitate this as a small project to further beautify our town. Geoff Gray
PRESS COUNCIL This newspaper is subject to the New Zealand Press Council. Complaints must first be directed in writing to editor@ If unsatisfied, the complaint may be referred to the Press Council PO Box 10-879, The Terrace, Wellington 6143 or email Further detail and an online complaints form are available at
PO Box 77 We welcome your letters and emails, but: ■ They should be of no more than 300 words. ■ We reserve the right to edit or not publish. ■ They must include your name. We will only publish under a nom de plume if a suitable case for anonymity is made clear. ■ They must also include your address and phone number, which will not be published.
Ashburton – 03 307 0593 | Timaru – 03 688 7224 |
Business 28 Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 27, 2018
In brief
Auckland’s $28b traffic plan A $28 billion transport spend up over 10 years has been unveiled for Auckland that has something for everyone – and cyclists like it. The government and Auckland Council will embark on New Zealand’s largest ever civil construction programme, Transport Minister Phil Twyford and Auckland Mayor Phil Goff announced. “Together, we will invest $28 billion over the next decade to unlock Auckland’s potential. “We will be building vital projects including light rail, Penlink and Mill Road, heavy rail and bus upgrades, safety improvements, and more dedicated cycle lanes,” says Twyford. Penlink is a new connection between the Whangaparaoa Peninsula and the Northern Motorway while the Mill Road project in the south improves the connection from Manukau through Takanini to Drury. The investments are made possible by a $4.4b funding boost resulting from the Auckland regional fuel tax, increased revenue from the National Land Transport Fund, and a new funding
mechanism, Crown Infrastructure Partners. Bike Auckland is happy with the $900m budgeted for walking and cycling projects over 10 years. “The huge news is the government getting Skypath off the ground after years of Aucklanders crying out for that missing link across the harbour, which will be
Source: NZX and Standard & Poors
1.7m 1.4m 6.58 854.3 209.5 1.9m – 393.2 13.82 650.4 1.2m 951.9 3.2m 80.76 64.20 473.2 3.08 663.2 411.5 1.1m 75.43 163.0 845.9 18.38 1.6m 1.0m 155.3 98.85 95.00 65.32 1.2m 222.3 58.13 207.4 659.0 17.28 42.20 862.6 559.2 4.8m 149.0 944.6 289.8 82.13 679.0 21.15 94.14 99.58 17.76 395.9
8412 8358 8304 8250
access to low-carbon transport options,” says co-leader James Shaw. Still, Shaw said there’s a risk certain road expansion and widening projects will simply create more traffic and more congestion down the road. “This will have to be carefully managed by ensuring priority is given to public transport on these corridors.” - NZME
The market week in review T
+9 +2 –55 –0.5 – –2 – –1.5 –2 –4 –15 +23 –4 – –5 –2.5 +24 –1 +1 –1 –1 +2 – +42 –3.5 –2 –4 –1 – –3 –1 –1.5 –8 +1 –19 –3 +2 –6 +5 –0.5 –1 +1 +7 – +7 +3 –1 – –105 –2
S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross
1201 1209 1209 324.5 328 327 2829 2930 2840 100 100.5 100 116 118 116 618 619 618 – – 317 392 397 394.5 705 708 708 523 525 523 1776 1777 1777 1243 1252 1243 624 625 624 573 574 573 743 757 743 221 222.5 221 670 684 684 133.5 135 134 179 180 179 315 316 315 140 141 140 253 255 253 132 134 133 2410 2430 2422 309.5 317 309.5 282 286 283 555 556 556 234 235 234 106 108 107 482 485 482 125.5 126 125.5 163 164 163.5 402 404 402 710 713 712 1035 1041 1041 747 759 747 448 450 450 220 222 220 390 399 399 334.5 336 334.5 171 172 171 684 686 686 959 963 963 604 606 604 440 456 454 568 569 569 317 322 317 204 207 205 3005 3030 3005 708 710 708
Daily Volume move ’000s
Last sale
Sell price
At close of trading on Thursday, April 26, 2018
a2 Milk Company ATM Air NZ AIR ANZ Banking Gr ANZ Argosy Prop ARG Arvida Gr ARV Auckland Intl Airpt AIA CBL Corp CBL Chorus CNU Comvita CVT Contact Energy CEN Ebos Gr EBO F&P Healthcare FPH Fletcher Building FBU Fonterra Share Fund FSF Freightways FRE Genesis Energy GNE Gentrak Gr GTK Goodman Prop Tr GMT Heartland Bank HBL Infratil IFT Investore Property IPL Kathmandu Hldgs KMD Kiwi Property Gr KPG Mainfreight MFT Mercury NZ MCY Meridian Energy MEL Metlifecare MET NZ Refining NZR NZX NZX Port of Tauranga POT Precinct Properties PCT Prop for Industry PFI Pushpay Holdings PPH Restaurant Brands RBD Ryman Healthcare RYM Sanford SAN Scales Corp SCL Sky Network TV SKT Sky City SKC Spark SPK Stride Prop & Inv SPG Summerset Gr Hldgs SUM Synlait Milk SML Tourism Holdings THL Trade Me Gr TME TrustPower TPW Vector VCT Vital Hlth Prop Tr VHP Westpac Banking WBC Z Energy ZEL
Buy price
an iconic addition to our skyline and will become a must-do experience for visitors to the city,” says Bike Auckland chair and spokesperson Barb Cuthbert. The Greens say the Auckland transport announcement is a game changer. “Light rail, along with new rapid bus lanes and safe cycleways, will give more Aucklanders easy
q S&P/NZX 50 Gross
p S&P/NZX 20 index
p S&P/NZX All Gross
p Rises 43 q Falls 62
q S&P/ASX 200 index
At close of trading on Apr 26, 2018
p Dow Jones Indust.
24,083.8 +59.70 +0.25% At close of trading on Apr 25, 2018
q FTSE 100 index
At close of trading on Apr 25, 2018
p Nikkei 225 index
22,319.6 +104.3 +0.47% At close of trading on Apr 26, 2018
q Gold
London – $US/ounce
q Silver London – $US/ounce
q Copper London – $US/tonne
Source: BNZ
CropLogic’s managing director has resigned with immediate effect, with the company’s chief financial officer appointed as acting chief executive. The Christchurch-based agritech firm, which listed on the ASX last year, said yesterday that Jamie Cairns had tendered his resignation and the board had accepted it. James Cooper-Jones, CropLogic’s CFO and company secretary, has been appointed acting CEO. The CropLogic system gathers field data, via in-field sensors coupled with satellite communications, to help growers improve productivity. - NZME
Compiled by
Company CODE
Controversial Kiwi firm My Box has been sold to a Chinese firm for $12.5 million. The Hamilton-based firm sold decoders with pre-loaded apps that gave customers access to Sky TV channels as well as hundreds of international channels for a one-off fee of $269. Sky TV took the company to court this year claiming its devices were preloaded with piracy software that infringed copyright laws, which My Box denied. My Box founder Krish Reddy would not disclose the buyer but said as part of the deal, the company had 90 days to wrap up NZ operations. - NZME
CropLogic changes
Guardian Shares & Investments S&P/NZX 50 Index Gross constituents
My Box sold
As at 4pm April 26, 2018
Australia Canada China Euro Fiji Great Britain Japan Samoa South Africa Thailand United States
TT buy
0.9504 0.9265 4.7619 0.5955 1.4968 0.5171 79.17 1.8413 8.9434 22.63 0.7224
TT sell
0.9189 0.8926 4.1807 0.5699 1.3797 0.4991 75.86 1.6153 8.6166 21.54 0.6968
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he rollercoaster ride for markets has continued this week as caution has again gripped investors. The 10-year Treasury bond yield in the US rose above 3 per cent for the first time since 2014 as inflationary fears crept back into markets. The focus overseas has largely been on the reporting season which is expected to be the best we have seen since 2011. Results are being carefully monitored and, while strong performances are being rewarded with share price gains, any perceived weakness has been punished. Locally, it has been fairly quiet for markets and volumes have been low with the holiday shortened week and school holidays taking investors away. New Zealand saw annual net migration fall in the year to March to 68,000. This was significantly below the high of 72,400 from July 2017. Although this remains high by historical standards it is in keeping with market expectations for a slowdown this year. Net migration was made up of 130,800 migrant arrivals and 62,900 migrant departures, as more non-New Zealand citizens were leaving the country. The largest group of migrants coming to New Zealand were on work related visas, with the most numbers coming from the United Kingdom, France and Germany. Across the Tasman, Australian inflation on annualised basis climbed to 1.9 per cent for the first quarter. Although this was in line with the previous quarter, it remains
below the target range of 2-3 per cent, suggesting the Reserve Bank of Australia is likely to keep interest rates on hold for the rest of the year. The biggest sector gains for the quarter were secondary education and gas and other household fuels. The laggards were international holiday, travel and accommodation and computing media and services. Last week saw a positive start to reporting season in the US, however this week has been slightly less upbeat. The implications of rising US bond yields weighed on investor sentiment. The 10-year US Treasury yield broke through the psychologically important 3 per cent level on Tuesday, for the first time since 2014, leaving investors contemplating what it would mean to markets and the global economy. Meanwhile, the US dollar climbed to its highest point in three months. A highlight for us this week was Alphabet’s (Google’s parent company) result. The company beat estimates for revenue and earnings growth however its share price dropped 5 per cent as margins came under pressure. Thursday morning saw an announcement for a potential takeover bid from Filipino poultry group Bounty Fresh Foods for chicken producer, Tegel. The pro-
posed $437.8 million takeover bid came at a 50 per cent premium to Tegel’s closing price, prior to the announcement. Tegel issued a downgrade of earnings in March from $31m in 2017 to $25 to $27m in April. The takeover is subject to a number of conditions, including Tegel’s full year results are not more than 10 per cent below March guidance for underlying earnings of $70m and net profit of $25m. Fletcher Building came out of its trading halt on Friday and saw the share price slightly recover after hitting multi year lows. The company executed a capital raising and established a new standby banking facility of $500 million. The $750 million entitlement offer is being used to strengthen the balance sheet and enable the company to refocus its portfolio. The company also announced that it would be divesting two businesses; Formica and Roof Tile Group. Japanese Pharmaceutical company Takeda has upped its bid to £46 billion for biotech firm Shire, which would make it the biggest takeover this year. Takeda investors reacted negatively to the increased bid, and the company’s share price dropped 7 per cent. Takeda is down around 20 per cent since it was first revealed they were considering a takeover. Jeremy Flood works for Craigs Investment Partners. This article should not be deemed as advice. Disclosure statement available free of charge and on request.
d M3 12:01PM
Addington Dogs
Today at Addington Raceway
9 $1,365, C0, 295m 10
PX # REC Greyhound Fastest time
1 1 Barolo nwtd 2 53874 Goldstar Alfie nwtd 3 7 Nippa Martino nwtd 3 4 88X23 Blue Sky nwtd 5 Homebush Nesbo nwtd 6 74737 Charlie’s Champ nwtd 4 7 6376 Step Inside Love nwtd 2 8 2 Elland Road nwtd 9 7 Goldstar Galaxie nwtd 10 7886 Okuku Billy nwtd 12:18PM
R Blackburn S & B Evans J McInerney Hart & Taylor J McInerney M Grant A Joyce J McInerney S & B Evans R Casey
$2,390, C0, 520m
G Cleeve J M Jopson G Cleeve R Wales S & B Evans S & B Evans B Dann R Wales C Roberts B Dann
1 1 2 2 3 4 4 3 5 6 7 8
$1,365, C0, 295m
