Guardian Farming, March 2021

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THE TREND Pages 3–5







Guardian Farming is proudly published by the Ashburton Guardian Limited


Dairy Focus WED NES



31, 2021



5 Pages 24–2

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White gold defies Covid-19


airy is definitely the economic good news story of the Covid-19 pandemic. Despite all the market and social disruption, dairy prices are 40 per cent higher than a year ago. Big jumps in the Global Dairy Trade price have taken banking economists and even Fonterra executives by surprise. While the government is spending billions on Covid-19 rescue packages for other industries, the heavy lifting being done by the dairy industry – and wider agricultural and horticultural sectors – hardly rates a mention. More than one dairy farmer has been heard muttering “who do you think is paying for all of this”. All going well for the remainder of the season, Fonterra suppliers will receive their second-highest payout price, only beaten by the whooper $8.40/kg of milksolids in 201314. Westpac has already set its forecast at $7.90, Rabobank at $7.80 and ASB at $7.60. Production is also at record levels this season. At Fonterra’s current mid-point of $7.60, at which farmers are paid off, the dairy giant is pumping more than $11.5 billion into the economy in milk payments. When dairy farmers do well, this flows through to other agricultural sectors and the wider community. After a hiatus of a few years when virtually no dairy farms were sold in Canterbury, farms are starting to change hands again and banks starting to lend. While dairy farmers are well aware that the last dairy boom was followed by a lengthy downturn, banks are picking a relatively steady, though lower forecast price for the 2021-22 season of

Heather Chalmers

around $7.25 to $7.30, tinged with a degree of caution. The good payout will help to buffer some of the impacts as farmers meet new freshwater regulations including the new cap on synthetic nitrogen applications on pastoral land. From July 1, dairy farmers must limit nitrogen fertiliser rates to 190kg a hectare. Most irrigated Canterbury dairy farms apply above this with an average application of 229/ha on the region’s dairy farms in 2019. Nitrogen applications had become an easy fix for dairy farmers and often masked other issues. Most were applying too much, but to comply with a set figure with just a year’s notice could result in farmers dropping into a feed hole, leading to possible animal welfare issues, especially if the weather turns bad. There also seems to be an element of government officials not wanting to trust dairy farmers, with the requirement that the limit be imposed on a per hectare basis as well as averaged across pastoral land on the farm. The per hectare cap will be difficult to manage and lead to inefficiencies. Farmers can’t put more nitrogen on better performing paddocks, or even parts of paddocks. Surely an average rate over a farm is sufficient and enough to prevent any excessive applications. A staggered introduction to lower application rates would have also provided valuable time for farmers to make other management changes, such as encouraging nitrogen-fixing clover. This Government’s fondness for top-down arbitrary rules with short time-frames might suit the bureaucrats in Wellington, but it is a poor fit for New Zealand’s biological farming systems.


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Angora goats cute and profitable Heather Chalmers



ngora goats are not only a joy to farm, they also make economic sense, say Banks Peninsula farmers Johann and Veronica Rall. Angora goats produce luxury mohair fibre, which in stark contrast to the depressed strong wool market, continues to attract strong international demand and high prices. “We can’t believe that more people don’t farm them. For us, it is a no-brainer,” Veronica said. “One reason for this is the legacy from the 1980s when there was a boom and bust in prices for goats.” Then people were paying thousands of dollars for individual animals until prices, along with the sharemarket, crashed, burning investors. The excessive prices paid for goats then had the focus on the animal. Now it is all about producing quality fibre, the Ralls said. The finest top grade kid mohair typically sells for up to $40 a kilogram. The fibre gets coarser as the animals age, with adult mohair fetching about $20/kg. While the Ralls come from South Africa, which dominates the global mohair industry, they did not consider farming angora goats until they emigrated to New Zealand in 2009. Buying a small farm at McQueens Valley, near Motukarara, they realised the property was suited to farming the animals. With the help of their daughter, Tarla, they have steadily grown their mob so that it now comprises about 200 head. Their property Cairngorm

Angora goats are a pleasure to farm, say Banks Peninsula farmers Johann and Veronica Rall.

will host a field day on May 8, as part of Mohair New Zealand’s 50th anniversary conference and annual meeting being held at Lincoln University from May 7 to 9. New Zealand has about 160 mohair growers ranging from small lifestyle to big commercial producers, which together farm around 9000 angora goats. While relatively small in numbers, angora goat farmers, lovingly referred to as “goaties” are a dedicated and very helpful bunch, Veronica said. “Angora goats ruin you for any other livestock. They are interactive and very intelligent. They are intuitive and very good at sensing what you require of them.

“They are much more docile than feral goats. You don’t even have to use electric fences since they just don’t jump. “Like people, they have a spread of personalities, so you have mischievous, bold and shy ones and bullies.” The socio-political situation in South Africa is very complicated and putting pressure on farmland which provides an opportunity for New Zealand farmers to produce mohair, said Johann, the South Island producerdirector on Mohair NZ. South Africa used to supply 80 per cent of global mohair production, but this was now down to 50 per cent. At its peak in 1989,

worldwide mohair production reached 24 million kilograms. Today, production of mohair sits at just under 3m kg. “Because of that there is a huge opportunity, as the demand from mills that process mohair is still there. “It is one of the very few fibres where demand has constantly outstripped supply. There is no surplus mohair in New Zealand as it all gets sold.” Top quality mohair fibre is used in the luxury high-end market as fabric for suits, garments and underwear. Mohair is also sought after by the niche knitting and craft market. It also appealed to growing demand from consumers for more sustainable, natural fibres.


Angora goats produce 4kg to 6kg of mohair a year over two shearings. Mohair is grown by goats in long ringlets called staples, which is beautifully soft to the touch. “During shearing, all we do is to skirt the fibre and take out short pieces from the legs, face and belly and any fibre that has been stained by urine or contaminated with vegetation. “We get more for our stained fibre than farmers get for crossbred wool.” Angora goats are first shorn at six months old when they produce their finest mohair. The Ralls’ best price of $46/kg last season was for a special line of less than 24 micron kid fibre. continued over page


Farming From P3 This premium was paid for mohair from kids bred from certified weaving line bucks imported from Australia by a North Island breeder. The new genetics produce a longer and stronger fibre. The length of fibre must be 115mm or longer to qualify for the premium. “We aim to get $160 to $180 an animal a year from their first two shearings,” Veronica said. “The nice thing is you also get to keep the animals, so it is like compound interest, unlike lambs that are sold for slaughter.” Because of the high value of the kid fibre, the Ralls generally shear these themselves to achieve maximum quality control and contract a shearer for the adult animals. “In Australia, mohair producers are already earning $200 to $250 an animal. They have been using the weaving genetics longer than New Zealand, but we are catching up.” As goats aged, their mohair becomes coarser and goes into young goat and adult classes. “It is still very good fibre and sought after, but it loses lustre and handle.” While there had been a slight dip in mohair prices mainly due to a disruption of supply lines because of the Covid-19 pandemic, these are now

Banks Peninsula farmer Veronica Rall with mohair fleece, which continues to attract strong international demand and high prices in contrast to strong wool. PHOTOS: HEATHER CHALMERS

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recovering and a 10 to 20 per cent increase is expected for this summer’s clip. Previous fibre prices were $37 to $40/kg for top grade kid, $31 to $38/kg for kid, $19 to $22/ kg for young goat, and $16.50 to $18/kg for adult mohair. New Zealand has two mohair warehouses, Mohair Pacific in Christchurch and Ohuka Farms at Drury south of Auckland, which buy the fibre from producers. “It makes it simple as they negotiate the best price on behalf of producers and collect a producers’ levy on behalf of Mohair NZ that is used to promote mohair production in New Zealand.” After each shearing season, warehouse brokers hold pool days in different regions to class, price and buy the mohair, mainly for export. The bulk of the clip goes to processing mills in South Africa, from where it is mainly exported to Italy, the United Kingdom and China. For farmers wanting breeding stock, does could be bought for $120 to $150 a head, depending on breeding, quality and age. “So you can make a 100 per cent return on investment in the first year, as well as a kid.” There is a lot of co-operation, with the breeders that imported the new genetics sharing these with others. While angora goats had been

The Ralls won supreme champion mohair fleece in the 2020 Canterbury A&P Association competition with a third shear (18-monthold) doe fleece.


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In addition to pasture, angora goats are fed straw and barley grain.

bred to adapt to New Zealand conditions, they do have higher shelter requirements than sheep or cattle, Johann said. “They can generally handle wind, cold and rain, but if you put all of these together, as you get in winter, they struggle and may succumb to hypothermia especially after shearing. So adequate shelter is a key requirement. “As long as you have shelter in paddocks, they will look after themselves.” The Ralls have multiple huts in each paddock where the goats

can shelter. Goats are also kept in the shearing shed for a day or two after shearing. All age groups are fed supplementary barley grain and hay, in addition to pasture. Being small animals, they are also easier to handle, said Veronica, who works on the farm full-time, while Johann works in environmental research and consulting, which before Covid-19 meant overseas travel. “That is one of the reasons I chose angoras, as if Johann is away I can manage them on my own.”


Just-shorn mixed age breeding does.

There are several advantages to incorporating angora goats in a multi-species grazing regime, Veronica said. Angora goats are great for weed control. As they are only 0.7 of a stock unit they can be run with other livestock and easily integrate into both smaller blocks and larger farming operations. Angora goats and cattle are complementary animals because of their different preferences for plant species and grazing patterns. Goats preferred to browse on brush, shrubs and

weeds, improving pasture quality for cattle. “You can add one or two goats per cattle beast to a pasture without affecting cattle performance. In time, weeds will be controlled so that total carrying capacity and pasture productivity is improved.” Cattle and goats also do not share internal parasites. There is great potential for livestock farmers to run a wether angora mob, as these are more hardy animals and good producers of mohair, while controlling coarse feed such as

gorse, broom and thistles. For more information on the goat sales catalogue and contact details visit the Mohair New Zealand website www. To register for Mohair NZ’s conference, the field days and annual meeting at Lincoln University from May 7 to 9 contact Eve Fuller, efuller@ Along with the field day at the Ralls’ on May 8, a second field day will be held on the Oxford property of Joseph and Nicky Burston on May 9.



Call to allow migrant dairy staff W

ith the developing and serious workforce shortage on dairy farms top of mind, Federated Farmers and DairyNZ have combined to put the case to government for 500 migrant staff to be allowed into New Zealand to head off critical animal and human welfare issues, says federation national board member Chris Lewis. A survey conducted by the two organisations in March drew 1150 responses in just one week. “Results told us that 49 per cent of dairy farmer respondents were currently short-staffed; 46 per cent had vacancies unfilled for more than three months and nearly a quarter had been unable to fill a gap on their team for more than six months. “We’ve strongly made the point that we share the government’s desire to have more Kiwis working in our industry, given it is part of the backbone of our economy and New Zealanders’ standard of living. “Our sector has launched Go Dairy and Good Boss campaigns; we have a comprehensive Sustainable Dairying: Workplace Action Plan and many farmers have

made changes to rosters and other work conditions to retain staff and attract newcomers. “The March survey showed 65 per cent had increased salaries and wages, 42 per cent had adjusted rosters to allow more time off and 36 per cent were boosting efforts on upskilling and training staff,” Lewis said. “But we’ve also advised the government the simple fact is mid to high-skilled dairy farm roles must be undertaken by suitably skilled people who have the necessary ability, knowledge and competence to ensure good animal welfare and health outcomes, safe plant and machinery operation and pasture and environmental system management.” This typically required a minimum of two to three years’ experience and longer for more senior roles. New Zealanders from outside the sector or in lower-skilled roles (dairy farm assistants) could not reach this level of competence in time for the upcoming 2021/22 season, Lewis said. “We need more migrant workers if we’re to maintain production and the export revenue New Zealand depends

upon. The proposed transTasman travel bubble is tipped to ease pressure on MIQ (managed isolation quarantine) places. This may open wider the window of opportunity for the government to meet our sector’s pressing need.

Almost 50 per cent of dairy farmers surveyed were shortstaffed. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

“Meanwhile, take a bow all you farmers out there who are getting on with the workload

short-staffed, making all efforts to retain existing staff, and taking a close look at pay, rosters, accommodation, training and all the rest to make a career in dairy even more attractive and fulfilling,” Lewis said.


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Rate rises out of control at 24.5% David Clark


President of MC Federated Farmers

ny responsible business sets a budget with some parameters. Very few are in the luxurious position of being able to afford any whim or wish alongside the essential basics. For a farm, if you know the tractor needs a transmission overhaul, then the compromise of reality means that something on the wish list must wait its turn. However, if you have already decided that the budget has no upper limit, it is easy to fix the transmission and add some bonnet bling. All that is easy if there is no limit to your ability to raise income, sadly this is not a reality that many of us operate in.

