March 2011 — Volume 4 - Issue 3
$126,900 22 Horseshoe Drive Ashland, IL
Adults $5.00 Children 3-12
Well maintained bi-level $3.00 featuring 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with beautiful in ground pool Under 3 Free equipped with a diving board and slide. Many updates have been done including; new roof in „03, new pool liner & filter in FIREMAN’S „08, new stick built shed in back yard in „03, PANCAKE & SAUSAGE BREAKFAST and new sump March 6th at the firehouse pump in „09. The 8:00am - 2:00pm sellers are offering a year home warranty for your Ashland Community Days Celebration PROFESSIONALS piece of June 24, 25 & 26 2011 mind. Call 2475 West Monroe Dawn DON'T MISS IT! Be sure to be here when for your pri- Springfield, IL 62704 Stremsterfer Ashland comes alive for the annual Ashland (cell) 217-741-1865 Realtor®, vate showBroker Summer Days on June 24-26. Of course, the ing today! Associate Saturday parade will be a highlight of the week-end, followed by an I.T.P.A. sanctioned tractor pull, which Cowmans tell us has a couple of new classes. Saturday night will find Hip-Bone Sam and his friends on stage, followed by CONFEDERATE RAILROAD, a popular Nashville recording group. Make plans now for the volleyball tournament--get your teams 618 E Progress Street Ashland - $109,900 organized--it's only four months away! The Ashland Community Club will soon be selling WELL MAINTAINED ranch with 3 bedrooms, 3.5 car heated chances on tickets for a Cubs/Cardinal game attached garage, & over 1700 sq.ft. Large fenced back yard week-end get-away package. The money with 10.5 x 11 outbuilding w concrete floor. Many updates including Furnace 05, A/C unit 05, hot water heater 01, roof & from this will help support our celebration. gutters 05, windows 08, siding, bathroom 05, & 3rd car garage Get involved--offer to help. Give us your added in 05. Sliding glass door with deck and patio area. Pull ideas. Let's make this year's celebration the down attic stairs in garage to access attic for storage. This home is a MUST SEE! best one yet!!
CHURCH DIRECTORY BEREA CHRISTIAN CHURCH Minister Edward J.Moretto Sunday Christian Education Hour - 9:30 pm Sunday Worship - 10:30 am Wednesday Eve. Prayer Mtg. - 7:00 pm We‟re Open On Sunday!! CHURCH OF CHRIST Minister Howard Chartier Sunday School - 9:00 am Sunday Worship - 10:00 am FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Rev. David L. McHenry Sunday School - 9:30 am Sunday Worship - 10:30 am Choir Practice - Wednesday - 7:00 pm ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH Father Chris Brey 476.8856 Ashland Sunday Mass - 9:00 am Beardstown Sunday Mass - 11:00 am Sunday (Spanish) - 12:30 pm Virginia Saturday - 5:00 pm UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Patricia Hutton 476.8858 Sunday Worship - 8:45 am Sunday School - 10:00 am Wednesday Prayer Service - 6:30 pm Choir Practice - 7:00 Youth Second Saturday - 10am - 2pm NEW BEGINNINGS CHURCH, s.b.c. Pastor Terry Beauchamp Sunday‟s 1st Service @ 8:00 am Sunday School for all ages@ 9:10-10:00 am New Adult Singles Ministry @ 9:10 - 10:00 am at 308 West Washington, Ashland 2nd Service - 10:15 am YOUTH4TRUTH @ 6:30-7:30 pm Tuesday Corporate Prayer @ 7:00 pm Saturday‟s Men‟s Prayer Breakfast @ 8:00 am
Smith Chiropractic Clinic Dr. Kathie G. Smith 111 North Hardin Ashland, IL 62612 (217)476-3547 Office Hours by Appointment Monday and Thursday 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Friday a.m. by Appointment
2011 Lenten Services Schedule 3/13 - Ashland United Methodist Church David McHenry 3/20 - Ashland Church of Christ Ed Moretto 3/27 - Berea Christian Church Howard Chartier 4/03 - Ashland First Baptist Church Terry Beauchamp 4/10 - New Beginnings Christian Fellowship Dave Hutton 4/17 - Peter Cartwright United Methodist John Sheppard 4/22 - Pleasant Plains Church of Christ Keith Masten Good Friday 7:00 p.m.* 4/24 - Richland Creek Baptist Church Pat Hutton Sunrise Service 6:30 a.m.* * All other services are on Sunday evenings at 5:00 p.m. There will be no food served after the Good Friday service.