Mitchell & Smith S & B Evans J McInerney M Grant J McInerney J McInerney J Tanner R Blackburn R Casey S & B Evans
g M6
12:27PM 611
$2,600, C0f, 520m
A Lee J M Jopson J & D Fahey H Cairns C Roberts H Cairns R Wales S & B Evans R Wales G Cleeve
$1,685, C2, 295m
B Dann S & B Evans A Botherway S Hindson H Cairns J McInerney A Joyce J McInerney
1 4 2 1 3 4 5 6 2 7
$1,365, C0, 295m
R Blackburn B Dann R Casey J McInerney J McInerney Mitchell & Smith S & B Evans J McInerney S & B Evans Hart & Taylor
$2,505, C1, 520m
B Pringle J & D Fahey J McInerney C Roberts C Weir A Bradshaw Hart & Taylor M Grant B Dann L Waretini
1 8880X Happy Sea Dragon (8) 58.5 D Greene 2 2 5707X Pinko Moon (1) 58.5 J Shaw 3 77P9X Acedecee (11) 58.5 Harris/Moore 4 Nighttronic (7) 58.5 M Simons 1 5 0X Red Socks (2) 58.5 M Price 6 54020. The De Boy (4) 58 R McKenzie 4 7 40X55. Blusteel (10) 58 K Myers 8 Blair Flight (6) 58 R Beckett 3 9 84362 Where Angels Walk (13) 56.5 C Spittles 10 62037 Itstolate (5) 56.5 M & M Pitman 11 03680. Miacoca (12) 56.5 T & L Prendergast 1 12 4 Before Dawn (9) 56 M Breslin 13 0X707 Mahidun (3) 56 K Harrison 14 Rosie Marie
S Collett C O'Beirne (a3) L Callaway B Lammas G Jogoo (a) T Moseley Z Moki (a2) K Kwo (a3) C Johnson J Bassett (a4) K Williams R Myers S Wynne SCRATCHED
$1,450, C1, 295m
62348 Homebush Skip 17.50 37245 Broken Penniless 17.49 21121 Shanly Star 17.40 61537 Mounga 17.83 34447 Goldstar Diesel 17.46 83243 Idol Star 17.50 24223 Native Scout 17.44
J McInerney G Cleeve C Weir J McInerney S & B Evans R Wales B Dann
April 27, 2018
3 46LPX Brat Pack (3) 58.5 M & M Pitman J Bassett (a4) 4 20265 Qashqai (14) 58 R McKenzie 4 L Callaway 5 9X84X War Hero (5) 58 R Frost B Lammas 6 655. Middagurd (6) 58 K Myers R Myers 7 6X The Poormanzabeel (9) 58 D Green 1 T Comignaghi (a2) 8 300X8 Capone In Charge (8) 58 Kennedy/Furlong S Collett 2 9 8X333. Buffalo Rose (12) 56.5 M Simons 1 K Williams 1 10 247X2 Strada Roccia (1) 56.5 M Breslin S Wynne 3 11 04383 Mahana (2) 56.5 M & M Pitman C Johnson 12 84905 Rubymoon (11) 56.5 B Smith T Moseley 13 65857 Three Shots (13) 56.5 S McCarty R Firdhaus (a2) 14 67X Ali Magee (7) 56.5 K Myers S MacNab (a2) 15 Blusteel SCRATCHED 2:12PM 614
$10,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1400m
1 X3169. Boysway (6) 60 K Myers 2 22544 Strowan (1) 60 A Carston 3 68530 Why Me (2) 59.5 M & M Pitman 1:02PM SPEIGHTS 1000 4 4 55679. Highbrook (11) 59 K Myers OPT 612 $11,000, Rating 85 Benchmark, 1000m 3 5 34619. Hoofbeat (9) 59 J & K Parsons 3 1 33530 Jazzman (3) 62.5 M & M Pitman J Bassett (a4) 6 60205 Woodbine Ladd (14) 59 R Patterson 2 7 17912 Smoken Hot (10) 58 R Patterson 2 2 31167 Bisou Bisou (4) 57 K Myers S MacNab (a2) 3 5X946. Madam Bentley (6) 55.5 J & K Parsons C Johnson 8 01549 Richie Rox (4) 58 Harris/Moore 1 9 3831. Torre Del Greco (13) 56.5 K Myers 4 63468. Tiebreaker (7) 54.5 K Myers R Myers 10 X0560 Bravo Supremo (7) 56 Harris/Moore 4 5 12655 Celtic Cross (5) 54 A Carston R Firdhaus (a2) 11 070X0 Showpin (5) 55.5 T & L Prendergast 1 6 2405X Mr Conductor (1) 54 D Crozier S Collett 12 75607 Zayzay (3) 55 M Tapper 7 X4275. Fully Charged (2) 54 M Simons 1 K Williams 13 7X086. Van Gogh (12) 55 K Myers 14 850X7 Alamcferson (8) 54 J Wheeler 1:37PM PUTAKE HONEY MAIDEN 1400
1 2
$10,000, MDN, 1400m
55803 Toby’s Choice (4) 58.5 R Patterson 730X Ringbolt (10) 58.5 K Myers
d M9
11646 Clover Colin 17.77 72125 Alamein Lady 17.95 62614 Bigtime Boy 17.79 23534 Opawa Bear 17.77 45877 Viva La Vixen 17.72 22142 De Blonde 18.04 84133 Bigtime Swift 17.86 12228 PikoPiko Connor 17.92 34235 Tynecastle Flyer 17.79 77423 Secret Indy nwtd
1 2 4 2 3 4 5 3 6 1 7 8 9 10
$1,685, C2, 305m Trainer
A Turnwald Kettlewell & Phillips M Goodier N Udy A Turnwald B Hunt G & S Fredrickson C Brider Ross/Voyce M Flipp
$2,860, C2, 520m
E Duganzich L Cole L Cole J & D Bell L Cole M Flipp S Kite J & D Bell J & D Bell G & S Fredrickson
12667 Bigtime Bucko 30.14 33873 Bigtime Eve 30.19 65518 Tyson’s Quest 30.22 12174 Edge Of Town nwtd 75781 Cawbourne Toddy 30.42 18863 Bigtime Tears 30.07 55335 Nature’s Gent 29.68 13462 Bigtime Zack 30.35 53288 Cawbourne Palmer 30.37 77771 Bigtime Jason 30.06
$4,030, C4, 520m
L Cole L Cole B Marsh R Adcock M Flipp L Cole A Turnwald L Cole A Turnwald L Cole
Z Moki (a2) R Firdhaus (a2) C Johnson S Wynne T Comignaghi (a2) T Johnson (a2) G Jogoo (a) S MacNab (a2) L Callaway K Williams T Moseley R Myers S Collett
$11,000, Rating 75 Benchmark, 1400m
1 63468. Tiebreaker (1) 59.5 K Myers
Today at Hatrick Raceway
1 888X8 Midsomer Magic 30.32 1 2 52155 Don’t Knocka Gee 30.08 2 3 27645 Bigtime Donny 30.32 4 17757 Cawbourne Web 30.23 3 5 48241 Bigtime Talker 30.20 6 36455 Pat Patterson 30.38 7 54F23 Rapper Tilly nwtd 4 8 16462 Audacious Assin 30.56 9 86558 Cawbourne Brandy 30.46 10 17768 Bigtime Buster 30.48
2:47PM 615
PX # REC Greyhound Fastest time
1 1 2 3 4 4 5 3 6 2 7 8 9 10
T Johnson (a2) Z Moki (a2)
1 1 2 3 4 4 5 3 6 2 7 8 9 10
61511 Allegro Gun 17.07 85451 So Over It 17.49 61475 Scooter’s Rose 17.47 51283 Mila Mila 17.52 13763 Bigtime Pink 17.43 45126 Hypocritical 17.32 11216 Bigtime Narelle 17.54 61376 Bigtime Basher 17.41 24726 Who’s John Galt 17.49 33827 Rain And Tears 17.36
1 51162 Caveman Sam 30.41 2 1 2 51235 Bigtime Craig 30.25 3 3 53147 Bigtime Monty 30.28 4 31223 Bigtime Wendle 31.02 5 21317 Cawbourne Foxy 30.26 4 6 45111 Draxler nwtd 7 43514 Amy Bale nwtd 8 22466 Cawbourne Symsy 30.58 9 73773 Bigtime OnFire 29.94 10 2168X Bigtime Michelle 30.28 6:39PM
1 46274 Cawbourne Looks nwtd 3 2 27126 Thrilling Rocky 30.68 3 7175X Chip Off Block 30.49 4 74827 Rowdy Ruby nwtd 1 5 21322 Bigtime Mike 30.43 6 32131 Thrilling Rory 30.50 4 7 44555 Bigtime Welldone 29.88 2 8 71163 Jinja Loren 30.22 9 86558 Cawbourne Brandy 30.46 10 17768 Bigtime Buster 30.48
1 3 2 4 3 4 1 5 6 7 2 8 9 ANGLER’S ARMS TAVERN DASH 10
Today at Waterlea
$2,505, C1, 520m
A Bradshaw A Bradshaw C Weir R Wales L Waretini C Weir A R J Tregurtha S & B Evans B Dann R Casey
13264 Idol Georgie 17.31 71426 Lisa’s Boy 17.24 32472 Miss Dupre 17.39 27778 Koputara 17.37 21372 Mitcham Faye 17.46 27875 Culvie Lass 17.45
J Tanner J M Jopson L Waretini J McInerney J McInerney R Blackburn J McInerney
AON CPF C5 L Cole C Morris M Flipp A Turnwald L Cole A Turnwald L Cole L Cole L Cole M Roberts
$3,325, C3, 520m
B Hodgson L Cole L Cole L Cole C Morris J & D Fahey C Roberts J & D Bell L Cole L Cole
$2,860, C2, 520m
J & D Bell J & D Bell J McArthur S Kite L Cole A Turnwald L Cole Ross/Voyce J & D Bell G & S Fredrickson
7 4 8 9 10
2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13, 14-15 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9, 10-11-12, 13-14-15 2-3-4-5, 12-13-14-15 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 10-11-12-13-14-15
46531 Sweet As Brad 17.41 15533 Senorita Julie 17.44 15661 Pip Baxter 17.43 25174 Butterface 17.51
$1,450, C1, 295m
12723 Cosmic Ryder 17.47 42834 Belfast Delanie 17.59 14454 Goldstar Jay Jay 17.62 57142 Lord Protector 17.41 68474 Smash Lilly 17.34 43212 Chitina Tin 17.54 64231 Homebush Pansy 17.69 32643 Goldstar Sawyer 17.60 77655 Rum Gin Mixer 17.37 23467 Elodea 17.57
C Roberts J McInerney G Cleeve S & B Evans R Wales
1 2 2 CULVIE BOY’S SYNDICATE DASH 3 $1,685, C2, 295m 3 4 J Rush 5 4 6 R Casey B Dann 7 1 8 J M Jopson J McInerney 9 Hart & Taylor 10
Track Information Type: Grass; Expected: Good; Direction: Left-handed; Length: 1700m; Straight: 300m; Rail: True; Weather: Mainly Fine
2 48X33 Redefine (2) 58 R Frost 2 1 3 61235 Keely Be (8) 56.5 D Greene 4 55576. Bruegel (9) 56 K Myers 5 5X459. Sniparinda (5) 56 J & K Parsons 3 6 28344 Elusive Boxers (4) 54.5 A Carston 7 36587 Hot Tempo (7) 54.5 M Tapper 4 8 17912 Smoken Hot (6) 54 R Patterson 9 60205 Woodbine Ladd (3) 54 R Patterson
B Lammas S Collett C Johnson T Comignaghi (a2) T Moseley S Wynne
$1,450, C1, 295m
M Grant S & B Evans J McInerney S & B Evans J McInerney B Dann J M Jopson G Cleeve D Roberts S & B Evans
$1,450, C1, 295m
32276 Goldstar Scooter 17.52 25151 Boston Powers 17.36 85333 Cosmic Ruben nwtd 38222 Distinctive Miss 17.60 46316 Homebush Tasha 17.93 65455 Sparkling Terra 17.12 63845 Melan nwtd 15721 Dahteste 17.24 31875 Culvie Jay Dee 17.51 33338 Smash Ocean 17.58
J McInerney Hart & Taylor S & B Evans B Dann M Grant A Lee J McInerney S & B Evans A Joyce R Blackburn
R Blackburn J McInerney J McInerney J Tanner
1 43751 Holly Grace 17.92 4 2 23238 My Ginger Kiss 17.80 2 3 64222 Homebush Hundy nwtd 3 4 42433 Goldstar Bryton nwtd CRATE & BARREL HOTEL STAKES $2,860, C2, 520m 5 22642 Jinja Cody 17.65 1 6 73521 Snickerdoodle 17.48 M Grant H Cairns 7 78322 Gordy Junior 17.51 M Grant 8 53463 Know Bias 17.75 J McInerney 9 68X52 Opawa Millie nwtd A Bradshaw 10 71488 Goldstar Scout 17.50
S & B Evans A Bradshaw J McInerney A Joyce J McInerney R Casey S & B Evans B Dann Hart & Taylor M Grant
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 2-3-4, 6-7-8 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 3-4-5-6-7-8 PETER YEALANDS WINES CUP PRELUDE 1950 $11,000, Rating 85 Benchmark, 1950m
1 01613 Overtheriver (4) 67 K Myers 2 Z Moki (a2) 2 566X7 Duffers Creek (2) 64 K Myers T Johnson (a2) 3 5040X Zentangle (1) 61 K Myers S Wynne 1 4 52145 Vantaa (6) 57 T & L Prendergast T Comignaghi (a2) 3 5 72734 Chic (3) 54 K Myers C Johnson 3:22PM KAM TRANSPORT MAIDEN 1950 4 6 31X67 Eva Jensine (7) 54 R Balcombe S MacNab (a2) OPT 616 $10,000, MDN, 1950m 7 6087X Wazuzu (5) 54 K Myers R Myers 1 3226X Grand Rex (10) 58.5 K Myers 2 07347 Leuluai (2) 58.5 Charles/Corbett 3 70547 Heel Be Jake (12) 58.5 Harris/Moore K Williams 4:33PM DOMINION SALT 1950 4 94300 Painted Angel (4) 58.5 M Price G Jogoo (a) OPT 618 $10,000, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1950m 5 6X0X Keyboard Warrior (8) 58.5 P Robson T Moseley 1 1 15100 Challenge (1) 60 A & H Bull C O'Beirne (a3) 6 06X85 Master Courtsman (1) 58.5 T Corric B Lammas 7 64980 Measured Twice (9) 58.5 Kennedy/Furlong L Callaway 2 12L6X Highly Likely (11) 60 K Myers Z Moki (a2) 8 6850X Who Can Tell (3) 58.5 K Myers T Johnson (a2) 3 Game Percy SCRATCHED 4 9 87002 Coup Dreamwood (15) 58 M & M Pitman C Johnson 2 4 16544. Carnaby (2) 57 K Myers C Johnson 10 03226 Pamir (6) 56.5 J Luxton S Wynne 5 71080. Desert Storm (12) 57 A Carston S Collett 11 X9637. Bare With (18) 56.5 K Myers Z Moki (a2) 6 0098X Napoleon (5) 57 K Myers R Myers 12 75059 Live In Hope (19) 56.5 Charles/Corbett 3 7 06X71 Her Destiny (3) 56.5 R Frost T Comignaghi (a2) 1 13 42 Galway Lil (7) 56 A & H Bull C O'Beirne (a3) 8 69291 Dowry Duty (9) 56.5 Harris/Moore K Williams 14 0063 Hypatia (5) 56 M Breslin R Myers 9 225X7 Yipson (7) 56.5 K Myers R Firdhaus (a2) 3 15 35663 Bastille Babe (14) 56.5 K Myers 4 10 43080. En Suite (4) 55 K Myers S MacNab (a2) 0 16 55803 Toby’s Choice (17) 58.5 R Patterson 11 26093 Real Savvy (6) 55 A Carston S Wynne 2 17 0X445 Iwo Jima (16) 58 C Spittles 0 18 37X54 Lorde Have Mercy (13) 56 J Wheeler S Collett 12 L0PX7 Newstead (8) 55 J Wheeler 13 2063X Windermere Lad (10) 55 K Myers T Moseley 0 19 74866 Cookie Time (11) 56 K Myers
April 27, 2018 $2,860, C5, 305m
1 3 2 3 2 4 1 5 AMBER CLEANING SERVICES DASH 4 6 $1,685, C2, 295m 7 A Bradshaw 8 B Dann 9 J McInerney 10
25264 Smash Calling 30.78 17713 Eyrewell Martin 30.77 45127 Smash Damage nwtd 28187 Homebush Ellie 30.49 26411 Hankenstein 30.66 15564 Rockstar Kobe nwtd 857F5 Spring Sam 30.74 54265 Hard Questions 30.01 84736 Goldstar Miley 30.25 11575 Go Angel 30.88
1 2 2 1 3 4 3 5 6
M Grant S & B Evans A Joyce