But in the case of Environment Canterbury, no upper limit was set on the potential rise in expenditure or resulting rates rise. As a result, no fiscal responsibility has needed to be exercised in setting their Long-Term Regional Plan (LTP) which has seen no adequate critique on the quantum or quality of expenditure. The result of this is a 24.5 per cent rate rise this year, followed by a 9 per cent rise the following year with a compounding effect of rates rising from $200 million to $310m over 10 years. There is a provision within local government for activities that benefit people to be funded by a Uniform Annual General Charge (UAGC), whereas activities that benefit or service assets are funded via property value rates. ECan has one of the lowest UAGCs amongst all regional councils at $25 per household. The proposal is to increase this


Bling is nice to have, but only if you can afford it. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

to $45, but in fact to correctly fund social activities, the UAGC should be at least $160. This leaves programmes such as climate change, leadership, youth engagement, parks and recreation and biodiversity funded much more by those who own property than individuals as a whole. Politically it is a safe bet. The LTP this year would see an average farm pay $2000 more in rates versus $100 for an average house in Christchurch. I see absolutely no justification why I as a farm business owner should contribute many times more to the youth engagement budget or the parks and recreation budget than someone living in Christchurch. But back to the tractor that needs the transmission overhauled, the unexpected and urgent call on expenditure. The rate rise in part is to fund the process of forming a new regional plan which is estimated at $25m. ECan has

signalled it is not prepared to shelve other projects to afford a new plan. The bit about the new plan that really smacks is that as a community we have just spent $60m writing the last one, in fact the hearings for zone specific parts of this plan are being held over the next couple of months, so the ink is not even actually dry. But in the rubbish bin it goes. Canterbury’s Federated Farmers provincial presidents wrote to Government Ministers suggesting it would be sensible and responsible for the current Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan which provides stringent caps on activity and timeframes for reductions to continue and be allowed to yield environmental benefits. That was flatty refused. So, if ECan had spent $60m on an exhaustive process of developing a plan and had confidence in that plan, why did they not push back on regulations necessitating

starting again? Did they not have confidence in their own plan? I would contend that overlaying a new plan on the old one will not change the direction or speed of environmental improvement. What it will do is replace some difficult to achieve, but achievable environmental targets with a set of policies we have no chance whatsoever of achieving. It will also slug us with a $25m bill in the process. No business in the private sector could behave as ECan are in my view. It is time for a critique on what our rates money is being spent on and the quality and competency of that spend. Submissions are open until April 11. Now is the time for you to have your say. It is essential for you to do so if you are unhappy with a 24.5 per cent rate rise. Go to and follow the links to submit.

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Record crowd for Kirwee field days Thousands flocked to see the latest developments and innovations in the agricultural sector.


record attendance of more than 30,000 turned out for the South Island Agricultural Field Days at Kirwee, as people took the opportunity to attend one of the biggest agricultural events in the last year. A run of fine weather over all three days also helped attract thousands to see the machinery demonstrations, primary industry trade sites and interactive stalls. After a year of Covid-19 cancellations it was a chance to check out all

the latest developments and innovations in the sector as well as catch up with friends and colleagues. SIAFD chairperson Michaela McLeod said the feedback from the exhibitors was that they were “really enjoying the positive engagement they’re having with the public, which is a great achievement for our organising committee which is largely made up of volunteers”. Celebrating its 70th year, SIAFD is one of the largest and


longest running field days in New Zealand. A highlight of the field days is the machinery demonstrations, with more than 40 tractors, headers and balers on show on the final day. Altogether more than 50 machines from 10 to 15 different agricultural machinery companies were put through their paces on the 10 hectare demonstration site. Alpine Buildings NZ headed off stiff competition to win the

best overall site award at SIAFD, taking home the Hamish Reid Memorial Trophy, named after a former committee chair. Judged out of more than 600 sites, Alpine Buildings NZ had erected a 230 square metre clear span shed, clearly demonstrating their ability to cover a large bird proof area with limited footings. Polaris picked up the best big site award after wowing the crowds with their off-road vehicles which were put through

their paces on its makeshift allterrain course. The judges said it was hard to go past Polaris who were constantly surrounded by onlookers, while also clearly displaying the vehicle’s safety abilities. Christchurch based planning and surveying company Survus Consultants scooped the best small site award, impressing the judges with their striking site and ability to create great conversation and interaction with the public.


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Smart scales weigh in paddock J

udges were unanimous in their decision to award Frizzell’s Smart Paddock Weigher the 2021 AgriInnovation award at the South Island Agricultural Field Days at Kirwee. The three-person panel of industry experts were extremely impressed by the new technology which allows farmers to weigh young livestock in the paddock, therefore offering the possibility to better manage the individual needs of the animal. “Whenever you’re taking animals away from the paddock, they’re not doing what you need them to do, which is grow, however with the Frizzell’s Smart Paddock Weigher right there in the paddock, the animals continue to put on weight in a relatively stress-free manner, whilst the farmer is able to gain all the information they need,” judge Neil Baxter said. “Rather than treat all animals as the same, this allows you to offer individual solutions to a herd.” “Farmers can find that significant labour is required to move stock to a weighing area to weigh stock manually and because of the time and cost

The towable unmanned scales entice livestock onto the platform for weighing with the promise of grain and nuts.

involved animals are never really weighed at optimal times which results in a loss of production, delayed notifications of diseases or poor pasture management decision making, so we’re hoping to counter all of those with the Smart Paddock Weigher,” product designer Alistair Frizzell said. The towable unmanned

scales entice livestock onto the platform with the promise of grain and nuts by way of an automated feeder. It then reads the RFID tag and records the animal’s weight and monitors the herd weight performance. Animals can visit anytime but will only be permitted a predetermined rate of feed during any 24-hour period.

“There’s no doubt this product can have a positive impact on the animal’s health and well-being as well as labour and cost saving for the farmer,” Baxter said. Stock Ezy’s flow control gate picked up the runnersup award, after developing a real ‘Kiwi number eight wire’ solution to the bottle neck often


experienced in sheep yards. Sean Belkin designed the flow gate control after being frustrated whilst drafting livestock and battling with stock in an effort to keep them flowing consistently. He remembers experiencing the same issue 40 years ago as a youngster so decided to try and find a solution.

Farming, rugby share values

All Black and Farmstrong ambassador Sam Whitelock sees a lot of parallels between rugby and farming. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED


bye week for the champion Crusaders was the perfect opportunity for senior lock and two-time World Cupwinning All Black Sam Whitelock to share the importance of rest, relaxation and dealing with pressure. The 32-year-old who grew up on a dairy farm in the Manawatu was at last week’s South Island Agricultural Field Days in Kirwee as part of his role as a Farmstrong ambassador. Whitelock, who has been a Farmstrong ambassador since 2016, sees a lot of parallels between rugby and farming. “I know the challenges farmers regularly face with weather events, production targets, fluctuating prices and changing regulations. I reckon rugby and farming are similar in that way; there

are always results you need to achieve, whatever the conditions. Dealing with disappointment when things don’t go according to plan is also a challenge for both. “Being a professional athlete has certainly taught me that investing up front in your wellbeing is vital for times when you are under the pump and need to draw on it; it’s no different in farming. Once I complete my rugby career I’ll be heading back to the land. When I do, I’ll continue applying all that I have been sharing and learning through Farmstrong,” Whitelock said. Former All Black Richard Loe was also at SIAFD, broadcasting his rural radio show REX (Rural Exchange) alongside co-host Hamish McKay.

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High-tech cow collars win field days award

Halter cow collars caught the judges’ eye at the South Island Agricultural Field Days.


he potential for positive environmental impacts, improved animal health awareness, and on-farm financial gains was what drew the judges of the South Island Agricultural Field Days Agri Magic Smart Farming Award to Halter cow collars. The judging panel of three industry experts were impressed with collars, which they say demonstrated an

ability to integrate quickly into a dairy farming system and offer benefits to multiple layers of farming practices. “The ability to tell a cow that bad weather was coming, sending it to the feed pad and ensure it has both shelter and wasn’t having a negative impact on the grass cover or the ability to keep it out of waterways was something that really impressed us,” judge Neil Baxter said.

“There’s a handful of other collars on the market that can indicate that a cow has poor health or other issues, but to have a range of benefits is quite unique.” Baxter said that the collars’ ability to offer significant value to the purchaser from day one was the reason it rose above the competition. “There were some great entries this year. But some of

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them are still finding their place in the market. Whereas the Halter cow collars are a real success story, they finished runners-up in this competition two years ago, so it’s great to see they’re continuing to develop and add value to the dairy industry,” Baxter said. Halter chief executive Craig Piggott said that winning the award was great recognition for “the hard work that goes in

each day from our team and it’s pleasing to understand how the judges valued what Halter offers”. “Our business is looking at the next area to expand into which is a major reason we were at the South Island Agricultural Field Days.” Halter picked up $1500 thanks to Agri Magic, while Canterbury company Grounded collected $500 for taking second place. 34





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M. bovis disrupts Lincoln dairy research The dairy herd of about 500 cows at the Ashley Dene Research and Development Station has been culled after being confirmed with mycoplasma bovis. PHOTO: ASHBURTON GUARDIAN

Heather Chalmers



he culling of herds on two Lincoln University dairy research farms hit by cattle disease mycoplasma bovis means that extensive data collected on individual cows for research purposes will now have to start again. Lincoln University deputy vice-chancellor Professor Grant Edwards said that while the farms would be operating again in spring, culling of the herds meant the loss of a huge amount of background information on individual cows. “When we repopulate we don’t quite come back to the

same position from a research point of view. Undoubtedly it will take time to rebuild in terms of data, genetics and phenotype. “That is one of the losses associated with these being research farms.” In November, the university’s Ashley Dene Research and Development Station and Lincoln University Research Dairy Farm (LURDF) were confirmed as having M. bovis following a detect result from the September bulk tank milk screening. Depopulation of animals from the two farms was completed earlier in March. The farms will now be decontaminated, before being restocked. Ashley Dene on Bethels Road, near Springston had a herd of about 500 cows on 190 hectares, while the LURDF, adjacent to the campus, milked about 200 cows on 72ha. The high-profile Lincoln

University Demonstration Dairy Farm (LUDF) on Ellesmere Junction Road, which attracts hundreds of visitors a year, has tested clear of M. bovis and had its Notice of Direction restriction lifted. Edwards said that the source of the infection was “unknown at this point”. The university was working with the Ministry for Primary Industries to ascertain the pathway of infection. Edwards said that 2020 had already been disrupted by the level 4 Covid-19 lockdown, which had led to the discontinuation of some research programmes. “So some learnings from that were used to manage research projects under strict biosecurity practices, until the farms were depopulated.” Research was able to continue, though some was shortened and adjusted. Some environmental research

Lincoln University deputy vice-chancellor Professor Grant Edwards says research has been disrupted. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

evaluating nitrogen loss, carbon budgets and greenhouse gas emissions which did not directly involve animals was able to continue under strict biosecurity practices on-farm. A milking frequency trial started in the 2019-20 season at LURDF in conjunction with DairyNZ was able to run from mid-spring until culling of the herd. The trial has been investigating three milkings in two days at different stages of lactation compared with the typical four milkings in two days. Plantain pastures were being established at LURDF in readiness for a farm systems trial which would start in spring with the new herd. This would evaluate the ability of plantain to maintain dairy farm productivity while measuring its impact on nitrogen leaching. Culling of cows from the research farms meant the loss of a tremendous amount

of background data on these animals and in some cases some specific genetics, Edwards said. For example, Ashley Dene had developed a differentiated herd of cows based on milk urea nitrogen breeding values. There was also the loss of understanding of the phenotype, or physical characteristics of cows, such as milking ability. “Background information such as milk production, animal behaviour, urination behaviour and specific genetics are important for how you design and implement research programmes. “When that cow is depopulated you lose that information and it takes time to build that up again.” The university was working to limit the impact on research programmes and return the farms to operation as quickly as possible, Edwards said.

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Combine harvester thinks for itself W

ith its revolutionary APS Synflow hybrid threshing system delivering 10 per cent more capacity, the new Claas Lexion 8000/7000 series of combine harvester raises the bar for harvesting performance even higher. Productivity aside, the new series is arguably the most technologically advanced combine yet to hit New Zealand and Australian paddocks, featuring a range of cutting-

edge operating systems that automatically monitor and adjust the machine’s settings. Claas Harvest Centre general manager product Tim Needham said these operator assistance systems helped to optimise performance and efficiency while reducing the operator’s workload. “This is not technology for technology’s sake – it’s about increasing productivity, reducing operating costs and

generally making harvesting run more smoothly, It’s a bit of an overstatement to say a new Lexion is ‘backpacker ready’ but these new operator assistance systems enable even relatively inexperienced drivers to safely increase harvesting performance. The best thing about these systems is that they are fully automatic and unlike the operator themselves, they don’t get tired and they don’t forget. Even highly experienced

operators can benefit from these systems by becoming more confident about adjusting the settings of various components.” The Claas Electronic Machine Optimisation System, or CEMOS for short, comprises of several subsystems that automatically monitor and adjust all aspects of the threshing, cleaning, separation, stubble and engine management processes. In turn,

this is linked to cruise pilot, which automatically adjusts ground speed according to the operating load on the engine and desired throughput. “The operator simply has to select whether to configure the machine for constant speed, maximum throughput or minimal grain loss. CEMOS automatic sets the machine up for operation and then monitors these settings in response to any change in harvesting




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Power Farming Ashburton conditions before automatically making any necessary changes to keep the harvester working to its peak performance. The system is self-learning and does not settle for happy medium – it keeps working right up to when the engine is turned off at the end of the shift,” Needham said. CEMOS automatic monitors the settings of dozens of components, including concave clearance, drum speed, concave bar, concave flap, fan speed, upper and lower sieve openings, rotor speed and rotor flap, before determining what improvements can be made. A new feature this year is the CEMOS auto chopping system, which automatically adjust the static knives and friction concave plate in the straw chopper according to straw moisture content. Claas claims this new system can product up to 10 per cent fuel savings. Another relatively new component is the CEMOS automatic auto slope function, which automatically controls the fan speed and sieve opening based pm longitudinal tilt for optimal performance when operating in hilly conditions. All Lexion models incorporate a peak load system that monitors threshing drum speed, rotor speed and engine speed and automatically shuts down the front and feeder-house intake if pre-set limits are exceeded. CEMOS automatic can

Househam Merlin

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be integrated into the main operating screen, which displays the key operating parameters of the machine, including speed, crop volume in feeder housing, threshing unit load, engine load, separation losses, cleaning losses and returns volume limit. Alternatively, a second touch screen can be added to increase the interface area for the operator. “This gives extra display area, more camera inputs and the ability for the operator to run the CEMOS dialog function. This function requires the operator to approve a suggested

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change before CEMOS makes any changes to the machine settings.” CEMOS automatic can be overridden manually or deactivated at any time using the multifunction lever. All Lexion combine harvesters are equipped with telematics remote monitoring technology, which continuously transfers the machine’s GPS location, machine performance and yield data to a remote server via the mobile phone network. Claas offers a variety of modules to harness this data, including yield mapping, job

HE-VA 6.3m Disc Roller


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documentation, data transfer, fleet monitoring and remote diagnostics. “Fleet view enables you to co-ordinate the location of your chaser bins and road transport with the location and grain fill levels of your harvesters to minimise idle time. You always know which machine needs to be unloaded next, which helps to save time and money, and more important, keeps your harvesters working,” Needham said. Transferred data can be accessed or downloaded from the server using any connected


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desk computer, laptop or smartphone. This data can be exported to many common farm management software programs. Telematics also includes a free remote service function that aids maintenance scheduling and requirements. “The machine automatically informs the owner’s dealership of upcoming service intervals or the need for immediate intervention if a fault arises. The service team then has time to assemble all necessary parts and tools to perform this service.” Needham said.

