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Wednesday, Nov 25, 2020
Trash into treasure
Ashburton Intermediate students have been busy since the start of term four, taking on an extra workload as they prepare for the biennial school fair which will be held next month. Yesterday, Ruby Graham (left), Emma Lowry and Luke Rhodes showed Sue Newman some of the Christmas goodies that will be on offer. Full story, P4
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Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Bombs deployed, in the name Unique bombs have been deployed to help protect some of the region’s rarest visitors as they nest in the Ashburton district. The Hakatere/Ashburton Rivermouth project aims to protect the area in and around the hapua (coastal lagoon) formed where the river meets the sea. Recreation and conservation groups are working together to create a space where people can enjoy the river and the sea, while also giving space to nature. Earlier this month volunteers from Forest & Bird, Kanuka Trust and the Mid Canterbury 4WD Club planted karakeke (native flax), toetoe and ti kouka (cabbage trees) to fill in an area alongside a newly created walkway. It followed on from a previous planting day in October. Environment Canterbury (ECan) community engagement co-ordinator Rhys Taylor oversaw the planting, which involved reclaiming rutted four-wheel drive tracks, made in previous informal excursions, as ready-to-use sites for hardy New Zealand native plants. Taylor said that more than 200 plants went in on each day. The species were selected for likely tolerance of harsh coastal conditions. Taylor said that the group also threw “seed bombs” – made from flax seeds enclosed in mud – into the adjacent gorse, as a second introduction method. “Seedlings can germinate successfully in that shaded and wind-sheltered environment, with benefit from the nitrogen fixed by the gorse,” Taylor said. The plantings were made possible by recently installed fencing that completes a protected area bordering the south bank of the river and the hapua. A new walkway passes through the site, taking visitors on a loop through a gorse area between the hapua and river on the Ashton Beach side. The track includes two simple plank bridges crossing a freshwater stream that runs parallel to the river, which are designed to be easily repositioned after small floods. MidCanterbury 4WD Club spokesperson, Steve Adam, said alternative routes around the fenced-off area are available for vehicles, helping protect the birds at this time of year when riverbeds are considered “off limits” for their club, to give nesting sites a fair go.
The alternative route leads to a second parking space that has been created at the end of the walkway, offering fishers a shorter walk to the riverbed. New signage has been installed at both parking areas, identifying the diversity of bird and fish life that can be found at the site, including 24 species that visitors can look out for. Assistance with the signs came from Braided River Aid group. ECan biodiversity officer Donna Field said she hopes that in the long term a viewing platform for birdwatching can be added to the site. “We’re really lucky to have such an abundance of birds come to nest here, especially
nationally vulnerable birds like the pohowera/banded dotterel and tarapuka/blackbilled gull. “It’s especially great to see the four-wheel drive club take pride in the area too,” Field said. With an area now reserved for native birds, predator control is becoming more important. Following the second planting, Forest & Bird members set out traps nearby to help control threats to the nesting birds from egg and chick-eating land animals such as weasels, stoats and hedgehogs. They will continue to monitor the traps to promote a successful nesting season at the river mouth.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
me of conservation Far left – Volunteers tossing speical “seed bombs” into a gorse area at the Hakatere/Ashburton Rivermouth during a recent planting day.
Local Lotto luck continues this month
Left – New pathways, fencing, tracks, and traps around the mouth of the Hakatere/Ashburton River are improving the environment for the many native birds that inhabit the area. Below – Taking a break from their hard work.
By Matt Markham
After a record breaking 2020, the Ashburton District’s Lotto luck continued on the weekend with another big dividend winner from our shores – the second win over $300,000 for the month. Early in November, one MyLotto player from the district collected $333,333 for picking up First Division, while on Saturday night – another player who used the MyLotto App took home the same prize for also winning Lotto First Division. Had the winning tickets also contained the winning Powerball number the prize would have been significantly greater again. Saturday night’s winning ticket was joined by two others, one purchased at Countdown Browns Bay in Auckland and the other at the Avondale Foodmarket. An Ashburton Guardian story earlier in the month revealed that from the start of the year to the end of October, 27 first and second division winning tickets had been purchased in the region but the number has kept growing with a further two big prizes falling to local players. The two big wins this month are joined by two other significant prizes for the year – noticeably, all came from MyLotto App ticket purchases. In April, one player shared a third of the $1 million prize pool when they claimed first division while in June another also claimed Division One success, but only had to share it with one other, taking home a cool $500,000 for their efforts. Of the 29 significant wins for the calendar year only six have been face-to-face purchases at retailers with the remainder all through the online platform – enhanced further by the fact that retail stores were closed during Covid-19 Alert Level Four Lockdown.
June 20
November 11
November 21
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Students gear up for fair fundraiser By Sue Newman
When it comes to creativity, Ashburton Intermediate students have it in spades. Since the start of term four the students have taken on an extra workload, creating hundreds of items for their school fair, a biennial event that is used as a fundraiser for a local charity. Each class appointed a chief executive and as a team the students worked together in technology classes to create items they hope will be crowd pleasers on fair day, December 3. Year 8 student Ruby Graham and her class have used a Halloween theme to base their creations around. “We’re making spooky flavoured lip balm and soap and some joke spiders that will jump out of a box,” she said. And Ruby is keeping her fingers crossed that they win the bid to add a slushy machine to their stall. Emma Lowry’s class stall will be all about the four elements and they’ve used their art classes to create works that represent these and will include butterflies and snowflakes. They’re bidding to add a barbecue to their stall. If you look for the stall with Asian-themed goods for sale, you’ll have found the one manned by Year 8 student Luke Rhodes’ class. They’ve made lanterns with tea light candles and will be selling fortune cookies. He’s keeping his fingers crossed they’re chosen as the ice cream stand. The school has run a poster competition to promote the fair and the winning class – to be decided this week – will choose the charity to receive fair funds. While there has been some teacher input during class time, the fair is a student initiative. It will be held in the school grounds on December 3 from 11am - 2pm, with entry from Walnut Avenue.
Showing off some of the Christmas goodies that will be for sale at the Ashburton Intermediate School Fair are students (from left) Ruby Graham, Emma Lowry and Luke Rhodes.
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Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
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Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
They’re not meant to be perfect as they are all unique and handmade, there is nothing out there like them and no two are alike.
Hopoate Mo’ale surrounded by the attitude giving Piston Men he has been creating since lockdown.
Turning trash into treasures By Heather Mackenzie
Something seriously cool is happening in the Mid Canterbury man cave of Hopoate Mo’ale. The talented artist, a mechanic by trade, is gathering up discarded engine parts and creating Piston Men. He said the idea came to him during lockdown. “Everybody was doing different stuff then, so I thought I would have a go at making these.” Using the piston as a starting point Mo’ale said he knows what he wants the finished product to look like and then sets about finding the perfect bit of metal, old
bearing, or defunct starter motor to match his plan. The more than 80 piston men he’s created so far have taken on different personas, including fishermen, finger-pulling bikers, bullet-biting rifle shooters and bourbon swilling blokes. “It has to make sense at the end, so each one is carefully thought out, and since they are a man cave thing I give them a bit of attitude too.” Mo’ale points out he takes old parts that would otherwise be tossed in the rubbish and changes them into something unique and valuable. “One piston I used came from a brand new motor that only ran for
15 minutes before it broke.” His Facebook page Upcycle in Hinds as seen orders come in from all over New Zealand and even as far afield as Australia. The Australian recipient sent images of their piston man happily fishing off a local beach. I made that and there it is in Australia, that is a great feeling, he said. With each one taking in excess of six hours to make, including polishing and rustproofing, Mo’ale said his booking sheet is full until after Christmas. Mo’ale’s design and welding skills have certainly improved since he first picked up his welder back in March. “The first one I made was very
simple. At the time I thought it was pretty good, but now I want to hide it away.” He doesn’t of course – the somewhat clunky piston man with his bright blue eyes sits on a shelf in the man cave and will be there for many years to come. His ANZCO workmates tell him his welding skills are still a bit on the rough side, but he tells them that’s the idea. “They’re not meant to be perfect as they are all unique and handmade, there is nothing out there like them and no two are alike.” The Mo’ale family are offering two lucky raffle ticket buyers the chance to win their own Piston
Fishing Man. The raffle is being run by the Mo’ales to raise money for two causes close to the family’s heart. The first one is to support the new autism art group that their son belongs to. “The group has no funding at this stage, so we really want to support this great group as it has been great for our own son who has Autism Spectrum Disorder,” Mo’ale said. Funds permitting, the family would love to buy a couple of Chromebooks to give to the local support unit for children with a range of disabilities. Head on over to the Upcycle in Hinds Facebook page for details.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
A magical combination of kids, art By Heather Mackenzie
Magic often happens when you combine children and art, when those children have autism the magic goes to new levels. Meeting every Monday after school for an hour and a half, Artism, as named by the children, has quickly proved to be the encouraging and supportive environment co-founder Marie Maeva hoped it would be. “The children just love coming here and will ask their parents or caregivers if they are going to Artism this week. To begin with Maeva and fellow founder Celia Colcord planned to start meeting earlier in the year, but then lockdown happened and forced them to push the opening day back to term three. Artism is a spin-off from the Takiwatanga Ashburton for Kids with Autism (TAKA) group that the pair also founded. TAKA parents soon found their children had a common interest in art, and so we set up this group for them. Even in the short time the group has been running, Maeva said the change in the children’s communication skills is significant. “Autistic children can be blunt in their comments, but here I find they are really supportive of each other’s art even though the styles are all varied.” As well as supporting one another the budding artists are also initiating conversations within the group, and that is something won-
Artism is a new Ashburton art group for autistic children, focusing on fun, friendship and art. derful to see, Maeva said. “The art gives them something in common to chat about.” Children of all ages are welcome to come along and join in, we welcome everybody from preschool upwards, Maeva said. Artism is held at Ashburton Intermediate, thanks to the kindness
of school principal Brent Gray. “This is something being run outside of anything we have here, but I was more than happy to provide the space to support what they are doing.” Gray’s kindness is very much appreciated as Artism is run without funding, with the parents
chipping in to cover the cost of art materials. The exciting news for the Artism kids is that they will be exhibiting artists in late January or early February next year when they hang their art in the Ashburton Art Gallery. Maeva said she is thrilled the
very talented group get to showcase their art in a public space. In order to cover the cost of extra canvases and paints required Artism supporters are running raffles to raise some extra cash. If you want to help them out, contact Marie Maeva through Facebook.
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Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Community has key role to play in welcoming refugees By Sue Newman
The timeframes might have changed, but Ashburton is still on target to become home to Afghani refugees. Covid-19 driven delays have not stopped the district’s resettlement team planning for their arrival, and groups representing health, education, housing, employment and community groups are already forming a solid support network. That group, Ashburton’s refugee resettlement co-ordinator Kathy Harrington-Watt said, had a great pool of knowledge that would be invaluable as the community worked the welcome and help settle the new arrivals. “As a rural community we look after each other. Yes, it’s a cliche that it takes a village to raise a child, and it will take our village to run a successful refugee settlement programme in Ashburton one that will welcome and connect with our refugees,” she said. It would be important for the community and the dedicated resettlement team to work together to help the new arrivals settle and become self-sufficient as quickly
as possible, and to feel they were no longer refugees, but rather became former refugees, Harrington-Watt said. Ashburton was chosen as a resettlement town last year and identified as a new home for up to 100 people from Afghanistan in its first refugee intake. At a meeting of stakeholders on Wednesday, assurances were given by Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment refugee resettlement project co-ordinator Sarah Ward, those refugees would still be arriving. While the arrival date of the first families is still not known, Ward said the community would have three months’ notice of their arrival. The number coming in the first intake was likely to be lower than the normal 215 people and was more likely to be only 70 to 80. And for Ashburton, that would mean just two families, she said. “Best case scenario is February into New Zealand, but all our best plans have to be flexible.” For many of the support groups, the uncertain timeframe around the refugees’ arrival and not knowing the ages of children made it difficult for schools to plan, but as a group they were all on board to put in place whatever support
was needed, Ashburton College principal Ross Preece said. Questions were asked over the availability of housing, but Ward assured the Ashburton group that no family would arrive without a home to move into. “We make sure it’s safe, healthy and family appropriate and we work with social housing providers where we can as well as the private market,” she said. Government funding had been approved to boost New Zealand’s social housing stocks and Ashburton is likely to be part of this project. While the resettlement stakeholders would be working to ensure all bases were covered in helping the new arrivals adjust to life in their new country, Harrington-Watt said the key to their become part of the community would lie in the hands of the community, in the people who walked alongside them and who helped them understand and connect with the everyday aspects of Kiwi life. A s h b u r t o n’s refugee settlement support
service will be screening the movie Human Flow on Wednesday at the Regent Cinema. This will provide an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the path a refugee travels to their new life. Tickets to the movie can be purchased online at eventbrite.
Right – Kathy Harrington-Watt, Ashburton’s refugee resettlement support team leader. PHOTO SUE NEWMAN 080320-SN-0212
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Economy on the slow road to recovery By Sue Newman
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the Ashburton District’s economy is rebounding faster post-Covid 19, than most of New Zealand, with its GDP for the September quarter down just 1.7 per cent against the national drop of 3.3 per cent over the pastyear. Provisional GDP for the year to September 30 was $2318 million, while for the year to June 30 it sat at $2337 million. Infometrics data shows that the June and September quarters were the first time since the last two quarter of 2010. The district’s GDP growth peaked in September 2012 at 8.1 per cent. Senior economist Brad Olsen said that regional areas were showing a stronger bounce back in economic activity and for Ashburton the dairy sector would continue to be a source of strength through the recession. While dairy farmers were expected to earn $53 million less this year, total farm gate revenue was likely to be $1058 million, one-third of the district’s GDP. The district’s greatest hit came in residential building consents, down 18.4 per cent. In Canterbury consents rose 8.1 per cent and were up 3.5 per cent nationally Ashburton’s consent plunge comes on top of a 7.9 per cent drop in the June quarter. Like the rest of the country, however, house prices were on the rise up 6.6 per cent for the quarter, rising faster than the Canterbury average, but below the national rise. The average house value in the district was $375,950 at September 30.
Brad Olsen The Ashburton District might not count itself a tourism hot-spot, but Infometrics data shows it has taken a greater hit than the national average. Expenditure in this sector dropped 17.4 per cent, down from $191 million for the year to September 2019 to $158 million this year. Consumer spending also took a hit and was down 4.1 per cent, a larger drop than the Canterbury average of 2.5 per cent. The number of people receiving job seeker support continued to rise and at September 30 numbers were up 282 (36.9 per cent) on the previous year to sit at 627. The numbers out of work were up 33.7 per cent across Canterbury and 27.3 per cent nationally. The district’s unemployment rate at 2.9 per cent, is still low, however compared to the Canterbury region, 4 per cent and New Zealand, 4.4 per cent. Nationally there are 60,000 more job seekers than at the same time last year.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
Armadillos move into Braided By Jonathan Leask
An Ashburton restaurant and bar that has been closed since the Covid-19 lockdown will be reopening in the new year under a new name. Braided Rivers has been closed since March and is now set to reopen under new management as Armadillos at the Braided. Armadillos is a restaurant brand owned and operated by one of the South Island’s biggest hospitality groups, Northend Hotels, with 12 other Armadillos locations around the South Island. Managing director Tony Crosbie, who attended Ashburton College for three years before moving to Christchurch, is excited about adding the 13th venue in Ashburton. He said Armadillos’ concept was an ideal fit Ashburton. “I believe it will be perfect for Ashburton and I believe the site is perfect for it. “It’s a family restaurant, but the bar will obviously be marketed differently.” Crosbie said he had previously had an interest in taking over Braided Rivers but was beaten to it by former Braided Rivers owner Ben Busch. “I was actually keen on getting it before Ben bought it, so I missed out. “Then I heard through some contacts that it had actually
Braided Rivers has been closed since March, but will reopen under new management as Armadillos at the Braided. PHOTO JONATHAN LEASK
closed down, so I contacted the landlord, Brian Davidson, and started chatting to him to see what we could work out.” What transpired is that Armadillos is now preparing to move into the building, with Crosbie looking at an opening date of
February 1. There is plenty of work to do before then, Crosbie said. “Things will kick in shortly as I’ll probably get the keys in a week or so to start doing stuff and planning for the new year. “The fit-out is actually pretty
good, it just needs a freshen up. “We won’t be changing any structure inside, it will just be reorganised differently. “I do want to spruce up the outside and obviously put our branding with it. “We’ll put the courtyard gar-
den bar back out the front.” Armadillos at the Braided currently has an alcohol licence application being processed and will soon be advertising for staff. “I have a couple of key staff I’ll bring into the venue to help set it up, but I want to employ local staff where I can and use local trades. Crosbie did not know who any of the previous Braided Rivers staff were, but was not opposed to rehiring them if they applied to work at Armadillos. While things were set to start on Armadillos at the Braided, Crosbie was also putting the finishing touches on Armadillos opening its 12th location in Islington, taking over the Swamp Tavern, in three weeks. From Invercargill originally, Crosbie spent “three or four years” in Ashburton before moving on to Christchurch. He started his own business portfolio including Churchill’s Public House in Sydenham and the Bourbon Street Bar in Manchester Street, but lost both pubs in the earthquakes. Crosbie then moved to Nelson, running hospitality businesses at the top of the South Island and has been the managing director for Northend Hotels since 2014. In the role he has overseen Armadillos expansion from the Nelson area throughout the South Island, including Timaru, Kaiapoi, Prebbleton, Te Anau, four in Christchurch and soon to be Ashburton.
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Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Cleaning the coffee machine for one last time at Cafe 131 By Heather Mackenzie
For more than 15 years Denise Stevens has been the welcoming face at Café 131 in Methven, but all that is about to change. Come December 22, Stevens and co-owner Jo Pegg will clean down the coffee machine and hang up their aprons for the last time and hand over the keys to the new owner. Looking back over the last 15 years, Stevens couldn’t recall any standout moments as such, it’s the everyday stuff that I’ve enjoyed the most, she said. Along with the thousands of meals and untold coffees the pair have served, the café has played a big part in the lives of 75 afterschool workers since 2005. “We have employed five a year since we started here, and watching the girls grow and mature is one of things I am very proud of.” Many of them have gone on to bigger and brighter things, but Stevens said they still call in for a coffee and a chat when back in town. Anyone who has been into 131 more than once will know that Stevens is a master at remembering everybody by name. Even at 72 she still rattles off names and enquires about family members
Cafe 131 will change hands next month. in between taking orders. “Being here you certainly get to hear about people’s highs and lows, and we have always strived to provide the personal touch,” she said. “We lasted 15 years, so we must
have done something right.” Stevens said the welcoming atmosphere is enhanced by the building itself, the natural wood and big windows means that no matter where you sit it is possible to look out and see the flowers
and watch the goings-on. Stevens said she won’t miss the early starts, but she will miss the customer contact. “We have built up such a loyal customer base and it will be sad to say goodbye to them, but it is
time to move on.” Pegg said she remembers fondly the staff she has worked with over the years. “It can get pretty stressful in here at times, especially when we are busy and that makes for a close working relationship.” At this point neither Stevens nor Pegg have any set idea of what comes next. Pegg who has spent 30 years in hospitality kitchens said she wants to find employment around the area. “I want to work for somebody else, where I finally get holiday pay, sick days and far less stress.” Stevens said she has a list of things to do when she first finishes, but other than that she is undecided. What she has decided however is she has absolutely no intention of moving to a council flat and taking up knitting. Plans of a big farewell bash have been left well and truly on the shelf. Stevens said she and Pegg plan to slip quietly out the back door on their last day. “But if anybody wants to call in and say goodbye before we leave we’d love to see them,” Stevens said. “People who knew us from our Kellys’ days are also welcome to call and reminisce about those days too.”
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actually speaking it’s a fact that facts can be fascinating. On average 100 people choke to death on ballpoint pens every year. Elephants are the only animals which can’t jump. And that’s something to be thankful about. Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older. It’s possible to lead a cow upstairs, but not downstairs, which begs the question if a cow is led upstairs what happens when it’s stuck up there? Or could this be bull? No, surely not, it’s about cows. Women blink almost twice as often as men. Do you know why? Probably not, and nor do we! It’s physically impossible for you to lick your elbow. No word in the English language rhymes with the word month. The electric chair was invented by a dentist. Which some may say is no surprise! Perhaps he came up with the idea when he was filling in some spare time. An ostrich’s egg is bigger than its brain. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters of just one row of the keyboard. GO is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. And almost everyone who reads this will try to lick their elbow! Two players named Thomas William Lynch played test rugby for New Zealand. Thomas William “Tiger” Lynch (March 26, 1892 – May 6, 1950) represented South Canterbury and Southland at a provincial level, and was a member of the All Blacks in 1913 and 1914. “Tiger” Lynch played 23 matches for the
Bernard Egan is a well known man around these parts. Through Tales from the Back Seat he endeavours to put a light-hearted spin on tales from yesteryear. All Blacks scoring 37 tries. His son Thomas William Lynch (July 20, 1927 – December 29, 2006) played both rugby union and rugby league. He played three rugby union internationals for New Zealand in 1951, before switching codes and joining English club Halifax, for whom he made 188 appearances between 1951 and 1956. Had a go at trying to find a word which rhymes with month? Eiffelton here in Mid Canterbury owes its name to a tall tower built on a brick kiln which was known locally as the Eiffel Tower. The other Eiffel Tower is named after the engineer Gustave Eiffel, whose company designed and built it. Constructed between 1887 and 1889 as the entrance to the 1889 World’s Fair, it was not to everyone’s taste. The construction permit only covered a period of 20 years after which it was to be removed. Consequently it was designed to be dismantled. The Eiffel Tower is very heavy, but because of its design it doesn’t exert very much pressure on the ground below. And here’s a fascinating fact to finish on. When sitting in a chair, an average-size person actually exerts about the same amount of pressure on the ground as the Eiffel Tower does.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
It’s an honour to welcome refugees By Sue Newman
e might be living in a country with closed borders, putting us in virtual isolation at the bottom of the world. If we’re chafing at what we see as the enforced curtailment of our freedom, pause for a moment. Take stock, look over the horizon. Big picture we’ve lost absolutely nothing. Life in safe, secure, privileged Godzone continues largely uninterrupted. That’s not so for many people in many parts of the world. Think for a moment about the hundreds of thousands of people who have been persecuted and have been forced to flee their homeland, forced to find a safe haven many borders from home, far from everything that is familiar. Those are refugees, people who live in fear, often forced to move from country to country until they’re they secure a humble tent in a refugee camp. That might mean relative safety, but it is likely to also mean enduring significant hardship for what could be years until they make it onto a refugee quota list and gain the chance of a new and permanent home. Some never do. A refugee’s dream is not a return home – that will never be possible, rather their dream is a new life in a new and safe country, a chance to start again. New Zealand is viewed as a safe haven by refugees. We offer them unlimited opportunities and we offer them safety and next year we will have the privilege to do this as we begin welcoming small groups of refugees in Ashburton. Our first families, most likely from Afghanistan, will arrive early next year – Covid willing. For them that will be the end of a long journey that may have begun several years before, a journey that will have been marked with fear, uncertainty and often with despair. Their journey may come to a physical end, but they will still have many hurdles to overcome as they adjust to a new way of life in a country that will be very, very different to any they have experienced before. We, as a community, are part of that journey, and the quality of their Kiwi journey will be determined by the hands of friendship, the warm welcome we extend and our willingness to make them feel at home and to become former refugees.
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Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
New-look structure to start in 2021 By Hamish Riach
ome important changes are coming for the council next year that will impact how decisions are made about our community. You may have heard news that councillors approved changes to their governance structure which will come into effect in January, but what are these changes and how will they affect local democracy? The first big change is how often the council will meet to discuss matters and make decisions. This last 12 months or so, the full council and five standing committees have met every six weeks. In the new year, the full council will instead meet twice a month, making the meetings much more frequent and helping to facilitate more timely decision-making. It was also agreed these meetings should be on a Wednesday – a change from the recent past where Thursdays were the regular meeting day for council and its committees. The second big change is that the committees that had been operating will – in most cases, no longer exist. The committees (which have a smaller councillor membership) have been a means of addressing matters and – where needed, making recommendations to the council. They do not have the authori-
ty to make decisions themselves but they do give council an opportunity to reflect and re-consider, and the final decision is made by all councillors regardless of who is on the committee. From January 1 the Infrastructure Services, Environmental Services, Community Services and Bylaw & Policy Committees will be discharged, while the Audit, Risk and Finance Committee will become the Audit & Risk Committee (with finance matters going directly to
council). Council has also decided that all councillors other than the mayor and deputy mayor should be paid the same base amount under this new structure. It was always intended that council would review its structure 12 months after being sworn in after the 2019 election, but the experiences from the Covid-19 lockdowns earlier in the year really bolstered confidence that council could function differently, and perhaps
with more efficiencies. Many around the table noted how the weekly Covid-19 Response Committee meetings enabled more timely decisions that also benefited from all councillors being present. Moving forward, it’s anticipated that the new governance structure will continue to facilitate this. As always, next year’s council meetings will be livestreamed on our Facebook page and YouTube channel so that you can
stay informed of what decisions and discussions are being had around the council table. Keep an eye out on the first and third Wednesdays of each month to tune in. The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by the author and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Ashburton Guardian Co Ltd or any employee thereof.