1 75326 Sass ’Em Up 17.31 2 1 2 5X341 Fiery Jen 17.38 3 46886 Gotcha Penny 17.37 4 32164 Chippy Jordy 17.37 5 888X6 Wong Box 17.48 3 6 87252 Abacus Magic 17.43 4 7 33472 Valyrian Steel 17.49 8 75216 Homebush Scorpio nwtd 9 46651 Hatfield 17.41 ADDINGTON EVENTS CENTRE STAKES 10 57452 Coco Bango 17.27
Blenheim Races
$10,000, MDN 2YO&UP, 1000m PX # REC Horse (Barrier) kg Trainer Jockey
22512 Smash Gator 17.51 52565 Auros Advantage 17.67 77655 Rum Gin Mixer 17.37
1 16324 Torpedo Tuck 30.98 4 3 2 13487 Little Krakatoa 30.80 3 26154 Cossie Cooper 30.70 4 16415 Go Brat 30.85 5 17333 Platonic Affair 30.83 1 6 27X21 Fantastic Daisy 30.93 7 14516 Jinja Jake 30.69 2 8 3516 Stompin’ Ground nwtd 9 82177 Dunk It 30.69 CAROL’S TAB CLENDON INN SPRINT 10 85354 Mamma Rose 30.97
1 15353 Replica Casino 30.81 3 1 2 436X4 Opawa Abbie Joy 30.62 4 3 64561 Homebush Ragna 30.47 4 52257 Allen Mack nwtd 5 56214 Running Freer nwtd 2 6 43316 Ming Ming 30.96 7 82855 Bluey Fields 31.07 8 75273 Smash Rebel 30.58 9 82177 Dunk It 30.69 DURASTEEL STRUCTURES PH 033796195 DASH 10 46542 Jealous Affair nwtd
72375 Fired Up Jed 17.44 23182 Cash A Roo nwtd 21411 Call Me Flo 17.48 85732 Giancana 17.36 21423 Eyrewell Tango 17.38 67887 Botany Whisper 17.77 56122 Whose He 17.44 16466 Leo’s Son 17.38
J McInerney R Blackburn
1 3 Teesha nwtd 2 2 7X225 Fiery Jemma nwtd 3 38 Tummy Rub Queen nwtd 4 5 Homebush Maycee nwtd 4 5 Homebush Satara nwtd 6 466X3 Camside Rose nwtd 7 64456 Goldstar Mika nwtd 1 8 4 Zefside nwtd 9 7 Goldstar Galaxie nwtd 10 77754 Where’s Snoopy nwtd HAPPY 14TH BIRTHDAY PAINT THE STARS DASH
1 62332 Jingili Jill nwtd 2 2 Goldstar Auburn nwtd 3 3 8X283 Homebush Bow nwtd 4 34547 Smash Rock nwtd 5 88 Mick The Mower nwtd 6 Cosmic Marty nwtd 4 7 35X Astro Tipple nwtd 1 8 432 Right On Time nwtd 9 68 Taieri Terra nwtd 10 PX78 Uncas nwtd 12:53PM
1 66673 Parmigiano nwtd 2 62234 Archie’s Ranger nwtd 2 3 322 Jinja Twist nwtd 3 4 23231 Eyrewell Ebony 30.78 1 5 1 Dyna Walter 30.35 6 4X652 Call Me Soon nwtd 4 7 5118 Sly Rose 30.96 8 642 Goldstar Hurley nwtd 9 54435 Sly Carl nwtd 10 47 Know Flare nwtd MURRAY @ RAY WHITE PH 021480250 STAKES
1 47 Know Flare nwtd 2 2 56752 Sly Bet nwtd 1 3 61 Know Shame nwtd 4 X5444 Token Pick nwtd 5 56 Goldstar Hemi nwtd 3 6 3 Goldstar Charger nwtd 7 8X4 Beauden nwtd 4 8 54435 Sly Carl nwtd 9 472 Dyna Monty nwtd 10 55 Token Hazel nwtd 12:36PM
April 27, 2018
54533 Detective Dash 17.54 48263 Fabre’s Lass 17.32
Compiled by
1 1 3 2 3 4 4 5 2 6 7 8 9 10
ADEPT ACCOUNTANTS C3 HTI $2,035, C3q, 305m
66512 Stole Me Wallet 17.50 44734 Cawbourne Dora 17.60 16887 Fear The Beard nwtd 55187 Forever And Ever nwtd 85853 Sozin’s Noir 17.96 15667 Mikachu 17.59 65175 Alamein Tane 17.86 27266 Kirkham Coby 17.41 46654 Bigtime Redfoo 17.52 84477 Scotta Pie 17.71
1 2 2 3 1 4 5 4 6 3 7 8 9 10
Ross/Voyce C Morris A Turnwald G & S Fredrickson L Pearce K Williams M Flipp D Edlin S Lozell M Flipp
1 36512 Nitehawk Rose 44.93 3 2 2 8X111 Dusty Gambler 45.07 3 46724 Peekay Shout nwtd 4 4 45343 Vicki Keeping nwtd 1 5 74711 Ring The Bell 44.18 6 X4674 Cristiane Cyborg nwtd 7 26322 Little Bit Funny nwtd 8 32223 Translator nwtd 9 44555 Bigtime Welldone nwtd 10 21435 Bigtime Lonestar nwtd
1 2 2 3 3 4 5 1 6 4 7 8 9 JP PRINT PETONE C3 HT2 10 $2,035, C3q, 305m
48617 Asteria 17.56 51788 Kirkham Jasper 17.60 86816 Wait For Us 17.62 84232 Bigtime Rapid 17.69 53752 On Da Quest 17.72 37767 Opawa Blair 17.53 41222 Opawa Harry 17.69 12116 Lucha 17.82 75863 Bigtime Champ 17.66 17367 Cawbourne Stick 17.54
K Gommans M Flipp M Flipp K Williams J McInerney A Turnwald Kettlewell & Phillips C Morris G & S Fredrickson L Pearce
$27,465, C2df, 755m
B Hodgson K Walsh J & D Fahey J & D Fahey R Adcock H Mullane J & D Fahey J & D Fahey L Cole G & S Fredrickson
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 7-8-9, 10-11-12 2-3-4-5, 9-10-11-12 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 7-8-9-10-11-12 THE ROCK 95.2FM C5
72131 Egomaniacal nwtd 33141 Idol Tom 30.30 12814 Dirk Bale 29.95 36316 Avenger Bale nwtd 23134 Bigtime Forest 30.20 11211 Bigtime Paddy 29.79 21473 Quistis Bale 30.15 43183 Cosmic Odette nwtd 14661 Lord Louie nwtd 27343 No Time Toulouse 30.21
J & D Fahey M Flipp C Roberts C Roberts L Cole L Cole M Roberts J McInerney R Adcock L Cole
1 63235 Bigtime Sugar 17.31 1 2 36133 Cawbourne Owen 17.80 3 11254 Five Eyes 17.63 4 84571 Homebush Minnie 17.61 3 5 X47X8 Missing Allegro 17.62 2 6 45222 Allegro Lass 17.50 4 7 14874 Daisy Lara 17.35 8 34681 Polly Cracker 17.67 9 31685 Bigtime Thinker 17.36 10 78776 NippaOfSambucca 17.74 9:39PM
$4,735, C5, 520m
1 41617 Smash Charger 17.92 2 2 41274 Roketto 17.83 4 3 2228X Lightning Lu 17.83 4 31544 Uno Eleven 17.75 3 5 54333 Dreamzone 17.52 1 6 21143 Clover Victoria 17.71 7 21136 Bigtime Autumn 18.02 8 76151 Zoe Jean 17.87 9 33761 Cawbourne Spook 17.87 10 54422 King’s Call 17.48
$2,390, C4, 305m
L Cole K Gommans D Denbee J McInerney G & S Fredrickson L Cole L Cole L Pearce L Cole J McInerney
$1,685, C2, 305m
M Gowan D Edlin S & C Blackburn N Udy Kettlewell & Phillips A Turnwald L Cole M Flipp L Bell R Waite
h M5 1
Alexandra Park Harness Today at Alexandra Park
April 27, 2018
5 001X8 Woodstone (u1) R Dunn J Dunn K Marshall $20,000, 3YO+ R50–R62 DiscrHcp, 2200m 6 59580 Charlemagne (1) C Butler T Mitchell PX # REC Horse (Start pos) Trainer Driver 7 7X180 Majestic Ali (u1) Wallis/Hackett 8 Realmein SCRATCHED 3 1 79541 Jansson (1) Wallis/Hackett T Mitchell 1 9 71641 Habibi Inta (1) P Nairn B Orange 2 82900 Swinging (2) T Vince T Herlihy 10 10447 C K Spur (2) J & J Dickie T Herlihy 3 81008 Our Petite Lady (3) R Brosnan J Stormont 11 73813 Geena’s Success (3) Wallis/Hackett M McKendry 4 02440 Prince George (4) J MacKinnon J MacKinnon (J) 3 12 18712 Sertorius (u1) J & J Dickie J I Dickie 5 46425 Jomo (5) J Robinson J Robinson 13 26363 KD Hall (u2) T Vince J MacKinnon (J) 6 24312 Monarchy Invasion (6) Wallis/Hackett B Hackett MAGNESS BENROW SIRES STAKES CHAMPS PACE 7 30568 Dauntless (7) Ted & Brett Edwards A Butt 7:21PM $150,000, 2YO Fillies, 1700m 8 62245 Aoraki (8) R Paynter S Phelan OPT 504 1 1 534P3 Arma Indie (1) R Dunn J Dunn 1 9 32022 Sex On Fire (9) J & J Dickie J I Dickie 44 Havtime (2) B Purdon Z Butcher 10 007P5 Free Bird (u1) D Iremonger S Lawson 2 3 Princess Tiffany SCRATCHED 2 11 X7173 Puma Road (1) S Reid Z Butcher A Butt 12 86846 Bro Fawkes S (2) R Darby K Marshall 4 4460 Gold Rocks (3) R Green T Herlihy 4 13 75110 Whataboyz (3) L Driver B Orange 5 53315 Miss Streisand (4) T Herlihy 4 6 27277 Garta (5) R Dunn D Dunn 14 6X560 The Hulk (u1) A Matthews S Abernethy 46 Ruby Rose (6) Purdon/Rasmussen M Purdon 15 01834 Alta Venetia (u2) I Moody A Poutama 7 8 2408 Anamajor (7) R Dunn J MacKinnon (J) 6:22PM CROMBIE LOCKWOOD PACE $20,000, 3YO+ Barrier R61–R69, 2200m 9 100 Last Waltz (21) R Dunn OPT 502 M McKendry 1 56851 Christanna (1) M Berger S Phelan P Butcher 10 345 Ghostwriter (22) B Purdon 3 11 2423 Bubbled Up (23) Purdon/Rasmussen 2 16614 Lincoln Road (2) R Green B Mangos A Poutama 12 One Kool Kat SCRATCHED 3 8X375 Spring Campaign (3) R Green Z Butcher 4 2 13 12132 Kayla Marie (24) Purdon/Rasmussen Revolver SCRATCHED N Rasmussen 5 17658 Wrangler (4) R Dunn B Orange 7:52PM 2018 BRECKON FARMS NORTHERN DERBY MOBILE TROT 3 6 21432 Bettor Step Aside (5) D Balle B Mangos OPT 505 $100,000, 3YO MOB. TROT, 2700m 1 7 30127 Rain Man (6) S Reid R May 2 1 41121 Winterfell (1) Purdon/Rasmussen N Rasmussen 4 Henry Hubert (7) R Dunn J Dunn 3 2 X2032 Majestic Man (2) P Williamson B Williamson 8 12551 Barrier 1 3 42913 Renezmae (3) J Harrington D Dunn 9 6X843 Aramis (21) B & G Hughes M McKendry 4 80107 Paramount King (4) J & J Dickie J I Dickie 10 65564 Queen Lostris (22) T Herlihy 4 5 53759 Sundees Son (5) R Dunn T Cameron (J) J Dunn R May 2 11 74432 Zadaka (23) R Dunn D Dunn 6 11506 Valloria (6) R Dunn 7 X1D24 All American (7) J & J Dickie S Lawson L Chin MAJESTIC HORSE FLOATS TROT $20,000, R63 & 8 07220 Safrakova (8) L Chin 6:50PM Majestic Hurricane (u1) K & T Barron B Orange faster DiscrHcp, 2200m OPT 503 9 22248 Barrier 1 53296 Tereskova (1) L Chin L Chin 2 2 23104 Musculus (2) P Iggo D Dunn 8:22PM JACOBSEN HEADSTONES PACE $20,000, 3YO+ R70 & 4 3 16021 Magnafique (3) Wallis/Hackett T Cameron (J) OPT 506 faster, 2200m 4 Amanda’s Spur SCRATCHED 1 20326 American Empress (1) J Young S Abernethy 5:55PM OPT 501
h M8 1
Ashburton Harness
Tomorrow at Ashburton Raceway
April 28, 2018
Tonique De Feu (8) S McMullan C Jones (J) 9 Barrier $8,000, NON-WINNERS 3YO+ TROT, 2400m 1 10 You Really Got Me (21) R Dunn J Dunn PX # REC Horse (Start pos) Trainer Driver 11 9 Steel Legend (22) J Gameson T Williams 1 08952 Edesia (1) C Butt C Butt 12 Carnegie Hall (23) B Butt B Butt 4 2 00X8 One Yankee Son (2) L O'Reilly L O'Reilly 3 13 76 One Apollo (u1) B White S McNally 2 3 9X977 Don’t Rock The Boat (3) R Thornley O Thornley (J) 4 246X3 Peggy Nova (4) J Wheeler J Wheeler 1:24PM MORGAN FENCING PACE 1 5 5X Some Time (5) L & J Smith J Smith OPT 814 $8,000, NON-WINNERS 3YO+ PACE, 2400m 6 00000 This Way Comes (6) D Burrows D Burrows 4 1 00905 Chaaat (1) R Low L McCormick 7 009 Noble Mistress (7) M Perriton M Perriton 2 00000 Franco Hatton (2) L Smart T Williams 3 8 30236 Future Queen (8) K Townley S Ottley 3 3 Tinker Tailor (3) K & T Barron B Orange 9 67302 Wait For Success (9) N Munro B Munro (J) 4 9X All Money (4) J Howe J W Cox 10 Folly’s Trouble (10) M Heenan R May 5 46580 Victor Tango (5) R Bennett J Morrison (J) 11 5800 Foreigner (11) G Hunt G Hunt 6 74473 Sounds Bettor (6) K O'Reilly K O'Reilly 12 09009 Red Harbour (u1) K James C D Thornley 7 Xmas Bay (7) N Perkins 1 T McMillan S Ottley 12:15PM AURIC ELECTRICAL FIRE & SECRUITY PACE $8,000, 8 736 Bound To Be Bettor (8) D Mitchell 1 G O'Reilly OPT 812 NON-WINNERS 2YO+ F&M, 1609m 9 26277 Art Collector (9) G Kelk G Smith 1 70234 Change Is Good (1) M Pash T Williams 10 45258 Bronx Village (10) G Smith 11 Tactical Change SCRATCHED 2 0004P Nicky Anew (2) C Morrison R May Morningstar Gold (11) R Holmes R Holmes 4 3 56738 With The Band (3) C McDowell L O'Reilly 12 0 Ideologist (12) B Hutton J Curtin 1 4 Buzinga (4) C Dalgety D Dunn 13 1 14 3 Sweeney Todd (13) B Zampese T Chmiel 2 5 56602 Firstjoy (5) K & T Barron B Orange Nans Choice (14) S Adlam R May 6 04548 Chain Reaction (6) T McMillan T McMillan 15 2 16 302 Fletch (15) C & J DeFilippi C DeFilippi 7 Rosinupthebow SCRATCHED 3 8 50X24 Reklaw’s Gem (7) R Todd 1:54PM HOKONUI MID CANTERBURY PACE $8,000, NON11:50AM OPT 811
Track Information Type: All weather; Direction: Right-handed; Length: 1006m; Weather: Cloudy, chance shower
2 3 4 3 4 5 6 2 7 1 8 9 10
98111 Delight My Soul (2) R Green 44253 Baileys Knight (3) J Harrington Solid Gold 75679 My Generation (4) D Balle 24137 Step Up (5) S Telfer 20351 American Tart (6) R Dunn 14836 Bonnie Joan (7) C Dalgety
Z Butcher B Orange SCRATCHED K Marshall B Butcher (J) J Dunn D Dunn
72410 Check In (21) S Telfer 22317 Triple Eight (22) S Telfer
8:52PM 507
A Poutama J MacKinnon (J)
1 13152 Juice Brogden (1) N Chilcott 2 2 25121 A G’s White Socks (2) G & N Hope 3 3 12215 More The Better (3) Purdon/Rasmussen 4 45212 Eamon Maguire (4) Purdon/Rasmussen 4 5 41311 Italian Delight (5) T Cameron 6 78427 Raptors Flight (6) B Purdon 1 7 41113 Star Galleria (7) S Reid Classie American (8) R Richardson 8 12376 Barrier 9 14X40 Raukapuka Ruler (21) C Dalgety 10 24664 Northview Hustler (22) R Green 11 86129 Seaswift Joy (23) J Stormont 12 42334 Let It Ride (24) Butt/Cox 9:20PM 508
1 2 4 3 2 4 0 5 6 7 1 8 3 9 0 10
N Chilcott R May M Purdon N Rasmussen T Cameron (J) Z Butcher T Herlihy P Ferguson D Dunn A Poutama J Stormont A Butt