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Insect protein as animal feed creating global buzz I

nsect protein is creating a global buzz, with demand for the fast-emerging ingredient in the animal feed and pet food sectors expected to reach half a million metric tonnes by 2030 – significantly up on today’s estimated market of 10,000 metric tonnes, according to agri banking specialist Rabobank. While the potential for increased human consumption of insect protein has grabbed most headlines to date, Rabobank’s global report “No Longer Crawling: Insect Protein to Come of Age in the 2020s” outlines the nutritional, functional and environmental benefits of insect-based nutrition and the value-adding potential in this fast-developing animal feed market. A high protein content (from 50 to 80 per cent dry matter basis) ensures the health benefits of insect protein as a feed ingredient to animals, the report said. While the benefits created by insects building circular food systems – because of their ability to upcycle low value agri-food material (such as food waste and residues) into high-value proteins and oils – are also being recognised. Currently, pet food – primarily for cats and dogs – is the largest market for insect proteins, followed by the aqua-feed (fish) market, with potential in the poultry-feed market also promising. The report said that when local, underutilised resources – such as food waste and residue – are used as a feed substrate (base) to farm insects, not only is the food-waste challenge addressed, but a local feed production system is created and the feed supply chain shortened. The small environmental footprint of insect farming – which requires less water, land

Scale is coming to the six-legged livestock sector as demand grows for insect protein for animal feed and pet food.

and production time compared with other species – also makes it an attractive option. Report author, Netherlandsbased Rabobank analyst Beyhan de Jong said that while edible insects tick all the boxes from a nutrition, health and sustainability point of view for human consumption, current consumer acceptance is still low in developed countries, for both whole and processed insectbased foods. “However, in our view, insects have a larger potential as feed ingredient than as a direct consumer food in the next decade.” Despite the many positives supporting the growth of insect protein as a pet food and animal feed ingredient though, some major challenges exist that

are currently preventing the insect farming industry from “taking off ”, according to the report. These include limited scale, high costs and prices and legislative barriers. “The industry’s first challenge is the lack of scale”, the report said. While high costs and therefore high prices are limiting the demand for insect protein. Decreasing costs and prices are key to increasing demand for insect protein, particularly in aquafeed markets, it said. Inconsistent global legislation governing feedstocks and end markets for insect farming has also proved challenging. However “scale is coming to the six-legged livestock sector”, the report said, backed by investments and partnerships,

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with the “insect sector” having received significant investment, particularly since 2018, enabling companies to build larger-scale production facilities. Efficiency gains due to increasing technology, automation, improvements in genetics and legislative changes (expected in coming years as the market continues to strengthen) will also enable costs to decrease. “By 2030, we estimate a global market potential of up to 500,000 metric tonnes for insect protein as a pet food and animal feed ingredient,” the report said. Strongest growth is expected in the pet food market, in which insect protein is forecast to reach 150,000 metric tonnes globally. De Jong said this would be

supported by the growing premiumisation and the humanisation trend in the pet food market, with owners increasingly choosing more natural and high protein meals and treats. “The sustainability benefits of insect protein for environmentally-conscious consumers are also appealing, as are the hypoallergenic features for cats and dogs with sensitivities and allergies,” de Jong said. And while pet food formulated with insect protein currently sells at a premium, this specialty segment of the market is expected to grow, with discerning pet owners in developed countries willing to pay higher prices for these benefits.


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299 Havelock Str, Ashburton 03 308 9109 Str, Ashburton 299 Havelock 03 308 9109

Authorised by Jacqui Dean, Parliament Buildings, Wgtn.



Know your fertiliser, farmers told T

he Fertiliser Quality Council has issued a plea to farmers and growers to take time to know what’s in their fertiliser products and understand how that will impact application, rather than just focusing on getting the job done. Council chairman Anders Crofoot said it was important for farmers and growers to know the characteristics of the fertiliser they have ordered so that they understand the distribution outcomes. “If accurate and even spread is critical to the growth of the crop, a quality compound will achieve those results. If accuracy is less important, a more cost-effective blend might be best. “We have said to farmers and growers that whatever they choose, it is critical that they talk to their spreader operator and discuss product and application details. Good communication will ensure there are no false expectations around how a product will spread. Farmers also need to be vigilant about checking product labels and service details ahead of fertilising and spreading.

A truck spreads lime; farmers need to talk to their spreader operator about product and application details.

Farmers should look out for the two distinctive quality assurance motifs – Fertmark and the Spreadmark – when choosing a fertiliser product and a spreading company, Crofoot said. Fertiliser products carrying the Fertmark tick have been independently audited and conform to the Fertmark Code of Practice – an industry guidance document that

complies with the requirements of the Agricultural Compounds and Veterinary Medicines Act around food safety and animal welfare. The Spreadmark is granted to fertiliser spreading companies that hold Spreadmark Test Certificates for their spreaders, have trained drivers and have undergone an independent audit. Spreadmark accredited companies are proficient in

spreading fertiliser accurately, evenly and only where specified. Council executive director Ann Thompson said that often fertiliser quality and good spreading practice is assumed, but only the Fertmark tick for fertiliser and the Spreadmark assurance for spreading fertiliser provides a guarantee of quality. “New Zealand farmers are well known for being


conscientious and wanting the best for the land and livestock. However, not all products and services are of the same high standard that farmers expect. This is where the Fertmark and Spreadmark – both easily identifiable – play their part in assuring farmers that they are choosing the best product and best practice, with improved productivity as the outcome,” Thompson said.

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Biological/Regenerative Agriculture, Why the Void of Knowledge? R

egenerative agriculture is a concept of a food and farming system, that works with nature to improve the water, mineral nutrient cycles and the health of the land and the profitability of producers. It focuses on the whole chain from soil health to plant health to animal health and human health. The nutrient density of the foods that we produce are directly related to the health of the soil. One of the main goals of Regenerative Agriculture is to foster and develop plant root relationship, in that way we can properly feed the biology through root exudates, and it is that biology in the soil and the mycorrhizal fungi, which supply the plant with nutrients. In New Zealand with our cool climate, young soils, pastural farming and irrigation systems, the traditional farming fertiliser practises are not necessarily degrading ours soils, as much as they, are degrading the soil biology. It is this effect on the soil biology, and carbon sequestration, that is one of the prime reasons for moving away from the tradition farming fertiliser practises and methods. Regenerative agriculture is based on a range of food and farming systems that use photosynthesis of plants to capture carbon dioxide and store it in the soil. These systems are based on a scientific fact: soil holds almost three times the amount of carbon than the atmosphere and the biomass (forest and plants) combined, so let us trap it and use it, and not waste it. When we have the discussion on transitioning into Regenerative Agriculture, it is necessary to know and understand how farming management practises, effects

the soil biology, then what promotes healthy soil and conversely what is harmful to the soil biology? In his book, Dirt to Soil, Gabe Brown, an advocate and speaker on Regenerative Agriculture, talks about the five principles of Soil health. 1. The least amount of mechanical, chemical and physical disturbance of the soil. 2. Maintain armour of plant residues on the soil surface, always have the soil covered, to protect the soil surface, stop erosion and regulate temperature. 3. Have diverse multi-crop plant species to feed the soil biology, do not practise

mono- plant species, agriculture. 4. Have a living root in the ground to produce green foliage for as long as possible, in that way optimising solar energy collection to produce sugars, called exudates, to feed the soil biology . 5. Introduce animal species into the system. Many farmers and academics believe that New Zealand farmers are doing this already and there is no need to practise regenerative farming, stating that Regenerative farming started in North America only to replenish very degraded soils. Claiming it would not work here as, New Zealand soils are different, have higher

organic matter and suggesting that it is only a marketing promotion tool. Effectively missing the real opportunity that lies ahead for producers. Whilst some of the principles associated with soil health are practised by pastural farmers, they are deluding themselves if they believe its Regenerative agriculture. Producers, by and large, really do not understand how soil functions, it’s a biological energy system. Plants grow not from fertilisers that are applied, but from the energy those fertilisers produce, it is common belief, that once the applied fertiliser becomes soluble in the soil, it is directly taken up by the roots, in fact, over 90 % of the

nutrients applied, are only made available, to that plant, by the microbes in the soil. Synthetic soluble fertilisers create an energy inefficient system which promotes dysfunctional soils. Whilst soluble fertilisers might make yield, they keep the soils dysfunctional. Producers must manage the soil as a biological system. This is the fundamental issue and the lack of understanding that must be overcome, so we can understand the principal role and function of soil biology in the soil. And how to mitigate and support this essential biology. But to transition into soil health there is a need to focus on what they are not doing, that is achieving mineral balance and

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healthy biology, which involves not just measuring N-P-K. Established as early as the early 20th century, by scientists like Ehrenfeld Pfeiffer and Dr William A. Albrecht, these brilliant men understood the role of the 40 plus minerals in the soil to achieve a balance between Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Dr Albrecht reported in many of his research papers, without balanced calcium, farmers find very quickly that nothing moves in the soil, no matter how many dollars of fertiliser one adds. And without carbon, there is nothing for the plant to build with. Dr Albrecht stated that to provide top performance a soil should be composed of 45% minerals, 5% humus and 50% pore space, ideally that pore space should be occupied by 50% water and 50% air. So essentially, the Albrecht system of soil fertility utilises soil to chemistry to effect soil physics, which determines the environment for the biology of the soil. This will provide the proper environment for all types of living organisms to help provide the needs of the growing plant. A benefit of soil mineral balance is to promote good gas exchange. Soils have a diurnal cycle, where thy breath and exhale once per the evening air moves down into the soil profile (need pore space), at the same time the plant is sending a lot of sugars out through the root system as root exudates. The combination of soluble carbohydrate’s and N2 Gas + O2 from the air triggers a rapid activity in the soil, of bacteria at night. The result of all this is rapid microbial respiration which produces an abundance of CO2, in the morning that CO2 moves out of the soil.



Why give in to mediocrity? When we can do much more, science has shown us that with a traditional farming scene, our past best management practises and the use of synthetic soluble fertiliser have limited and restricted the role and performance and function of the biology in the soil. Photosynthesis is the only way to bring new energy into the ecosystem. It makes sense to optimise the efficiency of the photosynthetic engine as much as possible, when we consider that modern agriculture realises only 25 % of plants and crops photosynthetic capability, and genetic potential. This is primarily because of the degrading and damaging effect on the soil biology. As farmers, we did not intentionally intend to operate this why, but by concentrating only on yield based on the advice from sales agronomists promoting their products, which limited the potential of the ecosystem, they failed to understanding the role of the soil biology, this often resulted in, simply limiting yields. What is needed is a paradigm shift in practises and knowledge from bankers, farm advisors and educators. Producers are naturally sceptical to move away from a system that has been proven for many years. Sustainability should not be the aim, why would you want to sustain dysfunctional soils? There’s a need to Regenerate. New Zealand pastural farmers continual day after day to contribute to our Economy, Regenerative Agriculture would see increase in profitability and resilience return to those producers. Yes, we are good at what we do and have excellent producers, but we could do so much more. Regenerative Agriculture is the future of Agriculture, if your concern is with climate change, nothing can take more carbon out of the atmosphere put it into the soil and store it there like Regenerative Agriculture.

– If your interest lies in water quality and quantity, Regenerative Agriculture can address those issue by keeping nutrients on the farm. – If your interest is human health, your immune system in your bodies is directly related to by the food that you eat, that is directly related to the health of the soil. Regenerative Agriculture can produce food with much higher nutrient density. Has higher Brix levels, lower Omega 3 to 6 ratios, has higher essential amino acids, methionine and lysine, the building block of proteins, and produces more Phytonutrients, Phytonutrients are chemicals produced by plant, that really drive human health, Foods with phytonutrients have antioxidant and anti -inflammatory benefits. Food is health and not all food is the same. There is a large void in the knowledge about Regenerative Agriculture in New Zealand, and advocates will make sure that the claims being made a credible and have the data to back it up. Academics suggest that we need more scientific proof of the benefits of Regenerative Agriculture and are calling for more scientific testing on the claims being made. This has its difficulties in getting funding, particularly from Universities and fertiliser retailers and co-operatives, when the proponents of Regenerative Agriculture are advocating using less of, some of their products. Instead of criticising the claims made by regenerative agriculture practitioners and proponents as being hype or just a marketing ploy, please would

Photo of Jeremy Casey, observing and discussing the Top Soils soil fertility program at Whakapono Dairy

BALANCE: Chemical - Physical - Biological OUT OF BALANCE



1/2 Chemical 1/4 1/4 Physical Biological

SYMPTOMS: 1. Soil harder, compacted. 6. Weed and pest problems. 2. Soil doesn’t dry out, 7. More chemicals & muddy fertilizers required. 3. Small root systems. 8. Bigger tractors, more horsepower need to farm. 4. Crops can’t tolerate drought. 9. Less profit. 5. Plants not healthy; cannot provide health to livestock.

the anti regenerative scientist and academics get off your academic backsides and look at all the scientific research and studies that has been done all around the world, there is a wealth of information on healthy functioning soil biology and the benefits to the farming community. Where have these people been hiding over the last decade? Why the anti-regenerative negativity? Advocates are only wanting to improve fertiliser efficiency, their environmental footprint, economic resilience and are appealing directly to the increasingly environmentally conscious consumers. Who are demanding the benefits that

Chemical 1/3 Physical

1/3 Biological

RESULTS: 1. Soil easier to work. 2. Improved crop quality. 3. More efficient use of fertilizers. 4. More profit (the bottom line): lower inputs, few weed and insect problems.