World Day of Prayer 2011 Women, men and children in more than 170 countries and regions will celebrate World Day of Prayer, Friday, March 4, 2011. The women of Chile have written the service around the theme How many loaves have you? They Ask us to enter a process that draws us into the Bible, into the context of Chile and into the real situations of our lives and communities. Together, we are asked to respond to what we have and how we can share it with others. In this past year, Chile has been challenged by a devastating earthquake and the collapse of a mine in which many miners were trapped. Again we are reminded to share our bread and to receive the bread that is shared with us. On March 4, 2011, let us reach out our hands and hearts to touch the lives of sisters and brothers in Chile and around the world. This year‟s service will begin with lunch at noon followed by the service at 1:00 pm on Friday, March 4, 2011. It will be held at the Ashland United Methodist Church. Come join the women of Chile in prayer and song to support women‟s ecumenical ministries toward justice, peace, healing and wholeness.
MARCH SCHOOL CALENDAR Mar. 1-2 Mar. 4 Mar. 5
Mar. 8 Mar. 11 Mar. 13 Mar. 15
108 W. Editor Street Ashland, IL 62612 217.476.3354
Jeffrey A. Donnan - Kay Handy Ora Lee Campbell
Mar. 17 Mar. 19 Mar. 21 Mar. 22
Other Locations: 117 S. Front Street Virginia, IL 62691 217.452.7717 Kristen Arthalony
210-A Washington St. Beardstown, IL 62618 217.323.3018 Debbie Jones
815 W. Clinton Rushville, IL 62681 217.322.6230 Kala Peacock
Mar. 23 Mar. 24
Mar. 25 Mar. 26 Mar. 28 Mar. 29 Mar. 30 Mar. 31
ACV 6th Bkb @ Havana Tourney ACV HS G/B Track @ IC ACV 6th Bkb @ Triopia Tourney IHSA Solo/Ensemble Contest A-C PTO Meeting @ C-ville 7:00 pm Dismiss @ 2:11 pm ACV Athletic Booster Mtg @ Va 7:00 pm ACV HS Bsb & Sfb vs. Pleasant Hill 4:30 pm ACV HS Bsb & Sfb @ Carrollton 4:30 pm ACV HS Bsb @ Illini Central 10:00 am ACV HS Bsb @ South Fulton 4:30 pm ACV HS Sfb @ Rushville 4:30 pm ACV HS G/B Track @ ISD 4:00 pm ACV HS Bsb & Sfb vs. Greenfield 4:30 pm JH Solo/Ensemble Contest @ Our Saviour ACV JH Track @ Auburn 4:00 pm ACV HS G/B Track @ Beardstown 4:00 pm ACV HS Bsb & Sfb vs. Calhoun 4:30 pm ACV HS Sfb vs. Plains 4:30 pm A-C PTO Elementary Family Fun Night ACV HS Bsb vs. Lewistown 4:30 pm ACV HS Sfb vs. Auburn 4:30 pm ACV HS Bsb & Sfb @ West Central 4:30 pm ACV HS G/B Track @ Jacksonville 4:00 pm ACV JH Track @ Beardstown 4:00 pm ACV HS Bsb & Sfb vs. West Central 4:30 pm
Propane LLC 220 N. Yates - Ashland Office: 1-866-225-8126 Garrett Savage - Bob Savage Ron Ahlers - Salesman cell: (217)691-5492
Wallbaum Development Inc. Plumbing - Heating - Air Conditioning Backhoe - Trenching 115 W. Freemont St. PO Box 136 Ashland, IL 62612
We Do It All In Just 1 Call! Jim - Todd Travis
Phone: (217)476-3595
March 2011 ―THANK YOU‖ Friends,
Cooper Kane Leinberger December 10, 2010 Justin & Jenny Leinberger are delighted to announce the birth of their son, Cooper Kane Leinberger December 10, 2010 3:34p.m. 8 pounds, 5 ounces 21 inches Grandparents Kenny & Debbie Greer Eldon & Dena Leinberger
You know, I wish I was an ordained minister and knew a lot more about the Bible and God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit; but my life hasn’t developed that way. Thank you for all those ministers who take us a little closer to God each time they speak to us!!! I don’t know about the many mysteries of the Bible (although I will someday). I don’t know much about God’s plan (but I know a little more each day). I don’t know how God does what He does each day to show us some of the most spectacular sunrises and sunsets in the world! I have no idea how Jesus had enough courage to go to the cross for us; to suffer so much physical and emotional pain!!! One thing I do know is how to say ―Thank You‖ to God for what He has given us!!! I know a blessing when I see one!!! I know what kind of a blessing the song ―I Know How to Say Thank You‖ sung by Mark Lowry is to me!
