Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mayoral candidate
t has been a privilege to be a councillor for the last three years, and immensely satisfying to see progress on the CBD redevelopment, Civic Centre plans and the preservation of the Chinese settlement, all projects that will benefit benefit the community in the long term. Born and raised in the Netherlands, the family values of honesty, loyalty and respect for others are my guiding principles. Mid Canterbury became home in 1982, and Lianne and I have enjoyed raising our family here, joining many community groups. Sports, church, theatre and music continue to enrich our lives and those of our children and grandchildren. During the early years I was part owner of Martin and Braam Garden Centre and Landscapes, and for the last 19 years I have owned and operated Braam Landscapes Unlimited! UnlimThe skills and attributes I ited!. use every day in attributes my business The skills and I use have useful in my have role as everyproven day in my business councillor. proven useful in my role as councilA landscape designer needs vision, lor. and the ability designer to listen, needs mediate and A landscape vision, interpret. and the ability to listen, mediate and They must also be able to set and interpret. manage budgets, think They must also and be able to clearly set andand strategically. manage budgets, and think clearly and These skills are even more important strategically. inThese a mayor, who everyone’s skills aremust eventake more important views into account while a in a mayor, who must takeretaining everyone’s long forwhile the district. viewsterm into vision account retaining a Myterm clients havefor come from all walks long vision the district. of My life clients and resided throughout thewalks have come from all whole district. of life and resided throughout the This district. has given me a good underwhole standing ofgiven both me rural and urban resiThis has a good underdents andofwhen sit around the council standing bothIrural and urban table, I think ofaround the people residents andabout whenall I sit the who have shared theirabout viewsall with me, council table, I think of the and represent theshared districttheir as a whole. people who have views
with me, and represent the district as I feel very strongly that we need to rea whole. duce the rural/urban divide I feel very strongly that we and needunite to reas onethe strong, unique divide district. duce rural/urban and unite have enjoyed usingdistrict. my skills to give asIone strong, unique back to the community andskills overto the I have enjoyed using my give years Lianne and I have and donated back to the community over plans the and many projects with yearsworked Lianneon and I have donated plans schools, churches andprojects other communiand worked on many with ty groups. schools, churches and other commuI have recently enjoyed working nity groups.
I have recently enjoyed working alongside students at the Christian School to redevelop their outdoor learning spaces. Governance roles as trustee and property chair at Ashburton College, trustee and chair at Tinwald School and membership of the Tinwald Reserves Board have all helped develop strategic and leadership skills and increase my community knowledge.
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The re-development of the Tinwald Domain and Holiday Park and the building of the new lodge have been highlights of my time working with the Reserves Board. I have learnt a lot about the mechanics of local government in the last three years; the rules, regulations and policies are very different to running your own business. However my work philosophy of “com“commonmon-sense and doing sense and doing the the basics well … the rest will follow” also works well in local government. Much is said about the restrictions laid down by central government, but I believe that to make this district the best it can be for our children and grandchildren, we need to concentrate on the things we can achieve and change. Mid Canterbury is a hidden gem and we all need to work together to make it even better. This vibrant community is full of good people working hard to help each other. Their generosity and willingness to work together needs to be supported by council. I am standing for mayor because I am a strong leader committed to the whole district. I offer clear, independent thinking thinkand a determination to utilise the the ing and a determination to utilise strengths of all councillors and leaders in the community. As mayor, I would strive to strengthen infrastructure and encourage economic growth, unite the district by bridging the rural/urban divide, and focus on community well-being in the broadest sense. I would not come with agendas or affiliations, but would bring comcommonaffiliations, sense and an absolute commitment mon-sense and an absolute commit-to do mytobest for the ment do my bestdistrict. for the district.
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Saturday, September 14, 2019
Ashburton Guardian 19
Mayoral candidate
am a born and bred Ashburton family man, having been married to Judy for 27 years and raised three children here. I attended Primary School in Rakaia, went to Ashburton College for my secondary education and obtained my Diploma in Farm Management from Lincoln University. I’ve lived and worked on farms throughout the district all my working life and have business interests in our towns. As both a rural and urban resident and ratepayer, I have the advantage of understanding the unique issues facing each community. For the past 15 years I have represented residents as both a rural and town councillor, with seven years as chair of the Finance Committee and three years as Deputy Mayor. I have also chaired the Audit and Risk committee for eight years, which provides oversight for council’s finances and has seen Ashburton being rated as one of the most financially sound councils in New Zealand with some of the lowest rates and lowest borrowings of a council in the country. I know the complexities of running a medium-sized council like Ashburton District Council. In my time as a councillor, committee chairman and deputy mayor, I have overseen some very large projects, always ensuring a watchful eye on using ratepayers’ money wisely. Council has some big projects ahead and we need a steady hand to ensure common sense prevails over our spending. With good oversight, we can afford to enhance our community facilities in a financially prudent way and keep
the rates affordable. I am campaigning on the basis of “Uniting Town and Country”. We are at heart a rural community, with prospering towns throughout Ashburton District that benefit from the buoyancy of the agricultural sector. Our farmers and our manufacturers
help keep our economy thriving, providing opportunity for our professional services sectors and employment in our community. It is important that our rural and urban residents appreciate the fact that we each have a part to play in making Ashburton District truly one of the best places to live.
One of my passion projects is to help bridge the gap in understanding between urban and rural residents over the care of the environment and the state of the rivers. There has been some negative press over the years as to what the farmers are doing to the environment, which has not been a fair or balanced view of what modern farmers actually do. Ashburton can take pride in having some of the most innovative and environmentally sound farming practices in NZ. If elected as mayor, I want to bring country and townspeople together so they can share their stories and concerns with each other, and hopefully we can understand what’s important to everyone and how we all depend on each other for economic prosperity, environmental sustainability and community wellbeing. I am running for mayor so Ashburton District will have the most consistent, stable and positive leader it needs for its future given I have the most council experience of all the candidates. With our reduced number of elected members, it’s important now more than ever that the people of the district’s voices are heard and the very best candidates are elected to effectively represent the whole community and not just the vocal minority. I have proven time and again that I listen to the public and take action when necessary; after hearing the public outcry over moving the East Street fountain, I successfully had this decision overturned and the fountain will stay where it is. With me as your mayor, you can be confident that Ashburton District will be in good, steady and safe hands.