Regenerative farming creates and in future will require traceability and evidence that their food or products are being produced in this way? Farming is about taking three free things -sunshine, water, carbon dioxide, running them through a catalyst called soil, and producing things to sell. Nature operates a very simple system, its human interference that complicates things.

– Donald L Hart CEO, Biological Farming & Soil fertility Consultant 027 432 0187

Top Soils specialises in fertility programmes to make a real, environmental, This is done by balancing soil nutrients using the Kinsey-Albrecht system of soil fertility and using a regenerative, biological approach to agriculture. Top Soils: for regenerative, biological, organic & traditional fertiliser approaches


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Winchmore research available online Heather Chalmers



bout 70 years of research data from the former Winchmore Research Station in Mid Canterbury have been put into an electronic format where it can be accessed by scientists around the world. The Winchmore field trials are the longest running trials of grazed and irrigated pasture, globally. Professor Rich McDowell of AgResearch, Lincoln, said that while these were not the longest grassland trials in the world, they were the longest of their type. Since their establishment in 1949 for the irrigation trial and

1952 for the fertiliser trial, the data have laid the foundation of productive irrigation systems that earn several billions in revenue annually in New Zealand and overseas. The initial focus on production and productivity revealed important findings on the optimal management of productive pasture. More recently the focus shifted to environmental issues such as water and soil quality. “There are quite a few advances that have come out of this small research station,” McDowell said. This was a tribute to the staff who had worked there over many decades. He has a photo of Prince Philip visiting Winchmore in 1958 to look at the irrigation trial. McDowell said work to collate and scan the data started during the Covid-19 lockdown when field work was limited. This included scanning old paper records done in “very pretty

handwriting”. These were now electronically stored in a database in cloud computer storage and available to be used by the global scientific community. The original station operators had the vision to archive samples of soil, pasture and fertiliser, recognising that advances in analytical techniques may lead to new discoveries. Records were also kept of sowing rates and harvest dates, climatic conditions, soil moisture, and monthly pasture production and botanical composition. About 96,000 records of soil chemistry and physical data and pasture yield and botanical composition from Winchmore are available along with nearly 7000 soil samples. These data have been used in 475 publications that have explored topics as diverse as: improvements in sheep, dairy and deer production; the efficacy and scheduling of irrigation;

improvements in pasture and crop production; agronomic and environmental soil and water research; and entomology. Winchmore even trialled some of the first crops for use in ethanol production. The borderdyke (flood) irrigation trial finished in October 2007, but the phosphate fertiliser regime has continued, even after the Winchmore farm was converted into a commercial irrigated farm operation and sold in 2018. When Winchmore was sold, the Fertiliser Association signed a 35-year lease with AgResearch to ensure the continuation of the 4.1 hectare fertiliser trial. “So the trial will be over 100 years old by the end of that.” The fertiliser trial was protected with a covenant ensuring it continues to operate as normal except that irrigation from 2018 onwards is now applied by spray irrigation. Since January 2019 there are daily soil

moisture meter records from a moisture meter installed into one of the control plots. Soil moisture, rainfall and irrigation are recorded. “Long-term trials are a very rare thing because of the amount of money required. They are also very valuable, especially when you consider that some of the data is being used to calibrate global models of carbon sequestration and climate change.” This was the beauty of longterm trials; that the data could be used for science unforeseen when the trial was established, McDowell said. The intent of the Winchmore database is for it to be kept live. Updates will be made to the online shared platform as and when new data become available. Additional reports on annual soil chemical analyses and pasture production and botanical composition for the fertiliser trial are available at


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Focus on Flemington Farm

Flemington farmer Phill Everest is part of a DairyNZ project seeking to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on dairy farms.


Mid Canterbury farm is taking part in a DairyNZ project aimed at identifying and modelling how farms might reduce both nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emissions. Flemington Farm, near Ashburton is one of six farms in Canterbury, Southland and Waikato taking part in the Greenhouse Gas Partnership Farms research project. Flemington Farm is owned by Climate Change Ambassador Phill Everest and his wife Jos and run with their son Paul Everest. The farm’s milking platform is 221 hectares, milking 750 cows. The research project worked with farmers to identify and model how their farms might reduce both nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emissions. “Making these gains will be the first steps as farmers work towards the government’s 2030 climate change targets,” DairyNZ strategy and investment leader Dr Bruce Thorrold said.

For some farms, the research identified options that offered lower footprint and higher profit. For already highly efficient farms, footprint gains tended to come at a cost to profitability. “It is more challenging for farms that are already efficient. For them, it’s about where even the smallest gains can be made. Small improvements on individual farms add up at national level.” The dairy sector is working through a process of helping farmers know their emissions profile numbers, identify options and implement solutions. “The partnership farms research highlights that to reduce footprint, all farms had to reduce total feed eaten and nitrogen surplus. The findings highlight the need for ongoing research into technology to reduce footprint without reducing feed,” Thorrold said. “These technologies are required for dairy farmers to achieve the challenging

Climate Change Commission recommendations. Investment in research and development and support from the government will be crucial.” The partnership farms research is part of DairyNZ’s Dairy Action for Climate Change commitment to support dairy farmers and the wider sector to address on-farm methane and nitrogen emissions long-term. The work found a strong understanding of the farm, the people and the farm system was important at the beginning. The process involved a whole farm assessment and modelling in Overseer and Farmax. Thorrold said dairy farmers are committed to playing their part in addressing climate change, alongside the rest of New Zealand and there is a wide range of work underway on farms throughout the country to achieve this. “New Zealand is already the most emissions efficient producer of dairy milk in


the world but it’s important we continue to reduce our emissions and remain the best. “It’s about doing the right thing as a sector and consumers are also increasingly demanding sustainable products. “Our regional teams are working with farmers to help them understand their starting position and then uncover the opportunities available – some of which are demonstrated through this research,” Thorrold said. Two options were modelled in the partnership farms research for Flemington Farm. The first option modelled focused on reducing nitrogen fertiliser use and cropping area, and reducing replacement rate of young stock, while maintaining production. This resulted in reduced nitrogen loss and emissions, and a slight increase in profitability. The second option builds on the first option and aims to reduce nitrogen loss by

a further 12 per cent by reducing nitrogen fertiliser and substituting pasture grown with low nitrogen supplements. This results in further reductions in nitrogen loss and emissions but also decreased profitability. Phill Everest said the family use technologies and systems on-farm that improve efficiency, resource use and sustainability and are committed to continual improvement. They have already reduced their stocking rate by 5 per cent. “We care for the environment, but we need a balance between the social, economic and environmental aspects,” Everest said. Greenhouse Gas Partnership Farms’ case studies are on the DairyNZ website at dairynz. The case studies detail options for farms to reduce both nitrogen loss and greenhouse gas emissions, while maintaining or increasing profitability in some cases.


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Feedlot faces M. bovis clean-up of the feedlot’s importance to the Mid Canterbury community and economy. “We want to achieve the aim of disease eradication but do it in the best interests of the Mid Canterbury community.” Heather RURAL The depopulation, cleaning REPORTER Chalmers and disinfecting of the feedlot was always going to part of the id Canterbury’s Five final push to eradicate M. bovis Star Beef feedlot is to as the number of active cases be shut down, at least in part, dwindled, Roche said. to be decontaminated of cattle MPI need to be sure that M. disease mycoplasma bovis. bovis had been removed from The property will be one the region and nation before of the last to be cleared, once tackling the feedlot. This was infection has been eliminated on because the feedlot sourced farms in the wider community. thousands of cattle from about Five Star Beef, on the coast 400 farms each year, putting it at Wakanui, is New Zealand’s at risk of being reinfected. biggest feedlot, carrying about The programme first needs 14,000 cattle at any one time to get to the end of active cases and consented to have up to on other farms which may at 19,000 cattle. Clearing it of the the earliest be at the end of this disease will be a massive task. year. Only after that could Five Ministry for Primary Star be depopulated and a plan Industries chief science adviser still needs to be developed. As Dr John Roche said it was aware yet there was no timeframe set on that work. Roche will work with international experts in M. bovis as well as large-scale feedlots in North America to develop options on how to For all your agricultural depopulate Five Star fencing needs Beef. Investigations would include the possibility of decontaminating a proportion of the site, while some of it remained operational, averting the need for a complete shut-down. “Until I do this Over 10 years experience. review I have no idea We are now Ruralco suppliers how it will be done, but I have every Call Martin Hyde 027 6026 111


confidence we will come up with workable plans,” Roche said. Owned by Japanese company Anzco, the Five Star Beef feedlot has been operating for about 30 years. Five Star Beef is a key part of the local economy with 300 jobs associated with the operation. It annually takes Anzco general manager systems and supply Grant Bunting says Five Star Beef is working closely with MPI. PHOTO: SUPPLIED up to 40,000 head of cattle in the district were confirmed New Zealand’s total beef from farms all with M. bovis. production is grain-finished, over the country, and 50,000 “That would be an extremely providing a premium niche tonnes of grain and 18,000 unlikely situation. The risk of option for some consumers. tonnes of maize from local that is very, very low.” The main markets for Five suppliers. This accounts for “We work closely with Star Beef products are Asia 90 per cent of South Island Five Star Beef and have been (predominantly Japan) with a maize and 8 per cent of New impressed with their biosecurity growing interest in the Middle Zealand’s grain production. controls and are confident they East. Anzco general manager are not at risk of transmitting Roche said Five Star Beef had systems and supply Grant infection off the property. provided an incredibly useful Bunting said Five Star Beef They have excellent boundary beef surveillance tool. “Five was working closely with and Star Beef has allowed us to would continue to take direction fences and a large buffer strip between them and contiguous blood sample animals coming from MPI to manage M. bovis properties.” on to the feedlot which allows on its operation. As it was a terminal beef us to trace back to beef farms. “We agree with MPI that operation, all cattle go to It has been a very effective beef eradication plans for the slaughter directly from the surveillance strategy. operation need to be carefully feedlot and Five Star follow “With dairy we have bulk thought out and planned, and strict biosecurity measures. The tank milk screening which is all indications are that this disease is harmless to humans very effective, but with beef will be a long process and and is not transmitted through surveillance it is more difficult something we are not prepared meat or milk. as we are not getting a product to speculate on,” Bunting said. Cattle are raised on grass off beef farms every day.” Roche said there had been on farms for about 18 months, M. bovis was confirmed at rumblings in Mid Canterbury before being taken to Five Star Five Star Beef in August 2018, about Five Star Beef being the Beef for finishing on grain for but backward tracing showed source of the spring cluster, it was likely first infected in when four dairy farms and three an average of 120 days. Less than two per cent of mid-2017. other dairy grazing properties

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Dairy Focus



Dairy Focus













Nitrogen cap given trial run on Cloverdene PROOFED





27/08/2014 1:31:18 p.m.



Cloverdene contract milkers Kyle and Jacqui Watson have trialled reduced synthetic nitrogen fertiliser application rates this season.

Heather Chalmers



unning two almost identical dairy platforms side-by-side means Mid Canterbury dairy farming business Cloverdene has been able to trial reduced synthetic nitrogen fertiliser application rates this season

ahead of a new governmentimposed cap. From July 1, dairy farmers must limit nitrogen fertiliser rates to 190kg a hectare. Most irrigated Canterbury dairy farms apply above this, with an average nitrogen application of 229kg/ha on the region’s dairy farms in 2019. Cloverdene contract milkers Kyle and Jacqui Watson manage both properties which each have an effective area of 220ha and generally peak milk 870 to 885 cows. The Watsons have been

engaged as contract milkers running both farms and a 49ha support block since 2014. Kyle Watson told a DairyNZ field day at Cloverdene that he had initially worked at a supermarket. “At 22, I had a change of mind and went farming and have never looked back.” His wife Jacqui works offfarm as a solicitor in Ashburton. Cloverdene is run as two dairy farms with two dairy sheds and cows and staff rarely cross over the milking platform boundaries. Performance has been similar for both properties

over the years with milk production just above 1900kg of milksolids/ha. In terms of financial performance, the farm is in the top 5 per cent for Canterbury, with an operating profit of $6700/ha in the 2019-20 season compared with the Canterbury owner-operator Dairybase average of $4000/ha. As Cloverdene Farm is one of several owned by Michelle and Leighton Pye of the Pye Group, it provided a useful trial ahead of the new nitrogen cap being imposed.


As the Pye Group had 10 contract milkers it was important to understand how the nitrogen cap would impact on farm performance, Leighton Pye said. “So we need some hard results on what the impacts will be.” Kyle Watson said that there had been no significant milk production difference between the two farms this season, despite the reduced nitrogen fertiliser use on Cloverdene 1 (CD1). However, maintaining production on CD1 had come at an additional cost, with

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Southern Cross Affiliated Provider 39 per cent more imported supplementary feed (grain and palm kernel) used than previous seasons, though this was only up by 12 per cent over both farms. “When you reduce nitrogen, you will see a dramatic impact on pasture growth rates.” Palm kernel and grain was fed in the shed, as well as some maize silage, compared with just grain on Cloverdene 2 (CD2). “This is where we need to find a balance between us, as contract milkers, and the farm owners, as the nitrogen cap will require a reduction in cow numbers and an increase in feed inputs with our current stocking rate.” As Cloverdene applied about 240kg/N/ha on average, Watson calculated that dropping rates to 190kg/ ha was equivalent to cutting cow numbers by 186, or about 20 per cent. This was if Cloverdene was to “continue farming the same way we are”. “From a farm owners’ point of view, the quickest and easiest way to get to 190kg is to cut cow numbers. But as a contract milker, I am looking for production in terms of kilograms of milk solids. So there has to be a compromise somewhere between the two parties.” Cloverdene was progressively dropping cow numbers,


wintering 1780 cows from the two farms this year, compared with 1850 previously, as it sought to increase per cow production, rather than having more cows on farm, Watson said. While the original herd when the Watsons arrived was a big holstein friesian, they were now breeding for a 480kg liveweight smaller-framed crossbred animal, with the aim of still achieving the same or increased production. To meet the 190kg nitrogen cap on CD1 this season, Watson has extended the pasture round from 20 to 22 days previously to 26 days. As nitrogen was applied after each grazing, the longer round meant one less application a year. Application rates have also been dropped by 10kg of nitrogen. Previously, 50kg of urea (23kg of N) was applied after each grazing, but this has now been changed to 30kg of N-Protect coated urea (14kg of N). Cows were going into paddocks at 3200kg of drymatter/ha and grazing down to 1600kg/DM. Clover growth was already more evident at the lower nitrogen rates. “At this stage it is only visual. “We have not been paying much attention to clover. But going forward clover will be an important part of our pasture

When you reduce nitrogen, you will see a dramatic impact on pasture growth rates.” – Kyle Watson

management.” Meeting the government requirements for the 190kg cap to be measured on a per hectare basis, or in practical terms on an individual paddock basis, will be difficult to manage, Watson said. “On better growing paddocks we would traditionally go over 200kg/N, while other paddocks only receive 130kg/N. “So, on a good paddock once you hit 190kg you will have to stop, while applying the same to poorer performing paddocks. Instead, it should be an 190kg average over the whole farm, with an upper limit imposed. “We have some paddocks out for grass silage for eight weeks, or a late calving paddock, so having a set limit for every paddock will be difficult.” It was also easy to make mistakes with applications or ordering.