44190 Yagunnakissmeornot (1) R Dunn 29555 Monty Python (2) P Williamson 43204 Alderbeck (3) P Williamson 28116 Speeding Spur (4) J & J Dickie 59580 Charlemagne (5) C Butler Bordeaux 92203 Harriet Of Mot (6) C & A Edmonds 78122 Enghien (7) G & N Hope 22747 Temporale (8) T Herlihy 60050 Realmein (9) M Pemberton
J MacKinnon (J) M Williamson B Williamson J I Dickie K Marshall SCRATCHED J Dunn R May T Herlihy P Butcher
Track Information Type: All weather; Direction: Left-handed; Length: 1497m; Weather: Rain, clearing later 2:29PM 816
$8,500, 3YO+ R40 to R51 PACE, 2400m
1 44502 Blingiton (1) L Prendergast 3 2 8X600 Out Of Aces (2) G Scott 3 00050 Kiel (3) J Bartlett 2 4 52686 Handsome Hero (4) G Kelk 1 5 P5956 Every Option (5) R Dunn 6 46017 Ideal Rule (6) J Lethaby 7 96830 Game Changer (7) M Nyhan 8 63579 Martin McGuinness (8) L Bond 9 50500 Mr Asia (9) J Bromley 10 61546 Christie Marie (10) R Winter 4 11 37895 Take After Me (11) G Scott 12 90400 Texas Ruler (12) B Hutton 13 71660 Unfinished Business (13) C & J DeFilippi 14 61020 Gotta Future (14) W Stevenson
J W Cox S Ottley G Smith G O'Reilly J Dunn A Lethaby P Davis D Dunn C D Thornley B Orange R Close R May C DeFilippi M Williamson
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 8-9-10 2-3-4-5, 7-8-9-10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 5-6-7-8-9-10
11 15388 Destiny Jones (10) D Hunter 12 2D357 Princess Mackendon (11) Wallis/Hackett 13 02752 The Almighty Johnson (12) T Herlihy 14 79011 Lemond (13) R Paynter 15 80X70 One Over Da Moon (14) P Nairn 16 39353 War Machine (u1) T Stratford
9:51PM 509
1 24205 Helena Ideal (1) R Paynter 2 9990X Richard Le Fort (2) D Iremonger 3 87548 Lynbar Rose (3) J Young 1 4 03283 Christian Who (4) B Purdon 5 934X9 Bubble Gum (5) S Reid 6 547X5 Suzie Pee Jay (6) D Balle 7 63636 Hunter Bromac (7) S Telfer Bopper Jet (8) R Brosnan 8 45880 Barrier 9 22375 Jenora (21) M Berger 10 6813X Shenandoah (22) G Rogerson 3 11 41324 Bettor Babe (23) T Herlihy 2 12 11609 Tyron Bettor’s Ella (24) R Dunn 4 13 41697 Robb Stark (25) B & G Hughes
10:21PM 510
1 2 3 4 5 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9
5 3 6 7 8 2 9 10 1 11
A Poutama P Butcher A Butt L Hollis B Orange S Phelan Z Butcher T Herlihy D Dunn
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 1-2-3, 4-5-6, 8-9-10 2-3-4-5, 7-8-9-10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 5-6-7-8-9-10
712 Neverneverland (5) K Robertson 81952 Didjabringthebeers (6) J Howe 17088 Lightworkofit (7) D Burrows 11679 Sods Law (8) J & J Geddes 01049 No Fears (u1) P O'Reilly 70002 Crusher Collins (u2) L Bond 33080 Jaw D Nancy (u3) C & A Edmonds Barrier
P Butcher T Mitchell T Herlihy J Dunn J I Dickie
41 Sezana (21) C Dalgety
4:09PM OPT 819
S Phelan S Lawson M McKendry B Purdon R May K Marshall B Butcher (J) R Brosnan
$20,000, 2YO MOB. PACE, 1700m
Lincoln’s Girl (1) R Green 90 Eagle Dancer (2) M Berger 20825 Make Way (3) R Green Accelere (4) Hollis/Robertson Trojan Banner (5) R Green 43214 Star Of Montana (6) B Purdon 31422 Supreme Dominator (7) B Purdon 91273 Beaudiene Western (8) R Green
B Orange M Wallis T Cameron (J) M McKendry B Mangos A Butt
C DeFilippi J W Cox D Burrows J Geddes G O'Reilly B Orange J Dunn
$9,000, 3YO+ R57 to R75 MOB. PACE, 2400m
1 84216 Nurburgring (1) K Townley S Ottley 2 10531 Laytons Lass (2) T & G Chmiel T Chmiel 3 36350 Martin John (3) A Stuart B Orange 4 19045 Anytime (4) R Dunn J Dunn 3:04PM ITM ASHBURTON PACE 5 60102 Titanium (5) T & G Chmiel C DeFilippi OPT 817 $8,500, 3YO+ R52 to R60 PACE, 2400m 2 6 41436 Nearis Green (6) J Hay I Lee 2 1 24020 Scarlett Banner (1) G Smith G Smith 1 7 28841 Alta Shelby (7) M Kerr D Dunn 2 31330 Astuto (2) C McDowell L O'Reilly 3 8 25717 Boomer Bailey (8) G Telfer M Williamson 3 03089 Awaytocullect (3) R Thornley O Thornley (J) 9 564X2 Donegal Carrickfin (9) D Broadhurst T Williams Barrier 4 5X101 Overarm (4) T & G Chmiel T Chmiel 4 10 0149X Nolan Sackett (21) R Winter C D Thornley 3 5 0108X Vinny Gambini (5) S Dolan D Dunn 6 74602 Kensington Kate (6) R Dunn T Williams 4:37PM KELLY’S CAFE & BAR PACE $8,500, 3YO+ 7 43097 Buckeye (7) J & J Geddes J Geddes OPT 820 R50–R55, 2400m Barrier 8 P7137 Dying To See You (8) N Taylor B Orange WINNERS 3YO+, 2400m OPT 815 4 1 83807 Mighty American (1) K & T Barron B Orange 9 X9595 Sheez Good (9) P O'Reilly G O'Reilly 12:48PM LEGENDS OF MID CANTERBURY 2YO MOBILE TROT 4 1 403 Katamach (1) D Mitchell 1 2 8100X Ohoka Johnny (2) T Bagrie G O’Reilly D Dunn 4 10 DX313 Hayden’s Meddle (10) R Dunn J Dunn $8,000, 2YO MOB. TROT, 1609m OPT 813 3 2 0X0 Tribeca (2) A Fitzgerald 3 60440 Maddisons Desire (3) J Howe A Fitzgerald (J) 11 17338 Black Art (11) A Fitzgerald J W Cox A Fitzgerald (J) 4 1 5 Majestic Chevron (1) N McGrath N McGrath 3 05380 Adieu Flirt (3) G Bond 4 32003 Stompem (4) D Thompson J W Cox C D Thornley 1 12 34534 Pirate Bay (u1) S Smolenski S Ottley 2 Eyre I Go SCRATCHED 4 50654 Trompeur (4) D Mitchell 1 5 24166 Motu Bettor Be Quick (5) S Adlam S Ottley R May 3 43P0 Count Eyre (2) R Allen D Dunn FARMLANDS TROT $9,000, 3YO+ Up–& including 6 608X0 Casino King (6) W Stevenson 1 5 3658X Mahksman (5) M Kerr D Dunn 3:41PM M Williamson 4 Prince Teka (3) G McCrea R60, 2400m 6 45245 Glengarry Knight (6) B Zampese 2 7 58242 Johnny White (7) R Dunn T Chmiel OPT 818 J Dunn 2 5 7 The Peaky Blinder (4) J Gameson 4 1 02100 Ideal Invasion (1) J Clementson M Anderson (J) J Curtin 2 7 3 8 25087 De Lancome (8) R Dunn Bettor Beontoit (7) K & T Barron B Orange G Smith 6 8 Jake The Mus (5) N McGrath B Orange 8 43945 Silent Shadow (8) G Bates 2 00961 One Over Da Skye (2) G & N Hope R May 9 1053X The Golden Boy (9) R Holmes J Morrison (J) R Holmes 7 48856 Christmas Babe (6) A Clark A Clark 9 7X9X8 Moytura (9) B Hutton D Dunn 10 70289 Sails (u1) S Smolenski J Curtin 3 91706 Geena’s Girl (3) K Townley S Ottley 8 4 41200 Tehoro Dazzle (4) R Holmes Barrier Barrier Kowhai Sundown (7) M Jones R Holmes
Hastings Races Tomorrow at Hastings
April 28, 2018
12:25PM NOVUS AUTO GLASS NAPIER MAIDEN MILE 3 447X0 Cassius Clay (8) 57.5 P McKay 4 4 Qiji Power (7) 57.5 S Marsh $10,000, MDN, 1600m OPT 401 5 Royal Patch PX # REC Horse (Barrier) kg Trainer Jockey 6 LX Derecho (6) 57.5 M Eales 2 1 442X5 Vannoss (4) 58.5 Lowry/Cullen 1 C Johnson 7 Gamebreaker (11) 57.5 G Sharrock 2 67250. Heart Of Fame (8) 58.5 T Collis A Jones Hezahoot (13) 57.5 S Marsh 3 Thutmosis SCRATCHED 8 3 9 66 Mighty Connor (10) 57.5 J McKay 4 37787 Cullen Bohannon (7) 58.5 G Vile S McKay 10 7 Performante (12) 57.5 Lowry/Cullen 1 5 X8570. Upmarket (3) 58.5 J Lynds M Tanaka 11 Ripnroll (3) 57.5 B Ropiha 3 6 2X252 Abacus (5) 58 Baker/Forsman J Parkes 12 Total Excess (5) 57.5 Autridge/Richards 7 463 Pop ’n’ Rock (6) 58 K & G Opie D Bradley 13 574. Higher Power (9) 55.5 J Lynds 8 0898 Captain Risky (2) 58 Moroney/Gerard J Grob (a2) 2 14 4X Just Fabulous (2) 55.5 R Bergerson 9 26687 Starrybeel (1) 58 S Marsh S Wynne 15 5 Not Usual June (1) 55.5 Baker/Forsman 4 10 X8362 Sacred Delight (9) 56 T Pike L Allpress 1 16 7 Socialights (4) 55.5 S Marsh 1 11 9368. Terra Firma (10) 56 Ramsay/Ritchie R Myers 17 Qiji Express 12:57PM 402
$30,000, Rating 85 Benchmark, 1600m
1 26488 Irish Call (7) 59 T Mitchell 2 34231 Sasanof’s Hero (6) 58.5 J Collett 2 3 93542 Disturbance (8) 58 Kennedy/Furlong 4 45801 Strolling Vagabond (3) 56.5 G Innes 5 53282 Handfull (9) 56.5 S Brown 3 6 41440 Lady Guinness (5) 54 P Campbell 1 1 7 X1115 Hinerangi (1) 54 Baker/Forsman 8 71325 Stacey Ann (4) 54 D Hollinshead 4 9 16X81 Londaro (2) 54 Lowry/Cullen 1 1:32PM 403
1 2
Cavallo Veloce Lite My Cigar
L Allpress T Abel (a3) C Waddell (a4) A Shin (a3) R Myers C Johnson J Parkes D Hain M Tanaka
$10,000, MDN 2YO, 1200m
Track Information Type: Grass; Expected: Dead; Direction: Left-handed; Length: 1700m; Straight: 375m; Rail: Out 4m; Weather: Rain
14 41496 No Finer Pins (2) 56 K Fursdon 15 910X9 Vino Blanco (12) 56 Lowry/Cullen 1 16 29500 Just You (7) 56 L Latta 17 Wordofmouth
T Newman (a3) M Tanaka SCRATCHED
1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8 2-3-4, 6-7-8 1-2-3-4, 5-6-7-8 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 3-4-5-6-7-8 MULCASTER BLOODSTOCK MILE
$22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1600m
1 22709. Ali Baba (7) 60 Moroney/Gerard J Grob (a2) 2 2 3X902 Johnny Lincoln (3) 59.5 L Latta S Wynne A Jones $25,000, Rating 75 Benchmark, 2100m 3 63390. Kirkenes (1) 58.5 J Wheeler 4 66265 Pep Torque (8) 58.5 K Lawrence L Hemi 1 690X0 King Oberon (2) 59 R Connors S McKay 5 351X9 Whoshotmymate (9) 58 R Connors D Bradley 2 2 38138 Royal Ruby (4) 58 P & T Ebbett Z Moki (a2) 6 4PP0X Zed Leppelin (4) 57.5 Thompson/Brown 1 M Tanaka 3 370X9 Peso (6) 56.5 P Nelson 1 L Hemi 4 7 30625 What A Diva (5) 57 S Marsh R Myers 1 4 30X54 Animator (3) 56 B Hawtin J Parkes 1 8 12954 Lubaya (6) 56.5 R Bergerson C Johnson S Wynne 3 5 03901 Itellyouonething (1) 54.5 S Gordon L Allpress 3 9 X8361 Raspberry Beret (10) 56.5 Baker/Forsman J Parkes SCRATCHED 4 6 41514 Kaipawe (9) 54.5 Thompson/Brown 1 M Tanaka 10 X2610 Gata (12) 56 W Marshment L Allpress 7 37018 Katiem Marie (7) 54 K Myers R Myers 11 58643 Pincanto (11) 55.5 P & T Ebbett S McKay 2:07PM HAWKE’S BAY OWNERS ASSOCIATION 1200 S Wynne 12 99X09. Showing Grace (2) 54.5 M Eales S MacNab (a2) OPT 404 $22,500, Rating 65 Benchmark*, 1200m 8 42801 Vencedora (5) 54 J Wheeler 9 40066 Voxer (8) 54 Lowry/Cullen 1 A Shin (a3) 2 1 15X24 Carson River (6) 60 T Pike J Grob (a2) 4:32PM LIVAMOL 1400 2 10738 One Prize One Goal (5) 59.5 L Somervell L Hemi PREFERMENT @ BRIGHTHILL FARM 1400 OPT 408 $25,000, Rating 75 Benchmark, 1400m 3 3328X Quantum (1) 59.5 K Nicholson B Morgenrood 3:17PM $35,000, OPN HCP, 1400m 1 652X4 Manhattan Flame (2) 59 S Crawford 3 4 14628 Windsor (13) 58.5 R Bergerson J Parkes OPT 406 J Grob (a2) 5 Forever Clever SCRATCHED 1 3120X Taurus (7) 60 E & JJ Rayner L Hemi 2 4348X Vinevale (1) 58.5 Autridge/Richards S Wynne 6 2878X Hundyamonth (11) 58.5 E & JJ Rayner 1 4 L Allpress 2 86213 Go Nicholas (4) 57 S Hale R Myers 3 X3744 Showemup (5) 57.5 Baker/Forsman 7 61457 Perfect Shock (14) 58.5 J Bary 1 1 C Johnson 3 27085 Seize The Moment (8) 56.5 S Marsh J Parkes 4 15X13 Bevan Street (7) 57.5 S Marsh R Myers 4 4 12381 Scandalo (2) 55.5 P Campbell 1 8 96235. Pakapunch (15) 58 Lowry/Cullen 1 C Johnson 5 93162 Soroc (4) 55.5 L Somervell L Hemi A Shin (a3) 3 6 X2143 Aileen Grace (10) 55 R McCarroll 9 87453 Wonder Woman (3) 58 Moroney/Gerard 2 5 159X2 Deals In Heels (1) 54 Baker/Forsman S Wynne L Allpress 1 10 3100X Gothenburg (8) 57.5 D Guy 3 6 0X025 Lucyinrio (6) 54 K Little 2 7 17X1 Capucine (6) 55 Baker/Forsman D Bradley J Parkes 11 36X31 Zappeur (4) 57 S Marsh 8 64364 Money Trail (9) 55 B Hawtin R Myers 7 89975 Somethingvain (5) 54 M/Rogers L Allpress 4 12 23133 Walkin’ By (9) 56.5 T Pike S McKay 8 14520 Barcelo (3) 54 P McKay M Tanaka 9 35621 Wordofmouth (3) 54.5 P McKay S McKay 13 23168 Miss Contessa (10) 56.5 G Vile S MacNab (a2) 9 6X9X1 De Niro (9) 54 P McKay S McKay 10 07387 Orange Shore (8) 54 P McKay L Hemi M Tanaka J Grob (a2) L Allpress D Bradley R Myers
2:42PM OPT 405
Disclaimer: TAB and METSERVICE have endeavored to ensure the correctness of the information; neither TAB, METSERVICE related companies, nor any of their respective employees or agents make representation as to its accuracy or reliability nor will they, subject to law, be liable for any loss arising in any way from, or in connection with, errors or omissions in any information provided (including responsibility to any person or reason of negligence). TAB may alter the odds after publication - please check odds when placing selections.
