Feature - Hearing - Mar 2018

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Ashburton Guardian


Saturday, March 3, 2018

Noise destroys Thankfully these days we are increasingly mindful of the damage caused by various forms of pollution. But one type of pollution is sometimes overlooked. Noise pollution. Today, Saturday March 3, is World Hearing Day. In this country the National Foundation for the Deaf is extending that into a week of raising awareness to prevent noise induced hearing loss. Noise induced hearing loss is caused by exposure to excessive sound levels. It commonly occurs due to repeated exposure to noise over a long period of time. This can happen in the workplace, or can arise recreationally from attendance at loud concerts or the use of loud audio appliances or power tools. A single event such as an explosion can cause noise induced hearing loss if the intensity is loud enough. Sound pressure caused by noise destroys the delicate nerve cells in the inner ear that transmit sound messages to the brain. The nerve cells are replaced by scar tissue which does not respond to sound. The damage is painless but permanent. Hearing aids can be helpful but cannot restore normal hearing.

Excessive exposure to noise is a known cause of one third of hearing loss in New Zealanders. The higher the noise level and the longer the exposure, the greater the damage done. But the good news is it’s not too late to start preventing damage. There are three key things which can be done to prevent noise-induced hearing loss: • Wear hearing protection when you are exposed to loud noise. • Limit the amount of time exposed to loud noise. • Turn down the volume on personal music players – headphones are preferable to earbuds, which play the music close to eardrums. Last year the Ashburton Branch of the Hearing Association celebrated its 60th anniversary. Based at the Seniors Centre 206 Cameron Street the Hearing Association provides support for those whose hearing is impaired and always welcomes enquiries from anyone seeking assistance either personally or for others. Far from allowing hearing impairment to disrupt their lives many local people have supported one another through membership of the Ashburton Hearing Association. This year the Age Concern

• Noise induced hearing loss is preventable!

Ashburton Positive Ageing Expo taking place at the Ashburton Racecourse on Thursday March 8, coincides with Hearing Awareness Week and the Hearing Association will be among the many groups present at that event. The Hearing Association encourages the use of hearing protection because hearing impairment is an unfair and unseen disability, which can cause all sorts of problems for the sufferer and others. Hearing impairment can place a huge strain on relationships and lead to all manners of misunderstanding. Good hearing is a blessing so we need to protect our ears. Deafness cannot always be prevented but it’s nothing short of madness to put our hearing at unnecessary risk. Information about Hearing Awareness Week and helpful hints about protecting our hearing can be found on the National Foundation for the Deaf website www.nfd.org.nz Work Safe NZ has excellent workplace noise prevention resources on their website www.worksafe.govt.nz The theme of Hearing Awareness Week 2018 is Hear the Future let’s do all we can to help us do just that.

Your Ears – How Ears Hear Our ears are wonderfully sophisticated organs that convert sound waves into electrical signals our brain can understand. AT A GLANCE


Ears catch sound waves, change them into nerve impulses, and send them to the brain for interpretation.

Ears pick up sound waves.

Three parts of the ear work together to help us hear. 1. The outer ear 2. The middle ear 3. The inner ear. But that’s not all – ears keep us upright! They are our main organs of balance.

Outer Ear The sound waves first go into the outer ear. This is what we traditionally think of as our ears. It’s the part of the ear we can see. Sound waves are picked up by the pinna, and sent down the ear canal. The ear canal makes some sounds stronger. The sound waves hit the ear drum and make it vibrate, transmitting this vibration into the middle ear.

By Russell Anstiss and Bernard Egan who are both on the Executive of the Ashburton Hearing Association

• One in six New Zealanders – over 880,350 people are affected by hearing loss. • Exposure to noise is a known cause of ONETHIRD of hearing loss. • One of the main consequences of hearing loss is a reduced capacity to communicate. • Decibels (dB) are used to measure sound level. A small increase in decibels dramatically increases sound pressure. An 80dB sound has TEN TIMES more sound pressure than a 70dB sound, and 100 times for pressure than a 60dB sound. • The level of noise at a nightclub or concert, at 100dB or over, can be as loud as, or louder, than a chainsaw – this can damage a person’s hearing after just 15 minutes of exposure. • Damage to hearing is cumulative. The louder the sound, the less time one can safely listen to it.

Caring For Your Ears Your ears, and therefore your hearing, can be damaged by trauma, infection, or even excessive personal hygiene. The hearing mechanisms are delicate. aT a gLanCE

is wax causing a problem?

• Never put anything inside an ear to remove wax or to scratch

Wax can build up and block the ear canal. It is more common in men.

• Keep the ear canal free of obstructions

This usually happens if the ear canal is narrow or hairs or a hearing aid mould are obstructing it. Symptoms of wax build up include dull hearing, tinnitus, earache, vertigo, coughing, a feeling that the ear is plugged up, and sometimes jaw and facial pain.

