EMPOWER ANOTHER This Mother’s Day Give a refugee mother opportunity and you lift up her family. Give her access to English, education, employment and you empower her, her children and her Connecticut community.
Your gift will change lives.
Don’t stop there! Double your Impact! Your gift to CIRI’s Mother’s Day Campaign will be doubled by our Mother’s Day Match! Thanks to the exceptionally generous support from Newman’s Own Foundation and the CIRI Board of Directors, each dollar given to our Mother’s Day Campaign will be doubled up to $40,000. Empowerment x 2! A beautiful way to celebrate a mother!
Make your donation in honor of a woman you love. Once you click Donate, please provide her name and email address in the Comments section and we’ll send a card acknowledging your donation.
Your gift to CIRI today will sustain our programs and services all year long.
made a gift in your honor to Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants This gift will give a refugee mother opportunity and lift up her family. This gift will give her access to English, education, employment and you will empower her, her children and her Connecticut community. This gift will change lives. To learn more, visit cirict.org Spread the love even further.
Make a donation in honor of a woman you love. Your gift to CIRI today will sustain our programs and services all year long.
Thanks to the exceptionally generous support from Newman’s Own Foundation and the CIRI Board of Directors, each dollar given to our Mother’s Day Campaign will be doubled up to $40,000.
made a gift in your honor to Connecticut Institute for Refugees and Immigrants This gift will give a refugee mother opportunity and lift up her family. This gift will give her access to English, education, employment and you will empower her, her children and her Connecticut community. This gift will change lives. To learn more, visit cirict.org Spread the love even further.
Make a donation in honor of a woman you love. Your gift to CIRI today will sustain our programs and services all year long.
Thanks to the exceptionally generous support from Newman’s Own Foundation and the CIRI Board of Directors, each dollar given to our Mother’s Day Campaign will be doubled up to $40,000.