Feature - Hospice Mid Canterbury - Feb 2018

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Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, May 12, 2018


We can help

The Hospice Mid Canterbury story


hey’re still a newcomer to the scene, but Hospice Mid Canterbury has achieved a lot in a short time within the community. With a base of around 75 volunteers, who work both in the community and the recently established second-hand shop they are continuing to grow and expand as the demand for their services intensifies. What initially began as just a discussion back in 2013 and then officially became operational in 2015 is continuing to develop today as the organisation provides countless services to the local community. They are now frequently providing services such as; sitting (to give carers a break), transport (eg. to doctor’s appointments), counselling, biography writing (life stories), massage, reiki and reflexology. All services are free for clients and their families. While their focus is very much on the client, Hospice Mid Canterbury also puts a strong emphasis on helping their family, particularly caregivers, who often need assistance and support while caring for their loved one and also after the

death of the person.Anyone with a life-limiting condition can be referred to hospice. A life-limiting illness means that the person will, in time, die from the condition. Illnesses include, among others, dementia, heart failure, kidney failure, motor neurone disease, COPD, and of course cancer. With no funding and a strong reliance on the generosity of the community and grants, Hospice Mid Canterbury also opened a second-hand shop last year to help raise funds. There’s no end in sight either with Hospice Mid Canterbury looking to continue to grow their services and support an increasing number of Mid Canterbury people dealing with end of life. When the funds allow, they intend to establishing their own service base which will allow them to set up a peaceful, supportive environment for people to come to for information and support. Having a base will also enable them to commence day programmes for activities and companionship, with the focus being very much on living well rather than dying. This will be useful both for clients and their caregivers.


Experience, Knowledge Quality Experience, Knowledge andand Quality

Hospice Mid Canterbury provides support for those with a life-limiting illness as well as those who are looking after them. All services are free and support continues from diagnosis throughout the person’s journey. Hospice Mid Canterbury does not provide clinical care. We complement existing services by providing services such as transport, sitting, recording life stories, counselling, mas-

sage, reiki and reflexology. We support people with all lifelimiting conditions, no matter what age. Our services are available throughout the Ashburton District between the Rakaia and Rangitata rivers. If you want to make a referral for someone you care about or just want to know more, please contact us on 03 307-8387 during office hours.

Contact details Manager..............................Christine Wilson Phone...................................03 307 8387 Mobile..................................027 227 8387 Email.....................................manager@hospicemc.nz Website ..............................www.hospicemc.nz Facebook...........................fb.com/ hospicemidcanterbury Office...................................Community House 44 Cass Street Ashburton 7700

We are proud to support Hospice Mid Canterbury

Experience, Knowledge and Quality

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Experience, Knowledge and Quality

Proud to support Hospice Mid Canterbury

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HOSPICE AWARENESS WEEK May 14-20 Saturday, May 12, 2018


Ashburton Guardian


The hospice shop Tracey Fuller has been the manager of the Hospice Mid Canterbury shop since it opened in July 2017 but she still doesn’t feel as if she’s going to work when she starts her day there. “It honestly doesn’t feel like work. It’s such a privilege to work here,” she said. People have noted the warm and positive atmosphere in the shop, something that Tracey consciously fosters. “It’s part of our Hospice culture – caring, respect and compassion – and it applies to everyone who works or visits here.” The community have been very generous in offering goods for sale. Great care is taken with clothes which are cleaned and steamed ready for sale. Tracey is particularly proud of her Designer Clothes section which has well known labels like Icebreaker, Trelise Cooper and Storm. She did note that she is always on the lookout for homewares such as ornaments, photo frames and crockery. Central to the success of the shop are the volunteers, who commit their time and energy to doing everything from serving to doing displays and preparing goods for sale.

Hospice shop manager Tracey Fuller (right) with volunteer Margaret putting together a display. On average, Hospice Mid Canterbury volunteers are doing 190 hours a month in the shop. Tracey’s biggest learning curve has been putting goods for sale on Facebook but it’s one she has

enjoyed and it allows the shop to sell more goods to raise money for Hospice Mid Canterbury. All profits go straight back into the Mid Canterbury community.