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LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS 2019 20 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mayoral candidate
nt has 1998, my ahusband Favel been privilegeDavid to be a counand I, for took over of the cillor the lastmanagement three years, and imthen struggling Regent Theatre. mensely satisfying to see progress My background in administration, on the CBD redevelopment, Civic sales and marketing coupled Centre plans and the–preservation with David’s experience in cusof the Chinese settlement, all tomer service andbenefi showmanprojects that will t the ship, was a strong community in thecombinalong term. tion andand a great foundation Born raised in the to succeed. the family valNetherlands, Weofhave both loyalty workedand ues honesty, long andfor hard, to breathe respect others are my new life into a revamped guiding principles. business model (ReMid Canterbury begent cameCinema) home inand 1982, and turn around Lianne and Iwhat have was endeclining attendance, joyed raising our famdelayed ily here,movies joining and many indifferent communitycommunity groups. support to become Sports,– church, theaatre thriving business, and music continue with strong attendance, to enrich our lives and showing movies those of current our children and connected to andwell grandchildren. theDuring community. the early years In 2010, stoodof for the I was part Iowner Ashburton CounMartin andDistrict Braam Garden cil and have since served Centre and Landscapes, for years, andnine for the lastsix 19years yearsas I councillor and then three have owned and operated years asLandscapes mayor. Braam UnlimAfter operating the cinema ited!. forThe 21 years on counskills and and being attributes I use cil nineday years, I can assurehave you every in my business there areuseful manyinsimilarities proven my role as between councilthe lor.two – always keep an eye on the bottom line – seek out opportunities A landscape designer needs vision, –and work - be agile –and thecollaboratively ability to listen, mediate customer interpret. is king, serve them well and listen tomust their also needs. They be able to set and Sales, marketing, customer service, manage budgets, and think clearly and like council are all reliant on strong strategically. people toskills people These areconnections. even more important of mywho firstmust termtake as mayor, has inAalot mayor, everyone’s been on relationship building viewsfocused into account while retaining a and been great opportunilongthere termhave vision for the district. tiesMy coming clientsfrom havethose. come from all walks am and optimistic, those relationofI life resided that throughout the ships be enhanced further and wholecan district. have the opportunity flourish in a This has given me ato good undersecond term as mayor. standing of both rural and urban Prior to becoming I was residents and when Imayor, sit around the asked to table, describe my about leadership council I think all of style. the Then Iwho responded – sometimes I will people have shared their views
lead the front, other from withfrom me, and represent thetimes district as beside and occasionally I will lead a whole. from behind. I feel very strongly that we need to reAs I the reflect on my first termand as mayduce rural/urban divide unite or, have doneunique all three. as Ione strong, district. While striving for a collaboraI havealso, enjoyed using my skills to give tive approach, with improved commuback to the community and over the nications, in an open and transparent years Lianne and I have donated plans manner. and worked on many projects with I have also been and asked, what is the schools, churches other commurole mayor? nityof groups.
For me it hasenjoyed been equal parts I have recently working –alongside chairmanstudents of the board, at theadvocate Christian for the community cheerleader School to redevelopand their outdoor for this outstanding district and its learning spaces. people. Governance roles as trustee and I’ve been toldat “Council should property chair Ashburton College, be run more like aatbusiness” – my and trustee and chair Tinwald School response has been we are not membership of the“But Tinwald Reserves just running a business, we arestrategic also Board have all helped develop leading a community”. and leadership skills and increase my “Not all of our decisions can be solecommunity knowledge.
ly economically driven.”of the Tinwald The re-development This will beHoliday even more in the next Domain and Parkso, and term of council, withlodge Central Governbuilding of the new have been ment reinstating the Four Wellbehighlights of my time working with ings. Meaning that councils are the Reserves Board. required to consider the future I have learnt a lot about the social, economic, mechanics of localenvironmengovernment tal andlast culture in the threewell-being years; the of the community. rules, regulations and policies My desire for the are very different toAshrunning burton District, is to be your own business. recognised as awork district of However my opportunity. philosophy of “commonIf weand candoing just get sense thethere way, the people thiswill basics well … theofrest district the ability follow” have also works well to greatness. in achieve local government. IMuch have worked is said about the tirelessly and amdown very by restrictions laid proud many achievecentralofgovernment, but ments in that my first term I believe to make as mayor, but meit this district thelet best share few: can bejust foraour children and I have led councilwe to grandchildren, progress several longon need to concentrate term projects the things we can achieve and change. We have done so collaboratively and with Mid Canterbury is avery hidlittle contention den gem and we all need to work The consultation together to make it even we have done, has been well better. prepared, and community yet we have is still This vibrant full been open to change of good people working hard to help Ashburton has made National each other. Headlines for positive reasons to Their generosity and willingness together We’ve been honest the work needs to bewith supported community regarding budget by council. the new because library and I amshortfall standingon for mayor I civic centre am a strong leader committed to the During whole district.this term of council, the Ashburton District hasthinkreceived I offer clear, independent anaunprecedented amount ing and determination to utilise of the Central funding strengths of allGovernment councillors and leaders Ministry of Education, in thefrom community. Tourism Infrastructure Fund, As mayor, I would strive to strengthProvincial Growth Fund and en infrastructure and encourage the full funding of the ourdistrict NZTA by economic growth, unite request. bridging the rural/urban divide, and focus on to community well-beingbotin the I strive deliver a quadruple broadest tom line –sense. people, purpose, prosperity I would and planet.not come with agendas or affi liations, but would commonI therefore, seek yourbring support for the sense and absolute commitment position ofan mayor for the 2019-2022 to do my best for the term – together we district. succeed.
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Saturday, September 14, 2019
Ashburton Guardian 21
Mayoral candidate
ometimes, you have to stop and read the signs. It would have been very easy to put up my feet and smell the roses after more than a half century of commerce and public service in this district. In fact until a few months ago, that was the plan. Until increasingly, I was being stopped by people from all walks of local life and being urged to throw my hat in this October to lead our district from the front. Ultimately, I couldn’t ignore it. With great health and plenty of vigour remaining, plus a deep-seated love of this community that has been my whole life, I became driven by a need to offer my experience and collective wisdom to lead this great district through the next few crucial years. We have great bones, thanks to the foresight of many civic leaders past, but we are now on the cusp of something really special. It’s exciting. Building on the foundations, hard work and enterprise of citizens past, we are now home to a new generation of people of diversity who are driven to embrace what we have whilst adding their own special “herbs and spices” to our tastes, our ideals, our collective community experience. In workplaces both urban and across our rural district, I see new settlers from shores afar working hard to do their bit to make Mid Canterbury outstanding and prosperous. We offer so much to them, and they in turn offer so much to us. Let’s embrace it, wholeheartedly. A cornerstone of my vision is to develop initiatives that involve
cross-culture community endeavours. Building if you will on the hugely successful Multi-Cultural Bite by offering more regular and more intimate experiences where we can celebrate our cultures, all of them, more frequently in the heart of our town. On another note, there is a current wave of commercial building activity
going on through the town, and this is all good, but I want to work closely with stakeholders to ensure that going forward, splintered or fractured development does not come at the expense of the CBD. My energies will be considerably expended ensuring that the East Street-anchored CBD is reinvented to
become a fun and entertaining retail resource that everyone will want to spend time and money in. We must protect it, we must improve it. Under my leadership I pledge: “We WILL do better.” I am committed to protecting strategic local assets such as EA Networks and other resources and facilities that could be at risk from external pressures. The value of these assets must remain in Mid Canterbury. Under my watch, the days of sitting at level crossings whilst trains shunt painfully slowly back and forth will be numbered as I lead council to work with the appropriate stakeholders to get the railway yards out of town and where they should naturally be, to the north, as part of the Ashburton Business Estate. I am committed to working with Central Government and Transit New Zealand on issues including the second bridge crossing, four lanes to Christchurch and traffic lights for Tinwald. My council will work co-operatively with CBD businesses to bring their buildings up to expected earthquake standards. We will take a partnership approach and work positively with owners to achieve good outcomes. A fully-resourced council-supported open-for-business East Street information centre is also part of my powerfully positive agenda. The welcome mat back out. And Lake Hood. In my opinion this is one of the great treasures of not only our district, but our nation. We must embrace and support its continued development.