Great Grandmothers Barbara Jones Judy Henry Doris Leinberger
Below you will find some excerpts from this song. Just remember to say ―Thank You‖ several times a day for your blessings from God!!!
Prairie Skies Library
March 2011 Jazz Band Pleasant Plains Branch March 1 6:30 pm Sound Celebration Chorus Ashland Branch March 16th 7:30 pm Robin S. Krone, Library Director Prairie Skies Public Library District 125 West Editor, Ashland, IL. 62612
―There were times today when angels stood round me – and I couldn’t even see – there were times when I was hurting – and then You stepped in and took the pain for me – and there were moments when You stopped me, Lord – so I could smell the roses by the road – and though I’m not the wisest person – there were some things that beyond a doubt I know. I know how to say ―Thank You‖ – I know a blessing when I see one – I’m a recipient of grace through the hours and the days – I know how to say ―Thank You‖.‖ Lyrics written by Suzanne and Barry Jennings Have a great March! See you in April! What Would Jesus Do? WWJD B. G. 1 Peter 2:9 Hebrews 13: 15 Psalms 34:1
Psalms 107: 8 Acts 16:25
is exploring
God’s Creation! God created the Heavens and Earth - all you see, all you don't see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God's Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. God spoke: "Light!" And light appeared. God saw that light was good and separated light from dark. God named the light Day, he named the dark Night. It was evening, it was morning - Day One.
God spoke: "Sky! In the middle of the waters; separate water from water!" God made sky. He separated the water under sky from the water above sky. And there it was: he named sky the Heavens; It was evening, it was morning - Day Two.
Then God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear"; and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas. And God saw that it was good. It was evening, it was morning - Day Three And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good. It was evening it was morning – Day Four. And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." It was evening, it was morning - Day Five
Ashland‟s blizzard on February 2, 2011 15” average snowfall
Coming Back Soon…
Due to the big snow storm in IL, I went and got a new snow plow...
Tanning at Tease Hair Salon Watch for more details! Eskew Lawn Care “A Cut Above the Rest”
Fully Insured Shawn Eskew Owner
Free Estimates 217-473-2266
NOW PAY ATTENTION all of your former Ashland Fired Dept. people! We are going to have a get-together in March. It will be a free dinner like in the old days. Hopefully you can all make it to relive our good times together. It will start at 3:00 pm on March 19, 2011 at the firehouse. The dinner will be at 5:00 pm. If you have any suggestions or comments, get in touch with Jeff or Chuck on the Fire Dept. or contact Bob Sutphin at 971-3807.
Junctions 123 & 125 - Ashland, Illinois 62612 Monday - Saturday Sundays and Holidays 8:00 am to 6:00 pm 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
It‟s time to think spring! Come check out our wide selection of fresh produce. Fresh green beans, sweet corn, strawberries, cantaloupe, blackberries and more. We also have a great selection of fish for Lenten meals. Come see us today! “Thank You” for 51 years of business!