Bank capital reprieve good news for farmers and other businesses
here was a flurry of activity earlier this month in the world of banking, with important ramifications for agriculture. On Tuesday, November 10 the Reserve Bank announced it would delay the start date for a staged transition to tougher bank capital requirements by a further 12 months, to July 1, 2022. It’s the second such delay announcement. Last December, when it made its decision to proceed with the tougher requirements, they would have started taking effect from July 1 this year with a seven-year transition period. But in March, as Covid struck, the Reserve Bank extended the start date by 12 months to July 1, 2021. This was to enable banks to provide additional credit to lend to support the economy which was about to be severely battered by the pandemic. Banks had earlier claimed they would be forced to pass on at least some of the additional costs from the tougher bank capital requirements through
By Andrew Hoggard FROM THE FARM higher lending rates and tougher credit conditions, with farmers especially vulnerable given perceptions of risk and limited competition for agricultural lending. Regardless of whether the banks should pass on the costs to customers or absorb the cost through lower profitability, Federated Farmers was concerned about the impact on farmers, especially at a time when they are having to contend with the costs of tougher environmental regulation. So it’s good that farmers and other bank customers will get a further reprieve. Hopefully it will ease the pressure many farmers have been feeling from their banks. The Federated Farmers’ Banking Survey, out now, is
testing how bank relationships are faring. We usually get around 1000 or more responses and it will be interesting when we get those results. On Wednesday, November 11, the Reserve Bank found the need for continued monetary stimulus to prop up the economy and announced a Funding for Lending Programme (FLP) to provide banks with cheap funding to allow them to lend at lower interest rates.
It also kept the OCR unchanged at 0.25 per cent and continues to keep the door open for a negative OCR from next year. Although the economy is doing better than expected, there is criticism that loose monetary policy is helping send house prices into the stratosphere. The Reserve Bank isn’t targeting the FLP funding to particular sectors, such as business or agriculture, considering this to
be the role of the banking sector or government initiatives. Since March, housing lending has increased by $8.7b while business lending is down $6.1b. It would be a positive if at least some of the cheap funding will be assigned by the banks to the productive sector, including agriculture, rather than throwing petrol on the housing market bonfire. The Reserve Bank’s decision to consult on reintroducing Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) restrictions for housing is an attempt to dampen that bonfire. But the restrictions won’t take effect until March and with the FLP to reduce mortgage rates further, this means there will be more housing heat to come over the summer. The views, opinions, positions or strategies expressed by the author and those providing comments are theirs alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, positions or strategies of the Ashburton Guardian Co Ltd or any employee thereof
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
TEST YOURSELF Test yourself with the Guardian’s quiz 1. Cheryl Moana Marie was a hit for which singer? a) Neil Finn b) John Rowles c) Howard Morrison
1 5 3
2. On which date did New Zealand move into Alert Level Four Lockdown?
9 3 8 4
a) March 23 b) March 24 c) March 25
3. Jeff Wilson represented New Zealand in what two sports? a) Rugby and Cricket b) Rugby and Basketball c) Rugby and Golf
4. Prior to the Murney Main building being built, what type of store was located on the site? a) Bookshop b) Jeweller c) Chemist
5. Tim ‘The Tool Man’ Taylor was a character on what television show?
6 1 8 6
3 7 1
The old i-SITE building was a hive of activity on the weekend as removal teams get set to uplift the building and relocate it to its new home at the Ashburton Airport. Part of the process involved the removal of some branches to allow for the building to be shifted.
a) Home and Away b) Home Improvement c) Home Along
6. Who is the current principal of Ashburton College? a) Ross Preece b) Trevor Cochrane c) Ron Carlson
7. Approximately, how many symphonies did Mozart compose? a) 20 b) 30 c) 40
8. Quarto is a former method used for measuring what? a) Metal b) Paper c) Timber
6 4
1 4
4 3
7 3 6 9
8 6 7 5 3 4 2 7 6 5 8 1 7 1 3 8 5 3 8 4
8 7 2 9 3 4 5 6 1
3 4 1 5 8 6 2 7 9
9 6 5 2 1 7 8 4 3
4 2 3 8 9 1 6 5 7
6 1 7 3 4 5 9 2 8
1. b) John Rowles. 2. c) March 25, 3. a) Rugby and Cricket 4. c) Chemist. 5. b) Home Imporvement. 6. a) Ross Preece. 7. c) 40. 8. b) Paper
1 2 8 9 4 5 7 3 6 3Salad 7 1 8 2 5 9 Yellowfin Tuna Nicoise 4 9 5 7 3 6 8 1 800g fresh tuna 400g new season baby potatoes 9 4 1 3 2 8 6 7 240g green beans 4 ripe tomatoes, quartered 8 5 3 6 7 1 4 2 200g olives 1 medium-size red onion, sliced 2 7 6 5 9 4 1 8 4 eggs (soft boiled) 4 anchovy fillets 5 6 2 8 1 9 3 4 salt and pepper Vinaigrette 7■ To make 1 the 9 vinaigrette, 4 6 whisk 3 all2the in-5 ■ 1 t sea salt gredients together in the order above. 1 clove garlic, peeled and crushed 5 potatoes, 7 9green6 3 ■ ■ In a8 large4 bowl2 mix the 1 t dried mustard powder 1 T balsamic vinegar 6 tablespoons olive oil 2 T fresh herbs (basil, parsley or tarragon)
■■ Boil the baby potatoes until just cooked, then refresh under cold water and cut into quarters. Bring a pot of water to the boil, add the green beans and blanch for 3 to 4 minutes, then refresh under cold water.
beans, tomatoes, olives, red onion and toss with the vinaigrette. ■■ Sear the tuna steaks on a hot chargrill or griddle pan for 3 minutes on each side. Season the tuna with salt and pepper. ■■ Serve on four plates, place the tuna on the salad and garnish with the softboiled egg, anchovies and a drizzle of vinaigrette over the tuna. Recipe courtesy of Seafood New Zealand
6 4 2 5 9 3 7 8 1
5 8 9 6 7 2 3 1 4
1 5 8 4 2 3 7 9 6
2 9 4 7 6 8 1 3 5
7 3 6 1 5 9 4 8 2
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Seven days of T V You asked, we listened! Enjoy 7 days of TV listings for your entertainment
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 tVNZ 1
tVNZ 2
©TVNZ 2020
©TVNZ 2020
5 Gold Rings, at 8:25pm
Taskmaster NZ, at 8:30pm
The Alleged Abduction, at 1:05pm
Weather Gone Viral, at 8:30pm
Forged In Fire, at 7:30pm
6am Breakfast 0 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 0 10am Tipping Point 3 0 11am The Chase 3 0 Noon 1 News At Midday 0 12:30 Emmerdale PG 0 1pm Coronation Street PG 3 0 2pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3 0 3pm Tipping Point 0 4pm Te Karere 2 4:30 Driving Test PG 3 0 5pm The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm Seven Sharp 0 7:30 5 Gold Rings Phillip Schofield hosts a quiz show in which two teams use gold rings on an interactive LED floor to answer pictorial questions. 0 8:20 L Lotto The Lotto draw. 8:25 5 Gold Rings Continued. 0 8:30 Location, Location, Location Phil and Kristie go to north Leeds in Yorkshire to help more people find the right home. 0 9:30 Coronation Street PG 0 10:30 1 News Tonight 0 11:05 Manifest MC 3 0
6:30 Esme And Roy 3 0 6:50 Code Fun 3 0 7am New Looney Tunes 0 7:25 Ben 10 3 0 7:50 Unikitty! 0 8:15 Puppy Dog Pals 3 0 8:40 Moon And Me 0 9am Religious Programming 9:30 8 Simple Rules 3 0 10am Neighbours 3 0 10:30 Murphy Brown 0 11am Kevin (Probably) Saves The World 3 0 Noon Come Dine With Me Couples 0 1pm Judge Rinder PG 2pm The Middle 3 0 2:30 Home And Away PG 3 0 3pm Shortland Street PG 3 0 3:35 Power Rangers Beast Morphers PG 0 4pm Brain Busters 0 4:30 Friends 3 0 5pm The Simpsons 3 0 5:30 The Big Bang Theory PG 3 0 6pm Neighbours 0 6:30 Home And Away PG 0 7pm Shortland Street PGC 0 7:30 Motorway Patrol PG 0 8pm Renters PG 0 8:30 Taskmaster NZ 16L Madeleine Sami uses the magical power of her mind; the teams get soup-y; Paul Williams leaves. 0 9:35 Paranormal Caught On Camera 0 10:35 Mad About You PG 3 0 11:10 2 Broke Girls PG 3 0 11:40 The Twilight Zone PG 0
6am The AM Show 9am The Café PG 10am Infomercials 11:40 Face The Truth PG 3 12:10 Vet On The Hill 0 1:05 M The Alleged Abduction M 2019 Thriller. After being abused by her abductor, a girl is left on the side of a road with no explanation; her sister and boyfriend support her, but detectives are suspicious about her kidnapping. Michelle Mylett, Jacob Blair, Anna Hardwick. 0 3pm Bondi Vet 0 4pm The Fishing Show Classics PG 3 0 4:30 NewsHub Live At 4:30pm 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm The Project 7:30 The Block Australia PG Shelley and Scotty call out a contestant for shifty behaviour; one of the Blockheads has a medical emergency. 0 8:40 9-1-1 M A ride-share trip goes awry; a memorial service takes a turn for the worse; Marjan and the crew help Mateo to pass his written exams. 0 9:35 Hawaii Five-0 M Adam investigates the murder of an undercover agent; Noelani is held hostage and made to operate at gunpoint on a criminal. 0 10:35 NewsHub Late 11:05 SVU 16 3 0 Midnight Infomercials
6am Ben 10 – Alien Force 3 0 6:25 Butterbean’s Café 3 0 6:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 0 7:15 Ben 10 – Ultimate Alien 3 0 8:05 Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, And Dawn 0 8:30 Justice League – Unlimited PGV 3 0 9am A Place In The Sun 3 10am The Doctors PGC 3 11am Hot Bench PGC 11:30 Ice Road Truckers MVL 0 12:30 FBI MV 3 0 1:30 Married… With Children PG 3 2pm The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 3 3pm Wheel Of Fortune 3 3:30 Jeopardy 3 4pm American Pickers PGC 5pm Frasier 3 0 5:30 Prime News 6pm SkySpeed 6:30 Shipping Wars PG 0 7pm The Crowd Goes Wild 7:30 Man With A Plan PGC 0 8:30 Weather Gone Viral PG Extreme weather caught on camera as told by survivors, meteorologists, and severe-weather specialists. 0 9:30 Extreme Love Stories 16LSC Michele hopes to join the mile-high club with her frequent-flyer lover; despite criticism for their physical differences, Texie and Anastasia juggle their love with life on the road. 0 10:30 Pacific Brothers And Sisters 11:05 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 12:05 Closedown
6am The Great Interior Design Challenge 7am Choccywoccydoodah Starstruck. 8am Inside The Vets 9am Escape To The Chateau 10am Freedom Riders 10:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC 11:30 Salvage Hunters 12:30 The Weekend Workshop 1:30 Amazing Spaces – Shed Of The Year 2:30 Property Brothers – Forever Home 3:30 Great Blue Wild 4:30 Nigella Bites 5pm Jamie Oliver Quick ‘n’ Easy 5:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC 6:30 Salvage Hunters 7:30 Forged In Fire PGC The blade-smiths must forge a weapon in their signature style from a large pile of mixed metal welded together. 8:30 Alone – Million Dollar Challenge PGCV 10pm Hunting Aotearoa PGCV 10:30 Salvage Hunters 11:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC
Midnight Take Two PG 3 0 1am Te Karere 3 2 1:25 Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere 3 2
12:30 Marvel’s Cloak And Dagger M 3 0 1:15 Shortland Street PGC 3 0 1:40 Infomercials 2:45 2 Overnight 4:40 Emmerdale PG 3 0 5:05 Neighbours 3 0 5:30 Infomercials
10am Judge Jerry 3 10:30 How To Look Good Naked – UK PG 3 11:30 Snapped M 3 12:30 The People’s Court 3 1:30 The Real Housewives Of Orange County PG 3 2:30 Vanderpump Rules PG 3 3:30 Southern Charm PG 3 4:30 Undercover Boss 3 0 5:25 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 3 6:20 Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles PG 3 7:30 Hoarders PG Becky has filled her home and motel property with furniture, clothes, and appliances, and lost her husband, children, and grandchildren. Now the family reunites to clean out the properties. 8:30 Reported Missing M Six weeks after his wedding, 28-year-old Darren vanishes, apparently into thin air. 9:45 One Born Every Minute UK M Seif fled the Sudan war and now lives in Birmingham. He had given up on love until his niece introduced him to Halah, and now they await the arrival of their new baby. 10:45 Snapped M 3 11:40 Killer Siblings M 3 12:30 Infomercials
6am Jeopardy! 6:25 Wheel Of Fortune 6:45 The Simpsons PG 7:10 Storage Wars PGL 7:35 Storage Wars PGL 8am Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 8:25 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away MVL 9:15 Pawn Stars PG 9:40 NCIS – LA MV 11:10 Storage Wars PGL Noon Jeopardy! 12:25 Wheel Of Fortune 12:50 72 Dangerous Places To Live MVC 1:40 The Cops MV 2:25 NCIS – LA MV 3:10 Storage Wars PGL 4pm The Simpsons PG 4:30 Jeopardy! 5pm Wheel Of Fortune 5:30 Pawn Stars PG 6pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away MVL 7pm Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 7:30 NCIS – LA MV 8:30 CSI MV 9:30 Criminal Minds 16VS 10:30 NCIS – LA MV 11:15 NCIS – LA MV
6am The Night Clerk 16VLSC 2020 Drama. Tye Sheridan, John Leguizamo. 7:30 Emma PGC 2020 Romantic Comedy. Anya Taylor-Joy, Bill Nighy. 9:31 It Chapter Two 16VLC 2019 Horror. James McAvoy, Jay Ryan. 12:16 For Love Or Money 16LS 2019 Comedy. 1:48 Pet Sematary 16VLC 2019 Horror. 3:25 Berlin, I Love You MLS 2019 Romance. 5:22 Birds Of Prey 16VLSC 2020 Action. 7:07 All Nighter 16VLSC 2018 Comedy. JK Simmons, Emile Hirsch. 8:30 Judy MLC 2019 Drama. Judy Garland arrives in London to perform a series of sold-out shows and, while there, begins a whirlwind romance with a musician. Renee Zellweger, Jessie Buckley. 10:30 Long Shot MLS 2019 Comedy. A man is hired as a speechwriter by his former childhood crush, who is now one of the most influential women in the world, and running for president. Charlize Theron, Seth Rogan. Thursday 12:35 Ashes In The Snow MVLSC 2018 Drama. 2:15 Lying And Stealing 16LSC 2019 Thriller. 3:55 Berlin, I Love You MLS 2019 Romance. 5:52 Birds Of Prey 16VLSC 2020 Action.
7:25 Godzilla MV 2014 Action. 9:25 A Walk In The Woods MLS 2015 Adventure. 11:10 Stand Up Guys 16VLS 2012 Comedy. 12:45 Rock The Kasbah MVLSC 2015 Comedy. 2:30 A Night At The Movies – The Horrors Of Stephen King M 2012 Documentary. 3:30 Law Abiding Citizen 18VC 2009 Crime. 5:20 Dogtown And Z -Boys ML 2001 Documentary. 6:50 The Bucket List ML 2007 Comedy. Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman. 8:30 The Family 16VLS 2013 Crime. A Mafia boss and his family are relocated to a small town in France under the witness protection programme after informing on the gang. Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer. 10:25 Limitless MVLS 2011 Thriller. A writer discovers a top-secret drug that gives him superhuman abilities. Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro.
s... Think Robbies Think BrakeThursday ies Think Clutch... Think Robb bies b o R k in Th .. t. s li ia c e p S k Thin 12:05 Storage Wars PGL 12:55 Wheel Of Fortune 1:20 Jeopardy! 1:40 Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 2:05 Criminal Minds 16VS 2:50 CSI MV 3:40 NCIS – LA MV 4:25 Lizard Lick Towing PG 4:50 NCIS – LA MV 5:35 The Simpsons PG
12:10 A Night At The Movies – The Horrors Of Stephen King M 2012 Documentary. 1:10 Law Abiding Citizen 18VC 2009 Crime. 3am The Bucket List ML 2007 Comedy. 4:40 The Family 16VLS 2013 Crime.
12:30 Nigella Bites 1am Jamie Oliver Quick ‘n’ Easy 1:30 Freedom Riders 2am Man v World 3am Great Blue Wild 4am Alone – Million Dollar Challenge PGCV 5:10 Mysteries At The Museum PGC
UKtV 6:35 EastEnders PG 7:05 The Jonathan Ross Show M 7:55 The Bill M 8:45 Lewis MVC 10:20 Death In Paradise M 11:20 Doc Martin MVC 12:05 Midsomer Murders M 1:40 The Bill M 2:30 Luther 16VL 3:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown M 4:30 The Jonathan Ross Show M 5:25 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 6:30 Qi M 7pm EastEnders PG 7:30 Qi PG 8pm Would I Lie To You? PG With Ronan Keating and Georgia Toffolo, Rhod Gilbert and Ellie Taylor. 8:30 Call The Midwife PG 9:35 Holby City MC 10:40 Keeping Up Appearances PG 11:15 Midsomer Murders M
1am Super Rugby Unlocked (RPL) Sharks v Stormers. 3am Gallagher Premiership (HLS) 4am Black Ferns v New Zealand Barbarians (HLS) 4:30 Pacific Brothers 5am Tri-Nations (HLS) Wallabies v Argentina. 5:30 Super Rugby Unlocked (HLS) Sharks v Stormers.
12:50 Qi M 1:20 Qi PG 1:50 Would I Lie To You? PG 2:25 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 3:25 Call The Midwife PG 4:25 Holby City MC 5:25 Keeping Up Appearances PG 5:55 Luther 16VLS
ences 16 years and over; PG Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits FM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
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12:20 How Do They Do It? PG 12:45 Weather Top Tens PG 1:35 Gold Rush PG 2:25 Moonshiners MLC 3:15 Homestead Rescue PG 4:05 Expedition Unknown PG 4:55 Naked And Afraid MLC 5:45 Gold Rush PG
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6:35 Fast N’ Loud PG Frustrated with a 1932 Ford; Return to Pike’s Peak 2/2. 7:30 Expedition Unknown PG Lasseter’s Gold. 8:20 Expedition Unknown PG Vikings in America. 9:10 Mission Declassified PG 10am How Do They Do It? PG 10:25 How Do They Do It? PG 10:50 How It’s Made PG 11:15 How It’s Made PG 11:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 12:30 Swamp Murders MVLSC 1:20 The 1980s – The Deadliest Decade M 2:10 Top Gear 3pm Homestead Rescue PG 3:50 Gold Rush PG 4:45 Fast N’ Loud PG 5:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6:35 Aussie Lobster Men PG 7:30 Homestead Rescue PG 8:30 Deadliest Catch – Bloodline PG 9:25 Outback Opal Hunters PG 10:15 Moonshiners MLC 11:05 Naked And Afraid MLC 11:55 How It’s Made PG | Compiled by
WIN one of the following
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6am Guinness Pro14 (RPL) Ospreys v Beneton. 8am The Breakdown 9am Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Leicester v Gloucester. 11am Black Ferns v New Zealand Barbarians (HLS) Game Two. 11:30 TriNations (HLS) Wallabies v Argentina. Noon Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) Wales v Georgia. 2pm Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) Scotland v France. 4pm Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) Ireland v Wales. 6pm Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) England v Ireland. 8pm Pacific Brothers 8:30 Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Semifinal Two – Auckland v Waikato. 9pm Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Semifinal Four – Tasman v Bay of Plenty. 9:30 The Breakdown 10:30 Aotearoa Rugby Pod 11pm Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Semi-final Four – Tasman v Bay of Plenty.
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audi-
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6:30 Pipi Ma 6:35 Takaro Tribe 3 6:50 Waiata Mai 7am Te Ao Tapatahi 8am Tamariki Haka 8:10 Te Nutube 8:20 Zoomoo 3 8:30 Cube 8:40 Huritua 8:50 Paia 9am Marae Kai Masters 3 10am Iwi Anthems 3 10:30 Whanau Living 3 11am Kuia Noon Billy T James PGC 3 12:30 What’s Up With The Tumoanas? 3 1pm He Piko He Taniwha 3 1:30 Ako 3 2 2pm Toku Reo 3 2 3pm Korero Mai 3 3:30 Haka Life 3 4pm Te Mana Kuratahi 4:30 Miharo 2 5pm Pipi Ma 5:05 Takaro Tribe 3 5:20 Waiata Mai 5:30 Tamariki Haka 5:40 Te Nutube 5:50 Zoomoo 6pm Cube 6:10 Huritua 6:20 Paia 6:30 Te Ao Marama 7:30 Easy Eats 3 8pm The Casketeers A respected kaumatua passes away, and is flown up from Dunedin; Kaiora supports Scotty through a traumatic funeral he must direct. 8:30 The New Zealanders From the top of the North Island to the bottom of the South, series that visits the nooks and crannies of Aotearoa, giving an insight into the lives of the country’s diverse people. 9:30 Toku Whare Kohanga Reo Renovation series that brings the community together to help upgrade and run-down Kohanga around Aotearoa. 10pm Ka Pai Living MLC 3 10:30 Senior Kapa Haka Regionals 11pm Nga Whetu O Te Kohu 3 11:30 Closedown
• • • •
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Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Thursday, November 26, 2020 tVNZ 1
tVNZ 2
©TVNZ 2020
©TVNZ 2020
George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces, at 7:30pm
Police Ten 7, at 7:30pm
Nanny Lockdown, at 1pm
The Fast Fix – Diabetes, at 7:30pm
The Best Of Guy Martin, at 7:30pm
6am Breakfast 0 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 0 10am Tipping Point 3 0 11am The Chase 3 0 Noon 1 News At Midday 0 12:30 Emmerdale PG 0 1pm Coronation Street PG 3 0 2pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3 0 3pm Tipping Point 0 4pm Te Karere 2 4:30 Driving Test 3 0 5pm The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm Seven Sharp 0 7:30 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces George meets a mother determined to turn a broken shed into a threeroom haven for her family, and a couple wanting to create a luxury home on a houseboat. 0 8:30 F Rich Holiday Poor Holiday A luxury-loving pair go camping, while the Warriner family go to a private chateau in France. 0 9:30 Coronation Street PG 0 10:30 1 News Tonight 0 11pm The Late Cut Cricket Show 16 11:35 20/20 3 0
6:30 Esme And Roy 3 0 6:50 Code Fun 3 0 7am New Looney Tunes 0 7:25 Ben 10 3 0 7:50 Unikitty! 0 8:15 Puppy Dog Pals 3 0 8:40 Moon And Me 0 9am Infomercials 9:30 8 Simple Rules 3 0 10am Neighbours 3 0 10:30 Murphy Brown PG 0 11am Kevin (Probably) Saves The World 3 0 Noon Come Dine With Me Couples 0 1pm Judge Rinder PG 2pm The Middle 3 0 2:30 Home And Away PG 3 0 3pm Shortland Street PGC 3 0 3:35 Power Rangers Beast Morphers 0 4pm Brain Busters 0 4:30 Friends 3 0 5pm The Simpsons PG 3 0 5:30 The Big Bang Theory 3 0 6pm Neighbours PG 0 6:30 Home And Away PG 0 7pm Shortland Street PGC 0 7:30 Police Ten 7 PG A car with several flags fails to make it through a police checkpoint; a drunk man trying door handles is a worrying combination. 0 8pm Booze Patrol PG in Adelaide, Sam took a gamble and drove without a licence, but could he have something illegal in his system? 0 8:30 Australian Survivor All Stars ML 0 10:15 Police Code Zero 16VL 0 11:15 Police Ten 7 PG 3 0 11:45 Emergence M 0
6am The AM Show 9am The Café PG 10am Infomercials 11:35 Face The Truth PG 3 12:05 Vet On The Hill 0 1pm M Nanny Lockdown M 2020 Thriller. A nanny wants to adopt, but must get her life together first, and finds a live-in nanny position that seems ideal, but is anything but. Karynn Elizabeth Moore, Austin Highsmith, Michael Milligan. 0 3pm Bondi Vet 0 4pm The Fishing Show Classics PG 3 0 4:30 NewsHub Live At 4:30pm 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm The Project 7:30 Grand Designs NZ PG Kelly wants to recreate an ornate historic homestead in Helensville – just like one she fell in love with as a child. 0 8:30 The Graham Norton Show M Guests include Arséne Wenger, Samuel L Jackson, Dawn French, Freddie Flintoff, and recent Mercury prize winner Michael Kiwanuka. 0 9:35 All Girls Live At The Apollo 16 3 Stand-up comedy celebrating the women who have appeared on Live at the Apollo over the years, including Jo Brand, Aisling Bea, and Joan Rivers. 0 10:35 NewsHub Late 11:05 Blue Bloods M 0 Midnight Infomercials
6am Ben 10 – Alien Force 3 0 6:25 Butterbean’s Café 3 0 6:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 0 7:15 Ben 10 – Ultimate Alien 3 0 8:05 Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, And Dawn 0 8:30 Justice League – Unlimited PGV 3 0 9am A Place In The Sun 3 10am The Doctors PGC 3 11am Hot Bench PGC 11:30 Ice Road Truckers MVL 0 12:30 FBI MV 3 0 1:30 Married… With Children PG 3 2pm The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 3 3pm Wheel Of Fortune 3 3:30 Jeopardy 3 4pm American Pickers PGC 5pm Frasier 3 0 5:30 Prime News 6pm Football – ISPS Handa Premiership 0 6:30 Shipping Wars PG 0 7pm The Crowd Goes Wild 7:30 The Fast Fix – Diabetes PGC The patients face their biggest challenge as they go home from the clinic to continue their treatment; Anita, Zoe, and Jason give practical advice. 0 8:30 The Sounds MVLS Canadian Maggie Cabbott arrives in New Zealand’s Marlborough Sounds to be reunited with her husband, but their plans for a perfect future go awry. 0 9:30 Evil MVC 0 10:30 Basketball – Manuka Doctor All Star Celebrity Slam
6am The Great Interior Design Challenge 7am Nigella Bites 7:30 Jamie Oliver Quick ‘n’ Easy 8am Great Blue Wild 9am Escape To The Chateau 10am Freedom Riders 10:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC 11:30 Salvage Hunters 12:30 Forged In Fire PGC 1:30 Alone – Million Dollar Challenge PGCV 3pm Storage Wars – New York 3:30 Into The Wild – India 4:30 Jamie And Jimmy’s Food Fight Club 5:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC 6:30 Salvage Hunters 7:30 The Best Of Guy Martin PGCL Guy Martin reflects on some of the most memorable moments from his various TV series. 8:30 Supercar Megabuild When supercar dealer Alex Prindiville promises he can make an ice-racing Porsche in four weeks, he may have a problem on his hands. 9:30 Project Impossible 10:30 Salvage Hunters 11:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC
12:35 Rich House, Poor House M 3 0 1:35 Te Karere 3 2 2am Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere 3 2
BRAVO 10am Judge Jerry 3 10:30 How To Look Good Naked – UK PG 3 11:30 Snapped M 3 12:25 The People’s Court 3 1:25 The Real Housewives Of Orange County PG 3 2:25 Vanderpump Rules PG 3 3:20 Southern Charm PG 3 4:20 Undercover Boss 3 0 5:15 Keeping Up With The Kardashians PG 3 6:10 Million Dollar Listing NY 3 7:30 Tattoo Fixers Extreme M Pash takes on a ‘pain in the neck’; Sketch tackles a dodgy design, and gets rid of offensive ink; Alice works on a kitten tattoo; Uzzi covers a crustacean tattoo. 8:30 Below Deck – Mediterranean M Andy Cohen hosts part one of the Below Deck – Mediterranean reunion. 9:30 The Real Housewives Of Orange County M 10:30 Snapped PG 3 11:25 Killer Siblings M 3 12:15 Infomercials
12:45 Gotham 16V 3 0 1:35 Shortland Street PGC 3 0 2am Infomercials 3:05 2 Overnight 4:40 Emmerdale PG 3 0 5:05 Neighbours PG 3 0 5:30 Infomercials
SKY 5 6am Jeopardy! 6:25 Wheel Of Fortune 6:45 The Simpsons PG 7:10 Storage Wars PGL 8am Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 8:25 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away MVL 9:15 Pawn Stars PG 9:40 NCIS – LA MV 10:25 NCIS – LA MV 11:10 Storage Wars PGL 11:35 Storage Wars PGL Noon Jeopardy! 12:25 Wheel Of Fortune 12:50 CSI MV 1:40 Criminal Minds 16VS 2:25 NCIS – LA MV 3:10 Storage Wars PGL 4pm The Simpsons PG 4:30 Jeopardy! 5pm Wheel Of Fortune 5:30 Pawn Stars PG 6pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away MVL 7pm Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 7:30 NCIS – LA MV 8:30 NCIS – LA MV 9:30 Hawaii Five-0 MV 10:30 NCIS – LA MV 11:15 NCIS – LA MV
12:05 Storage Wars PGL 12:30 Storage Wars PGL 12:55 Wheel Of Fortune 1:20 Jeopardy! 1:40 Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 2:05 Hawaii Five-0 MV 2:55 NCIS – LA MV 4:25 Lizard Lick Towing PG 4:50 NCIS – LA MV 5:35 The Simpsons PG
12:30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 1:30 Closedown
7:37 Judy MLC 2019 Drama. Renee Zellweger, Jessie Buckley. 9:32 Long Shot MLS 2019 Comedy. Charlize Theron, Seth Rogan. 11:37 Ashes In The Snow MVLSC 2018 Drama. 1:20 Just Mercy MC 2019 Drama. 3:35 A Little Something For Your Birthday MLS 2017 Romantic Comedy. 5:10 Miss Fisher And The Crypt Of Tears MV 2020 Drama. 6:50 Ma 16VLSC 2019 Horror. Octavia Spencer, Diana Silvers. 8:30 The Good Liar 16VLSC 2019 Drama. For a career con man, what should have been a simple swindle escalates into a cat-and-mouse game with the ultimate stakes. Ian McKellen, Helen Mirren. 10:23 Bad Samaritan 16VLSC 2018 Thriller. A man develops a clever scam to burgle the houses of the wealthy, and things go smoothly until he robs the wrong man. David Tennant, Robert Sheehan.