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LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS 2019 22 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, September 14, 2019
am Thelma Bell, an experienced first-term councillor of the Ashburton District Council. Currently the first and only Filipina born member of Local Government NZ has first, beenand a privilege to be member a counandt the only, Filipina cillor for the of the Justices oflast the three Peaceyears, NZ in and the immensely satisfying to see progress district. onI the haveCBD livedredevelopment, in Ashburton forCivic more than Centre plans and themy preservation 30 years, longer than own birthplace. of I’m thepassionate Chinese settlement, all about advocating for projects that will benefi t the Ashburton. community long term. My faith is in anthe important part of who I Born and raised in the am. Netherlands, thewife, family valI am a mother, community leader ues of honesty, loyalty and and trained primary school teacher. respect others are my the PhilipI havefor graduated in both guiding principles. pines and New Zealand with a Bachelor Mid Canterbury became home in 1982, and Lianne and I have enjoyed raising our family here, joining many community groups. Sports, church, theatre and music continue t has been a privilege to be a counto enrich our lives and cillor for the last three years, and those of our children immensely satisfying to see progress and grandchildren. on the CBD redevelopment, Civic Centre During the early years plans and the preservation of the Chinese I was part owner of settlement, all projects that will benefit Martin and Braam Garden the community in the long term. Centre and Landscapes, Born and raised in the Netherlands, and for the last 19 years I the family values of honesty, loyalty and have owned and operated respect for others are my guiding princiBraam Landscapes Unlimples. ited!. Mid Canterbury became home in 1982, The skills and attributes I use and Lianne and I have enjoyed raising every day in my business have our family here, joining many communiproven useful in my role as councilty groups. lor. Sports, church, theatre and music conA landscape designer needs vision, and the ability to listen, mediate and interpret. They must also be able to set and manage budgets, and think clearly and strategically. These skills are even more important in aam mayor, who must take everyone’s a born and bred Southlander views into account while retaining a who has chosen to call Ashburton long termsince vision2017. for the district. home My clients have from all walks I love it here andcome am embracing the of life and throughout the chance to resided represent the Ashburton wholeby district. ward standing in this election. This given me a good underI am has passionate about people and standing of both rural and urban committed to doing what I can to lift residents when I sitso around the the profileand of the area, it continues council table, I think about all of the to thrive and deliver on the opportunipeople shared their viewsoffer. ties thatwho thehave region and its people
of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics and a Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning. As a community leader I believe in the true value of volunteering and have immersed myself into many local community activities and events. During my first term as a councillor, I learnt a lot and would like
Leen Braam
tinue to enrich our lives and those of our children and grandchildren. During the early years I was part owner of Martin and Braam Garden Centre and Landscapes, and for the last 19 years I have owned and operated Braam Landscapes Unlimited! The skills and attributes
Rochelle Castle-Wilson
I am well-travelled, have been self-employed in the farming, cray-fishing and the tourism sectors
with represent the district as and me, am aand trained anurse. whole. IIfeel very strongly that we need to recurrently duce the rural/urban divide and unite work as an as one strong, unique district. Office Manager I have enjoyed using my skills to give and believe I back to bring the community and over the would a years Lianne and I have donated plans raft of transand worked ferable skillson tomany projects with schools, churches the council table and other community thatgroups. include governance experience in private enterprise, recreational groups and
Mayoral candidate
to further apply My campaign is about “Integrating the acquired Cultures and Strengthening Unity”. knowledge and I believe I have represented the Ashburwonderful ton community well including the ethnic experiences and migrant communities of our district. The re-development of the Tinwald into the next I have just arrived from a brief visit to Domain andinHoliday Park and theweek term. four cities the Philippines last the new lodge have been The oppor- building where I of showcased our district. highlights my time working with tunities of conThere wasoftremendous opportunity the Reserves Board. necting with to show what we can offer to the world I have a lot about the the right people regarding ourlearnt agricultural and pastoral mechanics of local government to assist our conproducts and the scenic tourist attracthe last three years; the stituents have been tions ofinAshburton. rules, and from policies tremendous. It has ignitedregulations a lot of interest govare very different to runningand I would like to see ernment agencies, private businesses your own business. through our ongoing proeducational providers. However my connected work jects, such as the construction I hope to see Ashburton to philosophy of “commonof our Civic building and Public Library. the Philippines economically. sense and doing the basics well … the rest will follow” also works well in local government. Much is said about the restrictions laid down by central government, but I believe that to make I use every day in These skills are even more important in this district the best it my business have a mayor, who must take everyone’s views can be for our children proven useful into account while retaining a long term and grandchildren, we in my role as vision for the district. need to concentrate on councillor. My clients have come from all walks the things we can achieve A landscape of life and resided throughout the whole and change. designer needs district. Mid Canterbury is a hidvision, and the This has given me a good understandden gem and we all need to ability to listen, ing of both rural and urban residents work together to make it even mediate and and when I sit around the council table, better. interpret. I think about all of the people who have This vibrant community is full They must also shared their views with me, and repreof good people working hard to be able to set and sent the district as a whole. help each other. manage budgets, I feel very strongly that we need to Their generosity and willingness to and think clearly and reduce the rural/urban divide and unite work together needs to be supported strategically. as one strong, unique district. by council. I am standing for mayor because I am a strong leader committed to the whole district. I offer clear, independent thinking and a determination to utilise the strengths of all councillors and leaders in the community. I have recently enjoyed theworking educational I have a strong sense of integrity As mayor, I would strive to strengthalongside students at the Christian sector. with a charismatic approach to life in engeneral. infrastructure and encourage School to redevelop their outdoor I support economic growth, unite theall district by learning spaces. a respectful, I can’t promise to have the anbridging thecan rural/urban and Governance roles as trustee and collaborative, swers but promise divide, a well informed community well-being in the property chair at Ashburton College, common sense focus and on pragmatic approach to dealing sense. trustee and chair at Tinwald Schoolto and broadest approach with issues that will allow our commuI would come with agendas or membership of the Tinwald Reserves problem solving nity andnot beautiful region to continue affi Board have all helped develop strategic and promise a toliations, thrive. but would bring commonsense and an absolute commitment and leadership skills and increase my fresh perspective Should you support my effort toto give doback my best forcommunity, the district. your vote for community knowledge. with an opento this mind and transparency to anything I commit to.
me will be a vote for fiscal prudence, community engagement, and a big tick for #commonsenseinanutchelle.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Ashburton Guardian 23
ASHBURTON WARD Carolyn Cameron
t would be a privilege for me to work for the people of Ashburton. I grew up in the farming community of Eiffelton, and attended secondary school in Ashburton, followed by Otago University where I studied pharmacy. I am married to John and we have two daughters. After some time travelling we returned to Ashburton and were given the opportunity to buy into a pharmacy in Allenton. Now, nearly twenty years on, having over those years learned from many people of their hopes, aspirations, insights and love for Ashburton, I want to be part of the council to make those ambitions real. I have strong connections to the area.