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CONDITIONS: Valid for new bookings only to 15 May 17 or until sold out • Full payment is required within 14 days of reservation being made and no later than 5 pm 15 May 17 • All travel must be commenced and completed as specified • Some surcharges, closeouts, and accommodation restrictions apply. Price may vary depending on availability. Bedding configurations may vary on twin or family share options • Airfares are not included and are an additional cost • Advertised prices are per person share twin or family share (based on 2 adults & 2 children 2-11yrs) based on payment by cash or cheque. Credit card fees will apply • andNcancellation fees apply ratings are based on House of Travel ratings and are a guide only to the overall quality of the property • Accommodation is subject to availability • Please ask your House of Travel consultant for full details. HOT code: TBAKL0517 A S HAmendment BURTO @ H O T.C O.•NAccommodation Z

rl until mustsold be commenced out • Full payment and completed is required as within specified 14 •days Some of reservation surcharges,being closeouts, madeand andaccommodation no later than 5 pm restrictions 15 May apply. 17 • All Price travel maymust be commenced and completed as specified • Some surcharges, closeouts, and accommodation restrictions apply. Price may yare vary twin onortwin family or family share share (basedoptions on 2 adults • Airfares & 2 children are not included 2-11yrs)and based areon anpayment additionalbycost cash• or Advertised cheque. Credit prices card are per feesperson will apply share• twin or family share (based on 2 adults & 2 children 2-11yrs) based on payment by cash or cheque. Credit card fees will apply • nctratings to availability are based • Please on House ask your of Travel House ratings of Travel and consultant are a guideforonly fulltodetails. the overall HOT quality code: TBAKL0517 of the property • Accommodation is subject to availability • Please ask your House of Travel consultant for full details. HOT code: TBAKL0517


Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, May 12, 2018


Hospice Mid Canterbury services ISSUE 3 MARCH 2017

Hospice News Rebecca Perkins Massage therapist

Providing home support and counselling.


Home support

Our team of volunteers are available to provide whatever support is needed, such as companionship, sitting to provide a break for the carer, transport to appointments, shopping and pet care.


Our counselling service provides support for both clients and caregivers. Living with a life-limiting illness is difficult, and our counsellors can provide emotional and psychological support as well as strategies for coping with and managing this time. We provide pastoral care as well as bereavement support. Testimonials: “My husband very much benefited talking to a counsellor and opening up where he couldn’t talk to me … The feeling we are not alone in this journey is very reassuring.”

Massage helps to relieve the stress, tension and anxiety associated with dealing with life-limiting illness. Our therapist Rebecca offers a variety of relaxation techniques including myofascial release, Swedish and aromatherapy massage. Lymphoedema massage is also available for those who require it. Our therapist comes into the home with a massage table. Gentle pressure is applied to parts of the body which may hold tension. We offer massage therapy to both clients and caregivers. Testimonials: “You have provided me with the only treatment I have ever really gotten relief from.” “You have helped me very much. Thanks. Massage helped me to relax.”

Jo Thomas ISSUE 3 Reiki therapist

MARCH 2017

Hospice News Reiki

Reiki is a holistic therapy promoting relaxation, balance and the ability to feel better within ourselves. (The word reiki means “rays of energy”). It works with the energy of the body like acupuncture and tai chi. It is recommended as a series of treatments, with sessions usually taking up to an hour. These are given where the client feels most comfortable, fully-clothed, in a recliner, bed or on a massage table. The therapist will place energised warm hands over certain points on the body – there is no pressure or manipulation. Reiki gives relief from anxiety, pain, grief and assists with the other challenges of life-limiting illness. It is safe to use alongside conventional medicine and can be helpful right to the end of life. Treatments are confidential and are also available to support carers. Testimonials: “Reiki has helped me find a calmness and peace, giving me renewed inner strength to focus on what I need to do next. It helps me feel more centred and balanced.” “A really positive caring therapy.”

Rose Matthews Reflexology therapist


Reflexology is a natural therapy, where gentle pressure is applied to the feet, hands or ears. Reflexology encourages relaxation and may relieve tension, stress and pain.


Our biography service provides people with an opportunity to reflect on their life and create a record of their memories and stories for themselves and their families. Other written documents such as letters can also be prepared by biography writers. A biographer will come into the home, usually once a week, for an hour, to record the client’s stories and then type them up. Some biographies are completed in a few weeks, while others take longer. Photos can be included in the document and provide a valuable record for the family. “We all have a story to tell, and our experience with Hospice Mid Canterbury has been very positive for ourselves and our family.”

In the last 12 months, our contractors and volunteers have given over 1200 hours of service to clients and their families (plus 1690 shop hours):












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HOSPICE AWARENESS WEEK May 14-20 Saturday, May 12, 2018


Books and resources

Hospice Mid Canterbury has books available for adults and children dealing with illness, the end-of-life journey and grief.