Compiled by
Friday, April 27, 2018
In brief
Melbourne spring assault Michael and Matthew Pitman are already making plans for a return to Australia with Savvy Coup. The Riccarton trainers have enjoyed a lucrative campaign with the daughter of Savabeel, who won the Gr.1 New Zealand Oaks (2400m) at Trentham before finishing fifth in the Gr.1 Australian Oaks (2400m) at Randwick. “She came through the trip first-class and she’s having a deserved break now,” Michael Pitman said. “We’ll have her back for the Group One races at Hawke’s Bay and then we’ll be looking to take her to Melbourne early in the spring. “Son Of Maher will go and possibly Czechoslovakia and a couple of others.” Son Of Maher dead-heated for first in the Gr.2 Coupland’s Bakeries Mile (1600m) in the spring and subsequently added Listed placings in the Timaru Stakes (1400m) and the Lightning Handicap (1200m). The promising Czechoslovakia has won once from five outings and ran third in the Listed Dunedin Guineas (1500m) before he finished fourth in the Gr.2 Wellington Guineas (1400m). Meanwhile, the stable rate Jazzman (Speights 1000m) and Coup Dreamworld (Kam Transport Maiden 1950m) as two of their best chances at Marlborough today. The former will be ridden by southern newcomer Jordan Bas-
Jockeys’ lucky escape sett, who can claim four kilos. “She’s from Hastings and Noel Harris recommended that she came down here to us with a view to possibly signing on,” Pitman said.
“Coup Dreamworld hasn’t had much luck and he’ll go well if he can overcome a wide draw.” To be ridden by Chris Johnson, the colt finished strongly for a laststart second at Timaru. - NZME
Savvy Coup can look forward to another trip across the Tasman early in the spring.
retirement and a move to Australia to be nearer three of his four children. “I’m 70 years old and have had a trainer’s licence since I was 21,” he says. “This has been coming for a while. I don’t want to train full time for ever and I have been lucky but you don’t know if that will last forever. “Emmett (son) is doing well in harness racing over there so I will take four or so of our young horses and train them in Victoria and I am not saying we will never come back. “But we have sold our property and looking at this as at least a semi-permanent move.” He says the other racehorses he has in his 12-strong team, many of them trotters, will go to other local trainers.
Richard Brosnan Brosnan has long been admired in the industry for not only his achievements at the absolute highest level on the track but his leading role in administration, even though the latter came with its frustrations. Because Brosnan’s integrity
has never been questioned there was plenty of confusion over his recent cobalt positive that ultimately saw him fined $19,000. He has his theories on what caused the positives, he says the incident has nothing to do with his decision to move on. “This move has been coming for a while and while I wasn’t happy with the cobalt inquiry or the outcome it is not the reason I am taking a step away. “I know some people will think it is but I am 70 now and if we don’t make a move we never will. “But there will be some sadness in leaving fulltime training. It has provided me with some wonderful moments.” Brosnan is likely to have horses racing at Alexandra Park for the next two to three weeks before heading to Australia. - HRNZ
Our Abbadean a top Travis prospect More of the same is expected of Our Abbadean at Te Rapa tomorrow. The mare is at the top of her game and another strong account is tipped from her in the Gr.2 Travis Stakes (2000m). She
Like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Marcoola will be back. And he will be back early next season, according to owner Clint Ford. Marcoola has been one of several notable absentees from New Zealand’s top-class trotting ranks recently after failing badly in the Trotting Free For All in November. The former star juvenile trotter, who is also raced by trainer, Ken Ford, was suspected to have bled in the shock performance. Ford quickly moved to push the reset button on Marcoola’s career after the incident, giving him the chance to let the horse’s body recover from what he described as tough prior seasons. - NZHN
Chocante will press on to Saturday week’s Hollindale Stakes (1800m) at the Gold Coast despite only beating one runner home in last weekend’s Listed Tails Stakes (1600m) at Doomben. Cambridge trainer Stephen Marsh said instructions to jockey Jim Byrne were to ride the Brisbane Cup winner back from the start so he could be doing his best work late in his fresh-up run. “We wanted him to get back just so he could hit the line, but he stoked him up from the barrier and got caught three wide. I have to be pretty forgiving of the horse with the run he had.” - NZME
Brosnan making the trans-Tasman move A one-time superstar of the harness racing industry is calling time on his career and is set to leave Auckland for Australia within weeks. But Richard Brosnan says his semi-retirement has nothing to do with a recent cobalt positive that landed him with a hefty fine. Brosnan was one of the kings of harness racing in the late 1970s and early 1980s, training two champions in Bonnie’s Chance (NZ Cup) and No Response (1979 Interdom Trot Final) as well as a strong of open class stars. He was never the same force after moving north a decade later but still trained Dominion Handicap winner Pompallier and a host of good intermediate horses. Now he says it is time for semi-
Marcoola returning
Hollindale next-up
By Michael Guerin
Ashburton Guardian 31
will be ridden by Shafiq Rusof, who bagged a double for Te Akau at Awapuni on Wednesday with Qian Cheng and Bojangles. “She is in really good order and when she’s in form she usually holds it,” said Jamie Richards,
who prepares the five-year-old with Stephen Autridge. “She’s trained on well and her work on Tuesday was very good.” The daughter of Lookin At Lucky won an open handicap at Trentham three runs back before
she was successful in the Gr.2 Awapuni Gold Cup (2000m) and then finished runner-up in the Listed Hawke’s Bay Cup (2200m). Richards said future plans for the Wentwood Grange-bred Our Abbadean were uncertain. - NZME
Three jockeys were fortunate to walk away from a nasty incident at Tauranga yesterday. Troy Harris had the winning of the David Wright Memorial on Guess Who until halfway down the straight when he was dislodged after the horse faltered and went down. Michael Roustoby and Raaj parted company, as did Aaron Kuru and Soldier Field. They all escaped uninjured but, tragically, the John Mason-owned and trained Guess Who had to be humanely euthanised. - NZME
Quick trip for Du Plessis Regular Queensland visitor Mark Du Plessis will ride at Doomben tomorrow. The Karaka-based jockey will partner the Robert Heathcote-trained Stella Victoria in a three-year-old event over 1350m. “My agent over there asked me if I was coming over and I didn’t have anything booked here so I’ll go and come back on Sunday,” he said. Du Plessis is in good form and continued his unbeaten association with Peter and Dawn Williams’ smart filly Media Sensation at Avondale on Wednesday. - NZME
Brisbane beckons Brisbane is on the agenda for talented Cambridge stablemates Seventh Up and Go Nicholas if their trainer is willing to swallow her “brave pills.” That’s the quip from Shelley Hale as she prepares to produce Go Nicholas in Saturday’s Preferment @ Brighthill Farm 1400 at Hastings. The Hastings open sprint is Hale’s back-up option after she entered the Danroad six-year-old for last Saturday’s Easter Handicap at Pukekohe, but withdrew because of a heavy track. Seventh Up’s failure has led Hale to rethink her plan of a tilt at the Hollindale Stakes at the Gold Coast, but she said he had thrived since the run and he could still head to that race. - NZME
This week’s draw
Times may be subject to change.
27 Apr
Hurricanes v Sunwolves
7:35 pm
28 Apr
Stormers v Rebels
Cape Town
5:10 am
28 Apr
Reds v Lions
5:05 pm
28 Apr
Blues v Jaguares
7:35 pm
28 Apr
Brumbies v Crusaders
9:45 pm
29 Apr
Bulls v Highlanders
3:15 am
2018 rules
We decided it was time to mix things up. Here’s how points will be awarded this year: Correct winning team Correct winning margin All correct winning teams and margins Correctly picking a draw Correct bonus question
1 point 1 point 3 points 20 points 10 points
This weekend Trent Boult and Colin Munro will be trying to get their Delhi Daredevils across the line against the Kolkata Knight Riders, who can field the likes of Mitchell Johnson, Andre Russell and Chris Lynn, in the Indian Premier League.
• Will the results be a win to the Daredevils, • A tie after the allotted 20 overs, • A win to the Knight Riders?
YOUR local café
Hurricanes 13 or over Stormers 12 or under Lions 13 or over Blues 12 or under Crusaders 13 or over Highlanders 12 or under
Hurricanes 13 or over Stormers 13 or over Lions 13 or over Blues 12 or under Crusaders 13 or over Bulls/Highlanders Draw
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Logan Hurricanes 13 or over Stormers 12 or under Lions 12 or under Blues 12 or under Crusaders 13 or over Highlanders 12 or under
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Knight Riders
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Luke Hurricanes 13 or over Stormers 13 or over Lions 13 or over Jaguares 12 or under Crusaders 13 or over Highlanders 12 or under
Knight Riders
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New Zealand Conference TEAM Crusaders Hurricanes Chiefs Highlanders Blues
POINTS 29 27 26 24 12
South African Conference TEAM Lions Bulls Sharks Jaguares Stormers
POINTS 30 19 18 16 14
Australian Conference TEAM Waratahs Rebels Brumbies Reds Sunwolves
POINTS 24 21 15 13 2
Ashburton Conference TEAM
Team points
Margin points
Ashburton Toyota
Vision Insurance
Tinwald Tavern
Versatile Buildings
Ashburton ITM
Smith & Sons
Paint It
Neumanns tyres
Hanham Concrete
Hyundai Mid Canterbury
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The Somerset Grocer
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Gluyas Motor Group
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Extra points team & margin Bonus question
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WAS $38,340 • SAVE $8350
Hurricanes 13 or over Boost 5 Stormers 12 or under + ORC Door Lions 12 or under Gluyas Motor Group Blues 12 or under Kermode Street, Phone 307 5800 Crusaders 13 or over Highlanders 12 or under
Knight Riders
Hurricanes 13 or over Stormers 12 or under Lions 13 or over Blues 12 or under Crusaders 12 or under Bulls 12 or under
Knight Riders
• Interior • Exterior • Professional • Prompt • Competitive
Tony Sivier M 021 878 794 P 307 7289 E
Robin Hurricanes 13 or over Stormers 13 or over Lions 13 or over Jaguares 12 or under Crusaders 13 or over Highlanders 13 or over
Knight Riders
Danny Hayden
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Sport 34 Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 27, 2018
In brief Razor rings changes Crusaders coach Scott Robertson has made seven changes to his team for Saturday’s match against the Brumbies in Canberra. Codie Taylor to the starting line-up in place of injured hooker Ben Funnell, with Andrew Makalio again providing cover on the bench. Skipper Sam Whitelock also returns to partner Scott Barrett at lock, while Heiden Bedwell-Curtis and Jordan Taufua bolster the loose forward trio in the No.6 and No.8 jerseys respectively. - NZME
Squire ‘will be right’ All Blacks coach Steve Hansen has stepped into the Liam Squire injury confusion declaring the powerpacked loose forward is available for the series against France in June. The All Blacks have been hit hard in the loose forwards, with Jerome Kaino retired and captain Kieran Read missing as he recovers from back surgery. Hansen said that Squire will be available for the French series. - NZME
Brumbies lose stars
Rakaia’s Thomas Hanham-Carter scores one of his three tries in Rakaia’s loss to Prebbleton on Wednesday.
Rakaia set to bounce back A repeat of last year’s Watters Cup sits waiting tomorrow, but Rakaia have an unfamiliar feeling to shake off first. Last season’s Combined Country Rugby runners-up will head into their local derby against Southern out at Mayfield tomorrow coming off their first defeat of the season after they were well and truly humbled by Prebbleton in their Anzac Day clash on the other side of the river. It wasn’t pretty – and coach Wayne Foxcroft knows he won’t have to remind his players too much of where they went wrong as it was evident in the 38-21 scoreline. “To be honest, we were lucky not to lose by more,” he said. “We started really strongly and had them under the pump for most of the first quarter of the game, but then it was like we had
forgotten how to play rugby.” Without wanting to draw excuses, Foxcroft said the side was no doubt missing the experience and talents of two of their more vital team members and will have to face the same prospect tomorrow. Seta Koroitamana and Nete Caucau were both on the sideline on Wednesday and will be there again on Saturday, with the latter suffering from a leg injury and the former out with a shoulder injury suffered during their win over Hurunui. A loss is never a pleasant feeling, especially when that feeling has been non-existent, but Foxcroft said if it was going to happen he knew it was most likely during the hectic schedule of three games in seven days. As the business end of the competition draws close, wins on
the board are almost as vital as oxygen for teams. Southern have that form on the board thanks to their 45-7 rout over Rolleston on Wednesday and a good win over Hurunui six days ago. They now sit a clear third in Section Two of the competition, one point ahead of Rakaia – but also have a game in hand with their bye round coming up next week. They were too slick for Rolleston and set about dominating the game from the outset on Wednesday to lead 26-7 at the half-time break. Some staunch defence from the Southern lads ensured that Rolleston didn’t get back into the game and scored 19 unanswered points in the second half. Hamish McCullogh continued his good form of the season with
a hat-trick of tries while James Hastings chipped in with two of his own. First-five, Dalton Kannemeyer was in good form with the boot, kicking five of his seven conversion attempts. Hampstead’s horror start to the season continued with their sixth straight loss coming at the hands of Ohoka. Shaun Bovey’s men are clearly improving with game-time, and will this weekend get an opportunity to rest and refresh with the bye tomorrow before matches against Saracens, Glenmark, West Melton and then Ashley, who are also winless, to round out the competition. Methven who enjoyed a rugbyfree Anzac Day with the bye will need to be on song when they travel over the river to take on Springston.