My mother lives here, my sister teaches locally and my brother still farms at Eiffelton — this is my home town. Our commitment to business here demonstrates our belief in this community. I understand what people want from their home town and I am optimistic, impassioned, and enthusi-
astic for the future of Ashburton. If elected, my priorities will be the core business of council of providing infrastructure services to the township. Roading, footpaths and traffic management are vitally important, as is ensuring a quality robust water supply into the future. Of course my background in
business and health means I will be interested in ensuring the CBD space is fit for purpose. My vision here would include making it more attractive, making all parking free, and creating an ambience in the town centre. I also acknowledge the importance of a town our size having an information centre. As a councillor I will safeguard ratepayers returns on their rates by careful, accountable and transparent expenditure. First, and foremost Ashburton, is our town. Let’s keep moving forward and make it an even better place to live.
council makes comes with a cost that comes straight from our pockets. Council has an obligation to spend your money wisely. Quality infrastructure: The next council has important decisions to make on investment in infrastructure. It’s important we prioritise fit-for-purpose water and
wastewater systems, and a robust local roading network to keep us safe and keep our businesses flowing. Responsible governance: Council must be focussed on the big issues rather than nonsensical discussions like shifting the water feature. I’ll work hard to ensure projects like the civic centre and library are delivered on time and on budget rather than see another council funded blow-out. The Ashburton District Council needs responsible governance and I have the practical experience to ask the hard questions. A vote for John Falloon for the Ashburton Ward is a vote to get the basics right.
community first before debating, discussing and deciding. After all – we are acting on behalf of the people. This process should happen in a harmonious and positive way. We need to build on what past generations have provided for – a safer and more sustainable future.
I am standing to ensure you enjoy living here and see the value in what you are paying for. Sensible budgeting, minimising debt, enlivening the Central Business district, pushing government for better standards of roading, extending sporting facilities and playgrounds are all on my agenda. To achieve these, we need a strong team in council adopting affordable solutions, the best possible decision-making as well as ensuring project funding is timely with minimal rate rises. Leadership, communication, understanding and experience will build our future.
John Falloon
y involvement with Ashburton stretches back to 1967 when I first began working on a farm in the Lismore District. Two degrees and a wedding later, Shirley and I moved back to Ashburton in 1978 to raise a family. Since then, I have run a successful accounting business, employing people in our town, helping local businesses and community groups succeed. On a national level I have: served on and been chair of various committees of the Institute of Chartered Accountants, chaired the finance committee of IHC – which had a turnover of $250M at that time, served on the IHC’s board as a non-elected member.
I want the Ashburton District to continue to grow and prosper. That requires a Council that shows responsible leadership and someone on council with the experience to get the basics right. If I’m elected as your councillor I’ll focus on: Keeping a lid on rates: Every decision that
Angus McKay
he love I have for this district and its people has ignited my passion to offer my experience back to council again. Having lived in the district all my life, I am very thankful for the resources and opportunities given to me. I wish to give back by helping as many as I can. Representing the Canterbury region at two national bodies to begin with, I then moved on to become an arable and livestock farmer. From 1998 to 2010, I represented this district on Environment Canterbury. After being the mayor, I am now an entrepreneur involved in international trade. This has added a wider dimension to my
life. Current council decision making without optimal outcomes, eg the St John station, the Fire Museum, the i-Site Visitor Information Centre and the recent water feature decisions, have left me worried. There is a need for tangible change in council where we need to listen to our
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LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS 2019 24 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, September 14, 2019
DISTRICT COUNCIL ASHBURTON WARD Selwyn Price LEEN BRAAM I am a sitting councillor seeking re-election to the Ashburton Ward. I have a reputation for hard-work in the community and for being well prepared for meetings. hasthe been a privilege tothe be aService counI tam deputy chair of cillor for the last threewhich years,overand imDelivery subcommittee, mensely to of seeallprogress sees aroundsatisfying 80 per cent council on the CBD redevelopment, Civic expenditure annually. Centre plans the preservation I believe myand detailed knowledge in of the Chinese this area will besettlement, invaluable all to council projects that will benefit the going forward. community in the term.is as My reputation onlong council Born and raised thebigger picture someone “who getsinthe Netherlands, family val- up and be and who’s notthe afraid to stand ues of honesty, andreasons”. counted – for allloyalty the right respect for others are my For example, I spoke out over the deguiding cision toprinciples. not grant access to the St John’s Mid Canterbury became home in 1982, and Lianne and I have enjoyed raising our family here, joining many community groups. Sports, church, theatre and aving musicnow continue served one term as an to enrich our lives District and Ashburton Councillor, those ofI our children willingly and enthusiastically and grandchildren. offer myself for re-election. early years IDuring wish tothe continue with my strong inI was part owner terest in local andof wider governance. Martin andbeen Braam Garden term since This has a progressive Centreand and Landscapes, 2016, we have commenced several and for theprojects last 19 years important whichI have been in have owned for andmany operated the pipeline years. Braam UnlimI haveLandscapes been the deputy chairperson of ited!. the Environmental Services committee, The skills and attributes I use every day in my business have proven useful in my role as councillor. A landscape designer needs vision, and the ability to listen, mediate and interpret. They must also beme able set and eople describe asto honest, manage budgets, and thinkand clearly friendly, hardworking, ap-and strategically. proachable with a great sense of These skills important humour. I greware upeven withmore a keen interest in apolitics mayor,and whogovernance; must take everyone’s for learning the views intoofaccount whilebeliefs. retaining a strengths democratic long term for the district. Love for vision governance and politics was My clients from walks instilled in mehave as acome child by myall father at of life and resided throughout dinner table; always discussingthe merits whole district.of policies and their imand demerits Thison has given me a good underpacts people. standing of bothcared ruralfor and urban I have always the commuresidents and when sit around the to nity and district I amIpart off. I want council table, I think about allAshburton of the bring same enthusiasm to the people who have shared their views District Council. I want to be a councillor, because I want to serve the people of our community and I want to make a difference.
ADC needs a young talented person with a fresh perspective who with me, and our represent the district as understands achanging whole. comI feel very that we need to remunity; andstrongly imduce the rural/urban divide and unite portance of the as one strong, unique district. community’s I have enjoyed perspective on using my skills to give back to the community and over the council policies years Lianne and I have donated plans and procedures. and worked on many projects with I am motivated schools, churches to rejuvenate the and other community groups. voice, incommunity terest and add diversity. As a councillor I promise to find ways to minimise
Bernina 475QE
Bernina 570 QE
ambulance service, a decision which was later revoked by council. I advocate for council to listen to the community, and am a passionate voice for consultation. I meet the community face-to-face and communicate online, attending close to four hundred events each
Diane Rawlinson
and chairwoman of two working groups – these being the urban roading working group, and the town centre working group. I have also participated in many other committees of council.