6:30 Limitless MVLS 2011 Thriller. Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro. 8:15 Law Abiding Citizen 18VC 2009 Crime. Jamie Foxx, Gerard Butler. 10am The Bucket List ML 2007 Comedy. Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman. 11:35 The Family 16VLS 2013 Crime. Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer. 1:30 Limitless MVLS 2011 Thriller. 3:20 51st State 18VLS 2002 Action. 4:55 Bessie MVL 2015 Biographical Drama. 6:45 Eastern Promises 18VS 2007 Drama. Naomi Watts, Viggo Mortensen. 8:30 Body Of Lies 16VL 2008 Action. When an idealistic CIA agent is stationed in Jordan to stop attacks by Al Qaeda, he plants suspicion among terrorists that their leaders are collaborating with the Americans. Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe. 10:40 Chasing Mavericks PGL 2012 Drama. Gerard Butler, Jonny Weston.
12:13 The Kitchen 16VLC 2019 Action. 1:58 Black Site MVL 2018 Horror. 3:28 Just Mercy MC 2019 Drama. 5:43 John Ford – The Man Who Invented America MC 2018 Documentary.
12:40 51st State 18VLS 2002 Action. 2:15 Bessie MVL 2015 Biographical Drama. 4:05 Eastern Promises 18VS 2007 Drama. 5:50 Body Of Lies 16VL 2008 Action.
12:30 Jamie And Jimmy’s Food Fight Club 1:30 Freedom Riders 2am Man v World 3am Into The Wild – India 4am Project Impossible 5am Mysteries At The Museum PGC
SKY SPORt 1 6am Guinness Pro14 Leinster v Cardiff Blues. 8am Pacific Brothers 8:30 The Breakdown 9:30 Rugby Nation 10:30 Gallagher Premiership 11:30 Mitre 10 Cup Semi-final Four – Tasman v Bay of Plenty. Noon Aotearoa Rugby Pod 12:30 The Breakdown 1:30 Black Ferns v New Zealand Barbarians Game Two. 2pm Super Rugby Unlocked Cheetahs v Griquas. 4pm Rugby Nation 5pm The Breakdown 6pm Pacific Brothers 6:30 Black Ferns v New Zealand Barbarians 7pm Autumn Nations Cup Scotland v France. 7:30 Autumn Nations Cup England v Ireland. 8pm Gallagher Premiership 9pm The Aussie Rugby Show 9:45 All Blacks Throwback 11:45 Mitre 10 Cup Semi-final Three – Hawke’s Bay v Taranaki.
12:15 Skipper Cup Final – Suva v Naitasiri. 12:45 The Aussie Rugby Show 1:30 Tri-Nations 2am Black Ferns v New Zealand Barbarians 4:15 The Aussie Rugby Show 5am Gallagher Premiership
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences 16 years and over; PG Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits FM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
6:30 Pipi Ma 6:35 Takaro Tribe 3 6:50 Waiata Mai 7am Te Ao Tapatahi 8am Tamariki Haka 8:10 Te Nutube 8:20 ZooMoo 8:30 Darwin + Newts 3 8:40 Purakau 3 8:50 Paia 9am Marae Kai Masters 3 10am Iwi Anthems 3 10:30 Whanau Living 3 11am Kuia 11:30 Kuia Noon Wehi Na Upload PGC 3 12:30 What’s Up With The Tumoanas? 3 1pm He Piko He Taniwha 3 1:30 Ako 3 2 2pm Toku Reo 3 2 3pm Korero Mai 3 3:30 Toku Whare Kohanga Reo 3 4pm Fresh PG 3 4:30 Wiki Ha 3 5pm Pipi Ma 5:05 Takaro Tribe 3 5:20 Waiata Mai 5:30 Tamariki Haka 5:40 Te Nutube 5:50 ZooMoo 6pm Darwin + Newts 3 6:10 Purakau 3 6:20 Paia 6:30 Te Ao Marama 7:30 Mahuru Maori A snapshot of the challenges facing a young Chinese wahine growing up in Aotearoa, whose journey with te reo Maori became a catalyst for reclaiming her Chinese cultural identity. 7:35 Loading Documents 7:45 Third Culture Minds PG 8pm Rage Against The Rangatahi 8:30 Reo Awhina 9pm Hamu And Tofiga PG 3 9:30 Takes A Village MCL 3 10pm Senior Kapa Haka Regionals 3 10:30 Rere Te Whiu MLC 11pm Tauranga Moana Tauranga Tangata 3 11:30 Closedown
6:50 EastEnders PG 7:20 The Jonathan Ross Show M 8:05 The Bill M 8:55 Lewis MVC 10:30 Death In Paradise M 11:30 Doc Martin MVC 12:20 Midsomer Murders M 1:55 The Bill M 2:45 The Singapore Grip MVLC 3:40 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown M 4:35 The Jonathan Ross Show M 5:25 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 6:30 Qi M 7pm EastEnders PG 7:30 Qi MLS Stephen Fry makes merry with marriage and mating. 8pm Would I Lie To You? PG With Stacey Dooley, Alex Jones, Rachel Parris, and Henning Wehn. 8:30 The Graham Norton Show MVLS 9:05 The Jonathan Ross Show M Jonathan Ross chats with A-list stars. 10pm Fawlty Towers PG 10:40 A Confession MLC 11:30 Midsomer Murders M
1:05 Qi M 1:35 Qi MLS 2:05 Would I Lie To You? PG 2:40 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 3:40 The Graham Norton Show MVLS 4:10 The Jonathan Ross Show M 5am Holby City MC 26Nov20
6:35 Fast N’ Loud PG Motorcycle Mayhem; Packing a Packard for Pebble 1/2. 7:30 Expedition Unknown PG Captain Kidd’s Treasure. 8:20 Homestead Rescue PG Quake on the Forty. 9:10 Deadliest Catch – Bloodline PG The Legacy Continues. 10am How Do They Do It? PG 10:25 How Do They Do It? PG 10:50 How It’s Made PG 11:15 How It’s Made PG 11:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 12:30 Swamp Murders MVLSC 1:20 The 1980s – The Deadliest Decade MVLSC 2:10 Top Gear 3pm Homestead Rescue PG 3:50 Gold Rush PG 4:45 Fast N’ Loud PG 5:40 Aussie Gold Hunters PG 6:35 Outback Opal Hunters PG 7:30 Outback Opal Hunters PG 8:30 Demolition Down Under PG 9:25 Mako Nation PG 10:15 Jaws Awakens PG 11:05 The Sharks Of Headstone Hell PG 11:55 Legend Of Deep Blue PG
12:45 Air Jaws Strikes Back PG 1:35 Bear v Shark PG 2:25 Mako Nation PG 3:15 Jaws Awakens PG 4:05 Air Jaws Strikes Back PG 4:55 Legend Of Deep Blue PG 5:45 Sharkwrecked PG | Compiled by
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Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Friday, November 27, 2020 tVNZ 1
©TVNZ 2020
tVNZ 2
©TVNZ 2020
1 News At 6pm, at 6pm
Australian Survivor All Stars, at 8:35pm
Ruthless Realtor, at 1:05pm
Pawn Stars, at 7:30pm
Money For Nothing, at 8:30pm
6am Breakfast The Breakfast team presents news, interviews, weather, and information. 0 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Show Ellen DeGeneres brings her brand of humour to daytime talk. 0 10am Tipping Point 3 0 11am The Chase 3 0 Noon 1 News At Midday 0 12:30 Emmerdale PG 0 1pm Coronation Street PG 3 0 2pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3 0 3pm Tipping Point 0 4pm Te Karere 2 4:30 Driving Test 3 Fun-loving 32-year-old bartender Teara marches to her own drum, so Instructor Andrew must stay cool, calm, and collected at all times. 0 5pm The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 6:50 L Cricket – T20 Men’s International Blackcaps v West Indies. From Eden Park in Auckland. 0 10:30 1 News Tonight 0 11pm Blindspot MV When an operation goes badly, the team must deal with a monster in their house before it can take them down one by one; Director Weitz must play a game of psychological chess. 0
6:30 Esme And Roy 3 0 6:50 Kiddets 0 7am New Looney Tunes 0 7:25 Ben 10 3 0 7:50 Unikitty! 0 8:15 Puppy Dog Pals 3 0 8:40 Dorothy And The Wizard Of Oz 0 9am Religious Programming 9:30 8 Simple Rules 3 0 10am Neighbours PG 3 0 10:30 Murphy Brown PG 0 11am Kevin (Probably) Saves The World PG 3 0 Noon Come Dine With Me Couples 0 1pm Judge Rinder PG 2pm The Middle 3 0 2:30 Home And Away PG 3 0 3pm Shortland Street PGC 3 0 3:35 Power Rangers Beast Morphers PG 0 4pm Brain Busters 0 4:30 Friends 3 0 5pm The Simpsons PG 3 0 5:30 The Big Bang Theory 3 0 6pm Neighbours 0 6:30 Home And Away PG 0 7pm Shortland Street PG 0 7:30 Best Of Travel Guides Australia PG 3 0 8:35 Australian Survivor All Stars ML Sometimes the swing vote is the most powerful position to be in; during the Tribal Council, one tribe member is asked for their vote by both sides, giving them the power in the game. 0 9:45 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown ML 0 10:50 Taskmaster NZ 16L 3 0 11:50 Renters PG 3 0
6am The AM Show 9am The Café PG 10am Infomercials 11:40 Face The Truth PG 3 (Part 1) 12:05 Vet On The Hill 0 1:05 M Ruthless Realtor M 2020 Thriller. After a couple move into their dream home, their odd realtor begins turning up at their home unannounced, and seems obsessed with their relationship. Christie Burson, Lily Anne Harrison, Brian Ames. 0 3pm Bondi Vet 0 4pm The Fishing Show Classics PG 3 0 4:30 NewsHub Live At 4:30pm 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm The Project 7:30 The Masked Singer PG A singing competition where celebrities perform while in costume completely concealing their identity until they are eliminated. 0 8:30 M Spider-Man M 2002 Action. After being bitten by a genetically modified spider, a highschool student gains spider-like abilities, and must use them to fight evil. Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Willem Defoe. 0 10:55 NewsHub Late 11:25 Ultimate Tag PG
6am Ben 10 – Alien Force 3 0 6:25 Butterbean’s Café 3 0 6:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 0 7:15 Ben 10 – Ultimate Alien 3 0 8:05 Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, And Dawn 0 8:30 Justice League – Unlimited PGV 3 0 9am A Place In The Sun 3 10am The Doctors PGC 3 11am Hot Bench PGC 11:30 Ice Road Truckers MVL 0 12:30 FBI MV 3 0 1:30 Married… With Children PG 3 2pm The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 3 3pm Wheel Of Fortune 3 3:30 Jeopardy 3 4pm American Pickers PGC 5pm Frasier 3 0 5:30 Prime News 6pm American Restoration 3 0 6:30 Shipping Wars PGL 0 7pm The Crowd Goes Wild 7:30 Pawn Stars PG Rick looks at antique beer items, and visits his friend’s brewery in San Diego to discover the drink’s history. 8pm Border Security PG 0 8:30 Seal Team MV (Part 2) 0 9:30 Raw PGV 10:30 Basketball – NBL Women 18IN18 (DLY) Capital Swish v Auckland Dream.
6am The Great Interior Design Challenge 7am Jamie And Jimmy’s Food Fight Club 8am Into The Wild – India 9am Escape To The Chateau 10am Freedom Riders 10:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC 11:30 Salvage Hunters 12:30 Project Impossible 1:30 Supercar Megabuild 2:30 The Best Of Guy Martin PGCL 3:30 Surviving The Amazon 4:30 James Martin’s Great British Adventure 5:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC 6:30 Salvage Hunters 7:30 World’s Most Luxurious Exploring the toys of the tycoons, and the sumptuous surroundings of the super-rich. 8:30 Money For Nothing Sarah Moore saves three items from being thrown out, transforms them into bespoke and valuable pieces, and returns the profit to their owners. 9:30 Location, Location, Location 10:30 Salvage Hunters 11:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC
12:25 Bob’s Burgers PG 12:55 The Goldbergs PG 3 0 1:25 Infomercials
12:30 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 1:30 Closedown
Midnight The Crossing PG 3 0 12:55 Te Karere 3 2 1:20 Infomercials
BRAVO 10am Judge Jerry 3 10:30 How To Look Good Naked – UK PG 3 11:30 Snapped PG 3 12:30 The People’s Court 3 1:30 The Real Housewives Of Orange County PG 3 2:30 Vanderpump Rules PG 3 3:30 Southern Charm PG 3 4:30 Undercover Boss 3 0 5:30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians PG 3 6:30 Million Dollar Listing NY 3 7:30 M Morning Glory MLS 3 2010 Comedy. An old-fashioned anchorman, who left his evening newscast because of its new, gossipy ways, is recruited by a producer looking to revive a failing morning show. Rachel McAdams, Harrison Ford. 9:45 Cults And Extreme Belief M 3 Elijah Muhammad endured child labour, physical abuse, and squalid living conditions, and now has an opportunity to expose the Nation to the FBI and get justice for himself and the other children abused by UNOI and its leader. 10:40 Snapped PG 3 11:40 A Lie To Die For M 3 12:30 Infomercials
12:25 2 Broke Girls PG 3 0 12:50 The Mayor 3 0 1:35 Shortland Street PG 3 0 2am Infomercials 3:05 2 Overnight 4:45 Emmerdale PG 3 0 5:10 Neighbours 3 0 5:35 Andi Mack 3 0
SKY 5 6am Jeopardy! 6:25 Wheel Of Fortune 6:50 The Simpsons PG 7:15 Storage Wars PGL 8:05 Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 8:30 Ice Road Truckers PG 9:25 Highway Thru Hell PG 10:25 NCIS – LA MV 11:10 Storage Wars PGL 11:35 Storage Wars PGL Noon Jeopardy! 12:25 Wheel Of Fortune 12:50 NCIS – LA MV 1:40 Hawaii Five-0 MV 2:25 Pawn Stars PG 3:10 Storage Wars PGL 4pm The Simpsons PG 4:30 Jeopardy! 5pm Wheel Of Fortune 5:30 Pawn Stars PG 6pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away MVL 7pm Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 7:30 Ice Road Truckers PG 8:30 Highway Thru Hell PG 9:30 Pawn Stars PG 10:30 NCIS – LA MV
12:05 Storage Wars PGL 12:55 Wheel Of Fortune 1:20 Jeopardy! 1:40 Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 2:05 Highway Thru Hell PG 2:55 Pawn Stars PG 3:40 NCIS – LA MV 4:25 Lizard Lick Towing PG 4:50 Highway Thru Hell PG 5:35 The Simpsons PG
6:37 Miss Fisher And The Crypt Of Tears MV 2020 Drama. Essie Davis, Ashleigh Cummings. 8:17 The Good Liar 16VLSC 2019 Drama. Ian McKellen, Helen Mirren. 10:07 Bad Samaritan 16VLSC 2018 Thriller. David Tennant, Robert Sheehan. Noon The Kitchen 16VLC 2019 Action. 1:45 Touchback M 2011 Family. 3:45 Solis PGV 2018 Sci-fi. 5:15 The Farewell PGC 2018 Drama. 6:55 The Hustle MLS 2019 Comedy. Anne Hathaway, Rebel Wilson. 8:30 Wonder Wheel PGVLS 2017 Drama. Amongst the hustle and bustle of the lively Coney Island, four peoples’ lives intertwine as forbidden love, betrayal and broken dreams come to light. Kate Winslet, Justin Timberlake. 10:15 The Rhythm Section 16VLSC 2020 Action. An ordinary woman goes on a dangerous path of revenge after learning the plane crash that killed her family was no accident. Blake Lively, Jude Law.
7:55 Chasing Mavericks PGL 2012 Drama. Gerard Butler, Jonny Weston. 9:50 51st State 18VLS 2002 Action. Samuel L Jackson, Robert Carlyle, Emily Mortimer. 11:20 Bessie MVL 2015 Biographical Drama. 1:10 Eastern Promises 18VS 2007 Drama. 2:50 We Are Your Friends 16LSC 2015 Drama. 4:25 Remember Me MVLS 2010 Drama. 6:20 The Blind Side PGL 2009 Drama Biography. Quinton Aaron, Sandra Bullock, Tim McGraw. 8:30 Insidious – Chapter 2 MV 2013 Horror. A haunted family seeks to discover the childhood secret that has left them dangerously connected to the spirit world. Rose Byrne, Patrick Wilson. 10:20 The Aviator MC 2004 Biography. A biopic depicting the early years of legendary director and aviator Howard Hughes, from the late 20s to the mid 40s. Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Jude Law.
12:10 Wild Rose MLS 2019 Drama. 1:52 Elizabeth Harvest 16VLSC 2018 Thriller. 3:42 Solis PGV 2018 Sci-fi. 5:16 The Farewell PGC 2018 Drama.
1:10 We Are Your Friends 16LSC 2015 Drama. 2:45 Remember Me MVLS 2010 Drama. 4:40 The Blind Side PGL 2009 Drama Biography.
12:30 James Martin’s Great British Adventure 1:30 Freedom Riders 2am Man v World 3am Surviving The Amazon 4am Money For Nothing 5am Mysteries At The Museum PGC
SKY SPORt 1 6am One Fern – One Hundred Years 7am Guinness Pro14 Weekly Highlights 8am Aotearoa Rugby Pod 8:30 Gallagher Premiership Worcester v London Irish. 10:30 Gallagher Premiership Leicester v Gloucester. 12:30 Black Ferns v New Zealand Barbarians Game Two. 1:15 The Aussie Rugby Show 2pm Black Ferns v New Zealand Barbarians Game One. 4pm Black Ferns v New Zealand Barbarians Game Two. 6pm Aotearoa Rugby Pod 6:30 L Mitre 10 Cup Championship Final – Hawke’s Bay v Northland. From McLean Park, Napier. 9:30 All Blacks Throwback 11:30 Autumn Nations Cup England v Ireland.
Midnight Autumn Nations Cup Wales v Georgia. 12:30 Autumn Nations Cup Scotland v France. 1am Black Ferns v New Zealand Barbarians Game Two. 1:30 Mitre 10 Cup 4am One Fern – One Hundred Years 5am The Breakdown 5:55 L Currie Cup Sharks v Pumas.
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences 16 years and over; PG Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits FM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
6:30 Pipi Ma 6:35 Takaro Tribe 3 6:50 Waiata Mai 7am Te Ao Tapatahi 8am Tamariki Haka 8:10 Te Nutube 8:20 ZooMoo 8:30 Cube 8:40 Huritua 8:50 Paia 9am Marae Kai Masters 3 10am Whare Puoro 10:30 Whanau Living 3 11am Matangi Rau 3 Noon Wehi Na Upload PGC 3 12:30 What’s Up With The Tumoanas? 3 1pm He Piko He Taniwha 3 1:30 Ako 3 2 2pm Toku Reo 3 2 3pm Korero Mai 3 3:30 Toku Whare Kohanga Reo 3 4pm Fresh PG 3 4:30 School Of Training 3 5pm Pipi Ma 5:05 Takaro Tribe 3 5:20 Waiata Mai 5:30 Tamariki Haka 5:40 Te Nutube 5:50 ZooMoo 6pm Cube 6:10 Huritua 6:20 Paia 6:30 Te Ao Marama 7:30 Know Your Roots Eight urban New Zealand celebrities compete in Maori and Pacific styles, aiming not to be the Most Plastic Poly present. 8pm He Aha To Say Naatis share their aspirations, inspiration, and predictions for the future. 8:30 M Hope Springs MLV 2003 Comedy Romance. After being dumped by his fiancée, a British artist finds himself holed up in a run-down hotel where the hotel owner plays matchmaker. Colin Firth, Heather Graham, Minnie Driver. 10:20 Ki Tua 10:50 Holding Court With Steven Adams 3 11:20 Anika Moa Unleashed M 11:50 Closedown
6am Father Brown PG 6:45 EastEnders PG 7:15 The Jonathan Ross Show M 8am The Bill M 8:45 Lewis MVC 10:20 Death In Paradise M 11:20 Doc Martin MSC 12:10 Midsomer Murders M 1:45 The Bill M 2:35 The Singapore Grip ML 3:30 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown M 4:25 The Jonathan Ross Show 16 5:25 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 6:30 Qi M 7pm All Round To Mrs Brown’s MLS 8pm Would I Lie To You? PG With Rob Brydon, Lee Mack, and David Mitchell. 8:30 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown MLS 9:25 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown MLS 10:20 Hypothetical ML 11:10 Midsomer Murders M
6:35 Sharkwrecked – Crash Landing PG 7:30 Jaws Awakens PG 8:20 Mako Nation PG 9:10 Mythbusters v Jaws PG 10am Shark Vortex MC 10:50 Air Jaws Strikes Back PG 11:40 Legend Of Deep Blue PG 12:30 The Sharks Of Headstone Hell PG 1:20 Sharkwrecked PG 2:10 Bear v Shark PG 3pm Return Of The Megashark PG 3:50 Air Jaws – Hunting By The Moon PG 4:45 Air Jaws – The Hunted PG 5:40 Air Jaws – Back From The Dead PG 6:35 Air Jaws Strikes Back PG 7:30 Will Smith – Off The Deep End PG 8:30 Great White Double Trouble PG 9:25 Air Jaws – Ultimate Breach Off PG 10:15 Great White Serial Killer Extinction PG 11:05 Sharks Of The Badlands PG 11:55 Monster Mako – Perfect Predator PG
12:45 Qi M 1:15 Would I Lie To You? PG 1:50 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 2:50 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown MLS 3:40 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown ML 4:30 Hypothetical ML 5:15 Death In Paradise M
12:45 The Laws Of Jaws PG 1:35 Josh Gates Tonight PG 2:25 Mythbusters v Jaws PG 3:15 Great White Double Trouble PG 4:05 Air Jaws – Ultimate Breach Off PG 4:55 Monster Mako – Perfect Predator PG 5:45 The Laws Of Jaws PG
Saturday | Compiled by
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Saturday, November 28, 2020 tVNZ 1
©TVNZ 2020
tVNZ 2
©TVNZ 2020
Britain’s Got Talent, at 8:05pm
The Longest Yard, at 9:10pm
Country Music Association Awards, at 10:40pm
NXT, at 11pm
Down East Dickering, at 5:30pm
6am Te Karere 3 2 0 6:30 Country Calendar 3 0 7am Te Radar’s Chequered Past PG 3 0 7:30 Infomercials 0 9am People On Bikes 3 0 9:30 Tagata Pasifika 10am Pacific Island Food Revolution 0 11am Cash Trapped 0 Noon Our Shirley Valentine Summer PG 3 0 1pm The Living Room M 0 2pm Location, Location, Location 3 0 3pm F The Posh Frock Shop 3 0 4pm 20 Years Of Jamie Oliver PG 3 0 5pm The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm Extreme Cake Makers 0 7:30 Britain’s Got Talent In the fifth semi-final, Ashley Banjo returns to the judging panel with Amanda Holden, Alesha Dixon, and David Walliams. 0 8pm L Lotto The Lotto draw. 8:05 Britain’s Got Talent Continued. 0 9:30 Dinner Date 0 10:30 World On Fire 16V 3 0 11:45 The Family Law PGS 0
6am Thomas And Friends 0 6:10 The Wiggles’ World 3 0 6:20 Tinpo 3 0 6:30 PJ Masks 3 0 6:50 Love Monster 0 7am Zak Storm 3 0 7:20 The Amazing World Of Gumball 3 0 7:50 Dragon Ball Super PGC 3 0 8:15 Bakugan – Battle Planet 0 8:45 Transformers – Bumblebee: Cyberverse Adventures 0 9:10 Ninjago Lego Series. 0 9:20 Pickle And Peanut 3 0 9:45 The Simpsons 3 0 10:15 My Wife And Kids 3 0 11:15 Black-Ish PG 3 0 11:40 Michael McIntyre’s Big Show 3 0 1pm Dog Almighty 3 0 3:05 M Arthur Christmas 2011 Animated Comedy. Voices of James McAvoy, Jim Broadbent, Bill Nighy. 0 5pm M Sister Act M 1992 Comedy. Whoopi Goldberg, Harvey Keitel. 0 7pm M Sister Act 2 – Back In The Habit M 1993 Comedy. Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Najimy, Maggie Smith, Lauryn Hill. 0 9:10 M The Longest Yard M 2005 Comedy. Prison inmates form a football team to challenge the prison guards. Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Burt Reynolds. 0 11:30 M Foxcatcher MC 2014 Drama. Steve Carell, Channing Tatum, Mark Ruffalo. 0
6am Charles Stanley 3 0 6:30 Infomercials 9:30 NewsHub Nation 0 10:30 The Sweet Life 11am Mexican Fiesta With Peter Kuruvita 3 11:35 Married At First Sight USA – Second Chances PG 12:50 Arranged 3 0 1:50 MasterChef UK 0 3pm Survivor – Island Of The Idols PG 0 3:45 F War On Plastic 3 (Part 3) 0 5pm Ocean Bounty 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm Bondi Rescue 3 0 7:30 Mega Zoo The Zoo faces its greatest challenge when the Covid-19 pandemic stops all visitors. 0 8:25 M American Made 16VLSC 3 2017 Crime. The story of Barry Seal, an American pilot who transported contraband for the CIA and the Medellin cartel in the 1980s. Tom Cruise, Domhnall Gleeson. 0 10:40 Country Music Association Awards PG The 54th Annual Country Music Association Awards from Tennessee, hosted by Reba McEntire and Darius Rucker.