The Brumbies will take on the Crusaders without stars David Pocock and Christian Lealifano, adding more difficulty to an already tough assignment. The experienced but injured duo will sit out tomorrow night’s crunch match at GIO Stadium, as the ACT team desperately tries to recover from a 3-5 record this season. - AAP
Big changes for Reds Injuries to stand-in skipper James Slipper and No.10 Jono Lance have forced Queensland Reds coach Brad Thorn to drastically shuffle his pack ahead of tomorrow’s clash with the Lions. Slipper (collarbone) and Lance (concussion) were both victims of last weekend’s humbling at the hands of the Chiefs. Samu Kerevi will assume the captaincy, while 37-year-old George Smith will return to the run-on side. Winger Jordan Petaia and flyhalf Hamish Stewart will make their run-on debuts, while prop JP Smith will start for the Reds for the first time.- AAP
Milner-Skudder returns Nehe Milner-Skudder will make his return to Super Rugby via the bench tonight when the Hurricanes face the Sunwolves in Wellington. The All Blacks wing, sidelined since injuring his shoulder in October, is part of a strong line-up selected by Chris Boyd. Halfback Finlay Christie will make his debut and with Beauden Barrett, Vince Aso and Matt Proctor outside him. - NZME
Ioane on the move yet again for the Blues Rieko Ioane’s merry-go-round continues at the Blues. Wing one minute, midfield the next; this theme continues for the world-class finisher. Ioane, the star All Blacks left wing, has been shifted back to second five-eighth to replace the injured TJ Faiane for tomorrow’s clash with the Jaguares at Eden Park. With Sonny Bill Williams
thought to be one week away from returning after wrist surgery, Ioane has been paired in the midfield with Orbyn Leger. Faiane is out for at least two weeks after spraining his ankle in last week’s loss to the Highlanders. Ioane has made no secret of his long-term quest to develop into a centre but his immediate future for the All Blacks remains on the wing, and he has struggled to ad-
just when thrust into the unfamiliar No. 12 jersey this season. This week Blues have also lost All Blacks lock Patrick Tuipulotu, who has been unwell. The only good news is the possible return of captain Augustine Pulu, bracketed at halfback with Jonathan Ruru, as he attempts to return from a foot complaint. Gerard Cowley-Tuioti makes a timely comeback to take Tuipu-
lotu’s place in the second-row. Elsewhere Bryn Gatland appears to have paid the price for the Blues’ underwhelming form with Stephen Perofeta moved from fullback to his favoured firstfive role, and Matt Duffie slotting in at the back. “It is definitely nice to see some players back out running with the team on the training field, but for those bracketed, it will depend
how they come through our contact session this afternoon,” Blues coach Tana Umaga said. “While our injured list has been well publicised, equally we do not want to rush players back, especially those who have been out of action for some time. We have some who are close to full fitness but their long-term health and welfare is our main priority and we won’t rush them back.” - NZME
Friday, April 27, 2018
In brief
Day-nighters for Black Caps New Zealand are tipped to play four of seven day-night internationals at next year’s Cricket World Cup, more than any of the other nine competing nations. The schedule has yet to be given final approval by the International Cricket Council, but a draft has been ticked off by the ICC’s chief executives committee and is expected to be signed off overnight at a meeting in Kolkata. The tournament will be a full round robin, the first time that format has been used since the 1992 tournament in New Zealand and Australia. New Zealand will kick off against Sri Lanka in Cardiff on June 1 before the first of four daynighters, against Bangladesh at the Oval. They will play Afghanistan under lights at Taunton next up with their other two night matches against the West Indies in Manchester on June 22 and against Australia at Lord’s in their penultimate, and potentially crucial match on June 29. The New Zealanders are looking at two games in Manchester and the other seven at seven different venues. Australia and Afghanistan each play three times at night but no one matches New Zealand’s four. England, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka have no night time activity. The tournament will be spread over 10 cities and 11 venues – allowing for Lord’s and the Oval in London – and the explosive India-Pakistan match will be at Old Trafford on June 16. The semi-finals are expected to be at Old Trafford and Edgbaston on July 9 and 11 with the
The Oklahoma City Thunder had no right to force a game six in their first round NBA playoff series against the Utah Jazz. Down 3-1 in the best-of-seven series, and trailing by as many as 25 points in Thursday’s game five – their season looked as good as over. But what a difference foul trouble can make. The Jazz were forced to bench Rudy Gobert, and an Oklahoma team who hadn’t been able to score all series finally sprang into life. The Thunder had trailed by 20 points, but then outscored the Jazz 62-34 to take the win 107-99. - NZME
Laurie Daley has confirmed he has met with New Zealand officials to discuss taking over the Kiwis coaching role. Daley is the fourth high-profile coach to meet with officials after David Kidwell was axed following last year’s World Cup exit. Daley confirmed yesterday he had flown to New Zealand to discuss his own future this week after he was axed as NSW State of Origin mentor last year. - AAP
Stuart on player raid final played at Lord’s on July 14. For all that the 10-nation format was popular in 1992, the switch back to 10 has been roundly condemned for turning its back on developing nations. With Afghanistan recently granted test status – but yet to play one – there are no non-test playing nations involved. Zimbabwe missed qualifying, as did Ireland – also recently handed test status. The tournament, held in England for the first time since 1999, will start on May 30 when England play South Africa at the Oval. - NZME
Kane Williamson will be trying to lead the Black Caps to World Cup glory next year.
BLACK CAPS’ WORLD CUP SCHEDULE New Zealand’s schedule is expected to be: June 1: v Sri Lanka, Cardiff June 5: v Bangladesh, the Oval (d/n) June 8: v Afghanistan, Taunt on (d/n) June 13: v India, Trent Bridge June 19: v South Africa, Edgbaston June 22: v West Indies, Old Trafford (d/n) June 26: v Pakistan, Edgbaston June 29: v Australia, Lord’s (d/n) July 3: v England, Chester-le-Street
Don’t jump off the bandwagon just yet on’t panic Warriors fans. That loss to Melbourne on Wednesday night was a blip on the radar, a one-off, an anomaly. It wasn’t a case of the Warriors reverting to type but more the perfect storm (sorry about the pun) culminating in a lop-sided score-line. There were a number of contributing factors that led to the Storm whacking 50 points on the Warriors in their Anzac Day clash. Both sides were playing on short turn-around. The Warriors had a day of international travel included in their recovery but more telling was the amount of juice they used in beating the Dragons last Friday night. They had just 37 per cent possession in that game, which meant they did an awful lot of tackling. That carries into the following week. Add to that a few key play-
Thunder charge back
Daley confirms interest
By Dale BuDge
Ashburton Guardian 35
ers missing and hooker Issac Luke going down 15 minutes into Wednesday night’s fixture and you have some hurdles to overcome. But the biggest factor in Wednesday night’s performance was the display by the Storm. They were incredible. Melbourne hasn’t been anywhere near their best so far this season – well until Wednesday – when they jumped from second gear to fifth without missing a beat. They clearly had a point to prove and that is so often the difference in this competition. The Warriors were 12-0 down having done absolutely nothing wrong. They gave away a penalty at the Melbourne end and the Storm took full advantage. From there the Warriors just didn’t have the petrol in the tank to handle what the Storm fired at them. Missed tackles and handling errors crept into the Warriors’ performance, which happens under fatigue and
against good sides. I actually think the Warriors showed a fair bit of character in really putting in during the second half. I hate to think what the score might have been had this been the 2017 version of the Warriors in the second spell – it could have been a case of getting out the abacus and the record books. Coach Stephen Kearney is a measured kind of guy – he doesn’t get carried away with the terrific wins and he also doesn’t over-analyse the bad losses. In the immortal words of Steve Hansen – the Warriors need to simply flush the dunny and move on from this game. They’ll be back against the Tigers in 10 days and I would be concerned if I was a Tigers fan – a rested and motivated Warriors side lies in wait. Something that should be a major talking point is the ridiculous draw the NRL have employed. I know Anzac Day falling on a Wednesday is the hardest pos-
sible scenario for the NRL to deal with, but they could have and should have done better when putting together the schedule. Consider all of this. The Roosters have had one game out of Sydney in the first eight weeks – they had to drive an hour up to the Central Coast. Players would have slept in their own beds EVERY night this season. In that same time – the Warriors have been to Perth, Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. The Roosters played last Thursday against the Bulldogs in Sydney and backed up six days later in – you guessed it – Sydney. Meanwhile the Warriors and Dragons played a day later last week in Auckland and both teams had to back up five days later after an international flight. Why on earth did the Warriors not host the Dragons last Thursday while moving the Bulldogs v Roosters game to Friday? Totally inexcusable at a time where player welfare is such a talking point. - NZME
Ricky Stuart is hopeful of luring a mystery player to Canberra on a three-year deal. The Raiders’ coach has poured cold water on suggestions the club had considered capping player contracts at only two years. A report this week said a key reason why Junior Paulo looked likely to return to Parramatta was because of the club banning longterm contracts. “We’re in communication with a current player for a three-year deal and we’re also in negotiation with a player outside of the club for three years.” - AAP
Hayne not rushing it Jarryd Hayne insists he had not been rushed back early from a hip injury, as the Parramatta star faces up to another six weeks on the sidelines. Hayne injured his same hip in Sunday’s return match from a three-week layoff. He is expected to miss a further four to six weeks. But despite never having had any hip injuries, Hayne maintained the two matters weren’t related and he was fit to come back to play for the Manly clash. - AAP
‘Don’t copy Pearce’ The message from Newcastle is simple for Jack Cogger ahead of tonight’s NRL clash with Manly – don’t try to be Mitchell Pearce. Knights co-captain Jamie Buhrer has backed the 20-year-old Cogger to step up in the absence of injured marquee halfback Pearce against the Sea Eagles at Lottoland. But Buhrer insists Cogger won’t be under any pressure to do his best impersonation of their bigmoney recruit. - AAP
Bombers lose Begley Josh Begley’s AFL season is over with scans confirming the Essendon forward has a torn anterior cruciate ligament. The 19-year-old twisted his right knee in the first quarter of the Bombers’ 49-point Anzac Day loss to Collingwood. He will undergo a reconstruction next week. “We are all disappointed for him,” Essendon football boss Dan Richardson said yesterday. - AAP
Sport 36 Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 27, 2018 TRADES, SERVICES
Saturday, April 28 First Race 11.50am
Free entry and racebook. LIVESTOCK, PETS BUYER of unwanted animals. Cattle, bobby calves, horse and all farm animals. We also sell pet food. Call TRADES, SERVICES Nick’s Pet Food 0272 101 AG LEADER GPS 621, A/H 03 348 9439. Technology - Based in Mid Canterbury. Keane Farm GARAGE SALES Services offer the full range of Ag Leader GPS technology products and services. We MENZSHED, 8 William pride ourselves on providing Street. Saturday, April 28 – reliable back up and support. Tuesday, May 1 – Ruralco Suppliers. Call now... Wednesday, May 2 – Mick Keane 027 267 9384. Thursday, May 3. 9am - 12 DENTURES. Dr Peter noon. Surplus machinery, fishing, other Rumping, retired dentist, tools, continues to provide full equipment and materials. dentures. Repairs to existing dentures also available. FOR SALE Phone 027 220 9997. INTERIOR PLASTERING. For all your plastering and Gib stopping requirements. New builds, alterations etc. No job too small. Loyal Interior Plastering; phone 027 384 7118 or 027 303 4746.
Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James drives to the basket against Indiana Pacers’ Thaddeus Young (21) in the first half of Game 5 yesterday. PHOTO AP
Buzzer-beater LeBron James hit a 3-pointer at the buzzer, a crowning moment for another brilliant performance, to give Cleveland a 98-95 victory over the Indiana Pacers yesterday in Game 5, putting the Cavaliers within one victory of advancing in the Eastern Conference playoffs. Moments after blocking Victor Oladipo’s possible go-ahead driving layup, James caught the inbounds pass, took two drib-
bles and dropped the winner over Thaddeus Young. As Cleveland’s sellout crowd exploded, James hugged rookie team-mate Cedi Osman before jumping on the scorer’s table to celebrate another of those moments that will define his career. James finished with 44 points, 10 rebounds, eight assists and went 15 of 15 from the line. - AP
Daily Events FRIDAY 6am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Sweaty Bettys circuit training in the hall, 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 6am
SATURDAY 7.30am RUN AND WALK ASHBURTON. Rise and Shine Saturday runners meet at Frontrunner, 7.30am sharp. 28 Moore Street. 9am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON CRAFT MARKET. Local crafts, new stalls welcome. West Street Car park. 9.30am - 12.30pm THE ASHBURTON TOY LIBRARY INC. Open for toy exchange, 106 Victoria Street in the Triangle. 10am
CONTAINERS for sale or hire, ex shipping: general and insulated. Sidelifter available for delivery. Wilson Bulk Transport, Phone 308-7772.
EXCELLENT fundraising opportunity - free to hire. Community fundraising BBQ situated at Mitre 10 Mega. Visit our customer service counter today to book and for details. – Phone 308-5119.
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NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and hall of memories. 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am 50+. An interesting speaker. Senior Centre, Cameron Street.
MT HUTT MEMORIAL HALL. NZ Alpine and Agriculture Encounter, Art Gallery and hall of memories. 160 Main Street, Methven. 10am - 12pm ASHBURTON VINTAGE CAR CLUB. Museum and parts shed open. 86 Maronan Road, Tinwald. 10am - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSEUM. A great selection of many aircraft from the past to the future. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road. 1pm MID CANTERBURY SOCIAL
WHEELERS. 1pm registration, 1.30pm sharp start. Fords Road, Tinwald. 1.15pm RUN AND WALK ASHBURTON. Afternoon social meet - runners and walkers. Cross country run and walk 6 - 8 km. Participants must be registered club members. Meet Hot Rod Club Rooms, Maronan Road, Tinwald. 1.30pm RUN AND WALK ASHBURTON. Afternoon Social meet - runners and walkers. Everyone welcome, all abilities catered for. Leave 1.30pm sharp. Domain oval pavilion, Philip Street.
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Puzzles and horoscopes Cryptic crossword
Friday, April 27, 2018
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): This circumstance at work is potentially very tricky. Maybe you feel as though you’ve done it before, but it wasn’t like this. You can think of all that other stuff as practice for what’s to come. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): The careful listener will learn everything there is to know through casual conversation about nothing in particular. You’re such a person, if you want to be. Much will depend on how badly you want to know. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): Most of the day will seem to be spent in recovery mode as you react to one thing after another. Get up. That’s where the glory is – not in the lack of stumbles but in the getting up and up and up again. CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): Conversation will flow; commerce will happen quickly; the trends you take part in will gather momentum. Forwarding your own interests will have to do with the levity of your attitude. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): You’re not an open book. You’re more like a diary, with a lock on each chapter. And each chapter requires a different key, and there are some chapters that nobody has the key to at all. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): You drive a hard bargain, but only sometimes. When the situation feels right the bargain seems to drive you. And mutually satisfying deals are struck in the moment without accompanying legalese. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): You sometimes feel close to people you don’t know, that’s because you are close to them. You don’t have to know a person to know that you have compatible minds, made from the same stuff. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): Life is like an exam (and it feels that way today) but not everyone gets the same questions. Rather, your test is different from the test of the person next to you. That’s why it does no good to copy. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): Justice will be served, and you’ll be a huge part of why and how this happens. You’re especially keen in fighting for those who cannot stand up for themselves. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Relationships can take a new direction at any time. However, where there’s a void to be filled, it will be much easier to find someone new than to bend an existing relationship into a new mould. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): The pressure you feel is because you’ve decided there’s something to uphold, but you could just as easily decide that there’s not. What if you don’t have to be anything to anyone? PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Whether you’re travelling across country or the road of life, there’s nothing more irritating than a backseat driver. It cuts out a lot of confusion to work out this mission solo.
ACROSS 1. The racket, though old, was running wild (8) 7. Thus America was one to produce marches ... (5) 8. … and got this to stop on tour, electioneering (7) 9. Is stung by having caught it from the sea when about fifty (7) 10. Crushed cocoa beans for the writers (4) 12. Golden it is, voicelessness (7) 14. One is relieved to be in his hands (7) 17. I’m going back with the sappers in the mud (4) 18. Point after deuce gave Shakespeare his opportunity (7) 21. Blow this flourish! (7) 22. Call to mind woman it’s all right to have in (5) 23. Foliage seen by author Graham on the railway (8)
Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or anti-clockwise.