Ash Shah
Mayoral candidate
year, and posting daily their views around the council table. on my dedicated My passion for the community is Facebook page. demonstrated through being secretary Voter decisions of Mid Canterbury Rural Support Trust, in this year’s a trustee for Multi-Cultural Bite, and a The re-development of the Tinwald election are member of Hakatere Marae and AshDomain Holidaycommittees. Park and the crucial. burton and Art Gallery building newsocial lodgeconscience have been and Ashburton I haveofa the strong highlightsand of my working Ward has integrity, votetime according towith all the the Reserves Board. clear principles recently seen available information, I havevalues. learnt a lot about the their rates go and shared mechanics of local government up year-onHaving promoted the Four Wellbeings in the last threemaking, years; the year at a higher approach to decision I believe rules, regulations andguide policies percentage than I am uniquely placed to help our areinto verythis different to running elsewhere in the community new phase of local your own business. district, and it is imgovernment. However mychallenging work portant voters consider We live in exciting and philosophy of “commonwho will best represent times! sense and doing the basics well … the rest will follow” also works well in local government. Much is said about the restrictions laid down by central government, but I believe tolook make I believe that with the ability to listenthat well, at thisissue, district best it I have involved both sides of an andthe give positive can be for our children myself, not direction. anda grandchildren, we only in council I try to adopt good common sense need to concentrate on matters, but view of all the information that comes the things achieve reached out before councillors, andwe becan aware of the and change. into the comeffects on rates when we are setting munity which budgets andMid LongCanterbury Term plans.is a hidden gem we all need to was one of my Representing ourand community is very work together to need makeaitcouncil even goals. important to me, and we better. I am friendly, honthat can be transparent, open, and workThis vibrant community is full est and open minded, ing for the good of our community. of good people working hard to help each other. Their generosity and willingness to work together needs to be supported by council. I am standing for mayor because I am a strong leader committed to the whole district. rates increases; I have a strong accounting, finance I offer clear, independent thinksee that every and management background, having ing and a for determination to utilisepreparthe ratepayer worked two district councils strengths of all councillors and leaders dollar is ing annual budgets, annual plan & long interm the community. I have recently enjoyed working spent for the council plans. AsI have mayor, I would strive to strengthalongside students at the Christian community own businesses, worked for Aninfrastructure encourage School to redevelop their outdoor with optimum englican Church, aand finance company and economic growth, unite the district by learning spaces. return. organisations within the community. the rural/urban divide, for andthe Governance roles as trustee andensure bridging I will I am standing as a councillor on community property chair at Ashburton College, the council is focus Ashburton Ward. well-being in the sense. and accountability will trustee and chair at Tinwald School and broadest answerable, Transparency I would not come with agendas or membership of the Tinwald Reserves accountable be my motto. affiliations, but bring common-to Board have all helped develop strategic and responsible I urge you towould take this opportunity sense an absolute commitment to and leadership skills andtoincrease my its ratepayers. vote and for change. do my best forinthe community knowledge. I also promise Your vote mydistrict. favour will strengthen that I will be standyour voice. ing up with a loud I will be extremely grateful and humvoice for ratepayer’s rights. bled to be youra voice in the council.
Bernina 770QE
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Ashburton Guardian 25
Saturday, September 14, 2019
WESTERN WARD Evan Chisnall
am a 51-year-old fifth-generation farmer from Hinds, who has been married for 27 years with two adult sons. I was educated at Hinds School, Ashburton College and Lincoln University. We have been farming now for 27 years, first as a sheep, beef and cropping farmers, then 13 years ago we converted to dairying. Over this time we have grown our operation and now have farms in Hinds, Ruapuna and Mt Somers. These properties are run by contract milkers which will allow me to pursue my passion for our community and its governance. For the past three years I have been a director in a major water scheme (MHV), and
as the chairman of Infrastructure and Health and Safety. I am also a shareholder of BCI Irrigation.
I’m able to think outside the square and have first-hand experience in running my own business, personally overseeing devel-
opments and working with my team of staff and contractors. I understand the importance of having a district that has strong economic and long-term plans. If elected I would: Actively listen and advocate for my constituents. Be a prudent custodian of Mid Canterbury’s hard-earned rates, making sure we get value for money and equity of resources. As an active farmer living in the rural community, I believe there needs to be a voice around the council table that understands the fast-changing world that the rural community is in. I have deep roots and a passion for Mid Canterbury, I humbly ask for your vote.
Liz McMillan
have put forward my nomination to be Western Ward councillor for a second term. My key roles this term have been chair of Road Safety and chair of the Safer Ashburton Safe Communities steering group, who achieved a safe communities’ accreditation earlier this year. I have also been a keen member of the project control group for the civic centre and library building as well as contributing to general council business and group discussions I am approachable, and down to earth. I like to know the facts before I make decisions and feel that common sense is key. Growing up on a sheep and
beef farm in Waikari, living and travelling overseas, working in the New Zealand tourism industry for 10 years and many years of community
involvement has left me with a wide variety of knowledge to call upon. What’s important to me next term?
As a mum of two school aged children I believe the continued improvement of our district for this, and future generations, is key. If given the chance I will ensure the new build stays on track, roading and road safety remains high priority, continue the safe communities work, and continue maintaining a good working connection between council, reserve boards and hall committees. I am committed to our district and wish to see it moving forward in the best way possible. With nine years’ experience on the Methven Community Board, and three years on council I know I have the energy and knowledge to continue with a second term.
Rodger Letham
have lived in the Ashburton District all my life. I farmed at Lauriston from school days until 1988 when economic and climatic circumstances forced a change of direction. During that time I was involved and held leadership positions on school committees, Young Farmers clubs, Federated Farmers, Jaycees, Lions, Mt Hutt College Board of Governors and National Sheep Breeding organisations. Since 1988 I have been in business as a rural real estate agent within the Ashburton District and further afield and I feel the time is now right to return something to this community that has served me so well. I believe I have an understanding of both rural and urban living and business and I am a firm believer that we are all in this same boat together. I am married to Yvonne and we have three adult sons and three grandchildren.