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Watson said there was no right or wrong answer when it came to managing the 190kg cap. “What we are doing may not suit other people.” All cows are wintered off the platform and sent to a wintering block at Carew. Young stock are sent off-farm at 100kg liveweight to a dedicated support block for young stock run by the Pye Group at Rangitata. Cloverdene is also part of a five-year DairyNZ-led project to showcase how nitrogen losses can continue to be reduced on farms in the Hinds and Selwyn catchments to protect waterways. Cloverdene has made significant inroads in reducing its nitrogen loss on both farms, particularly since 2017-18. On CD1, N loss has reduced from 112kg/N/ha to 69kg in the last three seasons, while CD2 dropped from 107kg to 64kg as estimated by the Overseer modelling tool. While irrigation, predominantly by centre pivots, has remained the same, both farms have reduced their drainage through more accurate soil water monitoring and utilisation of the information available. Two years ago, the Pye Group employed an environmental compliance advisor which has assisted with this.

“Previously when we got 5mm to 6mm of rain we would keep irrigating, but now with more recording and utilising of data we will switch it off.” Variable rate irrigation, installed on CD1, also meant more precise watering. “We are not getting run-off from tracks or around water troughs as the sprinklers are turning off in those areas.” Cloverdene had always done bucket tests as required under its Farm Environmental Plan, but it was now taking the data to its irrigation service providers for fine-tuning, including the upgrading of spray nozzles to ensure even watering. Virginia Serra, who is leading a DairyNZ project assisting farmers in the Hinds and Selwyn catchments to reduce their N loss, said this had two drivers, how much N surplus was circulating in the system and how much drainage could potentially take that N away. In simple terms, N surpluses came from applied N fertiliser and imported feed, offset by how much was leaving the farm as product (milk). Cloverdene had reduced its N surplus by reducing imported N fertiliser and N-based supplementary feed, while also significantly reducing drainage through improved irrigation management, Serra said.


Dairy Focus

Metabolics a precursor to herd diseases Dr Joe McGrath



ne of the major issues in New Zealand is the post calving diseases of mastitis and metritis. There can be various reasons for the occurrence of both, but one of the main reasons is clinical and subclinical milk fever. In New Zealand approximately 40% of the herd will experience either clinical (typically downer or sad cow) or sub clinical milk fever. While cows are rarely culled (outside of deaths) for milk fever itself, they are regularly culled for other reasons that are caused by milk fever. We know that herds with high incidence of metabolics have poor health, but is it really related? In fact, published research has shown that milk fever, clinical or sub clinical, directly increases the incidence of many diseases. In one study


early stage mastitis increased the odds ratio by 8.1 and in the case of retained foetal membranes, which lead to metritis the increase was 3.2 (Curtis 1983). Mastitis and metritis are major reasons for cows leaving the herd and costing money. They cost money because we can’t sell the milk and have

to treat them, and they leave the herd because the chance of getting in calf is much less, especially in our seasonal systems. However, there are two other major costs that are rarely monitored. The first is the time associated with these diseases. How much time are your staff tending to these diseases? The

second is opportunity cost. If the cow leaves within 50 days in milk she has cost you a full lactation worth of milk because you have already wintered her, calved her and her salvage value was much less than at the end of last season. Why does milk fever increase the risk of these diseases? There are two main reasons.

The first is immunity. Recent research has shown that low blood calcium reduces a measure of immunity called neutrophil oxidative burst, which means the ability of neutrophils to destroy pathogens or disease causing cells (Martinez 2014). This basically means that cows with low blood calcium have less chance in resisting infection or fighting current ones. The second reason is muscle strength. Calcium is critical for muscle strength. Smooth muscles are often the first muscles to lose strength when calcium is deficient. The ones we are concerned about in this case are in the uterus and the teat sphincters. In the first case poor teat sphincter closure means easy access for bugs post milking, a good sign of this in your herd is leaking milk. For the uterus it means the inability to crunch down and expel the placenta cleanly. At the end of the season when you are summarising why cows left your herd during the year and why they are about to because they are empty, think past the initial symptom. Start thinking about the cause.








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Dairy Focus

Unified approach rather than protest sways govt Craig Hickman


New winter grazing regulations have been delayed a year.


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y wife’s uncle was a sheep farmer in Otauau, Southland, and he once took me on a tour of his property. It was immaculate, a mixture of flats and gently rolling hills with the steeper areas planted in native bush. As we drove around the farm John outlined his plans for converting the flats to dairy, the value of his land had been swept along with the tide of conversions around him and the banks were very keen to lend him as much as he needed. John knew exactly where the shed would go, how the paddocks would be subdivided and which areas would remain in sheep to keep his son interested in the farm. When the tour was finished and we were relaxing with a cold beverage, I asked when the conversion was going ahead so I could schedule my move to manage the new dairy block. “You know Craig”, he said, “the plan makes perfect financial sense but I’m never going to do it, I just hate mud too much.” I think David Parker, Minister for the Environment, would have liked John. I’m not sure the feeling would have been mutual, but they could have bonded over their shared hatred of mud. David Parker hates to see cows in mud, he hates to see muddy paddocks waiting to be resown and most of all he hates to see mud making its way into our rivers. Parker hates mud going into our rivers so much that, while in Opposition, he started legal proceedings against a couple of regional councils for not exercising their powers to stop it happening. The impacts of poorly managed intensive winter grazing have been well publicised in recent years. Every form of winter grazing requires you to limit the animal’s intake to a level needed to maintain or slightly increase their body weight, but the use of high yielding crops means the area needed to supply that animal’s intake has reduced considerably. I winter my cows on oats which yield 5 tonne of dry matter per hectare, so each cow needs about 20 square metres per day to eat 10kg of oats. If I were to feed them on fodder beet instead, which can yield 20 tonne per hectare, each cow would only need 5 square metres per day to get their daily intake of fresh feed. This is where the intensive part of winter grazing comes from, a lot of animals in a relatively small area. They’re still being adequately fed, but the management has to be top notch and the consequences of an adverse weather event are potentially disastrous for land and animals alike. Southland winter grazing practices came under intense scrutiny recently

with activists flying drones over cattle stuck in mud and cropping still photos to show farming practices in the worst possible light, but way back in 2017 Parker toured the country with pictures of dairy cattle pushing sediment into the Mataura River. Action was inevitable, with or without the drone flying vigilantes. That action came in the form of Damien O’Connor, Minister of Agriculture, appointing a taskforce to investigate the issue and come up with solutions. As a direct result, intensive winter grazing rules were drawn up and poised to come into effect in May 2021. Unfortunately some of these rules were simply impractical and unworkable, a point the government conceded when they relaxed them a little after some Southland farmers threatened to boycott the proposed regulations. Unfortunately, some of the data used to set the contentious winter grazing guidelines was shonky at best, the 10-degree slope idea comes from a 25-yearold non-peer reviewed USDA paper that itself says the data is inconclusive and conflicting. A Manawatu study showing sediment losses were “five to 11 times higher than pasture grazing the previous winter” was comparing an average year to a drought year. It’s no wonder Southland farmers were up in arms. Then something interesting happened, instead of getting on their tractors and marching on Parliament in futile protest, the Southland Advisory Group swung into action. Comprised of Environment Southland, Beef + Lamb NZ, DairyNZ, Fish and Game, Federated Farmers and iwi, the group set about reviewing the heavily criticised winter grazing rules which they feared were unworkable and would lead to perverse outcomes. The group wanted winter grazing managed through a specific module in each farm’s Farm Environment Plan and set about providing the Government with farmer led solutions that would deliver the same outcomes without the need for regulations. Solutions that would be closely monitored and reported on by the regional council. The Government listened. At a recent DairyNZ stakeholder meeting David Parker announced the Government would take a pragmatic approach and delay the implementation of the grazing rules by a year while the Southland Advisory Group implemented its plans. This is the sort of constructive action I’ve been wanting to see from farmer advocacy groups for years, and full credit to those people who made it happen. Southland farmers have a single winter to prove they can deliver environmental outcomes without the need for strict regulation, and the outcomes will be very public. The Green Party aren’t happy, Forest and Bird aren’t happy and Greenpeace are livid, but I think John would be quietly stoked. He was a man who liked to solve his own problems and boy did he hate mud.


Clean dairy sheds – without spiders


piderban owners Mike and Maria Ward have been in business for 25 years. Spiderban started in 1995 in North Canterbury, then moved to the Tasman area and established one there. He now has now established Spiderban in Ashburton, which operates Rakaia down to Southland. Once operating out of their garage, they have expanded to have an office in the Tinwald shopping centre. With a full time administration team this gives Mike and Maria more time to work on the growth of their business and ensuring the quality workmanship they are known for throughout the district. By having more space they are able to have all their equipment on hand and there is even room out the back for their purpose built trailer for shed cleaning. They also welcome you to pop in for a chat about how they can help you. Mike and Maria started their Dairy Shed Washing Company in 2012, cleaning 700 sheds since then. The job of cleaning the sheds is done when they are not in use (Dried off), meaning no interruption of milking schedule. With three teams working huge hours over the short six week period bookings are essential, most sheds can be done in one day which minimizes disruption to the farm although they do come back to

do the spider proofing once the shed is dry. Going the extra mile they clean every nook and cranny of a shed. Washing inside the roof of the dairy sheds and bales with dairy approved chemicals. Once all the work is done to their high standards that comply with all MPI regulations they come back to spider proof your shed at no extra cost. They are the only ones in the market to include FREE spider proofing after a shed cleaning at no extra cost. Your shed will also remain spider free for up to one year – another thing you don’t need to worry about. Why employ Spiderban to clean your shed? The job of inside roof cleaning is often put in the too hard basket because of the roof height. With their systems they are able to clean all the beams, and the underside of the roof, newer or older sheds the result is amazing and the pictures speak a thousand words. Spiderban’s pricing is very reasonable and they are both Farmlands and Ruralco suppliers offering a 10% discount. Spiderban are also members of the Pest Management Association of New Zealand so you know you can trust them. They also offer free no obligation quotes. Mike and Maria are extremely passionate about what they do.

INSIDE ROOF CLEANING WHAT: Our Service is washing inside the Roof of the Dairy Shed and then to Spider proof the whole are using Dairy Approved Chemicals.


Dairy Shed Washing Company has already cleaned over 500 sheds since 2012. The positive feedback we get from the owners and share milkers, makes this business an important part of all dairy operations. The job will be done when the sheds are not in use (dried off), meaning no interruption of milking schedule (for those Winter Milking PHOTO: SUPPLIED we can work around your commitments).


WHEN: During the drying time, the reason to PRE-BOOK, limited space available. WHY:

This job quite often gets put in too hard basket because of the Height. With our system we are able to clean all the beams, and the underside of the roof, newer or older shed, the result is amazing, and the pictures speak a thousand words.


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Included with each wash is FREE Professional Spider Proofing by SPIDERBAN, of the area that is washed (Valued up to $300*), using Dairy Approved Chemicals. Your shed will remain cobweb free for at least a year.

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Dairy Focus

Butter goldrush at Westland Westgold butter’s distinctive gold colour is a result of the grass-fed diet of predominantly West Coast dairy cows.


estland Milk Products is embarking on an ambitious $40 million plan to double capacity of its consumer butter manufacturing facility. The plan to increase production of premium grassfed consumer butter brand Westgold has been five years in the making and is backed by new owner, global dairy giant Yili. Westland resident director Shiqing Jian said Westland was transitioning from a supplier of mostly bulk commodities to play a greater role in the production of consumer goods in an expanding global butter and spread market. “The investment highlights the important role Westland plays in Yili’s ongoing plans to supply international industrial and consumer markets,’’ Jian said. Annual global butter and spread sales are predicted to grow from a current estimated $US44 trillion to $US59 trillion by 2025 with the United States, Russia and China regarded as the world’s largest importers of

butter. “New Zealand is one of the world’s major butter producers and industry and consumers widely recognise the value of dairy products of New Zealand origin,’’ Jian said. “Chinese consumers are also continuously looking to improve and diversify the application of butter products in baking, cooking and desserts. “In future, demand for butter production and processing of Yili and Yili subsidiary brands will be considerable, and the upgraded Westland plant will play an important role,’’ Jian said. Westland’s general manager of sales and marketing Hamish Yates said Westland would leverage the West Coast’s reputation as one of the most unique dairy catchments in the world to connect more directly with domestic and global consumers concerned about the provenance of food. “Westgold and Westlandproduced butter is already sold in more than 20 countries around the world, including

the US, Japan and China, but a large part of what we supply currently is bulk commodity butter,’’ Yates said. “Given the rainfall and geographical conditions that make the West Coast catchment so unique for grass-fed farming systems, and the way our farming families have farmed the area for generations, we knew we were sitting on something world-leading and incredibly valuable.” Yates said the plan to increase global market penetration of Westgold butter began in 2017, but configuration of the old butter plant had kept retail butter production capacity capped. “This investment now gives us the flexibility to pursue markets that will offer Westland the most value,’’ Yates said. Westland chief operating officer Richard Hickson said the butter plant upgrade would increase Westland’s consumer butter production to a total of 42,000 tonnes a year. “We will be replacing the existing single churn that

was commissioned in 1978 with two Germanbuilt churns. These will offer greater quality control and production efficiencies.” “New packaging lines will also allow us to package different formats and, at the back end, we’re upgrading palletising to give us greater efficiency, speed and stacking combinations to suit the varying requirements of international markets. “Remote stacking and racking capability will also be built into a cool store upgrade to allow for quick recovery of palletised goods for transport.’’ Site works, construction and installation is expected to begin shortly before Westland’s annual winter shutdown in May this year and run for three months. Westland’s Butter is made solely of churned cream (and salt, in salted varieties). No other additives are used. It does not include the use of anhydrous milk fats or

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recombined ingredients. The simplicity of mixing only fresh cream and salt gives Westgold butter a distinctive texture, while Westgold’s distinctive gold colour is a result of the grass-fed diet of predominantly West Coast dairy cows. A centuries old churning method, called Fritz Churn, is used to process cream into butter by evaporating moisture content. This is a slower processing method that results in a higher-quality product. The investment in two new churning machines from Germany for Westland’s plant at Hokitika will continue this tradition.