How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. There is at least one fiveletter word.
Quick crossword 1
8 9
Previous solution: CLOSURES 11
Previous Cryptic solution Across 7. Clerical error 8. Double entry 12. Refers 14. Summer 16. Itches 18. Angers 19. Free-and-easy 23. Everlastingly Down 1. Clad 2. Prau 3. Scolds 4. Alters 5. Fret 6. Tory 9. Officer 10. Rompers 11. Arms712. Ruin 13.4Rye 15. Urn 17. Seaman 18. Audits 19. Five 4 20. Eire 3 21. Anna622. Yolk Previous Quick solution 1 4 Across 7. Elated 8. Polite 10. Trigger 11. 9 Prize 12.2Reel 5 4 8 13. Dazed 17. Dummy 18. Cite 22. About 23. Legless 24. Gunner 25. Meteor. Down 1. Gesture 2. Matinee 3. Beige 5 4. Complex 6 45. Mimic 3 1 6. Sever 9. Treadmill 14. Quitter 16. Censure 2 15. Wizened 9 19. Cadge 20. Wound 21. Egged.
TODAY’S GOALS: Good – 7 Excellent – 10 Amazing – 12
13 14
Previous solution: age, ager, are, areg, awe, ear, era, erg, ers, gar, gear, grew, rag, rage, raw, wag, wage, wager, war, ware, wear.
20 21
ACROSS 1. Hobble (4) 3. Rebellion (8) 9. Fill with fear (7) 10. Earth (L) (5) 11. Important occasion (3-6,3) 14. Label (3) 16. Stop (5) 17. Perceive (3) 18. Awkwardness (12) 21. Indicate (5) 22. Unsettle (7) 23. Swiftly (8) 24. Sheet of floating ice (4)
DOWN 1. Able to read and write (8) 2. Bogged down (5) 4. Earnings (3) 5. Go-between (12) 6. Progress (7) 7. Provoke into action (4) 8. Disillusioned (12) 12. Prepare for a race (5) 13. Judicious (8) 15. Authentic (7) 19. Match (5) 20. Musical composition (4) 22. Friend (3)
5 1 9
Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9.
3 4 2 5 6 8 6 9 8 6 4
3 9 7 2 6 4 5 2
3 2 9
1 6 3 8 5 3
7 9 1 3 6 4 1 4
8 9
2 7
4 4 1 3 6 7 2 3 2 9
5 5 7 3 4 2 1 9 8 6 4 8 2 9 7 5 6 4 3 1 7 4 1 6 9 3 8 5 2 7 8 1 3 7 5 8 4 6 9 2 2 9 5 2 6 7 3 1 4 8 3 6 8 4 1 9 2 3 7 5 1 2 6 8 3 1 9 7 5 4 9 3 4 5ofMembers 2 6 &7& 8 1 &9NZ Level 2, 73 Ashburton Members I.B.A.N.Z Brokernet Ltd. LevelSt, 2, 73 St,|Ashburton | of I.B.A.N.Z Brokernet 73 Burnett St,Burnett Ashburton | Members I.B.A.N.Z NZBrokers Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton |Burnett Members of of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd. NZ Ltd. 6 7 9 1 8 4 5 2 6 3 Level 2, 73 Burnett St, Ashburton | Members of I.B.A.N.Z & Brokernet NZ Ltd.
Your Stars
Simon Shuker’s Code Cracker
DOWN 1. Having an argument while being a wet-bob (6) 2. Where posts are concerned, they give one the sack (8) 3. Takes part, or parts of play (4) 4. Things that happen despite the street being up (6) 5. Papal edict is eyed at the centre (4) 6. Go with trousers rolled up to shift the canoe? (6) 7. Resolved the argument and paid the bill (7) 11. Sex appeal, in unrefined circumstances, caused a holy war (7) 13. Formally propose one with no name, it appears (8) 14. Look again at what the critic has written (6) 15. Coat at which one may drag (6) 16. To weep about half the eleven sticks (6) 19. Light the gas? (4) 20. Solitary occasion when cone was put out (4)
Ashburton Guardian
1 3 9 7 5 6 2 4 8
6 2 8 9 1 4 7 5 3
3 6 2 5 7 8 9 1 4
8 9 5 6 4 1 3 2 7
4 7 1 2 3 9 8 6 5
9 1 3 4 6 7 5 8 2
7 5 6 1 8 2 4 3 9
2 8 4 3 9 5 6 7 1
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Family Notices 38 Ashburton Guardian DEATHS
Canterbury owned, locally operated
Patersons Funeral Services and Ashburton Crematorium Ltd
DAWSON, Thomas Russell – In fond and loving memory of our dearly loved husband and father who passed away on April 27, 2011. Our memories build a special bridge when loved ones have to part, to help us feel we’re with them still and soothe a grieving heart. Our memories span the years we shared, preserving ties that bind, they build a special bridge of love and bring us peace of mind. Inserted by his loving wife Bernice and daughter Deirdre.
For all your memorial requirements New headstones and designs Renovations, Additional inscriptions, Cleaning and Concrete work Carried out by qualified tradesmen.
Ra n
Data provided by NIWA
NZ Situation
Wind km/h less than 30 fine
30 to 59 fog
isolated snow thunder flurries
sleet thunder
fine drizzle rain fine fine fine fine thunder fine thunder fine thunder fine showers cloudy
60 plus
FZL: 3000m, lowering to 2000m in the S later
mainly fine
Mainly fine. Southerlies dying out.
FZL: Lowering to 1000m
Frankfurt Geneva Hobart Hong Kong Honolulu Islamabad Jakarta Johannesburg Kuala Lumpur London Los Angeles Madrid Melbourne Moscow Nadi
11 5 27 4 17 20 18 26 7 26 23 23 24 1 4
fine fine cloudy drizzle showers fine cloudy fine thunder rain fine fine fine rain showers
20 20 18 26 27 35 30 26 33 11 22 24 18 17 31
4 5 10 23 21 14 25 11 24 8 12 15 11 5 20
New York Paris Perth Rarotonga Rome San Francisco Seoul Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei Tel Aviv Tokyo Washington Zurich
rain showers fine rain rain fine cloudy thunder fine showers cloudy showers fine rain fine
m am 3 3
9 noon 3
9 pm am 3
Saturday 9 noon 3
9 pm am 3
9 noon 3
9 pm
7:35 1:48 7:58 2:16 8:21 2:37 8:47 3:03 9:07 3:25 The times shown are for the Ashburton River mouth. For the Rangitata river mouth subtract 16 minutes and for the Rakaia river mouth subtract 4 minutes.
Rise 7:20 am Set 5:40 pm
Good fishing Set 3:39 am Rise 4:37 pm
Full moon
30 Apr 1:00 pm ©Copyright OceanFun Publishing Ltd.
Rise 7:21 am Set 5:39 pm
Bad fishing
Set 4:47 am Rise 5:06 pm
Last quarter
8 May
2:10 pm
Rise 7:22 am Set 5:37 pm
Bad fishing
Set 5:54 am Rise 5:35 pm
New moon
15 May 11:49 pm
Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa
For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit
11 8 12 23 15 11 9 25 3 17 22 13 14 8 6
River Levels
16 13 12 11 12 12 10 9 8 6 3 8 6
2.18 nc
Selwyn Whitecliffs (NIWA) at 3:00 pm, yesterday
Rakaia Fighting Hill (NIWA) at 3:00 pm, yesterday 120.8 Nth Ashburton at 12:05 pm, yesterday
Sth Ashburton at 2:10 pm, yesterday
Rangitata Klondyke at 4:00 pm, yesterday
Waitaki Kurow at 3:04 pm, yesterday
Source: Environment Canterbury
Canterbury Readings
16 19 25 28 25 16 22 34 10 20 29 24 24 19 23
20 19 21 19 17 17 19 16 20 17 16 17 16
Palmerston North fine
Forecasts for today
22 15 33 18 27 30 32 37 19 33 34 38 36 9 10
overnight max low
Showers developing, turning to rain from afternoon, with heavy falls about the divide. High cloud elsewhere, scattered rain spreading from the S from afternoon. Wind at 1000m: N rising to gale 65 km/h, turning S 30 km/h in the evening. Wind at 2000m: N rising to gale 70 km/h in the N but severe gale 85 km/h in the S, then turning S 40 km/h in the evening.
Tides, Sun, Moon and Fishing Friday
NZ Today
Rain, with snow to 1100m at first, clearing in the afternoon but cloudy periods remaining. Wind at 1000m: S 40 km/h, easing to 25 km/h in the evening. Wind at 2000m: S 55 km/h, easing to 20 km/h in the evening.
Mainly fine. Northerly breezes, a southerly change later.
World Weather
Canterbury High Country
Adelaide Amsterdam Bangkok Berlin Brisbane Cairns Cairo Calcutta Canberra Colombo Darwin Delhi Dubai Dublin Edinburgh
Friday, 27 April 2018
A ridge of high pressure recedes to the east of the country, allowing a front to move northwards over the South Island during the day. Meanwhile, a low is approaching the North Island from the Tasman Sea. The front becomes slow moving over central New Zealand during the weekend.
mainly isolated cloudy drizzle drizzle few showers fine showers clearing showers
Mainly fine. Northeast breezes.
Donate now and help end poverty
11:40 – 1:10
The Salvation Army helps over 120,000 Kiwis each year, working to lift them out of poverty by providing a range of short and long-term support and guidance to those in crisis. We’re committed to ending poverty in New Zealand, but we can’t do it alone. You can make a difference to those in need, because seeing poverty is not enough— we must act now.
PROTECTION REQUIRED Even on cloudy days
Isolated early showers then fine. Southwesterly dying out.
But it’s everywhere, in every city and every town. And these people need your help—not only to survive, but to lift themselves out of poverty forever and live independent, happy lives.
Sometimes it’s hidden because the thousands of people living in poverty don’t want you to see it, for fear of being judged or ostracised. Other times it’s because people choose not to see it—after all, how could a country as beautiful and prosperous as New Zealand have so many people living day-to-day in poverty, often not knowing where their next meal is coming from?
Midnight Tonight
Occasional rain, clearing in the afternoon but cloudy periods remaining. Strong southwesterlies.
Poverty isn’t always easy to see in New Zealand, but it’s all around us—in our communities and our neighbourhoods, behind the doors of family homes, down alleyways at night, and even in the workplace.
You can help end poverty.
Fine, with high cloud. Cloud increasing in the afternoon with scattered rain spreading from the south during the evening and overnight as strong northerlies change strong southerly.
to see
MONDAY: Mainly fine. Northeast breezes.
Canterbury Plains
Poverty isn’t always easy
bur to
SUNDAY: A chance of early shower then fine. Southwesterly dying out.
620 East Street Ashburton Ph/Fax 308 5369 or 0274 357 974 NZMMMA Member
Ph 307 7433
TOMORROW: Rain, clearing afternoon but cloud remaining. Strong SW.
Office and Chapel Corner East & Cox Streets, Ashburton
TODAY: Fine, with high cloud. Cloud and rain at night as N turn strong S.