Allen’s Market - Since 1960
two or three come together in My name, I am there with them.” Matthew 18:20
2011 March 5 - New Beginnings Christian Fellowship April 2 - Richland Creek Baptist Church May 7 - Ashland First Baptist **Prayer Breakfast meets on the first Saturday morning of the month from September - May @ 9:00 am with the host church providing breakfast and devotions. If your group has a conflict in schedule, please arrange to trade dates with another group and notify the rest. Contacts: Call contact person from each church to change schedule or start prayer circles in case of emergency or during the summer months as needed. Dorothy Taylor (AUMC) 476-3581 Marcia Masten (Richland Creek) 691-5469 Glenda Schleyhad (First Baptist) 476-9929 Becky King (New Beginnings) 891-3454 Betty Higgason (Ash. Church of Christ) Elaine Roth (St. Augustine Catholic) 476-3984
How Sweet It Is Saturday evening the 19th of March, the STAR organization sponsored the annual Sweetheart Dance in the A-C Central High School cafeteria. The coronation for the dance was held at 8:10 P.M. crowning the royal court below. The students enjoyed the dance with cupcakes and cookies provided by the STAR members.
MATT GREER President
Located at West Central Bank 400 East Buchanan, PO Box 467 Main: 217-476-3653 - Fax: 217-476-3342 Email:
Norm Bryant Enterprises Distributor of Fine Quality Vacuums
Carpet Cleaning Car Interior
Cell (217) 741-3758 Phone: (217) 476-3508
608 W. Franklin Ashland, IL 62612
Pictured from Left to Right: Prince- Will Edge, Princess- Maggie Allen, Queen- Brittany Stribling, and King- Drew Hoffman
RPA Farmers Co-op Email us: RPAFARMERS@CASSCOMM.COM Richland Office 3090 Richland Elev. Rd. Pleasant Plains, IL 62677 217.626.1551
Pleasant Plains Office 300 N. Washington Pleasant Plains, IL 62677 217.626.1331
BC Carpentry Court members selected from the STAR organization: Left to Right: Lindsey Birdsell, Maggie Allen, Cali Edwards, Will Edge, Brittany Stribling, Devon Armstrong, Danielle Bright, Cody Miller, Drew Hoffman, Madalyn Allen, Brandon Smith, Courtney Cave, Kelsey Gardner, Chad Homer, and Haley Pfaffe
Handyman Service 416-5424 Serving Ashland for 12 years All aspects of carpentry Decks - Replacement Windows and Doors Pressure Washing NO JOB TOO SMALL
Ashland Office 220 North Niagara Ashland, IL 62612 217.476.3318
BITS-N-PIECES ASHLAND VFW POST 3546… Meets monthly at 7:00 p.m. on the 3rd Monday at the Firehouse.
ASHLAND WOMAN’S CLUB… March 1st program by Samantha Boston “Paradise Lost”, 1:30 pm, Baptist Hall
AMERICAN LEGION POST 498... Meets monthly at 7:30 p.m. on the 3rd Monday at the Firehouse.
THANK YOU… Our First Responders are the greatest! A big thank you to all from Bill Schutz, Sr.
ASHLAND U-HELP... Any student may apply for up to $500 loan with an interest rate of 3%. Applications are available at West Central Bank in Ashland.
THANKS... A big thank you from the Ashland Community Club to all who supported our Trivia Night in any way. Delicious food and a good time was enjoyed by all. A special thanks to the winning team, headed by Mr. Trissle, our local tax preparer. They graciously donated their winnings back in support of our Summer Days. The Tom Allen family are to be commended for all their hard work in preparing and presenting the questions. Over $500 was raised for our summer celebration. If you have ideas for Summer Days, please let one of the group know. Start planning now to be a part of the fun. Invite family and friends. Help make Ashland "the best little town by far."
SENIOR SAINTS… Pizza at T.O.‟s in Virginia, March 19th, at 6:00pm, $7.00 per person, call 476-8848 GARAGE SALE… Ashland annual spring city wide garage sales to be Saturday, April 16th. Call John Jones at 476-3914
Charles A. (Chuck) Gutmann Joyce A. (Mesojednik) Gutmann Chuck Gutmann Sr., passed away November 1, 2010 and his wife Joyce passed away February 21, 2011. Chuck and Joyce were married on January 23, 1955, in Springfield, IL. Mr. & Mrs. Gutmann owned and operated Chuck & Joyce‟s Automotive in Ashland for 14 years. They are survived by four children: Tony Gutmann, Chuck Gutmann, Jr. (wife Sandra), Kent Gutmann (wife Karen), and Vicki Schoonover (husband Kevin), all of Ashland. Also surviving are 5 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.