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Virtual conference to re-imagine pastoralism A

n international virtual conference that focuses on cultivating a shift towards more sustainable and ethical grazing systems will involve presentations from experts all over the world. Hosted by Lincoln University, the series includes six weekly online workshops, to take place between May 31 and July 5. Lincoln livestock production Professor Pablo Gregorini said the event was not to be missed, as no other scientific convention in the world offers such breadth of topic coverage. “We’re aiming to influence future theoretical and practical models of pastoralism with a series of talks from a wide range of experts. Participants will be exposed to cuttingedge thinking and practice, with an international audience of scientists, academics, postgraduate students and policymakers, as well as farmers from around the world.” Discussions will centre on reimagining models of pastoralism by referring to what Gregorini refers to as “grazing in future multiscapes”. The

“multiscapes” include thoughtscapes (ways of thinking), landscapes (environments including soil, water and air), foodscapes (dietary perceptions and health), socialscapes (societal demands), and wildscapes (issues relating to interactions between agriculture and wildlife). Keynote speakers will cover subjects as diverse as system thinking, rangeland, grasslands, grazing management, ecology, indigenous development, agroecology, environmental ethics and sustainability, economic sociology, natural resources management, and landscape design. Gregorini is head of Lincoln University’s centre of excellence: designing future productive landscapes, director of the Lincoln University pastoral livestock production lab and chair of the international scientific committee for the nutrition of herbivores. These organisations all seek to explore and re-imagine future agricultural and pastoral industries while considering the sociological and cultural context for an evolving world.

Lincoln University livestock production Professor Pablo Gregorini wants to influence future theoretical and practical models of pastoralism. PHOTO: SUPPLIED


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DIY hoof trimming not always beneficial

It takes skill to ensure both claws are level and flat after preventative hoof trimming.

Fred Hoekstra



o you know what preventative hoof trimming is? Many farmers will do some of their own trimming during the season, and when our contractors go on-farm they are often asked to explain what they are doing and why, and it is not uncommon for this to be quite different from the way that the farmer has been doing it. This raises the question of how many farmers actually understand preventative


hoof trimming and what its benefits are. Preventative hoof trimming is not cutting out white line cracks and any other issues that you may find in a claw. If anything, you will probably make things worse for the cow if that is all you do. If all lameness issues are caused by physical damage then it would make sense to cut out any deformities, but the problem starts on the inside of the claw, in the live tissue, not the outside. If the live tissue (corium) is unhealthy, then preventative hoof trimming will not heal it, but proper preventative hoof trimming will reduce the stresses on that corium enabling it to heal quicker. The ideal is to have both claws on the one hoof carrying the same amount of weight. If one claw is bigger (usually the outer one) it will carry more weight. This is not necessarily a problem as most cows have a bigger outer claw than the


inner one, yet not all cows go lame. Most cows have laminitis as well but not all cows are lame because of that either, depending on how severe the laminitis is. A cow that has laminitis has all claws affected. If the outer claw is bigger and therefore carrying a greater proportion of the weight, then the corium is under more stress in that claw compared to the inner claw which is why most cows are lame on the outer claw. So, the first step that any preventative hoof trimming should entail is paring away the sole on the outer claw. This will reduce the weight and the stress on the live tissue in that claw. If we trim a cow that has a white line issue and we open it up, exposing the corium without taking the sole down, then there is a good chance that the corium will prolapse because that claw is still carrying too much weight. This obviously creates

more problems for the cow than benefitting her. I know it sounds simple and straight forward, but it takes skill to achieve that balance. Both claws need to be level and flat, but on the other hand they are not allowed to get too thin either. That is why it takes more advanced training and time to become proficient at hoof trimming. Lameness management workshops are designed to familiarise all dairy staff with the five-step process of hoof trimming according to the Dutch method. Visit our website www.dhi. to see when the next workshop is running near you. If you would like to find out more about our contracting service or book a contractor to trim some cows for you before the end of the season, then call Veehof on phone 03 3022911.

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Groundswell holds meetings on water rules Heather Chalmers



farmer group formed to urge the government to take a more practical approach to freshwater rules is holding a meeting in Ashburton next month. Groundswell NZ grew out of a protest late last year when 120 tractors were driven down Gore’s main street in response to new freshwater regulations. Spokesman Laurie Paterson said that while Groundswell was founded by a group of Southland farmers, farmers across the country were affected by the rules, which came into force last September. It is holding a meeting at the Ashburton Trust Event Centre on Monday April 12, starting at 7.30pm. Groundswell founders

Paterson and Bryce McKenzie, who organised the Gore protest, will address the meeting. Speakers also include Jane Smith, a North Otago farmer, environmentalist and “advocate for common sense”. Jamie McFadden, of Hurunui, who leads the Rural Advocacy Network, will discuss the implications of the biodiversity national policy statement. The network was started in 2017 by a group of North Canterbury farmers who felt that their voices were not being heard by regulators and compliance officials. Meetings are also planned in Amberley, Greymouth and Fox Glacier. A meeting at Waimumu, near Gore in February attracted 700 farmers. Groundswell has asked for the national policy statement for freshwater management to be rewritten based on science and best practice for each catchment and farm, rather than adopting a national blanket approach. “The government should be getting behind a more catchment and farm-based approach and making it work

rather than trying to introduce an EU-type regulatory regime that is taking money away that could be spent on improvements and biodiversity.” The pace and extent of change required by government regulations was putting a lot of pressure on farmers. Farmers were all environmentalists and wanted to improve water quality and their farms, Paterson said. Groundswell and Federated Farmers welcomed a government move to delay intensive winter grazing rules taking effect until May 1, 2022. “Environment Minister David Parker has recognised workability issues need to be sorted, and that extra time is vital to ensure we get this right,” federation water spokesman and Mid Canterbury farmer Chris Allen said. “This is not kicking for touch. The minister has accepted a commitment from regional councils and the farming sector to use this time to develop, test and deploy an intensive winter grazing module and practices that will ultimately be a part

of a certified freshwater farm plan.” There was universal recognition that the Essential Groundswell wants the national policy statement Freshwater for freshwater management to be rewritten based national on science and best practice for each catchment rules had a and farm, rather than adopting a national blanket number of approach. PHOTO: SUPPLIED unworkable parts. Environment will work with The parts that relate to the the council and regional regulation of intensive winter council to find a way forward grazing were one of the first to continue the traction the ones to take effect and therefore district has already gained on needed urgent attention, Allen the issues. A hui for all stakeholders was said. planned. Ashburton District Mayor “I see hope out there and Neil Brown was part of a Mid that’s better than what we Canterbury delegation that met thought,” Brown said. Agricultural Minister Damien An Ashburton District O’Connor and Environment Council report conservatively Minister David Parker in estimated that collectively, farm Wellington to discuss the profitability across the district freshwater policy and its impact will decline $57.9 million (or 83 on the district. per cent) per year, while farm Parker recognised some of expenditure within the district the policy was unworkable will also decline by $139.9m (or and said there would be some 23 per cent) as a result of the changes. freshwater reforms. The Ministry for the



Need for Canterbury voice on water reforms Chris Murdoch



read an article last week that really annoyed me. It was about our elected Member of Parliament commenting after having spoken to Federated Farmers or certainly some of our farming leaders about the ongoing effects of the freshwater reforms. According to the article the farming leaders have gone to great lengths to explain to our MP about the ongoing issues with the new freshwater regulations. This is serious stuff for Canterbury and the total country. I then read how our MP was concerned about how this was playing out and she would take their concerns to Parliament but then said something like “but I don’t

think it will do any good”. I couldn’t help but think, you are going into a battle for your district with the attitude “it won’t do any good” then it sure as hell won’t. Surely, if you stand for the people of Mid Canterbury and are concerned for the effects that freshwater regulations are going to have on your rural community and town’s future you would go back to Parliament with all guns blazing because we all know if you think you can’t, you won’t. But if you think you can at least you will give it a good go. And that’s all we want from our MP. Go in fighting, guns blazing for your electorate. While I’m on about our government, since it came into power our production of natural gas has dropped considerably and we are now burning about 800,000 tonnes of coal a year for electricity generation which is about four times more than was being burnt under the previous government. I wonder how many cow burps and farts it takes to equal

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the increase in greenhouse gasses that the burning of 800,000 tonnes of coal in one year takes. Not only that but it now appears we may have to import natural gas to keep up with demand. So here we are a mineral rich country with apparently heaps of natural gas having to import it. I

wonder how the greenhouse gas calculations work out on this one! Also get ready fellow Kiwis as the cost of electricity is on its way up. In the real estate market, both urban and lifestyle properties seem to be still humming along and farms have once more begun to change hands. Property

Brokers has sold two dairy farms unconditionally and has another two under contract. The dairy payout is looking positive and bankers seem to have a smile back on their faces. Looking forward to a good finish to autumn and moving into an active property market in spring.

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Vanishing wetlands a valuable carbon sink ECan biodiversity officer Donna Field inspects a wetland restoration project near the north branch of the Ashburton River. A significant number of native species were found on the site which adds to its value as a wetland. The area was fenced, willows and gorse sprayed and native wetland species planted. PHOTO: MARY RALSTON

Mary Ralston

Plains lies on well-drained soils, but there were many pockets of swamps and wetlands. The area between the Ashburton and the Rangitata River was once a big swamp, dominated by flax and other wetland species. Other wetlands thrived alongside our rivers and where spring-fed streams came to the surface. Coastal wetlands were also commonplace. Most of them have gone. A nationwide wetland restoration plan is urgently needed to save what remains and reinstate some of what’s been lost. There are many benefits: carbon storage, more moisture and shade in the landscape, increased native biodiversity, the trapping of sediment and nutrients leading to improved water quality, and


We need a wetlands restoration plan – just like the goal of swimmable rivers and eliminating Covid-19. We need it now. We have an acknowledged climate emergency, a biodiversity crisis and we also have a wetlands crisis – more than 90 per cent of wetlands have gone. We’ve lost an extremely valuable carbon-sequestering tool. Much of the Canterbury

improved aesthetics. Natural wet areas within farmland can be restored – a simple formula is to remove stock, fence, restore water flow if it has been diverted, add plants, and maintain weed control. Wet areas may be currently vegetated with gorse and willow, but in the big picture this isn’t important. What’s crucial is the water: if it’s there, the land can be a wetland. Exotics can be removed and natives planted, and within a few years it will again be a natural wetland. Constructed wetlands are also an option. They are a practical way to mitigate climate change and improve biodiversity at the same time as helping intercept nutrient losses from pasture and aiding

flood control. All wetlands are very productive environments: not just for plants but they also house beneficial microbes that can break down and convert agricultural nutrients into less harmful forms. A good example is the denitrifying bacteria that can remove nitrate-nitrogen from water by converting it into harmless nitrogen gas that is released back into the atmosphere. NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research) has excellent guides to constructed wetlands that are available online. Peat wetlands are especially good carbon sinks. World-wide, they hold twice as much carbon as all of the world’s forests combined, but only cover about 3 per cent of Earth’s land

surface. In Canterbury, over 3000 hectares of peatland has been converted to agricultural uses. If we could re-wet a proportion of that, a lot of extra carbon would be stored. There is good news amongst the gloomy statistics. A momentum is building that respects, restores and replaces wetlands. Environment Canterbury, the Ashburton District Council and the Sustainable Farming Fund, as well as businesses, are all involved in the process of helping wetland restoration. A short-term goal of doubling the area of wetlands in New Zealand, and encouraging connectivity between them, would be a good one. A longer-term one could be to double the area again.