Ashburton Forecast
Wa i m a ka r i r i
Map for today
to ensure publication. To place a notice during office hours please contact us on 03 307 7900 for more information Any queries please contact 0800 ASHBURTON (0800-274-287)
Please note all late death notices or notices sent outside ordinary office hours must be emailed to:
Friday, April 27, 2018
Ashburton Airport Temperature °C At 4pm 21.0 22.5 Max to 4pm 6.4 Minimum 0.6 Grass minimum Rainfall mm 0.0 16hr to 4pm April to date 58.6 Avg Apr to date 45 2018 to date 422.6 213 Avg year to date Wind km/h NE 22 At 4pm Strongest gust NE 35 Time of gust 3:27pm
© Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2018
to 4pm yesterday
Christchurch Airport
Timaru Airport
19.6 20.5 9.9 –
17.9 22.3 3.8 -0.2
16.5 21.8 3.3 –
– – – – –
0.2 75.6 44 342.8 184
0.0 35.6 29 354.2 163
NE 15 – –
NE 20 NE 26 3:47pm
SE 7 NE 19 1:39pm
Compiled by
Television Friday, April 27, 2018
©TVNZ 2018
©TVNZ 2018
6am Breakfast The Breakfast team presents news, interviews, weather, and information. 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Show Ellen DeGeneres brings her brand of humour to daytime talk. 0 10am Tipping Point 11am The Chase 0 Noon 1 News At Midday 0 12:30 Emmerdale 0 1pm Tiny House Nation 2pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3 0 3pm Tipping Point 4pm Te Karere 2 4:30 Funny You Should Ask Comedy game show featuring a panel of stand-up comedians who interact with contestants for prizes. 4:55 The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0
6am Impact For Life 6:30 Sesame Street 0 6:55 Peppa Pig 0 7am New Looney Tunes 0 7:25 N Nexo Knights 0 7:50 Beyblade Burst 3 0 8:15 Art Attack 3 0 8:35 F Miles From Tomorrowland 3 0 9am Infomercials 10:30 Neighbours 3 0 11am Hope And Faith 3 0 Noon Jeremy Kyle PGR 1pm Judge Rinder 2pm Home Improvement 3 0 2:30 Home And Away 3 0 3pm Shortland Street PGR 3 0 3:30 Chuggington – Little Trainees 0 3:35 Marvel’s Avengers Assemble 0 4pm Fanimals 0 4:30 Friends 3 0 5pm The Simpsons 0 5:30 Home And Away 0 6pm The Big Bang Theory 3 0 6:30 Neighbours 0
6am The AM Show 9am The Café 10am Infomercials 11:35 Entertainment Tonight 3 12:05 Dr Phil PGR 1:05 M Eruption – LA PGR 2017 Sci-fi Action. Matthew Atkinson, Lexi Johnson, Eric Etebari. 3pm Entertainment Tonight 3:30 Family Feud Australia 4pm NewsHub Live At 4pm Susie Nordqvist presents comprehensive coverage of global and local news. 4:25 Wipeout 0 5:30 Modern Family 3 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm
7pm Seven Sharp 0 7:30 Extreme Cake Makers 0 8pm Call The Midwife PGR Lucille faces racism and prejudice when a new mother becomes ill; Sister Winifred is keen to have fathers be more involved in the care of their babies. 0 9:20 Coronation Street 0 10:20 1 News Tonight 0 10:50 Blindspot AO 0
7pm Shortland Street PGR 0 7:30 The Simpsons 0 8pm The New Legends Of Monkey 0 8:30 Taskmaster PGR 0 9:30 One Night With My Ex 0 10:30 First Dates New Zealand PGR 3 0
7pm The Project 8pm The Graham Norton Show PGR 0 9pm 7 Days AO 9:45 Comedy Gala AO Hosted by Arj Barker, a fastpaced show celebrating some of the best local and international comedians. 10:45 NewsHub Late
12:45 Te Karere 3 News and current affairs from a Maori perspective. 2 1:10 Infomercials
11:30 8 Simple Rules 0 Midnight Scrubs PGR 3 0 12:25 Less Than Perfect 3 0 12:45 People Of Earth 3 1:10 Shortland Street PGR 3 0 1:35 Infomercials 2:40 Recovery Road AO 3 0 3:25 Jeremy Kyle PGR 3 4:15 Judge Rinder 5:10 Neighbours 3 0 5:35 Grandfathered PGR 3 0
11:15 Bob’s Burgers PGR Bob and Linda’s double date takes an unfortunate turn; Louise hosts a zombie-movie night, but when the zombies turn out to be too scary, Tina must take charge. 11:45 F Hawaii Five-O AO 3 0 12:45 Infomercials
6am Avatar – The Last Airbender 3 6:25 Ben 10 – Ultimate Alien 0 6:50 Kung Fu Panda – Legends Of Awesomeness 3 0 7:15 League Of Super Evil 0 7:40 Duck Dodgers 3 8:05 Max Steel 3 8:30 Henry Danger 3 8:55 The Moe Show 0 9:20 Jeopardy 3 9:50 The Crowd Goes Wild PGR 3 10:20 The Doctors PGR 11:15 Hot Bench 11:40 Escape To The Country 3 12:40 Ed PGR 0 1:35 Married With Children PGR 2:05 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PGR 3 3pm Wheel Of Fortune 3:30 Jeopardy 4pm Antiques Roadshow 5pm Frasier 3 5:30 Prime News 6pm American Restoration 0 6:30 Pawn Stars 7pm The Crowd Goes Wild 7:30 Best Of Top Gear PGR Japan sets the scene for a race between the Nissan GTR and a bullet train; James goes to California, where he discovers how Honda has saved the world. 8:30 Seal Team PGR 9:30 NCIS – New Orleans PGR 0 10:30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PGR
6:30 Takaro Tribe 3 6:40 Nga Papara Kapi 3 7:10 Penguins Of Madagascar 7:40 Pukana 3 2 7:50 He Rourou 3 8am Te Kaea 3 2 8:30 KaweKorero 3 9am Swagger 9:30 Kai Time On The Road 3 10am Kai Ora 3 10:30 F Celebrity Playlist 3 11am Waka Huia 3 Noon Game Of Bros PGR 3 12:30 Billy T James AO 3 1pm The GC PGR 3 1:30 Polyfest Kapa Haka 3 2pm Opaki 3 2:30 Nga Pari Karangaranga O Te Motu 3 3pm Takaro Tribe 3 3:10 Nga Papara Kapi 3 3:40 Penguins Of Madagascar 3 4:10 Pukana 3 2 4:20 He Rourou 3 4:30 Kina’s K9s 3 5pm Tangaroa With Pio 3 5:30 Te Kaea 2 6pm Mataatua – Senior Kapa Haka 6:30 Te Kaea 3 2 7pm KaweKorero 7:30 Experience PGR 8:30 M Rush AO 2013 Drama. A recreation of the 1970s Formula One rivalry between English playboy James Hunt and his Austrian opponent, Niki Lauda. Chris Hemsworth, Daniel Bruhl. 10:50 Te Kaea 3 2
11:30 The Crowd Goes Wild PGR 3 The team presents the best of the day’s sports news. Midnight Closedown
11:20 This Week PGR 3 11:50 KaweKorero 3 Inside news from at home and around the globe. 12:20 Closedown
7:45 Friends With Benefits 16LS 2011 Comedy. Justin Timberlake, Mila Kunis. 9:35 Hall Pass 16LS 2011 Comedy. Owen Wilson, Jason Sudeikis. 11:20 The Last Castle MVL 2001 Drama. Robert Redford, Call the Midwife Best of American Pickers James Gandolfini. 1:30 Hostel 8pm on TVNZ 1 7:30pm on Choice M 2005 Horror. Jay Hernandez, Derek Richardson. 3:05 Magic BRAVO SKY 5 Mike 16LS 2012 Comedy 10am Say Yes To The Dress 6am Jeopardy! PG Drama. Channing Tatum, 6:25 Wheel Of Fortune Atlanta 3 10:25 Say Yes Alex Pettyfer, Olivia Munn. PG 6:50 The Simpsons To The Dress Atlanta 3 4:55 The Secret Life Of Bees PG 7:15 The Force 10:55 I Found The MV 2008 Drama. Queen Latifah, Dakota Fanning. 6:50 Sliding Gown 3 11:25 I Found The MC 8:05 Pawn Stars PG 8:30 Border Security Doors MLS 1998 Romantic Gown 3 11:55 Snapped M 8:55 Storage Wars Drama. Gwyneth Paltrow, PGR 3 12:45 The Real PG 9:20 Pawn Stars PG John Hannah, John Lynch. Housewives Of New York 9:45 NCIS PGV 10:40 SVU 8:30 The Taking Of City PGR 1:40 Beverly Hills MV 11:35 Jeopardy! PG Pelham 1 2 3 16VL 2009 Pawn 3 2:10 Beverly Hills Noon Wheel Of Fortune Thriller. A subway dispatcher Pawn 3 2:35 Babies Behind PG 12:30 DC’s Legends must deal with a criminal Bars PGR 3 3:30 How Do I Of Tomorrow M 1:25 CSI who takes a subway train Look? 4:30 Say Yes To The MV 2:15 NCIS PGV 3:05 The hostage. Denzel Washington, Dress Atlanta 3 5pm Say Force MC 4pm The John Travolta. Simpsons PG 4:30 Jeopardy! Yes To The Dress Atlanta 3 10:20 Are We Officially PG 5pm Wheel Of 5:30 Love It Or List It – Dating? 16LS 2014 Romantic Fortune PG 5:30 Pawn Comedy. Zac Efron, Vancouver 6:25 I Found Michael B Jordan. The Gown 7pm I Found The Stars PG 6pm Storage Wars PG 6:30 Border 11:55 Boogeyman MC SATURDAY Gown 7:28 M The Dish Security M 7pm Pawn 2005 Horror. Barry Watson, 12:35 What We Did On Our AO 2000 Comedy. A remote Stars PG 7:30 Arrow MVS Emily Deschanel, Lucy Lawless. Holiday PGL 2014 Comedy. Australian antenna, manned by 8:30 Supernatural MVS David Tennant, Rosamund Pike. SATURDAY 1:25 The quirky characters, plays a key 9:30 NCIS PGV 2:10 Catch Hell 16VLSC 2014 Secret Life Of Bees MV role in the first Apollo moon 10:30 SVU MV 11:25 Storage Thriller. Ryan Phillippe, 2008 Drama. Queen Latifah, landing. 7:30 Tabatha’s Wars PG 11:55 Pawn Stars PG Tig Notaro. 3:45 Nothing Dakota Fanning. 3:20 Sliding Salon Takeover 3 SATURDAY 12:20 The But Trailers MVLSC 4:05 It Doors MLS 1998 Romantic 8:30 M Legally Blonde Force MC 1:20 Pawn Stars Comes At Night 16VLSC Drama. Gwyneth Paltrow, 2 – Red, White And Blonde PG 1:50 Supernatural MVS 2017 Horror. Joel Edgerton, John Hannah, John Lynch. PGR 2003 Comedy. 10:33 The 2:40 Arrow MVS 3:30 SVU Christopher Abbott. 5:35 Miss 5am The Taking Of Dish 10:35 Intervention MV 4:20 Border Security Sloane MLS 2016 Drama. Pelham 1 2 3 16VL 2009 AO 3 11:25 Snapped PGR 3 M 4:45 NCIS PGV 5:35 The Jessica Chastain, Gugu Mbatha- Thriller. Denzel Washington, Raw. John Travolta. 12:15 Infomercials 3 Simpsons PG 8am Good After Bad 2017 Drama. Maddie Hasson, Billy Burke. 9:40 6 Plots MVLC 2012 Thriller. Alice Darling, Ryan Corr. 11:05 Hello, My Name Is Frank MVLSC 2014 Comedy. Garrett M Brown, Rachel DiPillo. 12:55 The Whole Truth MVLSC 2016 Crime. Keanu Reeves, Renee Zellweger. 2:30 War For The Planet Of The Apes MVC 2017 Action. Andy Serkis, Woody Harrelson. 4:45 Catch Hell 16VLSC 2014 Thriller. Ryan Phillippe, Tig Notaro. 6:20 Miss Sloane MLS 2016 Drama. Jessica Chastain, Gugu Mbatha-Raw. 8:30 It Comes At Night 16VLSC 2017 Horror. Paranoia and distrust threaten to break family bonds when the evil they fear from the outside may be more lethal from within. Joel Edgerton, Christopher Abbott. 10:05 Transformers – The Last Knight MVL 2017 Action. Mark Wahlberg, Josh Duhamel.
SKY SPORT 1 6am L Darts – Premier League 9:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 10am Cricket – IPL (HLS) Sunrisers Hyderabad v Kings XI Punjab. 10:30 Bowls – Premier League (HLS) Day Four. 11:30 Fox Sports News Noon Cricket – IPL (RPL) Sunrisers Hyderabad v Kings XI Punjab. 3:30 Rugby League – NRL (HLS) Storm v Warriors. 4pm Haati Grassroots Rugby 5pm The World Rugby Show 5:30 The Breakdown 6:30 Team Talk 7pm L Rugby – Super Rugby Hurricanes v Sunwolves. From Westpac Stadium. 10pm Golf – PGA Tour Zurich Classic – Round One. From TPC Louisiana in Avondale. 10:30 Golf – LPGA Tour Mediheal Championship – Round One. 11pm Tennis – Fed Cup (HLS) Semi-final One.
Midnight Tennis – Fed Cup (HLS) Semi-final Two. 1am L Rugby – Super Rugby Stormers v Rebels. 3am Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Hurricanes v Sunwolves. 3:30 World Rugby 4am InCycle 4:30 The Crowd Goes Wild 5am Rugby – Super Rugby (HLS) Hurricanes v Sunwolves. 5:30 Rugby – Super Rugby (RPL) Stormers v Rebels.
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; AO Adults only; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences; PG/PGR Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits ZEFM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
Ashburton Guardian 39
6am The Living Room 7am Junk Gypsies 7:30 Love Nature – Baby Animals Around The World 8:30 American Pickers 9:30 Destination Flavour Singapore 10am Shane Delia Recipes For Life 10:30 Bondi Vet 11:30 Where The Wild Men Are With Ben Fogle 12:30 Sarah Off The Grid 1:30 Stars In Their Cars 2pm The Kindness Diaries 2:30 Trust Me I’m A Doctor 3:30 Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan 4:30 James Martin’s French Adventure 5:30 Buying And Selling With The Property Brothers 6:30 A Place In The Sun – Summer Sun 7:30 Best Of American Pickers Episode featuring items from the disco decade. 8:30 The Home Show Architect George Clarke demonstrates that, with a few structural changes, any home can become a dream home. 9:30 Great Gardens Of The World 10:30 Buying And Selling With The Property Brothers 11:30 James Martin’s French Adventure 12:30 Junk Gypsies 1am A Place In The Sun – Summer Sun 2am Wild Things With Dominic Monaghan 3am Stars In Their Cars 3:30 The Kindness Diaries 4am The Home Show 5am Great Gardens Of The World
SKY SPORT 2 6am Super League Fulltime 6:30 L Rugby League – Super League Salford Red Devils v St Helens. 9am Kiwi League Show 9:30 The Late Show With Matty Johns 10:30 Grassroots Rugby 11:30 Rugby League – NRL (HLS) Rabbitohs v Broncos. Noon Rugby League – Super League (RPL) Salford Red Devils v St Helens. 2pm The Breakdown 3pm ICC Cricket 360 4pm Rugby League – NRL (RPL) Rabbitohs v Broncos. From ANZ Stadium. 6pm The Kiwi League Show 6:30 The Late Show With Matty Johns 7:30 L Rugby League – NRL Sea Eagles v Knights. From Lottoland, Brookvale. 10pm L Rugby League – NRL Panthers v Bulldogs. From Panthers Stadium, Penrith. 11:45 The Professor’s Farewell Tour
12:30 The Kiwi League Show 1am Golf – LPGA Tour (HLS) Mediheal Championship – Round One. 1:30 Golf – European Tour (HLS) Volvo China Open – Round Two. 2am L Cycling – Tour De Romandie Stage Three. 4am Rugby League – NRL (HLS) Friday. 4:30 L Squash – PSA World Tour El Gouna International – Semi-final. 27Apr18
DISCOVERY 6:35 Deadliest Catch PG 13-Metre Monsters. 7:30 How It’s Made PG 7:55 How It’s Made PG 8:20 Fast ‘n’ Loud PG Stung. 9:10 Alaska – The Last Frontier M Baby Kilcher Arrives. 10am Finding Escobar’s Millions PG The Prisoner. 10:50 Moonshiners M Highway to Hell. 11:40 Swamp Murders M Mississippi Black Widow. 12:30 Blood Relatives M At the Stroke of Madness. 1:20 The Perfect Murder M Body in the Glades. 2:10 How It’s Made PG 2:35 How It’s Made PG 3pm How Do They Do It? PG 3:25 How Do They Do It? PG 3:50 Deadliest Catch M The Russian Line. 4:45 Gold Rush PG Of Monsters and Men. 5:40 Fast ‘n’ Loud PG Trials. 6:35 Finding Escobar’s Millions PG The Prisoner. 7:30 Railroad Australia PG 8:30 Megatrains PG Australia – The Sugar Cane Train. 9:25 Rocky Mountain Railroad PG Avalanche. 10:15 What On Earth? PG Hitler’s Lost Gold. 11:05 Evil Lives Here M 11:55 The Perfect Murder M Body in the Glades. SATURDAY 12:45 Blood Relatives M 1:35 How Do They Do It? PG 2am How Do They Do It? PG 2:25 Alaska – The Last Frontier M 3:15 Deadliest Catch PG 4:55 How It’s Made PG 5:20 How Do They Do It? PG 5:45 MythBusters PG | Compiled by
40 Ashburton Guardian
Friday, April 27, 2018
Last year’s winner Neil McCann
Quality across the board The nominations are in and next month a wave of Mid Canterbury sporting stars will be recognised at the annual Mid Canterbury Sports Awards. All counted, 44 nominations have been received across the 11 categories up for consideration with the panel of judges soon to meet to determine their winners. That is a decrease on numbers from last year’s awards, which is another worrying sign for Sport Mid Canterbury’s Jan Cochrane, but the show must still go on and those who have been nominated will deservingly get their moment in the spot-
light at one of Mid Canterbury’s biggest sporting evenings. While light on numbers, there are still some intriguing categories up for consideration, particularly in the Junior Sportsperson of the Year Award where a plethora of nominations have been received – more than any other category on the night. The list includes, just to name a few, Matthew Clough, Mollie Gibson, Taonga Mbambo, and Brea Roderick in a line-up young stars from across the district who play in a vast array of different sporting fields.
Ioane a man on the move P34
The title of Senior Sportsperson of the Year, won last year by Neil McCann for his tennis prowess, will also be a hotly contested affair. It sees rowing superstar, and recently announced New Zealand Junior team single sculler, Veronica Wall, Commonwealth Games shooter and Ballinger Belt winner, John Snowden and rugby league’s Devaun Thompson. While it is great to see such a varying amount of sports recognised, it again is disappointing to see a number of our more prominent sports not nominated.
Nominations forms were sent around the district to various sporting organisations, but a lack of recognition from some sports such as rugby, golf and netball again will leave question marks over the future of the awards evening in years ahead. Former Black Caps all-rounder, Nathan McCullum, is the night’s guest speaker and he will also play the role of Master of Ceremonies as well to oversee the night’s action. The awards evening is being held at the Hotel Ashburton, on Friday, May 11 with doors opening at 5.30pm.
Brosnan off to Australia P31