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LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS 2019 26 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mayoral candidate Mark Malcolm
i I am Lynette Lovett past president of Ashburton The re-development of the Tinwald t has been a privilege to be a counand I am seeking A&P Association, Garden Domain and Holiday Park and the cillor for the last three years, and ima second term on Club, Women in Arable, building of the new lodge have been mensely satisfying to see progress council. Rural Women and Federated highlights of my time working with on the CBD redevelopment, Civic I have the ability, energy Farmers. the Reserves Board. Centre plans and the preservation and will work collaboratively In my current tenure withI have learnt a lot about the of the Chinese settlement, all for the best outcome for the in the council I have not been mechanics of local government projects that will benefit the Ashburton District to grow afraid to make hard decisions in the last three years; the community in the long term. and excel to be a desirable or in some cases support a rules, regulations and policies Born and raised in the place to live, work and play. retraction after listening to are very different to running Netherlands, the family valI am proud to be living on ratepayers, whom are fearful your own business. ues of honesty, loyalty and our arable family farm of four of continued increases. However my work respect for others are my generations in the Eiffelton I look forward to being part philosophy of “commonguiding principles. district, which gives me a of the future council to consense and doing the Mid Canterbury begood grounding on the agtinue with the governance basics well … the rest will came home in 1982, and ricultural industry and rural role and the ongoing projects follow” also works well Lianne and I have encommunities. and developments. in local government. joyed raising our famteering are, As a district we need to rerecent times has been I thrive on a challenge and Much is said about the ily here, joining many County Lions, new the connection between eroded. I am here for all Ashburton restrictions laid down by community groups. Civil Defence, Red Cross, town and country, that over My interests and volunpeople. central government, but Sports, church, theaI believe that to make tre and music continue this district the best it to enrich our lives and fifth generation can be for our children those of our children Ashburtonian with a and grandchildren, we in and grandchildren. diverse experience need to concentrate on and During the early years employment, business the things. we can achieve I was part owner of farming andI change. Martin and Braam Garden am of 58 years of age, Mid of Canterbury is astandhidCentre and Landscapes, one the younger dening gem and we alland need to and for the last 19 years I councillors bring work togetherbusiness to make skill it even have owned and operated a diverse set better. Braam Landscapes Unlimto the council table but I y name is Philip high, cropping is getting Thisbelieve vibrant that community is full ited!. my being local Rushton, having lived rising prices and deer have of good and people working hard to The skills and attributes I use community minded inin Mid been through a very positive help eachwith other. every day myCanterbury business have an ability to listen are all my life I now period. Their generosity and willingness to to proven useful input mymy rolename as councilmy greatest assets I have forward for the Eastern Ward Commercial developwork togetheroffer needs to be supported lor. you. position on thedesigner Ashburton ments in the district are veryby council. A landscape needs vision, In the past I have held District positive including our new I am standing for mayor because and the Council. ability to listen, mediate and many leadership rolesI in If elected I pledge to give industrial park and buildingsam a strong leader committedand to the interpret. the community am 100 per must cent commitment toset and in town. whole district.presently president of the They also be able to the wholebudgets, district Iand serve. Employment is at a high I offer clear,Rakaia independent thinkmanage think clearly and Lions club which I My background is a lifetime district wise except for the re-ing and a determination to utilise the strategically. enjoy the fellowship and in These arableskills and livestock cent Fairton works announcestrengths of all councillors andthey leaders are evenfarming more important service projects do for in Mid Canterbury. ment meaning we need to in the community. a mayor, who must take everyone’s I have recently enjoyed working with me, and represent the district as the locality. My community involvement see aat growth in alternative As mayor, I would to strengthviews into account while retaining a alongside students the Christian a whole. Withstrive the experience of includes, employment options for the en infrastructure and three encourage long termRakaia vision Lions for theClub, district. their outdoor I feel very strongly that we need to re- School to redevelop the last years as your Jaycees, rugbyhave andcome squash district. economic growth, unite the district My clients from all walks learning spaces. duce the rural/urban divide and unite councillor I have seenby clubs community We as need new and saleyards forbridging the rural/urban divide, and of life and andother resided throughout the Governance roles trustee as one strong, unique district. many new projects started ble to give full arising chair Mid service. Canterbury. focus on community well-being the whole district. property at Ashburton College, I have enjoyed using my skills to give in this district and in I wish justice for this from some Our family other regions re-esbroadest sense. ThisRushton has given me a have good undertrustee and chairMost at Tinwald Schoolare and back to the community and over the to see them to fruition as econom- of a long history of community tablishing theirReserves saleyards. I would notyour comevoice with on agendas or in standing of both rural and urban role. membership the Tinwald years Lianne and I have donated plans major council a number ic and animal health involvement the Ashburton Affordable off farm water affiliations, but would bring residents andinwhen I sit around theThere are Board have all helped develop strategic and worked of on many projects with the district thatcommonmakes us issues impacting Mid and other issuescommuthe other sectors our District I pledge continstorage as an alternative to council and table, I thinkto about all of the and of leadership skills and increase my to sense and an absolute schools,upon churches all proudcommitment to call ourselves Canterbury I am interested in district are doing very well. ue that tradition. river takes which are coming do my best forAshburtonians. the district. people who have shared their views community knowledge. nity groups. exploring: While dairy is just Sheep and beef are on a I now have the time availaunder increasing pressure.
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Saturday, September 14, 2019
Ashburton Guardian 27
EASTERN WARD Stuart Wilson
have lived my entire life in the District, and have served on the Ashburton District Council for three terms, two as chairman of the Service Delivery Committee; I want to continue to represent all people of the district with the same commitment I have shown in the past. Enjoying good health, I have the support of my wife and family, and am able to devote the time needed to be an effective councillor. When voting on issues before the council, I would continue to speak out and vote for what I believe would be the best interests of the whole district, always welcoming comments from members of the community.
I have a sound knowledge of meeting procedure, having been involved in many community organisations, including school, farming, church, and Hinds and District Lions Club. Being the council representative on the Ashburton Water Zone Committee,
I am mindful of the need to return the Ashburton River to a good environmental flow, always remembering that the wealth of our district comes from the efficient use of our plentiful water resources. Seeking to improve the conditions of the district roads has been some-
thing I have worked constantly for, and am delighted that NZTA has granted the council extra subsidy to be spent on roading maintenance over the next two years. I have always been mindful of the rate burden that discretionary spending puts on ratepayers, so would do my best to concentrate council’s priority on providing the core services such as roading, clean drinking water, wastewater infrastructure, efficient refuse collection and processing, library, and the necessary planning and regulatory services. Ashburton District is a great place to live and work, I would be mindful of the responsibility to continue to serve as your council representative.
METHVEN COMMUNITY BOARD With only four nominations received for the five vacant seats a by-election will now be held in 2020 to fill the remaining position.