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Acland elected to Beef + Lamb board Heather Chalmers



id Canterbury farmer Kate Acland, of Mt Somers Station, says she is thrilled to have been elected to the board of Beef + Lamb New Zealand. Acland was elected to represent the northern South Island district, replacing sitting director Phil Smith from Culverden. Acland received 5303 votes while Smith received 2511 votes, making for a winning margin of 2792 votes. “I’m passionate about Beef + Lamb as an organisation and believe strongly that it has an important role to play in the future of our farming businesses,” Acland said. “With all the regulations farmers are facing in the environmental space, Beef + Lamb will be key in finding that workable pathway forward where we can keep

Kate Acland, of Mt Somers Station, has been elected to the board of Beef + Lamb NZ. PHOTO: ASHBURTON GUARDIAN

farming profitably while improving environmentally. “Beef + Lamb is critical in helping to negotiate the pace and degree of change as well as upskilling farmers.” Acland said she was keen to see more alignment and co-operation across all the agricultural sector organisations. Voter turnout was

disappointing, she said. “With all the challenges that farmers are facing we can’t really afford not to be engaged.” Acland paid tribute to previous director Phil Smith, who she said had been a great contributor to the board for the last six years and a strong farmer voice, which she was determined to continue. Acland previously served


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as the associate director on B+LNZ’s Board in 2018. As well as being a Ruralco director since 2018, Acland is a member of the Strong Wool Action Group tasked with identifying commercial and consumer-focused opportunities for the depressed strong wool market. Acland and her husband David Acland own and operate

the 3800-hectare Mt Somers Station, a large and highly diversified farming operation running sheep, cattle, deer, dairy and a stand-alone honey operation in the Mid Canterbury foothills. In addition to their farming operation, the Aclands run Sugar Loaf winery in Marlborough, founded in 2004 by the then 23-yearold Acland, who studied viticulture and oenology at Lincoln University. Mt Somers Station runs 9000 romney ewes and 3000 hoggets as well as 200 hereford beef cows. They also run an 850-cow dairy farm on the station’s lower terraces. “We consider ourselves sheep and beef farmers but do have a dairy farm on Mt Somers as well and dairy farmers contribute a significant amount to the beef levy.” Deer farming on the station originated from wild deer captured in the 1970s and early 1980s. The Aclands, who also own the Mt Somers and Staveley stores, took over the running of the station from David’s parents, the late Mark and Jo Acland, who bought the first part of the station in 1983.

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Saving seed at Free Range Farm Sheryl Stivens



here is something truly rewarding about saving your own seeds and growing your own food and plants from the seeds you have saved and stored. Now is the time to have a go. It has never been so important. It is 39 years since we started planting our permaculture food forest at Free Range Farm. Besides vegetables grown from seed we have peaches, walnuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts and pine nuts all grown from seed as well as a range of exotic trees many with useful healing qualities we are just discovering all originating from seed gathered from somewhere and lovingly nourished and planted. Saving and growing seeds from your own plants connects you with the Earth’s natural cycles. Many vegetable gardeners find seed saving rewarding, especially as it helps to safeguard and preserve precious heirloom varieties, saves you money and promotes genetic diversity and resilience. Growing the tomato varieties that my father grew and his father grew is so satisfying and the taste and quality of the tomatoes we grow cannot be compared with the often bland and watery varieties on sale. So, as we sort and process tomatoes for sauce, relish and winter feasting the largest, best shaped or best keeping ones are selected – the seeds are scooped out and spread onto paper towels, labelled and left to dry. Later they can be folded up and put into reused envelopes and stored in a sealed container. Cucumbers are one of my favourite

vegetables and we find if we save and grow our own variety the yield is amazing and the cucumbers taste great and are good quality. It’s important to gather seed from an overripe cucumber so the seed is mature – scoop it out onto a paper towel and dry thoroughly before labelling and storing. Capsicums also grow well from our own seed as well as chillis and varieties of sweet peppers. This year, I’m having fun growing delicious small golden and red peppers. We so enjoyed buying bags of organic small peppers when travelling in Mexico and eating them like apples. Apparently, they have more vitamin C than citrus. Growing your own seeds can result in the odd surprise crops. Zucchinis have been seriously hybridised and it’s hard to find an old non-hybrid variety. I found when I grew my own seeds this season they reverted back to scallopinis. We used to grow them years ago and call them flying saucers. We are enjoying experimenting with cooking them in different ways. Pumpkins and squash are very easy to save the seed from. The seed stores for years as I found out when I successfully grew some pumpkins and beans from my father’s seed collection that was over 20 years old. The climbing bean pods can be left on the vine to overripen and turn brown before gathering. Gather the pods and let them dry completely before podding and storing the dry beans in a sealed jar or tin. The large white beans we grow can be used to make delicious baked beans in the winter cooked over the fire. So save a few envelopes to reuse and some junk mail to dry your seeds on – reuse some jars for your bean seeds and tins or other sealed containers for your other seeds and start saving seeds. Growing clean food organically is so much easier when you begin with good resilient seed.

Capsicum and parsley grown from saved seed.

Sheryl Stivens with home-grown scallopini, golden and red tomato varieties, zucchini and Lebanese cucumber. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED



Project enhances Mt Harding stream

Funding aims to improve the ecological health of Mt Harding stream over two years.


lans to plant natives along parts of Mt Harding stream in Mid Canterbury are underway with local landowners getting onboard. Mt Harding stream is a small waterway running from below Pudding Hill past Methven and joining the north branch of the Hakatere/ Ashburton River. Last century the stream was modified by being connected to several other

waterways to provide a water supply network for stock, but it still provides a natural corridor sloping down from the hills to the plains. In some stretches the stream is shaded and cool, while in others it crosses hot and dry paddocks. Late last year, after a recommendation from the Ashburton Water Zone Committee, Environment Canterbury agreed to provide

$50,000 of Immediate Steps funding to continue improving the ecological health of Mt Harding stream over two years. Fonterra will contribute an additional $25,000 through the Fonterra 50 Catchments funding scheme, and it’s expected that local landowners will provide $25,000 more. ECan staff have walked the length of the stream


to identify areas where environmental improvements can be made. Along the way they have engaged with neighbouring landowners and are developing a plan of prioritised work. Funding will include money for riparian planting, which can protect fish life and enhance the natural qualities of waterways. Native plantings provide shade and help cool water

which is good for biodiversity. They also reduce the amount of sediment and nutrients entering waterways. Maintaining good water flows and controlling weeds is also vital for waterway health. Members of the Methven Lions Club have undertaken riparian planting along the Thyme Stream section of Mt Harding stream over the past year, with assistance from ECan.

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Turning grass into milk is tricky

MilkMap senior business consultant Rensinus Schipper shares his knowledge with a Dairymaster’s course.


ew Zealand dairy farmers may know how to grow grass, but turning it into milk remains a challenge, according to Dairymaster course presenter Neville Prendergast. MilkMaP Consulting recently ran a series of two-day Dairymaster training courses in New Plymouth, Ashburton, Winton, and Timaru. The interactive sessions included working examples of pasture management, herd management and profitable dairy feeding strategies. The goal was additional bottom-line profit. “There is so much more production capacity in our herds out there,” Prendergast said. “What we are missing in New Zealand is that we are really good at growing grass, but not at understanding how we turn that grass into milk. That is the missing link. And that is what we are trying to help our farmers achieve more efficiently. “Because dairy farmers get paid for the milk they produce, not the grass that they grow. And we wanted everyone to gain a better understanding of how to grow the most grass, turn that into milk, and to understand the financial consequences of that – with or without – the strategic use of supplements.” Prendergast said New Zealand dairy farmers had done a great job of whittling down their working expenses as far as they could, and there was precious little room left to cut more cost. “The only way we can make dairy businesses

any better from here is by getting more milk out of those cows, through being more efficient with our grass, and producing more milk per cow,” he said. The challenge in that assertion is that while “grass is king”, it is also a fickle part of a complicated equation. “Today’s grass is different to spring grass, and spring grass is different to summer grass. “So, while we’ve got this really great grass space, it is changing on us all the time. As farmers, when that staple diet changes, we have to be conscious of how that impacts our cows. And we need to listen and respond to them,” Prendergast said. Twenty-eight-yearold Sarah Johnson was at the Timaru seminar, representing her family’s Kolmar Dairies. Kolmar milk 1600 cows on 500 hectares through an 80bale rotary at Methven. They milk holsteins and an increasing number of montbeliarde cows (the second largest dairy breed in France and Ireland). Johnson, who returned to the family operation from her Christchurchbased career two years ago, said the course had filled in some important gaps for her. Kolmar Dairies converted their former cropping farm into a dairy in 2012. They house their cows to give them a better winter environment and to allow the operation to fully feed the herd within a higher production system. “It was great to be in a room with like-minded people,” Johnson said. “We were all there to learn, and there was

quite a range of systems represented which was really interesting. “For me personally, I wanted to understand the feeding overall. I know we feed a TMR (Total Mixed Ration), but to understand why we feed that mixed diet was important with regards to the NDF (neutral detergent fibre – the most common measure of fibre used for animal feed analysis). That’s what I was hoping to get out of it, and that’s what I definitely did get out of it. “I’d absolutely recommend for other people to do it and I’d definitely be keen to do other courses with them.” She said Kolmar Dairies has been using MilkMaP’s Andrew Trounce as its consultant for five years. “We didn’t tip everything upside down when Andrew came onboard, but every time he visits, he adds some value to our operation, and we’re always learning. He’s got a great handle on the whole business.” The feedback on the Dairymaster courses has been overwhelmingly positive across the board, Prendergast said. “Times are tough, people are trying to work out how to do things better, and they are not scared to learn new things. “What they can take away can make big differences. One of the guys has already made some significant changes on his farm. He’s seen the difference in the cows’ behaviour straight away, and that’s what we like to hear.” A small shift in numbers and decisions at critical


times can be game-changing, he said. “The majority of New Zealand dairy farmers lack understanding about how to take advantage of our high quality grass. And, in doing so they also miss the point that their cows need to be fully fed if they want to get the most efficiency out of them. “Fundamentally, that’s the disconnect we are trying to help bridge,” Prendergast said.

The next round of Dairymaster courses will be held in Matamata (June 21-22), Southland (June 24-25), Timaru (June 28-29) and Ashburton (July 1-2). They will cover – profitable feeding strategies – calf rearing, heifers and getting cows in-calf – and, pasture utilisation, pasture conversion and nutrients. For more information, contact 0800 662 667 or email



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All go at the Mackenzie Highland Show T

he Mackenzie A&P Highland Show is the largest one-day show in New Zealand, attracting 12,000 to 15,000 people through the gates. It is a fun family day out with something for everyone. The 123rd Mackenzie A&P Highland Show will be held on Easter Monday, April 5, at the Mackenzie A&P Showgrounds, Gillingham Street, Fairlie. This year the show is featuring Craig Smith of “The Wonky Donkey” book fame. As always, there will be plenty to see and do at the show. This includes a kennel club show, wood chopping, shearing competition, freestyle motocross, celebrity chef, cooking demonstrations, highland games, cowboy

Mackenzie Highland A&P Show

Easter Monday 5th April 2021

challenge, dog trials, animal tent, vintage machinery, Mackenzie Highland Pipe Band, archery, entertainment stage, carnival rides, lolly scramble and grand parade. There is also plenty of shopping with more than 160 businesses on site as well as more than 20 food stalls. There will also be plenty of animals, including equestrian (from miniatures to draught), sheep, wool, cattle, goats and poultry (chickens, ducks and pigeons). Free public parking off School Road. Adults $15, under 15 years only $5, preschoolers and cars free. Public entry from 8am. Keep up to date with details at www. and






Solid Timber homes on Solid Timber the farm homes on the farm Photo: Fraemohs’ Twizel show home

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Understanding your financial position and managing cashflow Hamish Moorhead



artin Wakefield Limited is here to provide advice, support and the financial and strategic planning tools to assist with the financial aspects of your business We are seeing all those involved in the dairy industry right now experiencing very positive cashflow and the prospects look good for the remainder of this season and potentially next season. It is just as important to keep a close watch on cashflow in times like this as it is when cashflow is tight. Right now is the opportunity to get ahead, plan debt repayment, asset purchases or development. With a really robust budget you may be able to pay for the new farm bikes, ute or milk

company shares etc without having to borrow more money if you can plan the timing to line up to work within your existing facilities. It is also important to make sure you manage your overdraft limits as you pay a fee for the amount of money you have available even if you don’t use it so it may be prudent to reduce your facility limit to save on this cost which can be quite significant We want to be able to help you make informed financial decisions and display to your bank that you understand the financial implications and requirements for your seasonal finances. We want to make sure you have the tools to prepare a detailed cashflow and also compare different scenarios based on different potential circumstances, product prices, timing of sale, lease, buy, sell etc. These used to be “back of the envelope” calculations but can now far more effectively be calculated accurately which can be referred back to and new


scenarios worked through if new opportunities arise Xero and Figured have exactly that tool available that enables you to take last year’s cashflow or budget and very simply change just one item (or as many as you like) to see the



outcome with some certainty, it is called a Scenario Planner. We recently ran a workshop to promote this and the feedback from attendees was really positive with many that have gone home and applied it to their business straight away.

If this sounds like something that you think may assist your farming business then please do not hesitate to contact us and we can show you an example of how it may work plus provide ongoing training and advice to help in your decision making process.



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PLANNING YOUR NEXT DAIRY PARTNERSHIP. As you progress, it pays to have good people on your side to help with due diligence. DairyNZ, Federated Farmers and the team at FMG are here to help so that your sharemilking and contract milking relationships can be the successful business partnership that you intend it to be. Check out DairyNZ’s ‘Progressing Farmer Checklist’ and have a chat with your FMG Adviser to help you understand your insurance options and provide you with risk advice to help you establish a successful partnership. Head to to find out more helpful information which includes DairyNZ’s ‘Progressing Farmer Checklist’. If you’d like to talk, give us a call on 0800 366 466 or visit Pictured: Sophia & Bert Vanden Bogaard (Sharemikers), Ben & Fieke Meyer (Farm owners) and FMG Senior Rural Manager Candice Batty.

We’re here for the good of the country.



Buyer confidence returns for both drystock and dairy farms Buyer interest in corporate scale dairy farms is starting to re-emerge.

Calvin Leen


PGG Wrightson Real Estate

ural property market activity in our region has been steady during the late summer and autumn, with confidence apparent and positive indications for the coming months. In February, we offered

an exceptional Fairlie Basin pastoral grazing property for sale. With carrying capacity for 7500 stock units, 1519 hectare Stanton Station features two homesteads, both set in established grounds. It consists of a good balance of flats and downs, with winter feed and supplements made on farm. Offered with a deadline date of late March, it is the largest South Canterbury drystock property to come to the market for at least three years. Stanton Station attracted strong interest from sheep and beef farmers motivated by


its reputation for tremendous livestock production. We also fielded enquiry from investors looking to put cash into the property, seeing the red meat sector as an option to generate returns on their equity. If a sale does proceed on Stanton Station in the coming weeks, it will set the tone for any subsequent quality store properties offered for spring sale in our region. We anticipate plenty of conversations within farming families through the winter. Families require confidence before activating their retirement and succession plans.