March Anniversaries 1 - Bob & Jean Briggs 6 - Edgar Jr. & Joyce Robinson 9 - Steve & Phyllis Aggert 22 - Gailen & Monica Thronley 29 - Scott & Mickey Anderson
Gregory Lind Winner, 61, of Springfield, IL, and formerly of Ashland, IL passed away February 9th, at St. John‟s Hospital in Springfield. He was born June 18, 1949, in Springfield, the son of Warren H. and Gladys (Hickman) Winner. Mr. Winner was a 1967 graduate of Ashland High School and was employed at McDonalds in Springfield for over 35 years. Funeral services were held Monday, February 14, 2011 at Buchanan & Cody Funeral Home in Ashland, with burial at Ashland Cemetery.
March Birthdays 1 - Dorothy Taylor 1 - Dorothy Taylor 4 - Eddie Troxell 6 - Carl Wester 6 - Heather Watkins 9 - Tom Heather Jr. 10 - Diane Heather Boehme 17 - Jim Briggs 17 - Kathie Blair
19 - Bev Spicer 20 - Stan Fulton 20 - Sue Pschirrer 21 - Jennifer Allen 23 - Jackson Allen 28 - Barb Blakeman 29 - Amber Millburg
March can mean many things to people. Hunting and fishing licenses expire at the end of the month. For Julius Caesar the soothsayers warning of “Beware the Ides of march” foretold of his demise. Now we all start cleaning the yards for the mowing season ahead. Not so many years ago March meant kite flying. Bicycles would be readied for riding and kites were popular with kids of all ages. Building your own from scratch was an adventure. Small cut willow branches, butcher paper, (complements of the Jones Brothers store), along with string, glue, scrap fabric for the tail and lots of patience, you could make a great kite. For a quarter and a dime you could purchase a kite and string from Brownbacks Drug Store. Then all you needed to assemble it and “borrow” fabric from the sewing basket. You were then ready for the winds of March. Finding a suitable location to launch the kite without trees or power lines was easy. You just hopped on your bicycle with the kite in town and rode to the South ball diamond. Running with the wind in your face and the kite behind, you ran until the kite started to soar. Once the kite caught the wind, you could let out as much string as you wanted as it soared higher. There were no cell phones or worries, just you and your friends watching the kites. After a few hours you would realize it was time to go home. You would start the long winding process with vigor. After a few minutes you slowed down and wondered why you used three rolls of string! The next day as you walked to school you might see a kite whirling around a power line or hung up in a tree! Children had been warned by parents never to fly them close to obstacles but somehow some kites ended up in strange places. It is time to “go fly a kite”. Happy Spring, Ashland! - RSD
Wanted - Paying Top Dollar For: Books Furniture Electronics Video / Console Games Vintage Toys Anything of Value
Magazines Household / Kitchen Items Tools Antiques Jewelry Gold / Silver
Antique Ranch 136 N. Yates - Ashland, IL 62612 217-960-0740 (Store) 217-381-7340 (Cell)
We Purchase Complete Estates Estate Liquidation, Hauling Cleanout
Call Anytime
Co. Gardner Construction 2878 Panther G rove Road Ashland, IL 6261 2
Cell: 217-341-3415 Leave Message 217-476-8135
Remodel Kitchen & Baths Replace Roof & Room Additions
The A-C Central PTO is asking the community members of Chandlerville and Ashland to start and continue clipping Box Tops for Education. This is a great way to bring additional funding to our schools. The money earned from Box Tops goes straight into A-C Central classrooms! You can help by clipping Box Tops from products you purchase and dropping them off at the following locations: A-C Central Middle/High School Office – Ashland A-C Central Elementary Office – Chandlerville Allen‟s Market – Ashland West Central Bank – Ashland Peoples State Bank – Chandlerville Cheryl‟s Best Cafe – Chandlerville The A-C Central PTO appreciates your support!