6am Ben 10 – Alien Force 3 6:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 7:15 Danny Phantom 3 7:40 Ben 10 – Omniverse 3 8:05 Teen Titans 3 8:30 Batman – The Animated Series PGV 9am Justice League PG 3 10am SmackDown PGV 3 11am Raw PGV 3 Noon Storage Wars PG 3 1pm Judge Judy PG 1:30 Pacific Brothers And Sisters 3 2pm Whose Line Is It Anyway? PGC 3 3pm Hellfire Heroes PG 3 4pm Amercian Restoration 3 Rick takes on the biggest challenge of his career when a 1960s rocketslide comes into the shop. 5pm Surveillance Dashcam PGV 5:30 Prime News 6pm Unbreakable PG The Breakers reveal what really goes on behind the scenes, and explain how they went from the bottom of the league to the best team in the NBL. 7pm Manuka Doctor All-Star Celebrity Slam 3 9pm Rugby – Mitre 10 Cup (DLY) Premiership Final – Auckland v Tasman. From Eden Park, Auckland. 11pm NXT PGV Midnight Closedown
6am Stars In Their Cars 6:30 Discovering… Aretha Franklin PGC 7am Discovering… Blondie PGC 7:30 Surviving The Amazon 8:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC 9:30 Money For Nothing 10:30 James Martin’s Great British Adventure 11:30 Salvage Hunters 12:30 World’s Most Luxurious 1:30 Location, Location, Location 2:30 Forged In Fire PGC 3:30 Hope For Wildlife 4:30 Hairy Bikers’ Northern Exposure 5:30 Down East Dickering To avoid legal trouble, Tony must unload one of his many vehicles, but cannot turn down a deal to buy another. 6:30 Irish Pickers 7:30 Jade Fever PGC The Bunce family’s jade-mining operation employs most of the town’s residents, and they aim to turn various claims into million-dollar jackpots. 8:30 Ozzy And Jack’s World Detour PGC 9:30 British Airways – 100 Years In The Sky PGC (Part 1) 10:30 The Weekend Workshop 11:30 Hope For Wildlife
12:15 The X Factor – The Band 3 0 1:45 Coronation Street Omnibus PG 3 0 3:50 Infomercials
10am Judge Jerry 3 10:25 Tori And Dean – Storibook Weddings 3 11:20 Tori And Dean – Storibook Weddings 3 12:15 David Tutera – Celebrations 3 1:10 David Tutera – Celebrations 3 2:05 M Valentine’s Day PG 3 2010 Romantic Comedy. Jessica Alba, Jamie Foxx. 4:30 Hoarders PG 3 5:30 Songland PG 3 6:30 Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles 3 7:30 Body Fixers PG 3 8:30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians M Kim and Khloe believe Kourtney is hiding aspects of her life from the cameras, and seek to fire her from the show; Kim helps a man recently out of prison with his future. 9:30 Buried In The Backyard 16 3 10:30 Summer House M Kyle surprises Amanda; Luke gives Hannah a motorcycle ride; Jules must break through a sexual roadblock; Carl and Lindsay, still at odds, attempt to move forward. 11:30 Snapped M 3
2:05 M Criminal 18VL 2016 Action Crime. Kevin Costner, Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gadot. 0 4am M Inspector Gadget 2 2003 Fantasy. French Stewart, Elaine Hendrix. 0 5:30 Religious Programming
12:20 Infomercials 5am Clean House PG 3
6am The Amazing Race PG 7am Ice Road Truckers PG 8am Pawn Stars PG 8:30 Lazy Boy Garage PG 8:55 The Simpsons PG 9:20 The Amazing Race PG 10:10 Highway Thru Hell PG 11:10 Scorpion MV Noon Salvation MV 1pm NXT PGV 2pm SmackDown Live MVC 4:05 Ax Men ML 4:50 The Force MC 5:40 Ice Road Truckers PG 6:35 Lazy Boy Garage PG 7pm The Simpsons PG 7:30 The Amazing Race PG In Italy, several teams come together and target one set of racers at the double U-turn. 8:30 Lizard Lick Towing PG 9pm Ax Men ML 10pm Pawn Stars PG 10:30 The Amazing Race PG 11:20 The Force MC
12:20 Highway Thru Hell PG 1:20 The Simpsons PG 1:50 Lizard Lick Towing PG 2:20 Lizard Lick Towing PG 2:50 Lazy Boy Garage PG 3:20 NXT PGV 4:05 Classic Pawn Stars PG 4:30 Ax Men ML 5:15 Chicago PD 16V
12:50 Infomercials 5am Brian Houston @ Hillsong 3 5:30 Charles Stanley 3
6:56 The Hustle MLS 2019 Comedy. Anne Hathaway, Rebel Wilson. 8:30 Wonder Wheel PGVLS 2017 Drama. Kate Winslet, Justin Timberlake. 10:15 The Rhythm Section 16VLSC 2020 Action. Blake Lively, Jude Law. 12:10 Wild Rose MLS 2019 Drama. Jessie Buckley, Julie Walters. 1:53 Finding Steve McQueen MLS 2018 Drama. Travis Fimmel, Rachael Taylor. 3:28 It Chapter Two 16VLC 2019 Horror. 6:18 Knives Out ML 2019 Drama. Daniel Craig, Chris Evans. 8:30 Anna 16VLSC 2018 Action. Beneath a woman’s beauty lies a secret that will unleash her strength and skill to become one of the world’s most feared government assassins. Sasha Luss, Luke Evans. 10:30 The Goldfinch MVL 2019 Drama. A boy is taken in by a wealthy Upper East Side family after his mother is killed in a museum bombing. Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel. Ansel Elgort, Nicole Kidman.
6:55 Insidious – Chapter 2 MV 2013 Horror. Rose Byrne, Patrick Wilson. 8:45 The Aviator MC 2004 Biography. Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Jude Law. 11:40 Remember Me MVLS 2010 Drama. 1:40 The Love Punch MLS 2013 Comedy. 3:20 Van Wilder – Party Liaison 16LSC 2002 Comedy. 5pm The Last Exorcism 16V 2010 Horror. 6:35 Footloose MVS 2011 Comedy. Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough. 8:30 300 16V 2006 Action. An adaptation of Frank Miller’s graphic novel about 300 Spartan warriors who must save Greece by holding off the invading Persian army in 480 BC. Gerard Butler, Lena Headey. 10:30 Trainwreck 16LSC 2015 Comedy. A commitmentshy career woman may have to face her fears when she finally meets a good man. Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, Brie Larson.
12:35 The Love Punch MLS 2013 Comedy. 2:15 Van Wilder – Party Liaison 16LSC 2002 Comedy. 3:55 The Last Exorcism 16V 2010 Horror. 5:30 Footloose MVS 2011 Comedy.
12:55 Drunk Parents MVLSC 2019 Comedy. 2:30 It Chapter Two 16VLC 2019 Horror. 5:14 Knives Out ML 2019 Drama.
12:30 Down East Dickering 1:30 Stars In Their Cars 2am Britain’s Ancient Tracks With Tony Robinson 3am Jade Fever PGC 4am Ozzy And Jack’s World Detour PGC 5am Irish Pickers
SKY SPORt 1 8am The Aussie Rugby Show 8:40 L Gallagher Premiership Newcastle v Sale. 11am One Fern – One Hundred Years Noon Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Championship Final – Hawke’s Bay v Northland. From McLean Park, Napier. 12:30 Guinness Pro14 Weekly Highlights 1:30 Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Newcastle v Sale. 3:30 Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Championship Final – Hawke’s Bay v Northland. From McLean Park, Napier. 6pm L Mitre 10 Cup Premiership Final – Auckland v Tasman. From Eden Park, Auckland. 9pm L Tri-Nations Argentina v All Blacks. From McDonald Jones Stadium, Newcastle.
12:15 Tri-Nations (RPL) Argentina v All Blacks. From McDonald Jones Stadium, Newcastle. 2:35 Gallagher Premiership (RPL) 4:50 L Autumn Nations Cup Wales v England. From Parc Y Scarlets, Llanelli, Wales.
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences 16 years and over; PG Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits FM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
6:30 Waiata Mai 6:40 Kia Mau 3 6:50 Te Nutube 7am Darwin + Newts 3 7:10 Purakau 3 7:20 Pukoro 2 7:50 Polyfest Kapa Haka 3 8:20 Tamariki Haka 8:30 Miharo 2 9:30 Korero Mai 3 11am Korero Mai 3 11:30 Korero Mai 3 Noon Waka Ama Sprint Nationals 3 1pm The Pits TV 2pm Poitukohu – Nga Kura Tuarua 3 3pm Touch Rugby – National Championships 3 4pm Shear Bro 3 Series following the Paewai-Mullins whanau through Main Shear, the busiest months in the shearing world. 4:30 Kai Safari 3 Sonia Gray and Pio Terei travel to some of New Zealand’s most remote and spectacular corners to highlight the history of local communities. 5pm The Hui – Kaupeka Wha 5:30 Matangi Rau 6:30 Nga Whetu O Te Kohu 3 7pm M The Pirates – Band Of Misfits PG 2012 Animated Adventure. Hugh Grant, Salma Hayek, Jeremy Piven. 8:40 M Blue Jasmine ML 2013 Drama. When everything falls to pieces, a New York socialite moves into her sister’s apartment in San Francisco to re-examine her life. Cate Blanchett, Alec Baldwin. 10:20 The Vietnam War M Story of one of the most consequential, divisive, and controversial events in American history, told on film. 11:20 Closedown
UKtV 6:15 Qi MLS 6:45 Qi PG 7:15 Qi PG 7:45 Qi PG 8:20 Would I Lie To You? PG 8:50 Would I Lie To You? PG 9:20 Would I Lie To You? PG 9:55 The Bill M 10:40 The Bill M 11:30 The Bill M 12:20 The Bill M 1:05 The Bill M 1:55 Casualty PG 2:50 Traces MLC 3:40 Holby City MC 4:45 A Touch Of Frost MC 6:40 A Confession MLC 7:35 Casualty MC Dylan must contain his anger with Lev; Fenisha helps in Jan’s hour of need. 8:30 Midsomer Murders MVC Residents of Midsomer Worthy fear the person behind three unresolved murders is starting to kill again, nine years later. 10:25 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown MLS The best bits from the season with Jimmy Carr, Sean Lock, Jon Richardson, and celebrity guests. 11:20 Who Do You Think You Are? PG
12:20 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 1:20 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 2:20 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 3:20 Who Do You Think You Are? PG 4:20 Midsomer Murders MVC 28Nov20
DISCOVERY 6:35 Josh Gates Tonight PG 7:30 Great White Serial Killer Extinction PG 8:20 Air Jaws – Ultimate Breach Off PG 9:10 Great White Double Trouble PG 10am Will Smith – Off The Deep End PG 10:50 The Laws Of Jaws PG 11:40 Monster Mako – Perfect Predator PG 12:30 Sharks Of The Badlands PG 1:20 Andrew Mayne – Ghost Diver PG 2:10 Mako Nation PG 3pm Jaws Awakens PG 3:50 Monster Mako PG 4:45 Voodoo Shark PG 5:40 Ninja Sharks PG 6:35 Cuba’s Secret Shark Lair PG 7:30 Shaqattack PG 8:30 Tyson v Jaws – Rumble On The Reef PG 9:25 Sharkadelic Summer PG 10:15 I Was Prey – Shark Week PG 11:05 Isle Of Jaws – Blood Brothers PG 11:55 Laws Of Jaws – Dangerous Waters PG
12:45 Return To Isle Of Jaws PG 1:35 Josh Gates Tonight PG 2:25 Shaqattack PG 3:15 Tyson v Jaws – Rumble On The Reef PG 4:05 Sharkadelic Summer PG 4:55 Laws Of Jaws – Dangerous Waters PG 5:45 Return To Isle Of Jaws PG | Compiled by
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Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Sunday, November 29, 2020 tVNZ 1
tVNZ 2
©TVNZ 2020
©TVNZ 2020
Primates, at 7:30pm
Logan, at 9:30pm
The Block Australia, at 7pm
Outback Opal Hunters, at 7:30pm
Inside The QE2 Hotel, at 7:30pm
6am Heathrow – Britain’s Busiest Airport 3 0 6:25 Biggest And Baddest 3 0 7:15 Tagata Pasifika 3 7:40 Praise Be 8:10 The Living Room 3 0 9am F Q+A With Jack Tame 0 10am Marae 2 10:30 Waka Huia 11am Attitude 3 0 11:30 Fair Go 3 0 11:55 Sunday 3 0 12:55 World’s Worst Flights 3 0 1:55 George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces 3 0 3pm World’s Most Secret Homes 0 4pm Chasing Monsters 0 5pm The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm Country Calendar 0 7:30 Primates Exploring the world of monkeys, lemurs, lorises, bush babies, and the great apes, through immersive cinematography. 0 8:35 F Black Hands 16C David has a romantic encounter; Robin and Margaret reconcile; Laniet comes home the night before the murders. 0 9:35 F Australian Crime Stories 16LC One of the central figures in the Painters and Dockers wars that claimed more than 15 victims in 1960-70s Melbourne. 0 10:40 Mother Father Son 16L 3 0 11:50 Deep Water 16VLS 3 0 12:55 Infomercials
6am Blaze And The Monster Machines 3 0 6:20 Takaro Tribe 0 6:35 Ducktales 3 0 6:55 Powerpuff Girls 3 0 7:05 My Little Pony – Pony Life 0 7:25 Bunnicula 3 0 7:50 What’s Your Problem? 0 8:05 M 101 Dalmatians 1996 Family. Glenn Close, Jeff Daniels, Joely Richardson, Joan Plowright. 0 9:45 Wallace And Gromit – A Grand Day Out 3 0 10:10 Shortland Street Omnibus PGC 3 0 12:15 M Without A Paddle PGC 2004 Comedy. Matthew Lillard, Seth Green, Dax Shepard. 0 2:15 Home And Away Omnibus PG 3 0 4:50 Bob Hearts Abishola PGC 0 5:15 America’s Got Talent 0 7pm M Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows – Part 2 PGV 2011 Adventure. Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson. 0 9:30 M Logan 18VL 2017 Sci-fi Action. World-weary, and with his powers fading, Logan hides while caring for an ailing Professor X, until an extraordinary girl draws him back into battle. Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart. 0
6am Life TV 6:30 Brian Houston @ Hillsong TV 7am Charles Stanley 0 8am Life TV 3 8:30 Turning Point 9am R&R With Eru And K’Lee 3 9:30 The Hui 0 10am NewsHub Nation 3 0 11am Nature’s Greatest Talents 3 (Part 2) 0 Noon Mega Zoo 3 0 1pm Motorsport – Muscle Garage 1:30 Motorsport – Whanganui Street Race Round Three – Cemetery Circuit. 2:30 Motorsport – British Touring Car Championship Round Nine – Brands Hatch Indy. 3:35 Motorsport – MotoGP Grand Prix Portugal. 4:55 The Fishing Show Classics PG 3 0 5:25 Fish Of The Day S5 Ep8. 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm The Block Australia PG Scotty’s brother makes a welcome appearance on site; the judges give their verdicts on the teams’ guest en suites. 0 8:30 M Knight And Day M 3 2010 Action. A woman becomes mixed up with a spy trying to clear his name. Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Peter Sarsgaard. 0 10:40 Chicago PD M 0 11:35 Hawaii Five-0 M 3 0 12:30 Infomercials
6am Religious Programming 7am Nella The Princess Knight 3 7:30 Religious Programming 10am Golf – LPGA Event (HLS) 11am NXT PGV 3 Noon Rugby – Tri Nations Championship (RPL) Argentina v All Blacks. 2pm World’s Wildest Weather PGC 3 3pm Fishing Classics 3 4pm Mighty Machines PG 3 4:30 A Place In The Sun 3 5:30 Prime News 6pm The Great Escapers 3 7pm Pawn Stars PG 7:30 Outback Opal Hunters PG 3 Rookie opal hunters Dan and Justin leave their families behind to chase a fortune, and are lucky enough to stake a claim on a legendary site. 8:30 Massive Engineering Mistakes PGC 3 In downtown San Francisco, something is causing a skyscraper to sink; in Venice, a biblical build fails to hold back the tide; in Germany, a town is in danger of going underground. 9:30 NCIS – New Orleans MVSC After a sailor is murdered in a strip club, the NCIS team links the murder weapon to two additional unsolved cases; Brody’s ex-fiancé pays her a surprise visit. 10:30 NCIS – New Orleans M 3 11:25 SmackDown PGV
6am Stars In Their Cars 6:30 Through The Bible With Les Feldick 7am Leading The Way 7:30 Key Of David 8am Celebrity Motor Homes 8:30 Phil Spencer’s 100 Homes 9:30 Cash Cowboys 10:30 Irish Pickers 11:30 Sarah Off The Grid 12:30 Hope For Wildlife 1:30 Down East Dickering 2:30 Jade Fever PGC 3:30 Hope For Wildlife 4:30 Rick Stein’s Secret France 5:30 Travel Man’s Greatest Trips 6:30 Antiques Roadshow 7:30 Inside The QE2 Hotel Millions have been spent on the Hotel QE2 but it’s still only 40% complete. Designer Chris needs to launch new superior suites to keep up with the fierce competition of Dubai’s hotel market. 8:30 People Magazine Investigates MCLSV In the 1970s, a serial rapist is at large in northern California, and the police discover he is a serial murderer as well. 9:30 Lake Erie Murders MCLSV 10:30 Antiques Roadshow 11:30 Inside The QE2 Hotel 3
12:15 M The Butterfly Effect 16VL 2004 Thriller. Ashton Kutcher, Amy Smart. 0 2:20 M Ender’s Game MV 2013 Sci-fi. Asa Butterfield, Harrison Ford, Hailee Steinfeld, Viola Davis. 0 4:15 2 Overnight 4:25 Religious Programming 4:55 Infomercials
6am Clean House PG 3 6:45 Clean House PG 3 7:35 Clean House PG 3 8:20 Clean House PG 3 9:10 Get A Room With Carson And Thom PG 3 10am Get A Room With Carson And Thom PG 3 10:50 Body Fixers PG 3 11:40 World Of Dance 3 12:30 Dress To Impress 3 1:25 Undercover Boss 3 2:20 Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles PG 3 3:20 Judge Jerry 3 3:45 Judge Jerry 3 4:10 Judge Jerry 3 4:35 Judge Jerry 3 5:05 50 Ways To Kill Your Mum PG 6pm Listing Impossible PG 7pm M The Wedding Singer M 3 1998 Comedy. Adam Sandler, Drew Barrymore, Christine Taylor, Allen Covert. 9:05 M I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry M 3 2007 Comedy. Two straight, single New York firefighters pretend to be a gay couple to receive domestic-partner benefits so Larry’s children can inherit his pension. Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Jessica Biel. 11:25 Don’t Be Tardy M 11:55 Don’t Be Tardy M 12:20 Infomercials
6am Lizard Lick Towing PG 6:25 Mountain Men PG 7:10 NCIS – New Orleans MV 7:55 NXT PGV 8:50 Mountain Men PG 9:35 Rooster And Butch PGC 10:25 Pawn Stars PG 10:55 NCIS – New Orleans MV 11:45 Ax Men ML 12:40 Mountain Men PG 1:30 Lizard Lick Towing PG 2pm Raw PGV 4:45 NXT PGV 5:45 SmackDown PGV 7:30 NCIS – New Orleans MV Gregorio calls on Claire McGrady, her former behavioural-science professor, when the team’s latest case matches one she studied during FBI training. 8:30 NCIS – LA MV Callen and the team must save a child who has been brainwashed by a terrorist cell; Deeks and Kensi discuss having children. 9:30 NCIS – LA MV 10:30 Chicago PD 16V (Part 2) 11:25 Mountain Men PG
12:15 SmackDown MVC 1:55 Chicago PD 16V 2:45 NCIS – New Orleans MV 3:35 Mountain Men PG 4:25 NCIS – LA MV 5:10 NCIS – LA MV
12:25 60 Minutes PGC 1:25 Closedown
7:21 Anna 16VLSC 2018 Action. Sasha Luss, Luke Evans. 9:17 The Goldfinch MVL 2019 Drama. Ansel Elgort, Nicole Kidman. 11:42 Drunk Parents MVLSC 2019 Comedy. Alec Baldwin, Salma Hayek. 1:16 Blue Iguana 16VLSC 2018 Comedy. Sam Rockwell, Phoebe Fox. 2:55 Shazam! MV 2019 Action. Zachary Levi, Mark Strong. 5:05 Killerman 16VLC 2019 Action Thriller. Liam Hemsworth, Emory Cohen. 6:55 The Festival 16LSC 2019 Comedy. Joe Thomas, Jemaine Clement. 8:30 Midway MVLC 2019 Action. For three days, the American fleet engages the Imperial Japanese Navy in one of the most important and decisive battles of the Second World War. Ed Skrein, Patrick Wilson. 10:50 Fighting With My Family MVLSC 2019 Drama. Florence Pugh, Dwayne Johnson.
7:30 300 16V 2006 Action. Gerard Butler, Lena Headey. 9:30 Trainwreck 16LSC 2015 Comedy. Amy Schumer, Bill Hader, Brie Larson. 11:40 The Last Exorcism 16V 2010 Horror. Patrick Fabian, Ashley Bell. 1:15 Godzilla MV 2014 Action. 3:25 Gone MVL 2012 Drama Mystery. 5pm Letters To Juliet PGL 2010 Romantic Comedy. 6:50 Shaun Of The Dead MVLC 2004 Horror Comedy. Simon Pegg, Bill Nighy, Kate Ashfield. 8:30 300 – Rise Of An Empire 16VLS 2014 Action. Greek general Themistokles faces invading Persian forces led by Xerxes and the naval commander Artemisia. Eva Green, Sullivan Stapleton. 10:15 Rock The Kasbah MVLSC 2015 Comedy. Captivated by the talent of a Pashtun teenager in Afghanistan, a has-been music manager enlists the help of oddball expats to have her compete on TV. Bill Murray, Kate Hudson.
12:37 Final Score 16VL 2018 Action. Dave Bautista, Pierce Brosnan. 2:22 Burying Yasmeen MVLC 2019 Comedy. Jason Lott, Mike Langer. 3:37 Shazam! MV 2019 Action. Zachary Levi, Mark Strong. 5:47 Killerman 16VLC 2019 Action Thriller.
12:05 Godzilla MV 2014 Action. 2:15 Gone MVL 2012 Drama Mystery. 3:50 Letters To Juliet PGL 2010 Romantic Comedy. 5:35 Shaun Of The Dead MVLC 2004 Horror Comedy.