Kelvin Holmes
Dan McLaughlin
Sonia McAlpine
Ron Smith
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LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS 2019 28 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Mayoral candidate Kerry Clough
orn, raised and educatand its investment policies. ed in Ashburton, I have I have also enjoyed being The re-development of the Tinwald t has been privilege to be a counlived anda worked here a part of these changes and Domain and Holiday Park and the the last three years, and immycillor entirefor life. hope to continue to contribute mensely satisfying to see progress My wife Emma is equally to the future success of the building of the new lodge have been on the to CBD proud callredevelopment, herself a local, Civic trust with community support highlights of my time working with the Reserves Board. Centre plans and the preservation and with the recent arrival of for re-election. I have learnt a lot about the of the ChineseI am settlement, all our daughter enthusiasThrough both the Ashburmechanics of local government projects will benefi t the tic aboutthat continuing to offer ton Licencing Trust and the in the last three years; the community long of term. my skills for in thethe benefit the Lion Foundation, it has been a rules, regulations and policies Born and raised the up community she willingrow satisfying experience helping are very different to running Netherlands, the family valin. local clubs and organisayour own business. ues andmy Atof 21honesty, years oldloyalty I started tions obtain funding for their However my work respect forKB others my business, Panelare & Paint projects, and I look forward philosophy of “commonguidingover principles. which, 15 years with the to being able to do so in the sense and doing the Midsupport Canterbury be-people, loyal of local future. basics well … the rest will 1982, and Icame built home into a in successful and I am proud of our commufollow” also works well Lianne and I have enthriving business. nity and have the enthusiasm in local government. joyed raising our famI have recently sold KB and drive required for this Much is said about the ily here, joining Panel & Paint inmany order to important position. ing Ashburrewarding restrictions laid down by community focus on mygroups. other entities My business management, ton business experience. central church, theainSports, the residential, commerdecision making and leadermovedgovernment, to Ashburtonbut 22 economy. I am proud of what I believe that to make tre and continue cial andmusic agricultural sectors ship ability contribute to the years ago with my wife, Elected to the Ashburton has been achieved by the curthis districtfor the bestwas it goto enrich our lives and locally. balance of skills around the Carolyn, what Trust Board in 2016, I have rent board. cantobe for our children those of our children I understand what it takes trust table. ing be a temporary stay. Through careful planning, and grandchildren, we the andagrandchildren. for business to grow and suc- completed my first threeIt would be a privilege to We soon realised that year term which has been we have made strategic chang- be elected with your vote and need to concentrate ona During the early years ceed and have enjoyed being Ashburton District was es to the direction of the trust, the things I wasofpart owner of and grow- a thoroughly enjoyable and part a prosperous support. great placewe to can live achieve and raise and change. Martin and Braam Garden a family. Mid is a hidCentre and Landscapes, As Canterbury a family we have been deninvolved gem and we numerous all need to and for the last 19 years I with work together to cultural make it even have owned and operated sporting and organbetter. Braam Landscapes Unlimisations that have benefited Thisfrom vibrant is the full ited!. thecommunity generosity of of good Ashburton people working hard Trust to The skills and attributes I use Licensing help eachand other. every day in my business have I would like to ensure Their generosity and willingness to proven useful in my role as councilthat generosity continues work togetherinto needs be supported lor. theto future for the benby council. efit of many more people in A landscape designer needs vision, obert Harnett is a mediate true subdivisions in other parts I am standing mayor because I and the ability to listen, and ourfor community. local having been of the south island were/aream a strong leader committed to the interpret. I have been involved in raised Mid managed. whole district.finance and banking for 31 They mustin also beCanable to set and terbury, is well known to clearly and This is the perfect backI offer clear,years independent thinkmanage budgets, and think with the past 12 years the community where he ground to the current first ing and a determination to utilise the strategically. as an Authorised Financial lives with his wife and more three important term on the ALT, where strengths of all councillors and leaders These skills are even Advisor specialising in inchildren. property matters on build- in the community. in a mayor, who must take everyone’s I have recently enjoyed working with me, and represent the district as vestment management and He isinto a Registered Valuer ings post-earthquake As mayor, I planning. would strive to strengthviews account while retaining a alongside students at the Christian are a whole. and under-way. en infrastructure andproposed encourage longreal termestate/property vision for the district. their outdoor I feel very strongly that we need to re- School to redevelop With changes manager. unite the district by as My clients have come from all walks learning spaces.Previous committee roles economic growth, duce the rural/urban divide and unite that the ALT reconstitute at resided the District Coun- the rugby and racing bridging the rural/urban divide, ofRoles life and throughout Governancein roles as trustee and have as one strong, unique district. a community trust,and I would cil Property, Wrightson’s and wrappedCollege, up which al- focus on community well-being in the whole district. property chairbeen at Ashburton I have enjoyed using my skills to give be a trustee with experience, Farmlands were me managing lows boardbroadest sense. This has given a good undertrustee and chair atindependence Tinwald Schoolatand back to the community and over the knowledge and relevant inreal estate level. I would notdustry come with agendas or standing ofand bothstock ruraland and urban membership of the Tinwald Reserves years Lianne and I have donated plans qualifications to help station aspects. It has develop been a privilege would bring commonresidents and when I sit around the Board have all helped strategicto affiliations, but and worked on many projects with manage, grow and protect The subdivisions Conisableand to deliver faithfully sense and an absolute commitment to council table, I thinkofabout all of the and leadershipbeskills increase my schools, churches and other commuthe trust assets for the beneracecourse ton, Riverside Industrial and viewsRecently maintained assets and cash do my best for the district. people who have shared their community knowledge. nity groups. fit of our future generations. the St Vincent developNursery Drive and others to the community groups in De Paul rebuild, ments and were concluded. our district.
Rob Harnett
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Saturday, September 14, 2019
Ashburton Guardian 29
offer myself for a further term on the trust, and my passion for its ‘ideals’ remain very strong. Having been a member for several years, and seeing this community asset trade through some challenging times, and now changing to a community trust has been a privilege. With your support it would allow me to see the new policy and process completed for the long term advantages of Ashburton. I was born, educated and lived all my life in Ashburton, and have never wished to live any where else. I have had a life time involvement in basketball and
other sports, both as a player and an administrator, as well as several other Community organisations.
As chairman of the Lion Foundation which distributes funds from gaming machines, I see the assistance this gives
the wider community organisations, assisting in education – sport – health – art – community events. I represent the Trust on the Event Centre Management Committee, and currently their elected chairman, I am also president of the Lions Club of Ashburton. Having operated a successful business for 31 years, I offer my business skills, governance and leadership, and being a team member, and using my professional skills of listening to the needs of people, I once again humbly seek your support in the long term future of the trust and contribution to the future projects and events in Ashburton.
Chantelle is seeking election to the Ashburton Licensing Trust in order to start giving back to the community that
has always given to her. If elected she would bring a new fresh perspective, diversity and a generational point of difference to the table, as well as a keen willingness to collaborate with and learn from those around her. Chantelle has been heavily involved in charity work over the years and continues to work closely with Ronald McDonald House South Island, Maia Health Foundation, Breast Cancer New Zealand and The New Zealand Cancer Society. If elected she would draw on all of her experiences to ensure the best interests of the wider Ashburton community, and contribute to ensuring the ongoing sustainability of the company for future generations.
Chantelle Quinn
hantelle Quinn is an Ashburton businesswoman who runs Twentyfour Catering Co, a successful wedding, corporate and special events catering company since 2014 – previously owner operator and head chef of Twelve Restaurant & Bar. Chantelle employs a seasonal casual part time workforce of around 15 local chefs and wait staff. She returned home to Ashburton 15 years ago, after living and working in New York and London, and is now married to Irishman Damien Quinn with one daughter Bella, who attends Ashburton Intermediate School. Building a successful local family-run business has been a key focus for Chantelle over the past decade, and she was
not able to do so without the support and guidance of various mentors in the wider Ashburton community.
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Mark Malcolm
am 58 years of age and have business and property interests, both residential and commercial, in Ashburton and surrounding districts. In the past I have held a manager’s certificate and owned and operated an licensed premises, so I am no stranger to the hospitality industry. I am presently involved with property development and for the last three years I have represented you as a councillor for the Ashburton District Council for which I am seeking re-election. In that present role one of the many committees that I sit on, is the Community Grants Committee, which gives me insight into the financial needs of various clubs and organisations within the district. I have been involved with many community projects and am presently president of the Rakaia Lions. I believe I have a diverse range of and the necessary skills to offer to the trust for the future of the people of Ashburton.