• Some ear infections can damage hearing • Physical trauma can rupture your ear drum and damage the delicate bones of the middle ear • Protect your ears from loud noise. Ear WaX What is it? Ear wax is normal. It’s a natural protector of the ear. Ear wax is produced in the ear canal, by the cerumen and sebum glands. The discharge from these glands, skin flakes, dust and other debris create wax which works its way to the entrance of the ear. As we get older, ear wax can become drier.




What to do about it? Never put anything in the ear to remove wax – this has been known to damage the ear drum and the delicate bones of the middle ear. Only excessive wax or wax causing a problem should be removed. Put a couple of drops of olive or almond oil into the ear and check again in a couple of days.

HEAR HERE! Hearing loss at a glance INFORMATION CARD 10: Caring For Your Ears

HEARING Saturday, March 3, 2018


Professional ear care services

Diane Hamilton has been a registered nurse for 30 years. For the last 19 years she has been providing professional ear care services in New Zealand and Rarotonga. When she launched her company Ear Health Ltd in May 1995, Diane pioneered private clinics which offered the removal of ear wax using a microscope and gentle microsuction. Her company has been built on her commitment to ensuring that Ear Health Ltd provides ear care services which are

safe, professional and to a high standard. Thanks to patient recommendations, support from the Hearing Association, the National Foundation for the Deaf, and referrals from GP’s and audiologists, Ear Health Ltd has continued to expand and offer professional ear care services throughout New Zealand. Make sure you contact your nearest clinic for an appointment.

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Ashburton Guardian 15

Is your work putting you at risk of premature hearing loss? Hearing loss for most people generally develops over many years, with the effects becoming apparent only gradually, this makes it difficult for those affected to recognise that they are suffering from a hearing impairment. One of the leading causes of hearing loss is excessive noise exposure, with noise induced hearing loss more likely to be a hazard for those who work in a noisy environment. This is supported through a study conducted by Kurmis, A. P., & Apps, S. A. (2007) that showed that 37 per cent of all adult hearing loss cases could be attributed to workplace noise1. This may be a potential issue for many New Zealanders, with several major industries shown to have a higher than average exposure to workplace noise. Hundreds of thousands of New Zealanders work in manufacturing, agriculture, construction and transport2, this means that premature hearing loss could affect thousands of people. Major companies often take precautions to help prevent noise induced hearing loss, however a small farmer or panel beater may not have these precautions in place and this can cause problems later in life. This is supported by a study of 586 farm workers in New Zealand’s Southland district, most workers studied had a moderate hearing loss, with a significant minority having significant hearing loss3. So what should you do if you have

experienced frequent loud noises at work and are concerned about potential hearing loss? There are five signs that indicate you may have a hearing loss. 1. Do you find it difficult to understand phone conversations clearly? 2. Does your family complain about the volume when you are listening to the radio or television? 3. Do you find it difficult to follow a conversation in noisy environments? 4. Do you often feel exhausted after family celebrations because listening is such an effort? 5. Do you hear better when you can look at the person talking to you? If any of these signs apply to you, don’t endure it, you can and should do something about it, and you may be eligible for financial support. The New Zealand Government’s Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) will provide financial support for injury related hearing loss, which, depending on the level of injury, can include fully funded hearing aids. At House of Hearing we help people with hearing loss navigate through the ACC claims process every day. If you think you may have hearing loss and feel it may have been caused through your work or an injury give our local hearing experts a call on 03 307 8949.

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References 1) Excessive noise contributes to 37% of all adult causes of hearing loss, http://psycnet.apa.org/record/2007-13991-001 2) NZ industries: http://archive.stats.govt.nz/browse_for_stats/snapshots-of-nz/yearbook/people/employment/nz-do.aspx 3) A survey of 586 workers across 60 farms reported that most farmers have moderate hearing loss with a significant minority with a high risk. https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Noise-exposure-and-hearing-loss-in-agriculture-a-s-McBride-Firth/2b5cc9c94d09eadb42c52afb4e88571c91d272f5

Hearing, the way nature intended. SAVE

Ear Health Canterbury provide professional ear care throughout the region. Our services include • Assistance with ear problems in adults and children • Removal of wax and other debris by micro suction • Managing ear infections • ACC and War Pension accredited for sensorineural hearing loss




Trial this revolutionary new natural hearing technology and enjoy a crystal-clear natural sound experience. *Offer on the purchase of selected hearing aids, valid to 13th April 2018, T&Cs apply. Please bring this voucher with you to your appointment.

Ashburton Clinic | 206 Cameron Street Phone: 03 307 1459 | Email: earhealthcanterbury@xtra.co.nz

House of Hearing

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