12:30 Travel Man’s Greatest Trips 1:30 Stars In Their Cars 2am Britain’s Ancient Tracks With Tony Robinson 3am People Magazine Investigates MCLSV 4am Lake Erie Murders MCLSV 5am Sarah Off The Grid
6:30 Waiata Mai 6:40 Kia Mau 3 6:50 Te Nutube 7am Darwin + Newts 3 7:10 Purakau 3 7:20 Pukoro 2 7:50 Polyfest Kapa Haka 3 8:20 Tamariki Haka 8:30 F Globe 9am Whanau Living 3 9:30 F What’s Up With The Tumoanas? 10am Wehi Na Upload PGC 3 10:30 Sidewalk Karaoke 11am Te Ao Tapatahi Noon Life Of Kai 12:30 Funny Whare – Gamesnight PG 3 1pm Touch Rugby – National Championships 3 1:50 M The Pirates – Band Of Misfits PG 2012 Animated Adventure. Hugh Grant, Salma Hayek, Jeremy Piven. 3:30 Marae DIY 3 4:30 Tagata Pasifika 5pm Te Ao Toa 6pm Waka Huia 6:30 Te Ao Marama 7:30 Rise M Sarain Fox travels to Indigenous communities across the Americas to meet people protecting their homelands and rising up against colonisation. 8:30 M Macadam Stories M 2015 Comedy. Improbable encounters bring tenderness, laughter, and compassion to a world of urban alienation. Isabelle Huppert. 10:10 M Undertow M 2004 Drama. A father and his two sons retreat to rural Georgia, where their lives are changed by the arrival of their uncle. Jamie Bell, Kristen Stewart. 11:20 Closedown
7am Tri-Nations (HLS) Argentina v All Blacks. 7:30 Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Premiership Final – Auckland v Tasman. 8am Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Championship Final – Hawke’s Bay v Northland. 8:30 Tri-Nations (HLS) Argentina v All Blacks. 9am L Autumn Nations Cup France v Italy. 11:10 Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) Wales v England. 1:10 Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Premiership Final – Auckland v Tasman. 3:40 Tri-Nations (HLS) Argentina v All Blacks. 4:10 Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Premiership Final – Auckland v Tasman. 6:30 Tri-Nations (RPL) Argentina v All Blacks. From McDonald Jones Stadium, Newcastle. 8:30 Rugby Nation 9:30 Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Championship Final – Hawke’s Bay v Northland.
Midnight Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Premiership Final – Auckland v Tasman. 2:50 L Autumn Nations Cup Ireland v Georgia. From Aviva Stadium, Dublin. 5:10 L Gallagher Premiership
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences 16 years and over; PG Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits FM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
6:05 All Round To Mrs Brown’s MLS 7:05 Keeping Up Appearances PG 7:35 Holby City MC 8:35 EastEnders PG 9am EastEnders PG 9:30 EastEnders PG 9:55 EastEnders PG 10:25 Heartbeat PG 11:15 The Jonathan Ross Show M 12:05 The Graham Norton Show MVLS 12:35 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown 1:25 Midsomer Murders MVC 3:20 We Hunt Together MVLC 4:10 Death In Paradise MV 5:10 Heartbeat PG 6:05 Would I Lie To You? PG 6:40 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown MLS 7:35 N We Hunt Together 16VLSC When former child soldier Baba rescues Freddy, something dark is ignited in them. 8:30 Who Do You Think You Are? USA PG 9:20 A Touch Of Frost MVLC 11:15 We Hunt Together MVLC
Midnight Casualty PG 12:50 We Hunt Together 16VLSC 1:35 A Confession MLC 2:25 Who Do You Think You Are? USA PG 3:10 A Touch Of Frost MVLC 4:55 Lewis MVC 29Nov20
DISCOVERY 6:35 Josh Gates Tonight PG Totally Jawsome. 7:30 I Was Prey – Shark Week 2 PG 8:20 Sharkadelic Summer PG 9:10 Tyson v Jaws – Rumble On The Reef PG 10am Shaqattack PG 10:50 Return To Isle Of Jaws PG 11:40 Laws Of Jaws – Dangerous Waters PG 12:30 Isle Of Jaws – Blood Brothers PG 1:20 Air Jaws – Ultimate Breach Off PG 2:10 Will Smith – Off The Deep End PG 3pm Great White Double Trouble PG 3:50 Sharks Of The Badlands PG 4:45 Air Jaws – Back From The Dead PG 5:40 Return Of The Megashark PG 6:35 Mako Nation PG 7:30 Shark Lockdown PG 8:30 Naked And Afraid Of Sharks MC 10:15 Alien Sharks – First Contact PG 11:05 Shark-Croc Showdown PG 11:55 Super Predator
12:45 Guadalupe Kill Zone PG 1:35 Josh Gates Tonight PG 2:25 Shark Lockdown PG 3:15 Naked And Afraid Of Sharks MC 4:55 Super Predator M 5:45 Guadalupe Kill Zone PG | Compiled by
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Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Monday, November 30, 2020 tVNZ 1
tVNZ 2
©TVNZ 2020
©TVNZ 2020
Motorbike Cops, at 8pm
Big Birthers, at 8:35pm
Never See Her Again, at 1:05pm
Cliffhanger, at 9:45pm
Amazon – The Lost World, at 7:30pm
6am Breakfast 0 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 0 10am Tipping Point 3 0 11am The Chase 3 0 Noon 1 News At Midday 0 12:30 Emmerdale PG 0 1:30 Country Calendar 3 0 2pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3 0 3pm Tipping Point 0 4pm Te Karere 2 0 4:30 Driving Test 3 Headstrong student Rani does not like anyone telling her she has made a mistake so, when instructor Errol corrects her one too many times, she dumps him for instructor Scott. 0 5pm The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm Seven Sharp 0 7:27 Backing Business 0 7:30 Fair Go 0 8pm Motorbike Cops A young P plater loses his license for the third time. 0 8:30 The Apprentice UK ML The apprentices go to Malta. 0 9:45 20/20 Carolyn Robinson presents international current affairs. 0 10:45 1 News Tonight 0 11:15 Prodigal Son 16V 3 0
6:30 Esme And Roy 3 0 6:50 Kiddets 0 7am New Looney Tunes 0 7:25 Ben 10 3 0 7:50 Unikitty! 0 8:15 Puppy Dog Pals 3 0 8:40 Dorothy And The Wizard Of Oz 0 9am Infomercials 9:30 8 Simple Rules 3 0 10am Neighbours 3 0 10:30 Murphy Brown 0 11am Kevin (Probably) Saves The World 3 0 Noon Come Dine With Me Couples 1pm Judge Rinder PG 2pm The Middle 3 0 2:30 Home And Away PG 3 0 3pm Shortland Street PG 3 0 3:35 Power Rangers Beast Morphers 0 4pm Brain Busters 0 4:30 Friends 3 0 5pm The Simpsons PG 3 0 5:30 The Big Bang Theory PG 3 0 6pm Neighbours 0 6:30 Home And Away PG 0 7pm Shortland Street PG 0 7:30 Dog Almighty the dogs have a day out at the pools, but there is no lounging about as the top six compete in challenges. 0 8:35 F Big Birthers MC (Part 2) In Leicester, a city where over half the population is overweight, the Leicester Royal Infirmary has set up a high-risk maternity unit for obese mothers. 0 9:35 Filthy House Swap PG 0 10:35 Two And A Half Men PGS 3 0 11:05 2 Broke Girls PGS 3 0 11:35 Hell’s Kitchen 16L 0
6am The AM Show 0 9am The Café PG 10am Infomercials 11:35 Face The Truth PG 3 (Part 2) 12:05 Vet On The Hill 3 1:05 M Never See Her Again M 2020 Thriller. Best friends take a troubled teen under their wing, but things change when one is nominated for Most Aspirational in her class, and will do anything to take the title. Bayley Corman, Fernando Szew, Heather McComb. 0 3pm Bondi Vet 0 4pm The Fishing Show Classics PG 3 0 4:30 NewsHub Live At 4:30pm 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 7pm The Project 7:30 The Block Australia PG All the teams get together for a ‘winners are grinner’ dinner, but Harry is not smiling. Has the load become too heavy for him? 0 8:40 N Taranaki Hard 16 A coming-of-age docu-series about the lives of young Kiwis growing up in Waitara. 0 9:40 Magnum PI M When Jin learns an innocent woman is the target of a potentially lethal hit, he asks Magnum and Higgins to help save her. 0 10:30 NewsHub Late 11pm The Hui 3 0 11:35 NewsHub Nation 3 0 12:40 Infomercials
6am Ben 10 – Alien Force 3 6:25 Butterbean’s Café 3 6:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 7:15 Ben 10 – Ultimate Alien 3 8:05 Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, And Dawn 8:30 Justice League – Unlimited PGV 3 9am A Place In The Sun 3 10am The Doctors PGC 3 11am Hot Bench PGC 11:30 Ice Road Truckers MVL 12:30 FBI MV 3 1:30 Married… With Children PG 3 2pm The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 3 3pm Wheel Of Fortune 3 3:30 Jeopardy 3 4pm American Pickers PGC 5pm Tagata Pasifika 5:30 Prime News 6pm Rugby Nation 7pm The Crowd Goes Wild 7:30 American Pickers PGC Mike and Frank go to Georgia, hoping to buy a very rare roadster and get it back on the highway. 8:30 Prison 16VLC 9:45 M Cliffhanger M 3 1993 Thriller. A Rocky Mountain Rescue professional and his former partner on a regular rescue mission, are held hostage by a gang of criminals. Sylvester Stallone, John Lithgow. 0
6am The Great Interior Design Challenge 7am Phil Spencer’s 100 Homes 8am Hope For Wildlife 9am Escape To The Chateau DIY 10am The Day The Rock Star Died PGC 10:30 Inside The QE2 Hotel 3 11:30 Antiques Roadshow 12:30 Hope For Wildlife 1:30 Travel Man’s Greatest Trips 2:30 Rick Stein’s Secret France 3:30 Big Cat Country 4:30 River Cottage – Veg Every Day 5:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC 6:30 Salvage Hunters 7:30 Amazon – The Lost World PGC In civil-war-torn Colombia, archaeologists recently discovered one of the world’s largest collections of prehistoric rock art. 8:30 Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road 9:30 Tutankhamun – Life, Death And Legacy 10:30 Salvage Hunters 11:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC
12:15 Q+A With Jack Tame 0 1:20 Te Karere 3 2 1:45 Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere 3 2
12:35 Lethal Weapon MV 3 0 1:25 Shortland Street PG 3 0 1:50 Infomercials 2:55 2 Overnight 4:40 Emmerdale PG 3 0 5:05 Neighbours 3 0 5:30 Infomercials
10am Judge Jerry 3 10:30 How To Look Good Naked – UK PG 3 11:30 Snapped M 3 12:30 The People’s Court 3 1:30 The Real Housewives Of Orange County PG 3 2:30 Vanderpump Rules PG 3 3:30 Southern Charm PG 3 4:30 Undercover Boss 3 5:30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians PG 3 6:30 Million Dollar Listing NY 3 7:30 Snapped M The beating of a man in West Liberty, Iowa, is unsolved until cold-case detectives are approached by an unexpected witness, and their renewed search leads to an unlikely killer. 8:30 The Real Murders Of Orange County M When the owner of a strip club empire is killed with a machine gun at his Orange County estate, the secrecy of the clubs and their employees makes the case challenging. 9:30 Buried In The Backyard M 10:30 Snapped PG 3 11:25 A Lie To Die For M 3 12:15 Infomercials
6am Jeopardy! 6:25 Wheel Of Fortune 6:45 The Simpsons PG 7:10 Storage Wars PGL 8am Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 8:25 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away MVL 9:15 Pawn Stars PG 9:40 NCIS – LA MV 11:10 Storage Wars PGL Noon Jeopardy! 12:25 Wheel Of Fortune 12:50 NCIS – LA MV 3:10 Storage Wars PGL 4pm The Simpsons PG 4:30 Jeopardy! 5pm Wheel Of Fortune 5:30 Pawn Stars PG 6pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away MVL 7pm Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 7:30 NCIS – LA MV 8:30 RBT MC 9pm Traffic Cops MVLC 10pm Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 10:30 NCIS – LA MV
12:05 Storage Wars PGL 12:55 Wheel Of Fortune 1:20 Jeopardy! 1:40 Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 2:05 RBT MC 2:35 Traffic Cops MVLC 3:35 NCIS – LA MV 4:25 Lizard Lick Towing PG 4:50 NCIS – LA MV
12:05 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 1:05 Closedown
7:42 Midway MVLC 2019 Action. Ed Skrein, Patrick Wilson. 10:02 Fighting With My Family MVLSC 2019 Drama. Florence Pugh, Dwayne Johnson. 11:52 Final Score 16VL 2018 Action. Dave Bautista, Pierce Brosnan. 1:37 The Shanghai Job MV 2017 Action. Orlando Bloom, Simon Yam. 3:12 Ashes In The Snow MVLSC 2018 Drama. Bel Powley, Lisa Loven Kongsli. 4:57 The Kitchen 16VLC 2019 Action. Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish. 6:42 Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark 16C 2019 Horror. Zoe Colletti, Dean Norris. 8:30 Long Shot MLS 2019 Comedy. A man is hired as a speechwriter by his former childhood crush, who is now one of the most influential women in the world, and running for president. Charlize Theron, Seth Rogan. 10:39 The Night Clerk 16VLSC 2020 Drama. Tye Sheridan, John Leguizamo.
7:15 300 – Rise Of An Empire 16VLS 2014 Action. Eva Green, Sullivan Stapleton. 8:55 Rock The Kasbah MVLSC 2015 Comedy. Bill Murray, Kate Hudson. 10:40 Gone MVL 2012 Drama Mystery. Amanda Seyfried, Jennifer Carpenter, Wes Bentley. 12:15 Letters To Juliet PGL 2010 Romantic Comedy. 2pm A Night At The Movies – The Horrors Of Stephen King M 2012 Documentary. 3pm Limitless MVLS 2011 Thriller. 4:45 Law Abiding Citizen 18VC 2009 Crime. 6:35 The Family 16VLS 2013 Crime. Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer. 8:30 Gangs Of New York 16VLS 2002 Historical Drama. In 1863, in a New York ruled by street gangs, the son of a gang leader is determined to avenge his father’s death. Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel DayLewis, Cameron Diaz. 11:15 Eastern Promises 18VS 2007 Drama. Naomi Watts, Viggo Mortensen.
12:09 Berlin, I Love You MLS 2019 Romance. Keira Knightley, Helen Mirren. 2:09 Lying And Stealing 16LSC 2019 Thriller. 3:49 The Shanghai Job MV 2017 Action. 5:24 Ashes In The Snow MVLSC 2018 Drama.
1am Limitless MVLS 2011 Thriller. 2:45 Law Abiding Citizen 18VC 2009 Crime. 4:35 The Family 16VLS 2013 Crime.
12:30 River Cottage – Veg Every Day 1:30 The Day The Rock Star Died PGC 2am Britain’s Ancient Tracks With Tony Robinson 3am Big Cat Country 4am Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road 5am Mysteries At The Museum PGC
SKY SPORt 1 7:30 Autumn Nations Cup (HLS) France v Italy. 8am Autumn Nations Cup (HLS) Ireland v Georgia. 8:30 L Guinness Pro14 Cardiff v Glasgow. From Rodney Parad, Newport. 10:35 Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) Ireland v Georgia. 12:35 Rugby Nation 1:35 Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) France v Italy. 3:30 Gallagher Replays (RPL) 5:30 Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) Wales v England. 7:30 Ignite7’s Draft This year’s tournament contenders are revealed. 8:30 French Top 14 Highlights Show 9pm Tri-Nations (HLS) Argentina v All Blacks. 9:30 Playmakers 10pm Gallagher Premiership (HLS) 11pm Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Premiership Final – Auckland v Tasman.
1:30 Autumn Nations Cup (HLS) Scotland v Fiji. 2am Autumn Nations Cup (HLS) Wales v v England. 2:30 Rugby Nation 3:25 Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Premiership Final – Auckland v Tasman. 3:55 Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) Ireland v Georgia. 5:55 Rugby Nation
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences 16 years and over; PG Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits FM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
6:30 Pipi Ma 6:35 Takaro Tribe 3 6:50 Waiata Mai 7am Te Ao Tapatahi 8am Tamariki Haka 8:10 Te Nutube 8:20 Zoomoo 8:30 Cube 8:40 Huritua 8:50 Paia 9am Marae Kai Masters 3 10am Whare Puoro 10:30 Whanau Living 3 11am Matangi Rau 3 Noon F Wehi Na Upload PGC 12:30 F What’s Up With The Tumoanas? 1pm Tohunga 3 1:30 Ako 3 2 2pm Toku Reo 3 2 3pm Korero Mai 3 3:30 Toku Whare Kohanga Reo 3 4pm Fresh PG 3 4:30 Miharo 2 5pm Pipi Ma 5:05 Takaro Tribe 3 5:20 Waiata Mai 5:30 Tamariki Haka 5:40 Te Nutube 5:50 Zoomoo 6pm Cube 6:10 Huritua 6:20 Paia 6:30 Te Ao Marama 7:30 Gourmet Goes Tribal With the belief that food can change people’s lives, chef Pablo travels to the far northeast of India where he meets, eats, and cooks with tribes of the region. 8pm Off The Grid With Pio 3 Pio travels to Ohakana Island, where he is trained to be a solar assistant, and learns how to keep bees. 8:30 M Pacific Warriors 2015 Documentary. An insight into the origins and stories of Pacific Island rugby teams such as Tonga, Samoa, and Fiji. 10:35 Ki Tua 11:05 Waka Huia 3 11:30 Closedown
UKtV 6:30 Death In Paradise MVC 7:30 The Jonathan Ross Show 16 8:25 The Bill M 9:15 Lewis MVC 10:50 Death In Paradise M 11:50 Doc Martin MSC 12:40 Midsomer Murders M 2:15 The Bill M 3:05 The Singapore Grip MV 3:55 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown 16 4:50 The Jonathan Ross Show PG 5:45 Who Do You Think You Are? USA PG 6:30 Qi M 7pm EastEnders PG 7:30 Qi MLS 8pm Would I Lie To You? PG Rob Brydon, Lee Mack, and David Mitchell return in an episode with some of the best bits from series 12. 8:35 Death In Paradise MV DI Poole must convince the team that a murder has nothing to do with voodoo spirits. 9:30 We Hunt Together 16VLC 10:20 Lewis M
12:05 Midsomer Murders M 1:40 Qi M 2:10 Qi MLS 2:40 Would I Lie To You? PG 3:15 Who Do You Think You Are? USA PG 4am Death In Paradise MV 4:55 We Hunt Together 16VLC 5:40 Doc Martin MVC 30Nov20
DISCOVERY 6:35 Josh Gates Tonight PG Somefin Special. 7:30 Alien Sharks – First Contact PG 8:20 Naked And Afraid Of Sharks MC 10am Shark Lockdown PG 10:50 Guadalupe Kill Zone PG Great White Kill Zone Guadalupe. 11:40 Super Predator 12:30 SharkCroc Showdown PG 1:20 Sharkadelic Summer PG 2:10 Shaqattack PG 3pm Tyson v Jaws – Rumble On The Reef PG 3:50 Isle Of Jaws 4:45 Return To Isle Of Jaws PG 5:40 Isle Of Jaws – Blood Brothers PG 6:35 Tiger Shark Invasion PG 7:30 Adam Devine’s Secret Shark Lair PG 8:30 Abandoned Waters PG 9:25 Wicked Sharks PG 10:15 Tiger Shark King PG 11:05 Shark Exile PG 11:55 Great White Abyss PG
12:45 Extinct Or Alive – The Lost Shark PG 1:35 Josh Gates Tonight PG 2:25 Adam Devine’s Secret Shark Lair PG 3:15 Abandoned Waters PG 4:05 Wicked Sharks PG 4:55 Great White Abyss PG 5:45 Extinct Or Alive – The Lost Shark PG | Compiled by
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Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Tuesday, December 1, 2020 tVNZ 1
tVNZ 2
©TVNZ 2020
©TVNZ 2020
Paramedics, at 7:30pm
Late Night Big Breakfast, at 9:30pm
Nowhere To Be Found, at 12:55pm
Life Cycles, at 7:30pm
Choccywoccydoodah, at 4:30pm
6am Breakfast 0 9am The Ellen DeGeneres Show 0 10am Tipping Point 3 0 11am The Chase 3 0 Noon 1 News At Midday 0 12:30 Emmerdale PG 0 1:30 Fair Go 3 0 2pm The Ellen DeGeneres Show 3 0 3pm Tipping Point 0 4pm Te Karere 2 0 4:30 Driving Test PG 3 0 5pm The Chase 0 6pm 1 News At 6pm 0 7pm Seven Sharp 0 7:30 Paramedics MLC A car accident victim who has also been stabbed; a golfer feels sub-par; a dog that raises the alarm when its owner is thrown from her horse. 0 8:25 Paramedics MLC Flight paramedic Ray joins a massive rescue mission in treacherous conditions near Victoria’s Twelve Apostles. Amanda finds an admirer in a patient with a colourful past. 9:25 Coronation Street PG 0 10:25 1 News Tonight 0 10:55 Our Shirley Valentine Summer M 3 0
6:30 Rescue Bots Academy 3 0 6:50 Kiddets 0 7am New Looney Tunes 0 7:25 Ben 10 3 0 7:50 Unikitty! 0 8:15 Puppy Dog Pals 3 0 8:40 Dorothy And The Wizard Of Oz 0 9am Infomercials 9:30 8 Simple Rules 3 0 10am Neighbours 3 0 10:30 Murphy Brown 0 11am Kevin (Probably) Saves The World PG 3 0 Noon Selling Houses Australia 0 1pm Judge Rinder PG 2pm The Middle 3 0 2:30 Home And Away PG 3 0 3pm Shortland Street PG 3 0 3:35 Power Rangers Beast Morphers PG 0 4pm Brain Busters 0 4:30 Friends 3 0 5pm The Simpsons PG 3 0 5:30 The Big Bang Theory 3 0 6pm Neighbours 0 6:30 Home And Away PG 0 7pm Shortland Street PG 0 7:30 Dog Almighty The top five dogs must find their way through a giant maze filled with meaty distractions. 0 8:35 Young Sheldon 0 9:30 Late Night Big Breakfast 16C 0 10pm Will And Grace 0 10:30 Two And A Half Men PG 3 0 11pm 2 Broke Girls PG 3 0 11:30 The Resident MC 0
Midnight Te Radar’s Chequered Past 3 0 12:30 There And Back 3 0 1am Te Karere 3 2 1:25 Infomercials 5:35 Te Karere 3 2
6am Ben 10 – Alien Force 3 6:25 Butterbean’s Café 3 6:50 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 7:15 Ben 10 – Ultimate Alien 3 8:05 Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, And Dawn 8:30 Justice League – Unlimited PGV 3 9am A Place In The Sun 3 10am The Doctors PGC 3 11am Hot Bench PGC 11:30 Ice Road Truckers MVL 12:30 FBI MV 3 1:30 Married… With Children PG 3 2pm The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 3 3pm Wheel Of Fortune 3 3:30 Jeopardy 3 4pm American Pickers PG 5pm Frasier 3 5:30 Prime News 6pm American Restoration 3 6:30 Shipping Wars PGL 7pm The Crowd Goes Wild 7:30 Life Cycles PGC A look at the different ways in which animals sustain themselves throughout their lives. 8:35 Salvation MV 9:35 Fear The Walking Dead 18VLC Charlie makes a friend; Strand, Wendell, and Sarah’s rescue mission hits a snag; Alicia, Luciana, and Morgan must fulfil their mission. 10:35 The Breakdown 11:45 The Late Show With Stephen Colbert PG 12:45 Closedown
6am The Great Interior Design Challenge 7am River Cottage – Veg Every Day 8am Big Cat Country 9am Escape To The Chateau DIY 10am The Day The Rock Star Died PGC Jim Morrison. 10:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC 11:30 Salvage Hunters 12:30 Joanna Lumley’s Silk Road 1:30 Amazon – The Lost World PGC 2:30 Tutankhamun – Life, Death, And Legacy 3:30 Inside The Vets 4:30 Choccywoccydoodah Starstruck. Choccywoccydoodah is in high spirits as entrepreneurial business legend Sir Richard Branson sets them a cake challenge. 5:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC 6:30 Salvage Hunters 7:30 George Clarke’s Old House New Home 8:30 Property Brothers – Forever Home 9:30 Amazing Spaces – Shed Of The Year 10:30 Salvage Hunters 11:30 Mysteries At The Museum PGC
12:30 Station 19 M 3 0 1:15 Shortland Street PG 3 0 1:40 Infomercials 2:45 2 Overnight 4:40 Emmerdale PG 3 0 5:05 Neighbours 3 0 5:30 Infomercials
6am The AM Show 0 9am The Café PG 10am Infomercials 11:25 Face The Truth PG 3 11:55 Vet On The Hill 3 12:55 M Nowhere To Be Found M 2019 Thriller. A mother’s worst nightmare comes true when her teenaged daughter goes missing. Rya Kihlstedt, Kate Drummond, Al Mukadam. 0 3pm Bondi Vet 0 4pm The Fishing Show Classics PG 3 Fishing action from around New Zealand and the world. 0 4:30 NewsHub Live At 4:30pm 5pm Millionaire Hot Seat 0 6pm NewsHub Live At 6pm 0 7pm The Project 7:30 The Block Australia PG The Block is full of razzamatazz as Shelly and Scotty become gameshow hosts in the agent challenge, Block It In. 0 8:40 M Bad Neighbours 16 3 2014 Comedy. A couple are living the American dream, complete with a baby and a house in the suburbs, until a frat house moves in next door. Seth Rogen, Zac Efron, Rose Byrne. 0 10:45 NewsHub Late 11:15 NCIS – Los Angeles M 3 0 12:15 Infomercials
10am Judge Jerry 3 10:30 How To Look Good Naked – UK 3 11:30 Snapped PG 3 12:30 The People’s Court 3 1:30 The Real Housewives Of Orange County PG 3 2:30 Vanderpump Rules PG 3 3:30 Southern Charm PG 3 4:30 Undercover Boss 3 5:30 Keeping Up With The Kardashians PG 3 6:30 Million Dollar Listing NY 3 7:30 Songland PG Kelsea Ballerini goes to Songland to hear unknown songwriters pitch their original material to be her next hit song. 8:30 Marrying Millions M Bill and Bri make up, and Bill considers taking their relationship further; Kate wonders if Shawn is genuine; Brian goes ahead with wedding preparations though Gentille is uncertain; Sean asks his mother for advice; Rosie and Drew wed. 9:30 Killer Couples M 10:30 Snapped PG 3 11:25 A Lie To Die For M 3 12:15 Infomercials
6am Jeopardy! 6:25 Wheel Of Fortune 6:45 The Simpsons PG 7:10 Storage Wars PGL 7:35 Storage Wars PGL 8am Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 8:25 Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away MVL 9:15 Pawn Stars PG 9:40 NCIS – LA MV 11:10 Storage Wars PGL 11:35 Storage Wars PGL Noon Jeopardy! 12:25 Wheel Of Fortune 12:45 The Simpsons PG 1:10 Traffic Cops MVLC 2pm Raw Live MVC 5:05 Wheel Of Fortune 5:30 Pawn Stars PG 6pm Can’t Pay? We’ll Take It Away MVL 7pm Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 7:30 NCIS – LA MV 8:30 Extreme Salvage Squad ML 9:30 The Cops MV 10:30 NCIS – LA MV
12:05 Storage Wars PGL 12:55 Wheel Of Fortune 1:20 Jeopardy! 1:40 Border Security – Australia’s Frontline M 2:05 The Cops MV 2:50 Extreme Salvage Squad ML 3:40 NCIS – LA MV 4:25 Pawn Stars PG 4:50 NCIS – LA MV 5:35 The Simpsons PG
7:04 Elvis Goes There – Ryan Coogler MC 2019 Documentary. 8am The Kitchen 16VLC 2019 Action. Melissa McCarthy, Tiffany Haddish. 9:43 Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark 16C 2019 Horror. 11:31 Long Shot MLS 2019 Comedy. 1:35 All Nighter 16VLSC 2018 Comedy. 3pm Child’s Play 16VL 2019 Horror. 4:30 The Lighthouse 16VLSC 2019 Drama. 6:20 Shazam! MV 2019 Action. Zachary Levi, Mark Strong. 8:30 Five Feet Apart ML 2019 Drama. Two teenagers with life-threatening illnesses meet in a hospital and fall in love, but restrictions dictate they must keep five feet apart. Haley Lu Richardson, Cole Sprouse. 10:30 Official Secrets 16VLSC 2019 Drama. Based on true events, a British intelligence specialist decides to defy her government and leak sensitive information to the press. Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode.