Ashburton Guardian


Lecture series proves popular Hospice Mid Canterbury hosts the 2018 Palliative Care Lecture series at Rosebank Residential Care Community Lounge (access from Walnut Avenue or Queen’s Drive) on the first Thursday of every month from 7.30 to 8.30am through to December. The lectures are designed for health professionals and other stakeholders and individuals with an interest in palliative care. The lectures are delivered via teleconference and the schedule for the whole of this year can be found at www.hospice.org.nz (see under education and training tab). May’s lecture was on the benefits of physical activity for people with advanced forms of cancer, presented by physiotherapist Lou James, founder and trustee of PINC and STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Trust. June’s lecture (June 7) is on complex pain management – the old and the new, presented by Dr Ross Drake (consultant), Paediatric Palliative Care and Complex Pain Service and Starship Hospital, Auckland. On July 5, Professor John Swinton (professor in practical theology and pastoral care from the University of Aberdeen) will be looking at spiritual care for those

Lou James

Dr Ross Drake

with dementia. On August 2, Dr Chris Jackson (consultant medical oncologist), Mercy Cancer Care, Mercy Hospital, Dunedin and Senior Lecturer, Otago School of Medicine, Dunedin, will be discussing oncology

Prof John Swinton

– new immune therapies and low toxicity cancer therapies that is making it harder to tell when to quit. A light breakfast is provided, sponsored by Rosebank and Harvey’s Bakehouse.

Dr Chris Jackson

The series has been well attended this and last year. If you are interested, please email edu.mc.hospice@gmail.com for your details to be added to the mailing list. You will receive an invitation and flyer each month.


Ashburton Guardian

Saturday, May 12, 2018


Volunteers – the heart of Hospice Mid Maxine Whiting

Rodger Bradford Rodger was asked to join Hospice Mid Canterbury to assist with fundraising. “It came at a time when I was retiring from fulltime business and it appealed, being an organisation that was helping others,” Rodger said. He was then asked to become a trustee in 2015 to contribute a business perspective to the organisation. “I have a lot of contacts in the community and those contacts helped establish the Hospice Shop. My business experience has also helped in further refining hospice operations”. Seeing his mother and other relatives at the end of their lives has shaped his attitude to end of life care. “My ideas have also been influenced by Atul Gawande’s Being Mortal – it’s a book that really makes you think about living well until you die and all the things that are needed for that to happen”. Since Rodger’s involvement with

hospice, he’s been surprised how many people there are in the community who could use hospice services. “There are a lot more people out there needing help than you think,” he said. Bradford Holdings are a major Hospice Mid Canterbury sponsor at this time.

Maxine, who is the owner/operator of House of Travel Ashburton, has served on the funding committee of Hospice Mid Canterbury for three years. For more than a decade House of Travel stores throughout New Zealand have supported their local hospices in many ways so when Hospice Mid Canterbury was launched, Maxine was pleased to be able to contribute at a local level. “I just love the philosophy of hospice and enjoy giving back to the community. “Up until recently it has been very hard to contribute to the hospice movement locally by way of the House of Travel connection but now I can with the advent of Hospice Mid Canterbury and that’s really great. “Running successful fundraising events is the most rewarding part for me and a really special highlight was the fundraising concert we did with Simon O’Neill, an


event that was enjoyed by many people. I believe the concert well and truly put Hospice Mid Canterbury on the map in Mid Canterbury. It was so rewarding to raise so much money and the support from the businesses in our community was amazing.”

A volunteering stint followed by a year-long governance and leadership programme, along with personal experience, were the catalysts to give me the passion and determination to investigate how we could find more ways to support MidCanterbury people dealing with end-of-life. From initial discussions in 2013, it has been a rollercoaster ride consisting of many challenges, but these have been far outweighed by the satisfaction of seeing an increasing number of people benefiting from the compassion and extra support that hospice offers. I am a trustee and am also filling the role of general manager in a voluntary capacity. I feel incredibly privileged to work alongside the amazing team of people who have come together in various roles to

that focuses on ‘living every ion at nis ga or an in ed olv inv Being It’s nice to be able to do voluntary There are a lot more people out there needing help than you think ... the support from the businesses in our community was ice sp ho of y amazing ph so ilo ph e th e I just lov Spending time with people and listening to the I was very impr ir stories is a real privilege Dale Earnslaw

Tony Todd I first became involved with Hospice Mid Canterbury when I was invited to help set up the Hospice Shop on Tancred Street that is now up and running successfully. Since then Marg Lilley and I have been invited to become Hospice Mid Canterbury ambassadors. Our role will be to approach businesses and individuals and invite them to become sponsors and supporters of Hospice Mid Canterbury so that the hospice can continue its good work in Mid Canterbury. Marg and I consider this role to be quite long-term and we are motivated to get out in the community and solicit your support. There is no doubt that as we progress though life all of us will be

Dale has been a volunteer for Hospice Mid Canterbury since 2016. Prior to that he did volunteer work for the Friends of Ashburton Hospital. The shift to becoming a companion for hospice was an easy one. “I really enjoy making people happy at a pretty sad time in their lives. Not only does it lift their spirits, but it lifts mine as well.” Dale often takes clients out for coffee or a drive, just so that they can have a change of scene. He feels strongly about the need to support those facing terminal illness, including dementia. He has developed some firm friendships with clients and finds the work really rewarding.