We know of a number who have delayed such options for several years. Depending on the result of the Stanton Station sale, these families are likely to think seriously about setting their plans in motion. If so, more quality sheep and beef farms are likely to come to the spring market, where enthusiastic buyers will welcome them. Meanwhile, renewed confidence in the dairy sector is becoming more evident. We confirmed the sale of a tier one Mid Canterbury dairy property in late March, at a strong price, indicating dairy property

values are returning to levels previously seen in 2013. Investors are again paying serious attention to the dairy sector. This sale is one instance alongside several other sales and listings of larger value dairy farms across the country. Such activity and pricing confirms that, after a long hiatus, investor confidence is swinging up and interest in corporate scale dairy farms is starting to re-emerge. Calvin Leen is Mid-South Canterbury and North Otago Sales Manager for PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited.


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First-time Reefton entrants win dairy awards

Third time has proved lucky for the winner of the Dairy Manager of the Year Rachael Lind who has been runner-up for the past two years. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED


irst-time entrants who embrace a sustainable version of farming have been announced as major winners in the 2021 West Coast/Top of the South Dairy Industry Awards. Mark Roberts and Sian Madden, of Reefton, won the region’s Share Farmer of the Year. The other big winners were Rachael Lind of Cape Foulwind, named Dairy Manager of the Year and Sam Smithers, of Blackball, Dairy Trainee of the Year. Mark Roberts and Sian Madden are contract milkers and 20 per cent sharemilkers on

Stu and Jan Moir’s (Moir Farms Ltd) 215ha and 377ha Reefton farms milking 1300 cows across the two properties. They won $6500 in prizes and three merit awards. “We have a genuine passion for the dairy industry and are committed to farming sustainably and showing others how we do this for future generations,” the couple said. “We see ourselves at the front of the pack, farming in a ‘back-to-basics’ way, but also embracing technology and new ways to enhance our on-farm environmental practices.” They formed their business Madden Roberts Farming in

Reefton couple Mark Roberts and Sian Madden are 2021 winners of the West Coast/ Top of the South’s Share Farmer of the Year.

2019 and aim to progress to farm ownership. “We entered the awards because of our career progression and our desire to represent our area as role models and leaders. “Running two farms has made us gain confidence in ourselves and we decided this was our year to step out of our comfort zone and really push ourselves. We have been inspired and encouraged by mentors around us.” The couple said their business organisation was one of their biggest strengths across both farms. “We have set our business up to run efficiently by creating manuals, templates,

policies and procedures that we change to suit each farm.” Roberts runs the physical side of the farm, leaving Madden to do the organisational and paperwork side of things. “Another strength is our direction,” Madden said. “We are working towards farm ownership and know what we need to do to get there. We have a set timeline and goals.” The couple have endured all the challenges farming brings, including their location. “Learning to live on the West Coast and managing our location, in terms of attracting staff, juggling our family and not having a support base

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around us.” Runner-up in the Share Farmer category was Kelley Molloy, a first-time entrant who loves seeing her cows every day. “They are what get me up in the morning.” Molloy is 50/50 sharemilking for Keith and Angela Kelly on their 180ha, 350-cow farm at Whataroa. She won $2250 in prizes and three merit awards. A qualified AB technician, Molloy grew up on a sheep and beef farm, and entered the dairy industry when she left school at 17. “I started off as a rookie that knew very little about dairy farming. “I genuinely enjoy doing the best I can for my animals, making sure they’re well fed and healthy.” Molloy would love to change public perception of the dairy industry. “Unfortunately, we are seen in a poor light a lot, lately. I wish the public would take the time to come and have a look at our farms and understand how much the farmers genuinely care for their animals.” Molloy is excited about the future of the dairy industry and sees herself being involved in it for many years to come. Farming on the West Coast presents unique challenges, and Molloy cites the flooding of her and her partner Richard’s support block as the most challenging situation she’s had to overcome. “Our support block was literally ripped apart by flooding. There was no road access to our animals, we had to fly by helicopter to tend to our animals, the fences and water supply were all gone and 70 per cent of feed was left covered in silt.” Future farming goals include continuing with a good work/life balance, while paying off her herd. “You need to keep your mind fresh so you can enable yourself to be the best you can be.” “I’m a hard-working, motivated share milker that is very driven to do the best by my animals, who in return, will do their best for me.” Third place went to Clay and Joy Paton who are in their second season contract milking for Brent Riley on his 210ha, 640-cow Collingwood property. They won $2000 and two merit awards. Clay Paton is no stranger to the awards, previously winning the 2017 West Coast/Top of the South Dairy Trainee of the year, and the 2017 National Dairy Trainee title. “The awards are building blocks to build your reputation,” Paton said. “They’ve given us extra incentive to review the way we do things and look for ways to improve.” The Patons’ future farming goals include farm ownership and to own a top 20 per cent Kiwicross herd. There are a few things the Patons wish they could change about the dairy industry, including the stigma that dairy farming is a last-resort job choice or is for the uneducated. “It would be great to change the way dairy farmers are unfairly perceived and blamed for many environmental issues.” Their children and the knowledge they are providing a stable, happy home life provides motivation for the couple during the harder times. “Them, and determination and stubbornness to


achieve to the highest standard,” they said. Looking ahead to the future, the Patons want to be highly-regarded farmers, running a best practice business, where young farmers can go to for advice or guidance. Third time has proved lucky for the winner of the Dairy Manager of the Year category who has been runner-up in the dairy manager category for the past two years. Rachael Lind won $6250 in prizes and four merit awards and is farm manager for Pamu Farms (formerly Landcorp), on a 460ha, 1060-cow Cape Foulwind property. Lind grew up on a sheep farm in the Marlborough Sounds and entered the dairy industry 20 years ago as a dairy assistant, progressing through the industry to her manager’s role. “The day after I left college I moved to the West Coast to work on a dairy farm for the summer. I fell in love with the cows and haven’t left the industry. “It can be challenging being a woman in a male-dominated primary industry particularly when you are in a management role,” Lind said. “it’s become easier because if you get out alongside your team and do the mahi with them, even on the worst days, they see what drives you and they become more engaged with the business goals and targets.” Lind is proud of turning one of the poorest performing dairy operations in the company to top farm in two seasons. “To do that in two seasons is a massive achievement and could only be done because the team is behind me.” Seeing more women in the driver’s

Dairy Trainee of the Year Sam Smithers is a farm assistant at Blackball.

seat within the dairy industry is really exciting for Lind, as one of the only female dairy farm managers working for Pamu. “I want to drive the ‘wahine waka’ forward and show the young women out there that just because you are a woman doesn’t mean you can’t operate a largescale dairy operation successfully.” Runner-up in the Dairy Manager category was Shaun Rhodes, who previously spent 10 years working in

surveillance for casinos in Christchurch and Australia. Rhodes is currently farm manager for Willie and Michelle Coates on their 375ha, 750-cow Haupiri farm, where he lives with his wife Jacinda and three children. He won $2000 in prizes and one merit award. Badri Adhikari placed third and won $1500 in prizes. He is farm assistant manager for Paul and Debra Magner on their 717ha, 1612-cow Hokitika property. Sam Smithers has been named winner in the 2021 West Coast/Top of the South Dairy Trainee of the Year category. The 24-year-old is a farm assistant for Alan and Zana Berry’s 400ha, 700-cow property in Blackball. He won $6050 in prizes and two merit awards. Smithers is two-thirds through a Bachelor of Science with a double major in geology and biology. Runner-up in the Dairy Trainee category was 21-year-old assistant dairy production manager Rachel Bland, who won $1500 in prizes. Bland works for Pamu Farms on a 309ha, 650-cow farm at Reefton. Third place in the Dairy Trainee category went to 21-year-old herd manager Stephanie Gray who won $1250 in prizes and one merit award. She placed third in the same category in 2020. Gray works for Corrigan and Sam Sowman on their 268ha, 700-cow farm in Takaka. The West Coast/Top of the South Dairy Industry Awards winners’ field day will be held on Wednesday April 7 at 10.30am at 440 Somerfield Road, Reefton.

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Children not getting enough physical activity at school – study Researchers have advised 30 minutes of physical activity at school per day.


ew Zealand schools should devote more time to physical education to tackle the shortage of exercise experienced by many children, according to new research. The recommendation comes from a University of Otago research paper, which found more than a third of primary and secondary school-aged kids do not clock up seven hours of exercise per week - the level deemed “sufficient” by international guidelines.

The paper said the situation has become “urgent”. Lead researcher Dr Anja Mizdrak told Morning Report that recommended seven hours of exercise was “any kind of activity”. “We have got almost one in five kids who are minimally active, so they are doing less than half that amount of activity that is recommended. “This is problematic because we know that it’s really important for kids - both for


their mental and physical health... that they be doing enough physical activity.” Mizdrak said at present, there was no specific requirement in the curriculum for a minimum level of physical activity. “Some schools are doing a great job and some kids are reporting doing plenty of school physical activity, but then when it comes to other kids they are reporting less than an hour of physical activity during school time

across the week.” Part of the problem was a lack of facilities, but elsewhere, a time requirement had been shown to be effective in schools getting kids active, Mizdrak said. Asked about whether kids were getting their activity in outside school hours, Mizdrak said: “The reason we looked at the school setting is it has the ability to really reach the kids who need it most, the kids in the least active category,

and also to reach kids in more deprived areas who do not have access to the other physical activity opportunities”. Thirty minutes of physical activity at school per day was the level the researchers advised. “It’s important that’s quality time where kids have a positive experience. So it could be an activity or it could be incorporated in terms of other lessons.” — Source Radio NZ

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Mid Canterbury dominates dairy awards


id Canterbury has dominated the 2021 Canterbury/North Otago Dairy Industry Awards. Both the winners of the region’s Share Farmer of the Year category, Dinuka and Nadeeka Gamage, and Dairy Manager of the Year, Maria Alvarez, farm on Dairy Holdings’ properties in the district. The Gamages contract milk 980 cows on a 245ha Dairy Holdings property at Ealing. They won $10,250 in prizes plus two merit awards. In 2016, Dinuka was placed third in the Dairy Manager category. From Sri Lanka, the couple were attracted by the farming opportunities available in New Zealand and a better future for their family. The family became New Zealand citizens in 2018. “Agriculture has always been our career of choice,” said the Gamages. “We love working outside with animals and nature. “It was challenging at first to learn the skills required to be a New Zealand dairy farmer, but we have overcome


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that through continuous education and experience.” The couple are proud of their progression through the industry, past dairy awards won and of their agribusiness qualifications. “During harder times we like to have a clear mind and try to begin each day that way,” Nadeeka said. “We try to accept that sometimes things happen or change and worrying won’t change it.” The Gamages identify the strong, ongoing support from their farm owners as a strength of their business. Future farming goals include continuing to farm sustainably, aiming for 50/50 sharemilking or an equity partnership. “Long term, we would love to own a farm.” The Gamages will hold a field day at Ealing on April 6. Runners-up in the share farmer category went to Daniel and Laura Joho who won $3000 in prizes and two merit awards, despite contracting cattle disease mycoplasma bovis on both their farms this year. The Johos are contract milkers for John and Rose Acland on their 350ha Ashburton property, milking 1250 cows. They are also equity partners in another property. The couple believe their strong relationships and rapport with their staff, employers and wider farm team and community is a stand-out strength of their business, as well as their animal care and feed management. “We look after and feed our stock with high-quality pasture and feed.” “We would love to change public perception of dairy farming,” Laura said. “We’d like to highlight the many positive farming practices farmers have in place, including the treatment and happiness of cows and reducing the environmental impact on the land.” The Johos believe the dairy industry offers clear career paths. “Often our

• • • • •

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Mid Canterbury couple Nadeeka and Dinuka Gamage are winners of the 2021 Canterbury/North Otago Share Farmer of the Year competition. PHOTO: SUPPLIED

industry is seen as a last option when it should be a first for many.” Third place went to Daminda Gajamange who contract milks on Canterbury Grasslands 400ha farm near Darfield, milking 1450 cows. The winner of the 2021 Canterbury/ North Otago Dairy Manager of the Year category believes a strength of her business lies in the simple, pasture-based system that suits low milk pay-outs. Maria Alvarez won $6375 in prizes plus two merit awards and is farm manager on a Dairy Holdings’ 180ha, 660-cow property at Coldstream. The first-time entrant says the awards programme has made here realise how much she has achieved. “I was completely out of my comfort zone when presenting, but it’s been fantastic to receive the feedback.” Alvarez (32) holds an agricultural engineering degree from Argentina and aims to complete a Diploma in Agribusiness once her New Zealand residency application is accepted. “Once I have residency, I would like to become a contract milker,” she says. “I’d also like to increase my stock numbers until I have my own herd.” Alvarez entered the dairy industry more than six years ago. Prior to this she was involved with beef cows and crops in Argentina. “I love farming because every day is different and I really enjoy working outside and with animals.”

Farm manager Tharanga Senavirathna, aged 35 years, was second in the Dairy Manager category, winning $2500 in prizes and two merit awards. Currently working for Richard and Chrissie Wright on their 269ha Mt Somers property, milking 1000 cows, Tharanga entered the awards to learn and develop his skills. The first-time entrant enjoys working outside with cows, pasture and the environment and is proud of the progress he has made within the industry since beginning as a farm assistant in 2011. Darfield farm manager Jaspreet Singh placed third and won $2000 in prizes and three merit awards. Jaspreet works on the Canterbury Grasslands’ 196ha, 730-cow property. In the Dairy Trainee of the Year category, first-placed Mattes Groenendijk, is a farm assistant at Ngai Tahu Farming, near Rangiora. Runner-up was 25-year-old Waimakariri farm assistant Kelly Poehls, who won $1625 in prizes. Poehls currently works for Margaret and Richard Spencer-Bower on their 324ha, 1060-cow farm. Third place in the Dairy Trainee category went to 24-year-old farm assistant Thomas Lilley who won $1375 in prizes. He works for Craig and Hannah Fulton and Chris Bolderston on their 160ha, 630-cow Coldstream property.

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