6:30 Gangs Of New York 16VLS 2002 Historical Drama. Leonardo DiCaprio, Daniel DayLewis, Cameron Diaz. 9:15 Eastern Promises 18VS 2007 Drama. Naomi Watts, Viggo Mortensen. 11am Limitless MVLS 2011 Thriller. Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro. 12:45 The Family 16VLS 2013 Crime. Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer. 2:35 Seven Psychopaths 16VLS 2012 Comedy. Colin Farrell, Woody Harrelson. 4:30 Black Snake Moan 16VLS 2006 Drama. 6:25 Body Of Lies 16VL 2008 Action. Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe. 8:30 Gridiron Gang MVL 2006 Action. A detentioncamp probation officer creates a football team from a group of inmates, to teach them self-respect and social responsibility. Dwayne Johnson, Xzibit. 10:40 The Bucket List ML 2007 Comedy. Jack Nicholson, Morgan Freeman.
12:20 Welcome To Acapulco 16VLC 2019 Action. 1:50 All Nighter 16VLSC 2018 Comedy. 3:15 Child’s Play 16VL 2019 Horror. 4:45 The Lighthouse 16VLSC 2019 Drama.
12:15 Seven Psychopaths 16VLS 2012 Comedy. 2:10 Black Snake Moan 16VLS 2006 Drama. 4:05 Body Of Lies 16VL 2008 Action.
12:30 Choccywoccydoodah 1:30 The Day The Rock Star Died PGC 2am Britain’s Ancient Tracks With Tony Robinson 3am Inside The Vets 4am Amazing Spaces – Shed Of The Year 5am Mysteries At The Museum PGC
6:30 Pipi Ma 6:35 Takaro Tribe 3 6:50 Waiata Mai 7am Te Ao Tapatahi 8am Tamariki Haka 8:10 Te Nutube 8:20 ZooMoo 8:30 Darwin + Newts 3 8:40 Purakau 3 8:50 Paia 9am Marae Kai Masters 3 10am Whare Puoro 10:30 Whanau Living 3 11am Matangi Rau Noon Whatta Beauty 3 12:30 Ride Or Die 1pm Tohunga 3 1:30 Ako 3 2 2pm Toku Reo 3 2 3pm Korero Mai 3 3:30 Toku Whare Kohanga Reo 3 4pm Fresh PG 3 4:30 Waka Ama Sprints 3 5pm Pipi Ma 5:05 Takaro Tribe 3 5:20 Waiata Mai 5:30 Tamariki Haka 5:40 Te Nutube 5:50 Zoomoo 6pm Darwin + Newts 3 6:10 Purakau 3 6:20 Paia 6:30 Te Ao Marama 7:30 Marae Kai Masters 3 Marae teams from around New Zealand compete in a cooking show, hunting, gathering, and cooking local delicacies. 8pm Billy T James PGC 3 Series showcasing Kiwi comedian Billy T James and his unique humour. 8:30 Intake M 3 Series following a group of new recruits selected for the New Zealand Army’s Basic Training. 9pm Piri’s Tiki Tour PGC 3 9:30 Hunt With Me M 3 10pm Hunting Aotearoa MLC 3 10:30 Te Po Mekemeke 11pm Whawhai 11:30 Closedown
6:55 Guinness Pro14 (RPL) Benetton v Dragons. 9:10 L Guinness Pro14 Edinburgh v Ulster. From BT Murrayfield, Edinburgh. 11:15 Guinness Pro14 (RPL) 1:30 Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) Wales v England. 3:30 Autumn Nations Cup (RPL) France v Italy. 5:30 Mitre 10 Cup (RPL) Premiership Final – Auckland v Tasman. From Eden Park, Auckland. 8pm Aotearoa Rugby Pod 8:30 The Breakdown 10pm Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Championship Final – Hawke’s Bay v Northland. 10pm French Top 14 Highlights Show 10:30 Playmakers 11pm Tri-Nations (HLS) Argentina v All Blacks. From McDonald Jones Stadium, Newcastle. 11:30 Mitre 10 Cup (HLS) Premiership Final – Auckland v Tasman.
Midnight Aotearoa Rugby Pod 12:30 Gallagher Premiership (RPL) Newcastle v Sale. 2:30 The Breakdown 4am Tri-Nations (RPL) Argentina v All Blacks.
0 Closed captions; 3 Repeat; 2 Maori Language; HLS Highlights; RPL Replay; DLY Delayed. CLASSIFICATIONS: 16/18 Approved for persons 16/18 years or over; C Content may offend; L Language may offend; M Suitable for mature audiences 16 years and over; PG Parental guidance recommended for young viewers; S Sexual content may offend; V Contains violence. Local Radio: NewsTalk ZB 873AM/98.1FM FM Classic Hits FM 92.5; Port FM Local 94.9, 98.9 and 106.1
6:35 Qi M 7am EastEnders PG 7:30 The Jonathan Ross Show PG 8:20 The Bill M 9:05 Lewis MVC 10:40 Death In Paradise M 11:40 Doc Martin MSC 12:30 Midsomer Murders M 2:10 The Bill M 3:05 The Singapore Grip MVLS 4pm 8 Out Of 10 Cats Does Countdown M 4:50 The Jonathan Ross Show M 5:45 Who Do You Think You Are? USA PG 6:30 Qi MLS 7pm EastEnders PG 7:30 Qi PG 8pm Would I Lie To You? PG Rob Brydon hosts a festive edition with Lily Allen, Noddy Holder, James Acaster, and Sian Gibson. 8:35 Heartbeat PG 9:30 A Confession MLC 10:25 Father Brown PG 11:15 Midsomer Murders M
12:50 Qi MLS 1:20 Qi PG 1:50 Would I Lie To You? PG 2:25 Who Do You Think You Are? USA PG 3:10 Heartbeat PG 4am A Confession MLC 4:50 Father Brown PG 5:35 Hypothetical ML 1Dec20
DISCOVERY 6:35 Josh Gates Tonight PG The Gill of It All. 7:30 Tiger Shark King PG 8:20 Wicked Sharks PG 9:10 Abandoned Waters PG 10am Adam Devine’s Secret Shark Lair PG 10:50 Extinct Or Alive – The Lost Shark PG 11:40 Great White Abyss PG 12:30 Shark Exile PG 1:20 Great White Double Trouble PG 2:10 Shark Lockdown PG 3pm Great White Serial Killer Extinction PG 3:50 SharkCroc Showdown MC 4:45 The Sharks Of Headstone Hell PG 5:40 Jaws Awakens PG 6:35 Air Jaws – Ultimate Breach Off PG 7:30 Extinct Or Alive – Land Of The Lost Sharks PG 8:30 Lair Of The Great White PG 9:25 Sharks Of Ghost Island PG 10:15 Monster Under The Bridge PG 11:05 Shark Lockdown PG 11:55 Expedition Unknown – Megalodon PG
12:45 Nuclear Shark 1:35 Josh Gates Tonight PG 2:25 Extinct Or Alive – Land Of The Lost Sharks PG 3:15 Lair Of The Great White PG 4:05 Sharks Of Ghost Island PG 4:55 Expedition Unknown – Megalodon PG 5:45 Nuclear Shark PG | Compiled by
A Special Gold Card Lunch available Friday, Saturday and Sunday We look forward to seeing you at DOCKS!
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Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
Christmas Wishes for the elderly A little smile, a word of cheer A bit of love from someone near A little gift from one held dear Best wishes for the coming year These make a Merry Christmas!
We would like to invite our older residents to send to us their wishes. It could be help with your garden, a coffee date or some fresh home baking. Then we will ask people in the community to volunteer to make these wishes come true. The Ashburton Guardian wants to make the festive season a little brighter for our district’s elderly by having their Christmas wishes granted by a supportive community.
Help us make someone’s Christmas extra special. By mail: PO Box 77, Ashburton, 7740 By email: circulation@ Or drop it in: Level 3 Somerset House, 161 Burnett Street
Send us your Christmas Wishes by Friday, December 4, 2020 Name(s)................................................................................... Contact details ................................................. Address ............................................................................................................................................................... Wish...................................................................................................................................................................... * Terms and conditions apply
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Small cattle, big rewards By Sue Newman
Sixteen-year-old Charlotte Rhodes with grandfather Harvey’s prize-winning lowline angus heifer, winner of best of breed at this year’s Christchurch A&P cattle competition. PHOTO SUPPLIED
Harvey Rhodes loves cattle, the smaller the better. And the Ashburton man can claim to be an absolute expert when it comes to breeding some of the best small cattle around. He owns a small herd of lowline angus and his breeding efforts were recognised recently with a clutch of top awards at the Christchurch A&P Association’s annual cattle show. The three-day show might have been cancelled because of the Covid-19 pandemic, but along with a number of other regular show events, the cattle section competition was still held, albeit without any public viewing. Rhodes has been breeding the small-scale cattle since 2006. He’s never been a large-scale breeder, but says he’s happy with his small numbers. Breeding for quality is his aim and the stats show he reaches that goal year after year, championship ribbon after championship ribbon. His results at this year’s Canterbury show left Rhodes grinning from ear to ear. His young heifer Edsal Shelia won not only her own class, but also the supreme angus lowline title, a rare feat for a young cow. It’s the second time he’s taken this title, the last with Shelia’s father. The accolades didn’t end there, however, with Sheila placing sec-
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ond in the all breeds category too. “It’s very, very rare for a lowline to get placed in all breeds. The lowline breeders were rapt to see the breed going forward like this,” he said. He’s a regular on the show circuit and generally comes home with a clutch of ribbons in the boot of the car. While Rhodes is the breeder with a meticulous eye for conformation and breed quality, when it comes to the show ring, he calls in his grandchildren, with 16-year-
to the noise. It pays dividends as generally they’re spook proof at show time. He admits his animals are a little spoilt. He’s a regular at a local bakery, buying up loads of bread and buns he’ll hand feed to his cattle. “Their bellies are definitely bigger than their brains,” he said. Lowlines are the perfect animal for a lifestyle block owner, Rhodes said, and they come with the bonus of being high yielding, killing out at over 70 per cent. And the
Their bellies are definitely bigger than their brains old Charlotte Rhodes helping Shelia to her swathe of titles in Christchurch. With a herd of just nine, Rhodes knows each animal well, understands their personality foibles and ensures that those heading to the show ring are accustomed to seeing strangers. His cattle live on a small block close to Ashburton and generally see few strangers and that means a little preparation is needed preshow day. He’ll load up his cattle trailer, haul it into town and park up in noisy spots such as near a school. He opens the side windows on the cattle trailer and lets his cattle watch the activity and listen
meat is beautifully marbled. Few of Rhodes’ cattle find their way into the freezer, however, as he usually sells surplus stock to other lifestylers, usually as a cow and calf package. “You do get attached to them, but you can’t keep them all,” he said. He bought his first animals in 2006 while he and wife Sally were living at Fernside. He’s always been a small-scale breeder and this year his calf crop yielded four – three bulls and one heifer. Lowline cattle have been bred and developed in Australia since 1964 and today there are a number of herds around New Zealand.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
FAR Crops set to go ahead
By Heather Chalmers
The Foundation for Arable Research’s demonstration site at Chertsey will again host New Zealand’s largest oneday cropping event, Crops, on Wednesday, December 2. As this year is FAR’s 25th anniversary, Crops will also be the focus of some birthday celebrations. Organiser Anna Heslop, of FAR, said Crops was an opportunity to view the FAR trials and industry demonstrations and hear up-to-date research findings. The programme was broad, touching on seed and cereal productivity, and environmental issues around soil and nutrients. Each talk will be presented in the morning, and again in the afternoon, and the day will conclude with some awards presentations and a complimentary dinner. “We are really looking forward to it, as there haven’t been many days out for farmers this year,” Heslop said. Work on the research plots at FAR’s Chertsey arable site, which hosts the Crops event, had been going ahead as normal since lockdown lifted, but the industry demonstration sites were impacted, Heslop said.
“Many of the industry demonstration sites would usually have been sown in autumn, but this year, they will all be spring-sown plots. This has required our sponsors to do some quick thinking around crop types, cultivars and treatments. We really appreciate their continued support.” Sponsors will give a presentation at their demonstration plots. Starting in 2002, Crops was a full day event which allowed farmers to view demonstration plots investigating everything from cultivars to cultivation, and to see and hear the latest research findings from New Zealand and international experts. As in previous years, Crops 2020 will focus on the future of New Zealand cropping, highlighting sustainable new technologies and market opportunities for grain, seed and supplementary feed crops. Crops is held at the FAR Chertsey arable site, a 13.5 hectare mix of irrigated and non-irrigated land on SH1 just north of Chertsey. FAR has had demonstrations at the site for 17 years, providing a long-term showcase for a number of high-profile research projects, funded by grower levies and external grants, on a number of crops.
The Foundation for Arable Research will celebrate its 25th anniversary at the annual Crops event at its Chertsey arable research site next week. PHOTO SUPPLIED
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Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
The youngsters were again out in force during a busy weekend of junior sport with cricket, softball, tennis and athletics providing highlights aplenty. Guardian photographer Heather Mackenzie was a keen observer across both days.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
Points picture thrown curve ball By Adam Burns
Rebels’ player Bruce Phillips makes a dart for third base during his side’s senior mixed softball clash with the Fairfield Ratbags on Saturday.
Controversy has sparked up senior mixed softball following the weekend’s action. The top-of-the-table clash between defending champions Hampstead Heat and the Panthers was the highly-touted match-up of the round. The Heat secured a 6-4 win over their second placed rivals. However the result has been brought into question, a competition spokesman confirmed. A meeting was scheduled to occur last night around the outcome, with an update to the points standings on hold. It is understood the issue is around the match being called ahead of time, with details still being established. The Hampstead Heat were on 13 points, followed by the Panthers and Fairfield Ratbags on 10 points apiece, leading into the weekend’s games. There were some fresh faces among the Demons Rebels lineup as they faced off with the Fairfield Ratbags. Fronting up at the home plate for his second outing was Bruce Philips, who was relishing being back in the sport. “I have not played since I was at school but I thought, blast it I’ll give it a go,” he said. “The team are so supportive.” His side were unable to get the victory, going down 8-3 to the Ratbags. The Ragamuffins also made it two from two for Fairfield teams courtesy of a 14-11 win over the Hampstead Phoenix. In the junior grades, the Demons beat Hampstead 12-6 at under-16 level. Meanwhile in the under-13s, Fairfield beat the Panthers 11-5 and Hampstead prevailed over the Demons 26-11.
■■ Bowls
MSA Bowling Club
Friday Half Day Triples Results kindly sponsored by Skip2It Flooring Xtra held at the MSA Bowling Club 20th November 20, 2020. Ist : B. Hopwood, T. Johnson, B. Molloy, 3 Wins 16 ends 35 points. 2nd : R. McGarry, G. Clarke, D. McEvedy, 3 wins 11 ends 35 points. 3rd : B. Williams, J. Rush, T. Pearce, 2.5 wins 15 ends 35 points.
■■ Bridge
Ashburton Bridge Club
Monday Evening – November 16th, Duplicate. N/S 1st Paul Leadley & Janine Havis, 2nd David McCormick & Colin Clemens, 3rd Carolyn Cameron & George Brown. E/W 1st Wendy & Eric Parr, 2nd Mary Bruce & Mervyn Jones, 3rd Dee Murdoch & Pauline Scott.
Tuesday Evening –November 17th, 2 rds, diff ptr: N/S 1st David Sewell & Trish Downward, 2nd Lois Rose & Jeanette Lovett, 3rd Mary Buckland & Bev Turton. E/W 1st Kay Robb & Ian Doel, 2nd Audrey Rooney & Trish Small, 3rd Jim Rooney & Maureen Kolkman. Wednesday Afternoon- November 18th, Duplicate: N/S 1st Rosemary McLaughlin & Rewa Kyle, 2nd Maryke Blignault & Peter Downward, 3rd Wendy Parr & John Fechney. E/W 1st Kay Robb & Bev Turton, 2nd Trish Downward & Mary Buckland, 3rd Eric Parr & John Shearer. Thursday Evening November 19, Duplicate: N/S 1st Mary Buckland & Trish Downward, 2nd John Shearer & Rosemary McLaughlin, 3rd Mike Holmes & Maree Moore. E/W 1st Rewa Kyle & Trish Small, 2nd Jim Rooney & John Fechney, 3rd Debbie Seddon-Sewell & David Sewell.
■■ Croquet
Croquet South Canterbury
Championship Doubles Golf Croquet in
■■ Bowls
Ashburton Bowling Club
Friday Triples Friday November 27 -12.30pm start Our grateful thanks to our sponsors Toyota. Whites or Club colours to be worn. The following Skips have entered teams. M Anderson, J Argyle, N Atkinson, G Bishop, T Blain, G Body, P Collins, G Eddington, G Eder, H Goodall, D Gutberlet, B Harper, B Harrison, R Herriott, A Hill, B Holdom, B Hopwood, T Inwood, T Johnson, D Kinvig, E Maw, J Mitchell, D Muir, L Osborne, M Reid, R Prendergast, M Quinn, N Sharplin, M Skilling, J Smart, G Taylor, B Williams. For information contact: G Eder 307 7498. Pairs/Fours 2 men -2 women Sunday November 29 -9.30pm start Our grateful thanks to our sponsors Nelson Building Society Whites or Club colours to be worn. The following Skips have entered teams. M Anderson, G Bishop, G Clarke, G Eder, R Gutberlet, R Herriott, A Hill, M Hill, S Holdom, B Mayson, L Mills, L Osborne. For information contact: G Eder 307 7498.
■■ Golf
Ashburton Golf Club
Saturday 28 November - The Club Closing Day Tournament will be held with a mixed Canadian Foursome event to be followed by the club Presentation evening and Dinner starting from 6pm. NB Early afternoon start. Starting Times: Morning 8.00am and afternoon report at 11.00am for an 11.30am start. Nine-hole golfers from 12.30pm.
■■ Softball Slow Pitch
Devon Tavern Hampstead Slow Pitch: All Games Start 6.30pm: Devon Tavern D.1: S & Giggles V Hakatere Hitters. Laser Electrical D.2: More Beer Than Gear V Laser Attack. First National Real Estate D.3: Hawkies Hawks V The Reigning Champs. Marines & Angels Bye Hampstead Softball Mid Canterbury T-Ball Under 7s: 9.30am. T.1: Hampstead School V Borough School, T-Ball Under.9s: 9.30am. T.3: Hampstead School V Hinds School, Under 13s: 9.30am: Regent Cinema Hampstead Braves V Panthers, Under 16s: Ashburton Subway Hampstead All Stars Bye. Senior Mixed: 1.00pm: Devon Tavern Hampstead Heat V Devon Tavern Hampstead Phoenix.
Waimate 21st &22nd November. Winners S Cleveland Geraldine & G Simpson Aorangi. Runners up P Alston & B Allnutt Waireka.
Prize: Grant Hastie. Net Eagles Jackpot Hole: #3 Birdie Jackpot Hole # 9
■■ Golf
The Harvey Bakehouse winner was: Wendy Hopwood with 24pts. Other winning scores were: Murray Lister 20, Gavin Johnston 19, Jennifer Shepherd 17, Peter Wright 17.
Ashburton Ladies
Saturday 21 and Tuesday 24 November 2020 Betty Brand Trophy – Closing Day Canadian Foursome Brenda Whittaker and Hilary Ward – 70, Heather Robertson and Wendy Parr – 71, Alison MacGregor and Sharon Bradford 73. Nearest the Pins: No 4 Gabites: Leigh Wackrow, No 8 House of Travel: Judy Sheppard, No 12 Lynn’s small Salon Daphne Hinton, No 14 Todds of Ashburton: Leigh Wackrow.
Ashburton Golf Club
Midlands Seed Social Teams Results 20 November Top Team: Gabites Swingers 93 Eric Parr, Ron Carlson, Sharon Carlson, Simon Wallis. Men: Burtons Battlers 87.5, Hunters & Collectors 87.5, Hole in Nunes 87. Women: Golden Girls 86. Mixed: Euros 87.5, Vintage Wine 85.5 Top lady: Sharon Carlson 31.5 Top man: Brian Fauth 31.5, Eric Parr 31.5 Nearest Pins: Columbus Coffee – Mitchell Stoddart, Mac & Maggies – not struck, Paul May Motor – Dave Morrison, Gabites Ltd – Richard Horrell, Twos: Karen McRea, Sharon Bradford, Garry McKeowan, Chris Buckland, Dave Morrison, Peter Wright.
Men’s Golf
Saturday 21 November The winner of the season long RMF Cup was Steve McCloy. Next best scores were by Blair Snowball, Gavin Douglas and Noel Sutton. The Radius Care winner over the field and Santa Maria Cup winner was John Richards with a Nett score of 69. Other winning scores were: Blair Snowball and Mike Rushton 70; Ron Carlson, Kobus van der Westhuizen and Steve McCloy 71; Adrian Hopwood and Bruce Day 72; Paul Clarke, Chris Robertson and Gaby Jansen 73; Paul Baird, Paul Morrison, Greg Fleming and Ross Chatterton 74. Twos: Blair Franklin and Peter Walker. Nearest The Pins: Driving Range: Brent MacGregor; Docks Bar and Seafood Grill: Peter Walker; Value Plus Processing: Terry Kingsbury; South Island Seeds: Steve Vivian; Property Brokers #6: David Morrison; Ton’s Thai Longest Putt #9: Chris Robertson; Alluvial Restaurant Tinwald Spot
Nine Hole Results
Ashburton County Vets
Jan Clucas 71, Lucy Tait 73 on c/b, Heather Robertson 73 on c/b from Ellenor Sullivan 73. Nearest the pins #4 Jillian Lake, #8 Jan Clucas, #12 not struck, #14 Jan Clucas. 9 holes Fairlie Matsinger 40.
Tinwald Golf Club
Twilight Thursday November 19th Stroke – Hybrids and Irons only Leading scores in the stroke round played on Thursday with men off the yellow tees and women off the red with hybrids and irons only allowed: Men;-6; Pete Trembath, Lucas McGee 34, Brian Rouse 35, Dave Morrison, Brock Peddie 36, John Smitheram 37 c/b. 7-10; Kerry Venmore 32, Dave Quigley, Sake, Sam Whiting 35, Ross Preece 36 c/b. 11 Plus; Vic Hylands 36, Tony McAndrew 38. Women; - 14; Bronwyn Flannery, Mara Kennedy 35, Neroli Davies 37. 15 Plus; Kellie Kenton 36. Nearest the pin; # 2 John Smitheram, # 12 Kevin Bishop. Non-Handicap; Brad Tarbotton 32. Twos; John Smitheram, Brock Peddie, Lucas McGee, Johnny Moore, Pete Trembath. Radio Hokonui Hacker; Shaun Hurley with net 50. Saturday November 21 - Stroke Leading scores in the stroke round played on Saturday; -14; Gordon Rennie 70, Struan Scott 72, Jeff Naish 74. 15-21; Bruce Collins, Ray Wards, Keith Bonnington 74 c/b. 22 Plus; Trevor Emery 75. Women; -20; Leen Bell 75. 21 Plus; Barb Harris 75. Nearest the pin; Tinwald Liquorland # 2; Doug Osborn. Gluyas Ford # 6; Pete Marshall. The Fine Lion # 12; Kevin Bishop. Ace Automotive # 16; Randell Feutz. Two’s; Michael Thomas, Brent Smith Net Eagle; # 1 Not struck.