“ My Promise

Jo M Jo joined the fundraising committee in 2017 to help organise the Simon O’Neill Night of the Southern Stars fundraising concert and has continued working on subsequent fundraising efforts, big and small. As the sole owner and funeral director at Memory Funerals, Jo enjoys working as part of a team for hospice events. “It’s nice to be able to do voluntary work that gives back to the community and very rewarding to know that our efforts help support those with a life-limiting illness and their families.”

touched by the service that Hospice Mid Canterbury offers.

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Richard and Maxine are proud supporters of the Mid Canterbury Hospice

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HOSPICE AWARENESS WEEK May 14-20 Saturday, May 12, 2018


Ashburton Guardian



play their part in helping others. Being involved in an organisation that focuses on ‘living every moment’ is very special.

I have been volunteering since I was a teenager. During time in Christchurch I volunteered at both the Hospice and Hospital at Nurse Maude once a week and have been involved with Hospice Mid Canterbury since its inception. Once a month I assist with the Hospice Breakfast for the medical profession lectures. These are video presentations linking all hospices throughout New Zealand with a professional speaker, followed by a question and answer opportunity. Other activities include transporting people to/from appointments, relieving carers for a break by sitting with the patient, popping in to see people to give them some companionship and a break in their daily routine. The knowledge that you can make a difference to someone’s quality of life, be it through com-

panionship, reading, outings or just giving the carer a break and having an empathy with those who are finding life a struggle is personally very rewarding and sometimes challenging to your own perceptions. I recommend it.

Jenny Sanders I’ve been involved with the hospice movement for about nine years. I started as a volunteer at the Mary Potter Hospice in Wellington where I wrote biographies and helped in the in-patient unit. My involvement with hospice began after my aunty died when I was inspired by the help she got from hospice and the difference it made to her life. After I moved to Methven I helped to edit biographies with the Nurse Maude biography team in Christchurch and when Hospice Mid Canterbury was launched I volunteered to help locally. Currently a member of the Hospice Mid Canterbury biography team, I help people to record their life stories. Spending time with people and listening to their stories is a real privilege.

Recalling and telling their life story has been a very positive experience for most of the people I have worked with and I’m happy that I can be there to listen and help them record their stories.

moment’ is very special ... is personally very rewarding

y work that gives back to the comm


I really enjoy making people happy at a pretty sad time in their lives ice I just love the philosophy of hosp

ressed with the dignity, respite and comfort hospice care was able to afford them and their familie



June Barrett


Rod Fox Rod is the manager of the Ashburton branch of the NBS (Nelson Building Society). He has been a banker for more than 42 years at both national and international levels. Rod joined Hospice Mid Canterbury’s fundraising committee following a long association with the hospice movement that began more than 20 years ago. “I first became involved with the hospice cause in 1992 as a member of the fundraising committee for the Waipuna Hospice in Tauranga. I chose to do so because of experiences I had with friends and family members who were in the last stages of their lives. “I was very impressed with the dignity, respite and comfort hos-

pice care was able to afford them and their families.”

Philippa Yates I have been volunteering with Hospice Mid Canterbury as an assessor since May last year. I am a registered nurse with 33 years experience, mostly in the aged care sector. I joined Hospice Mid Canterbury because I am passionate about palliative care, believing that it is about living and making the most of every day – “quality of life, not quantity”. In my role as an assessor I am often the first contact with people who can benefit from our services. In my role I have met many wonderful, inspiring people who have life-limiting illnesses and I feel very privileged to share their journeys.

Hospice volunteers Volunteers are the life-blood of our organisation. We rely on a large team of around 80 volunteers to support clients and their families, as well as operate the Hospice Shop which provides funds for Hospice Mid Canterbury services. Our assessors, who have a background as health professionals, are generally the first point of contact when people become hospice clients and play a crucial role in ensuring the clients and caregivers know about the range of services and support available to them. Once the needs of the client and the family have been identi-

Some of the funding committee. fied, volunteers are assigned to a variety of roles, including companionship to clients as well as sitting to give carers a break. They can provide transport, for example, to doctor’s ap-

pointments and pet care such as dog walking. A team of biographers is available to write clients’ life stories, creating a valuable record for clients and their families.

Assessors group volunteers. Regular education sessions are held to keep volunteers up to date. Our funding committee, made up of volunteers, works hard to raise money for Hospice

services. Events such as the 2017 concert Night of the Southern Stars with Simon O’Neill and the recent Agribusiness dinner are just two of their many fundraising efforts.

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