Corned Beef & Cabbage Dinner Sunday, March 20th at A-C Central in Chandlerville Serving 11:00am - 2:00pm - $8 Adult/ $5 Child Meal Option #1: Corned Beef, Cabbage, Fried Potatoes, Dessert, & Drink Meal Option #2: Italian Chicken on Bun, Fried Potatoes, Dessert, & Drink Carry-Outs Available Sponsored by Post Prom Committee
A-C CENTRAL POST PROM RAFFLE 3 Chances to win!! 2 whole processed hogs 1 whole beef rib eye (18-20 steaks)
Tickets: 1 for $1 OR 6 for $5 Tickets Can Be Purchased: * at Most ACV Sporting Events * from Junior & Senior High Parents * or contact: Cheryl Keyes at 473-4538 or Dana Jokisch at 473-8174 Drawing to be held on March 20, 2011
Prentice Farmers Elevator 2303 Elevator Avenue Ashland, IL 62612 217.476.3516 or 1.800.255.8659 James R. Blakeman, Manager 4 locations to serve you: Prentice, Philadelphia, Strawns Crossing, and Tallula.
Dealers in Grain, Seed and Kent Feeds.
NEAL‟S BARBER SHOP Ashland, IL 62612 Hours: 7:30 am - 5:30 pm Tuesday - Saturday
Closed Sundays & Mondays
REGIONAL SCIENCE FAIR QUALIFIERS FROM A-C CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL The following students from A-C Central Middle School qualified to participate in the Regional Science Fair held at Lincoln Land Community College on Saturday, March 26th: Quinn Allen, Alex Brue and Briley Eilers, Kendra Escudero, Sidney Donnan and Lindsey Zulawski, Eric Savage and Kolby Vandenbergh, and Gretchen Throgmorton and Brittany Smith. The Science Fair sponsor is Dena Leinberger. Congratulations to all participants! Front: L-R: Lindsey Zulawski, Gretchen Throgmorton, Sidney Donnan, Brittany Smith, Alex Brue Back: L-R: Briley Eilers, Quinn Allen, Eric Savage, Kolby Vandenbergh, Kendra Escudero
The A-C Central PTO is gearing up for the annual Family Fun Night event. It will be held on Saturday, March 26th at the Elementary School in Chandlerville. There will be a meal from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. We will have a silent auction and bingo from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. All of the money raised goes directly into the classrooms to benefit the children at A-C Central. We are asking the community members of Ashland and Chandlerville to help support this event by making a monetary donation or by donating a service you would provide. You could make a donation of $5.00 or donate a service that could be auctioned off or awarded to a winner at the event. Examples of services to be donated would include painting a room, cleaning a house, mowing a law, a hair cut, a manicure, snow removal, etc. If any community member is interested in supporting this event, please complete the section below and submit it directly to the A-C Central Elementary Office, Attn: PTO, 191 South Bluff Street, Chandlerville, IL 62677. All donations will be acknowledged with a receipt from the PTO committee. The PTO greatly appreciates the support of both communities!
Enclosed Monetary Donation or Designated Service________________________________ Name_____________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number __________________________________________________________
April 14 - 15 Creation Museum in Petersburg, Kentucky Reservations with final payment due two weeks before trip. 400 E. Buchanan St. P.O. Box 467 Ashland, IL 62612-0467 PH. 217.476.3325 FX. 217.476.3342
A Full Service Bank
101 Yates Street
March, 2011
A reminder that we have upcoming elections in April. If you need to register to vote or need to update your registration information, these services are now available through the Village Office. Ashland now has a page on Face Book. We hope this helps to improve communications with you as a way to relay boil orders and other news. The Village Code states that dog owners must keep their dog under restraint at all times and not permit the dog to run loose off the premises of the owner’s property unless the dog is under complete control with a leash. If you see a street light out, the Village office (217/476-3317) and we will contact CIPS for repair. Utility Rates:
First 1,000 gallons Per 100 gallons after first 1,000 EPA Testing Fee Minimum monthly charge Total water, sewer and EPA for 3,000 gallons
Water $22.00 92.5 cents $ 1.05 $33.25 $60.05.
Sewer $10.20 41.5 cents
If you have any questions you would like answered in a public forum, please forward them to the Village office and we will try to answer them through this page in The Scoop.
Village of Ashland Board Members & Staff: Dave Handy, Mayor Jim Birdsell, Chief of Police Ron Cave, Public Works Director Alicia Hager, Village Treasurer Linda Stephenson, Village Clerk Kitty Mau, Deputy Clerk
Fadra Birdsell, Trustee Stan Fulton, Trustee Dave King, Trustee Nancy Kyrouac, Trustee Seth Thornley, Trustee David Troxell, Trustee