■■ Shooting
Ashburton District Rifle Club
Second club championship, at 300, 500 and 600 yards, 22 November.
TR, John Snowden 48.6, 49.5, 50.5, 147.16, Allan White 48.3, 49.6, 49.3, 146.12, Martin Fleming 47.6, 49.7, 47.2, 143.15, John Miller 46.3, 50.4, 47.2, 143.9, Brian Hawksby 46.3, 47.4, 45.2, 138.9, Kevin Hooper 44.3, 47.2, 46.4, 137.9, John Fleming 48.0, 44.3, 44.3, 136.6. FO, Mike Chui 57.5, 55.3, 56.3, 168.11. FTR, Mark Alexander 55.2, 52.2, 55.3, 162.7, Coby Snowden 54.2, 53.3, 54.3, 161.8, Brian Graystone 49.1, 58.4, 51.2, 158.7. FPR, Adam Galloway 53.3, 52.2, 52.1, 157.6, Phil Nicol 36.2, (7 shots), 47.1, 44.0, 137.3.
■■ Softball Slowpitch
Devon Tavern Hampstead Slow Pitch: Marines & Angels 21-7 The Reigning Champs, S & Giggles 19-8 More Beer Than Gear, Laser Attack 17-16 Hawkies Hawks. Hampstead Softballs Mid Canterbury Results: Under 13s: Regent Cinema Hampstead Braves 26-11 Demons Under 16s: Ashburton Subway Hampstead All Stars 6-12 Demons Senior Mixed: Devon Tavern Hampstead Heat 6-4 Panthers, Devon Tavern Hampstead Phoenix 11-14 Fairfield Ragamuffins.
■■ Squash
Celtic Squash Club
Results from last week’s round of the Celtic Squash Club’s spring league competition: Team 9 lost to Team 7 6-7: Chris O’Reilly beat Ben Kruger 2-1, Phil Andrew drew with James Bowker 2-2, Riley Broker beat Hamish O’Reilly 2-1, Jacinda Ryan lost to Kate O’Reilly 0-3. Team 5 beat Team 11 7-5: Jimmy Hunn beat Blair Horrell 2-0, Chris Lima beat Jordie Hooper 3-0, Stacey Smith drew with Gary Stratford 2-2, Craig Henshilwood lost to Chrissie Stratford 0-3. Team 2 drew with Team 3 7-7: Chris Thompson lost to Matt Speedy 0-3, Neil Keenan beat Craig Donaldson 3-1, Stacey Smith lost to Rebecca Abernethy 1-3, Andre De Beer beat Hailey Beevor 3-0. Team 6 drew with Team 10 6-6: Wouter Myburgh lost to Nathan Forbes 1-2, Rob Giles beat Shane Muckle 3-0, Trudy Dalton lost to Guy Stanway 0-3, Maggie Clark beat Sian Hurley 2-1. Team 4 lost to Team 1 5-8: Mick Hooper beat James McCloy 2-1, Hamish Trott lost to Neil Keenan 1-2, Nicky Dryland lost to Hayden Robinson 1-2, Tate Dryland lost to Chrissie Stratford 0-3.
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
By Adam Burns
Ashburton retain second despite shock defeat
STANDINGS Cashmere 54 Country Ashburton 38 Te Kura Hagley 36 Waimairi 31 23 Elmwood Shirley 23
Country Ashburton’s Sam Bubb (above) was the sole singles winner for the home team against Te Kura Hagley during their premier tennis duel in Ashburton on Saturday. PHOTO HEATHER MACKENZIE 211120-HM-801
Country Ashburton have crashed back to earth after suffering their second defeat in premier tennis. The Mid Canterbury outfit, who were without top seed Jack Tiller, succumbed to Te Kura Hagley 2-4 in their fourth round clash at the Ashburton Trust Tennis Centre on Saturday. Despite the result, the team did enough at the weekend to hang on to second spot in the premier tennis race. Te Kura Hagley meanwhile have closed the gap to two points, after securing a total of 13 points following Saturday’s win. As far as the battle on court, Sam Bubb engaged in a frantic duel with Daiki Naka which went to a deciding set, with the Mid Cantabrian coming out on top 6-4 6-7 10-0. It was arduous in the other singles match-ups as Ashburton struggled against their Christchurch club counterparts. Alex Emslie defeated Ben Smith 6-3 6-2 while both Cameron McCracken and Nathan McKenzie endured heavy losses to Jenner Johnson and Matthew Sunderland respectively. TKH sealed the win when Sunderland and Naka accounted for Bubb and Smith on the doubles court 7-5 6-1. McCracken and McKenzie reduced the club deficit in their doubles duel courtesy of a straight sets win over Emslie and Johnson. Country Ashburton faces off with Waimairi in round 5 on Friday.
Big win for AshColl SCORECARD Christ’s College 1st XI 121 (33.4 overs) Zach Gimblett 33 Wil Jemmett 3-12, Angus Jemmett 3-33 Ashburton College 1st XI 123/3 (22.1 overs) Angus Jemmett 51no, Devon Flannery 51 Harrison Lund 2-26 Ashburton College won by 7 wickets
Ashburton College’s bowling and fielding was all over Christ’s College on Saturday. PHOTO CHRIST’S COLLEGE CRICKET
By Adam Burns
Ashburton College’s 1st XI have defied their early season struggles in what was an impressive ambush in Christchurch on Saturday. The team overturned Christ’s College’s top team by 7 wickets in the Ara 1st XI one day championship, following a ruthless performance with the ball. After four defeats to open their account, the Mid Cantabrians
have now gone back-to-back – the latest win easily their most dominant display of the season. It was the Jemmett show largely, as cousins Angus and Wil pulled off a superb all-round double act. Christ’s total of 121 proved nowhere near enough as AshColl ran it down comfortably. The home team opted to bat first in breezy conditions with AshColl striking in the second over when Wil Jemmett had James Luxton caught. Devon Flannery was intro-
duced into the attack early, and had success from the outset when he trapped Caleb Manson in front for 5. 25/2 soon became 29/4 as Jemmett ran through the home side’s top order. A few overs later and the Christchurch boys were five down with Monty Rookes back in the shed. A sixth wicket stand of 38 between Zach Gimblett (33) and Thomas McClean (23) edged Christ’s closer to 100. Both Jemmetts then combined
to break the partnership at 19 overs, as Angus’ off spin had McClean caught by Wil to end his quick-fire cameo. Gimblett hung in there, but lost partners far too regularly before he too fell to Angus Jemmett. Both Jemmetts took six wickets between them as Christ’s were bowled out in the 34th over. AshColl got off to a flying start as openers Angus Jemmett and Flannery opted to wrap the result up swiftly. Flannery went at better than a run a ball, clearing the boundary
on two occasions as the pair put on 50. After bringing up his half century, Flannery was adjudged lbw off the bowling of Harrison Lund as the visitors lost their first wicket at 79. Isaac Bazley lasted three balls before he too was trapped in front in the same over. AshColl also lost Jonty Small with 36 still needed. However Jemmett was unflappable as his unbeaten 51 guided AshColl home in the 23rd over alongside brother Lachie (10no).
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
Allenton machine rolls on By Adam Burns
A vigorous all-round bowling performance has led Allenton to a fourth win on the bounce. The Mid Canterbury club has extended its lead in the Canterbury Country Combined competition following a four-wicket win over Ohoka in Ashburton on Saturday. Again the side restricted the opposition to under 200, to set themselves up for a gettable total to mow down. Ohoka’s 149 was always going to be difficult to defend against an outfit which is ticking along quite nicely. Although Allenton began with a stutter in response, their middle order did enough out in the middle to guide them home. Ohoka’s openers started in a tentative fashion after winning the toss, and they lost Jordan Belton for just 2 after Harmandeep Sandhu went through his defence. Despite the early setback, opener Ryan Kelly consolidated the effort alongside captain Jared Williams, as the pair put on 74. A double strike by Satwant Singh brought Allenton back into it when he removed Williams and Jacob Burns in consecutive deliveries. Three overs later it was the turn of Satveer Singh for the one-two punch when he bowled Andrew Cherry, and then Matt Cherry the very next ball, to leave Ohoka 98/5 and on the ropes. Kelly kept resisting at one end and played the aggressor as he passed 50. He and Matt Burns toiled to get the side back on course, adding 37 for the sixth wicket before Burns fell.
SCOREBOARD Ohoka 149 (35 overs) Ryan Kelly 61 Jared Williams 35 Harmandeep Sandhu 3-19 Allenton 151/6 (31.5 overs) Sanjay Undre Singh 41 George Mauger 2-31 George Belcher 2-31 Allenton won by 4 wickets. Not without a bit of luck, Allenton completed their fourth win of the Canterbury Country Combined competition. PHOTO HEATHER MACKENZIE 221120-HM-1016
After hitting five sixes en route to 61, Kelly’s two-hour stint at the crease came to an end to leave Ohoka’s innings hanging by a thread. The end came swiftly as Allenton took Ohoka’s final three wickets for eight runs – their innings ending in the 35th over. Sandhu was the star with the
ball with 3-19 from his eight overs, while Manpreet Hakkla, Satwant and Satveer all chipped in with two wickets apiece. It was a shaky jump-off from the hosts in response, as openers Satveer and Tajinder Singh were sent packing to leave Allenton on the back foot. Karmjeet Singh and Satwant
eased their way out of difficulty, putting on 37 between them. After getting a start, Karmjeet was caught off the bowling of Malcom Elderton for 20. With Ohoka keeping the flow of runs quiet, Satwant was run out as Allenton stumbled again to leave them 48/4. However the home side defied
the critical point of the match as Sanjay Undre Singh and Rasitha Imbulana recovered proceedings with a half-century stand. It ultimately proved the difference in the wash-up. The stand was broken at 71, which gave Ohoka another sniff, but man-of-the-match Hakkla and Imbulana steered the Mid Cantabrians home with 8 overs to spare to ensure it remains on top.
Hands has final say A final burst on the home stretch capped Steve Hands’ ascendancy at the weekend. Hands led in the field to claim the Tinwald Cycling Club’s 46km mass start event held at Mt Somers on Sunday. He kicked clear of the lead bunch with 500 metres to go, to hold on by the barest of margins to secure victory. Hands completed the circuit in a time of 66 minutes 58 seconds. Brad Hudson charged into second place, with the evergreen Tony Ward securing the final podium position. Kristine Marriott produced a strong ride to finish in fourth spot. Steve Caldwell and Robert Campfes made their trip south worthwhile, rounding out the top six. Emma Hudson’s excellent season continued, delivering a strong performance to take sealed handicap honours. Rachel Reid rounded out a good weekend of training with second
place in the sealed handicap, with fifth place-getter Steve Caldwell securing the third spot. Timaru’s Ella Turnbull pulled out a great sprint finish to take the win in the lower grades, as the juniors and division 2 contested a 14km handicap event. Honor Bradford shone again with a great ride to take second place. Charging through the field from the back mark was Daniel Gould, who clinched third spot and lifted fastest time honours, riding the course in 31 minutes 36 seconds. Sisters Penny and Tegan Marriott filled fourth and fifth places respectively, with Charlotte Neal riding into the top six. Merv Grewar tightened his grip on the division 2 title, taking the win. Next week the club will contest a 48km handicap event around the Graham’s Road block.
Jelle Hendrikson charges ahead during Tinwald Cycling Club racing on Sunday.
32 CLUB NEWS Allenton Bowling Club
A very mixed week of events for our ladies starting the week with the First day of the Sub-Centre Sevens, at the end of the day three club were tied, so it will make for a very interesting second day next week. Tuesday was our usual club day with more Championship games being played, really starting to get towards the finals now and the outcome of these games has been interesting to say the least. Wednesday the rain came, with Div one agreeing to delay this match until December 16 .against Kaiapoi/Riverside Div three played Canterbury 2017 while the pairs lost the fours had a win. Div 5 defaulted, however onwards and upwards. Thursday the final of the Women’s fours was played, this was always going to be a great game between Sandra Keith’s team of Rachel Davies, Melva Middleton and Annette Sargisson and Rosemary Bennett’s team of Wendy Watson, Sandra Holdom and Anne Reid. Rosemary’s team played exceptionally well and got off to flying start which they held onto, to win 19-10. Well done Ladies. Friday was our Charene Tournament which everyone really enjoys, Sales table, raffles and good bowls then delicious food to finish off with. Sylvia Mellish won the ditch to ditch. 1st in tournament R. Bennett, W. Watson, S. Doig S. Holdom 2nd. D. Vanderweg, M. Lloyd, S. Thomas, C. Tyson 3rd K. Manning, P. Parker, M. Davey, S. Hammond 4th.A Sargisson, R Davies, R. Johnston, M. Knox. Well done girls and many thanks to Andrew from Heartland Bank for sponsoring this tournament. Saturday and the greens were busy with the pennants. Ladies played Elmwood in the 2x4s big win in one game and a big loss in the other. Under 5s drew with Belfast. Men’s Games; Allenton 2 won against Burnside. Allenton 3 Lost at home to Rangiora.3 x4s away to Morrison Ave. had three wins. Very well played. 2x4 played at home against Burnside with one win and one loss, in amongst all the bowls we had some natives from Hawaii arrive to enjoy their end of year function and BBQ. great times to be had. It has been one crazy busy week but so, so enjoyable. Keep up the great bowls Allenton. Good bowling everyone and keep having fun.
Ashburton Golf Club
Another lovely weekend at the Brandon and two great trophies decided on Saturday. First off we were all shown a very informative display on what to do, if, heaven forbid, someone takes a turn for the worse on the golf course. I think everyone who was there will be much more confident doing CPR and using the AED. Many thanks to Shayne from St John and Murray for organising this. Hopefully this is something we can all store, but never need to use. To the golf, John Richards led the way in the Sante Marie trophy with a very good net 69, which could well have been a couple of shots better. I know this as I was in the same four and on the wrong side of a 6 and 5 hiding. One shot behind him was Blair Snowball, whose net 70 got him the top score of all the RMF Silva finalists and gave him 23 points to go with his 26 for a final total of 49. He then had to sit back and hope the leading 5 players did not have good days. Four of them helped him out, but Mr Consistent Steve McCloy shot a very steady 71 to take second best score of 14 points to put him on top with 55. Therefore the final top three is 3rd Gav Douglas, 2nd Blair Snowball, and Champion Steve McCloy. Steve will receive a free sub for 2021 thanks to our great friends at RMF Silva and Blair will pick up a new golf bag thanks to Matt at Sega Golf, and we will see if we can scrape enough cash together to get Gav a free coffee. Attention this week turns to closing day and the Smallbone Trophy, this is a mixed pairs Canadian Foursome. I think Heather Robertson’s phone will be ringing hot this week, with fellas trying to get their name on a trophy. If she can win trophies with Paddy and Knocker, think what she could score with a real golfer. Start time this Saturday is slightly earlier 11.00am meet for 11.30 tee off. This is so everyone can play then go home, get their glad rags on and return for the presentation evening starting at 6pm. I think we still have a few tickets left, but you will need to contact the club ASAP. Games on the horizon, Matt is holding one of his great pro shop days next week, then we have the Radius Care Xmas salvers, which also kicks off the Shootout
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020 qualifying. This year’s shootout is again kindly sponsored by the great gang at Property Brokers. We will look more at the Shootout dates next week. I think its going to be a very busy December and New year around the Brandon. Come along and join the fun. Good golfing.
Ashburton Organ and Keyboard Club
We are all so very fortunate that we could end the year in such a fitting way. The club has had a full few months since lockdown and I believe everyone was pleased to be participating again. We have had such wonderful evenings with the music we produce and experience the greatest pleasure to bring it to our wonderful people who turn up, regardless of the elements to hear what we have to offer. The month happened to coincide with both Dennis and Rose’s big eight O and Rose and Bev put a high tea supper on afterwards. Bev and Dennis (Lister) organised a wonderful programme and went all out to make sure all that were able, to be in the entertainment. The two singing groups have not completely got back to full strength and would have taken part. But there is always next year. Bev (L) played us in and the room was buzzing. Thank you Bev. The accordion group was up to their usual standard, and in my view, deserve a spot in Bands in the Park. Irene and Karen on piano and accordion (don’t know why Irene sat back down in the audience, she and Rose are true troopers) Barbara’s dance band which was so good. Janet, Bev, and Barbara on keyboards, Rose piano, and Robin and Irene accordions. Karen Smith on keyboard. Lovely sound effects. Good as per usual. A beautiful birthday cake for the birthday duo to cut. The raffle was shared around which was great as there were family members there for the evening. I won 10.00 from my scratchie prize. The skiffle group concluded with songs and carols. The music was soooo good and the songs delightful. Such a variety. Father Christmas stopped by. Told us he won’t be visiting America, they may think he was a Trump supporter. A beautiful supper concluded a very enjoyable evening. Thank you to all those helpers in the kitchen. Down with Covid… bring on the music.
Dahlia Circle
Last week the Ashburton Dahlia Circle had their Christmas function before taking a month off until the New Year. An exceptional attendance of 20 members and partners with 6 apologies enjoyed a sit down meal in the Tinwald Hall. Special thank you to Alison and Sheena who had spent the afternoon setting up the tables and supplying all the crockery, cutlery and glasses, along with table decoration. Everyone contributed hot & cold fare, Jackie cooked the meats and Alison the steamed pudding. The meal commenced with Grace by Patron Graham Gunn, and meal enjoyed by all. Our guest judge Pauline O’Leary joined us in the meal before judging the Rose Show. This was exhibited when the hall opened and judged during our regular meeting time. The roses and cut flowers were of high standard and the overall winning rose Hamilton Gardens, was displayed be Monica Bruger-Ranson.
Marie Venter, Eamon Hooper and Gabby Simpson were competing in the International Queenstown Marathon. President welcomed to our new members attending and accepted the apologies. Great to be in a healthy position, fortunate to have such an interest in growing Dahlias. Plans are progressing in applying to host the South Island National in 2022 with support of Canterbury to assist in forming a committee to manage this. The evening concluded with Christmas cake and a cup of tea. Thank you to all for making it special. The year will adjourn now until the 10th January when we will have garden walks at Brian, Alison, Joyce and Grahams’ gardens before meeting up at Jackies’ for a finger food tea from 4pm. Have a safe Christmas with family and friends and enjoy following the dahlias growth and bursting into bloom for another great season.
Lions Club Of Ashburton
President Roger Paterson presided over a good attendance for the November meeting held at Hotel Ashburton on Wednesday November 4. Guests included six Pakeke Lions Club members whose presence was acknowledged. A special guest was Maureen Hathaway who received the Honour Roll Award for the efforts in Lions by her late husband Graeme Hathaway. Graham Edge read the citation which covered Graeme’s work over a wide period of time. Lists circulated included Club visits, Motor home Show 12 February 2021, Meals on Wheels 21 -24 December, and Talleys use of the Club’s Food Van for their end of year function on Saturday 7 November. Club Activities were reported on including the Annual Club’s Golf tournament which raised approximately $17,000. The Hinds Club visit was reported by David Stewart and the very successful Club function at the Hot Rod Club organised by Manny Sim and John Richards. Garth Bateup was awarded the Membership Key Award for his outstanding effort in this important area of Club life. Lois Sparrow gave the pre-meal
Maureen Hathaway receives the Honour Roll Award for the efforts in Lions by her late husband Graeme Hathaway.
thought for the day. New member Stuart Geddes gave a most detailed summary of his life from early days in Southern Rhodesia to his aspirations to join our Lions Service Club. This was a fascinating 3-minute talk indeed. Our Club’s guest speakers for the night were Karen Burrows and Tania Sandrey from the BNZ Ashburton. Their topic Scams and Frauds was as wide ranging as it was interesting. Banks have responsibilities too in order to act in a responsible manner. Specific questions and answers on the topic included cheque books, Visa cards, internet banking, credit cards functions and uses. When using Internet Banking on cell phones always lock screens and don’t just swipe. The larger your password the better (if you can remember them). Always let your bank know of any travel arrangements as banks have full time Scams and Fraud teams working in this area. The ladies did a great job explaining this as it is at times an emotive but threatening subject. Committee reports included return of raffle books due now to Barney Parsons. Big Smoke Rural Folk scheduled for 19 or 26 June 2021 was progressing well. By 18 November 2020 Jeff King requires the names of organisations and/ or groups of people who may well benefit from and support this Club function. Our Clubs joint December meeting and Christmas function will be held on Wednesday 2 December at Ian and Sharon Moore’s property. This will be a partners’ night and apologies for non-attendance must be in by 5pm on Wednesday November 25. Our Club wishes one and all Seasons Greetings.
Mid Canterbury Central Friendship Club
President Carl welcomed 64 members to our November meeting at the Senior Centre. Names were taken for the proposed trip to Mesopotamia on the 24th of this month. Our Mini Speaker was Colleen Howard who wore a straw hat with a list of rolls she has played in her life. Wife, Mother Grandmother, Teacher, Gardener, Farmer, Cook, etc, which was given to her by the staff of the Chertsey School. She is the eldest of 3 children with two brothers, and was bought up on her fathers farm in the Eiffelton area. She spoke about the many memories she has of her childhood. After her secondary schooling at Timaru Girls High she fulfilled her dream and became a primary school teacher. Married life to Howard bought many changes and a shift to the in-laws farm in Eketahuna where the ground was so different to the Canterbury Plains. In 1976 they moved back to her parents farm where they settled. During the tough farming period she returned to teaching and taught a various schools finishing up at Chertsey as the principal. When their home was burnt down it was the local community that supported them and helped them to survive the difficult time. She also mentioned her fear of heights and the embarrassing time of descending a tree. She closed by saying, “You don’t stop
playing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop playing.” A delightful in-site to her life so far. The main speaker was Lillian Hay from National Health and Disability Advocacy Service. She explained that the service provides help for people who have a problem with the health service and can act for them to remedy the problem, e.g. If a dentist has drilled the wrong tooth, the service could contact the dentist on their behalf and seek a remedy. Another example could be the way a patient was spoken to, or treated at a hospital. There again they would seek an explanation, an apology if required and an improvement of the service. Lillian was thanked by Russell Small for a very informative talk.
Mid Canterbury Ladies Friendship Club
Val Johnson presided over the November meeting of the Mid Canterbury Ladies Friendship Club. Birthdays and anniversaries were celebrated. Ronald McDonald House thanked us for the donations sent to them. Next time items for the Foodbank are requested for distribution to local charities before Christmas. Members Julie and Jan entertained us with some witty sayings before morning tea was served. Julie Begg then introduced the main speaker, April Breading, gardening guru. April told us a little of herself and said she had attended Massey University, then learnt the practicalities of horticulture when in Auckland. She learnt the why and how from manual tasks, and went to Canada on an Exchange Programme, where she met her husband who was from Rakaia. She realised there was more to learn when living down here. She speaks to some schools and tries to instil in children the love of gardening. The children are responsive especially when growing something to eat. April then showed us lots of different products that were recommended – product to get rid of caterpillars, insect control, grow tunnel with net cover, raised bed set, seaweed and so on. April was thanked for her address by Heather. There will be a Christmas meal after the December meeting. The meeting was closed with the thought for the month: “If the mind goes blank, remember to turn off the sound.”
Run And Walk Ashburton Five Run and Walk Ashburton members travelled on Saturday November 21 2020 to compete in the International Queenstown Marathon. Like previous years the weather was variable, and the runners experienced all seasons in one day. Four competed in the half marathon and one in the full. Grace Cajote Forde came in with a great time of 1:47:56, next over the line was Gabby Simpson with a time of 1:59:11, followed by Marie Venter in 2:23:14. Eamon Hooper came next with a PB of 2:24:35. Unfortunately Toresa Hooper was only able to complete 24km of the marathon due to an ongoing injury. This is always a well supported event that attracts many people from the Mid Canterbury area and was a great weekend away.
Puzzles and horoscopes Cryptic crossword 1
Simon Shuker’s Code Cracker
13 15
ACROSS 1. Fright about cold causing pain (5) 4. Break up a group of musicians? (7) 8. Vegetable that’s thin-skinned where paper is concerned (5) 9. Machine that generates ruin, but it’s adjustable (7) 10. Bible priest was delicate in part (3) 11. It is no use being like a broken lead pencil (9) 12. Say nothing about this bean from the East (4) 13. It may be a case of fruit, where dessert is concerned (4) 18. Having a good name could put a rebel out (9) 20. In addition to decoration it may supply drink (3) 21. Sounds as if a girl’s costume is shaggy (7) 22. Quietly go on upsetting a monkey (5) 23. Stop it never being put back in physical training (7) 24. Used to turn round north of the sandhills (5) DOWN 1. University lecturer’s joint appointment (13) 2. One is only upset in a clamorous way (7) 3. Imitate an entry with the awning (6) 4. Keep one in and tie it a different way (6) 5. Mackerel-bait, as used by Jack and his wife (6) 6. A veil may be disturbed if one’s breathing (5) 7. Where cast changes may be made (8-5) 14. Country the French put a veto on (7) 15. Put one in harmony with melody, at being first (6) 16. Mean to be grovelling (6) 17. Man who copied had a pile-up (6) 19. How to shape one’s lips to hold one’s money? (5)
WordBuilder WordBuilder
WordWheel Insert the missing letter to complete an eight-letter word reading clockwise or anti-clockwise.
Quick crossword 2
13 15
ACROSS 7. Melted (6) 8. Beautiful (6) 10. Radical (7) 11. Waken (5) 12. Entice (4) 13. Desiccated (5) 17. Eccentric (5) 18. Fury (4) 22. Military fabric (5) 23. Oval (7) 24. Idler (6) 25. Kingdoms (6)
21 23
DOWN 1. Absolutely (7) 2. Catch (7) 3. Even (5) 4. Roughen (7) 5. Started (5) 6. Sorts (5) 9. Engaged (9) 14. Seafarer (7) 15. Cheerfully (7) 16. Die (7) 19. Expertise (5) 20. Relating to birth (5) 21. Change (5)
Previous cryptic solution
Good Verywords Good of 17 three Excellent 23 How 11 many or more letters, including plurals, can you make from the five letters, using each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. There’s atsolution: least one five-letter word.ban, air, ani, bairn, Previous bani, bar, bin, bra, bran, Good 11barn, Very Good 17 brain, Excellent 23 nab, nib, rai, rain, ran, rani, ria, rib
eight-letter word reading clockwise or Previous solution: POWDERED anticlockwise. Previous solution: POWDERED
E ?