LOCAL BODY ELECTIONS 2019 30 Ashburton Guardian
Saturday, September 14, 2019
am pleased to put myself forward for re-election for a third term. I have learned a lot over the last two terms about the hospitality industry, its t has been a privilege to threats. be a counstrengths, weaknesses, and for thethe last three andplays imI cillor appreciate role thatyears, the trust mensely satisfying see progress within the greater Midto Canterbury comon the CBD Civic munity, bothredevelopment, in the past and importantly, Centre plans and the preservation moving forward. of Ithe Chinese alltrust’s busisupport the settlement, change of the projects thatfrom will one benefi ness model of ta the trading entity community in the long term. to that of a landlord. Born and is raised in the The trust now profitable, and is able Netherlands, the family valto address long-standing and expensive ues of honesty, loyalty and remedial work on our premises, which respect for others are my guiding principles. Mid Canterbury became home in 1982, and Lianne and I have enjoyed raising our family here, joining many I am a person with a passion for community groups. numbers. This led me to complete Sports, church, theamy Bachelor of Commerce degree tre and music continue with Advance Accounting and Auditing. to enrich our lives and I have over 25 years of experience in those of our children accounting, management and finance and grandchildren. streamlining business finances to ownDuring the early years ing my own business. I was part owner of Thereon advancing to multinational Martin and Braam Garden IT company, district councils and AngliCentre and Landscapes, can Church as CPT accountant. and for the last 19 years I These experiences have helped me have owned and operated to develop skills in areas of leadership, Braam Landscapes Unlimgovernance, interpersonal commuited!. nication, business acumen, coaching The skills and attributes I use ability and problem solving ability with every day in my business have innovative and creative ideas. proven useful in my role as councillor. A landscape designer needs vision, and the ability to listen, mediate and interpret. They must also be able to set and manage budgets, and think clearly and strategically. am a partner at RMF Silva, Mid CanThese skills are even more important terbury’s “oldest new law firm”, having in arecently mayor,merged who must everyone’s withtake Russell Moon and views into account while retaining a Fail. long term vision for the district. I specialise in property, agribusiness, My clientslaw have from all walks commercial andcome succession. of Apart life and resided throughout thein Lonfrom five years as a lawyer whole district. don I have lived in Mid Canterbury since This has given me good under1996 and am proud toacall it home. standing of both and urban I am married to rural Rachel with twin boys residents aged 9. and when I sit around the council table,farm I think all of the We lifestyle on about the outskirts of people who have shared theirtime views Ashburton and spend as much as possible in the hills. I joined the Ashburton Licensing Trust in 2017 following a vacancy arising from a
Mayoral candidate
in a previous trading environment, could not be undertaken with any certainty. I have a strong desire to see the process of change be completed by the trust’s incorporation into a community trust, and the associated solidifying of our investment policies and granting policies.
Ash Shah
I am experienced in managing high asset value portfolios including charities. I have lived in Canterbury region for nearly 18 years and in Ashburton since 2015. I whole-heartedly support the Ashburton Licensing Trust philosophy of investing profits back into our community. I believe I have a very good under-
Tim Silva
trustee retirement. My experience with and represent the district as withme, the trust has abeen whole. immensely I feel very strongly that we need to reenjoyable and duce the rural/urban divide and unite rewarding. as one strong, unique district. My entry I have enjoyed coincided with using my skills to give back to thestrategic community and over the extensive years Lianne I have donated plans planning andand policy and worked on formulation for many the projects with schools, trust. churches and other community groups. The overriding goal is to ensure that the trust has a long term horizon and supports our community for gen-
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That will create a forward. community trust By having a Local Grants Committee that has a 100 year that has on it representatives from both timeline, which the trust and the wider community, The re-development of the Tinwald can in turn make we have a vehicle to distribute within and Holiday andmillion the per significant grants Domain our community $1.2Park to $1.5 to the benefit of building annum.of the new lodge have been highlights my time working with our community I remainof committed to the continuatheofReserves Board. on an inter-genertion that model for the benefit of our I have learnt a lot about the ational basis. community. local government The close ties that Themechanics changes toofthe trust’s business thebeen last three years; the the trust has with modelin have profound. rules, and policies the Lion Foundation is We are nowregulations able to move forward for aretovery toconfidence. running also critical to our comthe next 50 100different years with yourfor own business. munity trust model moving I thank you your support. However my work philosophy of “commonsense and doing the basics well … the rest will follow” also works well in local government. Much is said about the standing of our or interest as I don’t own any business restrictions laid down by community needs in the district. central government, but particularly the I promise to always be honest, vocal I believe that to make commercial pres- and work in the best interest of the this district the best it sure placed on trust. can be for our children ALT activities. Provide vision with progressive ideas. and grandchildren, we Looking at the My community involvements are need to concentrate on current finanColdstream 4th grade cricket coach, the things we can achieve cial results of the vice-chairman of Ashburton Menzshed, and change. trust, I believe that Wastebusters Trust Trustee and comMid Canterbury is a hidthe ALT can play a mittee member of Mid Canterbury den gem and we all need to significant role in our Badminton Club. work together to make it even district as an investor I urge you to take this opportunity to better. plus create new employvote for change. This vibrant community is full ment opportunities for our I will be extremely grateful and humof good people working hard to district. bled to be your voice in the Ashburton help each other. I have no potential for conflict of duty Licensing Trust. Their generosity and willingness to work together needs to be supported by council. I am standing for mayor because I am a strong leader committed to the whole district. I offer clear, independent thinkingconclusion. and a determination to utilise the erations to come. all councillors anddone, leaders We need to ensure strengths A lot ofofhard work has been but we in are thenot community. I have recently enjoyed working that the trust is there yet. AsWith mayor, would strive to strengthalongside students at the inChristian a position to FayIWatson’s retirement following and to encourage School to redevelop their outdoor grant enainfrastructure consistently huge contribution the trust, I believe growth, unite the district by learning spaces. to the community economic it is important to ensure trustee continuity bridging divide, and Governance roles as trustee and without eroding throughthe thisrural/urban crucial phase. on community well-being in the property chair at Ashburton College, the trust’s capital. focus I seek re-election for this reason. sense. trustee and chair at Tinwald School This has in-and broadest I am very proud to have been part of the Itrust’s would not come with agendas membership of the Tinwald volvedReserves a significant transformation and believeor I can affi liations,to but would commonBoard have all helped amount developofstrategic policy continue add valuebring from my experience sense anand absolute commitment to and leadership skills work and increase my that will continas a and lawyer from other governance doroles. my best for the district. community knowledge. ue into the next term. The current trustees are There is still much to be done to ensure very keen to see the stratthat our 100-year vision for the trust beegy implementation through to comes a reality.
Ashburton Guardian 31
Saturday, September 14, 2019
ENVIRONMENT CANTERBURY Rolleston, Selwyn District
Brookside, Selwyn District
John Sunckell
Allen Lim
Aylesbury, Selwyn District
Eiffelton, Ashburton District
Sarah Walters
Ian Mackenzie
CANTERBURY DISTRICT HEALTH BOARD CANDIDATES Blair Anderson Peter Ballantyne Geoff Booth Sally Buck Catherine Chu Gray Crawford
Anna Crighton Alexandra Davis Andrew Dickerson John Edie James Gough Tubby Hansen
Jo Kane Aaron Keown Malcom Lyall Naomi Marshall Debbie Mora Vicki Tahau Paton
Rochelle Phipps Robert Read Brian Salisbury Steve Wakefield Peter Wakeman
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