Insert the missing letter to complete an
R A S E L WordBuilder How many words of three or more letters, including plurals, can you make AusingS from theR five letters, each letter only once? No foreign words or words beginning with a capital are allowed. Eone five-letter L word. There’s at least
WordWheel 807
ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): Mystery and danger go hand in hand. Because mystery is about the unknown, and there is nothing more fearsome. This will play into the allure of the day. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): When stepping into a position held by another, sometimes they say there are big shoes to fill. You’ll do this now, and the shoe size will be irrelevant because you’ll take the role in a different direction. GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): Of course, you’re disillusioned. You projected your own desires onto the relationship, like every human does. The good news is that what you were looking for really is out there. CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): The person spreading goodwill, common decency and a cheerful smile – that is the one advancing the true spirit of humanity. That’s the one that’s you. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): Why relax when you can hibernate? Things are happening inside of you – energies rejuvenating, wounds healing, defences forming for the purpose of health and vitality. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Those who exist in higher levels of self-esteem hardly ever give a thought to whether they like themselves or not, because it’s a given. The direct route to solid self-esteem is through estimable acts. LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): Your project stalls. It’s not your fault; it’s just the universe giving you a chance to pause and reassess your current trajectory. You have so many talents. Which ones are being honed now? SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): People trust you. You’ll be privy to plenty of information, some of which you don’t even want to know! Still, you can take this to heart: People trust you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec 21): You’ve excellent taste and will choose good people to hang out with going forward. As for the past, someone who burned you before will do the same again if you don’t protect yourself. CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): You can’t control the weather, but you can control what you wear to face it. That’s what you’re doing now – anticipating the emotional heat, mildness, storm or whatever is in store and suiting up appropriately. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): You’re generous. You’ll give and keep giving until you know that what you have isn’t a good match, and then you’ll refer and recommend, which is also, by the way, a gift. PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Fear makes hair stand on end. This is how, in primitive times, when humans were furry, fear made humans appear bigger to predators. Today, you’ll find other ways to appear big.
Your Stars
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
Across: 1. Progressive 8. Third 9. Suspect 10. Hormone 11. Power 12. Danube 14. Adroit 18. Banal 19. Entitle 21. Ocarina 23. Traps 24. Highfalutin 3 2 Down: 1. Patched 2. Omicron 3. Radio 4. System 5. Insipid 6. Eye 7. Actor 13. Billing 15. 2 Outcast 1 16. Treason 17. Behalf 18. Blown 20. Total 22. Ash
6 7 5 Previous quick solution 9 Across: 6. Eat away 7. Lever 9. Pal 10. Retaliate6 12. Perpetually 15. War of nerves 2 17. 1 Vice versa 19. God 8 21. Dated 22. Lateral 5 9 Down: 1. Fatal 2. Bad 3. Gaze 4. Dedicated 5. Fertile 8. Latter Previous solution: air, ani, bairn, ban, 3 16. 1 Moral 18.7Soak 11. Recovered 13. Ponder 14. Marital bani, bar, barn, bin, bra, brain, bran, nab, nib, rai, rain, ran, rani, ria, rib 20. Bet 7 3 9 25/11 1 8 4 4 5 4 5 SOLUTIONS 7 PREVIOUS Sudoku Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3 box contains the digits 1 to 9. 3 4 6 7 8 3 5 2 51 9 5 922 4 1 7 14 8 6 3 3 4 6 8 3 4 4 1 8 3 36 2 9 7 5 1 4 8 7 6 2 1 9 5 3 2 5 1 3 2 9 2 1 9 5 4 3 6 8 7 9 8 7 5 6 1 9 8 4 3 2 9 1 3 7 3 7 8 9 6 2 98 331 2 8 7 5 4 6 6 7 5 3 1 4 9 2 8 9 8 6 3 1 5 7 6 3 3 7 1
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T 03 307 8317 T 03 307 8317 E E 96 Tancred96 Street, Tancred Ashburton Street, Ashburton 7700 7700 Real Estate Mid Canterbury Real EstateProperty Mid Canterbury Limited Licensed Property Limited Licensed REAA 2008 REAA 2008
9 1
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Breaking News Venue Manager required Braided Rivers is on its way back to Ashburton in early February 2021, “Rebranded as Armadillo’s at the Braided” ( We are looking for a Manager to lead this new exciting Bar & Restaurant. You should process the following: • Experience in leading and delegating to a team of staff • You should be extroverted and comfortable with communicating on all levels • Must ensure that the Armadillo’s operating systems are followed with orders, procedures and instructions • Ensuring all products and services provided under the Armadillo’s banner meet with franchise requirements • The right to work and live in New Zealand If you are passionate about hospitality, keen to provide outstanding leadership to the staff along with outstanding service to our customers and have the right attitude then WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU! We are also looking for Duty Managers-Chefs-Bar-Rest Staff Please send CV directly to
LIVESTOCK & BULK DISPATCHER Mayfield Transport Ltd has serviced the transport needs of farmers across the Canterbury region for over 40 years. Mayfield Transport Ltd operates a fleet of 20 trucks and under new ownership is striving to meet the needs of our clients. The transport industry is fast paced and evolving and we are looking for an energetic and enthusiastic person for our dispatch team. The successful applicant must have the following qualities and skills: Enthusiasm for their work and team success Excellent communication skills with clients and the team • A ‘can do’ attitude • Have knowledge of the region, the South Island and the rest of New Zealand • Understand vehicle configurations and capacities • Provide exceptional service to ensure repeat business from new and existing clients The following attributes are preferred in this role:
• •
Notice of Cancellation of R.S.A Women’s section afternoon on November 26, 2020. Owing to over 65’s function being held that aftrnoon from 1pm to 4pm. Apology from Women’s Section Comitee.
Trade Assistant EA Networks has a strong focus on people, culture and a commitment to leading edge technology. We own and operate our region’s electricity distribution network and fibre optic communications network and are the trusted infrastructure platform that delivers electrical energy to every home and business in our region. About the role We are looking for an energetic person to join our Field Services Team as a Trade Assistant. This entry level role will appeal to someone seeking onthe-job learning opportunities within a diverse field service environment. This opportunity is a great start to a career with EA Networks and will vary from one day to the next, giving you the chance to work across most service areas within our business including: • • • • •
Overhead Line Crews Underground Crews Earth Rig Operators Assisting with Traffic Control General yard duties All the work you perform will be completed while promoting and practising positive health and safety.
Ideally you will have the following attributes: • Hold a current driver’s licence with classes 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 (or be willing to complete licensing requirements to obtain each). • Physically fit and motivated • Reliable and punctual • A team player • Excellent communication skills Join Us A competitive hourly rate is on offer, as is the opportunity to develop your career with a stable, trusted organisation. To apply, please visit our company careers page and complete an Employment Application through our career’s portal in confidence. Applications close Monday, December 7, 2020. Please note EA Networks is committed to a safe and healthy work environment. Successful candidates must be legally entitled to work in NZ and prepared to undergo a pre-employment medical, which includes a drug and alcohol test and a Ministry of Justice check. For more information about the role and EA Networks please visit
• •
• • •
ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NEW Asian, busty 38D, sexy body, professional massage, best service. Phone 022 1974 434. NEW two Asian lady special, Chinese massage, excellent service, in/out calls. Phone 022 572 5823. STUNNING Mature lady, in town now. Happy to please older gentleman. Discretion assured. Please phone 021 0275 9055. (no texts).
• •
ASHBURTON Society of Arts C h r i s t m a s Show, Short Street Studio. Starting Sunday 22nd November 11am - 4pm. Guest BLANCHE FRYER CERAMICS and a large group of members exhibiting PAINTINGS AND CRAFTS continuing until Sunday 13th December at 4pm. Weekends 11am -4pm, Monday and Wednesday 10am - 1pm or when sign out. Enquiries phone 308 4533.
GENERAL hire. Lawnmowers, chainsaws, concrete breakers, trailers, and more. All your DIY / party hire, call and see Ashburton U-Hire. 588 East Street. Open Monday-Friday 7am - 6pm; Saturday 7.30am - 5pm; Sunday 8.30am 12.30pm - Phone 308 8061.
Guardian Motoring 307 7900
1979 MGB, in above average condition for sale. Please phone 302 8541. WHEEL alignments at great prices. Maximise the life of your tyres with an alignment from Neumanns Tyre Services Ltd, 197 Wills Street. Phone 308 6737.
PAUL’S Garden Nursery, 101 Harrison Street, Allenton, Ashburton. Leek plants available as of 1st December. Open 7 days. Phone 027 278 1354.
SUN CONTROL WINDOW TINTING - Vehicles-homesoffices. Phone Craig Rogers 307 6347 - 027 258 0884 Member of Master Tinters NZ. Follow us on facebook
Ability to think on your feet Ability to work in a fast paced environment A high level of communication and organisational skills Be prepared to go the extra mile for client satisfaction Have a passion for this industry
Please note all late death notices or notices sent outside ordinary office hours must be emailed to:
Mayfield Transport can offer you: •
to ensure publication. To place a notice during office hours please contact us on 03 307 7900 for more information. Any queries please contact 0800 ASHBURTON (0800-274-287)
A supportive team to assist your transition into this role Good remuneration with a work vehicle provided A stable established and growing business
If you know you have the above skills and are looking for an opportunity to be part of a diverse team of people, we would love to hear from you. A job description is available on request. To apply please email your CV and covering letter or write to: General Manager: Jim Crouchley Email: Post: PO Box 151, Geraldine 7956 Enquiries can be made to Jim on 027 3078907 Applications close 17th December 2020. We reserve the right to fill the position prior to the closing date. You must have the right to work in New Zealand to apply for this position.
You can put the hope back into this Christmas and allow us to open doors for those who need us most. Financial mentoring, advocacy, food parcels, and other social support services are all needed far beyond the traditional ‘Twelve Days’.
Looking for a new person to join your business? Call the Guardian today for your situations vacant advertising requirements.
307 7900
Donate today and give a gift of hope
For all your classified requirements.
Phone the Guardian 307 7900
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 Ashburton Guardian
BRADFORD, Rodger – Peacefully at Christchurch Hospital, on November 22, 2020. Dearly loved husband and friend of Claire. Loved and adored father and father-in-law of Gendy and Sam Davis, and much loved Pop of Lucy, and Izzie. In lieu of flowers donations to Hospice Mid Canterbury would be appreciated and may be made at the service. Messages to: The Bradford Family, c/- PO Box 6035, Ashburton 7742. A service to celebrate Rodger’s life will be held at the Hotel Ashburton, Racecourse Road, Ashburton on FRIDAY, November 27 at 1.30pm followed by a private interment.
CARR, Mary McLeod – Passed away peacefully at Ashburton Hospital on November 21 2020, in her 101st year. Dearly loved wife of the late Robin William Carr. Much loved and respected mother and mother-in-law of Helen and the late Ray Ludemann, Charles and Francie, Norman and Margaret, Ian and Sue, the late Richard, Greg and Glenys, and Elaine and Snow Pierce. Cherished grandmother of her 17 grandchildren, and adored great grandmother of her 47 great grandchildren. Special thanks to St John and the staff at Ashburton Hospital. Messages to the Carr family c/- PO Box 472, Ashburton, 7740. At Mary’s request a private family service will be held.
PAGEY, Frances Elizabeth (Francie) (formerly Moss) – On November 21, 2020. Passed away peacefully at Rosebank Resthome, Ashburton, aged 86 years. Dearly loved wife of the late Ken, and the late Donald Moss. Much loved mother and mother-in-law of Leicester and Wendy (Motueka), Donalda and Alan Hartley, and Angela and James Chapman (Motueka) and special Nana to Shannon; Rebecca and Mark, Nick and Krystle, and Milan, and great Nana to Nicholas, and Caitlin. Messages to c/- 9 Belt Road, Ashburton. A private cremation will be held, followed by a celebration of Francie’s life at a later date
BRADFORD, Susan Mary – Passed from this life at Christchurch on Monday, November 16, aged 72 years. Dearly loved daughter of the late Ian and Helen Hamilton of Ashburton. Much loved sister and sister-in-law of Patsy and the late Brian McCloy, Ann Lloyd, David and Pam Hamilton. Loved and respected Auntie Sue of all her nieces and nephews and their families. Rest in Peace Sue.
CLARKE, Brian – Passed away at Christchurch Hospital, Saturday, November 21, 2020. Much loved husband of June and father of Conrad, Zhell, and Brett. Much loved grandad to Seth and Hunter. Life will not be the same without him. Messages to 12 Hillier Place, Ashburton 7700.
We Help Save Lives We help save lives every day through the research and development of improved diagnosis, better prediction and treatment of heart disease in our hospital and community.
Daily Diary
YOUNG, Glenda Annette – 23 - 11 - 2015 Our grief is our love we never got to give. Forever in our hearts Glen. Love Don, Dion, Kris and families.
PRICE, Keith Albert – On November 22, 2020, passed away peacefully at Summerset on Cavendish, aged 92 years. Loved father and father-in-law of Cheryl and the late Bruce, Karil and Stuart, Tony and Cindy, and Jennifer, loving grandad of all his grandchildren and great-grandchildren, loving brother of Arnold Price, and Elaine Lyon. Special thanks to the wonderful staff at Summerset on Cavendish for their care of Keith. Messages may be addressed to The Family of the late Keith Price, c/- PO Box 39001, Christchurch 8545. The Service to celebrate Keith’s life will be held in our Westpark Chapel, 467 Wairakei Road, Burnside, on Friday, November 27, at 10 am, followed by interment in the Ashburton Cemetery (Seafield Road) at 1.30pm.
For all your memorial requirements New headstones and designs Renovations, Additional inscriptions, Cleaning and Concrete work Carried out by qualified tradesmen.
620 East Street Ashburton Ph/Fax 308 5369 or 0274 357 974 NZMMMA Member
Find out how you can help by visiting: A University of Otago Centre of Research Excellence
We are the only Mid Canterbury funeral home providing local, caring and dignified cremations. Complete Local Care Since 1982
Please note all late death notices or notices sent outside ordinary office hours must be emailed to: deathnotices@ to ensure publication. To place a notice during office hours please contact us on 03 307 7900 for more information. Any queries please contact 0800 ASHBURTON (0800-274-287)
Ashburton Weather
Wednesday: Drizzle turning to rain in the morning, easing back to drizzle in the evening. Northeasterlies. MAX
Midnight Wednesday
Canterbury Plains
17 MIN 9
Wednesday: Drizzle, turning to rain north of Ashburton in the morning, easing back to drizzle everywhere in the evening. Northeasterlies. Thursday: Cloudy with patchy drizzle, clearing from the south during the morning to become fine with high cloud. Northeasterlies dying out in the evening. Friday: Fine to start, then rain spreading north in the afternoon with a fresh southwest change.
A deep low is approaching the North Island from the Tasman Sea, and is spreading frontal rainbands southward over the North Island, and the top of the South Island. The low is forecast to be centred northwest of Taranaki at midnight. A slim ridge of high pressure lies over the south of the South Island. A low continues to cross northern New Zealand tomorrow, moving away to the east by the end of the day as a front approaches the lower South Island.
0800 263 6679
Around The Region Wednesday
6am SWEATY BETTY’S. Circuit training in St David’s Union Church, 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 9am - 2pm ASHBURTON MENZSHED. For men of all ages and abilities, join us for a cuppa. 8 William Street. 9am - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSUEM. Static displays, collection of aircraft and memorabilia on display. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road. 9.30am STEADY AS YOU GO FALL PREVENTION. Otago Medical School gentle exercises designed to strengthen muscles and improve balance in a supportive environment. Age Concern Ashburton 308 6817. St David’s Union Church, 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 9.30am STEADY AS YOU GO FALL PREVENTION. Otago Medical School gentle exercises designed to strengthen muscles and improve balance in a supportive environment. Age Concern Ashburton 308 6817. 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 10am ASHBURTON STROLLERS CLUB. Senior Stroll at Lake Hood, all welcome, phone Jenny 308 6862. Meet Ashburton Courthouse, Baring Square West. 10am ST STEPHEN’S ANGLICAN CHURCH. Holy Communion, Park Street. 10am - 3pm WAIREKA CROQUET CLUB. Association Croquet, new players welcome. Waireka Croquet Club, Philip Street. 10am - 3pm 206 CLUB AGE CONCERN. Join us for a fun day filled with activities for the over 60 years. For information phone Age Concern 308 6817. Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron Street. 10am - 4pm NZ ALPINE AND AGRICULTURE ENCOUNTER AND THE ART GALLERY. Open for viewing. Mt Hutt Memorial Hall, 160 Main Street Methven.
THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 26 9am - 12.30pm ASHBURTON TOY LIBRARY. Toys to hire, the Triangle, 106 Victoria Street, look us up on facebook - Ashburton toy library. 9am - 2pm ASHBURTON MENZSHED. For men of all ages and abilities, join us for a cuppa. 8 William Street. 9.30am - 11.30am MID CANTERBURY BADMINTON CLUB. Daytime section, all abilities welcome, rackets available. E A Networks Stadium, River Terrace. 10am ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Fitz kidz for pre-schoolers and caregivers. 48 Allens Road. 10am - 4pm NZ ALPINE AND AGRICULTURE ENCOUNTER AND THE ART GALLERY. Open for viewing. Mt Hutt Memorial Hall, 160 Main Street, Methven. 11am STEADY AS YOU GO FALL PREVENTION. Otago Medical School gentle exercises designed to strengthen muscles and improve balance in a supportive environment. Age Concern Ashburton 308 6817. Holy Spirit Church, Thomson Street, Tinwald. Thursday: Cloudy with patchy drizzle clearing in the morning to fine spells. Northeasterlies dying out.
Canterbury High Country
21 MIN 10
Wednesday: Cloudy with patchy drizzle, turning to rain north of Oxford in the morning. Wind at 1000m: Easterly 30 km/h, rising to 45 km/h north of Aoraki/ Mt Cook in the afternoon. Wind at 2000m: Easterly 35 km/h, rising to 55 km/h north of Aoraki/Mt Cook late morning. Freezing level: 2000m rising to 3000m in the evening. Thursday: Morning cloud, with patchy drizzle at first, clearing from the south in the morning and becoming fine. Wind at 1000m: Northeast 30 km/h turning northwest 30 km/h in the afternoon. Wind at 2000m: Light winds at first, westerly 40 km/h developing in the evening. Freezing level: 3000m. Friday: Fine to start, then rain spreading north in the afternoon with a southwest change, strong in exposed places. Snow possible to 1200m by evening.
17 11 19 9 21 7 14 10 19 11 20 7 14 7 21 9 19 4 SUN PROTECTION ALERT 14 8 20 11 18 6 16 10 19 11 17 9 PROTECTION REQUIRED : 15 9 : 20 am – 5 pm 17 8 21 9 17 5 Even on cloudy days For the very latest weather information, including Weather Warnings, visit © Copyright Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited 2020 Compiled by Christchurch Darfield Lake Coleridge Methven Rakaia Timaru
10.15am ALLENTON CROQUET CLUB. Golf Croquet, Allenton Sports Club, Cavendish Street. 10.30am STEADY AS YOU GO FALL PREVENTION. Otago Medical School gentle exercises designed to strengthen muscles and improve balance in a supportive environment. Age Concern Ashburton 308 6817. Buffalo Lodge Hall, Cox Street. 1.15pm ALLENTON CROQUET CLUB. Association Croquet, Allenton Sports Club, Cavendish Street. 1.15pm WAIREKA CROQUET CLUB. Golf Croquet doubles (30 minute games), new players welcome. Waireka Croquet Club, Philip Street. 1.30pm STEADY AS YOU GO FALL PREVENTION. Otago Medical School gentle exercises designed to strengthen muscles and improve balance in a supportive environment. Age Concern Ashburton 308 6817. Buffalo Lodge Hall, Cox Street. 1.30pm - 4pm ASHBURTON WOODWORKS (INC). All interested and likeminded people welcome to come and take a look. Open Wednesday’s and Saturdays. Plains Railway, Maronan Road. 3pm ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Children’s after school programme. 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 5.30pm ST DAVID’S UNION CHURCH. Youth Group, 48 Allens Road, Allenton. 6.30pm - 9pm THE MID CANTERBURY LINEDANCERS. 6.30pm - 7.30pm Beginners learn to line dance following onto easy intermediate level, 7.30pm - 9pm. Instructor Annette Fyfe 0274 813 131. Tinwald Hall, Graham Street. 7pm - 9pm ASHBURTON UKELELE CLUB. Weekly club night, Savage Club Hall, Cnr Cox streets and William Street.
1pm STEADY AS YOU GO FALL PREVENTION. Otago Medical School gentle exercises designed to strengthen muscles and improve balance in a supportive environment. Age Concern Ashburton 308 6817. St Peters Church, Harrison Street, Allenton. 1pm STEADY AS YOU GO FALL PREVENTION. Otago Medical School gentle exercises designed to strengthen muscles and improve balance in a supportive environment. Age Concern Ashburton 308 6817. Buffalo Lodge Hall, Cox Street. 1pm - 3pm ASHBURTON AVIATION MUSUEM. Static displays, collection of aircraft and memorabilia on display. Ashburton Airport, Seafield Road. 1pm - 4pm CANCELLED – RSA WOMEN’S SECTION ACTIVITY. CANCELLED, due to another function being held. Apologies from the Women’s section committee. RSA Cox Street. 1.30pm ASHBURTON MSA PETANQUE CLUB. Just turn up and have a go, everybody is welcome. 115 Racecourse Road. Friday: Fine to start, then afternoon rain with a fresh southwest change. MAX
Readings to 4pm Tuesday
Ashburton Airport Temp °C Maximum 18.3 Minimum 2.0 Grass min -0.4 24hr Rain mm 0.0 34.4 Month to date E 41 Wind km/h 3:27pm Strongest gust Sun hrs on Mon 1.9 132.8 Month to date
Christchurch Timaru Airport Airport 17.0 16.5 4.7 3.6 -0.3 – 0.0 0.0 52.8 26.8 E 50 E 30 2:16pm 2:26pm 3.7 – 145.7 –
15.1 4.8 – – – – – – –
Tides, Sun and Moon Wednesday
18 MIN 6
Ashburton H 1:02am 1:28pm Mouth L 7:10am 7:39pm
1:48am 2:13pm 7:56am 8:20pm
2:32am 2:54pm 8:40am 8:58pm
Rakaia Mouth Rangitata Mouth
1:37am 7:48am 1:32am 7:40am
2:26am 8:37am 2:16am 8:24am
H 12:47am L 6:58am H 12:46am L 6:54am
1:12pm 7:27pm 1:12pm 7:23pm
2:00pm 8:12pm 1:57pm 8:04pm
2:45pm 8:56pm 2:38pm 8:42pm
Data provided by NIWA
5:47am 8:54pm
5:47am 8:55pm
5:46am 8:56pm
3:34pm 3:44am 4:34pm 4:05am 5:35pm 4:25am
full Nov 30
last qtr Dec 8
new Dec 15
first qtr Dec 22
Ashburton Guardian Wednesday, November 25, 2020
Focus on the juniors
Monster scalp for AshColl
On the rebound By Adam Burns
It was not without the odd jitters with the bat, but Technical have hit back with a confidence-boosting win. The Stags completed a four-wicket win over Temuka and a third competition success in South Canterbury’s senior oneday competition. Both Ryan Bell, with the ball, and opening bat Jason Morrison were key figures for the Mid Canterbury club, which ensured reparations were made for their round two defeat last month. After proving competitive with the ball during the first six rounds, the Stags inserted the South Cantabrians after winning the toss. Alex Hooper and Richard Print wasted no time in asserting some early pressure, with Temuka’s opening pair finding the going tough during the opening overs. Phil Lill was sent on his way for an eight-ball duck with the score at 1, before being joined by his opening partner Jamie Trezise a couple of overs later. At 11/2, Temuka’s Glen Drake opted to take the Stags on. He hit three fours and a six during a run-a-ball 20, before Print ended his foray. At 25/3, Temuka went into survival mode, with the scoring drying up, going at less than two an over between overs 8 and 20. Tom McKnight’s long vigil (8 from 43 balls) ended to have Temuka battling at 48/4. The introduction of Bell at the bowling end caused Temuka to slip further. After having McKnight caught behind, the off-spinner repeated the dose when he dismissed Warren Morgan in the same fashion, as the hosts slumped to 70/5. He was later involved in the downfall of three Temuka batsmen, claiming the wickets of Ben Cosgriff and Hayden Broker, while effecting the run out of Nick Maguire. Temuka’s tenure was wrapped up in the 41st over as the Stags completed a clinical display in the park. Set 126, Tech appeared steady during the opening exchanges, before the in-form Des Kruger was caught off the bowling of Josh Rooney. The home team claimed the scalp of Bevan Ravenscroft for 9, however the runs continued at a reliable rate. Morrison took up the mantle, plundering Temuka’s attack to ensure there would be no repeat of the previous week’s collapse. Despite losing Will McKee for 5 after he was trapped in front, the visitors remained well placed with Morrison at the crease. He brought up 50 and guided the Stags past 100 inside 18 overs. A final glimmer for Temuka cropped up once Morrison’s game-breaking knock came to an end. His 63 from 50 balls included five fours and three sixes as he wrestled the game away from the hosts. The Stags lost two further wickets with the target in sight. In the end it was a satisfying performance from Tech, as the Technical were outstanding in the field during their win against Temuka on Saturday. PHOTO ADAM BURNS 141120-AB-3363 team completed the win with more than 20 overs to spare.
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